hunter-husky · 2 years
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Watching omniverse because it had the audacity to have ghost freak fix his head being upside down and say "ah thats much better" like total disresepct bro anyway Crüjo was in it and hes really cute so-
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dead-dog-dont-eat · 11 months
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Finally! I freaking finished this!! Took me a whole two days now but worth it. Can you obviously tell I'm obsessed with them? lol
Blank template is under cut 4 anyone to use.
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projectmayhem-stims · 9 months
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🔩 🔩 🔩
☠️ ☠️ ☠️
🐺 🐺 🐺
Goth polycule for @dead-dog-dont-eat !
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bloodmoon24 · 7 months
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As a promise, here are the six ships. Sorry if the Mirage x Crypto ship looks weird. I’ve never made those two before and they had SO MUCH DETAIL
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insane-mane · 11 months
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(Please Do Not Reupload or Use My Art)
A lil thing I think would be neat lore-wise would be if Loboans wore pelts made from other Loboans? Like, they’re territorial and have different tribes that fight for craters they live in and the losing faction is either chased off or eaten.
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sweetpeaches666 · 1 year
Can we do some sort of mini roleplay of how shapeshifter ben met aziza?
(Note: ben met aziza when he was being babysat by kuphulu and coujio, of course he ran away from them when he was playing hide and seek with them, he ran into her small library, hiding there.
Also another note: both kuphulu and coujio nearly got their asses beaten up by zs’skayr, and the mummy, for losing ben again)
Oh, my God, yes! Ben was mischievous and hiding from Kuphulu and Crüjo again, but this time, he ran into a small library in his Thep Khufan form. Ben meets Aziza and her being sweet to him. The fact she doesn't know who he is but still treats him like a child, helps her get on his good side.
The other Anur System residents are either scared of him because of his unlimited powers or because of who he is related to. When Aziza does find out who he is, it doesn't change her outlook on Ben, still sees and treats him as a child. Which is why Aziza ends up becoming Ben's new babysitter.
And yes. Kuphulu and Crüjo nearly their asses beaten by Zs'Skayr and the Mummy for losing their son again. It's only when Ben arrives with Aziza. The Mummy quickly scoops Ben up in his arms, hugging him tightly, and Ben is a little embarrassed by it.
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multifandomplushie · 7 months
Can we have some info about the mummy and the werewolf in your Ben 12 au?
Hi, pal! Sorry for not replying to this ask before! I just wasn't sure how to answer back then and after that got distracted with some stuff, so it slipped my memory. But now I think I've made up my mind: I decided not to include Zs'Skayr's old henchmen in my AU and instead make his henchmen from Omniverse being affiliated with him and Viktor from the start.
While I do like to have fun using underdeveloped characters in my works and adding details to them (like, I've already used some unpopular and/or very minor/one-off characters for posts and in relationships with my OCs), here I just don't really see the point in trying to work with these two in my AU because I personally see Kuphulu and Crüjo, who are basically the same characters role-wise but with unique designs, more personality and actual names, as the perfect better alternatives to Mummy and Werewolf, which felt to me less like characters and more like plot tools with two objectives: 1) helping Zs'Skayr with his plan to plunge the earth into eternal darkness, and 2) being the DNA source for Ben's aliens.
The second purpose was rendered irrelivant even in the Prime dimension since the situation was later changed, as Thep Khufan and Loboan DNA were said to have already been present in the Omnitrix and Ben just mistook the transformations being catalogued for the watch taking samples (I like this change by the way, because if the creators haven't disproved the idea of the Omnitrix obtaining the alien DNA of these two through the contact with Werewolf and Mummy, it would've worsened Azmuth's already stained image by implying that out of all the species of the Anur System he stored the only alien whose consciousness can be trapped in the watch.)
And the first purpose isn't really relevant to my AU since, with my direction of Ben slowly befriending Zs'Skayr, the whole blocking the Sun event might not even take place in Dimension 12.
