#considering the stuff ima put them through
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seraphimankh · 1 month ago
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Forest - Fiyeraba February
A little soft moment in the forest, it’s what they deserve
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baskeigh-ball · 1 year ago
Ignoring the fact that ibis had the ai paint feature a couple years before this whole ai fiasco, after seeing your post, I decided to try it out to see if it really held up. I already knew what you said made no sense, as even stuff like ai painting requires heavy human input that isn't just someone typing a prompt in a thing and looking through thousands of images and somehow still calling it 'art'. Really, it's just some weird advanced bucket.
The ibis ai paint... really sucks. I'm pretty sure it hasn't even been touched since it was added. No matter what I did, I got random colours and whatever colours I had put there looked like it were from a filter, not to mention how my lineart bled everywhere like it was blurred out.
Ibis isn't problematic for adding that feature as not only was it added ages ago, but it was also just a gimmick only added because a few more popular paid programs added them, like Clip Studio Paint. I highly doubt even the company took it seriously considering how poorly built it is. This is actually the one time I'm glad some feature in an app sucks so much.
Another reason why ibis isn't problematic by the mere feature alone is that, when you look at the artists making content during the time of that update, it was received with humour. It was something fun to try, but ultimately dismissed for actual artwork, as nobody would use it to fully paint their works. Nowadays we see something slapped with the words 'ai' and think that it's instantly bad due to the latest issues with it and big corperations/ certain production companies but it isn't. It's just a lot of people abusing what was previously some fun gimmick, which it can still be, and for certain apps, still is. Nobody throws pitchforks at character ai, after all.
You can tell just by the size of this that I'm procrastinating on something. Ima go and let this rot away in your askbox now lol
You really thought this would fade away in my ask box, mwahahaha /j
I wanna start off by saying thank you for holding me accountable, I will admit that I got buzzworded pretty hard in this situation lmao
This information came as a surprise to me-- I was seeing posts pop up within the past week complaining about the ai feature on ibis, so I assumed it was recent. As it turns out, after reading your ask, I discovered that I got a few wires crossed! Because yes, the auto paint feature I referred to in my post has been around for years now, and was never taken seriously anyways
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So that was my bad (and yea ur right it's completely unusable, lmao)
But as it turns out, the feature that people have been complaining about DID come out recently. It was called the AI Example feature, I think the idea was that you make a simple drawing and the AI adds 99% of the detail and color, which I've seen a bunch of other programs do.
...and then it was immediately removed due to some pretty major backlash, which, duh
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^ This is the only evidence I can find of the 11.2.0 update that included the AI feature on the actual site; their update history stops at 11.1.0. But there's also the news page about the removal of the update, so it's not like they're trying to pretend it never happened.
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So tl;dr, I jumped on the hate train a little too quickly and never did enough research to figure out what the actual update was, and that it's been removed by now anyway (which I couldn't have known until today, ofc, but i did kinda post that thing about ibis today so it's still a pretty major oopsie)
I think I can say with confidence now that I agree, ibis paint isn't problematic to use-- they made a mistake with this update, but they actually listened to their users and removed it LITERALLY the next day. So, thanks for letting me know! I'll also edit my last post to prevent any misinformation, just in case people make the same mistake I did :]
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orcaab · 1 year ago
I’ve been reading through some of the older SA posts and I’ve found some stuff about the bond tokens, and I just wanna put my penny on the topic. I didn’t like the ending of the series, it felt rushed, too many things were left just like that. Too many questions! So, I just wanna make this post and talk about my personal opinion on the last books. 
The bond token idea was very interesting, I would have loved to see these tokens hinted at throughout the series, but I guess they were made later to create more conflict. The tokens which were made by the Four Fallen weren’t great. I swear, I thought that Abeke’s bow did something so cool and then I reread the book and was like ‘oh, ok I guess…’ . I think that the bond tokens should give the user a supernatural ability, along with something to represent the bond which created said token.
First of all, the tokens and then some other points over the story:
Conor’s crook was an interesting choice, it kinda shows that he is still a shepherd even after everything that has happened and I truly love it! I don’t love what it does though. Giving him more keen senses is something that his bond with Briggan does just fine. It is enhanced, but it’s too enhanced for even a wolf, I mean being able to smell that one of the guard’s teeth hurt? (I think that happened), find me a wolf that can do that and ima dedicate my life to that guy. It’s not terrible per say, but it’s not great either. 
I would have liked the talisman to connect him to nature or other wolves. Example, he could communicate with them, similar to how Briggan did in Fire and Ice. Maybe even giving him some command over them. And maybe, the talisman could give him clearer visions, I know he has them now, but to gain a slight improvement would be nice. 
Abeke’s talisman was the most disappointing to me. For some reason I don’t even know, I remembered the bow having the ability to conjure arrows out of thin air. So like, you do the motion of putting an arrow on the string and boom! an arrow! But no, it just gives extra jump height. Very disappointing. This ability is the same one that Arax’s talisman had, why would her bond with Uraza produce something so similar? I think that giving her the unlimited arrow bow would have made a lot more sense, considering Uraza is a hunter, and if my memory isn’t tricking me again, Abeke accepted that her spirit animal is one. The bow could also give her better agility, or maybe the instincts of a leopard, much like the amber leopard did.
Meilin’s talisman is a somewhat failed great idea. Giving her the ability to heal was a great choice, in my opinion, but I also think that the hair pin is something that you could easily loose. Say you fell off a ship and in the churning water, you gonna find the pin? No, of course not. But it’s fine, the pin her father gave her, alright. The amount of healing that the pin gives isn’t enough to save a life (if I’m not mistaken), and the calming aura that it gives was turned away by Song as if it didn’t even exist. 
I think giving her actually strong healing could improve the token, along with the ability to somewhat cloud the minds of others, if you wanna call it that. Similar to what Mulop was doing to help the Redcloaks in The Burning Tide. But not only that, the clouding could have other emotions mixed in, so that the user could inflict a certain emotion upon someone for a short period of time. Using it would be very energy draining though. 
Rolan’s talisman is actually really good. It really represents him and his bond with Essix, and gives a supernatural power. I can say it would be cool to give him enhanced sight too, just like a bird’s, but it’s honestly great both ways.
Now some other points:
Because the tokens are so strong, I’m considering it would be cool if there being a small conflict where some people said “Ok, we saw what happened with the talismans of the Great Beasts, why should we let a group of children have all this power?” Ultimately the tokens stay with the Four Fallen and their partners, cause it’s a part of them, and they risked their lives to create them. 
If the tokens have a piece of the soul, I can imagine that the Great Beasts would carry their tokens around after their parters died, maybe even talking to their spirits. That would be so wholesome. 
Also, if the tokens can’t be broken (as far as I know), then the Wildcat’s claw and the other bond token that was lost could be found again, which could lead to another conflict, and that would be cool, I think. Where a group, or groups of people are trying to collect all 8 of the current tokens and meet the Four Fallen and the other legends. 
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daydreaming-scheming-demon · 9 months ago
ima be honest, i kinda hate inside out 2
my dislike towards it doesn't really have a whole lot to do with the quality of the movie, though. it's more to do with personal reasons
but it does seem like a perfectly good movie, right? the issues it tackles may be overdone but it tackles them in a well thought out way that can really tug at a person's heartstrings, right? puberty, being a teenage girl, all that jazz. it does it well, right?
and i mean, yeah, it does. which is why ive been so confused over why i despise this movie so much. i watch it and i get depressed, and not in the 'this is so relatable' kind of way, but in the 'i just straight up hate this' kind of way. i didn't know why for a while. it seems fine, it's not the kind of movie i typically enjoy, but it's still good. it's written well, it's a fine movie. but i still hated it, and i haven't been able to figure out why exactly.
at first i thought it was because i was sick of the disney and pixar's obnoxious family friendliness and their fear of producing anything original. though, even their original stuff i find pretty obnoxious now. just this whole idea of appealing to the widest demographic and being all family friendly, it gets to me, even if this movie does tackle some deeper issues.
and for a while now, ive figured this must be why i hate this movie so much. it's not that it's bad, it's just that im sick of disney and pixar. and i wasn't entirely wrong, that is a part of the reason, but there's more to it than that. and i think i can finally put my finger on exactly why i hate this movie so much.
it's to do with the issues it tackles. growing up, being a teenager, puberty. and you might think that maybe im just uncomfortable with those topics, and maybe the fact that i hated it so much is a sign that the movie got me to feel the right feelings. and if you think that, you're wrong.
the reason it gets to me as much as it does is because of how mellowed down these themes feel to me. growing up, going through puberty, it's a rough experience for just about anyone, it's where a lot of shit happens. it's something a lot of people can relate to. and the version of it depicted in inside out 2 is just so basic. it explores not much out of the ordinary, one of the biggest problems in riley's life is her anxiety over whether she'll make the hockey team or not. i wish my teenage years were as simple as hers, i wish i had her life, it's making this out to be such a bad thing when i wish i had a life like this.
and i can already hear you typing up a response being all "well ackshually, just because someone's problems aren't as bad as yours, doesn't mean you should dismiss them. why are you downplaying other people's problems? getting into the hockey team may not seem like a big problem to you, but it could feel like the end of the world for someone else."
and you'd be right, kind of. however, there's more to it than me just being resentful of a movie character with a better life than me. it does get to me, it really does get to me. but that's not the end of the things in inside out 2 that get to me. you know what the thing that really gets to me is?
coming back to how family friendly pixar and disney are, and how they're always trying to appeal to the widest demographic. because the problems riley has in this movie, they're considered family friendly, but not just family friendly, but non-controversial. dieted down into a digestible format that has such a small chance of offending anyone. riley is designed to be likeable to a wide demographic, the problems in her life are designed to be inoffensive to the widest demographic, the messaging of the movie is designed to be agreeable to the widest demographic.
and i see this movie, and i see all the people laughing along, crying at the sad moments, rooting for our protagonists. at a movie about a teenager dealing with teenage problems. and when i see all this, when i see this movie, i can't help but wonder, what would people think if they made a movie about the kinds of problems i had to deal with as a teenager?
and well, there's not much point wondering, because they're never going to go that far. or at least not disney or pixar or illumination or any of those other so-called 'family friendly' movie studios. because if they did go that far reactions wouldn't be so one-sided. depicting the experiences of this average teenage girl is marketable, but depicting my own experiences, even if all the non-pg stuff were left out, would be considered incredibly offensive. it would not be marketable, or be able to reach a wide demographic. people would not generally care as much as they do for these generic and widely applicable teenage puberty problems.
look at turning red for example, that movie was also designed to appeal to a large demographic, to be (mostly) non-offensive, and fit into the box of what's considered family friendly. it's not much different from inside out 2. but it dared to acknowledge the mere existence of periods, and people were OUTRAGED just from that tiny acknowledgement.
if a short acknowledgement of periods in a pixar movie is enough to get people as angry as turning red did, then a pixar movie about anything resembling my life would probably get someone murdered.
and that's depressing.
and when i watch inside out 2, that's all i can really think about.
average teenage girls going through average teenage girl puberty problems, or really anyone who has experienced what riley is goes through in this movie, how lucky are you to have your experiences deemed suitable for a general audience?
yeah, it's not the best thing to be lucky about. life can still suck for you, i know. this doesn't make things much better. but i think i can still very damn well call that a privilege.
inside out 2; another pixar sequel. not bad at all, in fact it's quite good. im not denying that it's good. it is good, okay? but i hated it. i. really. fucking. hated. it.
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baseballbitch116 · 4 years ago
Dixons Next Door - Chapter 4
Introduction: Anna was a small town girl from Atlanta when she became the guardian of her two younger siblings. She was determined to keep them from the same abuse that she endured from her family, so she moved into a small beaten up house just outside the city in 2009. The new neighbors  next door - the Dixon brothers - were definitely trouble. She wanted to escape her past, not repeat her parents history with these redneck brothers. Matters only escalate when the news is talking about the possibility of some virus getting out and infecting people… Are Merle and Daryl just as bad as her past? How is she going to keep her brother and sister safe from this virus getting out? What did Anna get herself into?
Setting: Pre-apocalypse
Word Count: 6896
Series Warnings: Offensive language, mentions/suggestion of physical abuse, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, sexual themes, violence & death
Chapter Warnings: Alcohol consumption, drug use, offensive language, assault, violence, sensitive themes - potential trigger warning
A/N: I got a little carried away and made this an extra long chapter, but it’s a good one! There are some sensitive topics in it so this is a trigger warning - it’s nothing too bad but some people may not want to read it. 18+ You’ve been warned.
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I had been cleaning out the pool for the kids while they ate lunch the next time that I was interrupted by Merle. He came over with a beer and hand and stood nearby me, watching silently. I gave him a look but he made no comment, he just sipped on his beer. I sighed and continued skimming the bugs and leaves out of the pool. “Isn’t it a little early to be drinking?” I ask without looking back at him. He chuckles.
“Why ya cleanin it? Just gonna get dirty again?” He asks, ignoring your question. You roll your eyes and smack the skimmer on the ground to get the debris off of it.
“Why shower - just gonna get dirty again.” I remark sarcastically.
“Exactly.” Merle agrees, and I look up in momentary shock before catching the sarcastic smirk on his face. “Ew,” I mutter, tossing the skimmer to the side and throwing the chlorine in the pool.
“So what bar ya work at?” He asks, glancing into the pool for a moment before looking back at you. You want to lie, but there’s literally only two bars in this small town, so it’s not like it matters much.
“Happy Hour Tavern.” I respond, wiping my hands off on my shorts and crossing my arms. “Surprised I haven’t seen ya there yet.” Referring to the beer in his hand at two in the afternoon.
He smirks. “Ya wanna see me there?” He suggests, and I roll my eyes.
“Didn’t say that.”
“Don’t ya worry, sugar. I’ll stop by.” He assures me, and I know he probably will.
“Great,” I mutter, and he chuckles.
“Where ya kids at?” He asks.
“Inside eating.”
“Wanna make me somethin to eat, sugarlips?” He asks flirtatiously. I roll my eyes again and huff.
“My name is Anna, and no, I don’t really have the money to be feeding the neighborhood.” I respond.
“Ain’t the neighborhood, doll. Just a friend.” He winks.
“Oh, so we’re friends?” I ask, shifting my weight.
“Yeah sure. Ya seem to be cozying up to my brother and all, ‘course we’re friends.” He responds sarcastically. The grin is gone from his face and he seems more serious now.
“What?” I ask, baffled by what he means by ‘cozying up to his brother.’
“Don’t play dumb, sweetheart. I saw ya the other day. Got him doing shit for ya, too. Impressive.” He rolls his eyes and takes a large gulp of his beer. Suddenly, the mood shifts, and I feel uncomfortable. Is he angry at me for asking Daryl for help? He is so hard to read, everything was just fine - what happened?
“I needed help lifting a heavy ass box. He was there. Doesn’t mean I’m ‘cozying up to anyone.’” I respond sternly. I don’t like being accused of using people. Merle chuckles.
“Relax, darlin, I ain’t jealous.” He taunts, lifting a hand to shield his eyes and looking up at the sky. “Issa good huntin day, bet he’s goin out there soon. I’ll see ya around, sugarlips.” Merle says as he begins walking away from me, leaving me confused and startled. What the hell just happened?
I began getting texts from my father that same day. I wasn’t entirely surprised, but I knew he wouldn’t go to the cops.
1:04 - Bring back my fuckin kids
1:15 - U ungrateful bitch after all i done 4 u
2:06 - Ima have every1 lookin 4 u
2:10 - U best not let me find u
3:34 - Ima tell the pigs u kidnapped em
4:08 - Just wait til i find u
My brother even texted me a few times, too.
12:30 - Pa’s lookin 4 u. He’s mad
1:10 - U took them? Ur not they momma, u kidnapped em
2:30 - U best bring em back or u’ll regret it Anna
The texts continued on and off throughout the day but I ignored them. My prejudice, abusive family would not get the best of me. He was probably drunk and went to find us to pick a fight and finally noticed we were gone. I couldn’t help but worry about if he ever did manage to find us. We were only a half hour away, it wouldn’t be too hard. It was only a matter of how much he was determined to do so. He’s not a smart man, I doubt he could track us down very easily. Plus, everyone who knew him, hated him. No one who knew us would help him - they would know the kids were safer with me. I’d rather be poor than abused.
Eventually I left my phone on silent and tried to keep my thoughts occupied. I didn’t tell the kids, of course. The kids had been playing in their room for most of the day, having fun with the large box that my bed frame had come in, using it as some sort of rocket or something. So I let them be inside and sat on the front steps to think in peace. I looked up at the sky and willed myself not to cry. They did not deserve my tears. They didn’t even deserve a moment’s thought. I forced myself not to think about all that they had put me through in my childhood. The nights I spent crying myself to sleep on my mattress on the floor. The bruises and scars I hid at school. The lies I told to keep myself from being taken away - only so I could protect my siblings.
My eyes burned as I fought back the tears and I hid my face in my hands on my lap.
“C’mon, Anna. It’s over now.” I mutter to myself, trying to believe my own words. Anger boiled over inside of me at the thought of what my father might do if he found us and took the kids back. I would not let him. Even if it killed me - he would not ruin their lives like he did mine.
A crash of thunder made me jump, bringing me back to the present. I looked up just in time to see Merle approaching from the woods, resheathing a knife on his hip. I figured he was hunting, and that gave me an idea.
“Hey, Merle!” I call out, quickly wiping my face and jumping up to head over to him. He looks pleasantly surprised and stopped in his tracks, smirking as I approached him. “I have a question.”
“Whatcha want, sugar?” He drawls, wiping his hand on a rag from his pocket. I notice a bit of blood and then the bag over his shoulder, making me wince. I didn’t wanna know.
“I wanna get a gun. But I don’t know the first thing about them, and I kinda hoped you did?” I inform him, glancing behind me to make sure the kids hadn’t come out. He chuckles quietly and looks me up and down.
“Whatcha want with a gun?” He asks. I resist getting defensive, sure that he thinks a woman can’t handle one.
“To protect myself. Family problems, let’s leave it at that.” I inform him with a look. “Do you think you could help me?” I plead. I didn’t wanna go into town and get scammed into buying a crappy, overpriced gun. Merle looks at me for a long moment, looking up at the darkening sky before shrugging.
