#cos fetishization IS harmful
dr-spectre · 1 month
I watched this YouTube shorts video which has over 100k likes on it where it basically went "oh the Splatoon fandom is weirdddddd!!! It has weird porn in it guys!!! Isn't that crazy?!?! It's so toxic guys!!! They found ways to weaponise racism guys!! They are so vile about splatfests guys!!!! They are gooning to splatoon characters!!! They are kids!!"
I hate to break it to you dude but.... that's literally every fanbase in existence.
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Every single fandom on planet earth has weird porn in it. Splatoon is no different. Is it fucking weird to goon over the player Inklings and Octolings as they are confirmed to be under 18? YES! VERY VERY WEIRD AND THAT BEHAVIOUR NEEDS TO GET CALLED OUT!!!!!! But a large majority of fans who engage in NSFW content are looking at the Idols and other adult characters, not the literal teenagers. Plus adult Inkling and Octoling ocs do exist, i should know BECAUSE I MADE MY OWN!!!!!
Also do not judge people's fetishes unless it's actively harming someone or it's illegal. That's wrong on so many levels. Stop making people feel guilty about what they are into man. If someone wants to make an NSFW art piece with Marie's feet then I'm not gonna judge them publicly for it. That's straight up rude and the guy in the video was basically doing that by showing some stolen fetishy art and adding an "eww" audio clip on it... Fuck off dude. Leave them alone.
He also got the release year of Splatoon wrong by saying 2013 instead of 2015.... Not the worst mistake but still... Kinda paints a picture on how much he truly cares about this franchise you know?
One of his points can be boiled down to "they are using splatfests as a way to weaponize racism." What the FUCK are you talking about? The last time i remember a Splatfest being toxic was in Splatoon 1 with CALLIE VS MARIE! THAT WAS REALLLLLLLL BAD! Other than that it's been friendly jokes and little jabs at the enemy teams. He fucking used this terrible video as a way to demonstrate his point too....
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Every Splatoon fan on the planet doesn't like that video, It just comes off to me as so disingenuous.
Also fun fact! SPLATOON 1 TO 3 HAD UNDERLYING THEMES ABOUT RACISM WITH THE INKLINGS AND OCTOLINGS!!!!!! Splatoon 1 was about the introduction of that idea and it was very black and white with hints of grayness found in the sunken scrolls. Splatoon 2 was about making it more gray as Callie joined the Octarians and THE ENTIRETY OF OCTO EXPANSION!!!!!!!!!!! Splatoon 3 was the conclusion to that theme with DJ Octavio helping out the NSBS and Octolings co-existing with Inklings peacefully. But did he bring that up? NOPE!!!!!!!
Trying to paint the Splatoon fandom as some "toxic trojan horse" is just... fucking wrong. There are plenty of fandoms out there that are 100x worse than Splatoon's. The Splatoon community is extremely diverse and sure there are issues that need to fixed and yes there is racism. The Splatoon community is leagues above any other shooter game community by far. Play a bunch of quick play matches of Overwatch or TF2 to see what I'm saying. You're gonna be seeing the n word more times than a Quintin Tarantino movie.
Also he talked about peak character design in the Splatoon games, and the one character he mentioned was.... Big Man... The only male Idol and not anyone else. That just seems a bit.... suspicious to me...
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feelingemotjons · 2 months
I just found out that viv fetishized ke$ha's eating disorder at one point
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So her having ke$ha voice the queen of gluttony and having her co-write a song about overindulgence and eating tons of food years later (there is nothing wrong with eating tons of food and what not. I just pointed this out because she could have possibly triggered kesha's ed) is more gross when you think about it. she seriously could have had ke$ha voice any character but she chose the queen of gluttony KNOWING ke$ha has had to battle with anorexia and bulimia and even had to go to rehab for it
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The rumors of viv possibly driving away ke$ha and scaring her might actually be true
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old-school-butch · 1 year
Age identity
I have found that racial identity is highly political concept that many people hesitate to argue around when they are making argument about gender identity. I’ve made more progress using age as a foundational argument and thought I'd share some of the parallels that can be made.
I begin with the request that my birth certificate should be amended to reflect my trans-age and not chrono-age. My reasons:
I have extreme dysphoria about growing old. It gives me panic attacks, it creates a morbid obsession about my impending mortality and I need emotional relief. I might kill myself if my aging continues. Many, many studies demonstrate that suicide rates jump in middle age. Age dysphoria a significant mental health risk. Discrimination against older people in the workforce is also systemic and significant. It hurts my employment prospects to force me to continue conforming to an oppressive and arbitrary system of temporal measurement.
I’m not alone in my views. Our movement has been ignored in order to exploit our oppression. Rates of age dysphoria among the chrono-elderly are near universal and increase with chrono-age. The vast market of botox, anti-aging creams, surgeries and other treatments are witness to the pain and suffering of age dysphoria, but we are forced to bear the costs out of our own pockets, harming every trans-age person and creating barriers to those unable to access age-euphoric treatment. It’s time that we recognize ageism and age dysphoria as the next important social movement, and you should be on the right side of history.
