Hale the Queen
523 posts
The Jasmine Hale. 30 Realtor. Exorcist [Closed RP for Wicked's Rest]
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halequeenjas · 4 years ago
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It certainly adds a fun little vibe, but I’m not particularly fond of losing my marbles, or patrons. Thanks for the advice. And on that note, would you mind if I interrupted your glass of wine sometime?
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Yeah, it’s not really the summer mood unless you live in this town I guess. If it was October, I’m sure your patrons would think it was a fun little Halloween decoration. Seeing as it’s still summer... probably not so much. Just creepy. 
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Are you hitting on me? That depends. Is this interrupting my glass of wine to make a friend or interrupting my glass of wine to get a hot date? The latter would be dangerous considering I’m b 
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halequeenjas · 4 years ago
Anyone else have these creepy ravens always outside their window? I’ve killed a few of the pendejos but there’s more. It all started after some dinner a walk in the woods if that means anything. I just want to get a glass of wine in peace, and now they’re starting to creep out my patrons and cat. Does anyone know how to get rid of them? Please pm me if so.
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You mean you don’t love having a little Edgar Allan Poe moment? I don’t like animals interrupting my glass of wine either. Have you tried Animal Control? 
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halequeenjas · 4 years ago
Theoretically speaking, if I had a
Hello fellow White Crest citizens! I’m looking to try some local cuisine, maybe buy something new from the grocery store. What are some nutritional, tasty things I should try? Maybe something that really screams ‘I’m home even though I’m terrified.’ Some comfort food, maybe? 
I’m also looking to try some hobbies, or just things to do when you’re bored that don’t involve being on a computer or phone. I’d like to enrich the human’s life since I have access to things humans enjoy But I just don’t know what the options are Maybe something that’s generally safe and easy, like something a very young child could do with minimal supervision without hurting themselves. 
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My human won’t answer when I ask it what it needs It’s still in the screaming stage We’ve all been there But it’s still very new to this whole captivity thing and I want to win it over with a nice home-cooked meal or a treat
The Codfather and Thai Tanic are great if you’re looking for good takeout! As far as cooking goes, I can make a smoothie and that’s about it. The market has some amazing mangoes right now though. Sprinkle a little bit of Tajin on them and you have a great healthy snack. Not sure about comfort food. Terrified? Are you okay? 
Young child? I know they like toys and games. Maybe something educational? I know my parents used to get me educational games when I was a kid. It’s why I type so fast. 
This whole thing sounds shady as hell. 
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halequeenjas · 4 years ago
[pm] That's MISS Mystic Megara :P But I look terrible in bright orange, so I MUST be free this Thursday. And oh, you know, reality show blues. And I missed Willow.
[pm] Well, excuse me MISS Mystic Megara. I can’t be out here not putting respect on your name like that. Does anyone actually look good in bright orange? Burnt orange is one thing and complements fall styles beautifully, but bright orange? Who’s out here trying to look like a whole tangerine? 
The reality show was definitely... interesting. I always used to think I’d like to be on one, but realizing they’re all very messy. I’m sure Willow missed you too. And so did I! 
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halequeenjas · 4 years ago
[pm] Jasmine Hale I cannot believe I've been back in town for a couple months and we have NOT met up for wine. I demand we change this IMMEDIATELY. Xoxox <3
[pm] Magnolia Finch... or should I say Mystic Megara these days? It truly is a crime though. I wouldn't last in prison so we better amend this before it becomes a federal offense. We could Thursday if you're available? It's bingo night. Not that I'd be excited about bingo night. What brings you back to this neck of the woods?
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halequeenjas · 4 years ago
I’ll be completely honest with you, I used to think that there were scary things that go bump in the night. That’s great and all as a kid, but growing up you learn that it’s just bad people doing bad things. Now I’m here fixing the people that they broke on the way. Monsters are just people after all… Sorry that’s awfully macabre.  
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The only thing that should be this dark this early in the morning is my coffee. You must really be the life the party, huh? Monsters are actually monsters though I guess some people are monsters, but big GRR monster... kinda more alarming  Sure, some people suck, but there are plenty of great ones too. Fixing people? What is it that you do exactly? 
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halequeenjas · 4 years ago
What is your morning routine?