“Come with me.” He responds, nodding toward his house. I look at it then back to him, giving him a sharp look. “I’m serious, ya want me help or not?” He demands. I look back toward my house for a moment before sighing.
“I can’t be long.” I tell him, and he smirks, heading toward his porch. I hesitantly follow behind him, dreading entering his place. Considering the trash and overgrown grass outside, I had a feeling the inside was much worse. I stepped inside the house cautiously, keeping my eye on Merle as I did so. He seemed to be the only one here, which relieved me. If any of those men from the other night were, I would have left. Merle tosses the bag from his shoulder onto an old wooden table and heads down the hall toward a bedroom, leaving me alone. The floor is dirty, there’s an old, stained armed chair in front of a box TV, and there’s stuff scattered everywhere. The place smells a little weird too, but I resist complaining. Merle returns a moment later with a case in hand. “Here,” Merle opens the case and reveals a gun, holding it out to me. It’s a handgun, I know that much. I look up at him and he gives me an impatient look, so I hesitantly grab the gun. It’s heavier than it looks, and I make sure to keep my finger off the trigger. “Ya ever shot one?” He asks, smirking at me.
“Once or twice.” I mumble, having flashbacks to the one time my father tried teaching me how to shoot bottles in the backyard. It wasn’t a fond memory at all…
“Ya can have it, but it’ll cost ya.” He winks.
“How much?” I ask, and he chuckles.
“Ion want ya money,” He drawls, and I immediately frown, thinking I know what he is implying.
“I’m not doing that either,” I scowl, going to hand the gun back to him. He doesn’t take it, chuckling some more.
“Whatcha want a gun for anyway?” He asks. I didn’t want to get into it, but maybe this would be a way around having to do something for him for it. I let out a sigh and looked at the weapon in my hand for a long moment.
“My father,” I start, not meeting his eye. “He’s uh, well he’s a piece of shit basically. I took the kids from him in the middle of the night and got this place, never told anyone where we were going. If he comes around… Well, I’m gonna need this.” I finally look up and meet his eye, exhaling deeply. He looks at me for a long moment, his face expressionless. It’s quiet and I am surprised he doesn’t make any rude or sarcastic comments. He shrugs, placing the case down on the old table.
“Keep it.” He tells me, and I raise my brows at him.
“Really?” I clarify, confused why he changed his mind.
“Ya need it more than I do. Got plenty round here.” He mutters, waving his arm up in no general direction. “I know all about piece of shit fathers.” He continues, giving me a solemn look. “My pops was. You was right, yer gonna need that. So take it, before I change my mind.” He drawls, heading over to their fridge and grabbing a bottle of beer, kicking it shut behind him. I don’t argue, despite being shocked and confused.
“Thank you, Merle.” I give him a sincere smile for the first time, and turn the gun over in my hands to ensure the safety is on.
“Takes 9MM. It’s loaded.” He informs me, plopping into the beaten up chair by the TV and opening his beer, taking a large gulp. I nod slowly and shift my weight, feeling awkward holding the gun but trying not to let him know.
“Okay,” I respond, turning to head out the door as he turns the TV on. “Thanks again.” I holler before I head out the door into the humid air. The sky has gotten very dark with storm clouds and the wind picked up, so I jog across the lawn back to my house and tuck the gun into the back of my shorts, hiding it under my shirt before I walk inside. I don’t need the kids seeing this.
“Anna! Look what we did!” Colton calls out from the hallway with a big grin on his face. I smile back at him and walk down the hall to their room, letting out a dramatic gasp when I see the box colored on with a bunch of random colors. “It’s our rocket!” He exclaims excitedly, rejoining his sister inside the big box.
“Wow! It looks so good guys!” I exclaim, grinning as they go back to their playing. I watch them for a moment before remembering the gun and walking into my own room, placing the gun on the top shelf in the closet. This will have to do until I have more furniture and somewhere safe to keep it.
The texts kept coming throughout the rest of the night.
6:05 - ware tf r my kids
6:43 - dont make me hunt u down girl
7:16 - uv always been a cunt this is just like u
8:11 - wat r u gonna do when u get nocked up by some prick u dont have money 4 all dem kids
The string of insults and threats lasted most of the night, the only reason I kept looking at them was to make sure that they hadn’t found us somehow, or had any ideas. I would need a head start if they did. I’m not sure if I would be able to shoot my brother, but I know I could shoot my dad. He deserved it. After all he did to me, all he put us through. Even my dead beat mother didn’t deserve him. He was half the reason she’s as bad as she is. Apparently, my mother hadn’t started using drugs until after I was born. My father had escalated when he had his first daughter, and his true colors began to shine through. My mom used in order to live with herself, the guilt, his abuse. She even made sure to get clean each time she learned she was pregnant, but she always relapsed. She was a strong woman - I had to give her that. If nothing else, she was strong. But still a horrible mother. She should have taken us with her when she left.
But now it was my responsibility. I had to do what she couldn’t. I couldn’t help but think about my parents, my horrible family - as I stood in the doorway, watching them sleep. I may not be able to change what happened to me, but I would do anything it took to prevent it from happening to Bailey and Colton. If it comes down to it, I will kill my own father to ensure he never lays another hand on them.
Watching them sleep peacefully, side by side in their own brand new bed with clean sheets and a safe roof over their head - that made it all worth it.
Jessie and Beau came over at nine with beers and I set up a fire in the front yard. I had found this old firepit someone was throwing away on the side of the road the other night and I took it of course. I was excited for some relaxing adult time before my shift tonight. I hated my job, but I made good money there so far.
“What time you work tonight?” Jessie asks as she pops open a bottle of beer and hands it to me with a grin on her face.
“Eleven to three. At least it’ll go by fast.” I respond, taking a gulp. The alcohol burns as it goes down my throat and I let out a sigh, leaning back into the stairs. I hadn’t gotten around to getting chairs for the yard yet - an unnecessary expense I couldn’t afford just yet. Jessie sat beside me, a lemonade in hand instead of beer, given that she was pregnant, and Beau sat on the hood of his truck, rolling a joint. I always enjoyed nights like this - quiet, relaxing, worry free. Jessie had been the best friend I’d ever had, I’m glad we’re still so close.
“That man ever come back?” She asks, referring to a customer from a few nights ago. He had gotten too drunk and handsy, trying to get me to give him my number. He even waited until the bar closed for me and the manager had to call the cops to get him to leave so I could go home. That was the latest reason I hated my job that I’d only had for a few weeks.
“No. Hopefully he never comes back, I don’t wanna have to use what Merle gave me earlier on him.” I mutter, glancing behind me to make sure the kids hadn’t woken up.
“The neighbor?” Beau asks. I nod.
“What did he give you? Are yous like, talking now?” Jessie asks, leaning on her knees and giving me a worried look.
“No, it’s nothing like that. I wanted to look into getting… a gun, for protection. From Dad.” I explain in a quieter tone. “I figured someone like him would know a place, and he actually ended up giving me a handgun.” I continue, watching Jessie’s disapproving look and wide eyes. “I’ll be safe. I really need it. If Dad finds out where we are…” I trail off, taking a large sip of my beer and letting a huff out.
“Why’d he just give you a gun for free?” Beau asks, looking up from where he was rolling the joint on the hood.
“I dunno. At first he said it was gonna cost me, but then when I mentioned it was because of Dad, he let me just have it. Said he knew all about asshole fathers.” I shrugged. “Either way, works for me.”
“Just don’t let him use that against you. Who knows what he might try to pull, he reminds me of Mack.” Jessie rolls her eyes when she mentions my older brother, grimacing. She hates me as much as I do. He had tried to get with her a million times and it made him resentful, yelling and cursing at her. Which then resulted in Beau beating the shit out of him - which was a sight for sore eyes.
“Yeah, he’s a bit better than him though. From what I’ve seen, at least.” I shrug, taking another swig of my beer. “Dad’s been texting me most of the day, he texted me earlier too. The bullshit you’d expect - pretending to care I took the kids, threatening me.” I explain, handing my phone to Jessie to see the string of unanswered texts.
“I hate them,” She grumbles as she scrolls through the texts. “They won’t find you, don’t worry. They’re too stupid to figure it out.” I chuckle at her comment.
“Yeah, you’re right about that.” I giggle. Beau stands up and offers me the blunt, which I accept and take a long hit from. As I am doing so, I hear a man start laughing and sure enough, Merle and Daryl are standing at the bottom of their porch. I exhale the large puff of smoke and hand the blunt back to Beau, leaning on my knees and resisting the urge to cough.
“Damn girl, who knew ya could have a little fun!” Merle exclaims, walking across the lawn toward us. Daryl and I make eye contact for a short moment before he rolls his eyes and leans against the beat up railing, placing his crossbow on the porch stairs, seemingly waiting for his brother. I roll my eyes with a smirk at Merle’s comment. Ever since earlier, I’ve decided to cut him a little slack. If I was interpreting right, we had more in common than I thought - at least, regarding families.
“Yeah, sometimes.” I respond, offering my beer bottle to him, earning a surprised look from Jessie. I was trying to be nice to Merle to repay him for the gun, so he wouldn’t come collecting in another way. It was the least I could do for a free handgun and clip. Merle looks shocked for a short moment but smirks and takes the bottle from my hand, taking a large swig.
“Yous her family?” Merle asks, looking at Jessie. She hesitates for a moment before shaking her head.
“Friends.” She responds, readjusting her feet uncomfortably. I stand up and suddenly I’m aware of just how close Merle was to me. I am almost touching him as he leans against my railing, my bottle in his large hands, a smirk plastered across his face. He looks fairly attractive in the fire light and his seemingly clean-ish clothes. He’s wearing black cargo pants and a white T-shirt under a jacket, and I take notice of the knife holstered on his hip. “Going hunting?” I ask, taking a step away from him toward the fire and tossing another log in.
“Mhm,” He responds, taking another sip of my beer. “Wanna come with, sweetheart? Can show ya the ways.” He suggests flirtatiously.
“I actually know how to,” I smirk, stepping closer to him and grabbing the beer from his hand, taking a large sip while looking into his eyes. The alcohol and hit were starting to get to me - I was a bit of a lightweight nowadays, since I’ve lost weight and had less time to do this kind of stuff. Merle bites his bottom lip and holds the intense eye contact with me, taking the beer back when I hand it to him and I can feel his eyes on me as I retake my seat beside Jessie.
“Yer loss.” He shrugs, pretending to be indifferent.
“C’mon man!” Daryl shouts from their side of the lawn impatiently. I wish that he would come join us too - I wanna get to know him better.
“Ugh I’m comin! Get yer panties outta a bunch!” He shouts over his shoulder. Merle hands the beer back to me after one last gulp and heads off to rejoin Daryl, walking away into the dark woods.
“What was that all about?” Jessie demands when they are out of earsight. I shrug and set the beer down, not wanting to get anymore intoxicated, given that I still have work later.
“I dunno, gotta be nice. I kinda owe him.” I mumble, kicking at dirt. Truth be told, I found those brothers interesting. Mysterious and dangerous, but alluring. Yes, they were trouble, but I always ended up attracting trouble anyway.
“You better be careful.” Jessie warns me, and I nod.
The night went on peacefully and we all enjoyed talking over the fire and relaxing with the kids asleep. I left for work and Jessie stayed at my place while Beau went out with his friends after dropping me off. He was gonna pick me up after work too, since he was gonna be in the same general area.
My shift was going fine until about one, when I recognized a familiar face and my whole night went sour. The creepy man from the other night was back, and he had his eyes on me. He was with another man at a table instead of the bar, but he was very obviously watching me. I informed the manager on duty but it wasn’t the same man from the other night, so he didn’t know the extent of how creepy the man was. He only came up to the bar once, having his buddy order drinks while he watched me. I remained calm and didn’t even glance at him, handing the drinks to his friend and accepting the two dollar tip without a word.
It took about a half an hour to finish cleaning up after everyone was out of the bar and I was dreading heading outside. I had a feeling that the man would be waiting for me again, but the manager didn’t want me wasting hours and had to stay behind to finish up, so I had to go out alone. I hung up my apron at the door and sighed as I locked up behind myself, leaving the manager alone in the building to finish recounting the drawers. I had already stuffed my tip money into my purse and had my keys tucked between my fingers as I looked around cautiously for a sign of anyone. There were still people out, despite being a bit past three in the morning. Beau hadn’t answered my texts in the last half hour and Jessie was asleep, so I had to wait. Great. Across the street, I spotted a nice looking motorcycle across the street, but that was the only vehicle besides far down the road.
I started walking toward the street light by the corner to wait for Beau when I heard a male voice call out. “Hey! Bitch!” I grasped my keys tighter in my hand and turned my head, spotting the man and his buddy down the alleyway. They stood up from leaning on the wall and started heading my way, so I started walking faster, but then they started running.
“Help!” I hollered and started running across the street. The adrenaline kicked in in my body as fear took over and I ran as fast as I could down the opposite side of the street. They were close behind me and I tried to hop over a fence, but they caught up and threw me onto the ground before I could get all the way over. “Help! Please!” I screamed as loud as I could, trying to kick the men away from me. The main guy sat on top of my hip and shoved a hand over my mouth, smirking evilly down at me as his buddy started trying to lift me. I kicked and flailed as hard as I could but I couldn’t get away as they drug me across the ground into a back alley.
“Hey!” I heard a different male voice holler and then there was the sound of glass breaking. The main man let go of his hand over my mouth to look behind him and I took that opportunity to scream as loud as my lungs would let me, before the second guy punched me in the face. I swore I saw stars as my face throbbed, the two still pinning me, my head propped against the second guy’s chest where he held a knife to my throat.
“Get off her. Now.” A deep male voice demands. I can’t see with the main guy on top of me but I am grateful for whoever it is coming to my rescue. The men only chuckle evilly but then something happens and the second guy jumps away from me quickly, making me slam my head down on the concrete. I groan and my vision goes blurry with tears as the stinging in my head intensifies. “Help…” I mutter as I fight to stay conscious, my head throbbing. The cold, rocky concrete is painful against my cheek, but not as bad as the weight of the man or the stinging in my head.
I can finally see around the main guy and spot a man a few yards away, aiming something in our direction. It’s hard to see with my blurred vision and the darkness, but it looks like a weird sideways weapon. “Ay, man. Chill out. We was just having some fun, that’s all.” The second guy insists, holding his hands up a little. I try to wiggle away but the man on top of me grabs onto my throat and holds a knife toward me.
“Think I won’t? Get the hell outta here or I’ll kill her right here, right now.” The man growls. I stare at the sharp tip of the knife in my face, fearing this is where my life will end. What will happen to Bailey and Colton without me?
The next moment is a huge blur. One second, there is a knife in my face, and the next, the man falls off of me, screaming in pain on the ground beside me. I jump up off the ground as fast as I can and stumble away from them, running blindly in the direction of where I had seen the shadowy figure of the other man. I stumble and trip in the combination of darkness and the pain throughout my body, reaching out to the brick wall to catch myself from falling but someone else catches me and I start flailing and trying to get away, until I look up.
It’s Merle. He hoists me up from where I was half fallen on the ground onto my feet and puts a hand around my waist to keep me up against him. His face is serious and it’s the first time he hasn’t cracked any jokes to me. I’ve never been more relieved to see someone in my life. I reach up and hold onto his neck, trying to keep my balance. The man continues screaming and cursing and I look back, spotting Daryl holding up a crossbow. “Oh shit! Fuck!” The second man screams, running away and leaving his friend behind with an arrow in his ass. Daryl walks over to him and takes his knife, pressing a foot on the man’s back and yanking the arrow out from his asscheek. I turn and hide my face in Merle’s shirt, disgusted and terrified. The screaming continues and then I hear a second scream and a trash can get knocked over. When I look back again, the other man is laying on the ground toward the back of the alley, an arrow in his leg.
Daryl stalks over to him and rips the arrow from his leg as well, kicking the man in the face before heading back toward the first man. “Ya ever, ever - come back here again… I’ll kill ya.” Daryl growls at the main guy who had been stalking me. Daryl rejoins us and puts a hand on my back hesitantly, looking down at me. I’d never been this close to either of the brothers and yet, somehow, I felt safer now.
“T-thank you.” I mumble into Merle’s chest, holding onto him tight, too afraid to let go. Tears stained into his shirt but I couldn’t bring myself to care - I was shaking and biting back crying.
“C’mon,” Merle mumbles, grasping onto my tight and trying to turn me around. I held onto him tight and let them lead me away, not paying attention. I saw Daryl grab my purse and keys in the corner of my eye and noticed Merle was leading me to a motorcycle. “You take her back, little brother. I’ll meet ya there after I finish up here.” Merle lets go of me and I feel like I’m going to fall over from the pounding in my head, but Daryl grabs onto me before I can fall completely over.
“Damn,” Daryl mutters, grabbing me tight and I notice that we are face to face. He’s got me by my waist and my hands grasp onto his shirt collar. “Sorry…” I mumble, blinking away fresh tears. He doesn’t respond but he helps me onto the back of the motorcycle. “Hold onto this.” He takes my hand and places it on these handlebar things, and I do. I do my best to stay up straight while he attaches my purse and his crossbow onto the back of the motorcycle and then sits in front of me. I whip my head toward the alley when I hear more screaming, but Daryl starts the engine and revs the bike. “Hold onto me. Tight.” Daryl hollers over his shoulder, and I do so without hesitation. I wrap my arms tightly around his waist and lean my head against his shoulder, terrified to fall off. I’ve never been on a motorcycle before - if I had been in a normal state of mind, I would have objected. But at this point, I wanted to get home as fast as possible.
The motorcycle is fast and the wind blows past us. I keep my eyes closed and focus on holding onto Daryl, feeling lightheaded and scared of falling off. It’s a short ride and he has to help me off of the bike. Holding onto his rough hand made me feel anxious and insecure but I had to in order to keep upright. He led me inside his house, and I did not object, as I did not want the kids to see me or for me to wake them up. He leads me over to a beaten up couch and I hesitantly sit down, looking around cautiously. I didn’t know if anyone else was here, but it seemed we were alone. I held onto my own arms tightly and tried to focus on my breathing. “I should uh, check ya out.” Daryl mumbles, crouching down in front of me. He waits for me to respond in some way, so I nod and uncross my arms. He runs a hand up my bare leg and I force myself not to flinch. I’m not afraid of Daryl, but tonight’s events have me shaken up. “Stand up,” He says, offering me his hand to help me get up. He lifts up my shirt a little and I flinch when he touches my back. “Yer pretty scratched up.” He comments, removing his hand from my back. “Should put somethin on that, so it don’t get infected.” He stands up when I sit back down and walks away, presumably to grab something. I hold onto my head and wince in pain where there is a large bump already forming.
