#conservative Christian values
brightly-blogging · 1 year
Shiny Happy People Unveiling the Duggar Family Secrets in the Captivating Documentary on Amazon Prime Video
Hashtags#DuggarFamilySecrets#DocumentaryReview#AmazonPrimeVideo#FamilyValuesExposedHello, fellow talkie suckers! moment, I want to partake my studies on a gripping talkie that has taken the internet by storm. lately, I had the occasion to watch” Shiny Happy People Duggar Family Secrets” on Amazon Prime Video, and I must say, it left me both intrigued and deeply reflective.As someone who…
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odinsblog · 8 months
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 4 months
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Tags on a post that said “if both candidates agree on an issue, it’s a non-issue”. Regarding a genocide.
Okay lol. Very normal people on the “vote blue no matter who” side.
“I personally don’t want to die” yet you’re alright voting for someone who kills others just because you think it’s a lost cause? You’d rather vote for someone you KNOW is going to kill thousands of Palestinians just because he MIGHT not kill you. And that is an extremely privileged take.
“Mehmehmeh third party can NEVER win” yes because you’d rather give Biden a deepthroat than actually vote for important change. This isn’t something like tax brackets or stimulus checks, Biden is, currently, right now, killing people. He condemns Israel to the press and then mails them more bombs through the “”humanitarian aid”” port he built.
I swear to god Biden could pick up an infant, bring it to the podium during a speech, set it on fire, and slam it on the ground as hard as he physically could and you’d still vote for him as long as it wasn’t YOUR baby.
Anyway, I’m done humoring this. I’m breaking and blocking mutuals over this. I’m not going to pretend this is an even remotely leftist let alone justifiable take.
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traditionaldream · 8 months
How I incorporate a vintage lifestyle in a modern world 🎀
Another "tips and tricks" post ♡
Listening to the news/music on a radio: they might seem obsolete, but those portable old radios just bring me so much joy. There are so many good stations out there and it's a great tool to have screen-free background noise. I love turning it on during breakfast, when I am cleaning or baking, specially when classical music is playing.
A wooden brush: I am new to this, but I just bought my first wooden brush. They look so vintage and I am always open to try new things like this. I have long curly hair, so I hope this brush helps with detangling my hair.
Start a cookbook: right now I am slowly making a desert/cake cookbook and I am loving it so much. Fantasizing about it going from generation to generation just gives me more motivation to keep doing it.
Dressing modestly: This one is a non negotiable. It's also a religious choice. Dressing modestly will make you feel beautiful and there's a plus, almost all vintage fashion is modest. That's a win.
Red lipstick: It is such an eye turner, and sometimes it makes me feel a bit shy, but the confidence a red lip gives me is beyond imaginable.
Prayer: This is the secret to everything. Pray, pray, pray, pray. When you fall short, pray, when you are on top of the world, pray also.
Drinking Coke: Even though my country didn't sell Coke until 1977, this beverage just has that old feel, very "vintage americana". On warm summer days, Coke is the best thing ever.
Follow make up/ hair tutorials or 40s/50s routines: YouTube is full of these videos, some of them actual old tutorials from those decades.
Feel free to add more on the comments 🎀
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quietwingsinthesky · 7 months
see my brain just doesn’t register the idea of anyone having a ‘one true love’ which is why the common fandom tropes of making canonical love interests terrible in order to justify why your ship is better always bugs the shit out of me. it feels like the only reason you would do that is if the idea of the characters in your ship having any other sort of romantic relationship that was important to them, even in the past, is a threat to their current one, therefore all their past relationships need to be demonized in order to make them ‘not real love’ so that they remain pure and chaste and ready for the True Love of the endgame ship.
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sigynsilica · 1 year
Conservatives be like "tHey'Re tRyiNg tO dEcOnStrUcT tHe fAmiLy uNiT"
Yes. Exactly. That is exactly my goal in life.
Then they be like "wElL yOu mUsT wAnT tHe wOrLd tO bE fUlL oF siNgLe pAreNtS"
You think it's LESS family I want? You have it backwards. It's MORE.
Let me explain.
One of the most integral parts of humanity is community. Humans are pack animals. We do better in groups, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Everything humans have accomplished, they did via teamwork.
