#considering the time spent on them i think that works out
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lxdybi · 1 day ago
‘everyone is the expert in their own identity’
‘(we) should do them the courtesy of presuming they are striving to express something very specific and nuanced, rather than leaping to the conclusion that they are just dumb and using words wrong’.
If someone tells you they identify as something, listen in good faith.
Because there’s a high likelihood that person has spent a very long time researching that identity, its history, and its nuances to see if it fits for them.
It’s actually very possible that they might know more about that identity and its historical nuances than you do.
Do not presume that you know all there is to know about queer history and the nuance of queer identities.
And ABSOLUTELY. DO. NOT. try to police other people’s identities without being damn sure you know what you’re talking about.
And I’m not talking about stuff you’ve seen parroted on tikok.
I’m talking reading up on historical sources, queer theory, & speaking to queer elders.
Or better yet, perhaps don’t try to police other people’s identities at all.
Because this is how we’ve gotten to a point where people with a very shallow knowledge of our history and communities are trying to erase the presence of he/him lesbians, trans people and bi butches/femmes from the communities that they helped create.
May I remind you that we did not always have the language we do today to describe people.
We were here before we were bi or trans. We have always been here. Just not under the labels you expect.
Queer history is messy. Bi, trans, lesbian & gay histories are inextricably interwoven.
Bi and trans people helped create lesbian and gay culture right alongside y’all. In fact, for most of queer history, we were considered one of you.
So yes, I know we have more specific and nuanced labels to describe ourselves now, & that’s beautiful.
But that doesn’t mean we get to revise history to fit our current understanding of these labels… and erase the contributions of bi & trans people in the process.
we would also do well to realise that, just as we recognise how labels in the past might not have been sufficient to fit everyone’s identities…
… the same might be true of the labels we use today.
If someone uses labels you find contradictory, you don’t understand or they even use multiple labels…consider that they could be trying to express something more complex than our current language encompasses.
Don’t be so naive as to think that the labels we use today are perfect or infallible.
Just because something works for you, or describes your experience, doesn’t mean it works for everyone.
thank you.
p.s i thought it would be a good time to bring back this post in the light of this amazing video being posted on tiktok. It’s so truly so heartwarming to see someone in our community actually coming out in support of complex queer identities. honestly… I almost cried tears of joy. <3
I gotta say, so much queer intra-community horseshit dropped off my shoulders when I decided to adopt a firm policy that everyone is the expert in their own identity, the single most knowledgeable person about what it's like to live life in their own skin, and that if someone describes their experience in ways I find contradictory or paradoxical I should do them the courtesy of presuming that they are striving to express something very specific and nuanced, rather than leaping to the conclusion that they're just dumb and using words wrong.
Sure, there are some combinations of identity terms that I look at and go "hmm, I don't get how that works." I'm still a human being. But there's a big difference between not getting how something works versus insisting that it doesn't.
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Okay obviously I love yan bill but think about bill with a reader who's obsessed with him like. Absolutely pathetic for him, would do anything for him like a sad little stray puppy and he knows it. Like obviously he would be a little creeped out but like at the same time he could take advantage of that and it would feed his ego so good
I Can’t Care About Anything But You
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Summary: Bill Dickey x Loser! Reader
TW/CW: Manipulation, toxic relationship, co dependency
A/N: Anon…are you my lost twin?/POS
Reblogs are appreciated!
* And Bill thought he was pathetic
* It’s strange how you’re always near him whenever possible. From the cafeteria, to his classes, to even his locker. You keep giving him this lovesick expression and act so embarrassed when he even acknowledges your existence
* He complains about this to the club, and the rest of the members are thinking “Business opportunity”
* Cause let’s be honest; a person who’s THIS obsessed with Bill must mean they’re also willing to do anything for the club, right?
* Bill’s scoffs at them (“Like I want a creepy stalker”) and avoids you like the plague. Changing his route, sitting as far away from you as possible, openly complaining about you to the club
* Doesn’t work cause you were smitten the moment you laid eyes on him
* It isn’t until you hear Bill complain about an “online bully” that you decide to take action
* You spent nights figuring out who this online bully was, and even found some personal information about that
* One folder containing 5 pages of their identity later…”Maybe you aren’t so bad”
* Bill’s not the PDA type of guy, but secretly loves quality time.
* He’ll take you to his basement when there’s no club meeting and make you watch an old Superman episode while he rants about why this Superman was better than that Superman (you, of course, get giddy over this)
* Absolutely brags to you to the club. They’re pissed (like they didn’t set Bill up) and are tired of hearing about him and you
* You can’t stop talking about him to your friends, and they’re really concern that Bill’s taking advantage of you
* And he is. You’re his ego boost. Every time he needs to complain about the club members, you’re right there, eagerly awaiting him
* If he needs a rare collectible, you’re armoring up and ready to beat a little kid who DARED steal from Bill (you’ve gotten in trouble for that)
* Fuck, he probably doesn’t even spend a lot on gifts, considering you get excited when he buys you a gift card or something
* However, despite all of this, a part of me thinks he does care for you (as much as he allows himself to)
* He’ll remember your birthday and anniversaries and would try to put some effort into his gifts eventually
* It’s nice to have someone he can talk to that won’t immediately judge him.