The mere existence of adult babies is not a fetish, but part of age identity has existed for centuries. It is a severe form of age dysphoria that is accommodated only during the extremes of chrono-age (the very young and very old), but diaper-wearing may be a source of age-euphoria at any chrono-age. Other trans-aged people might feel more comfortable in a post-toddler range, and there’s no reason to prevent them from enrolling in elementary schools or competing in those sports teams. Again, once we acknowledge that ‘age identity’ is an arbitrary measurement, you will agree that some chrono-aged 8 year olds can run faster than trans-aged 8 year olds and therefore there’s no conclusive evidence that so-called ‘adults’ differ in any systemic way from ‘children’ and that age-identity is more of a spectrum than scientific reality.
Age identity is a culturally determined construct, where in reality one day merges into the next with no clear universal progression or timeline for development. Progeria, ‘old souls’ and emotional ‘immaturity’ co-exist without regard to commonly-held age identities. Widely held beliefs like  ‘middle-age’ persist even through it’s impossible to identity without knowing your ultimate time of death. Even my doctor says I have the heart of a 30 year old . In fact, I’m more fit than many people younger than me. I’m healthier than I was at 45 now that I’ve fully recovered from cancer. Why can’t I return to the age of 39, which I feel best expresses how I feel on the inside? Sports competitions grouped by chrono-age should be inclusive of the trans-aged since there is no clear definition of the impact of age-identity on the human body.
Additionally, it should be obvious that ‘age of consent’ laws are discriminatory and not inclusive of trans-aged individuals. They should be repealed.
I’d also like to point out that trans-aged people do not all skew in a reductive temporal direction. There are many chrono-young but trans-aged people who feel they would be treated more in line with their age identity that is older than their chrono-years would imply. Again, workplace discrimination, dating discrimination and even fundamental civic rights are denied to many trans-aged individuals.
As a tiny ask, I would like to be referred to as ‘young miss’ in my interactions. That’s how I was addressed when I was chrono-young and I’d like to return to those happier days. I might kill myself if this request is ignored, so please check your age-privileged attitudes. Once age dysphoria is fully acknowledged, hate speech against the trans-aged will constitute a hate crime.
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pressureplus · 2 months
Ask Box is NOW Open!
Read below for rules and things we’re willing to write! (Masterlist Included)
The Complete Masterlist
Rules and Regulations:
• We don’t want minors Interacting, this is an adult only space
• No, we won’t make comments on internet drama, this fandom is fresh off the press and already has its hands full on that aspect.
• Harassment is an immediate no and an immediate block, as is spam
• We won’t write about characters being pedophilic/grooming others, asking for comfort from our characters about this happening in the past is fine
• We won’t write about graphic sexual assault. We won’t have our love interest characters assault anyone. However! We are fine writing about characters that have had this trauma or need comfort regarding it
• Incest is an immediate no.
• We do not write Vore/Scat/Urine/Foot Fetish content, you might be able to find it other places but not here
• We are willing to write about characters that have been/are abused. We are not willing to make the love interests be said abusers.
Things We Write For and Allow:
• Heavy topics will always have a Trigger Warning
• Headcannon prompts, Fic prompts, and general ideas
• Fluff, Angst, Romance, ALL KINDS OF DYNAMICS, WE LOVE DYNAMICS (Please specify Romantic/Platonic/General if you could though)
• If you could specify with Gender Neutral, Fem or Masc Reader too that would be great! Default is GN!
• Specific Reader types, like saying you want a sassy reader, a plus size one, or something of that nature
• Questions for myself and my lovely co-star (we are a two person run Tumblr!)
• Questions for characters! You can absolutely ask Sebastian and the other boys questions!
• OC interactions. You can share your OCs with us and we'll make a custom response JUST for you (example: My character is [insert description here], how do you think [specific au] Sebastian feels about them?)
• NSFW is allowed
• We are willing to write about Violence/Gore (so long as it is not abuse between love interests)
• We are willing to write about Self Harm comfort and things of that nature (Graphically in some cases)
• Comfort in general is fine
• As an Anon, feel free to tag yourself with an Emoji if you want to be recognized/be a regular
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quietwingsinthesky · 7 days
No, see, I'm fetishizing fat bodies. You see that fat girl? I'm daydreaming about the way her belly hangs over her waistband. I'm gonna nibble on her double chin. I'm gonna tell her exactly how sexy she is as I grab her thick, juicy thighs & there is NOTHING anyone can do about it.
alskfjlgjakdjvk you got the spirit anon but like. it’s not fetishizing! you’re not fetishizing anyone here. to fetishize a group of people involves a level of dehumanization that’s just not happening here! and that’s what pisses me off when someone asserts that finding fat people sexy is fetishizing! it’s not! it’s just! normal! no one gets accused of fetishizing thin people when that’s 90% of the bodies shown to us across all media. it’s only when you call someone fat sexy that people come out of the woodwork, co-opting the language of fetishization in order to have an “acceptable” way to say what they really think: that they think it’s impossible to find a fat person hot, and so they want to shame you into not expressing that you do because you’re making them uncomfortable.
