#creatively intellectually emotionally spiritually whatever
friends I am experiencing an early-onset midlife crisis and it is time to get my shit together and figure out what I’m going to do about it. my job is fine but it is not sustainable to spend every week swinging wildly from chanting “I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine” into feeling like I’m in the depths of despair about wasting my one human life. it is just not sustainable and I NEED to honor my own gut feelings even if many people around me are telling me this situation is ideal. maybe they are right! but consider this: maybe they aren’t! or maybe this situation would be ideal for them but it’s certainly not ideal for me and I am the one who has to live in my own life!!!! I need an escape plan because I can already feel my confidence as a professional & a human atrophying the longer I stay in this role. so no more wallowing. I am going to set short-and long-term goals for myself and establish a clear timeline for my exit strategy. 
here are my thoughts right now:
L&D work may or may not be for me, but I can tell this job isn’t for me. it’s not utilizing any of my skills. the institution’s understanding of workplace learning seems pretty baked in. leadership’s approach is so micromanage-y it’s hard to see them giving our team the creative/intellectual freedom to define and implement a more exciting vision plan that might actually address some of the org’s challenges. I spend my days copying text into canva and creating shitty graphics, which is just not a good use of anyone’s time. I feel like the job was sliiiiightly misrepresented to me in the hiring process and it’s hard to see any of these things changing anytime soon.
I need to get something out of this job. I need to make a list of my professional dev goals (classes I can get them to pay for, books I can read, topics I want to gain greater expertise in, etc). I also need to make a separate list of the work projects I’d like to drive forward over the next couple months, so that when I’m interviewing for jobs next time around I can actually say I did something semi-useful here. I think the fact that I don’t want to be in this role long term will actually free me up to be a bit more assertive in claiming projects, taking initiative, and asking directly for what I need. I want to spend time this week working on those lists and creating a timeline for myself.
I want to kick it into high gear in terms of finishing projects early and well. I’ve been doing a decent job (getting lots of positive feedback etc and finishing things quickly) but I’m giving this job 5-10% of what I’m able to do any given week. but I honestly find it more depressing to underachieve or just do the bare minimum because it makes me feel so pointless and adrift. starting this week, I’m going to make a commitment to myself to actually perform at the level I am capable of performing at. I might feel meh about my job but I derive a great deal of meaning and self-worth from the feeling of working hard and excelling at something. I have this one side project everyone seems to think will take me a couple months. I’d like to finish 80% of it this week. I want to see if working hard makes a difference in how I feel about the work itself.
I need to be realistic about money. I want to stay in the seattle area and I want to have a kid very soon. plus I need to rebuild my savings after almost cleaning myself out to make this cross-country move. I can’t take another low-paying university job no matter how much I might want to. but I can find something that is a better fit, ideally where I am getting to use more of my people skills. I need to sit down and do some realistic calculations about how long I need to stay in this job to get my savings back up, how much I need to make annually to support myself and a kid on a single income, and what I am and am not willing to compromise on in a job. having a clear sense of my financial needs will help me decide on a timeline + exit strategy.
I enjoy the freedom of remote work but I’m not cut out for being remote in the long term. I think ideally I want a hybrid schedule with some flexibility about which days I’m in/out. I am going to start scouring job boards again with this in mind. in reading job descriptions I’m also going to start paying very close attention to what different postings are asking for. this will help me develop and refine my list of the skills, experiences, projects etc I want to pursue in my time at my current job.
I can do this. I feel really adrift but I know why: too much unstructured time, too much aloneness during the week, too much performing below the level I know I’m capable of performing at, too much not listening to my gut & trying to drown out my feelings of despair by spending money and time on house projects. I ONLY GET ONE LIFE. I ONLY GET ONE LIFE!!!!!!! I know what personal happiness + professional fulfillment looks and feels like for me. I was very lucky to have lived in that professional headspace for a few years, because it’s given me a baseline I can measure my current situation against. I don’t have to passively accept feeling the way I do right now. I don’t know how I’m going to get back to feeling more like myself but I know I am smart enough and resourceful enough to figure it out. onwards!!!!!!!
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punksocks · 4 months
Signs Your on the Right or Wrong Path:
(Check your Moon sign, Mars sign, Ascendant, and/or North Node)
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(Also wrong path behaviors tend to fit underdeveloped energy, so you may recognize these behaviors in low vibrational people with these placements)
Right path:
-Aries: You feel energetic, you may start working out more/doing more physical activities, you’re going on new adventures, pure enthusiasm, you’ve got a lot of new prospects, you still charge into situations and sometimes arguments but you avoid constant fighting and long term grudges
-Taurus: You’re making money/feeling abundant, you’re feeling creative, feeling satisfied with physical comforts (perfect meals, great self care, etc), feeling stubborn still but in a reasonable grounded way with a bit of flexibility
-Gemini: You’re quick on your feet, constantly coming up with new ideas, you’re winning a lot of verbal sparring matches/debates, suddenly absorbing a lot of new information, feeling like you’re in an intellectually stimulating environment
-Cancer: Emotionally at ease, feeling protective without being defensive, feeling at home with whatever loved ones you’re around, peaceful nostalgia, comfort in your environment/home life, being nurturing without forcing it, feeling more fertile (as straightforward as pregnancy but as all encompassing as getting a lot of new ideas or being great at cooking or growing a garden that blossoms, etc)
-Leo: Gaining attention effortlessly, increased self confidence/charisma, more creativity, getting more compliments than usual, feeling empowered and like your gettting the right amount of attention and feedback on a regular basis
-Virgo: Great productivity, being seen as reliable and supportive and being appreciated for it, getting to cross items off your todo lists, -less- anxiety and overthinking/finding ways to soothe this, improved mental health, your hygnine and routine improve and flow better, being supported and given space to rest and relax when you need to
-Libra: increased charm/beauty (a glow up essentially), peace in your social life, increased romance, getting more compliments than usual, ease in making choices, generally feeling more balanced, feeling more creative
-Scorpio: Being around people/a person you can actually really trust, being allowed to open up in your own time, great intimacy with passion and payoff and all that, transformations come easy-like shedding a second skin, feeling rewarded with safety in exchange for the vulnerability you do show, depth and understanding even if it’s only with one or two people
-Sagittarius: constant stimulation and exciting adventures (big or small), growing understanding and philosophies, more opportunities to travel and good things coming from travel, more opportunities to learn about cultures outside of your own, increased optimism and luck
-Capricorn: making money/long term investments & projects starting to pay off, clear and healthy skin, getting money from random places, your new ideas work out better than expected, gaining recognition for your hard work, elevating to new heights/gaining promotions at work, being able to carve out your own path of progress
-Aquarius: embracing your uniqueness and being celebrated for it, one of a kind ideas, feeling innovative, feeling good will and participating in humanitarian efforts, getting involved with the local community, embracing chaos and being rewarded for it, losing the desire to fit in.
-Pisces: good dreams, fluidity in daydreams and reality, new sparks for your creativity coming from your subconscious/good spiritual efforts, heightened clarity, peace of mind and tranquility coming more naturally, understanding what you process subconsciously and trusting your intuition more
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Wrong path:
-Aries: Feeling lethargic/losing energy after short bursts, headaches, restlessness, constantly being stalled when you try new things, constant fighting with everyone and anyone that never seems to end
-Taurus: You’re losing money/abundance, you’re feeling rushed, you’re overindulging/binging on comforts- none of your luxuries fill the void, every hill is a hill you’re willing to die on (feeling especially stubborn)
-Gemini: You’re bored, feeling stuck, you’re having issues communicating (suddenly stuttering or drawing blanks, for example, you could even lose your voice), trouble learning and thinking, feeling like no one around you can match your intelligence
-Cancer: constantly manipulating emotions around you/your emotions being constantly manipulated, toxic codependency on family/loved ones, chest pains, yearning for the past and dissatisfaction with the present, lack of care, lack of fertility
-Leo: attention starved and you have to beg for others to pay attention to you, back pains, feeling like you only get attention at the wrong times/for the wrong things, a lot of envy/jealousy, acting out in bratty/diva ways, partying too much
-Virgo: overthinking (like you’re always going to overthink, but when it’s bad you cannot stop overthinking), uncontrollable anxiety, stomach aches, a lot of busy work with very little progress, endless to-do lists, sudden forced changes to your consistency/routine, being used for support and this being thankless, insane levels of restlessness
-Libra: Loss of appeal (not being ugly but finding your charm and general appeal towards others works less than it usually does), being depressed/uninspired about your looks, feeling like all your connections are shallow/loss of romance, being surrounded by conflict, finding it impossible to make decisions, loss of creativity
-Scorpio: feeling like -something- is off and not being able to shake that feeling (something probably is off, trust your gut), feeling like you need to guard your secrets/yourself with your life, gossip and rumors about you coming from your inner circle, intimacy that doesn’t feel worth it, you or others trying to bar you from changing & transforming, shallow connections, repeating cycles of toxic behavior
-Sagittarius: Boredom/stagnancy, shutting down discussions/learning by being too blunt, close mindedness in general, feeling stuck or cagey, environments that lack cultural stimulation, sudden bouts of bad luck/things falling apart
-Capricorn: losing money/going over budget, business ventures failing, skin problems/breakouts, drowning in work but not being able to finish any of it, being stuck in toxic systems/patterns of behavior, being controlled/dominated, having your ambition capped/hitting a glass ceiling of some sort in your goals
-Aquarius: conformity/changing your identity or ideals to conform to others, feeling cold/too disconnected towards others (like seeing people as a problem to solve instead of individuals to help), calculating behavior in general, lack of ingenuity/out of the box ideas, being too rooted in the past/how things once were
-Pisces: nightmares, not being able to tell the difference between reality and daydreams, increased problems with mental illness, being triggered uncontrollably by your subconscious, dealing with more illusions and lies, creativity stalling, romanticizing your connections and the people around you (seeing depth where there is none or vice versa)
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astrosky33 · 1 year
The Zodiac Sign Traits
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Where do the Zodiac Signs traits come from?
The signs traits come from the planet/s that they’re ruled by; Ex: Aries is ruled by Mars so whatever Mars rules over will show the traits that the zodiac sign Aries takes on
They may also have traits from their symbol; Ex: Leo’s symbol being the Lion could indicate thick or pretty hair if in a prominent placement
All Zodiac Traits:
♈︎ ARIES: Passionate, bold, competitive, confident, ambitious, courageous, motivated, energetic, enthusiastic, assertive, dominant, masculine, athletic, lustful, aggressive, and/or impulsive
♉︎ TAURUS: Determined, strong values, dependable, pretty, laid-back/relaxed, go with the flow, self loving, sensual, patient, sloth, materialistic, possessive, and/or stubborn
♊︎ GEMINI: Communicative, intelligent, witty, playful, multi-tasker, curious, youthful spirit, adaptable, strong mind, comical, forgetful, clumsy, and/or nosy
♋︎ CANCER: Nurturing, emotionally intelligent, empathetic/emotionally intuitive, feminine, cautious, family oriented, tender/emotionally sensitive, and/or defensive
♌︎ LEO: Natural leader, loyal, creative, entertaining, generous, self-reliant, determination, strong drive, dramatic, and/or prideful
♍︎ VIRGO: Reliable, humble, enterprising, giving, innocent, organized, perfectionist, logical/practical, analytical, and/or judgmental
♎︎ LIBRA: Loving, romantic, charming, attractive, fashionable, artsy, peace-maker, cooperative, fair-minded, and/or indecisive
♏︎ SCORPIO: Loyal, powerful, passionate, brave, strong, magnetic/enticing, secretive, seductive, sexual, temperamental, obsessive/controlling, and/or manipulative
♐︎ SAGITTARIUS: Optimistic, adventurous, humorous, popular, wise/knowledgeable, lucky, wealthy, philosophical, devoted, successful, honest, unreliable, arrogant, and/or blunt/straightforward
♑︎ CAPRICORN: Mature/serious, responsible, self-disciplined, strong work-ethic/hard-working, consistent, pessimistic, unforgiving, fearful/anxious, and/or detached from emotions
♒︎ AQUARIUS: Friendly, humanitarian, intellectual/clever, innovative, unique/original, independent, progressive, risk-taking, unpredictable, and/or rebellious
♓︎ PISCES: Kind, compassionate, inspiring, glamorous, spiritual, creative, selfless, intuitive, hypnotic, sensitive, idealistic/delusional, and/or deceiving
[These are the MAIN traits of each sign]
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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n3xii · 11 months
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How to read energy with tarot and oracle cards
Energy can be read in a variety of ways, you can feel it, see it or even ''know'' it cognitively. But a universal way to read ALL energy is by using tarot and oracle cards. This method is perfect for analyzing the details of your own aura because you can identify what blockages there are, where they came from, how to heal them etc.
