#constance sack
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kai-in-the-korner · 7 months ago
for those of you who have seen my ‘outsiders/rock of ages’ post…
here’s what ive brainstormed so far
ponyboy as drew
johnny as sherrie
twobit as lonny
darry as dennis
steve as stacee
sodapop as constance
dally as justice
i have yet to assign other characters but this is what i have so far
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cartoonsinthemorning · 5 months ago
Soft chunky fem!stan who still loves boxing and wants to show off how strong she is to Ford so she crushes a watermelon in-between her thighs🚀🌋💥
Hey there anon! It's your unlucky day, because I know you where hoping for art, but I'm the mood to write, instead. You get a short fanfic. I HC that fem!Stan (just gonna call her Stan from now on, short for Constance) isn't allowed to box. Even more than that, actually: Filbrick didn't allow her to take boxing lessons, and Caryn forbid her to box at all, because "You already inherited your father's nose, sweety! What would become of your face if you broke it? your face is the one good thing you have...don't look at me like that, you know you're too fat". So, of course, Stan convinces Ford to give her secret lessons. He said no, at first- he doesn't want to get into trouble, and doesn't want her to get hurt! She is a girl, after all! why can't Stan just resume ballet lessons, like mom wants? But Stan is not only extremely stubborn, she knows her Sixer will do anything, if she strokes her ego right. She insists he would be a great teacher: he's so good at explaining stuff to her! And he's got so much better with boxing, over the years, she is sure he's got amazing tips and tricks to share. Ford knows she is buttering him up, he's not stupid. But eventually, as he always does, capitulates.
Ford doesn't even understand why Stan is so enthusiastic about boxing. It's boring to him. But she absorbs all the basics fast, and gets so disappointed and whiny when he puts his foot down and says he refuses to spar with her, now that he taught her everything he knows. He would never, ever hit her, no matter if it's just to exercise. Stan protests that she will never be able to improve, without a training partner, but this time Ford means it, so eventually she stops asking. She doesn't give up, though. Stan convinces Ford to sneak her in the gym after everyone left, this time, to massacre the sack with all her frustrations. It is quite a sight to behold, and a private spectacle Ford can't help but admire. She's starting to pack up some muscle mass, under her soft curves, and she must like it as much as Ford does, because eventually Stan starts to do squats and even attempts push ups, at the gym and in their room. One day, she gets this idea in mind. She wants to prove herself, by crushing a watermelon with her thighs muscles. Maybe she saw the trick in a magazine or something. It's such a stupid stunt, that it makes Ford roll his eyes when he first hears about it- but Stan's eyes sparkle when she talks about it, so of course, he agrees to assist her. Stan goes for the biggest watermelon she spots in the store, first, but Ford eyeballs that it would take about 364 pounds to crush it, and she should humble herself a bit- for once. Eventually she settles for one that may take about 200-something pounds, and brings it home. Despite the downgrade, Ford is still convinced the challenge is way above her sister's current might. And indeed, he doesn't hide a smug smile when she squats down to press the melon with all her strength, and the fruit stays stubbornly intact. She's a knucklehead tomboy, she knows that, right? Let's call it a day and slice that thing up for a snack, before she gets all bruised up. But his sister growls at him she can do it! She just needs to press some more. Maybe try something different.... When she lies down and props herself on her elbows, gripping the melon between her crossed thighs, something changes.
Not because she immediately succeeds, but because Ford doesn't feel amused anymore. Stan is groaning, cussing, blushing, tossing her head back, while her long legs tense up, wrapped around that stupid melon. Both twins are sweating, but for entirely different reasons. Ford begins to be afraid the tension building up between his own thighs may soon be a problem, so he tries to call the whole stunt off. "Stan, enough!" he exclaims, getting up, hoping by realizing her sole spectator is leaving, she will give up. "WAIT!" she growls, panting furiously, chest bobbing up and down "I'M SO CLOSE!". Ford is frozen into place- because he's stuck by the sight of her, so downright obscene, and because she is right: the watermelon is cracking. With a gross, squelching noise, the watermelon POPS- making Stan moan in triumph and exhaustion, as the red juice wets her trembling thighs, traveling down- Ford gulps down a lump in his throat- down between her ass cheeks and lower back, and drippling on the floor. Some droplets even splattered all over her white shirt, peppering her cleavage with tiny, pulpy, red hearts and dots. The final straw, for Ford, is when she looks up at him and winks- she winks, the shameless teas that she is- and says, between heavy breathes "See, Sixer? Am I the strongest girl in the world or what?". Ford looks at her in what he hope comes across as deadpan, rather than sexually frustrated, and curtly replies: "Yeah, well done. I'm not helping you cleaning up that mess" before booking out, running to the bathroom. OMAKE: Stan bruised her inner thighs and Ford once saw her spreading ointment over it, and he busted the biggest nut by masturbating imagining he was the one applying it. THE END.
