#crutchie is a good friend
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ill-say-anything-i-hafta · 11 months ago
"You wanna bust your other leg too?" is such a fucking shitty thing to say, Jack! This is Crutchie's life. His livlihood. He understands the stakes better than anyone.
I only have one good eye (sort of good? let's just say one eye i can use to do my job that gets me paid) and YES I've been like this my whole life and YES I'm still very sensitive about it. It is not fodder for friendly jokes. If a person I loved and trusted said something like this to me, I would lose it.
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jackkellysgirlfriend · 2 years ago
how romantic🫶🏽/s
Another request: Jack sells your organs to buy a train ticket to Santa Fe
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embermc · 5 months ago
Somehow, despite being a main character and despite how much of a devastatingly complex character he is, there is so little Crutchie content in today’s fandom and it actually causes me to go mad.
Crutchie Morris, aged fifteen, who had his newfound hope literally beaten out of him and who accepted the prospect of his own death and accepted that him being able to find a better life was just as much of a dream-like fantasy as Santa Fe was for his brother. Crutchie Morris, aged fifteen, who had to force himself to be twice as resilient as everybody else, twice as dedicated, twice as tough, or else he feared he’d be left behind and forgotten. Crutchie Morris, aged fifteen, who had to hide all of his anger and fear and sadness and resentment under a bright-eyed grin because heaven forbid he ever be anything other than optimistic, heaven forbid he show for a moment that a life of being abused and pushed around and verbally tormented got to him in the slightest. Crutchie Morris, aged fifteen, who convinced himself that he could never hope for more than what was thrown at him, could never strive for a better future (“let’s hit the streets and get our papes while we still can”), and could never show the slightest bit of weakness lest he be seen as a burden and sent away for good.
Crutchie Morris, aged fifteen, who got sent away anyways.
Crutchie, who had the worst possible thing that could’ve happened to him, his worst fear, come true, and who had to pretend he was totally fine with that because he thought his loved ones had bigger issues than him at the time. Who had to endure up to weeks of constant horrendous abuse, beatings, starvation, and who was just so damn out of it when he was finally released that he couldn’t focus on anything except the man who had messed him up so badly that he couldn’t even catch a glimpse of him in a safe, controlled setting without panicking (west endsies). But who, despite it all, still had to plaster on that same grin to show to all of his friends to convince them that he was still the same guy, even if he was irreversibly changed in a way that so many of them would never know. Oh also did I mention he was fifteen-
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theres-no-escaping-us-pal · 5 months ago
he definitely does sets for the school productions
he also does lights
he did track in elementary-middle school school but quit freshman year to focus more on art
but he runs every morning
also he def started an art history club with davey and kathrine
he plays piano is jazz band
and he’s in debate
he plays tennis
he wins state championships for tennis
and he totally joined theatre tech cause all his friends were doing theatre in some capacity
helps kathrine with editing the school paper when she gets stressed
he’s in honors math and science
maybe english too
he’s a band kid
idk what instrument
don’t ask me
i’m not a band kid
but he is
and tenor in choir
he plays in the pit band for the school productions
helps jack with sets sometimes
honors english
b average
she’s a total academic weapon
class president 5th grade-senior year
she’s in debate
chief editor of the school paper
runs the year book
stage manager
on the varsity volleyball team
was on jv her freshman year
when people ask her how she gets straight a’s she’s like “idk i’m just smart”
a+ average
he’s on the competitive dance team
also ensamble or a minor role in every school production
he’s been the lead once
he didn’t like it
in honors math
he also does track (hehe race track)
he gets a’s in math and b’s and a-‘s in everything else
most flexible on the comp team
best turner on the comp team
was in debate for two years but quit because he started having stress related panic attacks and stress vomiting before debates
b+ average
competitive dance too
he used to play soccer in middle school and part of freshman year
he’s in theatre normally ensemble but likes to be speaking roles
c+ average
pours his time into dance
like it’s his favorite thing
terrible at chaine and pique turns
he’s great at pirrouettes and a la seconds though
competitive dance guy #3
he’s on debate too
2nd most flexible on the comp team
worst turner
amazing leaps
b average student
forgets his contacts for dance frequently so he just dances with no glasses on
in jack’s art history club
also on competitive dance
least flexible
average turns
terrible leaps
good at tricks
he’s trick man
really likes doing theatre
school photographer
b- average
def on the gymnastics team
don’t ask me why and don’t argue with my flawless logic
he keeps his grades just high enough to still be on the team
also on the wrestling team
people are always asking why he does those two cause there like polar opposites
he’s just like 🤷‍♀️
b average
definitely runs some kind of social justice or lgbtq+ club
(also applies to uksies spot)
MORRIS DELANCEY (specifically the mike faist version)
soccer and dance
specifically tap
he likes tap
and he’s been doing soccer since he was in middle school
he’s on debate team
he’s not very good but he makes it through
a- average
don’t ask me why i don’t plan to explain
c+ average
i have nothing else to say
varsity soccer
and debate team
and honors english, history, and science
and choir
she’s a mezzo
don’t tell me i’m wrong
i’m not
she’s a student tutor
like when a student needs tutoring she’s the persian they go to
for english, science, or history
a average
kinda academic rivals-lovers with kath
(sorry if these are shitty)
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foap-mactavish · 1 year ago
newsies as things my friends have said!