* Your public affections can get annoying to him, but the way his face goes red and his eyes having a twinkle in them, he’s eating this up so much
* If he really liked you, I can honestly see him pushing you to be more confident in yourself and actually stand up to people (read: yelling at them and insulting them)
* This relationship would honestly not last long. Especially considering this is Bill we’re talking about, he’ll probably dump you the moment your usefulness have drained up
* However, if you managed to get past that, there are two options for this relationship
* If you stay the same pathetic puppy like now, Bill would absolutely thrive off of it.
* Especially considering he feels like a failure (he would never admit to it, though), it’s nice to know someone’s whose in his corner
* He will still manipulate you to do his bidding, though, and you, of course, do it because you’re that in love with him and will forever want his approval
* If you gained some confidence in yourself, it may heal him
* Just give him the whole shebang and he’ll realize he has to straighten up
* Bill honestly needs some direction in his life, and would appreciate (secretly) some direction in his life
* Good luck out there, solider
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rocksibblingsau · 2 days ago
ok so the villain hog au was rattling in my brain a lil bit so im just gonna suggest my own ideas and see what sticks.
branch after being in so many loops things the strings are to blame and tries to destroy them, hence destroying the loops. only for plot twist! he gets split up into 6 grey versions of himself.
i think having relives so many loops so many times he knows exactly where the strings are due to being shown their locations. i think it'd hurt him to steal from people he'd once considered family (and in a way still does) but he can't keep living in an endless cycle of love and loss.
my question is how would you pick the story from after the 6 branches are separated. like do they have memories of only their time in that genre or do they remember their pasts lives aswell as they did during that time (the last genre remembers the lives of all the others while the first remembers none). and for pop branch which pop branch would it be? cannon like in movie branch of the villain branch or that's the generic pop troll?
Okay so I'm thinking of this AU an here's the sequence of events.
Branch lived his 5 lifetimes with Techno, Classical, Country, Funk and Rock, resetting each time the day of the Rockpocalypse arrived.
His Pop life went a bit like canon except before the Rockpocalypse could happen, Branch got the idea that it must have something to do with the strings. Branch believed that if he could take the strings before Barb showed up, maybe he could fix time.
The first string he obtained was Techno, as he wanted to go in order as closely as he could, thinking that might have some affect. He wasn't sure if he should start with Rock or end with it, but decided to end with it because Barb would be a pain to run from.
Going back to Techno Reef after so long hurt, and it hurt for Trollex to look at him like a stranger. He faltered, which led to Trollex managing to corner him. Not wanting to get caught and for the plan to fail, he snatched Beat Drop out of the air and threatened him if Trollex didn't let him go. He was 100% bluffing and on the verge of tears, but it worked.
It goes like the every time, ending with Branch coming back and searching for the Pop String. He finds it with a bit of help from Peppy (not that Peppy meant to help him) and he goes back to his bunker. He doesn't know what to do with the strings, or if they're even the answer. He spirals and is shouting with the strings in his hand. He slams his fist down and the strings flash and then he's split into six.
At the same time, the leaders arrive in Pop Village and they meet with Poppy and realize this isn't a Pop plot, that Branch has gone rogue. Peppy is forced to take them to the Pop String and when it's missing that's when the leaders realize Branch has unknown plans.
They go to the bunker and find it open. They all go down only to find six Branches arguing with each other.
Each Branch has knowledge of the recent events, but other than that they mostly have their own memories. So Funk can't really remember his time in Techno but he does know he spent a lifetime in Techno.
The arguing goes something like.
Techno: it was your idea to threaten Beat Drop! How could you hurt our buddy like that! Pop: Me? You're the one who supplied the knowledge that Trollex would react that way! You must have been on board with the plan! Classical: I have to agree with my fellow lyricless compatriot here, your handling of father was most heartless. Pop: Why am I the one getting blamed for all this? None of you did anything to stop me! Funk: We tried, baby, you just didn't listen to us.
The leaders are all very confused by the fighting, so Poppy steps in to try to get them to stop. The Branches start to explain the issue but Delta Dawn is like "Save it. We're just here for our strings."
Pop Branch is like "Hang on, I had them... here somewhere..." And looks around. The other Branches look around and can't find them anywhere, which kicks off another fight.
Rock: Oh great going, Branch. Now all our music is gone! Country: Oh kinda like when someone's sister came and took our strings you mean? Rock: You got something to say about Barb, cowboy pants? Country: As a matter o' fact, I do! Techno: I wasn't gonna say anything but uh... she does suck. Rock: Okay you know what-
Trollex and Delta Dawn pull Rock and Country off each other and Delta says "Does anybody here wanna explain what in Sam Hell is going on here?"
Pop explains he was trying to fix the resets by getting the strings. Quincy asks what resets and Funk explains that they've experienced five resets that have led to them leading six different lives, which is where the Branches reveal that they were raised by the others. Pop Branch is very quiet during this bit, since he's been alone.
Quincy and Essence mention that they remember being told about an anomaly 20 years ago, which must have been the point where things reset to, and they'll look into it. They ask if there's a specific day things reset and everyone goes "The Rockpocalypse" and explains what Barb did. Barb is being stared at Hard and she goes "Hey don't look at me like that, I'm not the one who stole all the strings... this time."
