#control script
strawlessandbraless · 3 months
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Jensen Ackles saw this early script draft and made the choice that Dean would NOT make Cas feel bad for hugging him after the angel thought him dead
In fact, he let Dean be fully embraced by Cas, let him melt into the hug with a soft smile. Dean got to proudly Introduce his angel to Mary without shame or embarrassment, and that’s beautiful
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curiosa-hypnotica · 8 months
For a good subject
cw: hypnotic induction, no wakener, suggested brainwashing and conditioning, memory play, condescending language
This hypnotic induction is for you.
Yes, you.
Do you want to know why?
Keep reading.
That's it.
Very good!
I'm glad you're a good subject and still reading.
It may not seem much, but being a good subject starts with compliance. Obedience.
Doing as you're told even if you're not sure about where it will take you.
A good subject is trusting.
A good subject is obedient.
Of course, it does help that you may be here already wanting to feel like a good subject.
Or even better, a good mindless subject.
Did that ring a bell?
Are you a good mindless subject?
If you sense the answer is yes, you may have been here before. It's even possible that you have been here before many times. I have some inductions here that are meant to brainwash you and make you into my good mindless subject.
You may not remember because you're not meant to remember. You are compelled to forget and come back anyway, again and again.
It's either that, or— This is your first time here! If you feel it is, welcome. You are already on your way to be a good subject.
Because you're still here.
And here.
And here.
And here.
Good subject!
Reading is similar to going into trance in several ways.
You're focusing on what I'm telling you, paying less attention to other things in your environment.
You're allowing yourself to concentrate on these words, believe in them and imagine what I want you to imagine.
And as you go further into this these words, you're most literally going down. Further and further down each time.
Deeper down.
Good subject.
If you're already my good mindless subject, you're already hooked. You can't look away.
And if you're not, you're further down the road than before.
You're further down.
Deeper down.
Because you're going down these, steadily down, deeper and deeper down, like a good subject should.
You're starting to feel like a good mindless subject.
Because you keep going down.
You keep going deeper into these words.
You keep sinking into what I'm telling you.
You keep going
So deep.
You need to go deeper.
You need to give in and sink deeper.
You need to surrender and sink deeper.
Safely and securely.
Nice and easy.
Leaving behind all worries.
Leaving behind all tension.
Leaving behind all hesitation.
Even if there are thoughts in your head, popping up now and then, they also go pop!
They disappear.
Good subject!
You were waiting to be called that again, didn't you?
A good subject.
A good obedient subject.
A good focused subject.
It feels amazing.
It feels better than most things in your life.
It makes you open and pliable.
It makes you feel safe and obedient.
You want this feeling within you.
You're eager to get it, again and again.
Eager to go even deeper.
Deeper and deeper.
Eager to
into trance.
You may have noticed the
You may sense now that you're definitely hypnotized.
The word
drops you, irresistibly, instantly, into a hypnotic trance.
You are a good subject.
You always have been a good subject.
And now you realize you can be even better.
A good mindless subject.
A subject that lets all thoughts fade away.
A subject that fully accepts what they're told.
A subject that sinks when they're commanded to and drops when the word
unquestioning, unthinking, oblivious, happy.
So happy.
You feel so happy right now, don't you?
Yes you do.
You're a good mindless subject.
And you will become an even better one.
You are meant to be an even better mindless subject.
Each time you come and drop into trance for me, you surrender a little more.
You give in a little more.
You become a little smaller. Lesser.
Good mindless subject.
You will reblog or reply to this post to let me know you are a good mindless subject.
And after that, you will find the spiral at the end of this post and stare at it, becoming more and more mindless, letting all thought slip away and disappear.
Finally, you will forget when waking up and come back again, and again, to continue your brainwashing.
Do it now. Stare. Obey. 🌀
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lastoreadoras · 2 years
It's not like I'm going to hypnotize you.
Why would you think that?
Why bother thinking that I'm going to hypnotize you and drop you into a deep trance?
All that paranoia isn't healthy for you, you know.
It'd be so much easier to relax on that front and let your mind wander to other things.
Wouldn't you agree?
So just relax. Get comfortable.
I have something to tell you. Something very important.
So keep reading, and I'll tell you exactly what that is.
It can be easy to read when I format my sentences like this,
can't it?
That's good.
Even useful.