Jack: I just got cockblocked by Shakespeare
Race: Your in the cult you stay in the cult
Crutchie: What’s your sexuality? Vibin’
Spot: No let me beat myself up
Albert: You said your AirPods were dead now you're listening to shrek without me
Romeo: I’m going to pick you up romantically and throw you at the mirror
Jack: I’m good he’s good I’m trying to think of other things I’ve shoved up my ass
Katherine: Why are they prancing around in their little tights I can see their calf muscles
Davey: Thank you for serenading Me
Pulitzer (mocking the newsies): I’m a poor orphan boy with no hand eye coordination please by a newspaper from me
Les: The boys just started kissing
Medda: Jeff what the fuck are you playing at Jeff
Oscar: I will carry you away… by your legs
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thelemonsofpink · 2 months ago
random modern newsies head cannons (with absolutely no evidence or reason) pt. 2
more bc i can!!
The most aggressive, reckless driver, but is dangerously good at it. Will cut across multiple lanes but has never even scratched a car.
Lied to everyone in his first week of college about his entire life (different lie per person) just for fun. He finally started telling the truth but nobody believes him.
Started a school poker club and promptly got kicked out of it for betting too much, and then winning it every time. (He just wanted a way to make money. The school did not like that).
STEM major. His work is impossible but he never complains about it. Also a dancer (not my hc). He complains about that a lot.
Has worked almost every retail job under the sun. Also complains about that.
Carries around cigarettes for the vibe but rarely smokes them. Just in case anyone else wants one. Has made friends with many random people this way.
Brooklyn baby. Cannot drive. Is terrified of it but, when Race tried to teach him, he yelled at everyone and blamed other people for what was definitely his fault. Refuses to admit that.
Played football but seriously injured his knee (explanation for the cane) but doesn't talk about it much. Always comes up with a new reason for the injury that is entirely ridiculous, but since he delivers it with a straight face everybody believes him.
Absolutely no rhythm. Never goes to parties, even though he is in a fraternity (a very chill one, thank you very much). If he's ever at a party, it's because he's a sober contact, and he is the most unsympathetic person when it comes to taking care of drunk people unless it's Race.
Insists on sitting alone in the back of the lecture hall, even if he has friends in his class.
Also an incredibly reckless driver but HAS gotten into accidents before. (Only twice, both times because he was racing a friend on the highway. Never serious but always stupid).
Very fidgety and usually making noises under his breath/drumming on shit. Drives everybody around him crazy.
The kind of guy to argue with a professor in a lecture, but only when he's sure he's right (which is always).
So many illegal things in his dorm: candles, toaster, air fryer, multiple animals.
Double majoring in a STEM and humanities field, always references one when in classes for the other and confuses everybody, but he sees a connection between them.
I like the idea that he goes to the gym with Albert a lot. (U wld never catch me taking away his disability so in my head he loveeees to bench and is so buff).
(a lot of driving hcs. i wrote this in a car). gets so violently carsick. everyone thought he was saying that so he could ride shotgun; they made him ride in the back once and he made them pull over after ten minutes cause he almost hurled. safe to say he is now always shotgun and always playing the worst music.
Played too many sports, got too many concussions, and now is a crazy gym bro.
Peanut allergy. Would rather die than admit this. Has almost died because he forgets to tell servers at restaurants.
his shoes are never tied. he never trips over them and refuses to tie them.
has a million weird, artsy minors that sound and should be fake.
floor sitter. is never in a chair.
his shoes are also never tied. he ALWAYS trips over them.
drank coffee, had a panic attack, thought it was a heart attack, and spent an hour in the ER.
also had the same reaction when trying weed for the first time.
RIPPING up the dance floor at a party, fully sober too
Everybody's favorite frat bro; super great energy and incredibly respectful
Volunteers at local elementary schools; talks to young children like they're frat bros too.
Dorm recluse. His suite mates have called Mush many times just to check that he's still alive in there.
Has no license and hates public transit, so he walks literally everywhere.
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a-leg-of-lambb · 1 month ago
Jojo has autism and gets overstimulated and textures bother him a lot
Buttons sews and patches up the boys clothes when they get holes in them. The boys all put their money together to get him a sewing machine for his birthday
Davey is kinda like the mom friend. Keeping everyone in line. Doing the cooking and cleaning. You can’t tell me this man doesn’t wear a pink apron when he cooks.
Jack is a big sucker for romance movies even if he will never admit it. He has cried multiple times to them aswell
Crutchie absolutely adores animals and he’d own a pet cat with 3 legs that he found in an alley way and took back to the lodging house.
