#cosmos 2019
dragons-in-spaceee · 1 year
One thing about me is that I will never be normal about the thought of first contact with aliens. The longing to meet or at least find an extraterrestrial species is so real. I just know if we find evidence of even past life out there I will break down in tears and need 3 months to recover. Now can we watch Contact (1997) and Cosmos (2019)
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captaincolossal · 1 year
Oh Jesus, oh my god, I have the dumbest idea for a movie theme week, and I don't want to spoil it, because I might have to do it. I mean, why the fuck not, am I right? We're here to sample a wide variety of films and sometimes you gotta come up with a weird way to grab a random handful. It's so stupid. No details at this time, other than: why would you do this.
But this is still space week! And okay, this one sounds interesting, but it does also sound like...well, a list of films actually, and that's neither here nor there.
Cosmos (2019)
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Amateur astronomers doing stuff in the woods at night, and it's not the set up to a survival horror situation. Got it.
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cinema-tv-etc · 1 year
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COSMOS – How I Made a No-Budget Sci-Fi Movie November 13, 2018 By John P. Hess
If you’re a filmmaker like me, you’ve always dreamed of directing your own full length feature – finally writing that burning story and taking it from script to screen. But for independent filmmakers like us, that feature debut is the greatest creative challenge we’ll ever face… I know this, because I’ve just done it.
My name is Elliot Weaver, and alongside my brother, Zander Weaver, I’ve just finished producing and directing my first feature film – a sci-fi mystery called COSMOS. It’s taken 5 years from concept to completion, we made the film with limited gear, three actors and took on every key crew role during pre-production, the shoot and post. We had no budget set aside and spent the least amount of money we could (out of our own pockets) on only the most essential of purchases.
In this article I want to share with you some of the creative processes we went through and answer the most common questions we’re asked about how we made a no-budget movie. I want you to be inspired and realize that your feature debut may be closer than you think.
But before we get into all that… let’s get some context. We’ve recently produced and released a 12-minute “Making-Of” COSMOS featurette that gives a glimpse into the whole journey that was making a no-budget movie.
COSMOS is a low-budget sci-fi feature film directed and self-produced by brothers Elliot Weaver & Zander Weaver, taking on all key crew roles throughout production, with the exception of writing the score.
Gravitas Ventures and Elliander Pictures present COSMOS, a contemporary sci-fi movie inspired by 80s and 90s era adventure - COSMOS explores the first hours of first contact with an extraterrestrial race after three amateur astronomers uncover a faint, coded message in the airways — what they believe is an alien signal.
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vulpiximisa · 8 days
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Took a break from it but I finally finished the SasuNaru Naruto puzzle! It was a bit easier than the Haikyuu one as it’s basically 4 smaller 250 puzzles
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Cosmopolitan Day
Mix together vodka, Cointreau orange liqueur, cranberry juice, and lime juice, shake in a cocktail shaker, and enjoy one of the most popular drinks, the Cosmo.
Cosmopolitans are probably one of the most famous cocktails out there, where people can go out at night and enjoy a bit of fun at night while dancing, laughing, and singing in clubs. For those delightful people who enjoy drinking a cosmo either on a regular basis or just every once in a while, this day is definitely worth celebrating!
It’s time to check out National Cosmopolitan Day!
History of National Cosmopolitan Day
This drink has been making the rounds for a while, and it highlights the 90’s as one of the best drinks of its time. Although the day itself was coined by freelancer writer, Jace Shoemaker-Galloway, who writes about non-traditional holidays, the history of the Cosmo itself is very murky.
It seems that some researchers think that the first tracked origins of the Cosmopolitan drink go back to the late nineteenth century, where a cocktail known as the Daisy emerged as a drink with a recipe that called for spirit, sweetener and citrus. Although this isn’t exactly a Cosmo, it is easy to see how Daisy might be a distant ancestor.
A more direct line for the origins of this drink hails back to the year 1968, when Ocean Spray, one of the main cranberry companies in the United States, wanted to advertise cranberry juice to adults. At the time they named the drink “The Harpoon” and it called for an ounce of vodka, an ounce of cranberry juice, and a squeeze of lime. While this was certainly closer to the Cosmo recipe, it was still missing the Cointreau and/or Triple Sec.
Although legends differ that the Cosmopolitan may have spawned from the gay subculture of Miami Beach, Florida and Provincetown, Massachusetts (where cranberries actually grow!), those can be difficult to prove. Another story credits the invention of the drink to a bartender named Toby Cecchini, who made the drink while working at the famous and trendy Odeon bar in Manhattan’s Tribeca neighborhood in 1987. But, honestly, it’s really hard to tell who truly made it because the drink seems to have evolved over time.
The Cosmopolitan’s popularity spread into celebrity culture, and it eventually ended up in The Rainbow Room, where Madonna is pictured drinking it at an after-party for the Grammy Awards. Even after that it was still a bit obscure until it was brought into mainstream culture by the famous television show Sex and the City, where it appeared multiple times throughout the series, creating a cultural impact on viewers in the United States and, eventually, all over the world.
Cosmos can be as strong or tame as is personally preferred, but because it has vodka in it, it isn’t exactly the most innocent drink out there as far as cocktails go. In any case, it’s time to celebrate!
How to Celebrate National Cosmopolitan Day
Get started with the National Cosmopolitan Day celebrations with these ideas:
Make a Cosmopolitan at Home
Of course, the most obvious way to celebrate this day is by indulging in a Cosmopolitan, which sounds more difficult to make than it is. Don’t be afraid to try out this amazing recipe that can easily be made at home:
In a cocktail shaker, mix 1 1/2 ounces vodka (or citrus vodka), 1 ounce Cointreau orange liqueur, 1/2 ounce lime juice (fresh), and 1/4 ounce cranberry juice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass dipped in sugar, then garnish with an orange peel and enjoy this delicious treat!
Celebrate with Pink
For many people, one of their favorite things about Cosmo is its color. The cranberry juice in the drink makes it a perfect hue of bright pink. And a proper celebration of this day would certainly include dressing from head to toe in Cosmo Pink! Dig into that closet and choose a hot pink pantsuit, a Fuschia blouse or a pink scarf that gives a nod to the day’s vibe. Other fun ways to get into the Cosmo Day vibe can be by decorating the house, car or office cubicle with all sorts of different things in pink.
Get Creative with Cosmopolitans
Just because this drink has a basic recipe doesn’t mean that it always has to be the same! Take it to the next level by including unique and different ingredients that allow the Cosmo to absolutely shine! Try these ideas out for a unique take on this classic pink drink:
White Cosmopolitan. Uncomfortable drinking something that is so…pink? Well this version might just suit! Simply use a white cranberry juice instead of the pink version and, just for fun, add in a little bit of flavor by using a citrus vodka. City Flowers Cosmopolitan. Instead of cranberry, go for a flowery flavor by including elderflower liqueur with lemon and grapefruit juices.
Kiwi Green Cosmopolitan. Mindoro Melon Liqueur, lemon juice, white grape juice and delightful chunks of kiwi fruit make this drink into something super special.
French Cosmopolitan. Making things a bit more sophisticated, this drink substitutes the Cointreau and uses Grand Marinier as the orange liqueur. Then garnish with the peel from an orange, lemon or lime.
