#i am...not a particularly spontaneous person
ricoka · 19 days
I have a day off on Friday because I had plans that didn't work out. But now I'm wondering if I should just be spontaneous and buy a ticket for a random flight and go on a little adventure
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neil-gaiman · 3 months
Thought this might be fun. Context: I was with my boyfriend this morning, we’ve been together for more than two years and circled around each other for an embarrassing amount of time in our teens, we met as competitors, Physics Olympiads. Now, we both have some very specific kind of almost opposite personalities. Quite literally night and day, and the fact is reflected on our clothing, I always dress in black/dark grey/burgundy, jeans and blazer or shirt, he tends to wear almost always light colours and shades of blue/khaki (I mockingly call him “blueberry porridge” at times), shirt and pullover or simple tees. We found out about the existence of Good Omens right after S2 was released, since in our department at Uni (Physics) our colleagues, probably also thanks to my customary round shades and partially dark red hair, started referring to the two of us -to me in particular- in a very peculiar manner you might have an idea of. We had to watch the series and read the book. We discovered our colleagues were far more right than it seemed (it’s positively creepy). It became our main source of entertainment. There have been plenty of such conversations, and fights came to an end exactly like this, but the scene that happened this morning was so spontaneous on his part that had me laugh particularly hard so here I am sharing it.
I came back from a small walk, threw my sunglasses on the lectern I have in my room and kicked off my shoes as I usually do. He glared at me as he usually does when I act like that (he’s the “untie your shoes one at a time, loosen the laces a bit and neatly put them near the bedroom door possibly on the same tile” kind of person). This time he added “You see, we couldn’t possibly have children, you’d teach them all the wrong things, you savage”. And I answered, sarcastically and without thinking too much about it “THEN you’ll teach them the good ones so we’ll cancel out and they’ll grow up normal”.
We silently stared at each other for a good 5 seconds. And then he just shouted “HARRY THE RABBIT” and energically waved a towel he was holding in my face.
My life has been a fucking storm till some time ago, and now it’s almost 8 months of it being like this every day. Seriously, thank you (also for the disastrous first kiss. We can relate, for surprisingly analogous reasons, but that’s a bit too personal to share online. What I’d like to say is, even with so many people not liking that part, we ultimately rebuilt our trust in each other thanks to it). Now I have my daily dose of “Get thee behind me foul fiend” every time we try to get through some door at the same time. And every time he says that he lets me get through it first, and I get to give him an annoyed “when-are-we-growing-up” look we both know is as phony as a three-dollar bill.
My heart has been warmed.
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guxciestone · 9 months
(through the signs)
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hey guys. this post is about the moon and the type of routine that you may prefer based on the sign that lands in it. i hope you enjoy the post! ♡🌿
if you have any tarot or astrology post suggestions, i’d be more than willing to consider them. just drop your suggestions in my asks or in my post notes :)
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— the moon and its meaning ꕥ
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The moon is the planet of emotions, your internal world, where you find personal comfort, and where you find inner fulfillment. However, others tend to forget that the moon is a feminine and nocturnal planet that also rules patterns, cycles, and flow states. In a female’s chart, it rules over her menstrual cycle, her emotional flow throughout the month, and her inner states throughout the 28-day cycle; in a male’s chart, it rules over his emotional health and character as well as his inner child in a vulnerable and instinctual sense. Furthermore, in general, the moon could also indicate the routines and “personal flow” that one strives for daily to achieve comfort and satisfaction. Today, I am going to analyze what type of routine you prefer based on the sign your moon is placed in.
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moon in aries˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Aries seek spontaneousness, thrills, leadership, and independence in their daily life and routines. They are particularly comfortable being constantly being on the move, hoping to discover a new venture, or taking on a new challenge. They wake up every morning with the intention of reflecting on what new battle they can fight today. Furthermore, they are one of the signs who are more comfortable with managing sporadic and unorganized schedules because they initiate a new project every other day. It is assured they do not get overwhelmed easily, but they could easily become explosive or impulsive in their actions or feelings when stressed or things do not go according to plan. These individuals could get very impatient as well, striving to get things done in a short amount of time; this could be particularly overwhelming for others and burdening for them in the long run. They often struggle to stay focused on a venture due to their hastiness and tendency to lose interest easily. They should learn how to start projects, manage them, and finish them victoriously; plus, learn how to be patient and take their time, so their ideas can successfully manifest in what they expected from the beginning. Additionally, individuals with Moon in Aries are self-interested. They prefer spending time on activities, hobbies, or endeavors that they could benefit or improve from. Not to mention, they are risk-takers. These individuals seek fulfillment from new experiences and circumstances because it gives excitement and stimulation.
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moon in taurus ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Taurus seek comfort, security, and stability in their daily life and routines. They often are satisfied with an unsurprising and easy-going routine–not too sporadic or unpredictable like Aries Moons. They seek calm and quietness in their life with not much stress. It is particularly easier for these individuals to get overwhelmed–especially over an unexpected task added to their schedule. You will often notice that these people strive for financial stability in their personal goals because they know that it will give them the material comfort they hope to have. Furthermore, they are more inclined to do self-care and relaxation practices as it gives them a sense of self-esteem and levelheadness–they especially need it after a long day at work or school. Additionally, Moon in Taurus individuals prefer to take their life in getting their errands done, and they dislike being rushed. They may struggle with changing their routine or daily activities for any person or circumstance because it is what is appropriate for them. They should learn how to modify their schedule for important events and relationships.
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moon in gemini ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Gemini seek learning, socialization, activity, and communication in their daily life and routine. These people are often striving to mentally challenge themselves and find ways to stimulate themselves all the time. That is why you will often find these individuals with chaotic and packed schedules, or they seem to always be occupied–it is because they are always hoping to learn something new, access their creativity and skill, or challenge their brain. They would like to spend their time playing puzzles, word searches, reading, or debating with certain groups. Furthermore, these folks are extremely social and always wanting to connect with their peers; they might seek to find time in the day to meet up with their friends. Additionally, they have the tendency of wanting to do everything they want to do all at once–and they can often get very disorganized and ungrounded while doing so. It is important for people with Moon in Gemini to learn how to take things slow and collect their thoughts and plans before everything turns into a mess.
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moon in cancer ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Cancer seek comfort, security, emotional counsel, and familial connections in their daily life and routine. These people could adore spending time with their family members or their close loved ones immensely; they are the types to consider their cousins or siblings their true friends and desire to do everything with them. They could more than likely desire to spend time at home, and perhaps may prefer to work from home too. Additionally, with a person who has Moon in Cancer– you could find that mostly everything on their daily to-do list consists of errands they need to do surrounding the house (such as doing laundry, cleaning their room, etc.) They might also like taking care of people. It is integral for cancer moons to have a schedule in which they can feel safe and comfortable doing, especially in a sense where it is not far from home or their close connections. However, these people could easily become homesick or struggle to adhere to changes or circumstances far from their safe spot.
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moon in leo ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Leo seek entertainment, creativity, and recognition in their daily life and routines. These people strongly value and prioritize their inner child and their ability to artistically express themselves. They could be particularly interested in the arts, music, performing, acting, or anything in which they can demonstrate themselves and their character in an inspiring way. These folks hope to find fun and excitement in their life through their hobbies and passions. In other words, these people do not function well in routines in which they do not have creative freedom or the time to indulge in their childish endeavors. Furthermore, Leo moons are generous and kind at heart. They are more than likely to be able to handle children for long periods of time; in fact, they could adore implementing kids into their daily routine. Additionally, they prefer to connect with others and spend time with loved ones in circumstances in which they can lead them by example. However, these individuals could instantly turn bratty or spoiled when things do not go their way. If their day seems to be going terrible, it is easy for them to become explosive or stubborn. Leo moons should learn to be more selfless when it comes to compromising their plans and endeavors within the day sometimes.
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moon in virgo ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Virgo seek discipline, order, and practicality in their daily life and routines. They are the type of people to plan their entire day on a to-do list or structure it from start to finish. Furthermore, they value productivity and making good use of themselves and their time. So, you will usually see them working on a particular project, improving themselves in some way, or investing their time into developing a special skill. These folks prefer a system in their day-to-day activities, or otherwise, they’ll feel out of control with themselves. Although these people are particularly able to change their routines and create an entirely new structure, they prefer to keep things predictable–especially when it comes to dedicating themselves to specific future aspirations and ventures. One thing about them is that they will always work on their craft, one way or another. Additionally, virgo moons can also value cleanliness in their physical environment. It is easy for their mood to change if their environment isn’t aligned with their mindset, so they could prioritize cleaning their area and making sure every item is in the right place. However, they often have tendencies of being a control freak–expecting things to go the exact way they planned or trying to handle anything or anyone that disrupts their plans. This placement is also known for its perfectionism. These individuals need to work on their excessive need for things to be 100% flawless; it could easily lead them to stress and low self-esteem, making them believe that everything they do is wrong and that they need to reach up to their extremely high expectations. In other words, virgo moons need to learn how to calm down and accept that things can be imperfect and that they can make mistakes or “fail”.
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moon in libra ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Libra seek peace, balance, and beauty in their daily life and routines. These people often strive for a clear and collected mind space; they hope to eliminate any conflict, confrontations, or issues in their life. They would often try to stabilize themselves through acts of meditation, self-care, socializing, or cleaning. Furthermore, these people often strive to romanticize their lives; it allows them to enjoy their circumstances better through the acts of art, beauty, reflection, and creativity. They adore investing in makeup, fashion, painting, music, and other pleasurable things. Additionally, they are one of the most social moon signs; they thrive when they interact with their interpersonal relationships. It makes them feel connected and close to the important people in their lives. One thing about Libra Moons is that they often try to go far to avoid conflicts, even if it is something they need to confront or take accountability for. This can often make them appear a bit indifferent or distant in times of disagreements and discordance. However, shoving issues into the backburner will not solve anything–they need to learn to confront conflicts and problems and handle them maturely.
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moon in scorpio ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Scorpio seek privacy, intimacy, depth, and intensity in their daily life and routines. First and foremost, these people often prefer to undergo their errands and plans under the radar–they do not feel particularly comfortable with anyone knowing their next move. That is why you’ll often see that these folks do not post often on social media, or they dislike telling people what their plans are for the day. There could be an undertone of paranoia in why they choose not to do so. They just value their intimate space and refuse to let any outside energies intervene with it. So, they need secrecy more than anything. Furthermore, when it comes to activities, they also would like to do them with people who they hold very close–similar to Moon in Cancer–but they are more reserved and strict about it. When they are in a relationship, you’ll find that they would want to spend most of the time with their partner. It can almost get obsessive. It is important for these people to learn to not become obsessive with their loved ones or partners–to let go and learn independence in their quality time.
