#i dont want to be a high performing executive
communistmeme · 1 year
I hate you LinkedIn I hate you "work-life balance" I hate you girlboss culture I hate you productivity I hate you 40 hour work week I hate you "how to prevent burnout" classes I hate you I hate you I hate you
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nahoney22 · 6 months
Hi! i love your writing and was wondering if you could do the tbb (or just tech if you dont wanna do all of them) reaction to their gender neutral S/O pulling out their old instrument or color guard equipment from their marching band days and practicing what they remember (i dont even know if star wars has an equivalent to marching band/color guard lol but i picked an old practice flag up for the first time since high school earlier and the thought popped into my head for this request..) feel free to disregard this if it’s not something you wanna write, keep up the amazing work!!
Colour Guard Memories
The Bad Batch Boys X GN!Reader
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How The Bad Batch react to you pulling out your old instrument or colour guard equipment.
warnings: none, gender neutral reader, can be read as platonic or romantic, Batchers admiring/encouraging reader.
authors note: this is a really cute idea and sorry it has took so long to do anon. In the UK we don’t really have marching bands/ colour guards aside from royal parades from what I know so I’ve relied on Google to help me out 😅 enjoy!
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"Think we've got everything?" Echo asks, sealing the final box of your belongings.
As you survey the sea of packed boxes, you're struck by the realisation of just how many possessions you've gathered over the years. It's only now, in the process of moving out of your family home, that the extent of it hits you. After what feels like an eternity of packing and stacking, you're finally done and you couldn’t be any more grateful for Echo's helping hand.
"I hope so," you reply, wiping your brow and straightening up, hands on your hips. "Now, all that's left is to get it onto the ship." The prospect of lugging boxes onto the ship isn't exactly thrilling, but you're itching to kick back and relax.
Echo chuckles and reaches for one of the sealed boxes, but disaster strikes as the bottom gives way, sending its contents tumbling to the floor. "Well, that's just great," he says wryly.
Letting out a sigh, you join him in gathering up the scattered items. Amidst the chaos, something catches your eye: an old, familiar object. "No way!"
Startled by your sudden excitement, Echo turns to you. "What is it?"
"It's my Sabre!" you exclaim, holding up the cherished item for him to see.
He blinks in surprise. "Uh, your lightsaber?"
You playfully roll your eyes at Echo, a mischievous glint in your eyes, as you take the equipment into your hands and wave it at him. "You've known me long enough to know I'm not a Jedi, Echo," you tease, giving the Sabre a quick twirl. "It's from when I used to be be a colour guard for a marching band."
Echo chuckles, shaking his head in amusement. "I didn't know you did that."
"Yeah! I loved it. Want to see what I can still do?" you ask, a hint of excitement in your voice.
"The floor's all yours," he says, stepping back to give you space.
You take a moment to steady yourself, feeling the weight of the stainless steel Sabre in your hands. With a deep breath, you begin your routine, the familiar movements flooding back to you. As you twirl the Sabre with practiced precision, you can't help but feel a surge of nostalgia. However, in the midst of your performance, disaster strikes as the Sabre slips from your grip, narrowly missing a nearby window.
"Okay, okay, I'm a little rusty. Give me a second," you laugh sheepishly, quickly retrieving the saber and regaining your composure but Echo was still smiling and impressed throughout.
Determined to redeem yourself, you focus on each movement, executing smooth transitions and intricate spins. With each flourish, you feel a sense of satisfaction, the familiar rhythm of the routine bringing back fond memories. As you finally come to a graceful finish, you can't help but feel a sense of pride wash over you.
Echo applauds, a smile playing on his lips. "That was really impressive. You should've told me you could do that before."
"We all have our hidden talents," you grin, a twinkle in your eye as you admire the old memory in your hand before carefully tucking it back into the box. "Anyway, we should probably get going before I get distracted again."
“Well,” he says, resting a hand on your shoulder, “you should perform for me again sometime. If you want to that is.”
There’s a shine in his eyes, genuinely in awe of you and your talent. “I’ll definitely think about it.”
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Low on credits and desperate for some food to fill your stomachs, you and Hunter venture into a bustling market on a remote planet, hoping to find some opportunity to earn a bit of cash.
"See anything?" Hunter asks, strolling alongside you as you take in the sights and sounds of the market.
"Not really," you reply with a frown. The market is dimly lit, offering little in the way of useful materials, and the locals don't seem particularly welcoming. It's no wonder Hunter insisted on accompanying you.
But then, something does catch your eye. "Hey, that looks like one of my old flags," you remark, pointing to a colorful flag tucked away at the back of a small pop-up stall.
Hunter stops beside you, his interest piqued. "You used to spin those, didn't you?"
You chuckle at his phrasing, yet surprised that he remembers since it was just something you mentioned in passing once. "Yeah, I did. Not sure if I still have the touch, though."
A smirk spreads across Hunter's face as he holds up a finger, indicating for you to wait a moment. A bit embarrassed, you watch as he approaches the seller and strikes up a conversation. After a brief exchange, Hunter returns, flag in hand. "Let's put that theory to the test, shall we?" he suggests with a grin.
"Hunter! Did you just pay for that?" you exclaim incredulously as he shoves the pole into your hand.
"No," he says with a mischievous grin, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "But they said if you can impress them, you can keep it."
You narrow your eyes at him, a mixture of amusement and disbelief dancing in your gaze. "Fine. But I'm warning you," you declare, stepping into a clearing and scanning the area to ensure there's enough space before attempting to recreate a routine you haven't performed in years. "I'm not as good as I used to be."
Taking a deep breath, you grip the pole firmly and let muscle memory take over as you start spinning the flag with practiced precision. The fabric unfurls in vibrant arcs, catching the sunlight and casting colorful patterns across the ground. With each twirl and flourish, you feel a surge of nostalgia as memories of your days in the colour guard come flooding back.
As you continue your impromptu performance, you can't help but lose yourself in the rhythm of the routine, the flag becoming an extension of your body as you spin and swirl with grace.
Hunter is watching you silently and appears to be actually enamoured by your performance. His eyes are wide in surprise.
When you finally come to a graceful finish, you turn to Hunter with a triumphant smile, the flag held aloft in your hand. "How's that for impressing them?" you ask, a hint of pride in your voice.
“That was… wow.” Is all he says, a proud smile on his face. He takes one look to the seller who just gives a brief nod. “And the flag is yours it seems.”
Hunter comes up beside you once more but you feel a tug on your top, turning to face a young child who was holding out credits to you. Bashfully, you accept and the credits swiftly came flooding in.
“Heh, seems like you still got it.” He nudges your side playfully.
This could be a pretty safe way to earn some extra credits it seems.
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"Wrecker, come look at this!" you call out excitedly, beckoning your companion over.
With Wrecker's assistance in tidying up the Marauder and transferring some items to the Remora, you stumble upon an unexpected treasure: an old snare drum tucked away amidst the clutter.
"Woah, what's tha’?" Wrecker asks, intrigued, as he joins you on the floor, his eyes fixed on the instrument in your hands.
"I used to play it in a marching band. Forgot I even had it," you reply with a wistful smile, the memories of your band days flooding back, tinged with nostalgia and a touch of sadness for times gone by.
Wrecker notices the flicker of emotion on your face and decides to lift your spirits. "Well, go on then. Give us a beat," he encourages, nudging the drum closer to you and offering a drumstick.
You smile gratefully, feeling a rush of anticipation as you accept the drumstick from his outstretched hand and pick up the matching one from the ground. "Just so you know," you say with a playful glint in your eye, "it sounds much better in a chorus rather than individually."
With a deep breath, you position the drumsticks in your hands, feeling the familiar weight and texture of the material. Closing your eyes, you let muscle memory guide your movements as you begin to play. The rhythmic tapping of the drum reverberates through the air.
As you lose yourself in the music, your fingers move effortlessly across the drum's surface, producing a lively beat that echoes off the walls of the ship. With each stroke, super fast and then skilfully slow, you feel a sense of liberation.
Wrecker watches in awe, a grin spreading cross his face as he listens to the infectious rhythm you create. For a moment, all worries and cares fade away, replaced by the joy of listening to you play. Flourishing a finish, your cheeks warm to Wrecker applauding enthusiastically.
"Tha’ was amazing!" he exclaims, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "You've still got it."
You grin, feeling a surge of pride at his words. "Thanks, Wrecker," you reply, a sense of contentment washing over you. "Maybe we should start our own band."
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"Is this yours?" Omega's voice interrupts your thoughts, drawing your attention to the slim case she's holding. As you approach, a wave of nostalgia washes over you at the sight of the familiar case.
"I haven't seen this for a long time," you smile warmly, taking the case into your hands. Kneeling down, you blow the dust off and flip open the lid, revealing your old clarinet nestled inside.
Omega's eyes widen with curiosity as she peers at the instrument. "Wow, that's cool! Did you play it?"
You nod, a fond smile on your face. "Yeah, I used to. In a colour guard and in parades."
"Can you play something now?" she asks eagerly.
Before you can respond, Omega suddenly calls out, "TECH! COME HERE!"
Tech, engrossed in his data pad, looks up in surprise and heads your way. "What is the nature of my presence this time, Omega?"
Omega launches into an exaggerated explanation of your discovery and her request. "Listen to them play."
Tech adjusts his goggles and looks down at you with curious eyes. "I was not aware you could play any instrument."
"I haven't in a long time," you admit sheepishly, wiping the mouthpiece and adjusting the bridge keys. "But I can give it a try."
With a deep breath, you bring the clarinet to your lips and begin to play a soft, melancholic tune. The notes fill the air, weaving a gentle melody that seems to resonate with the quiet stillness of the surroundings. It was a gentle tune, a stark difference to the ones you played in parades.
As you play, you notice Tech glancing up from his data pad, his expression softening as he listens intently to the music. It's a rare sight to see him so engrossed in something other than his work, and you can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that your music has captured his attention.
By the time you finish the piece, Tech is still watching you, a thoughtful look on his face.
Omega bursts into a loud applause meanwhile Tech smiled at you. “I would not mind you playing that whilst I do some repairs... it’s rather relaxing.”
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“What are you doing?” Crosshair's voice breaks your concentration mid-performance, and you freeze as your arms flail, causing the wooden rifle to slip from your grasp and clatter onto the grass.
You spin to face the clone, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up your neck. "I found my old rifle from when I used to perform," you explain quickly, bending down to retrieve the prop. With a flick of your foot, you send it spinning into the air, catching it effortlessly as it falls back down. "Want to see?"
Crosshair eyes the rifle with a hint of intrigue, his skepticism giving way to mild interest. "Perform? Rifles are for shooting. Not messing around with.”
“It’s wood, idiot.” You knock on the equipment before you then shrug, a sheepish grin tugging at your lips. "Anyway, it’s called rifle spinning. I used to do it as part of a routine in a performance group. It's more about coordination and showmanship than anything else. Wanna see?” You ask again.
Crosshair nods slowly, his gaze lingering on the rifle as you twirl it expertly in your hands. He stands back as you shows off your moves and he couldn’t hide the small impressed smirk forming on his lips. "You’re quite impressive I’ll give you that. But don't let it distract you from our mission." The compliment was rare but not one you were going to refuse as you give him a smile of thanks. But, he was right. There were more pressing matters at large.
You chuckle, nodding in agreement as you secure the rifle back in its holster. "Of course not. Just a little trip down memory lane."
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@littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @jesseeka @theroguesully @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @zippingstars87 7 @ezras-left-thumb @the-rain-on-kamino @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @seriowan @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @thesith @raevulsix x @mssbridgerton @cw80831 @knightprincess @crosshairlovebot @imalovernotahater @id-rather-be-a-druid @the-bad-batch-baroness @lulalovez @green-alm0nd
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Nothing Compares.
