#Or Killer when he realises how much personal stuff he said that Cross heard
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somegrumpynerd · 10 months ago
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Some doodles for the Gay cat panic au from @krossheadquarters's anon that I finally remembered to finish
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dancingamongstdust · 3 years ago
Creepypasta Scenarios - First Meeting (Part 3)
I’ve opened requests now, if anybody is interested. Here’s the post:
Lost Silver
As stupid as it sounds, the game didn’t scare you.
It had started as a joke, something passed around your friend group after it had been discovered. The cartridge was just a janky version of a Pokémon game that was apparently spooky and so, everybody had taken turns messing around with it. They all said creepy things started happening but nothing too bad.
When it was your turn, you had been fully expecting something out of a horror movie. Instead, you had gotten a game that just had audio cut offs and weird notes warning you to stay out. It wasn’t all together scary.
You mentioned this to the next person you gave the game to in your friend group and they had laughed, saying it would probably ring true for them also.
But for some reason, your ally didn’t manifest.
Less than two days later, they practically threw the game at the rest of you and ran away sprouting things about curses. After that, the appeal of playing it kind of went away.
Nobody wanted to buy it and apparently throwing it out wasn’t a suggestion. So you ended up getting it.
Curiosity soon got the better of you and you booted up the game again, really sure that it would do something absolutely crazy but it never did. It ran like it always had with only that one file being completed.
So you deleted the file.
And nothing happened.
The next day, when you booted up the game, the file had simply returned as though you hadn’t deleted it in the first place. A similar thing occurred the next time. And the next.
Eventually you gave up and just started your own game. There, everything ran like it was meant to and you were beginning to think that your friends had all been imagining stuff. Maybe their paranoid got to them or something like that?
But eventually, the nightmares started. And they were bad.
You couldn’t remember exactly what happened during them. They were a swirling mess of games and glitches, horrible things spelled out in letters and blood covering everything. You would always wake up right when they seemed to be coming to a pivotal point. You’d find yourself dragged into a graveyard and then you’d wake up screaming
It was awful. You hardly got any sleep during them and they seemed to haunt you every night, keeping you up until the early hours of the morning.
But the worst only came when you didn’t wake up.
When you were dragged to the grave and looked down to see the ellipsis where the name should be. A punch to the gut that reminded you of what the game file was called. A confirmation of what was causing this dream.
You stared at it for ages before your eyes drifted up and you met his gaze. He was covered in blood, it leaked from every orifice and limb. It stained his dirty clothing even worse.
While you were staring, the world seemed to distort even though he didn’t. The game world melted away and your bedroom slowly reappeared.
It wasn’t until you saw car headlights move past your window – casting awful shadows across the room – that you realised you were no longer dreaming. He wasn’t a figment of your imagination.
The temperature in the room plummeted and you began to slowly reach for a weapon of some kind. He turned to look at what you were watching. His head tilted to the side and a glitch raced across his body before he vanished into thin air. Flicking on the lights didn’t show him hiding or cowering.
Perhaps your friends weren’t crazy after all.
“You know, if we had been a little more patient, none of this would have happened,” your sibling lectured. “We could be relaxing inside the car without having to worry about a bloody flash flood coming down from the sky.”
You shoved their back, forcing them to stumble a little as they went through the door. “Chances are the river’s going to burst its banks anyway. We would have been stuck in traffic for hours because the bridge is blocked off.”
“At least we would have been dry,” they muttered, running their fingers through their hair. “And not trapped inside an abandoned building.”
You rolled your eyes and made your way over the rubble to settle down on a camping chair. “Don’t even start. This place has been a hangout for my friends and I for ages. There’s never been a single problem bigger than a few spiders.”
“Till a landlord shows up,” they scoffed.
“Then we’ll move to the forest,” you joked. “I’m sure there’s a good bear cave we can use.”
“I’m going to be an only child,” they said, rolling their eyes. Still, they made their way over and sat. “How long do you think we have until the storm dies down?”
You relaxed back into the chair and smiled up at the asbestos-filled ceiling. “From the sound of it, a while.”
It wouldn’t have been the first time you had taken a nap in the building. You were scared of giant cockroaches coming to eat you once. You had gotten used to it since then but this time when you woke up, you were uneasy.
Glancing around, nothing was out of the ordinary. Your sibling was snoring in the chair next to you and outside the rain was pounding the roof.
You sat upright. Sometimes was definitely wrong.
Pulling your phone from your pocket, you got up from the chair and began walking as quietly as you could through the house. It had always been tiny and practically void of furniture, but the few rooms provided ample hiding spots.
Nothing but rubble was in most of the rooms but, in what you presumed had once been a bathroom, you found a person.
He had his back to you but when you pushed the door open to peer in, he spun around, his hand flying to his side. He was wearing a white mask, dark features etched onto it, and an orange jacket. A dark stain ran up the right side of it, emanating from under his hand. The oddness of his clothing made you immediately back away from the door, finger twitching on your cell phone in case you needed to call for help.
The two of you stared at each other in silence.
You were lost about what to say or do. The stain on his jacket was spreading and the more you stared at it, the more you became convinced it was blood. “Are you okay?” you finally managed to ask.
It took him a while to respond but then he nodded. The mask was unnerving you. You didn’t like not being able to see a person’s facial expressions.
“I don’t mean to pry or anything, but it really looks like you’re bleeding,” you said. “And quite badly. I can call for an ambulance or something although…” you turned your attention to the window behind his head. “I’m not sure they’ll be able to get anywhere with this weather.”
He stepped backward. “I’m fine,” he said, so soft you barely caught it. “I thought this place was abandoned.”
“It normally is,” you answered. “But we had to avoid the storm. I’m guessing that’s why you’re here also?”
“Yes,” he responded.
You waited or him to say something more, but all you got was silence. He had moved further away and now he had his back against the window. Part of you wanted to turn around and go back to your sibling but you were unsure about turning your back on the strange man.
The mask made you scared he could stab you or something.
Somebody calling your name made you turn your head on instinct. Your sibling must have woken up and realised you were missing.
Quickly, you turned back to the man, but he had disappeared. Rain spat through the now open window.
Nurse Ann
Everybody always warned you about exploring old buildings. They would yell about how many things could injure or kill you. Stray animals, drug addicts, old equipment, and all that. You had heard just about every warning imaginable. Ghosts were pretty commonly mentioned also.
But killer nurse was a new one.
“Come on, just give me a little more information,” you nagged. “I’m going there whether you’re with me or not so you may as well just tell me what you’ve heard.”
Your friend (and partner in crime for most ventures) groaned. “It’s not much. They just say that she guards the place and if you get too close, she’ll run you off with a chainsaw. Some people have died from injuries they got while there. Let’s just give this one a miss, alright?”
But you were not in agreement at all.
“Maybe she’s cute though,” you teased.
They didn’t find that funny and you didn’t push them to come with you. So later that evening, you snuck in by yourself.
The hospital was old with crumbling walls and smashed windows. It was hidden from the public by means of a tall barbed-wire fence and a substantial distance of open garden. Nothing too extreme for you and definitely worth the potential items you’d find inside. When hospitals went under, they often left tons of awesome stuff just scattered around.
You’d never sold anything you found in your abandoned building dives. They were more collectables than anything else but they meant quite a bit to you.
There weren’t any signs of crazy nurses as you approached the place. Nobody came running at you with a chainsaw at least. You didn’t even find evidence of squatters who could sometimes pose some danger.
After deciding it was safe enough, you lifted yourself through one of the windows and began to explore.
Honestly, it was creepy. Everything was way too old to be worth collecting and there were too many unidentifiable stains for your liking. The water damage was bad. It looked like the ceiling was there for aesthetics only and several rooms creaked too much for you to comfortably cross them.
And that was even without the awkward feeling of being watched.
You told yourself that it was just superstition but you couldn’t shake it. Every few seconds saw you looking over your shoulder in anticipation. It distracted you from keeping your eye on the path in front of you and the loud crack reached your ears too late.
The floor gave out and you fell through. Your shoulder hit some kind of metal object as you landed in the room below. Painful shocks ripped through your body and your head knocked against the floor with a heavy thud.
Stars danced in front of your vision and you raised your hand to the top of your head. Blood coated your hand when you lowered it to look.
Shakily, you tried to pull yourself up but quickly found that your arm was too sore. Instead, you pulled your phone from your pocket and sent off the emergency text to your friend.
The world faded to black not long after that.
When you woke up next, you were in your room with a bandage wrapped around your head. You had felt like absolute crap but still gotten up to thank them for the save. They had nodded and warned you to be more careful, happy that you had been outside the hospital so they didn’t have to look for too long.
Before you could even think about how you had crawled there, they asked how you had managed to do your own stitches so nicely.
Your camera was on 10% battery.
Grumbling, you shoved it into your bag and cursed your past self for forgetting to put it on charge. In order to get the best sunrise photos, you had found yourself waking up earlier and earlier. It was tiring but it was worth it… most of the time.
You just hoped that at least one of your pictures was usable but you could only check on them once you got home.
The streetlight above your head flickered as you walked past. It wasn’t unusual but when you were the only person awake for miles around, it was awfully creepy.
Putting your hands into your jacket pockets, you continued strolling back home. The neighborhood had never been dangerous and despite living in the area for your entire life, no incidents made you want to stop walking around at night.
Deciding that you wanted to take a precautionary shot, you headed for your neighbour’s house first. They had an arch covered in jasmine flowers that made for some perfectly safe photos and they never minded your presence.
After making your way there and getting a few photos, you were treated to the fright of your life when their began howling and barking. It wasn’t aimed at you but you didn’t like the noise regardless.
As you rounded the corner of the house, planning on racing back to your own home, you encountered the dog’s target.
A man – cloaked in the darkness and barely illuminated by the streetlight – opening one of the windows with ease. Irritated by the dog, he didn’t notice you until your finger twitched around the shutter of your camera. There was a flash.
His head snapped up and you screamed.
The man’s complexation was literally grey. He wasn’t just ill, he was the colour of storm clouds. Golden eyes with no pupils glared at you and froze you in place. Whatever he was, this man was the furthest thing from human.
Your scream woke your neighbors. The sound of movement began coming from inside the house.
He abandoned the window, stalking towards you. The air tingled like it was expecting a lightning storm. Golden tendrils grew from his fingertips and shot towards you. They had you pinned in an instant.
You struggled against them and opened your mouth to scream again but they wrapped around your head, forcing your jaw shut.
This was how you died… tears spilled down your cheeks at the realization. You were going to be an unsolved murder. All you hoped was you got a good picture of him.
Your neighbor’s front door opened and great dane let out an ear-splitting bark as he raced toward you.
The man, or creature, or monster, or whatever he was, released you to face the dog. He let it approach before vanishing into a cloud of smoke as its jaws reached him.
“What was that?” the timid voice brought you back into reality.
“It was trying to get into your house,” you said. “I screamed when I saw it and then it grabbed me.” Your voice changed to a whimper as reality hit you. You nearly died.
The small child of the house came over to hug your leg. “I’m sure Puppet didn’t mean to scare you,” she said. “He always comes to visit but he doesn’t like it when people make noise. You shouldn’t scream when you see him again.”
You made eye-contact with the parents and they wore expressions of horror at their daughter’s words.
“Puppet?” you asked in a small voice.
She nodded rapidly. “He says he stops by because he likes watching people. I think that he’s watching us all right now! But he can hide in the shadows too well.”
“I’m going to go and call the police,” somebody said.
You weren’t all too focused. The feeling of being watched grew heavier and you clutched tightly at the camera in your hands.
You couldn’t tell if they were being serious. You hoped that they were joking. They weren’t genuinely going to…
“No,” you stated.
The two younger children both turned to look at you simultaneously. Guilt flashed across their faces as though they weren’t aware you were listening. It was as though you were asked to babysit them because you didn’t pay attention. These two should have realised that by now.
“Do you think all the stories are true?” the boy asked. “I think that they are. One of my friends said she saw a huge dog in the forest and then it ran away after eating a whole cow!”
“No way!” his twin sister shouted. “Dogs don’t eat cows, so it can’t be true!”
You put on your best intimidating expression and crossed your arms. “I don’t care if they’re true or not. There is absolutely no chance that either of you are going to go running off into the woods with bears, wolves and all kinds of other creatures.”
The two children glanced at each other and bolted for the tree line before you could grab their shirts.
Thankfully your legs were longer even if they had a head start and you managed to catch up pretty quickly. Once you caught the boy and picked him up with ease, the girl dashed behind a tree.
“Can we please just leave?” you asked nicely. “If we forget about the forest adventure thing, I promise I won’t tell your parents and I’ll get you ice cream.”
The boy was trying his hardest to get out of your hold. You were starting to think babysitting didn’t pay enough.
“I don’t want ice cream,” the girl said. “I want to go and find a unicorn.”
She darted off into the forest and you let out a deep groan. Shifting the boy’s weight over your one hip, you started walking after her. If you wanted to give chase via running, you would have to put the kid down and trust him to follow or stay.
It was obvious that wasn’t happening.
It didn’t take you too long to find the girl. Mostly because she had stopped in the middle of a weird grove in the trees. She was just staring off into the dark shadows beyond it.
As you approached her, static popped in your ears. You shook your head in an effort to displace it but the closer you got, the louder it became.
The child in your arms whimpered, clutching his head.
You softly called her name and then it appeared. It was a man-like monster, standing just in the shadows of the trees. Easily over 7ft tall and insanely thin with no facial features. Your heart jumped into your throat and your stomach tied itself into a knot.
Without taking your eyes off it, you reached out a hand and fumbled around until you grabbed the girl’s shirt.
The static was getting louder and louder. You tried to shut it out as you started moving backwards, tugging the child along after you. She wasn’t willing to move her legs. She was entranced but whether by fear or magic, you couldn’t tell.
And then it was much closer.
You stumbled in fright, letting go of the girl’s shirt and landing on your ass. The boy fell on top of you but scrambled away and hide in the bushes within the blink of an eye. You sent a silent prayer to him to run back home to the other adults.
Once again, the creature was stationary but now the static was growing to such a volume that you could imagine your ears were starting to bleed.
You reached out for the girl again slowly, but something wrapped around your leg and yanked you into the air.
It took almost a full second for you to realise that the screaming ringing in your ears was you. Whatever was holding you tightened and whipped your body through the air. It was like your leg was being ripped away.
Then you were falling.
It was some feat of luck that you managed to twist your body, so you didn’t land on your head. You lay there for a while before something poking your back made you unbury your face.
The twins were staring at you with wide eyes and the monster was nowhere in sight.
“What was –“ you couldn’t finish.
“Slenderman,” they said in perfect sync.
Another stop…
You couldn’t help yourself. Every time you walked past one of the posters fluttering lightly in the wind you had to stop and stare at it.
A few days ago, your dog, your beautiful and sweet puppy, had disappeared from your house without a trace. The missing posters were depressing reminders that he wasn’t home. It hadn’t taken long for your mind to spiral into the negative thoughts about how close the road was.
Damn your coworkers. One of the had suggested the road in the first place and while they hadn’t intended anything malicious, it was definitely not helping your fears.
The dog had been with you through thick and through thin… if it was dead, you may as well have lost a close family member.
Hanging your head, you dragged your eyes away from the poster and kept walking.
People bumped into you, but it was your fault. You refused to look up in case another poster distracted you. Getting home before the sun set was your only focus now.
You had tried going out and searching in all the places where your dog once spent time to no avail. Always willing to try again, you chose to drop off your bags and head out later that evening when you ran out of distractions.
As you walked through the gates in front of your house, a gust of air gently messed up your hair. A gust of wind suspiciously similar to a laugh.
Your logical mind told you it came from the street, but something made you stop in your tracks.
The walls around your property towered. There’s no possibility that somebody could be in your garden. To try and scale one of the walls, they would have been in full view of your neighbours who would have undoubtedly called the cops.
“You’re sad,” the wind whispered before you could brush off your suspicion.
Spinning wildly, you searched around for the source. You backed up until your entrance gate was behind you. You could run down to the main street with ease if you could just get your fumbling fingers to unlock things.
“Don’t run,” the wind said, this time blowing from a separate direction. “I promise I’m not going to hurt you. I just wanted to know why you’re upset.”
Is this what going insane was? Nobody around and the wind was talking to you. You had always feared losing your mind and now it was happening.
“I’m real,” the wind said. “I’m hiding because I’ll scare you if you see me.”
“I’m going mad,” you muttered, shaking your head. “If this is somebody pulling a prank on me I swear….”
The wind quietened for a bit and then it picked up again, ruffling your hair as it spoke. “If I show myself, it’ll prove that you’re not going crazy, but I don’t want to make it worse by frightening you… you’re so sad already.”
“I lost my best friend and people have been telling me he’s most likely dead,” you hissed. “Obviously I’m not in the best mood. Now I’m losing my fucking mind and talking to air.”
The atmosphere around you dropped, like it does moments before lightning strikes. You glanced at the sky in confusion. As expected, no clouds in sight.
You lowered your gaze and a 7ft tall creature covered in bright polka dots stood in front of your house.
Once you screamed, it disappeared.
“I’m sorry,” the wind said. “I knew I would scare you, but I had hoped it would show you that I’m not imaginary. I’m just trying to help.”
The gate finally opened behind you and you stumbled backwards through it, your heart sitting in your throat. A monster was in your house and it was probably going to kill you. Spinning on your heel, you took off full speed back towards the main street.
You were fully expecting it to give chase now that you hadn’t fallen for its claims of harmlessness but it didn’t.
Instead you reached the main road and only got a few strange looks because of how much you were shaking. Nothing followed you.
The wind picked up once more. “I’ll try and help,” it promised.
People walking around you should have heard it as well but none of them so much as blinked.
Ticci Toby
While you had been told that a noise limit for the forest existed, your laughter refused to cooperate. It rang through the trees and probably chased off all the animals nearby. A picnic out in a national forest was a fantastic way to reconcile with nature and to scare it all away.
With eleven people in your picnic party, chances of any creatures coming into view were already slim though so you didn’t worry too much.
“We didn’t bring nearly enough fruit,” you muttered as you dug in the basket.
“Excuse you, I brought a whole watermelon but you ate it,” somebody answered your grumble. “If you want fruit, it is spring. Go and forage for some berries.”
You snorted. “Yeah, right. I’m going to go out by myself in the middle of the one season where bears are irritable as fuck. I know I sometimes act a little impulsively, but I don’t exactly have a wish to die at the claws of a grumpy teddy.”
Your friend leaned towards you. “Is that so? What if we split into teams and made a bet? Loser has to take a dip in the river.”
“A bet?” you asked. “I’m interested.”
She grinned and snapped her fingers. “Okay, there are eleven people so I’m feeling groups of two with one impartial party as a judge. We should be fine if we make enough noise and stick within close vicinity to each other. See how many berries we can gather?”
Tipping out the picnic basket’s contents, you smirked and pushed it into her chest. “Oh, I hope you brought a swimming costume.”
Everybody teamed up with ease and grabbed one of the many containers lying on the blanket. You headed out with your partner and gave a wink to the other teams. All you needed was to find one good bush first and you had it won.
“We should split up,” your partner said. “Cover more ground.”
You nodded. “We meet up back here once we’ve found a good bush,” you agreed. “And we shout if we find any animals.”
Obviously, your plans hadn’t involved losing your footing almost directly after the two of you split.
Tumbling down the small hill, you tried your hardest to protect yourself from the bushes as you went through them. At some point, you lost your basket and by the time you had finally rolled to a stop, you had no idea where it was.
Grumbling, you stood up and started searching until something dark caught your eye. Thinking it was your basket, you made your way over.
The clearing you walked into housed a scene you could never have imagined.
A dead bear lay slumped against a tree, its fur being what had caught your eye earlier. A hatchet buried in its neck was spilling blood onto the floor around it. All that hardly compared to the man leaning against a tree.
“Oh my god!” you exclaimed. “Are you alright?”
His head immediately snapped up, allowing you to see that he was wearing a mouth guard and a pair of goggles. Blood seeped from between his fingers where they clutched against his chest, but he hardly noticed. A hatchet was hanging from his belt.
Suddenly, you were wishing you had kept your mouth shut.
He stared at you blankly for a while, an occasional twitch minorly affecting his body. Reaching up, he took off his mouthguard. “I can’t feel any pain,” he said. “So, I’m fine. Why are y-you out here? The hiking trail is far.” He struggled with one of the words, seeming to hiccup a little on it.
“I was searching for berries and I slipped down a hill,” you answered. “Are you sure you’re okay? It looks like you got into a fight with a bear. Your shirt is all bloody.”
“I did fight a bear,” he laughed, gesturing to it. “I won.”
Your eyes grew wider. “I think you should get to a hospital. What’s your name? I can call somebody for you and we’ll get you medical attention.”
“Toby,” he said. “That’s my name. What’s yours?”
You gave him your full name and pulled out your phone. “My friends are close by,” you said. “Don’t worry, they’ll be here to help soon.”
When you raised your attention from your phone, he had disappeared and so had the hatchet from the bear’s neck.
Work was hard. It made your feet ache, it made your back click and crack, and it felt like the problems would never end.
Would you give up working in the fashion industry? Not a chance.
Your boss walked past where you were calming down an irate customer over the phone and dropped the keys to the front of the building in front of you. “Close up for me,” she mouthed as she left.
Nodding, you moved them to the side of the desk where they couldn’t be lost.
Once you had finished calming the customer, you glanced around to check how many people were left in the room. Three still working and one in the process of leaving. You were technically going into overtime at this point, but you didn’t mind.
There was a reason you were promoted so quickly.
“We need to set up cameras!” one of the floor managers snapped, storming into the office. She marched straight over to your desk and glowered at you. “I put this request in a week ago.”
Scrolling through the documents, you quickly opened the file. “I see but it looks like it’s been bumped due to a shipment malfunction, I’ll flag it. What’s the problem?”
“Customers or members of staff are moving items around and throwing things out without warning. We need to catch the culprits!” she snapped.
“What has been thrown out?” you asked. “I’ll add it into the information.”
The woman started listing quicker than you could type. “I’ve found crocs, toeless thigh-high boots, bellbottomed jeans, coloured faux fur jackets, luminous lipstick, w-necks, and jeggings all in vast numbers in the trash can. Every time I put them out on shelves, they disappear again.”
It took everything in you not to snort. “I’ll mark this vital.”
She stalked off and you went back to inputting the shipping requirements. You were meant to be organising what was coming in for the latest line and subtly omitting anything that wouldn’t sell well enough.
Slowly but surely, your co-workers trickled out of the office after finishing off their daily tasks. You kept going, trying to make sure you could have a longer break the next day.
Finally, when the sun had already set, you relented and started getting ready to go home.
You sung as you finished packing up for the day. Being the last one in the building (thus having to lock up) made you a little more confident as you danced around getting everything together. You slung your bag over your shoulder and happily trotted over to the door.
It made you so happy that your boss entrusted you to be the last one around. She was so hyper-protective of company secrets that you were proud of yourself for winning her over.
Your talent with people was something you attributed to dealing with painful customers.
As you passed through the store-part of the business you stopped to rearrange a mannequin. Every morning when you came in, you always noticed something had been changed with this specific one. You figured you could move something small and see if it would be a good place to set up a hidden camera.
Though you weren’t expecting it to suddenly grab your arm.
“You may be one of the few workers here with good taste, but I advise you don’t try and change my outfit,” it said. It didn’t have a mouth, but the words rang in your head, nevertheless.
You screamed and pulled away, tearing your arm from its grip. Shelves were knocked over and clothing was sent flying as you tried to escape.