Share Cosmo Day with Friends
It seems that in order to make National Cosmopolitan Day a proper celebration, it needs to be shared! Get some coworkers to go out for drinks after clocking out, or grab some friends and invite them out for a round of Cosmopolitans after dinner. Let everyone know that it’s Cosmo Day, and don’t forget to share pictures on social media of drinking those fancy cocktails with friends!
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slimeysodaa · 3 months
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stay with me on this, STAY WITH ME
i remembered I made a swap au of FOP back in 2019 and wanted to revamp it mainly because I still think the idea is cute, its silly so heres that. Basically; Vicky is Timmy, Crocker is Cosmo and Norm is Wanda, although they are still their own characters.
Crocker and Norm flip flop betweening being able to tolerate the other to actively trying to fight each other. They give off the vibes of bitter exes around the other, but with Vicky, they're very attentive and care about her more and more as the series goes on.
Vicky is ten years old, a very firey gal with some anger issues, but she does work on those as the show would go on. She doesn't want to be lonely, she wants to make friends but its very hard for her to do because she gets scared that she'll frighten them away.
but yeah heres that, look at them all. i have a whole story for cosmo and wanda in this au as well but thats for later. i especially love how i draw crocker, he's just a silly old guy, love that for him
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redgreenbluez · 2 years
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kuwdora · 3 months
Saturday Morning Vid Recs - Space and Robots
@tafkarfanfic asked me for vid recs that are similar to the following vids:
Data’s Dream by GayleF (Gayle) and TasheryS which premiered at Escapade in 1994 - made on a VCR!! - and was remastered by morgandawn in 2004. Definitely check out the Fanlore page about Data’s Dream. Star Trek + multi-source.
Starships by bironic. Multi-source. The history of Starships on Fanlore.
These two vids are iconic. Please check them out and learn about their history from the Fanlore page, it's a great look at some vidding history and culture. Amazing vids, do love. As for some recs. I love this kind of prompt. More vids like [this vid] is so much fun. I dug deep into my vid rec archives and brain and bookmarks. I’ve also crowdsourced some recs from the vidding discord. Thank you to @rukbat3, @sandalwoodbox, @fairestcat, @monkeyswithjetpacks, @grammarwoman for the reccing help! And everyone else I might have forgotten.
From Land to Sky - and kicking ass while you're there!
Landsailor by @singlecrow/raven. Multi-source. Swades (We, The People); Master and Commander; 3 Idiots; The Dish; The West Wing; Parks and Recreation; Flight of the Phoenix; NASA archive footage; Apollo 13. ❤️ We're gonna need a bigger boat. Come O’ Eclipse by melodytree. Tenchi: The Samurai Astronomer. Calendar-making! Math puzzles! Astronomy! Politics! Eclipses! Oh my! Galaxyrise by starlady. Multi-source. Apollo 13 (1995), Interstellar (2014), Gravity (2013), Europa Report (2013), Contact (1997), The Martian (2015). This vid is full of so much wonder! The sky calls to us/If we do not destroy ourselves/We will one day venture to the stars. Going through space with the world by bironic. Space Exploration RPF. ❤️❤️❤️ From "day in the life of an astronaut" videos to international stardom; or, Chris Hadfield and his adorable mustache. Monsters of the Cosmos by CherryIce. Thor/MCU. Jane Foster/Science.Cherry’s editing is goddamn incredible. In the last century, black holes have gone from being mathematical curiosities to real objects in the cosmos. This is a vid about Jane Foster and her one true love, Science. Also, Thor is there. Toxic by JinkyO. The Planets (TV - 2019). Humanity/The Solar System. This vid is so fucking brilliant and makes me cackle in love and awe so much. It's dangerous, I'm loving it. Sci-Fi Friday in a Blender by Luminosity. Multi-source. Farscape, Battlestar Galactica and Doctor Who. So much happening in this vid. This is among one of the earliest vids I remember watching and became obsessed with back in the day. Supernova Girl by @usuallyhats. Multifandom. Doctor Who, Star Wars, Babylon 5, Steven Universe, Andromeda, Farscape, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Mass Effect, Stargate. So many wonderful brilliant amazing EXCELLENT supernova women and girls. Zoom, zoom, zoom. Space Girl by @aurumcalendula. Multi-source scifi. Inspired by Charmax’s Space Girl vid and Bironic’s The Greatest. This vid has a great selection of newer tv shows and films and it’s fun to play spot that character. But also this vid will grab you by the heart, too. Utterly brilliant, perfection. A must watch!! 'I've been as far in hyperspace as anybody can.' One Girl Revolution by bessyboo. Star Wars, original and prequel. Padme and Leia!! Seeing these two focused on in one Star Wars vid is an adventurous kickass ride. I'll be everything that I want to be. Space Girl by charmax. Multi-source scifi. One of the most beautiful epic space vids out there! I know I’ve recced this before and I’ll rec it again and again and again. My momma told me I should never watch Sci-fi but I did, I did, I did.
Robots! More than wires.
If a Machine by caramarie, Multi-source. Robot narrative focusing on machine origin, intelligence, and interaction with humanity. And Human fallibility. An incredibly rewarding watch and rewatch. This is the story of cables and copper wirings. Electric Avenue by @monkeyswithjetpacks. Multi-source robots! Nate’s multi-vids are always so fun, especially when it’s showcasing classic cinema and all these excellent serials. Electric Avenue has source from 1919 to 2015. His editing is always on fucking point. Don’t miss this vid. We’re gonna rock down to electric avenue. Everybody by @kuwdora. Star Trek, the Borg. This vid was actually inspired by the Backstreet Boys original music video. I still have the vivid memory of watching or rewatching the original music video in @ars-amatoria ’s kitchen. And then at some point realizing it is perfect for the Borg. Am I original, am I the only one? Fembots by Grammarwoman. Multi-source. Sexy sharp editing and fun use of all the sources. The intersection of women and technology: a spectrum of clones, AIs, gynoids, cyborgs, and other artificial creations. On by @rhoboat77. Star Trek: Picard. A Soji fanvid. Rho has the sharpest editing skills this side of the Internet and this Soji vid is so fucking badass and worth 100 rewatches. Can’t hold me down cuz you know I’m a fighter. Que Sera Sera by @ohvienna. Star Trek Voyager and Picard. Seven of Nine.Nobody vids their Seven of Nine love like @ohvienna. You gotta watch this if you love Seven. Whatever will be, will be…"
Journey through Space.
To Touch the Face of God by destina. Multi-source. The Right Stuff (1983, )The Dream Is Alive, From the Earth to the Moon (TV).This is one of the most beautiful moving vids you will EVER, and I mean EVER see. From Chuck Yeager, to the Mercury 7, and on to Apollo and the Space Shuttle Program (STS) - a very human history of the triumphs, joys, and tragedies of the USA's journey into space. Doctor Who on Holiday by sisabet. Farscape, Battlestar Galactica and Doctor Who. A mashup vid of Luminosity’s Sci-Fi Friday in a Blender. This vid inspired me so much. And I have 10 very intense ideas about how I would do my own remix of this vid if I were to make it right now. Fly Me To the Moon by thirdblindmouse. Multi-source. This vid has everything! Alien sex! Xenophilia! Zero-gravity sex! Mpreg!!! Because everyone knows this song is about space sex. Game Night in Space by garrideb. Multi-source. This vid!!!!! IS! SO! MUCH! FUN!! Game on! How are you going to spend those long nights on your starship? Play games, of course! Space poker, space chess, space Monopoly… this is a fanvid celebrating game night in space, set to Don't Stop Me Now by Queen. Starships (Monochromatic Remix) by @monkeyswithjetpacks. Multi-source. See the Fanlore page on the history of Starships (Monochromatic Remix). ALSO check out jetpack-monkey’s extensive notes and side-by-side comparison vid of the original vid and his vid!! He matched Starships shot-for-shot! Most brilliant work ever. The vid notes aren’t on the ao3 page so I HIGHLY recommend checking out the notes on his dreamwidth page! This vid is 10 million kinds of brilliant and technical prowess and perfection.
