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tmblrcolouredpaper · 1 year ago
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Solitaire - Chapter 1
overanalyzing/-interpreting and probably pointing out the obvious... just random notes and thoughts (ca. 2100 words in the form of bulletpoints)
counting got fucked up, imma fix it later, sorry if it's confusing to read -> should be fixed now
Solitaire, a fictional story with Tori (Victoria Spring) as homodiegetic narrator
Pride and Prejudice Quotes introduce us to the tone of Tori’s story
→ we know that Tori rather identifies with mr Darcy, so lets see what we find about Mr Darcy that might tell us something about Tori before we even get to know her:
Quote 1:
‘And your defect is a propensity to hate everybody.’
‘And yours’, he replied with a smile, ‘is willfully to misunderstand them.’
→ we learn about Mr Darcy that he allegedly tends to hate everybody and that he assumes willful misunderstanding one sides of the other party
(PART 1) Quote 2:
Elizabeth Bennet: Do you dance, Mr Darcy?
Mr Darcy: Not if I can help it.
→ without having a specific pace as instance in mind, it definitely sounds like something Tori would word for word answer to a question as the one given
• Getting to know Tori, before she ‘officially’ introduces herself to the reader (p.3f)
she perceives the majority of people in school as almost dead, including herself (p.3)
→ creating the picture of a crowd that allegedly shares a tragic similarity
2. she observes her steady numbness opposed to the socially anticipated numbness as reaction to the contrast of a phase of event (here: Christmas) and the eventless phase after (p.3)
→ differentiating herself from the crowd
3. Becky says that Tori looks like she wants to kill herself (p.3) to what Tori responds with ‘It’s funny because it’s true’ (p.4); Tori describes Becky’s reaction as her looking some more without really looking (p.4)
→ Tori feels perceived by Becky, but not seen
4. Tori says she and Becky are laughing about something that isn't funny (p.4)
→ Tori’s inauthenticity
5. Becky realizes Tori’s apathy and moves away while Tori leans into her own arms and falls half asleep (p.4)
→ Becky not taking action but physically bringing some distance between Tori and her, while Tori stabilizes herself by her own strength, escaping into a state of being half asleep but also halfway remaining in reality
6. Tori’s focus on appearance and her insecurity about her own
→ changes in peoples’ appearance like in hair and makeup that make herself feel ‘inadequate’ to which she ‘deflates’ into a chair a.k.a. makes herself smaller and hides away (p.4)
Tori’s ‘official’ introduction to the reader (p.4f)
‘My name is Victoria Spring’
→ she starts off with her full name
2.she makes up a lot of stuff in her head
→ focus on reality in form of her interior world
3. likes to see, and blog, and is going to die someday
→ listing the obvious fact of dying right beside other mundane activities emphasizes the priority of that topic in her daily life
4. Rebecca Ellen as only real friend and therefore probably best friend (p.4); Tori categorizes her as a ‘popular girls’ due to being recognized and therefore popular because she has long purple hair (p.4); Tori differentiates between being known by name and known personally (p.4)
→ Tori categorizing people even her friends
→ Tori challenges the significance of being popular and its lack of guaranteeing depth and significance
→ Question: Since when are people popular in school when they have recognizable purple hair? In my experience teenagers with colored hair are the one’s being likely to be bullied by the popular ones 🙄
5. Evelyn Foley categorizes as ‘alternative’ due to her appearance (p.5)
6. Tori questions if Becky actually likes Evelyn and she believes people only pretend to like each other (p. 5)
→ does Tori think that, because she only pretends/ feels like she pretends?;
→ is Tori worried that people only pretend to like her (believes that she is so unlikable, people must pretend)?
7. Tori does not participate in Becky and Evelyn’s conversation and only reacts to them when she ‘deduces’ she’s supposed to (p.5); she feels ‘pressured’ to contribute something to the conversation (p.5); she expresses her disinterest in the current discussed topic (p.5) and believes she ruined the conversations, so she leaves
→ Tori doesn't connect naturally with people, even when she considers one of them her friends and rather feels pressured to react in certain way than feeling invited to share herself authentically
→ without Becky and Evelyn even saying anything nor showing any reaction regarding Tori impacting the conversation immensely negatively, Tori’s insecurity of not meeting expectations causes her to escape the situation right away
8. Tori says she sometimes hates people what must be bad for her mental health (p.5)
→ does she include herself in that statement like she did in the beginning (p.3)?
