eosofspades · 1 month
i am a nationalist about exactly ONE (1) thing and it's that i fucking love american food. i LOVE american beverage. i love "large" drink being a whole bucket's worth i love milkshake with the thickness of concrete i LOVE going out to a diner and taking my next three meals home with me i love leftovers. i love burger and fries i love fried chicken i love pb&j i love macaroni and cheese i love traditional pancake and scrambled egg breakfast i love apple pie i LOVE ice cream sundae. enough complaining about deep fried carnival food american food is DELICIOUS and im not taking complaints anymore
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watchthekittycatcher · 3 months
I, a Latina, was eating miso soup. I looked across the mostly-empty cafeteria, and I saw an Asian girl eating tacos. I was so pleased. It was so striking to me. The scenario felt so inherently American. I like living in the United States. I like how we all decided to share the best parts of our heritage with each other.
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ambrozians · 3 months
truthfully i do think marvel offices sometimes forget (or perhaps choose to forget) that ororo is a black woman. she is the most prominent black female superhero of all time and has been such for decades, and yet, i feel like that part of her is ignored, which is strange considering how intersectionality is an incredibly significant theme for her as a character. she has appeared in thousands of stories but only a handful really try to engage with her heritage and how being a black woman in addition to being a mutant informs her worldview. i am on my hands and knees asking for more of that! and, to be clear, the last thing i want is to see her be hit with anti-blackness and misogynoir because 1) that is not the only way to engage with her identity (and very low on the list of ways to do so), and 2) being a black woman is so much more than the oppression we face and experience.
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br1ghtestlight · 2 months
i think having breakfast at dennys would fix me but unfortunately like the only dennys in my town was shut down recently due to asbestos violations so i dont think thats gonna happen </3
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starthelostboys · 1 year
tlb characters’ favorite meals:
michael: scrambled eggs with bacon and hash browns. michael is definitely a breakfast food fan, and this is his favorite breakfast meal. he prefers to make it himself, so he can cook the bacon the way he likes or put hot sauce on the eggs, but if he’s ever at a breakfast restaurant he’ll always order this there.
star: broccoli and cheddar soup. i don’t think star had a good relationship with her parents at all (in fact i hc that she ran away from home at 18) but her dad used to make this for her on special occasions and she’s never been able to find something that replaces it as her favorite food. every once and a while she’ll feel horribly homesick and get some of the campbell’s canned broccoli and cheddar soup.
david: tuna salad sandwich. he eats this like twice a month and when he does it’s the gross sandwiches that come in vending machines or the refrigerated shelf at gas stations. he truly and genuinely thinks it’s the best and most satisfying meal in the world will usually eat it alongside a can of diet coke.
dwayne: a reuben with salt and vinegar chips. he’s very picky when it comes to this specific thing. the bread on the sandwich can’t be toasted and the potato chips have to be kettle cooked or he isn’t satisfied. he hasn’t eaten this in years because there’s no restaurants in santa carla or the surrounding area that meet his high standards.
marko: bbq burger. specifically the one at a restaurant just outside of santa carla that closed down in the mid 1970s. he mourns the lose every day and has never found a bbq burger that hits quite the same.
paul: lasagna. his all time favorite is the one at this italian place in the town where he grew up, but he’s happy with any and all types of lasgna, including the shitty frozen meal ones.
laddie: spaghettios with hot dogs cut up in it. most of what he eats is fast food or from whatever quick service restaurants are on the boardwalk, so it’s not like he gets a lot of home cooked meals and he sees this as a sometimes treat that star or one of the boys will make for him every once in a while.
sam: grilled chicken tacos. he takes his tacos with cilantro and sour cream only, and as little spice as possible because he can’t handle it at all. he hasn’t eaten this at all since moving to santa carla cause his favorite version of it is at a mexican restaurant that the emersons used to go to semi regularly when they lived in arizona. if he ate any different chicken tacos it would just make him a little homesick and sad he can’t have the ones he likes.
edgar: blueberry pancakes with a side of onion rings. edgar seems like a diner food kind of guy to me (i haven’t forgotten the scene in the thirst where he and zoe get pancakes together), and he’s definitely a creature of habit so this is what he always orders. he refuses to put any sort of syrup on the pancakes and never gets any breakfast sides to go with them, it’s only ever onion rings.
alan: peanut butter and banana sandwich. i think that he and edgar were kind of left to their own devices a lot growing up (and it’s only gotten worse now that they’re teenagers), so they had to make their own meals and peanut butter and banana sandwiches are something they’d eat multiple times a week when they were kids. no matter how often he eats them he never gets tired of them.
lucy: chicken and dumplings. she makes this at least once a month, and every time michael or sam have ever gotten sick she makes it for them. she still uses her mom’s recipe from when she was a kid.
