#contribute your verse podcast
crimeronan · 2 years
there are literally incalculable meta posts i could make about the silt verses (it’s one of those stories where i have thoughts about Every Damn Line) but tonight i’m thinking about how..... DELICIOUSLY it sets up and then subverts your worldbuilding expectations.
if you haven’t listened yet. consider this mini essay my pitch. (or rather one of many pitches.)
because you start with this narrative episode about two members of an outlawed religion seeking other members of their faith, and they’re both compelling and sympathetic and layered narrators, but also. one is describing a childhood built on drowning and torturing people to death and the other is delighted by sacrificial corpses and horrific apparitions of eldritch nonsense and you’re like, “okay, yeah, this is a horror podcast. i can pretty damn well see why your religion is outlawed jesus FUCK you guys how is there THIS MUCH MURDER involved in your religious rites-”
and one of the narrators tells you that society is hypocritical because the legal religions Also cause harm. and if you’re anything like me, you go okay, girl, whatever you need to tell yourself to justify your current crusade. your god is a special kind of fucked up but it’s all good
then of course there are hints of social worldbuilding that challenge this assumption, but it’s not until paige’s introduction ep that you’re smacked Full In The Face with like. All Of It. 
because paige is a law-abiding citizen high up on the corporate food chain, and she works a mundane job at a branding company. 
and the company’s margins are bad. 
and the company’s industry is shrinking. 
and the company needs to cut costs and reinvigorate its own brand. 
and of course this is a difficult time for everyone but flexibility is necessary to stay competitive in a cutthroat world.
and now the company is torturing its low-performing employees to death in front of everyone as a corporate ritual. viscerally described. 
and paige, who JUST watched her closest work friend die in the most horrific way imaginable, is playing her part as someone high up on the corporate food chain.
she is being upbeat and being cheerful and encouraging her surviving coworkers to “look lively” and pretending that nothing happened. 
and not a single person protests. and no one shrieks in horror and everyone shifts back into their worksona and the day passes without any particular note because this is a social norm and layoff-sacrifices are too commonplace to report and it is legal and it is accepted and it is a good way to boost the flagging numbers for the giant capitalist machine.
and you have this realization that. 
this Really Is how the world is. 
there really ISN’T anything separating the outlaw narrators’ rituals from those of the corporate and city-based gods.
and then the follow-up question becomes, “wait, then why is THEIR god banned?? if it’s not the murder and the horror then why is their god banned???? what’s the fucking difference????”
and the answer is that their outlawed god draws people away from the cities and the factories and the oil rigs and the pollution and the mineshafts. and their outlawed god does not contribute anything to the state. 
and it’s not about what people worship or what the gods want or what the rituals require or what the hallowed bodies look like.
it’s just about how The State (TM) and Capitalism (TM) are both systems that have weaponized the law to kill every god that doesn’t contribute to their money and power and exploitation and culture and control.
and then it’s.... it’s not about the horror anymore.
it’s not a story of two deeply flawed protagonists from a sick and twisted cult who are reasonably forced into the shadows of a largely normal world because They Are In A Horror Story, And Are Doing What Horror Protagonists Do (Being Fucking Crazy).
it’s a story about our world. the one we live in. we the listener. here in our modern-ass non-supernatural late-stage-capitalism world. it’s about all the structures we’ve built and burned and all the destruction at the center of that goddamn world.
the eldritch gods and terrors are just set dressing.
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foresight-studio · 1 year
Hi, I'm Ben! And I'm happy to be here.
I'm a neuroscientist by training and also by trade (though these days I care mostly about stem-cell epigenetics). When I'm not doing science, I'm probably thinking about stories, the ways we tell them, and how the act of storytelling structures our lives in ways both obvious and imperceptible.
You're probably here because I make games. I've been writing/designing/illustrating/laying out games and supplements for a little over a year now! Here's a few of them, in no particular order:
DO/OMED. Explore the disintegrating landscape outside of a utopian domed city, and discover the nature of the secretive Namesake Project. Inspired by Annihilation plus a pinch of Jewish tradition, written and designed by me, based on RP Deshaies Breathless system.
The Cross Stitch. In this self-contained folk horror adventure, you'll explore a missing town, meet its unusual denizens, and uncover the dark mystery at its heart. Written, illustrated, and designed by me, for MÖRK BORG (but adaptable to the system of your choice). It's also my only project currently available in print.
Hillbrook Glen: Manifest your Dreams. Attend an exclusive, luxurious wellness workshop in the Adirondack Mountains, and bring your dreams to life. No, literally, your dreams are alive. And they're hungry. Written and designed by me, as the first of a 4-part series currently in progress.
Public Access. In this game of nostalgia and analog horror from Jason Cordova & The Gauntlet, you'll investigate strange mysteries surrounding TV Odyssey, a notorious TV station from the '80s and '90s that disappeared without a trace. I contributed a very tiny bit of writing to this, but mostly I did the layout and graphic design.
Decomposer. Take on the role of a worm, a fungal spore, a seed, or some other tiny creature, and decompose the remains of a dead god into a new world. Written and designed by me. (And it's free!)
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I also have a few upcoming projects to look forward to:
Hillbrook Glen: Follow your Bliss. Explore a shifting meditation garden and face the branching paths your life could have taken in this post-it crawl adventure. Just be careful not to lose yourself. Coming September 2023 (I hope).
The Silt Verses RPG. In this TTRPG adaptation of the popular horror/weird-fiction podcast The Silt Verses, you'll traverse the Peninsula, hunting down stray deities while exploring your own complicated relationship with unsanctioned faiths. It's written by Gabriel Robinson & Jason Cordova, and I'm doing graphic design & layout. Coming soon.
Triangle Agency. As an employee of the Triangle Agency, it's your job to make sure the world doesn't collapse into chaos. You'll go on missions to apprehend dangerous anomalies while wielding anomalous powers of your own, battling bureaucratic nightmares along the way. TA was a runaway success on Kickstarter earlier this year, and I'm writing a mission for The Vault collection and laying out the book(s)!
Ex Nihilo Ad Nihilum. People vanish every day in the City of Y. But this one - this one is different. Or so your contact claims. Search for a missing scientist and uncover a potentially world-ending conspiracy in this surreal noir horror adventure for CY_BORG. Coming in the fall.
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While you wait for those projects, you can keep up with what I'm working on via my newsletter or the Foresight Studio discord server.
So, hello tumblr! I hope something I make resonates with you.
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
New to your blog and I saw in one of your posts you mentioned the demonization of DID within media and horror especially. I'm used to knowing this as things like the movies split etc but you mentioned werewolves aswell. As an avid dnd player I never really connected the dots but it makes a lot of sense how things like werewolves could be an allegory for people with DID and perhaps other horror related media and stuff also do that (perhaps jekyll and hyde).
I'm not well versed on the topic and was wondering if there's other creatures through mythology or stuff like that that are possibly rooted an abilism and stuff like that that you could point out for me? Sorry if any of that came across as offensive or anything
-Ben (only asking in anon because my main blog is a fan blog)
Hi there!
And there's a ton of it.
Before going further, it's important to note that pluralphobia can be broken into roughly two categories. The first is the fear of BEING plural. Of sharing your own body with someone else.
