#crno i belo
birdisland · 1 year
I will never stop sharing this song. One of my favorite Eurovision entries ever.
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babolat85 · 2 years
Kaliopi certainly knows how to put on a show, and with that note she hits. BAM! The song starts off sounding so mellow and then...yeah.
North Macedonia hasn’t had the easiest time at the contest lately, with only two qualifications since 2007, with this song and Tamara Todevska’s - Proud which killed it with the jury vote.
I hope they make a return to qualifying again soon, as they have produced some amazing music.
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Czech Republic
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"Ma, pusti me da vodim ljubav sa svojim željama."
Zavrti mi se u glavi, na ravnom izgubim ravnotežu, pa ponovo vraćam kontrolu tako što ih probodem oštricom.. ruke mi ne krvare, ne tresu se, sigurne u to što rade. Da li iko sme da zna kako ih vraćam u život, kad ne gledaju, kako ih spajam sa svojim telom, kako je sve u meni budno tada, kako im se prepuštam? A uplašilo bi te da znaš, kako im se samo prepuštam.
Ja bih te, u svoju odbranu, smesta spustila sa tog neba na koje si se zaputio, odsečno ti rekavši da one nemaju veze s tobom! One su moje predstave o tebi, ti to možeš biti.. i ne moraš.
U mojoj glavi si velik, ali ja mogu i da te smanjim, uništim, zgazim. Ne izazivaj me. Prepuštam se njima, ne i tebi. One su te koje mi ubrzavaju disanje, puls, čine krv koja mi struji venama vrelijom. Izvini, ali previše je varnica ugašeno u tuđim grudima, da bih te tek tako pustila blizu, meni ne treba neko koga moja vatra greje, neko ko od nje pozajmljuje i ostaje hladan. Meni treba neko ko će sa mnom u njoj da izgori, pa se sutra sa mnom ponovo rodi. Ako smeš i ako umeš da za mene budeš Feniks, ja ću biti i tvoj plamen i tvoj pepeo. 
Toliko kol'ko sam ja slaba, umeš li ti da budeš jak?
Niko do sad to nije umeo, a lepo sam rekla i hiljadu puta ću ponoviti, trebaju mi ili jači saborci ili veštiji neprijatelji, pa izvoli i izaberi. Za polovinu nisam zainteresovana i nije mi potrebna; hvala terapeutkinji na savetu da nije sve crno/belo, ali odgovorila sam i pri tome ostajem: ako nije to, ja ne bih ništa. 
I zato ti sve ovo krijem, napravim korak, pa se povučem, a ti se ne pomeraš za sad, i to me plaši. Plaši me i oduševljava u isto vreme, loži, uzbuđuje, mogućnost da si jači, još jači od onoga kakvim mogu da te zamislim. Ja ipak blefiram, a ti podižeš ulog, ne trepćeš. Iza pokerface koji ti slažem, drhtim od sve izvesnijeg ishoda da pobeđuješ, svesna da te ne puštam.. da je tvoja moć nada mnom stvarna i da sam u isto vreme sve sigurnija da neće biti destruktivna. 
Ako uz tebe vrtoglavica prestaje, a ceo život niko ne zna koliko se plašim da sam balon koji lako odleti, ako ga ne zadrže na Zemlji... Ako skidam i odeću i kožu, ako ispuštam dah i prelivam se u tebe, kao reka u more. Ako mi bodlje otpadnu, a ostanu latice. Ako sve to preživim i dozvolim, ako na kraju pustim iluziju da sam se uopšte i pitala, ako nisam više onako bahata i ohola kao kad sam rekla sve ono s početka; izvini, ja se tako razmećem da ne pomisle slučajno da sam slaba... 
U tom slučaju možda ti i priznam, jednom, da si mi se ostvario i dao mi nešto više, da si pobedio moje želje i da zbog toga zaslužuješ mesto, ne na tronu, ni na dnu, već mesto ovde. Pored mene.
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brbljivica · 2 years
Stvar je potpuno jednostavna. Sivo ne postoji. Sivo je iluzija i kukavičluk. Pokušaj da u belo dodaš malo crnog a da belo bude promenjeno. Pokušaj da u crno dodaš malo belog a da crno bude oštećeno. Ili je crno ili je belo.
Tamara Kučan - Oflajn
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noa-ciharu · 1 year
Speaking of Eurovision...
As a fellow ESC watcher I would like to ask what your twelve all-time favourite ESC songs are and maybe explain why exactly these if you don't mind •////• 👉👈
And have a nice day~
Oh damn just 12? Thats too difficult 😭 If you don't mind instead I decided to pick a country and then select one of their best songs ♥️
Helena Papariziou - my number one (Greece 2005). Maybe it's just nostalgia, but to me this is Eurovision-est eurovision song that ever won. Fast rhythm, very Greek vibes, catchy tune, nice choreography and voice, what's not to like?
