#counselling in uk
waystosobrietyuk · 6 months
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edcounsellinguk · 1 year
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edcounsellingonline · 2 years
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just-an-enby-lemon · 22 days
I think we need more stories about how even if you are genuinally a bad person or did something truly atrocious that does not justify the suffering of the mordern Prison Industrial Complex and how prison more than punishment should be about making sure if not all at least most people can go back to society and never do crimes again.
I mean it. Most stories about how bad prison is either follows a thief that did it out of necessity or an innocent man wrongfully arrested and we should think of those people ofc. But we should also think about how prison is not supposed to be karma is supposed to help society (plus we need more assistencial programs to suport victims of violence as well asap).
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what's the government's response to the awful waiting times to access medical transition? make it harder for people to get referred in the first place. if we can gatekeep a bunch of trans people from ever getting referred in the first place, the waiting lists will be shorter! genius! /s
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in 2024 I wanna stop hearing about betterhelp
#elise's posts#SO many youtubers etc I like are promoting this shit#fyi for those who don't know it's a REALLY unethical business trying to take advantage of the mentally ill#and before you say 'but how else am I meant to find a therapist that does online sessions'#post-pandemic most therapists offer this#and if you want the whole 'I can text my therapist for therapy anytime 24/7' thing...#sorry I know it might sound useful but it's SUPER bad for both your own mental health and your therapist's#sorry but therapists are not meant to be there for you 24/7#that's not their job and it's really unhelpful for YOU to become dependant on a 24/7 therapist#betterhelp do not vet their therapists thoroughly#and some people say they have been evangelised to on betterhelp by preachers who ask the algorithm to assign them queer and atheist clients#many reputable therapists state that it's a terrible business model promoting unhealthy practices to patients#it claims to be the cheapest option but it's more expensive than the most expensive therapist I've ever had (I'm in the UK)#and significantly more expensive than the cheapest who was still good and probably more qualified than some people on betterhelp#you pay extra for the middleman#(being allocated a therapist you didn't choose and vet yourself isn't great anyway imo surely you want agency in this huge decision?)#and I'm sorry but pride counselling is a branch of the same company#please just look for therapists that specialise in your needs through a regulatory model and get in touch with them directly#not all of them have waitlists and tbh if every therapist on betterhelp is available whenever what does that say about them
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news4dzhozhar · 3 months
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wayfayrr · 18 days
Hi, this is the anon from before. I wanted to thank you for your advice and the site you found me. I actually understood a bit more from it than I have on my own. I was always confused as I DO have fantasies (smut go brrr) and I also enjoy the dirty BY MYSELF but the few times I’ve actually engaged in physical intercourse with another person… I’ve hated it and sometimes even have a small panic attack in preparation for the act. I kinda don’t have anyone to talk to as I ended up “faking it” for years as to not arouse questions from ppl with my lack of enthusiasm with intercourse after a bad interaction with a doctor back when I lost my vCard… basically, I’m what is referred to as the “raunchy” friend. Always making jokes and innuendos, mind always in the gutter, ect… so it was really nice to actually be “myself” in a way and be able to talk and ask a question about my predicament. Thank you very much 😊 I promise not to bother you much more with my rambling, please have a nice day!
I'm glad that it helped and gave you a bit more insight!!! Also I hope that you'll never have to go through faking it again because that sounds horrific to you and your mental health - it might be an idea to see if there are any online services that you could use to speak to a therapist, there are a few that say they offer it for free but I'm not entirely sure how reputable they are. (if you google free online therapy a fair few things pop up but before starting it's probably a good idea to look at reviews) Depending on where you live too I think it's possible to get an in-person therapist for free
and you're more than welcome, it wasn't a bother and I'm glad that it helped you <3
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abroad-education · 6 months
Madhavi's British Academy, a comprehensive education platform, currently lists 34 Counseling study programs offered at 18 schools and universities in Canada. Madhavi's British Academy aims to maintain the largest and most up-to-date database of Counseling study programs in Canada, with new programs being added weekly.