The second is a fear of someone else being plural, or otherwise not being the same person they used to be.
Stories of demon and spirit possession will touch upon both forms of pluralphobia and I've talked about them a lot.
But something that's not brought up often that contributed to this is body snatchers.
Many mythological creatures throughout history have fallen into this category. Despite not technically being plural, these stories stigmatize and demonize people for acting differently than they did in the past. For being different people.
Take, for instance, a story of a girl who goes into the woods collecting mushrooms and goes missing. She's found days later by her father who is overjoyed to have her returned.
Afterwards, strange things start happening around the farm. Animals start dying. And the girls' brothers are sent to watch the lifestock at night. One by one, the brothers tell the father what they saw, and he doesn't believe them.
One of the brothers is banished by his father while the others don't speak of it further. He goes to live at a temple for a year when one of his brothers comes to get him, telling him he needed to return.
The brothers return home to find their estate in disrepair, and their livestock and the rest of their family dead. Only the sister is alive, when she's revealed to be a Kumiho: A 9-tailed fox demon who replaced their real sister.
(Note: I'm summarizing the version from the Myth & Legends podcast we heard well over a year ago from memory, so some of the details may not be totally accurate. Also, that's a really great episode and you should check it out even if I did spoil the ending.)
This story isn't intentionally pluralphobic. It's intentionally sexist, with the moral being to believe your sons over your daughters. But the pluralphobia isn't intentional.
However, stories like this and many others created environments where systems couldn't exist.
These stories weren't JUST stories. They were superstitions that shaped cultures.
I don't know if people believed this specific story as an accurate historical account of something that really happened. But they believed in the Kumiho and creatures like them. Just like people believed in similar creatures that could replace your loved ones.
Luckily, I don't know of anyone killed because their relatives believed them a Kumiho. (But we likely wouldn't know. These were peasant beliefs most popular in times when lower classes were illiterate and much of this history wouldn't be recorded. Let alone survive to be translated into English.)
But when it comes to superstitions of Fae body snatchers, Bridget Cleary wasn't nearly so lucky.
Murdered by her husband with several others who accused her of being a Fae.
For other ableism, some have also linked changelings to Autism and other mental illnesses, being used to justify child abuse and torture.
What would it have been like to be plural before the modern era?
With this in mind, I think it's important to consider why we don't hear much of psychological plurality until recently. The body snatching trope may not be a direct allegory for plurality in the same way as demon possession. But it contributed to an environment of superstition and fear.
Today, being out as plural, headmates wanting to go by our chosen names instead of the body's, means that we may be disowned by family, abandoned by friends, harassed on the internet or lose our jobs.
But historically, it's likely that plurals who came out would have feared treatment like that of Bridget Cleary unless they lived in a society with culturally accepted plurality, where spiritual possession might be welcomed.
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theboombutton · 2 years
"Because we raised something we couldn't control"
I'm disappointed in Paige in The Silt Verses episode 27 (Season 2, Chapter 12).
Not in how she's written - it's very in-character. She's a liberal who's kickstarted a violent revolution. She's gonna have regrets.
I just. Look at what she said in episode 23 (Season 2 Chapter 8):
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Transcript: "My point is, there's nothing we can make that can't be turned against us. So. If we're going to make a god that's genuinely new, something that actually helps ordinary people, and which can last in opposition to the contemporary pantheon, we need to make sure it's airtight. It can't be taken from us."
And Hayward's contribution to the same conversation:
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Transcript: "The gods that always gave us the most trouble in law enforcement were the localised ones. God of a hill, god of a river. They're the hardest to control, they're the hardest to understand if you're on the outside of it. If you want something that can't be taken from you - that can't be repurposed or stolen - you want to be thinking local."
And now in episode 27 she's fretting about how "Nine people are dead. And it's because we raised something we couldn't control."
Like. Good?!
You were trying to make a god resistant to control. Something that couldn't be recouped and recuperated. And now you're wringing your hands that it's something you can't control? That its first saint is popular enough in the prison to get the captives chanting its name so loud the helicopter can almost hear?
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Transcript: From below, we begin to hear muffled chanting. It's hard to hear, but the words might just be - 'Tree of Spite, Tree of Spite, Tree of Spite.' The sound cuts out quickly.
Fucking GOOD!
This is what you wanted! This is literally what you wanted.
Stop pussyfooting around, Paige.
Also, what the fuck did you think a Saint based on The Many Below, the god of spite towards the system that killed you, would be? In episode 26:
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Transcript: "But we think... we think it's going to be something to help you spit in the face of the people who are doing this to you."
What did you think spitting in the face of Esther's executioners was going to look like, Paige?
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Transcript: "I will bring them fear instead. My death today shall be the quiver in the executioner's hand tomorrow, the wavering doubt in the mind of the justicar." [The image says 'justice,' not 'justicar,' but this is in error: in the actual podcast, she says 'justicar.']
What did you think would bring a quiver to the executioner's hand, Paige? What did you think would bring doubt to the justicar?
And on top of that, one of your god's closest conceptual predecessors (episode 23) is a god of spite from the Immemorial War, with a significantly more evocative name than The Many Below:
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Transcript: "'May Its Spear Impale Your Father Sufficiently To Fuck Your Mother' - whew. A god of spite, used in the Immemorial War by dying soldiers on both sides." (Reading aloud) "The prayer-marks of 'May Its Spear' were typically erratic and ideographic, designed to be used by shaking fingers dipped in their own blood."
What the fuck did you think was going to happen, Paige?
What kind of god did you think you'd called forth?
And what kind of god do you think would be better?
Because from where I'm standing (sitting) this looks like a really fucking good god, Paige. It's working. It's spreading devotion organically among the powerless ("Tree of Spite! Tree of Spite!"), it's spreading fear organically among the powerful.
Now, the major downside of The Many Below is something Paige hasn't touched on at all - only Hayward has paid attention to it. Namely: animals spontaneously turning to saints when killed by predators, despite obviously not being able to recite the prayers or make the prayer marks.
Best case scenario this is a sort of aura effect based on the farm now being a holy place to the god, or on Paige being a holy person. Because if this sort of thing starts happening everywhere The Many Below is worshipped, hooo buddy the ecological implications are Not Great.
Great reason to become a vegetarian though.
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thereasonsimbroke · 1 year
TMNT Shredder's Revenge DLC Unveiled
In Ep. 567, Macio and I discuss the Fortnite crossover survey, Usagi Yojimbo joining TMNT: Shredder's Revenge, James Wan on the challenges of Aquaman 2, and more!