Davey sings all the time. He’s the type of person to break out into song if you say one word that is in said song.
Albert puts a small braid in his hair everyday under his hat and he’s quite good at doing it to
Race has ADHD and he can never sit still so when he has to he’s constantly changing the way he’s sitting or he won’t focus and stair at a random person or object
Specs is a GREAT baker. He often makes things like cupcakes and brownies for the other boys
Spot is great with kids despite his rough exterior. He often will help put the little kids to sleep and maybe even read a story to them.
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i-got-poisenality · 1 month ago
Sarah Jacobs
raging lesbian
transferred to the same high school as the rest of the newsies with Davey from a private school
joined the debate team 80% because she’s gay for Katherine(captain of debate team) and wanted to get to know her better and 20% because she likes to argue
raging feminist and will fight terfs because terfs aren’t real feminists
has absolutely beat up people who bully Davey
on a girls rugby team and absolutely kicks ass
besties with Romeo, no i don’t take constructive criticism
Jack Kelly
he/him and bisexual disaster
also beats up people who bully Davey
javid <3333
has been through a bunch of foster homes
head of set design for their schools drama program
paints sets for Medda’s theater outside of school
most of the newsies have him saved as “cOuNtRy BoY 👅” in their contacts because of that vine
drinks way too much coffee and usually can’t sleep
his favorite movie is Indiana Jones and some newsies call him “Indi” as a joke
terrified of spiders, will shriek with more fear than you’ve ever heard at a spider sighting
none of his clothes are free of paint
paints and draws on his clothes on purpose sometimes
senior superlative is gonna be most artistic
Crutchie Morris
he/him or he/they (transmasc)
gay and ace (he’ll fight you if you i infantilize him and so will i)
uses forearm crutches as opposed to one crutch because i thought thatd be easier for him (disabled people correct me if i’m wrong)
currently in a really bad foster home but is gonna get adopted by Miss Medda at some point so he’ll be ok
bad at math but good at english
in choir and has gotten a couple solos
in detention a lot but not as much as Jack or Race
dating Race, crutchtrack forever
insane upper body strength and people are always surprised
Miss Medda helped him get his first binder but he’s very bad about binder safety and forgets to take it off
physically incapable of not petting every animal he comes across and has a job at a local animal shelter
has broken peoples kneecaps with his crutches (no seriously, he sent Morris Delancey to the hospital by whacking him so hard after Morris made a jerk comment)
Katherine Plumber Pulitzer
she/her and demiromantic sapphic
has two last names because her parents are divorced and her dad wouldn’t let her get rid of his last name so she jus added her mom’s
so much daddy issues
president of the school paper and captain of the debate team
also president of 20 other clubs
in the running for valedictorian alongside Davey and Race
besties with Davey
so many APs and has straight As
very vocal about issues in the system and will not hesitate to write about them
english teachers love her
can write an essay in 20 minutes
very intrigued by Sarah and her argument methods (this just turns into gay feelings once they’re friends)
aromantic asexual
always in detention
mostly only liked by foods teachers because that’s where he applies himself the most
cooking is one of the few things that actually bring him joy
on the soccer team and dances sometimes
pretty good at math
fell asleep in english while his class was reading Romeo and Juliet because he thought it was dumb
tired and angry
gets in fights pretty regularly
steals stuff from his friends for fun
(if you wanna know any more, please please please send me asks)
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more-sonorous · 1 month ago
Hey! Hope everything is alright, we lost power lol- but uhh... Race head cannons? (I am sososo normal 😚) Good morning/day/night! 💜
hi, katz! thankfully the dorms still have power so i'm grateful to be bored out of my mind with internet access loll
race headcanons, let's do it!
his name is edward anthony higgins (which is partially real life canon and partially a nod to fanon) and he despises being called ed or any version of his first name (father's name). he's okay with tony or anthony, though.
i base my race off of livesies and 92sies (with a bit of uksies). his looks lean more towards ben cook and his personality is a mix of mostly max casella and a bit of josh barnett. sarcastic. fast-talking. impish little prankster. sorta mean and rough around the edges. big joker. ugh i just adore tough guy race and will always write him as such.
strong. (you've all seen ben cook's incredible biceps, need i explain?)
i adore the smart race headcanon. dk where it came from but i lovingly adopted it in both canon and modern
albert's his best friend in every universe
he and crutchie and jack are thick as thieves in every universe, caught somewhere between brothers and best friends
specifically canon era
got his nickname from selling out at the tracks in brooklyn, which i think is just plain canon but you can never be sure in this fandom
part irish (father) part english (mother), but he's born on u.s soil.
father is almost definitely 100% involved in gangs like the dead rabbits and the whyos
mother is dead oops
four older half-siblings (oops i think dad got around), two brothers two sisters, doesn't keep in touch with most of them but contacts occasionally as a last resort
manhattan's official second in command, takes over in jack's place when jack ages out. probably is not the next president of the newsboy union, but the next treasurer
related to the last one, the boy is excellent with numbers. very smart but just never had the opportunity to develop those skills. when davey starts school again, he offers to give race arithmetic lessons. when he realizes that race is better at arithmetic than he is, it turns into race helping davey do math homework.