But first, let's talk about DECKS. You can use any deck to read energy, litterally any deck you feel a connection to will do perfect. but preferably the deck is artistic and has alot of details, symbols, colors, or even references to chakras and different spiritual concepts. I will have a post soon with a list of deck recommendations based on different topics in spirituality soon, so refer to that if you'd like!
Prepare your space: when tapping into your own energy, or someone else's, you will want to do some prep beforehand by clearing your mind and focusing on your intention. I don't think it's appropriate to "cleanse' yourself before doing this type of reading IN MY OPINON, the whole point of energy reading is to read what's currently in your energy. How can you do that if you CLEANSE IT. Use your cards to help identify whats currently in your aura, whats effecting you, and if there's external energy that's disturbing you, then cleanse if needed! if you want to cleanse the deck itself, thats up to you but I think that's the best idea.
2. Choose a spread (if you prefer spreads.): to be honest, I think if you're gonna use spreads, regardless of experience level, the reading will actually be more successful. this is because you can configure and customize the spread to be WHATEVER you need in that moment. You want to read your aura? pull a card for each layer of the aura, OR, pull a card for energy thats leaving your aura, energy thats currently in your aura, and energy that's coming in. you want to read someone elses energy? pull a card that represents their aura, a card for how their energy is effecting themselves or others, a card for whats contributing to their energy ETC.
3. shuffle and focus: shuffle your cards in your preferred method and focus on whom you're reading for. if you're reading for someone else, let them touch the cards. if thats not applicable, focus on an aspect or characteristic of that person.
4. lay out your cards/spread
5. pay attention to reversed cards. if you read reversals, these can be indicators of blockages OR of energies that are dissipating, it depends on the meaning of the card. For example, ten of swords reversed may indicate that the energies of betrayal, endings and despair is leaving your life. Meanwhile, the upright meaning by indicate a blockage. use context and your intuition to interpret cards.
6. Pay attention to colors: colors in a card and tone can indicate the color of your aura. here's a list of aura colors, this list doesnt contain all of them but it's a good starting point.
Red: Energetic, passionate, and strong-willed.
Orange: Creative, adventurous, and enthusiastic.
Yellow: Intellectually curious, cheerful, and optimistic.
Green: Compassionate, harmonious, and nurturing.
Blue: Communicative, calm, and spiritually connected.
Purple: Intuitive, visionary, and spiritually aware.
Pink: Loving, empathetic, and affectionate.
White: Pure, spiritually awakened, and balanced.
Silver: Intuitive, psychic, and open to new ideas.
Gold: Enlightened, wise, and spiritually evolved.
Black: Protective, strong-willed, and potentially blocking energy.
Brown: Grounded, practical, and connected to the Earth.
Gray: Indecisive, emotionally neutral, and detached.
Indigo: Highly intuitive, sensitive, and perceptive.
Turquoise: Creative, communicative, and balanced in emotions.
7. Pay attention to symbols: symbols can be signs from the universe or carry extra messages about your/someone's elses energy. here's a list of common symbols in tarot AND oracle decks
Celtic Knots: Represent interconnectedness, cycles, and eternity.
Roses: Symbolize love, beauty, and balance.
Laurel Wreaths: Signify victory, honor, and achievement.
Sphinx: Represents wisdom, mystery, and enigma.
Cherub/Angel: Symbolizes divine guidance, purity, and protection.
Ankh: Represents life, vitality, and eternal existence.
Infinity Symbol (∞): Signifies limitless potential, eternity, and balance.
Butterflies: Symbolize transformation, growth, and renewal.
Ouroboros (Snake Eating Its Tail): Represents cyclical nature, infinity, and rebirth.
Keys: Signify unlocking hidden knowledge, opportunities, and solutions.
Hourglass: Symbolizes time, cycles, and the fleeting nature of life.
Mystical Gates: Represent opportunities, choices, and thresholds.
Lion: Signifies strength, courage, and boldness.
Scorpion: Symbolizes transformation, regeneration, and intensity.
Scales: Represent balance, justice, and equilibrium.
Winged Creatures: Signify the spirit, transcendence, and higher knowledge.
Wreaths: Symbolize victory, achievement, and honor.
Ships/Boats: Signify journeys, exploration, and movement.
Bulls: Represent determination, stubbornness, and material wealth.
Stars: Symbolize hope, inspiration, and guidance from the cosmos.
Crescent Moon: Signifies intuition, change, and the feminine energy.
Skulls: Symbolize mortality, transformation, and facing one's fears.
Clouds: Represent uncertainty, confusion, and change in perspective.
Castle: Signifies protection, security, and the inner self.
Serpents: Symbolize knowledge, transformation, and hidden wisdom.
Lightning: Signifies sudden change, revelation, and powerful energy.
Pyramids: Represent spirituality, ascension, and hidden truths.
Cross: Symbolizes sacrifice, faith, and spiritual growth.
Oracle cards:
Animals: Animal symbols can represent qualities, characteristics, and messages associated with specific animals. For example, a lion might symbolize courage and strength, while a butterfly could signify transformation and growth.
Hearts: Hearts are associated with love, emotions, and matters of the heart. Their presence in a card can indicate love, compassion, or emotional healing.
Stars: Stars symbolize inspiration, guidance, and divine energy. They may suggest hope and opportunities.
Moons: Moons are linked to cycles, intuition, and the subconscious. They can imply the need for introspection or changes in emotions.
Sun: The sun represents success, vitality, and enlightenment. It may indicate a positive outcome or a period of happiness.
Keys: Keys symbolize unlocking potential, solutions, and opportunities. They suggest that answers are within reach.
Crossroads: Crossroads represent choices and decisions. They can indicate a need to make a significant life decision or consider options.
Water: Water symbolizes emotions, intuition, and fluidity. It may suggest a need to navigate your feelings or adapt to changes.
Fire: Fire represents passion, transformation, and energy. It may suggest the need for action or a burst of inspiration.
Feathers: Feathers are often associated with messages from the spirit realm and can imply the need to pay attention to signs and synchronicities.
Coins/Pentacles: These symbols often relate to material matters, finances, and practical concerns. They may suggest issues related to money or resources.
Clouds: Clouds can symbolize uncertainty, confusion, or a clouded judgment. They may suggest the need for clarity.
Doors: Doors represent new opportunities, opportunities, and transitions. They may suggest entering a new phase in life.
Trees: Trees symbolize growth, strength, and connection to nature. They can suggest personal development and grounding.
Angels: Angels represent divine guidance, protection, and higher wisdom. Their presence can indicate a need for spiritual guidance or support.
Spirals: Spirals symbolize evolution, cycles, and personal growth. They suggest that you are on a journey of self-discovery.
Mandalas: Mandalas often represent unity, wholeness, and balance. They suggest the need to find harmony in your life.
Roses: Roses symbolize love, beauty, and passion. They may suggest matters of the heart or self-love.
Wings: Wings can symbolize freedom, elevation, and spirituality. They suggest a desire for greater understanding and spiritual growth.
Rainbows: Rainbows are a symbol of hope, promises, and blessings. They can suggest that positive developments are on the horizon.
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Thats all for this post so far, I hope you found it informative and you're welcome to add any more tips to this post if you'd like!
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kiddotarot · 1 month
hii I'm Luna!! I want to participate in your game! I want to know about my fs's career and characteristics or anything you like.
Here's your exchange:
Your fs's characteristics:
Your fs likes to avoid tricky situation or disastrous situation where they have to argue or something. They can't adapt well with change, so the new trends are a bit hard to follow. They might fall sick time to time. They are a working person so you would never find them slacking off from work. They like to celebrate alot, whether it's small thing or not. They are very friendly like I said. But sometimes they feel they don't belong here and gets distcsted too soon. Their pools of thoughts are the cause of this.
Your fs's personality:
They could be someone who has a welcoming personality, they might have fire dominated signs in their chart lol. They speak so well, could be a gemini. It's like they speak through mind. Whatever they says are pure logical, they are intellectual, growing up they might always see everything is infront of them. It's like they don't even have to ask for anything. They are a homebody for sure. They have a racing mind everytime. Ideas flood inside his head, Could be an Aries too. They are aware of what satisfies them and about their sexuality. They are a luxury person, likes to spend money alot or to spend on friends. They have a childlike personality when they are alone. People think they are mean but they are a big softie it's just their tongue is very sharp lol. Also they could be overprotective and feel every emotions inside alot.
Your fs's love langauge: They are rich person, so spoiling you with followers, expensive wine or foods, anything you like or see. I also feel like they are very much into music so they would take you to slow dance sowmehere.
Your fs's career: they can work in a place where they have to talk alot, such as therapist, advisor, doctor or psycologist and maybe detective.
My chart:
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Thank you!! Hope i didn't missed anything.
Hi Thanks for participating and exchange 😊.
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your future spouse can be is hardworking and very mature thsn you they can be older and they can look cold for the first time. Very loyal and ambitious they hold some kind of power in there life. They can be into spirituality and may be addicted . They can look sleepy also like they are tired . There is something unique in there personality which is different from others there presernce and be feel intense and dark like they stand diffrent from others . They truley believe in harmoney and justice and appreciate the beauty in all forms they can also into art and beauty and may be into music something related to creative feild . They like to travel and learn about the art they can also be the student to law and business . They are very communicative about knowledge book and travel same time they are curious about it they like to explore this kind of things and also like to discuss about it. They respect every traditional and there they can be very emotionally attantive . Very gental towand other or your need . There emotion can be related to home or they are really connected to therr home or to there mother. Sure they fight for there home or never give up on there home related issues or on there siblings. Your future spouse sure gonna heal your trauma and problems. You both gonna heal in this relationship. They are really spritual and respectful to other believes they also follow there traditional and hold respect toward them. Your spouse can be respectful and sure very experienced and mature than there age group.
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Feedback is required for my improvement
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pcttrailsidereader · 1 year
Dimensions of Wellness
As we enter the start of what looks to be a challenging hiking season it is important to optimize one's mental and physical health. Given the potential for some extraordinary conditions all along the PCT this year, here are eight dimensions of overall wellness. These come from Dr. Margaret Swarbrick. (Northwestern.edu/wellness/8-dimensions).
Emotional-Emotional wellness is defined as coping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships.
Spiritual-Spiritual wellness is defined as expanding a sense of purpose and meaning in life, including one's morals and ethics. It may or may not involve religious activities. 
Intellectual-Intellectual wellness is defined as recognizing one's creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills. 
Physical-Physical wellness consists of recognizing the need for physical activity, healthy foods, and sleep, as well as preventing illness and injury or managing chronic health conditions. 
Environmental-Environmental wellness is defined as occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support well-being. 
Financial-Financial wellness is defined as satisfaction with current and future financial situations.  
