#csa content warning
trickstarbrave · 7 days
lily orchard is now at the point in the video of trying to "debunk" her sister's abuse claims and its. not great. ill tell you that
"children dont act sexually between the ages of 7 and 11. that just doesn't happen. its impossible for that to happen." it is not impossible for it to happen.
"other people heard i was acting sexually at those ages and asked if i was sexually abused at those ages or younger and yes. i was. i was being sexually abused" okay so you're admitting. kids can act out their abuse on another child in cocsa. if they have been sexually abused by an adult beforehand. which you were.
like would it have been her fault necessarily? i dont think so many kids who reenact their abuse with another child arent doing it maliciously or for some self gratification, they just think its normal and their brains are also trying to process the abuse. it doesnt mean they were born evil and corrupt and like abusing people (which lily orchard says must be the claim. for some reason) but it also doesn't mean real harm wasn't done to the other child during the reenactment of abuse.
but then lily also turns around to say, actually, there was inappropriate behavior going on in their relationship, but actually her sister courtney was the one who instigated all of it and blackmailed her into it and she's the evil one for doing it and blah blah what the fuck is even the point of you going on a tirade that it is impossible for a young child of these ages to instigate sexual behaviors to absolve yourself of guilt by making it seem like its impossible for that to have ever happened in any world only to say two things that debunk it by saying children who have been sexually abused by adults (you) might reenact the abuse and also that your sister at those ages did it to you.
she also goes on to say "im not weird about incest. all of these examples of me shipping incest and being weird about sibling characters is actually just me enjoying extremely high intimacy relationships where everyone else around these two characters THINKS they have to be fucking or in love with each other and constantly making jokes that everyone thinks theyre together and they are two characters who are close to one another more than they are literally anyone else in their lives. but its NOT incest and you're the weird one if you think it might be"
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crimeronan · 28 days
Any chance you'd drop the terrible Lunter premise since we can't find it now anyway? 🤲🤲🤲
the premise was actually pretty simple and solid and i Do stand by it. so if you happen to find a completed anon-posted fic many many moons from now with this plot that sounds like me.... well. what are you doing at the devil's sacrament.
kikimora snitches on hunter after hunting palismen. belos, in a not-so-rare moment of Creepy Luz-Related Magnanimity, is like, "oh, excellent. hunter has fallen in love with a human" (he has not) "and therefore has achieved what every grimwalker before him failed to do. this will work out Great if i can just get her to Behave"
so he has luz kidnapped. while also being like. ha ha hunter!! i know you're ready to betray me at the drop of a hat and if you do anything to try to help your paramour i will consider it another betrayal and there will be Consequences ! 💕
anyway. WILDLY unhappy E-rated horror fic where hunter and luz are both having The Worst Time Ever, In Different Ways. i figure if i ever write it all at once and post it again then i'll have them get rescued eventually, but until then they just have. the worst most fraught coerced emotional blackmail relationship you can Possibly Imagine.
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sequencer987 · 2 months
One thing that the situation with Tana Mongeau and Cody Ko has made uncomfortably clear is that we as a society have to grapple with the fact that shitty people can still be wronged.
Like yeah, Tana is not a great person; that doesn’t make what Cody did okay. I have seen a disturbing number of otherwise progressive people go “Eh, it’s Tana Mongeau. Who gives a shit?” as though being a problematic social media influencer justifies sexual assault.
You can not, in fact, do whatever the fuck you want to someone just because they’re bad. There is no crime horrible enough to retroactively make childhood sexual assault excusable.
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spitblaze · 11 months
todays award for 'man what the fuck' goes to reddit for making me see pr0/-ship discourse in goddamn 2023. thought we were past that but i guess not
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oathofkaslana · 1 month
if you do want to read azure waters please please please know there needs to be trigger warnings for child sexual abuse (csa), rape, and general child abuse. primarily the first two.
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d1cks1e-st1x · 2 years
hmm thinking shipcourse thoughts again :)
we’ve all seen the antiship take ‘i guess its ok to create darkfic as a coping mechanism but it’s bad to make it for sexual reasons’
and most of us brain having people have replied with ‘it’s actually fucked up to think people have to disclose their trauma to see if they’re “allowed” to write darkfic’
which i obviously agree with. but additionally, you can’t always tell what someone’s intentions are from their work alone, and you can’t control what the people who consume your content think abt it
great example from my real life in fact:
i have two friends who both have oc stories with a main character who was sexually abused by a parent.
friend ones story heavily features the effects of a fictional trauma disorder, so her ocs abuse is narratively important. she does not gain any sexual gratification from this aspect of the story, it’s just important to the plot.
friend twos oc story is about the effects of trauma on a group of siblings. one of her characters was sexually abused by his mother. she is interested in psychology and likes to delve into how trauma manifests, but she also has a boatload of kinks. it isn’t overt in the story itself, but friend two thinks that what happened to that oc is hot as hell (in fiction only ofc). despite this, if someone who didn’t know that read the ocs story, they wouldn’t necessarily read that the scenes were meant to be titillating.