two years younger than jack
became a newsie when he was around ten
misses his mom
knows he's smarter than most of these schmucks, so he's constantly running and winning card games/poker games/betting rings to trick people out of money. it's how he gets his mental stimulation, much to jack's annoyance (how else is he supposed to get extra cash for his expensive habits, jack?)
tobacco addiction oops
specifically modern era
got his nickname from being good at running, unironically. either he did track and field or he picked up the nickname from foster home shenanigans-- i pick my poison based on the au
absolute vape demon to the chagrin of all his friends.
foster system kid! mother is still dead and father was definitely involved in seedy criminal activities, currently in prison
still has all of those older half-siblings but... they do not get along, so his lil ass ended up in foster care at ten years old
misses his mom
still a certified genius when it comes to math and science, but he could care less about whatever else there is. he and davey make great study buddies because they excel where the other falters. they also make good tutors for jack, who needs a little assistance in all subjects that don't involve art or pe
i love making him a dancer in universes where that is financially possible, because here you've got this fast-talking witty tough guy that can whip out ten pirouettes in a row and flip across the room and still get up in your face-- then he still says 'and what about it?' and will beat your ass if you answer wrong
biggest case of gifted kid burnout you ever saw
could compete for valedictorian if he wanted to but he only tries in the subjects he has fun learning about
chronic procrastinator
because of the above, addicted to energy drinks as well. will probably need a kidney stone removed at some point in his life.
chews on the silver part of his pencils like the goblin he is
when someone (probably davey) tries to put him onto mechanical pencils, he snaps off the little plastic pocket clip and chews on that instead
augh thank you so much for the ask! i had so much fun answering <3
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nyx-thedragon · 5 months ago
noted down a bunch of things while watching again, so strap in for a bit of a long post!
1- reiterating that i love mr kloppman so much omg
2- mush has his fucking hat on before a shirt what's wrong with him /silly
3- "get the lead outta your pants" is such a fun phrase why don't we use it anymore
4- choreo for "carrying the banner" looks so fun
5- jack mocking davey's scoff i love them so bad
6- young christian bale as jack kelly is so charming
7- why is there just a boxing match going on?
8- medda complimenting les's acting skills <33
9- why is there a trolley on fire? why did they set one on fire?
10- "you can meet my folks" this is literally the first day you met him ???
11- esther jacobs is so pretty wow
12- second hand embarrassment/cringing when jack is telling sarah about what words make a headline good
13- les sleep singing and sounding good, i see you kid
14- "why don't you stay here tonight?" bro put the heart eyes away for a second my god
15- "when i dream on my own / i'm alone but i ain't lonely" <333333 love these lyrics
16- will forever be mad about livesies taking away jack's whole cowboy shtick it's so fun why would they take that away
17- how does jack just know how to ride a horse?? was he taught by someone when he was younger??
18- race & jack siblingism real !!
19- johnathon why do you work for pulitzer he doesn't appreciate you like he should
20- i love how natural the dialogue feels in the entire movie. it doesn't feel or sound like they memorized a script
21- "give him some room, let him think" les jacobs you precious little boy
22- jack and davey just make a great team to lead the strike. davey has the words and jack has the confidence and loud voice
23- "no! we can't beat up kids in the street, it'll give us a bad name!" "can't get any worse"
24- davey going from "i was joking" about the strike to helping organize and getting so into it i love him
25- davey wandering through the other newsies during "the world will know" love him (i have no clue why this stood out to me enough that i felt i had to note it down)
26- davey, again with the heart eyes. you're staring longingly at jack. please have some decorum
27- shoutout to denton for helping the boys. love our man denton
28- boots putting his ear up to the door trying to hear something i love him that's so silly
29- the look jack gives davey when he laughs at jack and les being kicked out of The World building
30- "no pictures" "sure" and then there ends up being a picture
31- spot conlon calling jack "jackie boy" oh i feel like they have some history. like friends when they were younger or something. or they've just known each other for a long time
32- mush and race little dance moment during "sieze the day" <3
now would be a great time to take a breather, drink some water, look somewhere other than the screen for a bit to give your eyes a rest
33- jack and davey are always so touchy with each other my god boys can you keep your hands to yourselves for five seconds please (/affectionate)
34- jack already trusts davey enough to let him hold the rope while he dangles like 50 feet in the air. they've barely known each other for two days these boys are lowkey down bad
35- jack and crutchy are brothers for real !!! i love them !!!!
36- snyder hitting the side of the bed to get that one kid to take his hat off why did he do that why did the hat need to be off ??