(it’s just as fatphobic as outright vitriol about fat people. it’s only more insidious. because it’s like. they still haven’t unpacked their bigotry. that’s why they feel uncomfortable. but they acknowledging they still have work to do around not being fatphobic makes them the bad guy, means they’re causing harm, and people don’t like that. they want their instinctive discomfort to be justified. so it has to be you, the person making them uncomfortable, who is wrong. they know what language to use to make you feel like you are. and like they’re “correcting” you, “helping” you. it’s a shitty thing to do.)
but it’s normal! it’s fucking normal! and good! to find fat people attractive! it’s fantastic! so hell yeah buddy you keep doing what you’re doing.
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redacted-coiner · 7 months
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Arissohost & Arissoco-host
[PT: Arissohost & Arissoco-host]
Arissohost & Arissoco-host, an arissoplural(link) subterm connected to thinking one is a host(link) (and/or co-host(link)) and makes the person, whether it be because of delusional or IRL attachments, being an alter that plurality differs from the body, psychosis, etc., feel disconnected from their external plurality. This is not for "fun" or voluntary "I wanna be this ✨️", this also doesn't override the external plurality the person has. This term is not for "transitioning" of any kind either and is not radqueer or transid friendly and not comparable to transgender.
This identity is NOT transid or radqueer friendly and are NOT in support for "transitioning" tips/subliminals/advice/etc. As well they don't support the fetishization, romanticization, misinformation, etc. of mental illnesses, disabilities, trauma, or experiences. (Because these terms also understand you can't change these things or changing these things would be harmful.
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[Host ID: none yet]
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[Co-Host ID: none yet]
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[Tag] @arissodic-archive
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag.
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fukaimetsu · 4 months
//rant, discourse
I hate how misogyny in fandom discussion is being co-opted.
It's not ''how women don't feel safe within fandom space that is still dominated by men, women's interests are still being mocked by men, sexism is still rampant in geek/nerd spaces, how most men still don't take women seriously if they happen to share similar interests with them, mansplaining still happen a lot, a lot of sexual harassment still happens to women in fandom space, teen girls being a vulnerable target in fandom because creepy nerd adult men just can't help themselves, etc'' anymore,
instead, it's ''my yuri ship & fav female chara doesn't make it into the top 5 AO3 and a lot of yaoi ships dominate AO3. how dare these filthy rotten fujos and dumb yumejos only create content of fictional male characters! what a sexist scum, urgh women AM I RIGHT??"
Yeah sorry but I don't think women and young girls fawning over fictional men is the problem of misogyny in fandom lol.
It's just so frustrating how recently most misogyny in fandom discourse always revolved around bashing women fangirling over male characters, while there are a lot of recent cases how young girls in fandom space being victims of grooming/sexual harassment by adult men & popular geek male creators openly mocking nerdy women interests, somehow it's the fujoshi and yumejoshi fault for misogyny in fandom. the level of cognitive dissonance is insane
''b-but we can discuss both because both are bad!!"
Sorry, but I always side with real women (not fictional ones) when it comes to misogyny lol. yes, including fujos & yumejos. I love my anime girls and want to see them thriving but when it comes to misogyny I have to focus on real-life breathing women over 2D ones.
People sometimes forget that women who fawn over fictional men are also subjected to misogyny in the real world & they're just trying to find solace/escapism from misogyny in real words by making the content of their favorite fictional men. yes, you can feel frustrated that your favorite female chara or yuri ship doesn't get much content but...don't blame it on women? there may be internalized misogyny in play but it's not like they did harmful things? most of the time these ladies just mind their business and stay in their lane fetishizing anime boys in their corner.
Obviously, you can have a nuanced discussion about why women are much more obsessed with male characters over female characters but most of the discussions end up putting all the blame on women and acting like these women are sexist scum for not focusing on female characters and contributing heavily to misogyny in fandom which is just....sorry that's dumb especially when compared to men domination & what women went thru' in fandom space lol, not comparable at all.
Like, come on, between a grown-ass man who had deranged rambling on reddit about why women ruin everything they touch & why pandering to women is a mistake to a teen girl tweeting how she hates this female character because she just wants to see more of her 2D husbando screentime. which one is worse and contributes to misogyny more? hint: you cannot say both are bad.
Idc if I get called pick me or whatever, I think women and girls can sexualize fictional men as a treat after being subjugated by misogyny in the real world.