→ self-awareness
→ awareness of mental health (I’m just adding that, because when I was her age ‘mental health’ was not a term that was used too often yet nor truly cared about/ talked about, so in my reality it is somewhat remarkable that Tori observes herself and immediately evaluates whether her thoughts could be detrimental to her health, that she immediately makes that connection; I also wonder if that’s caused by being confronted with mental health due to Charlie being such a big part of her life)
9. Tori focuses on ‘social hierarchy’ in school (p.5)
→ categorizing her social environment
10. ‘shoot me in the face’ (p.5)
→ another self-detrimental joke/ phrase
→ radical way of thinking and agains with the worst outcome for herself in mind
11. Tori not feeling pretty in school uniform (p.6)
→ insecurity about her appearance
the plot commences or Tori in action
Tori sees and follows post-it (p.6)
→ she observes and takes action
2.other people don’t see post it; ‘…or they don’t care. I can relate to that.’ (p.6)
→ people oblivious; Tori differentiated from people
→ Tori can relate to the general sense of not caring, however in this case she does care contrary to her words; at least she cares enough to register the post-it and actively follow it
3. doing stuff that other people don't seem to care about makes Tori feel like she is doing something important (p.7); ‘mainly because no one else is doing it’ (p.7)
→ differentiating herself from others
→ paying attention to things that seemingly don't get attention (Is that an interior wish of hers as she feels like not truly being payed attention to?)
→ shows her trait of not leaving things (or people) alone by themself (Charlie)
→ she cares, she seeks out moments of significance
4. she’s rather paying attention to the game Solitaire than to the IT class (p.8)
→ solitaire = alone, isolated
→ again, paying attention to what others don't
→ literally involving with what’s alone, while being alone doing so; isolating herself from her surrounding by seeking out what’s isolate; bonding over isolation
→ she also evaluates that playing Solitaire does more for her intelligence than paying attention to the IT lesson (p.8) → being alone appears to be more beneficial to her
5. Michael enters the room and verbally registers the room first (p.8)
6. Tori thinks that he registers her only after he scanned the inanimate parts of the room (p.9)
7. Tori judges Michael’s appearance (p.9)
8. Michael ‘absorbs’ Tori’s face (p.9)
→ not just ‘looking’ or ‘seeing’, he literally takes her in from her perspective
9. ‘his eyes flare up’ + ‘I swear to Got they double in size’
→ most animated way Tori has described something yet
→ (I love the eye flaming up phrase so much!)
10. ‘leaps towards me like a pouncing lion’ (p.9)
→ comparison
→ wildness, strength
→ movement towards her (contrary to the last described encounter in which Becky, her allegedly best friend physically moves away from her)
11. ’ fiercely enough that I stumble backward in fear that he might crush me completely’ (p.9)
→ it is possible that Michael actually moves in such exaggerated manner, but it might also be such a drastic contrast to Tori that she uses such strong wordings to describe him due to not being used that people react so strongly to her
→ the unfamiliarity of Michaels demeanor overwhelms Tori
12. ‘he leans forward’; ‘face only centimeters away from mine’ (p.9)
→ Michael leans into Tori’s presence
13. Tori sees herself in Michael’s glasses
→ she sees herself first when she’s forced to look at him closely
14. ‘He grins violently’ (p.9)
→ I just love that sentence, okay. Michael just has such a strong presence, especially in a place like school that Tori keeps describing as ‘dull’ (p.6). So many contrasts that crystallize characteristics.
15. ‘’Victoria Spring’, he cries’ + big arms thrown in the air movement (p.9)
→ he celebrates that he found her
16. Tori stay quiet and ‘has a headache’ (p.9)
→ contrast to Michael’s reaction; her lack of reaction
→ overwhelm?, confusion?; hating people?