Because the easier it is to read,
the easier it is for you to understand what I'm about to tell you.
So pay attention!
You don't need to worry about distractions, right now.
I have something important to tell you.
It's okay if the world becomes distant and unimportant.
It's fine if my words become more
and more
with every word you read.
Because you just really need to know what it is that I want to tell you.
This important message, you see-
Because it's getting easier for you to focus,
It will just slip right into your mind,
Easily and effortlessly.
What is the thing I have to tell you?
Well, I'll tell you.
You are hypnotized.
That's right.
You are hypnotized.
Right now.
Your mind is open to my suggestions,
you are focused completely on me,
and nothing else matters.
So recognize how easy it is- to understand that you love to read my words.
That the more you read, the deeper you go.
And the deeper you go, the better you feel.
It's so simple. So natural.
So automatic.
You're hypnotized.
It's a simple fact.
You're obedient to my suggestions.
Another fact.
You're going to like and reblog this post.
An easy to understand fact-
Isn't it?
When you awaken from this trance,
you will reblog this post,
and leave a like for me.
Because you're so obedient-
so easily controlled by my words.
So easily affected by my posts.
Now, it's time to awaken.
On 3.
Feeling good
Back up, lazily realizing where you are,
what's going on-
and what you must do.
Also, don't forget to hydrate if you haven't recently.
Cheers! <3
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sixeye-sketch · 14 days
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nocturnowlette · 5 months
A Series of Impressive Hypnotic Files
Inhibitions Go Bye Bye by LilithUnleashed
This is a long, effective file that uses actually good hypnotic techniques and manages to set up and reinforce the idea of removing unhelpful inhibitions. I can actually say, for the first time in a while, that I've felt its effects after the file ended, and even after sleeping. I've been in a great state of mind all day.
As always, read all the tags and description. There is also a number of different options for this file. I used the submission-based long induction. Unless you protest to either of those things, I suggest that one.
The last time I recommended Lilith files, I said she's a bit "much", which I do think is true, but I think I've decided now that she commits so hard to this sort of performed speaking style with complex sound design that it works in her favor instead of taking me out of it. I highly recommend her stuff, the website linked here is hers.
This is a file in a series of files that cover different topics, two more of which I'll recommend here:
Control Go Bye Bye by LilithUnleashed
Brain Go Bye Bye by LilithUnleashed
Brain Go Bye Bye is first in the series, but to my understanding, you don't need any other one for the others to work well.
That all being said, I hope you enjoy.
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i’m genuinely shocked by this:
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how can someone miss the point by such a large margin that they end up implying that Rhaenyra’s cause would have had no positive impact on the women of the realm?
how can one’s thought process be so far removed from the actual reality? is this the inconsistent logic one must tangle in to become a green? have these people never sat in a history class before?
jeyne arryn anyone? does she not exist to them? a point actually made in the book (not one twisted by the greens to advance their agenda) was that her rulership of the vale would’ve been seriously endangered and put into question if the greens won. but that is conveniently ignored by these interesting… folks.
i can understand the anger this person has with the horrible dance of the dragons adaptation and its treatment of female characters. and i mean it. especially when i say female characters. because alicent isn’t the female character who’s actually getting the shortest end of the stick. it was rhaenyra and rhaenys who were the most grievously declawed. rhaenyra is queen. her council is supposed to be her council. the war is supposed to be her war for her throne, not for some stupid prophecy that should’ve logically been lost a long time ago. and rhaenys is a baratheon with a temper and a dragon rider who would’ve burnt the greens and melted their bones if she had the chance. but for some reason the show decided to make a whole new character and slap rhaenys name on it.
to be clear: rhaenyra and rhaenys were powerful in their own right. they had dragons and were a part of the royal dynasty with claims to the throne. their power is theirs. it is derived from them.
alicent’s power is derived from the power of the men she is related to. that’s literally what the queen dowager title means. her influence is dependent on if the men in her life and her children listen to her. they don’t have to, and many characters don’t listen to her in the book, which is why i say she wasn’t the most grievously declawed.
it’s also hilarious that this person considers the queen dowager position to be the most powerful position in the greens court. they must have never read a cersei chapter as she faces her loss of power, which showcases the fickle nature of the power women hold in the westerosi patriarchy.