Pop Branch explains that he thought the strings might be the cause of it all, so he decided to gather them and try to figure things out, but it led to a mess. Essence asks why he didn't just come ask them for help and Pop Branch has a little breakdown where it becomes clear that all his issues weren't resolved in this timeline. Essentially he thinks his family wouldn't want him this time around and that they'd be disgusted by him and so he would rather have just taken the strings and been hated for that.
The Funk Trolls look into the timeline issue and everyone is kinda just left stuck with the Branches, where they find out a bit about them and learn more about Pop Branches issues. Pop Branch tends to get blamed for everything that went wrong and he serves as the example of what the Branches used to be like.
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for-a-longlongtime · 21 hours ago
WIP on Wednesday Thursday
Well, first of all, my WIP folder is currently looking like this:
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But fuck it, we ball right?
I got tagged by @din-cognito and @avastrasposts this week, and @the-blind-assassin-12 and @lotusbxtch last week, so I've got some catching up to do! I've been all over the place working on different docs, so you're getting a few tidbits this week.
I've posted snippets of this before (and lo! a hozier title! I'm gonna have to change that though because the story ended up going differently than planned), and after it having been on hold for months, the pieces are coming together at last.
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let me wrap my teeth around the world (working title) | Santiago x Frankie “You think we did the right thing there?” Santiago says, staring at the ceiling as he avoids Frankie's eyes. Unsure he really wants to hear the answer, because of how likely it is that he is the only person who can’t answer that with a decisive yes. Fish was the only one on their team - besides Tom - who'd had a family to take care of, who needed that money probably more than any of them did because of his pilot license being suspended. “I mean... Following his lead with the money.” No answer. The deafening silence lasts for much too long. Santi grimaces as he closes his eyes. Shit. Why did he even ask? He keeps fucking up like this.
Next we've got a WIP that I haven't worked on in a bit (it wanted to go on break, bummerrr) but that I'm hoping to pick up very soon.
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Untitled | Reynaldo x Matthew It’s those large hands that draw Matt’s attention first.  That, and the golden chain partially but-not-quite hiding under that checkered golf shirt, glistening every now and then in the bright afternoon sun. It’s almost as bright as the gleam in Sophie’s eyes when she throws back a shot and listens to the older man introduce himself as Reynaldo. Matt is only vaguely aware of the prepared talk that the man launches into, a few words standing out, such as ‘exclusive members only’ and ‘the best golf club in all of Arizona’. Things that everybody wanted to hear, and that gave Sophie all the more opportunity to coo at the man how this was ‘one of the best premium golf clubs’ she’d ever been at. It probably isn’t all that premium though, considering the Scotts and Dale had been able to book this place on a budget. And truth be told, it’s still unclear to Matt why they are here on a ‘vow renewal bachelor staycation’, which seemed a contradiction on its own. Or even why Sophie showed up here, acting like one of the guys, just long enough until she found someone who was willing to give her the attention she was clearly looking for. He’d seen the pattern before, especially with the girls on the Kel-squad. None of that matters though, he tries to remind himself as they make their way up to the golf course. He’s simply glad to get away from Kelsey for a couple of days - not just for some peace and quiet, but also so he doesn’t have to wonder if she’s talking to Domingo every time she smiles at an incoming message on her phone.
Finally, this last one is still in the VERY early stages, but ngl... I'm excited. Thank you to the folks who encouraged me to keep going with it! This is hella out of my comfort zone but what the hell, that's where the fun is, right? This one is going to more filth than I'll probably be able to shove into an one shot... so it may end up becoming two or three parts. We'll see.
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for glory (working title) | Harry Castillo Harry is speechless, shock painted over his features, and it takes him a moment to find his voice. "You wouldn't dare to," he finally manages to say, and what had previously been surprise in his eyes has now flipped into unmistakeable rage. "Mmm, is that so, Harry? What - you think I've got morals or something?"
EDIT: WAIT!! I forgot to add one final excerpt! This is from a yet to be decided chapter from Joel and Marcus Moreno' story. I spent way too much time trying to find the right face claim moments for them at different ages, and this is what I settled on for their mid-twenties:
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Joel in his mid-twenties (a.k.a. Zach Wellison in Brothers & Sisters)
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Marcus Moreno in his late twenties (a.k.a. looking like Comandante Veracruz from the Burn Notice movie).
Yes, I'm as shocked as y'all are about the latter, but I promise it'll make sense. As for the excerpt:
Untitled series | Joel Miller x Marcus Moreno Marcus folds his arms as he leans back against the wall, looking every bit the charismatic guy most people know him to be. But Joel has known him a long time and can see where the varnish has cracked, and the parts he so desperately tries to cover up.  "So you don't like it. How I look. You don't like me anymore," Marcus says after a moment, and there’s something about all that combativeness on display - as well as the bitter irony of those words - that hits Joel much harder than he was prepared for. He doesn’t have the same defense system that Marcus clearly is equipped with; the mask that he can put on and off so easily after years of practice. So he just shakes his head. "Think it's been too long since you've had someone push back against you, M." "The fuck is that supposed to mean?" Joel tries to hide his sigh by drinking from his coffee, but the beverage has gone cold, the stale taste of it now bitter on his tongue in a way that feels oddly specific to this situation. "Don't pick a fight with me because you're unhappy, Marcus," he says softly.
