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poetboy89 · 2 years ago
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Tricky little buggers #cornishpixie #defenseagainstthedarkarts #magicatplay #harrypotter (at WATER TOWER) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqTDeDauljz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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piffcreations · 2 months ago
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After Herbology, the second-year students had History of Magic. Serena had always found history fascinating, but Draco warned her that History was the worst class at Hogwarts—second only to Muggle Studies. He went on to explain that the class was taught by a ghost who didn’t even realize he was dead.
“How could someone not know they had died?” Serena asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.
Draco replied, “Well, let’s put it this way: quite often, when he’s teaching, he’ll fall asleep mid-sentence. Don’t believe me? You’ll see what I mean when class starts.”
Sure enough, Draco was right. Professor Binns was a ghost, and less than five minutes into the class, he was fast asleep. Serena was slightly disappointed. She had been looking forward to learning more about the magical world, but at least she got to sit with Draco and get to know him better.
Once History was over, Draco took Serena back to the Great Hall for lunch. Not long after they arrived, Serena overheard one of the Gryffindors, Seamus Finnigan, announcing that Ron had received a Howler. Serena leaned over to Draco and whispered, “What’s a Howler?”
“Really? You don’t know what a Howler is?” Draco replied, his voice filled with disbelief.
Before Serena could come up with an excuse, she heard yelling coming from across the room. Draco pointed toward Ron, who was standing frozen in place, but the yelling wasn’t coming from him—it was coming from the floating letter in front of him. Serena and Draco both giggled at the sight of poor Ron, his face a mixture of fear and embarrassment. It only made the situation funnier.
Later, Serena reunited with Hermione for Defense Against the Dark Arts class after her first flying class. Hermione asked how it all went over..
“Not so great,” Serena admitted, “I couldn’t even get the broom off the ground.”
Hermione looked puzzled. “Didn’t they have flying lessons at Ilvermorny?”
Serena quickly thought of an excuse. “Oh, yes, they did, but my schedule didn’t allow for it.”
Thankfully, Hermione appeared to buy the story. Trying to change the subject, Serena asked Hermione more about their new DADA professor. Hermione gushed about Professor Lockhart, how great he was, how attractive he was, and how he had defeated an assortment of dangerous monsters. Serena found it hard to believe. Back home, there were all sorts of vampires who did outrageous things, but none of them acted anything like Professor Lockhart.
At the start of class, Professor Lockhart wasted no time talking about… himself. He even handed out a pop quiz—all about himself. Serena found it bizarre. This was the man supposed to teach them how to defend themselves against dark creatures? As she turned to Hermione to share a laugh about the whole situation, Serena couldn’t believe what she saw. Hermione was writing away, taking the quiz seriously.
Serena looked over her shoulder and locked eyes with Harry and Ron. All three of them shrugged, then gave the quiz a half-hearted attempt.
Just as Serena thought class couldn’t get any stranger, Professor Lockhart stopped them about ten minutes before the bell rang. Finally, it seemed like he was going to teach them about something genuinely dangerous. A cage on the professor’s desk was rattling, and Serena’s curiosity peaked. Lockhart built up the suspense, and the whole class held its breath as he lifted the cloth to reveal… a few small winged blue bug-like creatures.
Seamus called out, “Cornish Pixies!” and laughed.
Professor Lockhart didn’t miss a beat. “So quick to identify them—then why don’t you catch them?” he challenged, before releasing all the pixies into the classroom.
As expected, most of the students bolted, not wanting to deal with the annoying pests. Serena and Hermione ducked behind desks, and soon Harry and Ron joined them. Serena thought she saw Draco glancing around, but then he disappeared with Crabbe and Goyle. Even Professor Lockhart locked himself in his office, leaving the students to deal with the mess.
Serena rolled her eyes. How did this man get the job, again? Her thoughts were interrupted by one of the pixies tugging at her hair. Annoyed, she swatted it away.
Ron asked the obvious question, “What do we do now?”
Without thinking, Serena blurted out, “If we had a net, I could fly up and try to gather them.”
Hermione turned to her, one eyebrow raised. “And how do you plan on doing that? Didn’t you say you couldn’t even get your broom off the ground?”
