#coulrophobia mention
okami-zero · 1 year
Anyone with coulrophobia might want to put Netflix's tumblr on block for a while (they have a tumblr account o.O), and also get your adblock software up to date. Why?
The latest round of One Piece ads has pictures/images of one of the villains, Buggy the Clown in them. They also seem to have pop-up images of him on the desktop site (one if my mutuals posted about it earlier).
In the manga and the show, he was... about as bombastically designed as everyone else. Im live action, though?
He looks like IT and Heath Ledger's Joker did the fusion dance and then raided a production of Pirates of Penzance.
Super Creepy.
One of the images is a close up of his face and...yea.
So heads up if you have a fear of or are even remotely unsettled by creepy clowns.
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cold-knees · 1 year
I know we've established staff don't give a shit about the sites users, but regardless I hope anyone upset or otherwise bothered by the clown is sending feedback about how utterly thoughtless it is to have put that shit on everyone's dash with no (in-site) way to get rid of it.
To get rid of it, use your Ublock Origin extension, right click on the clown & click "block element".
The clown is under the cut for anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about for whatever reason (it's apparently part of the O/n/e P/i/e/c/e ad bs that's been going on)
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grislyintentions · 1 year
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gildead · 1 year
"It's okay, guys. I'm gonna jumpscare the dashboard clown."
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mogai-sunflowers · 2 years
Can you make ClowncoreCringeGender
/nf but like please do
queued :33
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thestuffedalligator · 8 months
“How many daughters do you have, Phobos?”
Phobos thought about this. “Just off the top of my head, sir?”
“Sure,” Zeus said.
Phobos told him.
“Holy shit,” Zeus said.
“We’re a very busy household, sir,” Phobos said.
Zeus sat back in his chair with a cushiony hissing noise.
There was a drinking bird toy on Zeus’s desk. It bobbled, tilted forward, and plunged its beak into the liver of a model figurine Prometheus before it bobbled upright again.
The bird toy plunged. It bobbled. It plunged again.
Finally, Zeus said: “Phobos, I want you to understand that nobody understands a father’s love for their children more than me.”
Phobos said nothing. It was the safest bet.
“And as my grandson, I want you to know that I love the opportunity to meet my great-grandchildren as often as I can. Except that maybe…”
“Maybe,” Zeus said in the delicate tone of the diplomat, “maybe we don’t have to bring all of them to family meetings?”
“They hardly ever have the chance to visit, sir.”
“I know, I know, and I’m not asking for none of them to visit. I’d like to see more of Nyctophobia or Thanatophobia, they’re smart girls, and – ha, yes, Astraphobia, there’s a girl who understands my work. But possibly – possibly – Claustrophobia could stay home?”
“She spends all day shut in, sir. It’s good for her to get out in the fresh air more often.”
Zeus nodded. He chose not to mention the time that Athena had been found locked in a cupboard. Nobody had seen who pushed her in there – there was no real proof, but…
“And it has to be said that Apollo finds Coulrophobia possibly just a bit…”
“She’s just expressing herself, sir. He should appreciate that more, as a patron of the arts.” There was just possibly a glitter of an edge in his tone.
“Well – yes, but – face paint and balloon animals? Would we call that art?”
Phobos considered this. “I don’t know much about art, but I know what makes my daughter happy, sir.”
“All I ask is that in the future, we might think how others might react to the presence of your daughters and be considerate of their feelings.”
Phobos thought of this. “Possibly, sir,” he said at last. “Definitely worth considering.”
Zeus nodded. Then his attention turned to the sticky-looking child in Phobos’s lap. “This one is…?”
Phobos brightened up. “Arachibutyrophobia, sir,” he said. “One of our youngest, we’re very proud of her.”
The sticky-looking child stared unblinking at Zeus. Then, without looking away, she reached into the jar she was holding, took a handful of gooey peanut butter and put it into her mouth.
Zeus felt a sickly shiver run up his spine. It was a horrible thought, but he had to admit that they were very creepy children.
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covetyou · 3 months
fools just wanna have fun
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ao3 ⋆ main masterlist ⋆ series masterlist
pairing: Dieter Bravo x fat contortionist f!reader rating: Mature (18+ only!) warnings: no smut, Dieter's cock and balls, arguing as foreplay, references to past and hoped for sexual encounters (fingering, squirting, oral), clown!Dieter is a menace (but not explicitly clowny at all in this, for those with coulrophobia), drug use, reader is referred to as Sparkles and has a briefly mentioned latex allergy. word count: 1k summary: A quiet night is all he wanted. It's what he deserved after sweating his balls off out there in the ring all night. But, you have different plans - plans, he's certain, involve riding him until the sun comes up.
A/N: this is a follow on to for one night only (Frankie x Reader), but can be read totally independently of that fic. if you'd like more of this pairing, check out jester little bit more.
follow @covetedfics and turn notifications on for updates on future work
when the workin' day is done, oh fools, they wanna have fun, oh fools just wanna have fun...
Bravo the Clown's balls were sweating. They had been all fucking day. It's simply what you get when you're in the asshole of Florida dressed head to toe in colored polyester.
But he was free now. Free for the night, free from another fucking show and, most importantly, his balls were free.
He'd just pulled them out actually, yanking his waistband below them, letting them bunch up under his flaccid cock as he rolled another joint. The one he had just before the last show didn't quite hit the spot, but this one was sure to do the job. Especially now that his balls were finally cooling down.
Not that the peace and quiet lasts too long. It never does.
Before he can so much as find a lighter to light the joint resting between his lips, you slam your way into his trailer with a bang.
"What the fuck?!" He shouts, flinging the nearest thing to him - which just so happened to be his fucking lighter - at you as you stand there panting.
"Don't you dare light that," you say, pointing to him as you catch your breath. "Condoms. I need condoms."
This isn't the first time you've stormed in here, demanding sex of him wearing nothing much at all. It is the first time you seem to have ran here though. You're never usually this desperate for it, but he supposes there has been a lot of tension between the two of you lately. Not exactly sexual tension, more extreme general frustration directed at him rather than anything particularly mutual. Still, it was there, he'd sensed it, and now here you were, demanding a fuck from your favourite clown, already looking positively fucked out -
"What the fuck," he says again, pointing right back at you. "I am not giving you my condoms. What about me?! I know that look, you're not leaving me high and dry, Sparkles."
You're practically snarling at him now, and fuck does he love you like this. Feisty. Definitely wet too, even if it's not because of him. Don't ask him how he knows, but there's something about the way your sweat smells that changes when you're get horny that never fails to make him hard.
"What about you? You are not cock blocking me again, Bravo."
Dieter scoffs. You always brought this up. It wasn't exactly his fault you were fucking a civilian out in the open like that. He was well within his rights to walk over and take one of the blankets you had under your head that day. They didn't belong to you, they didn't belong to anyone. They were communal. "That was one time, and he was a nerd anyway."
"A nerd with a massive dick and button mashing fingers. He was about to make me squirt and you came stumbling over. And you're forgetting the girl with the nipple piercings!"
With each angry flap of your arms, he can see your panties as your t-shirt rides up on your thighs. They look wet and fuck if he isn't jealous of whichever asshole is getting a turn between your legs tonight. It should be him, with his condoms. It's not fair.
"That doesn't count," he answers, crossing his arms over his bare chest with a pout.
"It does!"
"If there was no cock involved, I didn't cock block shit."
His dick is at full mast now, and he's surprised you haven't noticed. If you have, you haven't said anything, and usually you were very good about shouting at him when he had his dick out.
Instead, you just sigh. You give in. To him.
"I don't have time for this shit. The condoms, Dieter. Please."
And, quite frankly, it's no fun fighting with you if you're not going to fight back. That doesn't mean he's going to put his dick away, of course. There's no point. He's only going to play with it when you leave.
What he does do is point you to his condom stash kept in a tin under his trailer bench. He didn't exactly use them often. He didn't like them. But he did use them with you, or if he was taking a little knock at someone's backdoor, or even if someone looked a little less sanitary than he'd like. He did have standards.