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aphverse-confessions · 4 months
Shrimp anon here: I quickly wanna adress the two points brought up by the previous anon (link -> https://tinyurl.com/intial-confess). I'll try to keep this as brief as possible (apologies for being such a ramble). To address point one, nobody is 'going to war over' Jess being into RPF fanfiction? If I'm understanding the implication of 'going to war' because my previous two incredibly lengthy confessions... Me writing a long paragraph articulating and explaining my discomfort towards Jess's prior behaviour towards mlm isn't 'going to war' about it'? The point of my second ask wasn't 'Jess shipping RPF IS BAD AND IMMORAL™!!!', the point of my second ask was that 'Jess's treatment of MLM was really questionable. Her involvement with fetishization of mlm has caused harm to people (via Septiplier and queerbaiting), reflecting on her previous actions is deeply discomforting as a queer person'. If someone doesn't understand the rationale behind a point I'm including/making (which was the case in my response confession), I want to explain that point as thoroughly as possible in order to offer my own perspective. It's important to me to clarify and to explain why I feel a certain way in depth to open up a larger disscusion. I sincerely apologize if my tone came across as snippy, rude or aggressive otherwise 🙏 Point two: I'm not acquainted with Aphblr or the Aphmau fandom socially (I prefer to keep to myself), although that absolutely should be condemned. Believe me anon, as a person of colour myself, I have seen fandom racism rampant online and go unchecked because the larger (majorly white) fandom refusal to address it. When it comes to addressing the racism within Jesson's writing; in my original ask, I highlighted the racism within the writing as a pressing issue that wasn't being addressed by the fandom at large. It also kinda really rubs me the wrong way as a person of colour, who has sent previous confessions*** addressing the racism of Jesson's writing in depth and detail is.... Ok I'll be blunt here: the implication that my point of mlm prioritized RPF wank over fandom racism... Is a feeling alright™. Discussing my discomfort with Jess's treatment of mlm and by extension queer people, as a queer person myself especially a queer poc, is not underplaying fandom racism nor is it ignoring said racism. Conversations about fandom racism and queer issues (such as the treatment of mlm) can and should co-exist with one another and can very much intersect without having to exclude the other. ***(links for said confessions for reference: https://tinyurl.com/confess-1 / https://tinyurl.com/confess-2) I don't wish to continue having back-and-forths about the morality of Jess's enjoyment RPF, since I don't want the original points and contents of my ask getting overshadowed ;_;(link to my original confession -> https://tinyurl.com/og-jesson-confess). For everyones sakes, let me wrap up the intial Septiplier point with a pretty bow. If you don't consider Jess's consumption of MLM and/or Septiplier a pressing issue due to the myriad of other problems (racism, grooming, Jason, etc), that is absolutely valid and understandable. If you do consider Jess's consumption of MLM as a pressing issue due to the harm it caused (queerbaiting and Septiplier), that is absolutely valid and understandable. It can be considered a smaller problem or a bigger problem from person to person, and thats understandable. Theres nuance to be had with both points and we shouldn't take to one extreme while ignoring the other. As I said before, I want to open up broader discussions within Aphblr and to encourage people seeing different viewpoints. The initial conclusion of my initial MLM+Septiplier points were to open up a different perspective and to open up a discussion. All and all, I do want to apologize for the trouble my confessions might've caused ;_; Thank you Aphverse Mod for being such a trooper with my essays. Here is your shrimp for reading till the end 🦐
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villainessbian · 2 years
Why are the notes on that post so hostile? I made a suggestion, I didn't commit a war crime! It's not as if anyone has found a perfect way to fund all of this stuff, I just wanted to find a solution agreeable to everyone.
The reasons why you in general and this idea of yours in particular get so much hostility are, notably:
Your views on trans people, especially trans women, are not as positive as you seem to believe, and you spread both insulting and harmful ideas.
Your idea of what the human body can do seems driven and primarily informed by fantasies and fetish plots, which offers a target of ridicule and bewilderment. Human milk won't ever be able to repay surgeries - or replace cow dairy, aphrodisiacs do not exist, and if they did you'd be using chemically-induced distress as a compliance method.
When the first and second points co-occur it also specifically gives the reader an acute awareness of how fetish and trans women inherently meld together in your mind, which is damning.
You are suggesting indentured servitude with debt/debt relief as both carrot and stick, plus "let's ensure compliance with chastity devices and chemicals" as a supposedly humane alternative to... debt. That's not only not agreeable, it's monstrous.
You're both-sidesing "trans people should be forbidden from transition" with "trans people's healthcare should be publicly funded". Considering the group stating the first idea is simultaneously advocating against trans people's every right and the group stating the second rarely if ever considers their own healthcare conceptually separate from everyone else's, you're really pitting and both-sidesing the opinion derived from "genocide is good" vs. the one derived from "healthcare is a human right". Ultimately, you're reducing a situation where both exist as "a political kerfuffle" to be solved with induced lactation and stuff you find in sex shops. See again points 1 to 3.
The "swiftly privatised" thing is at worst a mayonnaise-and-wonderbread deal and at best Thatcherite. Aside from the fact for-profit private organisations treat their figurative cash cows, and in the case of your idea literal cash cows, much less humanely than state-led... consider how wrong must one go that their ideas are at best Thatcherite.
On top of all else, there appears to be some great misapprehension of how economics work. Even if you did produce enough human milk to stock the shelves in every store, there simply isn't the demand.
