#to see one of the crew have an ancestor that was a villain would be very interesting!
creativegenius22 · 2 months
Wild Kratts Theory: Ancestors In Adapto The Coyote
So I was watching the Wild Kratts episode “Adapto The Coyote” today and I paid a little extra attention to this scene where Chris and Martin are explaining how European settlers drove off wildlife when they first arrived in North America. Now, let’s take a closer look at these settlers, shall we?
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From the looks of their silhouettes, I think the animators used existing character models for this scene, specifically Aviva, Zach, and Dabio.
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Now, this could simply be to save them from designing new characters for background silhouettes, but of course I like to add some depth to what I see.
What if these settlers are ancestors of Aviva, Zach, and Dabio!
We already know from “Back In Creature Time” that the villains had ancestors who looked quite a bit like them (the Dabio looking silhouette even has a hat like Shabio), so it stands to reason that the ancestors of the other characters would also be look-alikes.
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It would certainly be interesting if this was true because that would mean that one of Aviva’s ancestors was considered a villain in their time.
Anyways, those are just my thoughts on this part of the episode! Let me know what you guys think!
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memento-mori-twilight · 2 months
Alright, I know everyone and their cousins are all gaga over the Superboy reveal but
Let's talk about that new villain lineup!
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And more importantly, how a lot of them are Honest-to-God head scratchers. Well, I have my guesses. As usual, more rambling explaining why is below the cut.
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1) Like, Sir to Lex's immediate left, whomst the fuck are you?
You're too old to be an alternative of Clark, don't fit the previous design of Zor-el, still have both eyes unlike Jor-el...
Unless you are an Alternative Jor-el. Like the Fortress AI Jor-el. But even then, the outfit is slightly off since there's no Kryptonian armor (or symbol for that matter) and Jor-el would have no reason to be a threat to either of the Super Crew.
Speaking of AI, could be Eradicator as a more stable construct now that it's no longer one of Brainiac's protocols (echoing how it went from possessor to physical entity in the comics)...but I think someone else in this picture fits that bill.
Maybe it's Zod? But if so, Jesus are they making him look *exactly* like Jor-el, which DC has famously NEVER DONE. Since Zod is often seen as more of a brutish and ruthless character compared to Jor, he's often bulkier in build.
But then again, they've also built Kal's father like a truck in this adaptation so who knows, maybe that hair style was an official military mandate?
2) Speaking of hair, I see that curl on Lex's right.
Looks like Lex found you after your plane exploded and fixed you up, huh!
Now you're well on your way to becoming Cyborg Superman officially and cementing yourself on the Permanent Superman Hater Squad!
3) Ah Lex! I see your luscious red-brown locks are finally gone. Wonder what caused it? Was it a bad outcome due to an experiment backfire, or are you sick from being around all that Kryptonite for those Metallos for weeks? You looked pretty run down last time we saw you. Maybe some new competition would bring some life back into your face.
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4) Maybe another super genius on your level will challenge you? Maybe someone like...
Ultra-humanite! (On the villain screen bottom right)
Yeah I know the popular take on U-H is the super smart white-furred Gorilla with a surgery scar, but that's just his final form. And I think they're gonna pull what they did with Ivo/Parasite with him by only showcasing his final form on the Villains screen (only it looks like they're not going full Gorilla if he still has a human head).
He started out as Superman's oldest archenemy, a mad scientist who was obsessed with getting rich, getting revenge and living forever, predating Lex by a long while! So it will be fun watching Lex bump heads with what is essentially his ancestor until Ultra morphs himself to something beyond human.
5) Speaking of beyond human, I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what to make of that creature to Ultra's right.
Is that Ivo/Parasite fully free and morphed into a rabid alien creature? Is that just a normal alien creature?! Is that Dubbilex?! Is it Krypto?!?! I have no Earthly idea!
6) Last but not least on me still being confused, on the bottom left where the League of Lois Lanes used to sit, you will noticed there's a whole new group of people there.
And you will also notice that 2 out of that group of 4 are wearing helmets disgusting their features, but the other 2 aren't.
One looks like Lois in a pageboy cap with a sun and the other looks like Kara.
But wait a minute, it's not our Kara bc she's in the showdown squad at the bottom with the other 3 and that one is still in K-armor with the shoulder pads.
Maybe this is a fully Eradicator-pilled Kara as Brainiac tried to create during the season finale or..
What if the League of Lois' return, this time with their own Kara, but this isn't quite the same take on Kara that we got in Season 2?
What if this is a form of Power Girl Kara?!?
Would make sense for Clark and Kara to have matching brain conflicts meeting Kon-El and Power Girl at the same time, wouldn't it?
Or maybe this is another certain League making their appearance, this time with an Action Lois™ in tow? Maybe this is a glimpse at a version of the Legion of Superheroes, who are initially perceived as a threat until it turns out they're just trying to help?
Possibilities abound!
Those are just my predictions.
I have no idea what to expect for this season or what Josie, Brandon, or Jake have cooked up for us
But I have absolute certainty it's going to be one hell of a ride, and they haven't disappointed us yet!
Can't wait for Season 3!!!
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aaghht · 2 years
minor spoilers for the usagi chronicles series but just wanna try and figure out a timeline here, so...
Miyamoto Usagi is established as a "distant ancestor" of Usagi
Yuichi Usagi lives in a futuristic Edo inspired era/re-imagining of the comic world
Neo Edo exists about 1000 yrs into the future? (i think the show itself doesn't establish this as strictly, so i think might have gotten this from some NYCC livestream or something) Edit (24.10): Actually, the show establishes this a few times, but it's a bit vague/always the same:
One of the dog police guarding Usagi in ep 2 tells him the story of Miyamoto Usagi and how he was a big traitor, starting with:
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In the first ep, it's established that a 1000 years ago, something happened with the main villain Kagehito, to make him hate Miyamoto Usagi - for sealing him in the Ki-Stone for a thousand years.
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The same episode, Karasu-Tengu also mistakes Usagi for Miyamoto, and says a similar line about the Ki-Stone:
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Then the season end establishes that this sealing of Yokai and Kagehito by Miyamoto Usagi was to hold off an invasion from another dimension/space a 1000 years ago.
Another little factoid to build on: in the 1st ep, when meeting Usagi, Gen says it's the first time he's seen a rabbit in the city;
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Auntie mentions in the 1st ep that her and Usagi's great-grandfather made her sword, Edgewing, together "back when I was your age." - so I assumed here first that Miyamoto is the great-grandfather Auntie means here. (edit: again, how old is Auntie if she's had her sword for that long???)
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so when in season 2, Usagi and crew save Neo Edo and then visit the temple again, they see Miyamoto Usagi reflected from the Ki-Stone, he calls Usagi his grandson. I checked this in translations and the subtitles too and there's no mistaking his words there.
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so I'm just wondering... What is the timeline here?? how many generations have passed between Miyamoto's time and Usagi's time?
Also, since they have different last names (Miyamoto and Yuichi) and Yuichi is his grandson, I guess I can only assume that Miyamoto Usagi had at least two daughters: Auntie and Yuichi's mom.
edit 2 (Oct 24): The 2nd season establishes that at some point, Miyamoto sent his sword, Willow Branchs away for safekeeping with a servant. The sword is lost in a war those same "1000 years ago"so at what point did Miyamoto Usagi of this series die? How old is Auntie? What's the life-span of rabbits that there are so few of them that a bounty hunter like Gen (who we will assume, travels or at least sees people a lot), would be surprised to see a rabbit in the city?
This begs another question.... if we assume their lifespans are actually quite long.... How many rabbits are left?
a 1000 years is definitely enough time for a heroic character like Miyamoto to be rumored into a villain, but even a 100 years is enough for that sometimes, so is it really a 1000 years?
Yokai are mythical beings so they can basically exist and remember a time like that easily enough, but since they've been locked away for a whole 10 centuries... (edit end)
sdfsdfsdfs i would just like to know more plz
seriously, this show is so fun but i know almost nothing abt the og comic series except maybe stuff I once read on fan wikis, so I guess I'll have to introduce myself to the series proper one day. I believe the series is a bit more removed from the series in that it exists in the comic world but in a further away sci-fi future, so it isn't too bad that it's left vague in the Netflix series.
but I'm still just wondering??? so Yuichi Usagi is a grandson???
Gen, Kitsune and Chizu are also either distant descendats/direct re-interpretations and unique takes on the side-characters of the og comic series, so very non-seriously I'm just wondering here how the family trees look like lol
edit 3 (Oct 24th): so with all this in mind..... is Auntie Miyamoto's daughter and then, Usagi's own mom, his youngest daughter? How old did the other characters from the og Usagi's time live? How many generations have passed for their families? Gen has a family tree, but both Chizu and Kitsune are orphans - how old aaahhh so many questions (edit end)
also listening to an interview with both Stan Sakai and art director Khang Le on this podcast and it all just sounds so inspiring to me but I just thought I'd make this post to think about what the timeline/relation might be. I also think it might not be that important since the show itself seems to be spiritually faithful as a spinoff to the comic, but still, got a bit curious haha!
edit 4 (Oct 24th): also, from that same interview, I remember they mentioned that Neo Edo as a futuristic city (a 1000 years from the Edo-era of the Usagi Yojimbo series) has flying cars. There are talking appliances (not Yokai-posessed), vending machines (a staple of modern japanese cities?) and futuristic games, like TRON-esque car racing games, but interestingly, no phones. So the crew put a bit of thought into that - what would a futuristic world without phones look like?
signed - Aghht, 19th October, 2022 (might add more as I remember)
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raisedbythetv89 · 8 months
The Star Wars sequels are such a beautiful message for the people who are healing generational trauma and righting wrongs they never committed in the first place to break cycles our ancestors were stuck in their entire lives.