Oh, great! I was thinking about an Eddie x Reader fic to Meat Loaf's "I'd do anything for love (but I won't do that)". That Corroded Coffin gets a chance to play somewhere bigger after a night at the Hideout and then they got a chance at a record deal and going on tour. Reader though has gotten accepted to a good college, maybe even with a scholarship, and she just tells Eddie (even though it breaks her own heart too) that she doesn't want to hold him back and that a high school sweetheart won't hold a chance to all the other women he's going to meet as a rockstar. Realistic thoughts but the way she speaks about herself just breaks Eddie too. He agrees though, but they are both miserable so at graduation he comes back to Hawkins and proposes to her saying something like "I'd do anything for you, except leave you when we still love each other. If you think a high school sweetheart can't measure up, how about a wife and the love of my life?" :)
Request by @slightlyvicked
Warnings; Angst, breaking up, Struggles in moving on, fluff.
If you enjoyed this please consider giving it a reblog. It's very much appreciated 💖
I don't give anyone permission to copy my work.
I'm back a little earlier than planned 💖 hope you all enjoy this fic 😘💞💞
Something amazing had happened in the few short months before graduation.
Corroded Coffin was in with a chance for a record deal after performing at the Hideout and then a bigger venue after they were spotted by a talent executive.
Yn was so proud of Eddie and the band. She always knew how talented they all were. How talented a singer and songwriter Eddie was.
With the record deal came her acceptance into college and while Eddie excitedly plowed along with their plans together for after graduation, a sinking feeling was burning in her gut.
Eddie would be around so many beautiful women, she never ever thought he would cheat on her, he wasn't like that but with so many beautiful women going to be around him how could she compete?
He would be a rockstar and she was his high school sweetheart? Her heart sinks day by day as she realized their relationship was heading towards an end.
With Eddie beside her and the thoughts piling around in her head she turns to Eddie and takes his hand.
"How's my rockstar doing?" he beams and kisses her.
"Everything is such a whirlwind now we secured the record deal babe. We are predominantly going to be based in California for recording and stuff, theres talks of a tour"
Eddie looked so excited and her heart was breaking at what she had to do next.
"You'll meet so many amazing people, a lot of women" he frowns.
"All I need is you, sweetheart. I wanna be a rockstar, yeah but I'd never cheat on you with groupies or models or shit. You're my world"
Tears roll down her cheeks.
"You were accepted into so many colleges baby, maybe you could pick one in Cali, and when you aren't studying you could be with me"
"Eddie, none of the other guys will have girlfriends hanging around. I don't want to hold you back"
His expression falls, agony in his eyes.
"What the fuck are you saying yn?" her lip wobbles and he softens holding her close.
"I just cant imagine me measuring up to all the beautiful women you are going to meet"
Eddie scowls.
"Don't you dare speak like that about yourself princess. I love you so much" she wipes her eyes feeling shaky.
"It's just me being realistic" she tells him and tears run down his cheeks.
"Realistic? What dont you get? No one will measure up to you ever. It doesn't matter who the woman are that I'm going to meet because they aren't you!"
She squeezes his hand.
"It's for the best Eddie, I love you so much. I'll always love you but I know I can't measure up. I know I have to let you go"
Anger flickers over his features.
"Do you not even want to try to make us work, you want to give up that easily!" he snaps and she feels her own anger spill out.
"Of course, I do, so much but I am being a realist for once and not a dreamer" her anger melts away into heartache again.
It's then that she notices the slump in Eddie
"I love you, sweetheart. I will never forget you or stop loving you" she kisses him fiercely. It's their last kiss, she knows it despite his protests and she wants to savor it.
They are both in tears and he presses a kiss to her forehead.
"I love you but you need to go and be a rockstar baby, without me holding you back. Go live your rockstar dream" she whispers softly.
Eddie kisses her again and they make love for the last time. It's even more perfect than usual as she and Eddie whisper words of love and worship each others bodies.
When she wakes up the next morning, Eddie stays to press one last kiss on her forehead, holding her tight.
"You're my dream sweetheart" she smiles trying to hide her tears as she clings to him.
"Maybe one day, year's from now we will find our way back to each other Eddie?" she suggests hoping that is true and his big brown eyes light up.
"I'm gonna hold you to that princess"
When he leaves after tearful goodbyes she finally lets herself break down.
I would do anything for love, I know it's true and that's a fact
I would do anything for love and there'll never be no turning back.
Somehow time passes. She's a wreck but tries to hold it together. She will never love anyone the way she loves Eddie.
At some point, she knows Eddie will meet someone. He's going to meet fellow rockstar women and models, etc. She couldn't measure up to that.
It was just her being realistic as she told Eddie.
Fuck, she misses him so much though and it didn't help when newspapers around Hawkins were chronicling Corroded Coffins journey.
As much as she was proud of the boys seeing models hanging around them. Around Eddie broke her heart even more.
What did she expect though? For Eddie to pine over her for years? No. Realistically (fuck she hated that word right now) he would move on.
Maybe if she looked closer then she would have seen how Eddie didn't look happy, the agony in his eyes, that in the two months that passed it felt like part of him was missing.
Exactly how she felt.
She didn't know he phoned Wayne and poured his heart out down the phone about missing her.
That it didn't matter how many rockstar women, models, or actresses he met because none of them compared to her.
No. As far as she knew he had moved on...
But I'll never do it better than I do it with you, so long, so long.
Graduation arrives and it's bittersweet because Eddie would be graduating today.
The emotions in her are high and she finds herself missing Eddie more than ever.
She certainly doesn't expect Eddie to show up for graduation but when she is accepting her diploma she nearly faints on the spot at seeing him sitting beside her family, Uncle Wayne and the rest of the band.
He's dressed all in black, black jeans, a black shirt, and a leather jacket, he looks so handsome and all she wants to do is hug him.
Of course, he would be here to see everyone graduate. She should have known that he wouldn't miss that.
So many girls are swooning over him, former classmates that called him a freak, and every name under the sun suddenly find him interesting.
To yn, he had always been amazing, interesting, and wonderful. To her surprise, he didn't look twice at any of the girls, he only had eyes for her.
And I would do anything for love, oh I would do anything for love but I won't do that.
After graduation, she walks over to where Eddie is sitting and chatting to her family and his uncle Wayne.
"What are you doing here Eddie?" he gets up and strokes her cheek.
"I've missed you more than anything sweetheart" her heart lurches painfully because she misses him. It feels like half of her is missing.
"Eddie, you've hit the big time with Corroded Coffin. I am so proud of you. All the newspapers have talked about your success, and all the people you are meeting"
He sighs.
"It's amazing baby, I'm so grateful for the band's success but it's nothing when I don't have my girl by my side.
It doesn't matter who I meet, they aren't you. I don't want any woman except you. All I want is you"
"I'm trying to enjoy the success but I feel fucking miserable without my princess beside me. The guys eventually told me to stop moping and get you back"
"I'd do anything for love, except leave you when we still love each other. If you think a high school sweetheart can't measure up...
I would do anything for love
Anything you've been dreaming of, but I just won't do that
He kneels down on one knee and pulls out a beautiful ring she gasps and feels tears roll down her cheek- happy tears.
"How about a wife and the love of my life?" he asks her and he's crying too.
"Yes! Yes!" she beams. He holds her tightly in his arms and kisses her.
Their friends are cheering, her family and uncle Wayne.
"You're my soulmate princess. I love you so much" Eddie tells her.
"I love you too Eddie" he kisses her and places the ring on her finger.
I would do anything for love
Anything you've been dreaming of, but I just won't do that
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give-grian-rights · 2 years
I joined an frc team
hello and welcome to the first day of the rest of your life . first robotics competition CHANGES YOUR BRAIN CHEMICALS
you want to survive? LETS DO THIS
1: NO MATTER WHAT try and stick it out. Get the grades, get the hours, get the permission to travel to at least ONE competition- especially one that stays in a hotel, since I know some teams will skip out on hotels for events close to them. I don't think ANYONE, in any scenario, should say "this isn't for me" until they go and experience one full event.
2: if you don't use deodorant YOU WILL BE EXECUTED . no matter what your job is, there is going to be at least ONE point throughout the day where you are shoulder-to-shoulder with someone . if theres a time to be self conscious its then . use Convention rules as reference
3:you will be tempted to fucking come out of the closet at least at one point . you do NOT KNOW how much it hurt to skip out on a cool write-your-own-pronouns pin because i refused to use she/her and wasn't comfortable writing any. proceed with caution as you see fit.
4: are you surprised by number four? YOU SHOULDNT BE the women. ohh the women are so pretty. my entire high school (aka: less than a year ago) was me being OUTRAGOUSLY STUPID whenever i saw a fem presenting person . oh my god. oh my god they are all so hot. and then those hot students become hot volunteers and alumni and the gay never leaves. there was a trans woman mentor at one competition she rocked we talked with her for like an hour
5: if your team. goes to far competitions. TAKE A BLANKET AND PILLOW. new kids sometimes do NOT get this memo. do it. get silly with it, to what your team permits. our team, being older than me myself, gave up . . most rules. involving the bus. for better or worse.
6: bring a hoodie. i dont care where you go. bring not just a blanket, but a hoodie. so worse comes to worse you can put it on the floor and sleep. that was a fun 8 hour bus ride.
7: if you have a remotely decent team. you will be killed on site if you cuss at a competition. one kid's "bad" or immature behavior can lead to your entire team being disqualified to any award not related to robot performance.
8: LEARN HOW TO EAT AT LEAST ONE BASIC FOOD. this one might be silly but it could've killed me (dramatic). eat pizza. even if you have to take off the cheese just. figure out a way its worth it. FIND SOMETHING TO EAT FOR BREAKFAST. at least one breakfast food, for if you're at a hotel that serves you. experiment a little. find something that works for you.
9: exercise what free stuff you take with caution . i have probably ten-fifteen pounds of buttons and pins, and i do not. genuinely do not. think thats an exaggeration.
10: headphones . soft, subtle earbuds. battery packs. and a BACKPACK. my senior year, i composed myself of:
fanny pack, attached to it my wallet which had a buckle, so i could easily access my money. a change purse also attachable, so i have somewhere for coins obviously.
reusable, collapsing drinking cup
a folded up draw-string bag, for hoodies, or eccentric amount of free stuff
one to two battery packs with a charger. if you have friends (or want to make some), consider having other types of chargers too!
wall outlet plug, incase i need to charge at a venue
miniature hairbrush
hand sanitizer
gum. a great way to make friends
a folded up sandwich bag with various medicines, and a piece of paper that describe which each medicine is (ibuprofen, anxiety meds, etc).
i genuinely considered wearing two fannypacks at the same time. also, tying your hoodie around your waist for extra storage works too.
tampon box . your venue bans outside food or drink? tampon box with pads and tampons on top. contraband inside. almost NEVER looks. better to put it with team stuff like scouting equipment and spirit gear but a worthy inclusion. Same goes for if you have a backpack with pockets!
put food/drinks at the bottom, menstrual products on top. doesn't matter what you present as. lie. say your girlfriend needed it since she doesn't carry a bag with her to competitions. putting SOFT STUFF that mumbles wrappers crinkling also helps, like an extra hoodie. though I personally wouldn't matter to much about that, since competitions are LOUD especially when you're entering the venue when the doors first open.
a lot of the time though, security aren't too bothered. especially if you dont make it obvious.
this is my first robotics season as a college student. i don't like my team enough to go back, but god. god do i fucking love this program.
