#copy abilities
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veveisveryuncool · 2 years ago
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new copy ability: burnt out AP student kirby
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The Best Kirby Copy Ability Tournament Submissions are Now Open!
Submit your favorite Copy Abilities here! :D
Normally mod would put a picture of a bracket here, but since this is a different type of tournament, they'll see how big of a bracket they should make based on how many submissions this gets!
That being said, mod had their friends select 8 Copy Abilities that will automatically be placed in the bracket! These Copy Abilities are Sword, Hammer, Cutter, Beam, Fire, Ice, Needle, and Stone! So you don't need to submit those :3
Qualifications for Submissions:
The Copy Abilities you submit must:
Be considered an actual, official Copy Ability, fanmade Copy Abilities are not allowed!
Not already be denied from the tournament/Not be considered 'not a Copy Ability' based on the earlier polls! (What has been denied will be explained below!)
Be submitted using the Google Form found below! Any submissions made using the askbox will be ignored and deleted!
Rules for Submissions:
Do not submit Helpers, The Animal Friends, Air Ride Machines, Roles (from the Kirby Clash Games), Mouthful Modes, Metamortex Transformations, Hypernova, Rainbow Curse Transformations, Power Effects, Friend Actions, Special Skill Type Friend Abilities, Friend Throwing Type Friend Abilities, Ravel Abilities, and Last Battle Abilities! These have been denied from the tournament!
Do not submit the Copy Abilities already in the bracket (Sword, Hammer, Cutter, Beam, Fire, Ice, Needle, and Stone!)
You can submit multiple Copy Abilities, but please don't submit the same Copy Ability multiple times!
If you want to submit multiple Copy Abilites, please fill out the form separately for them, instead of submitting them in the same submission!
Copy Abilities from the anime are allowed!
Power Combos (from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards), Super Abilities, and the Robobot Armor (+ Armor Modes) are also allowed! Just specify the one you want in the submission (ex: 'Burn-Bomb' instead of just Power Combos, 'Ultra Sword' instead of just Super Abilities, etc.)!
You can submit an Evolved Copy Ability from Forgotten Land, and it will be treated separately from its base ability! (ex: submitting Chain Bomb would be a submission for Chain Bomb, not Bomb :3)
And that's basically it! If you have any questions about the rules, qualifications, or about whether or not a certain Copy Ability fits the requirements, feel free to ask! ^-^
You can submit a Copy Ability here:
You can find a regularly updating (unless mod is asleep or busy) list of submitted Copy Abilities (along with the amount of submissions they've received) here!
Need help remembering a Copy Ability? You can check WiKirby!
The number of submissions needed for a Copy Ability to be safely on the bracket (assuming there are a few more submitted Copy Abilities than needed for an even-numbered bracket) will depend on the number of submissions this gets, but it'll be somewhere along the lines of 3-6 submissions!
The Submission Form will be open until Friday, November 29th at 9pm EST or until this receives 250+ submissions! Edit: The new date that the Submission Form will close is Thursday, December 5th at 9pm EST! Edit (again): Submissions are reopening until December 20th at 9pm EST!
Tagging some other poll blogs for visibility! Feel free to ignore this if you want!
@tournament-announcer @foundfamilyhq @gentle-giant-swag @thecatfight2023 @favoritenintendocharacterbracket @tourneys-by-me @its-to-the-death @best-tournament-blog-bracket and anyone who wants to help spread this! :3
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sweets-maoo · 5 months ago
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Day 7: Copy ability
Look I'm very indecisive,,,, I really couldn't choose which copy ability I love the most, so I went with my top 3! Hammer in general is my favorite, but forgotten land's toy hammer is so fun to play with!! I also enjoy yo-yo and beam!!! The others I was considering were parasol and ice hehe,,,,
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king-k-ripple · 7 months ago
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veinsfullofstars · 1 year ago
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⚔️ How ‘bout a li'l training montage? 🏹
(ID: Kirby series fanart of Shadow Kirby honing his battle skills with various different Copy Abilities, feat. Dark Meta Knight and Shadow Dedede. More detailed descriptions below the cut. END ID.)
Part 1 | Part 2 (here!)
So I keep thinking about how Shadow Kirby is confirmed in canon to be just as powerful and capable as regular Kirby, so long as he can push past his own reluctance and fears. Then I started thinking about the unique color palette he has for the Fighters games, if that could be a sort of visual indicator of him reaching that full potential. Then I started thinking about who was around to teach him these skills, and the differences in their techniques, and how SD’s treatment of SK might be vastly different from DMK, and how that affects the relationship that DMK & SD might have, and how it all ties in to the sociopolitical climate of the Mirror World as a whole, and oh stars dammit am I making another AU again???