He also could've got them out for you. But if he did that he wouldn't have been treated with the view of your ass he's currently getting. You always wear the tiniest little thongs for shows. They're the only things that won't show up around the edges of your glitzy costumes. It gets him going just thinking about them wedged up your ass as he watches you perform some nights - an activity that has made him late to his own performances more than once.
Right now, that tiny little thong is nestled right between your ass cheeks, your t-shirt hiding none of your modesty now that you're bending over in front of him. The gusset of your panties peeks out from between your plush thighs too, and it is absolutely fucking drenched. If he knew you'd be amenable to it, he'd be on his knees eating you from the back already, but he knew you. Only the lucky asshole waiting for you would be getting that privilege tonight.
"Gold packet," Bravo grumbles as you rifle through the tin, picking out a small handful of condoms like you plan on having a very eventful night.
"I know what ones are latex free, Bravo."
Because that is why you came here, to him, and not to anyone else. He's probably the only person in this whole place that carried the condoms you could use - the latex free ones that didn't smell like balloons.
You finally stand just as Dieter idly wraps a hand around his balls, giving them a gentle little squeeze, and with nothing more than a middle finger and the poke of your tongue, you go to leave his trailer.
"Oh, and Dieter?" you say, stopping in your tracks halfway out the door. "Max was looking for you."
His wank would have to wait.
tagging previous lovers of clown!Dieter: @beefrobeefcal @sp00kymulderr @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @clawdee @chronically-ghosted @dieterbravobrainrotclub @for-a-longlongtime
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jokeringcutio · 11 months
Art the Clown x Reader (WARNINGS) Halloween smut.
AN: Follow me for more Halloween Reader Inserts. More stories will follow this month.
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Drabble. Please read ALL warnings. Pairing: Art the Clown x Reader Rating: Explicit Summary: It is Halloween when you bump into a clown and, embarrassed, apologize. Later that evening, your roommate Meri seems to have invited that very same clown into your house for a bit of fun. But that fun turns quickly into a nightmare.
Warnings: Mention of Murder, Cannibalism, death of a friend, Sexual content, dub-con. Reader is scared of clowns. Implied Virginity/First Time. Mention of Blood. Coulrophobia.
The streetlights cast eerie shadows as you hurried home on Halloween evening, arms laden with bags of candy. It was the right atmosphere for it, you thought. All the shadows seemed longer, and in the dark, the ornaments of the houses seemed to come to life. Pumpkins, fake skeletons… Your heart pounded in your chest, the brisk autumn air chilling you to the bone.
As you turned the corner, you collided with a man dressed as a clown, gasping in shock. His attire immediately sent shivers down your spine; black and white suit divided vertically down the middle, large ruffles at his collar and cuffs. A tiny black hat perched atop a white bald cap, while his face was painted with stark contrasts of black and white makeup. The pointy nose bore a black dot, and his eyes were as dark as the abyss.
"Sorry, I didn't see you," you stammered, feeling your pulse race. As if it wasn’t bad enough that you accidentally walked into someone, he had to be dressed as a clown. And you had an irrational fear of clowns. You could not help but tremble and blush in embarrassment. Come on, you thought to yourself, it’s just a grown-up man wearing a costume. Clowns are supposed to be funny. Don’t be so scared.
Art the Clown stared at you silently, unblinking. It was unnerving, but you thought he took offense to the way you had reacted to his outfit. He probably had spent a lot of time getting dressed up, you thought, when you saw all the makeup he wore. And when people put a lot of effort into their costumes and looks, they want to be complimented. Not for some stranger to freak out and insult all of their hard work.
"I-I have coulrophobia,” you stammered, trying to explain your weird reaction to him. God, this was all so embarrassing. You wished you could just fade away. “I'm scared of clowns."
He tilted his head, a cruel smile forming on his painted lips. Nope, that definitely freaked you out again. You had to force a smile on your own, praying he did not see how much effort it took you to be kind and polite to him.
"Nice costume, though," you whispered while you let your eyes rove over his form shortly, just enough to note once again how oddly this man was dressed. Most clowns you met were colorful. But this one, he was grim. A true horror clown, you realized. He fits the theme of Halloween excellently.
“You’re going to enjoy yourself tonight,” you shyly mumbled, embarrassed by the entire encounter. You couldn’t wait to get away. Clutching the candy closer to your chest, you quickly bid him a good evening before stepping away from him and resuming your hurried pace toward home.
You felt the man’s eyes stare at your back until you rounded the corner.
A few hours had passed and children from all over the neighborhood came trick-or-treating at the door. Their laughter and excited chatter filled the air. You glanced at the clock. Just one more hour before the party started. Meri, your roommate, was already wearing a nice blue dress with a  very short skirt. Deliberately. You knew she wanted to score tonight. Meri was like that, always eager for a nice time with a willing man.
You glanced down at yourself. You hadn’t really had the time to come up with something nice, but you knew that Meri had more than enough dresses in her closet. You’d borrowed some of her before.
“Yeah, you can borrow one of mine again,” you heard Meri say, and when you looked up you caught her looking at you with a grin.
“As if you can read thoughts,” you whispered, earning a chuckle from your friend.
“I can and I am damn good at it,” Meri said. “I have a pretty red one that would fit you well. Show a bit of cleavage,” she winked at you. “Can’t do no harm.” She turned around and beckoned you to follow her to her room. Once inside, she took the dress out of her closet and showed it to you. You chewed your lip worriedly.
“I don’t know,” you said, earnestly concerned about how revealing that dress actually was. Then your eye fell upon a dress you had borrowed from her before. “Can’t I just take the green one?”
Meri rolled her eyes. “God, no. You definitely need some action, babe. This dress will give you that. I guarantee it.” She thrust the dress into your hands and started to push you towards the door. “Go on, get changed.”
You were about to protest when the doorbell rang and you could hear kids shouting "trick or treat!" from beyond the door.
“I’ll get that,” Meri said with a wink. She smiled warmly at you while she made her way to the door. “Now go get changed, princess. I can’t go to the party with you dressed like that.”
You glanced down at yourself to see what she meant by that. Comfy pants, a baggy shirt, wintery socks. All right, you did not look like any of those women in the magazines. She had a point. With a sigh of defeat, you turned around to head to your own room.
But that was when an idea hit you.
Meri was answering the door. You could quickly slip into her room and pick up the green dress. It would only take a second.
Seizing the opportunity, you slipped into her bedroom, rummaging through her closet where you’d seen the dress you wanted to wear. With a bright smile, you found it. But just as your hand landed on the desired green dress, the sound of Meri's voice reached your ears. “Come in, thing. We can have a bit of fun in my room.”
You froze. The sound of footsteps heading your way made your heart leap into your throat. Had she invited someone in? By the sound of it, she was not alone.
Panicking, you dove into her wardrobe, the scent of her perfume enveloping you as you hid among her clothes.
Your breath hitched as Meri entered the room, the wardrobe door cracked open just enough for you to peek out.  “Come on in, sweetheart,” Meri playfully said. You saw her beckon someone who was still on the other side of the threshold. Meri was horny, there was no doubt. You knew she had been so for a while now, hence why she insisted on going to the party tonight. But apparently, someone had come and offered himself willingly at your door. A friend? Someone you knew? Steve again? He would sometimes come around. Or Will?
But when Meri turned around, that excited smile still on her lips, you could finally see the man who wished to follow her into the bedroom. An oversized shoe appeared over the threshold, followed by a suit that was half black and half white.
The evening's events played like a twisted nightmare in your head, the clown’s haunting smile refused to leave your thoughts. It was him though. He was dressed exactly as before: black and white suit, pointy nose, black eyes that held a malicious glint. Fear gripped you, but curiosity kept you from fleeing. Was Meri actually going to have sex with this stranger?
Peeking through the crack in the wardrobe, you saw Meri lead Art the Clown into her bedroom, your heart pounding in your chest.
"Quite the costume," Meri purred, running her fingers over his ruffled collar. "I like a man who knows how to stand out."
She didn't seem to care about his silence, only growing bolder in her advances. The stranger sat himself on the edge of her bed and Meri purred again. You wanted to roll your eyes at the show she made. Slowly, she began to undress, exposing more and more of her flawless skin. Meri was beautiful like that. It had often irked you how easily some things came to her, simply because of her looks.