This pattern of bad models of what people want, rank disregard for consent in fetishy scenarios, outlandish unworkable ideas that you insist are not porn plots but only seem logical with smut goggles and a stiff drink, and generally displeasing approaches to sensitive political issues that, in real life, affect people's lives, earned you at first a mocking nickname then widespread scorn. It should alarm you that the current situation is not a special event but rather the accumulation of a sentiment over a repeated pattern.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 6 months
Hi S! I’ve been wondering. I know some (gay/bi/…) men hate it when women write m|m. And well as a woman. I love to read and write m|m. I find it way more intriguing than m|w or w|w. (I don’t even know why.) I mean, I love Stucky and Evanstan and I’ve been writing my own OCs story (without smut, cos I can’t know how it feels to be hard and shit like that, and heterosexualisation)
Anyway so this got me thinking about how you might feel about this. Because I don’t want to hurt people and your opinion kinda matters to me. I look up to you even though I think we’re the same age.
Bye and thx 💙❤️
Hey, sweets!
First, I have to stay, I can completely relate to this. I've had--few and far between, but still, it's happened--people ask/request me to write smut with genderbent stucky with Steve and Bucky both as women. And, yeah, I always have hesitations about it. So, I've never actually done it, lmao. I, personally, always feel weird about it because of the history of men (usually straight men, but, I'm clearly not that 💀 so we'll go with men who are attracted to women exclusively or otherwise) fetishizing lesbians.
Realistically, going outside and touching grass, I'm of the opinion that this is fiction. We're writing fictional stories. It doesn't bleed into my real life. I understand the difference between fantasy and reality, and I try to assert that on my blog. So, in theory, it is harmless. But, funnily enough, just like you, I also don't feel qualified to make that judgment. I always try to mark my fics appropriately--whether it's me, as a man, writing about women or it's me writing about a subject I am not an expert in like history, specific careers or jobs, legal issues, exact timelines of canon, etc., etc.-- that way, appropriate readers will continue if it doesn't bother them, and other readers will move on if it does. Of course, there will always be people who ignore those tags or are outraged by it existing to begin with and... there's no pleasing those people. So. They don't bother me. The tags are there. The warnings are present. So, it's their responsibility as a reader to act appropriately from then on. I can't do it for them.
Anyway, my ramblings aside--
It doesn't bother me when straight, cis women write mlm fanfiction! It doesn't bother me when women write mlm fanfiction at all.
Obviously, there would (and probably will) be outliers in women who have unchecked homophobia/transphobia/general queerphobia that is expressed through their writing but... I have yet to come across that. So, I don't really care.
Think of it, like, I don't have a problem when straight, cis women talk to or about gay/bi/queer men. It only crosses a line for me when those women start to think they know better about the the queer community and talk over queer men. (And the fact that you're concerned about it being strange points toward you not being like that. Not crossing that line.) Or, because I like to explain everything to death, think of it like like acting. I am of the opinion that I don't need every queer character to be played by a queer actor--what I want is fair representation and job opportunities for queer actors in Hollywood across the board, not necessarily the ability for only them to own those roles. Some straight and cis actors might not have the range or ability to play a queer character, and so they don't. However, straight and cis actors exist that can portray queer characters in vibrancy and outside of harmful contexts. What makes those actors good? Their ability to learn and understand queer people as people. Clearly, you, anon, want to learn and understand. That's good!
Fetishizing, I obviously understand, can be some people's fear but with fanfiction... again, it's fantasy.
(That, and, my understanding, is that mlm ships are more common because of men often being written more in-depth and more readily available in media within the patriarchal society we have constructed and because it can be refreshing to completely take yourself out of fantasy and pleasure and that sort of thing when it is so taboo in our society (especially women's pleasure). Which, mlm relationships provide more so than mlw or wlw. So, I can understand the appeal!)
I will say there's a layer to my answer, too, of how much a lot of fandon spaces can feel like women's spaces to me. Obviously, it's not all women, and I know that well. There are lots of nonbinary people and men around here! Though, fandom has been something that has, from my knowledge, been dominated by women historically. And while I love seeing more diversity in fandom as people of all types embrace and love the art that speaks to them with wild passion, I still see a lot, lot of women. So, I don't feel like it's my place as a man to police the space and say what belongs or doesn't belong, y'know? I'm just here enjoying my time. And with all the incredible fanfiction that's out there that has been written about mlm ships by straight women, cis or trans, I wouldn't want to change that.
So, TLDR; I don't mind when women write about queer men, whether they themselves are straight or not. Obviously, there are limits to that, and harm can be done when straight women try to speak over queer men (queer people generally, too), but it seems like with your concern for the topic you'll do just fine. So, go out there and write!
