#cornbread ask
floororangejuice · 2 months
Billy is a robot; Dolly is a doll. I’m sorry, the heterosexuality is getting to me, not trying to convert you to Bido or anything but… *grips your shoulder*
where is this ship even stemming from I am genuenly curious
and get out of here with that straight stuff/jjjjjj joke
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randomwords247 · 7 months
Cooking and baking
A small pet peeve of mine with cooking and baking is when recipes say the container rather than the amount
Like, instead of saying "500ml of cream" you say "a pot of cream". Or "a whole can of corn". Like okay which kind of can??? What amount???? Corn comes in more than one size you can't just tell me a can. PLEASE i am begging you tell me the WEIGHT
This is especially a problem with recipes from different countries, for example America. Because your stick of butter is different to our butter. STOP SAYING STICK OF BUTTER TELL ME THE QUANTITY IN GRAMS PLEASE I HAVE A FAMILY
that being said I feel like I see this crop up in like american recipes in particular. Idk if I've ever seen a recipe in one of our cookbooks that does this....
anyway please just tell me the gosh darn weight I am dying here I have a family I JUST NEED TO KNOW THE WEIGHT
#ramble post#randy rambles#recipes#cooking#baking#'a stick of butter' is the worst for repeat offender i see that crap everywhere in american recipes#JUST SAY THE AMOUNT#like even if a recipe here uses 250g of butter (our butter is in 250g idk what size american butter is) IT SAYS USE 250G OF BUTTER#actually tbf i think butter size is not something thats like fully conventional cuz i just googled lurpack and it says that one is 200g#fun fact our butter isnt a long weird stick like americans. why is your butter like that that looks awful to get on a knife to spread#ours is still rectangular its just like more square#ALSO LIKE IDM CUPS. I have measuring cups that have cups AND ml. I WOULD GLADLY TAKE MEASURING IN CUPS OVER 'STICK OF BUTTER' 'CAN OF CORN'#also for the record what spurred this on is i asked someone for their recipe of something and half the stuff is quantified in this way.#'1 box jiffy cornbread mix' what the frick is that please i have a family#like no hate to them lemme be clear but also WHY ARE AMERICAN RECIPES LIKE THIS IM CRYING#i could be wrong that its just american recipes but i SWEAR ive never seen this in any of our british cookbooks but everytime i try and loo#up an american recipe online or ask an american friend for a recipe they give me quantities like this and im over here quietly dying as i#try and decipher what the frick they just told me to use. what is going on why are recipes there like this#(also idk if they do it for cream i just wanted to give an example that wasnt just can of corn or can of soup)#(SOUP AND CORN COME IN MULTIPLE CAN SIZES YOURE HELPING NOBODY SAYING JUST 'A CAN')
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gretchensinister · 1 month
So I guess this is kind of a toxic trait I have, but it's been a thing more than once and IDK, it's not something that's going to shock Incarnation readers, but like
one of my very favorite things is knowing someone's vegan
and then there's like a potluck big enough so I don't have to be concerned about people's dietary restrictions
and I make something (usually a baked good) that's not vegan and I'm very clear about that
and then later
I see the "vegan" eating what I made
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coldmori · 7 months
Alright so I was walking around a maze when I heard some noises so I checked the cornor and saw the boy himself. After that he turned around and ran towards me so I ran and hid in a locker that was conveniently placed there. After a while he opened the locker and since I was scared I tried to punch him but he bit my hand and started yapping about random things. After that he grabbed me and started dragging me god knoes where. After a while I managed to kick his hand off of me buy while running away I looked backwards and saw bro full on terminator sprinting towards me
you very well may have just had a real hollow omori meet and greet because thats both in character and he is a dream-based entity
he was probably dragging you to the hole btw
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sojutrait · 29 days
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have an amazing day dude!!!
TYYY!!! so far i have 🙂‍↕️
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ask-prune-juice · 2 months
oh gay of the cauldron what is your wisdom
"Okay? Did you know that crows will adopt other species of birds? Some researchers from Cornbread University saw a fledgling blueberry bird showing up at a crow’s nest. Crows are generally known to kill and feed on fledgling birds. However, this fledgling was spared. It stuck around to beg for food and was first ignored by the parents of the nest. But then it became included in the meals and was fed multiple times by the crows along with their own children. I just think that's interesting"
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antvnger · 4 months
Yay or nay?
First of all, this dude's eyes are very big and very...green? Blue green? I dunno, but wow.
Secondly, "By the power of the Midwest AUGH!" and "Whattypeof NeBRASKa voodoo is THIS!" made me laugh out loud. What is it that Cassie says? I think the phrase is it's sending me.
Thirdly, the look on his face when he took the bite and realized he liked it *cackles*
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Oh yeah, you asked yay or nay. Ummm, I don't know, Anon. I'd have to make it myself and try it. I love cornbread, and I love ranch. And I love ranch Doritos. So I think I'll like it.
I'm gonna make it though. The recipe is pretty easy.
Watch the video below and laugh with me.
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merge-conflict · 4 months
1, 11, & 23 on the specific asks game for valentine
Questions here
1. What’s the lie your character says most often?
"I'm fine"/"It doesn't matter."/"It's done." – Valentine does her best to bury uncomfortable things down and refuse to think about them until everything becomes untenable and she explodes.