Daryl returns with a few items in hand. He gives me a package of peas and shrugs, not meeting my eye. “Don’t have ice packs.” He mumbles, kneeling in front of me. “Turn around.” He tells me, and I move so that he can get to my back, placing the ice on my head. He starts applying something cold to my back and I sit as still as I can, wincing at the pain from where I was drug across the concrete. “Yer shirt’s all torn.” He notes when he pulls it back down. “Lemme see yer head.” I remove the ice and he gently runs his fingers through my hair, eventually finding the lump and I jump in pain, tearing up. “Sorry,” He mutters. “How do you feel? Ya might have a concussion.” He says, and I groan.
“I can’t afford to have a concussion.” I mumble and lean back into the sofa, holding the ice against my head once more. Daryl places a gentle hand on my cheek, below my eye, where I was punched. I look into his eyes as he gently rubs his rough thumb over what is surely a black eye. “M’sorry this happened to ya.” He mutters, looking away.
“Thank you for saving me.” I respond quietly.
“Wish I’d been there sooner.” He grumbles, standing up and removing his vest, tossing it onto the seat. He is wearing a black button down shirt and black jeans, his hair is matted against his forehead - but he looks very attractive. I look down at my bare knees that are now scratched up and feel my eyes burning again.
“What were you doing there, anyway?” I ask, changing the subject.
“Merle wanted a drink. Said ya worked there, wanted to bother ya I’m sure.” I let out a small chuckle and he continues. “We were leavin to head back, but we heard ya yellin.” I nod and look down again, trying not to think about it. I should be used to this sort of thing by now, given what I went through as a child.
Before either of us can say anything more, the door opens and Merle steps in, wiping his hands off on a rag. I notice the faint red marks on his knuckles and wonder what he had been doing, but try not to think of that either. Whatever he did, I didn’t care. Those men deserved it.
“She good?” Merle asks his brother, looking over at me huddled on their sofa. Daryl nods and explains my injuries briefly to Merle, who huffs. “Lucky we were there, sugar.” He comments. I don’t respond, hugging myself and shivering a little. Daryl notices but Merle heads to the bathroom, probably to clean up. Daryl walks away but returns shortly with a shirt and sweatpants. “Here. Ya can change in my room.” He mutters, handing the clothes to me. I am shocked but I accept and stand up slowly, following him back to his room. He shuts the door behind himself and I stand there for a moment, surprised to be in his room. He’s a lot sweeter than he likes to come off, it seems. It’s a very standard room. Pretty messy, no decorations, basic sheets on the bed, old paint. He clearly doesn’t care much for the room, it seems like he probably only uses it to sleep. It’s not “homey.” I remove my now ruined shirt and skirt and throw the large T-shirt on and tie the sweatpants on tight so they will fit me. The shirt is baggy and I notice it smells like Daryl. I hadn’t known what he smelled like before today but now I recognize it. It kinda smells like the outdoors, like firewood or something. It’s a nice scent, though, and I find it comforting.
I open the door with my old clothes in hand and spot Daryl waiting down the hall, leant up against the wall. Merle comes out of the bathroom at the same time and we make awkward eye contact. “Look like a Darylina.” He comments with a chuckle, walking past me toward the kitchen. Daryl looks at me for a long moment, until I meet his eye, and then he drops his gaze to the floor. I slowly approach him and give him a forced, appreciative smile. “Thank you.” I tell him gratefully. He has been so kind to me tonight. Before today, I hadn’t barely spoken to him before and he was always standoffish and seemed to avoid talking to me. It was a weird change, but welcomed. If only the circumstances it occurred under were different…
“Want me to throw em away?” He asks, referring to my clothes in hand. I shrug and hand them to him. He tosses them into a trash can and Merle walks over to the chair by the TV, popping open and beer and kicking his feet up. He seemed so nonchalant about the whole situation, it was weird. “Oh shit,” I mutter, realizing Beau is probably worried, waiting for me. “Do you have my phone?” I ask Daryl.
“That’s what yer worried bout?” Merle speaks up.
“No, I had been waiting for my ride. He’s probably worried.” I explain, looking to Daryl, hoping he had grabbed it. Silently, he pulls my phone from his pocket and hands it to me. “Thank you.” I unlock it and find a million missed calls from both Beau and Jessie. He must have woken her up when I never showed up. “Shit.” I grumble. I hated worrying them, after all they do for me.
“Yer boyfriend?” Merle asks, gulping down some of his beer.
“No, my friend’s boyfriend.” I respond as I text both of them in a group message that I was okay and that I would explain.
“Why would yer friend’s man be pickin ya up at three in the mornin?” Merle asks with a wink.
“Ew, no. I’m not like that. He’s a good friend, she’s watching the kids for me at my house right now. I gotta go let them know I’m okay…” I trail off, then remember I’m in Daryl’s clothes. “Uh, I can go change and bring these back-” I start, but he shakes his head.
“Keep em.” He insists, and I feel bad, but don’t fight back. “Ya might have a concussion, so ya should have someone check up on ya when ya sleep tonight, and get it checked.” He explains.
“Doctor Daryl.” Merle jokes sarcastically, and his brother shoots him an evil eye.
“Thank you guys for helping me. I don’t know how I can repay you…” I trail off, refusing to think about the course of the night again.
“Don’t worry bout it, darlin.” Merle smirks.
“Couldn’t just leave ya there.” Daryl mutters awkwardly, shuffling his feet.
“Well, still. Thank you.” I repeat before heading toward the door. Daryl follows behind me, handing me my purse and keys, and I wave before walking out and heading back to my house slowly, careful not to trip. I look back and notice he is watching me and I feel my cheeks heat up, fumbling to get my key out and open my door. I notice Beau’s truck is here and when I open the door, the two of them are sitting on the sofa, waiting for me.
Jessie and Beau were furious when I told them what happened and I ended up crying on her shoulder, letting the emotions from the night settle in. Beau threatened to go back out looking for them but I told him what I suspected Merle did and he didn’t. Jessie helped me get cleaned up and settled into bed. She slept next to me in my bed that night and woke me up every two hours, in case I had a concussion. Beau slept on the couch and I had never felt more appreciative for anyone more than I did for them and Daryl in that very moment...
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Welp! That was a dark chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it, please feel free to leave some feedback and let me know what you thought! Chapter 5 should be up soon, so keep an eye out!
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writing-with-olive · 4 years ago
Shelving a WIP
(Alt title: I just shelved a WIP I've been working on for almost three years, and I learned some valuable things from the process so ima share them).
Disclaimer that I'm a writer that works on pretty much one WIP at any given time, and if it's two, one of the WIPs are going to be in the brainstorming/worldbuilding stages at a maximum. The things I've learned are from that perspective, and there might be aspects that are different if you have multiple WIPs, some of them more dormant than others.
1 - It's gonna be okay.
I'm starting out with this one because I've always found it terrifying when I see other people shelving their work, because if the people who have experience are doing it, I might do this, and how could I ever give up on this book baby I'm putting so much time and effort and love into? And yeah. That's scary. But once you've outgrown a work, sometimes the best thing you can do is to move onto new things. It doesn't negate all the hard work you've put in, and it certainly doesn't make you a faker. Remember - almost everyone who's established themselves as an author has shelved works, and they've still made it.
(how to shelve a project, and more detailed stuff below the cut)
2 - How to know when it's time to shelve a WIP
This can vary a lot, but there's three major reasons that have occurred with the works I've shelved (three, all of which I'd worked on for at least six months, many more that had shorter life spans).
The first is a lack of interest. If working on a WIP starts to consistently feel like a chore, and I'm having a harder and harder time feeling for the characters and the world, something's not right. Sometimes this can come from burnout from other aspects of life, but sometimes it's just that I lost passion in the work. Writing's supposed to be fun, and once it's not, it's time to figure out what's up, and sometimes that means trying something new.
Another reason is just outgrowing a work. As I'm writing, the concepts and the story start to feel more juvenile. Some of this can be fixed with editing, but some of it’s baked into the bones of the story. Working it out would mean completely changing the story. Eventually continuing a work feels like being trapped in a younger version of yourself rather than pushing forward.
The final reason (and it can be kinda devastating so I have a section on this farther down) is the realization that a story is not going to help you achieve your writing goals, or worse, will even hinder them. This one won't be as applicable to everyone as the other two as everyone's writing goals vary, but if your goal is to eventually get published/make a job as an author, you may be confronted with this.
3 - How to shelve a work if you've lost interest or outgrown it
The thing about both of these scenarios is that it's a slow progression. If you've identified that you're declining in your attachment to it, you're probably approaching the ability to set it aside and move onto other projects.
One of the first steps is evaluate what is making you stick with it. If you haven't yet shelved it, there's bound to be a reason. Sometimes it's one that holds a lot of merit, and may constitute just taking a break, or in some cases pushing through. Other times, it's not really a great reason, and coming to terms with that is an emotional step to put the work aside.
If you can't bring yourself to move on because it feels like quitting, even though it feels like it's the best decision, find a goal to work toward. That goal will be something much smaller than publishing the work, but it will still help give a sense of completeness. For example, finishing the draft, or even just the act you're on. Sometimes, seeing an end point can be detaching enough that you just... shelve it. Other times, you get to the end point, and decide: is this the end for the WIP, or have I regained enough interest that I actually want to go farther? Both are equally good decisions.
I have found that it's often like a sudden decision that comes after a long period of questioning. I might go for weeks thinking should I or should I not? Over and over and over. Then one day, I just decide to stop working on it, and that's that. It's just the moment when the last of my active emotional attachment finally dissolves.
4 - How to shelve a work when you realize it's not going to help you achieve your goals
This was the situation I was in when I shelved my no-longer-current WIP, which I intended to traditionally publish. It was a sort of assassin-y story and there were elements of it that were loosely based off of Natasha Romanoff's story (Marvel), though not enough by any stretch that it could be considered fanfic. Then the Black Widow movie came out, and apparently Marvel had the exact same idea I had, and suddenly, it looked like my story was a huge rip-off of that one. As it was, huge swaths of the story overlapped. All of this meant that not only was publishing my WIP a long shot because it was a YA sci-fi, but also it was competing with the mega-company that is Marvel/Disney. The chances of even getting an agent plummeted, and then there was the fact that if I did get one, and I got published, I would be basically throwing away my debut because of diminishing returns, and because anyone who read my book would also be in the target audience for Marvel, and would almost certainly see the similarities and write my story off for a rip-off. Not a great situation to be in.
So the first thing to do? Give yourself permission to feel all the big emotions that come with this kind of heartbreak. It hurts really bad, and it's okay to experience that.
Next thing. Evaluate. Is this it for the story, or is there anything else you can do with it? I can't publish it as a book, but there's nothing stopping me from posting it online and still sharing it with people.
Figure out what the end point is going to be. It could be finishing the story even though it doesn't accomplish what you originally set out to do (though this is something to do if it will genuinely bring you joy, not because you feel like it's something you owe). It could be doing something like the other scenario and finding a more artificial "finish point" to still get a sense of closure and accomplishment from the WIP.
5 - The freedom that comes from shelving a work
The obvious thing is that if you weren't enjoying what you weren't enjoying what you were writing before, you're done!
Shelving a work is an open space to work on whatever you want. Whatever makes you happy, you can do it. The starting stages of a WIP are always the most exhilarating, and this is where we all return whenever we pick up a new project.
Another thing. No matter what, you've learned something new over the course of your last project. Maybe it was a ton (that was the case for me - I am a completely different writer than I was before I started it), maybe it was one aspect of character or structure or voice. But you get to go into your next project with that new knowledge.
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hqxreader · 4 years ago
I-I taylor it just turned into a brain ramble pls accept my sachi x idol reader tots 😔🤲
Saichi going to a shoot for his bab on a day off n he was roped into bein an extra because come on look at him perfect face boi n then they make him do the kabedon or poses where theyre super close on the reader for the photoshoot then y/n is all flustered because its not an actor but her 11/10 boyfie doing it. (BOUNS POINTS HES IN A CRISPY SUIT OOO) Embarassed af and then Sachi is all happy like ‘this my puppy and only I can make her this embarassed hehe’ and the rest of the staff still teases her in the future about it like ‘come on put a ring on him, such a keeper owo’ and she keeps all the photos from the shoot into her phone like its a treasure we must keep and the fangirls start coming in like ‘who is this handsum handsum man? Is he also an idol owo’
Extra: His siblings see it and are kinda jelly like ‘were pro players but baby brother is more popular then us from 1 photoshoot? 👁👄👁’
P.s. Feel free to add anything u think of cause sachi thoughts are /chefs kiss/ immaculate 🥰
i’ll always accept them love 💕
this idea tho, i sat and thought about it for awhile cause damn.. Sachi in a suit?? who do i ask to draw that for all the sachi stans?
but anywho~ i did have to look up kabedon cause i didn’t know it was actually called that?? i knew it as the ‘goodbye personal space’ pose lol showing how intelligent i am
okie dokie i hope you enjoy! 💕this got super long oh jeez
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Warnings: Sachi gets a bit dirty sorry folks, embarrassed reader, horrible writing, and Sachi in a suit and tie cause that’s totally a warning 
Word Count: 1.1k (holy shit damn) 
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You were more than happy to learn that your PR team had gotten you an ad photo shoot with a popular clothing line/company/whatever. They wanted to advertise some of their more professional clothes, suits and dresses, yada yada. With a quick kiss goodbye to Sachirou, you made your way over to the photo shoot location.  
Arriving there, everyone was rushing around more than what you would consider normal. You heard various people saying, “I can’t believe he got sick, what are we supposed to do today? Should we reschedule?”
Going to your PR team you asked what was going on, confused. They explained to you that the extra who was supposed to model with you got sick, and they were trying to find a replacement. “Well, um,” you started, “Sachirou’s off today, do you think he could work as a replacement?” 
Your team knew who Sachirou was at this point, especially after his surprise backstage for you. They eagerly agreed, saying that would be amazing.
Walking to a more quiet corner of the studio, you gave your boyfriend a call. “Hey Sachi?” “What’s up Puppy?” “How would you like to be a model for a day?” 
And with that, Sachirou made his way over to the studio, excited for the shoot. 
When you introduced him to the photographer and she was very happy with him, even mumbling, “maybe even better than our sick idiot.” 
And with that, they sent you both to the changing area to get all dolled up and such for the shoot. 
You were dressed in a dark red sleeveless dress that rested just above your knees with black heels. plus your hair and jewelry was all nice and fancy i’m not getting into that sry.  
Leaving the changing room, you saw Sachirou wearing a black crisp(y) suit, a white dress shirt with his tie matching the color of your dress. His hair was slicked back unlike his usual wild hair. You couldn’t help but let your jaw drop, when the hell had your boyfriend become even more handsome?? 
“Like what you see, y/n?” Sachirou walked over to you, smirk on his face. You felt your face warm up at his comment. “’Cause I’m loving what I see.” Cheesiest ass line ever
Before you could respond with a comeback, the photographer called both of you over to discuss what you’d be doing for the shoot. “So y/n, I’d like you to stand with your back against the wall, Hirugami, I’m going to have you put your arm next to her head and lean over her, like a kabe-don pose, okay?” 
You simply nodded and Sachirou gave her a thumbs up. Taking your hand, he walked you over to the set where the were two walls set up, one for you to lean on and the other for the background. 
You leaned against the one wall, getting situated before Sachirou placed one hand next to your head and the other slid into the pocket of his black dress pants. 
Your cheeks warmed up to what felt like a blazing temperature from the close proximity of your faces. Sachirou’s face was only what felt like an inch or two away from yours. 
You both maintained eye contact. His lips turned into a smirk, a mischievous glint in his eyes along with something else. “Is my puppy being a good girl? A good little model?” he murmured in a husky voice, and only you could hear his words. sorry ima go now
Your eyes widened at his comment and your mouth formed a small o-shape. “Y-yes, I’m being a g-good model.” You couldn’t help but stutter over your words, embarrassment seeping through your body. 
The camera went off various times, the photographer capturing the moment between you two. “’Cause I have the best little puppy, don’t I? She’s very smart and beautiful, knows how to follow directions, yeah?”
All you could do was nod, your legs buckling a bit underneath you. Sachirou moved his free arm on your thigh, keeping you stable.  “Does my puppy need some support?” Gasping at the sudden change of position, you couldn’t help but cover your face with your hands. More shuttering sounds were heard as the photographer continued to take photos.  
“No, no, no, puppy. Let me see your beautiful face, don’t hide it from me.” You slowly moved your hands to rest on his broad shoulders, one hand messing with his tie. “There we go, there’s my beautiful puppy.”
More shuttering.
“Okay guys, I think that’s pretty good! Nice job to both of you!”
Sachirou pushed off the wall, taking a step back. He grinned, the former horny teasing attitude gone. “Nice job, love! I’m sure the people will love it!” 
You continued to stare at him in shock, how in the world did he go from whispering dirty words in your ear to this energetic man? “Y..yeah the people will love it, Sachi,” you said slowly.  
“Alright well, I’m gonna change and head back home, see ya in a bit?” You simply nodded with a small smile and watched him walk back to the changing rooms. 
Still leaning against the wall, the photographer chuckled at you. “You’re keeping him right? I sure do hope so, you don’t find guys like him very often.” Your smile grew and you wholehearted agreed, “He’s a keeper, no doubt about it.”
“When you gonna put a ring on his finger? Huh, y/n!” 
You glared at your manager for a moment before giggling, “soon,” you whispered. Finally moving away from the wall, you walked off to the changing room while they uploaded the pictures to the computer. 
Giving one final kiss goodbye to Sachi as he left, you walked back out to the studio to see everyone huddled around the computer. “Did they come out good?” you asked, walking over to everyone to see what the big hubbub was about. 
“Oh y/n, they came out amazing.” 
Peering over to see the screen, you were astonished by how well they came out. They looked like a natural kabedon between two people, not something fake that would’ve happened with the sick actor. “Can you, uh, send those to me? Please?” 
Everyone smirked at you and the photographer agreed to send them as soon as she could. 