P.S. thinking about sensations in smut... you might be interested in these two drabbles I've written 👀
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neotrances · 10 months
It really is the sense of moral superiority they try to put out that really just astounds me like they're somehow enlightened for wanting to jerk off to a drawing of a little kid and then they have the gaul to decide that people like us are just overreacting after having to live with the ugly reality of this shit
what kills me is trying to pass off this disgust as transmisogyny like it is so so so so so harmful and backwards to imply that this is just apart of being a trans woman and the thing is i wouldn’t even know or ever see these type of ppls blogs if they didn’t constantly make vague post about being rejected for “problematic” kinks or vaguely worded support for their fetishes like yall are the ones trying to worm ur way into normal spaces 😭 u wouldn’t make post like that being vague and trying to co opt actual problems with the underlying intention of inviting more acceptance for ur loli addiction otherwise
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galaxygirl453 · 2 years
⚠️My content is going to be about dark stuff maybe really dark stuff so if you don't like it don't read it and block me⚠️
⚠️I do NOT condone these stuff in real life I just like writing these stuff and read it because the writings are amazing once again I do NOT condone these stuff!⚠️
⚠️I will NOT tolerate or respect people who will hate on me or hate on others who create this content⚠️
⚠️I will be mostly doing Yandere,toxic,mean,and more dark themes/content!⚠️
⚠️If I get any hate or anything to do with harming me or anything related to that I will not hesitate to block you or report you⚠️
⚠️I will be doing⚠️
~ Incest/step-incest
~ Stalking
~ Yandere themes
~ Toxic Themes
~ Dark stuff like Manipulation,gas lighting and more
~ Smut
~Dub-con/Non-con (for innocent reader only)
~CNC (Consensual Non-Consent)
~ And more
⚠️Things I will NOT do⚠️
~ Non-con/Dub-con/rape (for regular reader)
~ Foot Fetish
~ Piss kink
~ Anal stuff like pegging
~ Armpit stuff
~ Food play
~ Transgender,gender neutral or male reader (I'm sorry for people who are males,gender neutral or transgender)
· I mostly do Austin,Olivia,Vanessa,Elvis,Priscilla, Austin!Elvis,Olivia!Priscilla and anything related to that and am working on star wars stuff which is one the master list
· I DON'T do twilight anymore so that won't be on this Master list only things I'm doing
💞= Multiple relationships.
🕯=Light Dark/A Little Dark
💉= Very Dark
Vanessa Hudgens
Musical love 🔥🕯💞
His secret,her treasure🔥💞
Mafia's housewife (coming soon)
Austin Butler
His secret,her treasure 🔥💞
Their College Love (coming soon)
Brothers and sister-in-law knows best (coming soon)
Baby sitter Alabama (coming soon)
Mafia's housewife (coming soon)
Love Of A Maid (coming soon)
Watch It Doll (coming soon)
Daddy's Naive Princess (coming soon)
Helping Hand To Relax (coming soon)
Co$t Of Being Loved (coming soon)
Ride Of Lust (coming soon)
His Sick Pleasure And True Color (coming soon)
Trapped In A Lie (coming soon)
Trapped In His Beautiful Cage (coming soon)
Past And Future (coming soon)
Obsessed With Your Obsession (coming soon)
Mrs.Baby Butler,Daddy's Here Now (coming soon)
Olivia Dejonge
Mafia's housewife (coming soon)
Love Of A Maid (coming soon)
Elvis Presley
Musical love 🔥🕯💞
Their College Love (coming soon)
Brothers and sister-in-law knows best (coming soon)
Mafia's housewife (coming soon)
Love Of A Maid (coming soon)
Ride Of Lust (coming soon)
Priscilla Presley
Their College Love (coming soon)
Brothers and sister-in-law knows best (coming soon)
Mafia's housewife (coming soon)
Love Of A Maid (coming soon)
Past And Future (coming soon)
Obsessed With Your Obsession (coming soon)
Ride Of Lust (coming soon)
My Best Friend's Sister (coming soon)
(Nothing yet)
Anakin Skywalker
Bound To Darkness ( Coming soon)
Thee Princess Of Naboo (coming soon)
Padme Amidala
Bound To Darkness ( Coming soon)
Thee Princess Of Naboo (coming soon)
Obi-wan Kenobi
Thee Princess Of Naboo (coming soon)
Ewan McGregor
(Nothing yet)
Hayden Christensen
(Nothing yet)
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unatainablehaze · 2 months
hello, 🏳️‍⚧️🇫🇷 anon again
i promise i have actual terfbreaking fantasies coming up for you, but this is another quick rant (it could have been longer, lol) because i still think that the rad"fem" reasoning for being anti-kink is nonsense. doesn’t it feel fucking infantilizing? to be told that actually you don’t really know what you want, because society has impacted you in myriad subconscious ways? guess what, we’ve all been affected subconsciously by society and always will be, it came free with being alive
and also like, you can believe that your own kinks are caused in part by societal issues that should be fixed while also enjoying your kinks. it does not hurt anyone (at least not anyone who hasn’t consented to being hurt), and does not exacerbate the irl issues. like, just because patriarchy is the reason women take their husband’s last name doesn’t mean a woman can’t be excited to change her name at her wedding. she can understand where the tradition comes from, actively fight to stop it from being the societal default, and still want it for herself
idk, i guess the point is that like, partaking in kink does not make you a worse feminist, you don’t have to think about it in terms of “indulging yourself even though it’s bad”, cos it’s not. you’re doing what you want with your body while also being introspective, that’s even more feminist. kill the cop that lives in your head, enjoying life is good actually, there is no such thing as the Perfect And Fixed World™️, we will just constantly work to improve society and try our best to have a good time while we’re at it
Agree to disagree
I don't think kink is harmless especially in cisheterosexual relationships when Statistically your chance of getting murdered by your partners goes up by 95% after he tries to choke you, consented or not
It is a whole culture that makes women go for men that are generally violent and only respect consent because it is the socially acceptable thing to do, not because they genuinely care for the wellbeing of their partner
Most cismen do not even see women as fully humans and I can't support the idea of going around letting these same main go for trauma victims who developed consequent fetishes and causing harm upon them on the pretext that they said yes
Are you also pro self harm? Pro suicide? Should we encourage people to commit if they want to and their life is shitty? "it's okay to kys" sounds crazy because it is crazy
We have to engage critically with the consequences of our social upbringing when they have the potential to cause harm
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ekurzweil · 1 year
that damn shake
Was watching "On Context" by Dan Olsen and a particular line stuck with me;
"In the context of Capitalism, is there any act of rebellion, or is it all just making the machines of Commerce work in favor of your interests?"