friend two also thinks that friend ones ocs backstory is hot, despite there being no intention for his story to be arousing. even if friend one doesn’t have any kinks surrounding her ocs abuse, friend two does.
all this to say, no matter what your intentions are when writing darkfic (and fiction in general), you can’t control how others feel about it! if you think finding sexual enjoyment in darkfic is morally wrong, then you can’t really support darkfic in any context, because people can and people will get freaky about it.
i don’t know how to conclude this post uhhhh remember that despite everything we remain silly :3
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noname-nonartist · 1 year
The line Nobara said in this video is from a fic call “Werewolf” btw
OG Audio/Inspiration
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kael-writ · 3 months
It says a lot about the true nature of the "Groomer" Panic that conservatives are now just openly bundling actual education and books about * People of Color * into the "sexualizing children" category with absolutely no distinction. Like we expect it with gay people but this is extra absurd, though It isnt that off from history anyway because of the sexualization of PoC, including painting PoC as inherently rape threats to white women and children.
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meguwumibear · 2 years
Expel us From Eden
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Character: Legato Bluesummers 
Content Warning: mentions of childhood sexual slavery (not explicit), references to noncon (not explicit), spoilers for Legato’s past for stampede only watchers
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The past is a heavy burden. It is also a difficult thing to put down.
Legato’s earliest memories are something he wishes he didn’t have to carry around. It’s funny what the brain does and doesn’t remember. For example, he doesn’t remember his mother or father. They fucked off as soon as his umbilical cord was severed. Maybe they even severed the thing running from him, stretched it so far it had no choice but to snap.
A fucking pimp of all things found him. Or someone else found him and ultimately sold him to a pimp. He doesn’t remember this either. Too young to talk or walk. He did not have the vocabulary to protest. He did not have the legs to escape his fate.
A downy white pillow. An ache between his legs. His first memories are of pain and submission. He is stomach down, ass up, and someone is pounding into him. The man behind him, inside him tells him how tight he is, tells him that this is where he belongs.
He remembers his name day. No one gifted him such a thing at the brothel. It was always kid or brat or bitch or slut. Sometimes a name would slip out of someone’s unsuspecting mouth like a poorly kept secret. Some nights he was a nephew or a neighbor or a son. Most nights though he was nothing but an unnamed slave, his body an object to be passed around, fucked and beat and sold.
It was Knives who finally named him. Calls him Legato, taken from the Latin Legatus: commander. And that is exactly what he will become. A great commander in Knives’ divine army. The leader of the Eye. A messenger of G-d.
Prior to the destruction of his prison, Legato was not a pious man. But he had never met a G-d before, and seeing really is believing, and Knives is a sight to behold.
Legato dropped to his knees of his own volition to swear undying loyalty to Knives. It’s the first time he willing prostrates himself for another. Kneeling feels natural for the first time in his life. Perhaps all of those men who sought him out were right in the end; the position suited him. He belonged to and beneath the mighty.
He even offered to die, offered to let Knives kill him dead. Because Legato understands what other humans do not; they are a scourge on the planet, a festering, blistering wound. They are worthless and rotten. They are a cancer that needs to be cut out.
They also all die. No matter how they live their lives. There is no escaping the great unknown.
Knives becomes Legato’s everything. His purpose, his lord, his home. There are plans in place to create a new Eden and in executing them Legato’s past begins to feel less burdensome. He comes to understand why he has carried it with him all these years. He thinks he will finally have a place to put these memories, a way to honor them.
He thinks this, that is, until the twenty first day of the seventh month of the July. A city gets blown to bits with Knives inside of it. And Legato is alone once again.
Rumor has it a man named Vash is to blame. Legato knows that name. Knives spoke of him often. After the destruction of July people take to calling him the Humanoid Typhoon. Knives would scoff at that if he could.
In the wake of the clash between the brothers, hundreds of thousands of people are left without food and lodgings. Those not fit to survive die.
It isn’t the death of those thousands of people that troubles Legato; it’s Knives’ injuries. The sight of his almighty lord broken and battered is too much for him to bare. His anger swells inside him. It’s a vicious, hungry creature his anger, one with a newly whet appetite for revenge.
Legato will have his revenge. It will be his greatest act of worship. And his lord will rise again.
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trickstarbrave · 7 days
lily orchard is honestly so fucking. i dont know if she's actively malicious, stupid, or both. its probably both but this is a new low.
she admits she linked a nsfw stream in her discord server in a safe for work channel where minors were present. she admits she knew a minor asked "oh why does this steam say its 18+" and her response was just "watch and find out". she then also admits she and her girlfriend flashed her audience in that stream and that that breaks youtube's terms of service. she admits she probably shouldn't have done all that
she admitted all of this. and then a few minutes later in this very same video, goes "this isn't inappropriate behavior with minors nor can it be called grooming. the argument just comes down to 'you didnt try to keep minors out hard enough, therefore you're in the wrong' when there wasnt anything else i could do to gatekeep it. what, did you want me to demand ID verification? if it says 18+ that means 18+ plus and if its good enough for the platform its good enough for me"
you didn't try to keep minors out at all. you didn't say "this is an 18+ stream because there might be nsfw content in it, if you're a minor don't want it". you didn't follow the platform's guidelines either, so no it's not "good enough for the platform" and no one could use youtube's guidelines as a measure of what they should or should not be watching. many times an 18+ stream on youtube only really features dirty jokes, violence, and a lot of swearing because sexual nudity or nudity in general IS NOT ALLOWED!!!!!