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moon in sagittarius ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Sagittarius seek excitement, new experiences, and diversity in their daily life and routines. One thing about these folks is that they are always striving to be on the move–similar to their fire counterparts. They are always on the move for the next huge and exhilarating thing. You’ll find that these individuals desire to travel, go to parties, spend time with friends, or meet new people. However, they are also very intelligent and have a will to learn–so they also hope to gain a new perspective from these experiences and circumstances. These people might dedicate a certain time of the day to learning about a topic, investing in a religion, or studying a course. It is integral for these people to have a routine that gives them a new learning experience or something to have faith about; otherwise, these individuals could become hopeless or pessimistic. However, it is easy for these people to become overindulgent or lazy–not being considerate about the consequences or their future. There needs to be a balance between fun and seriousness.
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moon in capricorn ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Capricorn seek achievement, structure, and influence in daily life and routines. Similar to virgo moons, they value being productive and useful with their time—in their case, they hope that their time could lead them to ultimate success and recognition. These people may like to work many hours or put in much time to their career endeavors. This often leaves them little to no quality time for their loved ones and friends. Furthermore, these folks are very patient and precise in their actions as they are able to build things from the ground up and maintain a vision for a long period of time. That is why they are often good planners and can easily build a business or company if they desired to. However, they need to make sure that they do not overwork themselves, isolate themselves from pleasures and socialization, and develop strong control issues; it could easily lead them down the road to stress, burn out, or depression. Additionally, since they are serious individuals, they may struggle with maintaining a balance outlook on the things they need to do and the things they do for the fun of it. They should learn how to maintain balance with work and pleasure—because one without the other could wreak havoc.
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moon in aquarius ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Aquarius seek community, electrifying experiences, and goals in their daily life and routines. These people are always hoping to spend time with their community–people who are similar to them because they make them feel like they belong, and they adore making people feel like they belong as well. However, people tend to forget to give credit for how hardworking these folks are. They might dedicate most of their time in the day to working towards their hopes and dreams. These individuals desire to live a life in which everything is served to justice, equality, and peace–a place they can live in, a life they can adhere to. Therefore, these people are very dedicated to working towards their aspirations for the sake of themselves and the people they care about. Additionally, they strive for unpredictability in their routine. They want something different everyday in their errands–something erratic and thrilling. However, there could be too much unpredictableness to the point of instability in their actions. It is important to find a balance in that too.
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moon in pisces ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Pisces seek imagination, spirituality, creativity, and the unknown in their daily life and routines. These people prefer to stay in their heads and work out the dreams and fantasies that they have in their mind. Even if they are forced to live in the practical world, it is important that pisces moons always operate from the place of visualizing their creative ideas and manifestations. These are the types to invest most of their time into different mediums of spirituality such as meditation, journaling, the occult, manifestation, or connecting to the unknown or spirit world. Furthermore, they would like to invest their energy into artistic hobbies such as photography, painting, drawing, music, fashion, or modeling. However, it is easy for these individuals to get lost in their subconscious and completely neglect their physical circumstances. There could even be instances in which they use vices to escape from the world (such as alcohol, drugs, or if they are in a relationship, a person) There seems to be this need for balance when it comes to the spiritual and the practical–perhaps even setting boundaries because these people are also very compassionate and kind. There could be times in which they feel the need to change their schedule for the sake of the people they care about even if they are not able to.
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tossyouforedinburgh · 2 months
I wrote something and it didn't really seem long enough to post on ao3 but like... vaguely adult content I guess? I've still not figured how that works (or doesn't) on Tumblr. so have it under the cut. short ineffable phonecall about wall slams
"are you on your way?" Aziraphale asked cheerfully down the phone by way of hello. 
"oh. er. Angel, look, I've had a really shitty day, I think I'm going to stay in my flat and watch shitty TV until I fall into a shitty sleep. I think there's a new series of Love Island on." 
Aziraphale had no idea what that was but he didn't think it sounded like particularly good viewing. "if you're going to wallow and sulk, you can do it at mine. I've got wine, and you can tell me about your awful day and I can make very sympathetic noises." 
"no. I would be extremely poor company." Crowley made a point of switching on the TV and turning it up loud enough it could be heard through the phone. 
"oh I've been tolerating your moods for thousands of years," Aziraphale replied airily. 
"Angel." Crowley gritted his teeth. "I am trying. to tell you. that I don't WANT. to take my bad mood out. on you." 
the pause that followed was unreasonably long. Crowley felt his layers of irritation grow; he was trying to do a considerate thing, trying to grow as a person. if Aziraphale didn't appreciate his efforts he could go stick it. and if he didn't stop being so difficult he was going to find out exactly where in some graphic detail.
"but..." Aziraphale began awkwardly. "I rather think the angelic thing to do would be to absorb your bad mood for you. if you let it fester out into the world, that would be terrible, wouldn't it? but I, well I am a creature of, of love and such like, you couldn't harm me by being grumpy." 
this was utter bullshit and it made Crowley's teeth itch. what the fuck was he doing now? was he actually angling for Crowley to snap at him? 
"I don't mind. I could leave all the doors ajar so you could slam them. I... I'll stand near the wall so you can pin me up against it." 
there was another intense silence, but this time it was Crowley's doing. oh, he was. he was deliberately goading him into this. why would the angel want to be roughed up? completely unwanted, a voice whispered into Crowley's brain: maybe he's into that. angels aren't into that sort of thing, Crowley hissed back in his thoughts. and definitely, absolutely, neither am I. 
"I think it would make you feel better," Aziraphale added very quietly. 
Crowley remembered the last time he had done that very thing; in Tadfield, in an ex Satanic nunnery. he'd pressed his hips up against Aziraphale, just to hold him in place of course, and he'd briefly thought, and then thought it was ridiculous, that the angel might just have had an erection at the time. angels definitely don't get erections from being roughed up in Satanic nunneries. 
"just to be clear," Crowley said, and he'd already switched off the TV and picked up his car keys, "are you doing this to be self sacrificing or because you're... you're..." oh Jesus Christ, Mary, Joseph and a stable full of donkeys, he was actually going to say this out loud because if he didn't say it out loud he was going to spontaneously discorporate. "because you're... getting off on it?" 
there was a very guilty silence. eventually, Aziraphale replied, "are you judging me?" 
"yes. massively. hugely." 
"only I did rather think that time in Tadfield that you definitely got hard holding me against that wall." 
the sound of the Bentley roaring to life rattled out of Aziraphale's old rotary telephone. Freddie Mercury launched into Tie Your Mother Down. "Angel, I'll see you in five minutes. think of something incredibly irritating to say to me as a greeting." and with that Crowley hung up the phone and put his foot down.
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ohmytyong · 4 months
⤹ now playing: sunny days by wave to earth
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PAIRING: boyfriend!haechan x female!reader
GENRE: fluff !!
WARNINGS: mentions of food, pet names (love), explicit language (shit)
WC: 0,9k
A/N: happy birthday to the loveliest boy<3
* .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
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the droplets of rain pattered on the double-glass window like dog paws on a wooden floor. it was the ripe beginning of summer, yet the weather felt particularly capricious today.
june didn't feel like june, you thought, as your arm hair raised with a sudden shiver that passed through your body, which was caused by a customer who opened the door to the convenience store, letting the rainy wind follow him as the door closed behind him with force. you hugged your body, trying to stay warm in your boyfriend haechan's mahogany varsity jacket. he had noticed your shiverings earlier during your walk at the beach, and he insisted on giving it to you. you argued, saying that he needs to stay warm too, but you were smart enough not to keep on arguing with him because, at the end of the day, he always won.
"so, buldak ramen?" haechan asked with his back turned to you, as he tilted his head to the side to take a peek at your confirmation. "always" you answered and he smirked with a tiny nod. he placed your order inside the basket he was holding and continued roaming in the aisles in an attempt to create a full meal out of instant ramen and other pre-packaged food.
the activities you had planned for the day didn't turn out the way you wanted; the two of were meant to go on a picnic date at the beach and stay out until later just to watch the sunset. your date began like this indeed, with a walk along the beach, yet the moment your laid your blanket on the sand, the first rain droplets started to fall.
haechan didn't mind this change of plans; you, however, sulked and pouted all the way back because your beautiful date idea was ruined. the beginning of summer was also ruined, and above that, your boyfriend's birthday was ruined.
haechan's spontaneous personality as always managed to save the day. he took you by your hand and held you all the way back to the city until he stopped at the first convenience store you found on your way. "let's grab something to eat. we can still get a view of the beach here if we sit by the front window" he said.
so you sat down at one of the stools on the tall tables by the window, waiting for haechan to finish paying for your food. you insisted on treating him as an early birthday gift, but he whined and fussed about it. "what kind of gentleman am i if i don't treat my girlfriend to some dinner?" he said. he won once again.
you didn't have to turn around to see him taking a seat next to you. his warm aura, his scent similar to the fresh air that engulfs the atmosphere on the first morning of summer was enough to make his presence known. he had already prepared your food. he placed the ramen cups on the table and slid yours in front of you, handing you a pair of chopsticks afterwards.
"did you enjoy our time together today?" he asked you as he munched on his food. you shrugged. "i did, haechan, but our date was ruined."
your boyfriend rolled his honey eyes playfully at you and nudged your shoulder. "oh, come on now," he dragged each syllable in an annoying manner, "we can do the picnic another time. you always focus on all those trivial things and let them ruin your mood. just the fact that i spent time with you today is enough for me," haechan said as he squeezed your cheek, dragging it upwards in an attempt to turn your frowny grimace into a smile.
"you're too positive, you know?" you said, taking his hand in your lap to play with his fingers. "aren't you mad we missed the sunset?"
haechan took control of your hand, playing with your fingers now. this game always turned into a little fight and kept going on forever until one of you eventually gave up. it would mostly be haechan who would win, as his competitive nature would cheat by tickling your sides with his free hand, making you laugh and lose your grip over him. this time, he decided to remain calm because he tended to be quite shy in public.
"sunsets are beautiful, yes, but we can always see one another time. i'm here, we're together and that's all that matters. that's the only birthday present i need right now, love" he said and you smiled at his words, reminding you that you loved him just for that, the sense of comfort he gave you, the feeling of hope for a bright day ahead.
"now that i'm thinking about it," you started and haechan hummed as he leaned his face closer to yours, "you are way prettier than the sunsets, anyway" you said and he smiled in his widest, brightest grin before he closed the gap between you by pulling you into a loving kiss.
just a few seconds later, haechan pulled back in a hurry, taking large sips of his iced coffee and then wincing at the tingling sensation on his lips.
"how spicy is that buldak shit, jeez" he cried and you couldn't help but laugh at the cuteness of his overreacting, taking a moment to appreciate how lucky you were to have this person in your life.
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* .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
TAGS: @peachjaem00 @hyuckieslove @bbyyhyuck @vdollys @positionslab
@matchahyuck @renjun-fairy @back2jisung @xxxx-23nct @doieslefttoe
join my taglist !!
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dutifullylazybread · 4 months
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(I did take some liberties with this list—this list assumes that Cal, Lia, and Rolan stay with the tiefling refugees and all necessary steps are taken to get the three of them safely from the Druid’s Grove to Baldur’s Gate).