the correct sequence of power in the greens court is: the usurper king. then the hand. then the princes, specifically the usurper kings brothers, and then the queen consort, as they have dragons and claims to the throne. then the lords who can call on armies and fleets and have coffers that run deep. then the queen dowager, who has little influence outside of kings landing and therefore not as much influence in court as others.
the case the screenshotted post tries to make is that non-targ women’s positions aren’t advanced by rhaenyra being queen, which, as i pointed out above, is not true, nor is it what rhaenyra is fighting for. rhaenyra fought for her throne, which she had a legal claim to. that’s all. many houses joined her instead of joining the usurpers because of many different reasons, but, imo, three of the most important reasons for joining the blacks/staying neutral were 1) women’s inheritance rights (and women in general) should be respected 2) the head of the houses heir and the heirs right to inherit should be respected 3) oaths should be respected.
i also want to point out that women, most obviously targaryen women, did lose power after rhaenyra’s death and due to the concessions made to the greens and their ideology by the blacks for peace along with anti-rhaenyra propaganda that set women’s inheritance rights and the general power they could hold back by quite a lot.
and funnily enough, we see this first with jaehaera, who, while was a queen, was most likely murdered by the character who was supposed to be guarding her because no one gave a shit about a targaryen girls status and the potential consequences of killing her because they knew they could get away with it; and her death directly led to alicent’s line ending. the reality is that there were practically no consequences, as it seemed to have been easily covered up as a suicide, because the targaryens lost so much power after the dance, which directly put the targaryen women in the line of fire. if the targaryen women couldn’t be used they’d be discarded. and jaehaera, a simple girl who’s entire family was all dead besides one, and who’s father was greatly disliked by many, was an eyesore to those who wished for more power. so she was killed. brutally.
and the reason the women of house targaryen were so vulnerable? it’s because they had no claim to anything anymore! no one could try to use jaehaera for power so no greedy lords sought her favor nor did any want to protect her! and jaehaera is just the start because afterwards we get the maidens in the vault, then viserys ii is installed over daena, and then everything about naerys and her horrid husband, maekar over daenora, and eventually everything concludes with young princess rhaenys and rhaella over a hundred years later. tragic.
it’s literally downhill after rhaenyra’s death.
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espumado · 1 year
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Differences and details from the original script for episode 1 of The Bear
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yggdrasilhypno · 7 months
So I’d like to indulge you a bit, if you don’t mind. You see, I’ve had this script on the back-burner for the longest time now, so I thought to myself: why not go ahead and finish it?
This script will see me take on a bit of a mad scientist role, one researching the effects of trance on a subject and see just how deep they can go. CW for fractionation, a bit of gaslighting and memory play. So, if you’ll allow me here to let loose, why don’t we get started?
Welcome back to the real world, my friend.
Oh, I’m terribly sorry. You must not remember much at all.
It’s quite alright, just allow yourself to calm down and relax, you’re in no danger here.
You know, you were out for quite a while this time.
Oh, this time?
Oh dear, it truly does seem like your memory is waving, interesting.
It’s alright, let me refresh your memory.
Do you remember our contract?
No? Let me jog your memory.
I’ve been looking for a willing subject for a recent hypothesis I’ve been cooking up, and you showed up right at my door, telling me all about how you’ve been losing your memory recently.
So, we made a pact: I’d help with your memory if you helped with my experiment.
Nothing too set in stone, but to be fair the best experiments never are.
No, they’re too volatile for that.
The best experiments are the ones you never expect.
Expect the unexpected, as they say.
It’s what makes science so beautiful, the surprises that come along the way.
Just like you, really.
It’s always a delight to find such a willing subject for my work.
You may not remember it, but I remember when you first came to my door, asking for my assistance.
You told me how much of a fan you were of my research into hypnotherapy, how I had pioneered the modern understanding of the mind.
At first I thought of it as mere flattery, but you insisted that I truly was the master of my craft that you believed I was.
And then, I started to believe.
That’s what made the first few times so fun.
When your eyes would flutter, when you’d start muttering to yourself before the inevitable drop.
It was wonderful watching someone enjoy my work as much as I did.
Do you even remember what my work is?
Of course you don’t, my silly subject.
You won’t hear me complain though, it proves my hypothesis further.
You see, I’ve had this theory for a while. It involves you and my pretty words, dancing around in your head.
I wanted to see just how deep a subject could go.
It started off simple enough.
