#court of darkness sherry
norel-ravenclaw · 3 months
Court of Darkness / Makai Nightmare
- Aesthetics 4/4 -
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Crown Prince Roy of Invidia
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Sir Grayson Hotz of Invidia
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King Klaus of Invidia
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Princess Sherry of Invidia
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Lord Dia Akadia, heir of the lost kingdom Tristitas
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Crown Prince Lynt of Akadia
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Valentino Maes of Akedia
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King Liam of Akedia
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Queen Norah of Akedia
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atomsminecraft · 15 days
I found a few dresses I thought Sherry would wear in the human realm
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x-daedalus-x · 1 day
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Roy’s book 2 is out!!
@chirp-a-chirp I’m sure you’re as excited as I am~!
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1booberrypie1 · 1 month
Asking my little sister to rate court of darkness characters
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"4/10, she's mid and ugly, but I like the hair.
"Too. Much. Bows."
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volerigold · 1 year
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how is it that we get a side story with Dewi before this wonderful lady
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This girl needs to prioritise better like, girl your dude was just about to leave the country and like stop being a prince… and you’re concerned about his jacket 😂
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snowmortesimps · 2 years
F/M/K with Violet, Sherry, and MC
(I genuinely can't find the original post that inspired this, so I deeply apologize for not tagging the original poster. If it's your Imagine, please let me know so I can add you!! )
But this is a fun little imagine playout inspired by a post I'd seen the other day and felt the need to elaborate the scene~
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The girls are hanging out in Snow’s room, just enjoying each other’s company...
Snow: Want to play a game we played back home?
Sherry: What sort of game?
Violet: Did you bring it with you to the Academy?
Snow: It’s not a physical game, Vi. Sherry, I cannot stress this enough, but please forgive me for the language, but it’s called Fuck, Marry, Kill...
Sherry: (Blushes) Oh my!
Violet: (Laughs) What a name for a game! But it certainly sounds intriguing.
Sherry: Agreed! But do tell us more about it.
Snow: Okay, so the rules are simple...Someone lists off three people, and whoever is asked says who they would fuck, who they would marry, and who they would kill from the names mentioned. It’s more fun when you give a reason for why you chose your answers.
Violet: Oh, this should be amusing!
Sherry: Yes, let us play this game! Snow, would you like to go first?
Snow: Alright, so to get us started, Violet, F/M/K...Lance, Toa, and....Fenn?
Violet: (Recoils but giggles) So...I’d sleep with Lance...because I would bet he would have such a beautiful body under those disheveled clothes...Marry Toa, because he’s actually quite kindhearted when he wants to be...but I’d kill Fenn just because it’s Fenn.
Sherry: (Giggles wildly and nods in agreement) Oh, absolutely! However do you handle being Master Fenn’s valet truly shows your high tolerance.
Snow: (Giggling, too) I couldn’t have said it better, but I’m sure Fenn would make a good fuck-buddy. So now it’s your turn to ask one of us.
Violet: Alright, Sherry, fuck, marry, kill....Jasper, Grayson, Rio?
Sherry: (Squeaks) I...uh...Sleep with Grayson...because I’d trust him not to hurt me...I would marry Rio because he’s just the biggest sweetheart in the world and he’s so tall and strong...but Jasper would meet his end.
Snow: (Points at Sherry, giggling) YES!
Sherry: (Blushing) Alright, Snow...Master Dia, Master Lynt, or Heasmaster Lou?
Snow: O_O You’re gonna make me choose between Lynt or Dia?! Can I not have them both?!
Violet: We may be new to the game, but I’m assuming that is against the rules of the game, sweetie.
Snow: (Pouts) Fair enough...Okay...so I’d absolutely fuck Dia into the mattress! That man can GET IT...All day, every day!
Sherry and Violet: (Laughing and nods, gesturing her to go on)
Snow: I’d marry Lynt because he’s just so affectionate and sweet, and I want someone with the same love language as me...I do love all the cuddles...but Lou...I’d do him, too, but compared to my boys, he’s on the chopping block.
Sherry: You and Lynt would make such a beautiful couple, Snow!
Violet: Definitely, but if you were to keep Dia on the side, your ‘oops’ babies would be the most beautiful creatures ever!
Snow: I love how you are both okay with me offing the Headmaster in favor of banging the Akedian cousins. (Laughs) Alright, so Sherry, back to you...Guy...Tino...or the bee from A Bee Story?
Violet: Wait! We can choose fictional characters too?!
Snow: Of course! It’s a game for the imagination, after all.
Sherry: I’m sorry, but Master Guy is not on the table to invade my love life...He is just not my type at all...so...I guess Tino would be my husband...
Violet: Hold on...!
Snow: (Blurts out) So you’d fuck the bee?!