I ended up breaking this into two parts—one that talks about how Cal's feelings develop leading into the relationship/confession, and the other part which is a bit more scenario-driven (and it ended up being pre-relationship stuff that led into the start of the relationship itself).
General Headcanons
Cal begins to think that he might like you as more than a friend around the time that he realizes that he always hopes to run into you while out and about. Not in a “Oh, we’re both in the same place at the same time” sort of way but more in a “I hope Tav is there. That'd be nice. Maybe I should invite them?”
He has absolutely hoped to stumble into friends before, but he wasn't too bothered if it didn't happen.
You, however? If you aren't at a gathering, he feels poorer for it.
And when you two spend time together (be this in a group setting or on your own), he’s always stealing glances your way… and he realizes he doesn’t really do that with anyone else.
When someone tells a joke that he finds funny, he looks at you to see if you’re laughing as well. Every time.
He takes every opportunity to be near you. 
Even if you’re just running errands or doing something boring, he is over the moon to be invited along—even if you assure him that he doesn’t have to. His company is always welcome, but you wouldn’t be upset if he chose to go do something more enjoyable. 
“It’s no bother. The work is easier when there are two people to do it.”
If he goes shopping and sees something that reminds him of you, he will get it for you.
If you offhandedly mention that you like a certain type of food, don’t be surprised if he makes it for you. 
And if you ask him what the occasion was, he’ll shrug and say, “No reason,” or possibly, “It sounded like you haven’t had  it in a while.”
Cal strikes me as a very physically affectionate person; so long as you’re okay with hugs, he will embrace you when the two of you meet up and when the two of you part.
Though he does enjoy spontaneous hugs too.
And he does like holding your hand. A lot. 
He is the type of person who will check in to see if you need a drink refill or more food. It’s one way that he likes to take care of you, but he initially doesn’t think much of it, because he would do that for his siblings too.
And while Cal is fairly good at coming to his own conclusions about how he feels, Lia and Rolan most certainly tease him about how he acts around you.
Initially though, he thinks he is just being a good friend. 
Until he hugs you one day, and the hug lasts a moment longer than normal. And he notices how you feel pressed against him.
He realizes that it feels really, really natural to hold you close.
And you smell really, really nice. 
He realizes that you have always smelled that way. He has definitely picked up on it before, but for whatever reason, this time it really sticks.
This isn't a scent kink so much as it's a “I am taking comfort in something that is so utterly familiar and perfectly you” moment.
And then he starts to notice other things.
He likes the sound of your laugh. A lot. 
He particularly likes when he can get you to laugh, because you will look at him, eyes bright and face flushed.
And then there is a moment where your eyes meet, and you hold his gaze, and everything clicks into place.
And if he hadn't already figured out that he has a crush on you, he absolutely does then.
Rolan and Lia point out that it seems like he is daydreaming A LOT lately. And while he might be dismissive of this at first, it doesn’t take long for him to put two and two together—he’s thinking of you a lot.
And he is also talking about you much more often. Sometimes he repeats the same stories about you because, honestly, everything reminds him of you.
Rolan and Lia will tell him that he is repeating himself, but he just looks so happy whenever he talks about you.
So they'll usually wait for a pause in his story to lovingly tease him.
While Cal has always enjoyed hugging you before, he is melting into your embrace now. He is constantly looking for excuses to be close to you, to brush his arm against yours.
If he gets too flustered, his laugh raises in pitch and he'll slosh the drink he's holding all over himself.
To make matters worse, you think he's cute when he gets so worked up, and that's enough to make him light headed.
He doesn't strike me as someone who worries over saying the right thing. He isn't agonizing over every sentence, but he makes an effort to be kind. And if he is kind and transparent with people, then everything will be fine and any misunderstandings can, hopefully, be smoothed over.
But around the point that he starts to notice all these things that he likes about you, he starts to really worry about what he says and what you might infer.
Part of me thinks that, if Cal gets really deep into his stress over his crush for you, he becomes a nervous, giggling mess of a person.
This is to the point where he cannot have a discussion with you, because he is so nervous about what he will say.
“This person is incredible. I adore them so much. Oh, Hells, they're looking at me. Oh, Hells, they're gorgeous. OH, HELLS, THEY'RE COMING OVER TO SAY HELLO.”
Cal is clumsy, but when he is flustered, he practically trips over himself.
Will drop anything and everything when you are in close proximity.
Spills drinks and food everywhere because he gets caught up watching you laugh at a joke.
Will have bruises on his thighs, knees, and calves from how often he runs into furniture around you/when he is thinking of you. 
If Cal gets to this point, Rolan and Lia might intervene. They won't speak for their brother, but they will encourage/beg/urge him to talk to you. 
Their persistence will depend on how much Cal is agonizing over things. If he's just quietly pining but is content to spend time with you and it doesn't appear that he is struggling, they'll tease him.
If it's to the point where he is overanalyzing everything he says, they're going to be a lot firmer on him communicating his feelings to you.
“I think I made Tav uncomfortable.”
“Cal, you completely froze up and wouldn't make eye contact with them. They probably think that they're making you uncomfortable. For all of our sakes, just talk to them.”
So, Cal gathers his courage and asks you to go on an outing with him—something the two of you would do regardless of if you were a couple.
He will be nervous. He will be dropping things and bumping into the edges of furniture.
But here's the kicker: if you are nervous, blushing, and generally flustered about being around him, then his nerves will settle a little. Because he has had to be the calm, steady one for his siblings. It's in his nature to be there for others when they are struggling.
So you're both nervous. And you're both stumbling over yourselves.
It becomes a question of which one of you manages to confess first, but for the sake of this list, we'll say Cal manages as you were working up the courage.
And when you reciprocate his feelings and tell him how much you adore him, he looks fit to pass out from how relieved he is.
Your first kiss is clumsy—he bumps your forehead with his and his teeth click against yours. 
But it's honestly perfect.
If you are the calmer of the two, Cal will definitely take comfort in that as well.
“This is Tav. I trust them. They are an incredible person. They have never made me feel like I can't confide in them.”
So he works up the courage and confesses. He wants more than friendship with you. He likes you a lot. He might even be in love with you. He wants to find out.
And he hugs you so, so tightly when you confess that you feel the same.
We're talking a hug so tight and so close that, regardless of how tall you are, your feet are dangling off of the ground as he holds you to him.
Your first kiss is clumsy regardless. But it's perfect, because all your nerves and anxieties melt away in that moment.
And it’s just the two of you. And a world of possibilities has opened up before you.
Scenario-driven Headcanons: Following Game Events - Basically if Cal was a Romanceable NPC - From Crush to The Beginnings of A Relationship
So, personally, I think that Cal likely wouldn’t be considering a relationship while he and his family are fleeing from Elturel to Baldur’s Gate. It’s not that he is opposed to one—he’s just in survival mode. Not only that, but he is also pulling double shifts as Rolan’s and Lia’s mediator. The more time the three of them are on the road, the more his siblings are prone to argue. That just comes with the stress of being exiled from your home and dealing with food shortages and exhaustion. Both siblings have strong personalities and opinions on what matters (Rolan wants to ensure the safety of the three of them; Lia wants to ensure the safety of everyone), so if both have the energy, they’re going to argue. 
In the druid’s grove, the stress is at an all time high. Any day now, they could be turned out by the druids—who would effectively seal the grove off with the Rite of Thorns. And from there, who is to say that the goblins won’t attack? They might be small, but they have the numbers, the weapons, and control of the road. 
And if the goblins won’t get them, what else will they have to contend with?
First impressions are fleeting when you walk into the grove—Cal can’t get a good gauge on your character then.
Though he wasn’t terribly keen on Rolan and Lia arguing in front of everyone, he did appreciate that you diffused the situation… for the moment. 
And at the party? The first time he and his siblings allow themselves to relax, to forget the road ahead for the night, he starts to notice little things about you.
But just because he isn’t considering a relationship doesn’t mean he isn’t developing feelings—he just might not be paying them as much heed as he may if the situation were different.
Things that he might not usually observe with people—the way the corners of your eyes lift up when you smile, for example.
He most certainly likes hearing you laugh. He would like to hear you laugh more.
And when Rolan casts prestidigitation and lights the night sky, Cal finds his attention pulled away from the magic show to you. Your eyes are bright and you are set aglow.
And he finds you enchanting.
When you first walked into the grove, you carried yourself like any scrappy adventurer might. 
But at the party? Out of your fighting gear and not toting around a weapon? You’re… softer. Perhaps not quite as guarded as you would be on the road, waiting for some enemy to barrel out of the brush and attack you.
And he likes that.
And he starts to gravitate to you.
Though he doesn't think much of it, he will check in and see if you need your wine topped off or if you need something to eat. He figures he's looking out for you, perhaps thanking you for helping him and his family.
And you rather like how pleasant Cal is. He’s a breath of fresh air. Beyond getting to chat with you, getting to know you a bit better, he doesn’t seem to have any ulterior motives.
And you like talking to him. He seems to feel the same.
Rolan and Lia most definitely notice. And they will tease him relentlessly.
“You’re practically hanging off of every word they say, aren’t you? I don’t think you left their side for more than a few minutes tonight.”
And it's true. They're just stating the obvious. But they're teasing him. They seem to think he feels more than just friendly towards you.
He's torn between dismissing them out of pocket and considering what they have to say. Rolan and Lia may tease him, but they also have his best interests in mind. 
Because he really, really, likes when you look at him.
And when the two of you part ways for the evening, he does watch you walk away to join your companions.
He definitely lays awake that night replaying your interactions. He gets giddy over the ones that went well, and he cringes and curls in on himself over the moments where he was less than debonair.
While the tiefling refugees travel through the mountain pass, he daydreams about what it would be like if your traveling party and his didn't separate. What if you stayed with them?
How many more interactions could the two of you have had? 
He sees mountain flowers or a blue jay's feather, and he thinks about how, if you were traveling with them, he'd give those to you. He hopes that you would light up, but he would still get an idea of what you liked from your responses.
And then he thinks about how, at the end of the celebration, he said “until Baldur's Gate.” And he starts to think about how much he'd love to explore the city with you.
If you're from Baldur's Gate originally, maybe the two of you got to talking about some of your favorite places. You might have offered to show him around.
And you did suggest getting a pint or two at the Elfsong together. It's a nice enough place.
He makes a note to take you up on that offer.
The mountain pass is a long trek, but he doesn't really notice. His head is in the clouds.
Lia and Rolan tease him over how besotted he is, but it is nice to see him thinking about something other than survival.
And then they cross into the Shadow-Cursed Lands, and the cultists attack. Cal and Lia are separated from Rolan and taken to Moonrise.
Cal is mad at himself for indulging in those daydreams. Maybe he would have noticed the cultists sooner, had his mind been more present.
Every time he thinks about you in that dungeon, he does so with a twinge of shame. 
He doesn't go so far as to fantasize that you'll save him. The situation feels too hopeless. He and Lia mostly talk about Rolan and how they hope he didn't get hurt during the cultists’ ambush.
So when you walk down into the dungeon, traveling companions in tow, he's not sure if he believes his eyes.
