juneability · 2 months
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240804 ♡ sunday, summer vacation.
spent my morning painting (w. acrylics) 🎨 i've only painted a little, so it took a long time for me to be mildly satisfied. see: rose tyler from doctor who.
made strawberry crépes for my bf and me 🥞 i'm finally getting good at it—i've been working on my crepe skill for a few months!
started reading a research paper on social responses to pain... made me a bit emotional as someone with undiagnosed chronic pain 🌧️
painted my nails 💅
📖—the psychology of time travel, kate mascarenhas 🎧—feel my rhythm, red velvet.
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taz80390 · 8 months
Discord said that it was Crépes Day and Cody Day so someone needed to do a fic with Cody getting crépes so I did a thing. It was also supposed to be maybe 100 words but got out of control. Hope you enjoy!
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dixvinsblog · 8 months
Chandeleur - origines et traditions
La Chandeleur est une fête populaire célébrée à date fixe : le 2 février. Son origine remonte à plusieurs siècles et est liée à la fois à des traditions religieuses et païennes. Fête chrétienne Toile Alvaro Pirez D’un point de vue religieux, la Chandeleur commémore la présentation du Christ au temple qui aurait eu lieu 40 jours après sa naissance selon la tradition juive. Cet événement est…
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history-of-fashion · 9 months
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1945 Woman's ensemble (cape, blouse, and skirt) by Gilbert Adrian (United States)
rayon plain weave (crépe), rayon satin-back crepe
(Los Angeles County Museum of Art)
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resplendentoutfit · 2 months
Regency Era Accessories: The Chapeau
Hats were so important to a Regency woman's wardrobe that they are the only accessory that had its own fashion plates.
Just to note that I chose to use the French names for the various hats and fabrics. The term "poke bonnet" just doesn't have the same ring! Besides, I love everything French!
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Left: An assortment of chapeaux de crépe and chapeaux de gros de Naples [fig. 3] • (Gros de Naples is a thick silk fabric. Here, it is inset with tulle and tied at the crown with a scarf.)
[fig. 2] "Chapeau de Crèpe” is made of a lighter-weight silk. The crown is less structured, due to the less sturdy fabric, but uses more flowers to fill in the shape. The chin ribbon is trimmed in lace and falls from the crown in a unique way. – via Regency World
Right: Various chapeaux and lace bonnets. (More about lace bonnets in another post)
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Frederik Hendrik Kaemmerer • Afternoon Tea in the Garden • (Detail)
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Right: Contemporary recreation of what looks like a Chapeau de Gros de Naples, lined, and abundantly decorated with flowers.
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anti-terf-posts · 5 months
I do sincerely apologize if I cause irritation or discomfort for frequent submissions, however I have a lot to discuss, if you would be so kind.
Before I go on to describe my little anecdote, I would like to give readers a brief trigger warning for transphobia and microaggressions towards transgender and non-binary folk.
On a lovely Thursday afternoon a couple of weeks back, I was having a crépe minding my own beeswax. Out of the window I see two middle-aged individuals wearing (that’s right *wearing*, not holding) signs that read something along the lines of “children deserve to have natural puberty”. This was the first time I had seen an anti-trans protest where I live (a rather progressive country, at least relative to the US or the UK), and it was quite the shock.
You will never guess what I did. Without thinking I shout out “Ewww” in front of the entire café. I was frankly disturbed. If these people would’ve come across me as I did them, they would probably have accosted me, as I am an openly and quite honestly, obviously a genderqueer transgender leftist. The fact that this is happening in the country that put a native neopronoun in the dictionary is quite frightening.
I hope you are safe and doing well, Scott.
I hope you know that your blog is making a difference, however small.
- 🎩
I'm so sorry that happened to you :(( but thank you for your kind words !!
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c0worker-bryce · 11 days
uncle do you want a crépe :(
Sure! Are you sad?
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o-wyrmlight · 5 months
A Toast to the Pigs: A Disco Elysium fanfic that explores the concept of Harry Du Bois waking up in Martinaise with his memory intact and still having to solve the case. Chapter 15: The end of Day 1; an Intermission. I hope you enjoy. Content warnings are found at the top of the chapter. Please do mind them.