Vidshow Rec
Alien Invasion! - 30 vids curated and organized into a show by @tafadhali for VidUKon 2024. Featuring films and tv shows: Nope, Attack the Block, Pacific Rim, Venom, Doctor Who, Stargate Atlantis, Star Trek, Prey, Smallville, Rowswell, Supergirl, Arrival, Starship Troopers and more.
Follow these tags to keep up with vid recs this summer:
#saturday morning vid recs
#kuwdora recs
A helpful guide I wrote:
How to Leave Feedback on Fanvids
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webweabings · 1 month
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"Paul Davies; // Guy Kawasaki; // "Flammarion engraving", Unknown (1888); // "Portrait of Jean Mielot", by Jean Le Tavernier (1456); // "The New science: 3 complete works: Where is science Going?, The Universe in the Light of Modern Physics, The Philosophy of Physics", by Max Planck; // "Science, Philosophy, and Religion", by Albert Einstein; // Allan Sandage in "Sizing up the Cosmos: An Astronomer's Quest", interviewed by John Noble Wilford; // Louis Pasteur; // AWAKE experiment, CERN (2019); // Eckhart Tolle; // Voltaire; // "A Brief History of Time. ch 11", by Stephen Hawking; // St. John Cristal Casket; // Ralph Waldo Emerson; // Robert Winston; // "George Baker", Unknown artist (17th century); // "Cours de philosophie à Paris. Grandes chroniques de France", Unknown artist (14th century)
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book--brackets · 2 months
Fledgling by Octavia E. Butler (2005)
This is the story of an apparently young, amnesiac girl whose alarmingly unhuman needs and abilities lead her to a startling conclusion: She is in fact a genetically modified, 53-year-old vampire. Forced to discover what she can about her stolen former life, she must at the same time learn who wanted-and still wants-to destroy her and those she cares for and how she can save herself.
Weaveworld by Clive Barker (1987)
The Fugue, a magical land inhabited by descendants of supernatural beings who once shared the earth with humans. The Fugue has been woven into a carpet for protection against those who would destroy it; the death of its guardian occasions a battle between good and particularly repulsive evil forces for control of the Fugue.
Fractured Fables by Alix E. Harrow (2021-2022)
It's Zinnia Gray's twenty-first birthday, which is extra-special because it's the last birthday she'll ever have. When she was young, an industrial accident left Zinnia with a rare condition. Not much is known about her illness, just that no-one has lived past twenty-one.
Her best friend Charm is intent on making Zinnia's last birthday special with a full sleeping beauty experience, complete with a tower and a spinning wheel. But when Zinnia pricks her finger, something strange and unexpected happens, and she finds herself falling through worlds, with another sleeping beauty, just as desperate to escape her fate.
Midnighters by Scott Westerfeld (2004-2006)
A few nights after Jessica Day arrives in Bixby, Oklahoma, she wakes up at midnight to find the entire world frozen. For one secret hour each night, the town belongs to the dark creatures that haunt the shadows. And only a small group of people--Jessica included--is free to move about then. They are The Midnighters.
Pet by Akwaeke Emezi (2019)
There are no monsters anymore, or so the children in the city of Lucille are taught. Jam and her best friend, Redemption, have grown up with this lesson all their life. But when Jam meets Pet, a creature made of horns and colors and claws, who emerges from one of her mother’s paintings and a drop of Jam’s blood, she must reconsider what she’s been told. Pet has come to hunt a monster—and the shadow of something grim lurks in Redemption’s house. Jam must fight not only to protect her best friend, but also uncover the truth, and the answer to the question—How do you save the world from monsters if no one will admit they exist?
The Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe (1980-1987)
It is the tale of young Severian, an apprentice in the Guild of Torturers on the world called Urth, exiled for committing the ultimate sin of his profession - showing mercy toward his victim - and follows his subsequent journey out of his home city of Nessus.
The Supernaturalist by Eoin Colfer (2004)
In the future, in a place called Satelite City, fourteen-year-old Cosmo Hill enters the world, unwanted by his parents. He's sent to the Clarissa Frayne Institute for Parentally Challenged Boys, Freight class. At Clarissa Frayne, the boys are put to work by the state, testing highly dangerous products. At the end of most days, they are covered with burns, bruises, and sores. Cosmo realizes that if he doesn't escape, he will die at this so-called orphanage. When the moment finally comes, Cosmo seizes his chance and breaks out with the help of the Supernaturalists, a motley crew of kids who all have the same special ability as Cosmo-they can see supernatural Parasites, creatures that feed on the life force of humans. The Supernaturalists patrol the city at night, hunting the Parasites in hopes of saving what's left of humanity in Satellite City. Or so they think. The Supernaturalist soon find themselves caught in a web far more complicated than they'd imagined, when they discover a horrifying secret that will force them to question everything they believe in.
Dragon Slippers by Jessica Day George (2006-2009)
Poor Creel. She can't believe her aunt wants to sacrifice her to the local dragon. It's a ploy to lure a heroic knight so that he will fight the dragon, marry Creel out of chivalrous obligation, and lift the entire family out of poverty. Creel isn't worried. After all, nobody has seen a dragon in centuries.
But when the beast actually appears, Creel not only bargains with him for her life, she also ends up with a rare bit of treasure from his hoard, not gold or jewels, but a pair of simple blue slippers-or so she thinks. It's not until later that Creel learns a shocking truth: She possesses not just any pair of shoes, but ones that could be used to save her kingdom, which is on the verge of war, or destroy it.
Lost Boy: The True Story of Captain Hook by Christina Henry (2017)
There is one version of my story that everyone knows. And then there is the truth. This is how it happened. How I went from being Peter Pan's first--and favorite--lost boy to his greatest enemy. 
Peter brought me to his island because there were no rules and no grownups to make us mind. He brought boys from the Other Place to join in the fun, but Peter's idea of fun is sharper than a pirate's sword. Because it's never been all fun and games on the island. Our neighbors are pirates and monsters. Our toys are knife and stick and rock--the kinds of playthings that bite. 
Peter promised we would all be young and happy forever. Peter lies.
The Elric Saga by Michael Moorcock (1965-1977)
It is the color of a bleached skull, his flesh; and the long hair that flows below his shoulders is milk-white. From the tapering, beautiful head stare two slanting eyes, crimson and moody... He is Elric, Emperor of Melnibone, cursed with a keen and cynical intelligence, schooled in the art of sorcery and the hero of Michael Moorcock's remarkable epic of conflict and adventure at the dawn of human history. 
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spoiledmiyilk · 2 months
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So like- I've got this AU that I created in like 2019 or something, which basically consists of a fop future AU,idk,maybe 10.000 years in the future or more. Where Cosmo and Wanda also had more kiddos. (kinda generic,but I like it.)
(This is a quite "old" art of mine,love this artstyle, thinking about using it more.)
