#cool I don’t fucking care lol
Confession I feel like I can make now that I’ve removed myself from the swiftdom: I still listen to a lot of non-tv versions of songs just bc I like them more
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bilestat · 3 months
insane how quickly something small can tank my mood
#i am so tired of being cut off when i’m talking#esp when someone doesn’t even care enough to realize i was over halfway through a sentence#and doesn’t ask what i was saying#or when they just make it incredibly obvious they weren’t paying attention or outright don’t care what i’m talking about#even when i’m talking super excitedly#it makes me feel so fucking small and unimportant#like yeah i guess the shit i say doesn’t matter 99% of the time but it matters to ME#but it hurts so bad when i get cut off only for someone else to say stuff entirely unrelated#and to then just like. stream of consciousness ramble every thought that enters their head#like okay. cool. awesome. alright#my mom does that all the time i’ll be telling her something and then i’ll get cut off or she’ll wait til i’m done#to out of nowhere start telling me super in depth life histories of people she hasn’t seen since she was a child. or people i don’t know.#and it’ll always be so in depth about so many people idk OR so fucking vague i get confused as hell#in the typical boomer just needs to talk at someone or hear their own voice way (sorry ily mom)#and i know i can go on for ages about fandom shit that confuses her or she doesn’t know about but#idk. i do not have much else in my life right now. and i only have her and my sibling and very very few friends that aren’t online#and even irl friends i only see a couple times a year each if i’m lucky#i just hate my life lol and i need to stop before i spiral#i have already gone on long enough and will be embarrassed when i come back to delete this because honestly who gives a shit#i need to get over myself#to be deleted#personal
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grmpgm · 5 months
ok executive dysfunction is kind of ruining my life actually
#i have an incredibly time-consuming project i NEED to finish and i genuinely don’t know if i can#i’ve started which is good but i’m horrifically behind where i need to be and i’m just so overwhelmed#i technically have enough time to finish it i think? but it’s my final project so i literally cannot miss this deadline#my professor is really cool + likes me but it’s already been so long w/out me bringing it up#and wtf am i supposed to say? yeah. i WANTED to work on it. i just chose not to????? like wtf#it’s just so humiliating and i’m so behind i don’t know wtf i’m gonna do#it’s worse bc it’s an animation and it’s gg related and i really really wanted this to be good and i wanted things to be different this time#kind of funny bc i’m actually mid getting an adhd diagnosis rn but it’s just so fucking awful because i do this constantly#it fucking sucks so much i feel so helpless and i don’t know wtf is wrong with me. i’m so tired of letting everyone down constantly#it’s so bad rn i literally cannot do anything. it’s humiliating like WHY can’t i just be a functional normal person#it fucking SUCKS because i KNOW if i had any self control or work ethic whatsoever i could be really fucking successful but i don’t.#so i won’t be i guess.#and i KNOW it’s tied into a bunch of different stuff too but like gd i DO NOT care i just want to be functional#worst case scenario i have an A in the class so if i completely blow it i’ll at least pass? hopefully?#i might be able to talk my prof into an extended deadline but it’s so embarrassing bc i didn’t need one in the first place.#i have literally no excuses#it just makes me so upset because i just keep doing this over and over and i don’t know how to stop it or how to get better#and LOL sorry for posting this here i just feel weird talking to anyone personally about this (+ currently avoiding responding to messages!)#it’s just like. man if i can’t get a fucking grip i will literally waste my entire life. Oh Well! LOL
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undeserved-halo · 1 month
crazy but true: the easiest way to make friends is to fucking lie
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cha1cedony · 6 months
Thinking about how Lincoln and Chris are both SUPER jealous people. Love them but that must’ve been a crazy marriage lmaoo
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tariah23 · 4 months
Inosaku for ship bingo👀
Sorry 😭。。。
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floral-hex · 1 year
So this chick has been on-and-off again stalking me since high school. I could go into paragraphs of detail (I was about to), but no one wants to read all of that. Suffice to say, I guess she’s had some kind of crush on me for about 15-20 years or so (why??), and every few years it seems she pops up somewhere contacting me to try to persuade me to give her a chance. I should mention we never talked in high school, I actively avoided her, told her I didn’t like her, etc. nothing doing.
Anyway, somehow she’s been on one of my social media pages and saw I was having a hard time lately, so she found my phone number (what?? I hate that you can just find that online) and texted me out of the blue yesterday. Usual protocol is ignore and block so I don’t piss off an unstable person, but they decided to be gross, so
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I wasn’t planning on posting anything about this before. If they were creeping around on my pages, mentioning it would only feed into them. Maybe. I don’t know. But this just kind of made me really uncomfortable and their response was shitty. I could have been a lot meaner. I wanted to be. But whatever, that wouldn’t have helped. So I just blocked them and hope that this time it sticks. If they see this, then hey… not cool.
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jrwiyuri · 1 year
I’m always so fascinated by fan culture.. is there like genuine research on why people act the way they do to normal human beings.