Meri moved her hips alluringly from side to side, unhooking her bra like a stripper before she let it drop to the floor. Her fingers pressed against her breasts, pushing them closer together while she let out a moan. Art's gaze never wavered, locked onto her every movement. Then she shimmied her panties down her hips, slowly stepping out of them.
"Want a taste?" Meri asked, lying back on the bed and spreading her legs. Your breath caught in your throat as Art moved closer, kneeling between her thighs. One bandaged hand was placed on her naked thigh. You could have questioned why the man remained in his costume, but you didn’t. Instead, you felt your breath hitch in your throat at the sight. Sensual, you thought. You felt your own body respond, slick gathering between your folds unbiddenly. And yet, you could not tear your gaze away.
The clown’s tongue darted out. You could see the pink coming from between the black of his lips. A slurping wet noise. "Y-yeah, just like that," Meri moaned, arching her back as he went down on her. Another slurp, another moan, another spark of arousal down your core. You pressed your legs shut, a hand firmly against your lower abdomen. You shouldn’t respond to this. You shouldn’t. "God, you're so good with your mouth," Meri gasped.
The clown gave no reaction. He continued to lick and slurp, his fingers folding Meri’s pussy lips aside so his mouth could easily reach her pearl. He was sipping, slurping, licking, and nipping and you could not tear your eyes away. It was a mesmerizing sight. Meri’s hand found his scalp, pressing him even deeper between her legs. He licked her now. Long, languid licks.
Meri shuddered in ecstasy, but after a few moments of the same, she started to catch her breath again. "Too bad my roommate isn't like this," Meri murmured, but you could hear it. "She's such a wallflower, probably never even had sex. Scared of it, I'd bet." You felt your face flush with shame, wondering if she knew you were hiding there, listening to her words.
“That’s it, baby,” Meri panted, the hand between her legs bobbing up and down faster now. “That’s it, make me cum.” The clown was working his magic apparently, because Meri threw her head back, lost in pleasure.
You bit your lip and clutched the green dress closer against your chest. You didn’t want to watch, knew it was supposed to be a private moment. But curiosity got the better of you, for Meri was right. You weren’t like her. You weren’t-
Suddenly, Meri screamed, her hands started clawing at the sheets. Her eyes turned wide, bulging, the screeching sounds of her screams were painful to your ears. It took you a moment to realize what you saw. The clown’s head kept bobbing up and down between Meri’s legs, but something was wrong now.
Those dreadful black-painted lips no longer glistened with fluids of passion, you realized with a shock. Instead, a darker liquid streamed down the man’s chin, and something large and chunky was caught between his teeth. Your eyes widened in horror as you realized Art was no longer merely pleasuring her.  He was literally devouring her, tearing into her flesh with his teeth. Panic surged through you, but you couldn't look away. Your hands itched for your phone, to call 911, but you had left it in your room.
All you could do was watch. Watch and listen and pray.
Darkness surrounded the place. All you heard was your own heavy breathing, like a drum announcing a war. Your ears hurt, your throat was dry, your body felt numb. A horrible stench reached your nostrils.
It was over, had been so for possibly hours. You could not tell. You had not dared to move in case the clown had not left the house yet. But you had heard the door ages ago. Yet fear had kept you frozen.
An eerie silence filled the room. You stayed hidden in the wardrobe, paralyzed by terror until you were sure the clown must have left. Logic told you that you could not stay here forever. Shaking and weak-kneed, you slipped out of your hiding place.
Moving as silently as possible, you tiptoed through the dimly lit apartment, avoiding the gruesome scene in Meri's room. Whatever was left of her - and it wasn’t much – had dripped all over the bedroom walls and floor. Her bed was drenched in blood. All you wanted was to get your phone and call for help – you couldn't bear to look at whatever was left of your friend.
The door to your bedroom creaked open, and you stepped inside, the scent of lavender from your bedsheets a faint comfort in the midst of chaos. Your eyes darted around the room, searching for your phone. Hadn’t you left it on your nightstand? You felt around in the dark but found nothing. And so, with trembling fingers, you flicked on the light switch.
You looked at the nightstand first, but your phone was nowhere to be seen. Strange, you thought, and with a frown, you turned around. You’d closed the door upon entering, and it still was. But there was something odd about the shape of the shadow you saw that fell on it. Almost as if you had grown larger all of a sudden.
With eyes wide, you very slowly turned back to your nightstand. It was just as you had feared. There he stood, Art the Clown, grinning maliciously as he waved your phone in the air. Fear clawed at your throat, leaving you unable to scream or move. His black eyes bore into you, holding you captive.
"Please," you whispered, voice barely audible, "don't hurt me."
He didn't respond, his silence more chilling than any words could be. In one fluid motion, he lunged forward, overpowering you with ease. He threw you onto the bed, his bony fingers digging into your flesh, betraying his inhuman strength.
"Stop," you choked out, but he continued, undeterred. His fingers ran down your body nimbly as he tore off your clothes. Piece by piece. You heard the fabric rip and tear and had to squeeze your eyes shut. The sound reminded you too much of earlier. Of her. Your friend.
You hardly noticed how swiftly he had you exposed and vulnerable beneath him. Not until a cold puff of air made your nipples peak and you finally looked.
Pitch-black eyes bore into yours and you had to bite back a cry of fear. His face was very close to your own, hovering over yours. From this close, you could see the black paint around his eyes and lips, how there wasn’t a single crack in the white surrounding it. With a shock, you realized his teeth were a rotten color. Black, brown. But they weren’t ordinary teeth. As he grinned at you, you saw that something about his mouth was wrong.
Scary thoughts clouded your mind. Would he tear his teeth into your flesh like he had done with Meri? Would he torture you too? You forced yourself not to think back to any of it. Not to the pleasure you had felt at first, or the fear after, or the helplessness.
You became aware of the sound of fabric rustling and followed his movements with your eyes. His arm moved, his hand was doing something down below. Your eyes came to rest just below his abdomen. You had not thought his suit could open there, but it could. Something large and pale popped out of its confines. Flesh, you thought alarmed. Hard and large. Veins throbbed, purple and black. The head spilled a droplet of something white. Pre-cum.
This was his cock? This monstrously large cock was to fit inside of you?
Your mouth had been dry before, but it became impossible to swallow as you watched the clown position himself between your legs. You wanted to protest, say no, push him away. Your hands were upon his chest without thinking, but he was stronger than you. You stood no chance.
“No, please,” you gasped while he fumbled with his cock at your entrance. He looked down at himself as he tried to position himself and seemed annoyed when he couldn’t find your entrance. You felt the leaky head brush past your folds a few times and panicked. Your heart beat faster and your chest heaved rapidly.
“Please,” you begged again, your hands still pushing against his shoulders – to no avail. Then, you felt it. The head nudged against your entrance, parting your walls ever so slightly. But he had noticed it as well. Art’s sour expression made room for a smile as if he was relieved. His eyes darted up to meet yours again, silently telling you that this was going to be fun.
“It won’t fit,” you pleaded weakly, but your whispered words ended in a silent gasp when Art thrust forth, burying his large cock inside your deep warmth in one go. Too much. Your back arched, pressing your body up against his. Your naked breasts brushed past the coarse fabric of his suit. You didn’t care at this point that his clothes were riddled with spots of blood. Everything was focused on the feel of his shaft deep inside of you, hitting the depth of you mercilessly with a blunt thrust.
You gasped silently - as if the clown had ripped your voice away and had rendered you mute. Blood covered his shaft as he pulled out, making him smile even wider. Was that yours? You were pleading silently for this nightmare to end. But as he thrust inside of you, a shameful warmth began to spread through your body. Despite the terror, you found yourself responding to his touch, your heart racing for reasons other than fear. With your hands you tried to claw at him while his hands circled your hips, getting a good grip on your flesh before he started pounding into you in a steady rhythm.
That awful grin of his never seemed to leave his face. Not while he was treating you like a nice piece of meat, slapping your ass while he thrust inside of you. You could see his wicked teeth - black and brown and yellow - and had to force yourself not to think of what his mouth could do. His hips slapped against yours, hipbones prodding against your softer flesh. He was lean and nimble, but the grip he had on you with his hands was fierce and unyielding, certain to leave bruises.