17. Tori finds her picture awful (p.10)
→ insecure about her appearance
18. ‘It’s like I don’t even have a face’ (p.10 )
→ lack of identity, significance?; hidden away
19. ‘Michael steps back a little’ but only to give her back her personal space (p.10)
→ he moves away, but remains as close as possible without irrupting Tori’s comfort unnecessarily
20. Michael’s ‘insane smile’ (p.10)
→ Tori describing/ judging his appearance (she’s so obsessed with his smile, haha)
21. ‘Everything lit up like it’s on fire’; ‘He notices me looking too’; ‘’It’s like it’s pulling you out, isn't it?’’ (p.11)
→ the foreshadowing, hehe
→ he notices her actions/ immersion/ interest and reacts to it by directly talking to her
22. ‘You are definitely Tori Spring, aren’t you’. ‘This should be a question, but he says it like he’s already known for a long time’ (p.12)
→ he does know her from when he showed her around at school last year; Tori doesn't know that they already met yet
→ without knowing, she intuitively interprets his words correctly; he knows she’s Victoria Spring, he recognizes her and has known about her for a long time
23. contrast of interest level regarding the solitaire case/ mystery (p.12)
Tori calling the day ‘pointless’ (p.13)
→ Tori lost interest I the post-it and blog the second Michael joined the moment; she already stated that she finds significant in moments no one but her is involved in and with Micheal now being another person paying attention to the post-it, Tori’s attention isn't the solely presence anymore ergo she looses interest and a feeling of significance
24. Tori feels deeply for Michael’s sudden sadness (p.13)
→ she can’t but care
25. Tori doesn't know what to do (p.13)
→ the post-it task lost significance due to Michael ruining her solidarity, but now Michael she is alone with him and the only one who is paying attention to him, therefore his sudden reaction forces her to go through a sudden shift as well, him bringing a sense of significance
→ Tori’s apathy and confusion collide with the rollercoaster of the situation
26. ‘You don’t say anything you mean’ (p.15)
→ Michael doesn't know Tori yet sees through her
27. Tori describes her laugh as a ‘pathetic sort of expulsion of air’ (p.15)
→ emphasis of her insecurity by choice of words connoting a neutral thing such as a chuckle or laugh
28. ‘Who are you, Victoria Spring?’ (p.15) - ‘I am nothing’ (p.15)
→ we just got an introduction by Tori beyond only her name and now she states she does not know how to answer that question beyond listing her name
→ insecurity, low self-worth
→ also, the fact that she thinks so deeply about how she could possibly answer that question by a stranger, just to realize how she does not feel like being anything/ anyone more worthy than ‘nothing’, instead of not caring and walking away, well, proves that she does care; she listens and thinks and doesn't find an answer that she evaluates as satisfying
29. she doesn't know at on point Michael hands her the post-it before he vanishes;
‘This is probably how it starts’
→ with a moment of significance (her own definition of significance in moments of seemingly being the only one paying attention and taking action)
→ with being seen and looked at and talked with (encounter with Michael)
→ by taking action as one’s own decision (following post-it)
→ by being recognizes (by Micheal)
→ by an unfamiliar encounter in an otherwise familiar and dull place
→ by being confronted with oneself (seeing herself in his glasses; being asked who she is)
Tori became form leader by getting volunteered ‘mostly because no one else wanted to do so’ (p.9f)
→ taking action when others don’t
2. Tori’s hair cut story (p.14f)
→ her inner tumult and its exterior display
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novamayhem · 28 days ago
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Stars, double cherries!
I decided to do this with my absolute favorite ship ever
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bronzebluemind · 1 year ago
It’s been 0 weeks since the World Cup finale, 17 weeks to go until sgp and 34 weeks to go until next season.
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hilacopter · 7 months ago
torn between not being able to trust goyim to not be antisemitc anymore unless they really prove me otherwise and going "I guess we'll get along" when they find out I'm Israeli and still treat me like a human being
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macabremango · 1 month ago
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nerevar-quote-and-star · 1 year ago
Dangerously close to plotting a real Skyrim/Lord of the Rings crossover for after Keeping Count because my secret desire for Leara/Glorfindel has reared its head again
Shhh Don't question it.