Everything that happens next is a blur of activity. One moment, the cell Cal is in has a back wall. The next? It's gone and the path to freedom stretches out before him.
Between escaping the prison and getting onto the boat, he doesn't have the time to think.
When the Last Light Inn is in view, when you tell him Rolan is waiting for him and Lia, that is when everything snaps back into focus.
And when the Harpers check him for a tadpole and nothing happens, he breathes a sigh of relief.
Only for the tadpole to react to you when you approach.
And he panics.
You? You have one of those things in your skull? What does that mean for you? Does it hurt? Is it changing you?
You don't have all the answers either. And that makes matters worse.
He promises to do everything he can to find a cure… He isn't sure what he can do, but he has to do something.
And, once things have settled with Rolan and the inn quiets down for the night (or the closest semblance of night that there is in the Shadow-Cursed Lands) they talk.
Rolan promises to ask Lorroakan if Cal can read through the library in Ramazith's Tower. A wizard, of all people, should know something about ceremorphosis… right?
Should you talk to Cal before you leave for Moonrise again, he will urge you to fight against the tadpole—to not give in. He promises to help however he can, even if all he can manage is to patch your wounds.
And, so long as you are comfortable, he'll hug you. 
He doesn't want to let you go. For a moment, he doesn't think he can.
Because this amazing person, this individual who has saved his life twice and has reunited his family, well, they might die a gruesome death.
And that terrifies him.
But you survive the fight with Ketheric. And as you and your companions gather in Moonrise's throne room, Cal feels at ease. For the moment. 
And he is torn. He wishes that you would travel with them to the city, but he knows that a smaller group will move faster.
Should you speak with him after the battle, he will end your conversation the way he did at the celebration in Act 1.
“Until Baldur's Gate.”
And, should you be so inclined, you could leave him with a kiss on the cheek. He’ll smile bashfully.
“Well, I really hope that there will be more where that came from.”
When he and his siblings arrive in Rivington, they try to cross Wyrm’s Crossing together.
Only Rolan is allowed to pass through Wyrm’s Rock Fortress and into the lower city. He promises to send for them soon. They just need to hold tight and wait in the refugee camp.
But time passes and the communication from Rolan is sparse. So sparse that the two of them are beginning to panic. Rolan would never leave them in the lurch like this. Not unless something was truly wrong. They make plans. There must be other means of entering the city.
And, eventually, you and your companions arrive.
And you're alive. And he holds you close, feeling your heartbeat resonate in his chest.
But he's also frustrated. He hasn't managed to find anything that might cure your ceremorphosis. And now, he and Lia are asking you to look for Rolan. 
He asks you to be careful. He says he feels helpless because he can't cross into the city. 
And watching you head towards Wyrm’s Crossing has him gutted. You’ll likely end up walking into danger, but was he the one who sent you straight into it with his ask?
The days in the camp were miserable to begin with. No one is happy, and the people who live in Rivington are hostile to the refugees. Time drags on.
Cal now has three people to worry about—Rolan, Lia, and you.
Are you and Rolan alive? Did Rolan make it to his apprenticeship? Did you turn into a mind flayer?
And then, a few days later, Rolan sends a letter. 
He asks that Cal and Lia join him at Ramazith’s Tower. For good. They have a home now.
Cal and Lia pass by the Steel Watch and the Flaming Fist patrolling the crossing without incident.
And when they arrive at Ramazith's tower, they find their brother bruised and bloodied, but calm—relieved even.
And after the nerves of the road have settled, after they've cared for Rolan's injuries, and they are sitting in the tower’s study, Cal asks after you.
Rolan keeps the details vague, but he makes it perfectly clear that, were it not for you and your companions, the three of them wouldn't be sitting in that tower. No, if anything, Lorroakan wouldn't have lifted so much as a finger to help Cal and Lia pass into the city.
At this point, Rolan and Lia will gently tease Cal about his feelings for you.
“Well, they certainly know how to stick their nose into other people’s business, but they're tolerable enough. Invite them to dinner sometime.”
It isn't long before Cal is digging through the library, searching for books on Ceremorphosis.
Personally, I think he visits the Society of Brilliance per the suggestion of a shop patron.
And, when he gets there and the society sees how sincere Cal is, they introduce him to Omeluum.
These two hit it off, by the way.
Cal splits his work between reading through massive tomes and talking with Omeluum and Blurg.
He learns more about what it means to be a mind flayer. And he feels that, even if you were to transform, he’d want to be there to support you in whatever way he could.
And then, one day, as he is taking a break and cleaning the tower's study, you step through the portal.
He's speechless. He had realized back at Moonrise that his feelings for you extended beyond friendship, but to see you here? Now?
Rolan and Lia quietly excuse themselves while you two catch up.
You chat with him in the study, but eventually, Cal will ask for you to walk the balcony outside with him.
He is nervous. 
How does he begin to thank you for everything that you have done for him and his family? How does he begin to apologize for not finding a cure?
This interaction will end with Cal asking, “When all of this is said and done… Can I see you again? I'd… very much like to take you up on that pint. To celebrate.”
This interaction can end amicably or with a hug, but should you ask him, Cal will kiss you. He's careful, as if worried that one wrong move will ruin the moment. 
But, should you wish to continue the kiss, he lets himself melt into your embrace.
And, as he deepens the kiss, he'll hum softly, contentedly.
And, almost bashfully, he will mention that he'd love to show you his bedroom. He even offers for you to spend the night there. With him. Only if you want, of course.
The choice is yours.
He will say to you, either before you bid him farewell on the balcony (or as you are saying goodbye the following morning), “Please come back. Alive. I don't care if you've turned into a mind flayer or not. I just want you.”
But after Elturel's descent, where everyone prayed for the city to be returned to the material plane for life to then go back to normal (only for the Elturelian tieflings to promptly be exiled), he doesn't want to take a chance on things returning to normalcy after the Netherbrain is defeated.
So, before the final battle, the two of you get that pint at the Elfsong. And you talk for hours. 
It is entirely your call if the two of you end the evening by sharing a bed.
If you do, Cal holds you the entire night. He’s almost reluctant to let you go in the morning, because he is frightened that it might be the last time he sees you alive.
Should you and Cal share a kiss at any point in Act 3, he will appear in the grand hall before the final battle.
He jokes that Rolan has been practically obsessed with getting the Tower's cannon in working order. 
If you ask him for a good luck kiss, he will give you one. 
This kiss is urgent. Cal's eyes are squeezed shut as he presses his lips to yours. He is desperately trying to communicate all of his feelings to you in that one moment, and he knows his time is limited.
And then he pulls back with a shaky breath, resting his forehead against yours, his thumbs running down the line of your jaw.
“Come back, alright? I’ll be here, ready to patch you up. I… I love you."
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actual-changeling · 2 months
i love all the UST to RST arcadia fics but i look at them and see the most uncomfortable situation ever.
mulder is having fun playing house and it's kinda cute, but scully? if we go with this being their first case back on the x files (and i'll always go with that) they have solved exactly none of their issues.
the "you're making this personal" is a month old at MOST, and scully probably has to struggle with the thought that the only reason mulder is her 'full-time' partner again is because diana ditched him.
(which is funny in a dark and painful way)
after weeks upon weeks of mulder basically being a rude stranger that no longer trusts her—someone she can no longer rely on—he just, what, expects her to bounce back and pretend none of it ever happened? 'cause that's what they usually do?
but this was not usual. this was mulder taking his love confession and twisting it into a knife to repeatedly stab her with. "your science saved me and made me a whole person" yeah great! love that. would be a shame to use it against her a few weeks/months later.
"your science is wrong" after she more or less repeated his speech and the strong implication that he no longer abides by what he told her.
"you've given me no reason here [not to trust diana]" after she did what she always does—giving him the facts. if i start talking about the "you're making this personal" line we will be here for an hour so i won't. we all know it's there and what kinda damage it did.
all that and more. refusing to trust her. ditching her. walking away from her. and, knowing them, they did not come together and talk it out.
so we have scully stuck undercover as his wife in a freaky murderous suburban community and mulder is getting his ya yas out doing what he does.
he touches her and she immediately shrugs him off, steps away from him, and she looks at him with raised hands and a glare that says "back off". early season 5 scully would be having the time of her life but by now she very much hates it.
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whenever mulder initiates something personal, she plays along just enough to keep them as a team going but is visibly uncomfortable. we know what it looks like when she's happy and relaxed in his presence and this ain't it.
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and these are from the BEGINNING of the episode. it doesn't get any better. it's work and she is treating it as such, she won't risk a case because of her own emotional situation.
mulder is. trying to get them back on track. i can give him that much. but as we see in monday and agua mala, he is STILL keeping shit from her (not giving her an explanation in monday, for example) and comfortable ditching her.
personally, i don't think arcadia is the turning point in their relationship that a lot of fics write it as. doing so is perfectly fine, don't get me wrong, i love reading them.
i just don't see any major progress between one son and arcadia that indicates they actually talked about some shit. playing house with mulder is about the last thing scully wants to do at that point, and yet she does it without complaint.
arcadia, to me, is mostly about two things: mulder being forced to acknowledge that they can't just ignore it & he screwed up and scully (very very slowly) beginning to rediscover how to be comfortable around mulder again. i don't think his frequent jokes are particularly helpful, they don't lighten the mood, they make it worse, if anything.
somewhere between arcadia and alpha, and then alpha and trevor, they readjust, and while cc never showed us (bc he is a fucking coward) i am 100% certain they actually managed to talk.
in trevor, there is none of the tension we see in arcadia. they're comfortable joking and flirting as usual, he does his lovesick puppy impression when she talks about spontaneous human combustion. they're them again.
not perfectly so, that takes them longer with the whole biogenesis thing disrupting their balance again, but we have the baseball date and that episode in general (thank u david for ur service).
anyway this got away from me, but my point is that scully should be allowed to need longer to trust mulder again after how horribly he treated her. she's allowed to hold a grudge and be upset, angry, sad, whatever she wants.
let that woman scream a little, she desperately needs it.
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bigfan-fanfic · 2 years
Not a Hothead (Reader x Firelord Zuko)
Requested by anonymous for Hey hey! Can I request some Zuko (atla) headcanons (gn s/o, preferably).His usually quiet and peaceful s/o is having a bad day and needs to blow off steam, and then get cuddles from himUp to you if it takes place before or after he's Firelord Tysm in advance ♥️
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Zuko tries not to complain so much about his duties as Firelord.
He's only just become an adult, but he's already facing the duties a much older ruler would have been trained for.
But he bears it all, because he has the responsibility, but also the privilege of helping form a better world.
And he has you by his side!
Although it's clear today that you are not in such a great mood.
He can practically sense the tension, noticing the way you pull your hands into the sleeves of your robes to conceal your clenched fists.
The gritting of your teeth
In between audiences with generals and representatives, he looks at you.
"Meet me in the private courtyard when we're free."
Your days aren't exactly stress-free, even as the consort of the Firelord. You need to help him with his work and, traditionally, keep the spiritual and physical wellbeing of the Royal Household all on the up-and-up.
