#cost of living pressure
alackofghosts · 1 year
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have some misc doodles i couldn't make anything out of
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sumquiasum · 2 months
curious now as to what dark jarchie entails
There's various flavors of Jarchie but one compelling aspect, to me, is Jughead's unending devotion to and idolization of Archie. Archie is basically a saint who can do no wrong, he stands for all that's good in the world and even if he missteps he doesn't MEAN it like that. No matter what Archie does, he will always forgive him, but there is one thing Jughead cannot let Archie do and that is leaving.
This can have two outcomes: Archie snaps and Jughead helps burry the bodies and cover his tracks or Jughead snaps and pours molten bronze over Archie's body so he stays perfect forever. Neither of those things actually have to happen for jarchie to be compelling to me, but the potential is there. And I like exploring the lengths Jughead would go through for Archie while also refusing to fully see Archie as a person rather than an ideal.
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ricoka · 29 days
I have a day off on Friday because I had plans that didn't work out. But now I'm wondering if I should just be spontaneous and buy a ticket for a random flight and go on a little adventure
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nopizzaaftermidnight · 9 months
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hatake · 2 months
ppl on here really calling palestine protestors "hecklers" at rallies
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bibleofficial · 3 months
saw a starfish on the beach today & was absolutely ENAMOURED - literally 3 of us were just squatting over this tide pool watching him move
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#stream#omg i just remembered i was the last 1 to change / shower & i had just walked back from the cold ass shower thing to rinse off the salt &#punya came over & he was like ‘brother …’ & i was like what ? & he went 😏🫴#& i asked what do u want me to give u ?? ‘a cigarette u motherfucker’ ‘u know what i would love 1 TOO bitch but GUESS who smoked them ALL b#it WASNT ME !!!’ 😭😭😭😭 AKSJAKSKAKSKKSKSKAKSLSKSL#& NOW I DONT EVEN HAVE A VAPE BC OF THE FREAK BRIT THAT JUST WALKED OFF W IT#i’m still not upset abt it i’m more so just bewildered ? just shocked ? like i didn’t even care to try to get it back i was just like ok ?#i’m still shocked by it bc it’s just so#COMICAL ? LIKE ??? 😭😭😭😭 did neither of us speak english like 2 entirely different messages weren’t sent#LIKE ITS NOT A DISPOSABLE THIS IS A RECHARGABLE REFILLABLE VAPE#it was just 20£ & getting 2 disposables are also 20£ from the off license & i used literally like 80 ? 100ml ? in it ? so saved money#regardless but i did buy a pack of pods but 1 of the 3 that i used didn’t end up working & that was the third on it excluding the original#battery & those are 10£/pack so 30£ overall for what would equivalently be like idk probably around 10 of those 5k off license vapes which#would yea be 120quid so including the price of the vials themselves it’s 3-for-10£ used 5#so that’s 50£ bs 120£ even w the cost of a new device say + 30 that’s still only 3/4 of the price of what it would be using dispos which ar#cheaper than cigarettes REGARLESS#even the 30/120 that’s still u know literally a quarter of the cost it’s just a bigger upfront cost but it’s significantly cheaper long ter#STILL SAVING MONEY …. i say as if addiction isn’t inherently a waste of money but u see to that argument i budget it like food bc that’s ho#addiction works it’s just going to continue & ur going to include it in the budget as if it’s a PHYSICAL NECESSITY TO LIVE#to be fair sometimes it is lol like bro i couldn’t stop drinking w/o being in a hospital bc alcohol withdrawls can literally kill u#like my blood pressure was over 180 at 1 point when i was detoxing in hospital 😭😭😭😭😭#SCREAM#anyway#forget that#happy new year 2024.5 😍😍😍#my new year starts now fuck u the first half was just warm up#could i stop smoking if i wanted to ? yes ! will i ? absolutely fucking not !#IM ALLOWED THIS AS A TREAT#THAT I INHALE LIKE OXYGEN: CONSTANTLY
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endbeginning · 4 months
and if i said.... pet.er peve.nsie.....