#stupid snake talk#like why ppl are obsessed with face reveals#and information in general but my mind went to face revelas#cause I remembered that one person who like.. analyzed faceless YouTubers handwriting I think.. or smth like that and tried to draw what#they imagined their face to be#and general people jsut being obnoxious about asking#I have never ever in my life cared about what a youtuber has looked like ever#I didn’t know a lot of herm1tcraft members were open about what they look like for that very reason#I JUST DONT CARE..#so it’s like facinating to see it be such a big deal#like w/ r4nboo i never cared about seeing their eye#I could not personally give a fuck about what their eyes looked like at all#but I WAS happy that they were seemingly feeling more comfortable in their body#that’s cool#but even then it was like.. idk it was a distanced ‘wow proud of u’#maybe it’s cuz I’m always overly self aware of how I act about ccs due to like leftover purity culture#but I’m always so aware of like.. I don’t KNOW this cc they aren’t my friend they aren’t my anything ever they just make content#and I never will and I also don’t have a desire to#and it’s just truly like incomprehensible to me that someone would#lol#this was a long rant just to say ‘I don’t get why that guy is so special.. that’s just a guy?’#that’s a grown ass person I will never know and likely never speak too or even see in person#I got fictional characters to be rotating in my brain I don’t have time to think about what fuckin tu/bbos favorite color is or whatever#idc#at all
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rosiefairlands · 2 years
Thanks DENA for the early birthday gift.
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cometrose · 11 months
okay the archon quest as a whole was pretty good like the plot and storyline were strong and furina’s writing was good would’ve been better if you cut out the entirety of the fortress of meropide
however some of those acts were too long and i cant wholeheartedly support shit that makes me ass hurt
to compare to sumeru, personally i like the main cast of sumeru more but fontaine had a better storyline glad to see their writing improve somewhere
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babythegod · 2 years
This is my year for romance, I’m manifesting true love. 💕
I call all my power back to me.
&I JUST FOUND OUT YESTERDAY THAT SOOOO MUCH GUAP BOUTTA COME MY WAY, thank The Most High for revealing true colors, just in time. 🙌🏾
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thesungod · 2 years
the problem is that at the end of the day i wanted to be a doctor but i don’t have the self discipline confidence academic capability courage and memory to go through medicine and residency and i’ll do physical therapy which is cool and i like it a lot but i wanted to be a doctor and i’m scared i’ll always be partially unsatisfied. maybe i should have changed field all together to numb the pain rather than choosing a career where i literally work with and see doctors all day. but i wanted to not starve lmao
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scottishstoner · 2 years
3 straight days of work starting tomorrow at the Hilton, then next week I’m booked in for waiting shifts there again for a couple days and hopefully I’ll get shifts at this other fancy place I done waiting shifts at before next week too coz it’s cool working there and I need the shifts lol
Is it sad I’m excited to work lol? I haven’t worked since the 6th and I’m so use to a busy schedule with work I’ve been kinda going crazy lmfao
#work#it’s all waiting/wine waiting/bar stuff . mostly waiting tables or wine waiting or plate waiting#it’s a fancy function tomorrow I had to find a black tie that would fit me coz I’m so small lmfao#i applied for those shifts might get booked in. hope so. it’s a temp agency app this one#my other main work has no shifts rn or they’re mad at me and if so idgaf lol#I done nothing ok maybe I skipped work a few times with excuses but I was very depressed and not even caring at the time#i pick and choose my shifts even with the main company I work for however they may ask me a favour to do a shift out the blue and if I can#and I want to I will and I do enjoy it. but I have applied to other bars with more stable hours tbh#but I can still do temp work but idk about my main work bc it isn’t agency it’s just..they staff..#various venues and bars but they’re the main ones if that makes sense?? lol#rambles in tags#what happened was I gave myself time off but then I got very dark and depressed lol and declined shifts but now I’ve gone mad and am trying#to book every shift available that I enjoy which is bar/waitressing . IDK WHY I WNJOY IT#bar work is the best but I still enjoy waitressing. I’ve had some shitty jobs man. i enjoy it but it’s more than that ifk#I don’t question it if I’m happy I’m happy. I’m quite bubbly irl kinda annoying to some but whatever#worker at this Hilton so many times but usually it’s breakfast/afternoon tea service but this is a fancy function but I’ve done loads#of those but point is: different permanent staff idk work there whereas I’ve gotten to know ALL the fucking morning:afternoon staff &#they’ll be at another part probably which isn’t far away lol I just wonder who tf my manager tomorrow will be#but I know my temp agency worker will be there for everyone this time but she isn’t usually they must be desperate for staff she’s known to#also help out when needed which is so cool of her#it’s funny you get to know the agency workers. i know a few we even message each other lol.. we run into each other almost all the time#sometimes you get on with people sometimes not lol but if it flows it flows so whatever right? idk I’m high but yes
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boy-armageddon · 9 months
you ever realized how wrong you were about an album
#listened to this adultery is ripe for the first time in. a while#MAN. MAN#I was SO mean to it for no reason it’s honestly really good#idc if it’s ‘amatuer’ idc ‘objectively their weakest album’#WHO. CARE!!!!!#i completely forgot time for tenderness existed btw. god everything hurts so bad#they honestly have no ‘least favourite albums’ for me#i might like some slightly less. but they’re all in the age area of being fucking amazing and cool and awesome for me#*same area not age area LOL#anyway. what I mean to say is#i was very very wrong about this adultery and I#am mad at myself for being like ‘oh I hate it a lot lol’ about it#like genuienly. I don’t get past me#yeah doctor doctor’s intro is pretty long. its still really good and frankly#I like the drawl so bad with Whitney’s vocals in their early stuff so this is good for me#and also. why did I hate on the title track that much#because it’s not bad really. sure I like it slightly less than some of the other songs#but i liked listening to it!#i don’t really dislike something unless I actively want it to stop and I have to make myself keep listening#also also super super side note#jennifer and Cecilia & the silhouette saloon are like half sisters to me#do you understand my vision#I love both songs very much btw#obvs I love Cecilia. Cecilia Moore exists and all and she’s semi inspired by that song#mainly in a more literal sense though but eh#im rambling ehre its 1 in the morning I need to sleep#alas. more tbb posts to post#evil neighing compilation
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ruscha · 10 months
dr who is like….. really bad sometimes ??
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