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immediatebreakfast · 8 months ago
Right over the town is the ruin of Whitby Abbey, which was sacked by the Danes, and which is the scene of part of "Marmion," where the girl was built up in the wall. 
So, a little bit of trivia here, the girl that Mina is referring to is called Constance de Beverley. The disgraced nun who abandoned her holy vows in Fontevraud to follow lord Marmion out of misplaced love, which eventually landed her in prison, then executed by the church via immurement. As in they put her inside a wall like Mina is saying.
The little detail that is missing, which I think makes Mina more realistic in her ramblings, is that Constance never set a foot on Whitby... she was imprisoned, then killed in Lindisfarne. An english holy island that was a monastery, and was invaded by the vikings in the year 793.
I don't know why, but it's such a tiny detail that could happens in real life, which makes Mina's character a little bit more comedic since she is practicing her memory skills for her journalism.
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twistthescript · 8 months ago
may i get some sugardolls hc's for how their dynamic works?
I adore Constance and Jane- of course! Buckle up, this list ended up being a little longer than I anticipated.
Constance is very subdued with her emotions and actions due to how she acted with Ocean- It's a reaction that she's trying to grow out of. To counter that, Jane is endlessly curious. She wants to know and explore and do. Connie can't help but go along with whatever Jane thing her girlfriend is doing.
On the flip side, Jane is still trying to remember. She has quiet moments where she simply sits and holds her Dolly, as if that would help her. After the first few times of trying to help Jane (and nothing working), Constance decided sitting with her in a silent vigil would be more helpful.
Jane is very touchy feely. Holding hands, hugs, playing with hair- she always wants to do those things. Constance is not as much, but she is touch starved and has come to enjoy the small moments.
On occasion, Connie would grab Jane by the hand and pull her to some unexplored corner of the warehouse in a spur of the moment. They would always get lost. Someone else would always find them.
Playing with each other's hair became their love language.
It took a bit, but Constance accepted the fact that Jane's head is actually Dolly's, and has been seen taking care the doll (fixing the lace, smoothing the wrinkles) just as much as Jane would.
Jane doesn't trust anyone else with her doll- they're mostly still afraid of it anyway. Ocean tried to pick it up once and Jane grabbed her wrist on instinct so hard that it bruised. Jane still feels bad over it.
When Constance is upset, Jane gives her Dolly.
When Jane is upset, Constance sings to her. (Old songs that her mother sang to her and her brother.) Sometimes, Jane will hum along with an opposing harmony.
Back to the topic of affection- While there is no blood going to Jane's head, if Constance kisses her at all, her cheeks still glow with a blush. No one knows how that works. Constance just finds it endearing.
While not having memories, Jane is still an endless undead tome of animal facts. Constance will sometimes fall asleep to the sound of Jane's voice during those rambles. She would usually wake up to her head on Jane's lap and dark eyes staring, unblinking, down at her.
Jane is deceptively strong (I also headcanon her as TALL) and the first time she picked Constance up, Connie let out a very mouse like squeak and her face darkened with a blush that seemed to last all day. Ocean and Noel teamed up to tease her about it. Jane just poked her in the cheek while wearing the most impish grin Connie had ever seen.
Constance is also strong and on her better days, can lift Jane in a bridal carry. (Mischa told her that she should try lifting her girlfriend like a sack of potatoes. She has yet to try it.)
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paganimagevault · 9 months ago
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The Magyar invasion of Saint Gall from the Codex Sangallensis 602, manuscript dated 15th C. CE
"According to tradition, Saint Gall, a learned, probably Irish monk and faithful disciple to Saint Columbanus, founded a hermitage on the site that would come to encompass the abbey St. Gall around 610.
