#consult starclan
w-a-r-r-i-o-r-s · 1 year
The New Prophecy Quest Game & Consult StarClan Prefix/Suffix List
First letter of first name:
A = Hawk
B = Tangle
C = Wild
D = Swift
E = Rain
F = Thorn
G = Fuzzy
H = Mud
I = Loud
J = Bramble
K = Moss
L = Leopard
M = Stealth/Scar*
N = Bright
O = Running
P = Sand
Q = Dawn
R = Ice
S = Spotted
T = Rock
U = Red
V = Mouse
W = Tiger
X = Flower
Y = Claw
Z = Blue
First letter of hometown:
A = fire
B = claw
C = talon
D = eyes
E = fur
F = tail
G = mask
H = face
I = storm
J = foot
K = ears
L = pelt
M = nose
N = heart
O = belly
P = shadow
Q = flower
R = breath
S = path
T = legs
U = sky
V = pool
W = head
X = wish
Y = stalker
Z = sayer
*Stealth- in New Prophecy Quest Game, Scar- in Consult StarClan
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smewduck · 30 days
cat god is being mistaken for a starclan cat in my youtube comments
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m00ngbin · 3 months
Very vehemently against the clan system as they have it from like the start of the new territories era and onwards
I read Squirrelflight's Hope today
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circus-clangen · 9 days
I try my best to never explain my puzzles, even if nobody ever solves them, but for my latest moon 20 endeavors, I want to go through the thought process of every choice that had to be made.
PLEASE NOTE! That with these puzzles specifically, there were no “right” answers. There were different choices, that affected the outcome.
First, the card puzzle.
To solve this one, you had to know that it was pertaining to Tigertoe being pregnant. There are three clues to this:
-The song playing is a lullaby (if you look it up it’s actually part of a video game OST that plays when you enter a nursery)
-the backdrop looks like a kids drawings/arts and crafts project
-The title “the news” implies some sort of announcement, in this case a pregnancy announcement.
Now, if you figured this out (which as a reminder, I didn’t expect you to bc there’s no wrong answers), you might have a better chance of choosing a card. The cards represent a timeline—three cats finding out about Tigertoe’s pregnancy, in the order they would have found out.
First card—If this one had been chosen, the next part of the puzzle would have been from Clown’s POV. As the medic, he was the first to realize Tigertoe’s symptoms were because of pregnancy.
Second card—This was the one that was chosen, so you all know this card was your girl Tigertoe 💖
Third card—This one would have been Trapezetangles POV; the last one, because Tigertoe would have been the one to tell him.
The movement of Goldmask’s arm was a COMPLETE red herring sorry guys 💔
Second—The choice to take the pills
To be honest, the answer to this one is pretty simple—Clown is a shifty guy. His refusal to tell Tigertoe WHAT was wrong and his insistence she only consult HIM on the matter should have aroused suspicion.
Also, the pink pills Tigertoe is given is paying homage to “Dr. Williams Pink Pills”—a self proclaimed “cure all” in the early 20th century that actually didn’t do anything. It’s implied that Clown has given Tigertoe something akin to sugar pills.
The choice was to take them—and of course, they don’t treat her symptoms. The consequence? Tigertoe faints and has a nightmare…or more accurately, a vision, telling her she’s pregnant.
If the choice had been to not take them, Tiger would have sought out Trapeze against Clowns advice. He would have given her a remedy he remembered from his old clan. Tiger would have drifted off to sleep, and had, this time, a gentle vision from Starclan that she was pregnant.
Finally, the operation game.
This one’s simple enough too—the symbols at the end, underneath Goldmask, are actually letters that are flipped and meshed together. These letters spell “Wake up Tigertoe”, implying she is only dreaming, leading to the reveal where she wakes up and interprets the vision.
All this to say: I am insane and deranged in ways you can scarcely comprehend
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clangenrising · 5 months
Month 14 - Newleaf
“Thank you all for coming,” Goldenstar said to the assembled warriors of RisingClan. “This should be quick.” Everyone had gathered at sunhigh to talk while the kits were sleeping. Even Sagetooth and Oddstripe were in attendance. The only cat missing was Songdust, whose absence hung heavy over the group like an ill omen.
Yarrowshade shrugged and said, “We’re happy to be here, Goldie.” She smiled and he grinned in return. It was good to see her smiling again. Beside her, Scorchplume’s tail was twined with hers, a development he had noticed a few days ago but said nothing about yet. Neither of them seemed to want to bring it up either so he left it alone.
“We all want to see the end of this war,” said Pantherhaze and the rest of the group concurred. Yarrowshade in particular couldn’t wait to pay the rogues back for all the grief they had caused him. His claws ached to sink into their fur. His skin itched for the satisfaction of a well-deserved wound.
“I’ve been discussing strategies with Scorchplume,” Goldenstar said, “and she thinks there’s a way we could manage to take Razor out of play, which would be huge.” 
“Yes,” Scorchplume said, less excited than Goldenstar was. “It’s risky though.”
“Risky is what we do,” Floodpaw purred proudly. Oddstripe clucked with worry. 
“Right,” said Goldenstar. “A risk with big pay off is way better than continuing to sit and wait. Go ahead.” 
“Alright,” sighed Scorch. Yarrowshade watched her shift uncomfortably and added another smack to the list of punishments he owed Razor. “When Smokyrose came to the city, they were discussing a peace agreement. Until Ghost arrived, it looked like he was going to arrange a one on one meeting with Goldenstar that he would use to ambush her and take out your leader.” 
A few cats shifted bitterly at the mention of Smokyrose. 
“The plan is to arrange that meeting,” Goldenstar said with a fiery conviction in her voice, “and then ambush him back.” 
“But it’s extremely dangerous,” Scorch cautioned. “Goldenstar will have to be basically alone with Razor for at least a few moments. If there are any mistakes, Goldenstar could die.” 
“I could lose a life,” Goldenstar admitted, “but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make. As long as the rest of you come in to corner him, we should succeed.” Scorch chewed her lip, tail rippling irritably, and Yarrowshade realized that she still didn’t believe in Goldenstar’s nine lives. 
“I think it sounds like a solid course of action,” Sagetooth said. “I’ll consult StarClan but I think we should plan on going through with it.” 
“We should ask the other Clans too,” said Pantherhaze. “We only won the last battle because of their help. We could use it again.” 
“Yeah, we don’t know how many cats Razor will bring with him,” said Sparrowpaw. “Best to be prepared.”
“I agree,” Goldenstar said, “and I’m sure something this important will get Flightstar and Snowstar to agree to it. Scorchplume believes that Razor thinks I’m the Clans’ only leader, so I’ll also be the one meeting him and taking on all the risk.” Scorch shifted again.