A few days later, you received them all, and you put your favorite one as your home screen background. 
A month later, the best photo came out for the ad and your fans couldn’t stop buzzing about it. 
“Who is that? He’s really cute!” “Isn’t that her boyfriend?” “Is he an idol too? That’d be crazy!”
You never heard the end of it from Sachirou.
A few days after the ad was released and everyone started going bonkers over Sachirou, said man got a phone call from his siblings. 
“How?! How are you more popular than us!? We’re pro-volleyball plays that have been in sports magazines!”
“Well big bro, I guess I just got the good genes.”
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Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed horny sachi 💕
Taglist: @yams046 @sunarincakes @kkoalaworld @sachirou-senpai @osamusriceballz @edvigelacivetta @tris-does-stuff @ylxxia @kageyuji @isentsworld @aaakaaashii @disneyloving-muggle @ahkaahshi @sachrious @pretty-setters
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shyrose57 · 4 years ago
Brothers anon, sorry its been like 2 days since I last submitted something! I've been busy and whenever I finally had time to sit down and write this all its like 1 in the morning. I hope its still ok for me to send these.
�� anon ima respond to you first, your The Deal au could be the reason why and how Ranboos and Dreams soul got mixed and linked together. But then a problem is how did it pass to Ranbob? In my au, each person has their own soul basically. And while certain attributes like DNA can be passed through bloodlines, souls can't, as their unique to their person. 
What left Ranbob vulnerable to Dream is that he was seen as the star student. The apprentice everyone wanted. He always got perfect grades and was seen as the smartest in the City. This did not go well. As Ranbob was put under a ton of pressure to always stay perfect and get everything right. When his grades started to slip and his chosen mentor started to put even more work on him, his mentality started to suffer. With him losing sleep and starting to not care for himself or do the basic necessities like eating or drinking, all in an effort to be "perfect". Its through this need, and weakened state over all, Dream's presence was able to slip in and convince him to let him help.
Benjamin is 30, Isaac 29, Cletus is 24, and Charles is 27. 
When Ranbob first told Ran about the Dream mask and how he wasnt himself, Ran did not believe him at all. And kept saying that he needs to stop lying and fess up to what he did and pay for it. Others tried to convince him that his brother really wasn't in control of himself, but was met with strong skepticism, scoffs, and disbelief. With Ran not beliving that was the truth at all.
Watson was very shocked but quickly reorganized himself cause he had to calm Jackie, and its only after Jackie fell asleep he was like "Oh fuck. I really am the dad huh?" Jackie was embarrassed at first but after some prodding did say how he truly saw Watson as a dad figure in his life. And everyone had different reactions to Watson suddenly accepting and fitting into the dad role. Jackie was excited and immediately started calling him dad and asking him awkward dad questions "Dad whats puberty?" "Uhhh-" "Dad where do babies come from?" "Ask your dad about that!" "But you are my dad!" Ran seemed indifferent about it but Watson can tell he's revealed to have someone to talk too, and someone to go to if things get to much. Grievous keeps sating he doesn't need a dad but he's the one that goes to Watson the most for things like hugs, comfort, and advice. 
Jackie and Grievous do everything. They rig the battle field so if someone steps in a certain area water will shoot up into their face, Grievous usually taunts and distracts opponents so Jackie can sneak up behind them and just latch onto them and cover their eyes while giggling like a madman as the opponent screams and runs around trying to get him off. Jackie regularly pulls peoples seat out from under them, while Grievous scares them and makes them choke or drop something. But they do know peoples limits. Like for Ran, no water related pranks (there was an incident where Grievous spilled a whole bucket of water on him and Ran got severe burns and had to stay in the hospital ward for a few days), for Watson don't mess with his bow or arrows, he will stab you. And for eachother, Jackie, no pranks that leave him alone for extended periods of time or makes it seems like everyone is gone/left. For Grievous no pranks centered around food or drinks (like putting toothpaste in his sandwich or putting pepper in his beer). 
Ran and Jackie have a 50/50 win if that makes sense. They both win and lose pretty often. They play games like Spoons, Go Fish, Dart Throwing (Watson needs to be present for this one), something similar to Cards Against Humanity, Poker (everyone plays during this one), and Tic Tac Toe. 
Sometimes Jackie loves being the smallest and other times hates it. He hates it when Ran steals something of his and holds it above his head, he sometimes resorts to aggressively climbing Ran to get it but Ran tends to just pluck him off, and people make fun of him in a mean natured way (he's fine with light teasing). But he loves it when he rides Ran's shoulders or can duck under peoples legs and trip em. Because he's also small and fast he's hard to catch and that definitely comes in handy during fights. No ones particularly protective of eachother (excluding Ran who's protective of everyone), because they know none of them like being babied and they can all hold their own, though they will quickly flock to help eachother if they need it. Ran definitely flaunts it whenever their in a agurement. 
There is a area under the fighting arena of the pit where they stay. Theres separate rooms for everyone, training areas, dinning areas, and just chilling areas. Theres even extra rooms meant for often visiting friends (Like Genevieve) and some for storage of weapons which also holds things to sharpen them or get new ones. The Pit itself is in the middle of a gaint city, so there are tons of stores and food areas around. And because of a high salary the King gives them they go out quite often, often eating out and browsing stores when their not training or sleeping. 
If by other combinations you mean like Ran-Jackie, Ran-Grievous, Watson-Jackie, and Watson-Grievous then it highly varies. Watson and Jackie are by far the worst team, their styles just don't match and constantly but heads during battles. Watson and Grievous are probably the best out of the 4 teams because Grievous can be serious and works well with Watson as he's much more willing to change his fighting style to accommodate whats needed. Ran and Jackie are like Jackie and Grievous, but they aren't nearly as insane. Rather Ran provides distractions while fighting to give Jackie time to sneak up behind them. Ran also is the only one able to actually throw Jackie, which they sometimes do during battles. And Ran and Grievous work well together, but not as much as Watson and Grievous, its just a few things of both their styles don't match or could potentially cause problems.
He's clumsy flat out, he isn't used to having full control and needs to get used to certain things like walking or talking again. He is also severely dehydrated and malnutritished because Dream didn't care enough to drink or eat. He's also incredibly skittish and scared easily. He and Cletus's relationship isn't solved fast at all, it takes months and the work of everyone to get the two comfortable around eachother. They start by putting Cletus on watching duty, where he watches over Ranbob to make sure he's eating and drinking and resting while not tiring himself out. Then after a month or 2 Isaac, Benjamin, and Charles start purposely leaving the two in a room alone toghere to get them to talk stuff out. It takes 3 months until their comfortable enough with eachother to willingly talk and hang out. Oh the house building attempts went aboustely awful. They sometimes fell on Ranbob! And when they didn't they just collapsed or got blown away by the wind, but Isaac did ofter help a few times and showed him multiple different ways to make sure the walls stay up and keep the cold out. 
Ran is very unhappy with Ranbobs haunting, he thinks their kind of like Ranbob in which they've all killed people and considers them a threat at first, but when he sees how his haunting likes and interacts with Ranbob's, he losens up a bit, his group trusts them, so he has to trust them a little bit. But he doesn't trust them or like them nearly as much as he trusts and likes his haunting. 
Im guessing you mean who from the two groups get along the easiest. Most of them take a while to get to know eachother, like a few hours. But after that their all really close. Charles and Jackie, Cletus and Grievous, and Benjamin, Isaac, and Watson are the groups that get along really well really fast. 
Im honestly probably am going to go for them adventuring outside the City to try to get the brothers to get along again. Mostly cause I thought of the idea that what if Watson, Jackie, and Grievous all lie to Ran, and while they are actually going on an adventure, they lie to him that his brother and his group isn't coming. Then when its much to late for Ran to back out, Watson just goes "Oh yeah! Your brother and his group are traveling with us. And you can't do anything about it." And Ran just sits there shocked. 
Ran and Ranbob are both subtle protective of their group. With Ranbob never really getting aggressive or going into overbearing. But for Ran, if someone in his group is injured badly enough or if there's a big enough threat he does get overbearing and extremely aggressive towards whatever/whoever the threat is *cough cough Ranbob cough*. Ranbob tends to be very physical, listening more to a certain instincts that tell him to constantly have a view on or hold his family, as if he doesnt see or touch them for a long time he gets very anxious and panicky, thinking his family is dead and that he's all alone again. His group understands this and so tends to not stray to far away from Ranbob. He will also follow his group like a lost puppy at times. Ran while listens more to the instinct that tells him at random times to make sure his family is ok and to bond with them. The bonding leads to him randomly grabbing them and just sitting down with them, most likely playing games. While the random urge to check on them has led to him waking them up during the middle of the night or interrupting his own conversation or others conversations just to ask if their ok. His took a while to understand why he does it, but now if he wakes them up or drags them somewhere, they know to go along with it and comfort him during those times. 
Hybrids are rare! Especially aggressive or netural type mobs like Ran, Ranbob, and Porkius are. Their actually seen as monsters and are chased out or hunted in other city's because people aren't accepting of them. Theres very few city's like Subbin that fully welcome and are even led by hybrids. So there are more hybrids in Subbin, than there is anywhere else. 
Sorry this is so long ':)
Asks are always welcome here, and don’t worry about taking a bit or anything. The questions aren’t going anywhere, there’s plenty of time. 
Here’s that for you,🌹anon.
1: Wow, Ranbob’s really going through it, huh? Does he ever start to fall back on that need to be ‘perfect’ while with the others? If so, how do they deal with that? And how is he with others offering to help him? If he even can really recall falling under Dream’s thrall, by accepting such an offer, how does he react to others doing the same, even if their intentions are far different?
2: So we’ve settled all the ages down, nice. You figure out anything for their backstory yet? And how do their ages affect their relationships with one another? Does Benjamin take the lead a lot? Or is he more of a follower that still has a lot of say? Who met who first?
3: So Ran’s obviously going to be awhile before he believes what went down. Still, I can’t imagine he’d have been as willing to go along with his hauntings little roadtrip plan if he wasn’t swayed at least a bit, since I can’t imagine he wouldn’t have put his foot down if he truly though Ranbob had done what he did. Why exactly does he go along with it? Does some small part of him want to give his brother a chance? Is he just confident he can overpower him, and looking for an opportunity to settle the score? Does he see something that makes him hope a bit? What’s going down there, anon?
4: On one hand, very adorable. One the other hand, poor Watson. Does Jackie actually not know that stuff, or does he do that just to mess with his new father figure? It seems like they all take to it pretty well overall though.
5: I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Two people to truly fear. How many people straight up forfeit when faced with this combination? It seems like they’ve had some interesting times, good and bad. How’d those play out? As for those last two, I’m sensing a bit of a backstory. Why does Grievous not like stuff being put into his food? And why’s Jackie not good with being left?
6: So it’s fifty/fifty, huh? Who wins the most at what games? And uh, Watson has to be present for Dart Throwing. What happened there? How’s everyone’s poker faces? Who’s got the best luck in games of chance?
7: A love/hate relationship with height. I feel ya, Jackie. Very funny to imagine though, Jackie just, physically climbing up Ran. How tall even is this guy?? How do they deal with meaner teasing, not just from the gladiators, but from general bullies? Not everybody’s as friendly as some of the Pit fighters, after all. And how do the fishermen react with their fighting skills? Obviously, they must know how to fight somewhat, to have entered the Pit, but the gladiators do this for a living. How much is the difference in skill level? And does the gang ever get to show off just how skilled they are? 
8: Their home sounds very nice, honestly, I wished I could live there, minus the people. What’s everyone’s rooms look like? How have they personalized them? Which brings up another question-what kind of interests and hobbies do they have? What kind of things do they do that aren’t fighting and related to such? And they must be pretty well known, to have such high pay. Any of them have an arena title, or some sort of stage name? How many people can recognize the city’s top gladiators on sight? And how do they get around that, when they don’t want to be seen? How do people feel about them in general?
9: All these team ups sound terrifying, and I wouldn’t want to be facing them. How do they deal with it when they get a bad match up? Do they just stay out of each other’s way? Try to take their opponents out quick? Make it one on one? Ran and Jackie have to be my favorite team up, solely for the fact that you’ve said Ran straight up throws him. Like?? Imagine coming to the King’s Pit, a well known, popular place, hoping to prove yourself, and then getting taking out by a flying midget, just tossed at you by a ridiculously tall endermen hybrid. How would you feel?? 
10: Ranbob is just really going through the ringer here. How many times does he just drop stuff, or trip over his feet? Does he ever get better, or does he still retain a clumsy streak? If so, how does Ran react to that? It’s very good he and Cletus bond! Are they just as close as the others, or is there still a bit of distance? How often does Ranbob forget to eat or drink, or really just take a break? How long does it take to get him to start remembering to do that stuff again? 
Does he ever slip up while with the gladiators? Also, in a room? Do the fisherman expand their house more, or do they just leave them in the house? Does Ranbob ever get his own house up? If so, does he use it at all, or is it more for storage? And how many times did he fall asleep out there, get injured, or not realize it was about to rain? How long did it take before Benjamin or Charles put their foot down and make him stay in for a bit?
Has Ranbob ever even dealt with rain before, or a storm above water? If not, how’d he react to it? 
11: Oh, boy, Ran. Your concerns are understandable, but definitely going to lead to some angst. Is he just on edge the whole time? How many times does he just glare at them, or straight up steal one of his haunting back a few feet away from Ranbob’s? Are the fishermen ever worried he might hurt them?
12: How do both hybrids deal with their groups bonding? I imagine Ranbob’s pretty happy with it, but how about Ran? As you said, he doesn’t seem to be the biggest fan of these guys. 
13: Roadtrip! Gotta love a roadtrip! What kind of places do they head? Any transportation, or is it just walking, enjoying nature? Do they go on an adventure to look for something cool? What’re they getting up to?
14: So Ran and Ranbob both act on their instincts in different ways. How do they feel about seeing how the other acts? What happens if any of the fishermen stray too far, or get separated from Ranbob? Same question to Ran. Ran just...like...picks up members of his haunting? Do people just see him walk around with them dangling in his arms? He must be pretty strong. How often does he do this? How else do their instincts lead to them acting? Cuddle piles, picking up blocks, keeping their groups close together, ect?
15: So Subbin’s pretty much a safe space for hybrids? Interesting. But since the groups are heading out, does this mean they run into some trouble outside of the city? And is there ever trouble within it? 
Other questions: Does Karl play any further part in this, or has he already played his role for good? Does the gang ever end up back at Mizu? Do any of the group have a pet or something similar? With there be any sort of connection to other Tales, even if only slightly, or will they be solely focused on these two? Does Ranbob pick up his studies of Ranboo as best he can once he’s free, or does he leave it all behind entirely?
Thanks for the ask, this AU’s become quite interesting. I can’t wait to see where it goes!
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lord, help
After a little playground drama, Tony has to deal with the fact that Tali really is Ziva’s daughter—through and through.
For @why-did-you-just-lie-to-mcgee and @indestinatus, with whom I’m always getting into trouble. Also on ff and AO3
“Before I start talking, do you three have anything to say for yourselves?”
Arms crossed, Tony paces the short length of the dining room, watched closely by three dirty, nervous children. They’re sitting side by side at the table, chairs scooted close together as they huddle in solidarity, and they remain determinedly quiet.
“Alright then. Go ahead and tell me what you’ve done.”
None of them respond to this, either. 
Frowning, Tony pulls out a chair opposite his daughter and sits down. “Sweetheart,” he tries again, “I happen to know that you speak no fewer than three languages. I also know that you know I spent a lot of time in law enforcement… I’m pretty good at getting information out of people. You’re smart and you’re very eloquent when you want to be, so when I ask again, I expect a reply this time: what happened?”
Tali’s expression turns at once from anxious to defiant, and she matches her father’s earlier posture by crossing her arms. Then she looks away, silent as ever. 
“Well, Tali?” Tony prompts, feeling distinctly Gibbs-ish as he leans in and narrows his eyes.
Finally, Tali gives an answer, but it’s muttered mutinously under her breath and Tony doesn’t catch any of her words.
“What did you say?”
“I said,” she growls back, looking distinctly Ziva-ish, “that it wasn’t my fault.”
“Whose fault was it, then?”
“Gabriel’s. He started it.”
“What did he start? This would all be so much easier if you would just start from the beginning, baby girl.”
Tali huffs, glancing between her friends—neither girl looks particularly eager to jump in. As always, she has to do every dang thing herself! “Fine. We went to the park to practice, and—”
“Practice what?”
“Dad, you said it’s rude to interrupt! Ugh. We went to the park to practice krav maga. Gabriel saw us, and he asked what we were doing. I told him. Then he said we had to stop—we couldn’t do it ‘cause girls are weak!”
Tony files the ‘krav maga’ thing away to circle back to in a moment and focuses on the rest of the story. “And that started a fight?”
“Sort of.”
“What do you mean, ‘sort of’?”
“Well, I said ‘maybe someday you can work your way up to “weak,” too,’ and that started a fight.”
Tony has to look away for a moment to compose himself, certain that he’ll laugh if he keeps looking at her. “I see,” he manages after a moment, his lips twitching dangerously but his face otherwise kept carefully blank. “Who threw the first punch?”
“Gabriel did!” Tali’s friend Geneviève pipes up, looking braver now that it seems for the moment that they’re not going to be yelled at. 
“And how did you three respond to that, ladies?”
“We just did what Tali has been teaching us, all the krav maga stuff!” This one comes from the third girl, Dina. 
Tony glances back at his daughter, who suddenly looks a little shifty-eyed again. “How long has that been going on?”
Tali shrugs uncomfortably.
“Are you qualified to teach krav maga, Tals?”
“No, but—”
“Do you know how to do it safely so no one gets injured?”
“No, but—”
“Wouldn’t you feel bad if Geneviève or Dina was hurt because you didn’t know what you were doing?”
“Yes! But—”
“But you think it’s still okay to hold krav maga lessons in the park?”
Frustrated, Tali bangs her palm suddenly on the table top, making both of her friends jump. “Yes!” she cries. “Because Ima said that every girl should know how to fight! She’s been teaching me!”
Well, that’s news to Tony. “She has, has she?”
“I just said so, didn’t I!?”
It’s a pretty common consensus around the David-DiNozzos that Tali takes after her father in most things, but… every so often, on days like this, she proves that she’s most certainly her mother’s child. Her temper is usually the thing that gives it away. 