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quatregats · 3 months ago
Really entertained by the fact that I listened to @vastwinterskies' Hornblower playlist enough that the bands on it are now giving me early access to concert tickets
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st-rick · 1 year ago
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Not sure if it's worth it but here I am
Trashy art yes
(I think I've got things to explain... 💀) andidkwhattosayRAH-
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ratatatastic · 4 months ago
greek god of a man who has immortal surplus of stamina versus normal people (ekky)
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teapot-of-tyrahn · 4 months ago
My payment for the ficlet:
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Could I just get Zedaph being a silly? Thanks!
S.O.S / 88
words: 2,587 warnings: implied robot injury / abandonment a03 link! (i have an a03 now!!)
When Zedaph had first found her in the scrapyard, she’d been little more than a telegraph sounder. She wasn't even capable of making dihs or dahs, just dots and dashes. She was, by every definition of the word, useless; discarded, unuseable, utterly inutile… Broken. But Zedaph had never believed in such a word. Things were never really broken; just… temporarily decommissioned! They could be in states of disrepair, but never beyond repair. Everything could always be mended, rebuilt, improved; everything could always be fixed. That was why he came to the scrapyard in the first place. Zedaph knew what it was like to feel broken. He felt sympathy for every machine discarded by its creator in a wasteland of flotsam and jetsam, deserted and dejected. And so, whenever he wandered across one of these poor orphaned apparatuses, he felt it was his duty to try to give them what their inventor had not: A home. A purpose. Besides, it was much easier to fix an abandoned machine than to make one from scratch, especially back when he hadn't had the funding to afford his own materials. Upon closer inspection, it looked like her developer had intended for her to be a translator of sorts. A humanoid polygotic interpreter AI which had been designed to serve as an assistant to foreign diplomats and ambassadors. Scavengers had had their way with her, however, and so she didn't even have the tools left to serve as a functional morse code transliterator, let alone a functional world-wide translator. There was a twisted sort of irony in the fact that the AI meant to translate for others was unable to even properly translate her own thoughts and feelings into words, able to process the words being spoken but never able to understand them. Able to talk but never able to speak. A translator who couldn't even translate herself.
For the first few weeks when Zed had been working on fixing her transmitter, she always kept repeating the same string of sounds: Dot, dot, dash. Dot, dot, dash. She made the noise so often, it became an association, and Zed decided that was just what he would call her in meantime - a bit of a mouthful, sure, but wasn't Dot Dot Dash a better name then Unnamed Abandoned Appartus Number 21? It was just a temporary title until he found a way to get her communications sorted and she could come up with their own name, anyway. Though it turns out, she had been saying her own name, in a way: Dot, dot, dash. E-E-T. Ease-Enhancing Translator. Her hostname. He'd only figured that out when he found the marque on her forehead about three weeks into her repair. For a genius, he could be a little bit stupid, sometimes. Maybe really stupid. When he did finally figure out how to repair her transmissions, for about a month she was stuck only speaking in Dutch, because he'd accidentally selected the system's default of Netherlandic as his preferred language instead of his own of English in his excitement to get her up and running. And, with her operating system now in a foreign language, it was incredibly difficult to figure out how to turn on her bilateralism. Not his brightest moment. But it didn't mean it didn't lead to bright moments. Even though they couldn't communicate, at least not through language, that didn't mean they couldn't communicate in other ways. That didn't mean that, over that month, he didn't learn that she was an absolute menace at Mario Kart (Guess the Dash part of her name really rung true!), that she'd become an immediate fanatic of Hamilton, and that Sesame Street was her favourite comfort show. Just because they couldn't exchange words didn't mean they couldn't exchange glances, exchange touches, exchange laughs, exchange smiles. Just because he couldn't understand a word she said didn't mean he couldn't understand that he was falling head over heels for her. It took an embarrassing amount of time and effort, but eventually, inevitably, he finally managed to repair her communication system. And, finally, they managed to have their first conversation.
