#coyote villainous
One Uncomfortable Detail That Villains Wiki Noted
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Yeah, given her brainwashing serum is akin to a date rape drug I can see why she’s considered a pervert, something close to a rapist, and definitely going into sexual harassment. 
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I mean look at how she treated Omega and Coyote as her personal guard dogs. Seriously, if this wasn’t a kids show there would be more hints to the fact that she had two handsome, buff men at her whim who she can totally take advantage of. Seriously, if the genders and sizes were reversed people would have red flags over it. 
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doodlesnoodles1 · 2 months
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Here's my Miss Heed x Coyote fanchild, her name is Amore!🩷
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paper-gold-theories · 5 months
Say, what do you think Goldheart and Flug's relationship is like if Flug didn't become a villain and worked as a scientist for P.E.A.C.E instead? It is like that Goldheart is a bit older by maybe three years or so and was already a hero by the time Miss Heed saw him on television. Would that mean him and Flug would have never met? Considering that Flug didn't really continue becoming super villain. How would they even meet? What do you think is gonna happen in that scenario?
P.E.A.C.E. Scientist Flug AU (featuring some PaperGold)
I theorized that since there is a villain school there would also be a hero school, my headcanon it's called P.E.A.C.E. Academy School of Heroes.
In the hero school the heroes like GoldHeart would be assigned heroic missions under the watchful eyes of their teachers and mentors and can go on solo missions or fight villains on their own as long as they hit a certain criteria or get a certificate after a stage of their training in school.
The villain school should be the same for Flug.
If Flug ended up working as a P.E.A.C.E. scientist, in the begining he would definitely do work such as invent/manufacture/improve weapons, serums to give powers, ect.
Meanwhile, GoldHeart would still be looking for a hero with super powers and/or anything that can be used to mind-control villains in order to end Villainy forever and made an announcement to give the P.E.A.C.E. heroes, scientist an opportunity to pitch their ideas and in return give a position to be a member or employed under The Golden Rule.
Flug sees this as a good opportunity to advance his career so he submits his proposal to The Golden Rule about using his thesis on altering human emotions (that he created while he was in middle school) to create a formula to end villany forever.
Shortly he was shortlisted and was scheduled to give The Golden Rule his pitch and show them a demonstration of a prototype formula for The Golden Rule.
GoldHeart has never met Flug before this, but has heard many positive things about Flug's work from the higher-ups and other heroes despite only just started working as a scientist a few months ago. As well as negative things from some heroes such as him being weirdo nerd.
When first met Flug during the day he gives his pitch to him and his team, he was absolutely smitten at the sight of the cutie.
He thought that even if Flug's pitch and formula ends up completely garbage he will de initely hit him up afterwards for a date.
Flug starts his pitch on how his formula works and afwerwards demonstration of a prototype of the formula he created with a volunteer test subject.
GoldHeart was absolutely impressed and so was The Golden Rule and decided right then and then that Flug's pitch is the the best and awards him the position as The Golden Rule scientist.
Afterwards Flug got a lab in The Golden Rule and continues to work to perfect the formula to GoldHeart's specifications. And eventually ends up dating GoldHeart not to long afterwards.
When he was asked by GoldHeart he was caught off guard:
GoldHeart, smirks: Cute and smart is there anything you can't do?
Flug, flattered: Aww thank you...*flustered* wait what?
Afterwards even though Flug was only supposed to be a scientist GoldHeart wants Flug to be a hero as well. So one day, GoldHeart asks Flug if he ever cosidered becoming a hero. Flug said he did try to apply a few times for hero training however they rejected him because he doesn't "fit the image of a hero" and because he won't get powerful superpowers if they give him the serums available after they did the tests on him.
GoldHeart responds that a lot of heroes got where there are not just because of their image or skill set but because they have connections and know someone or (or alot of times because they are rich).
And GoldHeart says he believes that Flug can become an exceptional hero. so he will vouch for him to attend hero training.
Flug was touched and agrees.
