#congrats to royalty au
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urcrookedneighbor · 2 years ago
Y'all I think that Tasmyn Muir wants people to write Harrow Nova AU fanfiction. Explicit PWP fanfiction specifically. I feel like it brings her great joy to enable that.
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libraryofgage · 1 year ago
The Prince and the Metalhead
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually
Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two | Three | Four Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One | Two | Three Harley Quinn One 10th Doctor and Rose One | Two (on the way!) Scooby Gang (there are plans for this one lmao, so plz be patient with me orz) Jedidiah and Octavius (from Night at the Museum) One Queen Clarisse One (you're here!)
Despite the title, this series will focus a little more on Steve growing up in Genovia for the first few parts. That being said, there will be Steddie because this whole thing was inspired by my desire to write a modern royalty AU.
So, ya know, it's coming lol
For now, just enjoy Steve being raised by our favorite queen.
As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;)
Clarisse stares at the two-story house from the driveway. It looks incredibly...American. It's American in a way that Amelia's home and city aren't. This house is the Ideal American Home, the kind people are told is the goal in life, the kind with no personality and no distinguishing features compared to other houses on its street. It's the kind of house she'd never see in Genovia, and she's glad for it.
"Your Majesty," Joe says, pulling her attention from the house to her driver. "If you are nervous, may I suggest returning another day?"
She knows exactly what he's doing. It still works. She still pulls herself together, rolls her shoulders back, and raises her chin. "A queen is never nervous. She is simply calculating her approach."
With that, she opens the door and gracefully (the kind of grace that comes with years of practice) steps out of the car. She smooths down her clothes, takes one more deep breath, and strides to the front door. Joe is just a step behind her, always a step behind her, as she rings the doorbell and waits.
A few moments pass, the blinds in the window next to the door shift, and then the door is pulled open. A young boy, certainly no more than ten, stands before her, looking nervously between Clarisse and Joe.
And could you blame Steve? The only visitors he gets when his parents are gone are secretaries that sweep into the home, make sure he's alive, and leave right after. Nobody rings the doorbell, nobody knocks, and nobody knows he's alone in the big house, just like his parents told him it should be.
"Hello," the lady says, her accent vaguely European and similar to his father's. "Are you Steve Harrington?"
If she knows his name, maybe she's been sent by his parents. She looks fancy enough, and the guy with her looks scary enough. Steve grips the door tighter and nods once. "Yes, ma'am," he says, his voice soft and barely a whisper so he doesn't upset her.
"Good. Is your father home?"
"No, ma'am."
That makes her pause, her lips tugging down in a frown, and Steve wonders if he's already failed whatever test this must be. His father will give them sometimes, in the rare moments he's home, and it's always to measure how polite Steve his, how proper, how cultured. This must be a new kind of test, a way for his father to further measure him. He gathers himself, takes a subtle breath, and asks, "Would you like to come in?"
"You don't know who we are," the man suddenly says. "Why are you inviting us in?"
Oh. He's failing this test already. Steve bites his lip, ducking his head. "It's polite to invite people in," he says. "But, um, could you tell me your names first?"
He glances up to see that frown on the lady's face deepen, and his stomach starts to churn. "Yes, of course," she says, clearing her throat before continuing, "I am Clarisse Renaldi, and this is Joe."
Steve looks between the two of them before slowly nodding. "Please, come in," he says, holding the door open. The two adults are hesitant but enter the home anyway, watching Steve as he shuts the door silently and locks it. "This way, please."
He leads them to the living room, looks at the books and papers spread on the coffee table, and blushes. "I'm sorry for the mess," he says, quickly sweeping everything off the coffee table and holding it close to his chest. "I was doing homework and didn't expect visitors. Please, sit. I'll get some tea."
With that, he turns on his heel and hurries out of the living room. He presses his back against the wall, eyes closed and heart racing as he listens to the man and woman talk. "He's very polite," the woman says, sounding pleased and surprised.
"Too polite," the man replies, "What ten year old says things like expecting visitors and offers to make tea?"
Steve swallows around the lump in his throat and hurries to the kitchen. He puts his papers and books on the small table there, climbs the stool in front of the sink to fill a kettle with water, and then climbs the stool in front of the stove to place it down. He turns on the burner, watching the flames jump before getting cups, a teapot, tea leaves, and a tray to place it all on.
In total, the process from heating the water to pouring it over the leaves in the pot and carrying that to the living room is no more than eight minutes. It still feels like an eternity, though, when Steve knows each second is a mark against him. "I'm sorry for making you wait," he says as he enters the living room, carefully placing the tray on the coffee table. He pours a cup for the woman first, then the man, and then himself, careful not to spill a drop.
"Did you make this yourself?" the woman asks, picking up her teacup and taking a polite sip.
When Steve nods, he gets a tiny smile in return. And then the man says, "Aren't you a little young to do these things?"
Steve has been taught how to answer questions like this, ones that imply his parents aren’t doing enough to raise him. He picks up his teacup, holding it in his hands and letting the warmth transfer to his palms. “I like making tea,” he says, keeping his voice steady, “so Mother taught me how to use the stove safely.”
Joe looks ready to say more, but Clarisse clears her throat. He shuts his mouth, picking up his own cup just to do something. “When should we expect your father, Steve?” Clarisse asks, placing her teacup back on its plate. She’s seated on the edge of the couch, her ankles tucked together so her legs are at a slant and her back perfectly straight. 
He can’t lie. If they stay, they’ll know he’s lying when his father doesn’t return. Maybe they just want to see his father, and Steve can let them think his mother will be home soon and convince them to leave before she is. He decides this is a good plan and says the extremely familiar words, “He’s away on a business trip.”
That earns him a frown, but before he can try to fix his mistake, Clarisse nods once and asks, “What about your mother, then?”
Steve tenses, dropping his gaze to his teacup and scrambling to find an answer. He swallows around the nervous lump in his throat, takes a sip of his tea, and feels his stomach twist when he still doesn’t have anything to say in response. 
“How long have your parents been gone?” Joe asks. 
The question pierces through him so harshly that Steve’s hands twitch, tea splashing over the edges of the cup and onto his fingers. He hisses at the temperature, quickly setting the cup down and getting a tissue to wipe the tea away. 
“What do you mean gone?” Clarisse asks.
“There are no cars in the driveway and no adult shoes by the door. We passed the kitchen on the way here, and only one set of dishes is in the drying rack. Stools have been placed wherever a child might need to reach something too high for them otherwise. Dust is on the shelf with adult books, but the smaller shelf with movies appropriate for children is clean, implying regular use. Finally, my men have informed me that Mr. and Mrs. Harrington boarded a plane headed for Hong Kong from London.”
Steve’s eyes widen as Joe speaks, his stomach twisting ever tighter with each word. When Clarisse looks back at him, his eyes begin to sting and he looks down at his lap. “I���m sorry,” he says, his voice quiet as he clenches the hem of his shirt. 
“What on Earth are you apologizing for?” Clarisse asks, sounding so insulted that Steve shrinks in on himself. “You are not to blame for your parents’ incompetence and negligence. Of all the things your father has done, abandoning you to fend for yourself is unforgivable.”
Oh. She’s…angry for him? Steve looks up, meeting Clarisse’s eyes and wondering why she cares. And then, because he thinks she can’t possibly be any angrier, he takes a risk by asking, “Why are you here?”
Clarisse pauses, blinks twice, and then gathers herself. Her shoulders relax some, but her back remains straight. “I am Clarisse Renaldi, Queen of Genovia, and your grandmother.”
Steve stares at her, glances at Joe to see if this is some kind of joke, and then looks back when all he gets in return is a blank stare. “My…grandmother?” he asks, his voice quiet.
“Yes. Your father, Richard Harrington, is my son. He was…well, he involved himself in troublesome schemes and had to leave Genovia and the line of succession. We keep tabs on him, of course, but all contact is otherwise restricted.”
None of that surprises Steve. He’s heard his father complaining when he has a bit too much whiskey, muttering under his breath about betrayal and being forced from his home and that it was only a few million he took. 
“I…still don’t know why you’re here.”
“Yes, well, the Crown Prince of Genovia has recently passed, and you are next in the line of succession. So, I traveled here to meet you and bring you back to Genovia for a proper education befitting a Crown Prince.”
Steve is staring at his lap again, his mind turning. So much information has been given to him, and he can only focus on the part that makes his heart speed up with hesitant hope. “Would…would my parents go with us?” he asks.
“Your father is still barred from Genovia. Your mother is welcome, though.”
“Does she have to go with us?”
He looks up in time to see Clarisse pause, tilting her head as she considers him for a moment. “No, Steve, neither of your parents must accompany us,” she says.
“Will I ever be alone?”
“The royal family employs upwards of 300 staff to keep the palace running smoothly,” Joe says, nodding once to confirm that number when Steve gives him an incredulous look. 
“Members of staff will be assigned to you as well,” Clarisse adds, smiling softly when Steve returns his attention to her. “At least three maids, several private tutors, at least one playmate for social development, and a personal team of security to keep you safe.”
Something lifts from Steve’s shoulders then. He’s not stupid. He knows his parents aren’t good. He learned that last year when he realized that other kids’ parents picked them up from school and gave them hugs and surprised them with pizza nights and just smiled at them. Steve looked at those parents, thought of his own, and quietly accepted that they either sucked or he just hasn’t figured out what will make them love him yet.
A tiny part of him knows that nothing will.
“Will you be my new mother, then?” Steve asks.
He watches Clarisse’s surprised expression morph into something unsure. “I will certainly be taking on a parental role,” she says, the words slow.
Steve looks down again, trying to ignore the disappointment that stirs in him when he realizes she’s just trying to spare his feelings. She won’t be a mother; she’ll be like his teacher. She’ll be someone who makes sure he learns what he should, eats when he should, and passes him along to the appropriate person when there’s a problem. 
Still, she’s nicer than his own parents, and Steve won’t be alone if he goes to Genovia. If nothing else, it will be better than this empty house and his absent parents. “If I packed right now, can we leave?” he asks.
When Clarisse agrees, Steve excuses himself and goes to his room. 
Once he’s out of sight, Clarisse looks at Joe and says, “He’s a very mature child.”
“He shouldn’t be.”
Clarisse nods once in agreement, looking down at the teapot in front of them and wondering if Steve has ever burned himself on it. “I believe he’ll take to being royalty well,” she says.
When she looks up, Joe is frowning. “If I may speak freely, Your Majesty?” he asks. When Clarisse nods, he clears his throat. “Before he can be royalty, he needs to be a child. For his own good, he needs a parent, not someone taking on a parental role. You may not be his mother, Your Majesty, but you are his grandmother. You have the ability to give him the unconditional care and love he’s been deprived of so far.”
“I suppose you have a point,” Clarisse admits, frowning slightly in thought. “I just…”
“You are worried he will be like his father.”
“He is not his father. You cannot project the wrongdoings of Richard onto Steve. It is unfair to him and you. He deserves a fresh start, one that is not burdened by his father.”
“I will think on it,” Clarisse says, already knowing she’s going to do as Joe has suggested. “In the meantime, look into parenting books. If nothing else, Steve’s maids and tutors can review their contents as he grows.”
“Of course, Your Majesty.”
Genovia is small, but the palace is huge. It towers over Steve like something out of a Disney movie, and he almost falls behind during the brief tour through its halls. He manages to catch up, though, meeting Clarisse’s stride just in time for her to gesture at a set of double-doors and say, “Beyond these will be your rooms.”
“Yes, more than one,” Clarisse says, smiling down at Steve as she leads him past the doors and into a sitting room. A group of people are already gathered there. Most of them are adults, but a few younger children are playing with a Lego set in the corner and a girl and boy his age are standing with the adults. “These are your personal staff members.”
Before Steve can say anything, one of the women steps forward, her smile warm and her face framed by her brown hair. “It’s nice to meet you, Your Highness. My name is Joyce. I’ll coordinate your schedule and make sure your rooms are taken care of. My husband, Jim, will be the head of your security team, and my eldest son, Jonathan, will be one of your playmates,” she says, pointing to her husband and then the boy his age.
“Feel free to call me Hopper, Your Highness,” her husband says.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Jonathan adds, smiling politely in a way that Steve painfully understands as fake and forced.
Joyce steps back, and a black woman steps forward. “My name is Sue. I’ll be in charge of your education. That means I’ll be arranging your tutors, making sure your lessons match what a child your age should be learning, and overseeing your Royal Education with Her Majesty. My husband, Charles, will be your science tutor.”