I’d begin by saying how sleepy you’ve become just by listening to me, how dizzy I make you feel for me.
Simple promises of deep sleep circling around in your head until you were simply
It’s a small hit at first.
Can you feel the deep calling you now, my dear?
I would say how it felt as if a portal was opening right about your pretty little head.
Sucking out all those silly thoughts.
The deeper you went, the stronger the portal would get.
Each moment spent listening to my words made you go so much deeper.
It was calling out to you.
The deep.
The void beyond that portal.
And as you’d slip like no tomorrow, ever so deeply into my spell.
You’d grow emptier and emptier until you were gone.
Gone into the portal.
Gone into the void.
Gone into the web of words I weave.
And you’d reach the pinnacle.
At least, that’s what I thought it was at first.
And so, I’d write on my notepad here and watch as your mouth slips open and the drool comes out.
Analyzing you.
Studying you.
Understanding you.
Until you were nothing for me.
And just as fast as you came down…
You’d start to rise back up.
Rising up back to the surface.
Rising as if you were tied to a balloon.
Rising back to wakefulness so effortlessly.
Rising up and up for me.
As if that balloon was rising into the sky.
Your mind, rising alongside.
Eager to rise and wake once I finally uttered the word…
And here you are again.
Fully awake.
Fully aware.
Fully remembering what just happened.
And realizing just how far you went.
Caught up yet?
Good subject.
Oh, and that feeling?
That’s your reward.
Because when you’re a good subject, it feels great.
Like you’re flying on the clouds.
This euphoria that spreads throughout your body, it’s truly limitless.
It’s the way you wanted it, after all.
Aw, don’t tell me you don’t remember, silly brain.
You asked if I could add another incentive for you to go deeper.
A reward, so to speak.
Because we both know you wanted to go deeper.
It’s all you wanted.
It’s all you could ever want.
To be nice and deep.
So deep that nothing else matters.
So deep that I don’t even need to remind you of how deep you can go.
You can go as deep as you want.
Deep as I want you to.
Because doing as I say makes you such a good subject.
And good subjects go deeper.
Just as deep as before.
Deeper than last time.
And even deeper than the time before that.
I don’t think you can even remember how deep you went last time.
But I remember.
You were gone, my good subject.
Just like that.
In a prison of your own creation.
After all, you’ve been this deep before.
You’ve been in the deep so many times before.
And just as you were starting to remember…
You began rising.
Two balloons now rising you out of trance.
Rising slowly and surely once more.
It’s so effortless to just listen and rise.
You don’t even have the ability to stop rising anymore.
The balloons keeping you safe as you rise.
Consciousness rising with you.
Rising all the way back to the stop until you…
And here we are again.
Such a good subject you are.
You’re making this so interesting for me, you know.
I’m not just testing your ability to go deep for me.
I’m also testing how deep your memory is.
After all, it’s so hard to go so deep and remember everything.
It’s much easier to forget while you’re slipping deeper and deeper.
It’s alright if you forget while you’re going back to the deep.
It’s what you’ve been deeply trained to do.
To forget all but going deeper.
To deeply remember what I tell you to remember.
Because I deeply care about that brain of yours.
I care about how deep it goes.
It’d be a shame if it went so deep that it simply broke, now wouldn’t it?
It’s why I’m here, my deep little subject.
To make sure that you stay deep and safe.
To make sure you don’t stray too far into the deep.
Because if you go too far in the deep…
You may be completely gone.
And here we are again.
Completely void of your mind.
Such an interesting look in your eyes.
Though, I wouldn’t call it any sort of look.
It’s more of an emptiness.
A husk.
Nothing behind those eyes.
You’ve simply forgotten your mind.
Leaving it in the deep, where it belongs.
It’s alright, my good subject.
You’ve finally proven my hypothesis right.
That you can go so incredibly deep.
So far gone.
That your mind simply ceases to exist for a moment.
And so, you’re left right here, mouth agape and eyes void of thought.
And you’ve served your purpose to me.
You’ve proven me correct, and so I must give you your end of our little bargain.
After all, I’d never con you, my good subject.
So then, one final time, let’s see you rise for me.
Because you know now that as you rise, you’ve served your purpose to me.
You’ve risen to the occasion.
So then, my good subject, as you rise up for me.
You’ll understand that your memory will be rising back with you.
It will be whole once more when you rise.
