#constantine vii
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blueiscoool · 1 year ago
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A Very Rare 1,000-Year-Old Byzantine Gold Coin Found in Norway
Approximately 1,000 years ago in Constantinople — the bustling capital of the Byzantine Empire — a small gold coin was minted.
Now, about a millennia later, the tiny treasure has been unearthed more than 1,600 miles away from its origin, according to a Nov. 30 news release from the Inlandet County Municipality.
Officials said a metal detectorist stumbled upon the artifact among the mountains in Vestre Slidre, Norway. It’s a rare discovery for Norway, and the seemingly out-of-place artifact appears to be in great condition, especially given its age.
Photos of the coin show each side’s intricate carvings. One side depicts Jesus Christ holding a Bible, while the other shows Byzantine emperors Basil II and Constantine VII, brothers who ruled together, officials said.
Each side also has an inscription. The side showing Jesus has a Latin inscription, which translates to “Jesus Christ, King of those who reign,” according to experts. The side depicting the emperors has a Greek inscription, which translates to “Basil and Constantine, emperors of the Romans.”
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Experts said the coin was minted during Basil and Constantine’s reign, likely sometime between 977 and 1025. The dotted circles bordering the coin indicate its age.
Experts have tried to determine how the coin ended up in Norway.
One hypothesis is that the artifact belonged to Harald the Ruthless — the king of Norway from 1045 until 1066, according to Britannica.
Before he was king, Harald the Ruthless, also known as Harald Hardråde, served as part of the Byzantine emperor’s guard, experts said. It was customary for guards to loot the palace after an emperor’s death, and three emperors died during Hardråde’s time as a guard.
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Once the coin made it back to Norway, it could have been lost along a trade or transportation route, according to experts.
Archaeologists have not had a chance to fully examine the site where the coin was found, but they are planning a broader excavation in 2024, officials said.
By Moira Ritter.
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hexjulia · 2 years ago
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obsessed with this
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gotham-at-nightfall · 7 months ago
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Wonder Woman and friends are drawn into Waller's bid for power!
Wonder Woman #11
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jessdyet · 24 days ago
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Viy - A Russian Classic Horror Movie.
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Constantin Kousnetzoff - illustration in the Viy (1930)
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thoodleoo · 6 months ago
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apparently constantine vii had a mechanical throne that he could shoot up to the ceiling in front of people meeting with him and i've gotta hand it to him if you're going to be in charge of an empire of immense wealth and might you might as well have fun with it
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discardead · 13 days ago
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Disclaimer: Religious theme below + Long post ahead!
Vampire & Angel Prince themed NPT ···· Requested by @princefrail
taglist ·· ✦ ·· @phantasyze @lvrlady @destinationyaoricentre @floraeth @princefrail @starrylitte @hauntina @murd3rh0rnetss
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Names ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ Bat. Bats. Batsy. Batty. Battie. Battimpire. Battympira. Battimpyra. Battypire. Battius. Batisse. Chiroptera. Chiero. Chiroptire. Chiropett. Chiropette. Chiropyre. Chyropire. Vambite. Vampier. Vampiresth. Vampierre. Vampeia. Vamprius. Vampior. Vamprina. Vampriess. Vampith. Vampriel. Vampred. Vamprise. Vampriest. Fang. Fangs. Fangyr. Fangsire. Fangire. Sanguine. Sanguneia. Sangiene. Sangius. Sangsel. Sangrione. Sangriel. Bloodyse. Bloodise. Bloodire. Bloodyre. Bloodesth. Bloodith. Bloodithe. Bloodesse. Bloodirse. Bloodius. Bloodime. Hemoin. Hemoine. Hemoisth. Hemoius. Hemoie. Hemolisth. Imortal. Imortell. Imorthel. Imortisse. Immortice. Imorthius. Imorthor. Imorthar. Sanquette. Sanquett. Sanquesth. Halo. Haelo. Haloisse. Halyre. Haloine. Haloina. Halious. Halomie. Halyure. Haloette. Haloetta. Haloesth. Haloisthe. Etheralo. Puryne. Purithy. Purityse. Saint. Serafine. Sainthly. Saintrel. Angelette. Angelisth. Angiesth. Angelie. Angelyn. Angelisse. Angeluett. Angeluise. Angelie. Angellise. Angeiré. Royalisth. Royalisse. Luxurine. Luxira. Vareign. Chivareign. Alistovar. Chivalryse. Honorie. Echo. Lucius. Lucian. Lucien. Victor. Viktor. Vincent. Vince. Thorn. Thorne. Damien. Damian. Mikael. Noir. Silas. Gabriel. Alucard. Dorian. Rook. Asher. Marcus. Augustus. Maximus. Remus. Cassius. Thorne. Raven. Vesper. Lestat. Andrei. Angela. Angelina. Angeline. Angie. Angelo. Angelou. Angelos. Angelus. Constantin. Michael. Evangeline. Engel. Sol. Lucifer. Aurelius. Caelum. Evander. Ethel. Zachary. Holden. Lionel. Alexander. Baxter. Charles. Julian. Rainer. Rainus. Reinier. Friedrich. Ludwig. Heinrich. Wilhelm. Leopold. Maximilian. Otto. Albrecht. Lorenz.
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Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ roy/royal. royal/royalty. pri/pris. pri/prince. prin/prince. prin/prinz. hei/heir. hei/heim. shei/heir. theiy/theim. crow/crown. re/reign. ti/tiara. co/cor/coronet. high/highness. hon/honor. honor/honorable. cou/court. line/lineage. coron/coronation. coro/coron. coro/coronation. pal/palace. nob/noble. aristo/aristocratic. imper/imperial. cre/crest. lavi/lavish. la/lavish. lav/lavish. chiva/chivalrous. digni/dignified. comm/command. carri/carriage. reg/regal. rega/regal. maje/majesty. wea/wealth. sh👑/h👑r. h👑/h👑m. th👑y/th👑m.
Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ va/vamp. vam/vamp. vamp/vamps. vamp/vampy. vampy/vampys. vamp/vampire. vamp/vampiric. pi/pire. pir/pirism. va/vam. vam/vamp. vamp/vamps. vae/vaer. vae/vaem. vei/veir. vei/veim. vie/vier. vie/viem. vey/vem. ve/ver. vi/vir. ve/vem. vi/vim. viy/vim. blo/blood. bloo/blood. blood/bloody. blood/bloodlust. he/hem. hem/hemo. red/reds. re/red. crim/crimson. crims/crimson. sang/sanguine. sa/sar. sae/saem. sae/saer. sey/sem. vei/vein. vein/veins. bi/bite. bite/mark. fan/fang. fang/fangs. fe/fer. fie/fier. his/hiss. hiss/hisses. dev/devour. devo/devour. devou/devour. consu/consume. pier/pierce. fea/feast. su/suck. suc/suck. thi/thirst. que/quench. drai/drain. drain/drains. quen/quench. si/sip. sip/sips. li/lick. lic/lick. dri/drip. drip/drips. ba/bat. bat/bats. chi/chiro. chiro/chiroptera. ec/echo. e/echo. ec/echo. ech/echo. echo/echoes. ni/night. ny/nyr. ny/nym. nie/niem. nei/neir. noc/nocturnal. noctu/nocturnal. mo/moon. moo/moon. moon/moons. cof/coffin. coff/coffin. coe/coffin. co/cofs. cof/coffs. drac/dracu. dracu/Dracula. gor/gore. go/gore. gore/gorey. ki/kill. kill/kills. kir/kirs. ki/kir. carn/carnage. carna/carnage. imm/immortal. imor/immortal. unde/undead. undea/undead. und/undead. h♰/h♰m. sh♰/h♰r. th♰y/th♰m.
Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ hy/hyr. hy/hym. hea/heaven. heav/heaven. hav/haven. haven/havens. holy/holys. hol/holy. sky/skys. abov/above. above/aboves. asce/ascend. ascen/ascend. desce/descend. descen/descend. eth/ether. ether/ethereal. eth/ethyr. wi/wing. win/wing. wing/wings. wie/wier. wie/wiem. halo/halos. hae/halo. ha/halo. ae/haer. hae/haem. aur/aura. go/gold. gol/gold, gold/golds. gold/golden. li/light. div/divine. divi/divine. divi/divinity. bless/blessing. bles/bless. bless/blesses. hop/hope. choi/choir. cho/choir. pu/pure. pure/purity. puri/purity. shi/shine. pray/prays. pray/prayer. ae/aer. ae/aem. ang/angel. ae/angel. doe/dove. dove/doves. sai/saint. sain/saint. saint/saints. che/cher. cher/cherub. cherub/cherubic. se/ser. sera/seraph. ser/seraph. seraph/seraphim. thro/throne. throe/throne. opha/ophanim. domi/dominion. domin/dominion. vir/virtue. virt/virtue. virtu/virtue. pow/power. power/powers. princi/principality. principal/principality. arch/archangel, archae/archangel. arch/archs. arch/archas. archa/archas. arch/arches. mess/messenger. messen/messenger. sae/sacred. sacre/sacred. fai/faith. chali/chalice. cha/chalice. h✦/h✦m. sh✦/h✦r. th✦y/th✦m. hie/hier. hie/hiem. sie/siem. sie/sier.
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Titles ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ The Angelic one / [noun]. Prn* angelism. The Revered Angel. Prn* who's revered (by the people / [noun]). Prn* who comes from Above. The Descension of this Angel. The Descension of [noun / name]. Prn* who hails from Heaven / Above. The God's Messenger. This Sacred being. Prn* who remains Sacred. Prn* who was Blessed. The [noun] of Blessing. Prn* holy message. The Angel in the Choir. The Greatest among the Angels. Prn* who's born blessed. Prn* by the Choir. Prn* who brings Blessing. The Light of your Days. Prn* purity. The Purified being / [noun]. The Chosen one by God. Prn* who answers Prayers. The Angel's Holy Light. Prn* holiness. Prn* who remains Untainted. Prn* Golden Halo. Prn* [color] Halo. Prn* who clears Worries. Prn* Wings (of Comfort). Prn* Vampirism. The [noun] at Night. This Nocturnal [noun] / being. The Fanged One. Prn* Fangs. Prn* bloodthirst. The Bloodthirsty [noun]. Prn* unquenchable Thirst. Prn* who seeks Blood. Prn* who yearns to Feast. Prn* Bitten marks. The Vampire on the Hunt. Prn* Bat form. The Vampire out for a Feast. Prn* who wants to Devour. Prn* who laps up Blood. The Vampire in need for Blood. Prn* who feeds on Blood. The Bloodsucking Angel. The Angel turned Vampire. The Angel of Vampirism. The Vampire as an Angel. The Angelic Vampirism. The Angel who feasts on Blood. The Blood-hungry Angel. The Angel's / Vampire's / Prince's Court. The Court of this Prince. The Court of [noun]. Prn* in the Palace. Prn* who's treated as Royalty. The [noun] hailed from the Palace. Prn* with Royal Blood. The Crowned [noun]. The Prince's Throne. Prn* who's next in Line. The Next Ruler. The Heir to the Throne. The Prince among the Angels / Vampires. The Prince who feeds on Blood. The Princely Vampire. The Prince at Night. The Prince who ascends from Heaven. Prn* who was born a Royal. The Blessed Prince. The Prince with vampirism.
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johnwickb1tsch · 4 months ago
The Girl Next Door - VII
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A Constantine x FemVampire!Reader (feat John Wick!) fic based on this imagine. all chapters warnings: nsfw, blood, biting, violence, trigger warning this chapter mentions pregnancy/death divider by animatedglittergraphics gif from pinterest-if yours ill gladly credit u
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7.  hard to kill
Needless to say, you are too happy to retire early to the closet, having stolen his comforter and made a nest in which to curl up and feel sorry for yourself. You steal a towel too, expecting to cry. Perhaps it is a mercy, that they're only silent tears, for John as much as yourself. 
You lay there in pain, staring at the wall, until the rising sun brings you the merciful relief of sleep. 
When you wake, you find a note on the kitchen table that reads:
Gone to check on some things. Do NOT leave the building! My friend Beeman lives in the basement. Don’t eat him. Back soon. -John 
Would a please really kill him? 
He’s gone to check on Angela, you reason. The human girl he really wants to be with, but with whom he may only have very limited time. You are not sure which part of that hurts you more. 
The idea that he could be dying still doesn’t feel real to you. Aside from the coughing, he seemed so strong. You think about what he said about the bond you share, and how your own strength was probably the reason he was even still alive. 
You feel good, with dhampir blood still in you, but you reason it would be best to keep yourself fed, keep your energy up. You are in a part of town where you think it will be an easy thing to harvest the evil doer you require for your meal. 
You head out for a drink. 
By the time you return to the bowling alley John still has not returned. Worried, you try to reach out through your connection, curious what he’s up to. You find it shut like a brick wall has been put up between you, and you sigh to yourself. 
Fine. Be that way. 
There’s nothing to do in this apartment. No books. No tv. You are still in your dress that you wore to the club the night before. It’s black, and doesn’t show it, but you can smell the splatters of blood on the fabric from your little misadventure at the club. You decide to take a bath, and maybe with a little spite, you use John’s toothbrush. 
Poking around for something clean to wear, you pick out one of John’s white shirts, which you swim in, and your undies from before. Maybe it will give him a laugh, when he gets home. You covet his mirth as much as his kisses, pathetic thing that you are. 
You sit at the kitchen table, staring at the cracked subway tiles and bored out of your skull. You are considering exploring the building just to kill some time, when you hear some thumping outside the door, and there’s a heavy knock. 
You freeze in your tracks. 
How did you not even hear the footsteps coming up the creaky stairs?
As you try to reason what could be out there with your undead heart pounding in your chest a deep voice calls, “I know you’re in there, vampling.” 
You look around for something that you could use as a weapon against John Wick–and can’t help but feel like it's a hopeless endeavor. 
You just stand there silently, torn as to what to do.
“Still here, milaya,” he calls.
You're not sure why you feel embarrassed. “What do you want?” 
“I’ve brought your boyfriend a present.”
Double fuck. 
Does he need an invitation to enter, like a vampire does? One more thing John neglected to explain to you. You almost contradict that John Constantine is so not your boyfriend, but then you reason that might be the thing that kept John alive the night before.
Strangely…even if he is a vampire killer, you don’t really think the dhampir means you harm. However, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t scare you. 
Trembling in your bones, you go to open the door. 
John Wick is there, a tower in black, looking unfairly edible–with a vampire curled in a ball at his feet. “What the fuck?”
“Can we come in?”
It’s worth a shot. 
Wick rolls his eyes, and pushes past you, dragging the incapacitated vampire rather unceremoniously behind him. 
You guess that answers that question.  
Wick drops the vampire in a heap on the floor. You see that the unlucky bastard’s hands are bound with heavy metal cuffs behind his back, and a large silver knife protrudes from his chest. He’s seeping blood onto the floor, and you wonder if you should complain, or if it will make one bit of difference in this dump. 
“Where’s Constantine?” 
“He’s not here.” 
By the way Wick turns to look at you with sharpened interest, you wonder if you shouldn’t have admitted that. This is when he seems to really notice what you’re wearing, the corners of his lips curling in a little smile. 
Maybe Constantine’s oversized shirt fits you like a dress, but you realize you are showing quite a bit of leg. Rather pointlessly, you tug down the hemline–entirely too late. 
“What is this?” asks the dhampir, gesturing up and down with his chin at your ridiculous outfit, amused.
“I didn’t have any clothes here…” you defend, backing away as he slowly advances on you. “What are you doing here?” 
“Hunting.” He is still advancing towards you, slowly, and you continue to back away.
Hunting who, you’re afraid to ask.
When you pull one of the mismatched kitchen chairs into his path the vampire hunter looks at you with amusement, his eyes practically sparkling. But maybe he realizes that he’s scaring you, because he pauses in his tracks. “This vampire has some interesting information about don Juan’s plans. I need Constantine.”
“Because demons are not my specialty.”