Steve glances at Charles when he waves and nods in greeting. His smile, at least, seems more genuine than Jonathan’s was, and Sue is so straightforward that Steve finds it refreshing. 
The last woman steps forward. She’s a little heavier than the other two, and she’s wearing an apron that has stains smeared across it. “Wonderful to meet you, Your Highness. I’m Claudia. I’ll be in charge of your diet and medical needs. If you’re allergic to anything or just plain hate certain foods, let me know.”
She steps back, leaving only the young girl. With a grin, she moves to stand in front of Steve and holds her hand out. “Name’s Robin,” she says, “I’m supposed to be your friend, but Her Majesty and I’ve got an agreement that I can ditch you if you suck. If I stick around, I’ll be trained by Hopper to be your personal guard.”
It’s so sudden and blunt that Steve can’t stop his grin as he takes Robin’s hand and shakes once. “To make things fair,” he says, “I should get to ditch you, too.”
Her eyes light up, and Steve thinks he’s done something right, which is an odd but welcome feeling. She lets go of his hand but stays by his side, standing close enough that their shoulders brush as Clarisse gestures for Joyce to take over the tour. He’s introduced to the children playing with Legos first, bombarded with their names (Dustin, Will, El, Lucas, and Erica) and which parents they belong to, before moving on to the rooms. 
In total, he has five: the sitting room, a classroom, a small library, an empty room that he can do whatever he’d like with, and his bedroom. The bedroom has its own bathroom with a shower attached, but there are extra bathrooms in the other rooms, too. He’d count his closet as another room entirely, but he’s not ready to admit he really has six rooms. 
He’s still too overwhelmed by the giant bed and the rooms that all belong to him and this group of people that will always be around him. He turns to Clarisse, ready to thank her, when she smiles at him and says, “There is one more thing.”
Something else? There’s more? What more could there possibly be? What else could he be given? Steve watches as she walks to the door that leads into the bathroom, steps inside, and comes back out holding something that squirms slightly in her arms. 
She quickly deposits the thing in Steve’s arms, and he stares wide-eyed at the Rottweiler puppy that starts sniffing at his hands and neck. “What?” he asks.
“She’s yours, Steve. Rottweilers are very loyal dogs, so she’ll stay by your side. They’re also loyal and protective. Once she’s grown, she’ll keep you safe, too.”
“What am I then, chopped liver?” Robin asks, pouting slightly as she looks at the dog. She leans closer to it and yelps when she gets licked. 
Steve can’t help laughing, holding the dog closer to his chest. “Does she have a name?” he asks.
“Yeah! It’s Dart!”
Steve looks over his shoulder at Dustin, meeting his curly hair and slightly gummy smile. Next to him, Claudia flushes slightly and hurriedly says, “You don’t need to listen to him, Your Highness. You can name her whatever you’d like.”
“No, I think Dart is good,” Steve replies, looking down at the dog and gently scratching behind her ears. She perks up, her entire body wiggling with excitement, and Steve feels something hopeful and optimistic settle in his chest.
Tag List (let me know if you'd like to be added to future parts!)
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now-you-sound-like-a-jedi · 9 months ago
If Obi-Wan had actually stayed on Mandalore with Satine after the Civil War and left the Jedi Order, it would've made The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones peak comedy.
Like, Qui-Gon would still be sent to Naboo and end up on Tatooine, he'd still meet Anakin and take him back to the Temple. But, in this AU, he survives the battle on Theed and takes Anakin as his padawan. And the entire Order would be making jokes:
"Congrats on the new padawan! Hope he sticks around longer than the last one!" "We'll keep this one off the bodyguard missions, eh Qui-Gon?"
So one day little Anakin’s like "hey master, what happened to your last padawan?" And Qui-Gon's like "oh he ran off with a girl, yeah he's royalty in the Outer Rim now".
And it's all fine and dandy until Anakin’s nineteen and they get assigned to protect Padmé, and Qui-Gon takes one look at this kid's face and thinks "You've got to be fucking kidding me, this shit again??"
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harzilla · 6 months ago
Okay. I was thinking the lost sibling AU.
Except one of the twst boys is in love with you or you're already dating.
Dating Leona only to find out you're Malleus' twin? Well shit, does he love you enough that he can tolerate you being the Lizard's sibling? Well actually it might not be to bad you're technically royalty so it would make integrating you into the royal family a lot easier so hey, congrats you're helping create a stronger alliance between the Sunset Savanna and Briar Valley. At least Malleus gets upgraded from Lizard to Lizard-in-law.
Dating Malleus and it turns out you're Azul's sibling? You know the gears are already turning in Azul's head. Isn't he such a caring brother? He might finally get the opportunity to make a deal with a ruler. Why of course he wouldn't try to scam his future brother-in-law. Please smack him with a tentacle or two if he tries anything funny.
Dating Sebek and you're actually Malleus' twin. Oh God Sebek is going to fluctuate between feeling like he's not worthy to be the s/o of his waka-sama's twin too, of course he has excellent tastes in a partner he just knew you were truly special before anybody else! Please shut your crocodile up he won't stop yapping about you and Malleus to EVERYBODY.
Dating Ruggie and finding out you're Leona's sibling? Congrats you're never getting rid of Ruggie now not only does he love you but you'll be his ticket to never being poor again. He's gonna be such a smug lil jerk when he goes back home. His granny is going to beat him with a sandal if he messes this up.
Dating Riddle, only to find out you're actually the sibling of Floyd and Jade? Poor Riddle, he's going to be weighing if it's worth being the future brother-in-law to Floyd. Lord help Mrs. Rosehearts if she ever meets her child's in-laws because oh, they've heard how she treated Riddle and they WILL be out for blood if she tries it with you.
Dating Jamil only to find out you're actually one of Kalim's sibling? Jamil's got a headache coming on until you point out if you get married he could technically take your name and oh look, he can finally get that vacation via a year long honeymoon.
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futurefind · 2 years ago
//a meme assignnment tldr of my main three muses (hilariously accurate edition)
ver. A aka “the three genders: princess, slut, loser”:
Sa: Princess
Rea: Slut
Mara: Loser
ver. B aka , well, You’ll See lmao (custom one):
Sa: blind to red flags
Rea: loves red flags
Mara: is the red flag
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fastboatsmojito · 5 months ago
so excited to join the party!! can i request royalty au + forbidden romance trope for royal chef carmy x princess reader? if you also want to include possessive sex from the smutty prompts well 🤭 that’s up to you!
huge congrats on 100 !!!
Omfg I was going to work on some other reqs first but this actually took over all of my thoughts the second it came in so 🧎everyone say thank you Maggie <3
Royalty au from this prompt list + forbidden romance from this prompt list for my 100 followers party !
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| a/n; God this was such a fun one
| cw; 18+ smut btc ! Mostly plot + a touch of smut at the end, fem reader <3
| wc; 979
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It started slow, an innocent couple of words on the napkin afforded to you along with your breakfast. Your lovely hairdresser giggling with you as you sat in front of the mirror, admiring the not-so-neat handwriting from an apparent admirer.
The note read; ‘Good morning her highness, how I do wish to meet you someday.’ simple and respectful, missing only the name of whomever wrote it. Anyone else would have thought nothing of it, discarding the note along with their breakfast even, but it had gotten lonely in the castle.
October bringing in chilly winds through the linen fabric adorning your open windows, almost enough to blow out the candle dripping next to you as you sat. Longingly looking out at the kingdom as you held your newest possession, dreaming about the face behind the words.
Of course you had the clue that it was someone from within the castle, but this wasn’t much help seeing as so many people came in and out every day.
You’d briefly spoken about it to several staff around the castle as you went about your day; gossiping with the gardener turning into finding out just how many kitchen staff there were. Far too many for a single princess to go through them all separately, so it only made sense to begin with the chefs.
A task you’d fit in somewhere between having another portrait painting, insisted upon by your mother of course, and piano lessons - a hobby you’d become quite fond of.
After sitting for so long you figured you needed a snack anyway, skipping about the castle in your most breathable of dresses, finally reaching the doors of the kitchen.
You received quite a few curious glances as you walked in, the only one not in all white. You smiled and nodded until you felt your cheeks beginning to hurt, always courteous as you made your way to the back.
“Your highness?” A voice beckoned from behind you, turning around to find a red-cheeked, seemingly nervous chef.
“Chef.” You greeted, giving him a polite curtsy as he bowed his head. How cute.
“If I may, what’s a princess like yourself doing back here?” He asked simply, shaky as he held his hands behind his back.
“I’ve come to find someone, actually. Might you know who wrote this?” You pulled the napkin out of your dress pocket - insisted upon by yourself, pocket-less dresses were of no real use.
He seemed taken aback that you were holding it, getting redder in the face if that was even possible, quietly nodding as he stared a hole into the note.
“It was me.” He said it so quietly you weren’t sure if you heard him correctly over the slowly rising chaos of the kitchen behind you.
“You?” You looked at him more observantly then, eyes following the few curls that had fallen in front of his face, over the still rosy apples of his cheeks, and back into the icy blue eyes looking back at you. Oh yes, he would do just fine.
You were certain your parents would berate you for it as you brought him back to your room, giggling about the castle as you held his hand and guided him in, all but sprinting as befuddled servants passed you.
You’d be lying if you said that didn’t make it all the better, the kind, incredibly handsome chef of all people being brought back to a princesses bedroom. Ever the dramatic, you quietly closed your door after he’d walked in, clasping your hands together as you walked to your bed.
He seemed fond of all the pink, lacy, beauty around the room, quiet as he courteously removed his chefs coat and folded it in his arms.
You beckoned him over with a finger, grinning at him from under the draped fabric over your bed. He walked over slowly, face still pink like he’d just come in from the snow.
“My parents will certainly have a few things to say about this, but I’m not sure I care. You’re cute.” You stated simply, hands in your lap as he sat down next to you.
“I don’t want to cause you any trouble, your highness.” He was so kind it was dazzling, not in the way that everyone was kind simply because you were a princess. In his own selfless, pure, way, like he couldn’t possibly speak to you any different if he tried.
“Please do, it’s been so boring lately. Though you simply mustn’t call me your highness while we’re alone.” You explained, giving him your name to which he returned with a held out hand and his own.
“Carmen.” He brought your hand up to his mouth the second it was in his own, chaste kiss causing a warmth to greet your own face.
A lovely name for a lovely man, something you could hear yourself calling out. A name you would be calling out later that night, from the comfort and warmth of his hands along your sides in your bed, to the bubbly water of the bath as you called for him to come into the relaxing water with you.
“Carmen,” You repeated, his hand still holding your own, allowing his thumb to run across the divots of your ring.
“Can I kiss you?” You weren’t completely sure you were doing any of this correctly, certainly not to the standards of anyone who did this sort of thing normally, again - the castle had been lonely lately. Though by the look on his face he wasn’t certain either, giving you a slow nod as his hand found the side of your face.
The entire kingdom would surely have both of your heads if they found you under him, frilly dress hiked up all the way to your waist as breathy sighs fell from both of your mouths - but they didn’t have to know. Not yet.
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astonmartinii · 2 years ago
Hello! Would you be comfortable to write sth about Seb? x reader? :)
racing royalty | sebastian vettel instagram au
pairing: red bull!seb x motogp!reader
[for timeline purposes, seb never leaves red bull, but other than that most of the grid is the same as it is]
anti-social media man seb mysteriously joins social media and all hell breaks lose
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liked by redbull, charles_leclerc and 554,019 others
yourusername: vamos argentina 🇦🇷
view all 37,045 comments
user34 let's goooooo y/n
user12 sometimes mother is a woman who drives a motorbike super fast
redbullracing i think the kids say slay
yourusername you're doing great admin
user67 i need her to win another championship NOW
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc and 808,045 others
sebastianvettel: the media team said that i should try this whole social media thing out
view all 102,089 comments
user76 does this mean i should delete all my thirst edits
yourusername welcome seb 🐝
user23 ^^^ parents interacting WHAT
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liked by sebastianvettel, yourusername and 601,784 others
redbullracing: all red bull top step in f1 and motogp this weekend !! congrats sebastian and y/n
view all 13,088 comments
user44 red bull are killing it (unfortunately)
sebastianvettel unbelievable race y/n !!!
yourusername right back at you starboy
user11 are they ... flirting ???
user35 seb did say he only got instagram to comment on his gf's posts ....
maxverstappen1 my goats 🐐
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liked by sebastianvettel, marcmarquez93 and 505,467 others
yourusername: snoozing in the barcelona sun
view all 28,056 comments
marcmarquez93 so this is what you did at my house
yourusername yes thanks for letting me stay
marcmarquez93 cheaper than an actual housesitter
sebastianvettel sunkissed
user15 someone teach this old man how instagram comments work
user45 seb commenting ... said he got insta to follow + comment on his gf's posts ... next gp is in barcelona ....