Full Topics:
Fortnite survey hints at potential crossovers with Pokemon, GTA, and Metal Gear
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge DLC "Dimension Shellshock" introduces Usagi Yojimbo and inter-dimensional battles
Pixar cuts around 75 jobs as part of Disney layoffs, affecting director Angus MacLane and producer Galyn Susman
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Pt 1 breaks box office records with $120.5 million opening
Chris Hemsworth reflects on Thor: Love and Thunder, admits it became "too silly" Sir Anthony Hopkins calls working on Thor films "pointless acting" due to heavy use of green screens
Live-Action Miles Morales and animated Spider-Woman in development, expanding Sony Marvel universe
James Wan discusses challenges of working on Aquaman 2 during changes at Warner Bros. Discovery and DC
Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck's involvement in final cut of Aquaman 2 uncertain under James Gunn's direction
FOLLOW/SUPPORT MACIO: @macdamurderer (Macio's Twitter) As always, we appreciate your constructive Feedback, Suggestions, and Questions. You can also leave us an audio question on SpeakPipe. Thank you for the continued love and support! Enjoy the show. Daniel Podcast Awards 2019 || Games & Hobbies (Winner) Podcast Awards 2017 - 2018, 2020 - 2022 || Games & Hobbies (Nominated) Official Site FOLLOW US: - Twitter | @ReasonsImBroke and @TRIBPod - Instagram - Pinterest - Tumblr - Discord Lounge - YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts / Stitcher / iHeartRadio / TuneIn / Overcast SUPPORT THE POD: Getting $1's worth of entertainment and information each month? Support us on Patreon or visit our TeePublic storefront! SPREAD THE WORD: If you're enjoying the show, please head over to iTunes and leave us a rating and a review! Each one helps new Brokettes discover the podcast. Contribute to the Hero Initiative to offer assistance to comic creators facing difficulties. Show your support for the AFSP's efforts by donating to the Autumn Snyder Tribute Fund. CREDITS: Opening/Closing Jingles - Alex Scott Show Logo By - Opanaldiova
The latest episode of The Reasons I'm Broke Podcast!
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camplofi · 1 month
185 - BUCKWILD: The Changing Same
All comments, questions, and general feedback can be sent to [email protected].  Record a voice message and send it my way or leave one at the Speakpipe page!
You can subscribe to Radio BSOTS via the following options: RSS feed ||| Apple Podcasts ||| Spotify ||| Mixcloud Amazon Music ||| Goodpods ||| TuneIn ||| iHeartRadio
Connect with Camp Lo-Fi via social media: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram
This episode's track list (title / artist / source / license):
1.  Kill Sound by Five Fingers Of Funk [Kill Rock Stars] (CC-BY-NC-ND) (2023)
2.  Covfefe's Groove by Tha Silent Partner [blocSonic] (CC-BY-NC-SA) (2019)
3.  Squishing Sniffy, Artists Busted! by The Bran Flakes [Free Music Archive] (CC-BY-NC) (2010)
4.  I AM BLACK HISTORY by Mega Ran [Bandcamp] (2024)
5.  Alien Abduction by DJ Ilya Monosov and the Hedonic Islands [Free Music Archive] (CC-BY-NC-SA) (2009)
6.  Pro Black Crack Dealers by Columbo Black [Bandcamp] (CC-BY-NC-ND) (2022)
7.  G.O.P. by Mikal Amin & Mista Mayday [Bandcamp] (2024)
8.  Classy by 85 [Bandcamp] (CC-BY-NC-SA) (2012)
9.  too much house by leumas [Lost Frog Prod.] (CC-BY-NC-SA) (2024)
10. Ebony Stoned by EllaMaeFlossie [iTunes] (2018)
August of 2024 marks 19 years of Both Sides Of The Surface.  Under the circumstances, it seems appropriate for the podcast to take some time to get "buckwild."  The essential nature of the "buckwild" experience hasn't changed since it was first introduced to Camp Lo-Fi on the show's third anniversary back in 2008.  It's a primal scream for the BSOTS feed whenever it's deemed necessary.  There are occasional outbursts from me, but I tend to let the music do the talking for me on these shows, which is often a mix of cuts for the party people and the politicially minded as well.
For those wondering about the title, The Changing Same is a term that's borrowed directly from the brilliant mind and pen of Amiri Baraka.  He wrote an essay in the late 1960s examining the ways that Black music changed as Black people changed, how we referenced and reinterpreted the old to make it new again:  "the changing same."  My use of that phrase for an episode title is far more simplistic and merely as a reminder that the more things change, the more they remain the same.  Personally speaking, the phrase brings to mind recent developments within the American political landscape over the last few months.
This episode was recorded between mid-June and late July.  Way too much happened within a stateside election year during that period.  While Tha Silent Partner's "Covfefe's Groove" references a nonsensical moment during Trump's term as President, Mikal Amin and Mista Mayday fire lyrical shots at the present day "G.O.P."  In the midst of half of America's hysteria over the very idea of 45 becoming 47, some humor is desperately needed and the "buckwild" experience has some light-hearted tunes on deck, from 85's slick yet silly "Classy" to Columbo's Black one-verse interrogation of "Pro Black Crack Dealers" to some sound collage silliness from The Bran Flakes.  DJ Ilya Monosov takes the experimental hip-hop route with "Alien Abduction," bringing along Dudley Perkins and Georgia Anne Muldrow along for the ride.  Five Fingers Of Funk deliver the live hip-hop vibes to the show on "Kill Sound" while Mega Ran delivers a memorable boom bap ode to Black pro wrestlers with "I AM BLACK HISTORY."  For the bright-colored, hands-in-the-air raver contribution to this episode, look no further than "too much house" by leumas.  And EllaMaeFlossie concludes the "buckwild" experience in grand style with the hard-as-nails womanifesto that is "Ebony Stoned."
Humanity is taxing.  Music is divine.  I simply hope that this episode can bring a smile to your face and maybe even a moment of laughter, no matter how brief.
Other BSOTS episodes referenced include: Show #176 - BUCKWILD: learn from it...
Theme music by Cy Tru featuring Jonny Sonic.  ID drops from Anji Bee, Mega Ran, Mikal Amin, and Mr. Ivory Snow.
Background music:  "Small Town USA (Instrumental)" by Foul Mouth Jerk and "Plastic Rumblings" by Ezekiel Honig.
The content of this show has been released under a CC-BY-SA license.  All works within this show retain their original releases.  See the show notes at bsots.com for more information.
Another BSOTS podcast episode for the people...
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ronaldlbook · 3 months
Empowering Members with Legislative Knowledge: A Guide to Effective Education
In a world where legislative decisions profoundly impact daily life, members of any organization or community must be well-versed in legislative issues. Educating members on these topics not only empowers them to participate in the democratic process but also enhances their ability to advocate for policies that reflect their interests and values. This article outlines practical strategies to educate members on legislative issues, ensuring they are informed, engaged, and capable of making a difference.
The Necessity of Legislative Awareness
Understanding legislative issues is essential for active civic participation. When members are informed about the laws and policies that affect their lives, they are better equipped to engage in discussions, influence decision-makers, and contribute to shaping public policy. Moreover, legislative education fosters a sense of responsibility and encourages members to stay involved in the democratic process.
Creating Structured Educational Programs
It is important to develop well-structured educational programs to effectively educate members. Start by identifying the most relevant legislative issues that affect your members. Collaborate with policy experts, legislators, and educators to ensure the information provided is accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive.
Develop a range of educational materials to cater to different learning preferences. These can include written guides, online courses, webinars, and video content. Ensure these resources are easily accessible through various platforms, including websites, social media, and community centers.
Promoting Interactive and Engaging Learning
Interactive learning methods significantly enhance member engagement and information retention. Organize workshops and seminars that allow members to delve deeply into legislative issues. Encourage interactive activities such as debates, role-playing, and simulations that help members understand the complexities of the legislative process.