Healing wounds that aren’t yours fucking SUCKS. Fixing things you didn’t break fucking SUCKS. It’s so unfair and exhausting and confusing until you figure out inherited wounds and trauma is what you’re dealing with not just what has happened to you in this lifetime.
I love that they made Rey a Palpatine. It makes for an incredibly powerful message of healing and overcoming your childhood and your family and defining your own destiny no matter where you came from - it is SUCH a hopeful and empowering message that such a literal ray of sunshine could come from such evil!! People with abusive parents NEED to see that kind of story where you become NOTHING like your family and can literally say fuck you and everything you’ve ever stood for AND your family name I want nothing to do with it! 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻 the original trilogy sort of dealt with these themes as well but the ending are completely different. Anakin finally sees the error of his ways and comes through for at least one of his kids. Rey literally DESTROYS her grandfather’s clone by reflecting back on him what he dishes out and changes her last name. She’s for the people who had to give up hope of ever reconciling or finally being heard by their parents or the people who harmed them and just moving on and building their own life instead.
Anakin failed to protect and save his love as a result of Palpatine’s manipulation and fell to darkness, betraying everything Padme fought for and believed in.
Rey, instead of manipulating a Skywalker to darkness for her own power hungry selfish ends like her grandfather, inspires Ben to come back to the light. And where Palpatine “saves” Anakin by turning him into even more of a monster after his battle with Obi-wan, Rey literally heals Ben not just of the stab wound she had just inflicted but ALL of his scars as well making him whole again by sharing her life force in an outpouring of love and saying I didn’t want power, I didn’t want to rule, I just wanted YOU, Ben Solo - “I did want to take your hand, Ben’s hand” not only breaking the cycle Palpatine’s and Skywalkers have been trapped in but literally fixing what her grandfather broke.
And Ben DOES save his love from dying and not only that, where Anakin’s thirst for power was his downfall because he falsely believed more and more power was how you become invincible, Ben literally gave Rey EVERYTHING he had😭. HE SAID GOODBYE TO HER WITH THAT HUG BEFORE HEALING HER BECAUSE HE WASNT SURE HE WOULD SURVIVE LONG ENOUGH TO SEE IF HIS EFFORTS WORKED. Literally the polar opposite of Anakin - being willing to give up EVERYTHING just for a CHANCE that Rey could live even if he wouldn’t be alive to be with her.
Everyone being all pissed at the “somehow palpatine returned” line need to get some fucking perspective. Their ENTIRE PLAN was to make TROS centered around Leia!! Finishing her story like they did for Harrison and Mark, and Carrie fucking DIED. I still feel the grief of that loss literally anytime I think about it!!! And I never even met her!!! You have this crew of people grieving this powerhouse of a woman and wanting to honor her by giving Leia’s story a worthy conclusion working with like SEVEN LINES they didn’t use from a previous movie. They had to build an entire trilogy finale that worked around a few lines of dialogue. Any idiot with half a brain can figure out Leia’s line of “always in the shadows from the very beginning” was what prompted the return of Palpatine because literally how else do you make that line usable?? Also they clearly needed a new villain because they wanted Leia’s death to be about saving her son just like Anakin’s was so Kylo Ren couldn’t be the big bad anymore - Palpatine as the villain is literally the only thing that makes sense for the movie projects (and even before I knew all of the behind the scenes of why and how they made the choices they made I loved all three movies I truly think everyone is way too fucking critical of our campy space opera’s and gets all worked up with their own theories and when they don’t be what they were expecting they have a meltdown combined with their internalized misogyny making them hypercritical because the story centers around a girl and people subconsciously hold women to unrealistically high standards)
So not only do Rey and Ben fix the mistakes of their grandfathers but they break the Palpatine/Skywalker abuse cycle that has wreaked havoc on the galaxy for decades. Making the movie about so much more than just another conflict between the rebellion and the first order. It’s an incredibly important story to me. Is it perfectly flawless? No. But literally nothing in life is so maybe just try and enjoy what you can and if you can’t enjoy it yourself leave the people who can ALONE.
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shree3redranger · 2 years
Ben 10 adds a lot more aliens than explores or diversify them. As many have very identical or not so relevant powers and this leads to unpopularity and the problem of favoritism.
Ultimate Alien has a opening with every alien featured in the franchise until that moment, and the only ones that appeared were the aliens featured in UAF and a few from the classic series. Omniverse improved on this concept, highlighting formerly abandoned aliens and creating aliens that are mostly more diverse, but still misses.
Why would I use Fasttrack if XLR8 is faster? Or why Eatle and not Upchuck? Why use Murk Upchuck if I prefer the Perk? Echo Echo is much better than Ditto and Frankenstrike and Shocksquatch are practically the same thing, the electric strong guy. In-universe it makes sense for many species to develop similar powers or have subspecies, but out-of-universe it's redundant. They should at least have a different approach instead of being another alien, but better or worse.
If Ultimate Alien focused on creating new Ultimates or improving poorly designed ones instead of adding redundant aliens, it would be better. I think with the exception of the Andromeda five and Clockwork, Ultimate Alien didn't need to add new aliens. Theme is the Ultimate Aliens, the focus should be on them.
The Halloween trio is the definition of what I'm saying.
Crew statements, especially the ones published years after the show ended should not be treated as canon.
Original Ben 10 universe is an inconsistent mess, full of retcons and contradictions, and this is why I would rather see another reboot than continuation of Omniverse. Not only that, but also Ben having full controll over Alien X completelly removes any stakes.
While I am not the biggest fan of Ben and Gwen having alien ancestors, I usually do not mind AF making everything about aliens, as they should'be been the main focus from the start.
Original idea for Bezel being a civilisation rather than a person was more interesting.
While I love it's design, I feel like Feedback was unnecessarry addition to the series and him being such an important alien for Ben felt kinda shoehorned in, considering that he was never mentioned before UAF.
Alien Force's original 10 new aliens were too OP.
I do not mind useless aliens, such as Walkatrout, as their existance reinforces the notion that Omnitrix is not a weapon.
Aggregor was one of the coolest villains.
Ragnarok is also an underrated villain, and his rivalry with Kevin should've been developed more (and it would probably stronger establish Kevin's new backstory, making it harder for OV to rewrite it).
Kevin should've only mutated twice, in OS and in UA, all his other mutations felt unnecessary.
"Blitzwolfer" is a really stupid name, and it basically wasted a perfect opportunity to give Benwolf some proper name, for the sake of making a bad joke.
Ben's powers are probably overestimated by fandom.
I am not a fan of 5YL, mainly because the entire idea of it being a cross-over just makes it too obvious that I what I am reading is a fanfiction. Also I find the reason as to why Ben does not use Alien X to be nonsensical.
Overflow is cooler than Water Hazard.
UAF Fourarms was the best one designwise.
I do not mind OV and OS giving clothes to every alien.
Black-and white suits from Original Series looked better than the green ones from OV. Also I am not a fan of all the aliens having green eyes.
Tom Holland shouldn't be casted as Ben, if another live-action version will be made.
I absolutelly hate the idea of Omnitrix turning it's user into a "perfect member of a species".
While I love Kevin's redemption arc in UAF, I also wouldn't mind him staying a villain
The Forever Knights are one of the most dangerous antagonists, the only reason why they keep losing against Ben, Gwen and Kevin is because those three are insanely powerful.
Darkstar is one of the most evil characters in the entire series, Vilgax is a conqueror and a Warlord, Dr Animo is insane, Charmcaster is mentally unstable, but Darkstar is straight up rotten to the core, not sure if this is a hot take or not because I don't see people talk about Darkstar often.
Ben 10 needs to be slightly darker in my opinion, I don't mind it being light-hearted but there's too much of it and not enough dark, the only episode where Ben 10 went really dark was in Catch A Falling Star, which I enjoyed.
1. Either get rid of the mistransformation gimmick or make Ben the sort of character not obsessed with using brute strength aliens all the time. Both of these together make the show really stale, as it means Ben has to keep re-learning to use all his aliens while being the same naïve jerk all the time. If Alien Force S12 Ben had to deal with mistransformations I wouldn't mind because he clearly had the smarts and maturity to adapt to them without a cheesy "Oh maaaan!"
2. Most of Ben's one-liners in OS were painfully annoying and make it really hard to re-watch.
3. Even though I love them all, I think the Alien Force roster of transformations was a bit too strong, making them feel not as diverse. Omniverse had a very different issue- too many aliens that only relied on brute strength for attack.
1. Ben X Kai can work, they just didn't explore it well enough.
2. Gwen and Kevin not being main characters in Omniverse is pointless when they appear so often anyways.
3. The Ultimatrix is cool but is the worst watch design.
4. Ben not being able to beat a specific character does not make him a bad character.
5. Whilst fluid in terms of animation. Omniverse's art style was a jarring shift from what came before and would have worked better for the Reboot's version of UAF.