“Don’t snap at me, young lady,” Tony responds sternly, but honestly, he wants to laugh again. 
“Hmph.” Tali makes her displeasure known with a glower, and she thumps back in her seat. 
Letting her stew for a moment, Tony glances back and forth between the other girls. “Did she tell the whole story?”
There appears to be a little silent communication that happens between the two, and then they turn back to him and nod in unison. 
“You sure about that?” he questions, his tone warning them not to lie. “You had to think about it for a little too long before you answered.”
Geneviève frowns, considering. “It’s just…” She pauses. “Gabriel plays in the park a lot. He doesn’t play like the other kids, though. He’s mean.”
“Yeah, he’s a bully!” Dina concurs earnestly. 
A few feet away, the lock on the front door slides free and the door opens, but the girls have their backs to it and don’t notice. Dina keeps talking. “He pulls my hair sometimes. Gabriel, he…” she wrinkles her nose and says something else that’s definitely not in French, which is what they’ve been speaking from the beginning of this “meeting.” 
Over the girls’ heads, Tony sees Ziva’s eyes widen as she walks in, and he knows that she must have understood whatever Dina just said. “Do you say words like that to your own parents, Dina?” his wife asks pointedly.
All three girls jump and turn around guiltily. 
“I, um…” Dina stammers. Like Tali, she’s a multilingual daughter of immigrants, and she seems to have forgotten that Ziva speaks many languages—including Russian. 
Ziva holds her reproachful expression in place for a beat before relaxing into a small, almost conspiratorial smile. “I will not tell… because I am sure that you are right. I think he did.”
Dina smiles shyly back, surprised, and Ziva joins Tony on his side of the table. It seems that she somehow knows the basics of what went down in the park, so he doesn’t bother to bring her up to speed. 
“Well,” Tony continues, drawing the attention of all three ten-year-olds back to himself, “I’m glad that none of you are hurt—and I’m glad Gabriel isn’t, either,” he adds. “But while knowing how to defend yourself is a good thing, you should never resort to violence unless you have no other choice, okay? Three people against one really isn’t a fair fight.”
Dina and Geneviève nod seriously, but Tali just snorts and mutters something under her breath in Hebrew. Whatever it is makes Ziva let out a strangled noise—Tony’s pretty sure that the noise is an aborted laugh. This entire series of events has him feeling the same way, but someone has to be the bad cop here…
So he nudges Tali’s foot under the table with his own. “Okay, Tali-Tee?”
She sighs. “Okay, Dad.”
Feeling like his fatherly duty has been fulfilled, Tony relaxes a little. “Alright. Now that that’s cleared up, you can go play again, but please, Jackie Chan and co., at least try not to start any more wars.”
Tali perks up slightly. “We’re not in trouble?”
“Not this time. But if I ever hear about you initiating any fights, I’m shipping you off to live with Grandpa Gibbs. He’ll set you straight.”
Tali is well aware that Grandpa Gibbs is wrapped around her little finger, so she grins. “Okay! We won’t!”
“Yeah, no fights for us!” Geneviève agrees.
“We won’t punch anyone!” Dina finishes, and without another thought, all three girls have flounced back out the door to return to the park.
Left alone with just Ziva, Tony starts to laugh, scrubbing his face with both hands. “God... and to think I used to hate the fact that I never got to see what you were like as a kid! Now I not only know a baby Ziva, I have to parent her, too!”
Ziva chuckles as well, laying a hand on her husband’s back and drifting it up to squeeze his shoulder fondly. “You handled it well, do not worry.”
Tony lifts his head to look at her, amused. “I wouldn’t have had to handle anything if you hadn’t decided to teach her Israeli martial arts.”
Ziva shrugs, entirely unrepentant. “I think she should be able to protect herself, and besides… it runs in her blood.”
“I guess it does… Lord help me, the only mere mortal in the middle of two born-and-bred ninjas. If Tali’s already picking fights with bullies at ten, I’m not going to survive her growing up.” He rolls his eyes, but he catches Ziva’s hand from his shoulder and squeezes it comfortably. “Anyway, how’d you find out what happened?”
“I ran into Gabriel’s mother on my way into the building.”
“Bet she wasn’t too pleased, was she?”
“No, she was not. But I told her that if my daughter hit her son, she almost certainly had an excellent reason for doing so.”
“You’ve never liked that kid, have you?”
“Not at all.”
Tony snorts. “Well, maybe he’ll stay away from the girls now.”
“It will be to his own detriment if he does not!”
“I’ll say. Tali can be fierce when she puts her mind to it, and Dina and Geneviève… Those three have always egged each other on. You know they get a little crazy when they’re all together—it’s total chaos, more often than not.”
“I am glad that Tali has them.”
“Me, too. They’re good friends to her, even if they’re always getting each other into trouble.” Tony pauses for a second, remembering something. “Hey, what did Dina say?”
Ziva laughs. “To translate it delicately, she said something like ‘that reproductive-organ-of-a-male-walrus deserved to be hit.’”
“I like the creativity… very Russian. And what did Tali say, right there at the end?”
“She was arguing with you… you said that three-against-one is not a fair fight, but she said that is not true here because Gabriel is stupid enough for three people all by himself.”
That really makes Tony laugh, and in the end, all he can think to reply is a thought that he’s already expressed today: “Lord, help... that girl is going to be the death of me.”
He really doesn’t mind, though. 
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benditlikepress · 5 years ago
growing pains
@coffeedepablo @indestinatus
dedicated to my queen @ncisjes who goes to work to escape my nonsense
Read in full on AO3
Tony was counting down the minutes until home-time when his phone started ringing. Usually he switched it off during meetings but for some reason it had slipped his mind, and that was why he jumped out of his seat to leave the room to answer it, seeing Tali’s school flash on the screen.
They never rang.
He closed the door quietly behind him and clicked answer as he jogged down the hallway towards the doors that led out onto a small balcony.
"Hello, is that Mr DiNozzo?"
"Hello, this is Tali's teacher Madame Belanger."
"Oh. Hello. Is everything OK?"
"I'm stood here with Tali, nobody has arrived to take her home."
Tony checked the time. School let out 10 minutes ago. "Uh, Tali's mom should be there. She hasn't shown up?"
"No, Mr DiNozzo. I know it's her that picks Tali up and she's always early so I tried to ring her but I got no answer. I know she's pregnant so I thought I best ring you to check everything is OK."
Tony felt his shackles immediately rise, a ball in his throat. "Um, thank you. I'll try to get a hold of her but I'm on my way myself now, so one of us will be there soon. Can I speak to Tali real quick?"
There was a small pause while the phone was passed over.
"Hey sweetheart, it's daddy. I'm on my way to come get you, OK? Don't worry about a thing."
"I love you."
"Love you too."
Tony hung up the phone and began dialling Ziva's number as he went into his boss' office. He explained he had an emergency at home with the phone pressed to his ear and was waved away to leave just as Ziva's phone went to voicemail.
"Hey. It's me. Call if you get this, let me know you’re alright."
When she still hadn’t returned his call when he was getting into his car, he began to panic more. Though she’d been through rough patches and difficulties since she got home to Paris, she’d never once made herself unreachable. She’d always at least drop a text to let him know she was safe. Particularly since she’d found out she was pregnant.
Thoughts of the baby plagued his rushed journey to school, weaving through traffic in a way that made him wish he still had lights he could stick on the roof. Things had been going really well up until now – no worries or doctors concerns, nothing that had to be kept an eye on. Ziva had been a little anxious at first because there had been some concerns early in her pregnancy with Tali but they had turned out to be false alarms, likely caused by stress. When nothing had happened in the first 12 weeks of this pregnancy and then the next couple afterwards, her fears had been allayed. It was week 23 now and everything had been pretty much perfect.
He repeated to himself that she was in the bath and had lost track of time as he hopped out of his car and rushed up to the school gates. He was buzzed in and by the time he reached reception, Tali and her teacher were waiting. Tali immediately left her teachers’ side and came over to him, wrapping her arms around him for a hug.
“Hey, sweetheart. Good day?” He asked in English and Tali’s teacher smiled politely, though he was never sure if she actually understood a word he said when he wasn’t speaking French.
“Uh-huh. Are we going home?”
“Yeah, come on. Sorry you had to wait a little while.”
“That’s OK. Au revoir, Madame Belanger.”
“Au revoir, Tali. See you tomorrow.”
Tali took Tony’s hand as they left the building and walked with purpose although she was quiet and thoughtful.
“Everything alright?”
“Why didn’t ima pick me up?”
"I'm not sure, sweetheart. We're gonna go talk to her and find out, OK?"
"Is something wrong with the baby?"
"I don't think so. Let's just get home and we'll find out what's going on."
This seemed to satisfy Tali, who was her usual talkative self on the car ride back to the apartment. Tony was glad of the distraction – happy to hear about Tali’s class preparation for their upcoming recorder recital and her friend’s new dog.
The building looked normal from the outside when they got home, though decades worth of cop shackles were hard to shake off and Tony caught himself reaching for a non-existent gun as they entered the eerily quiet hallway and reached the locked door.
The apartment was cleaner than they’d left it this morning – clothes and breakfast and mail put away. The curtains were open but the light was on in the bathroom and everywhere was silent. Tony left Tali in the living room and cut through room-by-room looking for any sign of Ziva or something out of place, and when he reached their bedroom he found the door ajar and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw a sleeping figure on top of the mattress.
Ziva was lying on her side, buried in blankets, a slight frown on her face.
Tony bent down by the side of the bed and lifted fingers to her forehead, stroking her hair.
"Hey honey, you awake?"
Ziva stirred and then opened one eye. "What are you doing here?"
"School called."
"What time is it?" Ziva lifted her arms sleepily to check her phone. "Oh my god, I have to go and get Tali."
"Hey hey hey, relax. I got her. She's in the living room."
Ziva exhaled heavily and covered her face with her eyes.
"You OK?"
"Yes. I just... I have been asleep all afternoon. I did not get any sleep last night so I just lay down after lunch and.. I cannot believe this. I have never slept through anything in my life."
"Well, you're pregnant. It happens. Why didn't you sleep last night?"
"I need to talk to Tali."
"Just - take a breath first, alright?"
She closed her eyes as she inhaled and exhaled, but threw the blankets off her all the same. She had taken to wearing his shorts as pyjama bottoms, paired with either a tank top that rode up more as the days went on or one of his old baggy t-shirts depending on the temperature. Though she was almost always overheating these days.
"Is Tali upset?"
"She's fine. She was just a little worried something might've happened." Ziva brought herself up to a sitting position and pressed the base of her palms against her eyes. “You sure everything’s alright?”
"Yes, we are fine. Completely. I am so sorry for scaring you. Really, I.."
"Hey," Tony pulled her hands away from her face gently. "It's alright. It's fine. Stuff happens sometimes."
“It is not alright, Tony.”
Her insistence struck a chord with him, the way her breathing was a little laboured and she squeezed his fingers where they were still attached to accentuate the point.
“Hey. Talk to me.”
“We can talk once I have spoken to Tali. Let me do that first.”
“OK. Take a couple of deep breaths, though. Come in when you’re ready.”
Tony ran his hand over her head as he stood up, leaving the room and going back into the living room where Tali was sitting on the sofa with a game in hand kicking her legs backwards and forwards.
“Ima and the baby are all good. See? Like I said. Nothing for you to worry about. She’s gonna come and talk to you right now.”
He sat down next to her and she began to continue the conversations she’d started in the car, not seeming to notice Tony’s small responses as he kept an eye on the bedroom door.
Ziva appeared a couple of minutes later, her cheeks slightly pink with sleep and a practised smile plastered on her face as her eyes trained on Tali.
"Is the baby OK?"
"We are both fine. But I need to apologise to you.” Ziva sat down at Tali’s side, opposite to Tony, and took Tali’s small hands into her own on her lap. “I'm so sorry I did not pick you up today, Tali. I did not get any sleep last night and I accidentally napped through my alarm. I promise you it will never ever happen again. And I'm very sorry for worrying you, that is not fair at all on you."
"OK. I forgive you."
"You do?"
"You promise.”
“I promise. Can I have a hug?”
Tali wrapped herself around Ziva but the position was starting to get awkward as Ziva had started growing more significantly in the last couple of weeks. She was carrying smaller than Tony had imagined, though he supposed it was a result of keeping herself fit. She said you’d have barely known she was pregnant with Tali until her third trimester.
He watched her expression now, over Tali’s shoulder, her eyes tightly shut and then opening to look up at him with tears threatening. She ran her hand over her left eye and the movement seemed to alert Tali to pull back and look at her.
“Don’t be sad.”
“I’m not sad, OK? Ani ohevet otach. I love you very much.”
Tony still wasn't quite used to the feeling he got in his chest when he saw the two of them together like this: hugging and whispering affection to each other, looking over each other’s shoulders at him with such automatic warmth in their eyes. It was a feeling he'd forgotten existed, something that he'd not felt since childhood until Tali and then Ziva took permanent place in his life - the pure comfort of being around family. The way that even when Ziva was clearly upset and hurting there was still pure, unadulterated love in the air.
Ziva sniffed and straightened her back. “Do you want to help me make dinner?”
“Can we have pizza?”
“You know your daddy can never say no to that. Come on, let’s get your hands washed.”
Tali jumped off the sofa and ran off in the direction of the bathroom. Tony got to his feet and held out his hand to help Ziva up, though she managed to get up mostly by herself. Her hand, as it often did now, instinctively went to her stomach. It was almost six months in and he still hadn't grown out of the burst of pride every time he watched Ziva privately acknowledge her bump, the knowledge that it was his child she was tending to when she didn't realise anyone was watching.
“I promise we will talk. I just want to make sure she is OK first. Once we have eaten, she will settle down. OK?”
It was a lot like this with a child: something Tony had never really considered before Tali came into his life, and something he was sure would only get more significant once the baby was here. Trying to find opportunities to talk was difficult, quiet moments alone few and far between, and though all Tony wanted to do right now was sit Ziva down and wait for her to explain every single thing on her mind he instead had to be content to watch her staring down at Tali thoughtfully while she helped her knead dough and overflow toppings in the way only a DiNozzo could.
They ate quietly but happily, Tali still leading conversation, and once she’d finished she’d taken herself off to her bedroom and shouted at Tony to follow her to help her with her math homework.
Ziva still had a fearful look in her eye, and it only seemed to increase as the minutes passed. She looked at Tali’s bedroom and then back at Tony, questioning, until he signalled at her to go to their own bedroom while he followed Tali.
(continue reading on AO3)
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razorblade180 · 5 years ago
Sunshower 6
The day after a party, everyone’s worse nightmare. Even with more to come indefinitely, faunus weren’t immune to the effects of partying too hard. Morning had finally kissed Menagerie and those with jobs were the first to witness or feel the shock of Blake’s Homecoming. Streets and houses were littered with festivities along with plenty of red solo cups. Officer’s were up first to deal with any passed out people that were anywhere but their home. All in all, the first night was a hit; people’s spirits seemed to be through the roof. The wave of pleasure was sure to carry over to tonight.
It didn’t take long for the outside world to start rousing people from sleep; including Ilia. Slowly her eyes open to the dim sunlight hitting them; doing no good for her massive hangover. Things are fuzzy. Not to mention.....aching? Common for downing five too many but this felt different. Since when does drinking hurt your legs? Her right hand rubbed the bridge of her nose as she tried to adjust to being being sober again.
Ilia:(Ugh, where am I? Did I......fall asleep? Am I still asleep? No, too much pain to be a dream. Even my own thoughts sound way too loud...) *rubs her temples*
Ilia:(Okay, if I can survive the white fang then I push through this hangover and open my eyes to the very, very bright lights. Easy as one.....two.....thre-
Ilia:Was that.....snoring?
Her eyes opened one at a time to lessen the pain. It took a few seconds to see clearly but eventually she did; still, Ilia needed a minute to process what she saw. The interior design told her she was in Blake’s house. The room wasn’t really messy which told her no one had come in during the party. The only visible mess were clothes.....? Her clothes at that. Both hands shot up to her head to feel that her hair was down as well. Finally a gasp was let out as her mind was finally catching up.
Ilia:(I’m in Blake’s house still!!! Not just that, but naked two!? What the actual hell happened last night!!? Party, drank, drank some more, also cried I think? Then I got fresh air with-)
Everything in her entire body told her to not look to her left. Pieces of memories she kept recalling demanded to know if they were being remembered right however. Something Ilia knew she most likely was since it would be just her luck. Time felt like it stopped as she finally turned to see the source of the snoring. Sure enough, Sun laid peacefully next to her with his head facing away from her. His short was off and she could spot it near the foot of the bed; along with the rest of his clothes. Brown skin turned white from the shock as freckles went straight to pink from embarrassment. Sun Wukong was currently naked and sleeping next to her who is also naked but now completely awake. Even the hangover took a backseat to this dump of information.
Ilia:(Oh fuck.......)
The boy was motionless; almost unnerving motionless. A dark thought started to grow in her head so gently she pulled the cover about an inch down and listened to his heart. Ilia’s nerves weren’t calmed to discover that he sounded and looked find. Now she could focus on major crisis. Leaving. She slid herself out from the side of covers and nearly dropped to the wooden floor. Blaming only the hangover would be a lie for the state of her poor motor skills yet thinking of other reasons why moving was a chore lead to topics she didn’t want to address at the moment. One problem at a time. Right now she needed to be presentable. It took some time but she managed dress herself for the most part. The ponytail was neglected as well as the jacket she wore.
Full stealth mode was happening right now. Each foot gently went in front of the other as she watched him to make sure he was still asleep. There was something unusual about the way he slept that Ilia couldn’t figure out. Oh well. She’d think about it later. Right now she is just relieved to have reached the door knob. At least she was until it started twisting from the other side. Someone was coming in...
Ilia:(No no no no no no no!!!!!!!! Crap what do I-)
*door opens*
Kali:*whispering* Pssst Sun? It’s morn.....ing? Ilia?
Ilia:.......I can explain! Things got crazy and we weren’t thinking! I was dr-
Kali:*covers Ilia’s mouth* Relax, you look like you’re about to faint. I didn’t even know you were at the party. Guess I know why *looks at bed*
Ilia:Please don’t mention this to anyone.
