#consumption experience
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covertleathers · 27 days ago
We don't talk enough about Lucanis and Spite eating a man's nightmare.
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cinderflower · 2 months ago
Seeing so many people, especially readers, coming out of the woodwork to vehemently defend the usage of AI in fanfiction is truly disheartening. The shift from treating fandom as community and instead as commodification has genuinely done such unfathomable harm.
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roxannepolice · 2 months ago
Srsly Mucha ads are something else, because they elevate commercial trinkets into divine gifts. Be it chocolate or a casino or a bike, they are offered to us mere mortals by ethereal beings who merely took on a form our minds can comprehend and look with benign joy at us consuming their blessings. All for prices from before the great depression.
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thearunadragon · 2 months ago
I can just see Eragon sad-walking through Ellesméra during his training when his back was really bad and just crouching awkwardly and shoving bits of random plants in his mouth like “maybe this will cure me…” in some sniffly sat wet-with-tears Eragon voice of misery.
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serpentface · 9 months ago
Do psychotropic drugs and/or ritual play a role in any of the blightseed cultures? A pretty broad question, lol
Yeah that’s a very broad question, the answer is about as much as it tends to play roles in real history. Alcohol is pretty ubiquitous (outside of cultures that abstain from intoxicants) and used for a variety of purposes, opioids are commonly used in some parts for pain relief or recreational purposes, stimulants (usually in mild, natural forms) are used to provide extra energy, and hallucinogens are most commonly used as part of a larger religious framework (rather than for recreational purposes). Any more elaborate answer kinda has to be case by case in a certain culture or part of the setting.
I'll just take this as an opportunity to talk about the one established sect that pretty much REVOLVES around psychoactive use. This is the Scholarly Order of the Root, which is a sort of mystery religion + elite community of scholars who currently occupy the Ur-Tree and its forest in the far southern Lowlands (southeast of Imperial Wardin, on the same land mass).
The Ur-Tree is the obligatory Huge Fucking Fantasy Tree (and its surrounding forest). It’s a mass of vegetation about a mile tall and almost as old as Plant Life Itself, its upper branches are primeval plants, which become more modern the nearer they get to the ground (and each 'level' holds tiny ecosystems, some containing descendants of LONG-extinct arthropods/other small animals). Its lowest branches and the surrounding forest are contemporary plant life, and all is connected and protected by an incomparably MASSIVE fungal mycelium network (which is itself a living god).
A lot of the Scholars' more secretive practices revolve around experimentation with substance use with the goal of expanding the Mind and transcending the body to fully connect to the Dreamlands, and they have a supply chain of traders and mercenaries called Rootrunners who traffic substances into the Lowlands. Most of their psychoactive use is in a very intentional capacity and not just like, for fun, but a LOT of them are just straight up addicted to cocaine (in the form of alchemically refined bruljenum, which is used for practical purposes of its stimulant effect during long hours of work).
All known psychoactives are desirable for experimentation (particularly hallucinogens), with each having properties that either allow expansion of the Mind, transcendence of the body, or outright divine communion. Their effects are logged in great detail and interpreted to form the basis of the Scholars' understanding of the natural world and reality itself.
The most important substance is Ur-Root, which is root matter from subterranean levels of the Ur-Tree that have both their own intrinsic psychoactive substances and a very, very high concentration of living god mycelium. The tree root contains DMT and the mycelium has its own wholly unique effects (being an actual living god). They alchemically refine it into a purer, more potent form, and use it to expand beyond the body and directly commune with the Giants, a group of entities they have identified as the only true gods.
An Ur-Root trip starts off with minor visual distortion, which turns into shifting fractals that slowly obscure the vision. Eventually the senses are entirely taken over by a 'tunnel' of rapidly shifting fractals and geometries. In a complete trip, the experiencer gets a sense that they have been pushed through a membrane and entered another realm, finding themselves in a distinct experiential Space.
At this point they may encounter entities which communicate to them in a language impossible to describe but wholly understood. These beings are understood to be the Giants, or at least aspects of the Giants that mortals are capable of comprehending (they often take familiar tutelary forms of the Mantis or the Snake, or appear resembling the same type of sophont that the experiencer is, all composed of ever-shifting geometries). The experiencer often feels a sense of unconditional and endless love from these beings, though the Giants may be more hostile and may appear in the form of the Trickster (usually a cultural figure regarded as malicious, be it an animal or otherwise) in a bad trip.
(^Up until this point, this has mostly just been a DMT 'breakthrough' experience ft. 'machine elves' and the like).
