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wikiangela · 2 months ago
here we are together underneath the Christmas tree
written for @bucktommywinterfest prompt: December 22-28: Christmas/Hanukkah and/or firefam holiday party just a silly lil smth, idk what this is lmao
Merry Christmas <3
rating: G words: 1.1k
[also on Ao3]
“Hey, Tommy.” He hears Maddie’s voice, and turns his head to smile at her. He’s leaning against the doorway to the living room, a drink in hand. He’s looking out at the party still going strong in the living room, people mingling, drinks pouring, festive music playing. “What are you doing standing here all alone?” She joins Tommy, leaning against the doorframe opposite him. “Where’s my brother? I was starting to think he’s glued to your hand,” she jokes, and it gets a laugh out of Tommy. “He’s a little busy.” He nods towards the corner of the room, where a joyous laughter erupts at that very moment. There he is, Evan, shining brightly like a beam of sunshine, while he’s entertaining the younger kids. He looks so in his element, playing with them, goofing off, helping them unpack their gifts, and the kids love him. Tommy knows he has the most fond and lovesick expression on his face, and he doesn’t even want to hide it. This is his man, and he loves him so much – and one day, hopefully, they’ll have their own kids who will look at Evan this adoringly. They’ve talked about it briefly, they know where they stand, and as scary as it sometimes seems, Tommy’s so excited for a future with Evan. “And I’m just taking a little break.” Tommy shrugs with one arm, eyes scanning the room, feeling a little wistful tonight, but also awed and grateful that he’s here with all those amazing people. Sometimes it just gets overwhelming. “He’s so good with them.” Maddie comments, a grin on her own face. Tommy hums in agreement, and then her attention is back on him. “You okay?” She asks. He can feel her piercing gaze on the side of his face. He must not be able to hide the slight melancholy from his expression that well.
“Yeah,” he nods, taking a sip of his drink. “Yeah, just- I’m not used to… all this.” He nods towards the room, hoping she gets what he means. Evan playing with the kids. Hen and Athena sipping wine and gossipping on the couch. Bobby talking to May and Denny while he cooks in the kitchen. Chimney, Karen and Eddie laughing about something loudly. Other familiar faces from the 118 all around, gathered here at the Christmas/housewarming party at Bobby and Athena’s new house. They all seem so close, like a real family. Tommy doesn’t know this kind of familiarity, not from work, not among friends, not even from his own childhood home. “I’ve never really had this, you know? The last few years at Harbor have been amazing, all my coworkers are great friends, it’s just-” he stops, shakes his head. The alcohol made his tongue a little looser than he’s comfortable with.
“Not really family. Not like the 118 are.” Maddie finishes for him, understanding in her voice.
“Yeah,” he whispers.
“Well, you’re a part of this family now.” Maddie places her hand on his forearm, a soothing gesture. “And once you’re in, there’s no going back, you’re stuck with us now.” He sees her reassuring smile out of the corner of his eye.
“Thank you.” He says, still watching his boyfriend, and feeling his heart swell with love. For Evan, for this amazing family that welcomed him with open arms, for all his old and new friends, for getting this chance. Not only did he get the love of the most amazing man he’s ever met, he got a whole family, too. He never thought this would happen when he answered that phone call from Howie months ago.
Speaking of, Howie shows up next to them, holding up a branch of mistletoe over his head and grinning.
“Hi, can I get a kiss?” He asks.
“Of course, honey-” Maddie starts to answer, but Howie quickly interrupts.
“I meant from Tommy.” His tone is teasing, and Maddie laughs loudly, Tommy joining her. How much did he have to drink? “I’m serious. Come on, Kinard, you’re the only one left.” He smirks, and Tommy glances at Maddie. She just shrugs, chuckling slightly.
“Fine.” Tommy rolls his eyes, but leans down and- and he swears he means to kiss Howie’s cheek. He swears Howie gives him his cheek to kiss. But then he turns his head and their lips meet, for just a split second. Maddie laughs again. Howie’s grinning at him when he pulls away.
And then Evan materializes seemingly out of thin air, as if he crossed the whole room in a split second.