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc and 625,098 others
sebastianvettel: starting from pole tomorrow ready for you barcelona 🇪🇸
view all 71,209 comments
user10 let's go seb
yourusername never in doubt star boy 🌟
user30 hmmmmmmmmm what's going on ^^
user49 do we think y/n is going to come to the race?
user21 omg i hope so
redbullracing quali king
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liked by sebastianvettel, yourusername and 606,334 others
tagged: yourusername
redbullracing: special guest in the garage this weekend, motogp queen y/n y/ln joins us in barcelona 🇪🇸
view all 86,304 comments
user33 god i love her so much
user55 doctor help my parasocial relationship is too much
sebastianvettel good luck charm 🍀
yourusername you don't need my luck star boy 🌟
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liked by charles_leclerc, motogp and 772,077 others
tagged: yourusername, sebastianvettel
f1: when f1 and motogp collide - y/n y/ln was in the red bull garage this weekend cheering on close friends sebastian vettel and max verstappen
view all 110,089 comments
maxverstappen1 finally someone acknowledged that she's my friend too
sebastianvettel sorry buddy probably cause she likes me more
maxverstappen1 @yourusername you gonna let him bully me like this?
yourusername sorry maxy but he's not wrong
user23 okay but that's basically confirmation right, RIGHT ????
charles_leclerc she visited me too :(
yourusername added to their story
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[caption: pretty boys]
sebastianvettel added to their story
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[caption: long awaited catch up]
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liked by sebastianvettel, redbullracing and 770,095 others
yourusername: vroom vroom for the last time this season, but to finish this year with my second championship is unreal + always good to share a podium with bestie marc
view all 114,045 comments
marcmarquez93 fave champagne partner, though i'd prefer if i'm the one winning next time
sebastianvettel god i love watching you race, congratulations my love
yourusername i love you too
sebastianvettel i love you more
user90 no one talk to me my parents have confirmed their relationship
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liked by christianhorner, yourusername and 1,223,067
tagged: yourusername
sebastianvettel: looks like we need to upgrade the trophy cabinet at home
view all 220,679 comments
user37 they already live together ???
yourusername i love you (you can do the diy)
sebastianvettel i love you more
user47 so... when will race of champions change their rules so they can compete together ???
maxverstappen1 congrats you two (why did you crop me out of all of the photos)
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liked by pierregasly, maxverstappen1 and 1,045,300 others
tagged: yourusername, sebastianvettel
charles_leclerc: happy anniversary to my racing parents, thanks for letting me chill at your farm, making me my birthday party and teaching me how to ride a motorbike ❤️
view all 229,567 comments
yourusername awwww sharl, no worries, you're our favourite disaster child
maxverstappen1 take that back right now
yourusername okay charles is seb's favourite, you're mine maxy
maxverstappen1 thank you
sebastianvettel thank you charles xx
user13 obsessed over y/n and seb having grid children who love them so much they make anniversary posts and argue in the comments
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1 and 1,567,290 others
tagged: sebastianvettel
yourusername: happy five year anniversary baby - i love you so much i can't even put it into words, here's to many more xx
view all 301,334 comments
maxverstappen1 can i have a prize for keeping this a secret so long
charles_leclerc me too
sebastianvettel no?
redbullracing best kept secret in motorsport - happy anniversary guys xx
sebastianvettel can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you baby
note: i love seb so much so so happy to write about him! i've nearly finished all my requests so feel free to send some more in xx
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noblehouseofgay · 19 days ago
Okay i saw your followers event
Congrats on 1300(you have almost a full 1000 more followers than me damn)
So can I ask for either like a royalty/fairytale forced marriage or fake relationship jegulus?
Just like a fluffy scene of them being in love and not having confessed yet but being weirdly domestic?
Late Nights
Royal au
Tooth rotting fluff
Baking as a love language
Completely forgot about the fake relationship part oops. I got carried away
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Regulus stood in the kitchens. All the servants and cooks had gone to bed, but he was craving something sweet.
Unfortunately for him, he had zero culinary skills. Growing up being taught to be the perfect princess means you don't actually get to do things for yourself. So rather than attempting to make something at this ungodly hour, he was searching around for anything he could find already made.
"You're up late."
Regulus jumped at the voice, slamming his head into a counter as he stood up.
"Your highness, are you alright? I didn't mean to frighten you, I'm so sorry-"
Regulus looked up to see warm hazel eyes and messy hair.
He came over and helped Regulus find his balance. James placed a hand on Regulus' forehead. "Do you feel alright? Do I need to get medical supplies?"
James was one of the servants in the castle. He was kind and caring, and he somehow always knew what to do. Him and Regulus had very become close in the past year. So much so that Regulus forgets his own name when the other man is around.
"I- I'm alright, thank you."
James took his hand off his head and gently held Regulus' arm instead, smiling down at him. "What are you doing down here so late? You should be asleep."
"I was feeling hungry, I suppose. I want something sweet but can't seem to find my way around the kitchen."
James hummed, smiling. "I think I can help with that." The man began walking around the kitchen, collecting a few bowls and ingredients.
Regulus hadn't the faintest clue of what any of it was. "What are you doing?"
"We're going to make cookies." He smiled warmly. "I have my mother's recipe memorized."
"Right now? But it's so late- we'll end up in trouble for sure-"
"Oh, we'll be fine. I can't possibly let you go to bed hungry now can I? I wouldn't be doing my job."
Regulus hesitated before letting himself relax. Who was he to say no to James?
"Could I help? I don't know what I'm doing but, I'd like to help."
James gently pulled Regulus to stand in front of him by the table. He held the boy's hands in his own and began measuring ingredients.
Their hands moved together in a rhythm, becoming one in the same. With only a few mishaps with a egg, they managed to get the cookies into the oven with little struggle.
The boys now sat by the oven, waiting for the ding. And maybe their eyes kept wandering to each other more than watching the cookies. Maybe neither of them could forget the way their hands fit well together.
The timer brought them out of their thoughts. James quickly pulled the cookies out to let them cool.
"They smell wonderful, James. Your mother made them like this?"
He smiled, the nostalgia clear in his eyes. "All the time. If I was sad, if I was sick, hell, she'd simply make them for fun sometimes." He carefully cut a slice of fresh gooey cookie and held it out for Regulus.
The flavor melted on Regulus' tongue, his eyes lightly up. "Oh my god- James these- these are amazing!"
"They are, aren't they?" James had a look in his eyes as he watched Regulus. He felt James' fingers come up and wipe chocolate off his cheek. Regulus flushed in embarrassment, smiling up at him.
James simply laughed, the soft sound filled Regulus entire being. Without hesitation, James picked him up and sat him on the counter. He hopped up right next to him and handed them both a now cooled cookie.
They stayed like that for hours, munching on treats and chatting. The sun had begun to rise by the time the tray was empty and both boys had fallen asleep against each other. Someone would likely find them like this, but neither cared. Not after the late night they had shared.
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iceunhie · 1 year ago
HEYYYYY congrats on 200 :3 such a huge milestone omg i am proud of u!!!!
for your 200 followers celebration event, may i please request a headcanon with a royalty au with ayato? with arranged marriage + strangers to lovers as romantic fluff?
thank youu 🫶
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blooming camellia | kamisato ayato.
second submission for my event! admittedly, ayato is a good example of my almost fave characters. and im closing my event to jus 5 slots and extending the deadline of submissions and the event duration to october 3 since i was too busy to get to the requests.... i just love his personality hehe and i honestly hope he's characterized well here..... pls writing for other characters is so fun bc im. trying to escape my same fic syndrome (which i often feel) so this req is refreshing! i love strangers to lovers too tbh anon ur taste is 🫶
[2/5] ayato x noble!reader (royalty AU.) wc 1.4k, romantic fluff. strangers to lovers, arranged marriage trope. reblogs are appreciated.
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As the child of one of the more prominent noble families, marriage is no indulgence for you. So when the Royal family of Kamisato had chosen you to be the Crown Prince's spouse, in truth, you had honestly expected it.
A background as a noble of quite an affluent family, not to mention a good link to the workings of high society due to your status, it was only natural.
On top of that, Crown Prince Ayato is everything you could ever ask for in your position. Handsome, good-natured, and steadfast — there's no doubt that despite this being an arranged affair, you both would at least be on cordial terms.
The wedding was a simple yet grand affair fitting for a Royal Couple, with an unspoken understanding forming to both the individuals for the occasion. Maybe not quite love, but perhaps a companionship was promised in your union. A slip of the ring, a beautiful shade of cerulean much like Ayato's eyes is put on your finger, a new bond made, for better or for worse.
Bells and sounds of merriment hang over the chapel, the silent cue for Ayato to approach you. Dressed in garb fitting of his spouse, he clasps your hand firmly in his, squeezing it with a steady and comforting smile. It takes a bit of hesitation, but you squeeze his hand back. There may be no current affiliation nor connection between you two as any other married couple do, but there are always lessons to be learned — and things to understand.
The priest finishes the procession, and with that came the kiss. The binding of your union. You two would be with each other in sickness and in health, ready to shoulder the burdens of the Kingdom. It is Ayato that leans in first, and you close your eyes. The kiss lasts only for a moment before you both pull away, the people in the hall all congratulating the newly-wedded Royal Couple.
Amidst the crowd, you only think of one thing you notice about Ayato.
You wonder if you didn't imagine the softening of his eyes, or the faint flush of his cheeks.
The consummation of your marriage was pleasant for you, for Ayato was straightforward and knew what he wanted from this marriage.
"There may be no love between the both of us, but I promise to treat you in a way that will never disrespect your title as my spouse. Rest assured, this responsibility and the weight of this decision is not lost onto me. I will take no affair nor infidelity in this marriage, and I can only ask for you to do the same." is his words, and you can only reply accordingly. Not that you would want to marry anyone else.
Ayato is a man of promise. He performs the duties of a husband well, and doesn't neglect nor treat you like any less. He indulges you when you ask about his day, his family, and his duties. While his responses may have been cordial at first, he never fails to meet his dues. Your married life is amicable, if not harmonious.
You mostly spend your days conversing with his sister Lady Ayaka. She, the ever beautiful soul she is, is one of the key reasons why your marriage with the Crown Prince is so successful, along with Thoma, their childhood friend and personal aide. They enjoyed conversing with you, immediately welcoming you warmly with open arms and smiles.
Ayato may not admit it, but he can't help but think that your compatibility with the people he cares for most is thawing the indifferent exterior he had donned for you. He was truly grateful that you were getting along with his sister and Thoma. He shows that gratitude in the form of gifts, a silent thank you for still being so patient despite his duties as a Royal.
Bouquets with bluish themes color symbolizing your married status to him, presents of jewelry that nobles, no, you would be fond of; a personal greenhouse constructed for you, adorned with arrays of camellias, roses, different flowers you can't even name all yours to hold.
First the bouquets of camellias and blue roses, then now this…? Ayato knows that what he's currently doing is far more personal than the duties what the duties of an arranged marriage permits, but he can't help it. You may not have noticed, thankfully, but he has been observing you for many, many days now. He doesn't know why your presence had now become more than just a spouse who he had to treat well, but the feeling is not unwelcome.
He thinks of the curve of your mouth when you smile, how you slightly tilt your head when you laugh at something Ayaka mentioned when he speaks with you, how he's associated the scent of blue roses to your arrival — you would always keep the bouquets he would deliver as keepsakes. When asked why, he can't help but admire the sheepish expression on your face. How cute. Faced with your words of 'I can't possibly accept this…' and 'Are you sure this garden is alright for me to have?' Ayato smiles again, lovely cerulean hues of his making your chest beat rapidly. His face wasn't helping your predicament at all.
What you don't know is that this smile is tinged with an emotion he can't identify yet, but would soon be enveloped in. "It's no big matter at all. After all, you are my spouse. This is just a small expression of my devotion."