I know a lot of y'all already posted a WIP Wednesday, so I'm just gonna link a couple of folks, no pressure as always (apologies if you've already made your weekly WIP update):
@perotovar @sin-djarin @lotusbxtch @mountainsandmayhem @qveerthe0ry
@letsgobarbs @gothcsz @milla-frenchy @guiltyasdave @oliveksmoked
@magpiepills @arcanefox207 @reallyrallyauthor @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @clubsoft
@romanarose @the-blind-assassin-12
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gf2bellamy · 2 hours ago
If it's alright, can I please request Spencer finding out that the cute new neighbour he has a crush on works is now working in the FBI as her new job (whether or not she's a profiler for the bau can be up to you) or maybe vice versa where there's a cute new hire at work and Spencer is head over heels for her only to find out later that she is his neighbour?
next-door — spencer reid
pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader ( no use of y/n ) content warnings: reader is new to the team ( a month or so ) , mention of working on a case a/n: hiii !! hope you like this <3
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Spencer Reid had always considered himself a creature of habit. His life was structured, predictable in its own way, and he liked it that way.
But everything changed the moment you sat down next to him on the jet, flashing a smile that made his heart race.
You were new. New to the team, new to the world he’d known so intimately for years, and Spencer couldn’t help but feel intrigued by you.  
“I like your socks,” you said, pointing to his mismatched pair.
Spencer blinked, caught off guard by the unexpected compliment. He glanced down at his socks, as if seeing them for the first time. They were mismatched, as usual—one blue, one red—and he was pretty sure he’d been teased about them once or twice by the rest of the team. 
To his surprise, you pulled your feet up onto the seat next to you, showing him your own mismatched socks—one striped, one with dots.
“Thanks,” he stammered, his voice betraying him as his cheeks flushed slightly. “I… I like yours too.” 
“I guess we’re sock twins,” you said with a grin, your eyes sparkling.
He nodded with a small smile, suddenly aware of the way his heart was beating a little faster than usual.
The rest of the day blurred by , but every moment spent with you only cemented the fact that he was more drawn to you than he had ever been to anyone. Spencer found himself thinking about you constantly. 
By the time the week came to an end, Spencer was completely smitten, his thoughts consumed by you.
He couldn’t stop replaying every moment you’d shared—the way you laughed at his jokes, how your eyes crinkled at the corners when you smiled, and the way your voice sounded when you said his name.
When you sat next to him on the jet again, he couldn’t help but feel his heart flutter as you greeted him with that same warm, easy smile.
The jet ride was much the same as it had been before—quiet, with the whirring of engines in the background—but all Spencer could focus on was you.
As he attempted to read his book on the metro ride home, his mind kept wandering back to you. Every word on the page blurred together.
When he arrived at his apartment building later that night, Spencer paused at the door to his apartment. He glanced back down the hallway, noticing a car he didn’t recognize parked outside. His brow furrowed as he brushed it off.
But as he walked up the stairs, something caught his attention, a familiar voice carrying down the hallway. 
“Yeah, Garcia, I think I could make it on Sunday,” you mumbled into your phone. Spencer froze, his heart pounding in his chest as he realized the voice was yours. He looked up, only to spot you standing at the end of the hallway, speaking softly into your phone. 
You must’ve heard him then, because your head snapped up, eyes meeting his. The phone call ended abruptly, and your mouth dropped open in surprise as you took a step toward him.
“Garcia, I’ll call you later,” you said before hanging up, a wide grin spreading across your face. “Spencer, hi.” 
Spencer’s feet seemed glued to the floor as he processed the sight before him. There you were, standing at the door of the apartment next to his. He blinked twice, wondering if his mind was playing tricks on him.
“We’re neighbors?” he asked, his voice betraying a mix of confusion and disbelief. 
You smiled even wider, as though the idea was just as strange to you. “Apparently so,” you said with a small laugh.
Spencer stood there, staring at you, his heart still racing. He had spent the past week thinking about you more than he should have—more than he had thought himself capable of. And now, as if fate had played some elaborate trick on him, you were standing right there.
His mind scrambled to form a coherent thought, but all he could manage was, “This is… unexpected.” 
You let out a soft chuckle, tilting your head slightly. “Yeah, I’d say so.” Your eyes scanned his face. “I hope that’s not a problem?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. 
A problem? Spencer nearly laughed at the idea. If anything, it was the opposite. He shook his head a little too quickly. “No. Not a problem at all.” 
Your smile deepened. “Good,” you said simply. 
For a moment, there was only silence. Spencer’s brain worked on overdrive, his mouth opening and closing as if debating whether or not to say something more.
You seemed to notice his hesitance because your smile turned a little softer. “Well, I should probably get inside. It’s late.” 
Spencer nodded, stepping aside as you turned toward your door. But then, just as your hand reached the doorknob, something in him panicked at the thought of the moment ending. 
“Wait,” he blurted out, surprising even himself. 
You paused, glancing over your shoulder with curiosity. “Yeah?” 
His brain scrambled for something—anything—reasonable to say. “Um… do you—” He exhaled sharply, running a hand through his hair. He was an agent, for God’s sake, yet talking to you felt harder than solving complex behavioral patterns. “Do you like—uh—coffee?” 
The second the words left his mouth, he wanted to smack himself. Of course, you liked coffee. Most people did. What kind of question was that? But instead of laughing at him, you simply smiled, leaning against your doorframe. 
“I do,” you answered slowly, amusement flickering in your eyes. “Why?” 