“Just don’t take any unnecessary risks,” Oddstripe said. “I don’t want to have more of you injured than is necessary.” Sagetooth twitched her ear. 
“We’ll train in defensive combat strategies and cooperative fighting in preparation,” said Russetfrond, looking more like himself than he had over the last couple days. Yarrowshade had enjoyed how miserable Mystique’s pregnancy had made him at first but by now he was just glad that the deputy had stopped moping. It was unsettling - too unlike him.
“Good idea,” Goldenstar nodded. “Russetfrond and I will come up with a more decisive battle plan and share it with you all during training. Are there any other questions?” 
“What are we going to do about Songdust?” Floodpaw asked impatiently. Barleypaw nodded. Sparrowpaw looked at the ground. Pantherhaze and Ospreymask leaned forward for the answer.
Goldenstar shifted. “That’s a little more complicated…” 
“I know a cat or two who might be able to help,” Scorch said, “but there’s not much we can do without going into the city which we can’t really do with Razor in power like this.” 
“StarClan will protect her if they can,” Sagetooth said. “Defeating Razor is the first step. Then we can think about rescuing Songdust.” No one seemed satisfied with that answer, but Scorch was right. There wasn’t really anything they could do. 
After a moment or two of silence, Goldenstar said, “Alright then. Meeting adjourned. Everyone focus on preparing for the battle. May StarClan guide us.”
“May StarClan guide us,” said Sagetooth, Oddstripe, Barleypaw, and Pantherhaze’s staggered voices. The cats began to disperse. Yarrowshade picked himself up and moved to talk with Scorch and Goldenstar. 
“Hey, you guys wanna go train or something?” he asked. Goldenstar looked to Scorchplume.
“You two can go,” Scorch said. “I’m not going to go anywhere near Razor.” 
“Still, it can’t hurt to get some practice in, right?” Yarrowshade asked. She looked at him and he swore he could hear her thoughts, how irritating she found him, how much she hated him for ‘choosing Nightfrost.’
“Fine,” she said shortly. 
“Great,” Goldenstar laughed a little and Scorch shot her a subtle glare. “Or what if we scout out places for the meeting instead? That’s something you could help with.” 
“I suppose,” Scorchplume hummed, seeming more inclined to that idea. Yarrowshade couldn’t help but feel like she just liked Goldenstar’s ideas better than his. He swallowed tightly and tried not to look disappointed. 
“Sounds good to me,” he said brightly. “Let’s go.” 
They set out towards the southern border. The day was warm for the season, bright and sunny with a welcome breeze. Yarrowshade tilted his face to the sun and tried to enjoy the warmth of it. 
“How’ve you been, by the way?” asked Goldenstar.
He tilted his head in her direction. “Good, I guess.” Lonely. “I’ve missed hanging out with you two though.” 
“Same, honestly,” Goldenstar said, leaning into Scorchplume’s side. “I can’t wait for all this business to be over so things can go back to normal.” 
“Normal is extremely relative,” Scorch hummed. “I for one am sick of normal.”
“We’ll just have to make a new normal then,” Yarrowshade tried, offering her a smile. She raised her brows at him but said nothing. He tried not to frown. 
“Scorch,” Goldenstar said softly. “He’s trying. Be nice to him.” Yarrowshade blushed at being called out like that. Was he so obvious? Scorch scowled at Goldenstar but there was no malice in her gaze. 
“I’ll do what I please,” she huffed.
“I know,” purred Goldenstar, “but you guys used to be good friends right? I don’t see the point in holding onto a grudge when you could just get along again.”
“Look,” Yarrowshade cut in, fur prickling in discomfort, “if it helps; I’m sorry for whatever I did.”
“Whatever you did?” Scorch raised her brows even higher somehow. 
“Yes?” he winced. This felt like a trap. 
“What was that, exactly?” Scorch asked. Goldenstar was mouthing something but he was terrible at reading lips. 
“For…” Yarrowshade hesitated. He had to find the correct answer. “For not choosing you?” There was a moment of silence where Scorch sized him up and he and Goldenstar held their breath. 
Then Scorch said, “Apology accepted.” Both Yarrowshade and Goldenstar sighed in relief. Scorch flicked her ear in annoyance. 
But after that, things were alright. Yarrowshade brought up a funny story from hunting with Barleypaw the other day and the others laughed. Scorch poked fun at him with an easy smile rather than a cold, defensive one. Goldenstar wouldn’t stop purring. He still felt like he was walking on thin ice, but at least for now Scorch was finding him entertaining. That was all he wanted, really. 
Discussion moved on to talk about how Barleypaw and her littermates would be warriors in a moon or two. Goldenstar expressed being nervous about her first real warrior ceremony as leader and Scorch and Yarrowshade told her she had nothing to worry about. From there, they started talking about Slatekit and Fogkit and their upcoming ceremony. 
“I still don’t know who should mentor Fogkit,” said Goldenstar as they paused to examine the sightlines on one hill. “I think I have Slatekit settled but Fogkit doesn’t like Ospreymask anymore and I’m not sure who else could mentor her.” 
“She’s a pawful, isn’t she?” Yarrowshade chuckled. “Yesterday I caught her ‘crafting curses’ out of claw sheds and bird bones.” 
“Crafting curses?” Scorch said skeptically. 
“Yeah,” shrugged Yarrowshade. “I don’t know where she got the idea but she said she was trying to curse the rogues to death.” He shook his head. “I’m honestly glad I already have Barleypaw cause I don’t think I would want to try and untangle that whole mess.” 
“Yeah, that’s the thing,” Goldenstar said. “I would take her myself but I’ve already got Floodpaw.”
“You can’t just take every apprentice who seems like they’ll be a pawful,” Scorch huffed. 
“Is that a challenge?” Goldenstar teased and Scorch rolled her eyes. 
“Look, if it’s really such a predicament, just give her to me.” 
Yarrowshade and Goldenstar fell into stunned silence. 
“What?” Scorch bristled defensively. “Is that so outlandish?”
“No, no,” Goldenstar said quickly, a smile spreading across her face, “I just didn’t expect you to want an apprentice! I mean, it’s a pretty big commitment.” 
“Does that mean you’re staying?” Yarrowshade asked excitedly. 
Scorch swished her tail back and forth, puffing up like a ginger pigeon. “For now,” she said. “By the time I leave, Floodpaw will be a warrior and then Goldenstar can take over her training.” 
Yarrowshade cocked a brow, smirking. “I don’t buy it.” 
Goldenstar was grinning like an idiot. “Oh, Scorch!” she purred, butting her head into Scorchplume’s shoulder. “I love you so much!”
“That’s it!” Scorch said, putting both paws on Goldenstar’s face and shoving her away. “I’m actually leaving right now and throwing myself in the river.” 