Online discussion forums and social media groups can also serve as valuable platforms for members to share insights, ask questions, and engage in meaningful conversations about legislative topics. Regular updates and interactive content, such as quizzes and polls, can keep members interested.
Utilizing Digital Tools and Resources
Leveraging technology is critical to effective legislative education in the digital age. Develop a dedicated website or mobile app as a hub for all educational resources. Include legislative trackers, interactive maps, and personalized alerts to inform members about relevant developments.
Incorporate multimedia content, such as podcasts, videos, and infographics, to present information in an engaging and digestible format. Interactive tools, like quizzes and simulations, can help members test their knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of legislative issues.
Building Partnerships with Advocacy Organizations
Collaborating with advocacy organizations can significantly enhance your educational efforts. Partner with local and national non-profits, community groups, and think tanks specializing in legislative issues. These partnerships can provide additional resources, expertise, and platforms for reaching a wider audience.
Jointly host events such as town hall meetings, panel discussions, and informational sessions to provide diverse perspectives on legislative matters. These events can also allow members to engage directly with experts and policymakers.
Empowering Members with Advocacy Skills
Education on legislative issues should also focus on empowering members with the skills they need to advocate effectively. Offer training sessions on crucial advocacy skills, such as communication, lobbying, and grassroots organizing. Equip members with the knowledge and tools to engage with legislators, participate in public hearings, and mobilize their communities.
Provide practical resources, such as templates for letters and emails, talking points for meetings with legislators, and guides on using social media for advocacy. Encourage members to take action by organizing campaigns and providing opportunities to get involved.
Monitoring and Improving Educational Programs
Continuous improvement is crucial for the success of legislative education programs. Regularly assess the effectiveness of your programs through surveys, feedback forms, and performance metrics. Analyze engagement levels, participation rates, and advocacy outcomes to identify areas for improvement.
Solicit feedback from members to understand their needs and preferences. Use this information to refine your educational materials and delivery methods. Stay informed about best practices in legislative education by attending conferences, networking with other organizations, and conducting research.
Fostering a Culture of Ongoing Learning
Creating a culture of continuous learning is essential for long-term engagement with legislative issues. Encourage members to stay informed by regularly updating their educational content and organizing recurring events. Provide opportunities for advanced learning through specialized workshops, mentorship programs, and peer-to-peer learning initiatives.
Celebrate members' achievements, actively engaging with legislative issues and making significant contributions. Recognize their efforts through awards, public acknowledgments, and leadership opportunities. By fostering a culture of ongoing learning, you ensure that members remain committed to understanding and addressing legislative issues over time.
Educating members on legislative issues is a powerful way to enhance civic engagement and influence public policy. By developing structured educational programs, promoting interactive learning, leveraging digital tools, building partnerships with advocacy organizations, and empowering members with advocacy skills, you can create a well-informed and proactive membership. Continuous evaluation and a commitment to fostering a culture of ongoing learning will ensure the sustained impact of your educational efforts. Through these strategies, members will be better equipped to navigate the complexities of the legislative process and advocate for policies that reflect their values and interests.
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ear-worthy · 4 months
Play On Podcasts Performs Shakespeare's The Taming Of The Shrew
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Friends can fill many important roles in people's lives, such as support, companionship, enjoyment, and sharing feelings. One contribution a friend can make is to guide you to TV shows, movies, books, and podcasts that are worth your time. I'm still upset at my buddy Gene for recommending Ant Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. 
As a counterpoint to Gene (who also recommended Velma and The Idol), a business acquaintance -- Andreea Coscai from Tink Media -- recomended Play On Podcasts. What you have to know about Andreea is that she's never been wrong about a podcast she's recommended to me. It's automatic now. If Andreea recommends it, I listen to it. Sure, maybe I'm not that interested in a podcast about 12th Century footwear fads. But if Andreea recommends it, I know it's ear worthy. 
 Andreea Coscai is a digital marketer and podcast producer passionate about multicultural investigative reporting. Her latest podcast is titled Who Holds Up Half the Sky. In 2020, she founded the first NGO that promotes leadership and networking for young women, Her Time Romania. She spent her childhood in Romania, lived in China for two years, and moved to the United States in 2018. The podcast she recommended, Play On Podcasts, is simply genius. It reimagines Shakespeare's timeless tales, featuring original musical compositions and the voices of extraordinarily gifted artists. It's remarkable that the podcast is superb in so many ways. The original music is delightful and enchanting. The acting bristles with emotive energy. The plays they re-enact are much more Laurence Olivier in Hamlet than Mel Gibson in Hamlet. The scripted plays facilitate Shakespearean humor, wit, and sarcasm to flow through them.
Most important of all, the plays are scripted in modern English verse for modern audiences. Therefore, the age-old excuse that you don't like Shakespeare because you can't understand the words has vanished. 
My first play on Play On was Othello, which began in September 2023. The play was broken up into seven episodes of about 35 minutes per episode. Then, Play On releases bonus content, typically with the playwright who reimagined the Shakespearean classic in modern verse or one of the actors. The October 13, 2023, bonus content of Othello with playwright Mfoniso Udofia was inspired, with Udofia explaining how to handle the conversion of words from old English to modern language, especially the racial epithets. 
Then, Play On released the full play of Othello in one episode, which lasted over three hours. Their current series, The Taming Of The Shrew was just released during in late May. 
 The Taming of the Shrew is a comedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1590 and 1592. The play begins with a framing device, often referred to as the induction, in which a mischievous nobleman tricks a drunken tinker named Christopher Sly into believing he is actually a nobleman himself. The Taming of the Shrew is largely about how to “correctly” or “incorrectly” be a man or a woman in society. The characters in the play equate masculinity with dominance, and femininity with subservience. In fact, the play has been adapted many times. Some of the most well-known adaptations include Cole Porter’s musical Kiss Me, Kate!; McLintock!, a western starring John Wayne, and the 1967 film starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton.
Here's everything that happened in just the first episode, which is 27 minutes in length.
A student (and eligible bachelor) named Lucentio arrives in Padua with his servant, Tranio, to study philosophy. As they take in the sights they come across the wealthy Baptista and his two daughters, Bianca and Katherina. Bianca is trailed by two suitors, Hortensio and Gremio, who are vying for her affection. Baptista tells them that neither of them will win Bianca’s hand until he marries off his older daughter, Katherina. Meantime, Baptista will keep Bianca at home, seen only by the tutors who he employs to advance her education. Hortensio and Gremio scheme to find a husband for the contrary Katherina. Lucentio, smitten by the beautiful Bianca, hatches a plan with Tranio to gain access to Bianca’s house by changing clothes with his servant and posing as a tutor while Tranio pretends to be Lucentio in order to build Lucentio’s social profile and entertain his father’s guests. When Lucentio’s other servant, Biondello, arrives, Lucentio tells him that he and Tranio switched clothes because he killed a man and has to escape the city. He tasks Biondello with waiting on Tranio and instructs him to refer to Tranio as Lucentio. Elsewhere, the self-assured Petruchio, along with his servant, Grumio, arrives from Verona at his friend Hortensio’s house. Hortensio greets him warmly and learns from Petruchio that he’s come to Padua to find a wife from a wealthy family. Hortensio tells him about Baptista’s daughter, Katherina, but warns him about her ferocious temper. Petruchio is intrigued and vows to make Katherina his wife. Hortensio offers to facilitate the introduction provided Petruchio helps him pass for a music teacher so he can get access to Bianca.