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messessentialist · 10 months
I ve been reading your steddie fic and I love it so much!!! Wayne munson my beloved!!!!!! If u dont mind me asking, how did you come up with wayne’s characterisation?
AHHH I'm so glad you're enjoying it!! This fic has literally been my whole year so getting to see people engage with it and fall in love with Wayne and Eddie has been so so fun for me.
I think I felt very connected to Wayne from jump street, eve based on the little snippets we got in canon. The things I took away from those scenes were:
1. This is a man who has seen some adversity in his life and has dealt with it by keeping his head down and doing the work put in front of him.
2. We know he's working nights circa s4, which is a tough thing to do. It isolates you from normal social life. Maybe it's for the extra money, or maybe it's because he's a little bit of a liner himself. Maybe he and Eddie work because they're both on the fringes in their own ways.
3. He loves Eddie unconditionally. This is clear from the wonderful performance Joel Stoffer gave. But a part that stuck out to me in particular was the way he's coming into the high school at the end, as far as we know, just to replace the vandalized missing flyer with a new one. There's a quiet sort of dignity to the way he's doing it. It's probably not the first time, and he knows it'll happen again. But he knows who Eddie was. He will keep honoring that kid he knew, no matter what the rest of Hawkins thinks.
Which kind of brings us back to 1: Wayne Munson will take what is thrown at him in stride. He doesn't rage against the injustice. He just does what he can with what is put in front of him. So what would that have looked like when the thing put in front of him was a scared kid who needed his help? What does putting your head down and doing the work mean when the work is loving someone who desperately needs to be loved? Even if you feel ill-prepared for that responsibility?
I imagine it looks like giving the kid safety and protection and softness. Letting him talk your ear off for hours. Standing up for him when no one else ever has. So to me it followed that those are things Wayne would do. Identify the issue, execute the solution. Ask for help when you need it. Prioritize joy when you can afford to. Etc.
And at the end of the day, I just wanted Eddie to have someone in his corner. I think Wayne is that person. So I wrote him as a person who loves Eddie, and let the rest stem from that.
Thanks so much for asking, this was fun to dig into and think about!
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fauslayer · 1 year
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while im posting tonight. i think about that ptg doodle thats peppino vs pepperman in presumably a 2d fighter a lot so heres my thoughts on how most of the pt + sugspi cast would play in a traditional fg
i posted this in the sugary spire discord and many ppl didnt know the terms. this is alright! i dont mind. i made a little in-depth explanation of the terms i use and break down a little bit more of what i want for each character. pasted under the cut if you would like to see (watch out! its long)
peppino: zangief- very traditional grappler, peppino actually already takes some poses from him while doing certain grabs in pizza tower +rtemkin- considered to be the "best" (in terms of tier placement) incarnation of potemkin, a guilty gear grappler with a lot of really cool tools that really shine at high execution. "grappler with a shoryu" - a shoryu, or a shoryuken/DP is a reversal with an invincible startup. peppino's uppercat animation resembles a shoryuken, hence he gets one. grapplers dont usually get these for balance reasons
noise: kohaku- meddling trap-placement character in melty blood, big trickster that puts things around that youll run into trying to get to her essentially, though shes got really good offense on her own faust- item toss character thats really good at keeping you at whatever range he wants you at onscreen midrange zoner- wants to keep you away, but not at fullscreen, so he can keep putting you into bullshit
pepperman: "big body but not a grappler" - big bodies usually have more health/defense and "armor" on their moves in exchange for slower movement and better payoff "maybe hes doing some tekken shit" - yeah "definitely has counters" - a counter move is a parry that automatically grants you a counterattack
gustavo and brick: relius- guy with good offense who controls a second body on a separate resource meter to lock down pressure
vigi: keepaway characters traditionally have less health than others to make you REALLY worry about getting caught; the noise prefers midrange but vigi prefers full-range and has efficient tools for arena escape
feppi: "what if rainbow mika was dan hibiki" - ok this one has layers. rainbow mika is a disciple of zangief and thus plays somewhat similarly, with more emphasis on speed and such. dan hibiki is a joke "worse" version of ryu command grab rekkas - rekkas are moves in multiple parts/moves that branch into multiple paths. like A->B->C or A->B-or-C->D. rekkas tend to give characters really cool routing abilities and a more free-flowing playstyle command movement- a move that makes a character perform a special action rather than necessarily an attack, like a teleport or a dodge
pizzahead: i mean hes there(*)
noisette: a "shoto" is a function like ryu or ken, very much the white bread of fighting games but always welcome and usually very fun and expressive to pick up. usually has a projectile and a shoryuken, at least
pizzelle: shoto was explained on the noisette slide 👍 chipp and millia are both characters that focus on incredibly pressure and high combo counts, but have low health and poor defense to balance it out. basically speed demons
pizzano: SUPER ARMOR means you can hit him but it Will Not Stun Him. characters that super armor through shit are usually seen as Scary as Hell but also tend to be slower, big-body damage sponges. i think pizzano can move tho "this mf has divekicks" - this mf has divekicks "what if viewtiful joe was big and scary" - viewtiful joe is generally regarded to be a lower tier character in Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3: one of the smallest and slowest characters, with a lot of quirky bullshit that requires a lot of high execution but also a tv pose spotdodge (spotdodge: stay in place and avoid an attack). making vjoe 1. big 2. move better 3. not die instantly the second he gets touched by a magneto would create a horrifying force
gumbob: honest footsies gumbob he has a raging demon
stinky: usually characters with executional difficulty are higher up on the tierlist of a game (like arakune from blazblue and johnny and i-no from ggxrd), but sometimes this is not true (like angel from kof, who is the hardest character in the game to learn but considered one of the worst despite it all) i think stinky would be somewhere in the middle; a character that gives you arthritis to play and has a lot of expression, but gets shut down easy and can have his setups blow up in his face incredibly easy
if anyone else out there has any thoughts on this matter i would love to hear them. im insane.
(*) i dont actually hate pizzahead or anything i think hes really fun. he just baffles me in the way that hes popular and i think im just tired of seeing the popular depictions of him. godspeed pizzahead lovers do not hurl bricks at my window
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dojae-huh · 11 months
I want to share the thought I researched on haechan..he is a successful idol for his age nd he is good at singing and great at dancing...even their choreo master praised him as he is the first one to learn the dance fast nd his movement are very neat..he even included haechan in his team if he ever to make a 5 member team..ye ofcrs when 127 performs he does stand out to me..especially when his sexy moves dominates the stage..but what amazes me is that he doesnt attracts me when he is alone...dont take it badly..(I really hate to admit it as his fan tho) ..but the stage presence I got even from doyoung (he is way behind in dancing if we compare with haechan that's why I took him as an example) I dint get it from haechan...he nor dominate the stage nor give the spark.as his fan it really makes me wonder..how is to build up the stage presence....what I am saying is some ppl get the vibe only from standing in the centre..becoz of their aura..is it naturally getting or to make...I dont knw...he can entertain,be funny ,make contents everything.. .he is really good...but he stand out only when he is doing smthng with his grp..for me....just my opinion...nd that's really sad...
That's an interesting topic you came with. Thank you.
First of all, I think different people understand stage presence differently. Some pay more attention to the aura, others to facial expressions, yet another to movements and execution of a choreo.
Hwanwung from Oneus is an interesting case. Some really like his dancing and praise him for his stage presence, make an example of him, I like him as a person and a vocalist but find him very over the top, trying too hard to be liked, to show off, to be worthy of being called the main dancer (similar to Jungwoo). He is frankly on the cringy side.
Very few people in NCT have stage presence (enough to stand alone on the stage, of course almost all of them are much more expressive and experienced than average idols). I think in part because there are so many introverts in the group, in part because they didn't need to master it being a part of a group. Like take Taeyong, he is a timid guy, he even skipped school because he didn't have friends in high school, didn't blend in. He is still awkward. However, he was first made to evolve into a prospective trainee (learn dancing and rapping) and later pushed into the leader position. Taeyong had to learn how to be the liason between the management and the group, how to be a spokeperson, how to be a hyung to all the younger neos (he really liked being in Super M because, for a change, he was taken care of by 3 older artists he looked up to).
Haechan wants to be a singer-songwriter, maybe he will choose an image that doesn't need a lot of dancing. Or maybe he will work on it. Plus, solo artists perform with a group of backdancers.
As for the aura. Haechan slouches and he doesn't work with his face. Some idols can get away with it if their faces look fierce with make up (like Jae) or very pretty, Haechan's resting face is a bit sour.
Haechan is a show stealer in the group in my eyes, but thanks to his movements.
We, people, are hierarchial animals. We look up to those who are higher than us, they are important. The verbal language evolved late. We still rely a lot on non-verbal signals. The gaze, the posture, the attitude, the way others react to the person in question (their approval, popularity points), the marking of the rank (a crown, bodyguard, expensive clothes), the confidence. All of it makes "the aura".
Doyoung knows it, he works on it. Everyone noticed his upgrade with acting facial expressions after the musical. He worked for DJJ, mastered poses and gestures for the choreos. I guess Haechan is focused more on the dancing (everyone knows he watches his fancams all the time). It is hard to notice something about yourself as you are biased or too focused on certain details.
You can say Doyoung has had the experience which Haechan lacks. He was a vocalist of a school band, he was MC of many big shows, he had duets and solos in big arenas, he acted in tv-series and a musical outside of the circle of his bandmates. Doyoung also doesn't believe in his looks or dancing, he feels the need to compensate with something to be liked, to stand out.
So let's not give up on Haechan just yet. I believe he just needs to be left to stand alone on the stage to learn how to dominate without the help of a group.
Taeyong, Taemin - both switch off their childish personal self and "become possessed" on the stage. Donghyuk is still with Haechan on the stage.
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kingintodreams · 2 years
my fav things abt Unicorn Wars that i want to talk abt (spoilers below)
the whole setting. like its absurd but it takes itself so seriously and not even in an annoying way, in a way that shows that this world is the reality they live in and the stakes are so high, like they’re putting their actual lives on the line. its a joke setting on paper but in execution with the nuance its given its a very honest and effective war movie about how war is bad. and the world of unicorn wars is fucking cruel, but its not senseless and violent like its premise would have u believe.