Spencer swallowed, feeling strangely warm under your gaze. “There’s a coffee shop a few blocks away. I usually go there on Saturdays.” He shifted on his feet. “Would you, um… want to come with me?” 
Your lips pressed together, as if hiding a smirk. “Are you asking me on a date, Dr. Reid?” 
Spencer felt his face burn instantly. “No! I mean—yes? Maybe? Only if you want it to be! It doesn’t have to be. It could just be coffee. Or not. If you don’t want to. I just thought—” 
You laughed, cutting off his rambling with a shake of your head. “Relax, Spencer.” You grinned, reaching for your door handle again. “Sunday sounds great.” 
Spencer blinked, processing your words as his brain short-circuited. “Really?” 
“Really,” you confirmed, biting back another smile. “Goodnight, neighbor.” 
And with that, you disappeared into your apartment, leaving Spencer standing in the hallway, heart hammering, mind spinning, and a smile slowly spreading across his face. 
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melanieph321 · 21 hours ago
Ruben dias cheats on his girlfriend and she leaves him and takes their child with her and he is left in shambles and just before they go to court for custody they reconsile and get back together
Remeber. you asked for this....
(DAY 6)
Ruben Dias x Reader - The Divorce Part 1/3
Part 2 Part 3
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Ruben dias cheats on his girlfriend and she leaves him and takes their child with her and he is left in shambles.
Ruben started to treat you differently after the baby. He became less physical and  less verbal with you after the birth of your first child. There were no more cuddles before bed or good morning kisses. His brief "I love yous." were always spoken in a rush, on his way out. And he no longer cared to invite you to watch his games. 
It seemed like the only topic of conversation that the two of you shared were about the baby, at the same time as Ruben never spent more than a couple of minutes alone with her before making up excuses to hand her back over to you.
"I think her diaper is full."
"Well, why don't you change it?"
For the longest time, you believed that this sort of minor bickering is what led to him cheating on you. But without an explanation from Ruben, how would you really know?
"Have you received the divorce papers?"
"Jupp. I'm dropping them off at the courthouse once Ruben signes them."
"Which is when exactly?"
"This afternoon. " You nodded, cellphone pressed to your ear. "I'm meeting him in the parking lot outside where I work. He's signing the papers there."
"You're meeting him alone?" Elise's voice sparked through the phone and right into your ear. "Are you crazy?"
"Ehm…not really." You said, collecting a few things off your work desk, rearranging it like you always did at the end of the day. "I did the same thing when I handed him back the engagement ring, I don't see the problem in doing the same thing now."
"Of course you don't." Elise sighed. She had been your pillar throughout this whole process. Without her, you would simply be all alone, considering that your own parents begged you to stay with Ruben despite his betrayal. "Think about it, Y/N. Things were still very fresh when you handed back your engagement ring. There were still things that needed to be processed that may not have happened then because it all was so fresh. What if things have changed since then?"
"What things?" You frowned. Of all the things you could think of, what could possibly have changed? Ruben cheated, and now you wanted a divorce — end of.
"What if he cries?"
"What if Ruben gets down on his knees and begs for your forgiveness? What, then? Are you going to be able to withstand those manly tears of his?"
Your laughter was so violent that it made you cough. You needed a moment to collect yourself while Elise sighed in your ear. "Firstly, I'm a hundred percent sure that this won't happen."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because, I just am."
"But why, Y/N?" Ruben is a human being just like you and I? Why wouldn't he be capable of—."
"Ruben doesn't cry!"
Silence fell on both ends of the line. Your words echo in the distance.
By pitching your nose, you tried to soothe the headache that had been coming on since lunchtime. Nevertheless, you never meant to take out your irritation on the world, especially not Elise.
"Look…" you sighed. "Ruben doesn't show emotions like that. Never has and never will. That's just how he is a person, and frankly, for the first time in my life, I don't have a problem with that."
"So you believe that he will sign those divorce papers willingly, without a fight?"
"What is there to fight for? Ruben doesn't want me. He made that very clear the day that he cheated on me. 
Part 2
Part 3
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himbopunk · 25 days ago
hmmmmm for the voiceclaim thing i might add temmie but not mavyuvan to round off the portraits to 12 instead of 11
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theragamuffininitiative · 1 month ago
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Do you ever read a post where someone is explaining a pokitical thing and from the way they're saying you know with absolute certainty 1) they got their info from a tumblr post and have never actually followed up on how feasible that information actually is to act upon (they may not even have checked if it was CORRECT, but when they do they have clearly not looked into how easy or hard it may be to follow those instructions with a positive outcome), and 2) you know WHICH tumblr post they're quoting because it is basically a copy/paste of it, and 3) it was YOUR goddamn post and the thing they are saying is entirely counter to the point you were making when you said it to the point that you genuinely wonder if they just like. Memory-holed the entire context once they saw that one itty bitty point.
It's like the motherfuckiny dating apps all over again. I do not want people to love my words if they are not actually willing to do the work of understanding them! Didn't your kindergarten ever make you play Telephone to teach you how heresay falls out????