Plus, I've seen someone using these two in their own AU for Ben 10 who are more into these characters and therefore does more fun things than I could've ever done with them. ☺️
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kuphulwho · 2 years
Headcanon: I’ve seen some confusion as to why Zs’Skayr says “Terrible Trio” when there’s four of them, but I personally interpret that as him specifically referring to Viktor, Crüjo, and Kuphulu. The mental image of them having such a reputation that they have a collective nickname is just so funny to me. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I think the three of them have been best friends since at least school.
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whatudottu · 3 years
Coming from the Ben 10 Breakdowns, Zs’Skayr really had no true explained motivations on taking over the Earth. In fact, his canon motivations for WILLINGLY (i.e. possessing a Florauna) being sampled for the Omnitrix is completely unexplained, too!
Like… you’re literally the Ectolord?
…Why are you like… shirking your responsibilities???
ANYWAY! I’m here to talk about Zs’Skayr and how he’s motivated in the Area 51 au. Zs’Skayr 51 if you will.
Now, let’s first talk about why Zs’Skayr is out of town and now stuck in the watch instead of running shop as High Ectolord. You could say that he’s flunking, something f-ed happened on planet or responsibility isn’t his thing, but I think culturally Ectonurites probably have a… hrmm. Maybe not an innate sense of community, but perhaps are better at working together than apart, which reflects their own biology.
Sure, Humans work better when our bodies aren’t strewn about the room, but Ectonurites seem to commonly face being split apart. At least enough to the point where a single strand of DNA continues to carry a consciousness.
I’m not even going to begin to explain how that works, for I get too confused when actively thinking about it.
But the point here is, Zs’Skayr is still probably a committed Ectolord, though something seems to have pushed him out. Out so far as he’s not in Kansas The Anur System anymore. Pushed out so far because the local system can’t provide what Ectonurites need.
Now, the specifics are blurry, but I’d like to say that there’s some sort of uh… death plague striking Ectonurites. Could be a disease or virus type thing, or maybe some widespread genetic damage that’s tearing them apart from the inside out.
The sense of community within the Anur System did make reaching out a whole lot easier, Zs’Skayr knew this from the liberation of the Transylians, but even with direct sources on Ectonurite biology, inside help wasn’t doing much. In fact, the best the Anur System was at working together was facing against a common foe, and since there’s nothing to fight well…
Zs’Skayr was a little desperate.
It probably wasn’t his best decision going at it himself, but he did anoint people he trusted to take care of his civilians. He went at it alone to be ‘the sacrifice’ instead of sending others to die, but that didn’t stop his closest allies (Viktor and the unnamed Loboan and Thep Khufan) from trying to keep in contact.
When contacted ceased, needless to say things grew tense.
Over on Zs’Skayr’s perspective, he in his journeys heard rumours of the Omnitrix, but in concept only. The rumours talked about a ‘Noah’s Ark’ (obviously not the same phrase because aliens aren’t Christians) device, and that DNA from across the galaxy is being collected. Typically, the High Ectolord would be sceptical to the idea, but he’s already outside of the Anur System, so he’ll take any lead he can.
Maybe the Anur System is closed off for a reason, xenophobia and general mistreatment of its people and culture from the rest of the universe. Doesn’t help that a lot of accidents have happened from the universe alone, Luna Lobo probably still ended up in the Null Void for a bit and some random tears here and there sent people across the galaxy. So Zs’Skayr still possess a Florauna (or some other species ready to be sampled) to get his DNA in the Codon Stream.
Uh… maybe because he possessed a sample instead of being himself, that might have caused something buggy to happen with the scan. Whether his consciousness was whisked away with his sampled DNA or his actual body got fried in the process? Don’t know. Regardless, now his mission to save the Ectonurites lay unfinished, and many believe he died.
So, that’s how he’s gotten himself involved with the Omnitrix, but let’s see what’s his deal with Earth.