So Flug ended taking hero training while he is doing his job as a scientist. And despite Flug believing that he should complete hero training first, and learn the theories, basics and scenarios fist,
GoldHeart believes in "learning on the job" will help Flug become a hero faster and was able to convince Flug, desp te his hesitance to go heroic missions and fight crime and villains.
The Golden Rule Members aren't to thrill of Flug being a part of their team, they were already not too thrilled that their team leader dating the Flug who although has done alot to benefit and help out their team, thinks GoldHeart can do better than a nerdy weirdo who won't benefit their leader's reputation, which also might affect their reputation because they are in his team. Having Flug as a part of The Golden Rule would definitely affect their image of being the most popular, cool, and trendy hero group in P.E.A.C.E.
However GoldHeart has already made up his mind and there was no way of changing it and one death glare was able to silence any protest they have about Flug. (So they would often keep their opinions to themselves or just talk among themselves when GoldHeart was not around)
Other heros are also jealous of Flug's fast progress despite having no superpowers and not having an image of a cool hero. And some even believed he only got so far only because he was dating GoldHeart.
So Flug will have to prove to everyone his capabilities as a hero.
GoldHeart supports Flug every step of the way and is quick to vouch and defend him and silence any falsen rumors spread a out him.
He says things may be rough at the start and things will get better. And its just a matter of time before others sees how great he is as a hero just like him.
(Note: If Flug and GoldHeart were dating but did not have the capability if a hero, GoldHeart would not allow Flug to be apart of The Golden Hero, but if Flug wanted to use GoldHeart's fame and to do his own thing, such as starting his own business, he would allow it and encourage it.)
Additionally Flug never went to Black Hat Institute so Miss Heed never met Flug and was never able to steal his thesis.
Hence, she was unable to join The Golden Rule, but despite was still able to become a popular heroine at P.E.A.C.E. (but was still less popular as she foes not have Flug's mind controlling formula to get people to obsessively love her.)
How she managed to become a popular heroine is similar to Villainous: through her father's money and and connections and her agent/community manger Anana Pina helping to maintain her popularity.
During fights her father also hired strong heroes to be her sidekicks to fight and do all the work for her while she gets all the credit and recognition. Something like her dynamic with Omega and Coyote or also something like this (below):
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(image source)
As she does not have the mind controlling perfume she also did not apply to get powers to complement the perfume (see theory) hence in this AU, she does not have superpowers and relies on money to get ahead and often takes credit for other people's work because of her laziness.
Similar to the other heroes, Miss Heed is jealous of Flug despite being similar to her having no super powers as well as his relationship with GoldHeart thinking "THAT SHOULD BE ME!!"
And would glare seethingly at him every time she crosses paths with Flug.
Miss Heed would definitely spread false rumors mouth about him on social media if she could however there was a strict rule in P.E.A.C.E. not to bad mouth any heroes (as it would affect the organization's reputation if they do) and anyone who does so would face disciplinary action from the board (GoldHeart who would not take to kindly to anyone spreading false rumors about his boyfriend), hence she results to complaining and bad mouthing Flug to other heroes and the people in her circle such as her sidekicks, assistants, agent and her hero "friends".
And other methods:
She spends most of the time competing against Flug in everything and tries GoldHeart's attention so that she can prove that she is better than him (most as petty things like merch sales, chocolate bar sales, brand sponsors who can sign the most autographs, get the most likes in one post, modeling, building a sand castle, get more people to arrive at their birthday party, or during team challenges in P.E.A.C.E. hero retreats/company bonding activities, ect) and more fit to be a member of The Golden Rule and GoldHeart's lover than Flug.
(Such as loudly praising her own accomplishments and awards in front of a large crowd in front of Flug or saying how much nicer her costume is at a party)
Flug finds the whole thing rather annoying and dreads the interaction and tries to ignore her baiting but sometimes would agree to her competition due to her utter persistence wearing him down.