This is a leading reason why I'm a socialist, because Capitalism is, by definition, the advancement of the individual over the collective. That's a concept that goes against human nature. Capitalism gives credit to one person for what a team of people did, and allows that one person to decide for themself what portions of the benefits of creating something goes to who. This despite the fact that the creation would not and could not be possible without the whole team of people. Even if one person creates one thing, they could not do it without materials harvested or tools invented or concepts thought of by someone else. Somewhere down the line, someone was pushing the buttons.
It's a very isolationist way of thinking, to claim that a CEO deserves more money for producing a product than the assembly line workers who actually made the thing.
This mindset has then been projected onto basically every single aspect of American life. (I can't speak for other countries because I've never been anywhere else)
People are their own human, and that means they can't ask for help. Collaboration is a myth, and the credit for anything really only goes to the head of the endeavor.
Enter the nuclear family.
One mom, one dad, and an assortment of children. The mom stays home and raises the kiddos and cleans the house and makes sure everyone has clean underwear and also finds time for sanity somewhere, while the dad works his butt off at a crappy corporate hellhole of a job. Add in some fundamental Christianity, because America Is A Christian Nation apparently, and you have pressure to homeschool. This only further enforces the isolation, the individual, the Doing Everything By Yourself as the only way to go.
This is why so many conservatives and fundamentalists like the Duggars so much. Think of it! Twenty homeschooled fundamentalist Baptist children, all raised to believe in God, while the dad does Politics and Mission Stuff at the church and the mom homeschools All of them.
And of course you have friends, right? But woe upon thee if your house isn't spick-and-span or the children are being disruptive when they come over. They can't see your mess. They can't see your imperfections. Nobody actually goes to their neighbors to ask for a cup of sugar. You should buy your own sugar. Jeez.
In this mindset and mentality, if your children are "unruly", that reflects badly on you as a parent. Your children are seen as an extension of yourself, and if you don't have everything in your life put together, you're getting judged by randos in the grocery store, now. If both parents need to work, just send your kid to the local daycare. What's that? You can't afford daycare? Hire a babysitter. What's that? You can't afford a babysitter? Hm. More judgement. Get the kid's granny to watch them or something.
So here's the facts. The more adults a child has in their life who show them support and are a safe environment for the child, the more the child will be likely to succeed in their adult life.
And by that definition, yes. I want to destroy the family unit. I want it gone.
The notion that if the two people who were directly responsible for the child's existence can't adequately provide for their child, that's it's a moral failing on their part? That's bullshit. I want it gone. If you need help raising a child, so does everyone else, and it should be socially okay to reach out to a trusted member of your community for help. It should also be socially okay for someone who you trust to want to care for a child with no financial compensation. Children are delightful.
Taking care of a child is hard work. Someone has to be on call 100% of the time for at least the first ten years of that kid's life.
Of course, in making the decision to have children, a parent should consider their capability of caring for the kid. But it shouldn't be their capability of caring for a kid ALONE. No one should have to raise a child alone.
Every parent should have a full support system to fall back on. Every person, let alone parent, should have a community of people who would be willing to help care for other people in their community, especially vulnerable people in that community, like children.
This is what I mean when I say I do want to destroy the family unit. I don't want any child to have to grow up in an environment where the only people who feel responsible for their safety are their parents.
Of course parents are responsible for a kid's safety, more than any other people on the planet, because the parents were the ones who chose to bring the kid into the world.
But they are not the only ones. They should not be alone. There should be no more talk of "well, your parents ought to teach you how to behave," because children learn from everything and everyone around them. You can't stop that. Not even if you try.
The thing is, parents should not, and cannot be the ultimate authority on life for their kids. My parents tried, while simultaneously insisting they weren't perfect, but if you grow up thinking only two people who are Biblically one person are the only ones who are right about things, you're going to have a lot of unlearning to do, no matter who those people are.
Humans, all of us, have a responsibility to look out for each other. Community is our greatest strength, and it's founded on the principle of all of us in a community having each other's backs.
So no more Two Heterosexual People being an island and a solitary beacon of what a family is supposed to be. A family is a community, and we all look out for each other. We all make sure we're safe and we have what we need to live. And we all teach each other things about how the world is.