Hari Mara Hari - Lejla (BiH 2006). What to say, beautiful ballad in native language, very powerful voice, in my honest opinion this song should have won back in 2006. But then again, I'm a fan of his music so maybe I'm just biased
Go_A - Shum (Ukraine 2021). What every country should do: send a mix of folklore and modern music in native language. Honestly if I had to choose a country that overal has best entries without a doubt it'll be Ukraine, they never disappoint. What's hard to choose actually is which song of theirs was the best. I can't decide but Go_A's Šum definitely goes into top 3. Also in begging everyone listen to Shady Lady, their 2008's entry
Conchira Wurst - Rise like a Phoenix (Austria 2014). Hands down one of best ballads in English sent in last 20 years. Definitely a deserved win, no matter what public at that time said cuz of her appearance. The 'but I'm gonna fly' part never fails to give me goosebumps. I feel like that song could be trans anthem
Elena Born and Stig Rästa - Goodbye to Yesterday (Estonia 2015). The classic. Very simple yet striking duet, idk how to describe it but there's something rly captivating about the song. Ans they look like they're so in love 🥺
Can Bonomo - Love me back (Turkey 2012). Add to endless list of songs that should have won over Euphoria 🙄 it's a very unique song, very catchy too. Also this is the last year Turkey took part in esc :< I miss their performances 😭
Željko Joksimović - Lane Moje and No name - Zauvjek Moja (Serbia & Montenegro 2004 and 2005) - I tried to choose only one but couldn't ;-; that's how 00s music on Balkan was like, it fills me with nostalgia. Sadly national song content in 2006 was one of reasons why union between two countries collapsed so it's more of pensive nostalgia for people here
Anxhela Peristeri - Karma (Albania 2021). This song was criminally underrated 2 years ago :< powerful ballad, perfect voice, strong tune - idk why she didn't rank higher? Albania always sends good song in their language and gets little points, it's unfair :/
Charlotte Perrilli - Hero (Sweden 2008). Yes I can't believe I'm saying this but there is an underrated swedish entry. I've hear this one back in 2008 and it stick with me ever since. Catchy 00s pop song
Andromache - Ela (Cyprus 2022). This one didn't even qualify ;-; honestly it was one of my faves from last year but it was so obvious she was nervous on stage. Plus song isn't really much of Eurovision material so I sort of understand why she didn't qualify but I adored the song nonetheless 🥰 love hearing Greek language
Dima Bilan - Never let you go (Russia 2006). His voice 🥺 song is so beautiful idk what to say really beside I'm an absolute fan (plus that imma go dig up more of his music). I do like Believe from 2008 too but prefer this song
Paula Seling & Ovi - Playing with fire (Romania 2006). What to say, very catchy song, I like it alot. Love them 90s vibes. Defo one of best Romania sent in last 20 years
Toše Proeski - Life (Macedonia 2004). Alright, I feel like I've bored life out of everyone with Crno i Belo from 2012 so time to bring another underappreciated Macedonian entry. You don't understand, this man was a legend in ex Yu countries 🥺💔 still is to this day
Cascada - Glorious (Germany 2013). Shes one of my fave 00s pop icons, imagine my delight when I heard she's on eurovision 😭 her songs are my childhood ♥️ I just wish she ranked better, idk why only 22th place for such amazing song
Doris Dragović - Marija Magdalena (Croatia 1999). Absolutely best Croatia ever sent, powerful voice, catchy tune, native language - absolutely perfect song in all terms
Alexander Rybak - Fairytale (Norway 2009). One of rare winners I 100% agree with. Violin is amazing there as well as his voice. Breath of fresh air into song context with mixture of traditional and modern I'd say
Monika Liu - Sentimentai (Lithuania 2022). So underappreciated 😭 the style, the elegance, the simplicity, the catchy tune - idk why she didn't get more points tbh
Sirusho - Qele qele (Armenia 2008). As someo3n said in comments - everyone over 18 on Balkan knows this song and that's the case with me too 😂 ethnic flavor, catchy rhymes, one of that years faves for sure
I think I covered around 13-14 counties here, especially some from eastern and central Europe that might get underappreciated. Maybe one day when/if I have time I could choose my fave song from all 50ish European countries (if I'm insane enough)
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poeticlicense12345 · 10 months
Uvek sam prezirala nedoslednost. Volela sam izvesnost ili bar ono što je ličilo na sigurnost, život bez turbulencija i, po mogućnosti, bez konfrontacija. To ne znači da nisam volela suprostavljanja mišljenja, naravno sa jasnim argumentacijama i sa Volterovim stavom: Ne slažem se s tobom, ali uvek ću se boriti da imaš pravo da kažeš svoje mišljenje. Naravno, ovo je parafraziranje, a suština je u poštovanju različitosti mišljenja. Volela sam iskrenost i otvorenost, razume se u granicama pristojnosti, jer , kako neko reče, kada bi svakom rekli, potpuno otvoreno, šta mislimo o njemu, ni sa kim ne bismo govorili.Mrzim laž jer mislim da za nju, ni u kakvoj situaciji, nema opravdanja. Ona ne spaja, nego ruši mostove između ljudi. Ako je nešto crno, volela sam da kažem da je crno, ako je belo, moralo je da bude belo. Siva boja nije postojala, a kamoli njenih 50 nijansi (nametnu mi se asocijacija na knjigu, i film, koji su „uzburkali duhove“). Smisao svega, civilizacijska tekovina bez premca, najuzvišenija stvar, mi je bila dobro i nisam ga kvalifikovala kao odsustvo zla, već kao težnja ka pročišćenju, koje će od nas načiniti bolje ljude.
