#i’m not procrastinating at all btw 👀
dagan-gera · 1 year
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On a scale of 1 to so stressed I want to fling myself into the sun trying to get the script for my short film done on time for school how’s y’all’s weekend’s going??? 😅😩
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lovetals · 2 years
Hey I just discovered your blog and wanted to send in a request since it doesn't seem like anyone has yet....uh...may I request a Madeleine cookie x reader? I think I'd like hcs plz...possibly to get an idea for one shots I could request for him in the future lmao! Btw call me snow anon!
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madeleine cookie headcanons
synopsis: general bf hcs of madeleine cookie (+ incorrect quotes)
character: madeleine cookie
deets: gn! reader, fluff, when saying your name out loud it’s written down as (reader) cookie rather than (your name), espresso mentioned in incorrect quotes
notes: hhhhhh i procrastinated on this for way too long, so sorry snow anon 😭 every time i try to write this i either get a brain crash or grow upset with what i wrote ajdkfhs—but! this is no time to complain!! this is (hopefully) a slump that i’ll get over one day. tho i will say that i’m not that proud with this, so sorry if you aren’t that satisfied with this content, but i do hope these are enough to inspire some ideas for you if you request some more!
also—my first ‘named’(?) anon!! yay!!! i didn’t think i would get one for awhile tbh, but ayy we got one! i should add an anon list to my intro post now that i think about it… 👀 but anywho—welcome to my blog! ^o^)/
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❀ there’s never a moment of doubt with madeleine—he won’t let you doubt yourself or your relationship. as a prideful knight it’s difficult to bring his self esteem down or any of the confidence that those close to him have, including you
❀ even if you weren’t feeling insecure about anything madeleine still likes to praise you about everything; from your physical attributes to your personality and though it sounds like he’s repeating himself at times i can assure you he’s not merely saying it to be nice, he’s saying it because he genuinely means it
❀ madeleine is also a very touchy person, even in platonic relationships he’s always giving out hugs and piggyback rides (i hc that he gives them all the time for the kids hehe), so when he’s dating you? oh boy
❀ he’s always touching you in some way; handholding, hugs, carrying you in his arms, picking you up lion-king-style—you name it, he’s doing it. also, expect a lot of kisses. doesn’t matter if it’s in public or not, he will give you a smooch right then and there. i’d honestly say his love language is physical touch, but he seems to convey his love for you in any way possible so he doesn’t limit himself to just that, physical contact is just easy to do for him cause he can do it whenever :)
❀ whenever he’s feeling extremely happy about something he likes to pick you up and twirl you around before pulling you into a hug
❀ first kisses are an important moment in one’s relationship and i’m sure even madeleine knows this. this may come off as more of an unpopular hc, but i don’t think madeleine would initiate the first kiss. sure, he may be the cuddly and affectionate cookie in the relationship, but he wants to wait for the perfect moment to finally kiss you, which may take awhile so this task might fall onto you
❀ as a knight he probably gets into fights a lot so he tends to dedicate most of his battles to you :) (this is for you, (reader) cookie!)
❀ absolutely teaches you how to fight!! just ask and he’ll show you how to hold a sword! this causes him to daydream a lot about the two of you fighting side by side one day… maybe he should commission someone to make you some armor?
❀ madeleine doesn’t strike me as the type of cookie to get jealous. in situations like someone flirting with you he’s kinda oblivious to their intentions and drives them away without meaning to lmao (after they run away he’d just turn to you like, “was it something i said? 🥺”)
❀ but one scenario i can envision him getting jealous in is if you were to start praising someone else. madeleine loves your attention so to have it go to someone else that might be better than him?? they are clearly asking for a duel! >:( no, it’s not a fight, it’s just a contest with madeleine showing off how he’s better than them at something
❀ this gorgeous cookie is a fan of gifts—giving, receiving, it doesn’t matter, he just likes them a lot. he gives you tons of presents just because he can and they can be quite excessive… and expensive. if the amount of gifts you receive almost daily bother you madeleine says he’ll try to tone it down, but it’s kinda hard to when almost everything he gets you is because they reminded him of you
❀ madeleine would appreciate anything you get him even as something as minuscule as, let’s say, a pen, but he does have a bit of a preference for handmade things. he’s just so in awe with your talent and to think you took the time to make it just for him?? why, he’s never shone brighter than before! (and, no, angel cookie wasn’t the cause of the sudden light)
❀ will go around and show off the thing you created just for him, boasting about how lucky he was and how amazing you were—madeleine is a great way to boost your sales if you did commissions just fyi
❀ madeleine likes to return the favor btw so if he’s ever getting a handmade gift from you expect something crafted by him soon. i think he’d actually start gifting you more things he’s created after the first one—it’s just so fun! it actually leads to him taking classes to learn how to make something and inviting you to learn along with him
❀ oh, and who could ever forget matching items?! he’s such a huge fan of matching things. doesn’t matter what it is; if it’s a pair, he’ll get it. do not separate.
❀ pet names? absolutely. his nicknames for you can range from “darling” to “my sugary sweet baby schnookums <3” (he says the heart out loud somehow). he repeats the nicknames you choose for him back to you, so unless you want to be called his “little scrimblo” then don’t call him that, though i can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want that 🙄
❀ all in all, madeleine is a wonderful boyfriend to have: there’s never a dull moment with him around and he’s just so loving that there’s no room for hate in your heart towards anyone
now let’s do some incorrect quotes >:3
madeleine: here’s a toast to the cookie i love most in the world!
y/n: don’t say my name, don’t say my name—
madeleine: (reader) cookie <3
y/n: madeleine, when i said to put the star on top of the tree i didn’t mean that you should climb to the top and stay there
espresso, trying to get away from madeleine: look! it’s (reader)!
madeleine, gasping and turning around: omg where?!