“Wait, no!” wailed Goldenstar through laughter. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to use the forbidden word!” She threw herself at Scorch’s feet and clung to her like a needy kitten. Scorch huffed a laugh through her nose. 
“Please, your excellence,” she said, pretending to be scandalized, “you forget yourself.” Goldenstar laughed, chest thrumming with an uncontrollable purr. 
Yarrowshade swallowed thickly. Grief, unexpected and overwhelming, flooded his mind as he watched them joke and flirt. Neither of them seemed to notice and he was grateful for it. He carefully turned away and started down the far side of the hill, breathing slowly through his nose to try and stop himself from tearing up. 
Get it together, Yarrowshade, he thought to himself. This was such a stupid thing to cry over! He wasn’t going to let them see him like this. 
“Look,” Scorch said smugly, “your pathetic displays have scared off Yarrowshade.”
“Ah!” Goldenstar cried, still laughing, “Yarrowshade, wait! I’m sorry!”
He paused and let out one last breath before forcing the frown off of his face. “I think this hill is too exposed,” he said, glancing back at them. “Maybe we should try somewhere with trees?”
“Oh, that’s a good idea,” Goldenstar had gotten to her feet and was halfway to him, Scorch trailing behind. Both of them looked so happy it hurt to watch.
“Do you think Orangestar would let us hold the meeting on EarthClan territory?” he asked, looking away. He focused his eyes on the trees up ahead and tried to pretend that he was fine. 
“Maybe!” Goldenstar said. “I’ll bring it up at the Gathering.” 
“Hmm,” Scorch chewed her lip. “Could we take a look anyway or would that be inappropriate.” 
“I’m not sure,” Goldenstar said.
“Probably best to wait for permission,” Yarrowshade said. 
“Yeahhhh,” Goldenstar sighed. “Oh well. Why don’t we catch some lunch and head back?” 
“Sounds good to me,” said Scorch. 
“Yeah,” Yarrowshade turned back to them, smiling again even if it felt a little forced. “I’d love that.”
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wc-confessions · 2 months
the biggest issue i have when it comes to discussing MV (and mapleshade as a character) is that the writing team doesn't know who she should be. there's three different ideas of who mapleshade is (Mapleshade's Vengeance, Crookedstar's Promise + arc 4, and everything after) and I really doubt any of the writing team we have consult each other on which is "canon" it's frustrating since there isn't really any cohesion between motherly, Starclan fearing Maple from MV and "we should kill the kittens first so their mothers will not have the will to live!" Maple from The Last Hope. she's still one of my favorite cats in spite of this though
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ghostclangen · 1 month
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Marshlily’s head swims as she stares at the scene in front of her. She’s aware, dimly, of what’s going on—the blood spilling from Hornetstar’s torn throat, Fireflash’s chest heaving with grief—but her brain refuses to process it, as if there’s a layer of fog between her eyes and her head. Her body knows, though. Her stomach clenches with disgust and worry, and her breath is shaky.
“I’m sorry,” Fireflash whimpers, though whether it’s to her or to Hornetstar alone, she’s not sure. “I’m so sorry.”
Marshlily drifts in and out of awareness, her brain having to re-notice the situation every few moments, as if it’s spitting the knowledge back out over and over. Hornetstar is spasming on the ground now. There’s no light in her eyes. Marshlily had blacked out when she herself took one of Hornetstar's lives, and only now does she come to realize how merciful that was. 
She’s unsure how long it takes, but at some point, Hornetstar opens her eyes again, as if life has been physically breathed into her lungs. They look different, though. There’s no warmth behind them; instead, it’s a heat, something akin to fire, if fire could feel frantic. Marshlily’s ears ring with the words of the voice from the dream she had moons and moons ago: Hornetstar’s not here. As much as she tried to deny it, she always knew the meaning of it, and here it is, right in front of her. There’s nothing left in Hornetstar’s eyes but an animalistic rage.
Still, when Fireflash unsheaths his claws again, she calls out, almost involuntarily: “Fireflash, stop! She only has one life left.” 
Fireflash doesn’t look at her, still braced in anticipation of Hornetstar’s claws on his flanks. “We need to do this,” he says tersely. “Look at her.”
“But she’s not always like this!” Marshlily protests. “And- and what if she does get through it? We can’t just give up on her!”
“I don’t want to do it either,” Fireflash says, backing away from Hornetstar as she rises unsteadily to her feet, “but I have to, okay?” His voice cracks on the last word.
“Look, I’ll- I’ll figure something out. I’ll go to the Moongem. I’ll consult with StarClan.” 
“She’s dangerous now,” Fireflash points out, then growls lowly at Hornetstar as she approaches on unsteady feet. 
“I’ll get poppy seeds,” Marshlily says. “Our whole stash. Just get her to eat them.” 
“Marshlily, I love you, but you’re crazy.”
“Don’t you want to help her!?”
“Of course I do!” Fireflash shouts, turning sharply to face her. There isn’t anger in his eyes, though, not really; mostly, it’s a mix of fear and crushing grief. “But she’s right. I have to do this.”
Marshlily gives him a stern look, falling silent for a few moments. Then, she says, “Can you please just trust me? I won’t be long.”
The corner of Fireflash’s mouth twitches, and he turns back to Hornetstar, who thankfully is still too unsteady on her feet to be too much of a danger from so far away. “Just- just get the seeds. Right now.”
Marshlily nods. “And … and if something happens while I’m not gone …”
Fireflash glances back at her, shooting her a meaningful look, and nods. “Right. I will.”
Marshlily is only dimly aware of the shards of glowing crystal that dig into her pawpads as she runs down the path toward the Moongem. She’d made sure Hornetstar was subdued by a large dose of poppy seeds before she left, having practically shoved them down her throat, but she still has to hurry. 
Although GhostClan’s camp isn’t too terribly far from the Moongem—it’s the same cave, after all, and the mountain is only has so much hollow space—it still feels like an eon to get there. Somehow, though, she does, and finally, Marshlily comes to a halt in front of the giant blue crystal. She takes a moment to brace herself, but only a moment; she doesn’t have time to waste. Heart pounding, she settles down next to the Moongem and presses her nose to it.
“You have to help me,” Marshlily says, swinging around to look at Nettledawn, desperation in her eyes. “Hornetstar is sick. She killed Charredtail.”
She’s yowling before she even opens her eyes into Silverpelt. “Nettledawn!” she cries. “Nettledawn, we need your help! Please!”
Trembling, she waits, claws digging into the ground with impatience. It’s only when she hears Nettledawn’s voice from behind her that she allows herself to relax the tiniest bit. “Marshlily? What’s going on?”
Nettledawn’s eyes fall into a compassionate frown. “Oh, not Charredtail …”
“We’ll have time to grieve later. I need you to help me.”