The abbey of St. Gall flourished during the Carolingian Era (750-887), emerging as a regional center of learning and trade. Housing one of the first monastery schools north of the Alps, the abbey had grown into a massive monastic center, replete with large guest houses, a working hospital, farms and stables, and a renowned library. The abbey quickly became a magnet for Anglo-Saxon and Irish scholars and monks who copied and illuminated manuscripts. Wealthy nobles, in turn, enriched the abbey through patronization and donations of land. By the turn of the ninth century, the abbey was among the most prestigious and wealthiest in Europe.
Three chroniclers substantiate, in different versions written between 970 and 1074, of a Magyar attack on St. Gall and its environs. The Alemannian Annals, written in the ninth and tenth centuries, mention the Magyars nine times, while the St. Gallen Annals of the tenth century do so fifteen times. The most interesting information about the Magyar sack comes from the chronicle of the monk Ekkerhart IV who lived more than a century after the invasion. According to him, as the Magyars swept through Swabia and entered the vicinity of Lake Constance, Abbot Engilbert took protective measures to ensure the survival of the monastery. He ordered the abbey’s old monks and young students to move to Wasserburg, which lies along Lake Constance and near Lindau, to await the siege. The younger, stronger monks were to seek refuge in the woods and hills near the village of Bernhardzell, to the northwest of St. Gall.
On May 1, 926, the Magyars stormed St. Gall. The attackers advanced to the church of St. Mangen and set it on fire. They also tried to set fire to Wiborada’s hermitage, as they could not locate its entrance. Meanwhile, other Magyar warriors ransacked the monastery, taking what booty they could find.
Despite observing their lust for loot, the chronicles praise the Magyars in their ability to assume battle formation in a matter of only a few seconds, in their use of a sophisticated network of couriers to communicate with troops from afar, and in their mastery of various weapons. Noted further were the Magyars’ love of wine, music, dance, and fresh, tasty, meats.
After a few days of rest, the Magyars moved on to target other Swabian cities, leaving the imbecilic Heribald behind. When the monks and friars returned to St. Gall to assess the damage, they questioned Heribald about what he had seen. He reportedly said, “They were wonderful! I have never seen such cheerful people in our monastery. They distributed plenty of food and drink.”"
-James Blake Wiener, When the Magyars invaded St. Gall. From the Swiss National Museum blog.
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theoutcastrogue · 5 months ago
Paul Shapera feat. Candice Price & Lauren Osborn - The Heist (Edit)
from Katy Shaw & The Search for The Stolen Secret: A New Albion Noir, 2020 (edit version; full version here)
Constance: Look who just walked in here, Katy dear I missed ya It's been too long, aren't you a sight Your dress looks so inspired You're looking kinda tired, Katy, girl are you all right?
Katy: C, it's good to see ya, I got a job, I need ya I'll tell you more if you agree It's a little B&E, a two girl job I think We always made a real good team
Constance: A little nick will do the trick, a snatch, a jack, a grab A pinch, a sack and out the back before it gets you nabbed Keep your walk so nonchalant, wonder what's ado The art, my dear, diverting gear from their domain to you
The rush, the chase, on out the gate The sirens in the street The artistry of larceny The vocation of the thief
They say in ancient times when mighty pyramids stood tall The class divide was first devised, the have-nots and have-alls Then and there, I tell you here, the first thief they appeared To recirculate, reallocate the partitioning of wares
The swipe, the take, the quick escape The plot, the crime, the scheme The artistry of larceny The vocation of the thief
The pluck, the swipe, the swap, the heist The snatching of the loot The plunder, con, defraud and gone The sweet talk and the ruse
The hustle, game, it's all the same The setup and the scheme The artistry of larceny The vocation of the thief
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yallemagne · 1 year ago
Hmm Mina studying criminology independent of any usefulness to Jonathan (she kept up with his studies on property law instead, and like you said he's a solicitor), kind of reminds me... Jonathan also has no use for ghost stories. Mina though spends paragraphs talking about every spooky legend about her vacation spot. Not every young person researches about girl ghosts in ruins, and invisible mourning bells for their seaside summer break. (Now I also recall she reads an old poem about a buried girl while there? Marmion?). Further, she pokes old men there to tell her more about those. (And gets "oh don't be scared it's all fake! not for young girls like you!" but she keeps pestering). When Mr Swales told her that she and Lucy sit upon a suicide grave, Lucy jumped, disturbed (but resolved to remain there anyway because she likes the seat), while Mina didn't.
Also, she talks of the Vikings sacking a town there during a specific invasion, and this tracks her knowledge about Dracula's historical battles... though I can't decide if the latter is a newer research. But it does show she has an interest in old wars.