You wait for him to elaborate, but it seems he is waiting for John to explain further. He looks around the crumbling apartment with a critical eye, clearly not impressed. “He lives like this?”
“It’s a safehouse,” you defend, though you have no idea why. “That worked well, obviously.” You frown up at him, which he seems to enjoy.
“It may have, with the wards on the door,” he answers, nodding towards the runes scratched into the jamb. “If you hadn’t left their protection. I tracked you.”
“You what?” The back of the rickety chair creaks under your grip.
“I’ve had your blood, you’ve had mine,” he says like that should be enough of an explanation. Then he inhales, his eyes sliding closed for the barest moment. “You had a good feed tonight. Ripe with blood. Care to share?” His fangs glint in the low light, and you extend the chair further before you. 
“No, we are not doing that again.”
This forbidding, lethal, terrifying man extends his full lower lip in a pout, and it’s so cute that you are dumbfounded.
“I thought we had fun last time.”
“You had all the fun.”
“I can return the favor,” he assures you with a lift of those unruly dark brows, and goddam if suddenly you are holding the chair for support, because your knees have gone weak beneath you. 
Do not look at his mouth.
You can’t help it, and it is lush, and well-formed, and curled into a shit-eating smirk.
A sharp crack fills the apartment, and only a moment later do you realize you broke the chair.
“Someone’s pent up. Poor darling.”
He advances on you again, and you flee to the other side of the table. That sweet scent of flowers and spices has started filling the room between you, and a fine tremor starts in your core, making its way straight to your loins. “Stop that.”
“I will if you will,” he invites, bracing himself upon the table as though he might leap over it. “It isn’t just me.”
“What…is it?” you ask through gritted teeth, clenching your fists against the urge to go to him, to wrap yourself around him and climb him like an oak.
“A long time ago…my wife used to pick a little white flower in the meadow near our izba. She loved their scent. That is what you smell like to me, milaya. Light and fresh as spring. Who are you?”
But all you can do is shake your head, suddenly so weak that you have to sit. “How long ago?”
“Three hundred years? Give or take.” He makes a this or that gesture, and you are distracted by the sheer size of his hands, those elegant long fingers waving. 
The scope of such a timespan lived by one man is still dizzying to you.
“What happened to her?”
“I killed her.”
Your eyes fly wide with shock, perhaps because he clearly worshiped the ground this woman walked on. “What? Why?”
“The usual way. Something went wrong with the birth of our daughter. She was born dead, and took her mother with her.” He looks at the wall while he tells you this, almost as though he is recounting a story that happened to someone else. “I should have known that nothing living could be created by something half dead like me. I tried to follow them…but I am hard to kill.”
“Jesus. I’m so sorry.” 
He nods, and turns his stare at you, that piercing dark gaze holding all the weight of the world.
“You are lucky you needn’t worry of such things any more.”
“Excuse you? You don’t know anything about me. I wouldn’t call being taken and turned into this lucky.”
“Then you wanted children with John Constantine?”
He seems to have no problem with asking you such a personal question, and the leap of this logic gives you whiplash. “No, that would be…fucking insane.”
He smirks at you, as though he’s proved a point. You, on the other hand, aren't even sure what you're arguing about anymore. 
Before you can tell him off though, he changes tack again, looking around the dilapidated space with a raised eyebrow. “So this is how he keeps you? You like this?”
“I told you…we don’t live here.” 
He takes a deep sniff of the air, continuing to walk around. “It smells like he lives here.” 
You frown at this, open your mouth to argue, then shut it again. You think about all the clothes John has stored here. Has he been living here for the past month, to avoid running in to you? No wonder he was able to ghost you so perfectly. 
You’re not sure why it surprises you at this point, but it still feels like being stabbed. You press a hand over your chest absently, willing it to stop hurting all the time. Jesus fucking christ, it would be nice to have some relief from this grief you’ve ultimately caused yourself. 
Wick watches you with eagle-sharp eyes as you process this, a small frown pulling between his brows. “I don’t think I like the way this stupid boy treats you, zolotse. If you were mine, I would keep you in comfort, and you would know how much you are adored every day.”
You have to keep reminding yourself that you do not know this man. That words like this from a total stranger are borderline crazy, and you should not be so charmed by them as you are. 
“Please…stop,” you beg him, hiding your face in your hands. Where the fuck is Constantine? He really needs to come back now. You reach out to him again, trying to convey some sense of urgency, but find the invisible thread between you is still blocked on his end. Turd.
 “We do not know each other.” 
“That’s not what it feels like,” he says, and even though you’re not looking at him, you hear the shrug in his voice. You feel him near closer, and you tell yourself that you stay put because it’s ridiculous to run around the kitchen table like he couldn’t catch you any time he really wanted to, and not because…you like the feeling of his solid warmth at your side. For a man who claims he’s half dead…he feels very alive, and your every nerve ending stands at attention with John Wick at your elbow.  
“Because there is something about you, something out the corner of the eye, and the way you hold your head, and the way you talk back to me so bravely when you know I could break you in two…I feel like I know you, vampling.”
“Well…you have lived a very long time.” You try to explain it away, but you can tell just by his eyes that he’s not having it. 
“The longer you live, the more you know…the more you realize you don’t know. But things do seem to move in circles.” He dares to touch you, just your hair, very lightly fingering the strands still half-damp from your bath. “You should come back to New York with me.”
You really do need your head checked, because for the barest second–you are sorely tempted. You are more angry with yourself than him when you snap, “Wow, you really don’t waste any time, do you?”
“I feel that I have waited lifetimes for you, milaya.” 
He leans over your seated form, engulfing you with the breath of his chest, his muscle-corded arm braced upon the table. With one of those agonizingly large hands he turns your face up to look at him, not allowing you to hide any longer. Those piercing dark eyes gaze right into your soul, and that intoxicating infusion of spiced sweetness engulfs you again. A warm, fuzzy certainty settles over you: what is the point in fighting him? This man, in whose arms you belong?
 This is the moment John Constantine choses to burst through the door, and chaos erupts above the BOWL BOWL BOWL. 
*izba - cabin made of pine logs, often with ornate little details on the outside around the windows. 
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jessilynallendilla · 3 months ago
let me know if the links aren't working and feel free to recommend any
A Snapping Sound  T 140,368 
"You're new Sam, so you don't know. This will be the only warning you get. Don't trust your eyes or you'll be tricked. Nobody in Amity is who they seem. Nobody." 
Phantom Of Truth  T 58,396 SERIES 
Locked away in a secret government lab with Phantom as her sole object of study, nothing stands between Maddie and the truth... except, perhaps, herself. 
Paranormal Activity VII  T 58,400 SERIES 
What if all those horror pictures and little mental health headcanons the Phandom loves got wrapped up into our favorite ghost kid? What if the ghosts weren't glowing green blobs, but instead the stuff of nightmares every horror movie warned you about? What if the "Scary Eyes" weren't the only sign Danny was angry? 
Little Lion King  T 
A ghost king AU where Danny is an all-powerful ruler/ beloved king and hero who is terrified that his people would hate him if they found out he was a halfa. 
Just Fourteen  T 65,252 
Danny Fenton is an average high school student whose biggest worry is getting the grades needed to become an astronaut. That is, until his friend Sam convinces him to step inside his parents' broken ghost portal...Covers Danny's time at Casper High before the accident and the month afterwards. 
Mortified  T 703,484 SERIES 
Danny had actually been looking forward to Casper High's ghost safety assembly, but, between a ghost attack and his parents' newest weapon, things go wrong very quickly. Now Danny will have to fight not only ghosts and hunters but his own instincts to get everyone back home safely. If at all. 
Overshadowed  T 142,362 
Danny Fenton’s managed to make it to adulthood. Erm…young adulthood? Now, in his sophomore year at Minnesota State, his life almost looks normal. Painfully, mind-numbingly normal. It’s not that he misses life-threatening assaults every minute of the day, but after leaving Amity Park behind, it’s almost like he’s left his past behind too. His old classmates, his family, his friends—none of them quite remember the myriad of paranormal perils they stopped together, and none of them remember that Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom are one and the same. But when a new threat—or rather, an old one—comes back to haunt him, Danny just might have to bring his two worlds together once again. 