Alien X is so fucking overrated and every topic involving him is toxic
Ben can't turn into the most powerful universe destroyer saiyan ever and one shot Goku
Fusion aliens are boring, Ben 10K also boring
AF Vilgax is bad but as bad as Omniverse
Diamondhead beating Vilgax was stupid and i consider it a PIS feat
All Malware and Feedback plots feels forced and i never cared for them
1. AF is my least favorite (it has some good episodes but I don’t really care about the whole Hybrid arc, just not willing to watch every episodes but just the War of Worlds 1/2). It has some of my favorite aliens but I just don’t find AF as entertaining compared to the other shows and won’t really watch the show as a whole. Only a few episodes, I would watch that I like.
2. Most of the franchise is being carried by its concepts with most of its execution... Eh. Amazing concepts with eh/okay executions, it's filling with such potential but there so many big/little things holding it back (IMO, the good outweighs the bad but it's where I can't ignore the bad stuff and is sticking out a lot).
3. The best thing that Classic has offer was “Secret” and “Back With a Vengeance” (simply, in one word: Vilgax). And I don’t like how only 2/3 of episodes focus on Zs'skayr in Classic (with “Ghostfreak Out”, being at least top 10 favorite Classic episodes, and every other Zs'skayr theme episode just never went as well afterward) and I think Zs'skayr as a villain is kinda overrated.
4. My favorite episode from the whole Dagon arc was “Solitary Alignment” even though the arc kinda sucks imo.
5. Idk if this is a hot take, but I think the whole Prey and Predator arc (especially in season 1) was executed very well. And I love all of the alien predator designs!
6. I despise the “glitch powers” stuff made by DJW like Jetray going into hyperspace and/or Diamondhead levitating crystals. They were so cool, why to remove them? :(
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a-tale-never-told · 10 months
//Speaking of baddd Ultimates, let's talk Maverick Storm. We know that Kyoji and Umeko were never even born due to their ancestors either not meeting or dying in the invasion of Japan but Maverick was born to American parents, criminals who escaped to Japan while on the run from the authorites. So what gives? Did his parents get captured before they could procreate or is Maverick alive but is a American rather then a Sansei?
//Maverick is certainly an interesting one, as he has massive potential given his status as one of the most feared and dreaded enemies the Quantum Crew has ever faced, and an arc facing him in this story would certainly be a massive highlight, considering the lack of several ASOOT villans, since I killed Emina and had Tsukasa die of cancer.
//The thing with Maverick is that half of his past was mostly due to Kyoji, as he had a tremendous hatred towards him, even discriminating against him based on his Korean heritage, and Nakamura was one of the main reasons he got officially expelled from Hope's Peak, hence why he utterly despises him.
//If Maverick were to make an appearance in the story, I would have to reinvent his backstory, and how he eventually became the scumbag that he became. It's not really easy when you start to analyze it from a critical perspective because Maverick is an extremely complex character to break down, with his own beliefs about humanity and his way of manipulating others to do his bidding.
//The main thing with the villains is that I have massive and extensive plans on what to do with them, yet we barely see enough of them in the story, because ever since Operation Downfall happened and the aftermath of the invasion, it has created an unprecedented junction point that significantly differs, with multiple fan favorites from ASOOT like Kyoji, Umeko, and others not making an appearance in the story due to the events of this alternate timeline. And that goes for the villains as well.
//As of the first arc, the only villains that are confirmed to appear in the story are Franz, The Despair Sisters, Kanade, Wagner, Junya, Haij, and possibly Nagito? I don't plan on making Komaeda a main villain in the story as of late, but he's certainly not going to be great in this AU. But aside from those guys, who else is going to appear in the story?
//Nikolai only made two incredibly brief appearances at the beginning of the arc before fading away into the background. I don't want to reveal valuable information about Nikolai now, as that's for Season 2, where he will truly make his grand debut. And aside from him, most of the ASOOT Season 2 villains are either missing or were killed off before the story even began.
//Emina is already confirmed to be killed by a KGB agent in a post I created months ago, and we don't actually know about Ayato's whereabouts other than he was presumably killed during the raid.
//Tsukasa has already been confirmed to have died of stomach cancer, so that's another villain confirmed to be deceased, and the Basilisk will probably not make an appearance due to the incredible lack of AI and the technological backwardness of this AU. Maybe things will change once Yamato invents the transistor, but that won't be until well into Season 2.
//The only ones that I can do with and write that haven't been confirmed to have died or not exist here, are the HSS(Holy Salvation Society), Juu Kinjo, The Steering Committee, and Tsumugi. But aside from that, we might have an entirely original cast of rogues the Crew will have to face, and I can't even draw to save my entire life!
//On second thought, perhaps it was a really idiotic decision to actually put the technological level form at the late 60s, as it has severely limited what I can do on a technological level, but also limited the number of antagonists I can write, and with the exception of Nikolai, Franz, and Wagner, I don't even have definitive plans yet on what to do with the OC villains. And not having sprites of them severely limits their effectiveness as antagonists.
//I seriously think Maverick would be a MASSIVE boost for the Rouge's Gallery, considering his status as the Ultimate Social Expert as well as any potential arc with him in it is certainly going to attract a lot of attention. So as to answer the question if Maverick will make an appearance or not in the story, the definitive answer is maybe. Perhaps, I can write a convincing story arc with Storm in it, and it can turn out very well, or incredibly poorly at the same time. Either way, if Maverick does appear in the story, consider things to be incredibly different than they were before.
//I'm just at a crossroads on what to do with the villains at the moment since my objective focus is on Hajime and Class 77th-B at the moment and not on people who probably won't be relevant untill Season 2.
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I found the twitter account of one one Okita Mitsu’s descendants https://twitter.com/oki045/status/1259145304651083778?s=61&t=dgsv3BtuXS1AGH5aV7mp3A
Thanks for sharing this!
Okita Ikuo (沖田郁雄) is the great-great-grandson of Okita Mitsu. He actually really looks like that famous composite photo commonly mistaken for Souji 😅
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According to this article, he’s the current head of the Okita family. His father was Okita Tetsuya (沖田哲也), a scholar of public administration, emeritus professor at the Faculty of Political Science and Economics at Meiji University, and Director of the Center for lnternational Programs (1, 2) focusing on Canadian Studies, who passed away in November 2000 (obituary).
From a quick Google search, according to Linkedin, Okita Ikuo works as a private secretary at the House of Councillors. After seeing other photos of him on his Instagram and Facebook, I think he kind of looks like these 2 possible photos of Okita Souji 😅
Here's what I learned from his tweets about the Shinsengumi:
He donated a photo of Okita Mitsu to the Shinsengumi Hometown History Museum in Hino. (source). “I wondered if I could have sent Mitsu back to her hometown. I don't really know if Hino was her true hometown, but at least she returned to the place where she spent time with Souji.” (source)
“There are no photographs or portraits of Souji.” (source)
“According to the scraps of lore passed down in the Okita family. Mitsu liked to gather people and have banquets. It's said that she gathered the "continental ronin" [T/N: Japanese who lived, traveled and conducted political activities in continental Asia from the early Meiji period to the end of World War II, in other words, colonists] at her son's house in Dalian and took care of them. Well, Souji was also helped by Yagi-san and other caretakers, so maybe she was paying it forward for their kindness to her brother. It's interesting to think about it.” (source)
Okita Souji was also fully-licensed at the Chiba Dojo. (source)
Okita Souji was a tall man for his time. (source)
It's been handed down in the Okita family that Souji used to slay people right after smiling and laughing in his daily life. (source)
“Inoue Genzaburo was not a good-natured uncle like he’s often portrayed in dramas. He was a staunch swordsman like a warrior from the Warring States period.” (source)
He confirmed that Okita was at Ikedaya according to the information passed down in his family (source)
“Kondo Isami vaguely dreamed that Hijikata Toshizo would reach Goryokaku and that the peasants and local samurai of Tama would decide the fate of the country. Ryoma acted early on with the awareness that commoners would become involved in politics. It was an awareness that Souji couldn't reach.” (source)
As a descendant of the Shinsengumi, he is deeply offended by the presence of Yasukuni shrine [T/N: this is the WW2 war criminal shrine, also enshrined members of the anti-Shogunate side who died during the Bakumatsu] for insulting and defaming the Shinsengumi. He believes State Shintoism is the pinnacle of cowardice for taking advantage of the fact that ordinary people would not sue (source). He would never visit Yasukuni because he’s a descendant of the opposing side, he’s Christian, he believes it would be better to thank those who had a higher mortality rate than the soldiers, such as transport crews, and he couldn’t forgive the suicide attackers. (source)
In the past, the Shinsengumi were portrayed as villains and didn't play a big role. Thanks to Shiba Ryotaro's novels, they became popular. He’s grateful as a descendant of the Shinsengumi. (source)
The families of the core members of the Shinsengumi were not descendants of Takeda Shingen's surviving vassals, rather vassals of Hojo. (source)
“As a descendant of the Shinsengumi, it is a family motto handed down from ancestors to beat off the "patriots" of the Meiji Restoration.” (source)
“Why does the Okita family, who is based in Tama, live in Tsurumi, Yokohama? That's because Tsurumi used to be a part of Tama.” (source)
“The Shinsengumi was a group of young people. I'm sure there were some serious historical dramas, but it couldn't have been without romantic elements.” He supports the idea of love stories involving Shinsengumi, and said this in response to someone making music for a romance novel series about the Shinsengumi (source)
Okita Souji’s descendants could visit his grave any time (source). For everyone else, it’s only open on the anniversary of his death. (source)
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A crowd lining up to visit Okita’s grave on the anniversary of his death (source)
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disneydancepants · 3 years
Even MORE Descendants...