The mannequin just watched you as you fumbled madly for the door.
The glass rattled in the frame from how hard you slammed it shut behind you. You sped off down the street, moving faster than you ever had before. You collapsed on your lawn by the time you reached the house, taking deep breaths.
Nothing had followed you. Everything was okay.
With shaking fingers, you dialed your boss’ number and told her you would be taking a sick day. There wasn’t a chance in hell you were going anywhere near there again.
Not to mention the mess you made… you were definitely getting fired.
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plaidbooks · 4 years ago
Hey 🥰 could I request working with Sonny and you two used to date but broke up, you remained friends but never really got over each other and your end up going through a pretty bad time with work or personal stuff and you’re struggling mentally and not eating etc and when he realises he comes over to your place to check ur ok and you just breakdown and he tells u he still loves u and that it’ll always be u 🥺
Some Space
A/N: I am so sorry that this took so long! I was so burnt out of writing, but I'm here now! I hope that this makes up for the wait!
This takes place before Sonny joins SVU--and his timeline is a little wonky to make this fic work, but oh well.
Tags: death, shootings, blood, disassociation
Words: 2590
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @permanentlydizzy @ben-c-group-therapy @infiniteoddball @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @lv7867 @storiesofsvu @cycat4077 @alwaysachorusgirl @glimmerglittergirl @joanofarkansass @redlipstickandplaid @reading--mermaid @dreamlover31 @averyhotchner @mrsrafaelbarba @detective-giggles @crowleysqueenofhell
“So, do you wanna move in together?” Sonny asked while you cuddled on his couch. You turned to look at him, and his face fell as he saw your expression. “…you don’t?”
You sighed. “It’s not like I don’t love you, Sonny, because I do. It’s just…I mean, we’re still in our mid-20s. I want a little more, uh, freedom before I settle down, you know?”
“I’ve known since we started dating in high school that I was in for the long term. I was thinking of maybe…I don’t know, getting married…having kids…. Now that we’ve settled into patrol, I thought it would be the perfect time to take the next step,” he muttered.
You sat in silence, debating. You loved Sonny, and you did want to marry him…someday. Not right now. You’ve barely lived any of your life; hell, you lived at home still. Sonny had his own apartment, but you didn’t want to go from living with your parents to living with him. You wanted space, time to figure out who you really were. And you didn’t think you could do that with Sonny. If he couldn’t give you your independence, if you both wanted different things, then you were going to have to break up with him, as much as it would break your heart to do it.
“Listen, Sonny, I need to live my own life for a little bit, discover myself. I-it’s nothing wrong with you, I promise—”
“Are you breaking up with me?” he asked softly.
Hearing the words out loud made tears form in your eyes. “I…yes, I guess I am. At least until I find myself…. I’m so sorry, Sonny. I’ll always care about you. We can still be friends?”
“Y-yeah…okay, sure. I…yeah…” he trailed off, unwrapping his arms from around you. You both sat there awkwardly, and the tension was thick. You stood, moving to grab your jacket, and Sonny followed you to the front door.
“This isn’t…goodbye. I promise you, Sonny Carisi. It’s just—”
“See you later?” he finished.
You gave him a smile, and a kiss on the cheek. “Yeah. I’ll see you later.”
That was months ago now, and you had transferred out of Staten Island patrol, unable to see Sonny every day, those big, sad blue eyes trying to avoid your gaze. Now, you worked for Brooklyn, an officer in their Homicide department. You settled in quickly, and you found a cheap-ish apartment in Brooklyn.
It was nice living by yourself, and you highly enjoyed it. You missed Sonny dearly, but you thought it was too soon to reach out. Your heart still strained when you thought about the breakup, so you kept your distance. But it was getting easier and easier to let those feelings fade away in your new line of work. Brooklyn Homicide was a lot busier than Staten patrol, and you got along great with your partner, Drew Zimmer.
“We keep making these busts, and we’re gonna make detective in no time,” Drew said, grinning at you.
You smiled back as you shoved a cuffed perp in the backseat of your squad car. “Then we get paid halfway decently for doing much of the same as we are now.”
“Plus, normal clothes! Not this suffocating police uniform.”
You agreed, then moved to the front seat, Drew sliding in behind the steering wheel. You and Drew were close, but you never crossed a line. He was engaged to his high school sweetheart, something that made you slightly sad. Sonny was your high school sweetheart, and you wondered how different your life would’ve been if you moved in with him.
As Drew predicted, you both made detective later that year. You were officially the youngest detective, having moved up the ranks so quickly. You both went out for drinks to celebrate, and you had the wild impulse to invite Sonny. It had been almost a year since you broke up, and you could finally think about it without tearing up. But would he be okay with it? You fought the idea, putting your phone back in your pocket.
“Everything okay?” Drew asked, seeing the look on your face.
You shot him a fake smile. “Fine, fine. Just…thinking. Don’t worry about it.”
He gave you a hard, knowing look, as if he could read your mind. You had told him about Sonny, but you didn’t want to bring the celebration down. Instead, you took your glass and cheers him before taking a sip.
You jumped when your phone rang, and you pulled it out of your pocket. Your Captain’s name flashed across the screen, and you answered with a brisk voice. Drew watched and listened, then sighed when you said that you were both on your way.
“What do we got?” he asked, putting money on the table and standing.
You pulled your jacket on, heading for the door. “Body found in Prospect Heights. You okay to drive?”
“Sober as a fox.”
You both showed up quickly, seeing the officers who called in the body. Drew parked, and you made your way over. One of the officers started walking you both through the details when a gunshot rang out from down the alley that the body was in. Instinct took over as you hid behind a wall of the building, grabbing the closest officer to you and pulling them with you. Gunshots echoed in the alleyway as someone—or someones—unloaded on the entrance to the alley.
Drew was on the other side of the alleyway, and one of the officers was flat on their back, blood leaking from a bullet hole in their head. You ordered the officer next to you to call for backup, then waited until the gunfire stopped. Taking a chance, you snuck a quick peak. There were three individuals at the end of the alley, making their way quickly towards you.
You motioned to Drew, letting him know, before you reached your hand around the corner, firing blindly in an attempt to at least slow their advance. With the cover fire, Drew came halfway around the wall, actually aiming his gun as he fired.
“You got one of them,” he informed you. He got a few shots off before a bullet went through his neck, knocking him off his feet.
“Drew!” you screamed before whipping around the wall, shooting with deadly precision. There was only one man still standing—Drew must’ve got one before going down—and you shot him quickly. Then you dropped to your knees by Drew’s rasping form. You ripped off your jacket, pressing it to the bloody wound.
“Stay with me Drew, do you hear me? You have a fiancée to go home to,” you ordered, trying desperately to stop the bleeding. “Call a bus!” you yelled at the officer, who was staring in shock.
Drew reached up, grabbing your wrist. “T-tell Steph I—I love her…please,” he gasped, voice weak.
“You’re going to tell her yourself when you see her, okay?” you said, trying to smile at him.
He shook his head. “Tell her…please. I-I—” Drew let out a death rattle before laying still.
“No! No! Live, damn you! You can’t die on me, Drew! W-we’re partners!” you screamed. But he was gone. Tears spilled down your cheeks as you leaned over him.
Time meant nothing as you knelt there. You had no idea when the ambulance arrived, nor when your Captain showed up. You’re not sure who moved you away from Drew’s lifeless body, and you didn’t notice how you ended up at the hospital. You were still covered in Drew’s blood as the nurses ran tests, making sure you were uninjured. Your Captain ordered you to take time off, and you didn’t hear him, didn’t argue. You blinked and you were home, sitting on your couch, a bottle of whiskey in front of you.
IAB had been delayed by your Captain, but eventually, you had to face them. You couldn’t recall what they asked, or what you answered. The first emotion you felt in days was fleeting anger; the body that you had been called to investigate was left as bait. The men who shot at you, who killed your partner and an officer, were part of a gang, attempting to become cop killers. It was all a ruse to kill whichever cops arrived on the scene. Drew, one of the nicest, most genuine people you’ve known, was killed for street cred. But your anger soon disappeared, just like everything else.
It had been a week since Drew died in your arms. You visited his fiancée—she had already been informed of her love’s death—but you had to see her, pass on his final words. You held her as she cried, but you had no tears left. You felt nothing; you were just a shell. You stopped eating, stopped showering, stopped drinking, even water. You stopped sleeping; you just passed out nowadays, at any and all times of the day, wherever you happened to be laying. Your Captain called you a few times, trying to get you into therapy, but you never left your apartment.
One night, there was a knock on your door. You moved on phantom feet, unlocking and pulling your door open. You felt a dull punch to the gut as Sonny stood on your doorstep.
“H-hey doll…. I heard about your partner, and I thought I’d check up on you,” he said softly.
You nodded, not even attempting to fake a smile. “I’m fine,” you said in a monotone voice, ready to close the door on him. But Sonny was quicker.
“No, you’re not.” And with that, he pushed into your home. “When was the last time you’ve eaten? Washed? Brushed your teeth? Anything?”
You had no answer for him, and he quickly went to your kitchen, pulling open your fridge. Normally, you’d follow him, but instead, you went and collapsed on your couch, your legs unable to hold you up anymore.
Sonny came out with a glass of water. “Drink that,” he ordered, then stood there until you did. “Most of your food has gone bad; I’m going to run to the store. While I’m gone, I want you to shower, okay?”
You didn’t nod, made no indication that you had heard him. He ran a hand through his hair, hating seeing you like this.
“Okay…if you can shower, please do. Otherwise, just at least…drink another glass of water, okay?” He took the glass from your hand, refilled it, then came back and handed it to you. “I’ll be right back.”
You were unsure for how long he was gone; you dimly heard him come back. Sonny went to your kitchen with full grocery bags, and soon, the sounds and smells of cooking emanated from within. He came out soon after—or maybe it was longer, who knows?—with a plate of food.
When he noticed the full glass of water in your hand still, he shook his head, then sat next to you. You didn’t fight him as he fed you small bites, nor as he raised the glass of water to your lips. You tasted nothing as you ate half the plate. Sonny was afraid to make you sick with too much food at once, so he put the rest back in the kitchen. Then, he pulled you to the bathroom. He undressed you, then himself, before guiding you into the shower. The hot water brought you partly to your senses, just enough to feel Sonny’s hands washing your hair and body.
“You may have to get your hair cut short—it’s pretty damaged from lack of care,” he muttered, trying to work the knots out with his fingers. You nodded gently, letting him care for you. Once done, he wrapped you in a towel, patting you dry. Then, he took your toothbrush and put paste on it before handing it to you, lifting your hand to your mouth.
“Brush,” he softly ordered, and you did.
After finishing up in the bathroom, Sonny tugged you to your room, where he dressed you in your pajamas. Then he pushed you down into the bed.
“Sleep, okay? I’ll stay here with you until you fall asleep,” he promised.
You laid on the pillow, and fresh tears came to your eyes. “He died in my arms,” you muttered.
Sonny’s expression softened. “I heard, doll. There was nothing more you could’ve done. Just rest now.”
As promised, he sat next to you until you drifted off, your hand in his.
Sonny practically moved in with you after that, just until you could take care of yourself. He took you to a therapist, and a hair salon. He made you meals and made sure you drank water. At first, he would shower with you and made sure you brushed your teeth; those were the two things you started doing yourself the quickest. It took you a few weeks to break out of the shock-induced disassociation you were experiencing. Eventually, you started helping Sonny cook in your kitchen, and doing small chores around your apartment.
“Thank you, Sonny, for everything,” you said one night while you were eating dinner.
He smiled at you. “Of course, doll. I care about you.”
“I care about you, too. I—I should’ve called you earlier. I was just afraid that it was too soon.”
His smile faltered slightly. “I understand. I…it’s probably still too soon….”
“What do you mean?”
Sonny put his fork down, looking everywhere but at you. “Look, I’ve…I thought that enough time had passed, especially when I heard about your partner—” you flinched at the mention of Drew— “but when you opened the door and I saw how much it affected you, I realized that…I still love you, have always loved you. You were literally wasting away, and I couldn’t stand by and watch.”
You froze, not in shock at him, but at yourself. Because hearing the words out loud, you knew that you loved him, too.
“I’m sorry; you don’t need this right now. The last thing you need on your mind is—”
“I love you, too, Sonny. God, I love you so much,” you replied, throwing your arms around him, and leaning against his side.
He hesitated a moment before he wrapped an arm around your back. “Are ya sure? You’re going through some pretty traumatic stuff right now. Your emotions going a little haywire.”
“I’m sure. I-I was afraid to call you because I couldn’t handle seeing you. Because I never got over you.”
Sonny nodded. “I never got over you, either. Look, if you still want your space, I can live with that, as long as I don’t lose you again. I never want to lose you again.”
“I don’t want to lose you, either. I love you; I want to marry you one day. Let’s just…see how it goes, okay? I’ve learned a lot just in the year we’ve been apart—”
He cut you off with a kiss, his lips soft against yours. He felt so familiar, so much like home, and you realized how much you had really missed him. You kissed him back, holding him to you. He leaned his forehead against yours, lips brushing over yours.
“We’ll figure out the details later. Right now, I just want to get to know you again,” he breathed.
You nodded. “Please, yes. I want to remember you, Dominick.”
He pulled you closer, promising his whole self to you in a searing kiss.
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the-cult-of-russo · 4 years ago
Push and Pull (Part 9)
Pairing: Matt Murdock x OC
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Warnings: cursing, mentions of injury etc.
What she thought would be a small nap turned into sleeping until the next morning. When Daphne woke up, she didn't move as her eyes fluttered open. Every inch of her hurt like a bitch and her shock had turned to anger. She could hear a whispering coming from behind her in the kitchen area and she stayed completely still as she listened.
"Jesus christ, Matt. When you told me what happened I didn't expect for her to look like she was mauled by a goddamn bear!" Foggy hissed frantically, trying to keep his voice low. 
"I told you she was attacked," Matt started, his voice quieter and calmer than his friends.
"I know you did, but have you seen her? What did that asshole do to her?" Foggy honestly sounded like he was about to have an aneurism. She heard a sigh that came from Matt.
"Look, Foggy-" he tried, only to be interrupted again.
"Don't 'look Foggy' me. This shit is insane! And you said Brett hasn't even found the dude yet!" Foggy hissed again. Her heart dropped at that news. He must have left before the cops got there.
"I know but there isn't much we can do-" he was once again cut off by a panicked Foggy.
"There's a knife-wielding dad killer out there, Matt! He's insane. This whole thing is just… she could have died!" If she was honest, it touched her a little by how upset Foggy was by all of this. He seemed to be taking this friend thing seriously. 
"I'm well aware," Matt stated plainly. He sounded like he was starting to get irritated.
"Oh, you're well aware. How great. Are you even concerned at all? I'm over here having a damn panic attack and you're just chill! Were you not even worried when she turned up here half dead?!" Foggy glowered accusingly. 
"Of course I was worried, Foggy! I didn't even know how bad it was or if I'd be able to help her! I didn't sleep at all last night just to make sure she was breathing!" She didn't know how to feel about him watching over her like that. She hadn't expected that kindness. She hadn't even done that for him when he got shot.
"Quit your goddamn lecture because now isn't the time to talk about this!" Matt hissed harshly. 
"Why the hell not?!" Foggy demanded.
"Because she's awake," Matt answered tensely. 
Busted. She didn't know what tipped him off. She wondered if it was how her breathing changed when she woke and throughout their whispered argument or her heartbeat. Either way was creepy. She opted not to say anything and she honestly didn't think she could sit up unassisted with the pain she was in. She heard footsteps coming to the living area and Foggy plonked down in the chair. She was expecting a fake smile on his face with a cheerful greeting but she was met by a worried glance and silence. She didn't like it. 
"Here. Coffee, toast and some pain meds," Matt murmured softly as he set the things on the coffee table. Then without her even having to ask, he helped her to sit. She groaned, gripping her wound on her lower abdomen as the stitches jolted.
"Motherfucker," she moaned with a frown. She didn't think she'd ever been this banged up before.
"Sorry. Try not to move too much. It'll be easier once you've had the pills," Matt said carefully. She nodded, grabbing the pills and washing them down with the coffee that was still kind of hot. She didn't know how Matt knew she liked cream and sugar but she couldn't care less right then.
"Brett didn't find him?" She bit out. It only caused her anger to swell. This asshole murdered his own father, a good man that didn't deserve this. She didn't even care about her attack in the grand scheme of things. She needed justice for Mr Lee. Matt sighed heavily, wiping a hand over his face. Foggy finally decided to speak.
"When they got to the scene, he was gone. But they're processing it which is good and they've got people looking for him. With your evidence and statement, once they catch him he's as good as locked up," Foggy stated sounding confident. More confident than the frantic whispering from the kitchen. She just nodded again. She really hoped they'd find the asshole.
"You need to eat. You lost a lot of blood and you need to heal," Matt uttered as he pushed the plate of toast towards her more. She felt sick and she really wasn't hungry. But she refused to lay about feeling sorry for herself. She wanted to heal ASAP so she reluctantly ate a few pieces of the toast. The silence as she ate was unbearable, like no one knew what to say as the heaviness weighed on them. Weirdly enough she found herself somewhat happy she wasn't on her own right then.
"I need to get to the station, drop my shit off and give my statement," she sighed once she was done, wiping the crumbs from her hands.
"Might wanna get changed first," Foggy teased weakly. She glanced down for the first time and blanched. Her shirt was ripped to shreds and was soaked in blood. She didn't know how she was even functioning with how much blood she must have lost. Her jeans were also blood stained although the brunt of it was taken by her shirt.
"You can have something of mine," Matt said softly as he stood. She watched him as he opened the door to his room. She'd be impressed by how easy he navigated his home but she'd seen him fight. The stick was just an act for everyone else's benefit. He might not see like everyone else but he saw things in his own way. 
He came back a moment later with some black sweat pants and a black t-shirt. They'd be big but she'd cope. She just wanted to see Brett. 
"Thanks," she shot him a weary smile that he returned as she took them. When she went to stand, she made a pained noise, squeezing her eyes shut. This would be hard. Foggy jumped up though, she wondered if he just felt like he needed to do something. To be helpful. 
"Come on, I'll walk you to the bathroom," he smiled. He helped her stand and she was unsteady to her feet. With his help she managed to make it to the bathroom. She closed the door once she got in and listened to Foggy retreat back to Matt in the living room. 
She gasped when she saw her reflection. She knew it would be bad but this wasn't what she expected. The left side of her face was a giant bruise, her cheekbone swollen. She had a split lip and hand prints around her throat. Her arms had numerous small slices and she knew her chest had a couple too as well as the deep gash on her stomach. She looked like she stepped right off the set of a horror movie. She wasn't surprised that Foggy freaked out when he saw her. At first she felt sad. Knowing she would scar, that Mr Lee's psycho spawn had marked her forever. A reminder of how she'd failed him because she was a self absorbed bitch. But then her anger flared. Matt’s words from the day before were on a loop in her brain like a mantra. Even if she had told Mr Lee, this would have happened. And she held the evidence to help put the prick away. Maybe the only reason she crossed paths with Mr Lee was so she could make sure he got justice. 
After gathering herself, she realised she had a problem. She could barely function, let alone undress and get changed. She loathed asking anyone for help but she wasn't stubborn enough to hurt herself more by trying. Heaving a sigh, she shuffled over and opened the door.
"Uh… I need some help," she murmured with a grimace. She felt so awkward. Foggy was a new friend that she was trying to adjust to and Matt was… well he was Matt. But she was grateful for everything he'd done for her. And now they were even and she could close that chapter and hoped neither of them would need the other’s help after this.
"What do you need?" Foggy asked as he came into view, Matt trailing behind him.
"I can't… I can't get undressed. Or dressed," she snorted ruefully, gesturing to the bundle of clothes in her arms. Foggy's eyes widened and he glanced from her to Matt.
"I-I can help… if you need me to-" he started looking uncomfortable but she shook her head to stop him.
"At the risk of sounding like a bitch, Matt’s blind so… I'd kinda feel better if he helped me," she said carefully. 
Matt swallowed thickly with a nod as Foggy looked relieved. 
"Great! I mean… okay. I'll just…" he scurried off back to the living area and she snorted softly at him. Matt stayed silent as he walked inside the bathroom, closing the door behind him for privacy. It still wasn't ideal. He couldn't see with his eyes but he wasn't a typical blind person. But it was better than nothing. 
"I'll try to be careful but this might hurt a little," he muttered apologetically. She nodded as he took the clothes from her and set them by the sink. 
He made good on his promise to be careful as he expertly manoeuvred her shirt over her head with minimal pain. She was starting to feel uncomfortable with the weird silence dangling over them as he worked on her jeans.
"What's the mirror for? I mean you can't see so…" it came out much worse than it sounded in her head and she mentally facepalmed. She didn't know why it was so hard to just be civil with him. It was much easier being a bitch. She was caught off guard when he let out a surprised laugh.
"That sounded better in my head. I promise I'm not actually trying to be a bitch," she huffed a laugh of her own. 
"It's fine. It's a valid question. Foggy made me get it, he's always trying to get me to put stuff in here for when he visits. He's been trying to get me to get a TV," he grinned up at her as he tugged her jeans down her legs.
"I think he just wants you to buy it so he doesn't have to," she mused playfully. 
"That's what I said," he chuckled. 
She was suddenly aware she was standing in her underwear and she was grateful he couldn't see her blush. When did she blush? She wasn't shy of the opposite sex. She rolled her eyes at herself as Matt helped her step into his sweatpants. She at least was capable of tightening the drawstrings so they didn't slip off. She winced a little as he manoeuvred the shirt over her head. It was a little big but it was way better than her now ruined one. Next he helped her with her boots.
"There you go," he gave her a hesitant smile and she swallowed thickly.
"Thanks… for this and… saving my life," she murmured sincerely. He nodded, pursing his lips a little.
"Like you said last night, now we're even," he smirked. 
"Yeah, except I didn't keep vigil when you slept," she pointed out. Maybe she was feeling more like herself today since she noticed he looked down, seemingly caught off guard. He probably hoped she hadn't heard that part.
"You were in pretty bad shape. I couldn't sleep and I figured I'd just make sure you were still breathing," he shrugged as he opened the door 
"Careful, Devilboy. It's starting to sound like you care. What do you think we are? Friends?" She asked with a sly smirk. He chuckled, wrapping an arm around her to help her walk into the living area.
"Something like that," he replied quietly.
"You look a lot better. More 'wearing my boyfriends clothes' than 'murder scene chic'," Foggy beamed at her. She snorted and rolled her eyes. She knew she still probably looked weird wearing Matt’s clothes and her boots but they were comfy honestly. Besides, nothing would stick out as much as her injuries. She watched as Foggy slung her backpack over his shoulder so she didn't have to carry it and she almost jumped when a hoodie was suddenly presented to her by Matt. He helped her into it but she left it unzipped. It was cozy and soft. 
She was anxious now to see Brett and she watched with little patience as the boys got ready to leave. She didn't remember when Matt changed from his own sweats to his lawyer suit. It was Sunday and this wasn't really work and she wondered if he always wore a suit when he wasn't at home or if we just worked all the time. Matt slipped his glasses on and grabbed his cane before walking over. He linked his arm with her and she wondered how funny it would look when they went outside. Both of them were patient as they went down the stairs with her and she was grateful as they took turns to help her. She hated feeling so dependent on anyone and she couldn't wait to hurry up and heal. 
"Thank Jesus," she breathed once they got outside. It felt like it took ten hours to get down the stairs. 