So, I feel that maybe she has an affinity for darker subjects in general, both legendary and real life?
um that got long but your post gave me food for thought sorry
Don't be sorry for the long ask. Do you know how long I've been waiting for people to come into my inbox? I have been starved.
Jonathan has no use for ghost stories, but we do see him express curiosity about the local folklore on his trip... too bad no one wanted to talk much about it. Mina's interest in ghost stories is definitely a mix of an affinity for the macabre and her desire to be a lady journalist. She knows Whitby has a lot of rich folklore, so she reasons that the most obvious subject to tackle in her interviews is that.
Marmion! So, I will have to read this poem. I just read the summary so far. Lord Marmion was lusting after this woman, Clara, so in order to gain access to her, he and his nun mistress, Constance, framed her fiancé, Ralph, for treason. Constance hoped playing wing woman would get Marmion to like her more, but he ditched her once Clara joined a convent to escape him, and Constance was walled up for breaking her vows. She got the last laugh when she revealed Marmion's deceit, and Marmion died in battle. It's such delicious drama. I'm sure you could project Dracula onto this poem the same way you can with the Ballad of Lenore (*cough cough* Jonathan is Clara, Mina is Ralph, Constance is Renfield, Marmion is Dracula-- *gets shot*).
Sorry for that aside lol. Mina only briefly mentions it: "Right over the town is the ruin of Whitby Abbey, which was sacked by the Danes, and which is the scene of part of "Marmion," where the girl was built up in the wall.", and I'm like "honey tell us the whole story, would ya?"
Her knowledge of Dracula's military conquests comes from Jonathan's journal, where he interviewed Dracula about his family lineage. That is supplemented with Van Helsing's research done with the help of his friend Arminius. That was not really a personal interest thing, it was homework for killing Dracula.
But once again! Student of life. I don't know if I'd say she believed in any of the ghost stories before (hence her not being worried about the unconsecrated grave of the suicide victim, but Lucy, who is more sensitive, jumping from the seat), but she certainly has an interest in them for how they shape the world around her. She doesn't care for Mr. Swales trying to assure her that none of it is true because she isn't inquiring about the ghosts out of apprehension, she's asking because spooky legends are a part of history! They shape the cultures they are born from and inform the attitudes of the people who come from those cultures.
little bit of spoilers, read November 1:
Later on, we see that she doesn't seem very interested in Eastern European folklore. Now... a lot was going on at the time, but she does rather patronizingly call the locals superstitious. That could just be denial talking. The landscapes? Lovely. The people? Quaint. Their beliefs? Ohhhh, they're soooo irrational, psh. They acted like I was becoming a vampire right in front of them.
She's intrigued by English folklore and history, but she turns up her nose a bit when it comes to the mythology of other places... to be expected from a Victorian, but sad.
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sophieswundergarten · 2 years ago
I can't stop thinking about that Wing AU and Sticky plucking his feathers...
(Weird, angsty ramblings that might require some knowledge of bird anatomy to fully understand to follow)
(Basically, when birds grow feathers they start as "blood feathers" which are basically just little sacks of blood and growing cells. After this, they are "pin feathers", and the blood is all inside where it belongs, leaving the feather all rolled up and covered in this papery stuff that rubs off and leaves a fully grown feather. Also, Primaries are the big "pointer finger" feathers at the tip of the wings, Secondaries are the medium sized ones from the "wrist" joint to the "elbow", where they get smaller and are referred to as Tertiaries. That should be it :>)
Because, in real life, it's quite common in pet psittacines (Parrots: so, macaws, cockatoos, budgies, lovebirds, etc.) especially when they are stressed. And it can get out of control really fast and take a long time to train the bird out of even though it's very obviously hurting it.
And I just keep thinking about how young he was when he started being on TV. And for a while the fluffy little baby feathers were cute but an entertainment industry seeking engagement instead of connection demanded he grow up too fast.
And so the make-up/wardrobe department for any competition he was on started pulling some of the downy feathers. There weren't that many left at this point regardless, but they assured him it would make him seem more mature and appeal to a wider audience. And it would be fine, it wouldn't really hurt him, especially since he was growing in big feathers anyway.
So it went. With Sticky being so self-conscious and anxious anyway, he probably kept his wings tucked in tight behind him no matter what people thought about them.