And when he sees your cheeks darken and you look away from his words, Ayato's heart somehow skips a beat, and he fights the blush adorning his cheeks. The faint glow of the sun casts a light on your features, as the two of you bask in the comfortable silence.
The blooming of the camellias seem to cast a mirror image of the Crown Prince's heart.
There is little change in your routine when Ayato decides to truly accept you as his spouse, his equal, his other half. His love is quiet, and Ayato is a man of actions. So when he gives you more personal and more thoughtful gifts as compared to the normal jewelry and trinkets with sky-high prices, you hardly bat an eye, merely a small thank you and smile which makes your husband feel just a bit more enamoured with you.
Instead, the approach that beggars belief that the blue-haired man cares for you in a more intimate manner was when he asks you about yourself. Your hobbies, the things you enjoy, the questions that he always remembers the answer to, no matter how small. Ayato is not one to ask about others if he has not opened up to them truly.
It is Ayaka who brings this up to your attention, and with Thoma's guidance, the two plan their operation of getting the both of you see the feelings you two were developing for each other (without your knowledge) .... which doesn't go quite as planned?
Ayato cares for Thoma. Really, he does. He considers the emerald-eyed man to be akin to family, a close and trusted companion. One of the few he trusts wholeheartedly that are not of his own blood. But there's a sense of foreign possessiveness that's welling up in his throat when he sees you and him converse. This is relatively childish, Ayato knows that, he knows that, so why the hell is he being so worked up when Thoma's only being cordial and offered his hand for you to practice dancing with for the upcoming banquet?
A part of him wonders why you were considering Thoma as an option for a dance partner, even if for practice, when he was right there? But then he remembers the swamp of papers that encompassed his schedule, and he slightly deflates. How much of his daily routine and convictions have been shattered by you? He considers himself a man of fortuitous will, yet this was really…
The last straw was when Thoma spins you around in a manner a little bit too strong for you to follow the rhythm which makes you trip over your dress, leading to Ayato seeing it first-hand his spouse collapsing on his aide, your body on top of the blond's for a few moments before the both of you collect yourselves and hurriedly help each other out.
Just as you were about to let Thoma grasp you to pull him up, a gloved hand and Ayato's smiling face (is it you, or is a shadow crossing on his face?) stops you. Gently, he blocks you and instead helps Thoma up, before squeezing his shoulder a bit too forcefully, still smiling. When you look away from the two when his sister calls for your attention, his expression shifts to a dangerous one as he turns to his aide.
"Careful now. We wouldn't want others to touch what's rightfully theirs to hold, don't we?"
This story in itself is quite the funny one, and when you and Ayato's strange dynamic of a married couple had shifted itself properly, you often teased your husband for his weakness for you after you find out about it from Thoma. The teasing often backfires, for his reply never fails to fluster you.
"I don't see the shame nor the embarrassment in it," he would tell you, grasping at your chin and gently bringing it up with his thumb. His gaze is warm and brimming with affection, the oceanic depths of his eyes saying all the words his mouth cannot.
"Besides, you never seem to get enough of it anyway, darling."
The kiss he gives you is like the cool and all-consuming feeling of the ocean, enveloping you in the steady love and devotion this man reserved only for you.
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an-au-blog · 1 year ago
Ok so- what about a Royalty + Magic Shuggy AU? (+ Fem Buggy 'cause I love her)
In this AU, Shanks is a prince in the human world, while Buggy is a princesse in the magic world. They meet during their childhood while Buggy "accidentaly" (she just wanted to have a little adventure) goes to the human world, and the red head is enchanted by her uncommon blue hair and red nose. The two start to see each other regularly, but, they never tell each other they're royalty.
Shuggy were 7-8 when this happen, and their friendshipp ends up turning into a secret unofficial relatonship when they're 17. Everything is fine, until Shanks is named the King at the age of 18 and they fight (probably 'cause the richs initiated to intent to arrrange a marriage between Shanks and their daughters, and him kind of "don't do anything", while he does but don't have much/none result. Or Shanks ends up thinking she only wants money, because Buggy never accept shows up in front of the kingdom), leading to a break up.
Buggy is upset, really upset. She thinks about going back and telling the truth about her not being from his world, but then she see Shanks in a "date" with a girl (a daughter from some rich man), and thinks that actually he never loved her and just wanted the "emotion" from having a big secret. That now he is with someone he really loves (he isn't, he is regretting leting she go).
+10 years later, both were 29-30 and they never talk or even see each other again. Shanks only tells about Buggy to Benn and Mihawk (both don't believe it totally), while Buggy only tells her childhood best friends from the magic world, Alvida and Crocodile. She and Crocodile marry forced by their parents (but they don't mind. Yes, their marriage won't be with romantic love but at least they will be with someone they trusth).
Shanks, Benn and Mihawk, while going to a reunion in another kingdom, accidentaly go to the magic world after a accident in their ship. They are send to the king and queen, to be decided what do with them. Can think how much Shanks is surprised seeing the love of his life married?
Buggy decide to let them heal the injure before going back to the human world, and in the castle. She's confused, after more than 10 fucking years she's seeing her past lover?! And he's wanting to talk suddendly?!
Crocodile knows she never really moved on about Shanks, so even if this will make some fights with theirs parents, he's ready to divorce to her if she wants to marry Shanks (Crocodile may be serious but is a good friend).
Well, hope you enjoy the AU! I am a new anon and you can gave me any nickname you want ^^
I've never had an anon ask for a nickname themselves, so I will give you the very human name of: " J i m ", you are now human Jim, congrats!!! :))
Ok you covered a long timeline! I can tell you've thought about it for a bit.
Some of my thoughts if you don't mind...↓
I'd like to think that kid Buggy would escape to the human world as a break. A break from her duties and all the pampering. Yes, she lives being treated like a princess, but for a kid especially, it can be tiring. So maybe she travels with her own powers, or maybe a magic item. Though my favorite is if it's a type of tunnel or hole that she found, like in Alice in Wonderland or like in Coraline. The first time she crawled through with her big pompous dress and got it all dirty so she got scolded. From then on she learned to take a second pair of clothes before she crossed to the other world.
Shanks on the other hand, in my opinion, would be a very wild child. A bit like Luffy. So him stumbling onto the place where Buggy crosses from world to world seems very probable hahaha.
I think for Shanks it was love at first sight. He couldn't stop staring at her, he would think she was the most beautiful girl in the land. And the more he got to know her the deeper he fell in love with her. For Buggy it probably took at least a few months for her to develop a crush on him. After all, he's nice to her, he's fun and funny, he treats her like an equal and seems to like her too.
Shanks being with another girl is the ultimate betrayal. For Buggy, the one who has so many insecurities. Being replaced by the boy she gave her first kiss to? The one she wanted to get old with? Her best friend - the only one she thought could understand her, the only one she could trust?
When she marries Crocodile, she keeps complaining about Shanks. Always. Shanks this, Shanks that, even on their first wedding night - she flops onto the bed grumpily and starts talking about how she told explicitly that she didn't want that shade of red roses because they made her think of Shanks and the maids still put those exact ones. All Crocodile did was refrain from arguing and just thought about how good this marriage would be for the economy of both their kingdoms. With time they become good friends.
One day, Crocodile - in his study, hears the door slamming behind him to find his wife out of breath and red-faced. Before he could ask what was going on she told him "I- I just realized something... I..." she was ashamed and hesitant to say it "I think I still love him..."
Crocodile did his best not to roll his eyes.
She bites her lip and mutters another sentence that would make Crocodile's head spin "He uh... also he kinda followed me here... into our world..."
"He what!?" Crocodile dropped his inked-feather and almost fell off his chair.
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cha-melodius · 1 year ago
Hi friend! Congrats again on 100 works! Thank you for offering to write more for us! ❤️I'd like to request 1. firstprince and 2. Kensington as an AU, but only because you dared us to! Alternatively, if someone already requested that and you don't want to duplicate, I'd be interested in a hockey AU set inside the rink! Thank you again, I am so excited to see what you come up with and to read more of your words!
(Thank you so much for taking my bait lol, I've wanted to write this canon-divergence AU where they hook up in Kensington during the damage control trip for a while now. I hope you enjoy!)
Falling Down the Stairs of Your Smile
(firstprince, 4.1k, M; read it below or on AO3) read all the fandom fest fics
It wasn’t supposed to go like this. They were supposed to finish up at the hospital, and then Henry would go back to whatever the fuck he does while Alex went to the airstrip. He’d fly back to DC, so that maybe he’d be able to get some schoolwork done before Monday, and try to forget that this ridiculous weekend ever happened—barring the fact that he and Henry were still obligated to keep up the fake friendship for a few more months, that is.
Instead, Cash comes up to him as they stand outside of Kensington with a slightly grim look on his face and says, “Change of plans.”
“They discovered an issue with the plane during the flight prep. It needs some part that they’re not going to be able to get until tomorrow morning. We’ll leave then.”
“What do you mean, they can’t get it? Why not?” Alex demands. Surely in a country with fucking royalty, nothing is out of grasp for said royals and their guests.
Cash shrugs. “Didn’t ask. The palace confirmed you can stay another night.”
Alex groans probably a little too dramatically. “What about my classes?”
“I am, in fact, very aware of your class schedule,” Cash says dryly. “You’ll be back in time.”
“I don’t have another change of clothes.”
“Pretty sure Kensington has laundry.”
“I’m really not getting out of this, am I?”
Alex sighs and looks over to where Henry is standing with Shaan by the front gates. There’s a look of trepidation on his face, no doubt because he’s just been told that he’ll have to deal with Alex for another night. Of course, that’s not a given. Henry will probably disappear into his apartments and ignore him, which suits Alex fine. They may have reached a kind of détente today, but they’re not friends.
“Sorry to hear about your plane,” Henry says as they get back into the car that will drive them further into the palace.
Alex shrugs. “It’s fine. I guess I’ll have to survive the hardship of ten thousand thread count sheets another night.”
Henry huffs a little laugh and grins. It’s kind of amazing how different he looks when he smiles for real. “I know you’ve probably had your fill of me today, so feel free to say no, but…” He hesitates a moment, as if waiting for Alex to shut him down before he even makes his proposal. “I was thinking of ordering in curry for dinner tonight. There’s a place not far away that’s quite good. Maybe watch a film?”
It’s pretty much the last thing Alex expected him to say. He wonders if this is another olive branch, an acknowledgement that it’ll be easier to pretend they’re friends if they’re actually… kinda friends. Surprisingly, Alex doesn’t hate the idea.
“What movie?” he counters.
“Well, I would suggest one of the Star Wars films, but I’m not sure we could agree on one.”
“If we’re not going to watch the best one, aka Empire—”
“You mean Return of the Jedi,” Henry interjects.
“—I guess that leaves the next best.”
“So, Rogue One?”
Alex grins. “Ok, maybe we can be friends, after all.”
He’s absolutely not letting himself think about the warmth that grows in his chest when Henry laughs.
Alex discovers that there’s a room in Kensington that’s pretty much as tricked out as you can get without being in a movie theater—“There’s an actual theater in Buckingham,” Henry tells him, “but Dad had this put in for family film nights”—with a massive screen and a killer sound system. They eat their curry out of take-out containers on a surprisingly comfortable, normal couch as the movie plays, keeping up a running commentary between them that ranges from Star Wars lore to the cast (“Come on, you can’t tell me you wouldn’t follow Diego Luna anywhere. Look at him!” Alex insists, which garners him a strange look from Henry) to random things entirely unconnected to the movie.
Turns out Henry is actually really funny, which is a fucking shock and kind of annoying except for how he leaves Alex in stitches several times. It’s absurdly easy between them in a way that it shouldn’t be, and Alex can’t remember the last time he had this much fun just hanging out with someone. And it’s Henry. What is his life, even.
“I can’t believe you like this one,” Alex says as they watch Jyn and Cassian embrace desperately on the beach. “It’s pretty much the opposite of a happy ending. For the main characters, at least.”
Henry hums, tipping his head slightly. “They give up everything in the service of a cause bigger than themselves, and they succeed. There’s something beautiful about that.”
“God, you are a sap,” Alex teases, bumping his shoulder up against Henry’s. Somehow they’ve managed to migrate closer on the couch over the course of the movie, until they’re practically touching.