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communistmeme · 1 year
I hate you LinkedIn I hate you "work-life balance" I hate you girlboss culture I hate you productivity I hate you 40 hour work week I hate you "how to prevent burnout" classes I hate you I hate you I hate you
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pupkou · 3 months
can we come together as a community and be honest with ourselves .. because i’m tired of seeing everything turned into an egg roll. not everything needs to be an egg roll
#i also don’t like how asian cuisine (which i am reducing down to ‘asian cuisine’ to make a point; i know it’s not one thing) is currently#being popularized into popular cuisine in a way i don’t like. just as mexican food became trendy with millennials i feel that asian cuisine#is being boiled down and capitalized upon for gen z#in a way i don’t like. because it doesn’t come with increased cultural awareness or understanding it’s just ‘oh my god i loveeeee#kimchi and butter chicken yummmm’#not that we shouldn’t share cuisine or culture or anything; just that i wish it came with more respect and history#cuisine is very informed by historical events and is an excellent indicator of cultural change#and i wish that was in the common awareness rather than just treating asian people like they’re someone you want to learn to cook from. may#be get to know them personally before you ask for their grandmothers kimchi recipe when they are not korean like. augh#also i don’t like how people think chinese food is poor people food and not high quality and full of cultural significance. u can’t say you#love asian culture and their spirituality and their food and then hate chinese people and make racist comments ab them#ik it’s in idiot american nature to be like AHHHH CHINA!!!! but stop. stop .#just like people don’t respect mexicans more now after their cuisine was popularized i don’t think asian people will gain more respect eithe#because people aren’t after you or your culture they’re after what’s on your table on special occasions#because no one wants peasant food. i saw someone post their rice and beans with egg the other day and the comments were so hateful like lol#u don’t know mexicans if you think a normal ass meal is gross or something that’s just how people eat normally#anyway. sorry for yapping i just love food#lmk if anything i said was inappropriate i am not exempt from being an idiot american#knight rambles
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moonlarked · 2 years
The bad thing about Shannon taking mostly Western inspiration for kotlc is that none of the elves get to experience spring rolls :(
however they do canonically get plants that taste like sweet and sour chicken so I think I would be okay living there (although the texture wouldn’t be right)
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angelsdean · 1 year
me looking at that scene from darkside of the moon where dean's sitting at the table and mary's cutting the crusts off his pb&j and seeing "breakfast" jsddfkd there's MILK on the table PLUS a sweet meal that consists of bread and spreads only. breakfast food<3
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confier-boyfriend · 6 months
Filled with the urge to bring a cute boyfriend to Freddy’s for a date.
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cerealmonster15 · 10 months
I grew up eating.L bean soup + rice that my dad cooks bc that’s like, a Colombian staple, and I know the general seasonings that go into it and my dad taught us cooking growing up so it’s not like I’d never seen the process
But also his style of cooking isn’t exactly recipe or exact measurements bc he’s been doing it for years , but I swear when I do it I almost never get the seasoning right and I’m never sure what it is i did wrong, like If I was missing something or had too much of something or both or what!!!
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neige-leblanche · 2 years
in truth, ive been interested in tea since i was eleven years old; i was a bit of a rascal at that age and my chinese teacher decided i was too advanced for whatever the rest of the class was doing so i spent my middle school chinese classes watching educational tv, reading storybooks, and browsing the classroom library, and one of the things i read was a bilingual magazine on chinese tea culture where it said things as specific as how fast you should pour the tea and how full you should pour the cups; ever since then ive been a snob fan; my interest also picked up last year when i had a summer job up the street from a chinese grocery store that had tons of different dried tea ingredients which is when i started making my own blends :D it's a bit of a fatal attraction since my caffeine tolerance is abysmal and black & oolong are my fave types, but i've been fiddling around with herbal & medicinal tea a bit too and one day i'll for sure like. put in an effort to raise my caffeine tolerance without becoming addicted orz
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orcelito · 2 years
Love seeing a "What will you refuse to eat" kind of thing bc there r plenty of foods I don't like, but I also have a Try Everything disease which means I want to try everything. Including things not meant to be eaten (like raw boba or plain espresso beans lol). & even foods I don't like, every so often I will try them again Just In Case, bc with like salsa and salad I used to hate them.but now I love them. So I've tried olives multiple times, I've tried salmon and other fish, & im just like "hmmm that's still a no for me" but I will probably try them again. Someday. Such is my nature.
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marieaqua · 17 days
In the effort to push back against diet culture there seems to be a subset of people who have forgotten that allergies and medical conditions exist and have circled back around to being straight up ableist.
Idk man, there’s just something about people constantly shitting on sugar free, gluten free, egg and dairy free food items and recipes that doesn’t sit right with me. Like, yeah, thinking that gluten is poison and no one should eat it is diet culture madness but there’s also many people who have to eat gluten free due to things like celiacs and wheat allergies. Or how having criticisms of vegan diets and subcultures is understandable but making fun of dairy and egg free restaurants just blows back onto people with dairy and egg allergies.
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casbeeminestiel · 2 months
It’s so crazy how sad I am to leave here. When I was in London a couple summers back, I was a little down but mostly ready to leave when I stepped on the plane. I had fucked up my ankle, had one too many nasty hangovers, dealt with messy roommates, and experienced a heat wave with no AC. Now, having been in this place for six less weeks than I was in London, after immersing myself in the culture as fully as possible and sharing meals and laughter and good wine and eating ice cream on the steps of ancient buildings, I’m still ready to be home but a part of me considers this home as well. :((
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grungekitty-77 · 2 years
it’s kind of funny to see countries hating on the american versions of their cuisine. like you know that was made by immigrants, right? That’s like attending your estrange child’s dinner party and scolding the guest because the family recipes were changed.
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