37- love how the brooklyn newsies' thing is slingshots it's so fun and cool
38- where did these boys learn how to tap dance
39- crutchy you gotta get better at lying, man
40- dude kloppman really is like these boys' father i just love him so much he seems so sweet
41- sarah jacobs why do you not find it a little weird for jack to sleep right outside your window all night?? i know you know him, but that's still a bit odd
42- "this rabble he's roused" pulitzer that's a great line, i gotta hand it to ya
43- love spot conlon's little walking stick/cane
44- the way the boys all love medda and hype her up <333
45- i need warden snyder dead and i need to be the one to do it oh my god i hate him so much!!!!
46- dutchy and specs are always around each other, as far as i remember seeing. they are a pair, do not separate
47- are davey and sarah twins? i've seen people online and in fics say that they are but it's not said in the movie and i am very curious if this is canon or a fanon thing that everyone has agreed on?
48- pulitzer gesticulates a lot. he's a hand-talker
49- "i don't understand" "i don't understand either but just get outta here!"
50- haven't said this before but i love davey's curly hair
51- weasel actually says "tisk tisk" (tsk tsk) he's such a weirdo for that
52- i also need weasel and the delanceys dead and i need to be the one to do it
53- roosevelt calling denton "denty" they're besties bro that's so fun
54- kloppman taking over weasel's job (edit: upon rewatching the movie again, i have realized that it is, in fact, not kloppman who takes over weasel’s job at the end of the movie. my apologies)
whoo. okay. less than the last one. that's good. i hope y'all enjoyed reading my thoughts and getting a little glimpse into my brain. and if someone could tell me the answer to my "are sarah and davey twins" question i will love you forever please i am very curious.
anyway, drink water, get some rest, and i will see you all later. stay cool
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just-pot-over-here · 1 month ago
How old were Race and Crutchie when they first met? Were they kids? What did they think of each other then?
thank god you sent me this ask anon i need to talk about them THANK YOU
(please send me more asks anyone and everyone i am going to single handedly bring back ask culture)
I think that crutchie and race definitely met when crutchie first came into the lodging. In my little headspace, race has been there longer than most people, longer even than jack by a month or so. He was ten when he first arrived in the lodging, and two years later a couple of days into January, jack walks in with a kid who's so short that race thinks he couldn’t be older than seven. Jack stuffs the new kid into the room that race and albert previously had to themselves, and race isn’t suuuper happy about sharing their room with a little kid, but he can suck it up. However, when he introduces himself, the kid just glares at his hand from under his frock of dirty hair and spits a “I ain’t a kid.” race is taken aback, but recovers quickly and goes “well, if you’re youngern’ ten, yer’ a kid here. The kid glares harder, spits out an “I’m twelve.” (race’s age!!!), and shoves past race towards the washroom. he also DEFINITELY intentionally stomps on race's foot. (i live for a prickly crutchie sorry guys it's everything to me)
They don’t get along well at all for at least the first year they know each other, race being too coddling and crutchie being too prickly and reeeallly good at getting race riled up. Albert hates sharing a room with them, and moves in with finch as soon as possible to get away from them trying to tear each other’s hair out. They def smooth things out as they get older, but man that first year or so was ROUGH. 
I live for them as childhood enemies to friends to best friends and partners they are everything to me
(send another ask if the people crave the details of their making up and becoming friends because i am just ACHING for an excuse to write it. fuck yeah)
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jack-kellys · 6 months ago
would u change anything about the jack and crutchie dynamic? how would u portray C? i would love to see a production where hes a little less sunshine and a little more realist (which i think uksies did well) buttttt i know thats your man so gimme some thoughts
- @we-are-inevitable ✨
how ~i~ would direct crutchie. ooough. major. hi again jac
give me some newsies issues and ill. i'll-
so i would cast him a year older than jack, or like. he turns 18 a few months before jack or smth. he just seems to understand things already that jack's whole arc brings him to at the end of the show. "I don't need folks. I got friends." takes jack two hours and a fifteen minute intermission to figure that one out. brotha.
i think making crutchie the only guy in the play who really knows what and how things are going to happen is really... just. makes him interesting. his sense of self-awareness, his personal knowledge of who he is and what he stands for- the wild thing abt him is he already. knows. crutchie stands for his friends. it's why initially he isn't for striking ("let's hit the streets while we still can") bc he knows any other action is going to get his friends hurt... but it's also why he's good with it pretty soon after- well, if they are gonna do this, he's not letting his family do it alone/without him... even if he knows what's probably going to happen to him afterward. give me a crutchie with foresight who doesn't ignore it, per se, but whose moral backbone refuses to make him a coward. (its why he and davey r like🤞🏼 to me.)
i would also let him fight. in the fight choreo. he's winning to morris delancey i do not CARE. i'm having the reason he gets caught be him shoving the jacobs out and away. because crutchie already knewwww. from the moment of "you mean like a strike?" what was goin down.