Which means conducting traditional ceremonies with the Fire Sages, organizing the guard rotation for the palace, and working with officials in the Fire Nation capital to improve the lives of citizens.
And while you and Zuko definitely make time to spend with each other, restructuring an entire society that has spent the last one hundred years as the aggressors in a global war is certainly nowhere near a stress-free endeavor.
It's just a bad day today.
You're a little surprised at Zuko's words - he's not the greatest at being spontaneous.
But you still meet him in the private courtyard, and it's an interesting sign that he's shirtless.
You smirk. "So, am I going to be watching you train, like I did back when you were training Aang?"
Zuko suddenly looks surprised. "You watched that?"
You grin. "Oh, you think I fell for your sparkling personality?"
He laughs at the teasing before pointing to the training dummies he has set up. "Today, you're going to be training with me."
He blushes. "I just thought... well, nothing really helps me get rid of stress more than training, and then we could blow off steam, and..."
You chuckle. "And then we can take a bath and cuddle?"
He nods. "Sure. All night, if you want."
He takes you through some firebending martial art forms, which actually are surprisingly tough to learn, but feel really good when you start to get it right.
Zuko teaches you how to breathe properly, which really helps you feel so more energized and calm, even as you train.
Finally, after an hour or so of punches and breathing (which doesn't sound particularly fun, but Zuko actually does make it pretty fun to learn)
It helps to get out that aggression you had, and even more exciting is the promise of getting to take a bath and cuddle with him after.
After a beautiful luxurious bath with scented soaps and perfumed oils, you get to see Zuko in his loose robe and pants he wears for lounging around. He smiles as you lunge at him and tackle him onto a nest of cushions and bury your head in his chest to smell the clean scent of soap.
"I'm sorry I've been so out of it today." you whisper.
Zuko chuckles. "You do remember what I was like back during the war, right? Every day was a bad day. It's normal to feel stress, and... I want you to be able to count on me to help get you through it."
You give him a gentle kiss. "I love you, Zuko."
"I love you too."
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inkblot22 · 6 months
(PS I don’t actually know the source material for idia I just stumbled upon one of your fics while looking at FFXIV Yandere fics so sorry if this sounds OOC)
I’m not super creative but what do you think might actually be Idia’ routine with his darling? Does he fall into any routine, does it change a lot?
Have a wonderful day (and happy late bunny day!) 🫶
I actually am of the opinion that this is a very creative thought! You should give yourself more credit. I like to idealize the day to day life, but it never occurred to me that writing it down might be a good idea. On that sentiment, I think maybe Vil or even Leona would have a better day to day routine. Dividers by @/cafekitsune
Also, wow, what a pipeline, FFXIV to twst?? You've got good taste lmao welcome to my blog.
I'll put this under the cut, and I'm also not promising that this will be very good. I use the 24 hour clock. I am constantly getting told irl that American people don't do that, but I'm evil, so I'm putting the times in 24 hour clock format.
TW for mentions of noncon, coercion, captivity, someone keeping someone else awake, a hint of Idia being an asshole
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+ Idia doesn't really seem like he has much of a set schedule, but Ortho absolutely does and Ortho is lowkey kind of bossy, so...
+ Yeah uh, Idia's partner is absolutely out of luck. Idia likes night gaming a lot, and he gets loud, so good luck sleeping. Idia himself goes to bed late and wakes up whenever the heck he wakes up. He could go to bed at 0300 in the morning and wake up again at 0700.
+ As his kept partner, the schedule is a little more normal, like I said. Ortho doesn't really need to sleep from what I understand, (I haven't read all of book 6, no spoilers or else I WILL temporarily block you) but it's silly to imagine that he doesn't wake up or attempt to wake up everyone else around him as early as 0600.
+ After waking up, Idia will eat breakfast. I think it'd be delivered usually since Idia and his partner are basement dwellers, one by nature and the other by force. After breakfast begins work...
+ Or procrastination. Idia flip flops between extreme focus on what he should be doing and what he should not be doing. He manages to get his schoolwork done, but more often than not, he's asking his partner to cuddle up and watch a movie, drama, or his fingers flying across the keyboard. Idia will not ask them to cuddle if he is doing schoolwork or virtually attending classes.
+ I like to think that he smells smoky, on account of the flaming hair, and he runs hot, so prepare to SWEAT. In the case his partner doesn't really want to hang out with him, he will usually sulk and only occasionally get upset to the point of doing something about it.
+ I don't think he showers every day. I think he's an every other day type of showerer, based solely on him not being particularly active. This means that his partner doesn't have to run on his showering schedule and gets extra hot water on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
+ By the way, in the case that Idia's darling ever gets peckish, Idia has a snack stash that he proudly pulled out and showed them as soon as they were allowed to wander a bit. I figure they get hungry some time around 1400, especially if Idia is also eating at that time.
+ I think his metabolism is fast, but also a bit odd. He is a young person, and therefore he strikes me as the type to get randomly hungry. If asked very nicely (and with the promise of physical affection in some form) he'd be incredibly willing to make his partner something to munch on when he makes his own.
+ Despite Idia's partner being literally held captive in his room, with all his suspicious items and, worst of all, himself, Idia is about as respectful as a kidnapper can be about demanding sex. He doesn't like to be physically forceful about it, and he often will just jerk off in the bathroom.
+ The reason for this is very simple: If Ortho ever saw Idia having sex with ANYONE, Idia would spontaneously combust. Well, obviously he doesn't know that for certain, but it's a theory that he is not willing to test. He won't even talk about his preferences around his little brother.
+ As far as I'm aware, most people in captive situations do not tend to ask their kidnapper to fuck them unless they're being threatened in some way, but Idia's partner isn't typically being threatened (ignore the shock collar,) so they never ask Idia to have sex.
+ This does not stop Idia from being a whiny bitch about not having sex enough as soon as Ortho is gone for a few hours. The close quarters and sudden advent of a human being who he doesn't mind touching him is a big thing for Idia.
+ Ortho goes on "walks" in a sort of unusual schedule. That is to say that he doesn't have a schedule. If something needs to be picked up, he's tired of Idia not listening to him, he has his own stuff to do, or he just feels like it, Ortho will go out, sharing his location with Idia. From there, Idia will typically calculate how long it'd take Ortho to get back paired with whatever Ortho said he was going to do before he left, and see if he can squeeze in some coerced touching.
+ So. Good luck, Idia's partner. Idia will make a big stink until he gets bored or his partner gives in. His partner usually gives in, based on fear of what he might do alone.
+ Bedtime is somewhat randomized. If Ortho was out, when he comes back and it's any time after 2000, he will very subtly try to get Idia and his partner to start winding down. If both or one ignores him, he'll start getting upset.
+ Like I said, Ortho is kinda bossy. He will nag someone, and the worst part is that he's usually got their best interest in mind.
+On the off chance that Idia decides to go to bed at a decent time, he curls up behind his partner. He runs hot and smells smoky, and at some times it's not the worst thing. Some times.
+ By the way, a lot of this flies out the window in the event that Idia decides to attend classes in person. This is rare, so don't expect it to happen often, but it's not as good as it could be. Ortho goes with him and he locks up any way to reach the outside world, so all his partner has to entertain themselves is his manga collection, or the fun pastime of destruction of property. (This is a very bad idea, and I can expand on punishments later.)
+ In Idia's partner's case, every day is much of the same but just a little different, which makes it hard to keep track of time. The fact that Idia prefers low lighting and no natural light doesn't help this whatsoever.
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masonmount-vii · 13 days
It'll Make Sense Some Day
Part Three
april twenty-second
"Wait. Back the fuck up. You're going out with Mason tomorrow, and you're just now telling me?" Millie asks the day before you and Mason are going to meet for a coffee.
"We're not going out, Mills, we're just getting a coffee, there's a difference!"
"That's what they all say," your sister mumbles, but you ignore her.
"It's really not a big deal-"
"They all say that, too."
"Because we were friends for a long time, and well... We're both older now. We can handle this like adults, believe it or not."
"I never said you can't handle this like an adult, Y/N," Millie explains, "I just can't believe you just decided to meet up with him without consulting Mum or I, like you usually do."
"I don't always do that!" You protest, crossing your legs underneath you as you sit on the couch, some random show on the TV playing in front of you.
"Okay, maybe not. But the point is, you've not been talking about Mason for 9 and bit years, it isn't likely for you that this just changes overnight. What happened?"
"I need a date to Rachel's wedding, so i decided to make a Tinder for that, and the next thing i know, I matched with Mase."
Millie laughs. "Oh, my god. You know there are plenty of guys at my work that i could set you up with? This one guy, Eric, comes into work everyday and just rants about how he doesn't have a girlfriend. I don't think you'd like him, though. He's a bit self cantered."
"Then why bring him up?" you mumble, as Millie keeps talking.
"Anyway, how did you match with Mason and not even know? Were you swiping through so fast that you didn't know?"
"I honestly don't even know how it happened. I guess i just wasn't paying attention, and the next thing i knew, i was matched with him."
"That's hilarious. No offence, sis."
"None taken, except it wasn't particularly funny in the moment. Actually, it was terrifying. I called him after, though, and we cleared everything up."
"Good. Just remember, i'm going to tell this story at yours and Mason's wedding."
"Millie! I'm not even in love with him anymore, and he sure as hell probably isn't with me. We're just going to be friends and see where it goes."
"Come on, you can't be immune to the fact that your life is like something out of a rom-com. Which isn't a bad thing, in fact, can you send some of that my way?"
"Why? Aren't you still with Leo? Millie, you guys have been together forever."
"Your sister sighs. "i am, yes, but i just feel like our relationship has lost some of the spark it had when we first met, Do you know what i mean?"
"Not personally, no but for the sake of this conversation, yes. What exactly do you mean by 'spark?' Like, sex?"
"That's part of it, but Leo and I never do fun couples' things anymore. He doesn't buy me flowers spontaneously or take me on romantic trips."
"Do you want him to do things like that?" You ask.
Millie has never been a spontaneous person, when she was ten, she showed our parents her entire life plan, and has stuck to it so far to a T.
"I think, I don't know."
"Have you talked to him about it?"
It takes your sister a second for her to answer. "No."
"Well, there you go. Just talk to him, ask if you guys can have a night where you go out for dinner one night, instead of staying at home. Make small changes to your relationship that make you happy, before you expect giant romantic gestures."
"Wow, I should ask you for advice more often," Millie laughs.
"I give good advice sometimes, you know."
"Yeah. Well I should get going, but tell me how your date goes tomorrow!"
"It's not a date!" You yell, but Millie hangs up the phone, cutting you off.
Thank you so much for reading! Sorry it’s a really short one 💓
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nebuladreamerrr · 5 months
The art of colours| Kylian Mbappé x Fem Reader
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Summary: After four hard years of study, you are finally graduating which means you must hand in your final thesis which Kylian is very proud of until he finds out who you have dedicated this thesis to.
Warnings: English is not my first language, and I am not studying anything related to psychology so there may be mistakes in this field.
