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frogblast-the-ventcore · 1 year ago
USS Sorcerer (NCC-9670-B), Arlington-class long-range fast dreadnought:
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(Arlington-class reference art via @MarcSherwood8 on Twitter)
The Arlington-class dreadnought USS Sorcerer (NCC-9670-B) started her life as an Odyssey-class dreadnought, one of the sister ships of the USS Enterprise-F. Like her famous sister, the Sorcerer was heavily damaged in the 2411 Battle of Midnight, the climactic battle of the Iconian War, fought above Earth. The Sorcerer lay in spacedock above Mars for several years as subsequent events redirected Federation shipbuilding towards new endeavors. Finally beginning reconstruction in 2412, she saw several planned refit suggestions come and go - first, she was to be rebuilt to Odyssey-class standard, then to the upgraded Yorktown-class refit, then the upgunned Lexington-class subclass of the Yorktown-class. Finally, in 2414, it was decided that the Sorcerer would become the second in the newly designed Arlington-class of long-range fast-response dreadnoughts, to spearhead a new Federation effort to explore the Gamma Quadrant alongside the Federation's allies in the Klingon Empire, Romulan Republic, Tzenkethi Coalition, and the newly peaceful Dominion, as well as follow up on issues related to the Hur'q Crisis of 2411. Under the command of Captain Yanute, the vessel was relaunched on January 1, 2416, the 5th anniversary of the Battle of Midnight.
The Arlington-class long-range fast dreadnought:
As a descendant of the Odyssey-class, the Arlington is one of the largest ships ever built by the Federation; the subclass measures 1041.5 meters long, 385.22 meters at the beam, with a draught of over 200 meters, and a mass of over 7.25 million metric tons. With a crew of over 900, space for a full Starfleet Marine Corps battalion of 800+ members, and an embarked air wing of 400 personnel, the immense long-range vessel is thusly provided with a laundry list of amenities ranging from an internal promenade/mall, a dozen holodecks, two arboretums, two internal pool/sauna complexes, three main social lounges, and dozens of observation areas.
Able to maintain quantum slipstream travel for a full six hours, the Arlington-class combines its impressive speed with some of the heaviest firepower ever added to a Federation vessel. Boasting 29 MkXV phaser arrays, 4 light and 4 heavy MkXV pulsed phaser cannons, and a whopping 14 multipurpose torpedo/probe launch tubes. These tubes are capable of fully automated loading of the full Federation probe range, as well as photon, quantum, and transphasic torpedoes, the latter-most only available in limited quantities due to weapons limitation treaties.
In addition, the Arlington-class carries over the Lexington-class's phaser spinal lance, capable of devastating damage against vessels even larger than the Arlington. The phaser lance has been colloquially nicknamed the "Wave Motion Gun" by Lexington- and Arlington-class crew members, as it's immense energy discharge resembles that of a similarly devastating weapon from a late 20th century Earth science fiction franchise.
The Arlington also plays host and mother ship to an Eagle-class light "parasite" escort, itself a formidable and agile vessel, armed with multiple phaser arrays, four phaser cannons, and four torpedo tubes. A full wing of 60 Federation Aerospace Force Valkyrie aerospace fighters, falling under the command of the vessels' Commander Air Group, rounds out the vessels' firepower.
Defenses consist of a quadruple-layer hyper-capacitor-based metaphasic shield array, a full meter of albative armor, and a full suite of phaser- and microtorpedo-based CIWS systems; the Arlington is also fitted for but not with a Nanotech Molecular Ablative Generator field array, based on technology from an alternate 25th century.
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frogblast-the-ventcore · 1 year ago
Mutuals can send these for my Star Trek OCs (all listed under #crew manifest) if they want! Some active worldbuilding/character fun for today!
Lovey Dovey OC Development Prompts
Here’s a lil’ somethin’ somethin’ for you all on this corporate holiday! You can fill this out on your own, or you can ask your followers to send you numbers! (Oh, and remember that the real holiday is tomorrow, when all the holiday candy is discounted.) Have fun!