#i have never read the books but ive just watched the first 2 narnia movies#it was def my first time seeing prince caspian idk ab the other narnia i probs watched it as a kid#but he..... he is calling me#mr doomed blonde twink who makes poor choices but is doing his best....... welcome back all my muses#i was gonna say welcome back kurt but... tate... levi.... probably more#ive never been. Good at writing fantasy im not great w anything that requires lore#hes just. oh hes calling to me#and the. specifically the pains of living a life in narnia and being king and then having to go back to the real world and be Just A Kid#idk if hes in the third movie im ab to watch it now but the bitter sweet end of 2 where he says hes leaving narnia and he wont be coming ba#and aslan says its bc he has nothing more to learn from it like..... kinda heartbreaking and would destroy u as a person#a world where ur king and u do everything u can to make the right choices but u dont do things really right and u get people killed#and yeah narnia prevails but it doesnt prevail bc of u. its in part bc of u but ur decision cost lives it risked a lot#and then its like. well ur leaving now and thats it bc it taught u what u needed to learn#and like maybe it did but he had no chance at redemption at fixing things there like his redemption was to leave it to someone more capable#and then he has to just like. go be a person. and live a normal life#like thats wild#im gonna go watch the third movie if u have read the books sound off on if u think i should based entirely on my little rant ab peter#the issue here tho. is if i made him. u see. two muses named peter on this blog... both with a last name starting w p.... its almost like.#its almost like one would have to be a solo blog#'but quin ur literally never here anyway' but what if for a hyperfixation muse i was here#this post started w the intent of 'narnia peter solo blog' but now... i am thinking perhaps spider peter would be a better solo bc of his.#bc of the fixation i have#however he intimidates me a Lot as a solo blog bc hes such a. everyone knows him u know hes a Big muse and i fear the pressure of that#then again narnia i think is big too? and theres the talks of the new movies so thats also potentially big muse#its crazy bc i have sososo much muse for every muse i have but my brain is saying abandon this blog and make both peters solos#and i Cant do that#but at the same time................................#my issue has always been too many blogs and being stretched too thin but also. w all due respect. who cares#like i am here to have fun and most of the time my blogs dont last bc no one writes w me not bc i dont want those muses#and yeah theres no guarantee making a new blog would change that but idk. kinda vibe w the idea of starting new
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agayconcept · 5 months
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ranger-kellyn · 1 year
Idk I guess I’m on a roll but like. Marriage to me isn’t just a declaration of “I love this specific person”. It isn’t this excuse to have a big, expensive ceremony.
Marriage is a contract that states, “In the event of my death this SPECIFIC PERSON is who i want to take care of. If I die, I want all my shit to go to them, ie my house, my money, my life insurance money, my kids if i have them, my pets, etc. If I become unable to make medical decisions for myself, this is who I trust to make those decisions for me.” And like…I really don’t know if enough people ask themselves “Is this who I want to take care of if I die? Is this someone I trust to make medical/financial/etc decisions in the event I’m unable to make those decisions for myself. Is this the person I want to make those decisions for in the event they’re unable to?”
I get that it’s scary to think about those things. The average person probably doesn’t enjoy thinking about death and sickness that way but like…I really think we have to get people over their fears of those things. They are facts of life. Marriage requires you asking and answering [TRUTHFULLY!] those questions. DO YOU trust your partner to make those decisions for you? Do you trust yourself to make those decisions for your partner?
You need to be able to say yes to all of that without a shadow of a doubt. Otherwise, don’t get married. Don’t legally tie yourself to someone you don’t trust with any of that.