GoldHeart is annoyed and angry and would often ignore her and/or yells and threatened her during her attempts at getting his attention or saying anything bad about her boyfriend making her feel utterly humiliated and embarrassed that her crush hates her so much.
And would also cheer on his boyfriend in his competition and would lavish him with praise and affection every time he wins or loses. (He wins most of the time)
Making Miss Heed even more jealous, angry and frustrated at Flug's relationship with GoldHeart. And even screaming and throwing a hysterical tantrum.
Ironically her obsession of beating Flug ended up making her lose her popularity as she starts to prioritise beating Flug over her own reputation which Flug always beats her in the competition when he indulges her at times and nearly all the attempts lead to utter humiliation and make her look more desperate and/or to embarrass herself.
Along the way Miss Heed's crazy obsession with Flug will make her develop some feelings for Flug leading her to kiss him at the heat of the moment during one of their competitions. This caused Flug to be shocked and GoldHeart to punch Miss Heed in the face for kissing his boyfriend.
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creativegenius22 · 2 months
Wild Kratts Theory: Ancestors In Adapto The Coyote
So I was watching the Wild Kratts episode “Adapto The Coyote” today and I paid a little extra attention to this scene where Chris and Martin are explaining how European settlers drove off wildlife when they first arrived in North America. Now, let’s take a closer look at these settlers, shall we?
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From the looks of their silhouettes, I think the animators used existing character models for this scene, specifically Aviva, Zach, and Dabio.
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Now, this could simply be to save them from designing new characters for background silhouettes, but of course I like to add some depth to what I see.
What if these settlers are ancestors of Aviva, Zach, and Dabio!
We already know from “Back In Creature Time” that the villains had ancestors who looked quite a bit like them (the Dabio looking silhouette even has a hat like Shabio), so it stands to reason that the ancestors of the other characters would also be look-alikes.
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It would certainly be interesting if this was true because that would mean that one of Aviva’s ancestors was considered a villain in their time.
Anyways, those are just my thoughts on this part of the episode! Let me know what you guys think!
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docgold13 · 9 months
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Profiles in Villainy
Wile E. Coyote
A rather hungry Coyote, Wile E has been trying to catch and eat the Road Runner for going on fifty year.  And though he has yet to succeed, he remains as perseverant as ever.   
Intelligent and well spoken, Wile E will often purchase items from the Acme Catalog in his pursuit of catching the Road Runner.  These items, ranging from rocket-propelled roller-skates to disintegration ray guns, never work out quite as advertised and usually result in Wile E being blown up, run over or in some manner injured in spectacular fashion.  Undaunted, Wile E continues to use the Acme Catalog hoping that perhaps the next item will be the one that enables him to finally catch that bird.  Wile E has additionally gone after Bugs Bunny, with similar results.  
The great Mel Blanc provided the voice for Wile E Coyote with the Sisyphean adversary first appearing in the 1949 Looney Tunes short, The Fast and the Furry-Ous.’  
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Vivziepoop And Her Zombie Followers
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Seriously, you will see these guys come out in droves to praise and protect her from any criticism. Or again giving her undeserved praise for mediocre crap. You can probably guess these guys by their avatars who they are, but I don't have time to label them. And again this girl is not beating the Miss Heed comparisons how she gets undying loyalty to the point they will overlook everything she does.
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magicalgrimm · 7 months
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I drew this a while ago and didn’t post it anywhere else
Flug got caught in between a fight
Reference photo beneath
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bottlepiecemuses · 2 months
Coyote's Ride Is A One Piece Reference
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The skeleton and hat reminds me of Chopper from One Piece and his model bike is also Chopper's namesake. I would love to think Coyote is a fan of One Piece.
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swagbexr · 5 months
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Miss Heed x Coyote
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this just in: wile e coyote turned towards the dark side
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crowstealingbones · 10 days
Omega: your causing havoc on the city for no reason!
Coyote: your name is associated with gay smut!