Serena froze. Caught in the lie, she scrambled for a response. “Oh… right… um… any other ideas? I’m out of them,” she said, forcing a laugh in the hope that no one would notice her discomfort.
Ron and Harry were still throwing books around, trying to keep the pixies at bay, but it wasn’t solving the bigger problem. Then Hermione stood up, pointed her wand at the ceiling, and said, “Immobulus.”
Suddenly, all the pixies froze in midair, halting the chaos. It was then that Serena noticed Neville Longbottom dangling from the ceiling. Poor Neville—he always seemed to find himself in trouble.
A few well-aimed Accios later, all five students made their way out of the classroom and on to their next class. As they walked down the hall, they ran into Draco and his friends. The tension between Draco’s crew and Harry’s group was palpable. Before Draco could make a comment about Serena hanging out with Gryffindors, she teased him.
“So, what happened with the pixies, Draco? I thought you would be cunning enough to help us out.”
Draco’s face turned bright red, and he stammered, “I… I just didn’t want to be late for our next class.”
Serena couldn’t help it—she laughed. She was really starting to enjoy seeing Draco flustered
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rj-anderson · 5 years ago
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Guess what flew in to my mail this week? . Isn’t it gorgeous? I know the finished hardcover is sure to be even more beautiful, but it’s exciting to have the ARC in my hands! . Today it’s been so weirdly cold that we had snow flurries (why. WHY.) but I’m realizing more and more that August is only three months away! As we get closer to the release date I’ll be sharing more preorder incentives and other goodies, but right now I’m still in the planning and prep stages and it’s making my head whirl. So much to be done and so much more that I *could* do... . Have you participated in any cool preorder campaigns or giveaways recently? What kinds of incentives do you enjoy? . . #rjandersonwriter #enclaveescape #enclavepublishing #yabooks #IReadYA #yareads #speculativefiction #christianfantasy #fairybooks #flightandflametrilogy #swift #swiftbook #arc #advancedreaderscopy #cornishpixies #cornishpixie https://www.instagram.com/p/B_8O1hSArD0/?igshid=u0zdm8ypveg9
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bloo-is-batty · 5 years ago
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Try out for the Quidditch team Penny said...it'll be fun she said...
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thecraftmaiden · 5 years ago
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Only about one more day until 2020 so here is the top 9 of 2019, that went by too quickly, as it feels like it started yesterday 🤣 Thank you all for your awesome comments and likes, subscriber and watchers! You are all amazing! 🥳✨ . . #2019bestnine #topnine #top9of2019 #bestnine #2019 #brigittelindholmcosplay #portmanteau #cornishpixie #halloween #hogwarts #acrylicpour #thankful #thankyou #2020 #harrypotter #cosplay #youtube https://www.instagram.com/p/B6tWDZ-geng/?igshid=6jii0o962m3l
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sparkioshka · 5 years ago
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Немного дьяволят вам в ленту. Ну или хз кто это. Может тролли или Корнуэльские пикси ))). Главное, что фантазия работает и рисуется))) #sketch #sketchbook #devil #imp #tpoll #cornishpixie #эскиз #дьяволенок #тролль (at Voronezh) https://www.instagram.com/p/B46_B-jCjkJ/?igshid=1a45tmidnvbe9
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shayshaysharyn · 6 years ago
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June's Nerdy Paper Co's Mystery Post #8. This months theme is NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM! This happy mail is easily one of my faves. Neville is so adorable and one of the best developed characters I've ever seen. There is even a pride month gamboy sticker! #nerdypaperco #npc #nevillelongbottom #whyisitalwaysme #garrickollivander #cornishpixie #loveislove #pridemonth #happymail #plannerlife #plannerchic #hpootp #harrypotter #potterhead https://www.instagram.com/p/BzBeujsHw-j/?igshid=1g9y8j3hclemw
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pretty-grotesqueuk · 6 years ago
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Freshly caught cornish pixies!!🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️ 💙💙 Email to book 💙💙 #tattoo #tattoos #harrypottertattoo #harrypottertattoos #harrypotter #potter #pottertattoo #pottertattoos #pixie #pixietattoo #potterpixie #cornishpixie #harrypotterpixie #colour #colourrealism #portrait #colourportait #portraittattoos #wolverhampton #birmingham @harry_potter_tattoo @harrypotter_tattoos @disney_and_potter_tattoo (at Pretty Grotesque Tattoos) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx2WfcIlU3Y/?igshid=sk4giphtbqub