Occupational-Occupational wellness is defined as gaining personal satisfaction and enrichment from one’s work, whether that be academic work while in college or a job after graduation (or retirement). 
Social-Social wellness is defined as developing a sense of connection, belonging, and a well-developed support system.
As you read through these you may find it difficult to relate these dimensions to time on the trail. Whether you are a thru hiker, section hiker , or day hiker, we go into nature for our health mental and/or physical and the potential rewards that follow. It makes sense that our time in nature has a direct relationship with our overall wellness.
As I considered each dimension and my time on the PCT I could easily relate to every one. Coping emotionally, getting clearer on the meaning of one's life, being creative, striving for physical balance, being in nature, making due with one's current/future financial situation, determining one's next career/life steps, and finally experiencing a sense of belonging and connection with others. These are all out there waiting for us to contemplate and apply into our life and hiking experience. In fact some of the more profound changes I have tried to make in my wellness usually have a link to my time on the trail or generally being in nature.
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When we consider adding physical activity into our life there is usually an underlying wellness reasoning for whatever we choose to do. As you prepare to go explore the PCT or your neighborhood I urge you to think about and reflect on the eight dimensions of wellness. If you have reactions about these eight dimensions of wellness please share those with us. We will look forward to your feedback.
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plutosunshine · 3 years
Composite Sun in the houses
The house your composite Sun sits in can show the main direction of your relationship. It is the area where the energy and motivation of the relationship focus the most.
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Composite Sun in the 1st house
The couple puts a lot of energy into the relationship. It is possible that for both parties this bond is one of the most important things in life. You feel better when you are together and your self-esteem is fed by the relationship. This placement is very strong and is considered one of the best to have in a composite chart. The couple feels more energetic, active, and motivated together. Both feel that they can be themselves and express all their needs and desires freely.
Composite Sun in the 2nd house
The couple has values and this relationship helps to get what is valuable for both parties. Especially physical possessions! When you are together, you feel like you can achieve whatever you want. If you have financial or other insecurities, it is a very good placement to have in a composite chart, since this relationship can give you a stable and secure environment.
Composite Sun in the 3rd house
Big emphasis on communication. You feel like you can share any information with each other without judgment. The couple can discuss any topic for hours. You are more logical, intellectual, and curious together. You may be good at organizing as a couple. Also, you may like to study and get new experiences together.
Composite Sun in the 4th house
Of course, emotional. The 4th house is a house of Cancer so there is no surprise that your relationship is emotional, caring, deep, and nurturing. As a couple, you feel comfortable together. You may have a sense of familiarity. If you are not so emotional and sensitive as a person, you can expand these areas of yourself in this relationship. Both parties feel a strong need to care about each other and express emotions. You can build a strong foundation together.
Composite Sun in the 5th house
The relationship is warm, funny, expressive, and supportive. You feel more energetic and creative together. Both parties can express their authentic self without judgment. Tremendous support and feeling of being understood. Also, you become much more creative together! You may have hobbies as a couple. It is a very good placement for creation. And inside jokes!
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Composite Sun in the 6th house
The relationship is practical, hard-working, and supportive. You help each other a lot and acts of service play a big role. You want to live the best life possible as a couple. You work hard on your relationship. Both parties feel emotionally secure when they have some sort of daily routine as a couple. For example, you both may like jogging together every day. This placement indicates a strong bond!
Composite Sun in the 7th house
You both see the relationship as a goal. It can be good but can be bad if you don’t balance everything out. The couple wants to set rules, balance, and justice in the relationship. Both parties consider their relationship as a priority. In the best scenario, the relationship is fair, valuable, sincere, balanced, harmonious, and honest.
Composite Sun in the 8th house
Your relationship is deep, strong, and intuitive. You share resources and money. Both parties want to know everything about each other. You may like to discuss your childhood traumas, esoteric, spirituality, psychology, death, taboo topics. You both need to be emotionally connected to each other. And of course, intimacy!
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Composite Sun in the 9th house
The couple expands horizons together. You like getting new experiences and learning together. You share your philosophies and that helps you both to become wiser and more open-minded. You like freedom in your relationship so you respect personal space. You may like to discuss topics about the meaning of life. Also, you like traveling together.
Composite Sun in the 10th house
You want to achieve success together. Also, you want your relationship to have a purpose and direction. Both want the best life possible. Here may be a big emphasis on public image. The partners work hard on the relationship and strive to build a strong and stable foundation. You may have bigger ambitions together.
Composite Sun in the 11th house
You both accept each other for who you are. You feel that you can be free and authentic self in this relationship. The couple is so creative! You can come up with crazy and incredible ideas! You dream together. Also, you may have mutual friends and they play a big role in your relationship. The couple likes to discuss the higher meaning of life, spirituality, charity, freedom, human rights, creativity. You become more unpredictable and quirky together.
Composite Sun in the 12th house
BIG emphasis on spirituality, feelings, esoteric, creativity, music, psychology, etc. Both know how to bring old traumas of each other to the surface. A lot of healing and emotional connection. You feel each other without words. Sometimes the couple disappears from the world just to be with each other. There is a big possibility of unconditional love. However, be careful with illusions, idealizations, and lies with this placement.
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c0smicheaux · 4 years
Synastry House Overlay- Mars in the houses
First house-
There is a highly energized, sexual included, here with Mars first house synastry. The Mars person can invigorate the house person getting them all energized. Mars here will probably be the aggressor when it comes to sex and that makes the house partner confident and feeling sexy. The house person will see the Mars partner as a bit aggressive, someone who will not be pushed around and they can find that attractive of the Mars person. With Mars here, the Mars person helps push the house partner to be better and healthier for themselves, they also help the house learn how to stand up for themselves. 
Second house-
To have someone’s Mars in your second house in synastry can bring in a sense of self-value to the house partner as the second house is the house of value and that includes self-worth with material things, Mars cannot help but be so complementary of them. There is a mutual respect for one another’s talents but the house person can see the Mars partner as a bit aggressive when it comes to money. The Mars person is able to come up with plenty of money making ideas, and with house there is a chance the two can make profits together. House person admires all of the Mars partner’s drive, ambition, and self-confidence, even if money seems like it’s always on the mind of Mars, the house partner won’t mind and will still be generous towards them.
Third house-
Non stop blabbering is what can be expected when third house Mars synastry happens. The Mars person especially becomes a complete chatterbox when around the house person, while they are inspired by the Mars partner to speak more of what is on their mind without holding back. The conversations between these two are stimulating and constant playful debates, but there needs to be cation as there could be a lot of heated up arguments to come along as well. The house person may view the Mars partner as someone who lacks finesse and can be impulsive with speech. The Mars person however could view the house partner as someone who talks a lot but never puts anything to action.
Fourth house-
In fourth house synastry, when Mars lands in this house there could be constant talks about home or family affairs. There could be discovery in that the two of them were raised in similar ways or one of them can remind the other of a family member in some way. With Mars here, the Mars person will talk and pry themselves way too deep into the house partner’s entire past and childhood, wanting to just really know the house partner. The Mars person can also show house how to stand up for themselves to family thinking that the house partner is a bit lazy and emotionally tied to family members. The house person may not like the insensitivity and aggression about family issues that the Mars partner has. If this is a romantic situation, there could be a strong desire to have a home together and if well aspected, home projects/improvements could occur. 
Fifth house-
If this synastry is a romantic one then having someone’s Mars in another’s fifth house is a very romantic, passionate, and playful one. Here the Mars person can arouse the house partner’s sense of fun and play, there is a comfort for them to be able to have fun and express themselves easily as they inspire creativity in each other. There is a strong romantic sexual attraction here, the house person can see the Mars person as someone who is sexually demanding and impulsive. The Mars person can’t help but be impulsive, they just enjoy being around the house partner and may always be the one to advance at house when it comes to pleasure. There is just this sense of urgency for the Mars person to have fun and be romantic in some way. 
Sixth house-
Now unlike fifth house, having another person’s Mars in another’s sixth house is not the most romantic but it is very helpful and can be great for a romantic relationship. There is a need to help each other out in some way for one another, Mars may take concern over the house partner’s health and well being showing them how to do things in a healthier way. The house person can give Mars insight on how to be more productive in every day life or work place. And like every other Mars placement, the Mars partner here will make the house person feel energized and want to be active and work together. If this is a business relationship there will be guarantee that these two will be very productive together.
Seventh house-
Here in the seventh house of marriage and partnerships, the Mars person can stimulate the house partner’s desire for relationships and commitments, but this is not the house of romance so the house partner may not act in such ways. There is a high competitive energy between the two with and the Mars partner being a bit aggressive trying to partner up with the house person.The house person is very attracted to the Mars partner,that is because the Mars person represents the qualities the house person seeks in a partner. The Mars person may find the house looks highly attractive and they could also teach the house partner how to stand up for themselves with relationships. If this is romantic the chances of getting married is high,even if this is not a romantic relationship this would be a great synastry for a business partner. 
Eighth house-
Just like the first house Mars synastry, eighth house can have a highly sexual energy to come with when someone’s Mars lands in another’s eighth house. A sharing of deep secrets that no one knows and sexual desires that others may see as taboo are discussed and possibly even tried out as the Mars person can arouse the house partner’s desire for physical closeness, intimacy and sex. The house person will see the Mars person as mysterious and they are able to get them to open up and discuss said taboo things, Mars though can pry themselves into the psyche of the house partner and they may go too far and and make house uncomfortable or they could use money as a way to keep the house person attached to them. There is a chance that one or both people here can go through some type of transformation. Could be good for a relationship synastry, but if divorce is to happen the same energy that fueled the intense sex will fuel the anger behind the split.
Ninth house-
Here in ninth house synastry, when someone’s Mars lands in one’s ninth house the house person is sparked into a desire to travel and explore and learn about other cultures and higher knowledge to expand. The house person will admire the knowledge that the Mars partner has but can feel like that Mars lacks spiritual insights and can grow tired of their “Holier than tho” attitude. The Mars person challenges the house partner’s religious and philosophical beliefs because they feel like house’s views are impractical even if both their philosophies are similar. There is an encouragement from one or both to travel or become advocates for some religious, cultural, or even educational cause. Can be good for relationships that involve traveling, but there could be a lot of heated discussions about beliefs.
Tenth house-
When a couple comes into tenth house Mars synastry, there is a strong desire to be public here as this is the house of public relations and status. Both partners here have similar career goals and if they are working together in politics or other public careers, they could elevate their social status with their partner around. The Mars person helps the house partner reach their career goals and offers plenty of assistance to get to them, they enjoy talking up the house partner acting as a PR person for them or a promoter. The house persons appreciates and admires Mars’ talent to talk people up and gets a new sense of confidence and drive for their career, they could even look up to the Mars partner as a role model.
Eleventh house-
There could be a lot of group activities or get togethers with eleventh house Mars synastry, there could be even a set of friends the two people here share. The house person accepts Mars as they are and can be like a muse for the Mars partner giving them plenty of creative ideas and put them into action acting as a group leader for whatever activity the house person came up with. The Mars person can sometimes always be the one to dominate and be alpha to whatever Mars and the house partner are doing. The house person is pushed by the Mars partner to be more aggressive and social as the Mars sees house as someone whose is eccentric and intellectually otherworldly. This can be great for a relationship synastry for a brings a great closeness to any relationship. 
Twelfth house-
Anything in the twelfth house can be tricky when it comes to synastry as the twelfth house is the house of soulmates and enemies, with Mars here the house partner’s walls manage to come down and helps house open up and tell secrets to the Mars partner that they never told others before. The house partner is able to give Mars some kind of healing that is on a deep level and help the house partner over come their self sabotage habits and fears. The Mars person can go deep into the mind of the house partner and could trigger old trauma and fears and they could play a little on the negatives of those fears without realizing it. If this is a romantic relationship, there could be some past life karma that needs healing. There could even be a chance that this is a secret affair. 