Wake up at 5:30 AM, take a Peloton class, grab a latte and breakfast from the cafe across from my office, and then get to work by 8. These houses don't sell or de-haunt themselves!
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halequeenjas · 4 years ago
Why did you choose White Crest?
Well, I grew up here and have connections here. Not my favorite as far as beaches go, but my pool and frozen margarita machine more than make up for it.
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halequeenjas · 4 years ago
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No conspiracies here
Just reporting the news to my fellow Americans 
and just asking questions
[other message] ....Did you just publicly break up with a complete stranger?
Reporting? Wait, this is news? 
Breaking up would imply a relationship. That was more like hanging up on a scammer. Which trying to make me pick between my possessions is a scam.
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halequeenjas · 4 years ago
If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be and why?
There's one right answer to this question and it's Beyoncé.
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halequeenjas · 4 years ago
If you had to give up your heels or your lipstick, which would it be?
Do I look like someone who's good at compromise? Because I'm not. And if I'm giving up anything here, it's you, not my shoe collection or lipstick collection, thank you very much.
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halequeenjas · 4 years ago
what does it mean to hit the ‘woah’
It’s a dance move... so that’s more of a show not tell answer. 
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halequeenjas · 4 years ago
Foreign Satellite crash: Possible Coudseeding? (Starter)
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Near the end of June there were multiple local reports of a space crash, followed by reported regular irregularities. 
However none of these reports have been confirmed, nor has there been agreement on what the descending object or objects were, if any exist at all. 
But here on your favorite nonpartisan balanced media outlet, we ask the hard questions the corporate puppets don’t want you to think about! Is it a really coincidence that the unusual cold fronts started when “The Object” crashed? 
Or is it connected? Remember a few months back when there were reports of an “Eye in the Sun” accompanied by electrical blackouts? 
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Is it possible that this is connected to a greater campaign of satellite surveillance and sabotage? 
While we’ve already experienced communications and electrical interference, possibly from The Object. Is it becoming obvious that the latest cold fronts are a next stage of weather manipulation? Is this fallen Object a sign that these cloud-seeding experiments in our skies have gone wrong, or have even exceeded expectations? 
But are these experiments and surveillance the actions our great nation’s enemies? Or elements of the government itself?
Stay safe, stay alert fellow americas, The Sky isn’t done watching us
I’m very confused on whether this is supposed to be government conspiracy theories or alien conspiracy theories? What’s going on here?
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halequeenjas · 4 years ago
Yeah, I guess…
I think the town is gonna be talking about it for years to come! No idea how I’m gonna top it next year, though… Well whoever’s idea, it was definitely luxurious and very on brand!
It’s a pretty cool gingerbread village, but with pumpkin instead of ginger. I wanted to do a classic but put my own spin on it! There are some leftovers actually, little houses that didn’t make the cut if you want them! and some overly weepy gingerbread men…
I hope they do. You know I’ve never had a problem with being the center of attention. I’m sure you’ll figure out a way to top it and be perfectly on theme. You know, I’m a business woman. Personal branding is a must! 
Oh, that sounds absolutely delicious. I want one for the office holiday party next year please and thank you. Are you asking if I want your baking? Because the answer is literally always yes. I can bring by some coffee to go with? 
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halequeenjas · 4 years ago
You should really interview that one bone lady for your book. I blocked her, but talk about serial killer vibes.
Bone lady?
I blocked her, but she was asking for my bones should I ever have them removed which... creepy. Apparently she was also asking for some guy’s colon.
[user privately sends screenshot of this conversation]
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halequeenjas · 4 years ago
[pm] I DID. It’s on her story. She threw it out but I am delighted.
[pm] HAHAHAAHAAA EXCELLENT. I just got a picture of her flipping me off (:
[pm] I had the feeling you might get blamed for it. Any idea if she’s caught on yet? 
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halequeenjas · 4 years ago
[pm] Good thing we’re throwing wards up otherwise you’d have some /very/ happy ghosts.
[pm] You know I’ve lived in that house almost my entire life, right? I’m not a fan of what I’m about to say, but I’m sure those ghosts have gotten more than an eyeful over the years. 
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[pm] Oh, you know, I didn’t think of that. That’s not really a fun thought. Ghosts getting a good show. I’m definitely a little skeeved out now so can’t imagine how you must feel. 
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How’s the place looking now? 
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