In episode one of every play, Play On recommends that listeners use headphones or earbuds for the best listening experience. It's a recommendation I urge you to follow. The plays are rich in sounds that can captivate your ears. There is the dialogue -- crisp and understandable. The background sounds -- horses, wagons, merchants, nature -- can layer you into the play like being an avatar in a video game. The show has a voice and text consultant, an equipment and recording engineer, a sound effects assistant, and a production assistant. That's a lot of resources and a lot of money. As a listener, you hear that excellence.
 The music strikes at your emotions, ratcheting up intensity, fervor, and excitement. In Macbeth, the show even has a bagpipes' musician.
As I've mentioned before, acting in an audio only format is incredibly difficult. Facial expressions, body language, and physical movement become irrelevant in an audio only drama. These actors from Play On are masters manipulators of voice -- intonation, insinuation, and implication reign supreme in their audio realm. 
Play On podcasts began in April 2021 with Shakespeare's masterpiece Macbeth. It's a great play to begin with, and Play On's treatment of the classic is masterful. In my one and only foray into acting, I played Macduff in a high school play. I thought I was a solid Macduff. In Play on, an actor named Chinaza Uche played Macduff. Mr. Uche was a superlative Macduff, and I doff my hat to him. Here are their own words about Play On: "Welcome to the Play On Podcasts from Next Chapter Podcasts. This is where theater meets podcasts, combining the modern-day audio phenomenon with the power of live performance. Play On Podcasts is an epic audio adventure reimagining timeless tales, featuring original music compositions and the voices of extraordinarily gifted artists. Past seasons included Macbeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Love Labor's Lost. 
Next Chapter is an independent podcast production house dedicated to original, authentic storytelling. Next Chapter proudly informs us: "We are a progressive organization looking to make the world a better place, and lift up marginalized communities through the spoken word. We are a team of producers and sound designers, engineers and artists with unique experience to excel in podcast production from concept to creation."
You can subscribe to Play On Premium to get exclusive access to ad-free episodes, full plays, merch, and hear full interviews with the artists, producers, and engineers who brought it all to life.
Check out Play On Podcasts. 
To paraphrase William Shakespeare, who once wrote in Julius Caesar, Act 3, Scene 2, "Friends, podcast listeners, and Shakespeare fans, Lend me your ears and listen to Play On Podcasts."
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mishab003 · 5 months
Why Joining a Mobile Phone Institute in Assam Matters?
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In the ever-evolving realm of cell technology, our smartphones have emerged as extra than simply conversation devices – they may be our pocket-sized leisure hubs. A crucial but regularly left out aspect contributing to our audio enjoyment is the cellular speaker. In this blog, we get to the bottom of the importance of mobile speaker tests and shed light on why aspiring technicians ought to bear in mind joining a Mobile Phone Institute in Assam to grasp this crucial talent.
The Harmonious World of Mobile Speaker Tests:
Mobile speaker tests are the unsung heroes ensuring that each ringtone, podcast, and song is delivered to our ears in crystal-clear perfection. These assessments are a sequence of opinions designed to scrutinize the speaker's overall performance under diverse situations. From measuring frequency responses to analyzing distortion stages and assessing sensitivity, these assessments make sure that the speakers in our mobile gadgets always supply great sound.
Frequency Response: A Symphony of Sounds
One key aspect of the phone speaker test is comparing the frequency response. Imagine a speaker's capacity to deal with low, mid, and excessive frequencies because the conductor orchestrating a symphony. Mobile speaker assessments meticulously check how properly the speaker reproduces a huge range of frequencies, ensuring your favorite tunes sound just as the artist meant.
Distortion Analysis: Eliminating Unwanted Noise
Distortion in audio is like a discordant be aware in a stunning melody. Through distortion analysis, the mobile speaker checks the purpose to become aware of and do away with any undesirable noise or changes in sound first-rate. This guarantees that while you're looking at a video or having a communication, the sound stays clean and crisp with no distracting distortions.
Sensitivity Measurements: Efficiency in Action
Have you ever been puzzled by how correctly your telephone's speaker converts electrical signals into audible sound? This is precisely what sensitivity measurements assess. The higher the sensitivity, the extra green the speaker is, ensuring your device supplies impactful audio without draining your battery.
Why Learn Mobile Speaker Tests in a mobile phone training institute Assam?
1. Comprehensive Training: Mobile speaker tests are a crucial component of the complete education furnished by means of a mobile repairing institute in Assam. These institutes recognize the industry call for professional experts capable of no longer best repairing but also optimizing the audio overall performance of mobile devices.
2. Hands-on Experience: Joining a SmartPhone institute in Assam offers aspiring technicians the opportunity to benefit from palms-on enjoy in phone speaker testing. Practical education ensures that students are properly versed in assessing and rectifying problems associated with audio systems, making them industry-ready upon of entirety in their guides.
3. Industry-Relevant Curriculum: The institutes in Assam understand the dynamic nature of the cellular technology zone. Therefore, their curriculum is meticulously designed to cover present-day advancements, together with cell speaker checks. Students research now not handiest the theoretical components but also the realistic software of their know-how.
4. Placement Assistance: Being part of a mobile phone training institute in Assam offers college students the introduced advantage of placement help. The institutes often have strong connections with industry specialists, facilitating task placements and internships, making sure that graduates step into the workforce with self-belief.
Mobile speaker tests would possibly look like a technical symphony, however they play a vital position in enhancing our everyday interactions with smartphones. For those meaning to delve into the arena of cellular technology, joining a Mobile Phone Institute in Assam is not just about repairing phones; it is about learning each aspect, to Mobile repairing institute in Guwahati ether with the artwork of mobile speaker repair. By doing so, students not only end up adept at figuring out and resolving speaker problems but additionally function themselves as sought-after specialists within the ever-growing cellular generation enterprise. The adventure from knowledge of the intricacies of cellular speaker assessments to becoming a skilled technician begins with the right education, and in Assam, the institutes are offering just that.
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jonmcbrine-author · 5 months
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The question is less “do you have a podcast?” but instead, “what’s your podcast about?” - meaning, it’s not unreasonable to assume anyone you meet already hosts or is featured on a podcast. I’m no different in that I have my regular rotation of podcasts I listen to and watch. I have also hosted/co-hosted audio shows before - so, despite it being the norm, is it worth all the added effort to contribute yet another new series to the ever-expanding pod-verse?
The simple answer is the same for most creative pursuits, and that is, sure, if you want to. If it is something you enjoy (within reason), then there’s no reason to not pod it up. If you are like me and dallied in podcasting, even if as a mere hobby, you’d be well aware of the time-suck that accompanies making one or more of these programs. It is more of a commitment than one may expect - recording, editing, obtaining music, distribution, designing and/or acquiring images and graphics, as well as maintaining a website along with a social media presence. Pile that onto an already busy work/personal life, and the price of recording equipment starts to look higher and higher. And then there is the constant anxiety of booking guests if you showcase any.