I really miss having time to play The Sims. I'm *dying* to be able to create Auradon with the new Create-A-World mod I've been seeing. Which has had me daydreaming about how I'm going to fit the VKs into all my Disney Sims.
I've been toying with the idea of making Audrey the granddaughter of Aurora and Phillip, instead of their daughter. Their child can marry either Tiana's kid or Naveen's little brother, that way I can stay accurate to the original *and* Audrey can still be black (actress Sarah Jeffrey is biracial and identifies as black).
Which brings me to this:
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Uhh, that's Princess Aurora in the back, between Queen Leah and Princess Audrey. In fact, a lot of the classic Princesses and Princes have cameos during Ben's coronation (if I remember right, you can also spot Cinderella and Henry Charming, Tiana and Naveen, Aladdin and Jasmine, and Rapunzel and Eugene).
They did overall suuuuch a great job with casting to match the Descendants actors. So why didn't they just make this bit background part match Audrey and Queen Leah? Why couldn't Aurora be black in these movies? Was some Disney executive scared we wouldn't recognize Sleeping Beauty if she wasn't white, in a series that overall did an amazing job adding diversity to the Disney Princess world? I don't get it.
And then there's Jay. I was too busy making jokes about Jafar not being his dad to comment that... Jafar can't be his dad.
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I mean, I guess he could. My Aladdin/Jafar's sister joke-theory doesn't hold water though. Actor Booboo Stewart is half Eastern Asian, but he's also part white and Blackfoot. He's not Middle-Eastern at all.
On that note though: I don't think Carlos is supposed to be half Jewish, but Cameron Boyce was in real life. I kinda assume Carlos's dad is Jasper or something.
So Jay's mom could be Eastern Asian or Native American (fun fact I learned: Sarah Jeffrey is also part Native Canadian) and Jafar is still his dad. But the only Disney villains I can think of that fit are Shan Yu and the Huns? So I'm going to tweak my old idea a bit. Maybe Jafar *is* still Jay's uncle, but Jay has no idea. His real parents are Jafar's sister Nasira and Shan Yu. In Genghis Khan fashion, Shan Yu had a crapload of kids on the Isle. Nasira doesn't want to raise a kid, and Jafar needs a Street Rat to help him steal/scavenge stuff for his shop (which is actually a front for him to find another genie or non-evil magic artifact). So Jafar raises his nephew, and Jay never learns the truth. Thoughts?
Apparently CJ Hook *does* have a cameo in the movies, btw! She was confirmed on Twitter to be a part of Uma's crew in the 2nd movie (tweeted by the author of one of the books). I don't have the picture, but there's a blonde girl that Harry taunts towards the end of the "What's My Name" number, and she was confirmed to be CJ!
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I think that's her on top of the table, to the left.
I've read a lot of discussions why Iago is sent to the Isle (in the books, apparently) despite going good after the first Aladdin movie. Instead of Descendants ignoring all sequels though... Maybe Beast was just a major hard-ass? Fits his character. Despite anything Iago did after, he still had to pay for his crimes on the Isle of the Lost. I dunno, it works for me...
By this logic, Kronk would have to go there too.
How does the afterlife work in Auradon? Who runs the Underworld since Hades was stripped of his god-hood? If someone is forgotten in Santa Cecilia (I think that's the name of the town in Coco), do they get sent to the Underworld after the leave the Coco afterlife? Mulan has ancestor ghosts: does religion play a part in what happens to you in the afterlife? Does that mean Judge Frollo was tortured by Chernabog and his demons (Fantasia) between his death and resurrection? Is Chernabog sent to the Isle too? Whose magic was so powerful that they were able to strip gods of all their god-ness? Were the Olympians cool with this? Since Jafar's third wish made him a genie instead of a god, that means genies are the most powerful beings. Not sure where I'm going with that last one...
What religion are the priests shown in Arendelle, Corona, and Prince Eric's kingdom? I'm way too involved in worldbuilding my Sims Auradon...
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 11 second part
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Absurdity) 
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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Message from the Lan Clan
After dinner the Yunmeng bros go to talk to Jiang Fengmian in his study. They're quiet and respectful here, with no shoulder-shoving or arguing. This scene has such Brady Bunch energy, where Dad's Study is the Man Place where boys come to talk about Serious Things.
The boys tell Dad Jiang about the Yin Iron and he says yeah, I know. This is probably why he let them run off on their road trip without punishing them, but he could have, like, shared data with them so they might have actually achieved something related to the Yin Iron, rather than just wandering around the countryside bonding with Lan Wangji and Nie Huaisang.
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He shows them a letter from the Lans that basically says the Lan Clan is in the shit, and he tells them they've got to go to the Wen indoctrination because otherwise they will also be in the shit. 
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He gives the boys a warning about the Yin Iron, which is that 
1. it can be refined and 
2. if you refine it carefully, it will not control you. 
Awesome tip, will definitely use, thanks pop.
(more behind the cut)
Jiang Cheng wants to argue about going to the Wen party, but Wei Wuxian vocally gets on board, not leaving any opportunity for whining. 
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Wei Wuxian is only sucking up a little bit in this scene. He obviously has a lot of affection for Jiang Fengmian, but WWX doesn't play up to his favoritism nearly as much as he could. Compare, for example, how he leans into Yanli's preferential treatment of him.  
Fight Outside the Cold Cave
Over on the Gusu side of the country province township, the disciples have gathered outside the cold cave that previously none of them knew about, and Su She is freaking out. 
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Most of the acting in The Untamed is naturalistic, but then there are occasional characters who are portrayed with a much more theatrical, broad style. Su She's villainy is not given a lot of layers; he's playing a type, more than a person.
Many of the villains in The Untamed are played this way, but not all. Wen Zhuliu, for example, is a genuinely horrifying bad guy while also conveying depth and ambivalence--despite having hardly any lines. And JGY is a masterpiece of a performance. For Su She, the directors or the actor have opted for "sniveling backstabber" as a type, which is unfortunate, because it robs his final scenes of emotional impact.
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Lan Qiren tells the disciples to get to safety. He rushes forward, gamely getting his ass kicked by human cuisinart Wen Xu.  He's not as effective a warrior as either of his nephews but he's a brave S.O.B.
Hanguang Jun to the Rescue
Before things can go completely pear-shaped, Lan Wangji sails in with his guqin.
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The Blue Steel technique of the Lan Clan
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Like many gifted learners, Lan Wangji's musical abilities are more advanced than his social skills. Here he musically makes the ground literally explode, almost as if it had been specially rigged with incendiary charges.  
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Lan Wangji is very pretty when he's worried, and his affection and concern for his uncle is touching. He's 100% not interested, as we will see, in Lan Qiren's whole "lets all die for the future of the Lan Clan while my nephews hide" agenda. He's on his own agenda of smiting the wicked and protecting the weak.
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Notice how Su She is standing right next to Lan Qiren here, even holding his arm? The next thing that Lan Qiren says is to tell all the disciples to keep up as they run into the cave. Somehow Su She totally does not keep up, and he gets caught outside along with a bunch of other disciples.
Giving Up
Wen Xu and his men kill most of the other caught disciples, and then threaten Su She, asking him how to get into the cave. In fear for his life, he tells them. Not cool, Su She, but possibly forgivable. Although when you voluntarily join a, you know, battle cult, physical courage is kind of an important qualifier.
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But this shit here...
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They didn't fucking ask about the books, douchebag.  
Su She was there in Lan Qiren's house when the two heads of his clan knelt to each other, each claiming the right to be the one to stay behind and die. And he heard Lan Qiren say that the ancient books are the foundation of the clan and that only if LXC and the books survive, will the clan continue. By giving up both men, and pointing out the book situation, Su She has totally earned his expulsion. 
Lan Wangji Takes a Stand
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Lan Wangji decides, for the first but not last time, to openly defy his uncle...and it's got nothing to do with Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji is a hero, who follows the dictates of his conscience. His conscience is extremely filial and extremely orthodox, but he’s got a growing open-minded streak.  This is going to cause a whole lot of conflicts for him over the next few years.
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This time, however, he manages to skate out from under the whole disobedient, unfilial thing by citing Lan Yi's directive, which means Lan Qiren has to accept it because she's his predecessor and elder relative (She is probably not a literal ancestor, since she spent her life in a cave putting fucking headbands on fucking rabbits which probably didn’t leave time for having babies).
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This is a pretty extraordinary moment for Lan Wangji and for Lan Qiren, because Lan Wangji just asserted his own form of authority to do the exact opposite of what Lan Qiren wanted, and Lan Qiren just sucked it up and let him.
It's also very different from western stories involving a holy McGuffin such as the Yin Iron. Lan Wangji's solution of "fuck it, just let the bad guys have it, it's not worth so many people dying for" is refreshing and surprising to me, a westerner raised on The One Ring, the Grail, the Death Star Plans, etc.