Kako vreme odmiče, posmatrajući svet oko sve više poričem svoje stavove, gotovo gazim po njima,kao da odustajem od pravca kojim sam se dugo kretala. Ne znam da li je to prirodan proces, sazrevanje, preispitavanje stavova, nužna promena, ali činjenica je da sve manje razumem ljude i njihove postupke . „ S kim ću ja ostati mlad ako svi ostarite...“ kaže Arsen u jednoj svojoj pesmi, a ja pomislim s kim ću ja da, bar verbalno, otkrivam tajne života, ako se svi kameleonski menjaju, pa nikad ne znaš šta će sutra misliti. Da li će okru��enje delovati na mene i menjati me? Hoće li promena biti tako drastična da ću zamrzeti samu sebe?
Današnje vreme smatra emotivnost i principijelnost balastom, koji nas onemogućava da dođemo do cilja, koji smo sebi postavili. Većina ljudi tako razmišlja, a onaj manji deo s kojim sam delila stavove kao da se pogubio ili je postao neprimetan. Da li će zakoni evolucije delovati i na nas :ukoliko se ne prilagodimo vremenu- nestajemo, a ako se prilagodimo svetu, gde je sve na prodaji i ,shodno tome, sve ima svoju cenu, gubimo sebe! Šta je veća šteta? Biti različit i neshvaćen ili biti isti kao drugi i neprepoznatljiv.Da li baciti niz vodu čitav svoj život i krenuti protiv svoje savesti, pokušavajući da se prilagodiš ili da istraješ u nekom svom svetu, koji si suviše idealizovao. Nevolja je u tome što prvi put živimo ovaj život, a na njemu nema nigde putokaza, niti iskustva i znanja.
Negde sam pročitala lepu misao: metamorfoza iz gusenice u leptira je divna stvar, ali kako je biti leptir pa postati gusenica...?
text author: Tanja Petrović Krivokapić
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aijamisespava · 1 year
One Final ESC 2023 Thought: Favorite Songs From Each Country (participating AND non-participating)!
AAAAA I'M SO SORRY FOR DISAPPEARING OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH FOR A WHILE! I just...never got around to my finale before we get to some fun Junior Eurovision 2023/Eurovision 2024 stuff! So here is my finale: Where I share my favorite songs from each country in Eurovision from 2009 to the present.
So, how is this going to work? I'm going alphabetically because it's easier to do it like that. I'm giving you my top 2 from each country, but not the placements. If you want those, they're on the Eurovision website (I will put the year down though). Now, let's get to it!
Albania: "World" by Lindita (2017)/"Ktheju Tokës" by Jonida Maliqi (2019)
Andorra: "La Teva Decisió (Get A Life)" by Susanne Georgi (2009)
Armenia: "Future Lover" by Brunette (2023)/"Not Alone" by Aram MP3 (2014)
Australia: "Promise" by Voyager (2023)/"Sound Of Silence" by Dami Im (2016)
Austria: "Who The Hell Is Edgar?" by Teya & Salena (2023)/"I Am Yours" by The MakeMakes (2015)
Azerbaijan: "Hold Me" by Farid Mammadov (2013)/"Fade To Black" by Nadir Rustalmi (2022)
Belarus: "Forever" by Alekseev (2018)/"Eyes That Never Lie" by Petr Elfimov (2009)
Belgium: "Rhythm Inside" by Loïc Nottet (2015)/"The Wrong Place" by Hooverphonic (2021)
Bosnia & Herzegovina: "Korake Ti Znam" by Maya Sar (2012)/"Ljubav Je" by Jalal & Deen/Ana Rucner/Jala (2016)
Bulgaria: "If Love Was A Crime"/"Na Inat" both by Poli Genova (2016 & 2011 respectively)
Croatia: "Guilty Pleasure" by Mia Dimsic (2022)/"Tick Tock" by Albina (2021)
Cyprus: "Alter Ego" by Minus-One (2016)/"El Diablo" by Elena Tsagrinou (2021)
Czechia: "Lights Off" by Domi (2022)/"My Sister's Crown" by Vesna (2023)
Denmark: Øve Os På Hinanden" by Fyr og Flamme (2021)/"Only Teardrops" by Emmelie de Forest (2013)
Estonia: "Goodbye To Yesterday" by Elina Born & Stig Rastä (2015)/"Rändajad" by Urban Symphony (2009)
Finland: "Something Better" by Softengine (2014)/"Jezebel" by The Rasmus (2022)
France: "L'enfer et moi" by Amandine Bourgeois (2013)/"Évidemment" by La Zarra (2023)
Georgia: "Warrior" by Nina Sublatti (2015)/"Echo" by Iru (2023)
Germany: "Taken By A Stranger" by Lena (2011)/"Ghost" by Jamie-Lee (2016)
Greece: "Die Together" by Amanda Tenfjord (2022)/"Aphrodisiac" by Eleftheria Eleftheriou (2012)
Hungary: "What About My Dreams?" by Kati Wolf (2011)/"Running" by Andra Kallay-Saunders (2014)