“What’s going on here?” He asks innocently, but suddenly he’s plastered against Tommy’s side. Tommy can’t hide his amusement. Evan is adorable. “Why are you kissing my boyfriend, Chim?”
“Mistletoe.” Howie shrugs, waving the branch. Evan doesn’t look impressed. 
“Maddie, your husband is kissing my man.”
“I know, I’m right here.” Maddie laughs. “As long as they don’t fall in love,” she jokes with a shrug. “Or we’re gonna have a real problem, Kinard.” She adds half-seriously, and, well, Tommy’s seen Evan’s jealousy, he knows not to mess with a Buckley.
“I have everything I need right here.” Tommy answers, his arm wrapping around Evan’s waist. “You need a mistletoe kiss, too, baby?”
“Like a hundred.” Evan nods. “To erase the image of you kissing my brother-in-law, ew.” He makes a face, and Howie pretends to be offended. 
“Let’s go find mistletoe, then.” Tommy laughs, grabbing Evan’s hand. 
As they walk away, he can see Howie finally using his own branch to kiss his wife, and then twirling her to the music, before kissing her again. They’re really an adorable couple.
Evan leads him to the middle of the living room, where a mistletoe hangs on the overhead lamp, and kisses Tommy so deep and hungry his brain short-circuits. They hear whistles and groans and shouts to get a room, and Tommy laughs into Evan’s lips. He’s never had this, either, being able to be so open and public with his relationship, so accepted. Everyone will tease and make fun of them for being so sickeningly in love, and Tommy will adore every second of it.
“I love you.” Evan whispers, eyes sparkling happily. “You’re all mine.” He adds, voice determined, and Tommy can’t help a loud laugh that escapes him. Oh, Evan’s has his own heart.
“I love you, too, Evan.” Tommy sighs. He doesn’t think he’s ever been happier. He’s surrounded by so much love and family and happiness – and he has his whole world right here in his arms. He never thought he’d have anything close to this, and he’ll forever be so grateful he got this. He doesn’t need any gifts this Christmas, he already has everything he needs.
[also on ao3]
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crimsondinnerparty · 6 months ago
“Primavera” In this episode, Will sees Hannibal’s horrifying tribute to him — the heart-shaped "Valentine" made of a man's body. Hannibal doesn’t do casual gifts; he’s like the nightmare version of that friend who overdoes it with grand romantic gestures. “You’re telling me you made a giant heart sculpture out of someone’s ribs? You really shouldn’t have.” Will’s reaction is this mixture of horror and resignation, like he’s half-expecting this by now. But Hannibal’s twisted gesture isn’t just creepy — it’s his way of saying, “I missed you.” Because in Hannibal’s world, nothing says affection like personalized murder art.
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themosthatedbeingg · 4 months ago
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"You must be a fallen angel because you’re looking devilishly good tonight."
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“… … I don’t want to be a fallen Angel though … “ however he was happy Alastor thought he looked good .
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retconned-royalty · 2 years ago
If Damon is your Daddy, drop him a happy Father's Day ask
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shootingxstardust · 2 years ago
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Archen is sitting there, mouth wide open. it wants food. Feed Archen. Now.
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"What do ya want? One of my fingers?" Rose proceeds to put her index claw in Archen's mouth, seeing if the strange creature would bite it.
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shinrascomputer · 4 months ago
No it's still so funny to me that Vincent changes form, and he keeps his clothes. But Lucas changes form, and Therion absolutely shreds what he's wearing. He's naked and disoriented and that's not fair to him bc why does Vincent get to keep his clothes and Hojo couldn't even leave Lucas with a little dignity after he goes behemoth c'mon--
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scienceroach · 1 year ago
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" This Valentine's shit is just a waste a' time and money -- propaganda from companies ta' make more money off some miserable fucks who think buyin' gifts is a suitable courtship ritual- "
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" So...do you NOT want this chocolate heart in the shape of an actual human heart ? "
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" GIVE. "
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snaky1ello · 4 months ago
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Memes :3
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dance-in-the-morning-glow · 2 months ago
tbh, cutler’s pov would be an absolute mess, too:
so. you’ve finally taken her to your bed. brilliant move, really. the very definition of self-control. you knew it was reckless, impulsive, and yet, when the moment presented itself, you didn’t have it in you to resist her.