bluey’s/azulin’s character and arc in general. something i kept doing was rewinding scenes just to see what bluey was doing in the background and more often than not he was doing something very telling of his character (for example while one of the privates is talking to the sergeant he’s in the background glaring DAGGERS at the guy bc he’s considered better than bluey). his complex is fascinating and seeing him change and degrade throughout the film, it took me a second watch just to notice all of the signs that something wasnt right with that bear
the character animation in general like the subtle expressions they’re able to pull out of these characters is amazing!!! and the intense emotional scenes they animated such moving and real performances and treat the characters like they’re real beings its insane
speaking of moving performances, the caterpillar scene and the following scene after are two of the best scenes in the whole movie imo. the psychedelic art and animation and the visualization of everyone’s trip (the good, the neutral, and the really really bad trips) and then immediately cutting to a grey and rainy and suffocatingly, horrifyingly sad scene is just brilliant, capped off by some truly amazing voice and character acting
the father, in general. seriously one of the best characters in the film. no notes, perfect for the part he played and having the nuance to say a lot in the performance
i do wish more focus had been put on the world, though i dont think i would take anything away. i really like this slice of a boot camp group’s life. you only spend abt half the movie with them in comparison to bluey and tubby but idk, i got a little attached to them even tho they’re on the total wrong side history. i want to see more of the unicorns lives and get their perspectives on the war
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onwriting-hrarby · 2 years
theres so many good things i could say about sunshine and rainbows honestly its so hard to pick a favourite part!! but for me, i really really loved when it was the performance night at the end, and we watched it in erens pov. like legit my heart fluttered at the way the author wrote it, i could truly honestly feel how high up against the world mikasa is seen by eren, the genuine way his whole heart and soul believes her to be his only goddess. that particular scene the way it was decribed and executed was so magical to me. they’re two very different scenes, but that scene had as much impact and magic on me as that scene in “instead they said” where em makes love in the sea!! so incredible so much depth and beauty. i literally held my breath youre so good
but i think the angst as sad as it was really was what kept me hooked to sunshine and rainbow. i legit felt like i was torturing myself reading mikasas pov after she caught eren and hisu. legit tears in my eyes and my heart ached so baaad. that level of insecurity and feeling of inadequacy mikasa felt had felt so horrible even to me as a reader. theres just something so vile in the feeling of betrayal and jealousy and how it eats on your skin. (tbh i looooove reading that in em fanfics, it hurts so bad but its such good angst😩 idk why i keep torturing myself)
but yeah same here, i wouldve probably reacted like sasha, it was actually hard for me to empathise with hisu even because in earlier chapters she wasnt really that nice to mikasa. i believe sunshine and rainbows mikasa is an actually whole saint to have sympathised and requested eren to go talk and apologise to hisu, not sure if i wouldve done that myself no ones built like mikasa lol. but yeah i do commend the way the author had somewhat villainize historia (in a writing perspective) where its hard to completely empathise with this character knowing what shes like in other scenes. now that i think about it, her flawed character reminds me of RJ historia where we cant fully empathise with her because she had some inherent racism herself right? like the way she viewed RJ mikasa or compared her struggle to poc’s and minorities. its like a hate love relationship between us and its characters. i love love love it when writers really make you think about how you feel about a character
sorry im rabbling, please stop me if you dont feel comfortable!!
Oh please, not at all, I love rambling AND i love interacting, so feel free!
You're completely right about Mikasa's pov after cheating!!! I had forgotten about that chapter and I really liked the way the author relied on just one sentence that Mikasa kept repeating to ensure that angst and confusion. I've never been in a cheatin situation but I have felt the inequacy of being you multiple times, and it hit hard. I could empathize with Mikasa much more than with Eren in that fic, mostly because I am tired of the "I'm so hurt I'm not a good person" narrative. I've had some friends who went through something similar to Eren, and they kind of passed their bad behaviour through hurt. But for me, there are no excuses to hurt others. I did empatize with Historia, though! I have been in competitive groups like dancing and that kind of relationships exists, and the way it was portrayed it felt very real that H and M wouldn't have had a good relationship because Historia feels threatened. I don't feel that Mikasa was a saint, though, because the cheating was Eren's fault, not Historia!
Yes, it's a hate-love relationship with our characters snd the way we craft them, and I think that' the beauty of not creating purely good characters or people. We humans are not pure at all! We might want good things but we also hurt a lot. It's complicated to manage expectation as readers, too! But those kind of stories that made us feel all wrong are the best because we get to go deep inside a character enough to be willing to understand them, while we would have turned the other way in real life.
(Ps: thank you very much for your nice words about Rj and ITS! I can't believe someone remembers that fic. I am torn about uploading it again but I want my sis to read it before so I know whether to turn it into a novel or not!)
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lilikags · 2 years
♡ ·  ·  ·  · 𝐍𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄 | 𝐈𝐃𝐎𝐋!𝐀𝐔
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៚ · CHARACTERS | diluc, childe, thoma, kaeya, albedo
៚ · WARNINGS | mention of Crepus's passing
៚ · NOTES | i swear i dont have a favorite idol group (narrator: she is lying) and if you can guess which which enstars group(s) i like from this post i will hug you and give you my affection
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" I PROMISE MY VICTORY TO YOU, ON MY HONOR. True princes, under the name of Noblesse. Signed as an idol group, Noblesse comprises of five young men under the names of Diluc, Childe, Thoma, Kaeya, and Albedo- each with their unique voices harmonizing upon the sparkling stage for all to admire.
── ♡ :: DILUC
✩ If each of the members of Noblesse were princes, Diluc would be the charismatic one. The one with the most commanding stage presence of all, the one who would seemingly be the leader of the group.
✩ Diluc is very popular among fans and even idols alike, and he has quite a good reputation. Between idols, he's very professional- concise and respectful, just like in the business world. He chooses his words carefully, and he rarely loses his temper around others.
✩ He also has a very clean record- none/few scandals, outside of many businessmen being angry that he decided to become an idol instead of focusing on Dawn Winery after his father had passed away.
✩ While many have positive opinions about him (and perhaps some thinking he may be a little too formal at times), the only incident that one could truly remember was rumors of him having gotten into a bloody fight with Childe and Kaeya. (Although the rumors have died down quite a lot, many still remember when asked.)
✩ Diluc's singing is powerful and elegant and is described as "a mellow promise". His singing is very consistent and can do long notes, but he rarely is given high notes or raps.
✩ Diluc always has strong opinions of whether the group should release a certain song, even if it was written by one of the group members or given to them by their agency. He cares a lot about the success of the group, not only for himself but for all those who depend on them.
✩ Diluc rarely writes songs, and if he does, he doesn't often want them to be performed by the group, and he won't often choose to perform them either. He feels that his songs doesn't fit the princely theme of the group, and sometimes, they're a bit too personal to share with the world.
✩ In terms of dancing, Diluc is a pretty good dancer. His performances are powerful and clearly well-rehearsed. He's often praised by the dance teachers and the choreographers when they're around because of his fast work in learning the choreography, and he always loves to work with them as well. He holds a lot of respect for them, and they like his natural talent in dancing.
✩ Diluc's not the most synced of the dancers, though Noblesse isn't really the most synced group out there, due to their inherent differences in values. But nonetheless, they're able to pull off amazing performances and their choreographies always put their individual talents and habits into consideration.
✩ Aside from being an idol, Diluc is also a model. He models for various companies, usually high-end or luxury brands. He's very selective of which offers he accepts and he's very expensive to hire.
✩ Despite him becoming an idol as well, he's still involved in Dawn Winery quite a bit. He no longer holds an executive position, although he is still the owner and communicates with the board of directors regularly.
── ♡ :: CHILDE
✩ As an idol, Childe is pretty well respected for his skills. He's quite good at dancing and singing, has a pretty wild reputation (in a good way), and, of course, he's quite handsome.
✩ Childe's singing is energetic and fun, a lighthearted yet meaningful oath to the listeners when he sings his lines. He always brings in a bit of fun to the songs, even as romantic as they are.
✩ He doesn't do many long notes, but he often does the high notes for the group and some of the raps. Even though one may say his voice has less volume than some others, he is still a powerful singer, and sometimes he does add in a giggle here or there into the song.
✩ His dancing is also really good, and like Diluc (and mostly, the other members of Noblesse as well) he's not the most synced. His dances are a bit bouncy, very energetic. All the fans can tell he's having fun up on the stage.
✩ He's better at faster dances; slower songs tend to be a bit more boring for him unless it's a challenge. Sometimes his voice does shake a bit when he's performing, and he's great at improv when things go wrong. He'll play it off like it was intended.
✩ Childe's also popular among both idols and fans, as neither are immune to his good looks! To fans, he's charming, and they see a lot of content of him because of his constant streams. (It's so easy to see him a lot and fall for his charms, he's so silly)
✩ He also knows everyone (and their mom /j)- he has connections everywhere in the industry. He's worked in a lot of places and hopped around a lot, but for now he's settled with Noblesse and is (somewhat) happy. At least, it's exciting.
✩ However, some people do dislike working with him, as they think he is too free spirited on does things on his own terms. But he always gets his work done on time, so can they really complain?
✩ Childe actually writes a lot of songs. He can take a lot of things and put them into song, though his forte is always going to be parodies. (And he posts them on his social media posts. He gets made fun of sometimes but they're really funny)
✩ Childe is not only an idol- he's held a variety of jobs over the years, from odd jobs around his neighborhood to a variety of careers now. He's held jobs as babysitters (he was actually good) and lawn mowers (decent) before, but now he's juggling being a streamer, voice actor, actor, and a model.
✩ Childe actually streams pretty often, but they're often shorter streams, from usually around 10-40 minutes. He jokes around and talks with the chat, and usually they're pretty spontaneous. (Pro Tip: have notifications on)
✩ He does a lot of stupid things on camera (including many challenges he finds online), and everyone loves him for it, and sometimes he does sing and dance to show off a bit. Of course, he's not only silly but he's also cute and sexy at the same time.
✩ Childe's also a voice actor- he's pretty good at it too. He has a very unique yet versatile voice, and he plays a variety of roles. He is often casted for iconic shows with big budgets, and he always gets a main character. He's good at both the main character and the villain. (He has that famous villain laugh)
✩ Alongside being a voice actor, he's an actor as well and has starred in a bunch of shows, all who use his name to boost their name. He mostly goes for movies and rarely TV shows, unless it's really interesting. He gets a ton of offers, so he gets to be selective with what he picks- especially because he's so busy.
✩ Like many other idols, Childe is also a model. He accepts jobs from time to time, in which he puts his good looks to use. A lot of people know he's great for ads, especially since his fanbase is so loyal to him, and thus he gets a ginormous amount of offers. Of course, he only picks the ones he finds interesting. (if your offer is crazy enough, he'll be likely to accept it)
── ♡ :: THOMA
✩ In the whole instability of the entire group, Thoma is the one that keeps the peace and is an overall positive element to the group's uniqueness. If there's one with a burning passion, another which flows through the rough waves of the sea, an ice-cold arrow amidst the sky, and an intricately carved presence, the warm, subtle flames is what's holding them together. In other words, Thoma is the sane one.
✩ Thoma's singing is sweet and gentle, and many fans say it "warms the heart". It's reflective of his personality, and that's one of his charms. It gives a sense of lighthearted sincerity, one that tells that he truly enjoys being up on the stage, and while it might be tiring to be practicing for lives, dealing with such individuals in the industry, and everything in-between, he wouldn't have it any other way.
✩ Thoma and Childe (mostly Thoma) are given the high notes, and he's pretty good at long notes too- though, he's not as good at rapping. He and Albedo share a lot of lines.
✩ His voice is still powerful like the rest of Noblesse (it's one of the things they're known for) but, his isn't forceful or overwhelming. It's dynamic and charming, while keeping its gentleness and sweetness.
✩ Thoma is pretty good at dancing, and he's pretty adaptable. His dances tend to be cool and energetic- he loves making himself look cool. He also has a pretty stable voice when dancing- he makes it look so much easier than it is. He also has a really good stamina when on stage- he can go for more songs than the average.
✩ Thoma also knows how to breakdance and do a lot of other dancing tricks, and he films them a lot to share with his fans. (it makes him feel cool- though he's already cool)
✩ The member who writes the most songs for the group is Thoma; he's somehow especially good at coming up with concepts for songs that fit the knightly theme of Noblesse. He's gotten quite used to a lot of the common vocabulary that is used in their songs, and he can be often seen at his desk, pen in hand and writing down some ideas he has for future songs.
✩ Thoma actually reads quite a lot. He reads a lot of books, mostly, among other texts he has to read or that have caught his interest. He's taken a slight interest in royalty romances as of late, since they're an inspiration to the types of songs that Noblesse releases. They're not his best cup of tea, but he finds them enjoyable too.
✩ Thoma also writes songs for himself and other artists, and he's collaborated with a lot of others on numerous occasions. Everyone loves working with him.