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Lan Wangji steps out of the cave and uses a sword blast to save Su She, the ungrateful bastard, from getting stabbed by Wen Xu. Then he surrenders, and they break his leg to slow him down. This does not actually incapacitate him, because he is Lan Fucking Wangji, already a BAMF at like 17 years old. When they whack his leg, his chunk of Yin Iron falls out onto the ground.
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That thing was in a magic bag of holding before. So...it just falls out when you whack him? If they whack him again will his guqin fall on the ground? What about candy?
Archery Practice at Lotus Pier
Meanwhile, back at Lotus Pier, the brothers are enjoying some quality time together before they head to the hostage-taking indoctrination.
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Wei Wuxian is such a great cultivator that he can hit a distant target even when he jerks his bow upwards as he releases the arrow.
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Jiang Cheng seems fairly pleased, and proud of his brother. He's competitive and fundamentally grumpy but not, at least here, a sore loser.
Club Ruohan
We go over to Da Club, where Wen Ruohan is yelling at Wen Qing for letting Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian go. He names them both, so they're becoming more and more known to their enemies. Which is not a good thing.
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He menaces her with the zombie mosh crew, having them kill a dude in front of her and then saying her baby brother will be next in the circle of zombies if she tries any more stunts. Neither of them can imagine how much zombie ass her baby brother is going to kick, later in his (un)life.
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Side note: What is up with WRH’s hair? Why bother pulling your hair up over your ears if you're going to leave an enormous curtain of it over your face? It's because he knows there's a wind machine next to his throne, isn’t it?
Leaving Lotus Pier
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Jiang Cheng: when I ran off earlier in the year on my road trip you didn't pack a goddamn thing.
Wen Indoctrination
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Is it even possible to stand next to this much active volcanic shit and not, uh, die? I live in the tornado part of the US so I don't know much about lava (yet. 2020 still has 2 months to go). But it seems like it would be hard to breathe the air. Also they appear to build houses on lava piles, which seems imprudent.  I say that even as someone who plays The Elder Scrolls Online, which is full of lava towns and nonsense like “ash farming.”
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Nie Huaisang is adorable at all times, but particularly here, when he's so happy to see his friend who *didn't* fuck his gege and then abandon him without an explanation. 
Nie Huaisang: I'm so glad I can count on Wei-Xiong to be consistent and not vanish for months, or become a traumatized shell of his former self, or, like, horribly die.
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Jin Zixuan isn't quite as happy to see Wei Wuxian.
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Wen Chao enjoys the sound of his own voice way too much, and is malevolent and boring. On the plus side, he likes to stand with his hand stuck out in the air, which is fun for your resident photoshopper.
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Nie Huaisang is so miserable every time he's holding a sword, or blade, or whichever we're supposed to call this. He's got his fan tucked into his belt, which is sweet. He is happy to give up his sword but don't you dare try to take his fan.
Meanwhile Wei Wuxian is worried about Lan Wangji, and Jiang Cheng isn't.
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Lan Wangji shows up under guard, and takes his position at the front of the line, but without any extra disciples. The Wens let him change into snowy white robes after breaking his leg which will go well with arterial blood spray. He's focused and is determined not to interact with Wei Wuxian in this public context.
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When I was little, I would sit near my best friend at church on Sunday, but not be allowed to talk to her until church was over, and it was exactly like this. She was good at churching and I was hyper and hated church. We are still best friends and these things are still true.
This interaction is like a thumbnail for the whole dynamic of these three boys: Lan Wangji outwardly ignoring Wei Wuxian while having many interior feelings about him; Wei Wuxian demanding attention and creating a bit of a scene, due to his very genuine caring; Jiang Cheng telling him to leave that boy alone for fuck's sake.
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Lan Wangji: Stop trying to talk to me Wei Ying, I’m busy composing a song in my head about the two of us and our love for each other. 
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catchester · 3 years
Guardians of the Galaxy, Ragnarok, and Classic Loki
I was discussing Classic Loki's costume with someone online and I admit, in the small teaser, I was really disheartened.
Yes, it was a faithful copy of a classic Loki costume, but comic book costumes are ridiculous, especially older ones. And if that wasn't bad enough, his pants looked like a nappy.
I'd been mostly impressed with the mixture of drama and comedy but this outfit was just a step too far for me. I was not confident in where the series was going.
Then in the next episode, they took this walking visual joke and gave him not only a full, but a fulfilling character arc.
I admit, Classic Loki is my second favourite variant, just pipped to the post by alligator Loki.
And isn't that weird? Alligator Loki is objectively more ridiculous, not in his costume but in his whole character. He's a freaking reptile FFS! But I love him.
And that reminded me of a discussion I'd had with a Ragnarok fan who would hear no wrong said about her movie. The points i brought up with her had nothing to do with Loki, I chose the slavery
It's on Sakar
Valkyrie is a slave trader selling people into certain death because no one wins forever, but somehow a hero,
And that Odin build Asgard using slave labour.
And there's the colonialism, related to the third point.
Both of these issues went totally unaddressed in a movie that didn't even need them. They could have written it a different way and still had a good movie.
I mentioned how T'Challa went into the afterlife to berate his father and ancestors for their wrongs and promise to correct their mistakes, while Thor went to his colonising, slaver father and... asks for advice? Really? That's like showing Thor asking Robert E Lee for advice.
She of course, argued that they were making entertainment, not the colour purple or 12 years a slave. Of course that's a straw man argument, but I reminded her that Black Panther had plenty of humour, and GotG literally sends itself up all the time, and even has a goddamn dance off with the villain, yet it still made me care enough to cry about the death of a tree!
Ragnarok had me wondering why Thor tortured his brother, do heroes do that now? Thor isn't even an anti-hero, he's just straight up hero. That scene just left me cold, it wasn't funny and because it was played for laughs, I didn't empathise with Loki. I mean, he just looks constipated.
You all know how much I love Loki, I've written enough stories about him, after all, but Ragnarok Loki is just meh. I care that he was being tortured from an intellectual perspective, because it feels wrong for the hero to do that, and his betrayal of Thor cam out of left field, but I don't feel sympathy for him. I can't relate to him, I feel neither love nor hate for him, I'm just indifferent (to all the characters actually).
The only thing that rouses any emotion in me is Taika and the rage his mishandling of important issues and dismissal existing character arcs brings out in me.
Contrast this torture scene with GotG, which had me sympathising with Nebula while she was being tortured because, sure she's a bad guy, but she's also a well rounded character and her torture wasn't being played for laughs. We know she's been tortured, in one way or another, her whole life. Yes, she's bad, but I can relate to her because I understand her.
Then this Taika fan said something that was more telling than she knew, and was actually 100% correct. Taika thinks comic books are ridiculous, and he's out here making a Road Runner movie.
And it suddenly hit me, she was right.
Everything in Ragnarok is treated the same way an anvil falling on Wile.E.Coyote's head is treated. There are no consequences. There are no lessons learned. There are no character arcs. At the end of the Road Runner series neither the roadrunner or the coyote had changed in any way. They were 2 dimensional, both literally and figuratively.
Unfortunately for her argument, 30 years ago we had what is still arguably the best cartoon Batman series ever, Batman the animated series. It took it's two dimensional animated characters and gave them three dimensional personalities. 30 years later it's still hailed as brilliant.
And I think that's why Classic Loki and GotG can take utterly ridiculous characters (let's face it, all superheroes are ridiculous to some extent) but while some even acknowledge how silly their comic book heroes are, they actually take the characters, the story, and the issues raised seriously.
Yes, Classic Loki looks like a joke, but he's never viewed as one from the crew's perspective.
Alligator Loki is even more preposterous! Who even made his horns, and who puts them on for him? But while the show acknowledges how silly he is with our Loki's questioning, he's a Loki and everyone treats him as a Loki. Yes, he injects some comic relief, but the laughter is never at his expense. He's even shown to be able to hold his own in a fight.
Rocket is a talking raccoon, but he's never laughed at. In fact he's even pitied once you learn what happened to make him that way. He's ridiculous, but he's not a joke. And yes, he makes jokes about how ridiculous they all are (bunch of jackasses standing in a circle) but while a comedic character, the joke is not on him. He's a fully formed, well rounded character. We care about him.
Yes, Star Lord is an idiot at times too, but his heart is in the right place and he wants to do the right thing. So you think he's gone mad when he has a dance off with the villain, but you quickly realise he's being an idiot for a very good reason and is playing to his strengths (and using idiocy as a strength is clever). I think we also understand, because he's a fully formed character, than his humour is a defence mechanism. He plays the fool because that's the niche he's carved for himself to help him cope, but that doesn't mean he is a fool.
Ragnarok wanted to be GotG, but Taiks forgot the part about while it's ridiculous and fanciful, the characters aren't a joke.
To Taika, if it doesn't get a laugh, it's not important. The few serious or touching moments we get are as a result of the MCU bigwigs forcing changes in reshoots, or forcing Taika to stick to the script.
There are no character arcs. You could argue that Loki goes from villain to hero or anti-hero, but he's already been through that journey in Dark World. Why did he regress? Who cares, it's not funny, he's just a bad guy again, forget about the plot holes and just laugh at the guy being killed smelling like toast!
Thor turning away from his father's teachings, like T'Challa did, would have been a wonderful character arc. Seeing his dad, realising his dad was wrong that and he needs to do better, and calling on his own inner strength to protect his people. That would have been a fulfilling arc. Instead he still needs advice from his colonising, slaver father. And this is actually one of the few scenes that wasn't played for laughs. It had so much potential, yet Taika just didn't care enough to reach for it.
