#cross blog ship
astraldes · 5 days
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Some of my old Crerror/Crerror-ish art and doodles from last year (Reuploading them embarrasses me a little but alas...! I still have a soft spot for this crack ship 😂... and I cannot find much other art of it here ;-;)
The 1st img was actually an idea I had before UV 0.7 p2 where sadly Cross' clothes had been fixed XD. The last img was when I tried to imitate UV artstyle.
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flowerakatsuka · 24 days
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kuroba has questionable tastes, part 02.
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somegrumpynerd · 1 month
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Some doodles for the Gay cat panic au from @krossheadquarters's anon that I finally remembered to finish
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It’s the next day, and I’ve finished the references! These 5 are only the main ones, of course, and plenty of other askable characters will be listed at the end. Now, the asks are officially open!
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Other askable characters include (but not limited to):
-Any of the ‘star sanses’
-Any of the ‘big 3’ and their au’s main characters
-Lust or his brother (Pink)
-Kesia ( the info OC mentioned in the first post)
-And any side characters that happen to pop up
I look forward to starting!:)
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lucidexe · 8 months
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hello heres some fresh posting
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cakesmelons · 1 year
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*staring respectfully*
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autumn-solitude · 7 months
bodyguard au stuff
“Heya, Crossy.” Killer sidled over to Cross with a grin. “You’re the body to my guard.” Killer’s empty sockets scrunched up, gleeful, when Cross turned to him. “No body better for my special services.” Killer waved grandiosely at himself. “The witness to my protection.” Killer glanced at Cross, but no words were forthcoming. The liquid hate spilled down from Killer’s sockets as he sighed, adjusting his loose tie. “C’mon, don’t leave me hanging, Crossy.”
Cross spoke, completely deadpan. “I’m still not buying you dinner.”
Killer leaned against the nearby wall, the back of his hand agaisnt his skull as he tilted it back dramatically. “How cruel. Keeping your ass alive doesn’t get me even one free meal?” Killer clutched his chest beneath his soul. “Do you want me to waste away to dust?”
Cross walked off down the hall. “What I want is for you to shut up.”
Killer grinned as he followed his surly client. “That’s harsh, pal. How about I pay for dinner instead?”
Cross sent a no-nonsense glare over his shoulder. “No.”
“Ouch. So cold.” Killer flipped a knife and expertly caught it by the tip of the blade. “So I guess you don’t want the burgs on the table?”
Cross glowered at the bag that was not there before.
“Bone-appetite, soldier boy.” Killer teased, winking.
“I hate you.” Cross grumbled as he reached for the bag.
“Keep telling yourself that.” Killer returned easily, inwardly satisfied that the other monster would be eating a proper amount of food for a meal this time.
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sleepkillerz · 2 months
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𓂃 Basic info
While this isn't a nsfw blog and I don't plan it to ever be, sexual jokes and references will happen, as well as murder, swearing, drugs, addictions.. Tw for all that type of stuff.
Jthm and creepypasta are crossovered in this ask blog, not just Jeff and Nny but all of them (tho not everyone knows eachother.)
Questions can be asked in spanish or english. Jeff is fluid in spanish and understands very basic english, Johnny is fluid in english and understands spanish but has trouble speaking it. Either way, there will be traductions on every post.
There are other (also crossover) AUs you can ask questions to, just specify which one if you are, if you don't then the question will just be counted as a normal ask.
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𓂃 Reference sheets
wip..... I swear I'll do it.........
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𓂃 Tagging sistem
#jeff answers - Only Jeff answers.
#nny answers - Only Johnny answers.
#sleep killers answer - Both answer.
#mod answers - I answer.
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emile-hides · 1 year
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Everyone should go watch Densel’s Animal Crossing series on YouTube right now just for these moments alone
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captainseamech · 17 days
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             ... Yep. Still going.
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our-happy-haven · 3 months
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On a date, are we, boys? 😏
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vomitpukey · 3 days
Marshal asked me to fulfill a totally normal request today, not at all sus.
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Before I can go over to Punchy to return the item, he pulls this. Thanks for the guilt tripping, Punchy.
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Anywho, I gave him back the item and...
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They're so totally gay.
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hello my mothlings!! just popping in to request for you all not send me asks of shipping content for canon Genshin characters! this is a Foul Legacy x Reader blog, plus everyone has different opinions on ships so i'd really like to not accidentally start any potential conflicts!! i'll be updating my rules list shortly
you are more than free to DM me your ship thoughts, though! i'm always available to talk :D
and no this is not directed at anyone specific, i just realized it a few days ago /gen
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smolbimbo · 2 months
Lemon Cake: A strawberry speed fanfiction
Tags: sonic x strawberry shortcake, tooth rotting fluff, cross over ship, they kiss, i put WAY too much effort into this
Strawberry shortcake sighs in pleasure as she gazes at the masterpiece in front of her. The smell of blueberries, vanilla, and a hint of lemon fill her nostrils as she wipes the sweat from her brow. Before her is most definitely her best work yet, a cake for sonic. Its vanilla with white icing, honey drizzled on top and blueberries placed asymmetrically in the middle, and to top it off, a lemon slice with a vanilla bud sat to the side.