A low moan threatened to spill from your lips and you rolled your head from side to side. What was he doing to you? The clown’s pointy chin brushed past your clavicle as he dipped his head forward, and then you felt his teeth brush past your skin. Scared that he would take a bite and tear out your flesh, you tried to arch your back away from him, but felt him respond by intensifying his grip and pushing you back down. As a response, you had earned a deep harsh thrust with his hips, feeling the head of his cock batter your cervix cruelly.
With each stroke deep inside, you felt your pussy lubricate the way for him. You felt your body respond to his wicked touch. Each slap against your ass had your walls squeeze down on him hard. Each thrust deep inside your core seemed to hit a delicious spot that made you see stars.
Breathlessly, you allowed him to rut inside of you, unable to stop him and unable to so much as make a sound while he pounded you into oblivion. You were helpless against the pleasure that threatened to consume you. He moved relentlessly, driving you closer and closer to the edge.
It didn't make sense – how could you enjoy this? Was there something wrong with you?
A few times you tried to close your eyes, but a slap to your cheek had you open them again to gaze up into the black depths of hell. His devilish smile was above you at all times, grinning down, reminding you of the pleasure he derived from your body. And the pleasure he gave you in turn. Sickening as it was, the demonic man above you managed to bring forth feelings that made your body tremble in agonizing pleasure.
When you came, your walls clamped down hard upon his shaft, milking him in a silent plea for more. You bit your lip from crying out. No way you’d show him that you enjoyed this. You wouldn’t give him the pleasure of your moans.
The silence made the wet sounds only seem louder. Wet thrusts of his cock as he slammed it inside of you hard, despite your walls milking him for all you were worth. Noises of sin, of pleasure, of lust. And then, as he finished inside of you, a shudder ran through your body, your climax tearing through you like a wildfire.
You were still biting your lip, aware it must be bleeding by now, but you’d be damned if you so much as would let him hear your passion. You glanced up at him. The wicked clown’s smile had disappeared. In its stead, you now saw a pensive, almost endearing look in his eyes, as he cocked his head and seemed to study you.
A calloused finger tilted your head back, revealing your throat to him while you looked back at him through half-lidded eyes. He tilted his head to the other side again, dick still twitching inside of your tight cunt, and seemed to study the tears in your eyes. You hadn’t noticed they had formed there. Would have wanted to say they were out of fear or sadness, rather than the harsh truth that they were out of pleasure.
With bated breath, you waited for what he was to do next. Would he kill you now, you wondered? The clown moved, his cock slipping from your core limply, leaving behind a trail of dark blood and yellowish cum.
He surprised you by moving forward, leaning on his elbows, as he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead in a twisted mockery of tenderness. The contrast between his sadistic actions and this tender gesture only served to confuse you further.
You squeezed your eyes shut, thinking that surely this would be it. But the rustle of fabric against the bed indicated that he moved away. You waited and listened, heart beating wildly in your chest. But there was only the sound of another rustle. Plastic?
Curious, you opened your eyes to find Art standing several feet away. Picking up a garbage bag you hadn't noticed before, Art slung it over his shoulder and made his way to the window. Not the door, you noted. But the window. How odd?
He opened it. The sound of the window sent a shiver down your spine as you lay on the bed, watching the clown swing one leg over the edge and step outside. He turned around to face you. His black eyes glinted demonically in the darkness of the night – like little coals of fire. And then his smile returned once more. Seeing it, seeing him like that, made something twist deep inside of you.
And still, no sound could come forth from between your lips. The only thing you noticed was how warm your pussy felt at the sight of him, how your nipples peeked, and how your walls clamped down around his phantom cock, craving the real thing to be returned to you.
With a final, silent laugh, he blew you a kiss before disappearing into the night, leaving you alone in the aftermath of your orgasm, mind racing with a thousand unanswerable questions. ~ Fin ~
AN: Hope you enjoyed it :) ♡ Support me on Ko-Fi ♡ Love you all
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timeagainreviews · 4 months
A Foot in Two Worlds: 73 Yards
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My third-grade lunch buddy was a girl named Kendra. We used to love chatting about movies and television. My favourite topic was Batman. Hers was Full House. However, one morning, instead of gushing over Stephanie Tanner, she told me about a movie she and her brother had watched over the weekend. The movie was 1989’s “Clownhouse,” and she was a bit traumatised by it. And because of her vivid description, so was I. Honestly, I don’t remember anything past her saying “It’s about these kids who see clowns watching them through their windows,” because I never stopped thinking about that sentence, for years. While I’ve still never actually seen Clownhouse, nor do I experience coulrophobia, the idea of being watched from a distance still creeps me out. I still close the blinds at night.
Initially, I wanted to compare “73 Yards,” to something like “It Follows,” or even “The Immortal Snail.” Both scenarios entail being tracked by a slow but relentless pursuer who kills you if it ever catches up to you. But “73 Yards,” isn’t so much a story about being pursued. It’s about feeling watched. It’s about feeling judged. It’s about feeling abandoned. It preys on our fear of being the subject of gossip. That people could spread lies about us that scare away our loved ones. The fear that maybe they’re right. Maybe we don’t deserve love. It’s about the ambiguity that sits within our hearts. The liminal threshold between us at our best and us at our worst. But it’s not just about the wicked and the divine, but also body and spirit. A foot in both worlds.
Doctor Who currently has a foot in both worlds. The Doctor steps on a science fictiony land mine one week, and the next week he’s stepping on fairy circles. A recurring theme in this new season is “look before you leap.” Or ‘watch your step.” Ruby steps on a butterfly in the past and changes species. The Doctor steps on a land mine and almost dies. And now, the Doctor steps on a fairy circle and disappears. The Doctor is learning to have a healthy respect for the new supernatural powers coursing through the Whoniverse. At least he would if he remembered anything from this adventure. Not even Ruby will learn a lesson here, so was it worth it?
After last week’s “Boom,” I was game for whatever Russell T Davies had in store for the future. The trailer for “73 Yards,” gave us very little to go on, and in hindsight, it’s pretty easy to see why. This was a Doctor-lite episode and therefore not a lot of footage to share that wouldn’t also spoil this being a Ruby-centric story. But I was ready for it. Ruby has been suffering a bit from underdevelopment as a character. I even saw a Chibnall stan on Twitter saying so, which is quite extreme when you consider how underdeveloped Yaz was. In Ruby’s case, however, it’s hard to pinpoint what it is about her that’s underdeveloped. She’s got a great family dynamic. She’s nurturing. She plays in a band. But who is she? Like River Song before her, her character arc is starting to affect her character development. And my interest is waning.
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After the Doctor steps onto the fairy circle and disappears, Ruby unsuccessfully tries the TARDIS doors. She then checks around the other side to see if he’s having a pee. This may be the first time the show has canonically mentioned the Doctor goes to the bathroom. It’s funny to think of the great Time Lord having a slash off the edge of a cliff. The Doctor seems to do a lot of important things on cliff edges these days. Failing to find the Doctor, it’s then that Ruby notices a strange old woman standing under a creepy old tree from 73 yards away making some sort of hand gestures. However, the closer she walks toward the woman, the further she appears away.
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The mechanism of how the woman moves is hidden by editing, but it feels like something Ruby would notice quickly. I don’t imagine Ruby walking closer would cause the woman to start backing up physically like that Community episode where Professor Duncan got a restraining order on Chang and used it like he had force powers. Instead, they cut back to the woman and she’s simply further away. Ruby is conveniently looking for footing every time, so she fails to see this. But if you started walking toward someone and they started hovering backwards, wouldn’t you find that weird? It’s not like she doesn’t sense something weird pretty early on. She even asks the woman if the Doctor’s disappearance has anything to do with her. She even asks the hiker (yet another character played by Susan Twist) if she can see the old woman.