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ms-m-astrologer · 3 years
The Week Ahead: September 20-26, 2021
Void of Course Moon
Monday, September 20, 23:55 UT (Pisces) - Tuesday, September 21, 03:13 UT (Aries)
Thursday, September 22, 02:05 UT (Aries) - 12:38 UT (Taurus)
Saturday, September 25, 13:09 UT - Sunday, September 26, 00:36 UT (Gemini)
Lunar Phases
Monday, September 20, 23:55 UT - Full Moon, 28:14 Pisces.
The key phrases for the Full Moon are to "illumine and fulfill" and to "pour everything you've got into your project." Ordinarily I would try to write something relevant about the Virgo-Pisces polarity, but the Moon becomes void of course immediately after the Full Moon, entering Aries just over four hours later. So I think this Full Moon illumination is going to be very concerned with finding a workable balance between being an independent individual (Aries), and being a member of the immediate community (Virgo). Much of our problems here have to do with our individual comfort zones: we don’t like to be uncomfortable, but we can’t stand the status quo any more.
Friday, September 24, 22:32 UT - Disseminating Moon, 17:05 Taurus
The key phrases for the Disseminating lunar phase are to "teach, share, communicate," and to "ease up on efforts." There might be some very emotionally fraught baring of the soul - feelings that have long been pent up, suddenly exploding outward. We’re a little better off if we can be artistic/creative about getting our problems off our chests. We may find ourselves suddenly running out of energy, too - physical, emotional, and intellectual - to keep pursuing our goals at the same pace.
Pre-retrograde shadow: Mercury/Libra, Ceres/Gemini
Retrograde: Pallas Athene/Pisces, Jupiter/Aquarius, Saturn/Aquarius, Chiron/Aries, Uranus/Taurus, Neptune/Pisces, Pluto/Capricorn, Eris/Aries
Post-retrograde shadow: Juno/Sagittarius
Mercury/Libra stations retrograde at 25:28 Libra on Monday, September 27, at 05:10 UT.
Monday, September 20, 16:54 UT - transiting Vesta enters Scorpio
This should at least enhance everyone’s ability to focus! For some of us, our spirituality will be kicked up a notch. Others may have problems with sexuality. Whatever is going on, it’s very intense.
Wednesday, September 22, 19:21 UT - transiting Sun enters Libra (Libra Equinox)
Happy Libra season! It’s a little more complicated than (say) getting a date for homecoming. We’re looking for balance, justice, and artistic ideals, as well as partnerships. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, night now has the upper hand as daytime continues to shrink; all y’all in the Southern Hemisphere can rejoice in the return of springtime.
Et Cetera
There is one Opportunity Period this week: beginning Saturday the 25th, at 10:49 UT, lasting until Sunday the 26th, at 00:36 UT. "Good, constructive OP but with Mercury in its Storm, it's best to use this time for work you've already started."
This could be a very rough week, worsening as we approach Mercury’s retrograde station (next Monday the 27th). That’s because as Mercury slows down and stalls out, it is essentially “parked” in a tight square to Pluto and a tight opposition to Eris. Some Mercury-type issue that we have known about for a while, but haven’t yet dealt with properly - we’re going to have to deal with it over the next weeks.
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snarkywrites · 5 years
Platonic Synastry (Venus Signs)
Platonic Synastry (Venus Signs)
Platonic Synastry series because I rarely see this on the internet. I will focus on Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Venus. I may or may not add Saturn, but I’ll try. The series will kick off with the Sun and how it impacts the major personal planets. Outer planets won’t be involved since these are generational and that’s a different topic to touch at another time. This is not the same as romantic synastry, there are many articles and videos on romantic synastry online. The post focuses on friendships only and for this one, it starts off with the impact of personal planets on our Sun in a friend connection. Of course, these are for conjunctions, trines and sextiles, the easy flowing aspects.
 Venus / Sun — Venus will represent and embody everything the Sun wishes that they resembled. Even if Venus is not conventionally beautiful, the Sun will be admiring them and everything that Venus does will captivate the Sun. This is a relationship where both will appreciate the aesthetics of the other and if other placements allow, this will be a comfortable placement for both to have since it brings peace and harmony between both parties. Overall, it is synonymous to a group of friends with the similar aesthetic. A Libra and Virgo dominant group with Sun and Venus connections would have flawless makeup and style. An Aquarian group would most likely have a more intellectual connection, either a science fiction and technology squad or D&D. (These are examples so don’t assume only Libras like makeup and Aquarians like nerdy things).
 Venus / Moon — Moon and Venus in a friendship admire one another, respect each other and whatever tensions or fights may erupt will be smoothed over with grace (if all other aspects allow). Moon sees Venus as aesthetically pleasing and Venus sees the Moon as someone they can learn from in terms of style. Here we have the friends who share things emotionally and may even have a spiritual bond. To others this can be a superficial friendship, but in their own world they will see that there are several complicated layers between these two people. Venus helps the Moon to handle their frustrations and brings them some much needed optimism to the Moon’s life. The Moon brings Venus down to Earth and helps her to redefine her views and really look within her heart to find herself.
 Venus / Mercury — Similar to Mars, Venus inspires passion but it is on a subtler and more poetic note. I view this as an aspect that enables Mercury to write love stories and they will involve themselves in many romantically inspired projects. On another note, this is also seen within friends that are very inspired by the beauty industry or fashion. Here we see how Venus can impact and even change the mental and creative style of Mercury.  If Mercury was once gloomy, Venus can manifest joy and happiness into their lives, inspiring Mercury to write about this. This is a touching aspect to have amongst friends since it can make both parties feel peaceful.
 Venus / Mars – Both parties will be fascinated with one another as Mars learns from Venus and vice versa. Mars will learn the meaning of what is beautiful and will put their own spin on things through their creativity and fashion sense. This is an inspirational aspect between friends that allows for understanding, growth and occasionally, there can be misunderstandings as Mars and Venus both learn to adapt to one another. Venus admires Mars’ strength and Mars admires Venus’ diplomacy and grace.
 Venus / Venus – When two people share the same Venus signs it is easier to respect the other person and to admire their aesthetic. Venus brings harmony and having them in the same sign or element makes the friendship much easier to form. Signs that understand one another are able to make both people share more and have an easier method of relating to one another. These signs can easily avoid conflict since they would try the best to preserve harmony. A connection between friends with similar Venus signs can be a source of inspiration. Both parties will be motivated to be more creative as well as feel confident enough to share their creations with the world. This is a platonic synastry aspect that allows for growth in the long run and can create a friendly rivalry built on respect for one another.
 Venus / Saturn – Saturn and Venus are connected through respect. The harmonious aspects allow for this to be a friendship that withstands the test of time. Both parties will learn a lot from each other with this platonic connection. The dynamic for Saturn and Venus is that of two professors. Where Saturn brings the rigidity to the connection, Venus reminds Saturn that life should be experiences and enjoyed. There can be instances where Saturn could be the friend that reminds you that there is a moment to come back to reality, but Venus will fight to bring magic and optimism to the harshness. Saturn attempts to remove any superficial ideologies from Venus. However, Venus remains insistent on teaching Saturn that the world needs to be appreciated and life needs to be enjoyed.
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readingsbylibramc · 3 years
birth chart reading for @myirlfa1ry
hello! welcome to your reading. I’m gonna give you a quick overview of what I’m going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn’t clear, of course. you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.
🦋 chart shape, dominants
your chart is a bucket shape, with jupiter as the handle of the bucket. your jupiter is in the 9th house, hence matters regarding foreign cultures and languages, education and experiences will be your priorities in this lifetime. you also have clear ideas about your future and who you want to be. even though you may have different passions and talents you’re capable of only sticking to one and mastering it, giving your all.
your dominant planets are mercury, venus and pluto. you are a very smart person, you can be quite astute and you have great problem-solving skills. you're also quite creative, or at least you have an eye for aesthetics. you may experience some karma throughout your life, meaning that if people hurt you, they'll eventually get hurt too and vice versa.
your dominant sign is aries. you may have a reputation for being impulsive and straight-forward. you don't like beating around the bush, especially when people purposely get on your nerves. on the other hand, you're very loyal and generous when it comes to your loved ones. you're very opinionated, and you always wanna make sure that your voice is heard. you're proud of yourself.
your dominant element is air. in your life, you adore seeking for knowledge of any kind. you may be interested in studying different subjects, from those you study at school like science, maths, literature etc. to more unconventional ones, such as astrology, psychology, criminology and so on. you enjoy interacting with people; even if you’re not that sociable, you’ll still be interested in their point of view and their ideals, as you see it as a way to expand your own mind. you’re also interested in vintage, and you may have a retro aesthetic or just like history in general.
🌎 ascendant in scorpio, 29° / 3rd decan ruled by pluto and the moon
your scorpio rising makes you quite pessimistic; you see the world as a place full of dangers and malice, hence it’s hard for you to trust people. this may be translated to fear; you’re either scared of other people, and hence you look more vulnerable, or maybe you’re the one who prefers to look intimidating to avoid problems. I don’t think you look unapproachable, though. there are other placements in your chart that say the opposite, so I imagine you project an image of yourself that makes you look quite naive. you can sense others’ emotions very well, so they have no secrets for you. you can perceive any single emotion in people just by looking in their eyes. while this is good, as you understand who’s best for you and you’re aware of the dangers you may face, scorpio risings tend to take advantage of this and be a little manipulative. this awareness of the world makes you look mysterious and secretive, as if you always know something more than others (and you probably do). pluto is also the planet of transformation, and you might experience a lot of rebirths throughout your life, both physically and emotionally. you might lose/have lost a big amount of weight, for example, which makes you look like a different person. or maybe, you like dying your hair of a different colour, giving you a different vibe. you wish you could be softer and show your inner emotions more easily, as scorpio is a water sign. the thing is, since it’s a fixed sign, it’s hard for you to be flexible and adapt to changes. when they happen, they’re usually out of your control as they’re literally life-changing. physically, I see you having a square face with high cheekbones. overall, your bones are very prominent and you’re naturally skinny. your eyes are extremely magnetic, and they could also be quite big and/or round. you might have either very pale skin, or just an olive skintone. sometimes, even a mix of both. your hair, eyebrows and lashes are very thick and dark too. you're at least of average height, and you could have something smaller on your face, like a small button nose, eyes, lips etc. you may also have very thick, naturally healthy and straight hair, as well as nice lips with a defined cupid's bow.
scorpio ascendant opposite taurus sun: this placement indicates that, when you’re in public, you tend to act in a different way from who you truly are. perhaps you’re shy, so you tend to hide your bubbly, charismatic scorpio rising with your modest, reserved taurus sun. this can obviously interfer in your relationships and bonds with others; some may expect you to be different, so you may often lose friends because you turned out to be more astute than what they were expecting. in fact, you may often attract people that try to take advantage of you. I wouldn’t worry too much, though, as I find this placement beneficial in your case, exactly because of this reason. but just in case it bothers you, now that you’re aware of this tendency of yours you can try to understand your real self more thanks to this reading, and start acting like who you truly are to get out of your shell.
scorpio ascendant square virgo jupiter: you probably learn a lot from people around you. you're most likely surrounded by wise, spiritual and possibly foreign individuals in your life. they help you to grow up, both spiritually and mentally. this placement also softens your rough scorpio image, making you look more outgoing and approachable. you're also very open-minded, and you rarely have prejudices. the downside to this placement is that you may be depend too much from your friends or lovers, especially when it comes to your beliefs. you're easy to influence, and you may change your mind often if others disagree with you. you could possibly have high expectations from others, creating a false idea of those who surround you. at least, you're aware of your abilities and you have the potential to make the most out of them, but you're modest about it. you don't come off as bossy, as other jupiter - asc aspects would.
