#corona pandemic
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"Dit was ooit persconferentie tijd op dinsdag," dacht ik net ineens rond 19.00u.
#maf hoe snel je dat vergeet en dat ineens weer opduikt in je herinnering#dutch things#2020#corona pandemic
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Nowadays they say 'Go, touch grass'
And mean mental ground contact
But I got reminded today of times
When human contact was forbidden
Scary and everyone was discussing science
Back then the only help I found
For my racing mind and heart
Was actual ground contact of forrests
Trees, moss, birds, insects, water droplets
Scale changes and muscle aching
Slow but steady winding up mountains
I still find much peace in it but it feels
Different, less urgent and thus necessary
Is it less necessary? When I feel it present
It is like I was holding my breath and exhale
Suddenly one again with body, mind, earth
And it might sound boring, I guess it is
But that is the whole point in everlasting

#poetry#original poetry#my poem#my words#written#original photographic works#natural calm#nature#corona pandemic
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Bringing a splash of color to those tough times with my watercolor Corona Virus 🦠 Volkswagen Beetle 🚗 and Ted 🧸 drawings...
Visit latest drawing videos in my YouTube Channel... Please write me an email for commissions 📩

#watercolorartist#watercolorillustration#watercolorsketch#watercolor#watercolor portrait#giftideas#modernart#portraitdrawing#artrealism#giftforhim#artistic#giftfordad#still life drawing#realistic drawing#corona pandemic#corona virus#covid 19#covid virus#old cars#carlovers#car drawing#watercolor commissions#teddy#teddybearofinstagram#teddybearlove#ted2movie#ted2#teddy talks#teddybear#teddybearlovers
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भारत ने लगातार दूसरे दिन 24 घंटे में 1,800 से अधिक नए कोविड मामले दर्ज किए | India records more than 1,800 new COVID instances in a day for the second straight day;

केंद्रीय स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय के सोमवार को अपडेट किए गए आंकड़ों के अनुसार
पिछले 24 घंटों में दर्ज किए गए 1,805 नए कोविड मामलों के साथ, सक्रिय मामलों की संख्या 10,000 के आंकड़े को पार कर गई है, जो संक्रमणों में निरंतर वृद्धि का संकेत है।
भारत ने लगातार दूसरे दिन 1,800 से अधिक नए कोविद मामले दर्ज किए, सक्रिय केसलोएड 10,000 से अधिक हो गए। 5,30,837 पर कुल मृत्यु के साथ छह और कोविद से संबंधित मौतें हुई हैं।

भारत में कोरोनोवायरस संक्रमण में वृद्धि जारी
केंद्रीय स्वास्थ्य सचिव राजेश भूषण आज राज्यों के स्वास्थ्य सचिवों और वरिष्ठ अधिकारियों के साथ कोविड-19 की तैयारियों की समीक्षा करने के लिए बैठक करेंगे, क्योंकि भारत में कोरोनोवायरस संक्रमण में वृद्धि जारी है। समीक्षा बैठक में सभी जिलों में स्वास्थ्य सुविधाओं पर अगले महीने नियोजित राष्ट्रव्यापी मॉक-ड्रिल का विवरण सूचित किया जाएगा।
केंद्रीय स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय और भारतीय चिकित्सा अनुसंधान परिषद द्वारा जारी एक संयुक्त सलाह के अनुसार, सार्वजनिक और निजी दोनों स्वास्थ्य सुविधाओं से दवाओं, अस्पताल के बिस्तर, चिकित्सा उपकरण और चिकित्सा ऑक्सीजन की उपलब्धता का जायजा लेने के उद्देश्य से अभ्यास में भाग लेने की उम्मीद है। आईसीएमआर).......
#indian news#politics#indian politics#world news#india#bjpindia#international news#covid news#corona pandemic#indian health advisory#icmr#WHO#long covid#covid test#covid isn't over#covid 19#covid again#covid deaths
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Answer: they dont wear a fucking mask during a fucking airborne pandemic.
#pandemic#covid 19#still coviding#covid isn't over#long covid#covid#coronavirus#corona virus#ausgov#politas#auspol#tasgov#taspol#australia#fuck neoliberals#neoliberal capitalism#anthony albanese#albanese government
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It was the best of times, it was the best of the worst of times.