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darkshrimpemotions · 2 years
The thing about conservatives and their conspiracy theory that "the libs" are trying to brainwash their children is that a) it's entirely 100% projection and assuming everyone operates the way they do, and b) what is actually happening is more akin to deprogramming than brainwashing.
Speaking from experience, growing up in a conservative family and community was a continuous, painful process of having my natural compassionate and empathetic responses stamped out of me.
I was constantly discouraged from seeing the humanity in others who didn't share my race, class, religion, or my parents' political beliefs. I was shamed and punished for every thought and action that didn't align perfectly with said beliefs. I was taught to avoid any information that contradicted those beliefs, and to fear and mistrust it if I couldn't avoid it completely.
And this wasn't done by providing all the teachings and then holding me to them, mind. I never recall having anything truly explained to me. No, the method of instruction was to wait for me to do something that fell outside of the narrow guardrails no one had ever shown me, then yell and pearl clutch and bombard me with horror and disappointment that I had said/done/thought such an "awful thing." Again, without ever explaining why it was awful.
This process gradually taught me to view the world primarily in terms of my own emotions, and to view those emotions as the voice of God--as long as they aligned with conservative values. And since I was being trained like a dog to experience discomfort, shame, fear, and distress whenever I encountered anything or anyone that didn't align with those values, I was basically innoculated against critical thinking and basic facts.
The result of all this was twofold. Firstly, though I didn't stop having questions or doubts about the ideas I was being taught, I felt intense guilt and shame whenever I had them. Secondly, I began to perceive anyone else questioning my beliefs as an attack on everything I was.
The last thing that was done to me--by parents, teachers, preachers, and eventually friends, because we all learned to do it to each other--was to make me acutely aware and terrified of how my community would see and treat me if I ever strayed from the beliefs we now shared. After a lifetime of being trained to hang my entire self-worth and moral compass on how conservative authority figures reacted to me, I was presented with an image of lifelong shame and disappointment. Utter loneliness. A chasm between myself and everyone I knew that would never be bridged. And of course, eternal suffering and separation from them after death.
Yeah, the death-cult of Christianity was a whole other can of worms on its own, but its lessons and methods ultimately reinforced the conservative brainwashing, and vice versa.
In contrast, becoming a "liberal" (read: someone whose beliefs are rooted in facts and who cares about people more than ideology) was a very internal, very self-guided process. Nobody was actually pushing me to believe one thing over another. What actually happened was: I got distance from that community and their constant reinforcement; I got access to the information that I was kept away from as a child; I encountered people with different views and backgrounds and saw that they weren't evil monsters; I was encouraged to decide for myself what I thought, and learn to defend that thought with information.
And yes...that did lead me away from the conservative beliefs of my family and childhood community. Because those beliefs could not stand up to the smallest amount of critical thinking or actual facts.
It still took me over a decade of being separated from that community to unlearn all of those trained responses. Hell, I'm still unlearning some of them. I still struggle with the loss of that community. I still have an intense emotional reaction I have to work through before my thinking kicks in, whenever I am presented with information that contradicts what I thought I knew. I still come across thoughts or negative associations I have with various people, ideas, etc. only to realize those are unexamined holdovers from my upbringing. Like moving a piece of furniture and finding all the crumbs and other nastiness your vacuum's been missing.
But the key thing here is, the process of becoming who I am today wasn't brainwashing. It wasn't even, now that I lay it out, true deprogramming. It was more like recovery. A long and arduous process for which I often needed support, but which was ultimately completely led by and up to me. I had to want to get better. And I did. So I did.
Which is why I can say for certain that what conservatives are doing now is absolutely 100% about removing as many avenues as possible for doubts and questions to lead to critical thinking. That's why they're hamstringing teachers, banning books, pushing revisionism in the teaching of U.S. history, attacking queer children, doubling down on anti-intellectualism, deregulating child labor. They know that exposure to diversity and access to real information and education is a tried and true path out of their cult mentality. And they can't allow that path to exist.