"I prefer to go by Foggy most days. But it's Sunday so I'll allow it," Foggy grinned teasingly. She let out an elegant snort.
"Blasphemous," Matt tutted with a wry smirk. She wasn't sure now what the plan was. She struggled to walk on her own completely but knew Matt usually held Foggy's arm. She just stood there waiting for a cue on what to do. She watched as Matt readied his cane and then he glanced at her, extending his arm for her to link her own. She smiled gratefully, linking her arm and using him as an anchor to steady herself. 
"Alright, off to the station we go. I should've brought snacks, this'll take a while," Foggy murmured thoughtfully. 
She wasn't sure how long it took them to walk to the station but it was longer than she'd like. But once again they were patient and Matt had been steady as he walked beside her, guiding her which she found ironic. Foggy held open the door for them as they got there. 
"Ladies first," he shot Matt a sly smirk and Matt scoffed as he shot his head. 
"I'm sorry, please tell us what your favourite show is again?" Matt retorted. Foggy squinted at him as they walked through the door.
"The real housewives of Beverly Hills is interesting and entertaining!" Foggy defended firmly. She had to purse her lips to stop herself from laughing. 
"Holy shit, D! What in the fresh hell?" the voice snapped her out of the surprisingly chill moment she was having with the wonder twins as Brett stormed over. He was looking at every inch of her with concern etched on his features and she gave him a careful smile.
"Asshole really did a number on me," she replied ruefully. She didn't want it made into a bigger deal than it was. The focus wasn't about her but Mr Lee instead.
"You're telling me," he muttered, raking his teeth over his lower lip.
"Any word?" Matt asked firmly. His no nonsense lawyer voice on. The heaving sigh that left Brett's lips told her no.
"No yet but we got eyes out looking for him. Don’t worry, we'll get him," he gave her a meaningful look and she nodded gratefully. 
"I've got all the pictures in my bag. You want me to give my statement now?" She asked softly. Foggy passed the backpack to Brett who called another cop over to take it. 
"Yeah. Get it done now and then you can rest while we find this asshole," he affirmed. She took a shaky step forward on her own and Matt hovered over her like he was ready to catch her. Brett moved over and linked his arm with hers.
"I got it from here. You boys can go on home, I'll drive her home when we're done," Brett said as he started walking with her.
"Thanks guys," she smiled over her shoulder. Foggy grinned at her and Matt just sent her a solemn nod. They'd actually had decent interactions for once. Maybe it was because she was injured. She wasn't on top form to be such a bitch and maybe he felt bad. She did appreciate him saving her ass even if it was to pay her back. 
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procrastinatorimagines · 5 years ago
Could Have Been More Part 3
Fandom: Chicago PD / One Chicago
Series: Could Have Been More
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 (Final)
Character/s: Hank Voight x Reader
Warning/s: mentions of death/murder
Word Count: 1,545
Summary: Y/N blames herself for a killer now loose in Chicago and Hank does his best to comfort her
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The body count had been 10. 10 people were dead, all because you’d meddled with something that was none of your business. Bangers, an officer had told you, part of the same gang as the first victim and his girlfriend, the dead waitress. Apparently the manager, Strauss, had been using his cafe as a front to move product, and now he was cleaning house.
You’d basically put yourself on autopilot after that, double checking patients and talking to officers, but it all sounded so far away, like you were listening to everything at a distance. No, like you were underwater, that would explain why you were finding it so hard to breath anyway.
After you’d gone to Med Kev and Adam had met you outside, explaining to Sylvie that there would be another paramedic to fill in for you for the rest of shift, and until this case was over. Sylvie was shocked and concerned, but Kev had told her he couldn’t get into it with her right now but that everything was going to be okay. You’d nodded along numbly and Slyvie had tried to protest, but in the end she had been called to a fire with the rest of 51 and she’d reluctantly left, giving your hand a squeeze as she did.
“Voight filled us in mostly, we’re going to take you straight home now, someone’ll pick your stuff up from 51,” Kev explained, looking at you sympathetically. 
“And don’t worry, we’ll be outside all night keeping an eye on you,” Adam patted you on the shoulder and gestured for you to follow them to the car, your mind still racing as your body started to move in their direction. 
You figured by everything, well, that’s exactly what they meant. Voight may have been secretive, but he’d never miss out information if it put the unit or anyone else in danger. And right now the person in danger was you, and so in order to keep you safe, they needed to know the whole story.
The drive was mostly quiet, save for Adam and Kev attempting to start conversations with you, but your mind kept going back to the bodies, and your argument with Hank at the firehouse.
“It’s going to be okay Y/N,” Adam tried to reassure you as you reached your house, two uniforms going in to do a sweep before they let you enter.
“I should have just left it alone,” you replied, heading into the front room and sitting down on the couch, head in hands.
“This isn’t on you, this is on Strauss, and we’re going to catch him,” Kev told you.
“And how many more people is he going to kill first?” You asked, exhausted from the stress of today even though your mind was doing everything but shut off. “I just- I think I just need some sleep.”
“Okay, we’ll let you get some rest, let us know if you need anything, we’ll be just outside,” Adam reminded you, looking like he wanted to say more but not knowing where to start. He’d be blaming himself too, and he knew it.
It was getting pretty late, so you figured you’d try and eat something and then get some sleep, but by the time you’d struggled to get some pasta down and gotten ready for bed, you’d just ended up lying there, mind racing, unable to do anything but think about what had happened. Your eyes were so tired you could hardly keep them open, but your mind hadn’t gotten the memo.
Was this on you? Would those people still have been alive right now? You tossed and turned until your sheets were too tangled for you to move properly and then threw them off. Did they really think you were going to be a target? This was ridiculous, you should have left well enough alone, trusted Hank to have plan like he always seemed to, and none of this would be happening. Strauss would be behind bars... You didn’t care if they’d had gang ties or not, people were people, and no one deserved to die like that.
With a large sigh you got out of bed and looked at your phone, texts from your friends checking in and asking what the hell was going on, but nothing from Hank. You didn’t know why, you were probably the last person he wanted to see, but you really needed him right now. Getting dressed again you thought about how much you just needed someone to talk to, and as much as the others probably wouldn’t believe it, Hank was actually pretty easy to talk to once you got to know him. 
So you grabbed your shoes and coat and headed out the house, Adam rolling down his window when he saw you approaching.
“Everything okay?” He asked, looking up and down the street to make sure it was clear.
“Yeah... I just-” You stumbled.
“Can’t sleep?” Kev asked and you nodded, crossing your arms over yourself to try and stop the chill.
“You mind er...” You clicked your tongue and thought about how you could ask them this. They knew, but it was different saying it out loud. Adam looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to continue. “Couldn’t drive me to Voight’s could you?” You got out and they both shared a look as Kev shrugged.
“Guess it’s not like you wouldn’t be safe,” he said, gesturing for you to get in the back, which you did with thanks.
“You sure?” Adam double checked as you buckled in.
“Yeah... yeah I’m sure,” you told them and they shared another look. You guessed they probably still didn’t know quite what to say about the two of you, and you didn’t blame them, 51 had certainly been shocked and they hadn’t found out with the added layer of a murder investigation. But they took you anyway, probably realising that Hank Voight’s house was actually the safest place you could be. So they drove you there, glancing in the mirror every now and then to check if you were alright.
“Do you... need us to wait outside?” Kev asked carefully as you pulled up outside Hank’s. It felt strange not having to sneak around to get there anymore, but it also felt slightly freeing that it was all out in the open, despite the circumstances.
You shook your head and got out, “I’ll be alright, see you guys tomorrow, thanks for the lift,” you replied and they said goodnight, waiting as you headed up the path to the door and knocked. 
Hank didn’t look too surprised to see you, but he did cast a conscious glance behind you to where you heard Kev and Adam start to drive off. “Sorry, I know it’s late,” you apologised, realising that this may have been a bad idea.
“It’s okay, come on in,” he said, standing aside so you could enter. You put your coat where you always did and turned back to face Hank as he continued, “are you alright?”
“Not really,” you told him honestly, “can’t really sleep, I guess I just keep going over what happened-” 
“It’s not on you, Y/N,” Hank tried, putting his hands on your shoulders, “you didn’t make Strauss kill those people.”
“He wouldn’t have had the chance if I’d have just-” Your voice broke a little, the guilt feeling too overwhelming for you to finish that sentence. Hank pulled you in for a hug and you buried your head in his shoulder.
“You’ve got a good heart Y/N, it’s what I’ve always loved about you, you always try to do the right thing,” he stroked your hair to comfort you, stepping back quickly after a few seconds, as if only just remembering that he shouldn’t be getting that close to you anymore.
“Hank-” you started but he cleared his throat, putting a boundary between the two of you as he led you into the front room to sit down.
“His place was empty when we raided it Y/N, and his bank account had been cleared days before you called your friend,” Hank explained, cautiously putting his hand on yours as he spoke. “This isn’t on you.” You let the words sink in, knowing Hank wouldn’t lie to you about something like this, even to make you feel better.
“What do I do now?” You asked quietly, giving in and leaning your head on Hank’s shoulder. He tensed a little but didn’t pull away again, missing you as much as you missed him.
“Keep moving forward, we’ll catch this guy Y/N,” he answered after some silence. “You can stay here if you want? I can... make up the spare room.” 
“Thank you,” you said, feeling a little better, and safer, already. 
“We can talk more in the morning,” you lifted up your head to look at him, so many things left unsaid written all over his usually unreadable face as he spoke, not really wanting you to sleep apart but knowing it was for the best. 
“Okay,” was all you said, wanting to say more too, not wanting him to let go of your hand as he slipped away upstairs to make you a bed, and certain not knowing what the morning would bring.
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halequeenjas · 4 years ago
Hell in a Gift Basket || Jasmine & Michael
TIMING: Yesterday afternoon PARTIES: @coldbloodedkaehler & @halequeenjas SUMMARY: Jasmine goes by to see Michael with a bit of a welcome to town gift. She finds out a little more than she bargained for from the ghosts in the house.  CONTENT: Food poisoning mention
Despite the absolute insanity that was the town of White Crest, Jasmine was able to make a respectable living in the field of real estate. Even with the sky high levels of property damage in the town, she found she could still find clients willing to buy and sell in the area. A large part of her success was due to her own work ethic and determination. She’d always had good connections in town and she worked hard to nurture them and build new ones. Part of that entailed checking in on her customers. She had a whole system with birthday cards set up, but she was always sure to check in on a client soon after they moved into their new home, typically with a nice, branded house warming gift. After all, today’s condo sale or rental could be tomorrow’s house sale. It was why today she found herself checking in with one of her rental customers. Michael had recently moved to town with his family and she had the perfect little gift basket set up for them. There were some wine glasses with her logo on them, a bottle of red and a bottle of white, a nice wooden cutting board with her logo, and a lego set for the little one. She’d let him know she was stopping by so she was sure her knock on the door didn’t come as a surprise. When he opened, she smiled widely and greeted, “Hello, Mr. Kaehler!” She was a bright and cheery as ever as she entered the apartment. She took a glance around and commented, “I love what you’ve done with the place. How’s it been treating you so far?”
A semi-impromptu visit from his realtor had found its way to the bottom of Michael’s list of things to look forward to for the day, and he’d pressed the top of his mobile to his forehead when he’d read Jasmine Hale’s message and sighed deeply into it. A gaggle of forever bitching ghosts hanging around near 24/7 was enough intolerable company, but when up against the vultures in human skin who proudly called themselves members of the National Association of Realtors? He was sorely inclined to pick the dead any day of the week.
Heading down the hall to the front door as he heard the door rap, he ignored Ellie and Chase perched in his living room armchairs and watching him keenly, drowned rat and slit throat respectively arousing not an ounce of alarm. Pulling open the front door, he smiled as he stepped aside to let the woman in, letting it widen as he took in her compliment. “A damn sight better than our old place back in Sedona, I’ll tell you that much,” he replied with half a laugh, crossing his arms and shaking his head at the mere falsified memory of it. The old place back in Sedona had done just fine by them all, but lying came as fluidly to Michael as mercury. His eyes flicked down to the basket, bundled in the realtor’s arms. Ms. Hale could feel pleased with herself in return for whatever garbage in the guise of a gift she was about to set upon him.
“In any case,” he quickly added, “come in, make yourself comfortable.” He smiled, gesturing for her to head into the living room. “The wife’s at work and the girls are back at school, so you pulled the short straw and just ended up with me.” Meanwhile, Ellie was craning her neck from the couch to get a gander at the gift basket. “What’d she get him?” he could hear her ask Chase. Death couldn’t get a good snoop down, and Michael didn’t even blink to acknowledge he’d heard her. Continuing on his way to the kitchen, he glanced back over his shoulder. “I was just about to make myself a coffee. Should I get another mug out?”
One thing Jasmine learned over her career was just how much better homes looked once they were filled. Even if the decor wasn’t quite up to her tastes, it had a home-y feel to it. She could easily picture Michael’s girls running around or his wife enjoying a glass of wine on the couch. With an easy smile, she responded, “That’s great to hear. Glad it’s working so well for you and your family. I do pride myself on finding good fits for my clients.” And ridding them of any ghosts which was why the slight chill going through her threw her off. No, it couldn’t be. She was just still on edge after Constance’s exorcism. That was all. 
When he mentioned it was just them, Jasmine nodded along and said, “Well, there’s some stuff in here they may enjoy, too.” Then she heard voices and it sounded like they were asking about what she’d brought. Michael had just said they were alone so that couldn’t be right, but in this town, she knew better than to doubt her sense at this point. “Oh, funny. I thought I heard someone. Must be the TV or something,” she blurted out quickly as she craned her neck to get a good look around. It dawned on her she didn’t want to look like an insane person in front of her client, so she returned her focus back to him though she still had that nagging feeling they weren’t alone. Maybe she could sneakily place some wards up before she left. “A mug would be great,” she added, “It’s definitely a day that calls for lots of coffee.” She followed him in toward the living area and her eyes landed on the ghosts. Shit. She needed a way to get Michael away so she could talk to the ghosts she’d heard only a moment ago. “So have you met the neighbors yet? And have you been leaving the faucets dripping with the freeze warning?” Not smooth and very unrelated, but she needed a moment alone here. 
 There was a sudden… shift in the woman, and Michael didn’t know what to make of it. He couldn’t stop the slightly perplexed look that crept on him as Jasmine mentioned hearing someone, and for a moment, his heart stumbled out of step before he immediately quashed the feeling. The tell-tale heart would fall deaf on his ears. “Must be,” he agreed, the pause before his answer taking perhaps a little too long. Of course it was the TV – what other options were there?
Entering into the living room with the realtor close behind, it was just as expected. There were no blood curdling screams – no quick dashes to the front door that would necessitate a violent, unplanned end on an otherwise unremarkable afternoon in Maine. All was as it should be – the two clearly dead ghosts were visible to no one but the man who had snuffed out their lives like a match. He shook his head at Jasmine’s question about the neighbours, shrugging. “Not yet,” he replied. “Work’s just been throwing me some weird hours to begin with. We’ll invite them all over sometime, make sure they know they can rely on us, that kind of thing. Not that we’re planning on renting forever,” he added with a smile. He paused for a second as he thought about the taps – faucets – as his wife and everyone else in this country called them. It was a good point. “You know what?” He clapped his hands together, rubbing them together. “I’d better go take care of that now before I forget. Been awhile since I lived any place where you have to look out for these things. I’ll be back with the coffees in a minute.” Already on his way out, he glanced behind him before disappearing from view. “You take milk and sugar?”
Meanwhile, on the couch, two pairs of eyes watched the realtor curiously. It was Chase who spoke first, the flaps of his severed neck jiggling as he spoke. “Hey El? Did you just see this lady just look at us? Almost as if we’re actually… here.”
 There was a small sense of relief that washed over Jasmine as he agreed he did in fact need to go get those faucets going to avoid frozen pipes. The ghosts in the room needed to be addressed and she needed to do that without someone else present in the room who would just think she was some sort of psycho talking to herself. “Good call,” she said as nonchalantly as she could given the circumstances, “Black coffee is fine for me.” Healthier than typical cream and sugar as well as being much less complex than her normal coffee shop order. Once he was out of the room, her eyes fell back on the ghosts who were still just chatting it up. 
“That’s because I can see you,” Jasmine responded to the ghosts in the room, “Which means you must be El… and you are?” She looked at the other ghost as she tried to keep this formidable. Working with ghosts required a fair amount of understanding as things worked out much easier for her if they moved on without her intervention. Still, it was odd they were just hanging around here. They definitely weren’t at the property before so she had to wonder if they were connected to Michael somehow. She placed her hands on her hips and asked, “Do you care to tell me why you’re here? I checked this place up and down for ghosts before I even showed the property.” 
 If ghosts could be struck by lightning, then it was as if the pair had just been zapped stone cold the second the realtor revealed she could see them. Twin expressions gaped at the woman, instantly scrubbed of any previous candour. Ellie’s hand tucked around Chase’s beside her and she squeezed it tightly whilst the other flew to her empty chest. It was the teen boy who actually had the wherewithal to speak, and fury stained his features as he quickly rose to his feet, jerking Ellie up beside him. “Because that guy killed us!” he blurted as he gained the wherewithal to speak. “He’s a fucking serial killer!” Wide-eyed, he quickly realised he was speaking much too loud and he sunk down back onto the couch with Ellie in tow. “Chase,” he replied to the woman’s first question, voice still crackling with shock. “My name is Chase Dunlap. This,” he gestured towards Ellie beside him, “– she’s Elizabeth Matarazzo.” The female ghost beside him gave a light shake of her head as she leant forward. “Ellie,” she mouthed, nodding and scrunching her face in a small giddy smile as she squeezed Chase’s hand again. He ignored her. “How the fuck can you see us too? Are… you like him?” he enquired, speaking slowly. “You kill people? Are you a murderer?”
No sooner than the question was out of his mouth did footsteps return to the kitchen just on the other side of the living room. The clatter of mugs filled the air and no more than a few moments later Michael came back through the door, two steaming cups of joe in hand. Setting Jasmine’s down on the coffee table, he nursed his own. “Faucets are now safely dripping away,” he informed the realtor with a smile. “Oh, and thanks for the gift basket, by the way,” he added as he took a sip of his coffee. “You bring out the welcome wagon for all your clients? Or just the ones from out of town?”
Almost immediately, Jasmine wanted to be anywhere else but this living room. How the hell had she ended up alone with an actual serial killer? He’d seemed so normal and not at all like the random bone lady on the internet. Then again, this was White Crest and things were hardly ever what they appeared to be at a surface level. It didn’t change the fact her heart was pounding against her chest. She took a few steps back from the ghosts and quietly muttered, “He what?!” Her palms felt entirely too sweaty and she found she couldn’t stand still. She needed an exit strategy here. She still had her bag on her and the iron rods could come in handy, but she’d come back to that. If she could get more information from these two, maybe she could actually do something to help. “Chase and Ellie. I’d say good to meet you but…” She trailed off before the next question hit her. Her face twisted up with disgust as they implied she was a murderer. “Excuse you,” she retorted with the offense evident in her voice, “I’m an exorcist not a murderer. I save people, not kill them. The only red shoe bottoms I want are Louboutins thank you very much.” 
With the revelation that her client was a serial killer, she’d been too focused on the ghosts. Michael re-entering the room startled her and she jumped a bit on her feet. “Michael, hey!” Smooth, Jas, smooth. She did her best to recover and put some distance between herself and the ghosts. The smile on her face was almost convincing. “Good, frozen pipes can be quite the expensive and lengthy repair,” she explained. At the mention of the gift basket, she answered, “Oh, I usually like to do something for new clients around the holidays. Especially if they’re new to town. Plus, I’m a sucker for kids so you know, I had to give them a little something.” She glanced back at the ghosts before mentally cursing herself. “I totally don’t mean to interrupt your day though, so I’d be happy to take my coffee to go!” 
 Michael’s hand instinctively tightened around the steaming mug of coffee as he watched Jasmine, listening to her carefully. There it was again. That shift. He was practiced enough to detect when a smile wasn’t quite a smile, and the realtor’s was almost Stepford-esque. But why? His gaze slipped to Ellie and Chase, noticing for the first time that they were staring at him like they’d seen a ghost, but when Jasmine prattled on about taking the coffee to go his attention instantly went back to her. Something, he felt, was off here. Wrong, and he was someone who preferred things to be right at all times. “It’s no interruption,” he said evenly, shaking his head. “Besides, don’t have any take-out cups handy. Trying to cut down on waste, you know. Save the trees and all.” Another sip of coffee. Another swallow. “Though if you’ve got somewhere to be, then…”
As he trailed off, it wasn’t Jasmine who had the first opportunity to talk. Silent though the ghosts had been since Michael came back into the room, it was Ellie who chose now to speak up, her face knitted in puzzlement as if she’d just spent the last minute thinkingly deeply about something. “By exorcist…” she began, “doesn’t that mean you kill ghosts? Doesn’t that make you a murderer, too?”
 This was hardly her best performance. Then again, this wasn’t karaoke. Jasmine had never been good at lying and typically saw little point in it. Seeing as she was with a serial killer who had no idea she’d just found out as much, it was better for her to keep a level head here unless she wanted to become his next victim. “Oh good,” she said with some faux cheer, “I know a lot of times people just offer coffee when people stop by for the sake of being polite.” She laughed along with the mention of reducing waste. While she had no qualms with recycling, this was definitely a moment where she was hating the whole green movement. “Being environmentally conscious is always a good thing. I always do my best to recycle myself and you know, not litter. I love the beaches far too much to leave them littered with my leftover hard seltzers.” She took a sip of her coffee and tried to shake the thought it could be deadly coffee. “Not at all,” she responded letting some of the apprehension slip away. “How are you liking it here so far?” 
All was going back to how it should be until Ellie was speaking again. Without realizing it, she shot Ellie a dirty look with an eye roll, “I don’t kill ghosts that’s not how that-” Shit. That was decidedly the absolute worst thing she could have done in that moment. She turned back to Michael with an apologetic glance. “Sorry, I’m not sure what came over me there. I think I must be a little under the weather. I really should go. Just in case I’m coming down with something contagious.” 
 Everything Jasmine was saying was going through one ear and out the other – not even because of the situation at hand, but because Michael really couldn’t care less. He feigned interest, nodding as he pretended to listen to her. Really he was searching her face, trying to pick up on any more cues that she was ill at ease, and when she indicated she had no issue with staying it began to seem as if it were all in his head. Before he got the chance to reply with his thoughts on the town, Ellie interrupted. And for once, it didn’t seem like she was talking to him or even Chase. It was like she was talking to Jasmine.
Michael tensed and then there the realtor was, shooting Ellie a look and responding like she was any old person in the room with them. He no longer felt the heat of the mug, couldn’t taste the bitter aftertaste of the coffee on his tongue. His heart quickened in his chest and his eyes didn’t even need to dart to the lamp on the lounge-side table beside him. He saw it clear as day in his head, saw himself grabbing it, pummelling her face in, tightening the chord around her neck as her feet kicked uselessly into the carpet. If she really could hear the dead, what had they told her? How the fuck was it even possible? But then, maybe he was getting too ahead of himself. Needed some time to think about how far ahead of himself he was getting, at least. He set his coffee down. If there was an issue, he knew how to take care of it. And even if there wasn’t? He could take preventative measures to put his mind at ease. “Should I ask?” he joked. Offering out his hand to take the coffee from her, he smiled reassuringly to make it seem like he wasn’t too weirded out. “No problem,” he said. “Maybe another time? With Risa, I’m sure she’ll want to thank you. Alcohol always comes appreciated in this house, far as she’s concerned.”