“Look, I know some about Waterfur, but-”
“Why did I live when so many others didn’t?” Marshlily demands. “What do I have that they didn’t?”
Acquiescing, Nettledawn sits down and turns her head to one side, thinking. “What was it like, breaking free of the curse?”
“I- I was- I was in the Dark Forest,” Marshlily says. “Waterfur was screaming in my head, worse than ever, and I was coughing up blood. But then I heard my Clanmates’ voices calling for me.”
Nettledawn’s tail swishes anxiously from side to side as she thinks. “What then?”
“I followed their voices,” Marshlily says softly. “They lead me to a wall of fog. I jumped through, and … I woke up.”
With a sharp shake of her head, Nettledawn squeezes her eyes shut tight and says, “I don’t … The rest had clanmates, too …”
“That’s exactly why I don’t know!” Marshlily snaps, though she’s not truly frustrated with her. “Sorry. I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to be. I just don’t understand.” After a second of thought, she asks, “Which clanmates did you hear?”
“I … I heard Hornetstar.” Marshlily’s own voice as she says her name; she forces herself not to cry as she continues, “And Celebi, and Crageagle, and … and Charredtail.”
“You’re close with them?”
Marshlily nods. “They’re my closest friends. I’d be lost without them.”
Nettledawn thinks for a few moments before her eyes widen again, not with shock but with the excitement of discovery. “Did Wolfstrike and the others have any close friends?”
“I suppose I am pretty well-liked …”
“I …” Marshlily tries desperately to recall, dragging her brain through the fog that surrounds it. “I think- I think they mostly kept to themselves. They didn’t have mates or anything, or anyone I’d call their best friend, really.”
“I think that’s it, Nettledawn says. “You have bonds, connections. Plenty of them. Right?”
“Well, maybe that’s it.”
Marshlily nods as she realizes what Nettledawn is saying. “I wouldn’t have been able to pinpoint it if there weren’t so many voices… I would never have found the way back.”
“So, then …”
“They died,” Marshlily says, “because they were alone.”
“Well … I can’t say for sure. It’s a hypothesis.”
“I’ll take a hypothesis,” Marshlily says, then nods sharply, trembling with renewed energy. “Look, I gotta get back. Just look out for us, okay?”
“Good luck,” Nettledawn says, worry in her voice.
“Thanks. We’ll need it.”
Her clanmates’ eyes fix on her as Marshlily runs across camp toward the leader’s den, leaving small spots of blood on the stony ground beneath her paws. Paying them no mind, she bursts into the small niche, panting with exertion. To her relief, Hornetstar is still passed out on the ground—though not peacefully, from the looks of it; even in her sleep, she spasms and growls. Fireflash stands over her, eyes fixed on her flailing body. Charredtail’s body has been taken away somewhere, though his blood still lingers on the ground. 
“Fireflash,” Marshlily calls softly, and the other cat turns and lifts his head. “Is she okay? Did anything happen?”
Fireflash turns back to Hornetstar and shakes his head again. “She’s been sleeping since you left.”
Marshlily breathes a deep sigh of relief. “Okay, good. Um, I think I know what’s going on.”
Fireflash stretches, his whole body looking exhausted, and pads over to her. “Did StarClan say something?”
“Nettledawn helped me figure it out, we think,” Marshlily says with a nod. “Wolfstrike, Scratchpounce, and Stormfall were all sorta loners, right?”
Fireflash cocks his head to the side to think for a moment, then nods. “Right.”
“But people like me,” Marshlily continues. “When I broke free of the curse, I was in the Dark Forest, but my friends’ voices lead me out. Except it took time to figure out where they were coming from, right? I needed a lot of help.”
Just like Nettledawn had, Fireflash opens his eyes wide, hope glimmering in them. “So you’re saying she’ll survive if she has enough cats that love her?”
“Well, it’s technically only a hypothesis,” Marshlily admits. “But it’s the only thing we could think of. And Hornetstar has a lot of people who love her, too. Me, you, Crageagle …”
“Let’s hope you’re right,” Fireflash says, turning his head back to Hornetstar. “So, what are we supposed to do about it?”
Marshlily falters, worriedness sinking in again. “I didn’t really come up with a plan,” she says. “I don’t think there’s anything we can do besides wait and see.”
Fireflash swallows with apprehension. “Right. I guess … Can you wait with me?”
Marshlily huffs a humorless laugh. “You thought I’d leave her side?”
With an equally humorless smile, Fireflash shakes his head. Then, with a deep, anxious sigh, he buries his face into Marshlily’s plush fur.
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bonefall · 1 year
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[ID: Speckletail from WC. She is a light golden tabby with a fluffy 'cravat' mane and brown stripes. She also has brown flecks.]
Since she's been coming up a lot! The problematic bulldozer conqueror herself. The only apprentice to survive the Great Hunger, inheritor of Doestar's legacy, and girl with the coolest death in BB
Clanmew Name: Poeswash Tiny spots pattern (Poes) + Tail (Swash)
Alignment: ThunderClan, born and raised
Relationships: Parents - Stagleap & Mossheart Aunt - Doestar Mentor - Pinestar Apprentices - Halftail, Mousefur Children - Lionheart, Goldenflower, Mistleclaw, Snowkit Grandchildren - Cinderpelt, Brackenfur, Thornclaw, Brightheart, Swiftpaw, Lynxkit, Bramblestar, Tawnypelt Father-of-her-children (derogatory) - Smallear
A serious, relentless molly who pushes herself to the limits of her abilities, and one of ThunderClan's strongest warriors when she was in her prime. Always says what's on her mind, even if you didn't want to hear it, and would rather 'beg forgiveness' rather than ask permission.
She may be aggressive and critical, but it's easy to understand where it came from. Speckletail has has a rough life-- between losing family to starvation, her murderous son-in-law, and a hawk, she has a hard time catching a break.
Ideologically, she is an excellent example of a Hard Traditionalist. She believes strongly in the values of Clan Culture at the time of TPB, like purity, loyalty, and strength, and is one of Firepaw's 'lesser' antagonists well into his warriorhood.
After her death, Speckletail is invoked as a Patron of Disaster. When storms ravage territory, or when fire tears through the forest, she is prayed to for protection, and to forestall the destruction long enough for you to make an escape.
Jumbled trivia below the cut!
The 'creamy ruff' that Doestar has is a trait that follows down to Speckletail, and at least one of the Frostfour will end up getting it.
The 'boots' and spots are from her mother, Mossheart.
Speckletail is very religious. She prays to StarClan regularly, and would often consult the Clerics with things she'd perceived as signs. She doesn't have visions, but is still quite pious.
