noahbleumansell · 2 months
How can I ensure that posts that I report on Twitter/X actually make a difference and get said posts taken down? Recently I witnessed abhorrent and horrific content of Twitter/X and even though I reported it I cant help but feel that I haven’t done enough. I feel this way because I am deeply disturbed by the content I saw as well as the fact that I have reported illegal and disturbing content on Twitter/X and I am unsure if said content was really taken down as I blocked the accounts I reported immediately, but because of that I am unsure if I had made a difference when reporting those posts. And while I am uncomfortable and unsure if I made a difference in the past I simply felt as if I did as much as I could to get said content off the web but in this situation I feel differently as I have personal trauma and experience with this particular type of abhorrent content, I feel as if I need to KNOW that it has been taken down, I need to make sure that its not out there anymore. When I saw this content I reported the account while only seeing one post, but I don’t feel like I did enough. So I guess my question is, should I have forced myself to witness each and every post this person made so that I can report every single one of said posts or did I do enough by just reporting?
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noahbleumansell · 5 months
I love how consumption is such a carnal concept that if you go far enough in any direction it can be used to describe anything pertaining to immense emotion, like Ahhhh! for example, cannibalism when used as a metaphor for love!
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(Art by @catwurm on Twitter) and then on the other side of the spectrum is Achilles in the Iliad and his hate for Hector where Achilles describes his fury as strong enough to consume Hector whole!
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(Quote from Homer The Illiad Book XXII) Honestly one of my favorite things to read!
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noahbleumansell · 10 months
call me Schrodinger's cat the way I can be assumed to be dead unless receiving constant attention
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noahbleumansell · 1 year
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Activists in Tasmania have stuck up more honest promo stickers inside Coles & Woolworths stores, the two dominant supermarket chains in Australia.
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noahbleumansell · 1 year
When you can only have one child during the live long years of life then love that child as you would love 12
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noahbleumansell · 1 year
Why am I so mediocre at everything I try to do.
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noahbleumansell · 1 year
reblog to make ur blog smell like crispy autumn air, graveyards, carved pumpkin guts, moon water, and a damp cave full of bats 
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noahbleumansell · 1 year
I wish I could embrace you and tell you how proud of you I am. For you have come so far.
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noahbleumansell · 1 year
I wish my love would overflow and spread to the far counters of the world infecting every person so they may know how worthy of affection they truly are
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noahbleumansell · 1 year
After a grueling day I feel hopeless and desperate, desperate for a reason to continue. And so I look towards the sea and I find that still the waves continue to crash against the shore. And it is in this neverending clash between wave and rock that I find the strength to carry on. This fight that has taken place since long before the very concept of my existence. and that will continue until long after I am gone. The water batters against the stone, a constant and steady force that continues evermore to slowly erode the stone that must seem so insurmountable in the eyes of the water, and yet the signs of the waters victory lie all around us, in the rivers we drink from, in the lakes we fish in, and in the form of the beaches we hold so dear. All of these things are statements of victory, signs that in this never ending struggle the water persists and has won.
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noahbleumansell · 1 year
Nostalgia is a double edged blade, on one hand it is so beautiful to the point that you wish you could hold onto it forever. but on the other hand nostalgia can be torturous, it can remind you of 'before' something horrible happened and then trap you in your despair wishing that every thing was back to 'before'.
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noahbleumansell · 1 year
You have been so strong, and you have been brave, and you have been so battered, and so beaten. You have been so strong but you should not have had to be. It wasn't your job, and it wasn't right. You should have been soft and malleable filled with the beauty of being safe so you didn't have to be strong. But you had to be strong, and I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
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noahbleumansell · 1 year
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noahbleumansell · 1 year
this is going to be difficult -> i am capable of doing difficult things -> i have done everything prior to this moment -> this difficulty will soon be proof of capability
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noahbleumansell · 1 year
After a gruelling day I may feel hopeless and as if I cannot possibly continue, so I look towards the sea and I find that still the waves continue to crash against the shore. And it is in this neverending clash between wave and rock that I find the strength to carry on, I carry on because still the waves continue to crash. Still the waves.
[subject to heavy change]
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noahbleumansell · 1 year
(1)- The lord watches their popes sin through stained glass. A rose colored world of willful ignorance as he turns his eye away from the actions of those who follow him blindly
(2)- I have heard of the gods and the love we have for them. But did they not make us that way? Was it ever a choice? Or was it simply the illusion of free will, a nuance to a predetermined result.
(3)- The hands of Christ exist in dichotomy and hypocrisy. With his right hand he lifts his flock Into paradise and with left hand he casts those who do not deify him to hell. Christ, the egotistical mediator. live with him in your heart or be condemned to eternal torture.
(4)- If an angel were to have its wings ripped out by it's God for a perceived wrong would it go mad at the memory of flight? Would it try to take again to the skies? and if so would it know that only harsh concrete awaits it?
(5)- "Oh God! Oh God!" I cried into the heavens and i recived the same answer that I have gotten every time before. Utter and indomitable silence.
(This has no actual religious or spiritual meaning I was just kind of bored and writing whatever popped into my head at 2am)
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noahbleumansell · 1 year
It has always been a matter of fact that if I were presented with the ability to choose a superpower I would without fail choose shape shifting. But I was wondering if there would be some type of shape shifting desensitization similar to porn desensitization. Like, would I have to continue to change my form to have increasingly eldritch and mind breaking traits to get any satisfaction out of shape shifting?
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