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atsukocrea · 9 months ago
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vertigoartgore · 1 month ago
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Countdown to Avengers #800/34 (2026) : 1994's Avengers Vol.1 #382 cover by artists Steve Epting & Tom Palmer (R.I.P.). Source
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davekitties · 6 months ago
still mildly unsettled about how i almost fucked up my save on Crystal of over 200 hours by trying to play god (I was cloning the shiny Teddiursa I had just hatched using the box clone exploit) like???? I always knew, realistically, that it could happen if I didn't time everything just right, but I can't even begin to properly explain the dread and horror I felt upon opening my box to see half the screen be ????????????????? 😅
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noahbleumansell · 2 years ago
Sometimes I wish my brain was just pretty red crystals
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msb-lair · 8 months ago
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Clutch #3636 - Feir/Fiero
Mated On: 2024-07-08 # of eggs: 3 Hatched On: 2024-07-13
Hatchling 9674 (Emerald) - Undertide XXY Male, Peacock Crystal/Peacock Facet/Marigold Veined, Uncommon - 15 gems on 2024-07-17
Hatchling 9675 - Undertide Male, Thicket Wasp/Peacock Bee/Radioactive Featherbeard, Uncommon - 15,000 on 2024-08-21
Hatchling 9676 (Scylla) - Undertide XXY Female, Peacock Wasp/Peacock Facet/Fern Featherbeard, Common - 15 gems on 2024-08-12
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spotlightlowlife · 3 months ago
Sin misopportinity
I sort of think the last episode could have done with being a two parter, ending on the classic 'to be continued'. Why? Because technically, thought it was condensed down to 'Stolitz', a whole lot was going
• why exactly Stolas can't lend his book out if that's the case?
• isvit just Ozzie who can allow demons on earth and can dish a crystal out to just about anyone?
• who is and isn't allowed on earth and why?
• what are the differences between sins and goatia?
• what did all those of high status think of this case they had to observe?
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It was hard to pinpoint what exactly the trial was about.
What were IMP in trouble for? Using Stolas's book? Going to Earth without being under jurisdiction and protocol which Blitzø now has down to the crysyal or was Blitzø in trouble for coercive abuse and stealing from his victim?
Blitzø and Stolas was the only case really built up with any evidence behind it, false aside, but what exactly was the criminal offense in this righteous world?
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Their 'fling' was encouraged and there are other parings like it, but do Ozzie and Bee not rank above goatia?
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The start of the episode had the team rushing to dispose of any trace of work, but what exactly were they hiding? This scene seem to make sense because 'shady+the law= run, hiding and cover lol', but it really doesn't.
Where they getting busted for an illegal business? No, they breach no particular moral code, the business was advertised (yeh yeh, pilot) and they have made no efforts to hide.
Taxes may have actually made for a good trial.
In the few times we have followed IMP to earth (excluding the shorts which are good and much needed, but maybe not a cohesive part of the story), Blitzø and co have been rather professional and stealthy, they have went directly to their target's locations and they have used weapons a human would use. They have pulled off not having human disguises because of time, place and the shallowness of the people around them.
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On the other hand, Stolas presented himself to human in his monster form, which is probably fine since status brings special treatment, however Verosika and Barbiewire who is just an imp couldn't have drawn more attention to themselves.
We had Verosika, an asmodean crystal user and bee juice drinker (insinuated to be an adict), going to Earth and being responsible for a fish supersizing, causing a massive scene of the unexplained.
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We have Barbiewire, an asmodean crystal user and addict who got close with a teenager who put in a dangerous situation and got killed, causing a gruesome mess which could easily have resulted in their little footprints being visible at this big deal of a crime scene.
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So it would be a hard press to pull IMP up for misconduct because will these two ever be pulled up for their lack of professionalism? They alone could provide D.H.O.R.K with plenty of leads.
More questions
• is a lack of professionalism an issue?
• why would two messes be given such a privilege?
• what's in it for Ozzie having demons working under him and going to Earth?
• are Ozzie's crystals not carefully issued and regulated but something that can be bought?
• can Beeljuice be bought, why? Can it be transported out of hell with consequence?
• is it just Ozzie and Stolas with magic to get to earth?
Mastermind had it's moments but court is where you lay out all the formal stuff and build as clear picture as possible. Yes it's made less serious by this whole trial being bought on by a bit of hearsay but we had almost all the rulers wasting their time showing, along with goatia present, able to chip in a d giving nada.