Though she kept her face as neutral as she could, Jasmine couldn’t control the way her heartbeat picked up considerably after her slip of words. Her eyes remained fixed on Michael. Based on context clues, she had the feeling he also knew the ghosts were in the room. If he figured she knew something, she didn’t want to chance that she was the next ghost occupying his living room. She reminded herself to take deep breaths and not get too carried away. Then his joking tone came out and she felt herself relax slightly though she was still on high alert. “Probably not,” she said with a nervous chuckle. Then he was mentioning his wife and she wondered if she knew about all of this. The thought alone made her stomach churn, but she smiled brightly anyway. “Of course. That’d be lovely. I do hope she enjoys the wine. I’ll catch you and Risa again soon.” As she left, she was still looking behind her every few steps to make sure she wasn’t followed. All she knew was that she needed to be far away from here before she decided what she was supposed to do with this newfound information about a serial killer in town.
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dkronpa · 4 years ago
Chapter 4: The Sky is Just a Skip Away ~Investigation~
//This did take longer than expect, and I apologise. I won’t lie and say that I expect to get through the trial quickly since I do go back to college but I will do my best to try and write when I can! As always, I hope you enjoy!
-Chapter 4 Deadly Life, Ultimate Romance Expert’s Talent Lab-
 Everyone eventually had gathered at the scene of the crime, unable to describe what they were seeing. Just earlier today I was talking with Kurohiko-san and now…that’s not even getting started on Asano-san. Asano-san? Dead? Who would even think of killing Asano-san? She never stopped thinking about what she could do for everyone, and Kurohiko-san was always available for emotional support whenever somebody needed it. Why…? Why them?
 “This is not good. Not in the slightest.” Kurosaki-san tipped his hat down. “Investigating two murders in one with the same amount of time for one murder? I don’t like these odds.”
 “I have to agree.” Sly-san crossed his arms. “Right off the bat, I have my own issues with this as well, but I can talk about that stuff at the trial. Speaking of which, he should be arriving now.”
 “Ah! You’d be right.” Monokuma popped up, pausing for a few moments. “…ah, no yells in terror. I’m gonna miss that guy, y’know? What a character. Oh well! Just how the killing game goes, right?” Monokuma chuckled, clearly not too beat up over the situation.
 “Hold on now, I have some questions to ask of you. After all, this is a completely different kind of investigation for us.” Kurosaki-san said.
 “Ah, yeah! This is the first time we’ve had to investigate two corpses! What’s the protocol for that?” Graves-san asked.
 “Protocol? I guess you mean who you guys are voting for in the trial. Y’see, in the class trial, I believe in ‘first come, first served’! Meaning the first corpse will be the one you’re voting on!” Monokuma said. The first corpse, huh? Then I guess first order of business will be discerning which corpse is that ‘first’.
 “I see…the first corpse.” Sly-san murmured it to himself.
 “But wow! Two key players in a row? Your investigation will be rough…but I’m here to make it a little lighter with our recurring sponsor! The Monokuma File! Don’t worry, both of your victims are there! So, happy investigating!” Monokuma disappeared. I looked around at everyone left. There’s eight of us. Half of our original total. A lot less people left to help with the investigation.
 “Right! We should decide who’ll stay behind to look after the crime scene!” Graves-san said, “I’m up for doing it this time around!”
 “No…I don’t want anyone else looking after this place.” Amaterasu-san growled.
 “Huh? Are you saying you wanna do it by yourself? It’s always been at least 2 people keeping watch over the scene.” Okanaya-kun said. Amaterasu-san had a pained look on her face. The most emotion she had shown since we got here. It’s easy to forget, but she really cared about Kurohiko-san and Asano-san.
 “Is it alright to let Amaterasu-san look after the scene by herself this time?” Kirishima-san asked. “I-it’s just…it must be a tough situation for her…and we’ll all be coming in and out of here anyway! There’s no reason to worry, right? S-so…”
 “Rina-chan…” Amaterasu-san looked up, “thanks. I appreciate that. If you wanna leave anyone with me, I’ll accept Rina-chan.”
 “A-ah, is that so?” Kirishima-san smiled shyly as she filtered her hair between her fingers, “I don’t mind doing it. As long as I can help out somehow.”
 “C��can I stay as well?”
 “Yokozawa-kun?” Kirishima-san tilted her head. Yokozawa-san looked really pale, almost like he was gonna throw up.
 “I, uh…I just…this is a lot, so…I’m not sure I’m up for moving about much. S-sorry, I don’t think I could be much use outside of just watching over this place…” He apologised, holding his stomach almost in pain.
 Kirishima-san walked over to him and placed her hands on his cheeks, making him look into her eyes, “Please don’t apologise! This one will be hard for everyone, and we’ll all react differently! If you need anything, let me know! Even if it’s just a glass of water! I’ll run straight to the cafeteria and get some!”
 “I’m glad you’ve become so dependable, Mademoiselle Kirishima.” Kurosaki-san smiled a little.
 “Ah, is that so? That makes me happy to hear.” Kirishima-san giggled. “Okay. We need to do our best again to find the truth…so…let’s do it!”
 Everyone seemed really encouraged by Kirishima-san’s words. Which is good in a situation like this, the higher our morale is, the better. We have more work on our hands, another truth we need to find. I won’t let this go unsolved.
 ­Investigation Start!
 I opened up the Monokuma File to see what kind of information Monokuma provided this time. The first page was of Kurohiko-san, a pink splotch over his chest, around here his heart is. The next page was Asano-san, the pink splotch was located on her forehead. I scrolled to the next page.
 The victims are Doi Kurohiko and Mami Asano. Both bodies were found in the Ultimate Romance Expert’s Talent Lab. Both victims died within 5 minutes of each other from gunshot wounds after the night-time announcement.
 “Huh? Night-time?” I said out loud. “How late is it?”
 “What are you saying? The night-time announcement played a long time ago. Don’t you remember?” Kirishima-san asked.
 “A-ah…really?” I must’ve been so absorbed in what Amaterasu-san and I were doing that I didn’t even register it playing, “sorry, I’ve been distracted all day…guess I just didn’t remember.”
 “I don’t blame you. Everybody’s been really preoccupied today.” Kirishima-san let out a sigh.
Truth Bullet Added: Monokuma File 4
Doi Kurohiko - Shot through the heart
Mami Asano - Shot through the head
Deaths occurred within minutes after night-time.
 Amaterasu-san was looking solemnly at Asano-san and Kurohiko-san, barely moving. She could be mistaken for a statue. “Why did this happen to them? It doesn’t make any sense…nobody hated them.”
“Amaterasu-san…” I looked for something to say to comfort her, but nothing came to me.
 “I’ll suck it up for now. I suppose you’re wondering about my alibi, right?”
 “Huh? You’re alibi?”
 “Well, we were separated for about an hour. You never realised how long you were gone?” Man, how out of it was I? “I suppose it makes sense after what we saw…I can tell you, but the problem is that if someone questions me, I can’t confirm anything without endangering the archive.”
 “So, you were just continuing your research during that time…you never left?” I asked.
 “Nope. I know it’s not really an alibi but it’s the truth. Whether you believe it or not is up to you.” Amaterasu-san turned her attention back to the scene. I think I do believe Amaterasu-san. It’s true, there’s no evidence yet for me to believe her, but…I want to at least believe Amaterasu-san wouldn’t do this.
Truth Bullet Added: Amaterasu-san’s Account
Amaterasu was in the archive during the murder, researching as much as she could even after Ryuu left for a walk.
 “It’s just awful, don’t you think?” Kirishima-san asked, a crestfallen look upon her face. “Asano-san was so kind, and Kurohiko-kun was just so wonderful to everyone…I hate this so much. We have to figure out what happened for their sakes.”
 “Of course. By the way, Kirishima-san. I hope you don’t mind me asking, but where were you today during the murder? I haven’t seen you all day.”
 “Ah! Right! I’ve been in my Talent Lab the whole day. The stress of the situation was getting to me, so I thought I could work through the worry. I stayed in my lab until the night-time announcement played. Then I headed to my room and was about to sleep, that’s when the body discovery announcement played.”
 “You left the building after the night-time announcement? Did anybody see you so we can confirm that?”
 Kirishima-san thought for a moment. She opened her mouth a little but seemed hesitant. “It’s just…the only person I remember seeing was…A-Asano-san…”
 “Huh? You saw Asano-san right after the night-time announcement?!”
 “W-we were just passing by each other! We just exchanged ‘hellos’ and went on our ways…thinking about it now, she must have been coming here and then…” Then she died…which means Kirishima-san is the last person to have seen Asano-san alive. It doesn’t look good for her, but there’s no way Kirishima-san’s the killer…
Truth Bullet Added: Kirishima-san’s Account
She was in her Talent Lab until the night-time announcement before heading back to the dorms. As she was leaving, she ran into Asano as she was leaving, making her the last to see Asano alive.
 “Yokozawa-san?” I walked over to Yokozawa-san who was stuck, paled in the corner. “Are you sure you’ll be okay with watching over the scene? You don’t seem totally with it today.”
 “I’m sorry, it’s just…th-this is a lot to take in. Y’know, it’s just gotten progressive worse? Watanabe-san was our leader. Irunami-kun happened right in front of all of us, Shinko-kun died in such an awful way…a-and now two victims. If it gets worse, I dunno how I’ll be able to handle it.” He explained.
 “I understand. Your lab is just on the other side of the floor, right? Were you in there the whole time?”
 “Yeah. It’s like I told you yesterday, I was trying to figure out the wi-fi password. Still no luck, mind you. I haven’t left the lab until the body discovery announcement.” He said.
 “I see…wait, then you didn’t even hear the gunshots? Even though you were on the same floor.”
 “Gunshots…? Ah, right. That’s how they died…no, I didn’t hear anything. Which…I suppose is odd…it’s like…even if I was deep in work, I should’ve heard it, right?” Yokozawa-san started murmuring to himself.
 “Sorry, my mind’s running…if I think of anything, I’ll let everyone know. For now, though…s-sorry, I’m totally at a loss.”
 “It’s fine. Don’t worry too much about it, we’ll need your help at the trial so try to focus on calming down. Deep breaths, alright?”
 “Y-yeah.” Yokozawa-san’s clearly in shock, even if he’s suspicious, this sort of shock can’t be faked. I’m not sure what to think…
Truth Bullet Added: Yokozawa-san’s Account
He was working on trying to figure out the password for the Wi-fi the past day and hadn’t left his lab until the body discovery announcement. He never heard any of the gunshots.
 I finally turned my attention to the scene of the crime. Sly-san was investigating Asano-san’s body currently. I walked over to him, watching him dig into the various pockets in Asano-san dress. He sat back onto his knees and sighed.
 “Looking at her like this, she really did look like a doll. It’s sad. Lives like hers don’t deserve to be taken but fate is never fair, is it?”
 “No, it’s not.” I agreed. “Have you found anything of note?”
 “A few things, actually. I’ve still gotta check on Kurohiko’s body but as far as Asano goes, I’ll start with her body itself. Other than the obvious cause of death, she doesn’t have any external injuries. No sign of anything being ingested so I doubt she was poisoned or something. You can call someone else if you wanna double-confirm that. The bullet wound itself didn’t go all the way through her skull.”
 “So…what does that mean?”
 “Either there was a lot of distance between her and the shooter, or something was between them which would have slowed the bullet.” Sly-san clarified.
 “I see…”
Truth Bullet Updated: Monokuma File 4
Mami Asano – Shot through the head, the bullet didn’t go all the way. No sign of her ingesting something beforehand or any other external injuries.
 “Asano-san had a gun…?” I nodded to the weapon clutched in her hand.
 “Yeah. It’s a revolver, and it’s missing one of its bullets. I’ll have a look into the bullets themselves later. Also, while I was searching her pockets I found this-“ He pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to me “-some kind of note.” I unfold it and read out loud.
 “Meet me in my lab half an hour after night-time. It's very important we meet tonight so please don't be late." I said. That’s just a little before they were both killed… “Who do you think wrote this? Kurohiko-san? Since it does mention meeting in the sender’s lab…”
 “That seems like the most likely possibility, but it’s not signed so who knows?” If it was Kurohiko-san, why did he call Asano-san up here…? And right before the murder…?
Truth Bullet Added: Note on Asano’s Body
"Meet me in my lab half an hour after night-time. It's very important we meet tonight so please don't be late."
Truth Bullet Added: Asano’s Gun
A revolver that's missing 1 bullet from its chamber.
 Sly-san cocked an eyebrow, “Nagata? You seem rather spaced out. It’s unlike you.”
 “H-huh? Do I? Sorry, I guess this is just a little jarring, is all. Don’t you think it’s odd there are two bodies in the first place?”
 “Of course, I do. If you kill two people, it only leaves more evidence behind. If anything, it’s a disadvantage to the culprit…though, I suppose…” Sly-san’s voice trailed off, “I suppose that’s a thought for the class trial. For now, I’ll keep going with my investigation.”
 “Yeah, thank you.” I nodded. I wonder what Sly-san’s thinking? He’s smart when it comes to the trials so hopefully, he’ll have some insight to what could have happened. Though, if there’s anybody’s theories I want to hear…it’s them. ”Do you know where Kurosaki-san went?”
 “Kurosaki? It looked like he was heading for the staircase. Maybe he’s thought of somewhere else linked to the crime?” He paused for a moment. “Hold on! Why are you asking me where that guy is?!”
 “I mean…you two are close aren’t-“
 “Do you wanna die?” He growled.
 “Wh- s-sorry! I just thought after that last trial!”
 “…that was a one-off, get it? That guy is trouble even I don’t want to get involved with more than necessary. If you’re smart, you’ll keep your distance. A good kid like you shouldn’t get close to dangerous people.”
 Sly-san…aren’t you a dangerous person?
 Shaking off that thought, I murmured an agreement and walked over to the divider in the centre of the room. There were two holes in the divider, not to mention that when we walked into the room the curtain on Asano-san’s side was drawn to hide her. I wonder why the room was set up like that? Also these holes…they must be bullet holes, right? I can’t imagine anything else causing them.
Truth Bullet Added: Room Divider
Two bullet holes were found in the divider.
Truth Bullet Added: Room Setup
There was a divider set up in the middle of the room and a large curtain that could be drawn over to block out one half of the room
 Alright, I think until Sly-san has investigated Kurohiko-san’s body, that’s all to look at right now. It’ll be more efficient to hear the info from Sly-san later and look elsewhere. There are a few places I want to check out and a few people I still need to check in on. Now, where to check first…?
 -Chapter 4 Deadly Life, 4th Floor-
 When I reached the top floor, it was as I expected. That person was standing in front of their lab. “Yo yo, Ryuu!” Graves-san greeted.
 “Graves-san, what are you doing up here?” I asked.
 “Ah, well I thought maybe the weapons used in the murder might have come from my lab, you know? I thought it would be best to check it out just in case. I totally forgot about the lock system though.” She scratched the back of her head and stuck her tongue out. Right, I remember when I first investigated here, Graves-san mentioned that her lab had a passcode on the door.
 “So, there’s no sign of anything being taken?”
 “Nope! Everything is as expected, you wanna come in and check?” She offered.
 “Please. Not that I doubt you, just so I can confirm to everybody else later should they ask about it.” I said. Graves-san nodded and inputted the 6-digit code and the door slid open. Just like last time, the room was totally barren.
 “Gimme a sec!” She went around the lab using the various security measures. Ocular scanners, fingerprint scanners, passcodes, everything. Eventually, almost every panel of the floor, walls, and ceiling had flipped to reveal weapons, monitors, information on the students, I even saw a grappling hook gun which I thought only existed in spy movies, it was almost overwhelming to see it in its full glory, “How cool is all this stuff, huh?!” She cheered.
 “Graves-san, everything is locked behind some kind of security measure, right?”
 “Of course! Even if you could get the passcode for the front door, my guns are all locked behind an ocular scanner so nobody but me could access that! It’s one-hundred percent secure!” She promised. I see…so only Graves-san had access to the weapons in this lab.
Truth Bullet Added: Ultimate Secret Agent’s Lab
The lab is locked up with a six-digit passcode only Graves-san knows. In addition, all the weapons are locked behind an ocular scanner.
 Graves-san put her hands on her hips and smirked, “if you’re satisfied, then is that all?”
 “One more thing. Did you see anything out of the ordinary or anything worth noting? Anything, no matter how little it might seem.” I asked. Graves-san fiddled with the her cap for a moment.
 “Oh! Junpei! I saw Junpei after night-time! When I was waiting by the fountain after the night-time announcement, I could see into Junpei’s lab window! His computer is right by the window, and I saw him around the time of the murder as well!” Graves-san said.
 “You saw Yokozawa-san? And you’re sure it was around the time of the murder?”
 “Definitely. I was at the fountain at around 10:40pm.” Graves-san confirmed.
 “Got it. I’ll keep it in mind.”
Truth Bullet Added: Graves-san’s Account
Graves remembers seeing Yokozawa at the window of his research lab from the fountain at around 10:40pm.
 “Okay. I think that’s everything here, thanks for your help, Graves-san.”
 “No problemo, homeslice! Always happy to help.” When she said that, I almost paused. It wasn’t so long ago that she was saying she didn’t trust any of us. Just how inconsistent was Graves-san? I just don’t understand her at all…
 -Chapter 4 Deadly Life, Talent Building Exterior-
 When I left the building, I found Kurosaki-san and Okanaya-kun talking just off the path. Okanaya-kun spots me first, grimaces and then looks away. Kurosaki-san turns back to look at me and smiles. “Nagata-kyun! Have you come to finally confess your love?”
 “No, what are you two doing out here?” I asked.
 “Herr Okanaya and I wished to investigate the outside of the building just in case of any possible evidence the culprit might have disposed of.”
 “Unfortunately, nothing on the outside. Disappointing, really. However! I was snooping around the talents labs and did discover something interesting. I looked in Amaterasu-chan’s lab and found an opened box of firecrackers!”
 “There were a few boxes, so they presumably came with the lab. Judging from the state of the box, only two were taken, but I still found it interesting.” Kurosaki-san said.
Truth Bullet Added: Firecrackers
The Ultimate Thief lab came equipped with firecrackers. One of the boxes was opened and missing two firecrackers.
 “What a fuckin’ waste of time.” Okanaya-kun grumbled, he barged past me and went back inside the talent building. So, he’s still mad about then…dammit. I wanna make things right so badly, but if I tell him…
 “Trouble in paradise?” Kurosaki-san asked with a genuine concern.
 “We just had a fight. You don’t need to worry; I’ll talk to him about it.” I said, forcing a smile. Kurosaki-san let out a low hum and nodded once. Slowly. “A-anyway, what about you? I was actually hoping to get your thoughts on the case so far.”
 “My thoughts? Apologies, I don’t have any kind of thoughts to share at the moment.”
 “Huh, really? That’s…surprising. It always felt like you kind of knew what was happening. You really don’t have any ideas?”
 “Ahahaha, sorry to disappoint. In all honesty, I wasn’t expecting anybody to really try and kill. That’s why we organised the battle royal.”
 “Was that the thing I walked into before we heard those shots?”
 “Indeed. I, Mademoiselle Graves, Herr Okanaya, and Herr Knives all agreed to do something about this motive before it got too far. Since there was a two-victim limit, having four people meant we guaranteed a surviving witness no matter the outcome. We all knew time was of the essence, so we all agreed to meet at 11pm.”
 “11pm? That’s pretty late.”
 “It was, wasn’t it? Not that it mattered. We all ended up turning up early and simply waited for it to roll around to 11pm.” Kurosaki-san explained. “I was the last one to arrive. I got there around 10:50pm.”
 “I see…so you all have alibis for the murder then.”
Truth Bullet Added: 4-Way Battle Royal
Kurosaki, Okanaya, Sly, and Graves all decided to fight each other to the death in order to prevent everyone from dying due to the motive. They agreed to meet at 11 though they all arrived early.
 “Thank you for talking with me, Kurosaki-san. I think it helped.”
 “I’m glad. I’ll need to work a little harder than usual in order to uncover this truth. So, I’ll be counting on you to help me out.”
 “You give me too much credit. I’m more or less just following your lead. Besides, everyone is pretty useful in their own ways. We’ll get through this class trial as a team, I’m sure.”
 Kurosaki-san just stared at me before smiling. “Oh, to have your attitude.”
 -Chapter 4 Deadly Life, Ultimate Romance Expert’s Talent Lab (2)-
 When I returned to the scene, Sly-san was hanging back at the wall. He must already be finished, but what caught my eye more was the slightly less pale Yokozawa-san talking to Kirishima-san. “Hey you two, what’s happening?”
 “Ah, we made an amazing discovery!” Kirishima-san exclaimed, “you know how Yokozawa-kun was talking about not being able to hear the gunshots earlier? Well, we tried this experiment! I went out into the hallways and yelled super loud. At the top of my lungs! But nobody in the room could hear a thing!”
 “Huh, is that true?”
 “Yeah. Kirishima-san got really curious when I told what I told you, and it sounds like the walls to this room at the very least are soundproof.” Soundproof walls…
Truth Bullet Added: Sound Experiment
Kirishima-san yelled as loud as she could from the hallways but the people inside the Ultimate Romance Expert’s Lab couldn’t hear her at all.
 Thanking the two for the information, I walked over to Sly-san who stood up straight when I approached. “I finished my autopsy.” He stated.
 “It’s odd, actually. The gun that Kurohiko is holding isn’t a real gun. It’s a BB gun, so it only shoots harmless pellets.”
 “What? So, Asano-san had a real revolver, but Kurohiko-san only has a BB gun?”
 “Not only that,” He pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me, “I found this on Kurohiko’s person. Another note.” I unfolded the note and read it out loud.
 “I'm scared he's going to kill her, we need to put a stop to this before another trial can occur." I murmured the words once or twice more. “This is odd…it almost sounds like Asano-san and Kurohiko-san were planning to kill someone…”
 “I wonder who all those pronouns are referring to though. ‘He’, ‘Her’, ‘Us’. It’s full of questions.”
Truth Bullet Added: Kurohiko’s Gun
The gun Kurohiko was found with was a BB gun that was modelled to look like a handgun.
Truth Bullet Added: Note on Kurohiko’s Body
"I'm scared he's going to kill her, we need to put a stop to this before another trial can occur."
 “I feel this got a lot more complicated,” I let out a sigh, “Also, I forgot to ask before but when we initially ran here, you went to check on your lab. Did you find anything?”
 “Actually, that ties into what we were just talking about. I looked around and found that three of my guns were missing. Two revolvers and one BB gun. Last time I checked that lab was just before the motive reveal so between then and now, those all were taken.”
Truth Bullet Added: Ultimate Assassin’s Lab
Two revolvers and a BB gun went missing from the weapons wall sometime after the motive reveal.
 “Phew…that’s a lot of info.”
 “I’m still not done. A few things I noticed during my actual autopsy.”
 “Th-there’s still more?!”
 “When I investigated Kurohiko’s wound, I found that he was shot with a pistol. Not a revolver. Asano-san was shot with a revolver though. Not to mention when I checked out that divider, neither of the holes were high enough to have shot Kurohiko in the heart. Not to mention the holes were different sizes, if they’re indeed bullet holes then they’re two different calibres.”