He had never put that much consideration into how he looked, but now he can't stop thinking about it. He doesn't know why it's so important, but apparently it matters to people. He doesn't want it to matter. He doesn't want to be seen or recognised. He just wants to be left alone.
He starts fidgeting with the pin feathers that will one day unfurl into adult primaries, and even though he knows it's counter-intuitive because removing the casings will only free the feathers sooner, he can't help it. A few times he goes too far and starts picking at blood feathers, and even though the red coats his finger tips more often than he'd like, he still can't stop his hands from scratching and pulling and yanking as he grows more and more agitated.
And then he ran away
He ran and he couldn't keep his hands off his wings for more than a few minutes. Tugging and raking his fingers through the feathers in a futile attempt to calm down. The first couple of times, it's an accident.
The first couple of times he's so caught up in soundless panic and all he can hear is his own breathing, it's only later that he notices a small cluster of secondaries, close to his body and almost never seen with how rigidly he holds himself, are missing. Small pieces of the night sky littering the alleyway ground where he'd been hiding.
His wings are so dark in colour, not to mention unkempt after a few weeks hiding and running and flitting from place to place trying to find safety, that the other kids don't even notice anything wrong.
It isn't until a few days later, when they're all in the backyard attempting to practice their Morse Code, and Kate does something that startles him that they really see what kind of a state his wings are in.
Most birds, when scared or on edge, will carefully spread their wings. Maybe not a lot, but they are preparing to fly away or make themselves look bigger in hopes to scare off the threat. (I imagine Milligan having great big owl wings that he puffs up to try and guard the children when the Recruiters come after them in the maze)
But Sticky just draws them in closer to his body. When he is scared, which Constance would note is often, he holds his wings so tightly to his back that they seem half their size. This would be considered odd and in some ways handicapping himself or keeping him from being able to react properly.
But this time, as Kate wobbles unstably out of her cartwheel and lets out a shriek of laughter, landing on the ground right next to him, Sticky jumps. He starts off the bench he had been sitting on, hunching his shoulders and reflexively spreading his wings.
And instead of the fully extended mix of fully grown flight feathers and occasionally wayward piece of down the other kids have, Sticky's wings are a mess. They have a skeletal quality, with just enough plumage that when they are folded in it's hardly noticeable, but when they are extended it's clear there are significant gaps. The remaining feathers have the dull, stunted quality of someone who has been under an incredible amount of stress without nearly enough nutrients to fuel them, and indeed Sticky looks rather like a feral cat in that moment: Spooked and curling in on himself as if expecting a fight.
He quickly realises his overreaction, and then processes that the girls are staring at his wings (Reynie's eye did dart up, but quickly returned to looking at Sticky's face), so he jerks them back into a resting position. Though there's nothing particularly restful about how stiff his posture is, back ramrod straight and muscles so tight he's beginning to shake.
However, this is something that the others know he doesn't want to share yet. And he doesn't need to. Not until he's ready.
So, Kate grabs the flashlight from where it had fallen to the ground, a sheepish grin on her face as she apologises for scaring him.
Reynie suggests they all go inside, take a break and get something to eat before they begin again.
Constance glares at Sticky suspiciously, but right as she opens her mouth she seems to think better of her questions and simply shrugs.
And Sticky is grateful for his friends, grateful that he has these people who love him enough to trust him with his secrets, even though they don't know each other very well yet. So he follows them inside, and if Kate dumps a little bit more food on his plate, and Constance doesn't try to swipe his juice glass this time, and if that night (for the first time) Reynie shyly asks if the two of them could take turns preening each others' wings, when it's just the two of them alone in the room, Sticky thinks he might be able to trust them too.