Managing a podcast can be a daunting endeavor even if it is purely a recreational hobby, but whether it’s buddies getting together around a set of microphones or more “serious” series, it can all be a blast. I learned to enjoy the process of producing a podcast back in my “broadcasting” days, which is important because focusing solely on the outcome and growth will drive you nuts. Starting from what is essentially zero means there will be no guarantees, an extremely unlikely quick reward, and a lot of hours feeling like you are one of the many shouting into the void. Podcasting is a lot like writing in that regard - it’s a lengthy process that all too often provides more misses than hits. And as an author, you want readers (well, the majority of authors do), just as a podcast show seeks listeners/viewers. Seeing your metrics move at a the same pace as a geologic age can be discouraging. What do you do when it stops being fun?
As is the case with so many other creative outlets, patience is a virtue. If my readership is stalling, my sales resemble a goose’s egg, and my social media following is more akin to a really secret society, then I have to ask myself what haven’t I tried? Am I working hard enough? How am I making moves to create opportunities? Who is my audience anyway? One thing I have not done in my “career” as a writer is hosting an author-themed podcast. Not that it would necessarily be centered around writing, but I wouldn’t want to stray too far. After all, once you have a better idea of who would actually read your work, then it’s easier to determine who would listen to you.
At the end of the day, podcasting is fun, and nowadays it’s even easier to produce one. I do plan on developing a podcast and, yes, one of the primary motivators for me is to hopefully direct listeners to my book(s) as a way to drive sales. That being said, if I end up having a burning desire to drift from talking about fiction and instead launch a podcast discussing competitive chainsaw juggling, then, well, the heart wants what the best wants.
Stay in the loop for more details by following Jonfcition Blog on Substack and be sure to check out jonmcbrine.com for more info about this and all my books.
Unsecret Identity: Eric Icarus - Book One is available now from the Amazon Kindle store.
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chorusfm · 7 months
Albums in Stores – Feb 9th, 2024
If you hit read more you can see all the releases we have in our calendar for the week. Hit the comments to access our forums and talk about what came out today, what albums you picked up, and to make mention of anything we may have missed. A Knife In The Dark / Heavens Die – Split EPAll This Filth – Tomorrow Will Be BetterAureole – Alunarian BellmasterBrittany Howard – What NowCarlby – Modern Warfare Emo 2Cell – The Unbearable FormCephid – Sparks In The DarknessChapel Of Disease – Echoes Of LightChelsea Wolfe – She Reaches Out To She Reaches Out To SheCompany Vacation – Okay HeadspaceCrush++ – Power PleasureDeclan McKenna – What Happened To The Beach?Dhani Harrison – INNERSTANDINGDucks Ltd – Harm’s WaydiscussFall Europa – King PariahFool Of Stars – The Everything Under Your FeetFrank Carter & the Rattlesnakes – Dark RainbowFull Assault – Dying WorldGalleons – Violent DelightsGoodbye Meteor – We Could Have Been RadiantHannes Grossmann – Echoes Of EternityHaystack – Doomsday Goes AwayHelado Negro – PhasorHulder – Verses In OathInfected Rain – TimeLacuna Coil – Doomsday TapesLinchpin – Blossoming DecayMC Lars & Schaffer The Darklord – 999Madi Diaz – Weird FaithMeltway – Nothing Is RealMorbid Saint – Swallowed By HellMy Life Story – Loving You Is Killing MeNormandie – DopamineOzymandias Eye – Fear PlaguePetrification – Sever Sacred LightSNAYX – Better DaysShadowdance – AgelessShane Driscoll – Intrusive Thoughts And Usual DeathShygirl – Club ShySnuffed – Lobotomy DreamSonic Youth – Walls Have EarsSpectral Voice – SparagmosSpiritual Deception – Semitae MentisThe Chisel – What A Fucking NightmareThe Forecast – Good Journey discussThe Last Ten Sconds Of Life – No Name GravesThe Pineapple Thief – It Leads To ThisThe Problem With Kids Today – Born To RockThe Sorcerers – I Too Am A StrangerThe Strumbellas – Part Time BelieverThe Stygian Complex – Suffer With Me (Instrumentals)The Telescopes – Growing Eyes Becoming StringThe Vaccines – Pick-Up Full Of Pink CarnationsTheophonos – Ashes In The Huron RiverTorchia – Arcane MagicaeTorres – What An Enormous RoomVera Sola – PeacemakerWhere Oceans Burn – The Faces We PortrayYellowcard & Hammock – A Hopeful SignZara Larsson – Venusnothing,nowhere. – Dark MagictAKiDA – The Agony Flame --- Thanks to helloiamzach for providing additional contributions to this week’s list. You can check out and support his weekly music podcast It’s Not A Phase or follow him on his socials. --- Please consider becoming a member so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/albums-in-stores-today/albums-in-stores-feb-9th-2024/
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techflye4 · 10 months
Bridging Faith & Technology With Church App Development In 2023
In our tech-centric world, even religious institutions embrace digital connections through Church Mobile Apps. These apps redefine community engagement, allowing users to listen to sermons, read the Bible, and connect beyond Sunday mornings.
In this blog post, we will delve into the various types, essential features, and profound benefits of Church App Development, exploring how this technology can not only connect parishioners but also revolutionize the way spiritual leaders and clerics manage and interact with their congregations.
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Basic Types Of Church Apps:
For Parishioners:
Mobile Church Apps for parishioners aim to bring the church experience to the comfort of their homes or on the go. These apps facilitate the spread of religious teachings, broadcast important events, and enable event registrations, prayer requests, and even online donations. With features like maps for easy navigation, these apps serve as essential tools for building a church community.
For Spiritual Leaders:
Designed to manage groups of parishioners, Mobile Church Apps help spiritual leaders track attendance, share sermons, and make notes about participants. Protected by authorization, these apps ensure the security of personal information, fostering efficient communication and organization within the church.
For Clerics:
Tailored for church leaders and clerics, App For Church provides a platform to interact and access the church database. From updating attendance data to evaluating member participation in events, these apps offer clarity and streamlined communication for effective leadership.
Essential Features Your App For Church Must Have:
Events Calendar: Keep the community informed about upcoming events with details, location maps, and signup forms for easy attendance tracking through App For Church.
Video Player: Offer a distraction-free platform for streaming sermons and religious content, ensuring accessibility for members unable to attend physically.
Audio Player: Enable members to listen to podcasts and audio sermons, providing flexibility for consumption while on the move.
Push Notifications: Enhance communication with personalized messages, reminders, updates, and alerts about events or changes in schedules.
Mobile Giving: Facilitate convenient and secure donation options, adapting to the digital age where carrying cash or checks is less common.
Daily Scripture: Engage the congregation with daily motivational verses and religious devotions, fostering a continuous connection with faith.
Blogs: Integrate accessible blogs via RSS feeds during your Church App Development, allowing easy sharing of articles and notifications about new content.
Sermon Notes: Enhance the note-taking experience by providing fill-in-the-blank outlines, allowing users to access their notes at any time.
Social Sharing: Encourage congregation members to connect and share religious messages through social media platforms.