✩ Speaking of how he's known, his reputation is very positive, both by fans and others in the industry. He's a pleasure to work with and he's often complimented as hardworking and talented.
✩ Among fans, he's adored quite a lot. There's an astonishing amount of Thoma fan blogs and accounts out there, especially because he interacts often with his own accounts. (a huge boost in his popularity is because of this)
✩ He communicates with his fans a lot through his streams, where he mostly cooks or does lifestyle explanations or singing streams. The fans enjoy them a lot, and he does too. He thinks he looks cool on them (he does)
✩ Thoma is a great cook, and his cooking streams get so many views not only because he's a famous idol, but he's just a great chef in general too. He cooks all kinds of dishes, but one can tell that he has favorites too. (which also the Kamisato siblings enjoy)
✩ He does lifestyle videos on youtube and occasionally on stream, though not too often because he's quite busy. He's actually really organized, and he shares a lot of his tips on keeping your space clean and organized. He's such an icon in that. He also has written a book on it- it sold pretty well too.
✩ His singing streams are always enjoyable, and there are never any disputes of whether he lip syncs or not because he proves himself during those streams. Some may say that he sounds better on stream than on stage.
── ♡ :: KAEYA
✩ Kaeya is known for being the "mysterious" one in the group, Albedo coming in next. He knows what to keep to himself and what to share with the public.
✩ Kaeya's singing is charming, and in a sense, calming as well as being strangely alluring. It's not overwhelming like some others, and it's sweet, though not in the same way as Thoma's.
✩ Kaeya isn't given a lot of high notes, but he's been given his fair share of long notes. He has a little bit of a hard time with them, but he's gotten quite good at it.
✩ Kaeya is also the main rapper of Noblesse, though both he and Childe do a lot of the rap parts in their songs.
✩ He makes the choreography looks easier than it is, although they always have a hard choreography. He doesn't sweat that much either, which makes it seem easier too.
✩ He usually has the same expression on when dancing, a closed-mouth smile (which he opens when he sings, of course). It's uniqely Kaeya, it has its own vibes.
✩ He's also very adaptable to what kind of dance they're asked to do, and he's pretty flexible as well. (He's good at dance challenges) He's also really good at improv for when things go wrong.
✩ Within the industry, he's known to be a pleasure to work with as well, though it's hard to tell what exactly he's thinking and some may feel that he has more thoughts that he hasn't shared. (He acts professionally and a little distant)
✩ But nonetheless, he's quite in demand and respected throughout the industry. He came seemingly out of nowhere and is known as a powerful force in the industry now- partly because of his fans and also his talents.
✩ There are an absurd amount of Kaeya fanpages on the internet. Pretty much all social medias have at least a few fan accounts dedicated solely or partly to Kaeya, and larger ones have more than one would even want to count. The fans are known to be the "hardcore Kaeya fans".
✩ Kaeya keeps a lot of his information to himself, and he uses that to make himself seem a bit mysterious. The fans feel like they know him well, but there's also a lot that they don't know (that they wish to know).
✩ He also does a lot of modeling jobs outside of being an idol. He receives a lot of offers, and he can pick the ones he'd like to model for. He mostly accepts offers from luxury brands- he looks very good with jewelry. He does some clothing brands too aside from jewelry brands.
── ♡ :: ALBEDO
✩ Albedo is the one who writes a lot of songs for Noblesse, alongside Thoma. He's a great songwriter, and he works together with Thoma to make some decisions regarding the group, as he's also the most levelheaded of all of them.
✩ Albedo's singing is calming and gentle; it has a sense of stability, and his voice rarely ever wavers, even while dancing. It's kind of lighthearted, yet somehow there's so much meaning in each of his lines. It's not the lines themselves but how he says it with such heart. It doesn't sound the same when someone else sings it.
✩ Albedo's stability allows for him to do a lot of long notes, although he rarely raps. He doesn't have the biggest voice range, thus he doesn't have a lot of high notes, but his voice is very unique.
✩ In terms of dancing, he has very precise moves. They're clean and easy to follow, and he's always on beat. Even if something interrupts him, he can elegantly get back on beat without problem.
✩ He rarely ever makes mistakes even live in front of the big crowd, so he doesn't need to pretend that any mistake was actually intentional. Thus, he's not very good at improv, but he can always keep calm and think rationally whenever something goes wrong.
✩ Albedo learns the choreography easily and quickly when it's well laid out for him. He follows it step by step and repeats it. If he messes up, he looks at what he's doing and what he's supposed to be doing, identifies what's different, and fixes it.
✩ Albedo's reputation in the industry is very positive. Many enjoy working with him, and he's described as a brilliant young man as both an idol and songwriter and composer. He's respectful, straightforward, and a pleasure to work with.
✩ His reputation among his fans is very positive; they basically have one (1) bias only, and it's Albedo. They're pretty chill though, in general, and they rarely ever make fun of him. They will usually put something about being an Albedo fan in their bios though.
✩ Albedo is also a songwriter, and his songs are very popular and in-demand. He writes songs that match the princely theme of Noblesse well, but he can also write songs for other themed groups as well.
✩ A lot of people want to co-write songs with him. He works better alone, but he doesn't mind working with other people. It's a learning experience for him, and those he will always welcome.
✩ A lot of artists would like to be able to perform one of the songs he writes. They're pretty well known in the music industry, and they often get a lot of demos before they can find the best person/group to sing them.
✩ He's written a lot of songs that people are familiar with but don't associate with him, because he didn't sing it. (He wrote it) He always appreciates it when someone recognizes him for writing it though!
✩ Albedo does modeling work too, but not that much. He doesn't really enjoy it; he's not creating anything really- though, it's not something that he particularly minds doing either. Sometimes they do pique his interest (sometimes), but he'll accept a job if someone he knows is offered the same job and they want to model together.
✩ Albedo also paints (professionally). He paints a lot of scenery, canvas paintings out in the wild. His paintings sell for a high price as well, and not really because of his idol status. (though, the price that fans are willing to pay is astonishing...)
✩ He will sometimes go out to a scenic place he has in mind when he has a free day (though, he'll sometimes just be excused from work to work on a painting since he is a big money maker for his agency anyways). He'll post pics of the painting on social media sometimes; the fans love it. Sometimes, if he can get a good enough connection, (or is in the mood for it) he'll stream while painting, he doesn't mind it much, and the fans love it.
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NOTE FROM LILI | THIS IDOL AU HAS BEEN BREWING IN MY BRAIN FOR LIKE . A YEAR AT THIS POINT i hope it wasn't too long v_v and im off hiatus yaaay. if you wanna be tagged for the rest of my idol au stuff send me an ask !!!! either off anon or ur URL being somewhere in the ask. ty !!
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comradeeatspants · 3 years
my late thoughts on schlatt banning dsmp stans
this might not seem like a topic that deserves attention or has nuance, but i didn’t really know how to feel when i first saw the clip. it’s a funny concept, it was well executed, and if anyone is going to do this and make it entertaining it’s going to be jschlatt. but hearing him yell “fuck you! fuck you! never come back bitch!” felt so. icky.
i know this is just one small thing that happened, but it opens a whole dialogue about stan culture in general, so i’m sorry for the length.
i think im just over big CCs complaining about stans in general. even connor, who is one of my favs, annoys me when he dwells on stans too much. it’s a topic that i feel has run it’s course, especially for big creators who literally profit off stans and are wealthy, have flexibility in their career, etc. like, sorry but i don’t feel bad that you are annoyed by seeing GeorgeNotFound’s face in your replies. the only time i actually feel bad is when stans go after smaller creators like Andi (who isn’t even that small but i’m talking compared to schlatt) when they just attack her for essentially no reason other than misogyny.
sorry that was kind of a side tangent, but the point is that i feel it’s pretty hypocritical of schlatt to do this whole performance about shitting on stans and banning them from his chat when they probably make up a decent amount of his views on youtube and interactions on social media. he has openly talked about how youtube has been his dream for 10+ years, and he’s achieved it, and he repays his audience by....banning a large chunk of them and yelling at them? i’m not saying he should go the dream route and fully embrace stans, because frankly i don’t think that’s healthy either (especially how he was around a year ago) but, still, it seems very hypocritical and unappreciative.
i know the whole “people shit on things teenage girls like” thing is something we’re all well aware of, and this just feels like another example of that. the whole thing felt so hateful. it’s especial frustrating when you think about how much of schlatt’s audience is probably comprised of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, just overall shitty men. men that follow streamers and youtubers just as closely and just as parasocially as dreamsmp stans do with their creators, but hey, they dont have a few key identifiers in their profiles and they aren’t teenage girls so who cares. it all feels very immature and very high school, where if you like this thing you’re automatically Cool and Funny but if you like this other thing then you’re Stupid and Lame and none one wants you around.
it’s also like...if you REALLY don’t like stans or want them in your chat, which is valid, then ignore them. have mods ban them when they act outta line, and ignore. content creators always tell their fans to ignore, block, and move on when it comes to not liking other people online, and somehow that doesn’t apply to the creators themselves. instead of ignoring, schlatt put on a whole performance about banning dsmp stans. because guess what! as much as creators love to shit on dream, the dream smp, and it’s stans, they can’t stop talking about it because it gets them interactions so it turns into a vicious cycle. so they use it for clout, make fun of people who are/used to be their friends in the meanwhile, and shit on its stans. like karl said, at the end of the day, he got his clip.
tldr; schlatt mass banning stans feels tired and hypocritical, and probably a little misogynistic
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ot3 · 3 years
had some 'thoughts' on an au where mia/lana and phoenix/edgeworth's narrative arcs are swapped (aka mia main protag lana main antag, phoenix mentor) and dumped over 1000 words on the subject in the groupchat today. here you go.
lana -
she and mia strike up a childhood friendship after the skye parents use the khurain channeling method to talk to lana and ema's grandparents. at this stage in life, lana really wants to be a detective because she believes that proper like collection, treatment, and handling of evidence is the Key to making sure everything in the world turns out fair and just and righteous. i think rather than less than one year she and mia have a few years of being friends like this, but don't see each other every day like phoenix and edgeworth would have at school. lana just makes the trek up to khurain village whenever she can and they call on the payphone etc.
then, the skye parents die in a car accident and she completely ghosts mia and drops off the face of the planet. the parents were killed by a drunk driver and gant is the detective assisting the prosecution with this case. the defendant is successfully imprisoned. lana goes on to become a detective under the tutelage of gant, who recognizes lanas potential from a young age and takes the skye sisters under his wings a la manfred and edgeworth. eventually he pushes lana into pursuing prosecution instead because he wants a pawn in the prosecutors office and he does this by telling her that he collaborated with the prosecutor of her parents' death to forge evidence and testimony, otherwise the killer would have gotten away with it. so she becomes the demon prosecutor.
mia -
meanwhile stays in khurain and continues her training for the most part. since there's no dl-6 nothing happens to misty and theres no reason for mia to leave, but one day shes watching her mother perform a channeling for someone and the person being channeled turns out to have been someone lana had falsely imprisoned who was subsequently executed. mia is like. hey holy shit that doesn't sound right. one, lana's supposed to be a detective, not a prosecutor, two, she wouldnt do that. i have to go find out what the hell happened and see what made her this way.