♥ (01) Is your OC in love? If so, with whom, and for how long? ♥ (02) Does another OC love your OC? If so, whom, and does your OC know? ♥ (03) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC loves? ♥ (04) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC hates? ♥ (05) What is the most romantic thing your OC has done for someone else? ♥ (06) What is the most romantic thing that has been done for your OC? ♥ (07) How successful is your OC at flirting with others? ♥ (08) What is your OC’s dream marriage proposal? ♥ (09) What is your OC’s favorite small way to show their love? ♥ (10) What is your OC’s favorite big way to show their love? ♥ (11) What do others love most about your OC? ♥ (12) What do you love most about your OC? ♥ (13) How does your OC show their love to those that are not their partner(s)? ♥ (14) Does your OC have any romantic traditions? ♥ (15) What is your OC’s favorite type of Valentine’s Day candy? ♥ (16) What is your OC’s ideal first date? ♥ (17) Could your OC fall in love with someone they’ve never met in person? ♥ (18) Does your OC have a “type”? ♥ (19) How highly does your OC value love (platonic, romantic, or otherwise)? ♥ (20) How does your OC feel about public displays of affection? ♥ (21) Does your OC believe in love at first sight? ♥ (22) How often does your OC read romantic literature? ♥ (23) What is your OC’s favorite nice thing to do for themselves? ♥ (24) How does your OC determine that they’re attracted to someone? ♥ (25) Does your OC believe in soulmates? ♥ (26) Is your OC ever the first to say “I love you”? ♥ (27) How does your OC typically spend their Valentine’s Day? ♥ (28) What is something unconventional that your OC thinks is romantic? ♥ (29) What is your OC’s favorite love song? ♥ (30) What is your OC’s favorite romantic movie?
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kenchann · 11 months ago
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tapis rouge doodles (mostly yuu🍤)
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azertyrobaz · 1 month ago
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Neel can't take a bath in peace...
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kodasea · 25 days ago
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Drinking sea water
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starbuck · 5 months ago
Ravenous is Haunted
Within the lore of Ravenous, eating people causes you to “absorb [their] spirit,” but what does that mean in practice?
Ives mentions that eating someone brave gives you a surge of bravery, which is exactly how Boyd goes from too scared to move to single-handedly capturing the enemy command. The spirit of his fellow soldiers and specifically his commanding officer compel him to do it. But we know that this personality shift is not permanent, it abates. However, I believe that there are other more subtle influences that remain. 
There’s a whole collection of things Boyd, Ives, and Hart do and say that mirror the actions and words of the people they’ve eaten…
The protectiveness that Boyd shows towards the Fort Spencer crew after Ives arrives as colonel is a new trait for him and highly reminiscent of Reich’s protectiveness towards Toffler. From the moment he’s stuck with Ives at the fort, Boyd also immediately decides to murder him, the thing that Reich died furious at him for not doing, and never strays from this mission at all. Boyd and Ives both headbutt each other in their final fight, a Knox fighting move, and Boyd also attempts to strangle Ives at one point, which is Reich’s. Another example that I like is when Hart says to the chickens he’s feeding “run away! run for your lives!” which is what Toffler died doing. These are all small moments in isolation, but together they form a compelling picture. 
For another thing, you have Boyd mentioning to Hart near the end the “nightmares” he’s “still” having about Reich, Cleaves, and Knox. These aren’t just random trauma nightmares, they are specifically about the three people of the Fort Spencer crew that he’s eaten. And, considering how strongly Hart reacts to the mention of this, he is likely experiencing the same thing. Since it is canon that they have actually ABSORBED these people by eating them, I don’t think it’s a stretch at all to call this a haunting. 
Put these together and you have the people who have been eaten haunting the cannibal characters at night and maintaining at least some sway over them by day, often without them even realizing it… Fun stuff!
As far as Ives goes, I think that he is less affected by this phenomenon than Boyd and Hart are. He’s been eating people for much longer than they have, he has no moral compass whatsoever, and he has a very strong personality, so he’s not gonna let a little haunting get to him. That being said, who knows what quirks of his personality we might be able to attribute to people he’s eaten in the past if we knew more about them? I also think that his assumption that he is unaffected by the people he eats is a part of his downfall, and I’ll explain that in a moment. 
The last thing I want to talk about is the bell because that’s what REALLY gets me mmmmmmmmmmm… SO! During Boyd’s fight with Ives, there’s a moment where Ives has fled the room they were fighting in and Boyd doesn’t know where he is, so he’s checking behind all these random doors and not finding him when he hears a bell ringing in the courtyard. He goes out and sees the ringing bell but no one near it. Instead of going towards it where he knows Ives is likely waiting for him though, he walks towards the barn, as if in a daze. When he enters, he sees the bear trap and gets an “Aha!” look on his face. 
Now, who do we know who is associated with both that bell and a bear trap? It’s Reich! He is the only person we ever see ring that bell and (in a deleted scene) he uses bear traps as target practice, shooting at them to snap them shut while Boyd watches. So, at the very least, we can say that Reich indirectly inspires Boyd in that course of action. 