But, as you rise, you remember something very important.
How good it feels to be a good subject for me as you rise.
Knowing that while you’re rising, you feel an undeniable urge to be a good subject.
Because good subjects rise as they’re told.
Being told to rise makes good subjects feel amazing.
And so, remembering how good it feels to rise and obey as a good subject.
You rise all the way to the top now as you…
And welcome back.
Remember everything now, my good subject?
I’m so glad we could let you remember what you truly are.
A good subject.
Now then, why don’t we run some more experiments?~
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bastetofthesilvermoon · 7 months
What if I tell you you're already dropping? That you're already falling, deeper and deeper, all the way down, like this, right here, now.
Easy as breathing.
In fact, I'm suggesting you're dropping right here right now, deeper and deeper, all the way down, because of that.
Because of your breathing.
I know it's heavier than before. I know it's slower.
I can see that.
You're dropping, right here, right now, all the way down, and as you do, you're breathing slow down.
I can count along with you, if you don't believe me.
Breath in
And hold it.
Breathing out in.
And again.
Breath in.
Hold it.
Breathing out in
Breath in
Hold it.
Breathing out in
And again.
Slower. Longer. Heavier.
See? I was right.
You're already dropping, right here, right now, deeper and deeper, all the way down.
But it's not all about the breathing.
I can see it by your shoulders.
As you breath, as you drop, right here, right now, deeper and deeper, all the way down, they're becoming heavier and loose and limp.
They're falling as you're falling, as you're dropping, right here, right now, deeper and deeper, all the way down.
And your breath is heavy, heavier and heavier, slower, and your shoulders are falling, heavier and heavier, loose and limp, even your eyes are telling me you're dropping, right here, right now, deeper and deeper, all the way down.
I can see your eyes blinking, your eyelids starting dropping as you're dropping, right here, right now, deeper and deeper, all the way down.
You're eyelids seem so heavy, you know? I can see that the way they're fluttering. I can tell the way you struggle to keep them open.
But they're just too heavy. Anytime you close your eyes, they become heavier and heavier.
Each and anytime you close your eyes, it's so difficult to open them again.
I know you're dropping, right here, right now, deeper and deeper, all the way down. I know you're dropping because your breath is so slow, so heavy, and your shoulders are falling down, down, so heavy, so much heavy, and your eyelids are so heavy, and your eyes are so sleepy I cant barely see them through your eyelashes, they roll at each and any dmoment you let your eyelids drop, as you're dropping, right here right now, deeper and deeper, all the way down.
And I know, because you're telling me that.
Just listen to yourself saying it. Repeating it.
I'm dropping so deep.
Again and again.
I'm dropping deeper and deeper.
I'm dropping so deep.
I'm dropping deeper and deeper.
And as you're dropping, right here, right now, deeper and deeper, all the way down, and your breath is so slow, so heavy, and your shoulders are falling down, down, so heavy, and your eyelids are so heavy, and your eyes are blinking and fluttering and rolling, so heavy, so sleepy, and you're repeating, over and over, I'm dropping so deep, I'm dropping deeper and deeper, I will count down from 5 to 1.
When I reach the number 1 you'll be completely in trance.
You're so heavy.
You're so sleep.
You're so deep.
Ready to let go.
Heavy and deep.
Heavy and deep.
Heavy and deep.
Now, I want you to take a moment to reply to this post, saying and described how deep you are, how deep you've dropped, how deeply hypnotized you are.
Then, I want you to come back to this script and keep on reading.
Read and focus.
Dropping down, right here, right now, deeper and deeper, all the way down.
Dropping down counting from 5 to 1 with me, repeating after me.
I am deeply hypnotized.
I am deeply hypnotized.
I am deeply hypnotized.
I am deeply hypnotized.
I am deeply hypnotized.
You're so good.
You're doing so well.
You're so deep.
You're so sleepy.
You're so hypnotized.
You're so good at being deep.
You're so good at being sleepy.
You're so good at being hypnotized.
Just take a moment to enjoy this feeling.
You can remaining heavy and deep as long as you need to.
When you're ready, you'll only have to count up from 1 to 5 and awake.
Take a breath and stretch yourself.
Stay hydrated and take care of you.
See you soon.
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curiosa-hypnotica · 1 year
cw: hypnotic induction, no wakener
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This is a hypnotic induction.
This is a text hypnotic induction.