#youtube#redlettermedia#red letter media#rich evans#jay bauman#gorilla interrupted#half in the bag#mike stoklasa#best of the worst#jack packard#2020s#covid#covid 19#still coviding#long covid#covid isn't over#coronavirus#corona virus#corona vaccine#pandemic#virus#viral#vaccine#vaccines#face mask#face masks#2020#2020s comics#20s#decade: 2020s
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Weekly COVID-19 Update for 2023-12-24
COVID is still airborne, and COVID still very much isn't over.
Northeastern and Midwestern USA SARS2 virus levels in wastewater are *soaring*, Northeast is currently at 1500 copies/mL (~750 copies indicates a strong surge), and Midwest is at 1300 copies/mL. Southeastern and Western USA are maintaining relatively lower levels between 600 and 700 overall, but both are still climbing. See https://biobot.io/data for county-specific data as results can vary widely between locales.
How to reduce your risk of infection? The SARS2 virus is airborne and can spread like smoke, so #MaskUp with an #N95 or better, avoid superspreader events and locations, and stay up-to-date on your boosters. Do it for yourself, so you don't catch SARS-CoV-2, and for others, so you don't spread SARS-CoV-2. Even if you're fully vaccinated, your risk of developing #LongCOVID following an infection is lower but not zero, and multiple reinfections increase your odds of negative health outcomes. Plan A always should be to prevent an infection from developing by wearing a respirator with a good seal around your mouth and nose (FFP2, FFP3, KN95, N95, N99, P100, etc.).
Holiday tips:
-If someone tells you that COVID is over, you might ask them why, if we didn't consider COVID to be over in 2020 or 2021, when the COVID wastewater levels were lower, why should we consider it over now, when the virus is circulating in even higher amounts?
-"Fewer cases" doesn't mean much when most of the at-home rapid tests don't get counted in official records, and the most accurate PCR tests are neither freely available nor given to everyone getting on a plane or attending classes.
-"Fewer deaths" also means less when you remember that about 1,200,000 of the most vulnerable people already have died from it, COVID-19 remains the #3 cause of death in 2023 (behind heart disease and cancer, the risk of both of which may be increased by COVID), and the risk of a Long COVID/post-acute COVID syndrome (PACS) disability or other potentially life-shortening organ damage (brain, kidney, lung, immune, etc.) isn't measured just by the death count. Also, the USA's life expectancy still hasn't recovered from the drop it experienced following the start of the pandemic.
source: https://biobot.io/data
source: https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/news/20231006/these-are-the-top-10-causes-of-death-in-the-us
source: https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2022/covid-and-the-heart-it-spares-no-one
source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33914346/
source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/11/29/average-us-life-expectancy-increased-not-pre-covid/71738611007/
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Ini bukan sekadar suntikan atau vaksin untuk manusia. Ia melibatkan pengubahsuaian genetik tanah kita, udara kita, air kita, dan tumbuhan kita.
Tumbuhan mempunyai virus. Tumbuhan menghasilkan sebatian antiviral yang kita konsumsi dalam makanan kita, tetapi makanan yang diubah suai secara genetik (GMO) tidak akan mengekspresikan mRNA yang sesuai mengikut kehendak Tuhan sebagai makanan.
Jadi, ia melibatkan segala-galanya dalam persekitaran kita daripada glyphosate, Stephanie Senate, legasi toksik glyphosate kepada Dr. David Lewis, sains untuk dijual.
Dan beliau adalah orang yang mendedahkan perkara ini kepada EPA pada tahun 2015. Jadi sudah tentu, Bobby Kennedy telah menghadiri satu mesyuarat autism, mesyuarat penyakit neuroimmune, mesyuarat kanser bersama kami hampir selama tiga dekad kerana fokus utamanya adalah alam sekitar, alam sekitar, alam sekitar jauh lebih daripada merkuri yang beliau sedari.
Dan itu adalah Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, pada tahun 2005, apa yang datang melalui jarum boleh membunuh anda, tetapi siapa yang mendapat suntikan? Tumbuhan, haiwan, lembu, makanan palsu.