Iceland: "Hear Them Calling" by Greta Salome (2016)/"10 Years" by Daði Freyr (2021)
Ireland: "Playing With Numbers" by Molly Sterling (2015)/"That's Rich" by Brooke (2022)
Israel: "Same Heart" by Mei Finegold (2014)/"Rak Bishvilo" by Moran Mazor (2013)
Italy: "La Mia Città" by Emma (2014)/"ZITTI E BUONI" by Måneskin (2021)
Latvia: "Aijā" by Sudden Lights (2023)/"Love Injected" by Aminata (2015)
Lithuania: "Stay" by Monika Linkyte (2023)/"Discoteque" by The Roop (2021)
*can't wait to see Luxembourg next year!!!*
Malta: "This Is The Night" by Kurt Calleja (2012)/"Je Me Casse" by Destiny (2021)
Moldova: "O Mie" by Aliona Moon (2013)/"Run Away" by Sunstroke Project & Olia Tira (2010)
Montenegro: "Adio" by Knez (2015)/"Breathe" by Vladana (2022)
Netherlands: "Arcade" by Duncan Laurence (2019) *CONGRATS ON 1B SPOTIFY STREAMS!*/"De Diepte" by S10 (2022)
North Macedonia: "Crno I Belo" by Kaliopi (2012)/"Jas Ja Imam Silata" by Gjoko Taneski (2010)
Norway: "Fairytale" by Alexander Rybak (2009)/"Queen Of Kings" by Alessandra (2023)
Poland: "Flashlight" by Kasia Moś (2017)/"River" by Ochman (2022)
Portugal: "Amar Pelos Dois" by Salvador Sobral (2017)/"Vida Minha" by Filipa Sousa (2012)
Romania: "Playing With Fire" by Paula Seling & Ovi (2010)/"Amnesia" by Roxen (2021)
*I would like to look into which artists do NOT support the war before sharing my favorites for Russia*
San Marino: "Adrenalina" by Senhit & Flo Rida (2021)/"Stand By" by Senhit (2011) *yes...same artist 10 years apart*
Serbia: "Samo Mi Se Spava" by Luke Black (2023)/"Goodbye (Shelter)" by Sanja Vučić ZAA (2016)
Slovakia: "Horehronie" by Kristina Pelakova (2010)/"Don't Close Your Eyes" by Max Jason Mai (2012)
Slovenia: "Carpe Diem" by Joker Out (2023)/"No One" by Maja Keuc (2011)
Spain: "Quedate Conmigo" by Pastora Soler (2012)/"Dancing In The Rain" by Ruth Lorenzo (2014)
Sweden: "Heroes" by Måns Zelmerlöw (2015)/"Popular" by Eric Saade (2011)
Switzerland: "Tout l'univers"/"Répondez-moi" both by Gjon's Tears (2021 & 2020 respectively)
Turkey: "We Could Be The Same" by maNga (2010)/"Dum Tek Tek" by Hadise (2009)
Ukraine: "Under The Ladder" by Mélovin (2018)/"Time" by O. Torvald (2017)
United Kingdom: "I Wrote A Song" by Mae Muller (2023)/"Never Give Up On You" by Lucie Jones (2017)
Thank you so much for joining me this year! Looking forward to the new year of Eurovision stuff!
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eurovision-facts · 2 years
Eurovision Fact #270:
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North Macedonia, formerly participating under the title F.Y.R Macedonia, has participated in Eurovision a total of 22 times. The nation has only made it to the Grand Final nine times. Three of those times were prior to the 2004 introduction of semi-finals:
In 1998, Vlado Janevski's 'Ne Zori, Zoro' placed 19th. In 2000, XXL's '100\% Te Ljubam' placed 15th overall, and in 2002 Karolina's 'Od Nas Zavisi' once again took 19th place.
In 2004, the nation made it to the first Grand Final thanks to 'Life' by Tose Proeski, which placed 14th. The following year, Martin Vucic placed 17th with 'Make My Day,' Elena Risteska's 'Ninanajna' took 12th the year after, and in 2007 Karolina took home 14th with 'Mojot Svet.'
Five years later in 2012, North Macedonia made it back to the Grand Final thanks to Kaliopi's 'Crno I Belo' which placed 13th. Another seven years passed before the country saw success again. Tamara Todevska made her nation proud by earning their best result ever in 2019. Her song 'Proud' placed 7th overall.
North Macedonia, Eurovision.tv.
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Because I’m in the Eurovision mood I thought I’d share my favourite song from each country (past and present!)
1. Albania 🇦🇱
2022 - Sekret // Ronela Hajati
2. Andorra 🇦🇩
2006 - Sense Tu // Jennifer
3. Armenia 🇦🇲
2014 - Not Alone // Aram MP3
4. Australia 🇦🇺
2015 - Tonight Again // Guy Sebastian
5. Austria 🇦🇹
2014 - Rise Like a Phoenix // Conchita Wurst
(This song makes me feel emotions every time damn it!)