This made me think of that one Disco Elysium passage. "Capital has the ability to subsume all critiques into itself. Even those who would *critique* capital end up *reinforcing* it instead."
Anyway, let me talk about furries and the Grimace Shake.
Some context - Before Twitter imploded, the Grimace Shake was a meme that was going around. McDonald's released a shake promoting the birthday of the chain's co-mascot, Grimace. I don't know how it tastes, and I don't think its quality really had a hand in its popularity. It swiftly became a meme when people started making absurdist tiktoks where things turn horrifying after they drink it. This is also largely from the perspective of someone viewing the memes on twitter, because twitter is my most used social platform.
As with anything that passes through popular culture, this eventually made its way into furry circles, because furries are people who live in society. There were plenty of fursonas keeling over in pain from drinking the Grimace Shake. There was some fetish art, too, of course. Overall it was just the effect of a meme propagating. Though eventually, this resulted in some backlash.
"Sure, keep furry weird until it's time to start doing free advertising for corporations."
That was sort of the general sentiment of the Furry Grimace Shake Counter-movement. It's not wrong, really - it is, in effect, free advertising. The Grimace Shake is a product being sold, currently. Making memes about the Grimace Shake - a product of McDonald's - increases their brand recognition.
Okay. Now what?
Furry, undeniably, is counterculture. It's one of the most diverse demographics out there. It's weird and hostile and toxic to most brands, sure, but furries are still people who live in society. For every furry who believes in the Furry Fandom being an independent ant-establishment movement there is another furry who is there for the aesthetics and the art. Critically, furry also exists under one big nation called capitalism. As much as it would be great if good art emerged fully formed out of the aether, furry artists are people who have bills to pay.
Furry brands exist, and though they might not have the weight of McDonald's swinging behind them, they are still brands. Hell, some furries even transform themselves into brands just to survive in the capitalist reality we all live in. As opposed as Furry is to capitalism, furry artists and creators and makers and artisans all have to participate in, learn the language of, and wear the skin of Capitalism to survive. There are the lucky ones who have the opportunity to live in relative safety from this great machine, but there are even more who don't.
I just see the sneering reaction towards other furries doing an absurdist McDonald's meme and get tired. I'm guilty of this too, of course - I've shown my disdain for people participating in or partaking of products that harm gay and trans people. But the Grimace Shake thing-- it's so far removed from the reality of any McDonald's branding except for the name. It is just the vehicle that people use for their own punchline, their own fetishes, their own subversion or adherence to the formula.
Oftentimes it is easy and incredibly seductive to look at anyone interacting with Capitalism and Brands and go "you are participating in the rot." And, strictly speaking, it's not wrong - it is, in effect, participating in capitalism. The Grimace Shake is a product being sold, currently. Making memes about the Grimace Shake - a product of McDonald's - increases their brand recognition.
Okay. Now what?
It's not like the Grimace Shake is the beachhead for a culture war against oppressed groups. It's not like people are buying the Grimace Shake to protest something. It's not like the Grimace Shake was created and owned by a transphobe who collects royalties on the success of their brand. It's a stupid meme where people die violently after drinking a branded shake.
(Even now I've had second thoughts about writing this out because god damn it's just so much nothing. There's nothing here to complain about. But hey, it's my blog, I might as well use it.)
I'm not dishonest enough to grab people by the shoulder and go "if you hate capitalism so much you should come up with a solution!" but there are definitely more worthwhile things to complain about. It would be easier to just say that you don't like the meme instead of trying to launder your feelings through progressive language. I do believe that these feelings of frustration are genuine - but at the same time it feels like the lowest hanging intellectual fruit. "You hate capitalism and yet you participate in it. Curious!"
I just look at those posts on a dying newsfeed and just feel tired.