#sometimes i feel like a prized 12 point buck and everyone is desperate to give chase so they can skin me and wear my pelt in memorium#the luxury of being seen is rarely extended to those we perceive as confident/constant in their sense of self#the path of being a child who was constantly told i was making people uncomfortable and alienating my peers#only to immediately become an adult who everyone perceives as so together that they are just Like That With Everyonr#brennan said something like this in the disection of a recent misfits and magic episode about sam (character)#and how he (as evan) realized that the charm and specialness she gifts to everyone around her means that no one ever really gifts it back#and how that fundamentally felt transcendent and revelatory for evan as a turning point idea#he'd spent so long never trusting others feelings of care for him that he couldn't see how he was bulldozing right into and over sam's own#insecurities about whether or not she is worth loving or is special in the same way#and then they had some back and forth about like#sometimes when you develop the skill of relateability and pacification#you disappear so deeply into it that no one notices you're gone - even you yourself - until it's too late#it put to words a lot of the like#gap. that i've always felt between me and others. this insistance on elevating or pathologizing me depending on where they feel the need#to be in relation to me#while having absolutely zero awareness of my actual positioning in relation to them#i have found that they way i interact with others seems to give the impression that because i am being 'genuine' and 'open' about myself#that ALSO means that I am sharing the whole of me.#and when i talk about destigmatization and shame and people work really hard to be like. aware of the edges of me to carch me embarrassed#like if they can prove that i don't 'admit' something it's because i'm ashamed as opposed to considering that maybe they don't have the kind#of relationship with me that would warrant the sharing of it#because i'm willing to talk i am no longer allowed privacy or it's treated as incongruous#but like. i am different people for different people and they are all authentically me but they are also about faciliting the version#of the other person that matters to me to be able to spend time with. i'm not going to bring the parts of me that put you in a bad mood#or aren't comfortable/safe for you. also probably not going to put those things out into the open world as a mixed company conversation#i don't know where I'm going or where I came from here but i think the point is just that I think there's melancholy in seeing when#you also don't know a reliable way to be seen in turn
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orcelito · 5 months ago
I do find it so funny that I will graduate college days away from my birthday. Like my birthday is literally in between the end of the semester ("graduation") and commencement
It really will be like a joint graduation & birthday party for me lmao
#speculation nation#i dont really do birthday parties anymore. havent in a long time. mostly just go out and do smth fun around my bday. ya kno#also have cake but like not in a party way. just like. here's cake lol#but im probably only gonna graduate from college once. which means i might as well live it up and all.#invite all sorts of extended family and people who have known me. etc etc.#actually it just kinda sunk in that i am. Computer and Information Technology (Systems Analysis and Design focus) w a minor in Communication#like those are words. it's a lot of words but actually it really is pretty accurate?? like that's indeed what ive been studying.#now how much i *remember* is another question. considering how long ive taken to get thru school lol#but that's what people will see on my degree. that's my Thing. graduated in Computer Systems and Talking.#idk it's just weird to have spent so much of my life on this and like That's the culmination. it took so much work.#even beyond a normal 4 years. i switched my major *twice*. switched my minor too.#first year engineering to undecided liberal arts (as a temp major trying to switch to computer science bc i couldnt stay in FYE)#but then computer science sucked so i switched to trying to get into computer & info tech. which is different. and better.#and ive been in it long enough now that ive kinda forgotten but it did take some fuckin work to switch into it.#like i had to take certain classes first & i couldnt take them during the semesters that in-major students would take them#and i had to have my gpa up to a certain level etc etc. so many hoops to jump thru. i think it took me at least a year. or more. idr#but i made it in and thats my major. thats my thing. computers and information systems and communication.#doesnt FEEL like im an almost-graduate. but then i think about all the things ive taken and learned.#and maybe i dont remember a lot of the more specific things from these classes. but i took core lessons away from each one.#wont be able to recite the theories but i can live them. and thats the point of an education i guess.#anyways im gonna have to start job searching before too long and eughhbb. need to get my license first tho probably.#which i will... i will.... i have so many things to deal with... my life will be So Different in a year...#it will require me to put in the work now. but i can do it. and then a year from now. i'll hopefully be in a better spot.#living somewhere else. graduated from college. with a license and a car. maybe even an IT job of some kind.#kind of scared of trying to find a Big Boy Job. aka a job that requires a degree and networking and all that shit.#rather than just showing up and being like Hi i can do this job. i am not a total drain of a person. hire me please 👍#hfkahfks so many things to think about. and through it all i am still dealing with DEADLINES...!!!!#but yeah this is why my writing has largely been put on hold. idk i have a lot of things im dealing with rn.