In the 41st Precinct, Satellite-Officer Jean-Heron Viquemare is working a longer night than usual in the office. The sound of typewriters and conversations float familiarly throughout the night. He has a large stack of paperwork at the corner of his desk to keep himself busy. He won’t get through them by morning—but when he wakes, neck sore from where it lays at his desk, the first person he’ll search for is you. In a café east of the traffic jam in Martinaise, Lieutenant Kim Kitsuragi is sitting at a table and enjoying a light dinner. He flips the newspaper to the sports section and shakes his head. The Stormers have lost again. He sips his tea and moves on to the crossword, pondering the man he is temporary neighbors with. You wonder, briefly, what the café is. It’s a chain: Coraline’s Crépes and Coffee. And yes—it would come across as stalker-ish if you just showed up there. Why do you want to be there, anyway? Because you’re alone, Harry. Everyone’s doing something without you. You’re greedy with want to be around other people, but all you ever do anymore is hurt. There’s only one company you can keep: A bottle of Commodore Red. So you nurse that bottle, baby. Hurt yourself instead.
Or you do not.
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obbicrystaleo · 2 months
You and Thrawn make some Crêpes and you learn Thrawn can't cook.
The cool air is quite nice since it’s becoming spring, the nice cool air is better than the bitter cold of winter air. You stand outside on your balcony with a nice warm cup of caff. It’s difficult to wipe the smile from your face as today is the day you get to cook with none other than your love, Thrawn.
You are slowly sipping your caff you think of what you could possibly make today. Suddenly it hits you, Crêpe! You and Thrawn could make crepes, they are so versatile, they can be sweet or savoury. Plus it’s simple!
As you think of all the crépes you could make with Thrawn. Your thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door. Excitedly you put the cup of caff down and rush over to the door. You stop take a few calming breaths and open the door.
“Hello, my love,” You greet him happily and give him a giant hug. He chuckles and hugs you back gently. “Hello, Ch'eo vir,” He greets back softly. Backing away you take his hand and pull him into the apartment.
“I assume you want us to cook today,” Thrawn says with a small smile on his face. You smile brightly and nod your head. “What is it that you have in mind?” He asks, you notice that he’s looking at your discarded caff.
He walks into the kitchen and waits for you to join him. You walk over and kiss his cheek. “I think we should make Crêpes,” You declare to him and he nods his head. “I have had Crêpes but I have never made them, Ch'eo vir,” He says calmly yet curiously.
“Well, Today is your lucky day!” You add happily while you take out the ingredients and make sure that you have everything. “I have a recipe if you need it,” You say and take out an old recipe book. Thrawn nods his head and carefully watches you with an expression that you don’t recognize. 
Looks as though he is hesitant to cook. You smile and offer your hand to him. “Come on, my love, it’s just Crêpes,” You say comfortingly he seems to relax a little. You quietly watch as he reads the recipe. 
You begin to measure some of the ingredients. You turn and see him beginning to measure the rest of the ingredients. “Put them in separate things then we’ll mix them together,” You explain before Thrawn just throws everything into one bowl. He frowns but follows your instructions.
Once you have your Mise en place for the Crêpes. You carefully preheat the stovetop and place two pans on them. “Okay, now we combine the ingredients, following the recipe,” You explain and Thrawn seems slightly hesitant again. You gently put your hand on his shoulder.
“You can do this,” You say comfortingly he nods his head and his confidence is back on his face. As the two of you mix the batter together, you end up making a slight mess as Thrawn boops your nose with batter on his finger and you try to get him back. After a few seconds, you both stop and end up laughing at each other covered in batter.
“We should make the Crêpes,” You say childishly and Thrawn nods his head. As carefully cook your Crêpes you smell something burning, you quickly turn and see Thrawn burning his Crêpes “THRAWN!” You scream in shock turn down the heat of his burner and take the pan off the heat. He looks at you rather confused.
“Did I do it wrong, Ch'eo vir?” He asks and you sigh heavily. “My love you need to keep it on low to medium heat,” You explain calmly and he tilts his head in confusion.