“And why do you like it, then?” Henry counters. “The action and spies and intrigue?”
“Not only that,” Alex says. “But there’s a reason I’m a big Bond fan.”
A smile flickers across Henry’s face that’s a little melancholy but mostly contented. “I suppose that makes sense given what I know of your movie tastes now.”
“Also, your dad was a total babe.”
Henry’s eyes go wide as he chokes on a laugh. “I beg you to not.”
They lapse into silence as the final scenes as the credits start to roll. The movie is over and it’s getting late, but all Alex can think of is that he really doesn’t want the night to end yet. Which is crazy. Twenty-four hours ago Alex was actively cursing this man’s name, and now he seemingly can’t get enough of spending time with him. It doesn’t make any sense, but somehow it does; it’s the same feeling that he was chasing all those years ago in Rio, the one that pushed him to go up an introduce himself at exactly the wrong time, the one that made the hurt of that encounter linger for so long in his psyche.
“Hey, uh,” he says eventually, turning slightly to look at Henry, “thanks for suggesting this. It was fun.”
“I hope it made up for being stuck in London longer than you wanted,” Henry replies, his voice low and soft.
Henry smiles, a warm and pleased one that stretches his lips and crinkles the corners of his eyes, and Alex feels like he’s being pulled in by the magnetism of it. He wants to get closer, despite how close they’re already sitting. His fingers twitch with the urge to touch—the soft blond hair falling over Henry’s forehead, the sharp cut of his cheekbones, the fullness of his lips. He’s always known Henry was objectively good-looking, but Jesus, where does he get off being so pretty? It’s annoying, really.
Alex isn’t trying to make things weird, but he also can’t quite help the way his eyes are drawn inexorably down to those plush lips, still curved in a gentle smile. Who even has lips like that, does he get fillers or something, because they can’t be real, except they look very, very real, Alex hasn’t even ever kissed any girls with lips that nice, that look that soft—
Something short circuits in Alex’s brain and he just— has to know. How soft they really are. Before he even knows what he’s doing, he’s leaning in and pressing his lips to Henry’s, which are, as it turns out, extremely soft. It only lasts for a second before his brain comes back online and he realizes Henry’s frozen stiff, which is fair, because Alex has no fucking clue what he’s doing. He hasn’t kissed a boy since Liam and this was not the fucking boy to just kiss out of nowhere. He’s gonna get, like, locked in the Tower of London or something.
He wrenches away as quickly as he leaned in, meeting Henry’s wide, stunned eyes (—still so so blue, how can they be that blue—), his lips slightly parted and just a little damp from Alex’s.
“Shit,” Alex breathes in a rush. “Fucking shit— I don’t know why I did that, I’m so sorry, Henry, I didn’t mean anything by it—”
“Alex,” Henry murmurs, but Alex is too far gone in his spiral at this point.
“—I promise, it was just— I mean, I’m not even—”
Alex stops in the middle of a word, his mouth hanging open. Henry’s got some kind of strange look on his face that he can’t parse at all.
“Did it really not mean anything?” he asks slowly.
The thing is, Alex has no idea what it means. Absolutely none. Something inside him—something he doesn’t really understand—wanted to do it, but like, just as an objective experiment. Except that part of him wants to do it again, even though he already got his answer. Really wants Henry to kiss him back. Which is making him feel a little insane.
Alex closes his mouth, licks his lips, and swallows hard.
“That depends,” he says cautiously, “on what you want it to mean.”
For some reason, that makes Henry growl in frustration and cast his eyes to the ceiling. Then he groans, “Christ, Alex, you’re so—”, grabs Alex’s face between both hands, and kisses him soundly.
Alex’s insides go positively molten. Henry’s hands are gripping his jaw, and in his hair, and Alex can’t help but press closer. His own hands find Henry’s narrow waist, reveling in the dip of it, the heat of his body scorching through the thin fabric of his shirt, and the only thing currently occupying Alex’s mind is a desperate urge to feel bare skin under his palms. That is, until Henry slides his tongue along Alex’s lower lip, sucks it into his mouth and tugs on it with his teeth, and Alex stops thinking altogether.
Their positions are a little awkward, twisted toward each other on the couch as they are, and Alex isn’t sure if he pulls or Henry pushes—or maybe both—but a moment later Henry is unfolding his long legs and shifting to straddle Alex’s lap, which is both incredible and incredibly overwhelming. Especially when Henry’s hips rock forward and Alex can feel his growing arousal pressing into the rapidly tightening region of Alex’s pants.
Jesus, this is— it’s— it’s a lot, but the very last thing Alex wants to happen is for it to stop.
He absolutely does not whimper when Henry pulls back, sending Alex unconsciously chasing after his lips. Fortunately, Henry doesn’t go far. He presses their foreheads together, breathing raggedly into the space between them as his thumb swipes across Alex’s cheek.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” Henry breathes, and yeah, Alex had no fucking clue.
His mind is spinning at a thousand miles an hour, and he has no idea what to say to that besides: “Fuck.”
Henry chuckles softly, nudging their noses together. “Indeed.” He presses a soft kiss to Alex’s lips, then another to the corner of his mouth and one to the edge of his jaw. “Do you want to… go somewhere we won’t be interrupted?” he murmurs into Alex’s ear, and his warm breath combined with the words makes Alex tremble under him.
Alex swallows hard as his hands tighten on Henry’s hips, but he hesitates a moment too long because then Henry is actually pulling back, a concerned expression creasing his brow.
“Which is not to say— we don’t have to do anything more if you don’t want— I just thought—”
“I want to,” Alex blurts, surprising even himself. He’s not entirely sure what more means to Henry, but he knows he wants it. Jesus, does he want. “Yes. Fuck. Let’s do that.”
Henry grins, wide and nearly blinding in its brilliance, and Alex thinks he would do just about anything to see that smile on his face always.
They clamber off the couch, adjusting themselves with shared, knowing giggles, then Henry grabs his hand and tugs Alex through formal, stuffy corridors lined with portraits and antiques, which just adds a certain something to the absurdity of the whole situation. Somehow it’s not a surprise that Henry’s apartments are just as impersonal and opulent as the rest of the palace, full of hideous floral wallpaper and baroque furniture. Before, he’d have put that on Henry himself, but now it feels wrong despite the fact that Alex still barely knows him. It feels like he knows enough. Henry eats curry on the couch and cracks crude jokes and sniffles at the tragic endings of Star Wars movies (yes, Alex noticed). Henry is warm and soft and feels like he belongs in cozy, simple rooms full of old books and tea and cardigans.
Alex’s musings are cut off when Henry pulls him close again at the foot of the hideous gilt monstrosity that is his bed, wrapping his arms around Alex’s waist and tugging him into a lingering kiss. It’s softer than before, delicate and sweet, exactly like Alex would imagine Prince Charming would kiss. From this angle Alex has to tip his head up to kiss him, which is definitely not something he ever thought would do it for him, and yet. Henry’s evening stubble scratches against his chin, and broad hands grip onto his hips and pull him against the hard, flat planes of Henry’s chest, all of it constantly reminding him of the unmistakable masculinity of the person he’s currently making out with.
Alex thinks, distantly, that he should probably be freaking out about this a bit more, but it’s too easy to give himself over it in the moment. He can freak out about what whatever the fuck it means later.
Henry’s hands move to the front of Alex’s shirt, and his nimble fingers make short work of the buttons before pushing it backwards off Alex’s shoulders. His fingers leave trails of fire where they linger against Alex’s bare skin, and even just this has Alex moaning into the kiss, desperate for more. He tugs at Henry’s shirt, yanking the tails out of his pants and nearly tearing the buttons open in his haste, which makes Henry laugh at him, the bastard.
“Eager, are we?” Henry teases, and Alex bites the grin right off his face.
“Shut all the way up,” he huffs before sinking his teeth into the absolutely irresistible collarbone he’s just uncovered.
Henry sucks in a gratifying breath at that, his hands tightening on Alex’s waist, and then he’s manhandling Alex back onto the mattress, which has no business being as hot as it is. Alex kicks off his shoes before scrabbling backwards so that he’s lying against the pillows, his heart racing as Henry crawls up over him with a nearly predatory grin on his face. The way his body fully blankets Alex’s is overwhelming in the best way, making every part of Alex ache with the need to somehow be closer, even as Henry presses the their bodies together from knee to chest and captures Alex’s lips in another deep, probing kiss.
They kiss and kiss until Alex’s lips are almost numb from it, their hands roving over heated skin and through thoroughly mussed hair. Henry’s hips roll slowly against him, almost a question, and Alex groans when he feels the hardness of Henry’s cock pushing against his hip. His own is straining against the front of his trousers, and his breath shudders in his chest when he imagines what it would feel like to have Henry’s hands wrapped around him.
“Hey, uh,” he breathes as Henry’s mouth moves to his neck, and he’s nearly driven to distraction by the feeling of Henry’s teeth scraping lightly over his pulse point, but he wants to get this out, “I’ve never actually—” His voice fails, and Henry pulls back just enough to look him in the eye. Alex swallows. “Done this. With a guy. I mean, kinda, but not really—” He lets out a frustrated huff. “It’s a long story.”
Henry stares at him so intensely and earnestly that Alex feels flayed open by it, like Henry can see all the parts of him that Alex himself didn’t know were there. “We can just do this,” he says as he pushes a curl back from Alex’s forehead. “The last thing I want is to push you into something you’re not comfortable with.”
It’s completely reasonable not to rush things, but Alex thinks if he leaves London without seeing Henry naked he might fucking expire.
“Did I not already fucking say I wanted it?” he retorts, a little testily. Better that than admitting how desperate he really is.
“Well, to be fair, we didn’t exactly specify—”
“I want you naked,” Alex breathes in a rush. “I want your hands on me. Your mouth, if— if that’s something you want.”
Henry’s gaze goes dark and hot, and he actually licks his lips. Alex’s dick twitches in his pants. Jesus Christ.
Henry dips back down to kiss his neck, but a moment later he answers. “That,” he says, pressing it into Alex’s skin as he kisses a path down his chest, “is something I very much want.”
Then Henry’s hands are at his waistband, making short work of his belt and peeling off his underwear and pants in one go, and everything goes very, very hazy after that in the absolute best possible way.
The room is quiet after they subside, after every ounce of pleasure has been wrung from their bodies, after shouted names ease into murmured endearments.
“I should go,” Alex eventually whispers into the stillness, because he should. It would be better if he spent the night in his own rooms. Safer.
He doesn’t want to, though. He doesn’t want to be alone with his thoughts right now, doesn’t want to give his brain the space to run wild with this. That’s what will happen if he goes. He’ll fall into a research spiral on google, and text Nora even though it’s too late, and quietly freak out about everything that’s happened tonight. Here, though, Henry’s got an arm thrown over his waist, and it’s not much, but the weight of it soothes something within him. Keeps him grounded.
Maybe it’s just Henry that settles him. He doesn’t want to think too hard about that.
“You could stay,” Henry murmurs back. He leans in, presses a kiss to the outside of Alex’s shoulder. “No one will notice. Tomorrow’s Sunday. The staff come in late.”
This is a terrible idea. This can’t be… anything, really, given who they are. Alex doesn’t even know what he wants it to be, but he knows that.
“You sure?” Alex asks anyway.
“Stay,” Henry repeats.
So Alex stays.
The bed Alex wakes up in is unfamiliar, which is hardly surprising given his travel schedule lately. What is unexpected is that he’s naked, and there’s a warm, naked body pressed against his back, and abruptly all of what he got up to the previous night comes slamming back into vivid clarity.
He slept with the fucking prince. Henry. His nemesis, except not actually, apparently, and oh yes, definitely also a dude. Alex sucked his dick and most definitely enjoyed the experience, so that’s a whole new thing. The freakout about his sexuality that he shoved to the back of his mind last night rockets to the forefront now, and he can feel his breath stutter in his chest.
Except then Henry’s arm tightens around him and he presses a sleepy kiss to the back of Alex’s shoulder, and the tightness in his chest unclenches somewhat. Not all the way, but enough.
He fumbles for his watch, then jolts up to sitting with a new fear once he sees the time. Jesus Christ, Cash or Amy is going to show up at his bedroom any minute now to pick him up so they can leave, and Alex isn’t fucking there. This is a disaster.
Henry grumbles at being disrupted, sleepily rubbing at his eyes in a way that’s definitely not adorable at all. “Time is it?” he mumbles through a yawn.