Ragnarok is a road runner movie where our heroes toss a series of ACME anvils and dynamite at each other and the bad guys, but like the RR cartoon, there are no consequences. Just like Wile.E, they get straight back up again and lob another anvil at someone.
Hulk has been murdering innocent slaves for quite a while now, but he doesn't care. You'd think Bruce Banner might care about what his alter ego has been up to but no, this good, gentle, introspective, intelligent and caring man doesn't give one single fuck, because it's ACME Hulk and murdering innocent slaves has as many consequences as crushing them with an ACME anvil.
And I think that's the difference. Yes, your characters can be utterly ridiculous, but the crew must take them seriously and make them fully rounded characters who face consequences. Consequences are how we learn and grow.
And if they don't take the movie or characters seriously, you end up with a 2 dimensional story that no one cares about, because you haven't given them a reason to.
I don't care why Wile.E is trying to kill RR. I don't care what his motivation is. I don't care when he gets squashed or blown up, or falls off a cliff, because he's not a character, he's a caricature.
Ragnarok is just a collection of caricatures.
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theweirdfandomqueen · 4 years
If daddy im a zombie was made into a tv series it probably would of gotten more popular and loved by people . If it was a tv show here’s a few of the episodes I would of loved and imagine would be in it. .
Azoth gets corrrupted gonner and Isis have to fix it and it makes dixie act like drunk Adora
We find out more about gonner and Isis lives before they were zombies
We have a episode that cannonly comfirms about dixie having adhd
Julia and ray finds out about zombies
We get introduced to more zombies both on the good side and the bad side perhaps more villains aswell
We find out more about dixies step sister she gets kidnapped by bad zombies and dixie , gonner and Isis has to save her .
We find out about how gonner died
We have those amazing cheeses holiday specials
Amongst the holiday specials we have a pride special where they confirm dixie to be bisexual , have gonner wear a supportive boyfriend shirt while Isis discovers about pansexuals from a vendor . She gets excited because there is a word for what she is now and buys a pride things with some money dixie gave her .
Have gonner and dixie do cute normal boyfriend and girlfriend things .
We have a Sleepover episode
We find more about the azoth
Have it reveal that being the barer of the azoth was a familiar tradition thing and have her learn about it from her grandma .
Find more about dixies interests like have it so she wants to be a marine biologist and that she loves crossbones
Dixie picking up gonners accent occasionally from spending so much time with him
Body switching episode
Dixie introducing them to movies and video games especially the horror ones
Dixie learning to switch back and fourth from human to zombie any time she wants to
Gonner and isis sees something of theirs in a museum so they make a eleborate plan to break in and steal it
Giving dixie a aunt and uncle and have them in the series along with a cousin .
A school dance episode where isis helps dixie by doing a girls day .
Side adventures with cricket struggling to hide that he’s a zombie from his parents
More about vitriol like his life before he died and have it So that he has still living relatives
Gonner reciting poetry to dixie
Dixie introducing gonner and Isis to a mall
Reveal foods like chocolate makes zombies extremely hyper
Have some foods zombie safe they just have no nutritional value and doesn’t fill them up
Gonner just monching on tea leafs since he can’t drink it
Them finding a cursed object
Dixie loosing her memory and gonner/Isis has to help her get it back
The neighbor is just very suspicious of everything
Angsty gonner episode about his past and about his parents
Beach day and camping episodes
Dixies aunt and uncle visit with her cousins .
Dixies dad finds out about gonner and Isis
Road trip episode
Zombies freaking out over modern day appliances
Dixie scaring gonner with a blow dryer
Dixie goes on vacation and gonner /Isis tags along
One of gonners old crew mates appears and it turns out their evil
Gonner and isis getting jealous of ray and Julia
Reveal more about Dixie used to taking ballet dance classes and have her enter a school play
The gang gets snowed inside
Dixie visiting her aunt and uncles house
Angst episode with isis about how she misses her husband
Gonner seeing pirate larpers and is determined to correct them accurately
Dixie getting upset so gonner and isis tried to cheer her up
Dixie joining a scout group
Gonner and Isis discovers generic zombie movies and dixie has to comfort them
The gang has to rescue dixies dad from evil zombies
Reveal one of dixies ancestors was evil
Have gonner and Isis help dixie study for exams / tests since they have lived throughout history
More about dixies insomnia ( there’s no way she could of not gotten tired until the sun was just coming up )
Dixie teaching gonner and Isis how to ride a bike
Guest star piroska episodes
Dixie taking gonner and Isis to the towns fair
Dixie confused on what her whole career plan is going to be
Dixie taking self defense classes
Dixie loving cross bones
Them going to a haunted house
Dixie accidently picking up gonners accent after a while when she’s upset
Evil twin episode
Zombie hunters from out of town moves into them neighborhood
Angsty episode with Dixie when a childhood friend of hers dies and she is hopping they come back as a zombie
More of dixies relationship with her mum and her mum trying to mend it after everything that she did to dixie
Dixie having to go to her oldest cousins wedding
Dixie getting detention
We get to learn more about the world like what other mythical creatures are there
Gonner , Isis and dixie finding nebulosa old spell book
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prince-toffee · 3 years
Here we go!
Oh no, there’s no intro. Oh fuck, it’s happening.
Flashback!!!! Marcy!!!!!!!
‘PSAT Prep for the soul’
‘Look at this cool bug I found’ I love Marcy
Oh is this going to focus on Sasha’s and Marcy’s relationship? So far we’ve only explored the dynamic between Sasha and Anne.
Oh my god was that Bill???? Wait I have to go back what was on the cover of the book? ‘Dr P’s Extraordinary Guide To Magic and Mystery’ Oh I sense another book for sale. Is this going to be like their ‘Magic Book of Spells’ from Star vs and ‘Journal 3′ from Gravity Falls? You know I’d buy that in a heart beat.
Dad? ‘Come home. We need to talk?’ Oh no. What’s going on?
Yep, divorce, it’s a bitch.
Marcy Wu and Crew. That’s their official team name, like the Justice League or Avengers. u can’t tell me otherwise.
Oh boy, this isn’t going to end well.
Aww that would be sweet, if the Plantars could go to Earth with Anne. Oh. Do you guys think that’s season 3? It’s a sort of reversal with them being in a different world.
That fucking tower, what is it? A clock? A... a lighter, or a it has to be like a clock, but like a cosmic clock, or whatever.
Real quick before Andreous appears on screen. He said he and his master want to undo the prophecy, what led Marcy to the Box was destiny, all of this is meant to happen, but what ever they do, they need to stay on Amphibia to do it, because Andreous wants them gone.
Keith David, always a win.
Yep! Knew it!
Andreous on all fours, horrifying.
Yep, told you. ‘Maybe I don’t want to rule a school, maybe I want to rule a kingdom.’ She wants power, more importantly she enjoys power!
Come on Andreous, really that’s all you got?
Marcy and Andreous must know each other well and have a lot of trust in each other, if they can understand a nod from the other. It’s heart braking that he’s a villain too. Everybody’s getting betrayed.
Come on, kick her ass Anne!
Oh no, I see it now, Marcy wants to fix the friendship because she doesn’t want Anne and Sasha split apart because it parallels her parents getting divorced, oh god, poor Marcy. That worries me she’s willing to be hurt and betrayed and walked over for them just to stay together with Sasha.
*sigh of relief* Why didn’t it work?
HEADBUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHAD ANNE!!!!!!!!
I love her face.
ANOTHER GASP Are we going to the basement???? No just outside, okay.
Sal’s!!!! See? It’s all connected. And definitely not filler.
‘They do.’ I love her.
Hop Pop finally living out his dream.
Kick their ass Polly! I want Yunan to become Polly’s mentor.
What’s the present?
‘What’s the matter? You don’t like it?’ Worried Toad DadTM
‘If it is, then it’s a really good thing we stopped him.’ Oh no, so many ‘oh no’s today
Hold on, back up, I need to see the evil-ass painting again, and analyse it using my English Media skills I learned at school. Uh huh, uh huh, I see, it’s the PowerPuff Girls fighting against Him. IT’S A SPACESHIP!? OF COURSE IT’S A SPACE SHIP! IT’S ALWAYS A SPACESHIP! Yep there’s the moss people being eradicated, the music box somehow powering the castle spaceship. Andreous, or maybe an ancestor of Andreous, his father or grandfather maybe, wielding the box under the Sauron Pinecone. Oh and a lot of dead frogs and or toads, nice. Some flame over Anne too. The spark inside our hearts, I’m sure.
Alright, that was a lot, resume please.
Oh no, we’re not even half way through the episode, that’s not good.
Ah you see! The boy who cried wolf! Anne’s not gonna believe you now!
Oh I love the animation on this fight.
‘My one good eye.’
Yeah, but also no, but yeah, but no... this is a lose-lose situation.
Oh no, still an entire half of the episode to go.
Oh god that face.
What’s gonna happen?
IT’S A FUCKING GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IT’S A FUCKING GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE TOWER IS A FUCKING GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IT’S NOT A CLOCK, IT’S A FUCKING GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best reveal.
...what... she... she knew...
‘I gave you this.’
Nice flame sword.
No, no, no, I’m crying.
So Anne’s a super saiyan now.
.   .   .