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A Lunatic ‘Genius’
A poem by Constance Contraire
For @thedrgarrison 🔬
Woe to the one that is forced to hear this: The rantings of a lunatic genius. Sadly, I heard her cries one day And oh, the tale, it went this way: I woke up in a dirty root cellar, Containing a most unpleasant dweller. Her dolls and tech were so poorly made, Her staff was severely underpaid. Money and funding she sorely lacked; She dressed in an old potato sack. She said she cared about ethics too much. I think she uses her tech as a crutch. She threatened to erase my mind; She tried so hard to seem unkind. She tried so hard to seem so tough, But happily I called her bluff. The memories dreaded were her own, When I told her this, she cried and moaned. But her tears could not drown her shame, She had only herself to blame. She used self pity as a lame excuse, To justify tolerance of abuse She continued to weep and whine; If only she could grow a spine. She said she’d tried, she started to cry, While I in frustration groaned and sighed. She refused responsibility, For all she did to the world and me. She needn’t have droned on for so long. It’s obvious where she went so wrong. Even a child could tell you for certain. It’s foolish to throw your lot in with Curtain. For those that do end up insane; Brilliance can’t save them from pain. For the ghosts that echo from the past, Shall forever haunt them ‘til their last. No amount of sweeping can wipe it away. Sinful stain on your soul shall forever stay. For there is no sad sound more pathetic than this: The lamentations of a lunatic genius.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years ago
Events 7.2
437 – Emperor Valentinian III begins his reign over the Western Roman Empire. His mother Galla Placidia ends her regency, but continues to exercise political influence at the court in Rome. 626 – Li Shimin, the future Emperor Taizong of Tang, ambushes and kills his rival brothers Li Yuanji and Li Jiancheng in the Xuanwu Gate Incident. 706 – In China, Emperor Zhongzong of Tang inters the bodies of relatives in the Qianling Mausoleum, located on Mount Liang outside Chang'an. 866 – Battle of Brissarthe: The Franks led by Robert the Strong are defeated by a joint Breton-Viking army. 936 – King Henry the Fowler dies in his royal palace in Memleben. He is succeeded by his son Otto I, who becomes the ruler of East Francia. 963 – The Byzantine army proclaims Nikephoros II Phokas Emperor of the Romans on the plains outside Cappadocian Caesarea. 1298 – The Battle of Göllheim is fought between Albert I of Habsburg and Adolf of Nassau-Weilburg. 1494 – The Treaty of Tordesillas is ratified by Spain. 1504 – Bogdan III the One-Eyed becomes Voivode of Moldavia. 1555 – Ottoman Admiral Turgut Reis sacks the Italian city of Paola. 1561 – Menas, emperor of Ethiopia, defeats a revolt in Emfraz. 1582 – Battle of Yamazaki: Toyotomi Hideyoshi defeats Akechi Mitsuhide. 1613 – The first English expedition (from Virginia) against Acadia led by Samuel Argall takes place. 1644 – English Civil War: Battle of Marston Moor. 1645 – Battle of Alford: Wars of the Three Kingdoms. 1698 – Thomas Savery patents the first steam engine. 1723 – Bach's Magnificat is first performed. 1776 – American Revolution: The Continental Congress adopts a resolution severing ties with the Kingdom of Great Britain although the wording of the formal Declaration of Independence is not adopted until July 4. 1816 – The French frigate Méduse strikes the Bank of Arguin and 151 people on board have to be evacuated on an improvised raft, a case immortalised by Géricault's painting The Raft of the Medusa. 1822 – Thirty-five slaves, including Denmark Vesey, are hanged in South Carolina after being accused of organizing a slave rebellion. 1823 – Bahia Independence Day: The end of Portuguese rule in Brazil, with the final defeat of the Portuguese crown loyalists in the province of Bahia. 1839 – Twenty miles off the coast of Cuba, 53 kidnapped Africans led by Joseph Cinqué mutiny and take over the slave ship Amistad. 1840 – A Ms  7.4 earthquake strikes present-day Turkey and Armenia; combined with the effects of an eruption on Mount Ararat, kills 10,000 people. 1853 – The Russian Army crosses the Prut river into the Danubian Principalities (Moldavia and Wallachia), providing the spark that will set off the Crimean War. 1864 – Dimitri Atanasescu founds the first Romanian school in the Balkans for the Aromanians in Trnovo, in the Ottoman Empire (now in North Macedonia). 1871 – Victor Emmanuel II of Italy enters Rome after having conquered it from the Papal States. 1881 – Charles J. Guiteau shoots and fatally wounds U.S. President James A. Garfield (who will die of complications from his wounds on September 19). 1890 – The U.S. Congress passes the Sherman Antitrust Act. 1897 – British-Italian engineer Guglielmo Marconi obtains a patent for radio in London. 1900 – An airship designed and constructed by Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin of Germany made its first flight on Lake Constance near Friedrichshafen. 1900 – Jean Sibelius' Finlandia receives its première performance in Helsinki with the Helsinki Philharmonic Society conducted by Robert Kajanus. 