and the day after? things are great. she admits she cares for you, you hang a traitor to the crown. productive day all around. perhaps this time, when you propose, she’ll actually say yes. get the girl and control over the seas. a nice little package.
but of course, you’re not allowed nice things. because a few days later, he shows up. unannounced, naturally. bloody hell, talk about awkward.
it’s been some time since london, and you’d always thought of your last meeting as… a conclusion, of sorts. apparently, he didn’t get the memo.
well, there he is, lounging on your chaise as if he’s posing for a racy portrait, sipping your best brandy and flipping through your book of sonnets like it’s all some great joke.
and her? she doesn’t know, of course. not about him, not about you and him. and you’d rather keep it that way.
then, he insults both you and her in a single breath — efficiency, thy name is archibald. but he doesn’t stop there. every word, every gesture, is calculated to provoke. she handles him with more grace than you can manage.
later, when she mercifully excuses herself, he demands answers. evasion isn’t an option, so you tell him everything. naturally, he takes the news with the grace and maturity of a man his age.
just kidding. he absolutely loses it.
he’s jealous, obviously, but instead of admitting it like a normal person, he lashes out, says all sorts of things he doesn’t mean, about you, about her, about the sheer absurdity of the situation. makes up whole conspiracy theories on the spot. oh, please.
and then, there’s dinner. hell would’ve been a more relaxing option.
he turns your dining room into his personal stage, keeps testing her, pushing just enough to see if she’ll crack. but she doesn’t. her wit is so sharp it should be classified as a weapon. still, you think you’ll survive the ordeal — until she does it.
her foot. sliding up your leg. under the table.
you try to stop her. you shift your leg. you shoot her a look. but she doesn’t care. oh no, she’s enjoying this.
and you? you’re hanging by a thread. your composure, your sanity, your dignity — everything is unravelling faster than you can catch it. you focus on your wine, your fork, the tablecloth — anything to keep from looking at either of them for too long.
and across the table? he is still talking. still smirking. still perfectly oblivious — or worse, pretending to be.
you’re caught in a hell of your own making, but some part of you, however small, is enjoying it.
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can’t stop thinking how utlhs must look from archie’s perspective.
imagine travelling across the atlantic to see an old flame, only to arrive at his house and find …her.
not his wife, mind you. that would at least make sense. maybe he’d finally caved in and married some socialite’s daughter, someone dull enough to tolerate him. but no, she’s this infuriatingly confident, sharp-tongued wench who’s somehow got cutler beckett acting cosy, relaxed even. huh?? wait — since when is he even interested in women anyway?
who the hell is this wench? and why does she have him so… besotted?
they’re apparently old friends — he says he’s known her longer than he’s known you, which, excuse me, what the actual fuck? and why, if that’s the case, has he never mentioned her before?
and she’s infuriating. absolutely insufferable. she parries your jabs with a practiced ease, like she’s been playing this game forever. worse, she smiles sweetly as if she’s amused by your attempts to unsettle her. the worst part? that infuriating foot sliding up his leg under the table during dinner — right in front of you. she knows exactly what she’s doing, and so do you. the audacity.
are they really lovers? is she blackmailing him? is this a slow descent into madness you’re witnessing?
when he finally tells you their story — how they reconnected after he rescued her from pirates — it’s too ridiculous to be true. a coincidence? please. no, the whole thing reeks. something’s fishy.
and then, as if this weren’t maddening enough, he drops the final bombshell: he’s going to propose to her.
ugh. please stop. you want to laugh. or cry. or drink. probably all three. but whatever this is — whatever she is — you’re not leaving jamaica until you figure it out.
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ominouspuff · 1 year ago
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Repurposing GAR armor towards the end of pulverizing wrinkly Sith
— A guide by CC-1010, ecstatically-ex-marshal commander of Coruscant
A what-if au featuring the Corries pulling all-nighters fueled on caf alone to study republic law, Fox providing his own dubious legal representation resulting in the wildest civil court case in Republic history, and, they can only pray, formidable and clandestine cooperation within GAR high command’s clone contingents via a small-scale GAR-approved candy brand
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lurkinginnernarrator · 6 months ago
Cang Qiong's rumor mill has a new topic.