Kali:I wouldn’t even dream of it sweetie. I can’t tell you how crazy parties got back in me and Ghira’s day. My lips are sealed. *steps aside*
Ilia wouldn’t call herself a religious person, but Kali had to be a gift from above. She couldn’t help but hug the older woman as she walked out the room.
Kali:Oh, one more thing.
Kali:Blake and Yang are passed out on the couch and Ghira is making coffee in the kitchen so......might wanna use the balcony.
Ilia:I’m getting real sick of that balcony. Thank you.
She made a hard right as soon as she entered the hallway towards the balcony. Ilia was starting to miss simply walking through a doorway. It was time to put her skills to the test. Carefully she hoisted herself up on the railing and looked at the closet tree, then the ground.
Ilia:Should be easy enough.
Her foot slips right as she jumps around she hits the ground below. The only pain she feels is the bruised ego and what can only be described as her brain bouncing around. The fatigue of it all made the ground feel oddly comfortable. She took a moment to stare up at the sky; the shade from the balcony blocking the cruel sun. Soon she’d have to move.
Kali:*looks down* Are you okay?
Ilia:Honestly, not my worst screw up in recent months.
Kali:Fair enough. You forgot your scroll up here by the way.
Ilia:Probably for the best considering what just happened. Kali can you do me favor? I need you to make a call.
Neptune:.......*sips coffee*
Neptune:Can you walk.
Neptune:Can you walk well?
Ilia:No......got a feeling I twisted my ankle a little. Among other stuff.
Neptune:And you don’t ask Kali for first aid because.....?
Ilia:I am not going back in that house right now. Just help me up please? My aura will fix it soon enough.*raises arm* Mind being my crutch?
Neptune:I could just carry you on my back?
Ilia:Neptune I need just a little dignity right now so if you could just get under my arm and then stand up please.
Neptune:But your so short. I’d have to be hunched over and-
Ilia:You dined and dash yesterday! Can you please just-
Neptune:Fine! *supports her* happy?
Ilia:A little. Can we go to your motel room? My home is way too far of a walk.
Neptune:Fine by mean. I’d get lost anyways. *starts walking*
Ilia:Thank you...
Neptune:Yep. So.....any reason why you look vanilla swirl with pink sprinkles?
Ilia:It’s been an overwhelming forty minutes since I woke up.
Neptune:Does it have something to do with sleeping with my best friend?
Ilia:*eyes widened* What are you talk- why would I....sigh
Neptune:Not even denying it. Don’t worry about responding to it right now. Just enjoy the fresh air and walk.
Ilia:(easier said then done.)
The duo hobbled in silence for awhile. It would look suspicious if there wasn’t plenty of other people still getting their barrings. Neptune kept his eyes forward to look out for anything. Ilia was busy zoning out. The initial shock of everything had finally warn off and her skin went back to its natural color; except for her freckles. The darker spots were still pink and only getting pinker as she hopelessly tried to think of anything but last night. Blood rushed to her face out of embarrassment.
Neptune:Heads up Ilia.
Ilia:Hmmm? *looks up* Oh......
A menagerie officer stands before them with their hands on their hips; a fox tail wraps around their slim frame as they stare down the two.
Neptune:Who’s your foxy friend Ilia?
Cop:That’s racist....
Neptune:Crap! I’m sorry!!! You know I kinda thought it was stupid to say out loud but-
Ilia:They’re joking around. Neptune this is Judy. Judy this is Neptune, he’s a bit dumb but I’ve been told he’s pretty valid as a person.
Judy:Haha, he must be if Ghira hasn’t thrown in the ocean yet.
Neptune:He....he does that?
Judy:Only to pests. For the record, I’d play it say and refrain from animal puns or jokes. Any other faunus might’ve gotten a bit rowdy.
Neptune:Noted. So....any reason someone as beautiful as yourself came strolling this way?
Judy:Just helping where I could when suddenly I see Miss. Bomb Defuser strolling by. You haven’t checked in with me in a couple of days. I don’t have to remind you that multiple cops and gaurds are still twitchy about your circumstances do I?
Neptune:Wait, is Judy-
Ilia:Yes Neptune, Judy is my parole officer.
Judy:Come now, you aren’t on parole. It just makes a lot of people feel better if you can be accounted for regularly by the authorities and sometimes help around the place to rebuild your self ima-
Ilia:Judy.......it’s parole.
Judy:........*nods* Yeah I guess it is, sorry.
Neptune:Well if that’s the case I can vouch for her and say for the pass few days she’s done nothing but help organize the party and decided to indulge in the festivities last night. You can even find a copy of all the decorations she’s done at the Belladonna estate signed off by Ghira himself.
Judy:Woah, well that makes things easier. Thank you Neptune. I guess you really are valid.
Ilia:You’re telling me.
Judy:Anyways, I’m gonna head out but actually go check in next time so we don’t have to think about sending a search party. *walking away*
Ilia:I’ll think about it.
Ilia:Goodbye Judy! Start walking Neptune before we here a long winded speech about the wall.
Neptune:*walks* Judy seems nice.
Ilia:Surprised you barely flirted through that conversation. I was waiting for you to make a mistake like most people do around Judy.
Neptune:Mistake? What mistake?
Ilia:If you haven’t figured it out yet then who am I to tell?
Neptune:You’ve calmed down from the looks of it.
Ilia:Oh, I guess I have.
Neptune:Good, because we’re here.
Motels were something menagerie was getting used to since Haven. Plenty of faunus has stopped by to figure out if they also wanted to move in and even important figures across Remnant wanted to discuss human and faunus relations as a new organization formed. So a motel half the size of Blake’s home was built a little ways west of the main part of the island. Here people could easily access the beach or look inward to all the people and get a glimpse of what a regular day here looks like.
Neptune took pride and being the first human to have an indefinite stay at the beautiful place; even Ilia hasn’t been around it much. He lead her to his room there was a back porch that faced the sea with a hammock. The room itself was wood furnished with a decent sized bed in the middle and two night standing on each side. The golden brown look of it all gave off a vibe of warm flames and deep heritage. Neptune guided her to the hammock then went back inside to grab some pills and water bottles before coming back out. He didn’t have to say anything before she grabbed both of them and open the lid.
Neptune:I’m guessing your hangover headache was really bad.
Ilia:You guessed correctly. Thank you by the way, for all this. Especially with Judy.
Neptune:Someone had to keep track of supplies since you and Sun made a competition.
Ilia:Makes sense. By the way.....Judy is-
Neptune:I figured it out on the way here.
Ilia:Okay, I was gonna feel a bit bad if I didn’t say something.
Neptune:Trust me, I’ve developed a sense for these things after meeting you. Still, they are pretty cool. Probably knows how to party.
Ilia:Don’t tell your date from last night that, or is she already out of the picture? This room is surprisingly clean for a playboy after a party. House keeping works fast.
Neptune:House keeping only had to dust. Nothing happened in this room last night. I took that girl home after the fireworks because boy was she out of it. I tried calling Sun to let him know where I was but he never answered. That’s when a gut feeling told me to look for high points and I saw you two on the roof.
Neptune:Didn’t think much of it. Even after I saw him pick you up and lead you inside. There was a little chatter about a spunky drunk girl that told of some creep inside with the help of a monkey faunus so I assumed that you were thoroughly wasted; which makes sense after what you did at the restaurant. Sun was with you and both of you were pretty bummed out the whole night so I thought “they’ll probably go ditch the thing and I’ll see him later.” But then I didn’t......
Neptune:Sun is a big boy and knows the place so I didn’t think much of it. I’d catch up with him tomorrow morning. Tomorrow becomes today and as I reach for my scroll expecting apology messages from him, it’s Kali telling me to come pick you up from the house as quickly and discreetly as possible. Now I hate to make assumptions, but I’ve done my fair share of unsuccessful balcony exits. What they all have in common is what I did the night before to prompt such a hasty exit.
Ilia:What are you? Some kind of jr detective?
Neptune:When it comes to crimes of the heart I find all the clues.
Ilia:It’s not a crime of the heart it’s just.....ugh. *lays down* Gods I feel stupid. What possessed me to think sleeping with Sun was a good idea to push away pain.
Neptune:I know your teenage years aren’t exactly normal but that’s about as normal as teenage thought processes go. He was depressed, you were depressed, tons of alcohol, and common ground found at a late night party. I’m not saying I expected this because I didn’t, but makes sense.
Ilia:You don’t understand Neptune! What happened shouldn’t have happened, but it did and now I just feel....weird. I can’t remember all of last night right now but I remember a decent amount. Things I wish I didn’t.
Ilia:I said things. Personal things I don’t share freely. I was hurt but things felt, okay? Yet so wrong at the same time.
Neptune:*frowns* Do you feel used?
Ilia:No, heavens no. If anything I sort of feel like I used him a little. Which was not my intention.
Neptune:What was your intention?
Ilia:I DON’T KNOW!!!!!! I just remember feeling..... something. Whatever the hell it was....
Neptune:Do you....regret it?
Neptune:Do you regret last night?
Ilia:I’m, not exactly sure.
Neptune:Well maybe start there and everything else might fall into place? I’m not saying this isn’t a big deal or anything but trust me when I say this does not have to be some staggering revelation. Beer has a way of blurring that line.
Ilia:Sigh, I’m not prepared to talk to Sun about this.
Neptune:Lucky for you, he normally blacks-out when he gets too drunk.
Neptune:Yeah he doesn’t like drinking. I think he only did it because of how upset he was.
Ilia:Oh......*turns blue*
Neptune:Uh oh, what’s wrong?
Ilia:Even if he doesn’t remember, it’s wrong to keep that from him right?
Neptune:Tricky question. Personally, I’d tell him if you feel weird about it. Sort out your feelings on the situation and if it meant nothing to you and was just something that happened then by all means, I’ll keep the secret.
Neptune:Blake and Sun are only friends with compassionate people, so I know last night meant something to you in one shape or form. I’ll be here figure it out if you want and anything else you might need. That way you can tell him with a clear head.
The more Neptune spoke, the more Ilia had to keep rethinking her description of him. Sun wasn’t just hyping him up whenever he told her that Neptune has more heart than she realized. His words, his smile, everything he did today made that statement....valid.
Ilia:I’m sorry Neptune.
Neptune:For what?
Ilia:Downplaying you constantly. You’re actually really sweet. So I’m sorry.
Neptune:Oh *red* well don’t go spreading that around alright. Some of these girls are really buying the whole cool yet distant act I’m putting on.
Ilia:*snickers* Alright, I guess I can do that. Hey is it alright if I can just lay here for a bit and just relax?
Neptune:Sure, it’ll help get my lien’s worth out of this place. *going inside*
Ilia:How much is this room?
Neptune:Too much Ilia! It’s too much! At least the water is free, I hope.
Ilia:(Funny, forgot to call himself compassionate as well. Maybe that’s why Sun likes him?)
Neptune:*scrolling* Hmm?
*one new message*
Sun: “Hey man, sorry about last night.”
Neptune: “Don’t sweat it dude.”
Sun: “So uh....can I come over? I gotta talk to you.”
Neptune: “About?”
Sun: “About something that happened last night.”
Neptune:*turns around*
Ilia:*sleeping peacefully*
Neptune: “How about we meet somewhere for breakfast instead? Just to get out and about?”
Sun: “Sounds like a plan. Thanks bro”
Neptune:(Well I guess this is happening now.)
Sun:*holding Ilia’s scrunchy*......... oh boy.
Part 5
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oookaline · 4 years ago
A response to this tweet:
"ok. i’m bout to ask a question to the larries. yalls whole argument is that simon and modest are homophobic right? please explain to me how Harry got away with being such a strong advocate for the LGBTQ+ community while being in One Direction? Why was harry the only one dropping hints on his sexuality. if they were so dead set on pushing this heterosexual narrative onto the boys then how did Harry get away with the things that he did? harry was dropping hints at his attraction to males. no, not with over analyzed song lyrics. i mean dead ass saying it. I genuinely want to know because Harry‘s been out of the closet for years now .y’all claim that Louis is closete. Harry managed to get out of the “evil clutches of Simon Cowell“ what stopping Louis and doing the same? unless this whole Larry theory was a lie and y’all were bored like, can someone please tell me why that happened? if Harry is allowed to be so open about his sexuality what stopping louis? if Harry got away from Simon would stopping in Louis they all have the same opportunity Harry may be the richest member but Louis can’t be that far back so tell me how did Harry manage to get away and be so open about his attraction of males and louis didn’t? i genuinely don’t get that."
Harry has been refering to his partner as gender neutral since forever, its not something he dropped hints on.
Not only that you have to also consider the narratives management pushed upon each of them aswell: Ima try to do a brief summary on H and Lou only, as this is reffered to Larries.
Louis: Perfect Boyfriend, a stable girlfriend throughout the years, influencer pretty girlfriend, no background on her so no backlash, constant papwalks on them and the occasional 'theyre toguether' tweets. Literally what it would be normalized as a happy relationship.
Harry: Fuck Boy, dated a lot of people, womaniser, headlines every week linking him to a new person, kendall, Taylor, Caroline etc, all big names yet all stunts, papwalks, 18 months of dating or interaction then never talked about again, the boy to wisk you away to a magical night then leave you the next morning.
Now taking these both you can see they are very different narratives, thus enabling them for two very distinctive ways to hinting at their sexuality with us.
Louis due to stunt reasons had to make his love songs (or his songs overall) seem like they hint at a specific girl, eleanor. Building up on the narrative they've had over the years. So while he can't directly call out his 'perfect woman' in gender neutral pronouns like Harry does, he CAN on the other hand choose what he specifies her as: a good chef, long brown hair paired with a british accent.
Very specific things that very obviously link to Harry while making press and hets think its towards Eleanor.
That one interview which didn't air where Louis said he had a boyfriend...
But this is just verbal. Lyric whise Louis has been more open and smart then anyone I've ever listened to-
The lyrics directly paralleling gay relationship, the struggles, the fear of not being able to be with them... Everything that a Heterosexual reletionship would NEVER experience. A few examples:
→Alive - One Direction (Louis) MM
"My mama told me I should go and get some therapy"
"I asked the doctor, "can you find out what is wrong with me? I don't know why I wanna be with every girl I meet"
"I can't control it"
"She said, "hey, it's alright Does it make you feel alive?"
"We got to live before we get older. Do what we like, we got nothing to lose. Shake off the weight of the world from your shoulders. Oh, we got nothing to prove"
"Went to a party just after the doctor talked to me, I met a girl, I took her in up to the balcony, I whispered something in her ear that I just can't repeat, She said, "okay" but she was worried what her friends will think"
This whole song is about questioning you sexuality and realizing you like the same sex.
Read over the lyrics and change:
girl - boy
she/her - he/him
and you'll see what I mean
→End Of The Day (Louis and Liam) MITAM
"Love can be frightening for sure"
"All I know at the end of the day is you want what you want and you say what you say, And you'll follow your heart even though it'll break, Sometimes"
"All I know at the end of the day is love who you love, There ain't no other way, If there's something I've learnt from a million mistakes, You're the one that I want at the end of the day"
"The priest thinks it's the devil, My mum thinks it's the flu, But girl it's only you"
"When the sun goes I know that you and me and everything will be alright, And when the city's sleeping, you and I can stay awake and keep on dreaming"
this whole song (apart from that one "girl") is just a huge gay awakening. If you keep the girl its a wlw anthem then.
some more exaples from scattered songs:
"There's a moment when you finally realize, There's no way you can change the rolling tide" -Ready To Run
"There will always be the kind that criticize, But I know, yes I know we'll be alright" -Ready To Run
"Told myself I kind of liked her, But there was something missing in her eyes" -Home
"I was stumbling, looking in the dark , With an empty heart, But you say you feel the same"-Home
"Still high with a little feeling, I see the smile as it starts to creep in, It was there, I saw it in your eyes" -Home
"But I know you're only hiding, And I just wanna see you" -Through The Dark
"And I can see your head is held in shame, But I just wanna see you smile again" -Through The Dark
"And I will hold you closer, Hope your heart is strong enough" -Through the dark
"People say we shouldn't be together, We're too young to know about forever" -TDKAU
"They don't know about the things we do, They don't know about the "I love yous"-TDKAU
these are just some out of the many Louis wrote. You can see where I'm going with it now.
and im not even going to touch i to all the shading Louis did with his clothes, tattoos, actions etc...
Now, Harry 'got away' with those actions because of various reasons, but I wouldn't say that he got away, I'd call it more of a "You stop me from doing this we will get backlash for possible homophobia and then y'all lose money so suck it up fuckers we're going on a rainbow ride" which is true; Yes, Harry did always refer to his ideal partner in gender neutral forms, but during the rainbow direction project was when he really amped it up so he could always go with the casual "I'm just supporting my fans, there's no harm in that" when confronted about it, which includes him waving the flags around and all the other stuff.
But it also seems you all are forgetting about how along with all the Queer!Harry we got, we also got more and more headlines of Wom!Harry, more stunts and etc: 5 different official relationships (not counting Kendal twice, which would make 6) between late 2014-early 2016 ALSO NOT COUNTING RUMOURED GIRLFRIENDS which then would make the list go so much higher, Harry couldn't before and still can't hang out with WOMEN or else there will be rumours of them dating.
And this doesn't happen with Men :/ He can hang put with multiple men, and there probably will be barelly one and a half articles written about it -only by small outlets- which in comparison to when he is seen hanging our with a 'mysterious woman' we'll get hundreds of articles about it in a span of an hour.
So what I'm trying to say is that sadly he can still call his ideal partner a he and be seen kissing a guy that the media probably will focus on the chick on the background and write an article like "Harry Styles seen out with friends in LA and he seemed extra cozy with mysterious blonde".
But again, the same with Louis, he hints at us about his sexuality so much, be it us the only one who properly listens to him.
With his songs and the flags and the pins and everything.
Here's some of his lyrics from the Oned era:
"We were meant to be but a twist of fate, Made it so you had to walk away" -Happily
"I don't care what people say when we're together"-Happily
"I can't even think straight but I can tell, You were just with her"-JABOYL
"And nothing's ever easy, That's what they say"-JABOYL
"Pay attention, I hope that you listen 'cause I let my guard down, Right now I'm completely defenseless"-If I Could Fly
"I've got scars even though they can't always be seen, And pain gets hard, but now you're here and I don't feel a thing"-If I Could Fly
"One day you'll come into my world and say it all, You say we'll be together even when you're lost"-Something Great
"I want you here with me, Like how I pictured it, So I don't have to keep imagining"-Something Great
"The script was written and I could not change a thing, I want to rip it all to shreds and start again"-Something Great
"You're all I want, So much it's hurting"-Something Great
So yeah, its sad that you just alienated that one thing without having context nor looking at the bigger picture. If I missed anything please tell me. :]
sorry for the long post
(copied from my answer on twitter)
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thegreenmeridian · 5 years ago
@victorian-sexstache did a thing and I’m bored so I’m doing it too.