Something I found interesting about the Susan Twist scene was that whoever her character is, she’s not immune to the effects of the old woman. Either that, or she’s lying. Either way, it feels important that we were shown her having the same reaction to the woman as everyone else. If she’s a magical trickster, she’s not an invincible one, or maybe she’s not magical at all. We’ve learned very little about Susan Twist’s character(s), but this indicates that she’s not fully in charge of the situation if she can be scared off like that. What’s frustrating is that the first time a character looks at her and says “Hey don’t I know you from somewhere?” it’s in an aborted timeline. I would have expected the Doctor to have made the connection after the ambulance screens in “Boom,” matched the woman from Space Babies, but maybe he’s been distracted by clothes.
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By this point in the episode, I’ve been fully drawn in. Ruby finds her way to the small village of Glyngatwg and a pub called “Y Pren Marw,” which translates to “The Dead Wood.” I thought this might have been a reference to the weird tree on the cliff, but the illustration on the pub sign looked more like an oak tree, so I doubt it. Another name they could have used for the pub could have been “The Gaslight Inn,” because man oh man did they gaslight the hell out of Ruby. They keep accusing her of thinking they’re yokels for asking pretty innocuous questions. Asking if you can pay with your phone is perfectly reasonable. There’s a chippy in my village that does the best fish n chips in the area, but I never use them because they haven’t got a card machine and I don’t carry cash. I don’t imagine the owner of the chippy goes home every night in his Fred Flintstone car because of it. Maybe they’re worried they really are yokels. Either way, five quid for a Coke and abusive staff? What’s their Trip Advisor score? Negative six?
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The only non-yokel in the pub is Enid and that’s solely because she’s played by Siân Phillips, who could never be mistaken for common. She was easily the highlight of the episode for me, sitting elegantly at the bar in her fashionable hat. Of all of the patrons at the bar, she’s the one I believe would coin the Latin phrase “semper distans,” to describe the way the old woman follows but never approaches. If only she could have taught Isaac Newton the word “gravitas.” Beyond being incredibly rude, I rather enjoyed the patrons of Y Pren Marw. They reminded me of characters you would have found in classic Doctor Who. The pub scenes reminded me a lot of “The Dæmons,” or “Terror of the Zygons.” But more than anything, this episode reminded me of “The Stones of Blood,” wherein things start like folk horror and end in a more mundane setting.
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After Ruby’s unwanted follower scares away one of the pub’s most faithful patrons, she’s forced to head back to London, which is about where the episode starts to lose steam. Up until that moment, I was expecting a sort of witch coven or worse to spring up in the sleepy village of Glyngatwg. I was ready to call it RTD’s best ever. But now we’re back in London where the biggest mystery is Mrs Flood, and she’s really only there to remind us she exists. But that’s not to say a piece of Glyngatwg didn’t leave with Ruby, and it’s not to say I disliked the story’s ending. But there was a noticeable drop in excitement the moment Ruby boarded that train.
I found it odd that Carla and Cherry were badmouthing the Doctor in his absence. Cherry was ready to jump his bones the last time they spoke and now he’s good for nothing. I get that they want to support Ruby, but like, what if he’s hurt somewhere? All I’m saying is that if I ever go missing, please don’t send Carla and Cherry to find me. After telling Carla about the old woman, Ruby’s deepest fears are realised. Like Susan Twist and Josh before her, talking to the old woman causes her to abandon Ruby. The look Carla gives Ruby from the cab as it drives away is the last way anyone would want to be looked at by their loved one. It wasn’t a look of fear, it was a look of disgust.
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It’s that look of disgust that really started to make me think of another story from the Whoniverse- “The Curse of Clyde Langer,” a Sarah Jane Adventures episode written by Phil Ford. In it, Clyde’s name becomes cursed and anyone who hears or reads it becomes irrationally opposed to Clyde. His friends and family disown him and it’s Clyde against the world, which is wild because Clyde’s one of my favourite characters in all of Doctor Who. Who could hate that precious cinnamon roll? Even further, who could forget that episode? Well, it turns out Davies was kinda hoping the answer would be you. I’m not saying Davies is out of ideas, but he seems to be “remixing,” a lot of what has come before. More on that in a moment.
After losing her family, Ruby gets on with life, but not before being given a spark of hope in the form of Kate Lethbridge-Stewart. We even learn some things about the old woman from Kate. We establish that yes, it is always 73 yards away. And no matter how close a person gets to her, she always looks as in focus as a person with 20/20 vision would see her from 73 yards. We also learn that the old woman’s “powers” work via headset, as Kate breaks contact with Ruby, leaving her devastated from losing yet another lifeline.
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An interesting factoid about that scene is that Kate and Ruby were sitting across from “The House of Pi,” and Pi Day is the 73rd day of a non-leap year. Why do I know this? Because I went into a bit of a rabbit hole trying to learn about the number 73 yesterday. I looked into its mathematical significance. I learned it’s Sheldon Cooper’s favourite number. I looked it up in terms of numerology. I read the 73rd Psalm. There are 73 books in the Catholic Bible. But none of it felt significant. Then my dumbass googled whether RTD had explained the number, and he claimed it was as simple as going outside and measuring the distance from which people’s faces began to blur. Right. Well, that’s disappointing, albeit creative.
We’re treated to a montage of Ruby getting on with her life throughout the next couple of decades. Like the rest of us, her age starts to show itself with long hair and big glasses. I mentioned earlier that Ruby suffers a bit from a lack of character development and this montage does nothing to help that. She grows up into possibly one of the most boring people they could have made her. Her queer group of friends she has a band with seem to have disappeared. Her dating life is painfully heteronormative. She didn’t date a single woman throughout that time? She would have learned by now not to encourage her friends to talk to the old woman, and due to the perception filter, it’s not like anyone seemed to mind her anyhow. I’m just saying, if someone as normie as her started wearing a political shirt for the nuclear war-hungry Albion Party, I’d look at her and say “Pssh. Figures.”
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Speaking of the Albion Party, it’s time we started talking about Harold Saxon. Oh, sorry, I meant Roger ap Gwilliam. The episode implies that Roger is the trickster “Mad Jack" who had escaped the fairy circle after the Doctor stepped on it. But Davies is remixing the classics, or as LCD Soundsystem puts it- “Shut up and play the hits.” He even mistreats women in the same way as the Master. I took this to be Doctor Who’s flimsy attempt at a comment on the MeToo movement. It would work better if ap Gwilliam was more than a moustache-twirling miscreant. Especially because Ruby throws poor Marti to the lions by not warning her away from Roger. If this is a MeToo story, Ruby is an enabler, which is not a great look. But she apologises so I guess it’s ok. Don’t worry Marti, your trauma gets erased anyhow.
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While the campaigners prepare for a press conference for Roger ap Gwilliam to announce that Britain has purchased Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, Ruby realises she’s out of time and needs to act now. Using her semper distans friend to her advantage, Ruby backs 73 yards away from Roger and sends him cowering and eventually resigning from his position as prime minister. Ruby expects this to be the end of the old woman, but she remains with her until the day she’s on her deathbed, at which point, the old woman changes from her perspective to Ruby’s. As the old woman, Ruby sees her young self and is able to call out to her and warn her about the fairy circle. That’s what happened, right?
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Well, maybe? The biggest curveball comes in the form of the old woman herself. Because while Ruby does age to the ripe old age of 80, the actress playing her is Amanda Walker. The actress playing the woman is Hilary Hobson. Set pictures have also revealed Hobson in make-up that appears to be scarring going up the left side of her face. And those hand gestures of hers? Sign language. Eagle-eyed viewers have roughly translated her signing as “Bless you. Thank you so much, that's so kind of you. When you gave me that little thing, it was just so precious. How am I ever going to repay you? But we will think of something.” Perhaps this scarred woman is someone the Doctor and Ruby have yet to meet. Perhaps she repays them by warning them away from the fairy circle and saving both the Doctor and Ruby from a bizarre fate.