Below Is Silent  T 1,095 
As he feels the freezing air on him, crashing with his own gelid flesh. He thinks. As he thinks, he senses. He fights, a bit of pain dotted here, and a bit here. Up above the wind stops, and goes around the town he calls his own. 
What Was Bound, What Was Loosed  G SERIES 
The young king slept for most of the first week of his reign. He did not seek his bedchambers, though they existed, and in a room not too far from the throne room. But he stayed in his throne, sleeping fitfully, and rising only to weep or shout or scream at nightmares. It was a good omen. Pariah had not been so peaceful. 
One Another  G 1,282 SERIES 
The Zone holds more than just ghosts, and Clockwork can't wait to see what Danny will become. 
Something's Wrong With Danny Fenton Vol. I  M 55,065 SERIES 
A No One Knows AU where Danny transfers from a different school to Casper during Junior year and ends up befriending Sam and Tucker.   
Schrödinger’s Boy  G 1,610 
At first glance, it looked like a boy. A cute boy in fact. Short compared to her tall. Pale skin in contrast to her deep dark, straight black hair opposed to curly blond. Baby blue opposing forest green. But then, the closer she looked, the more she noticed what was off. Skin was a little too pale to be considered healthy, and became slightly transparent as she saw more. Hair was wispy and floaty, almost defying gravity, almost flowing like it was under water as its head bounced. Eyes a bit more, sunken, a bit more tired. Worst of all, its heartbeat sounded so, so slow. And now, it was sitting two tables across from her. 
Autonomy And Worse Things  T 48,942 
In a moment of stress, Danny develops a new power, one far too electrically reminiscent of his death. With it, he can play puppeteer: when he speaks, people will listen, and they'll have thought all along the idea was their own. It's a terrifying power—and when Danny fails to control it, his friendships are left shattered in its wake. 
Face To Face  T 293,614 SERIES 
When Danny went through the ghost catcher, he expected to be cured of the ghostliness that had haunted him since the accident, not to wake up on the lab floor with his parents saying he’d been overshadowed but everything’s okay now. So why does Danny Fenton cry himself to sleep to then dream of flying? Why does Phantom, the ghost who was supposedly possessing Danny, remember a life that isn’t his? Most of all, why do both the human and the ghost feel that something vital is missing, in their very soul? 
Trust Your Instincts  T 208,868 SERIES 
A new kind of danger threatens Amity Park. With no other leads, Maddie Fenton turns to the one individual that might be able to help: Danny Phantom. Meanwhile, after a near death experience, she begins to question everything she knows about ghosts. 
Let's Make A Deal   M 2,509 SERIES 
When Danny dies in the portal accident, Sam and Tucker make a deal to bring their friend back. 
Danny And His Blob Ghosts  T 11,301 
When two blob find and affectionately latch onto Danny, the halfa immediately adopts the small ghosts. But things are not as they seem. With Danny's horrifying recurring nightmares, Vlad Master's ominous behavior, and the blob's strange human-like eyes, keen intelligence, and intense fear of the older half ghost, there might just be a greater connection between Danny and his blobs, one that will shake the boy to his core. 
Do You Know Where Your Children Are?  T 
It's a school night. It's dark outside. It's cold. Green— fog?— has invaded the whole house, and now he has to get his parents to tackle whatever that problem is. ...The only problem is, Danny woke up alone in his bedroom, and he can't seem to find them. Like. Anyone. Anywhere. 
Danny + Phantom  NR 
Wherein Danny is less 'half ghost' than he is 'awkwardly possessed'. 
An Unlikely Alliance  T 15,165 
Maddie just wants her family back. In a desperate attempt to understand her youngest's change in behavior, Maddie unwittingly enlists the help of his enemies to exorcize Phantom from her son. 
Good And Evil  T 3,687 
What is "good"? What is "evil"? Am I "good"? Am I "evil"? The truth is, I don't know anymore. But why am I asking myself this? Let me start from the beginning... 
Crashing And Burning  T 17,150 
For two years, Maddie has put up with Danny's ridiculous lies and excuses. She's tried everything to get through to him, but the pattern just goes on. She's so tired of fighting him on this all the time. And so, after two years, she's done. She doesn't care what her son does anymore, because Danny doesn't seem to care that he's her son. 
Wake Me Up To Say Goodbye  T 23,345 
The morning started like any other: wake up, get dressed, make sure Danny got up for school. It all fell apart when Jack's hand went through his son's apparently not-so-solid body. 
Kintsugi  T 24,141 SERIES 
An injured Danny went to his parents for help as Phantom, only to later wake up as Fenton. With their already dysfunctional family shattered, Danny picks up the broken pieces. 
Snap  T 25,742 
One careless fall changed Danny's life forever. He was kind of hoping one fall like that was enough for any lifetime. Clearly fate disagreed. It's fine though! He's got this. He's fine. He can totally explain why he ran off with his own body to mom and dad. 
A Choice In The (Ghostly) Matter  T 26,254 SERIES 
Danny had been having a good year. He finally managed to find at least somewhat of a balance between fending off ghosts and his actual life, or at least a routine that wasn’t actively harming him. But then Clockwork decided to meddle in his life, appearing in his bedroom with some less-than-amazing news. Pariah is fading, and guess who's next in line for the throne?   
Whenever You’re Ready  G 12.720 
Jack and Maddie try to show their son they are very supportive of Phantom once they find out his secret. They want him to tell them on his terms, but everything ends up in bigger misunderstandings and more revelations they weren’t prepared for. 
How You've Changed  T 2,500 
Danny wasn't a ghost, at least, not a ghost pretending to be their child. He was... he was still their child. He was just, wrong. 
Irrefutably Human  G 35,276 
After spending 12 years in the Ghost Zone, Danny decides it’s time to see what the Human World has to offer. He quickly learns that blending in with humans is a lot harder than he thought it’d be… and that just maybe, the elder ghosts had a reason for keeping him in the Zone for so long. 
Run Away, Ghost King  G 
When Pariah Dark's legacy fades and the King Stone calls for Danny Phantom to inherent the crown, only his enemies prefer he remain alive and not the all powerful ruler of the Infinite Realms. His name is whispered among ghosts, reverence and resentment flavoring his deeds, but what use is a crown with a price weighed in blood? To become king, Danny Fenton must die. 
Regulations: Too Little Too Late  T SERIES 
His parents were friends with a weird loner billionaire from the sounds of it, and had never thought to mention it before this trip. Strange, he supposed, but his parents often forgot to do or mention important things. At least no ghosts had shown up this far outside of Amity. Yet. 
Let's Pretend The Fog Has Lifted  T SERIES 
He waits. Time passes. Warmth creeps across his left side in thin stripes. The blinds must be open. Afternoon sunlight kisses his face before slowly moving on. Pipes creak. The house settles. A voice shouts indistinctly outside. It'll be night soon. He considers turning on a lamp but laughs quietly to himself instead. What would be the point? If anything good could be said of his time spent under Freakshow, he's at least learned how to be patient. 
Nodus Tollens  NR 
The realization that the plot of your life doesn't make sense to you anymore. 
The Amity Boys  T SERIES 
"Amity Park: A Nice Lie." Skeptic Newcomer Wes Weston and Veteran of the Paranormal Dash Baxter start a radio broadcast to post online to gain insight into Amity Park. Once they hit record, their lives will never be the same. The pair must decipher rumors from folklore and fact from fiction-- exploring a decaying one-stop-light ghost town. Can their friendship survive the living dead, and will Wes ever find the truth behind the mysterious Amity Park Phantom? 
Everything Was White  M SERIES 
After being accidentally revealed to the public and taken away by the government, Danny deals with the aftermath of his time with the GIW. 
Memory Of What May Have Been And Never Will Be  G 3,962 
Valerie Gray from ten years in the future falls through a natural portal, landing in the past. Unable to get home, she decides to do the best thing she can - kill Danny Phantom. 