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l-just-want-to-see · 5 months
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the sea & the stars
as both an escape from and a return to oneself (home lies infinity infinities away from here)
vocabulary.com, definition of astronaut / ? / Altered Carbon, S1 E3: In a Lonely Place / Swirling Magnetic Field around Our Galaxy’s Central Black Hole, EHT Collaboration + Scylla & Charybdis, ? / Rocket Man, Elton John + Ad Astra (2019) / Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me), Train + Life of Pi (2012) / How Far I’ll Go, Auli’i Cravalho/ The Farthest Shore, Ursula K. Le Guin + Odyssey over Martian Sunrise, 3-D (Artist Concept), NASA + The Odyssey, Homer / Pluto, Sleeping at Last / @theedorksinlove + Artist’s Rendition of NASA’s Cassini before it entered Saturn’s atmosphere / Cosmos, Carl Sagan / Olympics.com + Solar Sail, Bert Willemsen / The Farthest Shore, Ursula K. Le Guin / Star Trek (original series) narrative introduction / Where no man has gone before, Wikipedia / Space Oddity, David Bowie + Interstellar (2014) + Seascape Great Ofean Waves Rock Before Storm, ? / The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry / Story People, Brian Andreas + One Piece (anime) / ? / @ghostwriterofthemachine / Chinese Satellite, Phoebe Bridgers / We’re Finally Landing, Home / Ad Astra (2019) / John F. Kennedy / @heypvrker / Astronomical Tidbits: A Layperson’s Guide to Astronomy, Gerald D. Waxman + Made of Star Stuff, Samrae Duke
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
just get to me in time, okay?
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a/n: just reminiscing about 2019 when I was in my hardcore frank era...
warnings: frank castle x nurse!reader, friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, fluff, patching up frank's wounds, blood and gore, kissing, reader has a cat
word count: 1660
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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As your cat suddenly jumped off his comfy spot on your belly with his head smooshed beneath the cliche romance novel you were unwinding with this evening, his sudden alertness and the loud meows that accompanied it caused you to put your book down, “hey, what’s up, baby?” you slowly got up from the couch and followed after him though the dim apartment, “we talked about this, Cosmo,” you gently warned the loud exclamations that he released in one of the shadowy corners of your living room, “you talking to the air just makes me think there are ghosts here.”
When he then began to purr, the soothing sound emanating from the darkness was accompanied by a familiar voice, “sorry to interrupt your thrilling Friday night, Y/n.”
“Jesus christ, Frank!” you exclaimed, nearly jumping out of your skin, “you almost gave me a heart attack! Don’t you know how to knock? Or even just use the front door?”
“Sorry,” he stepped into the light, supporting some of his weight on one of your dining room chairs as Cosmo happily rubbed his fluffy body against his heavy boots. 
As the soft light emanating from the tall lamp in the corner illuminated your friend's form, the blood soaking his dark clothes and the bruises across his cheekbone made his intentions for this late-night visit crystal clear, the smile fell from your lips at once.
“And here I was hoping you just felt lonely,” you joked, trying to hide your heavy sigh, “wanted to come by for a game of scrabbled or something,” your feet already carrying you towards your kitchen, you called over your shoulder, “I’ll go get the first aid kit, you know where the bathroom is,” a sentence you had probably said to him about a dozen times by now. 
After retrieving the first aid kit, or more like first aid box with the way you had expanded the contents out of precaution after you began to help Frank, it now no longer fit in the small neat cross marked container, but a bigger clear plastic box you used to store old mementoes in, one that conveniently didn’t fit under your bathroom sink anymore. 
“So, what is it tonight, huh?” you sat it down on the edge of the sink and glanced over at your wounded friend, now situated on the side of the tub. 
Your cat still glued to his side, one of his hands tangled in the soft grey fur behind Cosmo’s ears as the other one worked at shredding his black jacket, “just some idiot with a knife that got a bit lucky,” his breathing got heavy as he struggled with the other sleeve. 
Kneeling down in front of him, you swiftly took over his actions, removing his outerwear the rest of the way for him, “where?”
“Shoulder and a few down here,” he motioned towards the large red stain on his midsection, his fingers already beginning to lift up his t-shirt. 
“Don’t,” you swatted his hand away and lifted yourself up enough to fish a pair of scissors out of the box.
“Oh, come on,” his head tilted to the side as he tried to argue, “I am barely hurt, I can take my shirt off just fine.”
“I know you can,” your face stayed stony, “you can do so many very impressive things, just not right now, tough guy,” as you from the bottom hem began to cut open the black cotton that clung to his skin, “besides, I got you some spare clothes just in case.”
“You didn’t have to do that-”
“Frank, just say thanks,” you sighed, taking the last snip on your journey from the bottom up to the collar, “I basically got them for free anyway with how cheap they were.”
Lifting yourself up more, being momentarily at eye level with him as he watched you slice open the shoulders and peel the fabric off, “thank you, ma'am.”
After thoroughly washing your hands and sliding on a pair of gloves, you took a closer look at his gnarly cuts, gently inspecting his bruised cheek as well to make sure it wasn’t anything else. 
“I don’t have any more of the fun stuff,” you spoke as you fished out the rest of the supplies needed, “but I can offer you some aspirin if you want.” 
“Nah,” his low voice rumbled as you wetted a cotton ball with some saline, “just do it.”
“Alright,” you exhaled and began to dap and clean his wounds, the only indication of pain you received being the uncontrollable twitch his eyes occasionally did as they tracked your movements, washing over his tender flesh and wiping the crimson away. 
“I see this one’s healing quite nicely,” you commented as you caught sight of the newly scabbed over bullet wound that you’d patched up not too long ago, “at least you didn’t go and get yourself shot again, so that’s always something,” you tossed the last of the stained cotton rounds into the sink as your gloved fingers then began to thread the curved needle already clasped in the cold metal of your forceps. 
“Wasn’t hard to mess it up when you patched it up so good,” he watched you, both of his hands now simply resting on the porcelain of the tub, his novelty haven worn off slightly, so Cosmo had freed his good hand and moved on to curling up on the bathmat by the door. 
“You ready?” you asked out of habit before you let the needle pierce his flesh. 
“Yep,” he replied, a series of heavy breaths and low grunts followed suit as you closed up the cuts tainting his already scared abdomen, the muscles tensing slightly underneath your fingers as you did. 
Stoic as ever, Frank took every stitch like the brick wall that he was, not complaining once as his wounds one by one got closed up and then covered with large white bandages. 
As you worked on the last one that luckily missed his collarbone, your sutures slowed down as the storm within your mind grew. Now situated beside him on the edge of the bathtub, it was hard for him not to notice how your bottom lip had begun to tremble. 
“Please don’t-…” he spoke, averting his usually unwavering gaze as you tied off the last knot and cut the thread, “you already know that you can’t tell me anything that will make me stop, so please don’t ask me.”
“Frank, I would never-…” you set the tools down and blinked back at him, honestly slightly offended that he’d even ask you after all of this time, “you know me well enough to be certain that I’d never ask you to change, to stop before-…” shutting your eyes a second, you said, “look, I can do a lot, but I can’t do everything. What happens the day when you stumble in here with something that I can’t just fix, that I don’t have the right means to-…” you let your head momentarily slumped down against the mass of his shoulder, “and if you refuse to let me call an ambulance? Or even worse, if you don’t get here in time, if you don’t get to me, if you go and die on me in some ally somewhere, I just-…” your voice broke as your forehead softly collided with his own, “just get to me in time, okay?” you felt sharp tears sting the corners of your eyes, “come to me even if it’s just a scratch, because as brilliant as you are, I don’t trust those crappy first aid skills of yours one bit,” the essence of a smile accompanied that teasing comment as you blinked up at him once more with glossy eyes, “come to me, because if you don’t, if you get hurt, if you die, and I could have prevented that, then I don’t know how-… how-…” 
Your broken words trailed off as your eyes unintentionally flickered down towards his full lips and before you had time to think, you’d leaned in and crashed your lips against his own. 
