#crescent ice
This is an off the wall question I'm sending to my mutuals and friends so don't be alarmed, I haven't been hacked. I think I'll call it Weird Ask Wednesdays. This might turn into a regular thing... (Can you tell that I'm bored?)
If you were to choose to be a certain type of ice cube. What kind of ice cube would you be? You can show pictures for reference if you want.
Okay apparently there are SEVERAL different types of ice. Which is hilarious to me because there's such a science behind which one to use. There are between 20 and 74,963 forms of ice. For the sake of this, I'll be examining the following primary seven types.
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If I had to pick any of these to be in my drinks, I'd pick the nugget ice. It melts super fast, cools off the drink, and if it ends up in my mouth I can chew it. I also don't need that much ice so it's perfect.
Under these considerations, I need ice that is built to last. I tend to remain level headed in stressful situations and would thus not melt under pressure. I also need ice that does its job efficiently. That doesn't mean perfectly, but gets the job done fast. I also would be 100% ice because to be anything else would be LIES. HOW CAN YOU BE ICE IF YOU ARE IN A STATE OF LIQUID WATER??
Clears throat.
In conclusion, the best ice to represent me is crescent Ice. She's not perfect, but she's effective, efficient, 100% ice, and unique to regular cubed ice, yet not so far removed from the almost crescent ice of our freezers (well those who have ice makers). Crescent ice is a staple in restaurants and is dependable to get the job done with a subtle flair.
RB with what kind of ice you would be.
Npt: @itsagrimm @ethereal-night-fairy @jedipoodoo @halfmoth-halfman
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ruhnlidiasworld · 5 months
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gwandas · 2 months
something that makes me giggle is when IC stans pretend they aren’t butthurt over Nesta being the star of the crossover… do the girlies know we all saw the tweets and theories people made in the past year
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dreamtreat · 11 months
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@maecakesmnl on ig
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Ok but Bryce is actually really funny here lmao
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fullcravings · 1 year
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Empty Tomb Cinnamon Rolls
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mia-nina-lilly · 5 months
Quão acuada Nestha está.
Quando Nestha diz a Bryce que é melhor cooperar, você pode ter achado que ela quis dizer isso ameaçadoramente, mas pare para pensar. Depois de todo o abuso em ACoSF, é bastante possível que Nes tenha dito isso porque ela tentou ir contra o IC e falhou. Quebraram-na ao distorcer a verdade tantas vezes, tanto que ela começou a simplesmente aceitar na maior parte das vezes.
How cornered Nesta is.
When Nestha tells Bryce it's better to cooperate, you might have thought she meant it threateningly, but think about it. After all the abuse in ACoSF, it's quite possible that Nes said that because she tried to go against the IC and failed. They broke her by twisting the truth so many times, so much so that she started to just accept most of the time.
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prettyposterlane · 6 days
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a seashell cake
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I just accidentally spoiled the end of hosab for myself. I am furious.
Sarah Janet is so immensely obsessed with the Inner Circle and most of all Rhysand, that she seriously just made this whole thing into a crossover? I didn't read exactly what happened at the end, but I saw that Rhysand was in it, and I am so dissappointed. Like, give us a break from that walking red flag, please. At this point, I can see how hofas is gonna go, she's just gonna make everyone suck Rhysie piecees dick again, because she's weirdly obsessed with her own plothole retcon of a badly ass written character.
I like Crescent City more than Acotar, for the sole fact that the inner circle is not in it, because I'm not normally a fan of fantasy and modern fusion.
Like, I'm not saying the idea of a multiverse is a bad thing per se, it's really not. But starting it off by making Bryce magically appear in the Night Court? No, give me Bryce plopping up in the Autumn Court and realizing that Eris looks weirdly like her father. Give me Bryce appearing in Terrassen. Or literally anywhere but there, because not everything revolves around Rhysand the red flag and his Court of ick, bigger ick and ickiest.
Next point. Ruhn looking like Rhysand? Noo, seriously, no. Like, leave my baby alone so he can be his own fucking person and not look like a 500 year old weird ass psycho guy. That's just gonna be Ruhn's whole character in hofas, because he LoOkS LiKe rHyS. Fuck no.
And it's a rabbithole. And I shamefully admit that I fell into it. And saw people shipping Bryce with Azriel? Like hell no. Hell no. No. No. No.
In conclusion: I am angry. Thank you for coming to my anger talk.
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If you...
Love: Nesta, Lucien, Lidia, Chaol, Tharion, Manon
Hate: Aelin, The IC
Follow me! I know these are not popular opinions lol
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cloudyeucharis · 13 days
can you please draw sephiroth, angeal, and genesis going out for ice cream bc nothibg bad ever happened to them and theyre all so happy and mentally sound and yeah :)
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This took me so long to finish, but I finally finished it!
(Does Genesis being a bitch count as them being happy?)
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gwandas · 2 months
Nesta Antis: Nesta should’ve waited and gotten Rhys’ permission before giving the mask to Bryce if she didn’t want Rhys screaming at her
Meanwhile, Rhysand to Nesta: “The moment she appeared, you should have been swinging Ataraxia at her fucking throat”
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lgbstims · 9 months
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sun bisexual x moon bisexual stimboard for @sunflowerxducks
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dozydawn · 10 months
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Pasha Grishuk and Evgeni Platov Compulsory Dance “Rhumba” 1995. Photographed by Chris Cole and Anton Want.
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19silvermirrors · 6 months
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Bring an Ocean down🌊🌛
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