Hold My Dying Breath  T 
Danny is dead. Danny is dying. Danny is alive. Danny is trying to hold together what bits of his life he can, without putting anyone in danger. Jazz is worried about her baby brother. Sam and Tucker are bitter and mad at their ex-friend. Valerie wants nothing to do with any of this. Dash wandered into this mess and refuses to leave without answers. A circus looms in their near future. 
Cuddle Couch  T 4,418 
Valerie just wanted to buy a new couch to replace the one Cujo tore to shreds. She didn’t know babysitting her boyfriend in a furniture store would prove so difficult. 
Dying (Again)  T 2,630 
Saying Danny was half ghost was frankly a simplification. In truth, he was more ⅞’s ghost. Maybe more, depending on the day. Truthfully, it was a miracle his ectoplasm had kept his human heart beating as long as it had. Or Danny was dying again. This time he couldn’t bring himself to care. 
Mother Knows Best  T 5,647 
Pamela Manson knows her role: she is Samantha's mother and that means that it is her duty to protect her daughter from harm. Especially as her own mother seemed to have missed that memo. 
Accidental Child Aquisition  NR 
Danny's got enough on his plate between Ghost King duties, surviving his parents, surviving the GIW, and surviving high school. He could do without the summonings from crazed fruitloops on random Tuesdays when he has things to do. He could definitely do without said fruitloops offering him kids as sacrifices when he finally made it clear he didn't like them offering up blood, animals, or adults. 
Don't Shoot; It's Me! No, The Other Guy!  NR 31,935 
After a botched attempted reveal, Valerie thinks Fenton and Phantom body swapped! And maybe he'd be able to solve this (and the rest of his current issues) if Valerie could stand to leave Fenton with Phantom for long enough for him to solve them; but now they (all three of them, yes) are off to have an adventure in the far frozen. Literally how did he get here? 
Deranged Senses  T 12,953 
Danny’s been doing fine. Sure, he has to focus on keeping himself from shaking, and the voice in his head goading him to hurt has been getting louder, but its fine. He’s got it under control. He’s human more than he is ghost, and he has things to fight for. He can’t afford to give in. He won’t give in. He won't. 
Second Chances And The Days That Follow  T SERIES 
Phantom awakens in his new body, and he is not, per se, house trained. Vlad is devoted to his new purpose, and he's a little bit in over his head. Danny is trying his goddamn best. 
Ghosting  T 
“But as soon as he’s about to move in that direction, a twig snapping nearby has him whirling around with a growl. He doesn’t have the energy to go invisible right now, but that doesn’t stop him from gathering a green glow at his fingertips, ready to blast the first face he sees. He hunches over in a vain attempt to hide or protect his injured side and bares his teeth at the threat. But instead of hunters chasing him down to kill him, out of the woods comes— Sam Manson. Phantom freezes. Oh no.” 
Meet Me In The Woods  T 
When Danny is two years old, his cousin Flynn goes missing and is never found. When Danny is fourteen years old, he notices a blip on the radar that shouldn't be there. 
Mortality Salience  T 4,219 
"The beam sat smugly across his thighs and pressed into his pelvis with a weight that felt like a thousand tonnes. Pain throbbed through him, cutting breaths short and making every movement agony." OR Danny and Valerie get stuck together 
Smells Like Team Spirit  G 3,133 SERIES 
Some mascots are great at pumping up a crowd. As Casper High's mascot, Danny has only one job: strike fear into the hearts of their opponents. This is the story of how Danny becomes the famed Mascot of Fear. 
Speak To Me  G 2,202 
Danny had heard of "dead languages" before, but this was just ridiculous. 
Threads Of Time  T 28,222 
Maddie keeps on waking up to Thursday morning 
The Curious Case Of Danny Fenton   G 15,639 
Wes Weston knows perfectly well that there is something off about Danny Fenton. His brother Kyle doesn't seem to see it, but his brother also doesn't believe in ghosts. 
Boy King  G 2,602 
Danny is heir to the throne of the Ghost King, much to the displeasure of the Observants. He's just trying to survive his senior year. 
Shatter  G 1,836 SERIES 
Danny had just been electrocuted four days ago. But that was okay. Because he was fine. Even if there was this weird pressure in his chest, and his skin didn't feel like his own, and his whole body felt cold and alien, and he kept tripping over his feet. He was fine. He was human. 
A Connoisseur of Fine Art  G 698 SERIES 
Well, you know what they say: One ghost’s toilet is another ghost's treasure. 
Elledritch Horror  NR 1,461 
A mother finds something strange about her daughter. If that's her daughter at all... 
Cloned To Homed  G 26,765 SERIES 
Danny Phantom was a protector, not a hurter, there’s no way he could genuinely have destroyed those clones and maybe the Fenton parents wouldn’t be quite so bothered or quite so surprised by the existence of halfas as Danny once feared. 
Am I Dreaming?  T 1,718 
Sam comes to and realizes she's not quite herself. No matter what anyone says, remember, this is Fenton's Fault. 
The Invisible Crown Of A Child  G 725 SERIES 
Maddie was observant and the Crown Of Fire wasn’t something she was about to miss... even if it’s wearer seemed to have no clue. 
Prince Before King. Genius Before Fool.  G 11,215 
Becoming the prince of ghosts isn’t in Danny’s weekend plans, but it doesn’t look like he has a choice in the matter. (Or does he?) 
Revelations  T 4,118 
Death is a joke, a walking comedy, and Danny Fenton had always been a comedian.  Monologues, acidic blood, a little girl that looked his spitting image, and bones.   
Second Chances  T 3,982 
The students and faculty of Casper High mourned the tragic death of Daniel Fenton. Gone too soon thanks to the negligence of his parents. That was what everyone thought until the next Monday morning when Danny came strolling into school like nothing had ever happened. 
Halfa Whole  G 484 
Somehow, he just knew, right down to his core, that he wasn’t the same thing as Vlad and Danielle. 
The Case Study Of Wes Weston  T 
His face wasn't that memorable. Even after seeing him just that morning, Danny could only conjure up his reddish brown hair and freckle-splattered cheeks, but not much else. At first, it didn’t matter much. Danny didn’t even bother to confirm his name. But after the curious streak dragged on and on, and spiraled into a full on investigation, he learned the name. And now he can’t seem to stop hearing it. ‘Wes Weston asked me for this��, ‘Wes Weston did that last week’, ‘I saw Wes Weston here’, ‘I heard he was there’, ‘Wes is so cool’, ‘I hate that guy’. Suddenly, he’s everywhere. It seems like everyone except Danny knows Wes Weston. And, it seems like Wes Weston knows…everything. 
A Grave Error  T 1,521 
A fluorescent green gaze pierced through him from the rearview mirror. As much as the eye contact sent chills down Dale's spine, he didn't want to look away. Some primal part of his brain was much more comfortable keeping his eyes firmly planted on the predator in the back seat of the police car. 
"Why won't he leave?" Dale whispered to his partner, the woman grit her teeth. 
"I don't know, but I'm not the idiot who decided to fucking arrest him." 
Proximal  T 
There's an old superstition that bad things come in threes. Finding a gravely injured Phantom in her lab, then the realization that no one has seen her son for nearly twenty-four hours... Maddie doesn't want to know what the final nail will be. 
I Feel Guilty But I Can't Feel Ashamed  M 63,915 SERIES 
Fentons were feared. Danny had this impressed on him from both of his parents and even his snobby sister for all of his fourteen years. Despite Danny taking after Maddie with his love of dissecting anything that could scream, Danny was the least evil Fenton to ever evil. Then everything changed when his parents built a very strange machine. 
Down The Rabbit Hole  T 33,586 
Her father might have been a bit eccentric and distancing, her mother fond of ghost studies – especially doing that secretly in her lab without Dad’s consent – but no matter the oddness, Dani loved her parents. But she never could have guessed that her world would turn upside-down once she simply wanted to get away from their exceptional heated debate – in which case, she would end up in a twisted world where nothing was as things were supposed to be: her father had no child, her mother lived with another man, had another family, and… she didn’t exist at all 
The Boy Who Fell Into The Sea  T 34,272 
Thrust into the world of the sea monsters, Danny learns that they aren't so different after all, and finds himself working on a way to bring them both together. Too bad he seemed to be Really Bad At Doing So. 