Peak Lord Shen hasn't been seen in two weeks. The last time he was seen was flying back from An Ding, where he purportedly commandeered some unknown objects from An Ding's storerooms after a hasty discussion with Peak Lord Shang. He entered the Bamboo house and hasn't emerged since.
The most popular theory is Peak Lord Shen is conducting some sort of toeing-the-line-of-taboo ritual.
Eventually, someone convinces Mu Qingfang to do a wellness check.
The Qing Jing disciples greet their Mu-shishu respectfully, the disciple escorting him to the Bamboo House inquiring as to the nature of his visit, seeing as 'Shizun wasn't expecting shishu today.'
"This master is merely here to visit your Shizun."
The disciple bows after announcing Mu Qingfang's arrival.
Mu Qingfang opens the door.
"Mu-shidi? To what do I owe the pleA—FUCK get BACK HERE YOU ARE NOT"—the sounds of struggle reach Mu Qingfang's ears and he leaps to action, striding in to take stock of the situatio...n.
Shen-shixiong is flat on his stomach; outstretched hands tightly grasping a precocious ball of fluff. His eyes gleam in victory, the scene casting it in a more crazed light. There is a heaviness to Shen Qingqiu's eyes that cultivation cannot banish and miscellaneous stains on his person. And, looking around, the Bamboo House is a disaster. Books, brushes, scrolls, inkwells and fans are scattered around, many haphazardly dropped on the floor. There is. Also. Hay?
Mu Qingfang freezes in the doorway. Ball of fluff and Shen Qingqiu also freeze.
"Is... Shixiong alright?"
This seems to snap Shen Qingqiu into action. He scrambles up firmly but with care, cradling the fluffball. Shen Qingqiu gets himself in order as best he can with both his hands occupied and clears his throat.
"Ah...Yes. this master is fine. To what do I owe the pleasure?..."
The fluffball twitches, wriggling until Shen Qingqiu loses his grip on it. It hops to the floor. A juvenile Whitecrested Snowrabbit of Agility stares up at Mu Qingfang.
"This. Shidi could come back at a more opportune time?"
The bunny starts chewing on a scroll.
"I believe that would be best."
Mu Qingfang backs out of the doorway.
He does send tea to help with Shen-Shixiong's fatigue and a subspecies of carrot that Whitecrested Snowrabbits are supposed to favour though.
I wonder what the next topic of Cang Qiong's rumor mill will be?
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the-barefoot-hatter · 22 days ago
thinking about Billford again and besides the obvious toxic yaoi and doomed betrayal and mutual obsession appeal there's the like... soft hopefulness of it happening post-canon, post-book of bill
'cuz... no matter how much Bill wants to stay the exact same and never ever EVER change himself... he shouldn't. It's bad for everyone else of course- but it's ALSO clearly bad for Bill. He looks awful in Theraprism. And he should. Bad guy defeated and at his lowest point. But I don't want that to be the forever for him.
That's a mean ending.
Gravity Falls is all about growing up and forgiveness and letting go of things that hurt you. Changing your priorities. Rotting in eternal failed therapy or reincarnating into a completely different creature with no memories of everything is just death with extra steps. It's not satisfying.
But seeing Bill be genuinely sorry and want to get back in Ford's good graces but know how bad he messed everything up and definitely doesn't deserve any forgiveness- and the Pines extending a hand anyway? That's the good stuff!
idk it's just nice to think they COULD make it to a good place
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hells-greatestdad · 7 months ago
Unsummons the tank.
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stomps off to his room and slams the door
"Say, what do you think would happen if I threw one of these,"
Lucifer conjures up a full sized and filled up propane tank
"And chucked it at one of your eyes"
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"You would have a lot of time to think about the consequences of your actions being stuck alone in the white room. Dear boy, it would be silly to do such at a time like this."