They are then removed from this space and returned to something that feels like the real world, but is nearly unrecognizable. They have a sense of rapidly moving through time, and will usually see 'the spires' towards the beginning, which just so happen to look like this:
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(source + some context via Implication- the spires are exactly what this art is depicting)
The experiencer continues to move across an unfathomable amount of time, occasionally 'seeing' other such flashes of unfamiliar landscapes and creatures, and yet also being devoid of all their senses, the 'seeing' is pure, unfiltered experience. There is a sense of interconnectedness with all life, and that one has become the forest (or even Life) itself. The sense of time is wildly distorted, the trip lasts only about 5 minutes but feels like an eternity and is understood as literal hundreds of millions of years.
The experiencer has usually lost any remaining sense of Self and individual consciousness during this phase (in which case this time distortion is usually a neutral or even peaceful experience), but some retain a fraction of their identity, and find themselves trapped and conscious while experiencing what feels like eternity (which can be LIFE-CHANGINGLY distressing, even after the fact).
(^This latter part of the trip is the effects of the Ur-Tree fungus).
The trip ends with a sense of rushing through the ground and back up into one's body, at which point they will abruptly return to their senses and consciousness. The details are then immediately retrieved via interview and recorded in immense detail. The whole experience is understood as having been full comprehension of the Dreamlands, communion with the Giants, and then a tour through the act of creation.
This is done as part of the initiatory practice into the inner mystery-religion of the scholars, and as needed for study by high scholar-priests. It is not taken lightly, both as it is absolute communion with the gods and reality, and in that it can be a very, very difficult experience. People who have gone through this often walk away with a permanently shifted perspective, often in a positive and/or comforting way- a sense of interconnectedness with all life, a peace with the concept of death, seeing less of a point in individual ego and the concept of Self, and comfort in the sense of divine love they (may have) experienced. This heavily influences the philosophy of the Scholars and has had effects by proxy in the religious worldviews of the region.
Details of this experience are closely guarded, and initiates are given absolutely no prior knowledge and expectations for their trip. This is seen as a necessity- their naivety will allow for a true, unfiltered experience, and can be used to gauge whether they should or should not be accepted. Those that have a distinctly bad trip upon initiation may be assumed to have been 'rejected' by the giants and thus denied full priesthood, though this largely depends on How they interpret their distressing trip- those who identify this as a test and harsh lesson in a journey to enlightenment may be accepted (as this is how fully initiated scholar-priests interpret and handle their bad trips).
This inner priesthood is only a small fraction of the Scholarly Order, and its greater function is as a hub of education and repository of knowledge, and Scholar-trained doctors can provide some of the best medical care available in the setting ('best medical care in this setting' only means so much but it's pretty solid, relatively speaking). Only a chosen few Scholars ever get to commune with the Ur-Root, and most of the divine secrets revealed in the process are kept hidden (though they indirectly influence the politics and worldview of the entire order).
#I'm kind of fascinated by the quasi-religious beliefs that have developed around recreational hallucinogen use (ESPECIALLY DMT)#In contrast to like. Uses of DMT-containing substances like ayahuasca for long-established religious purposes#So this concept is basically 'what if a religion was FORMED from pretty much the ground up out of DMT usage'#Like the common 'entities' people encounter in recreational use being identified as the Real Gods and producing a religious worldview#that is mostly rooted in this experience (while still influenced by other cultural factors)#Also the like. Meta going on here is that the fungus is a 'living god' and the oldest one on the planet#It is a VERY rare type of living god that is 'created' by non-sophont (non-sentient even) beings and exists as a mycelial network#that perfectly supports and protects an entire forest. Basically a god for plants. It is so deeply interconnected with its forest that the#usual power sophont belief would have over it has basically zero influence. This is absolutely the closest thing to A God in canon.#(While still not being a Creator/sapient/or even supernatural within the framework of this reality. Just VERY unique.)#The Ur-Tree has always been above water and grows very very slowly over the course of millenia by kind of 'pulling up' plant life from#the ground (so you see ancient long extinct plants in its higher branches and contemporary plants close to/on the ground)#The mycelium helps shield and feed extinct plant life that could not otherwise survive in the contemporary environment#And the forest is big enough to produce its own weather (it is a rainforest and has been ever since the capacity for rainforests Existed)#It's not really a tree at all in any normal sense but an amalgam of thousands of types of plants-#Some growing on top of others and some interwoven beyond any distinction. It does form a superficially treelike structure#(mostly in order to physically support its own mass) with a very wide 'trunk' and massive 'roots' (which end in actual roots).#It feeds on its own perpetually shedding and decaying 'body' and any animal life that dies in the forest is VERY rapidly#decayed and absorbed by the mycelial network (to the point that many large scavengers cannot survive in this forest)#(If you kill a cow and leave it on the ground for just 1/2 hour you'll see little strands of mycelium already growing up around it)#The fungus fruits and spores on a very infrequent basis (scale of ten-thousands of years) which causes the forest to very slowly spread#Fortunately this isn't really an existential threat because the spread is VERY slow (even on a geological scale) and the fungus#itself is rather mundane in nature and cannot usually compete against established fungal networks in other places.#Though there are little Ur-Tree mycelium groves and woodlands in other parts of the world that may (over untold millennia)#generate their own Ur-Trees (there's already a few but they are all MUCH smaller and not readily recognized as the same thing)#WRT THE TRIP:#Most of what I'm describing is a DMT trip but consumption of high doses of Ur-Tree mycelium has both mundane psychoactive effects#and IS kind of the person experiencing the fungus' entire lifetime and seeing flashes of the world's actual evolutionary history.#The amount of material knowledge that can be accurately gleaned from this this is VERY limited though.