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peapod20001 · 2 years ago
I’m the type that can and will cry if think too hard <3
#random post#me tag ∠( ᐛ 」 ) |/#I’m not an overly emotional person in the stereotypical way. but I do get in my feels when thinking about life and the experience of living#I’m like. constantly explaining things to myself cus there’s never really a time or place to talk about it#also my method of explaining things is very not coherent sometimes. so it takes me a bit to really get my point across in a comprehensible#way. I’m a big thinker. I have many thoughts and ideas a views. a daily thing of mine is noticing problems#and then fixing them in my head with thought out explanations and motives and outcomes#it’s like I’m talking to someone else. much like how I format my text posts. that’s how my inner monologue is#me talking to myself is actually me talking to someone else. someone that isn’t real#anyways it’s a daily occurrence. every day of my life is spent with thoughts similar to those breaking down a movie#lots of thoughts from adhd. compulsive thoughts from ocd. overwhelming thoughts from autism. distressing thoughts from bpd#ya. this isn’t a vent I just need to like. see the thoughts in writing so I can do smth else. like eat this muffin ive been staring at for#over an hour now <3 mmmbfbg yea muffins are hard to eat now cus I had some with mold and food mold especially is a big nono for me#spend like. five minutes examining the damn thing before I even consider taking a bite. I’m very hungry an thirsty </3#when your mouth is so dry you can taste your own mouth 👍 I’m experiencing#nothing in particular. just experiencing. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I like having an experience and living#drank my tea and I had like. hallucinations of like an alcohol prep pad. I’ve been using those in my ear cus. tmi. had a pimple that’s#causing problems so mom suggested that. it burned! which means it worked so word. I’ve noticed lately that both me AND my family have been#using ‘word’ a lot. dad says we’ve been saying it but no we haven’t. if we had I’d have BEEN saying it. maybe we’ve used it before for a bit#but now it’s back. idk. I’ve said it in class on more than one occasion lmao I don’t look like the type to say smth like that but whatever#it’s like when I used to say bro after every sentence like 10 years ago lol. we’re a family of parrots we repeat eachother a lot#I started saying I love you out of no where and they started doing it too. we whistle at eachother from across the house. sing ear worms#together. quote funny things at every opportunity and drive the joke into the ground. everyone in this house is a different kind of mentally#I’ll and it’s the most beautiful clash of personalities because we’re all so annoying and we love eachother so much and also our#communication is shit because some ppl have hearing loss and another is a short fused child and some are quick to interrupt and some dont#get a word in and some just can’t explain and some can’t understand. we get there eventually at some point. we don’t get the full grasp of#how much we love eachother yet. but we’re gettin there. anyways this went into several different directions but they’re all good ones#I think. if you read all this good on you! this is my brain 24/7/365 haha ok love you
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year ago
most frustrating part of writing a doctor who oc is that the doctor and the master will both sometimes just fuck off and do their own thing for a hundred years and be unfazed by it because they are functionally immortal. and i can’t stick my oc with them because they’ll just. die. so what, do i just put them in a pen until those guys get back? spruce up their enclosure while they’re waiting to get picked up to go on adventures again?
#yes yes the mortality of a companion against the doctor’s long life is part of the point its part of the tragedy but consider: i want them#to also be there so they can get into shenanigans. and not die of old age before im done letting them do shenanigans#look either i kick even out of the tardis every time these guys go do immortal shit or i find a was to Fix this problem and i dont really#know how to do either of these yet. ill figure it out#i *do* know that they’re not with missy while she’s setting up the cybermen plan over hundreds of years. maybe for brief moments when missy#wants an extra hand or eye candy or something else but mostly even’s stuck at the end feeling nauseous as missy goes about rewriting time to#make cyberzombies. not nauseous because of the cyberzombies. to be clear. they’ve just spent enough time fucking around with tardises and#time wars and the like that they’re a little sensitive to shit getting messed around with. tummyaches :(#id think a lot of companions get this eventually. i think the ponds definitely did. to me anyway. they should.#background tardis time vortex radiation idk how science works. but it gives even tummyaches.#i got distracted i was talking about mortality and how to prevent them dying too soon.#mostly even’s there to run the ‘business’ while missy’s away. they’re very good at being given a Job.#and this job is supposed to fix everything forever once they get the doctor onboard. it doesn’t. but even thinks it will. which is what#matters in the end.#dw oc
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agayconcept · 1 year ago
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designernishiki · 2 years ago
status update on my mission to 100% and platinum yakuza 0: completion list is at 99.2% and would’ve been finished today if not for pool (carom/combo shots- i made enough money from it though) and batting. my most significant peaks today were probably beating both so and jo amon on the first try miraculously and at one point i got like 34 points in expert koikoi
#if anyone has any advice on pool or batting feel free to tell me because boy am I struggling#and I’m so……so close#oh forgot to mention it but I also did all the climax battles I can for the time being- so a little over half of them maybe?#cant do the rest til I go through the finale and all that#frothing at the fucking mouth . I am so. CLOSE#y0#rambling#I think I actually like koikoi a little better than oichi kabu ngl. but maybe im just saying that cause I got lucky with koikoi#I do think I’m genuinely okay at it cause like I started to memorize the high point cards and the main hands (especially the high point#but still doable ones like moon viewing and boar/deer/butterfly) and yea worked towards those with my Choices#but still I wouldn’t say I’m Great at it either#not as confident with it as I am with mahjong#but no shit. I played mahjong for like three days straight where as koikoi I maybe spent two or three hours total on#eh actually maybe more like 1-2 hours. took me way less time than oichi kabu#anyway. very very close to 100% completion but still got a bit to go til I can platinum the game since I gotta#go back and do the main story again on legend mode and all that#the finale won’t take long considering I’m crazy maxed out in stats and weapons and all that but going through on legend mode + the rest#of the climax battles will probably be a bit more intensive#really honestly impressed with myself on the Amon fights. like. a month ago I would absolutely assume I’d have to have my friend do those#fights for me cause they’re fucking insane and both have 14 health bars or something like that. but I’ve grown. I’ve learned. i best them#MYSELF. and on HARD at that. very glad I did a ton of shit at the coliseum cause that helped train up for the Amons a Lot.#ok time to shut up and sleep
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yeahwellyourface · 3 months ago
You know who I do feel bad for in all this?
