#i have a test tomorow
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veveisveryuncool · 2 years ago
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new copy ability: burnt out AP student kirby
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poofpoofpurin · 1 year ago
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happy bkdk new year
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whiteeagle29 · 9 months ago
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Still a WIP but yeahh
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muffinthedestroyerofgods · 1 year ago
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something-familiar-lost · 1 year ago
why is intercting with people so hard . Why is life so hard in general.
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bigassbox321 · 1 year ago
how funny is it that i got to school at 7:30 and then got home at 5 and did homework until 8 and am too nkw exhuasted to stufy or even get ready for bed lmao i hate school
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bluusome · 1 year ago
i don’t want to do homework :( fucking explodes
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imtheflash · 2 years ago
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surplekit · 4 months ago
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Pairing: Megumi Fushiguro x gn!reader
Genre: fluff
a/n: Just a short Megumi drabble because 🫶🏾
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“We don’t have a lot of time left, but we can always pick up where you left tomorow.” Megumi said, waiting for your response.
The two of you were at the library for your weekly study session, after you convinced him you were struggling with pre-calc. Soon enough, after many “failed” problems, he offered to tutor you in the subject, which was just what you wanted. Now, every Tuesday, you and Megumi met up after last period and walked together to the town library, sometimes stopping at the nearby cafe to grab a sweet treat before locking in.
“Yeah, I’m having some trouble on this problem, but we can continue tomorrow, if that’s okay with you.” You feel bad for asking more of him, but he insists that he doesn’t mind helping you because it sharpens his skills at the same time.
As you open your folder to pack up, Megumi gets a glimpse of a recent test.
“Y/N why didn’t you tell me you got 100 on this test?That’s really great!” As he congratulates you for your success, you nervously laugh. Of course you got an 100, that test was so easy. You were a perfect student but he didn’t know that.
“Oh yeah! I’m pretty sure that was a miracle, but maybe I’ve actually retained something.” He laughs as he watches you flip through your past papers when something catches his eye. The rest of your stack of test papers. All 100’s and 98’s.
“Weren’t these tests from way before I started helping you?” He asks as he rummages through the stack.
“..well.. yeah.” He glances at you, back at the paper in his hand, then at you again.
“You don’t even need me to tutor you, do you?” He says, leaning back in his chair and folding his arms.
“I’m gonna be honest I just wanted to hang out with you outside school.” Finally confessing, you palm your forehead, realizing how stupid and unnecessary your whole plan was.
“Y/N, I don’t have to be your tutor just for us to hang out, you could’ve I don’t know, asked me..?” Megumi says, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He looks at you and folds over, laughing.
“I was planning to ask you if you wanted to make plans anyways.” He tells you, and it sparks strong excitement within you. All of a sudden, you feel a wave of confidence flow over you.
“What if we went out right now?” You insist, hoping you weren’t being too forward.
“Yeah? Where do you wanna go?”
“Ice cream?”
“Alright, let’s go.” Megumi helps you finish packing up your papers and you guys walk out of the library. It seems your plan was successful after all.
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that-handsome-rogue · 2 months ago
Theres a 50/50 chance I will have a math test tomorow wish me luck.
Ah math tests. Good luck. I hope you know your formulas
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a-student-out-of-time · 8 months ago
Hey mod, PM Anon here. Tomorow is going to be a big day for me, as it is the day of the big high school graduation test that will determine my future. Depending on the results, either I continue my adventure online or this will be my last meaningful interaction with the internet. Either way, my life is going to change drastically. I have studied constantly since last month to prepare, but I still feel like it isn't enough. I hope you would give your blessing to give me a bit of luck on the test.
//If you need the best of luck out there, here's Divine Luck Man for all of it:
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//In all seriousness, I'm not sure what sort of test you're taking, but I do genuinely wish you all the best with it and, wherever you may go from here, that you have a great time moving forward ^^
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prettyflyshyguy · 4 months ago
Two small suitcases and one tote bag and far too many kilograms and I am 90% packed for kaicon. I now have to get it all into the city tomorow. I'm bringing more than I need because I haven't tested my setup (no space at home) so fingers crossed I can refine as I go.