Strawberry shortcake smiles, putting her oven mits away when she hears a knock, and then her door opening. "Hey Shortcake!" sonic calls, his sneakers thump against the cherry wood floor. Sonic sniffs the air then tilts his head. "Bakin' again?" strawberry nods. "Shortcake, isn't this the forth time today?" sonic joins her in the kitchen. Her cheeks go warm, the nickname he gave her rolls smoothly off his tongue. "Well, i had to do a couple warm ups before the main dish." Sonics ears shoot up as she slides the dessert over to him.
"Shortcake, i dont-"
"I know, i know, but at least try with this one? I made it especially for you."
He grimaces at the plate. Sonic doesn't typically like desserts, too sweet for him. Its why he has such a distain for the dessert "strawberry shortcake", the sweetest cake he says, you cant imagine all the jokes that were made when folks found out he was dating someone named "Strawberry Shortcake".
Sonic looks up at strawberry and she sends a pout in return. Reluctantly, sonic takes a bite, his face scrunching up before the fork even passes his lips, bjt once it hits his tongue, his face melts into a softer expression. Strawberry watches the muscles on his face twitch and move, as if he was trying to figure out what expression he should make. She smiles. He likes it and he's trying desperately not to show it.
"Well?" strawberry coos with a smug bat of her eyelashes. Sonics brow twitch in slight annoyance, which only makes her smirk grow. "Lemon is...intresting."
Strawberrys laugh is ugly with pride.
"its good." sonic concludes in a whisper. "Hmm? Didnt hear ya."
"Alright, ya're pushing it." sonic says with a greenish chuckle. Sonic finishes the cake in hefty bites and it isnt long before he's asking for seconds, thirds...fifths. The tray tin clatters when it hits the sink. The pair stare at it, just standing there, one with sorrow, the other with glee. "That cake was really good..." Sonic mourns. "Im glad you liked it."
"Now my stomach hurts..."
Strawberry opens her arms to him and he accepts, nuzzling his nose in her curly red hair. "No one told you to eat the entire thing, i was planningbon having seconds." Sonic lets out a mixture of a groan and a whine. " 's your fault, dont make good food." strawberry leads them both to her fouch to get more comfortable. "Want some tea? It could help." Sonic only groans in response. Guess thats a no.
Sonic nuzzles deeper into her hair.
"I love you." Sonic says it in a way that strawberry can only describeas broken hearted. He speaks it like a mantra and whispers it like a prayer. Speaks as if he's preaching scriptures that can move mountains, as if she controlled where the sun rose and fell. He speaks with glass shards in his tongue. As if not saying it would make it any less true.
Strawberry wonders what put him in such a somber mood, maybe a stomach ache makes him sentimental. She tries to lighten the mood.
"Even if im strawberry shortcake?"
He chortles. "Especially."
Strawberry rubs his back. She pulls away and looks into his emerald eyes. Cupping his cheek amd rubbing a thumb to it, they both lean in for a kiss. Their lips move in sync, one after another, in perfect harmony. Strawberrys hands move from his face to his shoulders. Sonics slides to her waist and strawberry has never felt more full. She thinks she finally understands when sonic speaks with glass in his tongue, because she can feel it, the shards puncture her own.
The love she feels is soft and fragile, but in this moment, she can feel sonkcs desperation and understand. That every moment might be his last as a hero, and it makes her want fo cry. With this new viewpoint strawberrys love is no longer soft nor fragile. She whispers spells that tie ariund him, not satisfied until his arms are raw and bleeding from the rope. Tasting a salty potion, strawberry pulls back and realizes she is crying.
"im sorry-"
"its ok."
They look through each other, sonic smiles and she returns one. "Come on, lets make another cake." they get up and begin to make another cake.
Not too sweet.
But just right.
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preciouslittlecreature · 10 months
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Not sure when Ill finish this (my mental health has been on and off lately) but here's a W.I.P Nikolai Ive been poking at! Ive loved Nik for a good long while now and seeing him get more attention has made more happy so I figured Id finally throw my hat in the ring too. Especially wanna thank @sofasoap and @nrdmssgs for sharing all their wonderful work and being such great people!!
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spookyscaryships · 1 year
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Self indulgent Celeste x Blathers from Animal Crossing stimboard! - Mod Stake
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