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This court even had the SIN OF WRATH wanting to tone down his behaviour dispite not answerable to anyone since the guy we are told is in charge wasn't there, he was reasonable enough to allow Blitzø to spare his team and open enough to broadcast the whole trial live for everyone, yet topping all this off with a jury would have been great, it would serve to show us where all the sins stand on matters poor Bel and Lev have entered into the story so lamely and had that been televised too, public opinion of royalty would also hold more substance (we really don't know why the general public would hate Stolas so much outside of just not liking the rich because rich).
Everything was set up for some in depth lore!
Lastly since jurisdiction is a thing, why didn't Ozzie speak up and say Blitzø works for him now and maybe fill us in on what that actually means? If anything?
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woahrarepairsagemare · 1 month ago
jumpscare of shitty fucking doodles because i cant sleep and i had to make reqs , indigo is nect
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crysyal orange steve
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oh em gee psoneg duo
@katrensten sorry
sorry to you too other anon
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handoksoo · 2 years ago
To Soar in the Skies
It's finally over. Your vision and wings are back
Character: Kamisato Ayato
Tags: angst, hurt no comfort, major character death
a/n: This is my first time posting here, I hope you guys like it (⃔ ⌯' '⌯)⃕
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As the Vision hunt decree is abolished, you stood in the middle of the battlefield. Finally, after years of fighting, you've done it. What you've fought for so long has finally concluded on a good note as you watched illuminated glows appear in the faces of those who've lost their vision. One by one, they cradled it and rejoiced as they felt the familiar surge of their blessing through them. No doubt a joyous occasion.
Your own vision appears, a sight to behold, and you gasp. A familair feeling of calm winds as you reach out your hand to held it gently in your hands. Barbatos' blessing hugging your form as beautiful teal elemental wings grew from your back. Decorated like crysyal flies.
You smiled, choking out a sob as you finally feel complete again. Your eyes look up to stare at your fiance just a few steps across from you as you. Gorgeous as ever, a bittersweet smile on his face as rain begins to fall and the skies darken. You take a shaky step forward...the spear that pierced your stomach moved.
"We did it." It came out as a weak whispers before you fell to your knees. Ayato was there in no less than a second to cradle your form gently yet closely as you feel his warmth. It didn't matter that the ground was soiled with blood and dirt. All that mattered was the both of you, this moment. An inevitable goodbye.
"If one of us dies." You brought up one night as you lay in bed with him. Legs tangled together and bare skin each other's only source of warmth. "I do not wish that we let the other see how we mourn."
Ayaro narrows his eyes curiously. "How so?" This conversation was heavy, knowing it was a possibility. Internally, they knew you had a higher chance of dying between the both of you. And as much as he wanted to stop you, your resolute goal wasn't something he could just rip away.
You trace circles onto his chest, sighing deeply. "If I die...I want to be bid farewell as if I'm just going to sleep."
"The battle is over." He whispered, taking her hand and pressing a kiss tonher palm. You could feel his lips shake, his face warm. And those eyes, lavender in hue, you never wished to be the one to cause pain behind them.
In an attempt to comfort him, you do your best to control your wings despite the pain. Lightly fluttering them to catch his attention. When his eyes shift to look at them, you can't help the smug smile on your face. "Beautiful, isn't it?" You teased even as blood was coughed out of her mouth to stain his clothes. But Ayato simply moves his eyes back to stare at you. Your face, your eyes, your mouth, everything. "Yes." He agrees. "So beautiful." He kisses your forehead, and you feel tears cascade down. And goodness, such a tease he was, you couldn't help but feel flustered against all odds.
Ayato eyed your vision and wings. It was as beautiful as you had always bragged back then as you vowed to fight against the Raiden Shogun and her decree. A proud and confident free spirit that fit the vision granted to her. Absolutely stunning in his eyes...even as you now laid to die in his arms.
He presses you closer to him as much as he can, trying to keep himself from just crying out loud. It would sadden you deeply, and he didn't want that now. If you were to go, you have to be happy and content. No matter how soon it is. Slowly, he tilts your head up to kiss you on the lips. Slow and steady, savoring this one last time
You laughed as he finally pulled back and see your blood has stained his mouth, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I'm glad...that the visions are back." She says, voice growing weaker. "...I'm sorry...I won't be able to show you how I fly…" It was what you promised him every time. To show him the beauty of the skies without a glider. To guide him like the wind guided you.