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trash-ainu · 2 months ago
Headcanon that Melkor is the absolute worst person to share a bed with. He has ADHD. He has RLS. He snores. He steals blankets. He sprawls over the entire bed like a starfish. He will ask the most outlandish questions in the middle of the night. When he finally does manage to doze off, he sleeps like a rock and there is no moving him. He is also a hugger when asleep, and trying to break his death grip is like trying to get out of a chokehold of a professional wrestler.
Mairon is slowly losing his mind each and every night.
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zivazivc · 7 months ago
What was Ish and Lena's relationship?
I made so much for this ask, don't look at me 🫣
The two trolls had a short summer romance at a "no boarders" music festival called Fusion Fest. Back then it was a pretty new and small thing, and the point of the festival is for trolls from all genres to come together and enjoy each other's music and company; celebrating togetherness and acceptance.
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(Yes, I made a logo. 😅 This festival is a major annual event for the mixed trolls in my AU.)
Ish and his friend group went to check it out because they're already a colorful ensemble of different genres, and they were curious to see what it was about.
Lena and her friends somehow caught wind of the festival in their backwater village where nothing new or exciting ever happens, and they decided to go to rebel against their closed-minded, racist parents and community, but mostly because they were bored teenagers who'd never seen any trolls other than Rock Trolls before. Despite them wanting to experience something new, their reason for going was very much NOT the point of the festival; They were treating it more like a freakshow to stare at, and them rebelling against their parents was more just to anger them and not because they were any better...
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In my mind Lena is very attractive (in a trashy, grunge kind of way), and a 16-year-old Ish immediately got a crush on her from across the room.
He put his Funk moves on her and left her completely flustered from how forward he was. I imagine he was really charming and smooth, but also I can't stop cringing and comparing it to bird mating dances lmao.
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(The song Ish is singing to Lena. It makes it feel extra perfect because I just happened to learn the singer was also a 16-year-old when recording it!)
Lena didn't fall for him as hard as he fell for her at first, but she's one of those girls who will go for any bad boy that looks intimidating, and she thought funk trolls were scary and intimidating, because she was subconsciously racist herself too. 🧍 She did really start to like him after they hooked up though, and started liking him for him (so at least she was learning...)
But then they were faced with an unexpected surprise one morning after waking up from a night of concerts and partying (and mixing of substances that shouldn't be mixed)...
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Ish panicked hard, he even tried getting rid of the egg, claiming it had to be a dud given the circumstances, but Lena stopped him saying she felt it move. Thank god, because Leslie hatched only minutes later.
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Ish was so freaked out that he abruptly left and headed back to Funk Kingdom in the same day, and just abandoned Lena with the baby.
Lena was also very scared but she immediately warmed up to little Leslie and had no intention of dropping him off at an orphanage or doing something similar, despite her friends' encouragement to do just that, claiming her parents were going to kick her out if she showed up back home with a mixed baby.
I'm thinking Ish did try to reach out to Lena by sending her a letter a few weeks later (he got her address before the egg thing happened), but the letter never reached her because she really was disowned and kicked out of her parents' house when she came home and refused to give her baby up...
So Lena never heard from Ish again, and the next time Ish heard about Lena was about 9 years later when Leslie turned up looking for him with his baby brother, and he learned that she was gone...
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(Ish having a weird day where he went out after Kymani poorly relayed a confusing phone call from the police station, and later came back home as the sole caretaker of two neglected kids.)
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nuravity · 13 hours ago
Ochako slowly registered that she was floating and moved her hand to cancel her quirk...when Deku grabbed it and she froze. "D-deku!" she squeaked. Focus! Focus! Just focus! "I-I'm coming down now," she stammered before moving her hands together and suddenly falling.
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"Eek!" she cried but tried to fall onto her feet and tripping forward a little. Could she be any more clumsy?
Ochako tried her best to calm herself but Deku kept complimenting her, making this really hard for her! "Hey, I'm...I'm your friend so of course I'd support you. But you're still amazing, even without my support."
Ochako glanced down at her shoes, smiling down at them. "Y-yeah." He seemed to emulate All Might quite well...but it was still different from him. "It does! You've...saved me many times too and even when there's no danger, your smile is just inspiring and...warm...and it makes me feel more than...just...at...ease..." Ochako felt her cheeks warm up and...strangely light-headed.
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Oh boy! She was starting to float!
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