Truth Bullet Added: Sly-san’s Account
The bullet in Kurohiko's body came from a pistol whilst the one in Asano's came from a revolver
Truth Bullet Updated: Room Divider
Two bullet holes were found in the divider. According to Sly, neither bullet hole was the right height to have hit Doi in the heart and they were different calibres.
 “And finally-“
 “More, still?!”
 “It isn’t my fault you didn’t look hard enough this time around. Don’t get pissed off at me or I won’t share my info with you.” Sly-san said.
 “S-sorry…you were saying?”
 “I noticed it when looking at Asano-san’s body, but it seems there was some orange powder on her. In fact, when I looked around closely enough there were tiny specs of orange powder all around the room. You won’t notice it if you don’t look for it though. I’m lucky Asano’s dress is white, so it stood out and I knew to keep an eye out.”
 “Orange…powder? Weird, but okay then.”
Truth Bullet Added: Orange Powder
Traces of an odd orange powder were found all around the crime scene, including on Asano’s body.
 ~Ding dong, Bing bong~
 “Is it time yet…? I feel like it’s time. Alright, time for you all to haul ass to the usual place! Don’t be late, got it?!” The monitor turned off.
 “Let’s go.” Was all Sly-san said before leaving the room.
 -Chapter 4 Deadly Life, Trial Grounds-
 When everybody gathered outside the elevator Kirishima-san kept looking around the room. “This…is this really everybody?”
 “Look at us. This is half of what we started off as originally.” Okanaya-kun noted.
 “If anything, I’m just glad to have made it to the top eight!” Graves-san giggled, “Seriously though, how much longer are we gonna have to continue this sort of formula? It gets kinda boring after a while.”
 “Must be nice to be able to get bored with this sort of stuff.” Sly-san said.
 “You’re saying you’re enjoying this? Wouldn’t it be better to find it boring than find it fun?” Graves-san questioned.
 “I’m not going to answer your dumb questions.”
 “Awww.” She pouted as the elevator doors opened, “ah, let’s do it.” She pumped herself before walking on.
 Okanaya-kun barely regarded me before walking onto the elevator, Kirishima-san looked between us with worry, “U-umm…” She fiddled with her hair before simply opting to walk onto the elevator.
 “So cold~” Kurosaki-san remarked as he followed suit, as well as Sly-san.
 Amaterasu-san had this determined look in her eyes, “I’m gonna put in a lot more effort this time around. I wanna get this bastard.” With that, she, Yokozawa-san and I all stepped into the elevator and it began to descend. I couldn’t help but take notice how, even though I had much more room in the elevator, it hadn’t become less suffocating to stand in. A tense place right before we all put our lives on the line.
 The elevator came to halt and revealed the new design to our trial ground. The walls were patterned with hot pink love hearts and white dollhouses alternating on the black wallpaper. We all moved to our podiums without Monokuma even commenting this time. God, have we seriously become to numb to this process that we don’t even need to have anything said to us?
 There were three new portraits. Three. Asano-san and Kurohiko-san were stand X’s, but Ishikawa-san’s portrait rather than any clever X, were numerous hands reaching out from the bottom of the picture frame. Without really looking at those we had lost, we prepared ourselves.
 Doi Kurohiko, The Ultimate Romance Expert. He was goofy and often came across as unreliable, but even so, he was one of the easiest to approach, almost like a big brother. He understood everybody’s emotions better than anybody else. He might have understood someone more than they understood themselves.
 Mami Asano, the Ultimate Living Doll. It almost seems cruel to have that be her title. When I first met Asano-san she had to be told to do anything including sleeping or eating, but she was learning and improving on herself to make her own decisions. She was just at the start of her journey of discovering herself…
Rina Kirishima
Yuuki Kurosaki
Doi Kurohiko
Saori Kibe
Amaterasu Hokama
But both of their lives were cut short.
Karma Graves
Junpei Yokozawa
Maemi Watanabe
Kobo Okanaya
Tomoe Hachi
Somebody here cut their lives short. And I can’t forgive that.
Mami Asano
Toson Shinko
Sadao Irunami
Tsukiko Ishikawa
Ryuu Nagata
I will find the culprit, no matter what. I’ll bring them to justice, because why should we have to become sacrifices for them? This class trial…begins!
3 notes · View notes
everlastingdreams · 6 years ago
Lucifer Morningstar x Reader : Invidia  Chapter 2
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Notes: Chapter 2 and my keyboard is acting weird. That litlle line that shows you were you’re about to type disappears and I end up writing over my text so this took way too long to post omg lol
Summary:  Maze sends you on a date with another guy to help you forget about your feelings for Lucifer. Lucifer soon starts to act stranger than usual.
Chapter:  2 / 4 
Trigger Warning: None I think.
Word Count:  2042 words
You rolled your eyes and shut the door he had left open “I don't know, so..no.. I guess you don't know him unless Maze told you about him or something.”
He was silent for a moment before he arched his brow “Right..” he took a sip of the juice “So, you are going on a date with a guy you don't even know ?” you noticed how he scoffed a little and tried to hide it by taking another sip.
As much as you cared for him, right now he was getting on your nerves. You crossed your arms in a defensive way “Do you spend time getting to know a person before you decide to sleep with them ?” you turned the tables on him.
It took him by suprise, he put the glass down “I do, most of the time, learn their name. To avoid awkward situations like calling them the wrong name when-”
You held up your hand stopping him from finishing whatever it was that he was going to say. You did not want that thought in your head of Lucifer with other people, not tonight.
He cleared his throat and suddenly looks at you strangely, almost shocked “Hold on, do you intend to sleep with this guy ??”
Your eyes widened at his question “Uuuh...” you knew he had little shame when it came to getting into other people personal business, but the question and the way he asked it suprised you anyway.
You decided not to answer his question and just turned and started to walk away.
Lucifer was quick to follow behind you “All I'm saying is, he could be a serial killer. Like the ones we put behind bars. Or maybe he's married, engaged, or even-”
“Will you shut it !” you turned to him in frustration.
He leaned back at your sudden move “Alright.”
He looked hurt, you sighed “I'm sorry...I know we haven't spend much time together lately and I am sorry for that too but..look, I need to get ready. He's going to pick me up soon and I don't have an outfit yet.”
That seemed to pull his attention and he clapped his hands together “Well then. Chop chop. Let's see what you got.”
Your mouth fell open a bit, not understanding what the hell was going on at this point.
He snapped his fingers in front of your face “Hello, (y/n). Earth is calling.”
You pushed his hand away from your face "You ? You want to help me pick out an outfit...for my date.. ?" your brows raised as you looked at him in disbelieve. "Clearly you need the help." he said it in a casual way.
You stared at him, still suprised how he often didn't realise how close he was to getting punched in the face. Even if he had been punched by people in the face before during cases. You would think he would learn, but no.
You pulled a face and crossed your arms.
“What ? What did I say ?” he asked oblivious.
You arched a brow “Really ?”
It seemed to click with him “Oh ! What I am trying to say rather poorly..uh..”
You rolled your eyes and walked towards your wardrobe “Don't finish that sentence. Just don't.”
“Right. Sorry..” he plopped down on your bed and crossed his legs.
“Okay, so I'll just try on some stuff and you..” you waved a hand in his direction, looking for the right words “.. go easy on me.”
“Of course, I'm not judgemental unlike some.” he explained and you noticed the sneer to his father.
You chuckled a little, he was right. Lucifer wasn't judgemental unlike a lot of people you knew. That was something you liked about him.
You grabbed some stuff from your wardrobe and stepped into the bathroom to change into the clothes you had picked.
When you walked out Lucifer was reading in a book you had on your nightstand, he looked up at you when he heard you enter the room and let his eyes wander over your body without shame. Heat rose to your cheeks when you noticed it.
He clicked his tongue “Nope. That's not it.”
Your eyes widened at how quickly his attitude seemed to change. First he seemed to eye you up and now he shrugged it off “Okay... Why ?” you brushed your hand over the small dress.
He chuckled at your question “It's not a funeral you're going to, is it ?”
You narrowed your eyes at his comment, you pointed at the hem of the dress “It's a bit short for a funeral too though.” you were being sarcastic.
“Exactly.” he said it, completely oblivious. Before he picked the book up again.
You stood and stared at his strange behaviour. The dress you were wearing was similar to the dresses the women wore at Lux. You had expected Lucifer to react very different to it.
You walked back to the bathroom, confused, to try on another outfit. Lucifer had volunteered to help you pick an outfit but his feedback wasn't very helpfull.
You put on the other dress and walked out again. Lucifer laid stretched out on your bed, hands behind his head as he looked like he was taking a nap.
You scoffed a little and crossed your arms. You fake coughed to get his attention.
He jolted up a bit “Oh yes, right.” he stammered before his eyes focused on you.
His mouth was slightly open as he stared at you, at this point you were starting to feel self-conscious at his silence. Was his silence a good thing ? You didn't recall ever knowing him to be silent like this before. Did you look so bad that it even silenced the devil himself ?
“Well ?” you shrugged, palms up before dropping your arms at your sides again.
He blinked once and sat back a bit more “I suppose it will do..” he sighed.
You looked down at your dress, the fabric flowing over your curves. If this dress didn't do it for you then nothing in your wardrobe would.
“It will do ?” you couldn't help but feel like shit. You shook your head “Great. Just great.”
He arched his brow “What did I-” he started but you waved his concern away.
“Nothing. It's just.. nevermind.” you turned to head back to the bathroom but he moved so he was sitting on the edge of your bed.
“(y/n) ? What's wrong ?” the concern in his voice was audible and you turned back around.
“Ugh.. just.. look at me !” you motioned to yourself.
His raised his brows “I am looking at you.”
You groaned “I look like a joke ! Who am I kidding ?!” You plopped down on the bed next to him “He's going to be here soon and I can't even find a nice outfit.”
You felt Lucifer's hand on your arm and you looked at him “Come come, don't fret. There must be something in this thing that will serve the purpose.” he stood up and looked inside the wardrobe.
“I don't have the kind of wardrobe you have, Lucifer.” you stated “Mine mostly consists of clothes I wear to work.”
“Then I guess we will have to be creative.” his voice filled with a strange enthusiasm. He pulled a drawer open and you jumped up when you saw which drawer it was. The drawer with your lingerie. “Well -”
You shut the drawer before he could reach for anything in it and gave him a warning look.
He raised his hands in defeat and mumbled an apology. His eyes fell on something in your wardrobe “This might suit the occasion well !” he pulled some clothes out and held them up for you as he smirked. He looked like he had just solved the world's biggest puzzle.
Your eyes darted between him and the clothes he had picked out for you.
"You want me to go an a date in an ugly christmas sweater and my pajama pants?" Lucifer looked at the outfit a second time "Well, it is a very colorfull combination sure to draw his attention. Isn't that what you want ? " The last words came out a bit sharp somehow. "His and everyone else's. Seriously, Lucifer." you walked to him, taking the clothes from him and placing them back in the right spot. "I really thought you would be able to give me good advice on this matter considering you always look.." you waved your hand up and down as you motioned in his direction. A shit eating grin grew on his face as he shifted on his feet, brushing a hand over his jacket "Ravishing ?" You rolled your eyes at his massive ego "I was gonna say stylish. Fashionable." His smile fell a little "Oh."
“I shouldn't blame this on you, I'm sorry.” you shook your head “ You can't help that I'm lacking in the whole attractive thing.” you sat back down on the edge of the bed. “I know you want to help me, and I appreciate it.” you smiled weakly.
“(y/n)...” he sighed as he sat down next to you, his voice softer “If he has any brains inside his skull then he won't give a damn about your clothes. Or your appearance for that matter.”
You looked at him and he smiled at you so sweetly that you almost melted.
“You are so much more then your looks, and those are quite breathtaking as well.” he continued as he took your hand in his "Just wear this, this dress. You look absolutely lovely." his thumb traced the skin of your hand in a comforting way. A smile was slowly growing on your lips "Then why did you say I looked bad in this ?”
Lucifer avoided your eyes for a second, and he chuckled nervously. He took a deep breath “There's something I want to t-”
The sound of your doorbell interupted him and you jumped a little at the unexpected sound.
“Oh shit. He's early." you hadn't been very nervous yet, but now you were definitely feeling just that. "Someone's eager..” Lucifer said as he stood up and brushed his hands over his jacket. “Well then. Let's not keep him waiting shall we ?” he muttered the words.
It took you a bit too long to realise he said 'we' “What ?” you jumped up and almost ran after him “Lucifer, wait !”.
You were too late and Lucifer swung the door open. This wasn't going as planned at all.
“Lucifer..” you whispered as you came to stand next to him. You tried to push him aside a bit but he didn't even budge.
Your eyes followed his and you saw a handsome blonde-haired guy looking at you a bit suprised. You didn't blame him, it must have looked quite strange.
“Good evening, my name is Mike Worth. Uhm.. Are you ?” he looked at you as he spoke.
Lucifer blocked your path as he reached his hand out to Mike, completely ignoring the question he was about to ask you “Lucifer Morningstar.” he introduced himself with bravado and Mike shook his hand “I am (y/n)'s partner.”
Your eyes widened at his choice of words, and so did Mike's.
Mike's eyes darted between you and Lucifer “Oh.. I.. I'm sorry but I thought you-”
“No, no ! Lucifer is my partner as in we work together. It was a poor choice of words. There's nothing going on here.” you pointed between you and Lucifer. This time refusing to look at Lucifer, who seemed to be hell-bent on making this as awkward as possible for you.
“Well, I-” Lucifer was about to speak again.
“Was just leaving.” you finished his sentence for him. Giving him a warning look.
He looked affronted for a moment, giving Mike a look “Right.. I suppose I should leave you two to it then.” he huffed and Mike stepped aside to let Lucifer pass.
Lucifer stopped next to Mike for a second, looking at him in a way that it looked like he was judging him. Before he walked to his car and drove off.
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slutforemunson · 5 years ago
Lotto - Chapter 14 (EXO - Mafia!AU)
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A/N: OMG I never realised, that I never posted this chapter on tumblr- I did post it on Wattpad. Wow, I’m an idiot lol.
Words: 3,6K
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Your P.O.V.
I woke up in a brightly lightened room. Then it hit me. I'm part of EXO now... Someone knocked on the door and I sat up in bed. 'Yeah?' I said, sleep still present in my voice since I just woke up. The door opened, and Yixing stood in the door opening, 'Breakfast in 10 minutes, don't be late.' he said with a small smile. 'Okay, I'll be down in a few minutes.' I smiled back, and he left me alone to get changed. I put on some comfy clothes and went downstairs.
When I entered the big dining room, I noticed that everyone was already there. 'Goodmorning, Y/N~' Baekhyun said gleefully. The other guys nodded my way and continued eating and talking.
'Ah, Y/N, can you come with me please?' Suho asked, and Chanyeol's head turned his way. 'Sure.' I followed Suho but not without locking eyes with Chanyeol. He quickly looked down at his breakfast as if nothing had happened.
'I know we hit it off on a rough patch, but now that you're part of EXO you're family, and I'll treat you with respect.' I nodded 'Ah you must want to know how your days will go from now on!' he asked. 'Yeah, I do actually.' a dry chuckle left my mouth.
'Well at first you'll go through a period of training. D.O. and Tao will help you with your required defense training, and Xiumin and Kris will learn you how to fight correctly with weapons such as knives and katanas. Lastly, Chanyeol will teach you how to shoot. Aiming, hitting the bullseye, overcoming your fear of killing people etcetera. Killing people. 'What?! I have to go and kill people?' I said shocked. 'What did you think? Did you think that we were going to have a nice conversation with our enemies?' he said in disbelief. 'You witnessed it yourself. We kill them before they kill us. Get used to this, Y/N, before you end up dead.' he said sternly. 'Now eat your breakfast so you can begin your training.'
I ate my breakfast and brought it back to the kitchen which Xiumin showed me when he found me wandering the halls. I quickly cleaned my plate from its food remainings and went to search for one of the guys. I heard laughter and shouting coming from a room, so I decided to follow the noise.
I entered the source of the noise only to find Baekhyun and Sehun gaming fanatically, acting like some teenagers. 'Guys do you know where I can find Tao or D.O.?' They were pushing each other and pushing buttons on each other's controllers, so focused on the game that they ignored me. 'Guys?' I slightly raised my voice so they could hear me over their game. Baekhyun looked at me and paused the game, 'What?' 'Do you guys know where I can find Tao or D.O.? I have to start my training.' I said. 'Tao is most likely already on his way to Ji Won or The Black Pearl, but D.O. is probably just in his room, which is upstairs the fourth door on the right.' I nodded, 'Thanks.' and before I even left the room, they were back to their childish antics.
Just like Baekhyun said I found D.O. in his room, reading a book in a comfy looking chair. When I entered his room, he looked up from his book and took off his glasses, 'Can I help you?' he seemed a bit confused, 'Oh right the defense lessons right?' I nodded, and he stood up, 'You can talk to me you know, it's not like I'm going to kill you.' he chuckled lightly. Even though he was trying to crack a joke to lighten the mood, he brought me right back to the ringing sound in my ear and the dead person on the ground.
I snapped out of my thoughts for D.O. grabbed me by my arms. A soft gasp left my mouth, 'Are you alright? Sorry, I shouldn't have made that joke, you're shaking. Do you need to sit down?' For someone who has killed people in cold blood, he seemed very caring. 'I'm sorry I was just thinking about...' I trailed off. 'The execution you witnessed.' he said softly. He placed me in the chair, where he was reading earlier, 'Wait here, I'll get you a glass of water.' he said. 'Oh, D.O., you don't have to do that, I'm alright, really.' I said trying to reassure him. 'No, it's fine, I'll be right back.' he left to get me some water, and my gaze wandered his room. It was very neat and organized. Someone knocked on the door, and it surely wasn't D.O. since it is his room. 'Can I come in?' someone asked. I got out of the chair, and my hands were still trembling from earlier.
I turned the doorknob and opened the door. Chanyeol stood in front of me, fiddling with his fingers, unaware that I opened the door. 'What?' I tried to sound cold which he deserved but just by the sight of like some lost puppy made me regret that. 'D.O. said that you had a small panic attack, that he triggered some memories of the execution. I just wanted to know how you were doing.' he avoided my eyes until he had finished his sentence. My heart skipped a beat, but I had to suppress my feelings toward him and stay professional. Even though it's as clear as daylight what my feelings toward him are. 'I'm fine, Chanyeol, thanks.' I wanted to close the door, but he prevented me from doing so by putting his hand against the door. 'Wait, I want to talk to you about yesterday, I-'
D.O. came around the corner and saw Chanyeol, 'Chanyeol, what are you doing? Don't you think you've done enough? Let her breathe and get used to this place for fuck sakes.' D.O. snapped, and Chanyeol lowered his head gloomy. 'Just make sure to come by my room after your training. My room is around the corner and then the third door. Please give me a chance to apologize for my behavior. Don't shut me out please.' he pleaded softly and left.
'What'd he say?' D.O. asked me to sit back before handing me my glass. 'He just wanted to know how I was for he had heard about what happened earlier.' he nodded, 'Well I'll explain some things you should know before we'll begin training.' he started, 'First of all, never lose sight of your enemy and try to predict their next move if you can. Second of all, check for habits or small ticks which show if they're nervous, badly injured, fatigued etcetera. Third and maybe one of the most important things to know, never hesitate to attack if you're in danger. That's it, I can explain the actual fighting part, but it's better if we start training.' he explained and headed to the combat room, 'Follow me.' and so I did. We went downstairs, and at the end of the hallway, there was one big room. It kind of looked like a parking lot for the floor was made of concrete and there were multiple pillars. One part was filled with combat stuff, and a wall filled with weapons, the other part was filled with multiple booths and dummies where we could practice our shooting.
We stood on the mats, 'Show me what you got.' he said and made sure he stood firmly on the ground. 'Like right now?' 'Yeah,' he clapped and signaled me to come at him, 'Come on.' I took a swing at him but before I knew it he swung me over his shoulder and I was on my back with him hovering over me. He stood up and offered me a hand to help me get back on my feet, 'You hesitated.' I frowned, 'No, I didn't' He crossed his arms in front of his chest, 'Yes, you did, you gave it too much thought. If I was your opponent, you would be badly injured or dead. You should never hesitate. Catch them off guard since you do not exactly look like a killer.' he joked. 'Gee thanks.' I said and chuckled.
'Try again.' he said. We trained for a few hours, and he said that I was making progress, but we should continue training tomorrow. 'Eat something before you move on to the next part of your training.' he said and took a big sip from his water bottle which he passed on to me.
After I ate something, I went to look for Kris & Xiumin. Luckily I came across Kris in the hallway. 'Ah, Kris, just the guy I was looking for.' I said and jogged toward him. 'I was told that Xiumin and you will train me in fighting with weapons.' I said. 'Right, wait in the training room, I'll go and get Xiumin.' he said and patted my shoulder before heading to Xiumin.
Once again I entered the huge room where I had trained with D.O. While I was waiting for them to come and train with me I looked at the variation of weapons. I never thought that I would join a gang and here I am, standing in front of all kinds of deathly weapons.
'Ah, Y/N, are you ready for your training?' Kris said as they entered the room. 'As ready as I'll ever be.' Not ready- 'Okay, first of all, I have to explain some stuff. Have you ever needed to defend yourself?' he asked. 'Maybe when you guys kidnapped me' I thought to myself, but I didn't want to piss them off. 'Once when my ex was trying to harass me, but I didn't have weapons.' I said instead of verbally attacking them. 'You literally got abducted.' Xiumin said in disbelief. 'Yeah well I had a defense class once but they never really teach you how to act when it actually happens.' I said irritated. 'That's not really something that can be thought, you should learn how to turn the switch and not be afraid.' Xiumin stated. 'Easier said than be done.' I said. Kris walked toward the wall, 'We'll begin with smaller knives. You'll need to have one on you, all the time in a holster so you can defend yourself when we're under attack.' Kris explained as he grabbed three knives. 'Wait, you guys have been under attack before?' I asked, 'Yeah, of course, you really think that we don't gain enemies in this field of work.' 'No, but I thought that this place would be safe.' 'It is but you have to be prepared for anything.' I nodded. 'Show me what D.O. has thought you. I'll hold a knife against your throat and you'll try to get out of my grip.' He did as he told me and held the knife against my throat. I elbowed him in the face, and when that took him by surprise, I pulled myself out of his grip. 'Not bad but remember out there no one will go easy on you.' Xiumin smiled, 'You just lost from a girl.' he teased Kris. 'No I did not-' 'Yes you did.' 'Did not, I went easy on her. Let's try again and now I'll tighten my hold.'
Kris held the knife at my throat once again, but now he tightened his arm around my waist. It made me a little uncomfortable, but it was for my own good. I needed to learn how to defend myself.
'Come on, show me what you got, princess.' he said and ghosted his lips over my neck. Xiumin cleared his throat, 'We're training, Kris. Keep it in your pants.' My cheeks got a bit red. Kris chuckled and looked at the door, 'I thought that I heard someone come in, hi Chanyeol.' I tensed and looked at him as well. Kris released me, 'Something wrong?' he asked. 'Nothing.' Chanyeol huffed and looked irritated. My mind went straight to his exact words.
'You're mine.'
I stepped away from Kris unconsciously, 'Uuuhm, I think I'm done for today.' I muttered without looking at them, 'Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, alright. You did well today.' Kris smiled, and Xiumin nodded. 'Yeah, we'll see you tomorrow.' I walked to the exit and stopped when I was next to Chanyeol, 'Nothing ha-, nevermind.'