Bible & Reading Plans: Include an in-app Bible with features like copying, sharing, highlighting, and the creation of Bible reading plans.
Social Walls: Foster a sense of community through chat walls where users can post images, comment, and engage in discussions.
Contact Feature: Enable users to seek answers, make calls, and contact church representatives for seamless communication.
Benefits Of Having Church Mobile Apps:
1. Effective Communication:
Utilize push notifications for instant, effective communication, reaching members anytime and anywhere.
2. Increased Giving Opportunities:
Offer flexibility in donations, allowing members to contribute at any time, and increasing the frequency of donations.
3. Connect & Support:
Enable members to submit prayer requests, discover support groups, and communicate ways to support the church through volunteering.
4. Single Storage For Resources:
Provide a centralized location for sermon notes, videos, podcasts, prayers, and Bible versions, enhancing accessibility.
5. In-Depth Bible Study:
Facilitate year-round Bible study with a combination of blogs, podcasts, and sermon audio/videos, creating a comprehensive study experience.
6. Cost Reduction:
Save on printing costs by publishing bulletins in the app, and reduce time and expenses associated with physical communication.
7. Visitor Attraction:
Attract new visitors by offering a digital platform that goes beyond a website, providing easy connectivity, alerts, and notifications.
In our evolving tech landscape, Church Mobile Apps bridge spiritual practices and modern living. Whether engaging parishioners, supporting leaders, or empowering clerics, these apps play a pivotal role, in fostering community, facilitating communication, and enhancing the religious experience in the digital age.
For more details visit our website mypocketchurch.com.
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Arati Kumar-Rao - From National Geographic Explorer to Environmental Chronicler, documenting the slow violence of ecological degradation, inspiring us all to take a closer look at our changing world. Author of Marginlands: Indian Landscapes On The Brink.
Arati Kumar-Rao is an exceptional National Geographic Explorer, independent environmental photographer, writer, and artist dedicated to documenting the slow violence of ecological degradation. With unwavering passion, she traverses the South Asian subcontinent, embarking on captivating journeys that span seasons and sometimes years. Through her profound storytelling, Arati chronicles the ever-changing landscapes, climate, and their profound impact on livelihoods and biodiversity in South Asia.
Arati's profound impact is not confined to her lens or pen; she employs a multidimensional approach, utilising the power of photos, long form narratives, and art to communicate her insights. Recently, she unveiled her debut book, "Marginlands: Indian Landscapes On The Brink," a poignant exploration now available in bookstores across India and on Amazon.
Currently, Arati is engaged in a significant undertaking as she explores forced human migration in India, supported by a prestigious National Geographic grant. Her remarkable body of work has garnered recognition and has been featured in esteemed publications such as The National Geographic Magazine, Emergence Magazine, The Hindu, #Dysturb, The Guardian, BBC Outside Source, Hindustan Times, Mint, and other reputable outlets. Additionally, her artistic endeavours have been exhibited both in India and internationally, leaving an indelible mark on the global stage.
When not immersed in her assignments, Arati finds solace and inspiration in the Western Ghats and Bangalore, where she cherishes being a loving mother to three rescued cats.
Don't miss out on the latest episodes of the Tough Girl Podcast, released every Tuesday at 7am UK time! Be sure to hit the subscribe button to stay updated on the incredible journeys and stories of strong women.
 By supporting the Tough Girl Podcast on Patreon, you can make a difference in increasing the representation of female role models in the media, particularly in the world of adventure and physical challenges. Your contribution helps empower and inspire others. Visit www.patreon.com/toughgirlpodcast to be a part of this important movement. Thank you for your invaluable support!
Show notes
Who is Arati?
Being based in Bangalore when not travelling 
Her role as an environmental chronicler 
Being a slow journalist or a slow storyteller
The types of story she tells 
Her passion for photography and art 
The tools she uses to tell the story 
Working in the corporate world and making the decision to leave her job (2013) and start telling environmental stories 
Her early years growing up and spending time in nature 
Being inspired by the National Geographic Magazine 
Wanting to tell stories of the land by walking 
Making the transition from the corporate world to following her passion for storytelling 
The practical steps involved
2 pivotal moments in her life
Studying for a Masters in Physical and working in a lab and deciding it wasn’t the right job for her
Having to choose between the Arts and the Sciences
Moving back to India and working with Intel doing Market Research
Falling ill with Typhoid in her 30s and starting to reflect on her life and thinking about what she really wanted to do
Needing to make new connections and build new networks 
Slowly starting to find her way and the power of social media to publish stories
Slow story telling verses the speed of the internet
Needing to upskill in photography, writing and art
Taking out personal loads and writing for grants
Getting the grant from National Geographic to study forced Human Migration across India due to environmental degradation 
Doing a transect walk from the most easterly point of India to the most Westerly point. 
Planning and starting a story - what that looks like 
Following the threads and seeing where it leads
Knowing when you are on the right path?
Not finding any path to be wrong - there is always something to learn
Taking a pause to reflect on the information that’s been gathered 
Dealing with dead ends and moving on
Her first time in Bangladesh 
New book: Marginlands: Indian Landscapes on the Brink 
The speed and impact of climate change 
Why it’s important to listen to the local geography’s
Sounds in storytelling - Soundscapes
Recording a sound signature throughout the journey 
Paul Salopek’s - Out of Eden Walk
Art as part of the storytelling
Wanting to train herself to pay attention to detail 
How to connect with Arati on the social media platforms 
Final words of advice for other women to follow their passions 
Why it’s important for women to speak up
The stories that are in your backyard
“Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” ~ Mary Oliver.
  Social Media
Website: www.aratikumarrao.com
Instagram: @aratikumarrao 
Twitter: @aratikumarrao  
Facebook: @aratikumarrao  
Book: Marginlands: Indian Landscapes on the Brink
  Check out this episode!
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robotsfromtomorrow · 1 year
Program warning: today's episode dives directly into Chris Claremont's original 16-year run on UNCANNY X-MEN, which means Greg will be once again talking about his all-time favorite run of comics (although this time with an expert to help out). Longtime listeners playing a drinking game based on him name-dropping these comics on the show would be wise to give that game a pass today, or risk massive liver damage. You have been warned.
In the epilogue to his Twitter account THE CLAREMONT RUN, Doctor J Andrew Deman wrote the following about that project and his decision to focus its attention on those comics: "What if they, contrary to every expectation, were (and always had been) profound and brilliant and worthy of literary analysis?" For over two years, Deman and his team did the work to prove he was right to see merit in those comics, posting thread after thread diving into analysis and discussion about Claremont's mutants and the highly influential yet still under-appreciated gems contained in those issues. While those posts are still available on the now-ironically-named social media site X, Deman's work on this subject will soon be available in bookstores with the publication of The Claremont Run: Subverting Gender in the X-Men, coming October 24th from the University of Texas Press. Deman has also tackled the British corner of Marvel's mutant-verse as 1/3rd of the hosts of the Oh Gosh, Oh Golly, Oh Wow! Podcast with Dr. Anna Peppard and Christopher Maverick, giving us an issue-by-issue rundown of the first volume of Excalibur, originally created by Claremont and artist Alan Davis. He also contributes with the aforementioned Dr. Peppard to the Sequential Scholars project over at sequential scholars dot com, which not only studies comics but aims to make the study of comics accessible to everyone. He is the expert referred to earlier and he's back on the show to talk about his upcoming book, publishing, and all x-things Claremont. 