A Night At The High School  G 15,456 
Ever since the accident two years ago, Danny has had what some people would call luck when it comes to the paranormal. When he heard that Sam wanted to use that "luck" in help with a class assignment, he knew it was a bad idea. It was an absolutely terrible idea. And yet, he was gonna go along with this anyways. 
Emergency Contact  T 
When William Lancer answered the phone that day, little did he know that he would go from an average literature teacher and cat-dad to now the emergency foster parent for a very injured teenage ghost. Life had a funny way of being unpredictable like that 
(We Are) The Fault Line  T 46,616 
A year after the asteroid, a new government agency has arrested Danny on "public endangerment" charges, and they've shown no sign of releasing him any time soon or even allowing any of his loved ones to see him. So, naturally, Sam and Tucker and Valerie and Dani have taken it upon themselves to rescue him. The plan is simple. In order to convince these federally funded goons to give Danny up, they're going to have to offer them something better. Enter Vlad Plasmius. 
Shift  T 22,4415 SERIES 
In which Danny's secret is revealed to the world before he ever steps foot in Amity Park…and before he ever meets Sam or Tucker. 
Weaving Webs M 20,951
The Fenton parents were there when the accident happened, they saw Danny die in an act of sabotage. Now they’re just trying to go on with the strange ghost that is all that's left of Danny. While their old college friend is wondering where the subjects of his revenge are.
Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys (If Only That Were True) T 12,483
Danny has enough on his plate as it is, between his kingly duties, the ghosts that have dropped off the map so suddenly that he's starting to worry, and that dang itch - which was beginning to turn into pain - that just won't go away. He doesn't need to deal with this creepy circus and its equally creepy ringmaster. But when he encounters four strange ghosts robbing a jewelry store, and he starts losing time… He realizes that he can't avoid Circus Gothica forever. If only he could say not my circus, not my monkeys and just be done with it.
The Crown Of Flame Imperishable  M SERIES 
Danny responds to an elaborate fetch quest across Middle Earth with leeroy jenkins tactics (rushing in knowing nothing) while Fright Knight watches in disbelief that it's working. 
The Phantom Martian  T 
When Astronaut Mark Watney went to Mars, he knew there was a chance he'd never come home. Now, though, he's determined to last long enough for NASA to save him because this whole dying for science thing is not as fun as it sounds. Meanwhile, Danny Fenton is just trying to keep his identity a secret amidst a potential crisis with his powers. Seriously, what's up with that weird current under his skin? Why is he having so much trouble controlling it? And why does it feel so familiar...? In a fit of determination (and possible stupidity), Danny goes to Mars to save Watney, only to add to both their crises when he arrives and can't get home. Will NASA save them? Will Danny have a home to return to if they do? 
Phantom's Fables (A One Shot Collection)  M SERIES 
A collection of story ideas that I lack the motivation to make into full stories at the moment. Will mostly be Danny Phantom crossovers with DC and probably a little bit of Marvel or BNHA. Requests are welcome. Any one-shot series that makes it to five chapters will graduate to it's own fic. 
The Ghost Of Heroes  T 291,238 SERIES 
New York City isn't prepared for a ghostly invasion. The Avengers are finally all in the same place again. Thor and Bruce are back from space with a semi-reformed chaos god and a thousand refugees in tow. Steve and the Rogues have got their pardons and are ready to start being heroes again. But Tony isn't ready trust, neither is his new protegee Spiderman. The fractured team can't seem to come together. It's a good thing then that Danny Phantom is ready to save the day. That doesn't mean anyone is prepared for when he keeps showing up. 
John Doe Identified  M 6,233 SERIES 
Phantom luck strikes again as Danny gets hurt wandering the streets of NYC but he is saved by the most unlikey hero-antihero. Things happen, mistakes are made, identities are revealed, and somehow hearts are slightly mended. 
Dead Heat Rising  M 13,044 
Working a job in Amity Park, Ohio, Sam and Dean Winchester encounter a ghost boy who will change their perspective of those beyond the veil... 
Salt And Iron T 2,479 SERIES
“Yeah, I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you got the jump on me with a plain old crowbar and a condiment.”
Dead Man's Blood T 3,581
“Pfah! What good’re cops in a town like this?” The old man waves dismissively. “Nah, Phantom’ll take care of things, same as he always does.” Dean pauses in fishing out his wallet. “Phantom? Who’s Phantom?”
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fernpetals · 6 months ago
Dividers by @cafekitsune
Warning: This blog will contain elements of dark romance like obsessive, possessive, disturbing behavior, violence, and gore.
You are responsible for the content you consume. If you do not like it, slide away, and ignore it; there is no need to play the moral police.
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Asks: Dollification
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Keep No Secrets
Burn With Me
In This House(Drabble Series): #1 #2 #3
Precious: More of yandere John's dollification kink
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Boogeyman II
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Pretty Eyes
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Request #1 (Yandere Constantine x Reader)
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The Night is Dark and Full of Terror ✅(Concluded)
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Asks: Dollification
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Dollhouse: More of yandere Donaka's dollification kink
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Request #1 (Yandere Donaka x Reader)
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Asks: Dollification
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Good Cop, Bad Cop(Drabble Series) II III IV V VI VII VIII
Fragile: More of yandere Tom's dollification kink
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Ask: Part I: Yandere Donnie Barksdale's dollification kink
Part II: Yandere Davild Allen Griffin's dollification kink
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Brewing Ideas
Yandere Cowboy Tex
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siringadev · 1 month ago
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Basil Lekapenos - a powerful eunuch and ruler of Byzantine empire. He was an illegitimate son of the Byzantine emperor Romanos I Lekapenos who served as the parakoimomenos and chief minister of the Byzantine Empire for most of the period 947–985, under emperors Constantine VII, Nikephoros II Phokas, John I Tzimiskes, and Basil II. His mother was a slave woman of "Scythian" (possibly implying Slavic/Bulgarians) origin. From his father's side, he had Macedonian and Armenian roots. Basil was a close friend of emperor John Tzimiskes. Basil himself took part in the great campaign against the Rus' in Bulgaria in 971, having been entrusted with the reserve forces, the baggage train and the supply arrangements, while Tzimiskes himself with his elite troops marched ahead. His enormous wealth enabled Basil to become, according to the Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, "one of the most lavish Byzantine art patrons".  "Psellos characterized him as the most remarkable person in the Roman empire, outstanding in intellect, bodily stature, and regal in appearance." As an artifice shaped by human hands, Basil Lekapenos became skilled in rhetoric, diplomacy, warfare; he possessed avid desire for wealth and power, subtle taste, and an eye for exquisite shapes. This eunuch's adorned body could be equated to the beautiful Limburg container. It is this brilliant form in which power resides. The eunuch is the angelic guard and protector; the face and body of the empire, in brief—the container of the empire. Relic and reliquary work in tandem, a pair suspended between presence and absence, between inaccessible energy—the emperor—and sensual experience of an iconized container—the eunuch."     
— Res: Anthropology and Aesthetics, 51: Spring 2007. By Francesco Pellizzi
The history of Byzantium is dotted with examples of what some historians condemn as over-powerful eunuch courtiers, who attempted to dominate their rulers. From Chrysaphios in the fifth century, Euphratas under Justinian, to Staurakios and Aetios, Samonas in the ninth, Basil Lekapenos in the tenth, and John the orphanotrophos (in charge of the large Imperial Orphanage in Constantinople) in the eleventh, the list is extensive. Basil Lekapenos, an illegitimate son of Romanos I, known as ‘Nothos’ (‘the Bastard’), made a particularly successful career. After being castrated as a child to destroy any imperial ambitions he might have developed, he was appointed parakoimomenos by Constantine VII. He held on to great power through the rule of Nikephoros II and John I, and practically governed the empire during the first decade of Basil II’s reign (976–85). With his great wealth, he commissioned magnificent art objects such as the Limburg reliquary. He also wrote a treatise on naval battles and had it copied in a splendid manuscript of military Taktika.