I rushed to my room and closed the door behind me. I let myself fall down on my bed, face first, and groaned. Why did I feel like I had to explain myself? My door opened, 'Haven't you heard of knocking' I snapped at the intruder, but my face softened once I saw that it was Chanyeol. He knocked on my door just to tease me, 'Can I come in?' he chuckled even though I just snapped at him. Great, now I feel bad. I shouldn't feel bad, because of him I'm uncertain of my life. 'You still have to train with me so let's go downstairs.
Wait, I have to train with him? Ah right, Suho did mention it. 'Okay, I'll be right behind you.' I said and got off my bed.
I entered the training room for the third time that day, but now we went to the shooting range. 'Did you ever use a gun before?' he asked and loaded a gun. 'No, never thought that I would need to learn it.' he nodded and unloaded the gun. 'Okay, then I'll lead you through it step by step.'
He got in one of the range booths and made sure that there was ammo inside of the magazine. Chanyeol loaded the gun once again, 'As you can see, we use dummies to practice shooting, and so we can try out new weapons. Occasionally though, we train on people...' I didn't hear whatever he said after that. They train on actual people?! I began to feel sick to the stomach, and my chest tightened.
'Are you okay? You're getting a bit pale.' Chanyeol asked a bit concerned. 'You train on actual people?' I almost shouted. 'Only if we have prisoners, but most of the time we don't kill them. It depends on the person really, but we just injure them badly.
'Now let me show you what I'll teach you. You'll start with a .44 magnum, it's easy to load or unload it and the only thing you have to do is aim and pull the trigger.' Chanyeol said and showed it to me. He hit the bullseye immediately. He turned back to me and chuckled, 'You look impressed.' 'I- you're just very good.' I said. 'That was nothing. It just takes some practice, and then you'll be able to do the same.' he said and gave me the unloaded gun, 'Try it.'
I stood in between the two small walls and loaded the gun, 'Like this right?' I said with questioning eyes. 'Yeah, that's alright. Now try to hit the dummy, and we'll see what we'll do from there.'
The first few times I didn't even hit the dummy until the last try when I finally hit the dummy's stomach. I squealed out of excitement, 'Careful now! You don't want to swing around with a loaded gun.' he said with widened eyes. 'Oh yeah sorry.' I laughed awkwardly. 'You're not bad for a beginner, now I'll show you how to stand your ground when you're shooting and I'll guide your aiming. He stood right behind me and put his hands over my hands like nothing ever happened between us. He probably noticed that I got a bit tense, 'Relax, I'm just showing you how you can hit your target at the first try.' he chuckled. Chanyeol guided my hands, 'Try to stand more confident, you don't want to be swept from your feet during a fight.' I straightened my back and shoulders and took a deep breath. 'Okay, now pull the trigger.'
I could hardly concentrate with him pressed against my back, 'Huh, what now?' I asked dazedly. 'I said, pull the trigger.' he said calmly. I pulled the trigger and bounced a bit back against him because of the shock. The bullet actually hit the dummy closer to the center. 'Good job.' he said, and I could hear in his voice that he was smiling. 'Now, I know that you've been training all day so this is enough for today, you did great by the way.' he smiled at me. 'Thanks.' I smiled. 'Oh don't forget to come by later, I really need to talk to you but for now, just get cleaned up. We'll talk later this evening. I nodded, 'Okay, I'll see you tonight then.'
I went to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. My clothes hit the floor, and I turned on the shower. The warm water relieved me from some tension. Today wasn't a bad day, and I actually began to enjoy myself at some point. Or did I enjoy Chanyeol's presence? He wasn't that snappy today, apart from when he saw Kris clung to me. I actually enjoyed training with him.
I entered my room with the towel wrapped around my wet body and picked out some clothes which I lend from the girls. The girls... I haven't been thinking about them this whole time. My mind has been so occupied with everything.
I was drying my hair when someone knocked on my door, 'Come in.' I said and draped the towel over my bed. The door opened, and Suho entered. 'How did it go today? I've heard from the guys that it went well.' he said and sat down on my desk. 'Yeah, I didn't expect it to go so well, and I actually enjoyed the training, but I'm a bit sore right now.' I chuckled. 'That's normal for someone who has never trained before, but I'm glad to hear that it went well. We'll be having dinner in a few minutes, so I'll see you downstairs.' I nodded, and he went downstairs.
When I entered the dining room, a few of the guys were already seated. 'Y/N, come sit next to me! Baekhyun said excitedly. I went to sit next to him, and the other guys joined us. The food smelled absolutely delicious, 'It smells great, who cooked?' I asked curiously. 'D.O. did.' Xiumin said. 'Than I'm sure it'll taste delicious.'
We ate our dinner, and I helped with the dishes. I looked at the clock and noticed that it was getting later. Maybe I should go to Chanyeol, he must be waiting for me.
I knocked on Chanyeol's door, and he opened the door. He looked so adorable. He was wearing a hoodie, and the hood covered his fluffy hair. Total boyfriend material if you ask me- Dammit Y/N! He has a girlfriend... 'Come in.' he said, and I entered his room. Weird, I had expected a much darker room but instead it was filled with instruments and action figures. 'Didn't expect this?' he chuckled and scratched his head. 'This is better than what I had expected honestly.' I smiled. 'So you wanted to talk.' I said. 'Yeah,' he sat down on his bed with his back against the headboard. He patted the spot next to him, and I slowly sat down next to him. 'I wanted to apologize for my bipolar behavior, I just don't meet a lot of girls that I really like and I know that it's wrong since I have a girlfriend so I won't act upon it. I would hate it though if we can't at least be friends since you're a part of EXO now.' Chanyeol said with a sad smile. 'Of course, Chanyeol, I'm glad that you wanted to talk because lately, I've been conflicted with my feelings as well but I appreciate it that you've explained yourself and I get it. Being friends with you won't be a problem since we have a lot in common.' I said and referred to the instruments and figures. 'You play these instruments?' he gasped excitedly. I nodded, 'I only play the piano but I would love to learn how to play the guitar though.' I said. 'I could teach you.' he smiled. 'My girlfriend hates these action figures, she says that it's something which should belong to a child and don't even get me started on the movies.' he sighed. 'Tsk, she just doesn't have a good taste then.' I said and we laughed. 'But you play the piano right?' he asked excitedly and jumped off his bed, 'Do you want to play with me?' he asked and sat down behind his keyboard. I had no idea that there was a playful side to the cold EXO member. 'Yeah, of course, but I have to warn you I haven't played in a while.' I said and sat beside him. We played the piano for about an hour until someone entered Chanyeols room, 'Chanyeol, it's 1:00 AM, why are you playing right now.' D.O. huffed and rubbed in his eyes. 'Oh hey, Y/N didn't know you were here as well. I giggled at him, his hair was an absolute mess, it looked kinda cute.
'Sorry, Kyungsoo.' Chanyeol chuckled. Wait, Kyungsoo? I looked at Chanyeol in confusion. 'We'll try to keep it down.' Chanyeol said and D.O. left. 'You said Kyungsoo, I thought that his name was D.O.' I stated. 'Oh right, I'll explain that later, but first it might be a good idea to get some sleep since you'll be training tomorrow.' he said and he began to yawn. 'True, I do feel a bit exhausted.' It was nice to hang out with you.' I smiled. 'Yeah it was, so we're good now?' Chanyeol asked. 'Yeah, we are.' I smiled.
I really hope things won't get too complicated between us.
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quirkydeaky · 6 years ago
Life is Real {Chapter Three}
how will Roger cope when he finds that his new best friend,  whom he’s falling in love with, is slowly dying?
HI! So I’m back and hoping this series will not flop, lol. A few people have been interested in seeing this, so here I am with what people want! If you want, drop a comment or send me an ask and I’ll add you to my tag list. Mwah!
{p.s - send me asks cause i want mutuals and my ask box is open! eek!}
Also… This story is a multi-part fan-fiction with heavy, mature themes. The Original (and Main) Female Character has a type of Cancer. The type will not be mentioned, but there may be some scenes with heavy implements of medication, treatment or heavily implied scenes at a hospital.
I DO understand that this topic hits close to home for a lot of people, and if this angst-based series is not something for you, please ignore. Thank you.
W/C: 2.6k+
Warnings: Fluff, Angst.
Main Characters: 80s!Roger Taylor, MammaMia2!Lily James
[so, basically this chapter has a lot of dialogue, but this is where Lillian finally become completely honest with Roger about her deathly illness. This is where things are finally beginning to take place in the plot. Enjoy honey’s xxx]
"So he actually threw your maracas into the audience?" Lillian questions after hearing the magnificently odd story of how Roger stole his maracas after hours of searching, only for Freddie to throw them into the audience.
"I'm not joking!" He said as Lillian burst into another fit of laughter at his exasperated tone. "You should've seen me, though... I was ecstatic after finding them, and for him to throw them into the audience like that for one of our audience members to take home? I was fuming!" He exclaimed, throwing his free hand that wasn't connected to the steering wheel and resting dangerously close to Lilly's thigh into the air.
"Any other stories I need to hear about?" She questioned.
"Heard about that time I trashed my kit? Pretty sure it was '74, Rainbow Theatre?"
"No! But why would you even consider, let alone, do such a thing?"
"Terrible night that was. Don't get me wrong, though... a great performance from the four of us from the circumstances we were put in, the electricity cutting in and out constantly I think pushed me over the edge, along with some other things."
"Sounds interesting. Can't believe I'm in the car with the actual Roger Taylor."
"Oh, 's nothing, really. Quite the opposite of how a lot of fans would actually react, I guess. You're the type of down to earth that I really appreciate."
"That's nice to know, I appreciate the compliment."
"Wait- don't get me wrong... you are actually a fan, right?"
"Yes, I am, Roger. Don't think you're boasting about your one of a kind, crazy talented band to someone who really isn't listening or appreciating the stories, because I am, really."
"You have our albums?"
"Every single one. From Smile's first 45 to The Game that was released a little over a month ago. Love it all."
"Even Smile's first release? Wow, you've stuck around a while, have you not?"
Nodding in agreement, she replied. "I have."
"But, why don't you know about some of our stories, and stuff? Like, that story of me trashing the kit, almost everyone in London knows about it, not to mention holds it against me, to this day, almost six and a half years later!"
"Well, I- don't really know. At the start when you guys became famous after Killer Queen, I was just graduating Uni at the time, and was busy with trying to find some temporary work, but then had to drop that job as some other things got in the way."
"What kind of things?" Roger questioned.
Roger's eagerness really didn't go unnoticeable. He was in a form of desperation to find out about his new, so called best friend that he needed in his life. He knew this friendship was really going to work, basing it off already being able to tell that the trust and communication was there between the two. But Roger really didn't realise that he could press this somewhat introverted yet extroverted woman too much.
Ignoring his previous comment, she continued.
"And as of recent times, I've picked up a one-shift a week part-time job while working and focusing on the creative aspect of my life-"
"As I mentioned before, what kind of things got in the way?" He pressed, eyes flicking over to her before regaining focus on the road, making Lilly shift in her seat and lean more towards and against the locked door of the travelling car, feeling a blush creep up her neck and towards her cheeks.
"I- I can't really explain. Not right now."
"If it's something explicit or something that has or is scaring, even hurting you... you can tell me. I have no one to tell, if that's what your wondering."
Its not that Lillian wanted to hide such a massive part of her life that was impacting almost everything she did from Roger. It'd be an act of cruelty and dishonesty, having and letting him open up when she hasn't done the same.
"I- yeah, I guess. Okay."
"Okay? You'll tell me?"
She nodded, nerves and fear encasing her voice so much she was afraid to speak. "When is the next turn off?"
"In a couple of minutes, love. 'Want me to just pull into a park or something just outside London?"
"Yeah, just do that."
"Okay. You're going to get the truth, obviously," Lillian begins as they step towards a park bench after stepping out of the car not long before, about to get down into the nitty gritty before being interrupted.
"I would hope so."
"Right. Do you want this the light or the hard way?"
"I'll take either, as long as you're comfortable." Roger says with a shrug as he sits on the seat, patting the space next to him to invite her.
Sitting down, she continues. "How easily d'you take me being upfront and probably confronting?"
"I'm fine."
"Okay," She starts, turning and facing him, gaze ripping away from the empty, large space in front of them. Crossing her legs, Lillian fiddles in her bag before taking out three small bottles of different medications, two bottles being almost full as she only collected them from the pharmacy two or so days ago, another being half full.
While Roger stares at the bottles now laid out in front of him, he's lost for words, many assumptions being made in his head that were now not only crammed with lyrics, beats, things to do and his slowly failing marriage, but now his poor, new best friend's health and safety.
"So, what... it's the fourteenth of July, 1980, and doctor's aren't really sure if I'll make it to my thirtieth birthday... that's in April of 1983."
Roger is still speechless, mouth now agape. He doesn't know how to respond to that. Like, this woman who he's already in admiration of, slowly becoming his new best friend, one he is already developing small feelings for, is dying?
It's not what he expected.
What she didn't expect, though, was a response from him. And she hadn't received one yet, and she was fine with that.
It was what she expected. Not to receive a response.
Another thing, though, was how surprised Lillian was with herself. She didn't even have the heart to consider how she, herself, would feel telling Roger all of this. She knew she was comfortable with him the minute they began that proper conversation at the end of his driveway, but having him as the first person to know about her cancer was something entirely different.
Yet, she was okay with it.
"I'm so, so sorry, Lil. I- wow," He says.
Lil. That was new.
She liked it.
"I can't even explain how apologetic and bad I feel."
"And you don't have to, Roger." Lilly said, shaking her head.
"I've been dealing with this on my own for a little over three years. It's cancer. I didn't know it ran in my family, I don't think it does. But it can happen to anyone, at any time. People just need to accept that, and after a while, I learnt. I learnt how to accept that I had the cancer tag that no one knew I walked around with everyday. I didn't have anyone to tell. Mum? She's off with some new bloke, forgotten about me. Don't even know where dad is. I'm an only child and have no friends, except you. Roger, this may be confronting, but I need- god, I need you to understand and accept me for who I am."
"Please." She begs, in desperation for a little love from someone in her life. Platonically from Roger, of course. He had a wife.
His wife that was slowly becoming further and further away from him, that was.
"Lillian, listen to me." Roger began, griping her shoulders, surprising her with the action and making her chin lift, gaze locking on his.
"I will accept you for whoever you are. The fact that you have cancer? That matters so much to me, in the aspect of me looking after you, driving you to treatment, appointments, whatever. I don't care what I have to do. You have me. I understand, I'm the first person you've had in a long time, and knowing that? I simply can't leave you on your own when you need me most."
Lillian was crying at this point, the realisation of finally having someone who not only will treat her right, but not verbally abuse her like both of her father's. Not a person who will leave her alone, like her mother or that so called friend Sophie. The realisation that someone will finally realise of her existence.
The realisation that someone will love her.
Her tears were flowing freely, Roger cooing and wiping them away as he brought her in for a hug.
Only her second hug in however many years. Both hugs being from Roger.
With the bottles of medication forgotten, she latched her arms around Roger's neck forcefully, knocking over one bottle and climbing over the other two to have a more meaningful hug with the man she now called her best friend.
The touch of his skin on hers lit a fire inside of her, almost instantly craving the small amount of affection she hadn't received in so, so long, with the same happening for Roger.
She wasn't the only one that was craving affection. He was too.
With a slowly disintegrating marriage, how could he not? His wife was now settling for divorce papers. Fights at home become common. Returning to an empty house came even more often then not.
Roger hadn't had a proper, genuine hug in over a year; small side hugs from his three best friends not surfacing even close enough to a real life display of the comfort he needed of so much in his life.
But he had Lillian now. Even if it wasn't for as long as he needed.
The loss of affection, god, Roger didn't know how much it would draw him closer to this new person in his life. One who hadn't experienced affection, comfort, anything of that sort for so long.
The hug lasted a while, sobs still eliciting Lilly's throat as Roger rubbed her back. The small amount of affection that they were both on the receiving end of automatically drew the two closer together, their desperation untameable.
They both wanted someone to love them, and they both wanted to love someone.
That's exactly why when Lillian's head lifted from his shoulder where it lay seconds beforehand, that they both didn't make any effort to pull any further away from each other, Lilly basically resting on his crossed legs.
Roger took a moment to admire the girl's tear stained face, her pretty, sculpted cheek bones blotched a beetroot red, taking the attention away from where her wet eyelashes rested upon her skin where freckles gently lay, eyebrows crinkling as she admired Roger in the exact same way.
She narrowly avoided being caught by Roger as she admired his flawless skin, pale skin a little flushed from the light breeze that blew through the park on a late Summer afternoon, probably also flushed from the intimacy and close proximity of the two bodies in the hug they shared. His breathing was ragged as it escaped his pink, thin yet pillowy lips, a little chapped from gnawing at them in between sentences as he talked up a storm in the car.
His piercing blue eyes caught her own hazel shaded ones as her eyes flicked over his face for the last time, her gaze almost catching something else in motion behind him, all to avoid him, yet what she wasn't giving him, he wanted.
He wanted her attention. He wanted her admiration.
Bringing his hand to her chin, he grasped it between his thumb, index and middle fingers, drawing her gaze back to his, eyes locking with one another. Even though he wasn't originally planning to get go of his grasp on her, he did. Only to replace his fingers to fiddle with the only ring he wore.
His wedding band.
"Roger," Lillian started as her eyes caught his actions as he began pushing it up and down is finger, a contemplative face present on his gorgeous features. "What are you-"
"She treats me like shit," Is all the man said before regaining focus on Lillian, stopping his actions and shifting a little closer to the twenty seven year old woman. "Fights with me constantly," He mumbled. "Could say the woman hates me and wouldn't even feel a rid of guilt."
"Roger, I'm-"
"Don't bother, she's settling for divorce papers, and the worst thing? She's not even upset about it. Always says in our fights that she can't wait to get out of the toxic life I've always given her. She hates me. Hasn't loved me in over a year. Haven't felt love from anyone in over a year." He recited, as if the story was what he had told numerous times to different people, or even to himself. Maybe that's why he has no guilt. Only desperation and sadness.
"But no one sees how desperate I am for love to be shown in my direction. The love you receive from friends as they continuously support you hasn't even lasted me long enough. Don't know what to do with myself."
While Lillian was listening and trying to understand the concept of the message Roger was trying to convey, she was interrupted as her body jerked at the sound of church bells ringing in the distance, signalling the beginning of a new hour of the day. Eyes flicking to her watch that she wore on her wrist, it read six p.m.
Her gaze refocused towards the sky after that, ears still perked at the sound of the continuous church bells, still ringing. Breathing in the fresh air and being out in the brisk hours of the beginning of the night was something she rarely got to do, so she focused her eyes on the slowly darkening blue of the sky, searching for the moon to appear at any moment.
Her gaze dropped to the seat the pair were sat on after hearing a light clutter noise. Looking up and seeing Roger with his mouth slightly parted, breathing ragged and increasing as the seconds passed.
The thing Lilly had missed was the way Roger looked at her, trying to succumb and make a decision as she was distracted from his presence. He couldn't help himself, but in the short time the two have known each other, he was beginning to develop feelings for her, and while it was oh so wrong, it felt so, so right, too.
That's why the light clatter noise drew the attention of Lillian. It's exactly what Roger wanted. Her attention.
Her own lips parted at the sight of Roger, and the sight of what caused the clutter noise on the metal bench seat.
His wedding band.
And even if Lillian could only experience three of the main senses at that current time; smelling Roger's cologne, feeling the goosebumps on her skin appear because of Roger's close proximity in his presence, seeing Roger with wide, hazel eyes, that's when she was privileged to feeling and tasting.
The feeling of his pillowy and slightly chapped lips.
The taste of his cigarette.
Roger had kissed her. And almost nothing had felt so right in his life when he felt Lillian kiss back, only for her to pull away seconds later, opening her eyes slowly out of pure bliss before widening them in shock and oblivion.
And at the same time, their mouth opened, spitting out both the obvious, and the not so obvious.
"Roger! You have a wife." "I'm not hers anymore."
TAG LIST: @rogerinathehystericalqueen @toger-raylor @jennyggggrrr @xox-talia-xox​  @hottestofspaces @stormtrprinstilettos @devil-in-those-eyes @redspecialty​​ @brian-roger-deaky-and-fred​​ @ogrogerbattle​​ @im-addicted-to-queen​​ @killerqueenbucky​​ @xgoingdownx​​ @benhardyisdaddy​ @luvborhap​ @loveandbeloved29​ @deacytits @loversoon
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some-dark-side-writing · 6 years ago
Forgiven And Returned
(Natemare x reader)
Natemare returned back to just outside your bedroom door after leaving for a week, because that’s how he copes when you get in fights. He doesn’t exactly deal with the issue but it helps him clear his head. He came home at a late hour to assure you’d be home from work but when he peeked inside the room he was disappointed to find you weren’t there. He looked everywhere, trying to be secretive, but gave up opting to just shout your name into the empty house. He was unnerved because he was sure you had no plans that required you to be out that late at night and overtime couldn’t have gone on into these hours. Even though he was exhausted from wandering around and clearing his head all week, he stayed up waiting for you, even though his plan was to lie against your warm sleeping form because he needed the comfort you gave him after being deprived of it for what felt like an eternity. He didn’t realise how long he’d stayed up waiting for you until he saw the first rays of sunlight seeping into your home. That was it. He had been worried, now he was terrified. What could have happened to you in the space of a week? There could have been a serial killer that’s dumped your body somewhere. You could have been kidnapped and be being tortured right now by some maniac. You were emotional when he left, what if you were so emotional you caused a car accident and you never got to set foot back in your home…what if the last time you saw each other was when you were fighting? Natemare couldn’t take it any more as his panicked cries rode through each room again and eventually on the streets as he knocked on every neighbours door, from the ones he’d helped cross the roads to the ones he’d threatened to murder in unique ways, but it didn’t stop there. He went to your work and found a coworker who you were both friendly with. You hadn’t shown up to your job in two days, today being the third! And what’s worse, you left your phone there, so there was really no way of contacting you. He spoke to the host and according to him no entity had taken you. So where could you be?! Natemare had decided to go back to your home since most people would question why his tears looked more like dark water paint, and he shuffled under your blankets, to at least familiarise your scent again. If you had been harmed while he was away brooding selfishly then…well, he’d definitely hurt the person who made that happen, but right now he was holding that blame on himself… He almost tripped over as the home phone rang and he ran to pick it up, still cocooned in blankets with darker tears as more fell. “Hello?! Who is this?!” His breath hitched hoping for your voice on the end of the line but his hopes were crushed when he heard the coworker he had just spoken to. “Did you remember something else?” He asked hopefully yet still slightly annoyed that it was a person he had already interviewed. What if you, or your captor, called right now but he was on the phone with some unhelpful mortal?! “W-well since y/n’s been missing for a few days, well, do you want us to call the police for you?” Mare kept breathing heavily down the phone “I-I mean, with you two in a fight and stuff-” mare growled at them knowing this knowledge about your relationship, “It’s, erm, probably the best, for y/n’s sake.” Natemare thought hard about this, even though the mortal police would be useless in situations containing his own kind, they might be able to track down a missing human, especially if it was natural causes, which was a possibility. He didn’t like the fact he’d be interviewed because there were some things he’d have to lie about to avoid being thought of as crazy and he might become a suspect since people didn’t always get a positive impression off him, but at this moment he couldn’t care less what could happen to him. He just wanted you back… “No, it’s okay” he said running his hands through his hair “I’ll call them myself, it’s easier.” And he spat out the last bit, too energetic to want to be polite “thank you though.” “Oh, okay. You’re wel-” and he put down the phone. He dried his tears with the back of his hand as he started to dial the number 9. That’s how far he got, because he suddenly heard the doors lock clicking open. He threw the phone, losing his blankets in the frenzy, as he sprinted towards the doorway where you were taking off your coat. He ran wordlessly up to you and effortlessly picked you up, spinning the two of you around as he held you tight against him. He didn’t want you to get too dizzy so he eventually put you back on the ground, still not letting you go and screwed his eyes closed as he pressed a kiss to your shoulder. “Mare?” You asked, shocked to see him. He cried out at you “Where the hell have you been y/n?” His left hand shook your shoulder as his right held the small of your back, so your lower bodies were still pressed together. Natemare looked distraught. He already held the faint look of a homeless junkie after wandering aimlessly for a week and he hadn’t had time to clean up before he saw you as he had planned the night before. Now with all the panic and fear he’d recently experienced running around, his disheveled hair and dark bags under his eyes, kind of hard to discern with his smudged tears, he looked like the epitome of a broken man. “Mare, I went to say with my parents for a few days… with all our recent fights I needed a break from being alone in this house, especially when I had no idea when or if you’d come back!” Natemare did feel bad about how much you’d both fought recently. It was really neithers fault, natemare had had a lot of stress from other entities, way more than usual, and you’d been having work and bill troubles so emotions ran high. But at this moment in time Natemare didn’t feel like he could ever bear to fight with you again, not after the scare that your fights could be the last thing you experience before the inevitable of all mortals. Even if he was still quite angry at you not even leaving a note for when you would return all he cared about right now was that you were safe, and that you were in his arms. “We’re still okay right? We can work through this mare.” It was as if you could read his mind and to answer your question he could have done a number of things, he could have ravished your lips in a hungry all-consuming kiss or throw you over his shoulder and travel to your bed but what he did was what he wanted to most : he brought his forehead down to yours, as his hands settled on your waist, as you both closed your eyes, breathing in sync.