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salemontrial · 2 months
Six of crows fandom, before you there is a Matthias POV chapter of Crooked Kingdom. Your task is to get through it in its entirety without making a joke about how his chapters are just him calling himself a whore for being in love with Nina or otherwise trivializing his religious trauma and deep rooted issues with purity culture. If you fail 3000000000000000 hammers will fall on you one at a time forever and ever. The hardest challenge of your life starts now,
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The Republican Party is the Party of Child Abuse.
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countessravengrey · 18 days
I'm going to propose we retire the use of "wholesome" and "pure" and start using "cute" "sweet" or some other words to comment on those adorable moments with kittens, puppies, or anything else you might be using "wholesome" and "pure" for.
Aside from the fact that reading stuff like "this is so pure/wholesome" makes me feel like I'm mainlining saccharin, these two words actually trigger the fuck out of me, and have really nasty connotations.
The word 'pure' has an ugly history. The concept of purity has been used for centuries to oppress people's sexuality, particularly women, who have been expected to carry out the majority of traditions of chastity. This has been particularly prevalent in Christianity, where women are not only expected to be chaste but to also take full responsibility for the consequences of sex, including having children they didn't want, even when raped. And aside from its ties to Christian Nationalism, it was (and still is) used to oppress BIPOC using the 'one drop rule'.
And if you're thinking the word itself is benign, just look at these meanings:
not mixed or adulterated with any other substance or material
free of any contamination
wholesome and untainted by immorality, especially that of a sexual nature
'Wholesome', on the other hand, hearkens back to the 80s & 90s Reagan/Bush era when Republicans (and yes, some Democrats) used "wholesome" with the phrase "family values" to galvanize the Conservative Right, which led directly to the extremism of the Republican party today. These words were used as an excuse to enact policies such as the War on Drugs, the Defense of Marriage Act and the Marriage Initiative (which states that marriage and family was between one man and one woman, both heterosexual), extreme censorship (the Parental Advisory is more than just a label), and so much more. It was used to vilify single mothers, and directly contributed to the stigma surrounding the AIDS crisis in the 80s and 90s, which in turn delayed research that could have saved millions of lives.
"But it just means cute and sweet and good!"
Not true. The word's very meaning is steeped in purity culture. While one could almost excuse its main meaning, "conducive to or suggestive of good health and physical well-being" (ffs just say it's nutritious), it's the secondary meaning that condemns the entire word as self-righteous bullshit: "conducive to or promoting moral well-being." Synonyms like 'virtuous' 'chaste' and 'right-minded' don't help its case, either.
Oh, and nowhere does either of these words have synonyms meaning 'cute' or 'sweet'.
There is nothing kind or friendly about these words. There is nothing loving or joyful about them.
Just something to think about the next time you tag a video of cuddly kittens.
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traditionaldream · 10 days
What's your favourite piece of Portugal's heritage and why?
It's hard to pick just one I love my culture so much but the Minho traditional clothes will always hold a place in my heart.
Fado, our very emotional song genre is also so hauntingly beautiful and its queen, Amália Rodrigues is an icon to me.
And lastly but not least, our deep catholic roots and our Lady's apparition, in 1917.
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Everytime I rewatch 'How I met your mother' I remember how fucking shitty all of the men are, Like Barney is a cartoon villain and he is still a better person than Ted and Marshall.
And argue all you fucking want Marshall is a shitty partner and Lilly deserved better. The only evidence you need is the judge/Italy argument to prove that point.
And another thing? Barney loved Robin, Ted saw her as his manic pixie dream girl.
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alwaysbewoke · 7 months
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An influential conservative think tank close to Donald Trump is developing plans to infuse Christian nationalist ideas in his administration if the former president returns to power, according to documents that we obtained. Spearheading the effort is Russell Vought, president of the Center for Renewing America (CRA). He’s rumored to be a potential chief of staff if Trump returns to the White House. Vought – who served in Trump’s first admin – has remained close to the former president and hopes to elevate Christian nationalism as a focal point in a potential second term, according to two people familiar with the plans, who were granted anonymity to discuss internal matters. One document drafted by CRA includes a list of top priorities for a second Trump term, including “Christian nationalism,” invoking the Insurrection Act on Day One to quash protests and refusing to spend authorized congressional funds on unwanted projects, a practice banned by lawmakers in the Nixon era. Vought also: ➡️ has said immigration requirements should include whether that person “accept[ed] Israel’s God, laws and understanding of history” ➡️ has a close affiliation with Christian nationalist William Wolfe, a former Trump admin official who has advocated for overturning same-sex marriage, ending abortion and reducing access to contraceptives ➡️ is advising the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, which would usher in one of the most conservative executive branches in modern American history. Proposals include repealing LGBTQ+ rights, increasing abortion surveillance and defunding Planned Parenthood. Meanwhile, CRA is already influencing Trump’s positions. His thinking on withdrawing the U.S. from NATO and using military force against Mexican drug cartels is partly inspired by separate CRA papers, according to reports by Rolling Stone. Trump’s campaign has repeatedly insisted that it alone is responsible for putting together a policy platform and staffing for a future administration. They declined to comment. So did Vought.
