#conversational sensational
starlit-eudemonia · 2 months
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how I feel like this flight is abt to end
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justplaggin · 6 months
finally stepped foot on the sacred grounds of miraculous ladybug
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beaft · 8 months
had the same feeling once i realized ppl literally meant they're seeing images in their heads. pretty crazy how different we could all think and not realize. hearing is the only sense i can imagine so the way you and I process information must be completely different in shape and there was a high chance we would never realize
the fact that in all of human history no two people have ever had the same experience of the universe just makes me go crazy if i think about it too long. your consciousness is a completely different shape from my consciousness! i will never know how you see red and you will never know how i see it! fuck!
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creepyscritches · 5 months
Just finished another class on how to not put my foot in my mouth and it's soooo validating to know people have to learn these skills like anything else. I've signed up for uhhh I think this is like my 3rd or 4th? And experts on how to not sound like a dick will school me and 30 other professionals on how to not sound like a dick. Wiiiiiiild how much there is to learn on the intricacies of communication :O
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moonypears-blog · 10 months
I was writing this down to put in a fic at one point but it's breaking my heart so I must share my pain.
"Mr Cedric? Can I ask you something?" "Of course, my dear."
"Is it normal for Dads to not talk to their daughters very much?"
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araneitela · 4 months
While I've had a four (five?) year old clung to my leg all afternoon, my brain had been stuck on three things tied to Kafka, of which I'll share two over here.
Her name. The more I think about and hear Kafka's name pronounced, the more I fall utterly and madly in love with it. I'm absolutely enamored with how Daman (especially, ship-bias aside) pronounces it, but also Cheryl herself, and Melissa (Silver Wolf), along with the emphasis that Adin (Sam) puts to it. There's something about it that commands such attention, but it also somehow possesses something so inherently feminine, even if the name has no roots as a name for a woman whatsoever. It's still almost exclusively used as a surname in eastern Europe, and in the excessively rare context that it's used as a first name, it's for a man. And yet, I can't shake the feminine rarity of it. It drives me crazy, actually.
Feral, I don't know how to title this. The absolute intense difference, and contrast between a woman that reaches up and wraps her arms around a man's neck when she's kissed. And the inherent intimacy of the kind of woman who never does so at all, and instead, will grasp at the front of a shirt, or of the lapel of a jacket. And it's not to pull down, or to keep him down by force, but as an additional way to connect, for him to feel the intensity of her reaction. It's about being enveloped, it's about being crowded in, and entirely and thoroughly subjecting yourself to it, allowing it to drown and overwhelm you in its entirety.
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heartoflesh · 5 months
You blamed me. But what is the difference between pulling away slowly and doing it all at once. In the end, we will still end up being the ghost of each other anyway.
Excerpts from a book I'll never write, William
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marc--chilton · 1 month
(mgv) if house needs touch for his pre-heat to soothe his antsy hindbrain, wilson will find particular joy in scratching his chin. house never outright asks for it if he can help it, the touch, but wilson's pretty good at reading him and figuring out what he needs. and chin scratches are his favorite because it's like house's weak spot. yknow, besides the other bigger stuff. he'll press further into wilson's hand, his good leg bouncing (one time wilson did standing chin scratches and house almost ate shit so this is a sit-down activity), and start purring once the endorphins kick in. the closer to house's heat, the more likely he'll have to have his held up by wilson by the end of it. it's such a far cry from house normally to let himself enjoy something good for him so wilson tries to keep the teasing to a minimum even though the temptation to do so is so very strong
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Books of 2023: DISORIENTATION by Elaine Hsieh Chou.
I tend to wait for lit fic in paperback instead of purchasing the hardback, but I've had my eye on this one since the hardback came out. I'm enjoying it so far! The Goodreads reviews are very polarized (people either love it or think it's hugely stupid), but it's easy to read and has made me laugh out loud a couple times (like weaponizing a box of jumbo tampons + toilet for a Heist Cover--this shit is ridiculous, I love it).
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mendelmakes · 7 months
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Thinking about how the durge probably has autopsy scars. Here's my headcanon for what my durge (Ryl) has got going on after they left Kressa Bonedaughter's "loving care"
(Also if anyone has any fic recs where the companions react to that revelation please share)
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1introvertedsage · 8 months
Have you ever noticed your heart speaking to someone else’s heart?
Someone you didn’t know or barely knew?
It’s really an interesting feeling 🙈
Not love or romantic. More like feeling it move differently (your heart).
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xamaxenta · 1 year
mmmmmmmmmm self esteem doko
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forecast0ctopus · 2 years
your art is so good i want to ???? rub my face on it like a cat or something idk man
AH thanks so much!! all you guys sending asks are far too kind haha <3 i get what u mean though i feel that way when i look at like. psychonauts concept art. and dale cooper. and a lot of other things but we'd be here all night if i listed em out
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kuratm · 10 months
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@ervaurem asked: "How come you don't believe me?" ( from kokichi aka let's bring back beautiful irony woo )
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❛ well...look at your track record, then ask me that question again. ❜ albeit said in a light manner, clearly indicating sayu was only joking, there was a semblance in truth there - since childhood, all she grew up to were kokichi's lies spewing to everyone. all that, just to ensure a picture perfect, blanked slate for the master of deceptions and pranks. nobody ever dared to dig too deep, either not caring or hating him too much to even consider what were his real thoughts, but the ultimate j-rock sensation wasn't the same as them. unlike him, her doll-like façade gave her an opportunity to see through others and think more rationally and, well, in a more sympathetic nature. it's ironic how the two were different yet so similar...two sides of a same coin, huh?
the girl sighs before a hand reaches to gently tuck some dark purple strands off kokichi's face. ❛ honestly, ko-chan...anytime you plan one of your pranks, i'm always the one worrying for your safety. it's not that i don't believe you, it's just... ❜ was it ironic for her to believe a pathological liar? ❛ ...would it kill you to do this in a less chaotic way? we've been here for one minute and yet you're already scheming. hehe, is the ultimate supreme leader bored~? ❜
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monster-noises · 1 year
I have, despite the gloomy wet Pit I've been living in for the past few months (in a metaphorical sense), been trying harder to actually commit to making material improvements in my life, fixing things, replacing things, getting rid of stuff that doesn't work for me.. and it's been nice! I took some pants and made some shorts, I got myself some new summer shoes (I haven't had a pair of sandals in over 5 years!!! insane!!!), finally hunted down bed sheets that actually fit, fixed my tablecloth... etc etc and just today I got some nice sturdy hard plastic wheels from work to replace the absolutely Crushed ones that originally came on the cart I use to get groceries and they're Perfect except I can't figure out how to fucslkdnfsding keep them on there... I was hoping I could extricate the axle mechanism from the old wheels as those were perfectly in tact but alas they are just Not coming out... so for now I have made makeshift blockades on the ends of the axle so I can buy Food tomorrow and I'll just have to keep Pondering how to more permanently affix them on there... it's a good thing I work at a Hardware Store
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neverbesokind · 1 year
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