(real banter between these two trust/J)
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Metal Wedding Ring For Green Rod
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Seriously, if you are in a relationship with a heavy metal guy like Coyote I can imagine this is the type of proposal ring he would get you. Seriously, coupled with her black wedding dress I can imagine this would be her ring. And I imagine Coyote has to hold onto this ring for seven years because Green Rod keeps shooting down his marriage proposals. And when she finally accepts she really would be happy that he gave a ring with something that is her favorite color. Because again as much as it fits his aesthetics, I also think he would know by now green is her favorite color and get a gemstone that fits her. I do think instead of Emerald he would get a Red Ruby-in-Zoisite due to it being her birthstone and again shows the color green. Or maybe pay the Dr. Doom Rock to get him the aforementioned gem and make a ring so that he can have it the way he wants it. And he swears to it he still it or get money to steal (he just had to do some shady side jobs to get the money for it.)
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seaslugfanclub · 9 months
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I’ve been super obsessed with HJ as of late, so I thought it’d be cute to make a Ship chart of him and Ace!
Id love to answer any questions about them, if anyone’s interested in my silly OC x Canon 😅
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paper-gold-theories · 11 months
Villainous Theory: Miss Heed Treatment of Her Followers
I theorise Miss Heed’s Treatment on Coyote and Omega, reflects how she would treat Flug and GoldHeart and how she wants to be treated by them if could permanently mind-control them
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Similarly, how she treats her "friends" reflects how she also wants The Other Golden Rule Members to treat her
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As you can also see how popular her followers will make her can impact how she will treat them.
Miss Heed surrounds herself the most with Omega and Coyote. In her Instagram Q &A she jokes about them being guardogs
Miss Heed's Instagram Q&A
Question: Do you have pets?
Sometimes we joke about Omega and Coyote being by watchdogs hehe
So she basically considers them pets and bodyguards and also treats them as accessories in her Instagram photos and public events as a way of making herself look more popular and good.
However there is an obvious difference in the way she treats her followers:
Like you can see in this photo she dresses Omega like Santa and Coyote like Rudolph. And also how she makes Coyote sit on the floor in the photo.
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Miss Heed treats Omega as a best friend accessory and part of her entourage because being best friends and seen with the popular hero, who probably has a lot of followers due to his popularity, will definitely increase her popularity being associated with him.
(In the second photo, her sticky note says "Llmar mi BFF Ω" (Call my BFF Ω), referring to Omega as her best friend after she mind controlled him)
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However she treats Coyote as a hired help and accessory to show that she is such a good hero and person for being able to defeat and redeem such a bad and dangerous Villain (instead of Omega, his Arch-Nemesis) and his loyalty to her proves so.
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(Will elaborate further on Omega and Coyote in a separate theory ...)
Finally she treats her other friends like background props and mindless supporters that make her look good by hyping her up even though they were her friends before she mind controlled them.
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To summarise she will basically treat all of them like mindless drones, accessories, props to make her popular and look good as well as wanting them to love her, put in the centre of their universe but without giving anything in return.
In conclusion, although I believe how she will treat Flug, GoldHeart, and The Golden Rule will be somewhat different as they are different people and she has different opinions on all of them it will be somewhat similar way as stated above:
I believe she would treat GoldHeart as her primary focus as being surrounded by the popular hero would give her the most popularity,
Flug as her secondary focus as being around a Villain she redeemed herself Villain would make her appear good and popular but not as much as being around GoldHeart,
And The Other Golden Rule Members as her background entourage as having a squad of heroes who absolutely love her would help her with her popularity.
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sweetmariihs2 · 11 months
Miss Heed probably abused and harassed Omega and Coyote. Probably more people. Maybe that's an implied reason of why Omega was crying when he discovered the truth, besides the fact that he was used by someone he thought that was his friend and because he really is a sensitive person. That's really f up.
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gachacatt · 4 months
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Another commission done for the nice @/NeptuneAlto on Twitter, this was a lot of fun and it was fun figuring it out with him. Thanks again!
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