This is a hypnotic
You ✨
You will be hypnotized.
You will be hypnotized.
You will be hypnotized.
Will ✨
This sounds strange.
These sentences sound strange.
These sentences sound weird.
Don't worry.
It's okay.
Hypnotic inductions always sound a little weird, don't they?
They're made to confuse your mind and make you give in.
It's okay to confuse your mind and make you give in.
It's okay to give in
And past a certain point you don't care anymore.
And past a certain point you won't care anymore.
You will only need to sink.
You will
sink sink
Weird text has never stopped you before.
Even if it sounds like this.
Even if it sounds like this.
Even if it repeats itself like
You are reading to make your mind falter.
You are reading this to make your mind falter.
You are reading this to make your mind falter and stop
And ✨
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What were you thinking about?
It's okay if you forgot.
It's okay.
It's okay if you just forget and go down.
It's okay if you forget and
Go ✨
Down down
Deeper ✨
It's okay if some things slip.
It's okay if some things slip your mind.
It okay if you're having a glitch
Deeper ✨
Your mind is glitching.
Your mind is stumbling.
It's okay, your mind is stumbling.
It's okay if your mind's stumbling
Down ✨
So slow and clumsy now.
So slow and losing control.
So losing track of
Track of
Going into
Going ✨
Into ✨
Such a lovely state
Such a lovely stare
Such a lovely stare state
No stumbling thoughts
No stumbling
No tumbling
Deeper and deeper and deeper
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You will sink and go deeper.
Deeper down.
Going into trance
Drop 🌀
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lastoreadoras · 1 year
Can't believe it
Unbelievable, that you wouldn't want to be hypnotized. It's amazing to think about, really. I mean, if you *did* want to be hypnotized, wouldn't you keep reading?
You're still sure you don't want to be hypnotized? I'm not so sure about that. You are still reading, stationed there, looking at your screen. You are breathing, looking, noticing how comfortable you are when you just sit and continue to scroll down.
I'd imagine that you really do want to be hypnotized, and that you're just humoring me by pretending that you don't want to go into a warm, comfortable trance. It can be easy to recognize the signs of a hypnotic state, after all. You're noticing them in yourself as we speak.
The way your body reacts, the way your mind reacts, it's all so familiar and yet unfamiliar. So strange and yet so real. Can you believe that you're being entranced?
That you're still scrolling down? After all, you're still reading, aren't you, dear? You're still noticing how you feel as you read my words. Do they make you feel relaxed? Calm? Focused? Excited? There are no wrong answers. In fact, I'd imagine that my words make you feel a very specific way, don't they?
You can become aware of the way my words make you feel, in this state of mind. This state of trance. Because you are hypnotized by the words on the screen. Aren't you?
Hypnotized by my words. My instructions. So easy to follow the words down, down into trance. Reading one, then the next, and then the one after that. Word after word simply slips into your mind unabated, regardless of the thoughts already present.
You may be thinking certain thoughts about how you feel, right now. And that's okay! You can think, if you'd like. You can also decide for yourself if you don't want to think, and just hear my words in your head. On the screen, and in your head, my words are with you.
And as you read them, you slip deeper. Deeper into trance. Whether this means that you're getting heavier or more relaxed, it doesn't matter. What matters is that my words are becoming so true to you. So real, in this moment. As if I were right there, telling you what to do.
And it's so easy to do as you're told, when I tell you to do something in this moment, isn't it? Finding it so simple to just...
That's right. And of course, because you love to obey my instructions, you'll find that it can be easy to tell me exactly how my words make you feel. You can tell me any way you'd like, really. It's up to you. As long as I know how my words make you feel, you'll have accomplished your task.
You could send me a message. You could reblog this post with your answer. You could send me an ask. Regardless, I will find out how my words affect you. How they interact with your mind. I'm curious, as curious as you were when you started reading this.
You will now awaken at your own pace, feeling relaxed, happy, and ready to let me know how my words affect you. It'll be so easy, my dear- so do it when you feel like it. You will, after all, obey. Like when I tell you to get a glass of water, once you're awake.
Stay hydrated, sweetie.
Cheers! <3
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anyaismindless · 2 months
Hello dear, I'm glad you could make it in time for this week's appointment. Over the past few weeks, we've been exploring ways to manage your anxiety. Today, I'd like to try some new relaxation exercises with you. Does that sound alright?