In addition to providing information on Counseling study programs, Madhavi's British Academy recognizes the importance of language proficiency for international students. Many programs in Canada require English language proficiency, and to address this, Madhavi's British Academy offers valuable resources, including IELTS coaching. This coaching is designed to assist students in preparing for the IELTS exam, ensuring they meet the language requirements for their chosen Counseling program.
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space2bheard · 22 hours
Understanding the Power of Social Anxiety Group Therapy
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Social anxiety can be a daunting challenge, affecting countless individuals worldwide. Fortunately, social anxiety group therapy has emerged as a beacon of hope, providing a supportive and structured environment for those struggling with this condition. Group therapy offers a unique setting where participants can share their experiences, learn from one another, and develop strategies to manage their anxiety in social situations. But how does it actually function, and what advantages does it offer? How Group Therapy Can Help Overcome Social Anxiety Shared Experiences: One of the core benefits of group therapy is the opportunity to connect with others who understand your struggles. Sharing experiences with peers who face similar challenges can be incredibly validating and reassuring. It helps break down the isolation that often accompanies social anxiety, fostering a sense of belonging and community. Support and Encouragement: In a group setting, participants can offer and receive support and encouragement. This collective dynamic can significantly boost motivation and commitment to overcoming anxiety. Knowing that others are rooting for your success can make a substantial difference in your therapeutic journey. Learning New Skills: Group therapy often incorporates various therapeutic techniques, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), which are tailored to address social anxiety. These sessions provide a platform for practicing new skills in a safe and controlled environment, which can then be applied to real-world situations. A Safe Space for TeenagersTeenagers, in particular, can benefit immensely from group therapy. The adolescent years are a critical period for social development, and social anxiety can severely hinder this process. A therapist for teenagers can guide young individuals through their anxiety, helping them build confidence and social skills. In a group setting, teenagers can see that they are not alone in their struggles and can learn from the experiences of their peers. This peer support can be particularly powerful during such a formative stage of life. Practical Steps to Overcoming Social Anxiety In addition to attending therapy sessions, there are several practical steps individuals can take to manage social anxiety: Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Practices such as mindfulness meditation and deep breathing exercises can help reduce anxiety levels and improve focus. Gradual Exposure: Gradually exposing oneself to social situations, starting with less intimidating scenarios and progressively tackling more challenging ones, can help desensitise anxiety responses. Self-Compassion: Practising self-compassion and challenging negative self-talk can improve self-esteem and reduce anxiety. Conclusion In conclusion, social anxiety group therapy provides a supportive and effective way to address social anxiety. By participating in group therapy sessions, individuals can gain valuable insights, learn new coping strategies, and build meaningful connections with others who understand their struggles. For teenagers, having access to a specialised therapist can make a significant difference in their ability to navigate social challenges. At Space2BHeard, we are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment where individuals can overcome social anxiety and lead fulfilling lives. Join us today and take the first step towards a brighter, more confident future. Our dedicated team at Space2BHeard is here to support you every step of the way.
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waystosobrietyuk · 6 months
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edcounsellinguk · 2 years
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edcounsellingonline · 2 years
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universityleap · 5 days
Best Education Consultants In Delhi
University Leap is an education consultancy that has embarked on a journey for providing Career Counseling to school and college students, for higher education in both India and Abroad. Our founder and Senior Mentor, Ms. Sakshi Mittal is a Master’s degree holder in Psychology from the University of Manchester, UK, and very well understands the various dilemmas a student goes through while deciding the choice of a course and University.
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johnypage95 · 15 days
Kensington Therapy Center:-
Are you looking for complementary therapies that will heal you from the inside? Then, come to the Best Online Therapy UK which will assist you in the best possible way. If you are married and want to book a session for yourself to calm down your mind, then the Best Couple Therapy London will be perfect for you. https://www.sevenstalk.co.uk/kensington-physiotherapy.html
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abroadstudydelhi · 1 month
Looking to study abroad or study in The UK Top university then you need to contact Innvictis Edutech now and top UK university with fees, scholarships, courses, application submissions, and more
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