1. what color is your hair brush?
I shave my head, so I don’t have one
2. a food you never eat?
Fish. I do eat seafood though.
3. are you typically too warm or too cold?
Too warm. Always too warm.
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Playing solitaire on my iPad
5. what is your favorite candy bar?
Anything Reeses
6. have you ever been to a professional sporting event?
Yeah, I used to go watch the Eastbourne Eagles speedway team a lot. I miss that, speedway is awesome.
7. what was the last thing you said out loud?
“Hello babycakes” to my cat as he climbed over my head
8. what is your favorite ice cream?
I had apple strudel ice cream in Ramsgate as a child, I still think about that.
9. what was the last thing you had to drink?
Backwoods Bastard beer
10. do you like your wallet?
It’s alright. Just a regular wallet.
11. what was the last thing you ate?
Dry cereal. It’s call Havre Minifras, and it’s pleasantly bland.
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
My husband got new swim trunks so I got his old ones, if that counts?
13. the last sporting event you watched?
The 2018 Winter Olympics
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
Salty-sweet. Or the weird cheese dust stuff Iceland has.
15. who was the last person you sent a text message to?
The husband
16. ever go camping?
Yeah, I got dragged to camp sites as a kid. Never liked it. I don’t wanna have to put on shoes and walk somewhere to take piss and I really like having an actual bed and not having to fuck about with calor has to eat.
17. do you take vitamins?
Yeah, I have chronic B-12 deficiency so I have to have ass injections occasionally.
18. do you go to church every sunday?
No, I wasn’t raised in a religion and I’ve no interest in joining one now. I went through a Unitarian phase for a couple of months after a bad breakup in 2015, though.
19. do you have a tan?
I have two settings, deathly pale or 2nd degree burns.
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza?
These satisfy completely different needs for me so it’s impossible to compare. Also I’m British so obviously my favourite is Indian.
21. do you drink your soda with a straw?
22. what color socks do you usually wear?
I have two kinds of socks. Nike trainer liners and some Kirkland merino wool boot socks. These are the only socks I buy. So I basically just have shittons of each.
23. ever drive above the speed limit?
I don’t drive, so no.
24. what terrifies you?
25. look to your left, what do you see?
An X-Files ‘I WANT TO BELIEVE’ poster my husband got me for my birthday a few years ago.
26. what chore do you hate?
All of them.
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent?
Neighbours, and to a lesser extent, Home and Away
28. what is your favorite soda?
Ginger beer or Burn energy drink.
29. do you go to a fast food place or just hit the drive through?
I think I’ve been to a drive through maybe once in my life.
30. who was the last person you talked to?
Husband again!
31. favorite cut of beef?
I’m not much of a beef person and when I do have it, it’s in burger or stir fry chunks form. Horse is vastly superior.
32. last song you listened to?
September by Earth, Wind, and Fire
33. last book you read?
Learning Teaching by Jim Scrivener. It’s basically the TEFL bible.
34. favorite day of the week?
I’ve been unemployed for ages so time has no meaning for me.
35. can you say the alphabet backwards?
Probably not, my brain does not work that way.
36. how do you like your coffee?
Whatever the hell they serve in Lviv cafes
37. favorite pair of shoes?
Some Sketchers slip-on trainers
38. at what time do you usually go to bed?
My sleeping pattern is fucked, I went to sleep at like 1400 yesterday
39. at what time do you usually get up?
And I woke up at 2300 so yeah
40. what do you prefer: sunrises or sunsets?
I’d take either right now, we don’t get proper darkness this time of year in Iceland and it is not helping with my sleeping problems
41. how many blankets are on your bed?
A duvet. I am always confused by this, do people have blankets in layers in America? Do you guys not have duvets? Also what is a comforter?
42. describe your kitchen plates?
White, mostly. They’re not mine, I live with my in-laws
43. do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
Whiskey sour, egg white and all.
44. do you play cards?
Sure, why not
45. what color is your car?
I don’t drive but my husband’s car is white
46. can you change a tire?
47. what is your favorite province?
Ima presume this is Canada related and I’ve never been so I’m just gonna day Nova Scotia because me and him have considered moving there.
48. favorite job you ever had?
49. how did you get your biggest scar?
I have a dent in my palm from falling over at school and getting a rock jammed in it, then digging it out myself with a compass.
50. what did you do today that made someone happy?
Well it’s 4am here and I’m home alone but I did make the cat very happy with an ear scratch.
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nytreecx · 6 years ago
Marinette is not a Bad Designer
Alright… I’ve seen one-too many bitter posts by fans of Miraculous Ladybug disappointed by Marinette’s deep-down costume choice to not put my thoughts on the matter forward.
When considering a design in textiles, we are taught to critically observe it through two lenses: functional and aesthetic. Simply put: how it serves its purpose and its overall appearance (usually how visually appealing it is). Despite often clashing and getting in the way of one-another, they sometimes are easier to see as concepts that blend into one another. In water colour, if you paint red and blue next to each other, they are going mix to create purple. (I blather when I explain these concepts, so if you wish to get to the analysis of Marinette and Adrien’s designs skip ahead to ***)
As an example for this outlook, I’ll use a cushion on a lounge. Its functions are to provide lumbar support; help maintain good posture; filling the gaps of a comfortable sitting space the lounge may have missed; to last continuous uses; and to complement and accentuate the design of the lounge. This means function will control the shape, size, density, and – to a degree – the fabric choices such as category and type (e.g. woven and cotton respectively) of the cushion, and provide a starting point for the aesthetics via the lounge’s aesthetics. The cushion’s aesthetic purposes on a plain lounge are to create interesting and appealing focal points; on a patterned lounge, they provide plain yet grounding points to bring focus and calm to an otherwise busy design. Aesthetics therefore controls the shape, fabric type and pattern (e.g. cotton or plush, and floral respectively), and notions such as piping and buttons. I have most likely missed a plethora of points, but I am aware I am usually long winded and am an amateur.
Of course, some designs need to heavily lean to one side of planning. A wall-hanging is a piece of art using textiles mediums; therefore it will have dependence on aesthetics planning to be successful. Its function is simply to look good. A tent taken on a camping trip, however, is going to be all purpose. It wants to keep you safe from the elements, and not take up too much room in your car or weight in your backpack. If the tent is made from chiffon, with bolts of cloth dedicated to frills and decorative drapes, it will be bulky; be even more difficult to stuff into its bag than your sleeping-bag; tear easily on the first bit of nature it comes in contact with; and metaphorically take on the properties of fairy-floss when it rains, not only drenching you, but keeping you wet and trapped as the delicate and light fabric becomes heavy and collapses on top of you and whatever unfortunate soul tried to foolishly take refuge in it. One may even say its aesthetic purpose it to look durable. The only acceptation I can think of is a camouflage design, where a specific pattern and frills that mimic leaves are necessary.
Through this, I have hopefully illustrated that the relationship between function and aesthetics is one of give and take. Adrien does not give a damn about this. His father may be a famous designer, and whether or not he has shared a few tips of the trade, this boy grew up on manga. He is going to hit this super-hero costume with as much magic-girl that his kawaii desu ne heart possesses. He’s got cuffs; a long-ass tail that has its own pose in the transformation sequence; paw prints on the boots; unnecessary seams and piping; morphed pupils (that may be an automatic change to give him night-vision); and a big bell that rings, for crying out loud. The only functions I can see are steel-caps, pockets, removability of the tail, and claws. Even then I suspect these were mainly chosen for the aesthetics. Even his seams are what you would call aesthetic seams. It’s a suit made from magic. You don’t need seams.
Marinette, on the other hand, is focused on the function of this being a superhero costume. She knows she will be going into battle. Taking leaf out of Edna Mode’s book and then the whole library, she forgoes the iconic billowing cape and anything else that would hinder or even put her in danger her while fighting. Seams, zipper tags, cuffs, tails, and bells can be exploited by getting grabbed by a villain or accidentally caught on an edge or pointy debris while dodging or escaping. She only has an allusion to antenna as ribbons rather long poles sticking out of her head will basically become handles for whomever she is fighting. The only fault I can see is keeping her pigtails (*SPOILER* which we know she can change from the leak of Kitty Noir *SPOILER OVER*). Even then they may serve to create some kind of barrier from the back for her miraculous. She doesn’t need such things as steel caps because her magical fabric is already all the armour she needs.
I’ve had fun creating alternative costumes for Marinette. With function in mind, and wanting to reference the beetle, I added plate armour to the front to mimic the underside of the ladybird; angled spikes on the arms and legs like many beetles have to catch blades and cause damage; white spots like on their head on a black helmet that conceals her identity better; and the red and black shell only as a detachable shield on the back. Apart from being a design more appropriate for an AU, I forgot one important thing that all these features I wanted as tributes to the source material took away. Marinette knew that a superhero needs to be recognisable. Hence, this is the goal of the aesthetics.
The simplicity of the fabric’s pattern is to be iconic. What’s the most salient part of a ladybird? The black spots on their red shell. What pattern has she chosen? Exactly that. She is supposed to be a hero of the people. Someone every citizen can recognise as she swings by so fast she’s a blur. Parisians are going to be attacked so often that the red with black polka-dots needs to inspire feelings of safety, so that when they see her they don’t instantly think she’s akuma they need to seek shelter from. When she rescues terrified and flustered citizens, or toddlers crying for their mother, she needs to be recognised immediately; to create a focus point for the panicked mind; and to inspire peace and a sense that it will all be okay now that she’s here. A plain pattern in bold colours is the easiest way to do this. Adrien has even done this with the almost unanimously black outfit and silhouette alluding to a cat with the ears and tail. Her simplicity is necessary BOTH functionally and aesthetically.
In the event they swap kwamiis, they retain their design philosophies, and yet are influenced by someone they love and care about’s take on it. They need to hold onto the established iconic design the other has come up with, yet express they are someone else with their own unique take on it. Adrien keeps the iconic spots as the main feature, but adds panels of black to accentuate the pattern; give a nod to the actual ratio of black to spots on the ladybird; suggest armour; and to add depth and accentuate muscle anatomy. Marinette turns the bells and whistles into lines on the fabric to remove the danger of them while honouring them. Her plat imitates a tail instead of a more-easily-grappled belt and the collar tells of her Chinese heritage. In the event of the mouse fiasco, she needs to alter her design philosophy from hero to “omg please don’t find out I’m Ladybug”. Her colours are the usual palette she wears to inspire Marinette thoughts for Chat; her hair resembles mouse ears and are definitely and defiantly not Ladybug’s piggy tails; and her stripes and spikes, and tail create the farce that she is an inexperienced hero by forgoing the ungrabblable and to be easily recognised as the animal of their miraculous holder attitude Ladybug adopts.
Being a designer isn’t just “Ima add frills for days cuz that shit’s tight”; knowing that busy patterns next to each other clash; making things look visually appealing or stunning; or even knowing what’s hot this season. It’s about making something for and around a purpose. And through this, Marinette can indeed retain her title of “good designer”. Thank you for reading my one thousand and five-hundred word essay. I hope this has enlightened some confused and vexed fans.
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tae-kun · 6 years ago
If the Main Reason why you log onto Tumblr is for Porn, then you don’t understand what made Tumblr special in the first place
Tumblr is not a Porn Site
It was never intended to be, so for the people that are saying stuff like “Tumblr never supported our sex work anyway” you’re 100% correct. Being allowed to post Pornography isn’t the same as being a source for it. Over the years Tumblr has been ran rampant with porn to the point that content creators that did other stuff that didn’t relate to porn slowly started to go to other platforms; Since their work was being overshadowed by the sheer volume of porn and they struggled to get any attention on their work.
You people are acting like Tumblr is attacking sex workers as if this was their main and only place to earn money for their work.
There are porn sites that are made to promote AND support sex workers. Hell PornHub will pay people for their sextapes and has multiple systems in place for them to make money off Ad revenue alongside having a tip system, content protection and other stuff
Tumblr media
Anyone that was serious about their sex work would have been using sites like this instead of relying on Tumblr as a main source of revenue or promotion.
Tumblr is a trash place to try to promote anything! Constant spamming of bots and tags, No reliable Notification system or way for your followers to see you’re new posts out of the sea of reblogs. So to act like these new changes are going to serious kill anyone that is in the sex work is flat out outrageous.
Hell a majority of the popular porn that was on here wasn’t even from amateurs making videos on here. People were taking porn from porn sites and making blogs centered around it and would constantly flood their blogs with this content which would then, overshadow any amateur worker on here that made their own work; since they had no to even compete with the constant bombardment of daily new stuff that these blogs were taking and using.
People would steal other peoples videos and get popular of it without even crediting the original creator and would even go as far as to SELL these videos and make more money of it than the actual people in the damn video.
So Tumblr was never an ideal place for sex work to begin with, so throw that excuse out. Most people only used Tumblr to promote their private snapchat or onlyfans account which you can still do in a regular selfie or post. There are thousands of people on Instagram making hundreds and thousands of dollars doing the same thing and they don’t have one titty out on their page. Just tight clothing and skimpy outfits.
If you’re really upset that you can’t watch porn on here after Dec 17
Tumblr media
At first it was funny seeing people joke about the porn being gone. But some of y’all are really upset and mad that you need to actually go to a porn sites to watch porn???
Some of y’all don’t even post nudes or create anything that could be considered sexual and y’all saying “ima delete my blog since tumblr is trying to silence me”
Tumblr media
(Side Note: Just because your post got flagged doesn’t mean it will be deleted. They already said stuff like this would happen as they added in this new system. So mistakes like these are bound to happen and will most likely be fixed in a week or so and have no negative affect on your blog. Y’all really acting like Tumblr is out to silence your love for cats and landscapes 🙄)
Like i said before there are plenty of sites to watch porn on and if your favorite sex worker is serious about their job then you will see them on there. Which only makes things easier for both of you. But lets be honest, most of y’all just like the idea of seeing porn without having to actually look for it, like it’s some nasty secret. On Tumblr you couldn’t escape porn even if you searched things that were unrelated to it. Tumblr gave you guys the perfect cover up for it and you guys went overboard with it and here we are. People are so quick to compare this issue to other Tumblr problems but there was never a issue as big as people with dick profile pics dming you no matter who you were (kids or adults)  and sending you nude pics; then Porn Bots popped up under everyone’s post no matter if you had the safety lock on or not.
You guys made hundreds of post saying how much you hate porn blogs getting tens of thousands of notes in agreement about it, You guys would put “no porn blogs allowed” in your description box or something similar in meaning.
And now when Tumblr puts a system in place to directly remove it, you guys try to back pedal and claim that it will kill sex workers, freedom of speech and sexuality based off opinions, assumptions and things that aren’t even in the policy change.
Some of y’all honestly suggested “Just add a age verification system” as a way to fix the porn issue.... That shit ain’t never worked since 2002! I got so use to lying on those things that i sometimes forget that i’m grown and that i don’t need to put “01/11/1975″
The only people that this severely hurts are
1a) People that steal porn from other sites to use on their blog to get followers, to then try sell promo slots
1b) People that are stealing other sex workers content and illegally selling them
2) Child Porn Blogs
And Honestly is that really a bad thing? Getting rid of people that were stealing other peoples stuff and making money off it and pedophiles.
The way tumblr was set up allowed blogs like these to thrive without any risk, outside of getting their blog deleted (just to make a new one) and it only continued the flood of porn which became the breeding grounds for Porn Bots
Tumblr is suppose to be a place to freely express all forms of art, ideas, and conversations. But because of the nonstop flood of porn, most people only know it for Porn and Emo kids. Which brings me back to my original statement
This isn’t a Porn Site
Porn became so over flooded on here that you didn’t even need to search to find it. All you had todo is take off the safe lock and search anything, even a city. There would be hundreds of porn pics and videos in every slot. And before you say “well just keep the safety lock on”
Any content that had cursing, fighting or even slight nudity got put behind there. So unless you were just on here for kpop, aesthetics and Steven Universe you weren’t really seeing anything different with that lock on.
( Another Side Note: For you people trying to compare the porn flood to white supremacy blogs need to stop it. All the time i’ve been on here i have never NEEEVVVEEER accidentally came across any pro white supremacy post or blog unless it was someone exposing them and their stupidity which would then cause them to delete their blog. If you are constantly seeing anything Pro Nazi, Pro White Supremacy, Pro homophobia or anything similar that supports bigotry; then you are actively searching for it and follow these people. These blogs don’t even make up 5% of the content seen on here with or without the lock. So trying to say that Tumblr supports these blogs since they’re still around is Mr. Fantastic level of reaching. These blogs have never been a serious issue to the point that Nazi Bots were created saying “Hate jews and blacks clck here for more ;)”. So stop this weak comparison.)
I created a Tumblr and made it one of my main platforms to create content on because of the communities and people i found on here.
I found Great stories and Dope artist on here. I found people being able to fully express themselves and find an audience for them that helped share their work through a simple reblog. But if you’ve been noticing or have been on here long enough, most content creators don’t use Tumblr as their main platform to create or promote their content anymore. And why would they?
People barely activate their notifications for blog updates, It’s hella hard to find an audience through the constant reblogging of already popular stuff From Vine and Twitter, people rarely go outside of tumblr to support peoples stores or websites. Hell most artist on here that become popular on here that get continued support are the ones that have made or continue to make some kind of pornography of real or fictional characters. It’s hella rare to find any artist that hasn’t made any porn, that is equally popular or supported like the ones that have; which just goes back to people thinking Tumblr is for porn.
Tumblr isn’t even against the idea of expressing yourself or art through nudity as their post and policy change explicitly explained. And people’s content that’s getting flagged that doesn’t go against that policy is a problem THAT THEY SAID WOULD HAPPEN as they get everything in order with their new system
All of these long post that people are writing about it that and they themselves forgot to do some basic reading on the topic. 