In this respect, Basil Lekapenos was typical of several high-ranking eunuchs who became art patrons, diplomats, generals, administrators, teachers, writers, theologians and churchmen (plate 10). In many cases these officials were detached from their court duties to undertake particular missions, diplomatic or military, such as Andreas, who negotiated with the Arabs in the seventh century, or Theoktistos, who commanded the navy in the ninth century. In Byzantium, as in the caliphate, eunuchs regularly found employment as military generals and diplomats. Their high status is confirmed in the Book on the Interpretation of Dreams, written by a Christian Greek author, Achmet, who drew on Byzantine and Arabic sources as well as on his own dreams. In common with many authors, he equates beautiful eunuchs with angels. Both of course were considered sexless beings, since angels have no sex and eunuchs were supposed to have lost theirs. 
As well as these high-ranking eunuch officials, others made careers far away from the Great Palace and imperial patronage. They appear incidentally in hagiographical sources, and sometimes feature on a list of wedding gifts, as in the story of Digenes Akrites, the frontier hero. When Digenes Akrites finally married the girl (she is never named), her eldest uncle presented them with ten boys:
Sexless and handsome with lovely long hair, Clothed in a Persian dress of silken cloth With fine and golden sleeves about their necks. — Byzantium: The Surprising Life of a Medieval Empire by Judith Herrin.
About eunuchs' appearance in Byzantium.  As he [Andrew] sat on the ground in front of the gateway there came a young eunuch who was the chamberlain of one of the nobles. His face was like a rose, the skin of his body white as snow, he was well shaped, fair-haired, possessing an unusual softness, and smelling of musk from afar.  [Another variant: beautiful young eunuch, with blond hair (epixanthos), a face like a rose and a body white like snow] -- Life of St Andrew the Fool.
Basil had a luxurious palace with 3000 servants, and he also built the most beautiful church of St. Basil, full of gold and decorations. It is said that when his nephew Basil Porphyrogenitus destroyed this church, Basil the eunuch fell from a stroke and was paralyzed, and later he died in the monastery.
Psellos records that In 985, the emperor Basil Porphyrogenitus assumed personal rule and banished Basil Lekapenos who soon after died "his limbs…paralysed and he a living corpse". 
"In the course of Byzantium’s long history, a few individuals effectively ruled the empire without occupying the imperial throne. One of the most interesting of these figures was Basil the Nothos, or Basil the Parakoimomenos, who was the main power beside or behind the throne for most of the period from 945 to 985.
This he did until 985, when Basil II, no longer a teenager, could no longer bear his own exclusion from power. The vindictiveness with which he not only removed the Parakoimomenos from office, but also sought to destroy the latter’s political legacy, is a measure of how complete the elder Basil’s political control had been. It was a political control that both amassed and expended great wealth, both facilitating and relying on an extensive network of social and cultural patronage. The greatest beneficiary of this patronage, the monastery that Basil founded in the name of his patron saint, has disappeared almost without trace, but his sponsorship has been seen, or surmised, in numerous cultural artefacts of the later tenth century, and interest in his role as the last patron of the “Macedonian Renaissance” shows no signs of abating.
At the centre of the Parakoimomenos’ quasi-imperial power and patronage was his oikos, which was no doubt appropriate to his status. Indeed, his house and household are mentioned no less than four times in literature of the period. According to Leo the Deacon, Basil was able to mobilise and arm over three thousand “household members” (οἰκογενεῖς) in support of Nikephoros Phokas in 963. The same author later records that he had witnessed a bright star descending on the house of the proedros Basil; this portended Basil’s death shortly afterwards and the looting of his property
There is an additional reason for seeking the house of Basil the Parakoimomenos in the area of the Embolos of Domninos. This is because it was somewhere to the west of the Embolos that Basil established his monastery of St Basil, which was famously stripped of its wealth and its ornaments by Basil II."
-The House of Basil the Parakoimomenos, by Paul Magdalino
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sweetwolfcupcake · 1 year ago
A Secret Garden: Keanuverse
BTS Masterlist
Welcome to the secret garden of Wicked Indulgence. The themes remain dark, and the romance remains murky.
Only the universe and characters change.
So...Welcome to my secret garden, not popular like my other works but relevant to me and those who would indulge.
Be warned...This is no place for the faint-hearted or the sweet angels. Definitely not minors.
Banners, headers, and dividers by @cafekitsune
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John Wick
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An introduction
Secrets We Keep
A Gentleman
Wildflower-- Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII
Rainy Days
Neo Anderson
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An Introduction
Sweet Dreams
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An Introduction
Swords in the Court: One Two Three
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Prompt Requests (Now Open)
Neo x Reader: Under The Skin
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Collaborative Pieces
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The Devil's Triangle(Yandere): Tex Johnson x Reader x John Wick (and John Constantine)
With the evil geniuses: @johnwickb1tsch
@treedaddymcpuffpuff and @tammykelly
More Under Construction
General Requests Are Closed
The banner and gifs are not created by me. The credit goes to their respective owners.
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wonder-worker · 7 months ago
"Contemporaries acknowledged Bertha of Lotharingia's political ambitions and supraregional influence. Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus called her “the great Bertha” (τῆς μεγάλης Βέρτας) and highlighted that she reigned on her own (ἐβασίλευσεν) for several years after her husband’s death. [...] Bertha’s quest for power also seems to have prompted contemporaries such as Liutprand of Cremona to harshly polemicize against her in particular and against women striving for power in general [...]. Liutprand of Cremona describes her negatively as a highly influential and scheming political actor, whereas the contemporary Gesta Berengarii accuses “the Beast of the Tyrrhenian, lifted up as usual by poison” and “pouring wild hisses from the mouth” of having impeded Berengar’s imperial coronation, among other things by employing “the wealth of neighboring Charybdis." [Bertha has also been identified by scholars as the figure likened to the sorceress "Circe", who the Gesta condemned for allegedly corrupting Berengar's wife with "venomous words"]. Much more positively, the epitaph on Bertha’s gravestone in the church of San Martino in Lucca underscores Bertha’s royal and imperial Carolingian pedigree as well as her transregional prestige and influence."
— Daniel G. König, "Bertha of Tuscany's Correspondence with al-Muktafī bi-llāh in the Version of Ibn al-Zubayr."
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doccywhomst · 2 years ago
List of Doctors versus fucked up theocrats GO
definitely the most specific request i've ever gotten but... ask and ye shall receive. not sure if you wanted me to make the doctor fight the theocrats, but i've decided to take the far funnier route. buckle up.
first doctor: brigham young
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second doctor: uhhhh constantine i guess
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third doctor: george ii
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fourth doctor: lucius verus
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fifth doctor: he's giving king edgar
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sixth doctor: king henry viii duh
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seventh doctor: pope pius vii
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eighth doctor: alexander the great babeyyy
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tgrailwar-zero · 7 months ago
Morning everyone, ready for the big day?
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The sun rose on the Transient Megalopolis, and you prepared yourselves for the Flaming Bout.
After a good night's rest and a decent morning that quickly became a bit more frantic once you realized how the time was slipping by, you made your way to where the bout was supposed to be held.
Today was the day. And it was a 'big day' indeed!
Even on a decent time-frame- and you all thought you were getting there pretty early- the streets were crowded as they amassed around a huge arena.
Just wave after wave of people. Compared to your past memory, where each individual was more of a 'vaguely colored mechanical thing'- and even your recollection of the Nameless City which had primarily human-like citizens, you saw all types here. Humans, robots, beast-men… the works.
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You supposed that in a virtual world where you could look like anyone, these kinds of disparate appearances wasn't exactly odd, but it was surreal in a way. It was hard to tell who was a competitor, and who just looked incredibly intense.
The good news was, you really didn't stand out that much. In a vacuum, a 'shadow person' was rather ominous and actively strange. in this situation? Well, if you ever wanted to assert that you looked 'relatively normal', now would be the time to do so. Nobody could really argue.
Still, there wasn't much time to admire the diversity of the Solar Cell, as you were being actively squished between your Servants as they tried to push through the waves of people.
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CONSTANTINE: "Just… stay close to the Masters! If they got lost in this wave of people, I don't think we could find them easily!"