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howlingday · 4 years
The Arcus Atlas
Jaune: Once again, my team and I gave ol' Specialist Schnee the slip. I was honestly surprised by how well she took it.
I finally got my hands on the top secret police file I've been trying to get all my life and avenge my family by regaining our most valued treasure.
It all began when I was just a kid, bouncing on my dad's knee. See, I come from a long line of legendary warriors who kept their ancient secrets hidden in the family book, The Arcus Atlas. I read it to become especially strong, fighting monsters and bad guys. After all, there's no honor, no challenge, and just no fun picking on the weak. You beat down a tyrannical dictator, and people know you're a hero.
Unfortunately, on the night I was to inherit the book, five visitors came to our door. My father fought to protect us, but the gang of villains known as Children of Grimm ransacked our home until they found... The Arcus Atlas!
Our family's manual of heroic deeds and greatness fell into their filthy hands! They tore the book into five pieces and split it up, each villain splitting to the farthest corners of the world to commit dastardly crimes.
Alone without my sisters or my mother, I was dumped at the nearest orphanage. There, I met two people who would become my lifelong friends and members of my crew. Oscar, tech genius and oldest soul I've ever met in a young person. Sun, part-time thief, and full-time loudmouth. Together, we vowed to track down the Children of Grimm, avenge my father, and take back the Arcus Atlas!
It was going to be the toughest mission of my life. I would either become a legendary warrior like my family before me, or fail and allow my family name to bite the dust.
Watts: How delightful! We have a guest. The only problem is... I HATE UNEXPECTED GUESTS!
Jaune: Listen, Watts; you kill my father and take what's mine, you should more than expect company.
Watts: Oh, I'm so sorry! How sloppy of us to not finish the job. Obviously, we should have snuffed you and your sisters out as well. So without further ado, allow me to make amends by, let's say... TRIPPING EVERY TRAP IN MY CHAMBERS AND SQUASH YOU LIKE THE INSIGNIFICANT GNAT THAT YOU ARE!
Jaune: Bring it on!
Watts: Damn it all! You've beaten me! Well, gloat all you want, Jaune Arc. You're no match for Hazel, my cohort in Mistral! You'll see... Haven Academy will be so guarded, not even an army could charge in without losing every man!
Jaune: Details in Watts' section of The Arcus Atlas held secrets of my Mistralian ancestor, Daisuke Arc and his Shinobi Slayer skill, which helped him fight off many a crafty ninja as they attacked the feudal lords he protected.
Getting out proved to be especially tricky with the unexpected arrival of Specialist Schnee. She couldn't catch me, so she settled for Watts instead.
Hazel: Hmph. My men have been warning me of their experiences with a supposed knight in shining armor, breaking bones and absorbing hits, and this is it? You're the thorn I've had in my side all week? A child playing pretend with a garbage can lid? ...Hm. That garbage can lid looks familiar.
Jaune: Maybe my father broke your nose a few times so you wouldn't forget?
Hazel: Your father? Ah, I see. You're an Arc, and one of the more foolhardy ones, as well. Perhaps if you were sensible like your sisters, you would have abandoned your childish fantasy of being a hero and become something more valuable. After all, these pages are worthless, childish drivel.
Jaune: I guess you wouldn't mind me taking them, would you?
Hazel: After you destroyed my years long operations, decimated my supplies, and grievously injured my men? Yes, I would mind. Prepare yourself, child.
Hazel: Impossible! Me, a hardened veteran with decades of experience, bested by you, some child trying to play pretend. Take your pages, but know it won't serve you any purpose. As we speak, Tyrian is mobilizing his forces against Menagerie's rebels, and no "heroes" could ever dream of stopping him.
Jaune: Hazel's section of the Arcus Atlas contained information on my gunslinging, sunset-riding hero, Patch Willy Arc. His specialty was horseback cavalry and iron-horseback cavalry, fighting styles he perfected in the lawless lands of Wild Vacuo.
Getting out, once again, was harder than getting in, since Specialist Schnee didn't stop until she had me in cuffs. She eventually gave up and went for the next best thing, Hazel, and dragging him off to jail.
Tyrian: (Shudders) My tail is all tingly! Only two things could make it do that; and since I don't hear screaming, it's not my goddess. Which means, an Arc!
Jaune: Yeah, well, you give me the creeps, too, pal! Arming out a hate-war for unwilling and peaceful faunus isn't exactly a fun thing to sit back and watch!
Tyrian: (Chuckling) You say so much, and mean even more! It's almost enough to make me... Kill him, but only enough so I can deal the finishing blow myself.
Jaune: (Fighting through White Fang, Watches Tyrian leap away) Get back here! You can't run forever!
Tyrian: I suppose you're right. Hmm... Ah, I got it! We'll play a game! You swing at me, and I dodge, all in one motion, and then I swing while you dodge!
Jaune: Uh-huh... And what's the catch?
Tyrian: No catch! Although, you have your hands full, while I... No, I think you'll figure it out yourself.
Jaune: I get it. You'll be using up to four limbs, while I can only use two.
Tyrian: Ooh! You are smart! I'm so glad you caught on so quickly, unlike your father.
Jaune: Well, I'm about to show you how unlike my father I am.
Tyrian: (Giggling) Oh, that was so much fun! No one has beaten me so well at my game since my goddess! Ha... Unfortunately, your game ends here. Cinder Fall is in Vale and she doesn't play games like us. You try and, well, even scorpions have predators, don't they?
Jaune: Well, if she's anything like the rest of you, I think I'll manage.
Jaune: The section of the Arcus Atlas that Tyrian had told me the secrets of Jarl Svendin Arc, my viking ancestor. His notorious berserker mode helped him beat impossible odds to protect his people.
Right on schedule, Winter showed up just as I was leaving. Apparently, trying to start a coup with the White Fang isn't something people just look the other way for, earning Tyrian a life sentence behind bars.
Cinder: I see you carry the shield of the legendary Arc warrior family. Let me guess; you're here for revenge, and take back the Arcus Atlas.
Jaune: Originally, yeah, that's all I wanted, but now I'm going to shut down your entire vigilante/criminal empire and bring peace back to Vale.
Cinder: Why should you care if I wipe out a few criminals? I'm doing my duty as a hero, just like you.
Jaune: Sorry, but you're only half right. I am a hero, from a long line of legendary heroes, and I pick up this sword and point it away from the innocent to protect them. You? You're some abused and neglected orphan who turned into a homicidal vigilante monster!
Cinder: You despicable wretch! I will punish you for your disrespect! ...But I will honor your heroic ancestry by slaying you with the power of my newly mastered technique: Dance of the Fall Maiden!
Cinder: You... really are a hero... aren't you? Where were you... when I needed... one?
Oscar: Jaune! OZPN just finished it's analysis about those crates of black goop we found, and it turns out there's only one place in the world you can find the wood those crates are made of- Atlas. The last of the Children of Grimm should be there!
Jaune: Cinder's part of the Arcus Atlas gave us insight on the brilliant designs of Johann Arc IV, genius inventor and world-class entrepreneur. He had an illness that prevented him from fighting like my other ancestors, but he still saved hundreds of lives with his medical breakthroughs and tactical mind on the battlefield. Working with Sun, I'm sure he and I can make a few modifications to our weapons, thanks to these designs.
Frustrated she didn't catch me on my way down, Winter tossed Cinder in jail, ending the dark crusade of Vale's worst hero.
Jaune: While trying to find details on the Children of Grimm's final member, I began to notice something weird. In every picture of my ancestors in the Arcus Atlas, there's a shadow of a woman in the background. Even weirder, these shadows look almost identical to what police records have of this mysterious "Salem". Is there a coincidence, or is there something I'm missing?
To be continued in...
Jaune Arc in...
The Black Heart of HATE
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pwnyta · 3 years
Anyways back to my question. Look I wholeheartedly believe that dark choco can and will be redeemed by our precious milk because it make shit tons of sense! But tbh after finishing the dark cacao's story on kingdom I...feel like it's not going to happen anytime soon.
I was really disappointed in the story because I was expecting to see lotsa dark choco and milk's past as well as espresso and latte's past/tribe as well. Heck even licorice's past too and his connection to licorice monsters, and some cursed sword lore etc etc etc. But it only focused on caramel arrow and affogato. Milk was absolutely nowhere to be seen and both licorice and espresso only had one interaction with their village
if you had licorice and espresso on your team and try to interact with their villages espresso say something like " hmm. A faint smell of coffee residue seems like coffee tribe left long ago" and licorice will say "it was a shabby town to begin with..."
It really upsets me this was their one and only interaction.latte and milk don't even interact with their villages. It was supposed to be their time to shine. ((Like imagine milk (and maybe yam too) teamed up with gingerbrave on their adventure for delivering the letter and espresso hearing their little travel to dark cacao kingdom and joined them to see his village too. Massive fight featuring licorice with his newly found strong monster team gah that would be awesome. ))
Everytime the story moved it was only affogato and caramel arrow like.wow...affogato you are evil ? woooow so surprised. Oh you are trying to conquer the kingdom as well? Wow never been done before. Oh caramel arrow you are innocent? Wow really surprising, it was because of affogato? wow didn't expected that .oh your ancestors died? How...interesting.....
don't get me wrong tho I loved both of them and I think they are both great characters but this wasn't their time to shine tbh.i was expected their story to be like raspberry's. It still there but its not that important in the main story. Dark cacao's story was and needed to be lore heavy and I feel like he needed to be the last ancient to release just because of that reason. In the story both dark cacao and choco only meet like once? and they immediately started fighting with little to no dialog and it immediately switched to affogato like ...boy move I wanna see father and son death battle--aaand dark cacao fall on top of the tower...how...fitting. I know the story isn't complete yet but my hopes are already a little bit down. Hope devsis will deliver something more satisfying in the next update.