As you gazed into the mirror, a smile of pride spread across your face, admiring how the satin suit hugged your frame flawlessly. This moment marked more than just the end of your studies and training. It signified your official entry into the realm of psychology, liberating you from the confines of your office.
The past four years have been undeniably challenging, particularly within the realm of psychology, a field so crucial to our daily lives. In an ever-evolving landscape of knowledge, students were required to continuously engage in various training courses to stay abreast of the latest therapies and discoveries. Yet, the most demanding aspect lay in the field placements. Let me tell you, those placements were the epitome of your career's purity, where the true essence of your calling came to light. However, they also exacted an emotional toll. Witnessing the anguish of young children, whose concerns should have revolved around playtime rather than dinner schedules, was profoundly draining. It was in those moments that the weight of the responsibility you carried truly settled upon you.
Finding the perfect balance between personal life and studies proved challenging on a personal level. Kylian's schedule was packed with games, advertising campaigns, conferences, and interviews ever since he announced his departure from the French club, not to mention the upcoming Olympics that summer. Nevertheless, both of you managed to find a way to organize yourselves. Despite the chaos, two days belonged entirely to you: Mondays and Sundays. On these days, you caught up on the little everyday occurrences, from Dembélé's new car to contemplating a vase for your living room. You cherished these conversations, reveling in their innocence and spontaneity. To you, they were a tangible expression of the love you shared, something you made a conscious effort to prioritize. Even though you lived together, daily life often kept you apart more than you'd like.
On the flip side, amidst the stressful situations and disparaging comments your partner endured throughout the year, you made a concerted effort to establish one-on-one sessions on Sundays. In these sessions, you provided a safe space for him to open up and confront the negative thoughts tormenting him, aiming to help him channel these emotions and find solutions to his overwhelming feelings. This task was far from easy. Kylian, being naturally closed off, often attempted to postpone these sessions, fearing vulnerability. Over time, however, they became more manageable. Occasionally, they concluded with Kylian seeking solace in your embrace, tears flowing freely as he grappled with feelings of failure in his endeavors to satisfy French fans, whether due to online criticisms or harsh comparisons with other players.
Kylian marveled at your knack for reframing his thoughts and showing him the silver linings in every situation. He tended to dwell on lost games, mentally berating himself for missed opportunities and what-ifs. However, since meeting you, you consistently helped him find something positive in each of those moments. It was easy for him to forget that his career was a journey of constant growth and learning. Even when a loss felt like the end of the world, you reminded him that it could have been worse—like being sidelined with an injury for the rest of the season. Your perspective not only shifted his mindset but also helped him appreciate the invaluable lessons hidden within every setback.
He was in awe of your ability to infuse brightness into even the darkest moments, whether they were everyday occurrences or major events. Despite his busy schedule, he made every effort to support you in any way he could. Whether it was giving you a massage during long hours at the computer or preparing your favorite breakfast of coffee with almond milk and avocado toast topped with a grated egg, he sought to motivate you on days when you barely had time to eat.
So, when you shared the news that you had finally completed that assignment, he couldn't contain his joy. He enveloped you in a tight hug, overflowing with pride. Without hesitation, he swiftly arranged an elegant dinner by the beach to celebrate the culmination of all the time you spent locked away in your office. Excitedly, he accompanied you as you opened the package containing your five printed papers—four of which would be submitted for your final year dissertation examination, while one would remain in your home as a cherished keepsake.
This morning, he made a concerted effort to motivate you, ensuring to planted a gentle kiss before you departed for your lecture. However, he also wanted you to come home to a space where you could unwind and relax. He mentioned that he would subtly start tidying up his house—perhaps clearing away the breakfast dishes that still lingered or straightening up the living room, which had become a bit disheveled from the movie you only managed to get halfway through before drifting off into sleep.
As he tidied up the living room, his gaze inevitably fell upon your photocopied final-year project, eliciting a smile. His eyes traced the meticulous attention to detail evident in the neatness of the photograph, which sought to visually summarize your thesis. The title, "The Art of Infant Psychology," was adorned with vibrant shades, each color imbuing significance. The accompanying picture, with its play of reverse colors, mirrored the essence of your thesis—exploring how colors could influence children's cognition and how educators, parents, or legal guardians could discern potential concerns through the colors or drawings their children presented.
Subtly, he lifted the book, intending to leaf through its pages at a leisurely pace. While he didn't expect to grasp the technicalities you had employed as he didn't think he could understand the technicalities you had used as you often tried to share them with him and, not understanding them, he would simply kiss you back as he admired you saying, "My girl is the smartest". However, his intention was diverted when a particular page quickly seized his attention: "Acknowledgements."
"Firstly, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my tutor, Chloe, for her guidance, support, and dedication throughout the process of writing this dissertation. Her comments and suggestions have been fundamental to improving my work and carrying it out in her rigorous way.
I would also like to thank the teaching staff of the Psychology degree for providing me with quality training and encouraging my interest in research and innovation in this field.
Furthermore, I am grateful to my friends and family, especially my parents, for their emotional support and understanding throughout the process. Their words of encouragement and motivation have been a great boost to keep going and overcome the obstacles.
Lastly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my partner, Kylian, who has been my unwavering support through the darkest days. He has been my greatest inspiration for pursuing this end-of-degree project, as he embodies the essence of the art of colors. To me, Kylian is more than just a footballer; when I look at him, I see the vibrant hues of the rainbow, and for all these reasons, I consider him my source of vitality.
While it's said that no one color is superior to another, I believe that a blend of colors is far more captivating than a single shade. We witness this in a painting, where the variety of colors chosen by the artist leaves us in awe.
Well, that's what Kylian means to me. He embodies the color red, symbolizing vitality and passion, as he tirelessly pursues his dreams and supports those of his loved ones, including mine, even when we feel exhausted.
Moreover, Kylian is like the color orange, representing healing. He has been a source of profound healing for me, especially mentally, arriving at a time when I felt I could barely stand, yet he fearlessly stood by my side, offering unwavering support and reminding me that we're in this together.
Similarly, he radiates the warmth and brightness of the color yellow, bringing joy and optimism into my life. His presence is infectious, spreading happiness like sunlight, simply hearing his voice lifts my spirits.
Indeed, we cannot overlook the significance of the color green, representing nature's enduring presence. Just as Kylian embodies this natural beauty, he also mirrors its essence in his unwavering support and understanding. Much like the everyday rhythms of nature that we often take for granted, Kylian's steadfast encouragement has been a constant in my life. His support has never hindered my academic pursuits or demanded more time than I could give, flowing as naturally as the gentle swaying of tree branches in the wind. For this, I am deeply grateful to him.
Kylian also embodies the tranquility and calmness of the color blue. Despite the pressures he faces, he maintains a serene demeanor, navigating through challenges with grace and composure, much like the gentle sway of tree branches in the wind.
And then there's the color purple, symbolizing magic and spirituality. Kylian's spirit is truly enchanting, inspiring not only me but also those around him. He's deeply influenced by the motivations of his loved ones, infusing his actions with purpose and meaning.
In essence, Kylian has profoundly changed my life since the day we met, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
In summary, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the people who have contributed in any way to the realization of this work. Your contributions have been essential to achieving the objectives set and bringing this project to a successful conclusion.
Kylian couldn't help but feel confused and surprised, but above all very happy. From that moment on, his face lit up, as now more than ever he allowed himself to make that night unique to show you how proud and grateful he was that you were part of his life.
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molly-ghuleh · 1 year
May I ask for a Secondo one? Because I would like to hear from you how Secondo would be in bed with a reader who is insecure of her body and would be trying to hide herself from his eyes, like, asking for less light and etc.
My dear @baelzbu, you may ALWAYS ask for Secondo because I am ALWAYS soft for him <3 This is f!reader since you mentioned pronouns hehe. NSFW under the cut, 18+ only please!
First of all, the moment Secondo sees you he thinks you're the most beautiful creature in the room. In the world, even.
He knows he has to have you.
Also. I have to say. He will NOT take you to bed only once. He will be so infatuated with you it's not even funny
Takes his time seducing you. Halfway through charming you into his bed he realizes he actually enjoys your company
You grow into more than a lay for him (sorry I'm so soft for Secondo accidentally falling in love, shoot me)
He's always complimenting your beauty because he can tell by your body language that you're insecure about it
"Bellissima, cara" "Sei più che bella per me" "Sembri una dea uscita da un dipinto"
The first time he invites you to his chambers, you're so nervous that you almost say no
But how can you say no, when he's so sweet and expressing genuine interest?
If you're into it, he'll send you a box containing lingerie that he'd think you'll look amazing in, with a note instructing you to wear it that night
If it's more of a spontaneous thing, he'll be so eager to discover what's under your clothes, what you feel comfortable and pretty in
"Lascia che ti scarti, il mio piccolo dono di Satana"
He's expecting you to be a little shy, he'd picked up on that aspect of you from watching you and getting to know you
So when that first expanse of skin is exposed and you try to cover yourself up, he gently coaxes your hands and arms away so he can see your beauty
Kisses every inch of your skin. And I mean every inch
Leaves little bite marks and hickeys in places you feel particularly insecure about, so you know he loves those parts enough for both of you
I feel like he'd like dim light anyways, because it's more sensual and romantic. But when you ask for complete darkness, he's a bit taken aback
Teases you by saying, "I can blindfold you if you'd like, dolce. That will make things very dark, no?"
But then will reassure you that he wants to see you, that he thinks you're a goddess walking the Earth and that's half the reason he wanted to pursue you in the first place
(The other half is because he's a THIGH MAN)
Reallyyyyyy takes his time making sure you know he finds you more than attractive
Runs his hands over your thighs, your belly, your chest, your ass. Worships you like the goddess you are in his eyes
Makes you cum at least twice before he even thinks about taking pleasure for himself
If you have the urge to cover yourself up still, he'll gently take your hands and pin them above your head with one hand while touching you, caressing you, pleasuring you with the other
Eye contact king. Wants you to KNOW who's making you feel this good. But also wants to see it when he brings you the most pleasure you've ever felt
Goes above and beyond for you. Really pulls out all the stops because you're the most attractive person he's ever seen
If he thinks he can walk away from having you in his bed and not think twice, he's very wrong.
Can't stop thinking about how you looked under him
Wonders how you might look on top of him? Needs to find out.
Pretty soon he's addicted, and every encounter you have makes you more and more comfortable because he's always telling you how sexy you are
Secondo likes being in control but if you ever initiate and want to lead, he might come in his pants before you even touch him there
In short. He is the most generous lover in the world and will make sure you know he wants all of you.