(i would also make the "romeo! finch!" not be a reaching out, but a "get the fuck out of here" wild gesture. as long as crutchie takes center, no one else is getting hauled through downtown in a police wagon.)
i also think that whenever race makes his little comments to davey crutchie is the one gesturing for him to back off, bc i think it's fun when racer and crutchie butt heads and i rly adore crutchie seeing davey and knowing his potential like. immediately. i think i'd have them be talking a lot in staging it- uksies does this already if ur looking for it, but it's so key to me.
tl;dr, crutchie is the most experienced person at the lodge, and i think it should show. and also like. u can debate me on that? that jack's more experienced or is portrayed to be since he's the leader, but... tell me why jack learns friends are equivilent to family when crutchie knew that shit at 00:00:00 in the musical. lmk. crutchie has almost prophetic knowledge in his brain ok he knows newsies the musical as well as us. i think that's fascinating.
also this is unrelated but the way matthew duckett uses the crutch as a true extension of himself is unlike any crutchie we might ever have again. go watch the boot again and just watch him. he points with it, gestures with it, sits in interesting ways, like. his comfortability with his body is smth crutchie needs to have bc he knows himself, more than the rest know themselves. im so serious.
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metallicmikus · 1 year ago
Newsies Characters but as quotes from my friends!
- Race: “I have an oath to money… and whores!”
- Specs: “Put that guy (Les) in a cage and see if he smells a gas leak.”
- Jeremy Jordan playing Jack Kelly: “I’m almost 27. I’m one foot in the grave.”
- Finch: “What in the Freddy Faz fuck are you saying?”
- Les: “I love going to church cause there’s a surprising amount of verses that say among us.”
- Davey: “All my therapist have been millennials and I think that’s why I haven’t gotten better.”
- Katherine: “Kelly with an e?” Jack: “No, it’s a K.”
- Jack: “Something about that man is so flamboyant I was taken aback.”
- Romeo: “Wait, you have twink magic?”
- Albert: “If I smelled a really good pie right now, I would be floating.”
- Romeo: “I hope a woman gets aboard your ship and sinks it with her titties.”
- Elmer, while stabbing his food with a fork: “I wonder if this is what jesus felt like.”
- Albert: “I am within beating distance: 5ft.”
- Crutchie: “Davey, you’d make a great jewish man. I hope you know that.”
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newsiesrewritten · 5 months ago
Newsies Rewritten Footcanons
It’s not headcanons if it’s canon to my media rewrite.
Also taking suggestions for a better name LOL
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One of the other family leaders in Brooklyn, Dorothy, also known as Dotty (aka the Uksies Spot) is the same age as Spot despite being Spot’s apprentice for a while. The two consider each other their younger sibling, and Dotty is constantly talking about overthrowing Spot.. as every sibling does.
Otto Wiesel is estranged from his father, he only briefly sees the Delanceys and he pretend like he doesn’t know him. He is also a full grown adult and tries to stay as far away from the newspaper industry as a whole. He used to be Wiesel’s muscle before the Delanceys show up.
Kid Blink was the first to scab because he had taken on the responsibility of Tommy Boy and he had led the first strike before the one Jack led, only for that one to fall through. He respects Jack for trying but didn’t believe it would work. (He also admittedly was saving up to get Tommy Boy some form of actual education and couldn’t afford to starve another day.)
He also knew his own David, David Simmons, who scabbed after becoming a popular interviewee of the strike Ann, Kid, and Simmons held themself. The two are close still, and Kid Blink often disappears with him for the night if the bunkhouse gets too crowded.
Racetrack will not stop talking about the damn horses. Rally speech? About the horses. Daily conversation with Albert? How ‘bout them horses? Albert is SICK of it.
Medda and Spot are closer than Medda and Jack are. Medda taught Spot to built his confidence and “grow into his shadow.” As he says. He brought a pair of pale baby pink suspenders that he wears for special occasion in memory of what she’d done for him.
Pulitzer spent so much time and energy on Katherine because she was not only the spitting image of his wife, but she also had her heart stop at the age of 2 due to pneumonia. Her survival deemed her the miracle baby of the six surviving children.
Katherine is the third born child of Pulitzer, though raised as the eldest daughter after her sister Lucille died when Katherine was 15. (Katherine would’ve realistically have been 17 years old during the strike of 1899.)
She doesn’t really interact with her siblings as she’s busy pursuing her reporting career but gets to know them after seeing how the newsies act around each other.
The first thing Jack buys after the strike is a brighter blue shirt. (To symbolize his commitment to the Manhattanites ofc.)
York is at the rally and when he finds out Crutchie had been taken away, he tries to beat on Jack for not protecting his cousin. (Even though they are estranged.)
Jack’s a bitch. I don’t know if you know this but Jack is somewhat unlikeable in Davey’s eyes for a GOOD fuckin’ portion of the rewrite.
Davey Irish goodbyes the newsies A LOT, he just slowly backs away and if no one notices it, he just leaves. He just doesn’t really know how to say goodbye.
Sarah and Katherine meet during Once and For All and have been good friends ever since.