Featherwhisker was always so good at assuring her that her nightmares weren't signs... she misses him immensely. Though she got along just fine with Spottedleaf.
She was Pineheart's first apprentice, and just as he began training her, the Great Hunger began. It was a barren summer, and a frigid winter.
None of her siblings survived. None of the other apprentices, either. She even lost her father, Stagleap. A lot of cats died.
But Pineheart kept her alive, and taught her how to be resourceful.
To her dying day, Speckletail was 'thrifty...' and would yell at cats who she saw wasting food.
In general, she could be quite negative. She had a bad habit of imagining the worst case scenario and sticking to it.
But it also made her very brave. Her worst fear is the thought of missing her chance to save someone-- death has no power over her.
In spite of her critical and harsh personality, she was VERY close with all of her family. She regularly braided Goldenflower's mane for her, and spent lots of time with her grandchildren.
She was especially happy when Goldenflower chose Tigerclaw as a mate, she was always fond of the boy.
So, she was particularly shocked when his crimes came to light. Especially that he'd been working with ShadowClan, and they assassinated Lionheart for him.
Snowkit's death devastated her, when he pushed Tawnykit out of the way as the hawk bore down on them. In her prime, she could have made that leap, she'd killed large prey like hawks before... but she couldn't. She was too old, and the strength had left her body.
She didn't like the Elder's Den very much, and felt restless. She felt powerless all over again.
And speaking of elders, Smallear is the father of her kittens but they had a very volatile relationship. They're too much alike, and were constantly getting into fights and breaking off.
He was not involved with any of their three litters. Speckletail pointedly raised them alone, but it was known that Smallear was the father.
But this also meant she mourned them alone, when Mistleclaw died of plague, Lionheart was assassinated, and when she had no body of Snowkit's to bury.
She was finally at peace with it all, in the final days. Seeing her grandchildren become fine warriors, getting to watch her great-grandchild Whitepaw grow up.
But then the destruction of the forest began with a twoleg monster veering off the Thunderpath, rolling over the trees.
As the camp was evacuating in a panic, she called Thornclaw to her, and ran towards the danger.
She wouldn't let humans and their pets take more family from her... aaaand allowed some guy probably named Matthew to file the WILDEST workman's comp case in history.
While Speckletail just thought she was attacking another predator, little did she know she was making the news and setting off a cascade of events that would lead to a team of researchers getting funding. A miracle.
But the Clan cats don't know this... all they know is that when they pulled Speckletail out of the wreckage, her fur was shiny with the blood of the monster.
It was too noxious to clean off of her remains, so they buried her with a rainbow in her fur.
Speckletail immediately became popular across the Clans for this story, becoming a patron in record time.
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Patrol 1: Practice w/ Dandelionbounce, Heathertail, and Stagpatch; 2 +3 = 5. Two cats open up about their pasts to each other. They find common ground and feel as if they understand the other better, growing closer and having a newfound appreciation for each other.
Now that Heathertail is older, Stagpatch feels confident enough to engage her with a real conversation about her relationship with Cloudbreeze. It's better, she says, but it's not really there. Nosy Dandelionbounce can't help but chime in with his usual line of thought, saying that it takes a village to raise kits, and Heathertail is always welcome to come to him for support. And me! Stagpatch insists, not to be overshadowed. After all, he was the first one to really worry about Heathertail. She's endeared, and laughs, but assures them it's nothing bad. Cloudbreeze is her aunt, and their relationship is the neutral one of an aunt and a niece. Still, it's nice to feel loved.
Patrol 2: Fox w/ Daisyfall; 1 -1 = 1. The cat suspects someone is trying to kill them; proceed. If they die, they were right. Decide who killed them.
Daisyfall finds the fox and drives it away.
Fern doesn't know Daisyfall, but Daisyfall remembers her. Just barely, from a long time ago, when she was very young, in her old village. It's a feeling that makes her nervous, not because she believes anything bad of Fern, but because it reminds her of how things were. And that cat Stagpatch said he ran into, too... It gives her an itchy, anxious feeling under her fur, one she can't even confide in her mate about, no matter how worried he looks for her. It's not time to face these demons yet.
Patrol 3: Vision w/ Jumpspark, Tippelt, and Cloudpounce; 5 +1 = 6. The medicine cat has received a message from StarClan, and tells the leader about it. Decide what the prophecy is, and what the leader does in response.
In all her concerning over Cloudbreeze, Jumpspark doesn't expect to receive a message from the Many-Soul. Or, if she was going to find one, she'd have thought it would be about her mate. But the signs she sees are all around Fern, strange and unsettling, some kind of warning... No, warning isn't the right word. It's a trail maker that says danger. This path leads nowhere good. 
Deciding to consult Cinderstar first, she only finds herself unsatisfied with his answer. Wait and see, it's always wait and see with him. Standing outside under the bright winter sky, she finds herself momentarily blinded-- and sees again the body of the cat she killed. She shivers. The path is of her own making.
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waywardsalt · 3 months
ive been rereading tnp and it’s bothering me so much i need to mention it here; it’s kind of insane how much the erins bend over backwards to make brambleclaw deputy, it’s kind of just nonsensical.
