#consisted only of the side
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moreaujeans · 2 months ago
got the role i auditioned for YIPPEE
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ofswordsandpens · 10 months ago
I fear that "fire bending didn't come easy to zuko" and "zuko isn't a prodigy" (both true) has somehow snowballed into "zuko is a bad or at best average fire bender".... which simply isn't true, especially by the end of book 3
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kyuyua · 2 years ago
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The most Supreme Family 💖💖
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blueskittlesart · 1 month ago
foxboy has been forcibly made ambidextrous due to blueskittles' forgetfulness
all characters are ambidextrous when im writing them (< guy who doesnt know the difference between left and right)
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reliquiaen · 11 days ago
Summarising S3E4 to a friend as 'hot physicist is bitter that fellow scientists aren't giving her enough credit, starts apocalypse'.
We stan Mierin Eronaile in this house.
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fossilizedhysterics · 1 year ago
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hiiiiii sanders sides fandom. is this anything original by @punkitt-is-here !!
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jjoshlynaround · 3 months ago
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plants :] plants :] plants :]
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asmodeusamaryllis · 4 months ago
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lesbian flag but I colour picked it from gyari n kuromu :)
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fanaticallyfleeky · 8 days ago
For a show that sucks at consistence and continuity, it’s funny that one thing they have been consistent in over the past seasons is on which side of the bed Buck sleeps 😂
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biblically-accurate-dca · 2 years ago
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oh! it looks like something strange snuck into moon's hat...
(a gift for @restinsodaroni !! please go check out her blog too!! ^_^)
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commsroom · 7 months ago
prefacing this by saying it's obviously just my opinion, but i've spent soo much time thinking about what makes an eiffel design look the Most Eiffel to me, personally, so here are some design notes:
dark, wavy/curly hair. unkempt. anywhere between just past his ears to about shoulder length. usually tied back in a low ponytail.
scruffy!! never, ever clean shaven. his facial hair is most prominent on his chin, and there's a visible break between the hair on his upper lip and the hair on his cheeks. stubble, short/patchy beard, or hair just on his chin all work well depending on style.
visible arm hair!! and any other body hair that's relevant. generally hairy guy. anything that makes him scruffier looking is important.
long features - long face, long limbs. lanky body type, but with a bit of weight in the gut. bad posture. talks with his hands. wide, open body language: tall-ish with fairly broad shoulders, but most of the space he takes up is in his limbs so he can kind of comically fold narrowly into himself when scared / being yelled at / etc.
(classic Doug Eiffel Arms Behind Head While Leaning Back and Floating pose is always a winner.)
expressive, to kind of an absurd degree. tired eyes. lopsided smile. his eyebrows do a lot of the work: i often see people instinctively draw eiffel with sheepish "─┘└─" shaped eyebrows and it's very real to me. constantly hamming it up even when he doesn't mean to. he has the presence of a class clown that never grew out of it.
prominent nose, kind of "square rounded" in shape with a wider tip <- same as zach valenti's. i wouldn't say he looks exactly like zach valenti to me, but definitely very close, with a difference more in style than features. italian-american by association...?
generic star wars logo tee as his default outfit, but other generic logo tees for things he likes, or "undershirt worn as shirt" also feel true. the key point is that it has to look like he bought it at walmart for less than ten dollars. will wear it until it disintegrates.
not really a guy who accessorizes either, unless wearing his headphones around his neck counts.
rarely wearing shoes. holes in every single one of his socks.
orange is my preferred flight suit color for how it visually suggests eiffel traded one prison for another. needless to say, maybe, he should never be wearing it properly. usually tied around his waist, but he pretty much never wears long sleeves - even if he has the sleeves on, they're always rolled way up.
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jennrypan · 2 months ago
"Why doesn't Felix get any blame when Marinette does?"
Cuz that stupid, bowl cut, lame ass theater kid ass loser isn't the main character!! We don't have to deal with his shit until idk they remember he has the peacock??? And trust me. He gets EVERY OUNCE OF BLAME but, here's the thing. We all know Felix is a selfish ass brat who couldnt give a damn about his cousin unless it's convenient for him.
But Marinette?? Marinette whos claimed to love Adrien since season one? She couldn't be damned to tell him everything she knows, especially after Felix decided to involve her for whatever reason. These two might as well be one in the same; they never take Adriens actual wants into consideration and think it's better to coddle him and hide shit from him, same with Natalie- I can't stand her ass either now. Cuz as much as she clearly loves Adrien, she still agreed to keep this danger secret only just NOW decided huh..maybe Gabriel isn't right in the head (in season 5 mind you. She had no problems playing second villain for a long ass time.) But again..she's not the main character. She's what this shows version of 'nuance' is, you expect her to do shady shit.
But again..Marinette keeps being framed as the perfect one for Adrien, someone who loves him and Sees him when everyone else doesn't and it's not TRUE and its upsetting cuz we've spent 5 seasons beung told how she cares for Adrien, how she lovws him..and shes the one person you wouldnt expect to hide this shit from him (..Unless you already understood Marinettes MO from the getgo 💀 cuz..yeah.). That's why people get on her ass more than anyone else, cuz we have to sit with her throughout the episodes and watch her justify why it's actually okay to lie to Adrien, we have to see these assholes (Felix and Natalie) agree and tell her it's okay to lie to Adrien..AND SHE GOES ALONG WITH IT.
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tj-crochets · 11 months ago
Today I learned that while I can now walk around the neighborhood to look at yard sales that does not mean I should, because I will spend the afternoon with super low blood pressure I mean, I did figure that out after walking like half a block, but then I cam home and set up my own mini yard sale of just plushies, baby blankets, and quilts, and apparently "sitting outside in the sun for an hour" is too much for me physically at the moment? Definitely a learning experience lol I did sell a few plushies, a pair of baby booties, and a quilt! And the quilt went to someone super excited about it! It was her favorite color (it matched both her nail polish and her ring)
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isbergillustration · 10 months ago
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Drawing while waiting to see if first dose of new antidepressants will cure me for good. What do we think? Is this the sort of stuff mentally well people draw?
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journey-to-the-attic · 8 months ago
there's a moment in lesson 45 of nightbringer where mc falls off a thing (again?? is this foreshadowing?? i'm going to rule-of-three this and wait to see if it happens again) and satan tries and fails to grab their hand to catch them, but now i'm imagining the same thing happening with satan and ik except he does succeed, but it's her right hand and the prosthetic just POP comes straight off
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energeticpoltergeist · 4 months ago
Part 1: Mad King's War
Prologue: Diverged History(pages 1-4)
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