"So… what's your name?" It was a bit odd, asking the question; such a simple, innocent question, but it felt wrong. It was the sort of thing you asked somebody you just met. But they hadn't just met… not really. It felt like they'd known each other for years. All their lives. And, yet, these were the first words they'd ever spoken to each other. He - literally - knew her innerworkings inside and out, and yet, he didn't even know her name. They knew everything about each other, but at the same time, nothing at all. The robot replied with a simple answer to a simple question: "Dot, Dot, Dash." "Oh — oh my goddess, oh dear, oh no — did I accidentally set you back to Morse Code again?!" Oh, this was horrendous, he'd been trying to help but he'd put her back all the way back to square one— "No, no," A jittery, high-pitched sound came out of the android's voicebox, a soft laugh as she reeled Zed's hand away from her inner panel. "That's my name." "It is?" Zed asked, baffled and still slightly breathless from the scare, before he jumped slightly with the startled realisation, "Oh — oh! Oooh, Because, that's what I've been calling you — no, no, nonono, that's — that doesn't have to be your name, you see, I just… well, it felt awful drab calling you by a model number, and you always used to go dot, dot, dash!, So I was just using it as a placeholder, which, I… which I am realising, was perhaps slightly insensitive, it's little better then calling you boop beep bop, now that I'm thinking about it, it would be like naming a dog woof woof… Oh my gosh, I am so sorry—" "— I like it." "—Oh, I'm such a dunce, imagine calling a duck quack quack, or a chicken cluck clu— wait, you… what?" "Yeah!" She smiled. "It's silly! Who cares if it's a bit on-the-nose?" She booped his nose for emphasis before she continued, "It feels like me." "O—oh! Well… well, in that case. It's… It's nice to meet you, Dot Dot Dash! I'm Zedaph." He held a hand out for her to shake out of cordiality. Dot stared at his outstretched hand dubiously, her features almost betraying offence at his attempt at courtesy, enough to make him almost begin to worry it had been a test to see if he'd fall for calling her such an offensive name and he'd fallen for it, like an idiot… and before he had a chance to profusely apologise again and retract both his hand and his statement, she abruptly grabbed him by his offered hand and pulled him in… …to a hug. "Zedaph… I've watched you fling an oreo from your forehead into your mouth on multiple occasions, you once bit into an onion like an apple and then rubbed it on your face to make yourself cry, you sleep with a mint condition package of Minions playing cards underneath your pillow, your favourite colour is red even though everything you own is pink… I already know you, Zed. And you know me. Just because we didn't know each others' names doesn't mean we didn't know each other… and it certainly doesn't mean this is our first time meeting. This isn't an introduction… it's just… finally getting a chance to say hello." "O—oh." Zed felt his voice crack. There was nothing between them now, no barrier, language or otherwise. His voice was soft as he whispered, "Hello." Her voice was softer, a smile on her lips, as she whispered back, "Hallo."
Not another word fell from either of their lips. They didn't need words. Sometimes, actions were more powerful than words. And their lips' actions spoke louder than any sentence they could have strung.