“I thought all things were cooked on high heat?” Thrawn says rather innocently and you smile at him and shake your head. He has no idea how to cook Crêpes. “Thrawn, crêpes are something you cook on low to medium heat, plus they are rather thin because they are made with a batter so they cook rather quickly,” You explain calmly.
Thrawn nods his head. “My apologies,” He says looking away slightly as though he is embarrassed. You place your hand under his chin and make him look at you. “It’s okay, mistakes happen, my love,” you say with a feeble smile. He smiles back with his own feeble smile.
“Now come on, I’ll teach you,” You offer and he nods his head. You take some batter carefully put it in the pan and swirl it around till the bottom is covered, you wait for a few seconds and then carefully flip it over and let the other side cook you transfer it to a plate.
You look at Thrawn and see that he’s observing carefully as though he’s observing an art piece.
“Okay, we have two Crêpe,” You say, he nods his head and begins making the Crêpes the same way you did. After a few minutes, you guys have two plates stacked with Crêpes.
“How do you make them sweet?” Thrawn asks looking at you with a slight smile. You move to the fridge and take out some fruits and berries, along with some whipped cream. He smiles and you both start making different types of sweet crépes.
After you and Thrawn finish making two Crêpes each, you put the rest of the Crêpes away. You suddenly feel Thrawn’s arms around your waist. “Ch'eo vir, come eat before I eat your crêpes,” Thrawn whispers in your ear and lets go of you.
You quickly turn around and pout at him. “You wouldn’t!” You say jokingly and he smiles and passes you your crépes. “You don’t know,” He says teasingly. You take your plate and begin eating your Crêpes. Thrawn sits beside you and he starts eating his Crêpes.
When you both finish he looks at you with a smile. “Thank you for teaching me how to make Crêpes,” He thanks calmly but also sweetly and you kiss his cheek again. “No problem my love,” You say happily.
He kisses you on the cheek. “I like Crêpes but I bet you are sweeter,” He whispers and swiftly stands up. You stare at him for a few seconds before you swiftly follow him to your room.
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gojosbf · 10 months
I read something very sad that said that geto didn't love mimiko and nanako he only used them for his cult. I don't believe it I think he really liked them as his daughters what do you think was geto so cruel to that point?
I don't know who is being this wrong confidently but anon you're right he was cruel but not this cruel. Suguru cared for those girls like his family, when he saved them they were just kids they couldn't have served any purpose in strengthening the cult in it's beginning days, did that person even watch this?
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these kids are of no use to a special grade curse manipulator user but he took them in because he wanted to, because it is for kids like them that he wanted to make this world a better place so they don't have to suffer and die for others (monkeys as he would call those people). When suguru was announcing night parade of hundred demons he had to cut short his speech because nanako and mimiko wanted to visit a crépe shop and he was delaying them. Geto was curel yes but to the people he considered useless monkeys, to the sorcerers who were against him (with some exception ahem) but never to the family he raised and brought up. The girls themselves were so incredibly attached to him that they were ready to risk their lives as long as it meant his body got to rest, that kind of devotion does not come if you were used by someone all your life, it happens if you were loved by that person and taken care of so idk who's going around telling this theory but they're definitely very wrong.
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theangel-aziraphale · 5 months
A. Follow the snake
B. Ask a question to himself and Crowley
C. Leave the bookshop
D. Return to the bookshop
As Aziraphale follows the snake through the book he finds himself in 1793, Paris.
He's watching himself and Crowley sit at the table of a Café having Crépes, talking and giggling.
They are sat much closer than Aziraphale can remember and he can feel the weight of the same book in his hand.
The snake a little ways away curled.
What next?
A. Go to the snake
B. Turn the page of the book
C. Ask himself and Crowley a question
D. Return to the bookshop
B: This is starting to feel... unfair. Why is this version of him so unphased? Did he forget Heaven could see them when they were outside in public like this? The angel turns the page of the book, loneliness seeping into his mind and mixing into the envy that begins to build instead.