6. Azerbaijan 🇦🇿
2021 - Mata Hari // Efendi
7. Belarus 🇧🇾
2014 - Cheesecake // Teo
(Underrated tune fr)
8. Belgium 🇧🇪
2015 - Rhythm Inside // Loïc Nottet
9. Bosnia and Herzegovina 🇧🇦
2011 - Love in Rewind // Dino Merlín
10. Bulgaria 🇧🇬
2017 - Beautiful Mess // Kristian Kostov
11. Croatia 🇭🇷
2023 - Mama ŠČ! // Let 3
12. Cyprus 🇨🇾
2018 - Fuego // Eleni Foureira
13. Czechia 🇨🇿
2019 - Friend of a Friend // Lake Malawi
(Was very hard to choose between this one and Lie To Me. It’s a very close second)
14. Denmark 🇩🇰
2021 - Øve Os På Hinanden // Fyr Og Flamme
(Was robbed in the semi-finals imo)
15. Estonia 🇪🇪
2015 - Goodbye to Yesterday // Elina Born + Stig Rästa
16. Finland 🇫🇮
2022 - Jezebel // The Rasmus
(Should have done so much better imo)
17. France 🇫🇷
2016 - J’ai Cherché // Amir
18. Georgia 🇬🇪
2011 - One More Day // Eldrine
19. Germany 🇩🇪
2011 - Taken by a Stranger // Lena
(Better than Satellite for sure, but Satellite slaps too)
20. Greece 🇬🇷
2008 - Secret Combination // Kalomira
21. Hungary 🇭🇺
2018 - Viszlát Nyár // AWS
22. Iceland 🇮🇸
2020 - Think About Things // Daði og Gagnamagnið
(Basic I know but it’s just such a good tune)
23. Ireland 🇮🇪
2011 - Lipstick // Jedward
(Not sorry about this one it slaps and Jedward are my kings)
24. Israel 🇮🇱
2015 - Golden Boy // Nadav Guedj
25. Italy 🇮🇹
(Gonna have to do a top five because I have such a thing for Italy in Eurovision I can’t pick just one oop)
2017 - Occidentali’s Karma // Francesco Gabbani
2015 - Grande Amore // Il Volo
2018 - Non Mi Avette Fatto Niente // Ermal Meta + Fabrizio Moro
2021 - Zitti E Buoni // Måneskin
2019 - Soldi // Mahmood
26. Latvia 🇱🇻
2022 - Eat Your Salad // Citi Zēni
(As a vegetarian and a bisexual I approve this message)
27. Lithuania 🇱🇹
2021 - Discotheque // The Roop
28. Luxembourg 🇱🇺
1988 - Croire // Lara Fabian
29. Malta 🇲🇹
2022 - Je Me Casse // Destiny
30. Moldova 🇲🇩
(My second favourite Eurovision country so here’s a top three)
2022 - Trenulețul // Zdob şi Zdub & Advahov Brothers
2018 - My Lucky Day // DoReDos
2017 - Hey Mamma // Sunstroke Project
31. Monaco 🇲🇨
1964 - Où Sont-elles Passées? // Romuald
(When I say I have an obsession with this song I mean it. PS Monaco plz come back we miss you!!)
32. Montenegro 🇲🇪
2015 - Adio // Knez
- Ranking Morocco doesn’t really feel fair because they only participated once lol -
33. The Netherlands 🇳🇱
2016 - Slow Down // Douwe Bob
(Hehe 33 Max Verstappen number it’s fate fr)
34. North Macedonia 🇲🇰
2012 - Crno I Belo // Kaliopi
35. Norway 🇳🇴
2009 - Fairytale // Alexander Rybak
(Listen I know it’s a basic choice but this song is iconic for a reason y’know? It slaps)
36. Poland 🇵🇱
2022 - River // Ochman
(King of the vocals fr brings me to tears every time)
37. Portugal 🇵🇹
2021 - Love is On My Side // The Black Mamba
38. Romania 🇷🇴
2010 - Playing With Fire // Paula Seling + Ovi
39. Russia 🇷🇺
2016 - You are the Only One // Sergey Lazarev
(Listen I’m a Sergey Lazarev stan first and human second. Between 2016 and 2018 I almost exclusively listened to his back catalogue and nothing else)
40. San Marino 🇸🇲
(Underrated country fr no one gets them like I do so they also get a top three)
2022 - Stripper // Achille Lauro
2021 - Adrenalina // Senhit + Flo-Rida
2019 - Say Na Na Na // Serhat
41. Serbia 🇷🇸
2023 - Samo Mi Se Spava // Luke Black
- Also not counting Serbia and Montenegro because they don’t have an emoji flag and they only participated twice -
42. Slovakia 🇸🇰
2010 - Horehronie // Kristina Pelakova
43. Slovenia 🇸🇮
2023 - Carpe Diem // Joker Out
44. Spain 🇪🇸
2019 - La Venda // Miki
(When I say this song was robbed I mean it. One of the biggest injustices faced in Eurovision was Miki coming 22nd)
45. Sweden 🇸🇪
(Sweden get a top three because they’re Sweden… they always slay)
2015 - Heroes // Måns Zelmerlöw
2012 - Euphoria // Loreen
2017 - I Can’t Go On // Robin Bengtsson
46. Switzerland 🇨🇭
2021 - Tout l'Univers // Gjon’s Tears
47. Türkiye 🇹🇷
2010 - We Could Be The Same // maNga
(Türkiye come back we miss you!!)