Dan sekarang, saya rasa saya nampak Bill Gates mempromosikan hot dog dan sosis. Burger yang mustahil, ia mustahil kerana ia bukan makanan.
It's it's not just shots or vaccines in humans. It's the genetic modification of our soil, our air, our water, our plants.
Plants have a viral. Plants make and antiviral compounds that we consume in our food, but any food that is GMO will not express the appropriate mRNA according to God as meant for food.
So it's absolutely everything in our environment from glyphosate, Stephanie Senate, the toxic legacy of glyphosate to Dr. David Lewis, science for sale.
And that was the EPA whistleblower back in 15. So of course, Bobby Kennedy has been at autism one meetings at the neuroimmune disease meetings at the cancer meetings with us pretty much for the last three decades because his whole thing has been environmental, environmental, environmental so much more than mercury he realized.
And that's Sherry Tenpenny, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny 2005, what's coming through the needle can be killing you, but who's getting the needle? The plant, the animal, the cow, the fake food.
And now I think I saw Bill Gates pushing hot dogs and sausages. You're the impossible burger, it's impossible because it's not food.
#bill gates#depopulation agenda#the hidden agenda#agenda 2030#hidden agenda#the hidden hand#elite global#vaksin#suntikan vaksin#vaksin99#vaksinasi#x virus#corona virus#virus x#virus#viruses#long covid#covid isn't over#covid vaccine#sars cov 2#covid 19#covid#still coviding#coronavirus#pandemic#plandemic#mrna#mrna vaccine#get vaccinated#vaccine damage
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I've caught covid for the first time, after somehow managing to avoid it for almost 4 years, and it thoroughly sucks. I'm far from the only one at the moment (I'm writing this on 8 december 2023) - testing fascilities are all done away with in the Netherlands so the view of the current situation I have is very limited, but I do know that numbers like virus load in our sewers and people in hospital with covid are rapidly going up right now once again.
I'm having a lot of thoughts about it all now, and even though they are far from coherent, I still would like to share them.
In the Netherlands, so far there's been a staggering lack of reflection on anything to do with corona. We have no official moment of rememberance, no monument, no time and place for collective grief. Research into long covid is severely underfunded. There's also been an astounding lack of evaluation into our pandamic response. I've only seen one report so far, and it had a limited scope, pretty much the only conclusion was that the goverment's strategy was 'too fixated on intensive care capacity'. If another new illness will emerge, which of course is only a matter of time, I believe we will make all the same mistakes again.
In summary, I just feel sad and kind of hopeless by it all. The lack of care for the lives of eldery and otherwise vulnerable people, and just for public health in general, displayed during the past years, and all for the sake of corporate interest and personal freedom, is staggering. It all started quite promising, back in March 2020, once it dawned on our government that COVID-19 was a serious illness and that immediate action was required. I myself had basically no knowledge on pandemics yet and the lockdown blew my mind. We were taking action to save lives. I remember feeling hopeful.
But pretty much from the moment we emerged from the first lockdown, our government has each time waited with taking measures until the last possible moment. In comparison to the rest of the world, response was not the worst (at least no outright corona denial or 'drink bleach' here), but it was not good either. The Dutch government basically went 'this is fine' meme until hospitals overflowed (long term health care facilites were barely even considered) and then they panicked, putting lockdowns into place again while those are only really meant as an emergency measure when all else fails. Coherent, preventive measures like testing, masks, clear information, ventilation, contact tracing and isolation were never properly put into place.
And now we've lost tens of thousands of lives prematurely, hospital patients with covid still vastly outnumber those with influenca even in bad years, many still report pandemic-related mental health issues, and an estimated 90.000 people in the Netherlands currently have long covid, including a good friend of me.
I feel like all were in a traumatic event that isn't even over yet, and we're barely even talking about the impact, and the next one will inevitably come and likely just be as bad. It's just a lot.