1921 – World War I: U.S. President Warren G. Harding signs the Knox–Porter Resolution formally ending the war between the United States and Germany. 1934 – The Night of the Long Knives ends with the death of Ernst Röhm. 1937 – Amelia Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan are last heard from over the Pacific Ocean while attempting to make the first equatorial round-the-world flight. 1940 – Indian independence leader Subhas Chandra Bose is arrested and detained in Calcutta. 1940 – The SS Arandora Star is sunk by U-47 in the North Atlantic with the loss of over 800 lives, mostly civilians. 1962 – The first Walmart store, then known as Wal-Mart, opens for business in Rogers, Arkansas. 1964 – Civil rights movement: U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964 meant to prohibit segregation in public places. 1966 – France conducts its first nuclear weapon test in the Pacific, on Moruroa Atoll. 1976 – End of South Vietnam; Communist North Vietnam annexes the former South Vietnam to form the unified Socialist Republic of Vietnam. 1986 – Rodrigo Rojas and Carmen Gloria Quintana are burnt alive during a street demonstration against the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet in Chile. 1986 – Aeroflot Flight 2306 crashes while attempting an emergency landing at Syktyvkar Airport in Syktyvkar, in present-day Komi Republic, Russia, killing 54 people. 1988 – Marcel Lefebvre and the four bishops he consecrated were excommunicated by the Holy See. 1990 – In the 1990 Mecca tunnel tragedy, 1,400 Muslim pilgrims are suffocated to death and trampled upon in a pedestrian tunnel leading to the holy city of Mecca. 1994 – USAir Flight 1016 crashes near Charlotte Douglas International Airport, killing 37 of the 57 people on board. 1997 – The Bank of Thailand floats the baht, triggering the Asian financial crisis. 2000 – Vicente Fox Quesada is elected the first President of México from an opposition party, the Partido Acción Nacional, after more than 70 years of continuous rule by the Partido Revolucionario Institucional. 2001 – The AbioCor self-contained artificial heart is first implanted. 2002 – Steve Fossett becomes the first person to fly solo around the world nonstop in a balloon. 2005 – The Live 8 benefit concerts takes place in the G8 states and in South Africa. More than 1,000 musicians perform and are broadcast on 182 television networks and 2,000 radio networks. 2008 – Colombian conflict: Íngrid Betancourt, a member of the Chamber of Representatives of Colombia, is released from captivity after being held for six and a half years by FARC. 2010 – The South Kivu tank truck explosion in the Democratic Republic of the Congo kills at least 230 people. 2013 – The International Astronomical Union names Pluto's fourth and fifth moons, Kerberos and Styx. 2013 – A magnitude 6.1 earthquake strikes Aceh, Indonesia, killing at least 42 people and injuring 420 others.
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kai-in-the-korner · 7 months ago
thinkin bout makin an outsiders rock of ages au…
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thepastisalreadywritten · 2 months ago
SAINT OF THE DAY (January 22)
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St. Vincent was a deacon of the Church of Saragossa and a martyr under Diocletian in 304.
This most renowned martyr of Spain is represented in the dalmatic of a deacon and has a cross, a raven, a grate, or a fire-pile as emblems.
By order of Governor Dacian, Vincent and his bishop were dragged in chains to Valencia and kept in prison there for a long time.
Valerius was then banished, but Vincent was subjected to many cruel torments including the rack, the gridiron, and scourgings.
After suffering these, he was again imprisoned in a cell strewn with shards of broken pots.
He was then placed in a soft and luxurious bed to shake his constancy, but there he expired.
During his martyrdom, he preserved such peace and tranquillity that it astonished his jailer, who repented from his sins and was converted.
Vincent's dead body was thrown into the sea in a sack but was later recovered. His veneration immediately spread throughout the church.
After peace was restored to the Church, a chapel was built over Vincent's remains outside the walls of Valencia.
He is honored as patron in Valencia, Saragossa, Portugal, and the Order of the Deacons of the Catholic Diocese of Bergamo.
He is invoked by vignerons (wine-makers), vintners (wine-merchants), vinegar-makers, brickmakers, and sailors.
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funnuraba · 10 months ago
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And how does the efficient, bespectacled man express his love? In the classic Wodehousean fashion: seizing the girl out of nowhere and kissing her repeatedly while exclaiming, "My mate!"
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Wodehouse's characters were still recommending this method nearly 50 years later, in particular Uncle Fred. He calls it the Ickenham System, and in his case he also recommends "waggling" the girl around "like a sack of coal". He recommends it to James Schoonmaker as the best way to woo Lady Constance. However, after Schoonmaker successfully calls her "Connie" for the first time, thus advancing his suit, he tells Uncle Fred, "Yeah, no, I did not try any of that."