48. Ukraine 🇺🇦
(Another slay country so here’s a top three)
2018 - Under the Ladder // MELOVIN
2007 - Dancing Lasha Tumbai // Verka Serduchka
2021 - Shum // Go_A
49. United Kingdom 🇬🇧
(In the name of patriotism, of which I have very little, let’s do a top five + an honourable mention)
2012 - Love Will Set You Free // Engelbert Humperdinck
2022 - SPACE MAN // Sam Ryder
1981 - Making Your Mind Up // Buck’s Fizz
1968 - Congratulations // Cliff Richard
1976 - Save Your Kisses for Me // Brotherhood of Man
+ my honourable mention, Freaks // Jordan Clarke which should have been our song for 2019 but the British general public have no taste. I firmly believe this is why they no longer trust us to hold a national selection anymore lol
50. Yugoslavia *insert flag here*
1989 - Rock Me // Riva
(Basic choice I know, to pick their only winning song, but it slaps)
And that’s everyone!! Feel free to judge me hard for my tastes lol 😂
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anxiouspotatorants · 1 year
The monster is unleashed, time for part two of my Gilmore Girls x Eurovision nonsense with Name Your Gilmore Girls Character’s Favourite Entries:
Lorelai: “Diva” by Dana International (1998), “Waterloo” by ABBA (1974), “Wild Dances” by Ruslana (2004), “Papa Pingouin” by Sophie & Magali (1980), “Diggiloo Diggiley” by Herreys (1984), and “Shady Lady” by Ani Lorak (2008)
Rory: “City Lights” by Blanche (2017), “De Diepte” by S10 (2022), “Push The Button” by Teapacks (2007), “Goodbye to Yesterday” by Elina Borg and Stig Rästa (2015), and “Euro Neuro” by Rambo Amadeus (2012)
Luke:  “Trenulețul” by Zdob și Zdub and the Advahov Brothers (2022), “Nesto Sto Ke Ostane” by Next Time (2009), and “Mall” by Eugent Bushpepa (2018)
Lane: “Shum” by GO_A (2021), “Hard Rock Hallelujah” by Lordi (2006), “Stefania” by Kalush Orchestra (2022), “Crno I Belo” by Kaliopi (2012), and “Euphoria” by Loreen (2012)
Dave, Zack and Brian: “Zitti E Buoni” by Måneskin (2021), “We Could Be The Same” by maNga (2010), and “Midnight Gold” by Nika Kocharov and Young Georgian Lolitaz (2016)
Gil: “In My Dreams” by Wig Wam (2005)
Paris: “Amar Pelos Dois” by Salvador Sobral (2017), “Há Um Mar Que Nos Separa” by Leonor Andrade (2015), and “Siren” by Malcolm Lincoln (2010)
Richard and Emily: “Let Me Be The One” by The Shadows (1975), “Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu” by Domenico Modugno (1958), “Requiem” by Alma (2017), and “Voilà” by Barbara Pravi (2021)
Jess: “Viszlat Nyar” by AWS (2018), “Soldi” by Mahmood (2019),  “Goodbye to Yesterday” by Elina Borg and Stig Rästa (2015) and “Boonika Bate Doba” by Zdob și Zdub (2005)
Miss Patty: “OPA” by Giorgos Alkaios and Friends (2010), “Dum Tek Tek” by Hadise (2009), “Miss Kiss Kiss Bang” by Alex Swings Oscar Sings! (2009) and “Flying the Flag” by Schooch (2007)
Babette: “OPA” by Giorgos Alkaios and Friends (2010), “Congratulations” by Silvía Nótt (2006), “I Can’t Go On” by Robin Bengtsson (2017), and “In Your Eyes” by Niamh Kavanagh (1993)
Logan, Finn and Colin (yes, collectively): “Run Away” by The Sunstroke Project ft. Olia Tira (2010)
Dean: “Outlaw In ‘Em” by Waylon (2018), “Slow Down” by Douwe Bob (2016), and “Something” by Andrius Pojavis (2013)
Liz: “L’Enfer Et Moi” by Amandine Bourgeois (2013) (because she’d think she looks like her)
TJ: “Alcohol is Free” by Koza Mostra ft. Agathon Iakovidis (2013) (no he has not looked up the translated lyrics)
Sookie: “Too Late For Love” by John Lundvik (2019), “Fly On The Wings Of Love” by Olsen Brothers (2000), and “Party for Everybody” by Buranovskiye Babushki (2012)
And last but not least, the only European here - Michel: “My Number One″ by Helena Paparizou (2005), “Just A Little Bit” by Gina G (1996), “L’Essenziale” by Marco Mengoni (2013), “Molitva” by Marija Šerifović (2007), and (of course) “Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi” by Celine Dion (1988)
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jelenajt · 1 year
Nije ni crno ni belo nego (ne)iskustvo. :teorije i zavere o tuđim cipelama.