🌞 sun in taurus, 19° / 2nd decan ruled by venus and mercury
you’re more sharp-witted and pragmatic than the typical taurus. you value stability in both romance and in your day-to-day life, like at work. you take care of your body and style in any sort of way, as your 1st house venus confirms. after all, the 2nd decan of taurus is a great balance of beauty and brain. I imagine that you're not very extroverted, you prefer staying in, but I repeat that you still probably have nice social skills. or at least, they're your secret skills. you like keeping your mind active everyday, especially by following your passions. if you’re the logical type, you might enjoy playing sudoku or things like that. on the other hand, if you’re more phylosophical you might enjoy reading, writing etc. you have a great sense of duty, that makes you want to excel in whatever you do. in addition to this, you’re also very stubborn. you probably get in arguments with others because you don’t accept their advices/criticism and prefer going your own way. you may also tend to overindulge a bit, and become a bit lazy. you're also very attached to food, but you still keep a healthy diet. you enjoy the finer things in life, but might struggle with jealousy because of that. you have the tendency to look at other people’s achievements and get disappointed about yours.
🌙 moon in aquarius, 2° / 1st decan ruled by uranus
with the moon in aquarius, you must be very unpredictable. you’re the type to change your mind often, probably because you’re constantly coming up with new thoughts and theories since you’re so intellectually active. you seem emotionally cold, and you may actually be like that. in your case though, I see that with your heavy water energy, you feel so much all at once that at one point you need to detach from reality to calm down. even though you have troubles showing this side of you, you’re deeply quite sensitive. you’re very creative and intelligent, even though you may risk to waste this potential of yours; in fact, I’ve noticed that most aquarius moons tend to put their intelligence aside because they’re way too rebel to keep up with it. it’s such a shame. perhaps, in school you didn’t really push yourself to the max, or overall you don’t give all of yourself to things that are not of your interest. you’re only a perfectionist with things you care about, and this could make you waste some of your potential. this placement makes you extremely spiritual as well. you may have some sort of psychic talent, or at least you’re just very intuitive. you’re interested in finding out the truth in the world, and you’re willing to dive deep to uncover it.
aquarius moon square aries mercury: your thoughts and feelings are constantly in contrast with each other. your aquarius moon is rational and logical, while your aries moon is more blunt and impulsive. this results in indecisiveness, you change your mind pretty often, and that can cause you conflicts due to communication problems. you're also pretty opinionated, you don't hide your feelings when you act by impulse. at least, the positive side of this placement is that you're probably very intellectual, capable of taking in consideration both the subjective and objective side of an argument.
🗣 mercury in aries, 24° / 3rd decan ruled by mars and venus
you are a fast-thinker, even though that doesn't mean you always take the right choices. in fact, you can change your mind very often. you probably have a beautiful, melodic voice, even though it's likely very loud. you also speak as fast as you think, making it hard sometimes to keep up with you in a speech. you could also switch from a topic to another casually. you don't really enjoy thinking about the past nor the future, you only care about the present and you live it they way you feel; hence, you're not really the type to care about learning from your mistakes. you always see the positive side of them, which can be both good and bad actually. that's because you're quite stubborn, it's hard to make you change your mind. you're very straight-forward, and that could lead you to conflicts as you don't understand the impact your words have on others.
❤️ venus in gemini, 25° / 3rd decan ruled by mercury and uranus
this is the flirtiest, most romantic gemini decan, but also the flakiest and most indecisive. your flirting style most probably includes jokes, teasing… things like that. even though you may seem flaky, as you like experiencing romance with different types of people, you’re actually quite picky. in fact, in order to fall for someone, you need to feel mentally attracted to them, not just physically. someone ignorant and stubborn that doesn’t care about learning something most definitely isn’t for you. you’re not the type to be super romantic and sweet with your partner or just people in general. you show your affection for example by sending them memes, making ironic jokes about them etc. also, when you’re into someone, you probably get very talkative! you start asking them simple questions about their life, even things like 'did you have lunch?’. also, you talk about them with all of your friends, and you find yourself thinking costantly about them. you’re very curious of nature, but you’re only interested in getting to know what catches your eye.
gemini venus conjunct cancer mars: you are very serious when it comes to love. you seek intense, long-lasting relationships, filled with both romance and passion. ironically, you tend to attract people that are the opposite, who are only looking for fun and casual romance. that could afflict your self-worth significantly, as you feel unlucky in love. this is also another placement that indicates that one of your parents, probably your father, or still anyone of the opposite sex probably influenced your approach to romance and sex. there are different scenarios I have in mind, but I'll talk about it later in the family life section.
gemini venus opposite sagittarius pluto: you find yourself having crushes on random people often, love at first sight is common for you. but when you seriously fall for someone, they’re your only thought. you start searching for info about them online, and you wanna become part of their life too. you love intensely, but not everyone may enjoy that. there are people that could feel overwhelmed by your love, others that would vibe with you and offer you the same kind of affection. ironically, you tend to attract detached, free-spirited people that most of the times don’t want anything serious. you’re prone to get jealous and possessive very easily, and this makes you suffer, as you may think there’s something wrong with you. maybe, it may even remind you of something that happened during your childhood, perhaps your parents were also very protective of you. love for you is a constant grow; your relationships will be hard, but there’ll always be something to learn to improve yourself and your confidence. little side-note, you may often date karmic partners, aka partners from your past lives, so you may often experience this 'I’ve already seen you before’-vibe in your new encounters and relationships, and you’ll always learn something from all your relationships.
☄️ mars in cancer, 1° / 1st decan ruled by the moon
in life, you have the need of feeling grounded and stable. you want to feel secure, and that makes you think deeply about your decisions, you don’t rush them. you’re not much impulsive, you think deeply about what to do and / or say, you are very cautious. this sense of being careful makes you quite indecisive, especially since you also have your sun in the sign of taurus, this energy is even stronger. you may change your mind often, or perhaps it takes you a lot to finally make a decision because you kept changing your mind. you tend to try and be collected whenever someone is getting on your nerves, but your feelings are extremely intense to totally bottle them up. you either get slightly passive-aggressive, and hence you could get very sarcastic and call them out indirectly, or perhaps you just lose your temper and face them angrily. possibly, you could even be the type to bottle up all of your feelings, until you explode all of a sudden. that can also make you more furious than normal, as you have all these repressed, strong feelings inside of you that were screaming to get out. you’re also extremely protective of your loved ones, especially of your family.
cancer mars conjunct cancer saturn: you're a serious competitor, as your mind is very strategic. your ambition makes you want to be the best wherever you are, and you may actually overwork yourself to achieve your goals. establishing your status is important for you. you may not be the type to act instantly, you prefer taking your time to follow a plan. in fact, you probably write down what you have to do in an agenda, or even in your phone's notes app. you have this strong sense of duty, as you feel 100% responsible of your fate. you're sure that, if you don't work hard, you don't deserve success and recognition. in fact, you don't take orders from others, you are your own boss. you could have materialistic tendencies, as wealth is what motivates you the most to work or just take action in general.
🏡 houses
your 1st house is in scorpio, with also pluto in this house making this energy even stronger. you fulfill your ego when you deal with intense situations that satify your needs. that is, you find strenght in getting out of your comfort-zone. even though you may be afraid of it. you’re an enigma: you know everything about others, but others know nothing about you. it’s your way to protect yourself from eventual enemies, as you’re prone to have a few of them throughout your life. your existence revolves around discovering your value, worth and purpose in general. your self-esteem is based on your physical appearance and on your achievements. you may have this mentality that you can’t take care of yourself if you don’t have enough money. you could also earn money through your appearance, or at least achieving confident is going to be a huge theme for you in this lifetime.
your 2nd house is in capricorn, with also the moon sitting in this house. you may have an artistic hobby, such as acting, drawing, etc. that could earn you compliments and praise, and hence it increases your sense of worth. you could also increase your self-esteem by taking pictures or videos of yourself, for instance. you love challenging your mind, but you're kind of lazy. you'd rather stimulate yourself through your hobbies and interests rather than using school / work, which are quite stressful for you. you need to find something material and concrete to motivate you and make you assertive. you could study just because you need a good grade, or maybe work just to get paid. you don't really do it with interest, as you care more about nurturing your passions than responsibilities. you're not really into conflicts; you'd rather be peaceful with everyone, as you find it a waste time to argue with someone. you're very peaceful, you try to avoid conflicts when you can. this placement makes you crave stability, whether it's financial, in love etc. you must be very stubborn, as taurus, the sign associated to the second house, is a fixed sign. this placement, paired with your imaginative moon energy, makes you settle on making your ideas concrete, and it's very beneficial. it makes you capable of achieving any goals in your life. you're also very artsy, and you may fancy particular art styles. you have a good eye for aesthetics, and you care a lot about the looks of your house, body, clothes etc. you have excellent concentration, and that is another thing that helps you achieve your goals and make your ideas concrete.
your 3rd house is in the sign of aquarius, with also neptune and uranus placed there. when it comes to speech, you’re most likely more introspective. you may not be much talkative, and most of the time you keep your ideas and thoughts to yourself, but actually it's hard for you to hide them. you may be secretive, but you're easy to read. you learn the best when you’re close to creativity or imagination, you’re very intuitive and hence it's easier for you to learn new topics. while you're very empathetic and you're able to properly convey your thoughts and feelings in your speech, you may also come off as sensitive or even insecure. you may have a quiet voice, and hence you could come off as shy. you have a very distinctive way of thinking and speaking. you don't like being like others, you don't follow trends. you're probably the trendsetter, and you may find confidence and pride in your ideas and opinions. some may even define you weird, but you have very strong beliefs that could actually be helpful for the world. you're quite 'ahead' of others from this point of view, you're able to find beauty in things without being influenced by others. for example, you may follow a fashion trend before it gets viral. you are able to come up with very innovative ways of solving problems, you're extremely creative. you may even be the type to invent your own words, or perhaps you love learning and reading new words, you have a wide vocabulary. you're also probably interested in science and any darker or logical topic, you want to use your words and theories to change something in the world. you want to leave an impact, maybe even help others through your mind. you have a very witty sense of humor, you most likely speak fluent sarcasm and you're also very astute. I would say that the only problem with this placement is that you may come off as a know-it-all, especially with your taurus sun.
your 4th house is in pisces. when you were young, you probably didn’t feel at ease with yourself. you might have been the outcast, that one kid that stood out in the daycare. you probably didn’t have many friends either, but you weren’t that sad about it. you enjoyed playing, drawing and watching your favorite cartoons alone. you find emotional comfort and security in your home, in your parents and in just family in general. you used to be very attracted to arts when you were a kid, and you kept this love with you while growing up. maybe, you were the type of child to lie to your parents. you have a good relationship with your parents, even though you may argue often as you're all quite impulsive and unpredictable. you may even be an absent parent, maybe your parents are divorced or one of them died.
your 5th house is ruled by aries, with also mercury sitting there. you find confidence in your creativity, and you have the desire to express it to the world. I think you’re probably the type to organize and arrange all the meetings and parties with your friends, you're practically the leader of your friend group. you may have aries hobbies, therefore you may be into sports and challenges of any kind. you could also enjoy working out and taking care of your physical appearance in general, you always try to look good. with mercury here, you may also be very creative. you are probably a good writer, and you could even gain money from these skills of yours. you have a spectacular way of speaking, almost dramatic, that could make you come off as a know-it-all. when telling stories, you may exaggerate a bit, but at least you’re entertaining to listen. you could also gesticulate a lot while speaking, and maybe you like mimicking voices as well. you aim to express your feelings through creativity, it’s very important for you to write poetry, songs, drawings etc., it’s also a way to relieve stress and worries.