Robots From Tomorrow is a twice-weekly comics podcast recorded deep beneath the Earth’s surface. You can subscribe to it via iTunes or through the RSS feed at RobotsFromTomorrow.com. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel at this link. You can also follow Greg and Mike on Twitter. Stay safe and enjoy your funny books.
Check out this episode!
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thereasonsimbroke · 1 year
Rolling Stone And Zack Snyder's Justice League's Rollercoaster Ranking
In Ep. 576, Matt and I discuss Sony indefinitely delaying Spider-Man: Beyond The Spider-Verse, Rolling Stone initially naming the Snyder Cut as the greatest superhero movie ever, The Haunted Mansion bombing at the box office, and more!
Full Topics: 0:00:14 Welcome to The Reasons I'm Broke podcast! 0:01:15 Spider-Man Beyond the Spider-Verse sequel delayed indefinitely 0:04:38 Sony's Craving the Hunter also faces delays 0:10:15 Frustration for animators behind the scenes of The Witcher. 0:19:51 AI and Likeness: Background Actors and Compensations 0:24:13 Challenges of Compensating for AI Likeness Usage 0:29:38 Controversial Changes and Filler in "Secret Invasion" Series 0:35:17 Star Tatiana Maslany advocates for better working conditions 0:43:52 Haunted Mansion Brand Recognition and Movie Success 0:47:14 Rolling Stone's Controversial Ranking of Zack Snyder's Justice League 0:48:34 Bizarre events lead to changes in movie rankings 0:53:04 Intention behind the release of the Snyder Cut 1:02:00 The Hopeful Superman in Man of Steel and Justice League 1:04:14 News Wrap-up and Introduction to "Brokette Block" 1:06:01 Barbie Movie Review: Hilarious and Subversive 1:13:06 Exploring the market for 3D printer creations 1:17:21 Anticipation for The Flash and disappointment in the execution 1:24:37 Changes in the plot and expectations for Michael Keaton's Batman
FOLLOW/SUPPORT MATT: @madnerdotcom (Instagram) @madner (Facebook) As always, we appreciate your constructive Feedback, Suggestions, and Questions. You can also leave us an audio question on SpeakPipe. Thank you for the continued love and support! Enjoy the show. Daniel Podcast Awards 2019 || Games & Hobbies (Winner) Podcast Awards 2017 - 2018, 2020 - 2022 || Games & Hobbies (Nominated) Official Site FOLLOW US: - Twitter | @ReasonsImBroke and @TRIBPod - Instagram - Pinterest - Tumblr - Discord Lounge - YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts / iHeartRadio / TuneIn / Overcast SUPPORT THE POD: Getting $1's worth of entertainment and information each month? Support us on Patreon or visit our TeePublic storefront! SPREAD THE WORD: If you're enjoying the show, please head over to iTunes and leave us a rating and a review! Each one helps new Brokettes discover the podcast. Contribute to the Hero Initiative to offer assistance to comic creators facing difficulties. Show your support for the AFSP's efforts by donating to the Autumn Snyder Tribute Fund. CREDITS: Opening/Closing Jingles - Alex Scott Show Logo By - Opanaldiova
The latest episode of The Reasons I'm Broke Podcast!
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virtualteamau · 1 year
How to Master Digital Marketing Business
Mastering the art of digital marketing is crucial for any business looking to thrive and succeed. With the right approach and understanding of the ever-changing landscape, you can harness the power of digital marketing to reach your target audience effectively, drive traffic, generate leads, and ultimately boost your business's growth. In this blog, we will explore some essential strategies to help you become a master of digital marketing.
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 Mastering the Art of Digital Marketing 
 1. Understanding the Features of Digital Marketing 
 Before diving into the strategies, it's essential to grasp the key features of digital marketing. Digital marketing encompasses a broad range of tactics and channels, including social media, content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, and more. Each avenue has its unique benefits and allows you to reach diverse audiences. By being well-versed in these features, you can better tailor your marketing approach to your business needs. 
 2. Emphasize on Digital Marketing Strategy in Australia 
 If you're operating your business in Australia, it's vital to recognize the specific nuances of the market. Understanding the preferences, behaviours, and trends of your Australian audience will enable you to tailor your digital marketing strategies for optimal impact. Engage with local communities, collaborate with influencers, and localize your content to resonate better with your target customers in Australia. 
 3. Content is King: Create Compelling Content 
 The foundation of any successful digital marketing campaign is compelling content. Focus on crafting high-quality, valuable, and relevant content that appeals to your target audience. Utilize blog posts, videos, infographics, and podcasts to convey your brand message effectively. By consistently producing valuable content, you'll build trust with your audience and establish your business as a thought leader in your industry. 
 4. Optimize Your Website for Search Engines 
 Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a pivotal role in driving organic traffic to your website. Conduct thorough keyword research and integrate relevant keywords organically into your website's content. Ensure your website's structure is user-friendly, and the loading speed is optimal for a seamless user experience. Remember, the higher your website ranks on search engine results pages, the more visible your brand becomes to potential customers. 
 5. Leverage the Power of social media
In today's interconnected world, social media platforms offer immense opportunities for businesses to engage with their audience and expand their reach. Identify the platforms where your target audience is most active and create a strong presence there. Share your content regularly, respond to comments and messages promptly, and run targeted advertising campaigns to reach potential customers. Social media is a powerful tool for building brand awareness and fostering customer loyalty. 
 6. Build a Strong Online Presence 
 A consistent and strong online presence is crucial for becoming a master of digital marketing. Engage with your audience across various platforms and respond to their feedback promptly. Cultivate a positive brand image and be proactive in addressing any negative feedback. Building a loyal community of followers will contribute to the success of your digital marketing efforts. 
 Becoming a master of digital marketing is an ongoing process that requires dedication, creativity, and adaptability. By understanding the features of digital marketing, localizing your strategies, creating compelling content, optimizing for search engines, leveraging social media, and embracing data-driven decision making, you can effectively position your business for success in the digital realm. Remember to stay updated with the latest trends and consistently refine your strategies to reach your full potential in the digital marketing business. 
 Additionally, in today's globalized world, collaborating with offshore outsourcing companies can provide significant advantages to your digital marketing efforts. One such company, "Virtual Team," based in Australia, offers a range of valuable features to enhance your business operations. By choosing to hire Indian employees through "Virtual Team," you gain access to a skilled and cost-effective workforce. These employees work as an integral part of your company, ensuring seamless collaboration and dedication to your goals. 
Furthermore, "Virtual Team" handles the management of Indian employees' salaries, streamlining the entire process for you. This enables you to focus on your core business activities while reaping the benefits of offshoring. With "Virtual Team," you can tap into the expertise of Indian professionals without worrying about the administrative complexities associated with international hiring. 
  By embracing the possibilities of offshoring through "Virtual Team," you can augment your digital marketing capabilities, expand your horizons, and achieve remarkable growth in the competitive Australian market. So, keep learning, experimenting, and harnessing the power of global collaboration to propel your digital marketing business to new heights! 
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