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People seem divided by this episode in a major way, which is pretty normal for Doctor Who. But one of the more irritating takeaways I’ve seen is that the episode doesn’t make any sense. That’s only sort of true. There are some bootstrap paradox things occurring, which if you haven’t accepted as a reality of Doctor Who at this point, what are you even doing here? But what does the old woman say to Ruby? Where does the Doctor go? How does she travel back in time to the clifftops of Glyngatwg? Forgetting completely that we’re in a Doctor Who era which has introduced magic in a real way. But that’s a bit hand-wavy, can’t we do better? Well, they do mention that the TARDIS’s perception filter parked so close to the fairy circle might affect how people ignore the old woman. I liked this because it implies that the TARDIS and magic are somewhat compatible and therefore opens up new avenues for storytelling. You could also imply that if the TARDIS could affect the fairy circle, perhaps it can affect the TARDIS in turn. Maybe people reject Ruby because the warding spell placed on Mad Jack is affecting Ruby. Maybe Ruby needed to be in a position where she was so friendless that she would join the conservative party.
The episode may not have explicitly explained things, but it gives us enough of a vague framework to form an idea. As a fan of David Lynch, I am rather happy to exist in that liminal space. To straddle the cusp between the known and the unknown. It leaves an air of mystery, or as David Lynch would say “room to dream.” I will however slightly come down on the episode for its rather bland ending compared to its strong start. I don’t agree with the people who said it nosedives toward the end. But I would be lying if I said I lost a lot of interest the moment Ruby left Glyngatwg. Earlier, I compared the story to “The Stones of Blood,” but where the two stories differ is that when “The Stones of Blood,” changes its setting from the occult folk horror of the Cornish countryside, it replaces it with something equally strange.
That isn’t to say the jump to the year 2046 isn’t interesting. I’d be very curious to see how this story plays over the next few years. It acts as speculative fiction and the bizarre reality of speculative fiction is that it occasionally becomes mundane in hindsight. What once sounded unreasonable now feels painfully obvious. HBO’s “The Leftovers” hits different after the pandemic. Richard Kelly’s loony “Southand Tales,” feels tame after the 2016 election. Therein, I fear the day Roger ap Gwilliam becomes something more than a cartoonish depiction of British politicians. Partly because of the implied threat of nuclear devastation, but also because 2046 feels like a rather generous timeframe.
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hazmatmaid · 5 months
Have you ever gone into detail on what your view of Spamton and Jevil’s relationship was like? Do you think they met before either of them was Gaster-pilled or afterwards?
I could've sworn I did, but just in case I haven't actually:
I suppose it might depend on how you might define "Gaster-pilled," between something like Spamton getting the magic phone calls that gave him success, or what broke both their senses of reality.
But generally I see their relationship as having met like once, a decade or two ago, and while Spamton was forever traumatized by the experience (severe coulrophobia, hates anything clown- and carnival-related), Jevil's thoughts on him probably range from not remembering this encounter whatsoever to "OH, HIM, HIM. WHAT A DOUCHE, DOUCHE."
Seeing how Seam also knows who Spamton is (if you give them the Shadow Crystal from Spamton NEO's fight, they'll mention he found it in the NEO body, as opposed to having had it the whole time like Jevil), and Tasque Manager also seems to remember Jevil (she'll comment on if you have any of Jevil's items equipped in her fight), they were probably traveling with their respective ruler(s) on royal business to have crossed paths.
As for the encounter itself, Jevil probably invited Spamton to play a few of his games, in a good-natured, fun-loving clown way, only for Spamton to be a sore loser every time, eventually cheating to win, which for someone as genuinely freaking strong as Jevil (whose only worthy opponent thus far was Seam), is a grievous sin. He may be Mr. Chaos Chaos, but I suppose even he plays games by the rules. It's not his fault if you're just bad at the game.
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Honestly thinking about it, this probably hit a little too close to home for Spamton, seeing how his success wasn't truly his own, and only really came about because someone else was feeding him directions over the phone. Did the clown have a point? Did he need to work on himself and improve as a person, so he would be able to claim a win of his own? Hell no, he's just wrong like everyone else who didn't believe in him!
tl;dr: Spamton holds grudges, but Jevil probably forgot.
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prof-ramses · 6 months
Here are some (mostly Mammon centric) thoughts I came up with when I probably should have been doing work for class:
Working off of some of my previous ideas, I really like the idea of Mammon and Bee previously having some sort acrobatic act together in the same vein as my idea Ozzie and Mam were once a comedy duo.
I like to interpret that a lot of Mam’s business ventures, while primarily rooted in greed, have a sense of sentimentality to them. Loo Loo Land for example is a blatant cash grab and pet project of Mam, but it’s also his (kinda weird & messed up) way of showing his respect for Lucifer (not to mention it was a place he and his niece made a lot of fun memories). Building off of this, his idea for making the Robo Fizz’s fully functional pleasure toys is him taking the advice from Ozzie that “sex sells” and running with it (Ozzie probably kicked himself when he realized this). I also like to think he has other business ventures that homage the other Sins, like a fast food chain that has a menu containing a lot of food Bee is/was fond of.
Also building off of the previous bullet, if Mammon ever finds out what really caused Loo Loo Land to burn down, he would personally March up to Pride and deal with I.M.P. Not to mention “taking care of” Blitzo would also be a way to indirectly get back at Fizz.
I can’t help but feel part of Octavia’s apprehension towards Mammon when he starts dating Stella stems from him being the creator of the Fizzarolli robots and maybe some level of coulrophobia given Mammon is basically the premier clown of Hell. I think it would be neat if he actually managed to help get over some of her fear as they start getting closer as father and stepdaughter, perhaps even through their shared distaste for the robotic clowns, even if it is for different reasons.
For the life of me, I cannot get the idea of the male Sins at one point or another growing facial hair. Like, just the mental image of Luci with a full beard and Mam with a Gomez Addams style mustache haunts me. Granted, I also feel like they probably look back on this period and laugh about given how it just doesn’t mesh with their aesthetics.
I know I’ve commented on what I think Mammon looks like under his hat, but the reoccurring joke of him never being bare headed gives me life. Him never being seen without his trademark jester’s cap is hysterical to me. Morning, noon, and night; rain, sleet, or snow, he’s always wearing it. The only exception being when he bathes… then he wears a shower cap.
Just this:
The Sins (minus Luci) are standing outside of the Hazbin Hotel, planning on giving their niece a surprise visit.
Leviathan: Oh it’s going to be so nice to see Charlotte again. (To himself) I don’t get why she always has to go see her father, it’s not like it takes THAT long to visit Envy. Asmodeus: (Chuckles) You said it Levi. After all this time, I bet her face is gonna light up the second she sees her favorite uncle. Satan: Mammon? Asmodeus: Wha-NO! ME! (The others look amongst themselves before erupting into a chorus of laughter) Belphagor: *Click-Click-Click* That Does Not Sound Right. Asmodeus: Oh, Ha-ha-ha… Fuck you guys, we’ll see who’s her favorite. (Charlie walks out to greet her guests and face IMMEDIATELY lights up) (She squees and proceeds to charge at Ozzie… only to run past him and tackle/hug Mammon) Charlie: Uncle Mammon! Mammon: (Hugs her back) Charlie! Little Dingo! It’s so good to see you! How’ve you been? (Mammon proceeds to flip Ozzie off behind Charlie’s back) (Ozzie seethes as the other Sins stifle another round of laughter)
Hope you enjoy these, I’m probably going to be pretty inactive for a while.
Thanks for more goodies!
That's a pretty neat idea, also, reminds me of my idea for Levi's role in the troupe is an escapist/stuntman, since his slimy serpent body makes him very adept at it.
Aww. This actually reminds me of my own idea for a fic of Mam consulting Via while brainstorming ideas for the rebuilt Loo Loo Land to give it some more actual identity. Since that would make the parallel with the original LLL being tied to Mammon's relationship with Charlie and the new one being tied to his relationship with Octavia. I generally like the idea of Via inspiring Mammon to express his authentic self a bit more.
I think he'd also go after Wally, since I have the headcanon that Wally just snuck in and used a spare cart for his own torches, since if he actually worked there, he would have to split it with the park.
YESSS! Via's reaction to learning Stella and Mammon were dating at all must've been something else. I'm honestly surprised I don't see more people exploring coulrophobia as a character trait for Via. I'm also a sucker for Octavia-Mammon bonding ideas, they're always so cute!
I actually have a dilemma about this, on one hand, Luci looking like he has an exact wig of his hair glued to his face after neglecting himself in favor of his duck making is a great visual, but I also find the thought of Luci being naturally baby-faced really funny.