your 6th house is in taurus, with also your sun sitting there. you may find yourself dating people at your work place, or maybe at school you go out with people from your class/school. romance is a part of your daily life for you. you like surrounding yourself with venusian aesthetic, so you probably take care of your body, your fashion, your home and so on. you may also be very fond of animals and money. basically, this placement makes your 2nd house even more prominent in your chart. this placement usually makes someone procrastinate a bit, you may have the habit of dedicating yourself too much to your passions without finishing your work, but I don't think it's your case. there are other placements in your chart that make you more hard-working than you look. you are in fact very dedicated to your job and routine. you probably don't like changes, you'd rather follow a schedule in your day-to-day life. your job and skills could be the key to make you gain more confidence in yourself, as they would give you the independency that you crave due to your sagittarius rising. you may have a job that allows you to earn a great income, and perhaps you could heal people with it. hence, you could be some sort of therapist, counselor, nurse or even something more artistic, like a writer. anything that allows you to heal people with your words would be suitable for you. you could also work in a place where you have to handle others' money or possessions in general. you're also a very practical individual, and you may have good health.
your 7th house is in taurus, and venus is also placed there. in marriage you seek security, both emotional and financial. you want a loyal partner that would never do anything to hurt you, and that has a wealthy job as well. intimacy and trust also matter a lot for you in a long-term relationship. your future partner will surely be like that, but you may unluckily attract possessive, jealous people, so beware of that. it may be a problem, especially considering your heavy sagittarius energy that wants to be free. you may date someone that looks good on your side. they may be someone important with great presence, and they could help you increase your self-esteem. they may actually resemble you, you could have similiar physical features. in addition, this is a huge indicator of a nice, peaceful marriage, I don't see you having to go through divorce or anything stressful for your love life, even though it may take you a while to finally find someone that you truly love, as you don't want to be tied down.
your 8th house is in cancer, saturn and mars are also sitting there. you are a very private individual, you have trust issues and you only share your concerns with people you're sure you can trust. you tend to preserve yourself, even though it’s hard for you to repress your emotions, as they’re too to intense to bottle them up. you absorb people’s feelings like a sponge, there’s no way that you won’t instantly understand their real emotions. overall, you tend to overreact a lot; you have cancer's sensitive energy on one side and 8th house’s mysterious, almost scary vibe. dealing with these emotional burnouts may be stressing to you, as you totally get caught up in them. even if it looks like you get to know other people often, you actually don’t let others know you. you’re the type of person to talk and socialize, especially after your saturn return, but you never reveal your deepest fears and thoughts to strangers. you only open up to people you’re sure you can trust. when you’re angry, you can literally go as far as using violence; you need to let out your emotions by screaming, swearing… anything that can make you feel better. when you don’t get rid of all your negative vibes when angry, you may tend to get physically sick; you could get stomachaches, or maybe even headaches. there’s a secret, sensitive side in you that needs passionate and romantic partners in love. yet, you can’t help but feel more attracted to the ones that may hurt you badly. you’re possibly quite sensitive to entities too, like ghosts, spirits...
your 9th house is in leo, and jupiter is also placed there. you’re able to grasp a lot of information that makes you think more about your identity. you’re probably interested in philosophy, poetry, literature... you are a perfectionist at school, and you probably have amazing grades. you are very justice-driven, you like learning new things and being the #1 at pretty much everything you care about. yet, you could be quite bossy at times, as you could come off as a bit too arrogant but you're just very dedicated. on the other hand, you're also very intelligent and open-minded above all, you could feel particularly drawn to foreign cultures and languages and you could be naturally skilled. you may also get to travel a lot or even move abroad at a certain point in your life, you're definitely a citizen of the world and you hardly ever have prejudices.
your 10th house is in virgo. you might be seen by strangers as a caretaker, someone extremely organized who has their life together, but that also doesn’t hesitate to take care of their physical appearance. your ultimate job would have to be some sort of healing career, you want to give and teach something through your work. in addition, your career is where you put most of your energy. you're driven by a strong sense of duty, and your career is also able to increase your confidence. you want to be a leader and create a name for yourself. jupiter is also conjunct the midheaven, therefore I definitely see you travelling around the world for your job. you may have to interact with people from all over the world, therefore you may have to speak a different language or deal with other cultures. you also have strong writing abilities, you are very philosophical and you could become known for your messages. you don't have to necessarily communicate through words, you could even become an artist, a designer, a singer who tries to communicate through their art.
your 11th house is in libra. you enjoy getting to know new people, maybe you have to do it because your job requires that. but just because you need to communicate with other people, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re your friends. basically, you're the type to know a lot of persons, but you may always feel lonely. that's because your bond with them is kind of shallow, they're not someone too intimate with you. hence, you feel as if you can never share your feelings with anyone. your friends may also be very good looking, perhaps even a bit more extroverted than you. since venus, the ruler of the 11th house, is in the 7th house, the house of marriage, I feel like you may befriend your future spouse first before marrying them. it may start as a simple friendship, or perhaps you're going to be introduced to each other by your friends. you could also meet online or in a very crowded place, such as a concert for example.
your 12th house is in scorpio. this is another placement that indicates that you crave intense, life-changing bonds, but that you also tame them. you're afraid of being betrayed, and hence you just end up repressing your feelings. on the other hand, this placement makes you extremely spiritual. you may be attracted to the occult or any spiritual topic: astrology, tarots, even spirits. and, since the ruler of the 12th house, pluto, is in the 1st house, you may use these tools to get to know yourself more. you can become aware of your karmic issues thanks to astrology for example, and use it to finally solve and break free from your limitations. it's important for you to get closer to your spiritual, higher self in this lifetime. it will probablt make your life much easier.
❤️ love life, soulmates
in love, you attract aries, taurus, libra, gemini, capricorn and virgo. your future spouse is probably going to be very magnetic and mature, but also very caring, playful and affectionate with you. with your soulmate, it may be love at first sight. you're also most likely going to meet someone very spiritual, and your future spouse could actually be your soulmate. in addition, I feel that you're going to marry someone foreign, they may have a different cultural background from yours or at least you'll have to travel to meet. your children will probably have aries, virgo, gemini placements in their chart. they're going to be very active and fiery, possibly also naughty. yet, they'll also be very fond of their parents, hard-working and intelligent too.
👶🏻 family life
your mother is probably a very caring person that knows how to stand up for herself when she has to, but she may struggle to do that. she's very smart and optimistic, and she could come from a different country from yours. maybe she's of another religion, or she can speak other languages. she also has very strong beliefs that you inherited from her. yet, she coule be a bit moody and impulsive. she may have aquarius, sagittarius, pisces and / or virgo placements in her chart. your father is a bit more serious and focused on work, but he always made sure you always had what you needed. he also has a more playful side to him, that he may not show often. he could be a pisces or virgo. if you have siblings, they probably have prominent capricorn / aquarius / pisces placements in their chart. you may fight a lot with them, and you may be quite possessive of each other. yet, this relationships gets naturally better as you grow up, you are going to get along more in the future.
📊 career
I imagine that you would do best at a career that involves healing, teaching... I can see you doing well in the medical field, for example. especially as a nurse, where you mostly interact with patients. you may also work for associations like the onu, where you're surrounded by people from all over the world. hence, you get in touch with different cultures that can help you opening your mind. you want a wealthy job, where you can be your own leader and use your imagination. I can also picture you doing some sort of online job, you could become an influencer for example or you may be known online for your talents. as I've already said before, you have probably a creative talent to you that could make you quite successful. overall, you want a job where you don't really have to depend on others. actually, you probably strive to be your own boss.
👚 fashion sense, style analysis
I imagine you put a lot of effort into your outifts, yet you don’t show it. you want to look effortlessly good, you don’t want to give the impression that you tried. your style may be quite minimalistic and simple, with lots of jeans, sweatshirts, plain t-shirts… I see you being more into natural shades, like white, grey, beige etc. you’re also not very fond of using too many accessories, you’re stylish but still very simple. you have this natural charm to you, hence you still look good even though your outfits may not be too complex.
👁 past life, life purpose
in your past life, you were a very spiritual individual. you were close to your higher self, and you probably were able to talk to ghosts, you used to interpret your dreams and you most likely were also interested in astrology and other occult matters. in this lifetime, you need to put your spirituality aside for a while, and focus on finding out your identity here on the earth. you can still use spirituality to find out, but your priority is learning your karmic lessons regarding your self-esteem and work. you’ll finally be able to reach happiness and fulfill your soul when you start having an organized schedule, which allows you to balance both your hobbies and work.
🤔 major transits analysis / june 26th
this month could have been a bit rough for you; you probably felt a bit down, you don't feel much sociable, you just want to stay by yourself and think about your life. you could be feeling the urge to improve yourself, maybe something about school or even about your physical appearance, and as a result you could be a bit anxious to be perfect. you could be quite insecure in these days, and you could also be struggling with finances lately. yet, you don't have to despair: this is caused by the planets transiting your 8th house, making conjunctions to your saturn. in a couple of weeks, you should be feeling much more active and motivated to achieve your goals in a healthy way.
🧿 manifest what you want, secret skills
your secret skills revolve around finances and just security in general. with a positive attitude, you may attract material luck: money, clothes, houses… everything that you desire. since you’re a logical person, I assume the most efficient way for you to manifest through the LOA is writing! take a notebook and just write down positive affirmations, such as 'I have the car of my dreams’ etc. you may also write them on post-its and glue them around your house, so that you can accelerate the progress. you can also try to idealize your wish before trying to manifest it. for example, if you want a new sweatshirt, try to imagine yourself wearing it. you could also go into a shop and actually try that sweatshirt it on; being in contact with it will boost the law of attraction even more.
and this is the end! thank you again for booking a reading :) let me know if it resonated!
- libramc xx
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jupiteronic · 4 years
hi, i have pisces mars, how can i develop it? i suck
don’t do the whole “i suck” thing for starters. It’s hard ik especially for those of us who are mentally ill and/or went through trauma and have conditioned thoughts like these, but also it can be helpful to remind yourself that your thoughts do not define you and to redirect your thoughts rather than bully them away or blame yourself for them (let me know if you want resources on this!) so as to diminish later blowups/ guilt-tripping behaviours. a lot of Pisces mars people very much are willing to change their ways/ listen to other perspectives like you! telling people you suck doesn’t really come across as taking responsibility though, a lot of people will take offense to that - rightfully so - and think you’re being manipulative or simply looking for validation, acceptance or forgiveness. probably wasn’t your intention, it’s just important to think about how others would interpret our behavior. 