The person who turned Luigi in. I don't agree with what they did, but I get it. If they are working for McDonald's, they are probably at minimum wage. Full time (which they probably weren't, cause fuck McDonalds probably doesnt want to have to give benefits)yearly pay for min wage is $15,000. The rewards together were $60,000.
Can you imagine how much that would change their life? FOUR TIMES their yearly wage. I am so incredibly privileged in comparison, but four times my yearly wage would change so many things for me.
You think about your family, and how much that could help. You think about your living situation. You think about rent and food prices and a vehicle. All of that would be so much easier, even for a little bit of time.
And then to find out that you probably won't get the money on technicalities. And if you do, you definitely won't get all of it. And even then, it will take at least a year.
Being told that you would get something that would change your life, the life of your children, and it's bullshit. Yet another reason you can't trust the cops.
And it also shows another way that authorities are so fucking stupid about this whole thing. Any trust people had in them is being blown out of the water. It is so incredibly clear the difference in ways people are treated. Children are being killed in school and nothing, but one CEO gets shot and it's considered terrorism. A CEO who profited off the deaths of thousands. But that person is more important than all us regular people. And now this reward BS. Do they actually think ANYONE is gonna help them again after seeing how they are screwing this person over
And eric fucking adams being in that fucking perp walk. That bastard has spent the past several months talking "innocent until proven guilty" and "due process"...but only when it comes to committing his own crimes. Not someone else's where he can pretend that he is some sort of hero.
It is amazing how people who are in power and people who think thay they can gain power by protecting the rich are so out of touch.
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phantomrose96 · 9 months ago
So my mom's birthday was this week and I flew down with Patches to visit her for a few days. Patches, while a verified hater of the airport, really loves my mom's place because there are so many more closets to explore and birds to watch and cobwebs to dust with her stupid little face.
My mom also goes to bed earlier than anyone I know, so for the evenings it was on me to monitor Patches' activity. And she's very good. She's 99% good. She's 1% "could use improvement" good and the 1%, which I'd forgotten about, is tomatoes.
Patches will leave most things alone. (And by "alone" I mean she'll absolutely bitch slap them onto the floor, but they will leave the ordeal with just as many or few surface punctures as they had before the encounter started.) Not tomatoes. Patches has it the fuck out for tomatoes.
So when I noticed her batting something around on the ground I realized that my mom had left a sole, roma tomato in the fruit basket on the counter and it was now experiencing the life cycle of a pingpong ball between Patches' paws.
I take it away from her, like a fucking evil woman, and now I'm like "okay actually, where do I hide this." See at home I have an anti-Patches cabinet, which is for things that have no business living in a cabinet but which WILL have business dying at Patches' hands if left accessible. And this is WEIRD to have such a cabinet but it's my own home.
I'm scanning my mother's cabinets going "is this weird here? can the tomato go in my mother's dish cabinet?" And I briefly consider sticking it in the fridge, as a normal location, but the audacity of altering this tomato's ripening process is an audacity I do not possess. So I go with cabinet. I go with the first eye-level cabinet, which is the coffee mug cabinet, which is perfect because the tomato will not be lost to cabinet purgatory there, since my mom opens it every morning for her coffee. I will simply tell her in the morning that the tomato is there.
Next morning. Seeing as my mother goes to bed at the butt-crack of dusk she ALSO gets up at the ass-crack of dawn. This means I trail down like 2 hours after her with my work laptop and Patches. This is also now her birthday. I'm sharing the sofa with her for a good 15 minutes when I think to myself I'd like some coffee, and I remember I put a tomato in the cabinet. I tell my mom as much. I put the tomato in her coffee mug cabinet.
And the look I get is one I can't really figure out on spot. But she says "Chrissy this is the best birthday present you could have given me" which is a very weird response to the already weird statement "Oh you probably saw, but I hid the tomato in the coffee mug cabinet because Patches has it out for tomatoes."
So I do not at all know how this makes for a good birthday gift. My mom tells me how a week or two ago, she came home unloading groceries. At the end of putting everything away she could not for the life of her find her phone. Absolutely nowhere. She pinged it from her iPad and it started singing. From the fridge. She opened her fridge. Her phone was in the fridge.
A couple days later she lost Ash's collar. Spent three days looking for it. Couldn't remember where she'd taken it off or what she did with it. Showed up in the grass when she remembered she took it off to let him play fetch in the lake.
And then this morning, her birthday morning, she came into the kitchen, made her pot of coffee, opened the cabinet to fetch her coffee mug, and found... tomato. Singular. Tomato in the cabinet. Tomato she had no memory of placing in a cabinet. Tomato she could not possibly fathom having a reason for being in the cabinet.
She was like Chrissy I cried. She was like this is it, time to send her to pasture. She's a harebrained old lady now and there is no coming back from this. She's the lady who accidentally puts tomatoes in the cabinet. Awake before God, standing in the kitchen, signing her life away over this tiny roma tomato. (Roma tomato with little cat vampire teeth marks in it).
I was like oh. No. I put it there. Because Patches was going to commit war crimes against it. I put it there because I did not stop to consider "Will finding a single tomato in the coffee mug cabinet somehow be the very specific thing that undoes my mother this morning?" I put it there out of careful consideration for the life of this tomato, and with no consideration for the extremely esoteric way that a tomato in the cabinet could be received like a horse head in the bed, Godfather style.
We made a salad with the tomato. Happy birthday Mom.
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