He still tasted of blood, though that fact didn’t bother you as much as you’d imagined it would. You felt one of his large palms find the side of your face as his mind eventually caught up and he began to reciprocate the unexpected kiss. As you realised what you were doing, your anxious mind feared the worst and you swiftly tried to back up to apologise for your sudden actions, though the fingers that had travelled to the back of your head and kept you there long enough to let his lightened pecks upon your lips be enough of an answer to soothe your worries. 
“So,” his fingers lingered in your hair a moment longer as you parted ways, “I’m guessing that might have something to do with why you don’t want me dying in an ally somewhere, huh?” 
“Why?” you breathed, biting down on the soft smile that bloomed, “you got a problem with it?”
Disappearing completely in your eyes, he simply shook his head, beaming back at you as if he hadn’t just been through a meat grinder earlier tonight. 
“You know,” you eventually opened your mouth again as his intense gaze sent a shy tingle down your spine, “some patient's mom dropped off a bunch of cookies today,” you stared down at your nervous fingers as they fiddled with the fabric of one of the bulky pockets on the leg of his dark pants, “they were like insanely good, so I kinda smuggled a bunch of them home with me…”
“Oh, yeah?” a small chuckle bubbled within his throat. 
“Yeah…” you kept your gaze away from his as your thumb nervously drummed against his meaty thigh, “just thought that maybe you would like one, just since, you know, you had kinda a rough night, so it only seems fair for you to get a cookie…” 
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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cinema-tv-etc · 1 year
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Cosmos (2019) Official Trailer
Three astronomers accidentally intercept what they believe to be a signal from a distant alien civilisation, but the truth is even more incredible than any of them could have imagined. 2h 8min | Adventure, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 8 November 2019 (USA)
Directors - Writers: Elliot Weaver, Zander Weaver
Stars: #JoshuaFord, #ArjunSinghPanam, #TomEngland
People this film is extraordinary! Read the background!.. it was made with just 4 actors and 3 crew with a ZERO budget as a labour of love and to prove themselves! Considering this it’s quite brilliant! If you want to pick holes it’s a trifle drawn out and the score is a bit OTT at times. It doffs it’s cap to Close Encounters and Contact but there are genuine spine tingling moments and edge of the seat excitement. As a bit of a star gazing nerd with no great technical knowledge I loved it! Well done to all involved. Remarkable
NOW AVAILABLE: Amazon Prime https://amzn.to/3yswrMi iTunes: https://apple.co/2polA7Q Vimeo (Worldwide): https://vimeo.com/ondemand/cosmosfilm https://www.cosmosmovieofficial.com/
Gravitas Ventures and Elliander Pictures present COSMOS, a contemporary sci-fi movie inspired by 80s and 90s era adventure.
Three amateur astronomers accidentally intercept what they believe is a signal from an alien civilization. Realising they may have just stumbled across Mankind's greatest discovery, they must race to document their finding, prove its authenticity and share it with the world before it is lost forever. But the truth they uncover is even more incredible than any of them could have imagined.
Set over one night and against the backdrop of a World changing discovery, COSMOS offers spectacle and thrills but reminds us success is nothing without people to share it with.
Directing brothers, Elliot Weaver & Zander Weaver, self produced the project, taking on all major crew roles throughout production, with the exception of writing the score. For more information on the making of the film, visit ellianderpictures.co.uk/films/cosmos
Behind-the-Scenes COSMOS Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cosmos_movie
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Malec (aka Matthew Daddario and Harry Shum Jr.) Say Goodbye to 'Shadowhunters'...for Now
On that epic finale, fandom, and weddings...onscreen and off.
By Emily Tannenbaum
Published: May 07, 2019
[Bringing back an oldie from Cosmopolitan]
As I corral Harry Shum Jr. and Matthew Daddario around the Cosmo offices, Matt bounces on his heels, pointing to random objects—like a fancy golden coffee table and fuzzy pillows—asking me if he can bring them home with him (the answer is always "no"). Harry is much more calm, back straight and confident, happy to just laugh at his co-star.
It's jarring how their roles are almost the reverse of their characters: For the last three years on Freeform's hit series Shadowhunters (based on The Mortal Instruments, by Cassandra Clare). Matt played Alec Lightwood, the stoic half-angel leader with a heart of gold, while Harry embodied the eccentric Warlock Magnus Bane, always moving, portaling somewhere or changing his look...not to mention throwing shit around his beautiful New York apartment.
As they say, opposites attract, and Matt and Harry captured the hearts of the entire Shadowhunters fandom as a certified power couple. Malec has certainly had their share of rom-com moments (they share their first kiss when the warlock crashed Alec's first wedding) and dramatic breakups (don't remind me about 2X18). But last night, Shadowhunters gave Malec the happy ending they deserve, complete with gorgeous wedding and happily ever after as the Inquisitor of the Clave and High Warlock of Alicante.
A wedding finale is hardly unheard of in the TV world, bordering on cliché, but for Shadowhunters there was truly no other option. The union of a strong gay man and proud bisexual has been the cornerstone of this fandom throughout its run, inspiring countless LGBTQ+ fans and landing a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Drama (not to mention sweeping the 2018 People's Choice Awards the same year as its premature cancellation). How else do you celebrate their legacy, if not by throwing a giant party and giving our boys one more showstopping kiss?
Of course, as surreal as it is to discuss the end of Shadowhunters with the ship to end all ships, it's even tougher for them to say goodbye. Here, Matt and Harry talk about the Malec wedding, balancing fandom with real life, and why Alec had to stay mortal.
The Malec Wedding
Tell me about the wedding. You’ve built this relationship for three years now, and you’ve seen how massively people have reacted—what did it feel like to give them that milestone?
Harry Shum Jr.: It had to happen. It was a great moment to bring everyone in and say, "Look at this joyous moment."
It was nice to have everybody back on-set. It really felt both, for the show itself and for us as a whole, that this was a great ending. Because it was the last thing we filmed. I'm happy that we got these two episodes so that we could do it because it would have been really unfortunate if the fans hadn't gotten that wedding. And then fans can play in their heads now, Magnus and Alec are married and doing whatever.
Matthew Daddario: You know, it's like the end of a chapter.
Harry: We're safe now.
So correct me if I'm wrong, but Alec is just a Shadowhunter still? He's not immortal.
Matt: Just a Shadowhunter? [Laughs] Yes, I am.
Some fans were really rooting for Immortal Husbands...like, intensely. How do you feel about this?
Matt: This is the thing I always have trouble understanding is that people want the immortality. And this is a topic that's been written about and discussed for thousands of years, and everyone comes to the same conclusion: the curse of immortality. It is not always the best thing in the world to live forever. In fact, that's close to this kind of a godliness that is considered almost like a living hell.
For Magnus, he's living and living in this endless loop without the repercussion of the totality of life. And if Magnus was instead mortal, would we not celebrate their wonderful life? But it's because he's immortal, we worry about what happens after the fact.