Now, being High Ectolord, it makes absolutely no dang sense as to why he wants Earth under his control. Well, unless he’s into conquering planets that is, but forcing your way into the Omnitrix does NOT seem like warlord behaviour and don’t come at me with gax and vil, prime villy is the warlord i’m referencing not this scary expert on the omnitrix.
But that doesn’t mean that the second he’s out the Omnitrix and freed from Area 51, he’s immediately off Earth.
No, he stays.
He stays because the Humans now have a sudden buttload of information on Ectonurites.
And he needs a little backup to get in there.
It’s a little difficult to scrounge up the tech needed for a communicator and perhaps even an ID mask when trying to hide, but being a ghost without some level 20 watch strapped to his wrist, Zs’Skayr manages. It’s also a lot helpful that Earth tech has also levelled up, which provides an abundance of space-age machines.
He’s no genius, but he whips up something crude and manages to send a message to his allies, probably most likely Viktor since he’s probably still looking out for a message. Obviously, he’s been gone a bit, probably not too long but certainly enough that a lot of Ectonurites have decided to live on the other Anur planets, primarily due to the lack of stable leadership on (or is it in?) Anur Phaetos.
Many have staved off extinction, but unfortunately none have gotten any better. The positive? The death toll hasn’t worsened.
“Where have you been!? All of Anur believed you dead!”
“It’s not far from the truth…” A pause, “I need you to assist me.”
“What system are you in? What planet!?”
“I’m on Earth…”
Many rumours have spread about Earth, mainly disappearances but there’s the occasional ship crew that regale their experience. The planet’s more advanced, sure, but there’re still not on the level of uh… typical sci-fi spaceships. But they have used rocket technology to develop a defensive weapons system. Not only are there Ground to Atmosphere missiles, but some high altitude jets also have Air to Atmosphere weapons.
And with the previous rips and errors in the Anur System, a lot of folks have heard of Earth and try to keep track of it.
Earth is rather infamous, but resource wise, not worth the risk.
So essentially Zs’Skayr is being perceivably super crazy and also super impressive, seeming to have slipped through the atmosphere undetected. That’s not… entirely true, but the High Ectolord does explain that Earth has a high priority target on its surface, so interplanetary ‘threats’ may be left forgotten. He also requests help from the Yenaldooshi and the Mummy, who are probably separate from Crüjo and Kuphulu.
And yes, their mission is to raid Area 51.
No, they’re probably not going to go on Facebook and actually start our Area 51 raid.
It does take some time to gather, space travel and everything (like getting official ID masks along the way), and it takes a bit more to successfully pass as Human. Especially if they’re trying to get access to Area 51 without outing themselves as extraterrestrials, Zs’Skayr didn’t see everything but it was certainly a lot.
But he’ll see a lot more when they access the records, whether they get authorisation or just hack the institute from the inside.
A LOT of medical data, including images of… dissections and x-rays wherever relevant. A lot of physical data too, simple strengths and weaknesses.
Uh… not very pretty.
The plan?
Get the data (not enough time to dig for specifics), scrub the files (more than just alien data), and maybe pull a ‘Prisoner Number 775 is Missing’ and open up the cells and begin a REAL raid.
This turned from motivations into a plot, which is currently disconnected from the larger ‘story’ of Ben 51. It probably holds more significance in the au because of the ‘friends-but-not-really-in-contact-no-i-won’t-admit-it’ relationship between Ben and Zs’Skayr.
Also the Anur aliens, wanted them in here.