not even him not having an apprentice when he’s picked, though that is kind of wild, he just… there’s basically no good reason other than him being a main pov character and tigerstar’s son. literally any other thunderclan warrior who’s had an apprentice (barring maybe ashfur) would have been a better choice. thornclaw dustpelt sandstorm cloudtail brackenfur- brackenfur is one that firestar explicitly considers and the reasoning why he decides not to is so incredibly weak ‘oh i dont think he’d be right for leader’ number one what are you talking about number 2 then use him being deputy as an opportunity to help him become right for leader are you telling me firestar thinks the cat he once considered letting die in a fire is a better fit for leader than the cat he half mentored. dustpelt is clearly an experienced warrior, sandstorm is someone firestar obviously has faith in, thornclaw is experienced and i’m pretty sure you even see firestar consult him a few times (cloudtail is iffy bc thats cloudtail but he’d really be a better choice, just how he treats daisy and her kits would be an interesting justification for firestar making him second-in-command) but honestly besides the narrative jumping through hoops to act like the other very viable options are either secretly bad choices or otherwise ignore them (why is bramble the only cat we ever see jump to help firestar with stuff they just wrote everyone else to be silent or w/e) but in twilight where he arguably acts the most like de-facto deputy in leaf and squirrel’s pov he’s framed as a jackass half the book??? why would you do that if you intend to make him actual leader?? in his trial run of being kinda-not-deputy you just make him use his semi-authority to be cold and fucking mean to his friend and her buddy??? like i see him being qualified due to having experience being the travel group’s leader and whatnot, but barely anything else is done to make him realistically more qualified than anyone else- he just angsts about his ambitions and gets handed the position because starclan vouched for him for some damn reason even though by his society’s laws he should not be in that position
#sorry its just really bothering me bc i am NOT seeing why he should be deputy#warrior cats#salty talks#the new prophecy#i dont hate tnp i just hate the bramble wants to be deputy plot he does not deserve that shit#not even on the level of him being a shitty guy or anything he literally should not have been picked#its probably the most egregious example of the authors just forcing a plot point instead of like. building it up realistically#literally in twilight he just comes off like he’s going to be a cold distant asshole as deputy it’s not a good look#opposed to firestar being deputy gaining his position while qualified and also through the understandable logic of bluestar’s mental state#fire just picks bramble be leafs like hey starclan says so and fires like oh ok even tho he’s literally not qualified#and also barely seems like he’d be a good choice anyways despite having been a main pov character#yes im complaining abt bad writing in the Bad Writing Cat Books leave me alone this is bothering me#adding while i read sunset; i will concede that this one does a better job building him up as possible deputy with the trust he’s given#its still just. why him (besides him being the mc) why is no one else given this trust or somewhat filling this role the same way#i feel like it would be more interesting if someone else got chosen over bramble and he had to be at peace with that#instead of oh he gets what he wants yayyy. idk switch the fox trap scene to hawkfrost trapping the new deputy#i feel like bramble not being deputy would be interesting like helps him realize that he doesnt need to be in a position of power#for his clanmates to trust him and rely on him if hes still worried abt the tigerstar’s kin thing and maybe confront tigerstar abt it
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
I really wish that Bramblestar was supposed to be an asshole, because at least then his bad behavior would be compelling. But that would require the Erins to actually give him consequences for his behavior (like Squilf leaving him for good after he gets Leafpool killed, the three disowning him after he disowned them, etc). Then again, even though it's infuriating that it isn't the case and he's ~so~ honorable and niceys as the leader/deputy of ThunderClan as he throws his weight around to punish Ashfur and Squirrelflight for having * gasp * fun collecting bedding in TNP.. It does make it kinda funny how Ashfur was able to seamlessly steal his identity in TBC and nobody noticed besides Squirrelflight it was Ashfur. Like, I don't think they realize the implications of ThunderClan seeing Ashfur be needlessly cruel and going 'yeah. that's normal i think' huh lol
I think I would really like Bramblestar if they played into what an insecure and pathetic person he is. How concerned he is with how others perceive him and how he doubles down on shitty decisions and shitty treatment of others because of it. But nope! He's a good noble leader :) don't mind how controlling and awful he is to his mate :)
(got real rambly after this lol)
Squirrelflight's Hope does a really good albeit unintentional job of setting up why ThunderClan doesn't notice...because he really exhibits a lot of shitty and horrendous behaviors in this. These behaviors aren't limited to just this super edition, as people like to claim, they've been present throughout his entire character but they're so egregious now because there's nothing stopping the framing from revealing how awful he is.
Ashfur is controlling and obsessive and so is Bramblestar; he uses his authority to demand she stop disagreeing with him in public, demands she runs every little decision past him to the point where he throws a hissy fit because Squirrelflight didn't check with him before bringing a very wounded cat to the camp to be treated, with the book emphasizing that she needs swift medical attention.
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Ashfur plays on "us vs. them" code mentality and faith in StarClan, Bramblestar is willing to abide by his Clan's xenophobic sentiments and risk allowing a cat to die because he insists on getting the word of StarClan on what to do. (Side note: this is soooo frustrating to read. I miss when cats did shit without having to consult StarClan, now they wonder if they have to ask whether or not to wipe their asses). He risks this cat's life because he sees her as a rogue, and whether or not the Erin's intended this, they wrote it so the subtext is that she is lesser and undeserving of their help.
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Ashfur will physically harm Squirrelflight, well guess what! Bramblestar was just about willing to physically stop Leafpool from treating a dying cat. Squirrelflight outright thinks he's going to fight her. There's no reason the rest of the Clan wouldn't assume he's not capable of getting physical with Squirrelflight. Full scene just so you can see how fucking pathetic he is here and how badly the authors want you to pity him:
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I've not read any further but Bramblestar's behavior is abysmal and every single action and word he says is just adding onto the pile of red flags. I wish so badly that this super edition ended with Squirrelflight recognizing this and leaving him....but of course not -_- It really would be a great set up for TBC if it was intentional.
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w-a-r-r-i-o-r-s · 9 months
Consult StarClan for Your Warrior Clan
Add up points based on the prompt's Clan designation (for example, the first question is ThunderClan). The Clan with the largest amount of points is your assigned Clan! (And if you get a tie, StarClan is "unable to determine your Clan," unfortunately)
This can also be played on the Wayback Machine, with the help of Ruffle.
1. Following rules is important to you (ThunderClan)
Strongly Disagree (-3 points)
Disagree (-1)
Neutral (0)
Agree (+1)
Strongly Agree (+3)
2. You like decorating your room with posters and stickers (RiverClan)
Strongly Disagree (-3)
Disagree (-1)
Neutral (0)
Agree (+1)
Strongly Agree (+3)
3. Your friends consider you a fast runner (WindClan)
Strongly Disagree (-3)
Disagree (-1)
Neutral (0)
Agree (+1)
Strongly Agree (+3)
4. If a classmate was unfairly accused of cheating you would help defend their reputation (ThunderClan)
Strongly Disagree (-3)
Disagree (-1)
Neutral (0)
Agree (+1)
Strongly Agree (+3)
5. You prefer to keep to yourself (ShadowClan)
Strongly Disagree (-3)
Disagree (-1)
Neutral (0)
Agree (+1)
Strongly Agree (+3)
6. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again (WindClan)
Strongly Disagree (-3)
Disagree (-1)
Neutral (0)
Agree (+1)
Strongly Agree (+3)
7. During the summer you like to spend as much time swimming as possible (RiverClan)
Strongly Disagree (-3)
Disagree (-1)
Neutral (0)
Agree (+1)
Strongly Agree (+3)
8. You like to stay up late at night (ShadowClan)
Strongly Disagree (-3)
Disagree (-1)
Neutral (0)
Agree (+1)
Strongly Agree (+3)
9. You snooze, you lose (ShadowClan)
Strongly Disagree (-3)
Disagree (-1)
Neutral (0)
Agree (+1)
Strongly Agree (+3)
10. You can easily sneak up on a friend without them hearing (ShadowClan)
Strongly Disagree (-3)
Disagree (-1)
Neutral (0)
Agree (+1)
Strongly Agree (+3)
11. You enjoy board games and crossword puzzles (RiverClan)
Strongly Disagree (-3)
Disagree (-1)
Neutral (0)
Agree (+1)
Strongly Agree (+3)
12. You would always rather be outside in the fresh air (WindClan)
Strongly Disagree (-3)
Disagree (-1)
Neutral (0)
Agree (+1)
Strongly Agree (+3)
13. If you were at a theme park with your friends, you would be the first to try the scariest roller coaster (ThunderClan)
Strongly Disagree (-3)
Disagree (-1)
Neutral (0)
Agree (+1)
Strongly Agree (+3)
14. You dream of one day owning a boat (RiverClan)
Strongly Disagree (-3)
Disagree (-1)
Neutral (0)
Agree (+1)
Strongly Agree (+3)
15. You prefer to wear black over any other color (ShadowClan)
Strongly Disagree (-3)
Disagree (-1)
Neutral (0)
Agree (+1)
Strongly Agree (+3)
16. Loyalty in a friendship is very important to you (WindClan)
Strongly Disagree (-3)
Disagree (-1)
Neutral (0)
Agree (+1)
Strongly Agree (+3)
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troutfur · 1 year
On Receiving Messages from the Stars: Shai-een-Shek (Snail Shell Divination)
Of the many methods off communing with the stars a Clan's oracle must master Shai-een-Shek (snail shell divination, directly translated as Star-inside-Shell) is the first an apprentice will be taught. It is extremely easy to perform and interpret, but as a trade-off it can only be used to answer yes-no questions. Shai-een-Shek is also one of very few forms of divination performed on behalf of regular warriors. Indeed apprentice oracles quickly leave shai-een-shek behind in favor of more complex methods except when divining for a clanmate.