Matt: Right. You can get killed. They're immortal, and then they get the shot off the top of the castle walls, and you're like, "Whoa, that's screwed up." But at the same time, every mortal has to deal with that. [Turns to Harry] So it's not your mortality that you're upset about when you first lost your powers. You're not upset about the mortality, you're upset about the loss of your identity.
Harry: But here’s the difference: It’s not the immortality that you get shot and you can’t die.
Some fans just want Malec on an even playing field. But I find it really sad that Alec would have to live and lose like Jace and Izzy—
Matt: Right. Magnus lost people constantly, and he was kind of a shell of a person at one time. Up until meeting Alec, he's filling his life with debauchery, anything to heighten the senses. And, you know, trying to find places where he can take care of people. And he does get involved with helping vampires because they're immortal as well. There is a kind of emptiness to him in the first season.
Harry: No, for sure. And I think then there is the big switch.
Did you get emotional reading the final episode?
Harry: Everyone did at the table read. One of our producers reading off the narration, he couldn't even get through and actually walked out and someone had to take over. And then there was this silence in the end when the last words were spoken. I think that silence spoke volumes.
Has the end of Shadowhunters hit home for you yet?
Matt: I think it will hit me when I don't think about it for a week. If one week passes without me thinking about Shadowhunters, I will say, "Shit."
We think about it every day. This is a huge part of our lives. This is three years of this. And this show, it's a hit. People are talking about it, people from around the world. It's hard to deny that.
Will you still engage with Shadowhunters stans, or are you emotionally ready to move on to another world?
Matt: Look, we're done filming Shadowhunters, but the fans of the show are always welcome to ask questions and all that kind of stuff. But eventually, we're going to run out of new answers.
I'm always happy to talk to a Shadowhunters fan because they are enthusiastic, they care about what they're talking about, and many of them have built friendships off of it, so it matters to them, and therefore it matters to me.
Harry: Because you gave a part of your life.
Matt: Your job is to have an effect on people, and therefore you have a certain responsibility to engage with the people who are affected by this. You can choose not to, you could choose to go completely incognito or to ignore it, but to dismiss it is, frankly, insulting and kind of silly and maybe slightly narcissistic.
But I think that you do need to have an understanding that you're not any different or special because of this involvement with culture. And why would you want to be miserable about it? Why wouldn't you embrace it?
Matt, you kept your own wedding a secret until your one-year anniversary. Was it harder to keep the details of the finale secret or your wedding?
Matt: [Laughs] It was definitely easier to keep the wedding secret. I just told everyone no one's allowed to take photos. And people did a pretty good job with that.
Harry: Yeah, sometimes I think it's a nice...regardless of what your profession is, but particularly ours, to have something just for yourself.
Matt: Not to say that people don't deserve to know, but I think that anybody would feel like, hey, I would like this moment just to be mine for a little bit.
People can be a little bit demanding. One time this girl is walking down the street, I'm walking down the street, she's on the phone, it's the middle of the day, she's FaceTiming somebody.
She sees me, she stops me by the touching me on the shoulder and says, "Oh, whoa, wait, look! Look who's here!" and hold the phone up like this and goes, "Crazy!" and then keeps walking. And I'm like, fuck you. Like, what the fuck?! [Laughing] You don't do that to someone.
It just felt so invasive. It just feels a little bit like, you're not a human. You're the thing I see on TV. But I guess it's just excitement, whatever.
You obviously know about the #SaveShadowhunters campaign. What would you say if suddenly, some other network wanted to pick up the show?
Harry: I think it's a conversation. You know, we love playing these characters. But as time passes, things change. Like introducing a baby into your life, or whatever the next phase is.
But it's also a wonderful group of people. So, of course, instead of saying, "Absolutely not," it's definitely open for conversation for me.
Matt: Honestly, the ending is successful. And, you know, there's a danger now. What if you screw it up? [Laughs]
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #14
Lost and Founder's Day
I do really like how the theme song flows, especially at the end where Cosmo and Wanda jump from their human disguises into fairy form.
Ooh, Founder's Day came back from "A New Dev-elopment." Continuity! I like how the title card shows us the hat that Dev and Hazel saw during their treasure hunt.
I'm gonna throw my money down on the Dimmadomes founding Dimmadelphia (or an ancestor).
skdfj, Hazel's so cute when she steals her teacher's hat.
-> Yes, it was the Dimmadomes.
I like how Dev's shades are still gone, but he's still got that smug tone of voice. But today, he has a good reason to be a bit smug for a festival his family is hosting (that his dad had to work over the weekend to pull together). This is gonna be interesting.
I don't trust any of this tech to be good (in the moral sense). Dale literally tried to promote pollution a few episodes ago.
LKSDJFSD, Dev giving out watches that do a bunch of cool technical things and this is the face he makes when he's asked if the watches tell time:
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(They do not).
This is the first time Hazel's shown interest in anything related to Dimmadomes' tech (She has a phone case covering any logo and didn't know how to do the dance they apparently made) and now she's gushing over the gift Dev gave her so I'm... hm. Where ya going with this, Hazel?
Okay, so... what the HECK is going on with Dimmadelphia? I'm sure we'll get to learn the real founder soon, but all I can assume right now is that it was Doug himself, hence the hat logo. If that's true, he was BUSY during the 50 years of frozen time.
-> That WOULD justify my Buxaplenty overlap seeing as the train lines would've been crucial for this.
It's gotta be a different ancestor. There's no way Doug would be in Dimmsdale if he'd founded another city. This city's huge. I'll be watching for any indications of "established X year."
Aww, Hazel adores Dev now and is blatantly gushing over him. That's really cute. Local #1 Dev fan:
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[cnt'd under the cut - #long post]
I can't believe we didn't get a "Hazel has a bone in her hair" gag when she got shocked by the tech.
omfg, Dev is so desperate to interact with his dad that he's begging to "organize merchandise by tossing boxes back and forth to each other." He's smart. Goober.
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Diagnosed child who would play Catch with active TNT minecarts in Limited Life SMP. He would just do it...
Dale, you shouldn't tell your son to "Eat a lizard." That's mean.
Oh noooo, are we about to get "My dreams were crushed many years ago... How old are you?" version 2.0?
-> Note to self, Dev's birthday is 9 years, 7 months, and 14 days before Founder's Day (give or take since he says "pretty much exactly my birthday to the day, which I think implies he's doing math and decides it's the day).
Dev is 9? Lol. Didn't we already have end of the year tests in like, Episode 2? And our implied end of school year dance? Baby.
-> I double-checked and Sadie Hawkins is in November. There were Sneezy Hawkins Dance posters in Episode 1 when Hazel walked in. Those posters hung in school for multiple episodes (I'll keep my eyes out for them in future episodes), which would imply she started school in September or October (Probably not August since she was specially introduced to the class as a new student).
-> If we keep seeing the posters throughout the whole year, I'm willing to wave them off, but while planning the timeline, it's worth noting they exist, we know we're post-2019, but probably not too many years later since that was the most recent date on the gym's championship banner for a school that clearly wins sports games often ("Fearless"), and we've seen multiple waning crescent moons.
-> No snow, but not unreasonable since Dimmsdale was in California.
... I gotta say, I'm really enjoying these recent episodes, but D: Where was this early in the series when I was confused in Post #10 as to where all the underlying trauma vibes were?