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demonfairyprincess · 2 years
Eurovision songs that have qualified from the spot of death
Austria, 2017- Running on Air
Poland 2016- Color of Your Life
Armenia 2015- Face the Shadow
Estonia 2013- Et uus saaks alguse
Iceland 2012- Never Forget
Macedonia 2012- Crno i belo
Austria 2011- The Secret is Love
Russia 2010- Lost and Forgotten
Armenia 2010- Apricot Stone
Israel 2008- The Fire in Your Eyes
Earlier than 2008, the format changes a bit and I don’t think this really applies anymore, so this is starting from 2008, with two semis. So that’s 10 qualifying out of 28 songs from the semis in the spot of death. Not that bad! All this to say, I think Armenia can still qualify despite being 2nd in the running order, and I believe they will. They’ve done it before, after all.
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residentraccoon · 2 years
Updated list of my ESC winners
1956: Franca Raimondi - Aprite le finestre (Italy)
1957: Margot Hielscher - Telefon, Telefon (Germany)
1958: Domenico Modugno - Nel blu dipinto di blu (Italy)
1959: Teddy Scholten - Een beetje (Netherlands)
1960: Nora Brockstedt - Voi voi (Norway)
1961: Jean Claude Pascal - Nous les amoureux (Luxembourg)
1962: Marion Rung - Tipi Tii (Finland)
1963: Grethe & Jorgen Ingmann - Dansevise (Denmark)
1964: Gigliola Cinquetti - Non ho l'eta (Italy)
1965: France Gall - Poupee de cire, poupee de son (Luxembourg)
1966: Udo Jurgens - Merci, cherie (Austria)
1967: Sandie Shaw - Puppet on a string (United Kingdom)
1968: Cliff Richard - Congratulations (United Kingdom)
1969: Salome - Vivo cantando (Spain)
1970: Mary Hopkin - Knock knock who's there (United Kingdom)
1971: Severine - Un banc, un arbre, une rue (Monaco)
1972: Vicky Leandros - Apres Toi (Luxembourg)
1973: Anne Marie David - Tu te reconnaitras (Luxembourg)
1974: ABBA - Waterloo (Sweden)
1975: Teach-in - Ding a dong (Netherlands)
1976: Brotherhood of man - Save your kisses for me (United Kingdom)
1977: Monica Aspelund - Lapponia (Finland)
1978: Izhar Cohen - A-Ba-Ni-Bi (Israel)
1979: Milk & Honey - Hallelujah (Israel)
1980: Katja Ebstein - Theater (Germany)
1981: Lena Valaitis - Johnny Blue (Germany)
1982: Anna Vissi - Mono i agapi (Cyprus)
1983: Danijel - Dzuli (Yugoslavia)
1984: Alice & Battiato - I treni di tozeur (Italy)
1985: Bobbysocks - La det swinge (Norway)
1986: Sandra Kim - J'aime la vie (Belgium)
1987: Lilliane Saint Pierre - Soldiers of love (Belgium)
1988: Celine Dion - Ne partez pas sans moi (Switzerland)
1989: Birthe Kjaer - Vi maler byen rod (Denmark)
1990: Toto Cutugno - Insieme 1992 (Italy)
1991: Carola - Fangad av en stormvind (Sweden)
1992: Evridiki - Teriazoume (Cyprus)
1993: Ruth Jacott - Vrede (Netherlands)
1994: CatCat - Bye bye baby (Finland)
1995: Secret Garden - Nocturne (Norway)
1996: Eimear Quinn - The voice (Ireland)
1997: Jalisse - Fiumi di Parole (Italy)
1998: Edsilia Rombley - Hemel en aarde (Netherlands)
1999: Selma - All out of luck (Iceland)
2000: Brainstorm - My star (Latvia)
2001: Nusa Derenda - Energy (Slovenia)
2002: Malene - Tell me who you are (Denmark)
2003: Urban Trad - Sanomi (Belgium)
2004: Ruslana - Wild dances (Ukraine)
2005: Zdob si Zdub - Bunica bate doba (Moldova)
2006: Hari Mata Hari - Lejla (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
2007: Elitsa Todorova & Stoyan Yankulov - Water (Bulgaria)
2008: Mor ve otesi - Deli (Turkey)
2009: Alexander Rybak - Fairytale (Norway)
2010: Paula Seling & Ovi - Playing with fire (Romania)
2011: Eldrine - One more day (Georgia)
2012: Kaliopi - Crno i belo (North Macedonia)
2013: Zlata Ognevich - Gravity (Ukraine)
2014: Sebalter - Hunter of stars (Switzerland)
2015: Mans Zelmerlow - Heroes (Sweden)
2016: Iveta Mukuchyan - Lovewave (Armenia)
2017: Joci Papai - Origo (Hungary)
2018: Yianna Terzi - Oniro Mou (Greece)
2019: Keiino - Spirit in the sky (Norway)
2020: The Roop - On fire (Lithuania)
2021: Maneskin - Zitti e buoni (Italy)
2022: Zdob si Zdub & Fratii Advahov - Trenuletul (Moldova)
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Princip ogledala.