Ayato felt something stab into his heart as he listened intently to her. Engraving her voice into his mind. His beloved had been through so much in this fight for justice, and despite all of it, you had not given up on your dream of flying again. Even now, as her life was fading, her eyes were turned towards the sky and on the vast horizon.
Then, slowly, the vision in her hands started to fade. An ominous gray taking over as her body starts to become heavy. Ayato shuts his eyes tight, hugging her closer and whispering to her ear. One last comfort for his beloved. Before she returns to the skies and watches over as a different being. A place where he can not yet reach.
"Don't worry," he whispered, stroking her hair. "I think I can imagine it just fine."
"Goodnight, my love."
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fat-slobby-gamers · 1 year ago
Rouge eats the burger and becomes super Rouge
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The only super thing about it was the horrible stomach issues she got afterwards. Probably shouldn't eat crysyals let alone ones loaded on a burger with gut busting toppings.
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starstruckavenuewombat · 6 months ago
Pgvtcdxxxds gbfcftrrewsee pgvhbghhyuuu and ojjhbbbjinn jkkoo on paid VVoiced buildings security personal persons in buildings security changes buildings on loc gvfcfdssaw security alarm security alerts on paid VVoiced earth security on laid paid on on on laid paid VVoiced on paid security fcdxds deliveries pjnhbgvggfftyy on laid paid crysyal security on loc doors crystals cfggyttrd security on loc candace Marie Hughes home security system on loc must return to Candace Marie Hughes and earth and paid. On. Paid. Loc. Remove kover. Paid. loc. remove cover. Paid. Loc. VVoiced paid on. On. paid. loc. Mail KIY Key card dh to Candace Marie Hughes. On. paid. Loc. Parked. Paid. Loc.
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heartsoulrocknroll · 9 months ago
Bob continues to win immunity challenges and saves himself from elimination. Ken plays up being upset about Bob lying to him about the fake idol, asking why Bob lied and got him to vote for someone in his alliance. Bob says he feels bad and will make it up by giving Ken the immunity necklace if he wins it and feels Ken is going to be voted out. Ken plans with Crysyal to get everyone to tell Bob that they are voting for Ken, guilt Bob into giving him the necklace, then blindside Bob. But Sugar screws up their plans and tells Bob what they are doing, turning on Ken and Crystal, wanting the good guys to win in the end. Bob keeps the necklace, Sugar gives Matty her hidden immunity idol for protection, and they vote out Crystal. Good move!! Sugar to Matty before Tribal: "Let me do the thinking." Loool.
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nana-bird · 9 months ago
idk if you drink, but if you do a good summer drink is peach schnapps, crysyal light lemonaide made from cucumber water, grenadine and a tiny bit of ginger ale.
I don't drink personally but Im sure someone who follows me will enjoy it!
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reikisthan · 1 year ago
#crysyal #astro #reiki #astrolgical #tips
#crysyal #astro #reiki #astrolgical #tips Read the full article
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hirochis · 10 months ago
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' yo creo que fue bastante convincente, si no fuese por la otra profesora que le interrumpió ' ¿crysyal? cree que así se llamaba, podía empatizar con ella porque a él también le pareció exagerado el papel que el mismo decidió dramatizar para comienzo de misión. ' no tienes por que, no sabemos si a todes les gusta la lavanda ' por lo menos él no estaba acostumbrado a tener un aromatizante. ni en su hogar, ni en dormitorio en londres. ' creo que los hermanos son lo más obvio, es una opción que podrías tomar con los ojos cerrados ' se permite recostar de la encimera de la cocina. ' yo creo que pudo haber un tercero involucrado, aunque prefiero recolectar un poco más de información antes de darlo por sentado, ¿has encontrado alguna pista para reespaldar tu teoría? '
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' podría sorprendernos. ' apunta con un alzar de índice que pretende dar énfasis a teoría. ' aunque no pondría muchas esperanzas sobre él después de esa actuación. ' opta por ofrecer crítica en único aspecto que posee peso para sí. ' lavanda. ' repite. ' es una buena idea, conseguiré un aromatizante para nuestro edificio. ' y asegurarse que aquello fuese más bien un perfume y no un aroma predominante en entorno. ' lo leí. ' confirma, ladeando cabecita en lo que evalúa información que retiene. ' los hermanos lucen como los más sospechosos. ' opina. ' pero personalmente, creo que se fue. ' sentencia, justificativos aún carecen de fuerza, mas no evita ofrecer sospecha inicial. ' ¿qué dices tu? '
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maxinestims · 4 years ago
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❥ fasanarock on instagram
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