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darkdevasofdestruction · 6 years ago
Chisaki’s fem!S/O being kidnapped
Someone please stop me from writing for the villains. I think I have an obsession or something-
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Okay so, first of all, he most likely had an arranged marriage with his S/O as a way to make a contract with her father who was an amazing underground Quirk researcher, so of course, Chisaki wanted to make sure the man only helps HIM and nobody else, so what better way?
The girl, he later found out, was much of a genius in many ways, like hacking, seducing, information gathering, science and so on, which she self-taught, having been locked up in her house for so long by her father who only ever wanted to use her as a deal-breaker.
It all started when she saw Mimic, the first person she got along with really well from the very beginning, struggling while trying to hack into an important database, so she offered her help and easily hacked into the program and explained everything in detail so her could understand the more abstract ways of coding, and since then, Chisaki let those two go out of the hideout  together so the girl could see and enjoy the freedom that she deserves but never got the chance to have.
It took a long time for the both of them to become truly attached to one another, but it was the cute, subtle ways in which they showed their love that was truly attractive. It was the caring looks they gave each other, the protective hand-holding and the warm hugs they shared that made a strong bond between their once cold as ice, frozen hearts that knew nothing of the warm feeling of love.
On one lovely day of Spring she went out to the Starbucks in the town center with her childhood friend, a girl with whom she hasn’t been in contact with for a long time, but they got along really well back in the days and decided to catch up and gossip all day long.
As she was drinking her beverage, she spilled a bit of cake on herself, so laughing, she excused herself from the table and went to the bathroom to clean herself up. There, she looked at her phone to check for any missed calls or messages, which she saw were flooding, from both Chisaki and Mimic. Curious, she called Mimic back since he seemed the most frantic to get a hold of her, for some reason.
Y/N: Yes, Raffa? Mimic: GOODNESS GRACIOUS, WOMAN, WHY DO YOU HAVE A PHONE IF YOU DON’T USE IT?! Y/N: Uhh Sorry, it was on silent mode. I forgot to change that this morning. Mimic: Arrghhh nevermind!! Are you okay?! Y/N: Yes, of course, why wouldn’t I be? Mimic: There’s a killer on the loose, dammit!! Y/N: Like...You and Chisaki? Mimic: I’M NOT JOKING, Y/N-
But he was cut off by Chisaki calling and the girl accepted the call, making that a group-call.
Chisaki: Where are you? Y/N: The local Starbucks. Wait, I’ll share my location with you- Chisaki: Keep the GPS on at all costs and make sure to hide your phone and have it at you at all times. Y/N: Yes, okay, but guys, can you tell me what’s going on?! Mimic: There’s this serial killer chick that is targeting some super boss yakuza leaders and one of them is- Chisaki: Me. Y/N: And what does it have to do with me? Mimic: We...We think that she knows of your connection to us and especially Chisaki. Y/N: How could she? We’ve never been out in the public or anything of the sort. Besides, I’ve always been extra careful when posting stuff on my social media. Mimic: I know, I was there to check them with you, but we don’t know why or how, but she might be targeting you. Y/N: Do you have a picture with her or something so I can be on the lookout? Or please make it fast, my friend might suspect something. Chisaki: Friend...? You are not alone? Y/N: Goodness, no, it’d have been boring to go out alone. An old friend contacted me again and asked to meet up. Mimic: Uh...Does this picture look famili- Y/N: *gasps* Th-That’s...That’s...M-My... Chisaki: That is your friend, isn’t she? Y/N: Y-Yeah...B-But...Do you know if she’s affiliated with anyone? Mimic: She might be affiliated with some underground people. Y/N: Only my father knew of our arrangements...My father...My father wants me dead. Just great! Freaking fantastic! Chisaki: Keep calm, Y/N. If she finds out that you know about her plan, she’s going to proceed with her plan much faster. Y/N: Yeah...Just great. Now I’m scared to think that she might have poisoned my drink. Chisaki: She wouldn’t. She needs you alive if she wants to blackmail me and use you as a bait. Y/N: That’s far more reassuring. Chisaki: Can you jump out of the window? Y/N: No...It’s much too tiny.  Chisaki: Then go back to her and act as if nothing happened. We are on our way there. Y/N: Yeah, sure, no problem. Totally not freaking out. Mimic: Y/N you taught me how to be a better gangster and refine my skills, okay? You are far better than me at this, so use your skills of deceiving people and act as natural as possible so she won’t pick up on anything. Y/N: *sighs* Okay, fine. The GPS is on. I’ll hide my phone and keep this group convo on going so you can hear what we’re saying, but I’ll be putting it on mute so no sounds from your end will be heard around here and make it suspicious, okay? I’ll tell her I let my phone at home to charge. Chisaki: That’s my smart girl. Stay strong, we’re going to be there soon. Y/N: *nods* Roger that.
Sighing and running a hand through her hair, she closed her phone’s screen and hid it in her bra, thanking whatever possessed her to wear a nice and large sweater so the phone won’t be visible no matter what.
She put on her vixen face and acted as natural as she could and went to ramble about how annoying it is to get the stains off such a nice cardigan, but what surprised her was when her friend asked her if she could use her phone to call someone. She blinked in confusion and smiled at her apologetically, saying how she forgot to charge it the previous night and that she left without it, letting it plugged for the day. 
What was a bit shocking, however, was how her friend’s face twisted in rage for a split second before she gripped the girl’s wrist weirdly tight and forcefully dragged her out of Starbucks, saying how they need to leave for the day. The girl only gulped and tried to struggle, saying how she doesn’t understand her friend’s unexpected behaviour, but the friend only got angrier and slapped her friend before putting a chloroform napkin on her face, making her faint since she couldn’t hold her breath for too long.
Of course, by the time she woke up she was in a dark cell, only a lamp above her lighting up the sombre place. She got up quickly and rushed to the bar door, trying to see if it was locked or if she could somehow unlock it with a hair pin... No chance.
Chisaki, Mimic and Chrono found themselves in front of the enemy hideout and strode inside nonchalantly, pissed off beyond belief, as Chisaki looked as stoic as ever, only unleashing his rage by using his Quirk on everyone who dared stay in his path.
As he got in front of the cage, he easily destroyed the bars, only to see his semi-conscious S/O, several cuts on her face, who knows how many other bruises on her body, being held by her hair, on her knees, by the person she once called a friend, a knife at her throat.
“Now, now, look who decided to show up! How did you find us, young Yakuza leader~?” asked the enemy with a sly grin on her face. “Her phone GPS, of course.” Chrono replied in a low, threatening voice as if it was as clear as the day light. “Phone...? What phone?! She has no phone at her! I checked her bag and pockets!” she yelled, enraged. “My bra, you idiot...Why do you think I kept...Crossing my arms to my chest...? If you somehow hit the phone with you...Stupid boots then it was bye-bye for me...” the victim tried so say in a weak voice, occasionally stopping to cough some blood. “You...! YOU LITTLE BITCH! YOU LIED TO ME!!” the kidnapper shouted at her, putting a hand on her throat and squeezing it, making the poor girl gasp for air. “S-So did...You...” she managed to choke out. “It’s over now. Give up and return her to me.” Chisaki said, his eyes holding a burning fire, barely able to keep himself composed. “You think I got through all this trouble to just peacefully return her? How stupid can you be?! I think I’d like to have a little more fun with dear Y/N here-” she said, but was quickly interrupted when she tried to move but realised her movements were extremely lethargic and it confused her to no end.
At the same time, her knife suddenly jumped out of her grasp and went next to Chisaki, making it obvious that Chrono’s and Mimic’s jobs were done there. “Wh-What did you do to me?! Freaks!” the enemy asked, her hand still around the girl’s throat, but no longer posing as a danger. “As I said, it’s over. You were so busy letting anger take over you that you lost focus of your surroundings. Chrono touched you with his hair and Mimic’s mind went inside the knife. Now...It’s my turn.” with that, he went to the two girls and grabbed a fistful of the enemy’s hair, dragging her away from her beloved and kicked her in the face with his combat book as hard as he could, slamming her in the wall in the process.
“Chrono, Mimic, bring this unclean filth to the base. If I use my Quirk on her it’d be meaningless. Also...Arrange a meeting with Y/N’s father. I think a discussion between a husband and his father-in-law would be very important now.” “It shall be done” said Chrono, as he dragged the unconscious one away.
Chisaki grabbed a napkin from his pocket and kneeled in front of his wife, one hand on her face and the other trying to wipe away the dirt and blood from it, tenderly.
“Thanks for saving me, Chisaki. I’d be dead without you.” she whispered, a small smile on her face. “You got involved because of me. It shouldn’t have happened.” he said, closing his eyes. “Sorry for the trouble. I’ll try to be more careful.” she said, leaning in his touch. “I’ll make sure that never happens again. Let’s go home for now.” with that, he picked her up bridal style, making her smile softly and snuggling to him all the way back to their own hideout, where he made sure to make her as comfortable as possible as she healed herself, thanks to her amazing Healing-Water Quirk.
When night came and the girl was in her nightgown, messing around on social media on her phone, Chisaki went in their room, putting his mask carefully on the table and changing in his sleeping wear before getting in bed next to her, thing that never happened before since he was always too busy and preferred to stay alone with his work.
He said nothing as he watched her looking at him, surprised to see him there and putting her phone on the nightstand.
“Chisaki? Are you okay?” she asked, worry dripping from her sweet, angelic voice. “You seem to have completely healed. Your Quirk is something useful in this world.” he muttered, examining every inch of her body to see if he could spot any little bruise. “It is,I suppose. But if I were in your place, I wouldn’t have been able to save you.” she said with a half-grin. “Come here.” he mumbled, his eyes boring deep into her soul.
She complied, scuttering over to him, but to her surprise, he got her into a very tight embrace, stroking her hair, his heartbeat visibly calming down. She then realised that he was worried sick and this was his way of being 100% certain that what was happening was real and that she was really safe and sound, in his arms, a pulse still beating. She could only grin and cuddle to him, putting the blanket over them and kissing him lightly on the lips, saying soothing, reassuring words to him.
For the first time since they got married they slept in the same room, together, two heartbeats forming into one as he continued stroking her hair, not being able to sleep that night in fear that something might happen and she will be snatched away from his grasp once again.
He won’t ever let that happen again. His angel will never ever be stolen away from him. He made a mistake that almost endangered her, but no more. He knew what was to be done and made sure either Chrono or Mimic were with her at all times when she was to go out of the hideout, no matter what.
He will protect his beloved wife, Y/N, at all costs. Y/N is his.
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fireproof-harry · 6 years ago
Game. Set. Match. OR Tennis!Harry
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The one where Harry’s a superstar tennis player and you’re just the friend from back home.
Type: fluff, bit of angst
Word count: 2.5k
“...and young Styles hits it into the net again.” A sigh from the crowd follows as Harry falls another game behind.
It’s the second set of the AusOpen quarter finals. Harry’s already lost the first set and will most likely lose the second, but that’s not what’s on his mind. With his body aching, sweat dripping everywhere, all he can think about is the fact that she’s not here.
Y/N feels horrible. She’s never missed a game.
Her eyes keep glancing to the corner of the pub where the TV is playing the match live. She can’t see the score from where she is but she can tell that he’s losing. Badly.
Focus! she tells herself. Here she is on a lovely night out with a lovely nice man talking about nice things that aren’t tennis!
But every time Y/N tries to focus on the blue eyes of her dinner partner all she can think about is the blue court she’d rather be watching... and how she much prefers green eyes anyway. She’s not supposed to be thinking about those eyes though. Not after the other night. 
“And then I did my new backhand trick - you know the one I showed you last week? - and he didn’t have a chance!” Harry was always chatty after a good training session and this day was no different. Bouncing a tennis ball along the pavement as they walked through the park, Harry was animatedly describing (and reenacting) his last hour as Y/N nodded along and ooh-ed and ahh-ed on cue.
“So I’m feeling pretty confident for Tuesday,” he finished.
“That’s great H,” Y/N said, flashing him a quick smile.
It’s not that Y/N didn’t like hearing about Harry’s training, it’s just that Harry trained a lot. And talked about it a lot. Not just the training but everything tennis. Ever since Harry had turned pro it was like there suddenly wasn’t any time for any of their old hobbies or discussion points. No more Harry Potter movie marathons or debates about Marvel vs DC. Just tennis. And while it was great to see Harry gain some hard earned success, she couldn’t remember the last time Harry asked her about her and truly listened to the answer without bouncing a ball or rewatching one of his games in the background. And this trip to Australia was just the icing on the cake. You’d decided to take a stand.
“Actually H, about the match on Tuesday...” you started, “I might be a little late.”
“Late?” Harry asked, turning to you, “you’re never late.”
“Yeah well I have something on and I’m sure it will probably finish early or you know I can just leave but I’m just letting you know that I’ll be a little late is all.”
“What for?” Oh shit. Now this is not where you wanted to go. You were hoping he would just half listen and nod and move on.
“I have a date,” you blurt out.
“A date?” Harry stopped walking.
“What do you mean you have a date?” Harry asked, scoffing as though it was the most ridiculous idea in the world.
“Exactly that!” replied Y/N indignantly. “Why do you sound so surprised? Didn’t think anyone would want to take me out?”
“What? No...I’m just.. you never ... I didn’t know you were looking to date anyone right now,” Harry stuttered.
“It’s recent,” Y/N answered vaguely, hoping to put an end to this already embarrassing conversation. Y/N and Harry didn’t talk about this stuff. Ever. They could talk for hours about anything and everything but when it came to dating, they led separate lives and pretended not to care about the others. Until now.
“Where’d you meet him?” Harry asked, his full attention now completely on Y/N.
The truth is - Y/N met him on a dating app. She hasn’t been out with anyone in ages and she thought what better time to try out a dating app when on the other side of the world? And Lo and behold one of her first matches was a strapping young Aussie whose abs certainly made up for his apparent affinity for beer (Y/N was not a beer drinker). You couldn’t tell Harry this though as he probably wouldn’t see this as important and easy to cancel... and desperate?
“A café,” you lied, “I’d forgotten to bring my Australian money and he offered to pay for my drink,” you made up wildly.
“He seemed really nice and we got talking and now we’re going on a date,” you finished, fingers crossed inside your jacket pocket.
“Oh,” Harry replied, starting to walk again. You continued in silence for another moment before Harry stopped again.
“But he could be a serial killer!” He exclaimed. “You don’t know him! How do you know what his intentions are?”
“Harry I hardly think he’s a serial killer! He seemed really nice and we-“
“Well maybe not a serial killer but he probably only asked you out because he wants to get into your pants!”
“Oh right I get it. You think the only possibly reason someone might ask me out is to have sex with me?” You fired back.
“No I didn’t say-”
“That’s exactly what you were saying!”
“It was not!”
“Was too!”
The hustle and bustle of the park carried on around you and the two childhood best friends stood face to face, cheeks flushed, in the middle of the path.
“What I was trying say...” Harry started, “is that you’re a very um... attractive woman and that might lead some jerk guy to ask you out with ..um.. not so good intentions!” Harry smiled, seemingly proud of the way he was able to turn that around. “I’m just trying to look out for you Y/N.”
“I can look after myself,” you reply, sick of Harry’s know-it-all attitude.
“Well I just don’t see why you would want to go on a date with some random guy when you ... had a prior commitment anyway.”
“Harry, I told you I’m only going to be a little late!”
“Well maybe you shouldn’t even bother.”
“I don’t want to.. get in the way of your ‘date’,” he said, using finger quotation marks to emphasise date.
“But I always go,” you reply, hurt.
“Well maybe you shouldn’t,” Harry said, staring at the ground.
“Well maybe I won’t,” you retorted.
Harry looked back up to see if you were serious. He didn’t actually think you wouldn’t come. Like you said, you always came.
“Well...” he started when he saw no glimpse of humour in your eyes. “A true friend would come,” he blurted out.
Your jaw dropped.
“Don’t get me started on what a true friend should do,” you bit back, feeling the anger swell inside you. “How dare you! I have been the best fucking friend to you!”
Harry stepped back, surprised at your outburst. But you weren’t done. All those feelings of neglect and hurt were flying through your brain and suddenly you couldn’t stop them coming out.
“I have been by your side through thick and thin! I have been at every match, heard every training debrief, come with you to fucking Australia! I’ve missed work and cancelled holidays to make sure I can be there for you and the one time I want to take a bit of time to myself - to go on a date - of which I haven’t been on in quite awhile I must say! Not that you would know because you never ask - you can’t be a little supportive? No! Because it’s all about you. It’s the Harry show! Well I say no! I won’t give up my life to tennis like you!”
And now here Y/N was. Sitting in a pub, opposite a lovely guy but unable to forget the image of Harry’s wide eyes and open mouth as she walked away.
Harry was so fucked. He felt like utter shit. He’d been having trouble sleeping ever since Y/N had exploded at the park the other day. This was entirely her fault. But also... it was entirely his. He knew it. He had hurt her. He’d got so caught up in the game, in himself, that he hadn’t even thought to really check in with Y/N about how she was, if she was okay, if she needed him. Of course Y/N was allowed to go on dates. He didn’t mind.
“Ugh!” He hit the ball into the net... again. He couldn’t lie to himself. This felt wrong. A part of him had always kinda hoped that one day something might happen between him and Y/N. Something wonderful. And now he’d messed it all up and she’d chosen some random guy over him. Just when he needed her the most.
“And then they refused to give our bond back! It was so lame.”
Y/N sighed. Mr Cute-Aussie was turning out to be not-so-cute! Did he really think that telling her about some lads holiday weekend where they trashed their Airbnb was supposed to impress her? Harry would never have done something like that. A true gentleman - whenever he tripped over anything or knocked something over (those giraffe legs are a hazard) he would be bending over backwards to get whatever fixed.
Y/N’s eyes drifted over to the screen again just in time to see Harry hit the ball into the net. He looked so angry, so hurt, like the ball was personally breaking his heart. She could see his eyes glance over to his coaches box where Y/N normally sat, only to look down even more disheartened and in that moment Y/N realised he was looking for her. He couldn’t focus on the ball because he was upset with her. And the fact that she wasn’t there.
“Don’t you think?” The Aussie added, realising his date’s focus had drifted elsewhere. But Y/N had had enough.
“Actually no. You trashed it. You should pay. Now if you will excuse me, there’s somewhere I need to be.” And with that she picked up her bag, threw some cash on the table, and walked out.
What was she thinking! How could she have let this happen? How could she have even considered the idea that supporting Harry wasn’t important. They may have fought and he maybe a bit of a jerk sometimes but they were best friends. She loved him. And no Aussie was going to change that. No guy could.
“Holy shit. I love him,” Y/N said out loud, stopping in the middle of the path.
Y/N quickly struck out her hand to wave down a taxi and jumped in. She was going to fix this.
It was half way through the third set. Harry was about 20 minutes away from losing the match and being kicked out of the tournament. And honestly, he couldn’t even find it within himself to care. All he wanted now was to go to bed. And cry a little maybe. He wasn’t normally such a sore loser but he’d never lost her before.
Out of habit he glanced to her usual spot in the crowd as he bounced the ball preparing to serve. And then he froze.
She was there. Y/N was sitting right there. It felt like the whole arena was holding there breath as he locked eyes with her across the court. She had one hand over her heart as he saw her mouth those three words that he thought he’d lost all chance of hearing from her lips. I love you.
Someone was saying something and suddenly everything came back into focus. The ref was telling him to hurry up and he remembered where he was. He threw the ball into the air and hit it as hard as he could across the court. Ace.
“And what a match we have here at Rod Laver Arena tonight. The young Brit started off slow but has completely turned around the game! After losing the first two sets I thought he was a goner for sure. What do you think, Jim?”
“Absolutely. But as we have seen something has changed within him and he’s had a wave of ..I don’t even know what! Just when we thought it was over he won that third set and then the fourth! And now he’s smiling. He’s positively beaming as he smashes one ace after another.”
“Yes, and I’ve heard a rumour that it all may be something to do with a new addition to his box. People have been going back through the footage and we think that the change in young Styles behaviour might have something to do with the young girl now sitting there as she wasn’t there to begin with.”
“Well, whatever it is, it’s working!”
Y/N was freaking out. Harry was suddenly playing brilliantly and had taken the last set to a final tie-breaker. Harry has just got in-front and needed to win this point to win. Her hands wouldn’t stop sweating as she watched on, trying to send waves of love and support into Harry’s head as he set up to serve for the match.
“Ohhh,” the crowd sighed. Harry’s first serve had gone straight into the net. Fault.
You can do this, Y/N repeated over and over in her head.
Harry took a deep breath and sneaked one more glance up at Y/N before throwing the ball into the air.
It was the longest rally yet. Across the court he ran back and forth, up and down until finally his opponent hit one right over his head. Running to chase it, Harry stopped thinking and let his body take over. His arm reached out and just caught the ball before it’s second bounce, whacking it between his legs back across the court. Cheering erupted and Harry thought he must’ve missed but when he turned around he could see British flags being waved in the air and Y/N jumping up and down in her seat. He had won.
He couldn’t stop moving the whole post-match interview. All he wanted to do was get to her and now he was finally moving through the corridors backstage, shrugging off people trying to congratulate him.
And then there she was. She was running towards him and his legs started moving before his brain could catch up and then she was in his arms.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“No, I’m sorry. I was the jerk - I should’ve been looking out for you - I’m so sorry.”
They parted a bit to look each other in the face. Harry pressed his forehead against hers.
“I love you.”
“Harry!” Y/N gasped. And then laughed. Her smile becoming wider and wider.