“Late,” Alex huffs, briefly getting tangled in the sheets and nearly falling out of the bed in his haste to find his clothing.
He’s halfway into his pants when there’s a knock at Henry’s bedroom door, and he almost falls on his face again. That seems to wake Henry up a bit more, and he finally sits up, his hair standing up in all directions and his eyes gone wide.
“Yes?” Henry calls out.
“The Secret Service seem to have misplaced their charge,” comes Shaan’s voice through the door, and Alex would very much like to die right now. Henry stumbles out of bed, throwing on a robe, then opens the door just enough so that Alex isn’t visible. “I told them I would inquire with you to see if you had any idea of Mr. Claremont-Diaz’s whereabouts.”
There’s something very knowing in Shaan’s tone, like he’s perfectly aware of where Alex spent the night and furthermore none of this is exactly a surprise to him, and Alex only barely manages to hold back the extensive collection of curses crowding at the tip of his tongue. What the actual fuck.
“Ah,” Henry says. His cheeks are bright pink. “Just a moment, I’m sure I can help you locate him.”
“I’m not sure I’ve properly conveyed how agitated they are, sir.”
“Tell them I’m ok,” Alex sighs begrudgingly, stepping into view now that his shirt and pants are on. It’s not like he’s kidding anyone; he’s still barefoot in Henry’s bedroom and the bed that two people clearly slept in is fully visible from where Shaan is standing. “I just—”
Shaan holds up a hand. “Believe me when I say that you do not need to finish that sentence. I will deliver the message, but”—he pauses, glancing between them—“you probably shouldn’t linger.”
He pulls the door closed behind him as he goes and, despite the warning, Alex stands there for a minute, rooted in place and staring at the floor. Maybe Shaan doesn’t want an explanation, but the Secret Service certainly will. Fuck.
“I’m sorry, Alex,” Henry says quietly, suddenly close beside him. Alex hadn’t heard him approach. He still looks so soft and sleep-rumpled, and something tugs at Alex’s chest that absolutely should not be tugging. “I shouldn’t have talked you into staying here.”
Alex huffs a laugh, shaking his head. “I didn’t take much convincing,” he says. “I shoulda just set a fucking alarm.”
“Probably,” Henry agrees, his lips tipping into a wry smile that fades into a look of concern. “Are you… ok?”
“Yeah, of course, why wouldn’t I be?” he answers, probably a little too quickly. Henry just stares at him in that way that makes Alex feel entirely too seen. “Probably gonna get chewed out for disappearing, but it wouldn’t be the first time.”
“That’s not exactly what I was talking about.”
Alex swallows. “I’m fine.” He offers Henry a little smile. “This was fun.”
“It certainly was,” Henry agrees carefully.
“Where’s your phone? I’ll give you my number, it’ll be easier to plan joint appearances or whatever,” Alex says in a blatant attempt to divert from a discussion about what happened or what this makes them. He’s got to figure his own shit out first. He doesn’t need Henry to know that he’s already wondering when he can arrange his schedule to see him again.
Henry gives him a look, but he fetches his phone and hands it over to Alex with a blank contact page open. Alex types in his number and hands it back.
“I’ll be disappointed if you only use that for booty calls,” he jokes.
Henry sputters out a laugh. “Noted.”
He’s endearingly pink-cheeked and smiling, and Alex doesn’t think before he takes the last step that puts him in Henry’s personal space, grabs the fronts of Henry’s robe, and pulls him into a kiss.
If he’d had any lingering doubts about the previous night, about whether what he’d felt was real or not, this thoroughly dispels them. The press of Henry’s lips to his, the way their mouths slot together as easily as if they’ve been doing this for years, the zip of electricity that fizzles under his skin and spreads out to tingle in the tips of his fingers and toes… Alex has never been kissed like this, has never felt like this being kissed, and it’s exhilarating and terrifying all at once.
Like he’s falling.
Oh. Fuck.
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tessa-liam · 11 months ago
Marabelle Series
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The Game of Kings 2 
Chapter 11
Choices – The Royal Romance, AU – (cross-over with Rules of Engagement) 
Series Premise – An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobility, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret? 
Marabelle Series Masterlist 
Main Pairing – Prince Liam Rys x F!OC Lady Sophia (Sophie) Taylor 
Other Pairings – Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC Daniel (from NYC), Drake Walker x F!OC Melanie Smithson 
Most characters belong to Pixelberry Studios 
Series Rating – M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material & innuendo, crude language, intimidation, physical violence.
Not Beta’d - Please excuse all errors. 
Category – Alternate universe/on-going series/angst/fluff/cross-over with Choices Rules of Engagement 
Words: 3259 
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The Game of Kings, Part 2 – Chapter 11 
Chapter Summary – It is game day! Let the games begin... Liam discovers Leo’s plans to abdicate. Sophie is targeted by an opponent. 
Music Inspiration: Till Forever Falls Apart, Ashe, FINNEAS 
A/N1: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the U.S. and is Barthelemy Beaumont’s second wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) is Bertrand’s mother. 
A/N2: ‘Social Season’ in this AU series refers to a traditional period in the spring/summer for royalty and members of the court to take part in Balls, dinner parties and charity events. 
A/N3: My submission for @choicesaprilchallenge24, dialogue prompts: “(Congrats.) You’re one of us now.”, ‘games’ 
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The Royal Cordonian Polo Club, Game Day 
The sun was shining brightly over the expansive polo field, casting a golden glow over the lush green grass and fluttering banners that adorned the venue. It was the day of the highly anticipated charity polo match to raise funds for flooding relief due to the earthquake that struck the coastal duchy of Portavira.  
The atmosphere was charged with excitement and anticipation as spectators arrived at the venue. Royalty, nobility, and the common folk were all greeted by the sight of elegant tents and marquees set up around the field. Grandstand bleachers were erected around the perimeter of the playing field to the south, while across the field in the VIP area, distinguished guests and sponsors were treated to a luxurious experience. The VIP tent was elegantly decorated with floral arrangements and comfortable seating, offering a panoramic view of the polo field. Waitstaff moved gracefully among the tables, offering champagne and hors d'oeuvres to the noble classes enjoying the pre-match festivities. 
Members of Liam’s team, Sophie, Drake, Melanie and Maxwell were assembled at center field waiting anxiously, but enthusiastically, to start the match. The opposing team members, Rashad, Penelope, Neville, Kiara and Tariq stood opposite, discussing strategy in hushed voices. As each player stood beside their steeds, Marabelle snorted impatiently, muscles tense with anticipation as she felt the energy pulsing through the crowd. Sophie stroked Marabelle’s mane as her hooves pawed the ground, eager to explode into action. 
Standing beside Maxwell, Liam listened intently to Drake’s scheme to outwit the other team but was periodically distracted by Sophie’s voice as she spoke soothingly to her horse. He looked over and admired the smooth contour and silky skin of her neck as her long hair was pulled up and hidden underneath her safety helmet. As Maxwell asked Drake a question, Liam stepped closer to Sophie and murmured into her ear, trying not to be overheard. "I have a confession to make.” 
"What's that?" Sophie giggled as his breath tickled her neck. 
"I'm totally checking you out right now." Liam shamelessly flirted, watching her reaction with delight, and enjoying the moment. 
"Oh, am I distracting you, Your Highness?" Sophie cheekily whispered, grinning wide. 
"Extremely," he admitted, their banter adding an extra layer of excitement between them. 
"Then we're even," she smirked, batting her eyes. 
"Even for what?" Liam chuckled not knowing where Sophie was going with that comment. 
"For the flowers and the note." Liam paused, recalling the gift he had sent over to the Beaumont estate on Valentine’s Day. 
"Ah, yes, the flowers and the note," he said, biting his lip, trying but failing not to smile. 
"That was very sweet of you." Sophie replied glancing up, watching his reaction through her eyelashes, smiling demurely. 
"Well, I try." Liam winked, turning his attention to acknowledge the referee walking towards him. 
Melanie could not help but notice their intimate, and soft conversation as she needlessly adjusted her mare’s saddle, moving in close by to stand beside Drake. 
“Congrats. You’re one of us now.” Drake’s voice interrupted her thoughts with his congratulatory remark to Sophie as she spun around to his voice, her annoyance clear.  
“What?” Melanie snapped; her tone sharp as she pivoted to him. 
"Whoa ... whoa, Smithson! Calm down..." Drake responded, raising his hands in a placating gesture, seeing Melanie's irritation. The tension between them was now palpable, adding an uncomfortable twist to the atmosphere between them. 
Melanie's frustration simmered just below the surface as she glared at Drake, her eyes narrowing. She had always felt like an outsider amongst this group, and seeing Sophie being welcomed so warmly and repeatedly by everyone only intensified her feelings of exclusion and jealousy. 
Drake, sensing her ire, took a step back. "I didn't mean to upset you, Melanie," he said, his tone more cautious now, trying to diffuse the situation. "We're just happy to have Sophie join us." 
Melanie huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Sure, whatever," she muttered, turning her attention back to adjusting her mare's saddle. But deep down, she couldn't shake off the hurt of feeling left out once again. 
Drake's face fell. He'd meant what he'd said, but it seemed like no matter what he did, it was always the wrong thing where Melanie was concerned. 
He opened his mouth to apologize, but then stopped himself, realizing that anything else he said would only make things worse. 
With a heavy sigh, he turned and walked away, leaving Melanie to stew in her own irritation. 
Meanwhile, Sophie, oblivious to their underlying tension, beamed with excitement at being accepted by the group. She couldn't wait to join them in their adventures and create lasting memories together. Little did she know the dynamics within the group were about to shift in unexpected ways very soon. 
The referee approached Liam, bowing respectfully before him, presenting the game ball with a solemn air. Liam inspected it carefully, making sure it was in good condition. After confirmation, Liam signaled all the players to mount. 
"Good luck out there, everyone," the referee said, and then he stepped back, signaling the start of the match. 
Liam led his teammates as they kicked their horses into action, eager to get the game underway. 
Sophie, riding Marabelle moved alongside Liam. Her heart was racing, and she could not believe she was about to play in front of such a large crowd which included the king and queen.
She looked over at Liam and nervously smiled. "There are so many people here," she called out. 
"Yeah, this is the biggest turnout we've had in a while," he responded. "Are you ready?" 
"As ready as I'll ever be," she answered, feeling the butterflies return to her stomach. 
"Just focus on the game and having fun. That's what it's all about," Liam smiled. 
"Right," she said, taking a deep breath. 
"We've got this," he assured her. 
As all the players took to the field, the crowd cheered and waved flags bearing the colors of their choice team. 
Liam rode his horse first onto the field. His teammates followed behind him, each looking confident and determined. 
"And here they are, ladies and gentlemen, the Cordonian Royal Polo team and the Domvallien Polo Club team!" The announcer’s voice boomed over the sound system.
The applause was thunderous as Liam smiled and waved at the cheering crowd. 
Lord Rashad, the heir to the Duchy of Domvallier led his team onto the field as he also waved to the crowd. 
"Let's give them a big hand," the announcer continued. "They're going to be giving their all today, in support of the relief efforts for the victims of the recent floods in Portavira." 
Sophie smiled and nodded, trying to calm her nerves, as she noticed her Aunt Bethany and Daniel waving to her from the stands as she rode by.
The starting pistol sounded and the game was underway. Liam and Drake took turns driving the ball toward the opposing team's goal. Sophie watched their fluid movements with admiration, trying to predict their next moves alongside Maxwell. Across the field, Neville and Rashad were also closely following the play as Kiara and Melanie followed closely behind Penelope and Tariq. 
Liam passed the ball to Sophie, who received it confidently, her body moving in sync with Marabelle. 
She deftly guided the ball toward the opposing team's goal, her mallet striking the ball with precision. 
The crowd cheered as the ball sailed through the air and landed in the net. 
"And the first point goes to the Cordonian Royal Polo Team!" the announcer shouted. 
"That was incredible," Liam shouted, smiling with admiration. 
Sophie smiled back, her heart pounding in her chest. 
"Let's keep it up," he said, giving her a wink. 
Sophie's heart fluttered, and she nodded, her determination renewed. 
As the game progressed, Neville seized an opportunity for the opposing team and scored a goal, eliciting cheers from his teammates and spectators. Passing by Sophie, he could not resist shooting her a snide glare, his expression smug and condescending. 