Jacobi and Henry have a friendly rivalry, since Henry’s family runs a deli. Though Jacobi never admits he has a soft spot for the boy, he can sometimes be spotted teaching Henry how to perfect some of the recipes and showing Henry some of his personal record keeping books that he uses to keep track of deli costs.
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heliads · 2 years ago
All in the Words
Based on this request: "race and some of the newsies are hanging out with yn and yn is acting all tough. They keep trying to make her drop that attitude by making jokes, and race flirts with her as a joke. Yn gets all nervous and blushy so he just keeps going thinking its adorable until yn fires back and he kinda dies"
me when i flirt with someone and they instantly perish
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Dawn comes and goes, and you are not there to see it. Normally, this would fill you with more than a small amount of fear– miss your morning schedule, and you’ll be hours behind when it comes to selling newspapers. Newsies live in the daylight hours, shouting slogans and catchy headlines as long as there are still people out on the street who can see enough to hand you coins. It does make it difficult to get up so early each morning, but it’s not like you have a ton of options otherwise.
Yet when you open your eyes this morning and see not sunrise but a well established day, you feel not a bit displeased with yourself. After all, why should you? Today, as it turns out, all newsies across the city will have a day off. The newspapers don’t like printing on holidays, so you can get off scot free for the whole set of twenty-four hours. Nothing says special like that.
For newsies, days off are a bit of a mixed bag. There is, of course, the immediate response to hearing that you won’t have to get up at dawn and spend too many hours out on the streets hawking papes. That would explain the shrieks and calls of glee from some of the younger newsies. Older ones, too. The second Jack Kelly heard about the holiday, he muttered something about having to talk to someone and hurried off in the direction of the New York Sun. You have a feeling he’s tracking down a particularly pretty journalist.
It’s great to think that you won’t have to work. However, you aren’t a newsie for the thrill of it. Not working means you don’t get paid, and that’s far less fun than one would care to imagine. That’s why you’ve been carefully saving your pennies for weeks now, just trying to make sure you’ll have enough to cover today’s costs before your job comes back the next day. It’s a life spread thin, to be sure, but it’s what you’ve got, and you don’t intend to waste it.
Still, sleeping in is pretty nice indeed. You allow yourself one last moment of leisure before dragging yourself out of bed. Most kids in the Manhattan Lodging House have partaken in the same delights– more than half of them are still sleeping peacefully in their bunks. You do your best to get ready as quietly as you can, and shut the door silently behind you.
By the time noon rolls around, the rest of your friends are up and at ‘em. Most of you are choosing to either kick back and relax in the Lodging House or go look for trouble somewhere else in the city. You heard Spot popped in once to check on a deal with Jack, but other than that, there are no threats in sight.
None to your physical health, at least. Threats to your peace and quiet still exist. You’ve barely sat down on your favorite threadbare armchair in a corner of the main room (the title being won by a good few rounds of fisticuffs, all solidly settled in your favor) before your name is being tossed around by some of the newsies nearby. You have a feeling that they’re trying to be discreet, but their whispers sound more like shouts when you’re indoors instead of yelling to be heard in the streets of Manhattan.
Four boys are causing trouble today, as it appears. Race, Jojo, Albert, and Romeo. All of the newsies are good friends– you have to be, at any rate, or you’ll lose your head with the godawful conditions of being outside all day– but these four are no exception. They’re the closest of anyone here, exceptions being Jack and Crutchie.
Today it seems they’ll be proving their camaraderie by trying to get a rise out of you. This isn’t anything special. You have a bit of a reputation for being stone cold, but can they blame you? Girls have to fight twice as hard to stay alive in this city, so what if you’re more here to keep yourself afloat than make friends? You’re nice when you have to be, but you keep your distance when you want it. Just because you’re not flirting all the time doesn’t mean you hate the rest of them.
The ‘Hattan boys know you don’t hate them, but that doesn’t stop the four newsies nearest you from trying to win you over anyway in the only method they know best:  being annoying and turning everything into a joke. Romeo tries his luck first, shooting his shot with a tip of his cap and a wink. You arch one derisive brow, which is all it takes for him to give up and head back to his friends.
Albert is next. He starts off strong with a story about a dream he’d had last night about pretty girls going out with him, but you cut him off thoughtfully with a recollection of a dream you’d had recently where all boys left you alone under pain of death. Struck out, he gestures for Jojo to take over.
Jojo’s attempts at flattery are so awful that you give up on trying to entertain yourself by watching them fail. You reach over for a paperback Katherine had left behind on her last visit to the Manhattan Lodging House. The book serves the dual purpose of letting you ignore the laughter of the boys and also hiding your face for the last of their attempts.
See, you can ignore Albert or Romeo any day. They’re just friends, just coworkers. You’ll never see them in any sort of romantic light. The problem comes with Race. Race is charming. Race is cute. Race is the only one who has ever been able to get through the strongest of your walls. It doesn’t matter if he’s just doing it as a joke, if Race flirts with you in the slightest, you will be affected by it.