so many people claim that voting for biden would somehow be immoral given what's happening in gaza, but what these people fail to realize is that there are numerous issues at play. biden is at the top of the hill of shittiness; however, at the same time, we simply cannot allow what the right has planned to be carried out. it would not help gaza, and it would surely make life here worse for everyone, including those who want to see a free palestine.
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hauntedtotem · 5 months
I think the biggest red flag for me regarding the hopelesspeaches and lio convoy stuff, their entire group (especially lio) has near identical speech patterns and dynamics as my mom's online friend group. Which is less of a red flag and more of a raging wildfire tbh
#I listened to all the calls when they 'leaked' but I didn't know they were leaks I thought lio posted that stuff proudly#I didn't know that they weren't meant to be seen by the public until just now lol#Anyways I'm pleasantly surprised people are talking about how fucked up they were#Bc tbh when I was like 'oh this makes peaches (and everyone else) look like a bitch kinda' the first time I heard the calls-#I thought I was maybe being too judgey or sensitive or something?#But now everyone else is like 'yeah they are all being bitches actually' im like. Oh! So I understood right and wasn't just overreacting#Mostly bc lio was ranting about being a conservative Christian and weird 'nuclear family values' on one call and my immediate thought was#'oh gross Im too biased against this man to be able to look at this-#-discussion objectively. I'm gonna think he sucks regardless of the situation and therefore idk lf im a fair judge ?'#So it's cool to get confirmation from other ppl saying 'oh no ur right he sucks and here's why'#this is the 2nd time this week I got 'no youre not just overreacting. Other ppl are upset too' validation abt a topic. cool#//shade#I'm sure there's plenty of found family groups online that are great but so many of the ones i hear abt feel like a cult imo#My mom is in a group where this dude calls her and other women there his daughters like lio does to peaches and it feels gross to me idk#Ik everyone craves found family connections but. Idkk it feels weird to be taking that in a literal sense and calling them dad/my daughter#Feels like introducing unnecessary power dynamics.#Theres a difference between 'oh this person is like family to me because we're so close'#vs 'oh i am adopting this person and assuming a parental position over them'. that sounds unhealthy I think ?#Edit I just found out lio posted a response but it's midnight and I have a date tomorrow I'm not watching that rn lol#imo both him and peaches are bad and idc if one is worse than the other or whatever.#Peaches has been two faced for a while; lio might've taken advantage of her bc he's kinda creepy. They're both saying the other abused them#This is like jade and julian talking shit about each other to me. Idc guys I hate both of u srry <3#Iykyk
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tradmare · 1 year
I made a tiktok. And made the internet mad 😂
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thedevotionaltour · 2 months
i also kinned cyborg noodle in middle school literally ages 13 and 14 was my mind going outsider with identity issues. also you're now kind of cognizant of the political and social nature of the world and you're going to have your mandatory how do i deal with being biracial now that i kind of have an inkling of intelligent coherent knowledge on race and now you have the waaaaah im not connected to my non white cultural half waaaaah feeling as you look more around the world and your life. embarrassingly enough. which im still sad i dont really have much going for me there do you know how embarrassing it is to have the typical ~food is your cultural connection~ thing when people online are the way they are about that (kind of embarrassing and annoying). im losing. anyways. the summary of middle school character relations was outsider with identity issues with a dash of you're asian (but now aware of it outside of it just being something you know about yourself and your family)
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