BUT, because I am me, I’d like to take it a step further by proposing that, since Reich is haunting both Boyd AND Ives, he influences Ives to ring the bell (with Ives not consciously thinking anything more of about than “this will surely get Boyd’s attention >:)”) and then influences Boyd to walk over to the barn instead of immediately continuing the fight so he can show him how to end it once and for all. Boyd asked Reich to “tell me what to do,” and Reich answered him!
I did also write a fic about this concept a few years ago if anyone is interested!
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punkpandapatrixk · 1 year ago
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Remember the World you came from. Remember your True Form.
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You are a Master Manifestor. From Heaven to Earth.
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Let there be Light. So we transmute all wrongs to Right.
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Remember you are a Child of the Divine.
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thatstargazingaquarius · 7 months ago
Somewhere in the Protocol universe there’s an old man named Simon who cares very much about his grandson Mike and they’re very happy and nothing bad ever happens to them ever
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midnight1nk · 23 days ago
mario would say "let's go lesbians" to the rest of the crew. and no one is going to bother to even question it. one day it'll happen, trust. (if they're not going to do it, i will.) send post.
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frogblast-the-ventcore · 3 months ago
Bringing this one back since it's been quite a while.
Well… here goes nothing. My first ever AO3 fic. Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Star Trek, Star Trek Online Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: All OCs Additional Tags: Canon Divergence, Drama Summary:
It was, by all accounts the crew could access, a perfectly ordinary day on planet Earth.
The shuttle crash was unexpected, but everyone was relieved. At least the senior staff had come down in a sparsely populated area! Of course, it was only after the communication disruption occurred that a human crew-member took a horrified look at the actual date.
By that point, the USS Sorcerer and her crew could only orbit on the far side of the Moon, and wait, and hope. And pray…
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codgod · 1 year ago
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figuring out how to draw ensaaaa yay ^-^ i rlly hope we get to see more of her i like her
jay is also here just because i think i need to draw her more. also i think they should kiss but whatever
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scrumptiousstuffs · 3 months ago
This honestly shows how much talented and respected FirstKhao are as actors 👏👏
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Ah yes, I saw that particular interaction 🥹🥺
You all know I love Jojo and his works and FK are my boys.
So, I’m always happy to see how much FK are loved by all the directors they have worked with before (P’Golf, P’ Ninew, P’ Aof, P’Yok, P’Nuchy etc).
Plus all of them have said they are happy to work with FK again if they have the opportunity 🤍🧡💫
But I’m now having delulu thoughts again - just with Jojo saying “��let them work with other director…”
Dare I hope we will get FK for GMMTV 2025????? 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
(Source as above)
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bumblingbabooshka · 4 months ago
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Tuvoktober Day 31: Bring Your Twins to Work Day [Patreon | Commissions]
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odo-apologist · 3 months ago
I have things I should be working on but I'm too busy wondering what a Low or High Kochanski would be like
#Does anyone know if there are any fics/posts about this concept? I probably just haven't run into them#Especially enamored by the idea of Low Kochanski. What would she be like?#Since- as established in The Inquisitor a few episodes beforehand- conceptions of morality/worth/etc. are emphasized as being subjective#that's how I've always approached the Lows: as manifestations of what *the characters* feared was the worst about themselves#shaped by social/cultural expectations#(that's probably why though I understand some people's discomfort towards the stereotypes Low Rimmer exhibits#I was less critical towards it because it says more about Rimmer's psyche than anything)#What would Kochanski see as the worst in herself?#I keep thinking about the tags someone left on the post about Kochanski perhaps feeling guilty about how her Dave changed for her#That mentioned the possibility of her going so far as to change Lister's peogram to align to her personality and her needs#I personally don't think she would do that. But! That doesn't mean that she hasn't thought about it. Maybe at some point in the beginning#So I'm leaning this manipulative Machiavellian sort of Low Kochanski. One that's coldly efficient and calculating#Which I think would suit the others well#The Lows of The Boys are sadistic animalistic primal#There's something chaotic to their immorality#I think Low Kochanski could stand in contrast to that. A member of the Low crew that is not driven by emotion. One that is ordered#And I think that would make her threatening in a different way#Anyways that's just my opinion :) Curious to hear what others think!#Red Dwarf#Kristine Kochanski#Original Post
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some-anonymity-preferred · 1 year ago
A True Journal of the Life and Happenings of the OFMD Fandom
January the 16th. An excellent day! Raided a Deadline article and an Instagram reel after overpowering Max’s hearty customer service crew. Claimed a lifetime supply of Astroglide in conquest.
They’ll never forget the Eccentric Pirate Stede Bonnet and his savage, insane, vengeful Gay Twitter.
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ladysatoru · 7 months ago
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eustass kidd manifestation king 10 minutes after he says that Luffy crashes through the roof and punches a celestial dragon
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