#corona#pandemic#covid#personal#rambling thoughts#feels good to get this off my chest#covid19#I'll be fine I hope#netherlands#europe#dutch things
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Hello Beautiful World,💕 I drew this portrait of Corona Virus 🦠 during last pandemic period 😷

#covid19#covid 19#corona virus#corona vaccine#corona pandemic#global pandemic#pandemic#corona news#covid virus#vaccination#vaccine#covid vaccine#covid news#global health#world health organisation (who)#world health organization#health#watercolorartist#watercolor painting#watercolorillustration#watercolorsketch#still life drawing#realistic drawing#colored pencil#coronavirus#giftforwife#giftideas#gift guide
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I'm home from work, infected with covid-19, yet again. As an immune compromised person, I'm starting to think covid is in love with me. This is my third infection this year alone.
I'm at the point in my infection where I'm getting worse. The old phrase "it gets worse before it gets better" comes to mind whenever I have covid.
I feel like it starts off mediocre, then you start to feel it and you're like "man this sucks"! That's when covid laughs and hits your harder.
I'm at the stage where my ears are half way plugged. It's becoming increasingly difficult to hear anything. I can't smell anymore, but I can still taste. Though taste is numbed. Nothing is like so delicious anymore it stands out. Everything kind of tastes just average.
My lungs have been burning for days now. But I haven't had a cough until today. Considering I still barely have a cough, that tells me it's still going to get worse.
My fever is so bad I'm drenched in sweat! I continuously randomly fall asleep at the drop of a hat. Due to my fever I'm having fever dreams. Shaking in my sleep even.
This isn't fun, I'm struggling with this infection. My immune system is having a rough time kicking it out.
Once again, they've put me on Paxlovid. The medication used in treating high risk patients, such as myself, for covid-19.
I'm writing all of this, even if no one reads it. Because I personally like to look back at where I was during certain times. Also, for those who do read, and are a part of my spooky community here on tumblr, just know you can probably expect me to posting more this upcoming week, as I will be stuck in bed.
And finally, because I am immune compromised. I have multiple autoimmune diseases as well as a ton of other chronic health conditions. It personally upsets me when people talk about how the pandemic is so called "over" or how covid is "irrelevant" now.
That is so far from the truth. In fact, covid is worse now than it ever was when we were on lockdown. The virus is also stronger now. It's learning to beat our vaccines. Which is why new ones keep immerging.
It's a deadly virus that's constantly mutating, it spreads at a rapid rate, especially during this time of year.
I tell you how my body is handling the virus, even before it hits its peak, so hopefully some more people can understand why this virus is dangerous. Why we must protect the vulnerable like myself. And even everyone for that matter.
One single covid-19 infection leaves life long health implications. We're already seeing it play out.
This virus was supposed to be far more complex than we understand. Please don't take it lightly and don't make jokes. Please take precautions when out in public and remember. The pandemic isn't over.
#covid#covid19#covid 19#covid isn't over#long covid#corona virus#coronavirus#quarantine#lockdown#pandemic#covid 19 pandemic#wear a mask#please wear a mask#social distancing#take precautions#be safe#immune compromised#chronic illness#autoimmunedisease#autoimmune#autoimmine disease#chronically ill#chronic fatigue#liberal#socialism#activism#socialist#im sick#contagious#political activist
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The pandemic isn't over and covid is real and the consequences of covid infections have been and will be devastating for so many.
Profit-driven public health guidelines have failed us.
#covid is not over#long covid#covid19#covid 19#covid isn't over#covid#pandemic solidarity#pandemic#ausgov#politas#auspol#tasgov#taspol#australia#fuck neoliberals#neoliberal capitalism#anthony albanese#albanese government#coronavirus#corona virus#eat the rich#eat the fucking rich#slavery#wage slavery#capitalism#anti capitalist#capitalist hell#capitalist dystopia#capitalist bullshit#class war
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i was going through my computer and found a draft for a long tumblr post from 2020 about a day I had where everything was going wrong in kind of a funny series of unfortunate events (I think I did end up posting it back then I just drafted it in word bc it was so long lol) but it's weird to read back bc I'm like wow I sound so young??? it's only been 4 years and 2020 feels like last year but yet I feel like I'm so much more grown than when I wrote that post it's wild
#also i referred to covid as rona 😭😭😭#like wow what a throwback#it is interesting how at the beginning of the pandemic i feel like it was called corona more but at some point covid became the norm#melia.txt
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