The method as traditionally performed calls for two hollowed-out poen (brown-lipped snail) shells. The more beautiful the better. In this, the method shows its roots as a RiverClan technique. The shells are thought of as offerings for the StarClan spirit invoked during the ritual, so that they may keep it as a trinket to weave into their nest or string into a necklace.
Other types of shell may be used in the divination at the performing oracle's discretion, so long as they have a clear "up" side and a clear "down" side. RiverClan oracles for instance will typically accept the two shells of a kofoo (fresh water pearl mussel) for the divination. ShadowClan oracles however tend to be more purist, accepting only poen with the proper white swirl and brown lips.
To begin the divination the querent must acquire their own divination trinkets and present them to the oracle. The oracle then walks with the querent to a spiritually charged place. In RiverClan this is always the river, in the other clans this may be a grave if a specific grave of a specific spirit to be consulted is known or otherwise the outer border of the territory.
Timing of the divination varies between Clans. RiverClan typically performs shai-een-shek at sunhigh, when the spirits of StarClan are believed to swim down from the heavens in order to lounge by the river shore. ThunderClan, ShadowClan, and most recently SkyClan adaptations of the technique prefer the liminal times of dawn and dusk. WindClan performs them at any time of night, as long as the skies are clear.
Once they are in a spiritually charged place the oracle begins with an invocation prayer. This prayer calls upon the authority bestowed upon an oracle by their chain of mentorship, going all the way back to Mothflight.
When an oracle refuses to perform shai-een-shek for a warrior there are 3 options that have been tried out for a clandestine reading, with no consensus on which is more effective. Some warriors have tried to call upon their personal chain of warrior mentorship as far as it can be remembered, or sometimes if calling upon their matrilineage if contacting a direct ancestor. Some other warriors have tried to impersonate an oracle, whether by simply memorizing and reciting the invocation prayer or by full on disguising themselves to look like them. Yet other warriors have taken the bold decision of fabricating a fake lineage in hopes StarClan wouldn't notice.
After the invocation prayer, the divination trinkets are dropped to the floor and the answer is interpreted depending on if they fell right-side up or upside down. If both trinkets fell right-side up (that is with the hollow side facing up in poen kofoo shells) that is a yes. If both trinkets fell upside down that is a no. If one trinket falls right side up and the other upside down it means either StarClan didn't understand the question or that the querent is not meant to know the answer, interpretation depends on the situation.
With the answer divined the divination trinkets used are disposed of. In RiverClan it is traditional to toss them into the river. Other clans tend to bury them instead.
Typically an oracle will only allow the same question to be asked again in divination if the response was deemed to be an "I don't understand" by StarClan. But even then, clan oracles have limits on how many times they will allow a cat to try to ask their question again. It is rare than an oracle will allow a warrior to ask their question again after three attempts that yield an "I don't understand" by StarClan.
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blackfeatherdragon · 1 year
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Attention older Warriors fans! I am looking for a functioning Wayback Machine link to the old 'Consult Starclan for your Warrior Name' quiz!
The quiz, along with everything else on this old version of the warriors site, is long gone, but a good chunk of the old contents (including stuff like the New Prophecy game and the hunting minigame!!!) survive on Wayback. However, I cannot seem to find a Wayback save that preserves the 'Consult Starclan for your Warrior Name' quiz. Any info is helpful.
(I recall that my generated warrior name from this quiz was Hawkeye (cool as fuck), but I want to confirm that's what it was. At the very least, the New Prophecy game did confirm that the prefix of my OG Government Assigned Warrior Name was indeed Hawk, though I didn't play through enough to see if it would confirm the suffix as well.)
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healerelowen · 7 months
Uh uh,mmmm i kinda lost track of what steelclan was about,,, whats the lore whats the story
Hehehehehehee >:3c/lh
SteelClan is Sparky and I's own little self-indulgent Inscryption warrior cats au. There's not really a story, not a consistent one anyway. Mostly it's just a silly little au where we get to do silly warrior cat things with our favorite characters.
But there is a very wiggly outline of something that could be a story. It's very messy, but I can maybe try and go off something.
SteelClan is one of four clans that live in a mountain range. These other three clans being ForestClan, RuinClan and MeadowClan. The cats of SteelClan are rescourceful and are as intelligent as they are defensive. They have a strong community, as they value bonds with each other more than anything else. Though because of how defensive they are, they don't tend to get along well with the other clans. Especially ForestClan, whom of which are known to be common rivals with SteelClan.
Spark(Sparkmoon) and I(Aspenspirit) are the medicine cats of SteelClan, which is lead by Stoatstar with Dusksplash as his deputy. When we were kits, we were dropped off by our kittypet mother in SteelClan territory. A patrol found us and brought us in then we both were mentored as medicine cat apprentices once we reached six moons of age. We do have our own respective partners as well in SteelClan because the 'medicine cat romance is forbidden' rule is stupid and Stoatstar wouldn't care anyways. These two being Archwatcher and Hollybright.
So far, many one off events have happened. Stoatstar losing a life to a flood, a sweep of white cough going around camp (feat. Aspenspirit being a sick whiny bitch), and Stoatstar meeting a kittypet named Luke who eventually joins SteelClan and functions like a daylight warrior. Oh, and Archwatcher and Aspenspirit randomly showing up with 16 kits, that was a fun one.