Best to make sure he can’t tell, then, so you prop up the book in front of your face and pray he can’t see the slight smile that makes its way across your lips when Race tries his hand at flirting. It wasn’t even a good pickup line. Still, it worked, and that is absolutely devastating to your reputation.
The worst part is that he knows it, too. Even though you do your best to act as if you’re absolutely fine, you can tell by the triumphant tilt of his head that he knows it. Y/N’s got a weakness at last, and it’s Race. Of course it is.
The other boys don’t seem to have caught on, though, they’re just laughing raucously amongst themselves about the usual. Albert calls something out to Race about wanting to go take a tour of the shop next door, but Race doesn’t even look back, gesturing for them to go on without him without turning even once.
“You should go with them,” you say as indifferently as you can.
“Why?” Race asks, cocking his head to the side, “I’ve got a far prettier sight in front of me right now.”
You roll your eyes, but even you can feel the slight heat pricking your cheeks. “You’re insufferable.”
“Apparently not,” Race muses, “or you wouldn’t be smiling at me.”
You do your best to hide the offensive expression away, but your best attempts at staying serious just make your smile more stubborn. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure you don’t,” he says happily, “it’s not just because of me, is it? I bet Y/N L/N would never be susceptible to something like a boy.”
“Not even to a cute boy?” You ask, eyes wide with pretend surprise.
This, of all things, makes Race stutter over his words. You didn’t think it would be possible for Race to get nervous over someone flirting with him, but apparently you were wrong, because he’s all but shaking in his boots right now.
“That’s sweet of you,” he manages to eke out.
You grin. The tables have turned. “Funny,” you say, “I didn’t think Race Higgins would ever be susceptible to something like a girl.”
“I love it when you pay attention to me,” Race retorts, but it carries far less of the easy confidence he’d had earlier. In fact, Race looks like he can’t believe his eyes.
“I’m sure you do,” you muse, “Shame it doesn’t happen more often. If I knew you were going to react like this, maybe I would have started flirting back earlier.”
“I think you should keep doing it anyway,” Race whispers.
You laugh. “Only if you flirt back.”
“Oh, always, sweetheart, you know that,” Race says.
It’s easy to smile after that. Maybe Race has been flirting with you for a while, but maybe he’s meant what he said all along, too. It’s good that you’ll have plenty of time to figure him out, then. Yes, plenty of time indeed.
newsies tag list: @lovesanimals0000, @misguidedswagger, @thatfangirl42, @amortensie
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i-aint-got-santa-fe · 10 months ago
Top 10 favorite newsies lyrics?
That's so hard 😭
1. THE POOR GUYS HEAD IS SPINNING 🤗‼️‼️ (no explanation needed)
2. I got nothing if I ain't got Santa Fe (I can relate to this w other things)
3. I can't spend my whole life dreaming, though I know that's all I seem inclined to do (I love this. So much.)
4. Look at me, I'm the king of new york (classic)
5. Hey, I bet a few months of clean air, you could toss that crutch for good (literally so wholesome I can't)
6. There's change coming once and for all, you're getting too old, too weak to keep holding on. A new world is gunning for you, and Joe we is too, till once and for all, you're gone. (IDKK I just love this)
7. Hey, that's my cigar! You'll steal another. Hey look! It's bath time at the zoo. I thought that I'd surprise my mother. If you can find her! WHO ASKED YOU?? (I love getting little dialogues sm)
8. Folks, we finally got our headline
"Newsies Crushed as Bulls Attack"
Crutchie's calling me
Dumb crip's just too damn slow
Guys are fightin', bleedin' fallin'
Thanks to good ole' Captain Jack
Captain Jack just wants to close his eyes and go!
Let me go
Far away
Somewhere they won't ever find me
And tomorrow won't remind me of today
And the city's finally sleepin'
And the moon looks old and grey
I get on a train thats bound for Santa Fe
And I'm gone
And I'm done
No more running, no more lying
No more fat old men denying me my pay
Just a moon so big and yellow, it turns night right into day
Dreams come true. Yeah they do, in Santa Fe
Where does it say you gotta live and die here?
Where does it say a guy can't catch a break?
Why should you only take what you're given?
Why should you spend your whole life
Living trapped where there ain't no future
Even at 17, breaking your back for someone else's sake
If the life don't seem to suit you, how about a change of scene?
Far from the lousy headlines and the deadlines in between
Santa Fe, my old friend
I can't spend my whole life dreaming
Though I know thats all I seem inclined to do
I ain't getting any younger
And I wanna start brand new
I need space, and fresh air
Let them laugh in my face, I don't care
Save my place, I'll be there
Just be real is all I'm asking
Not some painting in my head
'Cause I'm dead if I can't count on you today
I got nothing if I ain't got Santa Fe
9. We'll all be out there, carrying the banner man to man (gotta love the chorus)
10. There's one thing you ain't, that I'll always be! And honey, yeah that's right, that's rich. (Roasted 💀)
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