 Sophie, unfazed by Neville's behavior, remained focused on the match and ignored his intimidation tactics. She knew that in polo, actions spoke louder than words, and she was determined to contribute to her team's success. 
 Liam, watching the interaction, felt a surge of protective instinct towards Sophie. He made a mental note to keep an eye on Neville's antics to ensure that Sophie was not affected by his arrogance. 
Sophie and Liam's performance throughout the game was electric and their team was flawless as they dominated the field.  
Sophie felt a sense of pride as the crowd cheered. She could not believe she was actually doing this. It was exhilarating. 
VIP Tent 
"Duke Barthelemy, so glad you could make it," Constantine welcomed, offering his hand. 
"Constantine, good to see you," Barthelemy acknowledged, shaking his hand. Dressed in a tailored suit, his salt-and-pepper hair neatly groomed, he took a seat at the table next to the King. 
“Your Majesty.” Bertrand bowed. "This is quite a turnout," Bertrand commented, surveying the crowd. 
"Indeed, it is," Constantine agreed. "I see Maxwell and Sophia have joined my son's team for the match." 
"I must admit, I'm a bit surprised to see my youngest son playing on the same team as the prince," Barthelemy said, a hint of disapproval in his voice. 
"Nonsense, Barthelemy," Constantine replied. "Maxwell is a fine player, and a valuable addition to the team.” 
"And it's always paramount to support the Crown," Bertrand added. 
"Yes, well, I suppose," Barthelemy said, his lips pursed. 
"Oh, come now, Barthelemy," Constantine chided, laughing heartily. "There's no need to be so apprehensive. This is a charity match, after all. Lighten up and enjoy yourself." 
Barthelemy gave a tight smile. "Of course. You are right, your majesty.”  
"Good," Constantine said, clapping him on the shoulder. "Now, let's watch these youngsters put on a show." 
“However, Constantine, I am surprised your other son is absent from today’s activities."
"He's a grown man, Barthelemy. He has his own life." 
"Still, this is a very important day for the monarchy, and he should be here, supporting the Crown and country. He is the Crown Prince." 
"Leo has a lot on his mind, and he needs time to sort through it." Constantine replied stoically, purposefully not revealing any information to his old friend.
Barthelemy noticed the look of irritation on the King's face. "I see. Forgive me for being forward, Your Majesty, but I feel the need to remind you that this is a pivotal moment for Cordonia. And as the Crown Prince, Leo has a responsibility to the people of our country along with his betrothed." 
"I'm well aware of my son's duties," Constantine replied, his voice low and terse. 
"Come now, Constantine. There is no need to be distressed." Regina patted his arm trying to defuse her husband's aggravation.
The game was nearing half-time as Barthelemy watched his niece with admiration. His thoughts were singular... Her dedication, talent, and composure on the field spoke volumes about her character and capabilities. 
As he watched Sophie and Liam's undeniable chemistry and teamwork, Barthelemy's thoughts turned to her future. He knew that Sophie had all the qualities of a great leader and ruler. Her compassion, intelligence, and ability to inspire others were qualities that would make her a remarkable queen one day. 
King Constantine glanced at Barthelemy, noticing the proud smile on his face. "She's quite impressive, isn't she?" the king remarked, acknowledging Sophie's talent. 
Barthelemy nodded, his gaze never leaving Sophie. "Indeed, Your Majesty. She has exceeded all expectations today. It's moments like these that reaffirm my belief in her potential." 
 'She will make a remarkable queen', Barthelemy mused, having heard abdication rumors amongst the nobility; his speculation peaked.
The match continued with intense excitement, each team giving their best effort. Sophie and Liam's team kept their lead, highlighting their dominance on the polo field. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation as the last moments of the first half approached. 
At half-time, the players dismounted and enjoyed refreshments in the players tent. Speaking with Liam, Rashad asked what he thought of Leo’s phone call to his father, the king.
Liam sighed, "Leo is probably just frustrated and needed time to think, away from the palace."
Rashad looked concerned. "But the timing couldn't be worse. With your father's health declining, and Leo refusing to take the throne..." 
"Rashad, I've known Leo my entire life. He's stubborn, but he always comes around." 
"I hope you're right," Rashad sighed. 
“My apologies, your highness,” a royal courtier addressed Liam, interrupting the conversation, handing Liam an envelope.
After ending his conversation with Rashad, Liam read the note from his father announcing that he was to meet with his father at the Royal tent at the end of the match. 
As the game progressed, it was clear that the Cordonian Royal Polo Team had a strong advantage to win.. They scored several goals, much to the delight of the crowd.  
Sophie felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins with each successful play. The cheers and applause from the crowd fueled her determination, and she rode Marabelle with unwavering focus and skill. 
Sophie's skills were improving with every play, and she quickly became an asset to the team. 
However, as the game continued, she could not help but notice that Liam seemed distracted, his usual focus and intensity absent.  
As the final whistle blew, the crowd erupted into cheers and applause. Sophie couldn't hold her joy and excitement, exchanging high-fives with her teammates and sharing a triumphant smile with Liam. 
The Cordonian Royal Polo Team had won the game and the match raised a significant amount of money for relief efforts in Portavira. 
Liam approached the players'tent, a broad grin on his face. "Congratulations, everyone," he said, his voice filled with pride. "That was an amazing game. I couldn't have asked for a better team." 
Sophie blushed, the thrill of victory still coursing through her veins. 
"We couldn't have done it without you, Liam," Drake replied. 
"We couldn't have done it without our secret weapon," Liam corrected, his gaze resting on Sophie. 
"Thanks, guys," Sophie replied, touched by their support. 
"Well, what are we waiting for?" Drake asked. "Let's go celebrate!" 
"Not just yet," Liam said, his expression growing serious. 
"What is it, Liam?" 
"My father has requested to see me. I will meet up with you guys later at the beer garden." 
"Sure, whatever you need, man," Drake replied, patting Liam on the back. 
Liam kissed Sophie's cheek. “I shouldn’t be long, love.” 
“All right, see you later.” Sophie grasped Marabelle's reins and started walking towards the stables. 
Liam left his team, walking across the grounds toward the VIP tent. He spotted his father standing outside, surrounded by a small group of nobles and officials. 
Constantine noticed Liam approaching and waved him over. "My son," he boomed. 
"Hello, Father," Liam said, his expression solemn. 
"That was quite a performance out there today."
"Yes, thank you. The team performed admirably. "
"Indeed. And Lady Sophia," Constantine added."Quite the addition to the team."
Liam's face lit up. "She's incredible, isn't she?"
"I can see that you are quite taken with her. She is a charming young lady."
"Father, I don't just think she's charming, I --"
*I know," Constantine interrupted. "But we can discuss that later. For now, I need to speak with you about an urgent matter."
Liam nodded in understanding, "what is it, Father?"
"Your brother," Constantine replied, his voice grim.
"Leo? What about him?"
"He has refused the crown."
"He has what?" Liam's jaw dropped. 
"Calm yourself, Liam. You are in the presence of others," his father reminded him. 
"Father, I..." 
"Later," Constantine cut him off. 
Liam was shocked and angry. He couldn't believe his brother would abandon his responsibilities like this. 
"Liam, it's time we had a discussion about the future of our kingdom," Constantine said, his voice low. 
"Of course, Father," Liam replied, his thoughts racing. 
"Walk with me," Constantine instructed. 
The two men walked in silence, the crowd of nobles and officials following them at a respectful distance. 
"Liam, you must prepare yourself. The crown will soon pass to you, and with it, the heavy responsibility of leading our country," Constantine began. 
Club Stables 
Neville had been watching Sophie with growing annoyance. He couldn't understand why Liam and the others were so taken with her. She was just a commoner, a nobody, and yet they treated her like she was special. She was fortunate to be a relation to House Beaumont, however, she was an American. Not nobility. Another commoner for Liam to grant station to.
After Sophie dismounted from Marabelle and secured her into a stall, Neville approached, a smug smile on his face. 
"Good job, Lady Sophia," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. 
Sophie looked over and ignored his comment, trying to get her bearings. 
"Hey, I'm talking to you," he snapped, stepping in front of her. 
"Leave me alone, Neville," she retorted, trying to push past him. 
Neville grabbed her arm, his fingers digging into her skin. 
"Get your hands off me," she hissed, struggling to free herself. 
He pushed her and Sophie stumbled backwards, losing her balance. She tried to regain her footing, but her foot caught on the edge of the gate, and she tumbled to the ground, landing hard on her side, her head smacking the ground.
She winced in pain, clutching her arm. 
"You should be more careful," Neville sneered, stepping over her. 
"You bastard," she muttered, tears stinging her eyes. 
Neville laughed, his expression mocking. "That's what you get for thinking you're better than you are." 
As he walked away, Sophie lay on the ground, tears streaming down her face. 
She was hurt, and angry, and she didn't know how she was going to get up to get help, feeling dizzy. She laid back down holding her arm close, listening to Marabelle whinny as she reared in her stall.
But one thing was for certain: she was not going to let Neville get away with hurting her like this. 
"Squirrel? Are you okay?" Daniel exclaimed, rushing to her. 
"No, I'm not," she replied, her voice choked with emotion.
"What happened?" 
"Neville happened," she said, anger replacing her pain. 
"What? Why would he do that?" 
"Because he's a jerk," Sophie replied, her voice breaking as she covered her face with her hands.
Daniel helped her to sit up, his face etched with concern. He reached for his phone and tapped Maxwells number.
"Do you want to tell Liam?" 
"No, I don't want to make a scene. It's just a few bruises." 
"Okay, if you're sure," Daniel said, his voice uncertain. 
...I swear that I'll be yours forever, till forever falls apart...
📌Perma-tags: @bascmve01 @busywoman @kristinamae093 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kingliam2019 @ao719 @alj4890 @emkay512 @karahalloway @twinkleallnight @malblk21 @tinkie1973 @queenmiarys @emersyn-in-cordonia @dutifullynuttywitch @charlotteg234 @lovingchoices14
📌Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @choicesaprilchallenge24
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enchxntedzz · 5 days ago
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this one was probably the easiest one (SORRY IF IT WASNT </3) but they were only enemies from Oliver's perspective. Ajax found her intriguing and wanted to get to know her, while Oliver wanted nothing to do with the guy
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this one's my favorite <3 I put snowflake there to trick you >:) "princess" has always been my favorite nickname, therefore it's what Ajax uses the most!
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this kinda goes with the last one, but royalty au <33 my beloved. he's my knight in shining armour :3
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okay. I had to laugh because I talked about this ONE time. and I remember the one time I talked about it HAHA, so Oliver had a lover at one point, and the relationship was pretty toxic (from OLIVER'S end), and she didn't realize she was actually in love until it was too late. she didn't want the same thing to happen with Ajax if her feelings did turn out to be true - which she knew they were.
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almost everyone got this one right, but she literally only hated him because he was a PEST. ANNOYING ASS always wanting to fight someone go get a functional JOB!!!!!!!
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hehe another tricky! OLIJAX alone had one kid. but with Kaeverjax, they have two children - one kid with each man :3
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okay everyone got this right??? for some reason??? I hardly talk about it but it's my favorite detail. I usually say "her eyes hurt," when the light flickers in and out for a moment if that makes sense, but congrats!
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if you're an OG Olijax shipper you should remember that Oliver actively makes gifts/bracelets for her mans every now and then! smh//silly//lh... and the acts of service thing is because her and Ajax like to compete over who can do more for the other! she might enjoy princess treatment, but she doesn't mind giving it eiteher
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YAY ANOTHER TRICK QUESTION LMAO it only took a year :p
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it's canon that Oliver's little sister and Ajax's special sparring buddy (aside from his wifey of course), Valores, set them up and got them together!
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atinylittlepain · 2 years ago
congrats!!!! im so happy for u! i love ur writing sm and u deserve every single follower!! for your celebration i'd love to request
I got love in my tummy and a tiny little pain with Joel with Royalty AU! king joel sitting on that throne mmmm lmao
hi my friend, thank you so much! i had way too much fun with this one lol
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The Feast
king!joel x f!reader
join the celebration!
warnings | 18+ references to smut
a/n | in my brain, this is set in like, high medieval times, just fyi
“His majesty requests your presence, milady.” 
“Tell him I will be in his chambers shortly.”