I think Mam would sleep without his hat, but he would still only take it off after getting in and locking the door so any passing house staff don't see him without it. It's not even that he's insecure, he's just that committed to the bit/brand. Very few have lived after seeing his gently electrified locks, speaking of which, I like to think that, like his webs, his hair produces a soft static tingle to the touch.
Yes, just so much yes.
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intro post!!
hiya, my name is Ace!! you can call me by any pronouns and gendered terms, i really don't mind. this is my main blog and it's quite unorganised, i just put whatever i feel like here. my silly blog for my silly thoughts <3
info undercut!!
tagging system?
most of my original posts have the tag "ace's random thoughts :)"
my art tag is "art by ace :)" though you're probably better off looking at my art blog
my replies are tagged "asks answered by ace :)"
where else can you find me?
on here, my art blog is ace-art-archive and i also run daily-pjsk-npcs
my AO3 is aceandtherpghorrors
my Project Sekai friend ID (EN server) is 389898010173124615
now, a list of my main interests!! please feel free to tag me in posts related to them <3 (the ones i am currently most fixated on are in blue)
Witch's Heart (current blog theme)
Your Turn to Die
Project Sekai
Pocket Mirror (not yet caught up)
Lockwood & Co
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder
The 13 Treasures
Malory Towers
Lout of the Count's Family
Villains Are Destined to Die
animated series:
Ever After High
Paradox Live
Death Note
Lego Elves
Lego Friends
live action series:
Dead Boy Detectives
Derry Girls
fae (and other mythological creatures, especially in urban legends)
classic fairytales
playing cards
embroidery (especially cross-stitch)
miniature dollhouses
on a bit more of a serious note, here are my boundaries:
anyone can send me asks or DMs!! i will mention that i typically respond quicker to DMs than asks, so if it's particularly urgent, i would recommend DMing
i don't mind being tagged!! i might not always see it, though. i especially love Picrew chains <3
DNI - i don't want you here if you're bigoted in any way, an explicitly sexual blog, or a proshipper (for fellow YTTD fans, that does include people who romanticise S//sh/n)
i am also uncomfortable with those under thirteen interacting with my blog because many of my interests are not suitable for children
i will block if i feel the need to
other info you may want to keep in mind:
UK timezone
i trigger tag with the format "tw [the subject] this includes when i reblog suggestive jokes ("tw suggestive")
i swear frequently
as i am religious, i am not very comfortable with jokes regarding God
i have severe coulrophobia, it applies to real and realistically drawn clowns with heavy face paint. if i'm following you, i'd really appreciate if you tag that with "tw clowns" or "tw coulrophobia"
pictures of some of my favourite characters <3
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epsilon-orphan · 1 month
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Nobody knows where the mutagen disease came from, but it has Delve Superstation Epsilon in its insidious grip.
A single mistake leads to Möbi losing everything. Cast adrift, he turns to the one authority he knows has all the answers - but it turns out the Admin has questions of his own. 
The ever-expanding hub city in space known as Epsilon is supposed to be a well-oiled machine. Perfect and planned in every way. But there are things even the all-seeing AI and Admin duo know nothing about - such as the whereabouts of the Admin’s own children, and the cause of the mutagenic disease that is disfiguring the station’s citizens. Not to mention how these things are possibly connected…
 Can Möbi solve every mystery, and return to his previous life? 
Will he even want to, when the truth is known?
A fully realized protagonist with a fascinating backstory, and a compelling motivation to face the mystery of Delve Superstation Epsilon
Richly detailed, 3D prerendered backgrounds.
~45k word count, with the demo concluding at route selection.
Three romance routes, interwoven with uncovering new aspects of the station’s lore.
Several bad endings.
Timed choices.
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A curious and willful protagonist, Möbi has always been more used to caring for others than himself.
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Obsessed with getting lost in Delve Superstation Epsilon’s on-board ocean, Alkaline keeps his distance from others and prefers the company of sea monsters to people.
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With his magnetic personality, Tycho knows how to keep all eyes on him– for better or for worse.
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Rough and angry on the outside, Gamma hides away many secrets, including how much he cares for his brothers.
Content Warnings
The SuNoFes demo of Epsilon Orphan is recommended for a mature audience, despite not containing explicit material. Content warning for:
Strong Language
Depictions of unhealthy relationship dynamics
Character injury and death
Sexual themes
Gender/body dysphoria
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railingsofsorrow · 11 months
𝙾𝙲𝚃. 17𝚝𝚑; 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊, 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖗.
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summary: spencer's letter.
pairing: spencer reid x oc!iris valentia
w.c: 498
warnings/content: mentions of coulrophobia; gothic literature; the plot builds up...
series masterlist
whoever wants to be tagged for this fic, fill this out or dm me.
[letter 1] [letter 2] [letter 3] [letter 4] [letter 5] [letter 6] [letter 7] [letter 8] [letter 9]
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October 17th.
Dear, Iris.
There is not a crazy clown roaming the streets of Virginia. You can sleep in peace. We arrested him and it all went well.
Alright, you caught me. I totally made that up. I apologize for the fake information. In my defense, I am cooking my own meals these days. Coffee isn't my only nutrient anymore, unfortunately. I am not a very good cook, but I can get by. And technically, it is a second opinion! (I hate broccoli as well. It does taste bad.)
Iris, I have no idea what “American Horror Story” is. It is a book? A movie? A documentary?
Alright, I'll stop calling it “irrelevant facts” and name it as “interesting facts” from now on, how does that sound?
For your information, I am a great godfather. I don't go around teaching Henry to rebel against adults! And he's not in the age to read horror books yet. Oh, yes. I know a few magic tricks. Maybe, I could show you some day.
Were the cupcakes good, at least? For what you told me, you were worse than me, so, don't judge. — how did she catch you? I am curious.
Thank you for your kind words. They mean a lot to me. I'll keep them in mind.
Research shows that when two or more people feel comfortable enough to share their daily lives with a coworker or a colleague outside of work, that means they've completed the first stage in the friendship process. Thus, yes, I would consider us friends. Except when you say you prefer Annabel Lee over The Tell-Tale Heart, this is just too much of a treason to bear. — I am joking. I, too, find Annabel Lee one of Poe's greatest poems.
Regarding your student, that is an odd thing to say to a Professor in the middle of the night, Iris. Could that be classified as a joke? Does anything happen in the University on the 27th, a commemoration of some kind? Many questions, I am sorry. I do hope you got home safe that night. Oh, yes. The theories are a must in Radcliffe's books. I was so frustrated because I wasn't right by the end of the book — no spoilers, don't worry. I'm sorry for what I have to tell you, but... The spell has worked. Now you'll just be more curious about gothic literature.
I wish you a great week as well, Iris. Hope to hear from you soon. <>3
Ps: My friend sends you a clingy hug, as she would say.
With love,
taglist: @lilyviolets ; @chayceschultz ; @cultish-corner
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Scaredy Cat
Anonymous asked:
You want seasonally festive ideas? I got you.
Eddie with a Reader who LOVES Halloween and scary stuff but is also scares easily. She and Eddie are gonna have a nice night in with snacks and horror moves, leading up to the events Eddie asking reader if she’s SURE she’s gonna be okay watching a bunch of horror movies with reader reassuring him she’ll be fiiiiiiiiiiiine.
Halloween night comes around, Eddie and reader are having their horror movie night and reader’s using snuggling as an excuse to cling to Eddie. Eddie notices but doesn’t say anything bc he doesn’t wanna make her feel stupid. They clean up and get ready for bed. In the dark of night, reader is jumping at every little noise the trailer is making. She feels stupid about being scared over nothing. Eddie accidentally scares her by gently grabbing her hand, which tilts her over the edge and she starts to cry.
Eddie, of course, pulls her into his arms and is reassuring her everything is okay and she’s safe. Nothing is gonna hurt her while she’s with him. Reader calms down and Eddie offers to leave the hallway light on for her and snuggles her to calm down till she can relax and fall asleep.
Warnings; Fluff, anxieties, more fluff. Coulrophobia fear (phobia) of clowns.