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atlasarcana · 1 year
snip from an upcoming 15k shadowgast PWP oneshot where essek pretends to be a mannequin for caleb to model jewelry. i’m insane over these two thanks
Caleb holds the magazine in his hand like a delicate crépe, jostling it upside-down to let the sheafs of paper separate out onto the table. 
It’s old parchment from at least three seasons ago. That is, seasons of being left out in the elements, given the disastrous state of the thing—he was going to cut the pages out either way, so there was no use in keeping it intact.
The night outside the window of his cottage smells like icewater, crisp and wintrily cold in the creep towards early morning. Hours of work have brought a red strain to his eyes that has him removing his spectacles and wiping them on his sleeve, sitting back in his desk chair until it creaks.
He doesn’t know exactly when Rexxentrum began to import fashion editorials from around Wildemount, but it hadn’t been during his childhood. That, or it hadn’t extended to Blumenthal, that was for certain. 
In his hands he holds an edition of Rogue magazine. What year it is from, he cannot tell. In truth, the only pages he needs are the ones featuring an insider look at Rosohnan trends. Not a very patriotic thing to include, no—especially not by an Empire imprint. But it is the only way he can copy and store reference images of many pieces at a time. His memory is a gift, but he is no tailor, nor designer, and he cannot recreate a garment without first understanding it to a structural degree. Sometimes to the degree that the original designer must have had whilst drafting. 
In this way, he is reverse-engineering a craft in which he has no formal training. Which is almost like spellcraft, if he wants to be funny about it.
He flips the parchment back and forth. A monochrome, glossy illustration flashes on either side: two drow men in ensembles of jewelry so thin, so white with shine, so consistent in their glimmer, that it is as though they are wearing pure rainwater. For a moment he allows the haberdashery of his mind to outfit an Essek in one such garment, though the lack of modesty leaves him feeling warmed and embarrassed. He ushers the thought away. He will see the sight in person soon enough.
Caleb takes his metal scissors and begins to cut. The drow men, with their long necks and lean bodies, file away into a scrapbook with a bit of paper-tacky. The Essek of his mind lives undecorated yet another day.
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so-letspretend · 6 months
Unusual Muse Associations
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Spice: cinnamon
Weather Event: a quiet rainy evening
Color: I would write black as an answer but he would scold me, for it's not a color but a contrast - thus it's crimson!
Magical Power: teleportation
Shoe: Patent leather shoes or boots
Plant: Heliotrope
Animal: wolf
Weapon: Rapier or longsword
Subject/Major: legal studies/law or space science
Gemstone/Mineral: Emerald
Make-Up Product: concealer
Candy: crépe
Fear: falling down somewhere
Sport (traditional or extreme): he actually has no preferenced sport, although in fantasy AUs it might be sword fight
Method of long-distance Travel: airplane (might read contradictional with his fear, but he is not afraid of heights - he is just really hella scared of falling itself and since modern airplanes are very stable and very efficient he is mostly fine with them)
Hour: 12 a. m.
Wood: ebony
Mythological Creature: Phoenix
Three Emojis: 🤨🎻📚
Moon Phase: Half moon
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snacksleader · 9 days
How did making crépes with Odile go? Were you able to help much or is your current form too unsuited for kitchen work?
(They weren’t sure how it went; but they assumed it went well. They were too tired to help and slept through Dile and Za making crépes. The crépes tasted fine, though.)
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aliciaverse · 1 month
a little bit of colour in my life~ |
19/08/2024 ~ Decor Shopping!!
I went furniture and decoration shopping!! The displays tend to give me loads of ideas when i’m decorating my bedroom.
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10/08/2024 ~ Went Out For Breakfast!!
I went to a cafe called ‘The Crépe Cafe‘, the food was very filling and the presentation was perfect, I dug into my food as soon as I was served it. The image on the left is a ‘mexican crepe’ it had guacamole, salsa, beans, etc, therefore giving the crepe a mexican theme. The image on the right is a ‘banana sweet crepe’, it’s a dessert crepe, it was so sweet!! Definitely coming back more.
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spirk-my-love · 2 years
Jim: okay what do we do
Bones: I was thinking crépes
Jim: I was talking about the Klingons
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