so mia leaves the village and attends law school at ivy and it's really her first time out of the village for any significant stretch of time and so she's very country mouse in the big city. dahlia spots her at the courthouse when she's pulling Her whole shtick and is like OH MY GOSH HEY CUZ YOU REMEMBER ME RIGHT (: (: (: (: (: SO CRAZY BESTIE BEEN SO LONG SINCE WE'VE SEEN YOU I HAVE A GIFT FOR YOU ((poison necklace)) and obviously there's not the dating identity swap i dont know about the specifics here but. mia gets involved in dahlias hijinks from Trusting Family too much and phoenix ends up defending her in court, which is where she meets him and eventually she begins working at his law firm with him
phoenix -
he and edgeworth were friends through childhood and when edgeworth started at themis to study as a defense attorney their friendship continued. phoenix spent enough time going over edgeworths schoolwork with him and serving as a filler in after-hours mock trials put on by the more enthusiastic students or bumming around in the art club because eventually they stopped kicking him out that eventually edgeworth started to realized phoenix kind of had a knack for the whole lawyering thing, and convinced him to give it a try. phoenix was very easily swayed by edgeworth telling him he was smart and good at something. he and edgeworth both started practicing as defense attorneys at the edgeworth law offices, with phoenix lagging a bit behind edgeworth in terms fo passing the bar and whatnot. maybe by a couple of years. did they date in this timeline? yes. absolutely. idk when though. some awkward high school stuff for sure and then probably some more serious stuff as adults.
he and lana face off in the fawles trial and the whole affair ends with fawles suicide and ray getting godot'd with the poison bottle. also something mysterious happens to edgeworth and he's suddenly cold and distant, leaving his fathers firm to pursue a career as a prosecutor. phoenix can't bear to be there without edgeworth so he leaves to open his own firm. here's where phoenix starts getting the idea that maybe the way the law functions needs some changing, so he starts doing some side research on the jurist system while he takes a break from cases. he keeps getting stopped everywhere he goes and everyone he talks to, and eventualyl finds out that one man currently owns pretty much all of the justice system: redd white. so phoenix begins looking into white trying to take him down as a prerequisite for judicial reform. this does not work and phoenix gets bludgeoned to death in his office after mia wins her first case. RIP KING !
edgeworth -
becomes a defense attorney at his father's firm as established. pretty much what you'd expect from a no dl-6 au edgeworth. but then. the twistening: this is also something i haven't really ironed out the specifics of but whatever it doesn't really matter. MVK has been eyeing revenge on greg. in a sort of parallel to the sl-9 incident, greg - with edgeworth as co-counsel - had been defending someone accused of a serial killing, and it REALLY started to look like the prosecution was not going to be able to put the case through. there's one final confrontation where the prosecution is interrogating the defendant, and the defense team is waiting outside. power outage, scuffle, blah blah blah, long story short it ends with mvk killing the defendant and setting the scene up to make it seem like greg killed the man (either accidentally or in self defense?idk) which, yknow, killing your defendant is sure to ruin a defense attorneys reputation
so mvk blackmails edgeworth into switching teams and becoming a prosecutor. in a few years, he's chief prosecutor like lana was. since mvk works internationally he cant keep the position himself, but having edgeworth there as a pawn works in his favor and of course edgeworth is wholly miserable
ema -
sort of in fran's place. becomes a detective at an incredibly young age and pops up after mia gets gant arrested. she's got more of her aa4 bitterness going on here because gant was basically like forensics is fucking stupid (whihc she now realizes is because forensic analysis makes fucking lying in court a hell of a lot harder) and is embittered because she essentially had her dream beaten out of her to be used as someones pawn. she spent all this time trying to live up to her sister and help her sister when her sister wasnt even doing anything good either. shows up after lana 'chooses death' to investigate her sisters disappearance
maya -
still assists as mia's co counsel, only she's channeling phoenix for the most part here. very sad that the only time phoenix and maya will ever get to meet is once pearly gets into the mix but these are the sacrifices we make.
fran -
i think conceptually still the second prosecutor once lana Chooses Death only since she spent most of her life without edgeworth, the two of them are on slightly different terms than they are in canon. not as close, but not quite as volatile and competitive either since she was working as a prosecutor far before he was. edgeworth calls her into the country to start prosecuting while he is, i guess, in jail for his crimes, presumably, because he wants to believe she is a good enough person to prosecute the Right way and doesn't trust most of the remaining prosecutors in the district. shes still sort of on the fence over the whole game but obviously gets pushed over the edge in 2-4
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
i’m curious - how would you rank kpop dancers? i think taemin is the Standard because he’s just that good. others who stand out to me are boa, kai, and chungha
i should probably preface this to the new people that have come around since i started doing kingdom reviews and don't know: i'm not a trained dancer but i have worked extensively and had very close relationships with dancers for the last decade, and i do consume a fair amount of dance-related content outside of kpop.
i actually have a few categories that i rank kpop dancers on, so i wouldn't say i have a definitive ranking of best dancers, but i do have a scale of the ones that personally I like watching the most. my enjoyment of watching a dancer depends on three points: how technically skilled the dancer is, their style and charisma, and ability to execute the concept/choreography (with the obvious caveat that not all kpop dancers have been active long enough or are in place where they have artistic control over concepts). my personal preferences lean much more heavily towards personal style and concept, because technical skill is just practice. something i consider to be the sign of a true artist in any field is synthesis; the ability to understand how to create something that’s optimized specifically for the circumstances. i do agree, i think taemin is the standard because he does have this holy trinity. but he has an advantage because he’s been active for SO long; he's had the time to develop a signature style and the dude is insanely smart. he knows how to deconstruct his concepts and his movements into the bare essentials that are sharped to the most effective precision. this interview with jaejae is an excellent watch if you’re curious and have 20 minutes because it's just him talking about the specific movements he makes and why he makes them. he also works to a very high conceptual degree that is uncommon within kpop, so it makes him stand out even more as an artist. rain and boa i would also put up near the top, because they have had insanely long careers to hone their skills and artistry. my other top female dancers would probably be hyoyeon, chungha, and hyuna. i really enjoy watching hyuna’s choreos because they're always a little bit weird and fitting to the songs themselves. flower shower is one of my faves of hers. 
as far as male dancers go, taemin is, unsurprisingly, my favourite. i do think kai is deserving of a top ranking because he is extremely talented and i LOVE the concept film for his solo debut, but his personal style really irks me because he never finishes his extensions. i think this is partially an sm training thing and also partially because the dude has like, a permanently fucked up back. i enjoy watching zhang yixing (lay) much more, and yes i am going to include him because he’s still technically a part of exo and that counts. i find him more expressive, and also he, like taemin, has very clear conceptual intentions for the work that he makes. also his main style currently is krump, which is extremely funny because he’s such a softie and also fuckin KRUMP? it's both a difficult street dance subgenre and a very uncommon style to see in east asian media, so the fact he’s out there doing it at all is impressive. here’s a favourite stage of mine, and also this stage from sdc3.
there’s a number of younger generation male dancers that i think are very talented and given time, could come close to reaching this triple threat level. hwanwoong from oneus can perform, plus he’s pretty adept at switching between different styles and also he’s got a good choreography brain. ten also, it would be very remiss of me to not mention him; he has a very distinct style and the lovely choreo he did with winwin is a beautiful piece of contemporary dance. also hoshi, i dont watch any seventeen content but spider?? damn boy, you might give taemin a run for his money if you keep this up while he’s away.
there’s a lot of others that i think are skilled and i love watching, but don't necessarily have the same sort of all encompassing draw; runners’ up include yoo taeyang, shownu, yugyeom, and key.
now if we want to get talking on favourite choreos, as a separate entity from dancers, that a whoooooole ‘nother post (that’s probably twice as long lmao)
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puckinginsane · 3 years
I think it’s going to get worse... next season benn will be another year older, cashing in and still protected by a NMC with performance that is falling off a cliff. He’s racking more mistakes than points. There’s some rookies to be excited about... if they dont get chewed up by the ‘stars hockey’ system which knocks the shine off offensive guys and has them turtling. I tried to be patient, and sure I expected and accepted Bones would get a re-sign after the playoff run... but I want him gone. He’s making subpar line choices, calling time outs at bad times, or not calling them at good opportunities. He makes too many excuses instead of lighting a fire under their asses, some of the guys are looking lazy out there, and I think Comeau alluded to that in his interview. I love klingy but he is turning the puck over so much, its brutal. I wish Saint Perry was still around, I think he left a gap. Everyone is waiting for Segs to return & be McDavid... and Im not sure they’re going to get that, plus Bish is still an unknown. Great history... but he’s getting older and he’s had quote a few injury problems over time. I dont see any easy way out for a few years. 🥺
With all of these guys and their mistakes, fatigue is setting in and it's going to happen to all of them.
There's gotta be room for empathy, right?
This schedule is brutal. It's taxing mentally and physically. They're gonna look slow and sluggish at some points but every guy out there is doing all that he can to help the team. They're exhausted.
I don't agree with you about Jamie. He plays his ass off out there. He's getting shots on goal, he's hitting, he's winning faceoffs, he's their captain. The difference may not show in points all of the time but they're better with him than without him.
I hate to admit that at times I miss Corey Perry. I know he made an impact in the locker room and we need that pesky net front presence that he always brings.
And yeah, Seguin coming back is not going to solve all of their problems. It's going to take time for him to catch up. I don't have high expectations for him but I know he'll do all that he can to help. Although I wish they'd just have him sit out this season and come back strong for next season but they'll never be able to keep him away.
Honestly, I have way more faith in Otter and Dobby than I do in Bish.
This team has a lot of potential so that's what makes this all so frustrating. We've seen what they can do. We know what they're capable of. The execution is not there. This is a hard season to judge everything by. Not using that as an excuse. I just hope the future will be better.
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into-control · 3 years
Into i need help. I bought a oculus quest 2 right and i tried to connect it to my laptop and it wont work so I realized i needed and actual pc gaming setup you know, problem is idk anything about PCs and i dont wanna get scammed. Can you help me? Ive looked online and idk wtf im looking at tbh. Can you give like advice and shit lol 😂 love you into 💕
well i'm not a professional at pcs by any means but i've always had a huge fixation on them so i can try to help as much as possible and i'll even try to put it in simple terms. fair warning, i talk A LOT in this post because i love rambling about computers :') i tried to use the simplest terms possible since you seem confused but if something doesn't make sense just ask and i can try to reword.
it all depends on what you want out of your pc. and do you want to build one or get a prebuilt one? if you want my advice i recommend building one. getting a prebuilt pc is the easiest way to get scammed because retailers tend to overcharge and they think they can get away with it because they stuck a flashy high end graphics card and colourful lights in it even though it has shit airflow and they cheaped out on the motherboard and power supply or something like that. if you're going to get a prebuilt pc make sure you look at allll the specs and consult some online reviews to see if they're any good, and figure out if you're going to be overcharged. now i'll talk about building one. a lot of this will still be useful if you're considering buying a prebuilt though.
the very first step is deciding your budget. idk where you are but in USD the typical amount to spend on pc parts is i think like $1000 - 1500 (you can spend less but that's if you don't have a lot of money to spend and are still desperate to have a gaming pc). i'm spending around $1700 CAD (before taxes, eugh) on mine bc i want to get into more demanding games eventually. it sounds very costly but computers like these can last you a decade and are very multifaceted. figuring out your budget first instead of going right ahead and buying stuff is important because each component should take up specific percentages of your budget. another important thing to consider when deciding your budget is if you want RGB (the colourful lights as previously mentioned), because components with that capability are slightly more expensive.