NERO: "It's not like we have a choice but to stay close, Rider! I barely have room to wiggle my fingers! I forgot what massive crowds came here for the Bout!"
SABER: "Still… it's pretty exciting, isn't it? This is a major event! Ah-- hey, Rider! That's my foot!"
CONSTANTINE: "That wasn't me! Wait, there's a break in the crowd Push! Onward!"
You shoved your way through the crowd, as you heard various bits and pieces of excited chatter.
"Hey, did you hear? Keeper Ptolemaios is here!" "Seriously? I don't think I've seen him anywhere but the Archives or the Library…" "I wonder... do you think something happened?"
"So many strong fighters… maybe this is a good year to get into betting…" "Dude, you still owe me 50 PPT, what the hell are you gonna bet with?"
"Mm? Where's Protector Quetzalcoatl? She's always here, right?" "I thought I saw her… I think she changed her hair?" "Ah, that was her?!"
"I've got a good feeling on the Man-Slayer this year... I just know it!" "No way! Tri-Star's got this in the bag!" "You're kidding, right? I heard that the Jaguar Boss brought in a last-minute fighter that's supposed to be a total killer!"
The constant noise was only tempered briefly by the sound of a heavy object slamming into the ground. Eyes whipped towards the source, as you saw DURYODHANA and IZOU proudly standing before the crowd.
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DURYODHANA: "Make way, citizens! The ruler of the Transient Megalopolis is coming through! Move it! Shoo!"
IZOU: "Y'hear that punks!? Queen Cleopatra's comin', so back off and start gettin' respectful!"
They parted to the side, as a stately, beautiful woman stepped between them. Your eardrums practically burst from the amount of yelling that emerged from the crowd, which basically confirmed the identity of this person.
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CLEOPATRA VII THEA PHILOPATOR. The final Pharaoh of the Greco-Egyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty.
And… the Lair Servant of the Transient Megalopolis. The 'Pharaoh'.
You saw her briefly shoot a look at her two guards, sharing a hushed conversation.
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CLEOPATRA: "You boneheads. We really need to work on your introductions…"
IZOU: "Really? I think I nailed it. What, you think I should'a asked 'em to bow?"
DURYODHANA: "They moved, didn't they? I say mission accomplished. No need to coddle them, they adore you after all."
CLEOPATRA: "…You're both lucky you're strong and handsome, you know that?"
She sighed, before smiling and waving to the crowd of people, that-- despite the brusque announcement from the two guards-- were absolutely ecstatic to see the Pharaoh of the Megalopolis in person. And considering that DURYODHANA and IZOU were fighters as well, you could assume some of that excitement was shared for them as well. She made her way through the crowd, before vanishing, and the normal bustle returned… unfortunately.
MUSASHI: "Gaaah! My foot!"
CONSTANTINE: "That time was me, sorry! Are you okay? Ah- wait, we're losing the little one!"
'LITTLE GUY': "We're going awayawaaaaaay-!"
NERO: "I've got you! Oh, look! There's that damned Jaguar! Ahead! Ahead! No, we're drifting left! No, no, noooo--!"
Eventually-- EVENTUALLY-- you managed to reach JAGUAR MAN who was waiting by the entrance. She smirked, folding her arms.
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JAGUAR MAN: "The crowd got you, huh? That's the city for ya. You're lucky you're newbies- at least you don't have to worry about paparazzi or superfans hounding you. Welcome to the Flaming Bout. Glad y'could make it. Anyways, let's get down to brass tacks. Twin-blade and Shady here--"
You're assuming that she's talking to MUSASHI and you.
JAGUAR MAN: "--Head down to the locker rooms as soon as possible and get checked in. Your friends better find seats quick, this place fills up fast for people not in VIP sections."
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CONSTANTINE: "We're not allowed down?"
JAGUAR MAN: "Sorry, handsome. Don't worry, the fighters are allowed up to mingle when they're off call, so you'll have plenty of chances to waste time together. Just make sure you don't miss your bout. Here you go."
You received: [ Flaming Bout Tickets (1 Fighter Ticket, 1 Manager Ticket, and 3 Guest Tickets) ]!
[ You lost 400 PPT for your Entry Fee! You currently have 770 PTT! ]
JAGUAR MAN handed you the ticket marked 'Manager', while MUSASHI took the ticket marked 'Fighter' and the other three took the remaining. MUSASHI's ticket was bright red with a golden border. Your ticket had a sleek black design with a golden border- it looked important. Best to make sure you didn't lose it. The guest tickets had simple flame patterns.
With a petulant look, NERO stared down at her ticket.
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NERO: "…I want a VIP ticket."
JAGUAR MAN: "Tough luck. If you had your War Monitor status, it'd be a cinch, but now you've gotta run with everyone else... Still, knowing you, you'll probably find a way into the Lounge somehow."
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JAGUAR MAN: "Anyways, I'll see ya down below. I've got high hopes for you, 'Null Zero Samurai'."
She winked, before heading inside the building, leaving you and your group.
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graceofromanovs · 1 year ago
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Born during his grandfather's reign on 18 May (New Style) 1868 at the Alexander Palace, Tsarkoe Selo in Saint Petersburg. He was the eldest son of Alexander III and his wife Maria Feodorovna (then, the Tsarevich and Tsarina of Russia). He was christened on 1 June at the  Chapel of the Resurrection of the Catherine Palace at Tsarskoe Selo, by the confessor of the imperial family, protopresbyter Vasily Borisovich Bazhanov. His godparents were: 
ALEXANDER II, EMPEROR OF RUSSIA - his paternal grandfather, the Russian Emperor stood as one of the godparents. He became the Emperor of All Russia in 1855. Alexander’s most significant reform as emperor was the emancipation of Russia’s serfs in 1861, for which he is known as Alexander the Liberator. He was assassinated in 1881 when the young Nicholas was only 12 years-old, to which he became the heir apparent upon his death.
PRINCESS MARIE OF HESSE AND BY RHINE, EMPRESS MARIA ALEXANDROVNA OF RUSSIA - his paternal grandmother, the consort of Emperor Alexander II, was another of his godparents. Known for her intellect, she was one of the founders of the Russian Red Cross Society. However, she suffered from tuberculosis from 1863 and spent long stays in southern Europe to avoid harsh winters. Although she and her husband were unofficially separated sometime after the death of their eldest son, Maria was treated with respect and love by her surviving family. Maria passed away from illness when the young Nicholas was still a child.
PRINCESS LOUISE OF HESSE-KASSEL, QUEEN CONSORT OF DENMARK - his maternal grandmother was listed as one of his godparents. Louise became the Queen consort of Denmark upon her husband's - King Christian IX - accession in 1863, just few years before her grandson Nicholas' birth. She, herself, was a niece of another King of Denmark (Christian VIII). The great dynastic success of Louise's six children was to a great extent a result of Louise's own ambitions - through them, she was a grandmother of not only the future Tsar of Russia (Nicholas II), but also that of King George V of the United Kingdom; King Constantine I of Greece; King Christian X of Denmark, and King Harken VII of Norway.
GRAND DUCHESS ELENA PAVLOVNA OF RUSSIA - his great-great-aunt, the wife of the late Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich, was one of his godparents. Born as Princess Charlotte of Württemberg, she became a close friend of his grandmother the Empress Maria Alexandrovna, and was known as an intellectual. She was also considered the most exceptional woman in the imperial family since Catherine the Great.
KING FREDERICK VIII OF DENMARK - then, the Crown Prince, his maternal uncle stood as one of his godparents. During the long reign of his father, he was largely excluded from influence and political power. Upon his father's death in 1906, he acceded to the throne at the advanced age of 62. In many ways, Frederick VIII was a liberal monarch who was much more favorable to the new parliamentary system introduced in 1901 than his father had been, being reform-minded and democratically inclined. 
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twofielder · 30 days ago
Coin of the Day #258 (1/17/2025)
Constantine for Friday…
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Roman Empire
AE22 - 3.28g
Constantine I 314-315 AD
Rome Mint
Bust of Constantine I right, laureate, draped, cuirassed
Sol standing left, raising hand and holding globe, R on X left, F right, RP mint
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