.. / .-.. --- …- . / -.-- --- ..- .-.-.-
Safe to say, everybody on Hermitcraft loved Dot. And not just because she was one of the most talented people on the server - which she was, indisputably. She'd been built as an interpreter, but her skills were far from confined to linguistics…. she made the most thrilling commercials and logos for the shops in the Shopping District in all of it's history: Lookie Lookie at My Bookie, Shade-E-E's, Beefy Stores, Lamps Plus, ODEA… that was just to name a few successful bussinesses' whose success could wholly be attributed to Dot. She was also an absolute marvel when it came to the political field, somehow simultaneously making adverts for both Mumbo, Scar, and Plopper's mayor campaigns without either party realizing she was also advertising for every opposition, playing every side of the spectrum. And then, later, she pulled the exact same thing with HEP, The Podzol Party, and The Mycelium Resistance… This feat was one that could either be attributed to her astounding intelligence or the Hermits' astounding lack of intelligence. She was also a stupefying film director, and, in a similar vein, a stupefying music video director! Maybe too stupefying of a music video director. He still had nightmares about Bohemian Keralisody. And he couldn't help but still be a little lingeringly offended that both Poultry Man and Iskallman got their own fan edits but Wormman, the significantly cooler superhero of the server, got ziltch. Not that it was personal, just an astute observation from an outsider with no stakes in the superhero business whatsoever. He really didn't get why Poultryman of all people was her favourite superhero… to the point she'd requested he manufacture her a pair of bionic chicken wings. She even had him provide her with a chicken soundboard so she could communicate with her new brethern… which she had specifically requested not be made with real chickens' voices, as they could not consent to being recorded and doing so would infringe upon their rights, so the soundboard ended up just being Zed going buck, buck, buckawk! into a microphone for her at various pitches and inflections to use as she saw fit. She even ended up making an alter ego by the name of Stanley in an attempt to become Poultryman's sidekick, despite the fact there were much cooler superheroes out there to sidekick for besides a chicken in a trenchcoat. For completely random example: Wormman. Wormman was much cooler! And actually looking for sidekicks! Not that Zed was jealous. Not at all! Just a third-party observation.
Anyways. You'd think, surely, being the top graphic designer, commercial producer, film producer, and music video producer in the game was impressive enough of a resume… no, her awesomeness didn't stop there, not even close. She also dabbled in the armour stand business, and even further, became one of the server's best castle architects. Which was quite was a feat, given it seemed every season at least somebody had to build a grand castle of some sorts. But her castles were better than all of them - better then the NHO Castle, The Red Sky Bay Castle, Coe's Quest Castle, Wels' Cathedral, Bdubs' Castle, The Area 77 Castle, Stress' Ice Castle, RentheKing's Castle, The… wow, Zed was just realizing, Hermitcraft really did have a lot of castles. But, digressing! Her castles were the best castles. And that wasn't even just him being biased in his girlfriend's favour - that was just a fact. If monarchy on Hermitcraft didn't have a reputation for ending with a HoTgUy to the face, he would have crowned her Queen of Hermitcraft. It seemed the only thing she couldn't do was hit the high note in Hamilton's Burn… an feat she was coming closer and closer to achieving every day, which terrified Zed, for he was sure once she did so she'd become the epitome of perfection on all fronts and would transcend this mortal plane in a state of sublime quintessence.
Luckily for Zed, though, Dot had no intent to transcend. As much as Zed raved about her accomplishments, which were impressive in their own right, she wasn't going anywhere while she hadn't completed her greatest accomplishment of all. Her life's mission. Dot wanted to make sure nobody ever struggled like she had again. Words, vocabulary, verbality… Language itself was it's own 55-pin ladder puzzle. She was built to be a translator, and a translator she would be… not just for other languages, but for languages within languages, for inflections and undertones and connotations and implications that might as well have been their own language. She didn't want to let linguistic barriers to prevent somebody from living their best life… from saying hi to the love of their life. If she'd given up trying to speak English, she'd have never gotten the chance to tell Zed she loved him in words he would understand. And if he had given up on repairing her auditory processor, she'd have never gotten the chance to understand when he told her he loved her in words she'd understand. She still had a long way to go to be the global translator she was built to be, she didn't speak near seven-thousand languages nor with the fluency she would have liked, but that was okay. Because one of the languages she could speak was English - and, if anybody struggled with the language, just like she used to, she wanted to be there to help. To be what Zed had been to her — a teacher, a friend, and a crutch. The first person she helped, of course ��� coming full-circle — was Zedaph himself. The conversation went a little something like this: "Zed, dear, could you bring Danny's leash downstairs?" "Hm?" "I asked if could you bring Danny's leash downs—" "Come again?" "I SAID COULD YOU BRING DANNY'S LE—" "PARDON??" And that was how they learned that being in constant proximity to loud industrial machinery and exploding himself for comedic effect on a near-daily basis was not very good for his eardrums. It didn't take her long to diagnosis him with partial hearing loss, prescribe him with proper ear protection, and invent something to help. CCs she called it, or Closed Captions. Not a very original name, but it got the point across! She never really understood Zed's tendency to give things elaborate names like The Chickenerator, or Zombie Plinko, or The Celestial Cosmodrome… well, actually, she supposed she couldn't blame him for that one, but, the point with the first two still stood! The CCs were a simple device; a pair of contact-lenses that provided real time, accurate translations of what was being said in the corner of the wearer's vision. It was even toggleable! A subtle way to get subtitles in your subsidiary. And it wasn't soon after she'd made Zedaph his pair that word spread, and GeminiTay appeared at her doorstep to politely inquire what it could cost to have a similar device manufactured for herself. Gem didn't suffer from quite the same plight as Zed, but instead with an auditory processing disorder, which made Dot realise how helpful her invention could actually be to the Hermit masses… whether hard-of-hearing hermits, second-language hermits, hermits with auditory processing disorders, or even just hermits who preferred reading over listening… She was helping people. Even if only two, the fact she could even just help two people struggle a little bit less with the language she had struggled with for so long made it worth it. It made it so, when Zed praised her for how indisputably awesome she was, she could smile, and say, without hesitation, "I know!"