after deciding your budget, your first move is deciding what graphics card (GPU) you want. the GPU is responsible for processing and presenting the visuals on your screen. theoretically it should take up between 35 - 40% of your budget because it is the powerhouse in a gaming system. you have two developers to choose from here: NVIDIA or AMD. from what i've seen people tend to prefer NVIDIA but AMD cards aren't bad and they definitely compete in performance. i'll talk about nvidia though because that's what i know more about. by searching up the oculus quest 2 system requirements it tells me you at least need an nvidia geforce gtx 970. this card came out in 2014 and is by no means bad however it is actually the same base price as a lot of newer cards. if you want to go better than the minimum requirements, first consider what your monitor is capable of. if you don't have one yet, consider what you want it to do. monitors are not considered a part of the budget i keep mentioning by the way. idk how much this matters to you since we're talking about the oculus quest 2 but i'm just kind of assuming you're going to use this pc for other games too. the main two things to take into consideration are max resolution and refresh rate. my monitor has a resolution of 1920 x 1080 and a 144hz refresh rate. what the resolution means is that there are 2,073,600 pixels in the screen, and can go up to a resolution of 1080p in video games. the refresh rate means the monitor can refresh the picture on the screen 144 times a second, therefore can show a max of 144 frames per second in a video game. to put that in to perspective, most screens have a refresh rate of 60hz, such as regular laptop screens, iphone screens, etc.. monitors come in mainly 60hz, 75hz, 144hz, and 165hz, and for resolution they mainly come in 1080p, 1440p, and 4k. seeing as i don't have any plans on upgrading my monitor any time soon, dropping extra money on a GPU that can achieve more than 144fps and 1440p/4k would be pointless. but forget about the monitor, the oculus quest 2 has a max refresh rate of 120hz and its resolution lies somewhere between 1080p and 1440p. if you know what kind of games you're going to be playing, look up how they perform with different kinds of cards. i'm fairly certain anything above an nvidia geforce rtx 3070 would be pointless because of your display limits, and anything below the nvidia geforce gtx 970 simply won't be enough for the system. you can look at all the GPUs ranked here. after deciding which GPU you want you need to figure out which brand of it you want (NVIDIA themselves, asus, gigabyte, evga, etc), because they all perform at slightly different levels, although the difference is usually only a few frames so it's better to save money. something to watch out for is the quality of the fans in the GPU because if they aren't good, it will overheat and underperform. i'm aiming to get a 3060 or 3060 ti, if that helps. the only problem is that there is currently a worldwide GPU shortage due to covid, tariffs, and the cryptocurrency mining boom (gpus are used in bulk to mine). fortunately there is currently a crypto mining crackdown happening in china, where majority of mining in the world happens, so the demand for GPUs will hopefully start going down soon. you wont be able to build your pc right away but the market is looking better than it has in awhile. this is just about the only argument i have in favor of getting a prebuilt pc, because they have GPUs in them and are more readily available. i don't think that's a good enough reason though especially since part of the reason i'm building my pc is because it looks fun lol. another thing to note is that you should not overspend on your GPU. the shortage has caused a lot of GPU prices to skyrocket into the $2k-3k range but none of them should be above 1k except the highest end ones. when deciding on a GPU, search up the manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP). cards made by brands other than AMD and NVIDIA will almost always cost a little extra, but do not pay hundreds of
extra dollars. but anyways!! the GPU is now out of the way and is definitely the longest paragraph here because it's the most important part.
next up is the central processing unit (CPU), which you should be spending about 20 - 25% of your budget on. its job is essentially to retrieve instructions from the RAM and execute it. i suppose you could call it the brain. again you have two developers to choose from, this time between intel and AMD. i've had two laptops with an intel CPU and my current one has an AMD CPU and both are very good, however the general consensus is that you can get the same performance for less by going with AMD. CPUs have cores, and each core can run its own process. the more cores you have, the more your pc can think about basically. you can get CPUs will all sorts of amounts of cores but for gaming, 4 or 6 cores is all you really need. 8 is actually already a bit overkill. so you really don't need to get the best CPU out there. the one you get should depend on what GPU you get (hence choosing that component first). you don't want to bottleneck your GPU by getting a CPU that isn't good enough for it, but bottlenecking your CPU with the GPU by a small amount isn't as big of a deal because the goal is to allow your GPU to be used to its full ability. another detail about CPU is clock speed, which determines how quick it can complete tasks. the higher the faster, obviously. my (non gaming) laptop's CPU clock speed is 2.30 GHz and has 4 cores. the cpu i have for my build is the AMD ryzen 5 5600x. it has a base clock speed of 3.7 GHz but it can be maxed out to 4.6 GHz, and it has 6 cores. the oculus quest 2 has a minimum requirement of the AMD ryzen 5 1500x or the intel i5-4590, which is a little low on the performance list. but like i said the CPU should depend on the GPU. all it takes is a google search for which CPU goes best with the GPU you've chosen and you can find several answers depending on if you want the best possible performance, best budget performance, etc.. a nice little fact about choosing AMD over intel is that most AMD CPUs will come with a stock cooler, which is absolutely necessary otherwise your CPU will overheat (this is another thing prebuilts will cheap out on). this only adds to the whole price-to-performance thing. the stock cooler will most likely do unless you push your pc or want the build to look prettier.
next on the list is a motherboard, where all the parts come together in unity. you should spend 8 - 10% of your budget on this baby. it's easy to over and underspend on a mobo. the most important thing when it comes to choosing a mobo is that it supports your CPU. you cannot use the same mobo for intel and AMD CPUs. fortunately the product page will straight up tell you which CPU brand the mobo is meant for and will typically have two versions of the same board. it's important to note that motherboards don't always have onboard wifi, meaning it wont be able to connect to the internet via wifi and instead needs an ethernet cable or an external wifi adapter. if you can't get an ethernet cable to the room where you want your pc, you're going to need onboard wifi, or a wifi card/usb. onboard wifi mobos tend to be more expensive so it's up to you, but i personally bought one with wifi included so i wouldn't have to worry about it because our ethernet cables are in the basement and i'm upstairs. another very important thing about motherboards is that their BIOS version (operating system i guess?? idk how else to describe it) doesn't always support your CPU out of the box and must be updated before using it. this can present as a problem if you don't have another CPU to perform the update with, however some motherboards allow you to 'flash' the BIOS with a only usb drive as long as it's hooked up to power. there are plenty of step by step youtube videos about how to do this. i will have to do this with my motherboard when the time comes because it doesn't support ryzen 5s out of the box. don't let this deter you from getting a certain board as long as it has a BIOS flash feature. next up is what I/O ports you want, which are the ports (usb ports, headphone/mic jack, hdmi port, etc) you'd find on the back of any desktop computer. that is the side of the motherboard. basically just be aware of how many of each ports you want, and remember that there will probably be even more ports on the front of the case you get. the last thing i can think of right now is making sure your motherboard has all the headers (where you plug components in) you want it to have but i'll get to that later.
next up on the list is RAM, aka random access memory. this stores short term data. the amount of RAM you have kind of determines how much your pc can multitask. RAM sticks typically go up by some multiple of 2GB. most standard laptops and desktops nowadays will come with 8GB of RAM, which is enough for day to day use. it can be enough for mid and low end games however it cuts it pretty close most of the time. 16GB of RAM is the sweet spot for gaming and anything above that is pretty much overkill (and once again a waste of money) as long as you don't have a billion unnecessary background processes. a large amount of RAM is typically needed for video editors or computer programmers. you should always make sure your motherboard can support the amount of RAM you want although any good motherboard will support 64GB or even 128GB. the best option is to get a 16GB RAM pack, which will include two 8GB RAM sticks. splitting RAM between two sticks will increase efficiency. this is called dual channel. i also recommend getting DDR4 RAM, which is simply faster than DDR3. a good speed to have is around 3600 MHz. make sure your motherboard supports DDR4. you also want to be weary that your RAM is compatible with your CPU brand because they do have to interact for your pc to function.
next is storage. there are three-ish options here depending on how much you're willing to spend. generally you should spend 8 - 10% of the budget here. you can always get a good ole hard drive for the cheapest, however they are the slowest and physically biggest option, meaning whatever you put on it will take a bit longer for your pc to retrieve and open (they can load about 100-200MB of data per second). the next option is a solid state drive. they are a little more expensive but can load as much as 600MB of data per second and take up less space. the last and most efficient/expensive option is an m.2 nvme drive. these things are physically absolutely tiny and can load up to 4GB of data per second. anything you put on these will open very very quickly. the fairly standard solution for this is a combination of two of these three. personally i'm using one m.2 drive and one hard drive. the hard drive i have can store 2TB while the m.2 drive can only store 256GB. funnily enough these two drives are roughly the same price. the idea here is to install your operating system on the faster drive. this makes it so it only takes like 8 seconds tops for your pc to start up. you can also put any other programs you use most often on there (like your main browser and favourite games) and they will open very quickly, while the bulk of your games and other files will go on the bigger drive. that's all there really is to say for storage, just make sure the reviews are good on the drive you want to get, but that goes for any component.
next is your power supply (PSU). very very important to not cheap out on this. 6 - 8% of the budget should go to this. the function of the PSU is to do exactly what its name implies: supply power to all the components. this is where the website pcpartpicker can come in very handy. not only does it help you build a list of parts that are all compatible with each other, it will also estimate how much wattage you will need to run your pc. 600W is usually enough for a normal gaming pc. PSUs are ranked, and you should never really go below a bronze ranking. you can also choose between non-modular, semi-modular, and fully-modular PSUs. non-modular PSUs have all the cables permanently attached. this can be desirable to people who are confused by what cable is plugged in where but also undesirable as unused cables cannot be removed and make cable management harder. fully-modular PSUs come with the cables all in a separate bag so you choose which ones to plug in. semi-modular power supplies have the necessary cables attached and the rest can be attached need be. it all depends on preference and how much faith you have in yourself. i have an 80+ gold certified fully modular 750W PSU because the thought of unnecessary cable management makes me sick lol. corsair is pretty much the most trusted brand for power supplies. be careful because this is another place prebuilts will cut corners.
now for the case! this one isn't overly difficult to choose and mainly will just appeal to your aesthetics. it's less important to stick to a precise percent of the budget for this one but you also don't want to spend more than 8%. do you want a black case? a white one? do you want a glass side panel so you can see inside your pc and admire your hard work? besides that, you also need to make sure the case is big enough for your motherboard, GPU, and PSU. most info pages for cases will tell you the max size of the GPU and PSU and what size of mobo it's meant for. you also want to make sure there is a place to put your storage drives (unless you only have m.2 drives which are installed on the motherboard). you also want to make sure it has optimal airflow abilities. a case with no airflow will cause overheating. the best ones have mesh fronts and tops to allow cool air to be pulled in and hot air out. it's even better if you can get a case that comes with fans in the front, because they are what pulls that cool air in.
next is the CPU cooler, which i briefly mentioned. if you don't get an AMD CPU then you'll need to buy a separate cooler. you can choose between air coolers (a fan and a heatsink) or liquid coolers. i don't really have much to say about them and i recommend doing your own research on liquid coolers lol.
last but not least, case fans. like i said a lot of cases will come with front fans and also an exhaust fan at the back, however you might want more, or even replace the ones you already have with better ones. pay attention to how many fans your case manual says can fit and plan accordingly. check out reviews to see if the fans you want are quiet and efficient. if you buy a three pack of case fans there is a chance it will come with a fan hub. this makes it easier to control all of them in sync because the hub will connect all the fans to one header on the motherboard. generally 3-6 fans are pretty good for a gaming pc. two or three in the front pulling in cool air, one at the back and two on the top to pull out hot air.
now that i have all the components out of the way i'm gonna talk about RGB lighting. numerous components that i've mentioned have the option of including LED lights to make your pc brightly coloured, which is always nice if you have a glass side panel on your pc. it's an extra bit of money but i personally was willing to sacrifice that because i want to show off my build lmao. motherboards, RAM sticks, GPUs, CPU coolers, and case fans are the main components that can come with RGB lighting. you can also get special LED strips and power connectors designed for PCs. if you decide to go for RGB lighting, do try to stick to one RGB ecosystem, meaning make sure all the RGB components can be controlled by one program. RGB is controlled by your motherboard. for example if you get an asus motherboard you'll probably want to use their program, aura sync. most components can be controlled by any brand's program however if the motherboard itself has RGB lighting it can only be controlled via its own brand's program, along with the GPU. if you want RGB case fans you really have to make sure your motherboard has RGB headers (the thingy on the motherboard where you plug the fan's LED lights into). most motherboards will only have two-ish RGB headers so if you're going to buy a bunch of fans make sure they come with a fan hub, which lets you plug them all into one header on the motherboard. also, never sacrifice performance for RGB. specifically when it comes to GPUs. if you have a choice between a GPU with RGB and a GPU without RGB, always take the one that has better performance (given it's within the parameters i mentioned earlier).
that's all i have to say :) if you couldn't tell i really love this stuff. i will also recommend you watch youtube videos about this, you can see the build process and the reasoning for using each component, and also tips on what to do and what not to do. i hope this helps and wasn't too confusing. i know you said this is mainly because you got an oculus quest 2 but if you're going to get a gaming pc you should definitely consider games outside of the oculus too.