(extra: he’s still looking for you even after espresso snuck away o(TヘTo) )
y/n: if i run and jump at madeleine he’ll most certainly catch me in his arms—watch
y/n, turning and running: i’m coming in!
madeleine, already dropping the plate in his hand: come here, babe!!
y/n: oh, no, you’re losing a lot of strawberry jam! quick—what’s your type?!
madeleine, bleeding out: y… you…
y/n: i meant your jam type!!
madeleine: oh! red
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femininenachos · 3 years
hey bestie! couple of questions here because i stumble upon your fanfictions a couple of days ago, and i’m not even in the clexa fandom (but dang if i say im not infatuated about them as this writing👀), so… sorry in advance if some these have been answered! Will there be any other dwtbyg one shots in the future (extra credit etc etc) im currently obsessed with them i read them all in under 5 hours like…. Yuh. Are you still accepting prompt(s) i love “it is a truth universally acknowledged…” plEASE I LIVE FOR THEM??? Are you going to continue your wips? or are they abandoned already i need to know im not ready for another heartbreak thank you! also also also, will there be any model!au drabble coming?screaming crying throwing up it’s so perfect i love you! thank you btw! you’re so good at what you do! 💜
Sorry for the late reply! I just moved house, so things have been extremely hectic and stressful, with lots of legal and financial stuff to contend with.
To answer your questions:
Never say never but it’s unlikely there will be any more DWBYG one-shots. That fic is always going to be close to my heart but, to me, it feels done. I don’t really feel any need to add more. But I’m overjoyed to hear that you’ve devoured all the little extras, thank you 🥺
I’m not taking prompts at the moment and my Terminator fic is on indefinite hiatus until things calm down in real life. My focus is elsewhere and will be for the next wee while. Realistically, it’s going to be December-ish before I have the time or mental bandwidth to pick up writing again. I haven’t given up on Clexa, I promise!
Hmm… not sure about model!au. Part of me thinks it’s better to just leave it mostly as a collection of Tumblr headcanons. My fear is that actually writing the thing will suck the joy out of it, or the execution won’t match up to the perfect vision I have in my head. For those reasons, I’ve been procrastinating over it for years. Wish I could say otherwise but I don’t want to give you false hope 🙂 I appreciate your enthusiasm for it though, thank you so much!
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rae-gar-targaryen · 3 years
Hi!! Wanted to pop in and say that Loved You Once is TRULY an incredible piece of fiction and hands down one of the best things I have ever read! I’m usually not an angst person (I love fluff ✌️) but I eagerly read both parts and was SO emo. Your writing is so incredibly beautiful and descriptive; I just love it. Angel is SO in character (including the brutalness.... oof hurting my feelings with that one) and I love that her name is Frida 💛💛 so creative and perfect for a reader/OC! I am also excited to see where Coco and Frida go 👀 and can’t wait to read the proposal AU!! I have definitely procrastinated going to bed/doing so much work to read your beautiful words, and can’t wait for the opportunity to do it again. Thank you for all the work you put into creating this lovely world and sharing it with us — it is so appreciated, more than you know! ❤️
Okay, okay, SO ---
Selfishly, I have been hoarding and rereading this ask for a LONG time.. when I got it, I couldnt believe what I was reading! So much praise and loveliness directed at something *I* wrote???
And the fact that you took time out of your already busy life (so sorry for distracting you from your work btw) to write so many kind words about me, about my story?
I'm emotional as HELL, bb.
I am SO glad you thought angel was in character (that was my biggest fear about this story). That Frida comes across as creative and likeable -- and that you're excited for the AUs???
I feel like I don't deserve all of this, but I'm just so grateful for it. Grateful for YOU!
Excuse me while I go sob. Thank you, thank you, thank you 🥺🥺💕💕✨✨
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pearfight · 6 years
1-8 tag meme
wow this is super late I keep on forgetting to do this!!
I was tagged by @donnathexploreus @arcanehuntress AND @chicletecolorido [edit: AND @paris-saint-neymar how dare you post one right before me n TAG ME!! The audacity 😤](cusknxqk this is so overdue sorry love u all ❤️❤️❤️) so here it is!:
Being labeled as annoying/talking too much about things people don’t care about
Not finding happiness in general/having no purpose in life
three TURN ONS
Confidence while also being humble
Longer hair
four GOALS
Actually LEARN SPANISH (and eventually german and greek and asl and—)
Figure out what I want to do when I’m older
Become more active socially and physically
five LIKES
Cooler weather
Soccer (atm)
Stupid jokes/puns
Fear of failure, thus fear of commitment
Procrastination/time management skills
Overthinking and obsessing over small stuff
My mom (love her SO much)
Nostalgia (?? Idk what to put but mmmmmm I’m Weak)
seven LOVES
My family
My friends
Seeing people around me happy
...the internet...
Uuuuuh I’m catholic so God is probably a good answer right?
Uuuuuh how about that I smile and laugh a lot and am generally a positive person (while also being a realist)
eight TAGGED (idk if you’ve done this already or not but...)
@paris-saint-neymar 👀👀
@catsprobably (ur so funny sudkdwk)
Uuuuuh anyone else who wants to do this bc at this point I feel bad for @ ing the same ppl every time jdksmdkek (also btw you don’t HAVE to do this. Just puttin it out there!)
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