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housemarcellus · 2 months ago
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spaceoutdreamer · 18 days ago
In my room, there's me. And wherever I am, my cat is here. And wherever my cat is, my parents' cat is here. My parents' cat really wants to play with my cat, and my cat HATES her. I wish this were a metaphor I've worked on in therapy about having to heal your inner child, a two wolves situation, but it is NOT.
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bereft-of-frogs · 11 months ago
It has been *erases chalk number* 0 days since I faced peer pressure to watch the clone wars (2008)
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berryblu-soda · 9 months ago
Anyways update i just didnt bother to post earlier:
fr God is good and the whole car crash my parents got into last week was so incredibly mild in terms of injuries!!!! worst was a bruised knee im pretty sure
#ALSO DO NOT READ THE TAGS IF YOURE HERE FOR A GOOD TIME!!!!#ENDED UP VENTING AGHHHHH- (<- amongus ref in 2024???? l+ratio) (no but seriously stay safe; im not sure if i should add a cw???)#no but like the cars themselves?#FOLDED-#ive seen photos of worse ones of course lol (ty internet <3)#but we´re all in agreement that if it had hit anywhere else at that speed it wouldve been BAD Bad-#like; severe injury to the leg at least; drivers door wouldve crumpled; thankfully it hit the tire mostly#our car got what seems to be the lesser damage and theyre still debating if it counts as total loss xd#also oh goshhhh#so i usually go and say goodbye to my dad when hes headed to work; i did it that day as usual; car was already halfway out the driveway#my dog also loves to go and she was already in the car#but my mom (taking my dad to work) said she´d need to stop by the store after dropping dad off; so she handed her back to me#last minute descision-#my dog is a small kinda elderly chihuahua and wouldve been on my mom´s lap when they crashed#no seatbelt for her obviously#she wouldve gotten injured so freaking bad if she was there ):#overall feels like we dodged a life altering accident by a hair#i wasnt even in it and im still shook hahaha#i always go say bye to dad if hes leaving for work no matter if im pissed off or sad or whatever#half out of habit; half bc i know anything could happen at any moment and id rather not have been too proud to say goodbye#dammit im crying now hahaha#saying again; everyones fine!!!!! please remember to hug your loved ones !!!!!!#shut up sheo#but oh gosh too many reminders of death as a constant recently#that happened about a week after a cousin died; i hadnt seen him in forever but his family went to our church growing up; he was my age#it was a dull and distant pain even then to hear the news but it still hurt; i didnt go to the funeral#did go to the one a couple days later tho; for a family member i truly didnt know; it was a car crash i think#a special kind of heartbreak from meeting his mom and seeing his kids running around#now that i realize it; as im writing this; i hadnt stopped to process just about anything hahaha#freaking sobbing at 9 in the morning smh!!!!!
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puterwantsyou · 2 years ago
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apocalypticdemon · 6 months ago
oh god i think phd apps are actually going to be the death of me
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