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nanamismami · 4 years
high. suna x reader
and to my message you reply
hi. is this another suna fic based around “why’d you only call me when you’re high”? yeah...whateva
pairing: suna rintarou x reader
warnings: angst, toxic relationship, drug use, nsfw if you squint your eyes and do a little dance, vomit (suna got sick:(), fluff
genre: angst, fluff
wordcount: 2104
a/n: is it fanon? yeah. a little ooc? yeah. sorry :(
fic below da line :)
        a late night always holds many possibilities. a party, a date, at the least a break from the status-quo. yet somehow you always manage to find yourself at the exact same spot every time.
        suna’s front porch had changed several time since you first started rendezvousing with him. he had a habit of buying large plants, but forgetting to take care of them.
“the only thing he spends more money on than weed is houseplants,” you chuckle. he was still calling you, though he had failed to open the door after five minutes of knocking. you retrieved a key from the underneath of a dying hydrangea plant and let yourself in.
        not all of his late night calls were for personal pleasure. there’s been many times where he needed a place to hide from an angry dealer, or an extra $20 from his doting partner. more often than not, he needed someone to ease him off of a bad high. suna has bought laced all too many times, and couldn’t turn to any other responsible figure but you. “you’re really good at it,” he would tell you when you inquired about him calling someone else for once.
        his messages were a frenzy of “i need help”, “please come over”, and a million other vies for your company. it had been like this for about seven months: he phones you, you get pissed, and yet you still show up to his doorstep. admittedly, your meetings were generally for sex. you weren’t ashamed of it; but he was. 
you told yourself you wouldn’t ever stand for a shitty relationship. yet here you were: a glorified booty call for an emotionally distant man. he only kept you around by taking you on the occasional date. buying you a gifts when he thought you needed one. empty promises of “we’ll put a label on it soon, they’ll know soon.” you knew it was a lie, he did too. but what if one day it wasn’t? what if one of these days he really did mean it? you could get intoxicated off of that feeling, fulfilling his every request for a bit of attention. there was nothing you wouldn’t do to hear “i love you” cascade from that boy’s lips.
        pushing into his house, you see him in a crouching position in front of his couch and, god, was he shivering?
        “rin? what the hell happened?” you said to him. you didn’t yell for fear of breaking the odd calmness he seemed to be in. his reaction to your worried questioning was delayed. his usual cat-eyed stare was almost comically large. 
        “went t’ a party. took ‘sum. don’t feel good,” he managed to slur out. you threw a large knit blanket over his shoulders and sat next to him. “what did you take?”
“a tab.” 
“of what?”
“i don’t know.”
        great. you knew the rest of the people at the party were probably just as high and would be of no help. 
        not knowing what else to do, you moved him to sit on the couch and grabbed a glass of water. it’s not the first time this has happened, and still he never remembers in the morning. every time he’d wake up and find himself in your arms, he’d blame it on the high and take a shower. suna never asked about the money you spent on ibuprofen to make him feel better, or the hours you’d spent soothing his paranoid psyche, or hell, the shower you’d already given him because he’d made a mess of himself. he never knew about the frantic research you did trying to find out how to detoxify whatever drug he managed to find himself on that night. that’s not what matters right now, though. not to him at least.
        “how long ago did you take it?” you asked him. he was sat with his chin resting on his knees, hesitantly taking small sips of water.
“an hour ‘fore i left the party, bout two.”
        was there ever a time he checked on you? did he stay up late wondering if you were safe? he did seem to care some about you... anything physical, he bought for you. he always left you feeling satisfied. was it okay to want more? is that what you deserve? of course it is. you should be with someone who treats you with sincerity. someone who shows your beautiful face off to their friends. someone who when they talk to you, they aren’t-
        you checked your phone. three: twenty-seven. there’s no point in trying to regurgitate it now. his hands were shaky, and lost grip of the plastic cup containing probably his only source of hydration within the last twelve hours.
the loud crash of his cup on the hardwood helped direct you to the true nature of the relationship you found yourself in. the silence of the home as you went to refill his water didn't help either.
        the sudden rush of water falling from the cup onto your hand caused you to jerk you arm back and shut the faucet off. turning around, you’re met with a looming body and a hazy gaze.
        “you’re taking too long,” he commented.
        you set the cup down and looked up at him. you had a right to know what he was thinking, even if it wasn’t clear at the moment.
        “rin…” you whispered. he bore down at you and his eyes sharpened ever so slightly. he must be a bit more cognizant of his surroundings, even better for your question.
            “why do you only call me when you’re high?’
        in your head, it was beautifully executed. the moonlight coming in from the sliding glass door, your enunciation, his careful gaze. christ, it could be straight from a movie.
        suna was a very bad actor. your performance was rewarded with a pile of vomit at your feet and a half passed out man leaning on your shoulder. you guided him back to the couch and laid him on his side, then cleaning up the kitchen. 
       coming back, you find him awake again, lousily sitting on the couch. he at least had washed his face and changed his clothes.
        “i’m cold. come hold me,” he demanded
        you really couldn’t help the smirk on your face. he was so needy when he was like this. obediently, you sat facing suna, and he launched himself on top of you. maybe this is why you stay. it was satisfying feeling needed by a man who wanted for very little. you stroked his dark hair and lightly kissed the shell of his ear. “do you feel any better, sweetheart?” you only call him names when he won’t remember them. sober suna would roll his eyes and ask you to not call him that.
        “you make me feel better.” honesty wasn’t ever a symptom of his current state but hey, you’ll take it.
         in fact, you’ll take full advantage of it. “rin, you’re not going to remember this in the morning, are you?” you knew what the answer was
“...i will.”
        your eyebrows knit together and you pull his face to meet yours. his arms snake their way around your neck, his weight forcing you to lay down. suna shoved his face into the crook of your neck. he breathed out lightly, refusing to meet your eyes.
        “y/n...why are you so good to me?” is he aware of what he’s saying? does this mean he’s remembered every other time and refused to acknowledge it? questioning his integrity might just ruin it, so you only massaged his scalp.
“because i want to rin. you make me happy, and i want to.” a half lie; would he care?
“but you could be happier without me. i dont get it.” 
        “i love you too, ya’ know.” it was a concerningly matter of fact statement, especially from him. “i wish i could show you. you're just so pretty, and smart, and just so... so good. you’re pretty scary, you know that? how am i supposed to be vulnerable with someone like you?" 
         if the ever observant middle blocker couldn’t figure it out, how the hell would you? there’s only so many things you can fully understand.
“because i love you, rintarou.”
you probably shouldn’t have said that, and you knew it. never once had either of you brought up that word. it could easily be the rock to shatter the glass house.
        his soliloquy is almost laughable, it’s only what he knows what you want to hear.
“are you still high?”
“not really. my stomach hurts though. and i’m kinda hungry.”
        he didn’t get up. instead, he asked you to roll over so that you were both lying on your side. 
        you had no idea if he was being truthful. he isn’t exactly one to say i love you so freely. but he knows you are close to leaving. a slightly calloused thumb strokes your cheek and lifts your chin,
“i meant it.”
“no, rin. you didn’t.”
        a look of genuine hurt colored his otherwise bored face. did he really mean it?
        “were you telling the truth?” he asks.
        were you? there wasn’t exactly another explanation for your actions.
        “i think so, yeah.”
        “then so was i.” you thought it was bull, opting to shut him up before he could give you anymore false hope. before you could kiss his face, he beat you to it.
“that’s bullshit, rin.”
        it was tentative, hesitant. he knew you weren’t really convinced. if there was a god, he prayed that they would make his testament of truth pass from his lips to yours. if there was one thing he knew he couldn’t live without, it was you. he would not be able to tie his own shoes if you weren’t there to teach him. but how were you supposed to know that. he fucked up big time, why was he just now realizing it?
“after our first date, i told the whole team i was gonna marry you.”
“the coach too.”
        suna rintarou telling the entirety of ejp about his love life is laughable. you wanted to believe it, really, you did.
        “that doesn’t line up with everything else that’s been going on.”
        “y/n i-i know. i’m sorry. i’ll change.” his pleading was pathetic, to be honest. he’s made those same promises before.
        he was desperate at this point. suna knew he was in the wrong. there had to be a way to save this; he didn’t like seeing you sad, seeing you leave.
        he pulled his phone out, pressing a few buttons here and there. “look!” he said, shoving a new instagram post in your face. it was the only picture he had of the both of you together. he had let you take it. it was a timed photo, facing the two of you in his reading chair. you sat sideways in sunas lap, and your arms were tightly wrung around his neck. he was looking down at you, and you were pretty sure (you hope) he was smiling a little. the caption of his post was simply a heart.
“that’s just a social media post.”
        there was that word again. he looked like he was about to cry and there was emotion in his voice, could he really be lying? 
“baby please. i’m serious. i’ll do anything."
the usual flat tone of his monotone voice began to have some melody to it. against his own will, it was shaky, trying to find the best words to sing.
"i’ll take you out every day, a-and i’ll get you front seat tickets to my game. anything, love, please just don’t leave me.”
        there’s something sweet in a statement that you don’t know the validity of. you can dance around it, pretend it’s true, pretend it’s false. sometimes, you can choose for yourself what tune to dance to. that’s what you’re doing now.
        suna’s large hand was petting your cheekbone, and one of his legs was thrown around your body, imprisoning yourself to his ambiguity. how would you win his approval if you disregarded his one showing of vulnerability?
        “i would never leave you rin. now get the fuck up so we can go to your bed and sleep.”
        his sheets were a pleasant greeting compared to his scratchy couch. he laid flat on his back, pulling you so that half of your body was on his. he slowly leaned toward you, kissing you forehead, nose, cheek, and just about anywhere else he could on your face, finishing with your lips.
        you could definitely tell he was lying about how deep his true lack of sobriety was when he threw you over his shoulder, his bad posture refusing to adjust for the added weight.
 he always knew you cared too deeply about him, but getting see what you did for him when he wasn't supposed to know. it did things to him. his bedroom door was already open, and he jokingly tossed you onto the bed. not enough to hurt you, but enough to convey his desire for a bit more normality. because that's what other couples did, right? he was trying.
“goodnight, y/n. i love you.”
        it was almost instinctual, the way you smiled and chastely pecked his lips. laying your head back down on his chest, you sighed airily.
“i love you too, rintarou.”
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