#constant panic attacks.
lucifersruberduck · 6 months
Lulu is back and has a question for everyone
What is an achievement that makes you happy? Doesn't have to be big or grand, can be as simple as "I drank water today", as long as it's something you're proud of
Beating agoraphobia without ever going to therapy, I wouldn't say it was all by myself, but I certainly did it alone (it was during pandemic, my family was really stressed out with other things, never noticed I don't blame them for that <3).
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roy-kents · 5 months
oliver: yeah so buck’s always been bi. it’s who he is. yeah there’s definitely aspects of attraction to men. there’s definitely always been something there. yeah i mean if the storyline develops naturally with eddie then i guess it’s meant to go there. oh buck heard whatta man as he saw eddie for the first time there was absolutely attraction there lol.
me, trying to act as a functional human being in society:
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cloud-hymn · 6 months
Every night Jing Yuan prays to Lan that Baiheng doesn’t randomly appear on the Luofu somehow alive and trying to kill the other three
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an-animagi · 13 days
i just realised that saikis germanium ring is his version of noise cancelling headphones woah
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harveylikestoart · 2 years
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Bro got thwacked, slightly heartbroken, poisoned, then said “fuck it, I’m the femme fatale now.”
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figofswords · 2 months
thinking about taking a little bit of a step back from social media for a bit for mental/physical health reasons (as in: chronic severe anxiety is causing chronic health issues and I need to remove stress Somehow). I will still post art but I’m probably gonna make an effort to engage with my dash only minimally, if at all. (that being said I have very poor discipline so if you see me suddenly reblogging stuff out of nowhere just. roll with it)
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autisticlee · 7 months
sometimes I have autistic realizations that hit really hard.
I'm listening to a podcast (science vs) episode about meditation and what it does/how you do it/if it works. first there was an example of a meditation for mindfulness and focusing on breathing and how it feels. I was thinking how that seems pointless because i'm always aware of how it feels to breathe: my chronically stuffy nose, asthma, ribcage/back hurting if I breathe too deep/etc. but I already knew I have to think about breathing more than most people or I might accidentally hold my breath, and my chronic stuffy nose is very annoying to deal with.
then this part i'm at now talks about how most people go through taking a shower without really realizing they're doing it, like they arent feeling the shower sensations and just go through the motions. so mindful showering is feeling the water on your skin, feeling the temperature of the water and how it changes, etc. "being present, knowing what it feels like, knowing you are there and alive and having that experience..." and that's what mindfulness is.
the thing about me, due to being autistic, i'm basically practicing mindfulness 24/7 against my will. my sensory units in my brain are on constant overdrive and I cannot turn them off. i'm aware of every sensation and feeling and sound and etc at all times and can't ignore them.
the big realization this gave me is that...I'm profoundly aware of being alive and present. i'm overly aware of what i'm experiencing at all times. while most people can use mindfulness to ground themselves from overwhelm and anxiety caused by every day life worries, I GET anxiety and overwhelm from mindfulness-like experiences.
how do i tune things out and turn off my brain? I need an anti-mindfulness method that isn't dissociating out of my mind 😅
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so guess what happened to me this morning
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batwynn · 1 year
Me, immunocompromised and blessed with Emetophobia, reading that the new COVID variant includes 2-5 days of barfing and that everyone’s seen someone doing that in stores and in the middle of the road and at work and—
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Do I buy another coffee? Yes or yes?
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aveil-moved · 26 days
hi i hope everyone is doing good i’m giving you all a big hug… <3
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Vox's mind is stored in his heart. He's capable of staying completely conscious even without a head, limbs, or any other parts of his body— as long as his heart is intact, he can remain self-aware.
After physically torturing Vox, dismembering him until he was only a torso, all Alastor needed to do to begin the real show was to get inside his heart. The last thing Vox felt before his Old Life ended and his New Life began was one of Alastor's little shadow tentacles slithering into his heart.
On good days, Vox will sometimes abruptly become very aware of his heart/heartbeat and feel a frantic need to protect it, even though nothing's happening and his chest is totally intact. On bad days, he'll suddenly be gripped with the sensation of something wriggling around in his heart, which either triggers a directionless meltdown or a bout of self-harm aimed at his chest.
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Not feeling it rn cuz idk how to disclose to my family (mom, really) that I have two very funnily misplaced random underskin lumps on my neck and and one on the back of my head, and that my mind immiditely jumped to the worst conclusion
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unsurebazookacore · 1 year
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eyluvu · 8 months
One fun fact about me is I constantly feel like I'm teetering on the edge of a panic attack
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doveshovel · 3 months
ahghdsfjhdsfa sorry guys i forgot i had an anxiety disorder and have been doing nothing to manage it for a week 👍will probably have more energy after i remember how to deal with this
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