Sherry: (Dies a little inside) I don’t want to hurt him!
All: (Falls on the floor in a fit of giggles)
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fingerless-glovez · 2 years
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I want to date her so bad
I want supportive girlfriend Sherry
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chirp-a-chirp · 7 months
Rio: That was a yummy three-way Sherry and MC!
Roy: *Chokes on his tea* I BEG YOUR PARDON?
Sherry: Rio meant the lunch he, MC, and I partook in. JUST LUNCH.
Rio: So delicious!
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boyslit · 13 days
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Sherry Darling i will drop this soggy milktoast boy in a heartbeat if you ask for my hand
please just say the word and I'm yours
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Guy: If you lose, MC will be mine again! MC: I was never yours to begin with. Toa: Oh, did you consider MC's feelings in any of this? Guy: In time, she shall learn to love me. MC: No I won't. -Later- MC, venting to Sherry: I wish they'd just kiss already!
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diareads · 2 days
I just officially finished my Sherry SL fic I can't believe it!
Published 02/19/2023 - Completed 09/19/2024
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To summarize, the fic is a consort path for Sherry. Mistakes were made and now Sherry and MC have to figure out how to navigate the rough positions they're put in. How will they overcome the kingdom's trying to control them?
If you're interested in reading here's the link:
I also edited pictures for the magic and mischief endings if you'd like to check them out. Sometime later this month I'll post the images on Tumblr. Either way, thank you guys for supporting my crazed Sherry obsessed self. ❤
Here are some tastes of the incoming pics 👀 stay tuned
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atomsminecraft · 1 year
Violet, Sherry, and MC would be a power couple
If they started dating absolutely no other couple would stand a chance
Those three would be the talk of the academy and they would be the cutest couple there
Their relationship would be so cute, they’re complimenting each other all the time, going to town together, going on picnic dates, helping each other with homework, studying together(Violet helps Sherry and MC study), having tea parties, dressing each other up, doing each others hair, makeup, and nails
Absolutely no one can tell me otherwise
We need Sherry, Violet, and MC to start dating
MC is literally so gay for them, it’s homophobic that they’re not dating /j but actually /srs
Nah imagine the fangirl’s reaction when we start dating Sherry and Violet instead
“You fools, because you kept me away from the S-ranks I started dating Roy’s beautiful amazing kind amazing beautiful awesome ravishing gorgeous stunning exquisite divine sister and Fenn’s beautiful amazing charming stunning alluring magnificent drop-dead gorgeous attractive pretty lovely heavenly valet”
All in one breath
She would say that in a single breath
Without hesitation
Those three would be amazing together change my mind
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x-daedalus-x · 2 years
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First cosplay of the new year
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ithseem · 11 months
Hijabi MC Shenanigans+Headcanons in Saligia
Guy: *tries to kiss MC in the beginning*
MC, punching him: NO KISSING
Toa: This has absolutely no alcohol content. Have you ever HAD wine before?
MC: No, nor do I ever plan to because my religion STRICTLY FORBIDS EVEN GOING NEAR THE STUFF
MC be dodging his advances like a Bollywood action movie protagonist
MC: At least I can have some semblance of normalcy
Lynt tryna use her as a pillow, but she politely declines, since her religion forbids her from coming into contact with men
Other Things That May or May Not Have Happened
MC draping her duvet over her head as a makeshift hijab when unexpected visitors come
MC gets caught washing her feet in the sink for wudhu
MC feeling incredibly disoriented bc she has no idea which way the Qiblah (the direction of the Kabah in Mecca) is, so offering prayer is a nightmare and a half
MC lowkey upset bc the Quran does not exist in Saligia (iirc). And Lou wishes he could help
Rio and Thoma getting worried about MC during Ramadhan (whenever that is. It's super stressful not knowing when the Islamic calendar lines up with the calendar here) bc she's going from dawn till dusk without food or drink for a month
MC happily answering her friends' questions about her religion (they are genuinely curious)
MC's S-Rank friends apologizing for what they did in the first few chapters (I cannot be certain if they fully understand the true ramifications of what they've done, but they feel bad regardless, since they don't like to see MC upset)
Lance would be genuinely curious about her religion also and try to make a safe space for her (Lance doesn't discriminate, a person in need of a safe space is a person in need of a safe space)
Sherry and Violet go shopping with MC often and they often find some really cute and modest clothes for her
J*sper is normal in this AU, so he actually respects her religion
Tino freaks out and profusely apologizes whenever he accidentally makes something haram to eat for her. Knight would also do the same
Grayson wondering why she only eats fruits and vegetables here, and she tell him that she is not sure if the meats are halal, and she does not want to take any chances and accidentally eat something haram
to all the hijabi CoD players, I write this for you
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volerigold · 1 year
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please voltage, just give us a Sherry route already
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