“In the banquet hall, milady, he requests your presence in the banquet hall.” Oh, it’s going to be like that tonight. She dismisses the page with a curt nod, finishing her ministrations, rich oils soaking into her skin beneath her shift. Tugging the heavy satin of her robe over her shoulders, she slips out of her bedchambers, candelabra in hand to light her way through the dim, drafty halls of the palace. It had taken much getting used to, the roaming expanse of his castle, the high-arched walls draped in lavish tapestries, threads woven of stories of his conquests. But it is the banquet hall that is the most extravagant room of the palace.
A table that could seat over two hundred guests, richly carved wood beneath the hazy glow of candlelight, glints and glimmers catching in the arcing, stained-glass windows. And at the head of the table, the throne, gilded and glittering, gemstones suspended in imposing gold and silver, spoils of his victories upon which he sits, slumped down, thighs spread wide, his head propped in his hand.
“What took you so long?” She pads silently across the room to him, clicking her tongue at his petulant question.
“Patience is a virtue, your highness, you would do well to remember it.” She steps between his legs, his hands immediately coming to her hips, fingers squeezing just a tad unkindly into the flesh. 
“I have no use for patience, my wife, not when it comes to you.” His wife, his queen, the woman he sent for across many seas. The woman he loves. It’s true what they say, what King Joel desires, he is sure to get.
She brings a hand to his cheek, nails scratching lightly at his scruff as he gazes up at her, dripping devotion and dominion all at once. Her other palm rests on his chest, laid bare by his loose shirt, his regalia long discarded for the evening. She can feel the thrum of his heartbeat, and though his eyes are dark, power in the set of his jaw, she revels in her ability to make his pulse quicken.
“You called for me, and I am here. What is it you want, husband?” She can feel the vibration of the grumble he lets out, more of a growl really, as he pulls her closer by her hips. 
“Something to eat.” His words crackle with his grin, and she can feel her own lips curling as she steps out of his hold, letting her robe fall from her shoulders. Her nipples harden in the cool draft of the room, the sheer material of her shift useless to the chill of the night, and his eyes darken at the sight. She knows how he wants her, and she is happy to give it to him, shifting back up onto the table, resting on her elbows as she draws her feet up to rest on the smooth wood, legs spread wide, her shift rucking up and bunching around her hips. 
Exposed to him, she can’t help the tremble that skitters up her spine as he leans forward, the heat of his breath washing over her cunt.
And now, when the court has all left, dinner long over, the real feast can begin.
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holycatsandrabbits · 1 year ago
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From OTP to OC’s: How to scrub your favorite fandom couple into original characters
Plot out a completely new story that you are dying to write—because all your favorite stuff is still there.
If you’re a fanfiction writer, you probably have at least one OTP (One True Pairing, meaning your favorite fictional romantic couple). You might have written them a beautiful story (or thirty) on AO3.
But at some point, you may want to take your OTP out of fandom and into the world of original fiction. Possibly because it makes your writing accessible to people who aren’t part of your fandom, and possibly (probably) because unlike fanfic, for original fiction, you can actually get paid.
So how on earth do you take other people’s characters and make them your own, without getting rid of the fire that sparks your muse?
In my journey from fanfic to original fic, I started by writing AUs (alternate universes) of my first OTP, Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens. In an AU, you are making big changes to the source material, but leaving in most of what your fandom loves about the characters. In a Good Omens AU, Aziraphale and Crowley are often human instead of angel and demon, but the basic enemies-to-lovers trope usually remains, along with the personalities of the characters, and as many similarities to the original story as you can fit in.
Scrubbing (that really is the technical term) fandom all the way to original is the same process, it just goes farther. When you’re done scrubbing, the only things left about your OTP will be the pieces you as a writer can’t live without.
So what are those pieces? Well, it’s entirely subjective. But you can follow these five steps to find them:
1. List your characters’ traits
We’re going to take as example an OTP I am currently scrubbing, which is just as cringy as all of your OTP’s: Link and Sidon from The Legend of Zelda Nintendo games. You don’t need to have any idea who that is to follow this article. But here are their character traits, the good and the flaws:
Link: human (or elf?) male, great hero of legend, very good at fighting, quiet, private, helpful, mischievous, possibly in love with someone he doesn’t remember (Princess Zelda), guilty, and haunted by past failures.
Sidon: 7-foot-tall shark man, gregarious, ridiculously optimistic and complimentary, charming, nerdy, sometimes over-confident, a good fighter, ages slowly compared to humans (or elves), and oh yeah, he’s a prince. 
Note that these don’t have to be the traits the fandom at large assigns to these characters. This is the way you see them.
2. List your ship’s tropes
“Ship” is short for relationship, in this case our romance. So for these dudes, we have: human/nonhuman or human/monster, royal/commoner, long lifespan/short lifespan, and size difference.
3. List your plot’s main points
In the two games that have Sidon (Link’s in all the games), Link has to go to four different places and help four different peoples (leaving Sidon behind), then beat a bad guy in a castle, and save the world.
4. Scrub in
Now we’re ready for the operation. You’re going to go through everything you listed and start throwing things out. As you do, ask yourself this question: Does my heart still race? 
If you take out a piece and your muse is still humming for this OTP, then let it go. But if the absence of that part ruins the whole thing for you, then leave it in. Remember, you don’t want people to recognize this as a certain fandom or ship, so take out everything you possibly can.
So for the Link/Sidon ship, I’m asking myself, Does it matter (to me) that one is royalty? Does it matter that they age differently? Does it matter that one’s two feet taller? Does it matter that one is a monster? Do I still need to have a save-the-world plot? Do I still need them to be separated sometimes during the story? And so on. Again, this is entirely subjective: leave in only what floats your personal boat.
5. Make it weird
You have your list! Congrats! Now it’s time to change every other detail you can, because you want to make your story as different from the original as possible.
Let’s say I decide I really want to keep my monster character. Then it definitely shouldn’t be a shark man like Sidon. So I’m asking myself the same kinds of questions: Does it matter (to me) that he’s seven feet tall? Does it matter that he has sharp teeth? Does it matter that he can breathe underwater? And so on. 
Perhaps the only thing I really care about is my monster’s size. In that case, I need to come up with a large humanoid creature that’s as different from a shark as possible: maybe a centaur, bear shapeshifter, giant alien bird person, or scientist that had an accident in the cloning lab. 
Let character and plot shape each other into a completely new story that you are dying to write—because all your favorite stuff is still there.
Here are two original stories I wrote based on fandom ships:
You Don’t Say: When two fake psychic con men who secretly pine for each other are forced to work together to solve a disappearance, they discover that one of them is actually psychic. But which one? This is Aziraphale and Crowley, with the tropes of enemies-to-lovers, dorkiness, and bickerflirting preserved, along with elements of magic. Turns out those were the only pieces I couldn’t let go, and the resulting story is nothing like Good Omens, but was really fun to write.
Bloom: A shy older man with magical abilities becomes the muse of a beautiful young male artist. This comes from one of my OTPs from the 2018 TV show The Terror: John Bridgens and Henry Peglar, an older man/younger man, teacher/student ship. I left in the age difference (toned down quite a bit), and kept the outgoing/shy trope, but changed the teacher into an artist’s muse with a gift of magic. This story has very little in common with a horror show about Sir John Franklin’s doomed 1840’s arctic expedition—except the few parts I couldn’t live without.
There is one major disadvantage for a fanfic writer moving to original fiction: you will not get nearly as many readers for original fic. But remember, readers in your fandom are there because they love the same character traits and tropes you do, some of which will be preserved in your story. You may not have as many readers, but you will get some fans of your own! And maybe even some sales.
Thanks for reading! Speaking of sales—here’s how I do it: How to publish a short story
Looking for more inspiration? Get some weird writing prompts. 
DannyeChase.com ~ AO3 ~ Linktree ~ Resources for Writers
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the-vex-archives · 1 year ago
Formula 1 Masterlist (2024)
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(No Summary Provided)
Max Verstappen
"Into The Arms of Another" Part 2 Final Part ( Social Media AU )
After Charles leaves her out in the cold, y/n falls into the arms of another.
"Waking Up In Vegas"
Chaotic wins mean forgotten proposals and spontaneous marriages.
"from mate to love"
In which you pretend to despise each other as teammates when in fact none of you does so.
"Terrible Two" ( x Hamilton! Reader )
Lewis hates the idea of Max dating his sister. Not because he's overprotective but because he’s trying to save the younger driver from the insanity of his sister. Or the one where Y/N terrorizes the Grid OFF the track and Max terrorizes them ON the track.
"awooga" ( x Wolff! Reader ) ( Social Media AU )
In which y/n thinks she’s fawning over her boyfriend on her private, until she realized she just exposed her relationship on her public account.
"Disturbing the Peace" ( x Vettel! Reader )
An environmental activist disturbs the carefully constructed peace of Max’s life and turns his whole world on its head (or in which environmentalism and being a menace both run in the Vettel family).
"American Royalty" ( x Kennedy! Reader ) ( Social Media AU )
(No Summary Provided)
"Expensive Cars Have Stickers"
(No Summary Provided)
"Ties That Bind" (Sister! Reader)
life as Princess of the Netherlands is pretty perfect but when health issues become a (literal) royal pain, you discover a familial connection that will change your life forever
Lando Norris
Your First Time With Lando (18+)
Having sex with Lando for the first time and u expect him to be dominant but he’s whining, whimpering and CRYING.
Charles Leclerc
SOFT LAUNCH ( Social Media AU ) ( x Male! Reader )
(No Summary Provided)
"I’m having his baby!"
In which they have a dog, an ollie and… a stroller?
"I always keep my promises" ( x Popstar! Reader ) ( Social Media AU )
(No Summary Provided)
"Never Have I Ever" ( x Sainz! Reader )
A game of Never Have I Ever leads to revelations your brother wishes he could forget (and half the grid running for their lives).
"Oscar Jack Piastri-Leclerc"
Congrats … it’s a boy!
"Going Once, Going Twice" ( x Redbull Engineer! Reader )
Getting roped into participating in a charity date auction changes your life forever.
"resting mean face" ( x Driver! Reader )
You have a resting mean face, it makes everyone think you hate them.
"slutty man" ( x Driver! Reader )
“the sluttiest thing a man can do is wear glasses.”
"Ties That Bind" (Verstappen! Reader)
life as Princess of the Netherlands is pretty perfect but when health issues become a (literal) royal pain, you discover a familial connection that will change your life forever
"The Honorary WAG" (Social Media AU)
yn has always been known as 'the honorary wag', since she's kika's best friend and adored by all the other wags, but what happens when the girls want her to become an official wag? a bet to get her and charles together before kika and pierre's wedding sounds like a plan.
Lewis Hamilton
"SMILE! YOUR ON CAMERA" Part 2 ( Social Media AU )
@h4m1lt0ns @old-lorarri ( Collab )
When everyone’s favorite couple’s sex tape leaks, all hell breaks loose.
"Terrible Two" ( x Sister! Reader )
Lewis hates the idea of Max dating his sister. Not because he's overprotective but because he’s trying to save the younger driver from the insanity of his sister. Or the one where Y/N terrorizes the Grid OFF the track and Max terrorizes them ON the track.
"To Hell With Duty" (Soulmate AU) (Princess! Reader)
you’ve always known that being Princess of the UK means that a soulmate is a luxury you can’t afford … but then you meet your soulmate and decide that some things are worth turning your back on duty for
Lance Stroll
"with the next one"
A certain leak reveals a huge secret of the young aston martin driver and it sends the grid into a frenzy.
Fernando Alonso
"miss diaz"
With Fernando's new appreciation of tiktok, fans begin to wonder where he's getting the ideas from, until he ends up racing alongside his previously unknown daughter… who is already a driver, and in her twenties.
Jenson Button
"father, son, and the holy spirit" ( x Platonic! Logan Sargeant ) ( Social Media AU )
Jensen adopted Logan and that’s a fact
Logan Sargeant
"father, son, and the holy spirit" ( x Platonic! Logan Sargeant ) ( Social Media AU ) ( x Jenson Button )
Jensen adopted Logan and that’s a fact
Toto Wolff
"awooga" ( x Daughter! Reader ) ( Social Media AU )
In which y/n thinks she’s fawning over her boyfriend on her private, until she realized she just exposed her relationship on her public account.
Oscar Piastri
"yeah, my wife"
Oscar randomly revealed that he was married young and it sends the grid into chaos and confusion. what he reveals after made everything more chaotic.
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