We've absolutely shifted vibes from where we were when I wrote that post. Which is fantastic, but I'm surprised we didn't get this earlier. THIS is FOP vibes. THIS is what I wanted and why I was super confused by this show's tone earlier. Yeah, of course I like Dev now... He's shifting the tone back to the OG show's vibes.
I'm wary, but I've approached to eat out of the hand.
Oh no, we scene shifted before Dale could reveal the statue under the cloth. Either he's broken and we're going to see the aftereffects (following Hazel's POV where she's confused as to why he's gone off the rails and turned snappy) or he's gonna find out during the event and he'll break down in front of the crowd. Uh-oh...
...... Okay, now they're just taunting me with the moon. It can't always be a waning crescent!!
The stage looks like Doug Dimmadome.
Please tell me Dale didn't forget to add Dev's info to the ID-scanning robot.
Every time Angela is onscreen she has a new therapy book and I support her.
Wanda: Parenting never gets easier.
-> Please tell me Hazel's parents are about to ask about that and they're going to have to either backpedal or they're going to imply they've raised like 100 kids.
sdlkfj, they only cite Poof. BRUTAL.
-> Cosmo one again giving me "First fairy baby born in 1000 years." Yeah yeah, Westley Periwinkle held the title first, we all know him (/fanfic joke).
Seriously though, it's very funny to me that Poof is never, ever referred to as "first baby born after Cosmo" or "first baby born in tens of thousands of years, or hundreds of thousands." Only first in hundreds OR first in thousands. I can't believe that DANG KID is still haunting me in the new show.
-> Cosmo still confirmed to have been the pregnant parent. I'm glad that wasn't retconned (despite Cosmo's best efforts to scramble and cover up what he said by claiming Wanda was the pregnant one).
Cracking up. Cosmo, I think the neighbors think you're trans but not out about it.
Angela: Where's your son now? :) Wanda: Eh, we don't know. I mean, we forget because we were on vacation for 10k years.
Wanda, WHAT did I say in Post 11 about how you cannot leave that clingy child alone immediately after tearing him away from Timmy?? If Poof shows up and he has abandonment issues and/or clingy vibes, I'm gonna shake you both so hard.
-> Why is Marcus not calling them out for being paranormal creatures? ... That's kind of funny since Crocker would've lost his mind.
I like how Cosmo and Wanda turned their wands into lollipops for the carnival. That's cute.
Uh-oh, the statue's not been revealed yet. I hope Dev isn't onstage when this happens. (I want him to be onstage and suffer).
-> I should note that "Stanky Danky" and "Lost and Founder" are the episodes Dale lists the companies he's in charge of, and I'm pretty sure they're different. I want to make a coherent list throughout the series.
Marcus is reading his wife's book at the party, aww. They're so cute.
OH MY GOSH, their ancestor IS surnamed Dimm! I am once again thinking this implies Dale Dimm from "Which Witch Is Which?" - who founded Dimmsdale - is probably also in this family tree.
Wanda's glowing wand is adorable. They're both cute.
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So, Hazel has been here long enough she agrees she hasn't "just" moved here anymore, so I'll allow the waning crescents.
Doug Dimmadome struck gold in 1953? I'll be making a note of that. I know that's after both Dimmsdale and Dimmsdale Flats were founded. This doesn't do much for me right now, but it's good to note.
-> This implies he was a teen or adult in 1953, so he's definitely not close to the age of Timmy's parents, who were 10 in the '70s. This checks out; he's got the white hair.
-> Let's say this is 2020 for the purpose of "We know we're after 2019." (2020 - 1953) is 67, and the youngest I'd be okay letting him strike gold is 10, since 10-year-olds do a lot in this show. So, he's at minimum 77 years old during this show, and could very easily be 87 or more years older (87 if he struck gold at 20), if I'm doing my math right.
And again, that's off the assumption it's 2020, which is a little earlier than I'd been brainstorming. I'm okay with this since he had white hair in the OG series, but I'm gonna have to plot out a timeline for Dale's age at some point.
Dale: /evil monologues about his plan to monitor kids' heartrates to figure out exactly what a child want. Me: Dale, have you tried... talking to a kid? Maybe YOUR kid? Standing behind you? Dev, clearly uneasy: Dad, that's so great! You get to help kids right away!! Dale: ... Help kids?
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^ Me
Wait, so the drones can waste products and not get yelled at? Dale, maybe you should focus your attention in that area of your business- I think you're losing product.
Why do the drones sound so sad? They're talking like all their friends just ditched them. They're so cute.
I love how he's still wearing the big boots:
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Oh no, Dev's on stage and Dale's talking about how the statue "isn't just him" under the tarp and "he can remember when this bundle of joy arrived." Yeah, Dev's about to shatter.
Okay, Wanda's clearly startled that the statue doesn't depict Dev and even Cosmo's starting to sense that something's going on in that family. You two are going to report this, right?
Aww, Cosmo misses his son.
The contrast of Dev crashing and burning while Hazel is enjoying her new hat is very funny to me. Like, we get this sequence of how happy she is and you just know Dev's having the worst day.
Dev: It's Hazel! Of course... Her well-known love of hats! /said not long after Wanda was like "Hazel, I've literally never seen you wear a hat before yesterday, what do you mean you like hats?
That's actually very funny. And cute? When did Hazel and Dev talk about liking hats? Logically, that must've been while they were montaging on the treasure hunt and posing next to those hat-shaped objects for photos.
With Dev talking about the Dimmadomes running a family business, I'd really like to see what Dev's relationship with his grandfather is. Doug was also careless about destroying childhood memories and I don't trust him to be a good dad either, but I'm curious.
-> I actually have no proof Doug Dimmadome is still alive. I wonder if he's out of the picture and if that had a negative effect on Dale, which may be why he's throwing everything into the business right now, and why he loves his boots.
-> I should check if those boots are similar to his dad's. Like, what if he saw his dad die on the day Dev was born and the boots were left to him, so that's why the boots are so important to him that he dedicated a statue to them?
POV, the dad who (presumably) pampered you for life after you'd spent 7 years of torment underground - and you don't seem to have a mother in your life so this is your only parent and only known connection to a world that isn't full of suffering - is dying on the same day your wife is in labor. What do you do?
Aww, Hazel knows Dev well enough to sense that something's up and ask if he's okay, implying they seem to have grown closer from "A New Dev-elopment" when she saw his father scoff at him and opted to change the subject instead of asking about his feelings. They seem to be doing well as friends and I like that.
-> All these crescent moons make me wonder how long it's been since that episode, though since Dale was working on the Founder's Day event on the weekend, I assume we're still in that range of time.
Dev, holding his arm when Hazel asks if he's okay: I... don't have time to get into it.
They're so cute. I love them.
-> I love the focus on Dev right now, but I hope we don't go full steam ahead into Hazel's friendship with him and she sidelines Jasmine and Winn for her new buddy and/or potential crush.
She hasn't seen her friends this whole carnival, which surprises me. Don't do it, Hazel.
What, where did Dev get those shades. He didn't have those .4 seconds ago.
Dev's going to complete his task and give Hazel's hat back to his dad and still get rejected.
OH NO, Dev is trying to lure the scanner drones away from Hazel, but he didn't tell her that so she thinks he just called her a name, mugged her, and ran off. That's hilarious. #You tried.
Dev, you have to talk to people. You can't just assume she knows what's going on. Fool.
I like how Dale also has special eyewear (VR glasses).
I like how Cosmo inexplicably thinks all the Dimmadomes have "Pickle" as a middle name. I think he said that to Dev in an earlier episode, right?