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cyclone-rachel · 7 years
Benzarro's version of Faction!Ben: Zs'Skayr rescues Benzarro while passing by the hospital containing the zombies who are experimented on. While having to figure out how to properly manipulate this brainless kid, he ends becoming fond of him after some training and seeing how loyal Benzarro was after being rescued. He's still very tsundere about it, refusing to admit that he enjoys Benzarro hugging him with his sleeves. Viktor, Crüjo and Kuphulu (and later even Lord Transyl) tease him about it
also, since this seems like a thing she’d be into, @kuphooma-hell
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dead-dog-dont-eat · 11 months
Goth poly boyfriends appreciation 🖤❤💜
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Why are all three of them so 💞💞
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projectmayhem-stims · 9 months
Hi! May I request a stimboard of my ot3 ship, goth polycule? (source is from ben 10; characters from left to right in order: Dr. Viktor, Kuphulu, and Crüjo)
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I don't have any specific GIFS in mind, but no fursuits, slime and food plz!
yes indeed! its posted!
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bloodmoon24 · 15 days
saw that Salem ranked a few of your favorite ships and I thought you should as well :))
ships to rank: batjokes (batman x joker), spidypool, blt burger (in case you don't know it, its bob x linda x teddy from bobs burgers), goth polycule (Viktor x kuphulu x crujo), chazmint, guns n sharks (stu x depressed boyfriend/drew x giancarlo), j&j (jesse x jonas/better than blitzo guy), and mixedtime :D
-📼 anon
Bat jokes: 5/10 I like it, just not that crazy over it
Spidypool: 10/10 My two favorite Marvel heroes in a relationship? That’s a huge yes from me 🩷
Blt: 3/10 Cute name, but I’d prefer just Linda and Bob while Teddy’s just a friend
Goth Polycule: 7/10 I do like it, the three of them have history including with Zs’Skayr
ChazMint: 6/10 I’m not that big a fan of Chaz, but I can see him and Papermint having a cute relationship
Guns N Sharks: 6.5/10 Not much to know about this ship, but I like it nonetheless
J&J: 8/10 I honestly just see it, plus they’re both hot
MixedTime: 10/10 Gotta love a goofy lovable clock and an edgy emo mixtape
Sorry to anyone who shipped either of these and sees I have them a lower ratings, it’s just my honest opinion
Disclaimer: I don’t add another person into a relationship because I already see them happy with one another and the third one is just a good friend to the couple. I don’t think I shipped a lot of poly ships, maybe it’s not my style. Idk…Oh, wait. Vortex, Bee, and Loona and Raven, Dexter, and Cupid. Yeah, those two ships, I might ship
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insane-mane · 11 months
How did Crüjo and Kuphulu ended up working with Zs'Skayr?
As I mentioned, the Loboans were used as a secondary food source and the Thep Khufan were possessed to hand over their planet’s only source of currency and culture (gold), so of course Crüjo and Kuphulu would want to end their people’s suffering.
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sweetpeaches666 · 6 months
What albedo is like in shapeshifter Ben au? Because come think of it, he cannot probably turn into Ben because the omnitrix is destroyed.
I can see Albedo being the annoyed babysitter who complaints that he doesn't get payed enough for dealing with Ben. Just imagining Albedo drinking with Kuphulu, Crüjo, and Psyphon and all four of them start complaining how much does Ben get away from all the crap he pulled on them over the years.
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sweetpeaches666 · 1 year
Viktor, on the phone: Yes, I know. It will be there shortly. Of course, they're being careful!
Ben, in his Transylian form: Dad, what's going on?
Viktor: Apparently, Transyl can't exist for two minutes somewhere without the entirety of his possessions.
(Transyl yelling on the side of the phone.)
Viktor: What? No! I'm not turning him against you. Yes, Transyl.
Ben: Dad, is this going to be done before tonight, right?
Viktor: What? Oh. I hardly think so. Knowing Transyl, this will probably take all weekend. (To Kuphulu and Crüjo.) Don't be gentle about it now. Break whatever you have to to get it all in there.
Ben: But tonight, we're supposed to...
Viktor: Son, can we not talk about this now? Transyl is being a real b.i.t.c.h.
(Transyl yelling louder on the phone.)
Viktor: Well how was I supposed to know you can spell? I've never seen you read!
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