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
Mimicking her tone of voice and what she would do or say might not be that difficult, but I think the easiest way for someone close to Valentine to tell if she's being impersonated is to watch her body language or how she reacts to being touched. She's got several gestures/stims/restless movements that she does when she's in certain kinds of moods- while she restrains herself in the office, in casual situations she can be pretty touch-feely and I think it'd be pretty hard for someone to mimic the reaction time and intensity of her body language without a lot of study.
Her suddenly being able to make regular eye contact in casual conversation would also be pretty unnerving.
23. What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember?
Most of the things Valentine feels guilty for the other person definitely remembers, so this is kind of a hard one lol.
She has a compulsion to assign herself as invisible caretaker for people she cares about– quietly taking care of things or smoothing problems or making sure they're eating and rested and comfortable. Sometimes she doesn't do that and then feels guilty after for having looked out for herself over someone else.
Really the only example I can think of I've actually written is about cornbread lmao:
The bundle turned out to contain two thick slices of cornbread, cold but freshly cut. Goro was doubtful of this new foodstuff, and she was too hungry to argue when he offered her his share.
Goro’s face was a mask as he brought up and accepted the file transfer. Nothing he was thinking could be good– she hated him a little, for not being surprised at all, or even angry. He locked eyes with her briefly, through the translucency of his interface, the contact like a knife in her chest, and then nodded. It was gentle, nonjudgmental, and for some reason her first thought was to feel guilty she had taken his breakfast.
That sequence of events where it's like: for once, she lets someone else do something for her -> she gets emotional for various reasons -> that person is nice to her again -> guilt and regret for not having been the one doing the favor -> now she's "in debt" in a social way
What this says about her priorities and her upbringing is left as an exercise to the reader lol.
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weaselishmcdiesel · 1 year
Made some cornbread muffins today :3 thought of u
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lovesickgoose · 8 months
Do you like soup? What's your favorite soup. This is of utmost importance
I do like soup! I prefer chunky soups to smooth ones, and I think my favourites are solyanka and fish chowder
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floororangejuice · 6 months
This is such English-teacher-energy of me to say — What if the different stitches are a metaphor for accepting grief… Some are neat and cute, happy memories that make your heart flutter. But others are messy and ugly, sad memories that break your heart. But even so, cute or ugly; happy or sad, they are proof of someone who exists. Even if Alex is not here anymore, atleast a part of him lives on through her — oh god, imagine Dolly picking up his gimmicks and Faklex is the only one who notices because he’s studied Alex for so long that he knows what he’s like.
Suddenly Dolly holding onto those ugly stitches isn’t out of grief and obssesion, it’s out of gratefulness and celebration.
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randomwords247 · 7 months
You say that you haven't had nonalcoholic eggnog before. I have an excellent recipe for homemade if you wanna try it, though the measurements would have to be converted because I'm American, fhdjkfhd
Also dw!! I have a cup measuring set, so as long as the measurements are in cups I should be good
I would love so much to know I will make it for my family at Christmas
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southernfoodtournament · 11 months
i just wanna drop by to say that my nana makes the best cornbread ever. i DEVOUR that stuff. it is heavenly on it’s own and it’s even better with butter.
Shout out to nana's cornbread!!
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the-woild-is-y-erster · 8 months
I'm sorry you're sick man :/
I'm very excited today because my gf said she would like me to get a trans bf becuase she's recently discovered she's poly and knows I want one, so now I'm just trying to find one!
I would love to read any haikus you write!
What are your sheel playlist thoughts?
yeah me too :( and my brother bought oreos and i cant even have any because i have to eat them with milk and milk would just make me feel worse :(((
gl on your hunt bro!! im sure you'll find a good guy xx
ok so i wrote five more than i was sposed to xx whoops
my favourite chicken is gone
she would run right up
to say hello
maybe next spring 
we'll meet again
purple is the best colour, i think
so rare in nature
yet we assign it to kings
there are fawns in my grandparents neighborhood again
they are small, gangly
they hide behind their mother
dainty feet barely ghosting the grass as they run
my guitar has scratches from the time i dropped it
wood hitting pavement, a discord of noise
i find it has a certain mournful sound now
character development
we dance in your kitchen to old love songs
big band music always makes me happy
you're the first person i haven't had to teach to dance
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piraterefrigerator · 1 year
Okay, if you had to get Rogers to test taste anything, what 3 things/meals would they be and why? Yes, they can also be inedible things if you wanted to be that vicious.
Since I love him very much I will try not to be too vicious
One: Catering to his sweet tooth, deep fried oreos. They are DELECTABLE and I feel he would agree
Two: soup beans and cornbread. I highly doubt that's something he would've had in hyperion heights, and I feel like the grandma's home cooking esque vibe of said meal just fits him, idk why
Three: He may have had apple pie in hyperion heights at some point but I do not care even a little bit. Get that man an apple pie.
I put way too much thought into this and thoroughly enjoyed it, thank you for the ask!
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shinynx · 7 months
Chilli Cheese Fries.... TOMORROW
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