accept that feeling bad isn’t an excuse to avoid preemptively thinking about how your actions impact others, it takes practice but make a conscious effort and you’ll be surprised how much good you can do despite overwhelming emotions! in a similar vein though, do NOT ignore or repress or minimize your emotions for the sake of others. if anything that will lead to more uncontrolled anger, manipulative behavior, and self-pitying feelings/thoughts which further reinforce the unhealthy behaviours you’re trying to rid yourself of
if you can, avoid fixating on what you did wrong and feeling shame + guilt for it. focus on how you can improve or eliminate the behaviours you don’t like & more importantly how you can make it up to anyone you hurt - especially if that person is yourself. easier said than done, especially for the obsessive types, but again i find that redirecting thoughts makes this easier than blaming yourself for fixating on your guilt. it can be an endless cycle really. how do you apologise to others + how do you apologise to yourself? if you don’t do either of those much, start working from there
get feedback from others where appropriate but take the feedback with a grain of salt until you have multiple perspectives
watch self regulation skills vids or read about it or... cant believe i’m saying this.. listen to a p*dcast. whatever helps you absorb information the fastest. ideally you would learn about this through written/ spoken word of both your own and others, through audio, visually, artistically etc to master self-regulation but that’s obviously not realistic or convenient for everyone so start small with what seems most realistic to you!!! I know especially Pisces mars can get quickly lose interest or motivation when it comes to things involving thorough detail lol. the next point expands on this but what works for me is pretending I’m my own parent. in a way we all are our own parents, but emotionally investing myself in that fantasy helped me apply my energy to things I’d rather not do (like doing assignments is still very hard for me, and to avoid discouraging myself from doing them, i kind of have a conversation with myself about it and kind of take on the role of child + parent. this is just an example - sometimes it just helps to use your traits to your own advantage, like Pisces mars being more interested in fantasies/emotionally engaging things than boring menial tasks; i used an emotionally engaging fantasy to motivate myself to do work, be creative <3). avoid relying on others for regulation & discipline. this can be very difficult for some of us + i understand and empathize with this. the point here is to be as independent as you can be.  also something going wrong does not necessarily mean it’s a sign from the universe to stop trying i promise
on the note of independence, take steps to becoming your own cheerleader. motivate & encourage yourself through positive self talk. in times where you feel demotivated, helpless or worthless, and say encouraging things to yourself. be aware that this will often seem silly and a waste of energy and u know how much Pisces mars like to save their energy at all costs lmao so this is definitely a common, normal reaction but every time this discourages you, remind yourself that IT IS worth trying and YOU are worth trying for yourself. sometimes I literally have to say cheesy shit like “you can do this” out loud repeatedly until I convince myself. it’s tiring & maybe embarrassing but recovering from chronic self-pity is even more tiring and embarrassing. avoid relying on others to uplift you & make you feel better. not to say that people shouldn’t help people, but just so you’re able to have your own back as much as possible
be more intellectually present oh my god 🤡 I beg of you. this can be very difficult especially for people who deal with adhd/mental illness(es)/trauma/learning disorders/developmental disorders etc. I don’t have all the answers for that but one thing most of us can do is engage in activities that nurture our intellectual health more frequently ; whether that’s reading (nonfiction preferrably), doing newspaper puzzles, crosswords/sudoku apps, problem-solving activities that don’t involve emotional appeal, etc just do it often. we all know how emotionally attentive Pisces mars can be but engage your intellectual side gamers (i.e. don’t game). I say this as a Pisces mars myself lolz please this is literally self-care
ik this is a snooze point but physical stimulation especially exercise can be really good for emotional wellbeing/ release. otherwise find literally any form of release - healthy forms I cannot stress this enough
wrt anger, bitterness, feelings of defeat: Pisces placements often have an external locus of control and thrive when they consider/have faith in something bigger than them. could be astrology, spirituality, religion, art, community, culture, all of the above, whatever makes u feel connected.
question your own intentions (but don’t overdo this); why am i acting this way or feeling this way? am I fishing for attention? if so, is there anything I can do to give myself the same warm feeling attention/validation from others would give me? am I acting like this because I feel hurt or taken advantage of? if so, is it possible for me to have a safe, healthy conversation about this with the source of the problem? WHAT is the source of the problem? what can i do about it? write this down if you can somewhere private and read it back to yourself later, notice any cognitive distortions in your thinking and make adjustments. this will help you practice using your intellectual side in distressing moments but there’s less point in using your thinking if it’s warped if you feel that’s the case for you. so google cognitive distortions & how to deal with them to get examples! try to make the adjustments next time you feel overwhelmed or have heightened emotions/senses
be firmer with your boundaries. with others AND yourself. the less you resist against boundaries the more your life will know peace because you are more careful with the people and/or behaviours you allow into YOUR life. do *not* ease up on your boundaries for the sake of other people. betraying yourself for others or immediate gratification is rarely a good idea in the long run. I’ve done the mistake of betraying my values for others many times and it’s caused unnecessary conflict which we are notorious for avoiding. that is until the evil puppeteer living in our brains snaps their fingers and commands us to go ham
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wedreamedlove · 4 years
Hello❤❤ I been wondering what are mlqc boys mbti 😂 so do you have any ideas or theory which type they are?
ooh, this is tricky because, apart from xu mo and li zeyan (who are the epitomes of their mbti), i’ve seen many different mbtis tossed out for the other two men. i dived into 16personalities though and i think these are what i'm gonna settle on:
intj for xu mo
i wrote about this in another ask, so i'm gonna cheat and plug it here.
entj for li zeyan
i think the blurb in 16personalities explains it best:
Commanders are also characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, using their drive, determination and sharp minds to achieve whatever end they’ve set for themselves. Commander personalities have a particular skill in recognizing the talents of others, and this helps in both their team-building efforts (since no one, no matter how brilliant, can do everything alone), and to keep Commanders from displaying too much arrogance and condescension. However, they also have a particular skill in calling out others’ failures with a chilling degree of insensitivity, and this is where Commanders really start to run into trouble.
the charisma of an entj comes from their brilliance at what they do and they just so happen to lift up the people around them at the same time. IMO they don't necessarily have to be a people person. they're magnetic because of their drive and ambition.
they also respect people who stand up to them and intellectually challenge them, which is shown all the time with how much li zeyan appreciates the MC when she pushes back against him.
the relationship section is also 100% him and how he's in it for the long haul when he sets his eyes on a partner. improving themselves and their partner is a major point with entj and we see that happening too (also quintessential capricorn trait, so we're getting a double whammy here, haha).
infj for bai qi
i ultimately settled on advocate even though some parts may raise eyebrows. i feel like his inborn sense of justice falls under the idealistic goal that advocates work tirelessly towards to make a lasting impact in the world. (fictional military and police characters are all about making the world a better place. that's the archetype here.)
the part people may disagree with is how advocates are soft-spoken and easily connect with others using warm and sensitive language. but i raise you how bai qi acts around MC. he's probably unique among advocates in that he only shows this side to the MC and no one else. he dotes on MC and prioritizes her feelings and never trivializes them with logic (looking at you, li zeyan, jkjk).
if you look at advocates strength and weaknesses, i think the fit becomes stronger:
creative: bai qi works around the law sometimes and has grey informants to help him. insightful: you can see him making connections on the job. inspiring and convincing: he's not an orator but he inspires through his actions, ex. fanboy police officers, fanboy squad members, fanboy hanye. decisive, determined and passionate, and altruistic: i don't think i need to give examples here. sensitive: it says here that being challenged leads to a strong response. i think their example is anger, but i think bai qi's jump to change his personality is a big one too. extremely private: yeah, nothing needs to be said here. perfectionistic: mhm. always need to have a cause: hello?? his GSH line for his army uniform is that his badges and medals are his convictions, but MC is the direction he moves in.
anyway, the advocate approach to relationships was also a big factor as to why i chose this for bai qi. it fits him and MC perfectly. advocates take their time finding their partners and, once they do, their relationship reaches a depth and sincerity that most people can only dream of.
i know bai qi blushes a lot but it's been shown repeatedly that he doesn't shy away from delivering monologues about his love.
Advocate personalities are enthusiastic in their relationships. There is a sense of wisdom behind their spontaneity, allowing them to pleasantly surprise their partners again and again. These types aren’t afraid to show their love, and they feel it unconditionally. Advocates create a depth to their relationships that can hardly be described in conventional terms. Relationships with Advocates are not for the uncommitted or the shallow. When it comes to intimacy, Advocates look for a connection that goes beyond the physical. They prefer to embrace the emotional and even spiritual connection they have with their partners. People with this personality type are passionate partners. Advocates see intimacy as a way to express their love and to make their partners happy. They cherish not just the act of being in a relationship, but what it means to become one with another person in mind, body, and soul.
cough cough, hello, bai qi literally making MC his flag, his north star, his direction in life, etc.
isfj for zhou qiluo
this was a hard one because i was placing equal importance on luoluo the idol, KEY, and helios. i chose defender because of their dualities like being reserved but a people-person, sensitive but analytical, etc.
the desire to do good is important because luoluo is like bai qi in that they both have an ideal they want to uphold. we should never forget his iconic line about how he protects the light in the shadows.
i was tickled at seeing the line about how defenders are perfectionists but also procrastinators because i remember translating a line from luoluo's mini-house about how he gets overwhelmed with work, but that when push comes to shove he'll work harder than anyone else.
i know the bit about them being uncomfortable in the spotlight may seem odd because he's an idol, but IMO luoluo has always been extremely humble with his work and recognizes how he's only reached his status because of the support from his fans and the people he works with.
the shyness in defenders is probably the hardest part to align with luoluo but i mean it could just not apply to him as strongly, sort of like bai qi and sensitivity to criticism. if we sort of merge shyness with the repression of feelings weakness then i think it makes more sense.
i recall mentioning in the speech quirks that luoluo, for all his openness, seems to be more emotionally closed than bai qi. he hides his feelings under hypothetical stories and questions. "if the hero became the villain..." etc etc.
or we could read shyness as an inability to share all sides of himself and this is reflected in how hard luoluo hides his helios side from MC. anyway, defenders are also extremely serious about relationships and have deep feelings underneath their shyness (coincidentally all the mbtis i chose for the guys have serious approaches to love LOL i swear i didn't plan this).
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I follow your blog for a while now and I'm surprised how you now post things about their " bromance " when in the past you were clearly referring to an unrequited crush from Lennon toward McCartney. Have you changed your mind ? I find it confusing now.
Hi there, dear anon!
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that this ask was prompted, among other things, by me reblogging this scientific study about nonsexual physical affection between male friends, and my more abundant usage of the tag "When you're the best friend that I've ever had".
I just want to start by saying that I believe the development of our opinions as we gain more information is something to be expected and even welcomed. If one is trying to understand what really happened, it won't do to get too attached to one particular narrative or the other. So if you find yourself thinking that perhaps things weren't quite as you believed they were, that's okay.
I must also clarify that — and perhaps I'm mistaken — I don't remember ever "clearly referring to an unrequited crush from Lennon towards McCartney." Especially because I don't think I’ve ever held those certainties about the levels of reciprocity in their relationship. If I ever used this kind of absolutist language before, I apologize.
That being said, at this point in time, I still think that there were romantic and sexual elements to their relationship. But however these elements manifested, I do believe that they were still just a facet of their dynamic. A facet that, to be honest, seems to me to be dwarfed by their friendship and creative partnership.
(At the same time I say this, I question if it's even possible to untangle the complexity of their feelings and neatly categorize them as intellectual, creative, professional, platonic, romantic, sexual, spiritual, etc. — whatever any of this means — and weight their “value/importance” against each other.)
But what I mean by my previous statement is that whatever romantic or sexual tensions existed, I don't feel like those were their main focus or the lens by which their relationship was colored. That whatever they may have felt, wanted, or done, I think in their minds they were best friends and creative partners first.
Even within John — who arguably was the one to more clearly express his want for more physical contact, including of the sexual kind — these wants don't appear to me to be just physically motivated. 
I've spoken before about how, for the romantic John, at a certain point, sex needed to be about more than just physical pleasure.
Growing up in an amatonormative society, he'd come to see a monogamous amorous (romantic/sexual) relationship as the ultimate manifestation of intimacy. A testament to the emotional closeness in the relationship. The final proof that he was loved.
So rather than having sex with Paul being the final victory for some long game a “blue-balled” John was playing, the sexual relationship was a “means” for an emotionally assured “end”.
That’s one of the reasons why I believe that India and its fallout was not about the negotiation of a sexual relationship, but rather a need for reaffirmation of their emotional one.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to portrait the emotional side of things as somehow more valuable or virtuous than the physical. I’m just presenting my perspective of how perhaps it was like for them.
And maybe this is why there seems to be confusion regarding my thoughts on how their love manifested. After all, strong emotional bonds are present in both platonic and amorous relationships. 