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glitteringpeachy · 1 year
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♡Before you follow♡
Please note that I am an artist who delves into dark topics! Such as,
♡Horror themes
♡Blood & gore
♡Sexual themes/Lewd content (Not pure NSFW)
♡Suggestive art
♡Depictions of abuse and suicide (normally these will have warnings)
♡Self harm scars (Healed)
♡Drug use, Alcohol use
♡Nudity, but again not pure NSFW
I am an artist and writer who's work mainly specialises in horror, thriller and splatterpunk stories which means my work can get very dark from time to time. Normally I will add a physical TW if I believe it deserves it, but if people are not into that kind of thing it's your job to unfollow. I am not responsible for your triggers and if you find my art triggering in anyway to you then please distance yourself from it.
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♡Fanart rules!♡
Note that any and all fanart of my OCs are welcomed! However I do have a few rules if fanart is to be drawn. Don't worry, they're not strict, just stuff to avoid making me uncomfortable!
✓What you CAN draw!✓
♡Suggestive art
♡Softcore/Hardcore NSFW (read the rest of this post for more info)
♡Your OCs with mine or another creator's OCs.
♡Holding weapons, doing drugs, alcohol, ETC
♡Dark themes as shown in a backstory, etc. (Feel free to ask me if you're not sure)
♡Just my OCs in general
✘What you CAN'T draw!✘
♡My OCs inflicting self harm (Yes, some of my characters have self harm scars, but please do not draw them inflicting said scars.)
♡Changing their gender/bodytypes
♡NSFW or suggestive art of my minor characters (AKA characters under 18. Ask me if you're unsure of a character's age.)
♡Fetish content (Feel free to ask me first, though.)
♡Body horror
♡Changing their designs unless you're simplifying them for the sake of your hand.
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♡In terms of NSFW art♡
I'm totally okay with people making NSFW art of my OCs, I find it rather flattering! I don't mind softcore or hardcore NSFW, it doesn't matter. However, if you want to draw something fetishy or something you're not sure I'd like, please ask me first!
I don't mind if you want to draw NSFW of your OC with mine, however if you want to draw NSFW of my OC with the OC of another artist, please make sure that they're okay with it first. Do not draw NSFW of my OCs with artists who have said they're uncomfortable with NSFW fanart.
Also, do NOT draw NSFW of my minor OCs or age them down. Proshippers get outta 'ere. Also please don't draw me NSFW fanart if you yourself are underage.
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♡About me♡
In real life, I am both mentally and physically disabled, having autism, ADHD, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome and also hypermobility which makes me very wobbly on my feet and having terrible co-ordination.
Because of this, I need people who speak to me to be patient. I can't always, nor do I always want to talk. I will always answer questions, though!
I am from the UK, SE London specifically, and I enjoy showing British culture a lot through my characters and art, hense most of them being British. (I know y'all hate British people but please don't cook me I just enjoy where I live, mostly💀)
I also love stuff like kidcore, dreamcore, weirdcore, backrooms stuff, 2000s and Yk2 things + aesthetics!!
What else? Well, I'm 20 irl (My birthday is on the 20th of January) I'm also aroace, meaning I have no romantic or sexual interest in anyone, and I'm not really in any particular fandom- apart from maybe TF2. But I do have my interests! Like TF2, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, and my OCs! Rn my list is shorter than it normally is lol
Anyway, if you plan to talk to me long term, please note that 90% of the time, I copy speech patterns with whoever I'm talking to. It's not done in a way to insult you or copy you, I just do it on habit and it makes me feel comfortable.
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That is everything! I hope you all have a good day and enjoy the art I have to offer! Also, all kinds of asks are allowed! You're allowed to ask me the artist questions or my OCs, I'll draw responses!
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jyndor · 2 years
just want to co-sign what is in this post right here. I talk about fandom racism all the time and I never, ever get hateful shit in response. honestly I keep my anon on, I am abrasive in my language and I’ve only ever a couple mildly irritating messages but never anything serious. that’s why when that anon asked for blogs about cassian that I love I didn’t give any because I know that the best blogs I follow for cass content (some of whom I consider my friends) are POC and/or latine and I have NO interest in unintentionally opening them up to some weirdo who might see them criticize fandom racists and then get fucking vicious with them, especially since I’ve gotten a weird amount of new followers lately and sorry folks but I don’t know yall, we’ve never met, I’ve not talked with you. nothing personal but fandom is extremely white and never handles conversations around fetishization, whitewashing and other forms of racism well.
these racists know what they are doing. they know that a white fan like me isn’t going to be hurt or triggered by being called racist slurs and being spammed with racist* abuse (I mean it’s horrible to see but it’s not personal to me, it’s not something we have that generational trauma over). it’s not going to work - and the goal is to silence voices of color and marginalized people. they don’t care to silence a white voice. in fact we usually get praise and like idk people just cosigning what we say.
white fans who claim to be anti-racist allies, we need to be explicitly, actively anti-racist. we gotta stand up for our friends and everyone else in these spaces who gets the abuse we don’t get.
*just to clarify because i didn’t know how to say this concisely but I mean some racist anon sending me racist shit isn’t harmful to me, not that you can be racist to me lol just to be clear.
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