“What? It’s true! I had to tell you, I’m so- what’s so funny?“
“No Harry!” Y/N started, trying to wipe the frown lines off Harry’s face. “I was about to say that!”
Harry’s grin was back in full swing as his eyes lowered to Y/N’s lips.
“Alrighty then,” he whispered before pressing his lips to hers.
The end. 
This is my first time writing on here so please let me know what you think! 
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fanaticwritings · 7 years ago
His Secret - CHAPTER 4
Sam Winchester x Reader [AU SERIES]
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summary: Sam Winchester is the CEO of a branch of the billion dollar company Winchester Corp. The reader is a detective and also the love of his life. They think they live a happy life but there’s trouble in paradise. Y/N finds that her beloved wanders off somewhere at nights, when she sleeps. She obviously grows suspicious. What does he have to hide?
warnings: angst, questions are answered, also- more questions, fluff if you squint
word count: 1.8k
catch up here: chap. 1 | chap. 2 | chap. 3
A/N: This story gets me so excited! The build up is slow but I promise you’re going to love it. Do give this a read!
“Where'd you get that from?” you asked Sam, as you lay under him, a tangle of limbs. You looked pointedly at a small scratch that ran up his forehead and disappeared into his hairline.
Sam studied you for a while, eyes searching your face, trailing down your nose and finally to your lips.
“I fell in the bathroom,” he said, smiling although he didn't look at you when he said that; eyes fixed on your lips instead. Strange, you thought but brushed the thought away as you let out a chuckle. If there was any lingering ghost of the thought, it was gone when Sam pressed his mouth to yours.
You weren't sure if you'd heard him correctly. Sam was still facing away from you, shoulders slumped.
“You what?” you murmured, voice a mere rasp.
He turned to look at you then, his multi-colored eyes looking grey in the dimly lit room.
“You heard me,” he said, clearing his throat and pursed his lips.
The words settled heavily in the air around you.
Out of all the possible explanations you had conjured up for his disappearance, this hadn't even remotely crossed your head.
A million questions pounded in your mind as you tried to wrap your mind around what he had just said. A killer? How? How did he have contacts? How far was he involved? How far had he gone? Was Sam in danger? What had he found out? This was supposed to be the answer that made you surer of the man you had fallen for and yet, you felt him slip away further. Did you know Sam at all? All those times he looked tired, battered and injured, he had been on his ‘hunt’. It wasn’t stress or a bathroom accident. Sam Winchester voluntarily risked his life, every night. This all seemed like a bizarre dream and you expected to wake up any moment now.
“How?” you whispered, flumping on the bed absentmindedly.
Sam looked at you quizzically. “Huh?”
“How could it be a murderer?” you said. You wanted to ask so much more, you didn't know how to digest this. But your detective mind was already grinding out theories, curiosity eating away at you.
Sam sat down in front of you.
“I shouldn't be telling this to you, Y/N,” he said, sighing deeply.
“No. You should tell me everything, Sam,” you countered.
“What are you scared of?”
“I'm scared for you, baby. I don’t- don’t want to lose you,” Sam said, looking at his hands. You noticed the sharp clench of his jaw. He was trying not to cry. You sighed softly. For a moment you forgot what he had just revealed. You knew Sam had abandonment issues because of his past and you hated how insecure it made him.
“You won’t lose me, Sam. But I need to know what’s going on with you. Don’t you think I deserve to know?” you asked, cupping his chin and making him look at you.
Sam was shaking a little, his forehead scrunched up and jaw clenching. Fear clouded his eyes.
“Sam,” you said a little boldly, this time. His name was a soft plea and you hoped it was assurance enough.
Sam shut his eyes and shook his head.
“I know I should have told you before. I am sorry I didn’t. But- but I thought I was doing it to protect you. But now that you know…,” he trailed off, looking up at you.
You moved to sit right next to him, hips touching. You took one of his hands into your own and gave it an assuring squeeze. “It’s okay. Tell me now. I’m right here.” It seemed to give him some confidence but it dissipated the next second.
He sighed again. Suddenly, he looked very jaded. Worn down. Broken.
“Everyone thinks that the fire was an accident. Even the police confirmed it, after looking into it for almost four months, that there was no evidence of arson or anything else. Dad..Dad couldn’t save Mom and... So the case was closed and we were sent off to Uncle Bobby.”
Your chest tightened. You had heard the story a million times but never from Sam, who was the heart of that very story. It hurt to see the sorrow dull his vibrant eyes; his shoulders sagged from the memory.
“I grew up thinking so too, until-” he inhaled sharply,”- until one day, Dean told me something that would haunt me forever.” His eyes clouded and looked distant as he was whisked into a memory in his head. 
“We were drunk. Well, Dean was, I had like one round. We were talking about the company and stuff when Dean suddenly became serious. He took my hand and clutched it tightly to his chest. ‘There was no accident, Sammy. Mom and Dad- they were murdered.’ He looked strange. Alien. It was eerie and I felt scared of him for a second. He looked dead serious too and he- he was trying not to cry. Y/N, I’ve never seen Dean look that afraid. He has been the stronger one and yet...I asked him how he knew, hoping it was just his trauma and alcohol speaking but- ‘When we ran out, Sammy… Do you remember dad pushing us out of the house? When we ran out, just outside the window, I saw a man. I almost yelled but I swear I saw him and he seemed to have caught me looking too because the son of a bitch ran, Sammy.’” Sam looked like there was more to say but he couldn’t. He was trembling a little. His grip on your hand was tight, knuckles almost pale and his face was devoid of color.
“Sam,” you whispered. You could almost picture a two-year old Sam running away from a blazing fire, being pulled by a six-year old Dean and their terror struck faces. You shuddered. You pulled Sam into you, hoping you could provide him some comfort because words seemed to be failing you at the moment. 
He stayed silent for a full minute before continuing.
“I didn’t want to believe Dean, Y/N. I really didn’t. My rationality told me that it was something his six- year old brain had made up to deal with the grief but he told me that it was something that stayed with him forever. He also told me that he went looking for the guy later, on his own. But nothing. The thought never left me, Y/N. I tried to bury it somewhere, hoping I could move on. We- we had healed. Dean and I. But this was a jarring reality, too probable. Anyone could’ve done it. Anyone.. who had a motive,” Sam said, straightening a little. The sadness never left him but his eyes danced with a new emotion. Anger.
He continued, not wanting to stop now. You wanted to say so much but the words caught in your throat. You didn’t want to interrupt him, either. He had to let it all out. Sam wasn’t exactly the one to open up easily.
“I didn’t think about it until recently,” Sam confided, finally glancing back at you. “Before we started dating. I trust Dean with my life, if he asked me to kill myself I’d do it without question. And I couldn’t shake the image of Dean from that night. The thought occupied my brain at all times until I finally asked Dean to describe the guy. So I thought, what the hell. Maybe with the latest tech, I’d have a chance to find him. He did warn me that it was fruitless now and it was better that I forget it. I said I’d try so he described him anyway. I asked around for help- small detectives, the underground network, anyone but the local cops. I didn’t trust them- and... I finally hit a match.”
Your heart thudded against your chest. He had found him? But then why was he still-
“He died on November 3rd, Y/N,” Sam said, darkly answering your unspoken question. Your stomach did a flip. Wait what?
“God. So that was a hit man?” you asked, realisation dawning on you.
Sam nodded gravely.
“The person who hired him probably got him finished off. To clear their tracks. Everything about him, was erased. No other information except his name and the date of death, whatsoever. All records- simply vanished,” Sam said, eyes blazing. “But that meant that it was true, everything Dean had said. Why else would there be no information about him? Why did he die the very next day? It was too big of a coincidence.”
You were shaking too, you realised but Sam was too lost in his thoughts to notice.
“The real murderer is possibly still at large, Y/N. The real truth is still hidden,” Sam snarled, his features rigid and mouth contorting into an agitated sneer. Each word held more weight than the last and Sam was being crushed underneath. You couldn’t in the slightest imagine what Sam was going through. He had grown up thinking that everything he loved was taken from him was because of an unfortunate accident. To have discovered that it was not the case, would’ve shaken him- destroyed him. Your throat burned, and felt scratchy. Sam hid so much behind that dazzling smile of his and you felt a surge of pride, love and respect for him. Tears welled up at the corner of your eyes, chest heaving.
You gazed at him. His tall, lean frame looked small, far too small. He looked frail, shaking and trembling as he wallowed in his past. You could almost see the burning house reflected in his subdued eyes and felt a sudden need to protect him. To bring him justice. 
Not because he was your lover, but because he was someone who had so much taken away from him for nothing.
“Sam,” you said again. It seemed that was all you could ever utter. You fumbled for words, yearning to comfort him. You gave his shoulder a tight squeeze instead and he leaned into you.
“I need to find them, Y/N,” Sam said, hoarsely. You nodded heavily, you could read him now. You didn’t- couldn’t know what he was feeling but you sympathised. You understood. He had gone through so much, all alone. His whole life had been flipped upside down. You searched his eyes- they were swirling with a thousand emotions but his hand never left yours. You decided then, that you were going to be there for him. You were going to be there when he needed his girlfriend, and also when he needed a detective. Every step of the way.
“You will find them, Sam. And I will help you.”
Please, please let me know what you thought of the chapter/ series! I love to know what goes through your mind when you’re reading, it’s what keeps me going! Leave a comment/ ask <33 Could really use it!
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rason-rodd · 7 years ago
Red Hood And The Outlaws: Loyalty (Chapter 14)
[Read on AO3] [Previous Chapter]
Chapter 14: Kindred Spirits
   The best about living in a bunker under a police station is that you can have direct access to what’s going on in the city. The worst thing however, is when the information you get concerns an ally … or is it more a partner? … a friend? … a fling? Jason didn’t know. But when he learned that [Y/N] was going berserk on Black Mask’s men, he knew he couldn’t wait any second. He surely isn’t the only vigilante in this city listening to police radio. However he had an advantage on Batman this time: he knew her better.
And so he was not really surprised by what was before his eyes. It was almost the same killing pattern as the first time. Men butchered and dismembered, deep teeth marks and scratches. Except that this time she didn’t linger … with good reasons. The bodies were on the ground almost in a perfect circle. This suggested that she was surrounded when she was attacked and that she slaughtered them one by one very quickly. They tried to shoot her judging by the golden bullets shining at Jason’s feet but she was too fast and too cunning. She used some of the men as shields to protect herself during the gunshot. At least that is the best reasoning Jason could pull out by looking at some bodies riddled with bullets. Another well-calculated bloodbath.               Stains of blood flowing between the cobblestones down the gutter caught Jason’s attention. They were a bit too far from the massacre. Was she hurt? … No, of course not. She was too clever by half to be harmed by simple thugs. It was someone else’s blood, a man who tried to flee the fight.         Jason followed the trail and realised he guessed right. A man was slowly crawling on the ground not far away from him, a hand pressed on his wound to prevent the blood from flowing too much. Considering his direction he was trying to reach for a car and he was close.                             Jason looked around him. He knew what was about to happen. But he didn’t know if he should prevent it or not. He had promised Bruce not to kill but he hadn’t promised him he would save criminals. The dilemma didn’t last long as fate, under the appearance of a huge white wolf, bounced on the man from behind the car and took away his body away with a growl as he screamed for the last time. A mere couple of seconds after his still-masked head rolled under the car.   Jason sighed. That was perhaps not necessary.             He approached the car silently when he swore he had heard bones cracking. And here she was, her naked body covered in blood shining under the moonlight, her messy white hair flowing in the wind. What a beautiful killer.       She wasn’t ashamed. Nor was she happy. She was just standing there still and emotionless as a marble statue. A deadly version of Botticelli’s Venus.  
Jason took off his jacket and placed it over her shoulders to cover her up without saying a word. She looked up at him and met his blue eyes. “Let’s go home.” He put his hand on her shoulder and she glanced at his gesture before pushing him away. “Let go of me.” He didn’t expect that kind of reaction. “ I’m here to help you.” She had a slight snicker. “Of course you are. This is your part of your vigilante crap thing.” He was about to retort but sirens and flashing red and blue lights interrupted him. “Okay, here’s the thing. Either you come with or you begin to run hoping the cops –or worse- won’t catch you.”
She was far from being stupid. Of course she followed him and rode back with him to his underground hideout. And once there, he just took off his helmet and placed it on his desk on which he leant in silence. But he had that look. Last time she saw one similar to this they ended up screwing on a rooftop. But this time it was different.  
“ Why the hell did you do that for?” He asked sternly, his arms crossed over his broad chest. She rolled her eyes with a sigh. “There you go. Another condescending lecture”             “ I’m not lecturing you, [Y/N].” “ Well it looks like it.” “ I’m just trying to understand why you killed those men.” He didn’t sound nor angry nor judgmental but something was definitely bothering her. “They kinda asked for it.” She growled looking at him right in the eye. He scrutinized her features twisted by anger and pain. She hated it. “What? Are trying to make me feel guilty?”                 “ No”     “ Good. Because I don’t” He tried to put himself in her place. Would he sound as cold-hearted as her after such a massacre? And would he have been able to commit such ignominious act? He couldn’t answer for he didn’t know all of her story.                               “Did you forget that Batman was on your trail and that you have a cover to maintain with Black Mask? Why are you acting like this?”         “I’m not acting, Redbird. I’m just being myself. And if you don’t realise that then you’re blind.” “You and I both know this is not true.” He retorted as he came to sit near her “I don’t know what Black Mask has done to you. But I know one thing: I don’t buy your masquerade.” She glanced at him briefly but remained silent. “I know that there is far more than meets the eye, that behind your self-confidence and your ravishing charms there is still that fragile teenage girl crying for some consideration and love. And you know I’m right.” She could feel his gaze on her but she preferred to keep her eyes down. She hated being told some home truths. “You and I, [Y/N], we are so alike. You said it yourself. And I’m not going to give up on the real you.”   “ You should.” “ I grew up in the streets. Before I was adopted, I was just a poor street rat stealing tyres to survive. But I was given a chance as I’m giving you a chance, today. Don’t turn it down."
His compassion felt weird to her ears. She wasn’t used to this and therefore didn’t know how to act in consequence. So she did as her instinct told her. She confessed in a whisper.
“Black Mask killed my mother.” Jason’s eyes widened at the sudden reveal. It knew her hatred for Black Mask was personal but he didn’t expected this. Her voice was faint and broken. “I was nine years old…. My dad was working for him when he thought he would be a good idea to double-cross him.” That story sounded familiar. “Black Mask found out and he killed her… forced her to overdose with the very same drug my dad used to smuggle behind his back… … … I found her body in the living room” Way too familiar. “I still can see her in my head.”
And so could he. As if it happened yesterday.                 He could still see his mother dying by his side, slowly. He could still see her, here, lied on an old mattress on the floor, by the window, with bandages around her elbows, her drug-damaged skin lightened by few candles. And he could still feel her cold hand in his as he was holding it, begging her to wake up and to pull herself together. I wish you would stop taking that stuff. I wish you could here me. I miss you. But it was like talking to a brick wall, a cold fragile brick wall.               He remembers being angry and hungry. He remembers trying to feed her. I know you’re not hungry much right now but you need to eat something. He remembers stealing food in the street. And he remembers the knocks he got and those he gave to get it. I hurt someone today. I was getting us food. He tried to take it from me, from you, from us. I started hitting him, over and over again. He remembers confessing to her, crying in silence. Mom, am I a bad person?       Until the day he cried out loud. She was dead. His mom was dead. And he couldn’t save her. He called out for his help. But no help came. He was alone. Mom wake up! No! … No!!! … Mom! Mom wake up! Come on. Please. He held her lifeless body on the bathroom floor, hoping she would open her beautiful blue eyes and hold him as well. But she did not. She remained still, with that white foam around her mouth. Please mom wake up! I need you. He had always been conscious that her addiction was slowly killing her but he had always hoped it would never take her away from him, not so quickly, not so soon, not ever.
“ Anyway. I should go. Thanks for the ride.” She said on her way out. He rushed towards her to hold her back by her wrist. “No, stay.”         “ Jason” She sighed to let him know she wanted him to let her go. But he refused. “Where would you go? Back to Black Mask’s?” “ There are other places here in Gotham. I’ll find one.”             “ I want you to stay” He cupped her cheek with a delicacy that made her let go in his hand for a small instant.“ Don’t please. I … This is wrong. All this. I shouldn’t …” He frowned as she slowly took off his hand to leave this place.                 “ What are you talking about?” The mission. She was talking about that stupid mission. She wanted to yell, to tell him the truth, to tell him that the league is after him and that he’s in danger, that she was send to bring him back and that she was miserably failing because of feelings for him she shouldn’t have let herself feel. But instead she just said: “ Why are you so nice to me?”                 “ I care for you.” She sensed tears slowing watering her green eyes. She could bear her pain, but the mere idea he would soon suffer because of her, because she let him in, was unbearable.     “ I don’t deserve it. If only you …” He kissed her to stop her from talking. She gasped against his lips. They were so soft. He was so soft. She let herself briefly melt against him, nestled in his strong embrace before abruptly ending the kiss. “I can’t Jay. We can’t.”                 “ I won’t let you go.” He whispered as he approached to kiss her again. She placed her hands on his broad chest to make him keep his distance.                 “ I’m trouble. Believe me.”       “ I love trouble.”
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everlastingdreams · 6 years ago
Dex X Reader: Sugar Crush chapter 16
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Notes:  I’m a couple of chapters ahead in writing and I can’t believe I went from this to ...oh
Summary: Reader moves into the same building as one Agent Poindexter. A bond starts to grow between them. Can the reader move on after a traumatic past ‘relationship’ ?
Chapter: 16/?
Trigger Warning: Mentions of physical and emotional abuse ! YES this one will come with trigger warnings. I tried not to post too much into detail stuff but this entire thing comes with a trigger warning !
Word Count:  1354 words
You took the advice to not run in the snow and soon arrived at the coffee shop.
You pushed the door open and the smell of freshly brewed coffee once again found it's way to your nostrils. Dex was sitting at the table you two had once shared before, he saw you enter right away.
“Hey, it's good to see you.” you said as you walked up to him. You wanted to make it clear that you weren't angry anymore about yesterday.
“(y/n) ! I am glad you could make it.” He was about to stand up but you held up a hand stopping him from doing so.
As you sat down you noticed Dex's hands were trembling a bit, causing you to feel even more worried about the conversation that will soon follow. Seeing someone tremble who deals with dangerous situations almost everyday was definitely a reason to worry. "I'm guessing you did like the coffee they serve here, huh ?" You tried to keep your tone light “Those flowers for me ? Or perhaps you're expecting someone else ?” your insecurity got the best of you again. Dex's gaze crossed yours in a quick matter before he looked at his hand again "Yeah. It's great. And yes, I thought you might like these." He ticked the small coaster he was holding on the table a few times while you looked and smelled the flowers "I asked you to meet me here, in a public place, so you would feel safe." Your brow drew together as you watched him take a breath, his shoulders heaving as he did. "(y/n), I want you to know that you can walk away at any time, from this place, from me." He looked at you this time "I... need you to know that you're safe with me. That I won't hurt you." You leaned on the table with your elbows, confussion now spread over your face "Dex... what is this about ? Is this about yesterday ? If it is, I want to say that I am sorry. I shouldn't have compared you to Shaw, I just.... I was stressed out." You avoided telling him about how you got spooked after you found out he was guarding Fisk. He ticked the coaster on the table again to control his nerves "It's not just about yesterday, but I understand why you were upset. I lied to you, I asked you to the hotel without permission of my superiors. It was a dumb idea, I know that now." He leaned on the table now as well "You told me you never really knew your ex, Shaw, that he hid his true self. I don't want that to happen to us, that's why I asked you to come here. To tell you the truth." He swallowed hard. You weren't sure how to respond to all of it, but you were relieved he said that he didn't want that to happen between you both. There was an *us*. "What do you want to tell me, Dex ?" You still kept your voice light in an attempt to make him less nervous "That you're secretly a serial killer with a soft spot for an awkward *pancake girl* ?" You laughed a little. Dex's reaction took you by suprise as he leaned back against the chair and avoided all eye-contact with you. Your smile fell, and a red flag rose in the back of your mind. He kept his gaze on the table as he talked "I played baseball when I was young. Kept playing even after my parents died." You didn't even know his parents died "I'm so sorry." It tumbled from your lips as you placed a hand on his. He looked at you quickly before he kept his focusing on your hand on his, only giving you a nod before he continued. "One day, after my coach told me to sit a game out, I got upset....angry. I..." he wiped his face with his other hand "I threw a baseball at him so hard that it killed him." Your whole body froze except your hand, which you slowly pulled away from him.
You crossed your arms, holding yourself. A thousand things were flying through your mind at once. This was not going how you thought this was going to go.
You couldn't respond, you just looked around the coffee shop. Part of you wanted to flee, but you forced yourself to stay. You wanted to hear the truth, you wanted to hear his story.
You didn't see how Dex was hyperventilating. His eyes were on you now, watching your reaction closely. He slowly reached a hand out to you, almost touching yours.
You noticed him move and jumped a little, it was enough to cause a pained expression in his eyes.
You held out your hand in a stopping motion, wanting to keep some space between you and him as you processed what he just told you.
Dex felt his eyes sting, he knew there was a chance you would react like this. It still hurt seeing you like this, afraid of him. “(y/n)... I am so sorry. For lying to you yesterday, for hiding this from you. I didn't know how to tell you, I was afraid you would see me in a different way. That someone as good as you would never be able to see me in a good light again.”
You gave a short nod “Thank you for telling me.” your voice barely more then a whisper “I realise this can't have been easy to tell me.”
He blinked rapidly as he drew a deep shaking breath “I..uh went to a therapist for a long time, until she got sick at passed away. She taught me a lot. Told me my moral compass wasn't broken. It just works better with a north star to guide me. Someone to keep me on the straight and narrow path." You relaxed a little after you heard that he went to therapy after the incident and he did sound genuine. "Is that why you asked me if I believed that there is still hope for people who do something really bad ?" He nodded "Yeah. I didn't know how you would react once I told you." There was a short moment of silence, long enough to raise Dex's anxiety once more. "I meant what I said that evening. It's our actions that decide if there is hope for us." You let your hand rest on the table "You were a kid, Dex. Look where you are now, a succesfull FBI agent, who saves people." He looked you in the eyes, uncertainty in his. "Your therapist was right and it looks like she really did have a good impact on you” you saw him nod in agreement “ You could have hid this from me, instead you confided in me." "So, we're okay ?" It was all he managed to say as he swallowed the lump in his throat.
You nodded “Just one question. This 'North Star' you mentioned, it's a person ?”
He cleared his throat “Yes. It's easier if I can learn from someone. Watch how they are around people.”
The conversation you had had with Dex was starting to click together.
“Watch them be 'good' people ?” you added.
He nodded in agreement “I watched people, I learned to be more like them. But you are the first person I've met that truly makes it clear what it means. Kindness, empathy...”
He placed his elbows on the table, his voice only loud enough for you to hear “The day we met, I saw how you were kind so effortlessly, even though you have a good reason not to trust people. You help people without wanting something in return. They might as well slap a picture of you in the dictionary under the definition of kindness.”
You snorted when you heard him say the dictionary part “I'm really not that amaz-”
“You're special to me, (y/n).” he meant every word of it and your eyes snapped up to his.
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@givemeabite @aquietfortitudeandstrength @missminx1993 @fuchsiagrasshopper @legion-18 @love-mia-marisol @star-spangled-man @bilson-bethel @peterbxrnes @burningmusicmachine @xxemoluverxx @queenselana @superflashvengers
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