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blaisegellert · 2 years ago
Noble Collections Bendy Figs Review: Cornish Pixie and Bowtruckle
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sharnacles-blog · 6 years ago
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first attempt at drawing cornish pixies! ☺️
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tikiba · 3 years ago
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Im Moment sitze ich an meinem #phantastischetierwesen Büchlein und zeichne und schreibe fleissig… #cornishpixie #phantasticbeasts #tierwelt #harrypotter #potteruniverse #potterhead #aquarelle #drawing #bookofmagiccreatures https://www.instagram.com/p/CejbgEmoK5j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rj-anderson · 5 years ago
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ARE YOU READY FOR A NEW COVER? . I know I am! I’m so excited to share the beautiful new cover for Book Two in the #flightandflametrilogy with you on May 21st at 9 am EST! . But if you want, you can also get an early SNEAK PEEK at the cover by doing one of two things: . 1️⃣ Sign up for my e-mail newsletter at my author website, rj-anderson.com. Subscribers will get an early, hush-hush look at the cover next week! . OR . 2️⃣ Join my Cover Release team by sending me a DM with your e-mail address! In return, I’ll give your account and/or your latest book, merch or promo-worthy post a shout-out as well - just let me know what you want me to boost! . Sounds like the rest of this month will be full of gorgeous cover reveals. Shout-out and congratulations to @isabelwriter09 who will be sharing hers on the 21st as well — if it’s anything like her first gorgeous cover, I’ll be excited to see it! . . #rjandersonwriter #enclaveescape #enclavepublishing #yabooks #IReadYA #yareads #speculativefiction #christianfantasy #fairybooks #flightandflametrilogy #nomad #nomadbook #cornishpixie #cornishpixies #spriggan #spriggans #coverteaser #coverreveal https://www.instagram.com/p/CAD1gGOgH7J/?igshid=s26224eszqiy
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doe-eyedwerewolf · 6 years ago
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Guess who made some Harry Potter ornaments? 😆This girl! 🙋‍♀️ I decided that I HAD to have some magical Harry Potter-ness on my tree this year so I found some templates online and made some chocolate frog and Bertie Botts boxes. I also cut out some images from a Harry Potter coloring book, stuck a string on them and voila! Christmas ornaments! 😁 #harrypotterchristmasornaments #harrypotterchristmas #harrypotterdiy #chocolatefrogbox #chocolate frog #bertiebotts #bertiebottsbeans #dobbyornament #cornishpixie #hedwigornament #wizardingworldchristmas #danielesmithart https://www.instagram.com/p/BrBFFMtBUZE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=sugdiv3zrb1n
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thecraftmaiden · 5 years ago
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Peskipiksi Pesternomi ✨ . . . If you want to make one, you can find my tutorial on youtube: https://youtu.be/4SnarEZx2B0 ✨ . #cornishpixie #diy #youtube #harrypotter #magic #pixie #mischief #gilderoylockhart #fantasticbeasts #fantasticbeastsandwheretofindthem #wizardsunite #harrypotterwizardsunite https://www.instagram.com/p/B6izKd_gwiU/?igshid=71r3job7g4jp
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granmabscuteandcuddlies · 4 years ago
keyrings 7cm made to order at Gran'ma B's cute and cuddlies Contact belinda 079 940 9786. https://www granmabscuteandcuddlies.com #granmabscuteandcuddlies #handmadekeyrings #hedgewigtheowl #harrypottermandrake #cornishpixie #harrpypottercharactershandmade (at Centurion, Gauteng) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNz_JTbC7t1/?igshid=ckvqwerlssec
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head-jam · 4 years ago
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⚡️(DAY 4 POTTERTOBER)⚡️ @inktober promp list: RADIO ..Cornish Pixies! #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2go #inktoberradio #radio #cornishpixie #inktoberportugal #inktoberpt #pottertober #harrypotterinktober #drawing #illustration #ink #marker #penbrush #head_jam #headjam #fantasticbeastsandwheretofindthem #wizardingworld #hp #harrypotter (em Hogwarts) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF8Rx2KD3dP/?igshid=1sg739wxr3npy
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