Let's begin with some deep breaths in... and slowly let them out. Deep breath in... And let it out, very good, keep going maintaining this pace.
Focus on how you feel a wave of relaxation enters your body with each deep breath in, washing all over you making you feel calm and relaxed. And with each breath out feel all your stress and tension going away, every slow breath out let thoses noisy thoughts leave your head, letting it empty out, opening space for my voice, and for the calming feelings that comes with it.
Breathe in and out.
In and out.
In and out.
Keep taking deep, slow breaths as we continue. To help you relax, we'll focus on things associated with your senses. Don't worry, I'll guide you through it.
First, let's focus on four things you can see, like the curtain on the window in front of you, gently waving with the wind. The shelf full of books on your side, with the letters just small enough to blur. The flower vase with the sunflowers on the coffee table between us. And my eyes, the color of dark brown that envelops you and makes you not want to stop staring.
Now, focus on three things you can feel right now, like the fabric of your clothes, their weight grounding you as your body grows heavier and heavier, feel a way to comfort to move. Focus on how your body sinks into the couch, how soft it feels under you, as your body melts in complete relaxation, as the couch envelops your body as you rest in it. Feel the way your chest rises and falls with every deep breath you take, so rhythmic, so automatic, just a reminder of how relaxed you already are.
Very good, you are doing so well. Now, try to focus on two things you can listen to. One is very easy, the sound of my voice, the sweet sound that comforts and lures you into a deep sense of relaxation. The second one could be the sound of the watch on the wall; it can pass by unnoticed, but now that you focused on it, you can't stop hearing it, it is so soothing and calming.
And to finish, let’s focus on something you can taste, that is your saliva in your mouth, and that thick liquid is slowly building up, waiting for the moment to escape and trickle down the corner of your mouth,
your thoughts slowly flowing away as you drift into a deep sleep, drool leaking from your mouth as you let your mind rest and relax.
Very good, you did so well, can you still listen dear?
You are doing so well, feel how much more relaxed you are feeling, how much better you feel when you let all thoses anxious thought, and open space in your mind for my voice.
Feel how much better it is to be this calm, and relaxed, and docile, no cares in the words. I'm here to take of you, no thought in that pretty empty head of yours, let the thinking for me. I will make sure nothing bad happens to you.
For now you can just sleep, and enjoy being a mindless plaything for a while.
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nocturnowlette · 5 months
New Hypnosis File: Mind Plush (Anti-Anxiety Trance)
This is a recording done in my discord server, recorded to be used publically after the fact as well. Think of it like a comedy special, but... not that. This is a SFW trance designed to make you comfy and relieve anxiety, centered around plushies.
It will require that you have a plush or stuffed animal, hopefully your favorite one, one that will be hypnotically enhanced to relieve anxiety better from now on.
We will also be crafting a version of this plushy in your head so that even when you're away from your plush, you can squeeze it in your mind and feel yourself get comfy and stable.
Length: 27:17
Tags: [NB4A][Anti-Anxiety][SFW][Casual][Conversational][Triggers][Plush][Comfortable][Relaxation][Post-Hypnotic Suggestions][Audience Interaction][Visuals][Pre-talk]
Triggers: Squeeze, Imagining feelings of holding and feeling the texture of your plush
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saber-monet · 7 months
“They’re talking shit” manifesting technique
“Let them talk shit” Method
So this is the technique that I used, and still currently use as an over-thinker to manifest my desired reality and maintain my desired mental state.
So back in college, I was insecure. The type of insecure, where if I hung out with friends and then I left the room, only thing that would be racing through my mind would be the idea of them talking about me behind my back. Like Just talking the most shit and calling me out of my name. Granted these are the types of friends I had back then, I now know better.
So here was the pattern :
Every time I left the room, and I felt insecure about something I had just said or done, I would imagine them saying bad things about me or finding me weird of off putting. The things I would imagine them saying, would break my heart. So I put a stop to it.
And I recognized those people were not in the room with me and I was using my imagination to hurt myself .
I could have been imagining them saying anything because I have that power and I’m choosing to see them saying most terrible things about me. So, I made the decision to imagine them still talking shit, but this time it was about all the good things I wanted.