On an unrelated note, screw the Mirror World for giving everyone in it just the most annoying color palettes to shade. Grays on grays on grays and sometimes red but mostly grays. I am languishing in render hell and ready to move on to the next one thank you. Too many headcanons - not enough time or hands or energy.
Started 11/07/23, finished 11/16/23, updated 03/01/24, updated for color correction 11/02/24. NOTE: This was originally posted on my deleted account on 11/16/23. | Kintsugi AU Masterpost
Image descriptions
Top left: SK in Ninja gear, facing left, looking focused and holding out his katana, imitating DMK standing beside him in a similar pose with his own sword.
Top middle: SK in Archer gear, leaping up to fire an arrow from his bow.
Top right: SK in Bomb gear - also sporting his darker swirl coloration from Kirby Fighters - winking and sticking his tongue out as he tosses a bomb towards the viewer.
Middle: SK - in Wrestler gear with KF colors - delivering a strong leaping kick to a wooden training dummy, while DMK & SD observe in the background. SD stands with arms crossed and eyes narrowed, his mouth pulled into a sinister, calculating grin. DMK stands at his side, wrapped in his cape with eyes hidden in the shadows of his mask, a pensive ellipsis over his head.
Bottom left: SK facedown on the floor with a cross of bandages on his head, exhausted from training. DMK’s hand awkwardly comes in from off-screen, placing a bottle of Energy Drink beside him.
Bottom right: SK powering up into his KF form, fists clenched, eyes squeezed shut, mouth open in a roar, an aura of purple-black flame flickering around him.)
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the-chaos-axolotl · 5 months ago
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naimahtaylor · 2 months ago
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Here's a Post of Kirby With a Copy Ability Hi-Jump So Can Kirby Jump Up in The Air After Inhaled and Copy Starman's Ability
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dioptasesystem · 8 months ago
Look at these goobers I made. The Kirbs. Ability ideas. You know the gist.
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ghostbny · 1 year ago
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Kirbytober day 10 favorite copy ability ✨
in krtd i always played as metaknight, but when i had to be kirby, water, ninja and electric were my favorite abilitys ✨
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deenanas · 7 months ago
Bubble Ability Rebooted!
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(I miss when Kirby changed his colors with copy abilities...)
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monarkain · 1 year ago
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veveisveryuncool · 1 year ago
i took this in the most literal sense ever but. kirby with glitter. imagine the possibilities.
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kirbytober day 23: glitter/copy ability
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sonicasura · 8 months ago
While thinking of longer and separate posts for my Dadka post with Kirby/Rin Okumura/Link when I realized something.
Kafka using Copy Essences would be so different than the pink Star Warrior. Complete and total outfit changes that would range from cool to weird. Especially since some abilities like Sword, Fighting and ESP are based on characters from different franchises i.e Link/Ryu/Ness.
Now I see just Kafka looking like so confused if his first Copy Ability was Yoyo. Man expected a cool yo-yo and a hat at least. Not his outfit looking all punk or gangster like.
The animal based transformations such as Beetle and Spider offering some body horror aspects though. Animal probably makes him look like a wolfman while the other two are insectoid. Big ass scary looking manspider in a purple pimp outfit. 😂
The Copy Abilities definitely affect his Kaiju form too than just human. Now I really want to see this skull faced himbo dressed as a doctor or in Pajamas. Kaiju No.8, the Fashion Disaster.
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sweets-maoo · 1 year ago
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Day 23: Copy ability
I'm literally a sucker for Hammer ability,,, it's always so much fun to play with it!! Especially when doing arenas!! (Also I love toy hammer but I gotta stick to my og hammer hehe! Also help I'm gonna pass out again)
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king-k-ripple · 11 months ago
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inufaiya · 1 year ago
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Dia 23 (y que yo estaba convencida que era el 24 XD) Copy Ability
Como ya he dicho las alas de Kirby son prematuras y cambia con cada habilidad que no tenga un arma asociada, algo que pasa cuando una habilidad o varias se desarrollan demasiado que necesitan una manera de disipar la energía sobrante, haciendo que los que tengan una la habilidad siempre se mantenga activa, como le pasa a Solaris o Mercury.
Por cierto, todos los puff tienen habilidades de copia
As I have already said, Kirby's wings are premature and change with each ability that does not have an associated weapon, something that happens when one or several abilities develop too much that they need a way to dissipate the excess energy, making those who have one the ability always remains active, as happens to Solaris or Mercury.
By the way, all puffs have copy abilities
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