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ughhhdavid · 10 months
The more i can't sleep the more i freak out and can't sleep. In 3 minutes, I'll have to take my driving test on no more than 3 hours of sleep
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dagan-gera · 1 year
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On a scale of 1 to so stressed I want to fling myself into the sun trying to get the script for my short film done on time for school how’s y’all’s weekend’s going??? 😅😩
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#christ. so i was selected as the top candidate for the program i interviewed with on Friday#and im very annoyed and very pleased and also annoyed that im pleased#im pleased bc it means that they were impressed with what ive done to this point and they think i communicate well. which is cool#and the project is very very cool and id love to work on it#am annoyed bc this does put pressure on me to accept bc they can only put one student forward so if i dip out then thats it for them#which i find extremely stressful. and everything is just so much more complicated if i go to the uk for a phd#and i dont get the luxury of faffing about and taking a bunch of classes like i could in the us. ugh but it would b so cool to go back to#the uk and i wouldn't have to fucking drive. ugh. this project.#ugh its like my boss said#sometimes the project is more worth it than the school. id have crazy cool opportunities to learn things on this project#but at the cost of taking a lot of classes in the us. but every project is what u make of it#but im so fucking dyslexic thst its hard to learn outside a classroom bc i cant concentrate and i dont have a person talking me thru the#info. so idk idk. hopefully when i visit the other school ill kno how i feel#god but i loved living in the uk. and i could travel so much more freely there bc the trains and all that. im so fucking restricted bc im#so terrified of driving. i dont have good reaction speed and i space out too much and i get intrusive thoughts#sigh... but id be a whole 24hrs of travel away from my family instead of the 10hrs thst i am now#so id probably only get to see them once a year maybe? in contrast to 2 or 3 times#and im just worried something terrible will happen and then ill be like fuck i wasted all my time making myself miserable so far away#idk. im so tired. we had like a mile abd a half hike out to a site one way and we left at 7.30 got back at like 4#it was a long fucking day. and im tried. and i have no filter. and when i talk too much it really annoys me#also! i got confirmation that i fucking suck at recording data. wow im so shocked. its basically designed for me to be terrible at#but its still slightly embarrassing. like srry i fucked up ur data. i cant write words correctly#literally i kept writing my Ls upside down today. why? idk that not how i see them. my brain just cant make Language right lol#whatever. my parents r calling tomorrow and i can info dump at them abt my dyslexia knowledge and my academic knowledge of biblical history#bc instead of listening to anything useful to my job. i choose to listen to lectures on neurology and theology. bc fucking idk#its interesting im relearning my bible lore from a non religious perspective. theology is fucking fascinating. ugh anyway#i shoulf sleep im so fucking tried#unrelated
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sitdwnandstudy · 2 months
Move in T-3 days and of course I'm not done packing yet
The news is:
a) I finally finally got my visa letter showing proof of funds from the school
b) the school was like surprise I hope you weren't planning on using the money you actually budgeted based on our website because actually that was wrong and you have less :/
c) I may have finally achieved course sign up success
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dinosaurcharcuterie · 7 months
I'm approving a patient for in patient physical rehabilitation for a month. Patient has all the diagnoses, both chronic and acute, including a pain condition and mobility issues, so there's zero issue with me approving the entire thing.
The hospital informed us that the patient, despite being aware of what's happening and them and having no memory issues, has problems with orientation and maintaining a psychological equilibrium if not provided with a familiar, stable environment. It is therefore vital their spouse come along. Again, I've got all the magic words I need to toss money at that too.
The suggested hospital is on an island an 8 hours' drive away from the patient's home address (one way, under optimal circumstances, provided no breaks are taken). They do not have a department for rehabilitative care, nor do they have an in patient department for the diagnosis listed as motivation for this entire thing. There's at least 6 major cities with excellent, objectively superior rehabilitative medical care on the way to the ferry over.
Hospital claims nothing about this choice of clinic contradicts the needs of this patient. It's purely incidental that this rehab is planned on one of the swankiest vacation spots in the country, just as tourist season starts. Also, we can't deny a patient rehab if there's a medical need for one. (:
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skeletons-eat · 2 months
Ngl joining the jedi order sounds like the ideal life to me because just imagine:
1. People regulate thier emotion and communicate to you logically. No need to understand social cues when you're an empath.
2. No pressure to marry, be in a romantic relationship and live in a nuclear household my entire life.
3. I can just?????? Help people?????? Without the extra cost of a system working me to the ground to achieve certain things????
4. No strings attached companionship and friendships? Amazing.
5. A caring and respectful community who council each other and accepts who I am as a person? Count me in.
6. Lightsaber go brrrrrrrrrr
7. Being able to do what I want career wise (Gardening, art, politics, piloting, exploring, childreering, medicine, teaching, etc.) without having to worry about money.
8. Tax fraud
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