Eddie calls the reader kitten so this is why I've called the story Scaredy Cat 💞
I do not give anyone permission to copy or share my work elsewhere.
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Likes or reblogs are always appreciated 💞
Halloween was approaching so she was planning a movie night with her boyfriend Eddie.
They had fun getting all the snacks, pumpkins to carve and light and cute decorations for the trailer.
She adored Halloween and Scary stuff but had maybe most definitely forgotten to mention that she spooked very easily.
It would be fine though she had Eddie by her side so she needn't worry... right?
Turns out Eddie is very attuned to how she feels and takes her hand with a gentle look on his features.
"Are you sure you will be able to do this sweetheart? I don't want you too frightened or anything by watching all the horror movies kitten" she nods.
"I'll be fine Eddie, I promise". She's going to be fine. Maybe if she keeps telling herself that then it will actually be okay?
Halloween arrives and it's the perfect cold and cosy night with the wind howling outside and the rain coming down heavy, it batters the windows of the trailer.
She finds it soothing.
Eddie's first movie for them to watch is IT, she's never seen it before and she's curious. It can't be that scary right?
They light some Halloween candles, grab some throws she brought over and cuddle up on the sofa.
Nestled into Eddie she feels like she can handle this until the movie begins to play called IT.
It's about Canabilistic, evil clown personifying fear haunting a town called Derry every twenty-seven years killing kids then another twenty-seven years later after IT was supposedly defeated IT comes back for revenge on the kids (now adults) who defeated him.
Shit, now this fucker was scary. She shivers a little but wants to be brave and continues to watch the movie.
"You okay princess?" she nods and watches the movie her heart racing and snuggles deeper into Eddie's arms, he holds her tight to him and strokes her hair.
If he's noticed that her heart is racing then he doesn't mention it.
When the film is over and she's happy she got through it ( though she's sure that clown is going to haunt her dreams tonight) Eddie suggests a film she does like.
This film she breezes through and spends the time giggling at Eddie's impressions. She still hates the part where the dog gets killed though.
Then to end the night it's the A Nightmare on Elm Street movie and she's getting a little sleepy now as is Eddie but that clown is still freaking her out.
As the night ends they clean up the place and get ready for bed. She's a little jumpy and any unexplained noise is unnerving her.
It's a lot darker now and she hates that she's so freaked over a movie, she feels really silly that it got to her so much.
"Princess". Eddie grabs her hand and she shrieks and jumps, her heart goes a mile a minute and she feels the tears come now as she cries.
"Hey, hey". Eddie pulls her into his arms and she nuzzles her head into his chest shaking a little.
"What is it, princess? Was it the movies kitten?". She feels a bit embarrassed but she knows that Eddie would never laugh or make fun of her so she tells him.
"I love Halloween and A Nightmare on Elm Street but that movie with the clown...IT freaked me out" his gaze softens and he kisses her forehead.
"You're okay baby, you're safe. You're safe with me. I love you so much. Nothing will happen to you with me around. I'll always keep you safe". She smiles and peers up at him.
"You don't think I'm silly?" he shakes his head.
"Hell no. You want me to leave the hallway light on for you princess? Just until we fall asleep?" she nods grateful and kisses him.
"I love you, Eddie" he presses a tender kiss to her hair.
"I love you too sweetheart, just relax okay kitten? I've got you". He guides her into bed and then turns the light on, then snuggles in the bed beside her, gently taking her hands and kissing them, then her lips.
Then he cuddles up beside her, spooning her, His hand makes soothing motions on her back and he presses kisses along her hair, she feels so sleepy now and as Eddie begins to snore she finds herself falling into a deep sleep.
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pearlescent-soda · 1 year
☠️🐲//Elder Dragon Fear Headcanons
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These are headcanons that go over what I believe the Elder Dragons biggest fears are without going into much detail. These are based off my previous headcanons about them, their clans, and their professions, and may seem OOC (Out of Character) to many, but it was fun to write nonetheless.
TW: Mentions of Fear, Mentions of Blood, Mentions of Death, Mentions of Violence, etc.
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Alban: Nothing
Alvar: Ophidiophobia, Fear of snakes
Argus: Agrizoophobia, Fear of wild animals
Astor: Cardiophobia, Fear of the heart (palpatations, pains, etc.)
Darius: Psellismophobia, Fear of stuttering
Delbin: Dentophobia, Fear of dentists
Devlin: Ataxophobia, Fear of disorder or untidiness
Gavin: Thermophobia, Fear of intolerance to hot temperatures
Gildas: Potophobia, Fear of drinking alcohol
Lindar: Apeirophobia, Fear of infinity, eternity, or the uncountable
Nestor: Asymmetriphobia, Fear of asymmetrical things
Nevin: Rhytiphobia, Fear of getting wrinkles
Nils: Anemophobia, Fear of wind or drafts
Oswin: Chiroptophobia, Fear of bats
Thor: Nothing
Tomas: Phasmophobia, Fear of ghosts
🛡️Peace Keepers:
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Andor: Nothing
Asher: Ankylophobia, Fear of immobility of a joint
Boris: Iophobia, Fear of poison
Conan: Gamophobia, Fear of marriage
Enzo: Coulrophobia, Fear of clowns
Gunnar: Scotomaphobia. Fear of blindness, or spots in one's visual field
Halvor: Nothing
Ivor: Iatrophobia, Fear of doctors
Magnus: Kinemortophobia, Fear of zombies
Marco: Enochlophobia, Fear of crowds
Maximos: Ophidiophobia, Fear of snakes
Ragnar: Necrophobia, Fear of death or dead bodies
Titan: Soteriophobia, Fear of depending or becoming dependent on someone else
Todor: Agoraphobia, Fear of open places rather than enclosed
Trondo: Nostophobia, Fear of returning home
Ulric: Gelotophobia, Fear of being laughed at
✨️Magic Crafters:
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Ajax: Arachnophobia, Fear of spiders
Altair: Nothing
Boldar: Anatidaephobia, Fear of ducks, geese or swans
Cedric: Scotomaphobia, Fear of blindness
Cosmos: Metathesiophobia, Fear of changes
Cyrus: Nothing
Eldrid: Musophobia, Fear of mice and rats
Hexus: Daemonophobia, Fear of demons
Jarvis: Bibliophobia, Fear or Hatred of books
Kelvin: Harpaxophobia, Fear of being robbed
Lucas: Mazeophobia, Fear of being lost
Zander: Maniaphobia, Fear of insanity
Zane: Teraphobia, Fear of monsters 
Zantor: Athazagoraphobia, Fear of being forgotten
🌺Beast Makers:
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Bruno: Ecophobia, Fear of cataclysmic environmental change
Bubba: Isolophobia, Fear of solitude
Claude: Antlophobia, Fear of flooding,
Cleetus: Ablutophobia, Fear of bathing
Cyprin: Ptophobia, Fear of falling
Damon: Nothing
Isaak: Claustrophobia, Fear of confined spaces
Jed: Kynophobia, Fear of rabies
Lyle: Belonephobia, Fear of pins and needles
Rosco: Batrachophobia, Fear of amphibians
(Bonus) Red: Thanatophobia, Fear of death
Sadiki: Dystychiphobia, Fear of accidents
Zeke: Nothing
🌌Dream Weavers:
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Apara: Claustrophobia, Fear of having no escape and being closed in
Azizi: Ligyrophobia, Fear of loud noises
Bakari: Arachibutyrophobia, Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth
Baruti: Quadraphobia, Fear of the number four
Copano: Bogyphobia, Fear of bogeys or bogeymen
Kasiya: Symmetrophobia, Fear of symmetry
Kosoko: Pediculophobia, Fear of lice
Lateef: Nothing
Lutalo: Scelerophibia, Fear of burglars, robbers, or criminals
Mazi: Nothing
Mudada: Bathophobia, Fear of depth
Obasi: Haphephobia, Fear of touch
Revilo: Pyrophobia, Fear of fire
Unika: Nihilophobia, Fear of nothingness
Useni: Melissophobia, Fear of bees
Zikomo: Astraphobia, Fear of thunder and lightning
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Image Sources: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] Dividers by @baka-tsuki-2
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