So I don’t feel as if me focusing on how they were best friends, “mates”, “bros”, necessarily excludes considering an amorous (romantic/sexual) side to their dynamic. But I choose this focus because it appears to me that the non-amorous aspects of their relationship were the most prevalent. 
And that doesn’t make their relationship somehow “less” or diminishes the love they had for each other one bit.
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eviestrol · 4 years
Synastry Ship - madeofsaltiness
Hiiiii my annoying self is back for a synastry ship 😪 can I please get a synastry ship with Jisung (Stray Kids)? Thank you and stay safe 💖💘💕💞
@madeofsaltiness Thanks for requesting!!
Trine Sun - Mercury: You communicate well. You just “get” each other.  This is a problem-solving aspect and will be very helpful whenever things get rough. When the two of you put your minds together, you come up with positive solutions to problems. You will find that you think well around him, and are more articulate and assured of what you say.
Sextile Sun - Venus: You feel at ease with each other. You fit together and have a pleasant and satisfying relationship. You’re both mutually physically attracted and have a desire to please the other. Jisung will make you feel beautiful and more loving. The best word to describe this aspect is contentment.
Conjunction Sun - Jupiter: This aspect puts emphasis on your long term goals resulting in a great abundance of whatever you both seek to experience in your lives. Your good luck is emphasized, material and spiritual benefits are indicated as you help each other expand your horizons. You will have higher confidence and a better sense of who you are. You will ultimately give each other the benefit of the doubt in most situations. There is an openness between you that is unmistakable, and you are eager to please each other.
Conjunction Mercury - Jupiter: You intellectually stimulate each other. You love talking with each other and understand each other well. Your conversations are lively and expansive. Learning and sharing information is a big part of your relationship. This aspect allows you to settle any possible arguments with reason and openness. You are open with one another and unafraid to express your thoughts and feelings.
Conjunction Venus - Lunar node: You have a good intellectual and physical understanding. You love each other sincerely and believe in each other.
Trine Venus - Uranus: Your relationship will never be boring. You may share some unusual interests, and you are usually accepting of one another’s social life, tastes, and hobbies. There may be something pleasingly unconventional about your relationship. This aspect adds quite a bit of sizzle to your relationship and it never seems to grow stale. You draw out of each other a desire to be more authentic to your unique abilities and encourage one another to be more creative.
Opposition Sun - Pluto: This is a very intense aspect. You want to know everything about each other. But, sometimes with this aspect, you can end up using each other’s deepest secrets against each other. This aspect indicates a power struggle. He wants to know everything about you, control and possess you, and wants to be a part of every facet of your life. This relationship can easily become possessive and frustrating. The bond between you will be hard to break, but it may not always be healthy.
Square Moon - Mars: High degree of physical and sexual attraction. However, your relationship will often seem stormy and volatile until you can work out any issues between you. There is a tendency to argue and nag each other and this can very easily lead to arguments. Try not to be too pushy or demanding with each other.
Opposition Moon - Saturn: This relationship has a serious feel to it right from the beginning. You may feel he is too judgmental and that he restrains you in some way. He feels you are too sensitive and needy while you think he is not emotionally available enough. While you may feel frustrated at times, this relationship is still likely to be a long-lasting one. Your hurt feelings and emotional distance is quickly followed by emotional reunions when you realize that you do indeed need each other desperately. You have a strong attachment to each other and working through these intimacy issues will help with personal growth while also bringing you closer together.
Opposition Mercury - Pluto: You challenge each other to think more deeply and to back up your ideas, but the intensity created from this can be overwhelming. You may hang on to old issues for too long. You do not see things in the same way and this creates issues and conflicts between you.
Square Mars - Lunar node: You may get in the way of him growing and achieving his life’s purpose.
Opposition Jupiter - Pluto: You have different opinions on morality, ethics, religion, and spirituality. You actively challenge his views. You both have valid points of view when looking from your vantage points. Recognizing this point is the first step toward the awareness you seek and the fulfillment of the promise that brought you together.
Square Jupiter - Lunar node: One of you will dominate the other. Your major life goals don’t line up.
Overall: Good intellectual connection and good communication as well. You have a strong bond, that even with the many frustrations that some of your aspects could bring, will be hard to break. You can be a bit too judgy or pushy with each other at times. Be sure that neither of you has more control over the relationship than the other. You feel responsibility for each other right from the beginning and are willing to do whatever it takes to make the relationship work. 
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I hope you like it! Feel free to request again at any time~
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wakeupandsit-blog · 4 years
Goal Setting Strategies
Watching Steve Harvey and Oprah Winfrey talking about vision boards, writing our goals down and believing we can create anything we want in our lives gave me an epiphany. Steve Harvey said something that pressed a button in my heart. He said, “If nine of your friends are broke, you will be the tenth.” That slapped me awake. I love my broke and nightlife friends. We love to sit and talk about how broke we are and how depressing it is to work for hourly wages. I had no idea I could change my life. That I can set goals, visualize, feed my mind with thoughts that empower and embody the type of life I want for myself. I mean nobody told me my life is in my hands. I only knew what my family, friends, and society told me about life. So, I went out of my comfort zone and started hanging around friends who are wealthy spiritually, intellectually and financially.
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Today, we will be delving into three types of goal setting strategies: visualization with vision boards, the act of writing down our goals and lastly acting as if we already achieved our goals. Some of you might already be familiar with these life-changing strategies, but as stated by one of my virtual mentors Tony Robins, an Entrepreneur, Author, and currently one of the most influential Life and Business Strategists, “Repetition is the mother of skill”.
This fascinating exercise dates to the beginning of Human beings. The goal to hunt for food, the goal to stay alive and safe, the goal to evolve. One of the Ancient Greek Philosophers Aristotle defined goal setting as, “Have a definite, clear practical ideal: a goal, an objective. Then have the necessary means to achieve your ends; wisdom, wealth, materials and methods. Lastly, adjust all your means to that end.” I started learning these strategies four years ago and decided to make my vision board three years ago. I would cut out pictures from magazines, newspapers and print quotes that touch my heart. Every so often, I change a quote or take down a picture of a goal I have achieved. It is an empowering exercise to learn.
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Knowing what we want and seeing it in our mind’s eye is as old as time. Today we have the aide of Vision Boards to help us visualize the things we want to attract in our lives. Jack Canfield Founder of the Transformational Leadership Council and Chicken Soup for the Soul Empire described Vision Boards as meaningful collages with pictures of our goals put on a board and placed in an area of either the living room, bedroom or office that can be seen every single day.
Vision boards are also known as Dream Boards. They serve as a representation of our ideal life and where we would like to be. Creating a vision board cannot make things magically appear in our lives, of course, it is training our mind to work towards achieving the statements and images we are feeding our subconscious mind. The important thing I found about using vision boards is the visualization process that comes with it. The adage, as Mr. Canfield said “A picture is worth a thousand words” is true especially in this case. The more we see images and quotes that align with our dreams, the more the information sips into our subconscious mind.
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 We recreate the things and situations we concentrate on. Our minds respond strongly to visual stimulations. The goal of visualizing with vision boards is to strengthen and stimulate our emotions because emotions are vibrational energy. We want to focus on a definite purpose so our energy will flow where our attention goes. Which is living a life by design. Another way that visualization with a vision board helps is to clear the mind from any negativity self-talk. It reprograms the mind to think differently than it usually does, and it motivates the drive to step out of our comfort zone. My Vision Board is in my home office above my desk. It is my goal setting and writing space. When my daughter is not climbing over my head, I sit here and write down my thoughts, my goals and create the life I want to live.
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 Writing down our goals in a journal or dream book can be as effective as visualizing with vision boards. Did you know that you are 50 percent more likely to achieve your goals just by writing them down? A recent study by Clinical psychologist from the Dominican University of California, Dr. Gail Matthews involved a total of 267 participants to take part in a study. Participants came from around the world and from varied works of life. The study divided the participants into groups. Some wrote down their goals and the rest did not write their goals down. By the end of the study, Dr. Matthews saw that those who wrote down their goals achieved and accomplished significantly more than those who did not write their goals down.  Stumbling on a TedX talk by Cameron Herold a Management Consultant, he drove the point home with one sentence “If your vision is not in writing, it does not exist”. Let me ask you a few questions. Why are you here? Why are you in college? What are you studying for? What are your dreams and aspirations? What do you want to achieve in your life? Where would you like to be in the next three or 5 years? What impact do you want to make in the world? How do you want to spend your life?
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Goal setting is important because we are creative beings surrounded by an energetic field. The things we see, what we hear and what we focus on greatly influence our perception of what we call “the world”.  When we act as if we have already achieved our goals, we are priming ourselves to mentally and emotionally believe and see ourselves achieving our goals. Napoleon Hill author of Think and Grow Rich has a prominent sentence in his book. “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
The benefit of acting as if is the elimination of pointing out what is missing in our lives. We are in a society were pointing out our flaws, and how unworthy we are is a social trend. In their book “Ask and It is Given” Jerry and Esther Hicks said,  “When we concentrate on what’s missing in our lives, we keep the vibration active and it prevents what we want from coming into reality”.
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In the Act as If Principal, a book by Richard Wiseman, he said the majority of us believe that our feelings dictate our behavior. If I am shy, there is nothing I can do about it. Wiseman argued that rather, our behavior dictates the way we feel. How you choose to consciously or unconsciously Act directly influences how you Feel. With authenticity, if you Act like you are grateful for all the opportunities life gives you, then you will start to feel grateful for life. This cycle goes on and it beautifully feeds on itself. The Act As If Principal can be the easiest yet the most difficult of the three goal-setting strategies. After creating a vision board and writing down our goals, most of us might not believe we can achieve those goals. Then comes all the chatter in the mind telling us we cannot do it, we are not worthy or how do we expect to achieve such big goals.
 The beauty is, the more we practice visualizing and writing down our goals the more we begin to believe in ourselves. The more we believe in ourselves, the more we change the self-talk in our minds. This is what Dr. Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist calls The Science of Changing Your Mind. In his books Evolve Your Brain and Placebo, Dr. Joe explains how “nerve cells that no longer fire together, no longer wire together”. You can wire your brain to lose the negative self-talk and adopt a much more positive and productive mindset to start seeing things differently.
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You probably know by now how much I love quotes. Therefore, to wrap up, I will leave you with my all-time favorite quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer, a former Educational Counselor and Clinical Psychologist. He said, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”. Goal setting strategies aids in organizing life in a way that one can see the now and the endless possibilities to come. In closing, I hope I have given you an understanding of or the curiosity to research how to visualize with a vision board, writing your goals down and believing in yourself enough to act as if you have already achieved all your goals. If you noticed, all through the, I did not say achieve your goals for the future or what the future can bring. Because there is no future, all we have is now, this moment. I hope you use your moments wisely.
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Hill, Napoleon. Think and Grow Rich. United States: Fawcett Books 1960. Print.
Hicks, Esther, and Jerry. Ask and it is Given. California: Hay House Inc. 2004. Print
Dyer, W. Wayne. Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life; Living the Wisdom of the
Tao. California: Hay House Inc. 2007. Print.
Wiseman, Richard. “The As If Principle: The Radically New Approach to Changing Your
Life”. Simon & Schuster. 2014
Leighton, Nick “Five Reasons Why You Need a Personal Vision Statement”. Forbes Oct.
Marter, Joyce. “How to Make a Vision Board”. Huffington Post. Dec. 2017.
Canfield, Jack. “How to create an empowering Vision Book”.
Frances Marie Rey, Teacher at Miriam College, Quezon City https://image.slidesharecdn.com/introductiontospeech-140209015013-phpapp02/95/introduction-to-speech-1-638.jpg?cb=1391910642
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