Tumblr Staff- “Certain types of artistic, educational, newsworthy, or political content featuring nudity are fine. Don’t upload any content, including images, videos, GIFs, or illustrations, that depicts sex acts.
This isn’t an attack on people’s ability to speak out or embrace themselves. They are directly trying to remove Porn which they won’t be able to fully do, even Instagram and Twitter can’t do that; no public site with millions of people can. But they’re at least trying to get rid of the constant overflow of it. 
It’s so sad to see hundreds and thousands of you saying “i only used Tumblr for porn” because that just shows how derailed this site has become and why Tumblr had to make these extreme decisions especially after being removed from app stores because of the child pornography.
If you’re going to leave because you can’t make porn on here: I can see why you would do that but there is no reason to. You can still use your blog to promote your stuff and make teases of your work that can be found or bought else where. Tumblr was never a reliable place for sex work and i highly recommend using Sites that will actually protect your work and put some money in your pockets while doing it
If you’re leaving because you can’t watch porn on here: You probably weren’t supporting anyone really and only made the influx of porn worse, making it harder for other content users to be seen. If you were supporting actual sex workers on here then continue to do so, I’m sure anyone serious would have more than just tumblr as their main platform.
For those that got popular and made money off other people sex work: So long and farewell
For the Child Porn Blogs: Hope you get mental help or burn. Either or is fine with me
For the people that may get upset by this: Correct me, Prove me wrong, Let’s have a whole serious discussion about this and hear each others side with no fighting or disrespect :D 
For all of Us: Lets actually support and help the people that really make Tumblr the gem that it is. Lets make this platform be known for creative people and unique ideas; and communities that actually comfort and understand us. Let’s actually make this platform something that’s known for more than just Porn and Emo Kids.
Regardless i hope that everyone can calm down and act like there’s more here than just porn..
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vintagesewingmachine · 7 years ago
Nessian Fic - Part 1/2
So it sounds like everyone has decided that they are mates and i like it so ima go with that. Hope its good. Also Nesta is finally feeling again, but doesnt really know what to do with her reawakened feelings and ends up being impulsive and extremely awkward around Cassian. I mean, shes treated him like crap for months and now she doesnt know how to go back. so like... internal screaming? i think so. also ive never really written bitter or depressed characters (usually i like to keep my writing a bit lighter, so... dont hate me if you think shes being unrealistic) 
   It had been months since her sister had practically exiled her to Illyria with Cassian. Of all people, she had to have sent Cassian. Fan- freaking - tastic. 
  Today had been a rest day. Some days, when she was angry, or frustrated, or something like that, she trained. She put on her Illyrian fighting leathers and went with Cassian to train. She trained with the females. And she trained hard. Much harder than that brute expected. At least she thought so. 
Sometimes, it was hard to tell what he expected of her. 
Not that Nesta cared. Of course she didn’t care if she met Cassian’s expectations.
If he had any. 
     But other days, when she felt herself sinking farther into that dark abyss of despair and emptiness, she stayed home. In the house she was sharing with Cassian, that is. She curled up on the couch by the fire with a mug of tea and a book while Cassian went out and trained, or met with the war camp lords to discuss politics, or smooth ruffled... wings? Or, you know, whatever he did. She didn’t pay attention when he talked about his day, or what people told her  about him. Again, she didn’t care. Nesta Archeron did not care about Cassian. 
   But today was a rest day. As the months passed, she continued to think about the war. Hybern. Her father. But Cassian’s house was completely dry. Not even a hidden bottle of scotch. 
   She had checked. 
   And Cassian had warned her about seeking out any of the Illyrian males. That had not been a lovely evening. Though she wondered if any would even take her, considering her connection to their Commander. 
   So instead of trying to drown her grief in alcohol and her numbness in meaningless sex, she slowly, oh so slowly, without even really realizing it, processed. She started to look less sickly with the food Cassian made her eat. Though she hadn’t gained much weight, at least she didn’t look like she was going to die. 
   Good chance of that. 
   And Cassian (surprisingly) kept the place clean. And warm. And stocked with food. 
   He even brought her new books occasionally. 
   He did a lot for her. So much so that eventually her guilt forced her to clean up a bit. Gradually, for the past two months or so, she had been doing more. Because the camp lords were being exhausting again and apparently the Blood Rite was coming up. 
    By now she had stopped trying to tell herself that she wasn’t doing it for Cassian. 
    Nesta sighed and glanced up at the clock for what seemed to be the hundredth time. It was approaching midnight and Cassian wasn’t home yet. Usually he was home by ten. At the latest. 
   He should have been home two hours ago. Why wasn’t he here? Was he hurt? No, something told her she would have known if he had been hurt. Or worse. 
    Was he avoiding her? Probably. She wouldn’t blame him. 
     Suddenly she slammed her book shut and shot to her feet. Why am I worrying? She thought. Its not like I really care about him.
   Right?     That didn’t stop her stomach from doing somersaults as she paced, repeatedly looking up at the clock. Wanting to do something, she went upstairs to change into something more comfortable. But upon entering her room, she realized she had forgotten to do laundry. Great. She found one piece of clothing in her dresser. A worn pair of brown leggings. She had gotten used to wearing pants, so she didn’t hesitate to grab them. But what about a shirt? 
    An idea occurred to her. But... she thought about it. And what was the harm? Swallowing, she cautiously made her way across the hall. Nesta slowly turned the knob. The door didn’t make a sound as it opened.  
She took a deep breath. And crossed the threshold. 
   Into Cassian’s room. 
   She blinked. It was... much cleaner than she expected. Save for the weapons scattered about. Cauldron, did he have an entire armory in his bedroom? How did he maneuver that hulking body of his through here without stabbing himself? She carefully padded across the room to his dresser. She opened a drawer and peered inside. Realizing what was inside, she quickly slammed the drawer shut, her face warming. Undershorts. She moved on to another one, albeit a bit more apprehensive this time. Trousers. Next one: shirts. Finally. As Nesta rifled through his shirts,  her nostrils flared a little, inhaling his scent involuntarily. She had memorized it ages ago. Very masculine, cedar, mountains, and smoky. It had become way too familiar, and uncomfortably comforting in recent months. 
      She pulled out a shirt that met her criteria. Old, worn, hopefully unmissed. It was white. Or it used to be. It was a bit off-white now. It was much too big for her. Perfect.
     Nesta looked around his room, and, with random inspiration, tugged off her current clothing right there. In Cassian’s room. She shivered as her dress pooled around her feet. She gulped and stepped out of the gown. She looked around the room and shivered again before hurriedly pulling on the leggings and slipping the massive shirt over her head. Her stomach felt strangely jittery. Which was a large step from where she was in Velaris. Nesta had started to feel again, whether it was anger, or grief, or now nervousness and worry, she was feeling. Though she didn’t always know what she was supposed to feel. 
    Nesta inhaled the scent of the shirt deeply and rolled up the sleeves. Then she felt a different sort of twinge in her belly. The kind that usually occurred when Cassian was near. Her Fae ears picked up the sound of the front door unlocking.
Cassian was home. 
 Cassian grunted as he pushed open the door. It had been a long, hard day and all he wanted to do was sleep, and try to ignore the pain in his muscles. Every part of him ached. 
       His nose picked up the slight scent of stew, and his gaze narrowed in on a pot on the stove. Looked like Nesta had heated up the stew from last night. He took a step towards it before the quick pattering of feet distracted him. Cassian looked sharply at the stairs. He was not in the mood to deal with Nesta’s attitude right now. But he stared at her. Blinked. Was that... his shirt? Unsure of what to do, he watched as her eyes did a quick scan of him. If he didn’t know any better, he would have thought she was worried. Maybe months ago he would have teased her about it. Instead his mind was occupied with one question. Why is she wearing my shirt? 
Her sharp voice cut through his thoughts. “You are two hours and fourteen minutes late.”
   He blinked again. That was pretty exact. Again, if he didn’t know any better he’d of thought she had been counting the minutes until his return. When he didn’t say anything, she demanded,
What right did she have to know his every move? Its not like she ever cared. She was probably just mad because she had to do something for herself for once. He knew he was being slightly unfair, but he was too tired and pissed at the lords to care. So he snapped, “Look, Nesta. I’m too tired for this. I’m going to bed.”
     She blinked. “I left you some stew in the pot. Its probably cold by now. Since you weren’t home by ten like usual.” Her tone was stiff and cutting, but... Home. She had called it home. 
   Cassian nodded his thanks. Then blurted, “Why are you wearing my shirt?”
   Nesta stiffened and her cheeks coloured. “I forgot to do laundry,” she mumbled. She fled back up the stairs, leaving Cassian still a little bit confused. He shrugged mentally, being too exhausted to actually do it, and trudged to the pot. He scooped some stew into a bowl and plopped down on a chair. Propping his head up on his hand, he proceeded to spoon the food into his mouth. It was cold. A thought occurred to him. Nesta had been in his room. That didn't sound like Nesta. At least, not the Nesta who had pushed everyone away for the past, what was it, a year? two? But he had noticed some slow changes in the past several months. Little things here and there, like a thank you, or a clean living room, or just less venom and hatred as usual. Cassian truly hoped that she was healing. 
   As his thoughts became muddled, his spoon splashed into the bowl and his eyelids drooped. Just as he was drifting off, Nesta’s scent swirled around him, and an uncharacteristically soft voice murmured, “Come on. You stink. Get up so you can bathe.”
    He didn’t have the energy to protest, so he did his best to support himself. Nesta gripped his hand and pulled him upstairs to the bathing room. His tired brain couldn't really process that Nesta was holding his hand. Once in the bathing room, Nesta rolled up her - his? -  sleeves farther to her elbows and started the running water. She poured a couple of bath salts and soap into the water to make it cloudy. She gestured to the tub. “Get in. I’ll be right back.” 
     Nesta left the room, once again leaving Cassian slightly confused. Was Nesta going to... help him... bathe?
Apparently so.
What was am I doing? She thought over and over again. What in the Cauldron was she doing? Why is she going to help Cassian bathe? She paced back and forth in the hallway while she waited for Cassian to undress. 
     Trying to calm down, she sighed and knocked on the door. Cassian grunted and she entered, hair tied into a messy bun and sleeves rolled up to her elbow. Ignoring the heat creeping up her neck at Cassian’s bare chest, she threw and wash cloth at him and inspected the multitude of vials and jars filled with different soaps, ointments, and tonics.  
    She picked another hair tonic up and looked at it with raised brows. “You sure have a lot of stuff for your hair, don’t you?”
    Cassian rasped a chuckle as he wiped the cloth over himself.  Nesta selected a vial and rolled up her pant legs to her knees. She stared at Cassian.
“Move,” she commanded. He did. She stepped into the large, Illyrian- accommodating tub and sat on the edge. She gently gripped his shoulders and pulled him back, maneuvering his wings so he rested comfortably against her legs. He tensed, but eventually relaxed hesitantly against her. Not really sure what she was doing, Nesta just did what felt right according to that feeling inside of her that told her things about Cassian. She dumped some of the right stuff into his hair and massaged his scalp. It was... odd. To say the least. It did weird things to her stomach that reminded her of the time before the war. Back when she had first met Cassian. 
    Nesta leaned over and grabbed the pitcher she had brought. Filling it up with water, she rinsed his black locks. Cassian sighed contentedly in the hot water. She twisted to once again inspect the different containers. What she was really doing was distracting herself from staring at the Lord of Bloodshed’s glistening body. 
    Pull yourself together, she thought forcefully. Nesta squinted at the labels. She hesitated; was that to far? Before she overthought it, she grabbed muscle ointment and started rubbing it on Cassian’s shoulders. 
    This is so weird. What am I doing? Cauldron boil me. This is so awkward. What is he thinking? I can’t tell, damn it. Her thoughts eddied around inside her head. Am I doing this right? I’ve never massaged anyone before. She screamed internally at herself.  
    Her face turned red when she rubbed a certain knot in his shoulder and Cassian moaned. Oh no. This is bad. Crap. How the hell did I get into this situation? I’m an idiot. Cauldron, I am an idiot. I listened to my Cauldron-damned feelings and now I’m about to die of awkwardness and mortification. Fan-freaking-tastic. If I had continued to ignore him, this would never have had happened. Nesta screamed silently at herself some more. ALKJDFALJDJ;.
Cassian could tell Nesta had stopped paying attention to what she was doing, probably lost in her own mind. Internally panicking. Like him. He could tell because she was getting dangerously close to his wings. 
    He had been surprised, to say the least, when she stepped into the bath with him, and even more so when she started to massage his very sore muscles. But he hadn’t done anything to stop her. Being here, in the warm water, surrounded by her scent... It had calmed something inside of him that had been in turmoil for months and months and months. Since Nesta had first started her post-war behaviour. It had turned from a painful, unpleasant jolt into a soothing... he didn’t know how to describe it.
       He did, however, strongly suspect what it was. Cassian was almost certain that Nesta was his mate. 
     His entire body jolted internally when he felt her delicate hands touch the base of his wings. Cauldron boil him. Is she going to actually massage his rutting wings? Did she have any idea what effect that could have? He did not need his old feelings for her reawakened. She had made it abundantly clear she had no interest in even being friends. Much less anything else. Mates. The word clanged through him painfully. He sighed. Eyes slowly closing, he felt himself melting into her. He was so far gone he couldn’t bring himself to feel embarrassed at the soft groans her hands coaxed out of him. He could, however, almost feel her own mortification. 
       Cassian’s lips quirked as he pictured her face turning red. He briefly considered scandalizing her with more sounds, but quickly shut down that train of thought. It would only lead to a devastating train wreck. Damn. He thought he had been better at eradicating his feelings. Guess they didn’t die off as finally as I thought. 
    Suddenly every muscle tensed. Nesta had, quite unintentionally (or so he thought), touched a very sensitive spot on his wing’s muscled arm. As lost in his thoughts as he had been, Cassian had barely noticed the progression of her hands. They were still slim, but roughened from the training of the past months. 
    Now his face was heating. Say something. You have to protest this. He cleared his throat. “Uh, Nesta?”
     Her hands stilled. “Yes?” She asked sharply. 
     How was he supposed to say this? He was pretty sure she knew how sensitive an Illyrian’s wings were. She had to know. But she could not possibly be doing this on purpose. (Could she?). 
“That’s, um, a bit of a sensitive spot,” he emphasized. 
    She was silent for a moment. “Oh.”    
    More awkward silence. He cringed internally. Then she said, “You should probably get out now. I’ll leave you for moment.”
    She carefully stepped out of the tub and left. 
    Leaving Cassian, for the millionth time, more than a little unsure of what happened. 
Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhg. What the frickety frack was she playing at? Since when was she so stupid? She should have never touched his wings. She knew damn well Illyrian’s were big babies when it came to their wings. And she also knew how it could... feel for them if they were touched in spots. What she didn't know was where these spots were. So she could avoid them, of course. But she wasn't going to touch his wings. In fact, this night would never happen again. Maybe they could just go back to not being awkward? I mean, tense is better than awkward, right? 
     Nesta froze. Footsteps sounded. From downstairs. No one else should be in their house. She quietly crept down the stairs. The intruder was leaning casually against the counter, hands in the pockets of his stupid black pants, with that stupid smirk on his stupid face that. 
     Rhysand. His violet eyes lit up with surprise when he saw her. 
Rhysand had winnowed in to check on Cassian. He knew it was late but he had needed some information as soon as possible. 
    He was not expecting to see Nesta, pant legs rolled up and calves glistening with water, wearing a shirt that was obviously his brother’s, hands shining with something that was maybe ointment? and hair messily tied back. Her face had blotches of red on it, and strands of coppery hair clung to her forehead. As if she had come from a steamy enclosed space. 
    “Nesta,” he said coolly, nodding his head slightly.
     “What are you doing here, Rhysand?” She asked shortly. Hadn’t accumulated manners, it had seemed. Though he supposed the Illyrian Mountains weren't the best place to learn to be polite. 
      “I have to talk to Cassian. Where is he?” He located him with his mind. Cassian was in the bathroom. The only reasonable room where it would be humid and warm. The only reasonable room that could make Nesta look like that. Hmm.
     ‘Exhausted,” she snapped. “Come back tomorrow. He needs rest, not whatever shit you have to say to him.” 
    He raised an elegant eyebrow. Was she... defending him? Interesting... “Fine. Tell him hello from me. And your sisters would like me to tell you that they’re thinking about you. Good night, Nesta.” 
    He winnowed away in a flash of night. 
Nesta huffed and marched up the stairs. Nosy bastard... She had never liked her sister’s mate very much. 
...who let her fourteen year old sister go into the woods alone... 
Even if he was right most of the time. Especially because he was right, actually. But this time she was right. Cassian most certainly did not need whatever depressing or aggravating news Rhysand had come bearing. He needed sleep. 
    She knocked on the bathroom door. Cassian opened it, hair ruffled from the towel. Said towel wrapped around his waist. She swallowed as her eyes disobeyed her and traced the lines of his abdomen. She hoped it was subtle enough that he didn’t notice. 
    “Was someone downstairs?” He asked. 
    “Just your nosy, insufferable prick of a brother,” she sniffed. 
     Cassian frowned, probably worried about what Rhysand had come to say. “He’s also my High Lord, Nesta.” His voice held a warning note in it. 
     Nesta bristled. She had been doing him a favour! “Yeah? Well, sorry for putting off your inevitable anxiety over whatever he had to say so you can sleep. Mother knows how little of that you’ve been getting! When you came in, you could barely function, damn it! So why don’t you do us both a favour and go to bed?” She bared her teeth and pointed to his bedroom. 
    Neither moved. She watched, unrelenting, as Cassian regarded her with unreadable eyes. 
     “Fine.” But he made no move towards his room. Instead, he stared at her with an intensity that used to scare her. Now, it lit something up inside of her. Like a flame that burned away embarrassment and shame and inhibitions and everything that had happened between them. Her chest heaved as she realized that she wanted closer to him. She wanted to touch him. That scared her.  
   She straightened. “Goodnight, Cassian,” she said stiffly. Nesta turned away from him and closed her bedroom door behind her. She slumped against and breathed in deeply. His scent reminded her she was wearing his shirt. Suddenly all of these emotions became to much and she started crying. She ran to her bed and curled up beneath the blankets and sobbed. Why she was sobbing? She didn't know. After so long of feeling nothing, this flood of emotions was overwhelming.
    She gradually calmed and fell asleep. 
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