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hilacopter · 7 months ago
no babe you can form your own opinions you've just learned to automatically check what other people think and form them in accordance in fear of having the "wrong" ones and have hindered your own critical thinking as a result
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mirendils · 10 months ago
you need to read stories about people who are nothing like you. you should not be looking for yourself in every text. the point of stories is to illuminate you to new perspectives. to make you ponder/question/wonder. you have to be willing to open yourself up to seeing through the eyes of a character you can't immediately relate to
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fungaldeity · 25 days ago
i will say there’s something very funny about how often carnists will say something along the lines of “i’m not vegan/could never be vegan/will never be vegan but they are right about animals” like. surely you see that it’s worse to understand the morally superior option and consciously refuse to follow it right? i swear nothing makes an honest discussion about veganism harder than the other side insisting out the gate that they will never see your side of the argument and then discarding the evidence to match
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cupidswurld · 1 year ago
thinking about supernaturals circular narrative. how i don’t (and won’t) watch sitcoms because of the conventions of a circular narrative.
the parallels of how characters are reduced into one-dimensional imitations of who the audience perceived them to be, boiled down into their most defining, dividing traits— a phenomenon exclusive to the intrinsic nature of sitcoms. thinking about how everything that is learnt in one episode, is forgotten in the next— how there is no progress, how there is no change and everything will always, always stay the same for the sake of the audience where nothings new.
part of why dean felt he wouldve been better off dead, about why he didnt deserve to be saved, was because he could never make any difference. how they were trapped by the same story, over and over again, that nothing mattered no matter what he did, because he'd just end up in the very same position he was 15 years ago. even before the insertion of chuck's storyline, before freewill, the pervasive hand of the writers have always held them down from the very first episode
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total-drama-brainrot · 11 months ago
living in my echo chamber in this fandom. everyone complains about all of the character hate and stans and shipping discourse meanwhile i'm seeing none of this. just gay little characters on my screen. sometimes they kiss.
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madbrake · 3 months ago
Might fuck around and post some of my old short fiction and actually start a comic next year 🤔
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cyndaquillt · 9 months ago
ORV's definitions of constellations and nebula are so counterintuitive to me as an astronomer that I have to turn my brain dictionary off while reading it
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zellink · 1 year ago
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literally costs 0 dollar to be nice online LMAOOO like yes I can tag my fanart as fanart but you’re rude so nope I don’t think I’ll do that. also I’ve blocked you so problem solved! no seeing my fanart at all;)
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 years ago
Exposing Scientific Dogmas: Rupert Sheldrake's Banned TED Talk
The talk was reshared again in a video by the YouTube channel "After Skool." It was based on his book The Science Delusion.
Here are the 10 Scientific Dogmas he listed (which could prevent science from greater discoveries and true scientific thinking since they create the default worldview of people worldwide):
#1 Nature is mechanical
#2 Matter is unconscious
#3 The laws of nature are fixed
#4 The total amount of matter and energy is always the same
#5 Nature is purposeless
#6 Biological hereditary is material
#7 Memories are stored inside your brain as material traces
#8 Your mind is inside your head
#9 Psychic phenomena like telepathy are impossible
#10 Mechanistic medicine is the only kind that really works
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vveissesfleisch · 11 months ago
when you’re trying to focus on work but the most insultingly perfect song for the fic you just started writing that won’t stop plaguing your brain comes on shuffle and you have to take a moment (or 10) to just
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helldidntwantme · 1 month ago
The idea of no buy/ low buy is so interesting to me because if you're broke that's just what you're doing as the default
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