you're making shit up to dance around the fact you were inappropriate around children. when you got any backlash towards it you just made your discord server 18+ only but the damage had been DONE AT THIS POINT. you admitted you were doing shit you shouldn't have been doing yet you are bending over backwards to frame yourself as someone who couldn't help but be put in that situation and had no other way of conducting herself. you didn't have to break youtubes TOS. you didn't have to give a vague non-answer to a literal child who asked why a stream was 18+ because they were confused why you would be linking it in the safe for work channels where children were present. you didnt have to do literally any of that and it is not unreasonable to say You Shouldn't Have Fucking Done That. no one is saying you should have ID checked everyone in your discord server and stream, but you should have been clear and upfront about what the stream was going to include, linked it only in nsfw channels, and probably shouldnt have fucking broken youtube's TOS for sexual nudity. there are places to post your tits on the internet with the reasonable expectation children won't see it but you didn't care to do that. you're the fucking problem in this situation
but the worst part is many ppl in her audience are actively eating this shit up.
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charliespringverse · 1 year
rewatching house led to me infodumping at my mother about ao3 and gen z purity culture and honestly . if she didn't want these things to happen to her she shouldn't have had children with a man so incredibly neurodivergent
#there was a logical progression to the infodump . but i fear it was only logical in an adhd way#bc my friend went ''u can rlly tell this is early 2000s bc they wouldn't let him say things like that today''#which led to the ''they Could theoretically make it but like . toned down and also no character would ever be able to agree w him''#which led to the thing of how audiences seem unable to separate depiction from endorsement#like the whole ''if a character is transphobic and nobody in-world calls them evil and wrong then the creator must be transphobic'' thing#which led to the tag system on ao3 and the proship/anti thing abt whether the existence of the archive warning system means they're —#- endorsing/supporting works that contain 'problematic' themes and content#which led to me ranting abt the reasons Why ppl create dark media (eg a story abt csa could be written by a nonce or a survivor)#and my mother was just Sat There like 🧍🏻‍♂️ bc she's a 60 yr old woman and doesn't care about fanfiction or proship/anti discourse#i do this rant/infodump a Lot tho like it's on my mind very often . i love rambling for nearly an hour abt stupid internet culyure#also the quote i think best sums up my entire stance on the proship vs anti thing is from sarah z's video on it#''i am a tax paying adult woman not a member of a fucking fandom war sports team'' which is so me except that i'm a man n i don't pay taxes#((i'm not a tax evader i just don't meet the threshold to pay them))#anygay . i get on a plane in like 15 hours and i need to sleep#jay screams into the void
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j-graysonlibrary · 7 months
Heartbeats; Paradise Tumblr Archive
Heartbeats; Paradise is now all here on Tumblr, for your reading pleasure!! (content warnings in the tags)
[Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Epilogue | I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | XVII | XVIII | XIX | XX | XXI | XXII ]
Also available on Kobo and my website
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For full context to my reaction to Eileen (2023) you gotta understand that one night last week when I could not fucking get to sleep I decided to make up a little fantasy where I worked at a bookstore and a Cool Mysterious Fancy Lady* came in a few times and thought I was so interesting that she asked me out and it contained a lot of non-sexual praise kink
so IMAGINE MY FEELINGS when it turns out roughly the first 3/4 of Eileen (2023) is shockingly similar to that, and also Anne Hathaway (who I have been in love with since age 12) is the fancy lady. I’m so embarrassed (complimentary)
*an existing fictional character, never mind which one
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weebsinstash · 1 year
"Oh cool I'm gonna start this new audiobook Broken And Abused"
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Story starts off with protagonist being beaten by her father bc he's an alcoholic and he thinks the dishes he ate off of last night were hers and beat her for "leaving a mess"
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He literally took her out of the werewolf pack they belonged to "so no one would find out about all the different kinds of abuse"
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She hides the fact she is a werewolf from all the other wolves and students at school and completely isolates herself because her father "gets really upset when she spends time with other men"
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Protagonist recounts a time her father came into her bedroom drunk "thinking she was her mom" and then proceeded to kill her actual mom when she came in and discovered him "about to show how much he loves his little girl"
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He's not her stepdad, he's her biological father
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she was only 13 when he invited friends over "to teach her how to be a woman and please men" for quote "the first time that it happened"
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and he's literally been poisoning her food so she's too weak to fight back or run away and only lets her eat twice a month and if she wasn't a werewolf and sneaking food she would be dead
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lesbincineroar · 1 year
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c0ckedgun · 1 year
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girls who deserved better to be honest i could say that for all the creepypasta girls tbh
i feel like i'm 11 again,watching creepypasta readings after school alone
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