Though one fateful evening, tragedy struck. The other three clans devised a mass attack on SteelClan within their own camp. Many lives were taken, almost half of the clan was gone at the claws of the other clans. Those cats being Dusksplash, Embermask, Wrensight, Sparkmoon and half of Archwatcher's kits. SteelClan was absolutely destroyed, yet furious at the other clans for calling such a horrific act. They tried to rebuild slowly, with a few moons passing by so quickly.
Aspenspirit, wracked with grief, had stormed off during a medicine cat meeting one night, and decided that the leaders who led the attack needed to pay. They went from clan to clan, killing off each leader until they were finally back in SteelClan territory, where they finally let themselves rest.
About a week later, the other clans came back to consult SteelClan about the deaths of their leaders. They thought that SteelClan had done it, but they pressed that they didn't. Aspen'Spirit had tried reasoning with them to get them to leave, but they only pressed further until Aspenspirit leaped at them and tumbled into an adder's nest in the process. Which, as you'd expect, led to their very painful death as they were sent to the Dark Forest. That is, until Sparkmoon yoinked them into StarClan.
The end :)
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clangenrising · 1 year
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Month 6 - Greenleaf
Nightfrost led the way over the gentle, sloping hills with Pantherhaze and Russetfrond behind her. The sun had already started to set and her hope was that now that the heat and light had begun to fade, the mice and voles near the river would be eager to come out where they could be caught. The patrol had been walking quietly, its members occupied with their exertion, but as the river and the Cornerstones beyond it started to come into view, Russetfrond spoke. 
“So, Nightfrost… I’m curious to hear your thoughts on Goldenstar’s new… changes.” 
Nightfrost glanced over at him and tried to get a read on his intention. She knew that Russetfrond hadn’t been very happy when Goldenstar had been named his mother’s deputy. Goldenstar had confessed in private that she was worried he hated her. On his face, Nightfrost found a guarded interest, an expression that said ‘I want to know what you think before I tell you how I feel.’ She knew she would have to be careful in how she responded. 
“I think the changes are designed to make people feel more welcome,” she said, “I guess we’ll have to wait and see if they hit the mark.” 
Russetfrond hummed disappointedly. “That’s one way to put it.” 
“What do you think about the changes?” Nightfrost asked, tilting her head. 
“I think it's bold of Goldenstar to do something so drastic this early into her leadership,” he responded without hesitation. “Less than six moons and she’s already opening our borders to any cat who pleases to pass through and doing away with traditions that have served us well for hundreds of years. I don’t know where she gets off.” 
“That’s a bit harsh,” Nightfrost huffed, “She isn’t doing this for kicks, she clearly thinks this is the right thing to do.” 
“‘Clearly,’” Russetfrond repeated. “So she hasn’t talked about it with you.” 
Nightfrost kicked herself. “No, not exactly.” Russetfrond chuffed, ears twitching as he looked away over the grassland. Nightfrost continued, “But she doesn’t need to consult me for every decision. She was Sunstar’s deputy for a while, she knows what she’s doing by now.” The voice in her head added, I hope.
“Still,” Pantherhaze spoke up, “Aren’t you a little worried? I mean… she didn’t mention StarClan at all in the last naming ceremony.” He shrugged a bit, looking guilty. “I don’t know, I don’t like the idea that she’s already forgotten the cats who gave her her lives.” 
“She hasn’t forgotten StarClan,” Nightfrost said firmly. “She went to seek their guidance before her announcement at the Gathering, remember?” 
“Yeah, I guess that’s true…” Pantherhaze admitted quietly. At that moment, they arrived at the river and Russetfrond stopped near the bank to turn back towards Nightfrost, his eyes challenging her subtly. 
“She says that, but that doesn’t mean she listened to them,” he said. “She’s too busy listening to Scorch.” He let the name fall out of his mouth like a piece of sour prey, grimacing. “Surely you’ve noticed they’ve been spending more and more time together, when she isn’t toying with Yarrowshade, that is.” 
Nightfrost’s jaw was suddenly tight. “You make it sound like Scorch is seducing him with her roguish wiles,” she scoffed. 
“I wouldn’t be surprised if she was,” Russetfrond shrugged in reply. “She’s clearly an expert liar and manipulator. It makes you wonder what she really wants from Goldenstar.” Nightfrost’s stomach churned uneasily. She wanted to protest but knew she didn’t have a very good argument. Just because she didn’t want something to be true didn’t mean it wasn’t. 
Shifting his weight nervously, Pantherhaze interjected, “I wouldn’t say that. We don’t have proof she’s manipulating anybody.” 
“When you think there’s a fox around, you don't wait for it to bite your head off before you start being cautious,” Russetfrond stated flatly. Pantherhaze looked down, throat laboring quietly, ears pressed back. 
Nightfrost took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. “I understand why you’re uneasy,” she said, “but we can’t jump to worst case scenarios. That kind of fear mongering about outsiders is the exact behavior Goldenstar is trying to curtail.” 
“Then what do you suggest we do, Nightfrost?” growled Russetfrond. 
She didn’t know. “I’ll talk to her,” she said. “For now, we’ll focus on hunting and minding our own business.” 
“This is our business,” Russetfrond shook his head. “Everything Goldenstar changes affects us all.” He then turned and padded off along the river bank, for the moment agreeing to suspend the conversation. Pantherhaze winced up at her and stepped closer, gaze gentle. 
“He just wants to help,” the little tom whispered. “I know he sounds harsh, but he just cares very deeply about this Clan. Just like his mother did.” He glanced over his shoulder after his friend, tail swishing. 
“I know,” Nightfrost responded softly. “I’ll make sure his concerns are heard. Thank you for bringing them up.” 
Pantherhaze smiled at her, looking as if a huge weight had just lifted off of his shoulders. “Thank you, Nightfrost.” Butting his head against her shoulder, he turned and slunk after Russetfrond, leaving the deputy alone with her thoughts for the moment. She sighed again and let her authoritative posture droop for a moment.
She wished that Goldenstar had come to her already, that she could confidently back up her leader because they were of one mind and mission. She wished she could stop being stupid and jealous for a minute so she could objectively assess the situation. It was hard to know if Scorchplume was a threat to her Clan when she was too busy worrying if she was a threat to her relationship with Yarrowshade, whatever that was. Stars, that was its own nest of snakes. 
Most of all, Nightfrost wished life were simple. Oh well, she thought, if wishes were fishes the Clan would never go hungry. She needed to focus on her primary duty, making sure that her Clanmates were taken care of. Shaking her fur to dispel the cloud of insects that had begun to land on her pelt, she opened her mouth to scent for prey and followed after her Clanmates.
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