Yeah thats the unfortunate side effect of introducing new characters into a story like this because pressing matters that have already been set up get side-lined to shove the newer characters in the story. At least with Caramel she was already hinted at in Dark Chocos story but yeah Affogato is basically Jafar/Scar so... design-wise hes amazing as all effeminate Disney Villains tend to be but overall very predictable story-wise.
And yeah its unfortunate that Milk, Latte, Espresso, etc who have actual connections to the area but dont get much in the way of story because of the newer characters. Especially Milk since his character is FULLY revolves around the Licorice monsters almost exterminating all of his people and Dark Choco and his father saving them.
I guess were expecting too much for a mobile game about cookies but like... everything about Dark Cacaos kingdom leading up to this has been one of, if not, the most compelling stories in the whole franchise. Because really the only other long form story has been with Gingerbrave and his crew and theyre not really that interesting(as much as I love Strawberry).
Hopefully the second half does a bit better now that they got the new character introductions in.
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keeper-not-hero · 3 years
For the ask game: Homestuck perhaps? ^_^
Favorite character: Oh gosh that's hard to choose... Kanaya or Vriska for completely different reasons, but I can't pick between the two.
Least Favorite character: Vriska out of principle, but actually Jane. Most boring of the alpha kids (or was it beta? GOD i need to re-read it), also generally just... kind of meh? I prefer grandma jane, honestly--
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Rosemary, Davekat, Mailwoman and Mayor, Calliope x Roxy, Vrisrezi.
Character I find most attractive: Vriska. Robotic limbs, a cool eyepatch, trans, and a #girlboss for all the wrong reasons.
Character I would marry: Kanaya is probably the most stable person of the entire cast to marry, so her or John!
Character I would be best friends with: Good fucking question I think I'm too annoying and docile for anyone of the cast to actually like me enough to consider me a bestie... maybe Roxy. Hopefully Roxy--
a random thought: wish we got more of the midnight crew tbh and the dancestors were kind of... unecessary? I prefered the Ancestors being vague honestly--
An unpopular opinion: Is the dancestors being unecessary thing unpopular? If not, I think just that I don't really mind the retcon. People lose their minds over it, it was kind of a nothingburger plotwise but hey, displaying things in the story we'd never see otherwise and character moments, hooray.
My Canon OTP: How can you make me choose between Rosemary and Vrisrezi, you monster. And Davekat. And calliroxy. And--
My Non-canon OTP: Solkat probably? Even though I already prefer Aradia X sollux that's the only non-canon OTP I really enjoy or think about at all.
Most Badass Character: No other piece of fiction will top Terezi drawing the outline of where her body would fall before fucking dying on top of it. Also just Terezi in general.
Most Epic Villain: Vriska. :^) NAH it's Jack. English is fun and spooky and all but god I love Jack Noir.
Pairing I am not a fan of: I dunno, I like most of them. (i am not looking at HS^2 therefore janeXjake is not a thing :) )
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I feel like Vriska became too much of a goody two shoes therapist queen at the end, or at least she did it too quickly? She kinda lost her edge during the meteor retcon era, I feel like she should've remained an unlikeable bastard who bit the bullet and did bullshit because she saw the bigger picture and, though she loves her friends, cares more about pulling the W of... y'know... saving reality-- Also Feferi should've had a WAY bigger role but the cast is bloated enough as it is, tbh.
Favourite Friendship: I was thinking about it and pretty much any friendship with John seems functional, fun, and pretty well balanced. So all of the friendships he has! :D
Character I most identify with: oh god i have to give myself a kin uhhh Rose? i guess I try my best to play therapist, am very lightly into occult stuff and am an absolute nerd who hates mages despite pretty much always playing a mage slightly to the left--
Character I wish I could be: Kanaya. Vampire? Tall? Horns??? Pretty???? A girl????? yes please.
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heliosthegriffin · 4 years
Class Changes - Team JNPR Pt. 1
So, I’m going to go off the assumption that most, if not all of you, are familiar with RPG’s on some level. In many RPGs, especially eastern ones, are classes, play styles more or less, that determine how the characters plays, or in some cases acts.
What I’m going to do in in this post is throw out idea’s for me, and others that are interested, to use if they ever get bored. I’ll be class changing Team JNPR in this one. I won’t be changing power-levels, semblances, no what I’m doing is exploring how they could use their semblance’s differently in the frame of different classes, and how their equipment changes to match. Unfortunately, I just realized that this would force a personality change as well, but I’ve gone to far to stop. May God forgive my soul. So I’ll put a background section on how and why their personality changed.
Let’s start off with everybody’s favorite blonde knight...
Jaune Arc
from Knight
.... > Entertainer!!!
In this AU let’s assume early on that he figured out that he would never be a hero, no one would train him, he asked and asked, but received no acceptance. In his ensuing depression he turned to his ancestor’s stories reading them for solace, hoping he could gleam some knowledge on how to train. He found nothing of the sorts, what he did find was a deeper love of the story's of his ancestors.
He started to read them everyday, again and again and again, till he could recite them by heart and memories alone. He found a love of story's, and a deeper love in acting them out, dancing with his shadows pretending he was fighting villainous Grimm, and Rogue Hunters and Heroes!
He found a particular love of one story, Jason ‘The Bold’ Arc, privateer in the time before the four kingdoms, well known for his courage in battle and personal hatred of injustices of any kind. He fought with two blades in each hand, and moved like a ghost between his crew, and struck like vengeful spirit between his enemies. He could hit a man from a hundred feet away with one of his many daggers or cut the line of their sails from in between the ships!
Jaune modeled himself after the man, and his own love of stories and performance. He would make elaborate performances for his family and friends, telling the story of a hero one day, and the villain the next. But, eventually Jaune felt something was lacking, that what he had wasn’t enough.
He felt that the story’s he told didn’t hold the right tone or level of depth that they deserved, it was then re realized that for the story’s to be properly remembered they needed to be performed by a someone who truly understood what it means to be a hero.
So, Jaune left his hometown and headed to Beacon....
Outfit change
AN: I don’t have much practice In describing outfits, so just bare with me.
Let’s starts from the top, Jaune has a bright orange headband that sits under his hair. On his neck he wears a couple amulets for good fortune, with various names inscribed on them, some to his ancestors, others to various heroes. He sometimes wear’s a bit of make up, but only for performances.
On this torso is a dark blue long sleeve shirt with wide billowing sleeves. On top of the shirt is dark red leather vest that remains open most of the time. Within can be seen a wide assortment of throwing knives carefully tucked away, some even infused with dust. He has some leather armor on his arms that match the colors of the sleeves. Someone bracelets inscribed with dust hand loosely on his wrists.
His pants are mostly the same and so are his shoes, if a bit nicer.
He stills sucks to starts, he’s better at dodging and doing acrobatics, but he’s not ready for the level of fighting everybody else can do.
But, when he tries he duel wields a pair of curved shorts swords, and uses his throwing daggers when he can, which he to be fair he is pretty good at.
As he grows and evolves as a fighters, he becomes a near untouchable vortex of swords and flying daggers, with a near-impenetrable aura.
Pyrrha Nikos
From Spartan Champion
Puppeteer General!!!
When Pyrrha was child being trained by her parents, she didn’t have time to play with children her age, and her training only became more intense as her semblance emerged.
What she did have time for was to find a deep love of making models and figures. They didn’t judge, didn’t ask anything of her, just loved her unconditionally.
It all came to a head when she first saw a Atlesian Knight, she knew then and there what she wanted. She beg and pleaded, and finally received one after beating her first junior tournament.
She took it apart and put it back together, and learned to tinker with it. She was more than hooked, and soon began to make her own automatons that she could control like puppets, she had tried with the knight but it broke from having it’s circuitry fried, and moving in ways it wasn’t intended.
When she first showed her father her plans, he laughed and wished her luck. When she came back after winning her first tournament with her bodyguard of puppet automatons, he promised her whatever she needed to grow.
Now, She is the Iron Princess of Mistral.
Pyrrha’s outfit changes quite a bit.
She now wears a golden laurel with her red hair down at all times.
She wears a white toga with gold lining, that leaves one shoulder exposed. She wears a belt of braided iron on her waist, her feet remain hard to see, but see wears black sandles.
Pyrrha is as excellent in combat as always, and in personal melee wields a simple slate grey iron staff. But despite her skill, her power lies with her automation.
She commands up to eight automatons at a time, each mildly autonomous and capable of recognizing threats and acting to protect Pyrrha, but Pyrrha can easily control several a once, making them move in ways that normal robots just can’t.
Having them correct aim. Switch weapons in a instant, Dodge attacks, so on and so forth.
Fighting Pyrrha is like a fighting an ever evolving army of blades, bullets, and death, that gets better at fighting you, while if you’re using metal, making you worse.
When out of combat, Her Honor Guards will mechashift into smaller action figure like forms, and follow Pyrrha around.
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