I like how Hazel saved the day by "doing what Cosmo would do" and pressing all the buttons randomly. That's hilarious.
Barry the dinosaur was at the carnival... That's great.
As she deserves to be- that's the second time Dev regressed to calling her names. She thought they went through this, but now she's like "He's not changing and also I literally just caught his dad in an evil plot of shocking children's brains with electricity. And Dev seems to have been helping."
Yeah... This is gonna go great. Also, his cute little poses:
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Oh thank goodness... We are SO BACK, baby! The fluffy episodes were fine, but NOW we're gettin' somewhere!! Time to break some hearts.
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"I would hug you, but I do not have human arms or warmth." I love them.
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Aww, he likes her so much. Best buddies...
I didn't know this was his phone, I thought it was a retro video game console.
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Oh, it's an iPad parallel. It's got a stand and that's why it's big.
I like how my extremely specific "Ed Leadly as Dev's other grandpa" situation just keeps getting worse the more I think about it.
Little Dev: Grandpa Leadly, I learned to write my name! :) Leadly sitting among his pencils as Dev hands him a tablet he typed on instead of pencil and paper: Buddy, rising star, apple of my eye, my little angel... I will pay you 17 million dollars to never do this in front of me again.
Dad who likes flashy and long-lasting things to remind himself how far he's come vs. grandpa who's willing to massively overpay for anything he took interest in for 5 seconds; what arguments will they endure?
OHHH BOY, it's fairy assignment time! LET'S FREAKIN' GO!
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It's Poof!! That is not the voice I expected out of him, but maybe I should've because he did love deep voices back in "Certifiable Super Sitter." I accept it.
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Aw, he's so ready to play! This makes me so happy... That's exactly what a fairy godparent is here for- Finding miserable kids and turning that around so they get happier memories of their childhoods. That's exciting!
-> Oh, NOW I see why you guys were all messaging me about my "Poof adores his hero Westley Periwinkle and likes naming things after him" lore, sdkjfl. Ahahaha... I'm in danger.
-> "Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Pixies" Poof-Westley interactions looming on the horizon
Interesting choice to change his name? I wonder if that was done for stylistic reasons like the script. I seem to remember the OG show's scripts would say POOF in them for special effects, and I can see how that would be confusing.
Is... is this because he's trying to lie low so he can dodge the attention he was always getting as a celebrity kid? That feels right, seeing as if it was a true deadname to him, he probably wouldn't have introduced himself as Poof before saying "I changed it to Peri, like Periwinkle."
Either that or he's unclear if Dev's heard anything about him from Cosmo, Wanda, or Hazel and he wanted to clarify who he is, though that doesn't seem likely.
Huh. I'm kinda surprised Poof showed up. I know in the past, he was a controversial addition to the show and I half-expected him to be swept under the rug, though I did wonder about it when Cosmo and Wanda were talking about him earlier.
I've always loved him though and I'm excited to have him back. Return of my other OTHER son.
I'm really excited to hear him talk since his talking was limited to "School of Crock" (only at the end), "Fairly Odd Fairy Tales" (which he mostly slept through), and "Certifiable Super Sitter" (which is... unique). I've had to make up his entire personality for 'fics based on what limited understanding we had of his interests. I look forward to learning more about this version of him!
My established version of him in 'fics will take priority over new information. I'm currently still on the line of "Do I want to ignore New Wish in my canon or try to incorporate what I can?"
That said, I'm leaning a little towards incorporating, since I think I can work with most of it so far, especially if we're throwing in "Fairywinkle-Cosma family aren't strangers to time travel right now."
-> I'm not committing by any means, so don't hold me to that, and even if I do, it'll be cherry-picky.
-> One of my canons for Cloudlands AU Poof is that he's a fanfic writer, mainly for a series called Ninja Cowboy (which he chronically leaves unfinished, to Foop's distress since as Poof's opposite, he's addicted to finding out their endings). He also writes Anti-Cosmo x H.P. fanfics because it's the only thing that makes them back off when they show up to bother him.
Point being, I hope he gets to engage in Prime Meridian with Dev. I feel like they'd enjoy writing 'fics together and it would be funny to me :)
-> I'm wheezing on the floor. Poof's early concept name was Dusty. Even though the writers wouldn't have reason to know that was his concept name, it's funny to me that his name was changed to something that's also not that. The man of as many names as voices he can mimic...
That works really well for me since I named his younger brother Dusty, so that would've caused me problems.
I also gave Poof a mullet / ponytail in my teen design, so that makes me laugh. Lemme see if I have his ref sheet...
I do! Plus a bunch more from my files:
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Looks like I gave him a tuft kinda close to his extra hair strand! That's fun. I wonder if New Wish Poof also likes sports. Hmm...
I'm gonna have to look up what era suspenders were popular. I specifically designed my teen/adult Poof with a late 60s / early 70s vibe since Cosmo was said to have been designed for the 50s, which is the time period parallel I was treating Fairy World in during that era too (hence Poof's blog tag being #purple hippie dragonfly, which I'm not planning to change because it's for me).
Exciting! I like Poof's staff. I've seen people do adulthood designs for Foop with a staff, but Poof's a new one. That's fun.
Alas, no freckles... but that's not gonna change in his Cloudlands AU design. We are "biological queen bee" all the way here.
Hmm. Foop has freckles, but... we'll see if he ever shows up in this series. I do not expect the artists to remember his freckles since they only showed up when he puffed his cheeks or flushed, but... if Foop shows up without his mustache and goatee, I'mma have questions.
Actually, this is perfectly fine because I always draw gyne fairies with pale freckles unless they're at their peak, and I already set Finley up as more dominant than Poof at school (with Finley suppressing his pheromones so Poof's "locked down" anyway). It looks like they're pretty faint in his ref sheet too. I'm satisfied with this.
No promises I'll work the Peri arc into my canon. I think I have room for it to exist and I don't think I've seen anything in New Wish that directly conflicts with Cloudlands AU in a way I can't work around, but I'm not likely to write 'fics for New Wish right now.
-> I'm not opposed to incorporating New Wish prompts into the 130 Prompts series IF I find any old drafts I end up not liking, but I did a deep clean in early 2023 and got rid of ones I didn't like, so I'm not sure.
I did sketch Hazel for a potential arc cover though, so I can use that if I have reason to.
So far, as long as I can find a satisfying way for Poof to age, I think I can swing New Wish around to fit with Cloudlands AU... unless we get something super specific like Poof-Peri already graduating high school or Cosmo and Wanda confirming they won't have godkids after Hazel, in which case I'll have to ignore that.
I can even work things around if Peri's not with Goldie, because their whole thing in Cloudlands AU is celebrity drama and dating life struggles anyway (iirc, Foop even told readers that Poof and Goldie keep splitting up and getting back together).
-> I've always suspected Poof would get special advance godkid permissions seeing as, y'know... Jorgen literally made him trial test Crocker's Mom as his "godperson assignment" in "Fairly Old Parent," plus Poof was getting on-the-job training his whole life. It's neat to see him!
I hope Poof's better at not burning himself out now. He looks like he's doing okay. He's grown out of his shell!
-> According to my timeline, Erg was Cosmo and Wanda's trial kid while they were still in high school, so it would totally work for me if Dev is Poof's high school assignment.
I'm not expecting that to be stated, but I can work with it.
Thanks for joining me in this liveblog! Looking forward to more episodes :)
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