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something-familiar-lost · 5 months ago
Good god if I get through tomorow then I'm unstoppable (I have a physics test and know basically nothing)
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fangirlstorycreator · 1 year ago
Can you do when kk3 and ck terry is being really clingy and just wants to Staty in bed all day and takes care of us
Of course I can do that for you 🤗 I hope you enjoy 💚
KK3 Terry Silver:
You woke up that morning when the autumn air had finaly come. With the heat being so difficult these last few weeks, the crisp cold air was a wonderful replacement. You sat up in bed and you could feel the cold on your arms, your skin felt a wonderful coolness that you had wanted to feel for so long after this heatwave. As your hand smooths over your arm, Terry's eyes open as he smiles, watching you smiling sat up in bed. "You look beautiful in the morning baby girl" "I think you need your eyes tested babe. Have you seen my hair? It's like a nest for birds" He sits up and kisses your cheek "Well, that may have been my fault. I did kind of throw you around the bedroom last night" "Don't you dare apologise for what we did last night babe! I'm actually suprised I can feel my legs today" You both chuckle at your comment, then he holds your chin and gives you a sweet kiss. "What time is it?" "Uhh? It says...8.30" "8.30! Uuggh and it's Monday" Terry says like a frustrated teenager as he flops back into the bed. "It's not the end of the world Terry, you bought that dojo because you wanted too, noone forced you" "I know I know, I just cant be bothered today...let's just stay hear!" "What?" "Yeh! Let's just stay in bed today! I can call John to take over and I can make up some story as to why we can't come in" "We? Terry you may not want to work at the dojo today, but I have lots of paperwork in the dojo office I need to sort out" "No no baby girl! Stay with me today, please?" "My god Terry your acting like a teenager. You don't need me to stay in bed with you " "But who am I going to cuddle with?" "Cuddle?" You ask with a raised eyebrow. "Alright, but we do cuddle afterwards don't we? Come on baby girl....don't you want to stay in bed with me?....I could spend the day holding you....kissing you....fu-" "Alright I get it! (Giggle) Look, are you seriously wanting to waist an entire day just to stay home?" "Hell yeh! It's MY dojo, I can do what I want" "And you wouldn't mind me missing a day and not doing all that paperwork?" "The paperwork isn't going anywhere, it will still be there tomorow so there isn't a rush...come on baby..." he says stroking your thigh. "Stay in bed with me....you know you want to..." He gives you a cheeky smile, you knew you couldn't say no to him. You didn't answer him, you just smiled and picked up your phone, calling John. "Hey Y/N, everything alright?" "Hey John, I'm afraid me and Terry aren't able to come I'm today. We both ate something bad last night and have food poisoning. It's out of our system but were still feeling the pain and poorly feeling from being sick. Will you be ok holding down the dojo today?" "Of course I will, there's only 3 classes today and they are all in the morning. You and Terry just rest up and I'll catch up with you guys tomorow" "Thanks John, we'll see you tomorow" Once you put your phone down, Terry gives you a proud look. "Well....I wasn't expecting my baby girl to lie like that...I liked it" "You liked that I lied about us?" "Yeh...it shows your naughty side..." "Terry, before you start anything, do we have any condoms left?" He reaches over, opens his bedside drawer, to 2 full packets of large condoms. "Look at you planning ahead babe" "You know I can't get enough of you...now get that cute little body over hear!"
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CK Terry Silver:
You woke up this morning feeling quite refreshed and comfortable, which wasn't like you. You never woke up before your alarm, and as you were working today, you wondered why you felt good and didn't hear your alarm. You sat up in bed and notice that Terry isn't beside you, that was usual for a work morning, he liked to shower before work to help wake him up. So you rubbed your eyes and grabbed your phone off charge from your bedside drawer, its then that you realise that your alarm was suposed to go off at 8....it was now 9.30! "Oh sh#t! I'm late! I'm late!" Your about to run out of the bed when Terry came in wondering why you were panicking. "Woh woh sweetheart, what's wrong?" "What's wrong? I-wait? Why are you still hear at 9.30? Why aren't you at work?" "Ah...about that..." He says as he takes a seat next to you on the bed. "I called in to Kim this morning, I told her were not going to be in today" "What? Why would you do that? Did...did you turn my alarm off?" "Ok yeh I did, but for good reason. Sweetheart, when was the last time we spent quality time together that was longer than 2 hours?" "Oh gosh, I think before the refurbishment of cobra kai. Yeh, I remember because Kim had just started" "Exactly, we haven't had quality time together for nearly 2 months now. And I miss you. Yes we see eachother every day at home and at work, but we haven't really been together have we?" "You make a good point Terry, I've missed you too. Your right, we haven't been together recently" "That's why I called Kim, she and her other sensei's are happy to take over for today. Which means I can do what I've wanted to for a while" "And what's that?" "Staying in bed with you pretty much all day...holding you and feeling you close to me" "Oh Terry that sounds wonderful. But I'm suprised you'd want to stay in bed all day, wouldn't you feel bored?" He chuckles and his hand strokes over the part of the quilt covering your legs. "I'm sure we can find something to do while in bed all day...if you know what I mean?..." You just giggle and put your arms around his neck, giving him a kiss. "The question is...are you going to be able to handle me....all day?...." "You have no idea the stamina I have sweetheart..."
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itzmaztercom · 2 months ago
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I'm so stressed and mad school gonna start tomorow VRIVHIHID,PLUS I HAVE TEST!🙄And I have to find an internship for February ..And I also have to find my way to go to a normal or vocational high school LIKZ BOI IDC,my dad wants me to be a plumber or an electrician..because it's manly 💅plus y'k the test are 'easy' expect i'm retarded but literally so imma die it gonna be hard for me omggggg
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big8cola · 1 year ago
should i fake being sick just so i can stay up to play the stardew update
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