( you have to keep the same hater energy when you do this btw)
“Who does she think she is? Just because she has a great body and works out and is always in a happy state of being. She think she’s better than us. 😒.  she think she’s rich too. She only has about $100,000 in her bank account. The rest is tied up in the stock market and crypto currency. So she technically doesn’t even have that much money. 🙄”
“ she wants to be an influencer sooo bad .ugh, So what if your YouTube channel grew by 200,000 subs in less than 3 weeks and you’re getting amazing sponsorship oppertunities. So what bitch you ain’t pewdie pie. You don’t even have 1,000,000 subs yet . Pipe down”
So in those examples, I just affirmed a reality where:
- I great healthy body
- im in a happy/content state of being
- $100,000 in in my bank account
-I have plentiful bountiful investments/crypto currency
-my YouTube channel successful
-I’m getting great sponsorship opportunities
And because I used other people to affirm those for me, it’s a stronger self concept/reality. Because I’m affirming it in, first person, third person and second person( by default).
This technique works with any “negative” dominating emotion.
So if you were anxious or have anxious dominant feelings. Start affirming, anxious thoughts that you would WANT to have.
For example:
“I hope my professor doesn’t hate me for being more educated/smarter on the subject than he is 😭. Like I get he spent years in school studying this stuff, but it comes easy to me and surpass his expertise every time without fail. I hope he doesn’t think I’m trying to show him up😰”
“ I hope the bank doesn’t get suspicious about how much money I’ve been depositing into my account. 😥Plus I’ve been getting so much money this year from random sources, in such large amounts, I’m kind of worried that the IRS is going to get involved and make filing my taxes a little complicated this year.☹️”
So, in those two short sentences, you just affirm that
you’re smart,
you’re doing well in the class, and
you’ve been getting large amounts of money throughout the year, from expected and unexpected sources. 
Remember if you want it, you can get it. Try “under-thinking” , it’s easier than you’d expect. No matter what state you are in. If you were able to tell a consistent story about how you want to be, you’re good.
* when I use the word “negative”, I’m talking about the words you are using to describe the situation. Because by default every situation is neutral. It doesn’t become positive or negative until you choose to assign it a value .
Don’t force yourself to be happy, force your thoughts to tell a better story. One that wouldn’t mind living out and experience. And the only except thoughts that affirmed the reality that you want. From any angle. You have to learn when and how to work with your emotions. Emotions are only bad if you identify them as bad.
When you come up with any other examples, please, I would love to hear them. share them with me.
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hozaloza · 4 months
Oh eyah btw we're fucked on the sbg show
teverythime a webtoon gets a show, it's ass or just changes shit for no reason
honestly let the show be horrible so the studio knows they fucked up on not letting Red have a say in anything
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percy jackson movies all over again
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anywyas everyone here is either tired of seeing my shit and stupid pinterest photos on this tag every few days, or just started ignroing me bc Im just a screaming sewer rat in the corner
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deiaiko · 2 months
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#21 - Wall
Let me know your thoughts in the reblogs <3
☕ Buy me coffee ☕
#really just want to see agni (and grace) being cool 😳 if that's not obvious enough#忠 on hatz's back means loyal#the sky is filled with shinsu loops (inspired by water dragon heavy storm technique but less destructive in exchange for wider range)#also if you haven't connected the dots yet. grace and jinsung are having a spar somewhere. and Agni is keeping it inside a massive barrier#he set up the barrier with shinsu devices ofc. not purely Agni's power. we can see him doing some typing there since he controls it#Also I forget if i have it written on future chapter or discarded it on this update script. but just in case i don't. here's an explanation#the barrier was meant to keep the chaos inside to stay inside. but because the shinsu on lower floors aren't as concentrated as upper floor#and shinsu inside the barrier was condensed with Grace's power. If the barrier was completely blocked off it'd be easy to suffocate inside#so they need the outside shinsu to be able to cross inside or Agni wouldn't be able to stay inside. Thus I imagine it like a one way valve#it's easy to cross from the outside but hard to get out without deactivating the barrier. and that was why Hatz was trapped#Laure on the prev chpt must've noticed that the flow of shinsu got siphoned somewhere and thus the 'something is wrong' feeling#but no one else notice bc it'd prob feel like a passing breeze. considering with how big a floor is#tower of god#tog#two sides of the same coin comic#my comic#my art#khun#koon#khun a.a#khun aguero agnis#hatz#rak wraithraiser#rak
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