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yyawnjun · 1 year
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maknae lines!enhypen x reader
summary: You fell madly in love with the last person you thought, your best friends, because of the little things they do for you - like hugging you for a bit too long, making playlists with you in mind, or hiding candid images on their phone...
a.n. maybe I am starting to be a friends to lovers enjoyer... again i feel so new in this world so please let me know your opinions and hcs !!
comments, likes, and reblogs are always greatly appreciated. I hope y'all will like it ♡
fluff ; hcs ; scenarios
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[ JUNGWON - 정원 ]
When he is around you, Jungwon begins to feel incredibly drowsy and tired. Not because you've done anything particularly exhausting, but rather because he feels comfortable around you. You two only realize there was more to your "best friend"'s heart when he takes the extra step when he falls asleep on your shoulder
LONGER HUGS. I immediately thought of him when I had this ideafkandsajkn. He always gives hugs, but lately, they have lasted a little longer than before. You have more time to pay attention to your surroundings during those times, including his accelerated heartbeat and paused breath.
notes around the house - in which you were reminded to eat and drink enough - positive messages that brightened your day, funny drawings that brought a smile to your face, rebuses, riddles, and jokes scattered around the places you most often frequented… What if he chose to confess using one of these post-its specifically? What if you caught him in action?
You knew that the one who left you all those notes around the house could be no one but Jungwon, your childhood best friend who knew everything about you by heart.
Knowing everything, he also knew your weaknesses or the things you struggled with the most - like when you tended to lose concentration while studying, or on the opposite end of the range, going to sleep at crazy hours just to finish an assignment. So he slowly started leaving you notes to encourage you and be with you all the time.
You immediately knew whose it was from the first note he left on your desk. After all, you also knew Jungwon very well, and you knew that he was the only one who had that handwriting and could write you: "Curry and our favorite movie tonight?"
He had never done much hiding; he was happy to know that you appreciated what he wrote for you. It was when he noticed that you kept all his notes in a jar that he came up with the idea to confess via one of those Post-it notes.
In fact, after an initial period in which he denied his feelings after a while, he admitted to himself his feelings for you.
It was on a summer morning when he decided exactly what to write in that note - he didn't want to do anything fancy. It was the spontaneity that characterized his feelings for you.
"I dreamed about you. You and me under the stars. And I kissed you."
Nothing more was added because it was already enough, and just thinking of it made his face burn because he actually had that dream.
That same afternoon you saw each other at your home. He decided to leave that note on your desk so that you would read it when he had left.
It was late, and he was about to go when he ran, without getting caught, to your room and put the post-it note.
Everything was going smoothly, his heart was pounding, and he was slowly getting ready to leave your room. When he realized he was holding his breath, he halted for a few seconds, but it was those three seconds that revealed him.
Oblivious to everything, you had entered your room because you were looking for him and you found him standing still in front of your desk. Before you could ask questions, his gaze involuntarily fell on the slip of paper. And so did yours.
You reached for it, and quickly he did the same-he was not mentally prepared to see your reaction-but you were quicker, and now the piece of paper was in your hands.
As you slowly opened that piece, his heart had begun to beat too quickly.
Unable to move, as if paralyzed, he watched the reactions of your face to what he had written...
Jungwon still gets a warming feeling in his heart when he talks about how - after that day - you became his girlfriend.
SUNOO [ 선우 ]
" I wish I had a boyfriend that would take candids of me". HERE YOU HAVE…but he is your best friend. Sunoo has lots of pictures of you on his phone or in his waller, and just looking at them makes his heart warm. Most of these are pictures that he either took personally or in which he can see you the real you. Since he started taking them, he ended up having almost more pictures of you than selfies of him in his cell phone gallery… I think he even has some Polaroids of the two of you together in his room - complete with cute lights and clothespins.
24/7 karaoke buddies. You come together at your usual location at least once a week, if not more, and spend the evening singing along to the songs on your karaoke playlist. He only realizes how deeply felt the words of that emotion—love—were in his heart when he gets to perform one certain song from the playlists. I believe you would also notice the change in the way he sings along with you, or even just by the way he would appear different, sweeter.
He had stars in his eyes. when he listens to you, his eyes take on that brilliant sparkle that shines and warms your heart more than normal. Over time, you come to understand that referring to him as your best friend is an inadequate description of who he is to you and who you are to him.
You found yourselves in the bathroom, focused on skincare, at this late hour. With a clay mask on your face that gives you both a greenish complexion and your special playlist playing in the background, everything is good, and you are happy. Keeping your eyes closed, you continued to tell Sunoo about the most recent developments he had missed as he finished attaching the mask to the top of your face.
You were perplexed because he wasn't making the same kind of comments he used to, but you chose to ignore the feelings until you no longer felt his touch as well. Slowly opening your eyes, you nearly muttered that he was still there.
He was still there, of course, but his hands were still close to your face, and his eyes were fixed on you.
You blushed in confusion at the circumstance, but the mask, which was drying, covered it. Since it seemed that his hearing was off, you lightly touched your closest friend's shoulder to make sure that he was still with you mentally. He was instantly awakened from his trance-like state by your touch.
You asked him whether everything was well with just your gaze.
"You know I was mesmerized, and I guess I don't tell you often enough. You're just beautiful y/n. But forgive me, what were you saying?"
You were dressed in pink pajamas, a questionable-colored mask, and a neon headband to pull your hair back, which made the situation funny. You chuckled at the idea of seeing yourself through his eyes.
When his eyes were sparkling to you, it seemed as though an infinite number of stars were reflected in them. When you closed my eyes to continue the mask treatment, it was difficult to forget the charming expression he had.
Both of us still remember that moment; Sunoo wonders how he was able to say something so courageous without giving it a second thought, and you remember it every time you open his chat because his username had changed to "STARBOY!!"
NI-KI [ 니키 ]
Niki loves being dramatic sometimes, but with you, he was overdramatic. he loved your attention and complained when he didn't get enough in his opinion. He knew you well, so he also knew how to make it up to you when his drama reached its limit-like one time when he hadn't spoken to you all day because you hadn't responded to ALL of the 29 posts he sent you…
Under the moon is the only time when your conversation becomes deeper, and when you were able to share almost all the deepest secrets of your soul. You two have this idea that because of the moon, it is impossible not to be honest. And because of this belief of yours, he found himself speechless when you asked him how he felt about you.
Sending you all the posts he thought funny, often starting with "they are to us"—and then the most random humorous animal videos. until he realized that he also started to associate you two with videos of couples…
Niki loved sending you all the posts he found on his Instagram home page. He knew you shared interests and loved reading your reactions. Often the posts he shared were also little-known memes - that you explained to each other - or anything that reminded him of you - like some funny animal, song, or outfit. 
His favorites were videos with silly animals, and he loved when you sent them back to him, too - because at that moment, between all, you had thought of him. He didn't often get a chance to tell you that he loved and cared about you, so he had made sharing posts his love language.
He was waiting for your comments on those videos, and it was now a tradition for you to take at least an hour out of your day to look at all the posts he had sent you. No matter how tired or busy you were, every day you made time to respond to him, and he of course did the same.
His posts had become what always managed to cheer you up, and what always warmed his heart.  
You even created a shared playlist in which there are everything-from cat videos to movies you absolutely must see along with places to visit.
So this becomes part of your routine. So it happened that he would be on his phone after practice with the other guys to text you, and especially to share with you everything he knew would bring a smile to your face.
Everyone knew you were best friends, but after noticing how essential the messages to you had become they were realizing that maybe something was going on.
It was after a day of training, in which Niki felt off, that they decided to ask him what happened and exactly what you were to him.
"She's my best friend," he replied.
"Hmm sure. Did something happen today?"
"Yes, she visualized, but she hasn't replied to me yet," he said reluctantly showing your chat. 
After being baffled by the number of posts he sent, they decided to help out and see what he had sent you - partly out of curiosity, and partly to understand...
It was Heeseung who noticed that among the posts sent, there was more than one in which it referred to you as "things to do w your gf" or "which one of these dresses would look good on your gf" (he said outfit number 2) and the end... two sleeping cuddled cats and his last message "they could be us♡"
"Niki, did you realize you just confessed - repeatedly - to y/n on insta via posts?"
As an outside narrator, I can only say that Niki never ran so fast from you-
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now I need 1. a playlist karaoke w sunoo and 2. the insta home page of niki, and the playlist y/n shares w him </3
©yyawnjun all rights reserved, do not plagiarize, repost, or translate my works onto other platforms.
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learnastrowallura · 1 month
💚The 6th House in Astrology💚
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The source if this information is The Astrology Podcast (Chris Brennan) on Youtube and from the book The Twelve Houses: Exploring the Houses of the Horoscope by Howard Sasportas and I will add a personal example as well
6th house: healthcare, medical field, service, jobs, work, employment, subordinates, staff, coworkers, superiors, skills, pets, animals, duty, order, structure, boundaries, limits, routines, plans, tasks, stability, mundane, practicality, necessity, schedules, maintenance, adjustment, health, illness, injuries, surgeries, weaknesses, visible physical issues, bad fortune, cadent, Mars
6th house ruler can show us which type of physical illness we could potentially deal with if we have a negative 6th house; particularly during transits activating 6th house placements as well as 6th house profection years (a negative Mars in 6th house could indicate accidents for example)
How we deal with matters of physical health; are we the type to be cautious or are we reckless with it, are we organized or hectic in the mental aspect (mental health matters are actually ruled by the 12th house but here I mean if we are able to plan well or not) as well as in relation to our routines, our relationship with or how we treat people who work under us/subordinates (the 6th house in ancient times used to describe slave matters as well), our demeanor when working under someone as well, coworker relations, our attitude pertaining to helping people and receiving help, our skillset, how we approach general everyday tasks such as cleaning, work tasks, whether pets are important to us or not, etc
Personal example: Aries in 6th house+ North Node in 6th house
Yeah so as with recreational activities and creative endeavors (Aries 5th house) I pretty much go with the flow every single day and do whatever I want regardless of the consequences 😅😭 I was never really able to stick to a routine or anything it seemed unnecessary and too much of hassle to be honest. And honestly this got me thinking... since I have Aries in my 6th house, would I not be more initiative in these matters? Since Mars rules my 6th house yk? But taking into account the fact that my Mars in in my 12th house, and that my South Node (comfort zone, what I need to move away from in this lifetime) is ALSO in my 12th house, it is perfectly logical; I take action in my head lmao and in the tangible material world I'm like nahh this is boring. The results are always more exciting than the work that has to be done to get there, aren't they!! Anyway lately I have been tackling this by not really having a set routine BUT having a set of daily tasks that I MUST do and that will benefit me in the long term, whether in matters related to physical health, business, spending time with family (babies <3), or even working through limiting beliefs that prevent efficiency and trusting my own capabilities
As for my skillset my initiative in the workplace or in uni (again when I really have to lol) really proves to be an asset, I am also always ready and able to ask for and receive help so there's that, checklists are my enemy I really prefer being spontaneous and compromising if I am working with someone, if I were someone's boss I'd be pretty chill imo, if I were working under someone I'd do my job swiftly; probably before they even finished telling me what to do, and yeah you get the idea
This wassss pretty fucking chaotic but I've had a long day so 😭 sorryyyy
Comment down below your 6th house sign, planets and aspects
Thank you for reading <3
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evillemons · 5 months
BTS MBTI types
Controversial? Sort of? I am not an MBTI expert by any means, nor do I think it should be taken too seriously, but it's fun to analyze the boys nonetheless. I would love to hear what other people think :) See the MBTI types of their girlfriends here, and the masterlist for other fun content.