So, bearing in mind that Baxter seems to be exactly the type described in that first section: would he behave thus, if gripped by love? I think we have to assume he's immune to such passions, which is probably for the best. Phyllis does describe him as a "caveman" at one point, but that's more in Wodehouse's usual sense of being a man who is bossy and insufficiently deferential to women.
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traveldmd · 2 years ago
Local courier organizations expect an essential part
In the present globalized world, the necessity for successful dispatch organizations has become focal. Whether courier door pickup it’s a local transport inside India or a worldwide shipment from India, trustworthy door to door get and movement organizations are major. In this blog, we will give house to house messenger administration the solace and benefits of local and overall dispatch organizations, unequivocally focusing in on stuff movement organizations inside India and worldwide transports beginning from India.
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Traveling can end up being basically more direct with gear transport organizations in India. These organizations enable individuals to have their stuff moved clearly to their goal, taking out the issue of conveying profound sacks and investigating air terminal enlistment strategies. house to house get and conveyance organizations offer door to door get and transport, ensuring that sacks are assembled from the wayfarer’s region and safely passed on to their ideal objective.By utilizing stuff movement organizations, explorers can participate in a quiet trip, unhindered by profound stuff. It in like manner gives inward quietness, as the bet of lost or abused stuff is altogether diminished. Besides, stuff movement organizations offer the solace of versatile booking, allowing voyagers to pick a pickup time that suits their necessities.
Overall courier organizations from India have disturbed overall trade and correspondence. These organizations enable associations to expand their compass past lines and individuals to send packs to loved ones or clients living in different countries. Worldwide delivery service international dispatch organizations offer reliable and useful movement game plans, ensuring that packs show up at their protests securely and on time.By using worldwide dispatch organizations, clients benefit from predictable customs opportunity processes, documentation help, and overall worldwide situating structures. These organizations as often as possible collaborate with spread out facilitated tasks accessories all over the planet, further developing their overall transport association and ensuring a smooth travel for worldwide shipments.
Local and worldwide dispatch organizations have become fundamental pieces of our interconnected world. With domestic baggage shipping door to door get and movement decisions, these organizations give convenience, constancy, and viability. In India, local courier organizations work on adjacent group transports, while gear movement organizations offer an issue free travel knowledge. All the global conveyance from india , overall courier organizations from India empower associations and individuals to partake in overall trade and stay aware of relationship across borders. By using these organizations, clients can participate in the genuine quietness that goes with knowing their packs, gear, and critical records will be managed and conveyed with care and capability.
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langleapp · 2 years ago
Borrowings all assimilate into a language to some degree. French borrowings - e.g. duvet, mise en place - don't seem to assimilate into English as much as Dutch ones like rucksack and boomslang that were borrowed around the same time.
(Rucksack comes from 'rugzak', 'rug' (back) + 'zak' (sack), and is pronounced /ˈrʏx.sɑk/ in Dutch, with /x/ standing for the raspy, throaty g sound.)
Names are even worse. People's names are squished into the target language phonology: Van Gogh may be pronounced /vɑnˈxɔx/ in Dutch, but is pronounced /vænˈɡoʊ/ or /vanˈɡɒx, ˈɡɒf/ in English.
Place names aren't spared this fate either. If they aren't given entirely different names (like Lake Constance for the Bodensee, or Cologne for Köln), they still assimilate: most languages pronounce the /s/ in Paris, unlike French. Amsterdam Schiphol Airport becomes something like /ˌskɪpˈɦɔl/.
It's not wrong; it's phonological assimilation.
Try pronouncing 'Gouda' like the Dutch and see how many Anglophones have a clue what you're talking about RIP
I don't like when the Anglosphericals say "who's ready for a Gouda time" as if they just made some kind of pun (they think Gouda sounds like "good")
That could not be further away from the truth
Gouda is pronounced as G (Dutch HARD G sound that sounds like you're an animal about to attack) OW (English pain sound, so just ou or au in Dutch) da (just da)
It is not close to "good" at all, and if you pronounce it in a way that sounds similar to "good", then you are wrong
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godwithwethands · 3 years ago
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Songs performed by Tom Cruise as Stacee Jaxx, ROCK OF AGES (2012) dir. Adam Shankman | in.sp
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