Sve se u stvari fokusira na delove. Odrasli deo/dečji deo. Id/ego/superego. Podsvest/svest. Razum/srce. Logično/osećajno. Delove koje treba pomiriti, pronaći tu meru na vagi koja kaže da su oba tasa u balansu. Ništa nije crno/belo. Zar to onda ne znači da je sve sivo? Opet odlazite u ekstrem. Zar je važno koliko je delova u meni? Zar je važno što ih ne mogu pomiriti? Nešto je uznemirujuće kod napuklih ogledala. Odraz čine fragmenti i svi su ti, a ni jedan nije ti. Ne u potpunosti. Slažem slagalicu svakog dana najbolje što umem. Parčence u kom sam dobra, fina, mirna. Parčence u kom sam tužna, krhka, slaba. Parčence u kom sam velika, veća od svih. Parčence u kom sam tvoja. Ni jedno u kom sam svoja. Isplakala sam more prošle nedelje kad mi je osoba kojoj najviše verujem na ovom svetu rekla: bez ljubavi prema sebi tuđa ljubav nema za šta da se primi. Ali nije da ne volim sebe. Nije tako jednostavno. Kod mene, ništa nije tako jednostavno. Koju sebe da volim? Onu što je živahna, pozitivna, optimistična, jaka, nezaustavljiva? Onu što je daleka, hladna, okrutna, bezobzirna? Onu što je na podu sama i krvava i neutešna jer ne može da nađe ništa što je odvraća od te istine da je ovo.. sve? Ili onu.. onu najgoru, praznu, crnu rupu koja u sebe usisava sve pa i sebe samu? Ja nisam skup svih mojih delova, oni imaju zasebne živote, zasebne ljubavi i zasebne neprijatelje. Voliš one u kojima se pronađeš, ogledaš, u kojima se ogleda najbolje u tebi. Ali ogledala ne lažu i ništa nije crno/belo, sećaš se? Slamaš one delove u kojima vidiš najgore u sebi, ja ih sakupljam i sada su i meni i tebi šake krvave. Teram te da ih slomiš jer to je princip ogledala. Ili ćeš pokušati da ih sastaviš, ja ti neću dati, ne želim da te ranim ali ranjava te moja suština. Tvoja ljubav nema za šta da se primi. Ja nisam želela taj odgovor, želela sam da čujem: nije važno, ja volim sve tvoje delove. Nije važno što nisi cela. Ali život nije film. Ogorčena sam na psihologe, psihijatre, terapeute; oni koji misle da sve znaju i oni koji postavljaju kriterijume, nisam bolesna. Ja sam ogledalo. Bolestan svet u meni vidi sebe i ne dopada im se ono što vide, žele da me sklone, ili pak da me nauče kako da se bolje kamufliram u njima slične. Hah, ma ne treba meni kamuflaža. Vi i onako verujete u selektivne istine. Nisam ja nikoga obmanula, vi kreirate uloge i iluzije, a ja uživam u tome da ih raspršim u komadiće. Sad smo isti. Da li je to istina? Ili ona druga, koja plače sve suze koje vi niste pustili i želi da bude sunđer koji će upiti svu bol sveta tako da nikad nikog ništa ne zaboli? Ali opet sam u ekstremu. Jedan čovek me je jednom znao, bolje nego iko na ovom svetu, bolje nego ja samu sebe. I ne znam da li me je jačim žarom voleo ili mrzeo. Jer, bili smo isti. Posle tolike ljubavi i posle tolike mržnje ostaju samo sive zone. Blede kopije dubina u kojima plivam sa ajkulama jer njihovi zubi su transparentni. Čovek ti se smeje, dok u drugoj ruci drži nož. Psiholozi bi rekli da projektujem ali svi smo mi loši. Ne možeš da vidiš zlo u drugome, zlo kog nema u tebi. Samo su deca još uvek čista. Ja želim da zaštitim to parčence. Možda je ona sidro, možda je ona ono za šta nečija ljubav može da se uhvati. Nekada... Možda je ona početak moje ljubavi prema sebi.
- Katarina
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astrolognevenkablazik · 3 months
Dom nije tamo odakle ste, dom je tamo gde je svetlo kada je sve u tami... Merkur u Raku
Merkur je planeta koja vlada našim mislima, idejama i načinom komunikacije sa drugima, naš Um, IQ, logika i “crno na belo”. Znak Raka jeste osećajan, ali nije nerealan, već samo dopušta da na njegovo razmišljanje povremeno utiču i njegove emocije i osećanja. Od 17 Juna Merkur prelazi u znak Raka i tu će ostati do 2 Jula, a za mesec dana (17 Jula) ulazi u 1 fazu Retro-senke, koja će trajati sve do…
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narkonianews · 5 months
Voćni kolač sa grožđem VIDEO RECEPT kako napraviti
Voćni kolač sa grožđem VIDEO RECEPT kako napraviti Velika većina ljudi voli grožđe, bilo ono crno ili belo. A da li ste probali kolač sa ovim ukusnim voćem? Danas ćemo vam pokazati jedan zanimljiv recept. U pitanju je kolač iz nemačke kuhinje, koji se priprema veoma brzo i lako. Osim što je neverovatno ukusan, ovaj kolač je i vrlo lep i zanimljiv. Pratite nas na VIBERU ovde:…
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