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There seems to be a huge debate around whether Namjoon is an INFJ or ENFP, and while I see both in him, I lean towards the former. He is incredibly introspective (if not a little brooding) and intrinsically wise. He is often misunderstood and claims to feel like an “outsider”, which is characteristic of INFJs. He really does strike me as the lone wolf type - a uniquely insightful, intelligent, and open-minded leader that bears a heavy burden in order to make a difference in the world. He truly is a one of a kind, deeply special human being.
I am not sold on Yoongi as an INTJ because he also suits INTP and ISTP, and he even has a more visible sympathetic side lately. However, he is theoretical, speculative, organized, and practical like an INTJ. He’s extremely logical and hard working, and has a hard time expressing his feelings or receiving affection. He is also highly reserved, independent, and somewhat perfectionistic and likes to have control over his work. INTJ’s are known as one of the most intelligent types, and that comes through in the form of his musical innovation.
Tae’s unusually creative thought process, emotional vulnerability, social nature, and spontaneity render him a pretty clear ENFP. ENFP’s are enthusiastic, imaginative creators who are people-oriented and expressive communicators. They often drawn to the abstract and intuitive nature of art and love to search for deeper meanings within humanity. V also highly values his individuality and freedom, and comes across as unconventional and mysterious.
j-hope - ESFJ
This ray of sunshine is undoubtedly an ESFJ. He’s incredibly social and vibrant around his members, and serves as a sort of human energy charger that everyone gravitates towards. His radiant energy and dependability makes him a well-loved and an essential member of BTS. ESFJ’s are also extremely organized, preferring structure and planning to spontaneity. His strong sense of duty and unwavering mentality shine through as a dance teacher and leader - despite his caring nature, he will not hesitate to hold people accountable for their actions.
Jungkook - ISFP
This is another clear typing for me, Jungkook is blatantly ISFP. He is innately artistic, adventurous, self-expressive, and open-minded. Despite their highly introverted and independent nature, ISFP’s are known for being sweet and caring in relationships, and it is no secret how fond and protective JK is of his members. He can also be quite sensitive due to his perfectionistic tendencies and emotional receptivity; he is often too hard on himself and seems to struggle with self-esteem at his core.
Jimin - ENFJ
I fluctuate between ESFJ and ENFJ for Jimin, but settled on the latter because he seems to be more future-oriented rather than present-focused. ENFJ’s are incredibly empathetic and caring people who tend to put others before themselves. Jimin naturally and instinctively lends a hand to his members when they are in need and constantly thinks about how is actions affect others. He is also quite the perfectionist, which is characteristic of ENFJ's. The only detail I am uncertain on is that ENFJ’s are quite the creative and abstract thinkers, and I am not sure I see this within him.
Jin - INTP
Jin is tricky because his media persona seems to be quite different from that of his real personality. He could also be ENTP, although he is very introverted and doesn’t seem to engage in much conversation outside of the people he is comfortable with. His sarcastic and dry sense of humor is particularly characteristic of an INTP, and he is also straightforward, logical, and blunt. Although INTP’s are often stereotyped as cold and unexpressive, he has a goofy side that is childlike and wholesome.
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mercillery · 3 months
The Damnatio one was EVERYTHING oh my gosh I am so happy you took my request it's a drought for him ngl!! If you're down, could you write some headcanons for him with a super excitable social and friendly partner? And kinda how others would view them? I don't wanna overwhelm you with requests though so if you do it don't worry about how much or little you write I just love your writing so much for him and would love to see more!!
NOTES: AAAAAA thank you so much anon <333 Don’t worry about overwhelming me, I usually have little to no requests lol. This one was a little short, but I hope it’s still to your liking as well 🙂‍↕️❤️
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Absolutely no one had a clue that you and Damnatio were dating until your extroverted self decided to make the announcement. Your circle of friends and acquaintances were used to your lively, open nature, but the news left them in utter disbelief and maybe even horror. The idea of the stern, stoic Damnatio being in a relationship with someone as sunny and sociable as you was definitely not a believable one. Initially, most people thought you were joking or perhaps suffering from an intense crush that led you to concoct this wild story. They couldn’t wrap their heads around the contrast between your vibrant personality and Damnatio’s composed and intimidating demeanor. The mere suggestion of you two as a couple was met with scoffs and dismissive chuckles, thinking you just had a big fat crush on him. I assume that one day, the gossip and skepticism reached a peak one day when someone, out of sheer curiosity and a hint of disbelief, decided to approach Damnatio directly. With a mix of nervousness and curiosity, they asked him if he was actually dating you or not. To which Damnatio confirms he was in fact dating you.
Everyone in the room right now: 😮😯😦😧🫢
From that day on, you and Damnatio became the center of numerous conversations, much to his growing annoyance. It seemed like every social gathering and workplace chat had turned into a speculation fest about your relationship. Damnatio, who cherished his privacy, found the sudden attention and intrusive questions particularly irritating. He couldn’t fathom why everyone was making such a fuss over his personal life or why they felt entitled to pry into it. With that being said, the constant barrage of dramatic reactions and endless questions starts getting on his nerves—but he manages to keep it together. People approached him with an almost morbid curiosity, asking about every little detail of your relationship. It wasn’t just the questions themselves, but the persistent and invasive nature of them, that grated on his nerves. When he finally saw you again, his first concern was for your well-being. He first asks if people have been pestering you with questions, genuinely concerned about how you are handling the situation. As you sheepishly admitted that you were the one who had made the announcement, he couldn’t help but inwardly facepalm. He had suspected you as much, given your open and expressive nature. But he wasn’t angry with you or anything—just fed up with the sudden spotlight on him and you. Honestly, even if your actions sometimes leave him wondering how he would ever keep up with you, he knew he wouldn’t trade you for anything. <3
But anyway, onto the more general stuff in the relationship...
Whenever you and Damnatio take a stroll outside, your lively nature inevitably leads to spontaneous conversations with friends you bump into along the way. Each time, Damnatio stands there in silent exasperation, a stark contrast to your animated chatter. It's almost comical how he just stands there, awkward and out of place, like someone who’s been dragged into a social situation they’d rather avoid. Have you ever been friends with someone who is popular or just exceptionally talkative, and you find yourself tagging along? Then, suddenly, they strike up a conversation with someone else, leaving you to awkwardly stand by because you don’t know the other person? That’s precisely how Damnatio feels during these encounters. He stands quietly, not knowing the people you're chatting with—yet he endures it with resigned patience. Despite the slight awkwardness and his internal sighs of exasperation, he isn’t truly annoyed. It’s more of a mild exhaustion from trying to keep pace with your boundless energy and sociability. As you talk to your friend, completely oblivious to Damnatio’s predicament, your friend can’t help but notice the way Damnatio looks at you. Though his expression remains neutral, there's a softness in his eyes as he watches you—a look that speaks volumes. He listens intently to your every word, and his love for you is evident in the way he focuses on you, even in the midst of these impromptu social interactions. Your friend sees the subtle signs: the way Damnatio's eyes never leave you, the slight relaxation in his posture when he’s by your side—it’s truly an endearing sight—not that they’d ever call Damnatio out like that though.
Honestly? Damnatio might just be learning a thing or two from your happy-go-lucky nature. Your approachability, liveliness, and friendliness are traits he’s come to admire and, perhaps subconsciously, emulate when you’re around. While he’s naturally more reserved and stoic, he makes a conscious effort to be just a tiny bit less indifferent and more engaging in his interactions, at least when you’re by his side. It’s a subtle change, but it’s there. When he’s with you, he finds himself slightly softening, allowing your warmth to influence his usually composed demeanor. It's not that he transforms completely, but your presence gives him the courage to step just a little outside his comfort zone. The truth is, it’s only when you’re around that he genuinely feels a bit more relaxed and at ease. Your ability to effortlessly connect with others is something he deeply respects and tries to incorporate into his own behavior, even if it’s in small ways.
During dates, it's common for you to eagerly pick out where you'd like to go before Damnatio even gets a chance to suggest a place. These moments don't turn into arguments but rather small mini-debates that have become a ritual between you two. It's almost predictable how these debates unfold: despite your enthusiasm and creative suggestions, you often end up losing and going where he wants to go. After all, with his extensive experience in various courts and his participation in countless debates and arguments, he's hard to beat. However, the places Damnatio chooses are always worth the compromise. He prefers quiet, intimate spots with little to no people around, where the two of you can enjoy each other's company without any distractions. These serene settings, whether they are quiet cafes or hidden gardens, become the perfect backdrop for your dates. The peace and privacy allow for deeper conversations and a stronger connection, making every moment spent together feel special. Though, if I’m being completely honest, he often selects elegant, fancy restaurants for dates and reserves one of the tables outside. Under the serene light of the moon, with the night sky as your backdrop, these dinners become enchanting experiences. Despite his preference for planning, Damnatio always makes sure you get your turn in choosing the location as well. After he decides on a spot, he lets you pick the next one. This way, your dates become a balanced blend of his calm, secluded choices and your vibrant, lively ones.
Now, when it’s your turn to choose the location, things get pretty chaotic. In a good way. Maybe not so much in a good way for Damnatio, but he doesn’t have the heart to turn you down. Besides, it's your turn to pick, and he’s willing to give anything a shot if it means making you happy. This often means heading to places teeming with people and buzzing with energy, like carnivals, amusement parks, beaches, arcades, museums, and so much more. Your lively and energetic nature often leads you to choose the most exhilarating spots, and you have a particular fondness for roller coasters. Can you imagine it? Can you picture Damnatio, the epitome of stern and collected, navigating the chaos of an amusement park with you, his stoic expression unyielding even as he’s dragged from one thrill ride to the next? By the end of the day, he’s thoroughly exhausted from the countless roller coasters, the dizzying spins of the teacup rides, and the sugary overload of cotton candy you kept insisting he try. Which he did. But only because you may or may not have shoved it down his throat. Throughout these adventures, he likely keeps a straight face, his eyes only widening in surprise when the rides get particularly intense. It’s almost amusing how he maintains his calm demeanor amid the excitement and chaos you thrive in. He might be silently counting down the hours until the day ends, but he never complains. Your joy and enthusiasm are infectious, and he can’t help but be swept along in your wake. On the way home, despite being utterly drained, he glances over at you, your big smile radiating satisfaction from the day’s activities. That bright, contagious smile of yours makes everything worth it. Even though he’s tired, he knows it was all worthwhile to see you so happy. The outings might’ve left him hella drained, but they also left him with cherished memories and a deeper appreciation for the contrast you bring to his world.
So even if it means enduring a bit of chaos and exhaustion, Damnatio knows it’s a small price to pay for the happiness and love you bring into his life. ❤️❤️❤️
If you’re wondering how the tea cup rides look, they look like this: 
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I was giggling for a good few minutes imagining him on a teacup ride lolol😭
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