#Oh how I looove royal aus
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fastboatsmojito · 6 months ago
so excited to join the party!! can i request royalty au + forbidden romance trope for royal chef carmy x princess reader? if you also want to include possessive sex from the smutty prompts well 🤭 that’s up to you!
huge congrats on 100 !!!
Omfg I was going to work on some other reqs first but this actually took over all of my thoughts the second it came in so 🧎everyone say thank you Maggie <3
Royalty au from this prompt list + forbidden romance from this prompt list for my 100 followers party !
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| a/n; God this was such a fun one
| cw; 18+ smut btc ! Mostly plot + a touch of smut at the end, fem reader <3
| wc; 979
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It started slow, an innocent couple of words on the napkin afforded to you along with your breakfast. Your lovely hairdresser giggling with you as you sat in front of the mirror, admiring the not-so-neat handwriting from an apparent admirer.
The note read; ‘Good morning her highness, how I do wish to meet you someday.’ simple and respectful, missing only the name of whomever wrote it. Anyone else would have thought nothing of it, discarding the note along with their breakfast even, but it had gotten lonely in the castle.
October bringing in chilly winds through the linen fabric adorning your open windows, almost enough to blow out the candle dripping next to you as you sat. Longingly looking out at the kingdom as you held your newest possession, dreaming about the face behind the words.
Of course you had the clue that it was someone from within the castle, but this wasn’t much help seeing as so many people came in and out every day.
You’d briefly spoken about it to several staff around the castle as you went about your day; gossiping with the gardener turning into finding out just how many kitchen staff there were. Far too many for a single princess to go through them all separately, so it only made sense to begin with the chefs.
A task you’d fit in somewhere between having another portrait painting, insisted upon by your mother of course, and piano lessons - a hobby you’d become quite fond of.
After sitting for so long you figured you needed a snack anyway, skipping about the castle in your most breathable of dresses, finally reaching the doors of the kitchen.
You received quite a few curious glances as you walked in, the only one not in all white. You smiled and nodded until you felt your cheeks beginning to hurt, always courteous as you made your way to the back.
“Your highness?” A voice beckoned from behind you, turning around to find a red-cheeked, seemingly nervous chef.
“Chef.” You greeted, giving him a polite curtsy as he bowed his head. How cute.
“If I may, what’s a princess like yourself doing back here?” He asked simply, shaky as he held his hands behind his back.
“I’ve come to find someone, actually. Might you know who wrote this?” You pulled the napkin out of your dress pocket - insisted upon by yourself, pocket-less dresses were of no real use.
He seemed taken aback that you were holding it, getting redder in the face if that was even possible, quietly nodding as he stared a hole into the note.
“It was me.” He said it so quietly you weren’t sure if you heard him correctly over the slowly rising chaos of the kitchen behind you.
“You?” You looked at him more observantly then, eyes following the few curls that had fallen in front of his face, over the still rosy apples of his cheeks, and back into the icy blue eyes looking back at you. Oh yes, he would do just fine.
You were certain your parents would berate you for it as you brought him back to your room, giggling about the castle as you held his hand and guided him in, all but sprinting as befuddled servants passed you.
You’d be lying if you said that didn’t make it all the better, the kind, incredibly handsome chef of all people being brought back to a princesses bedroom. Ever the dramatic, you quietly closed your door after he’d walked in, clasping your hands together as you walked to your bed.
He seemed fond of all the pink, lacy, beauty around the room, quiet as he courteously removed his chefs coat and folded it in his arms.
You beckoned him over with a finger, grinning at him from under the draped fabric over your bed. He walked over slowly, face still pink like he’d just come in from the snow.
“My parents will certainly have a few things to say about this, but I’m not sure I care. You’re cute.” You stated simply, hands in your lap as he sat down next to you.
“I don’t want to cause you any trouble, your highness.” He was so kind it was dazzling, not in the way that everyone was kind simply because you were a princess. In his own selfless, pure, way, like he couldn’t possibly speak to you any different if he tried.
“Please do, it’s been so boring lately. Though you simply mustn’t call me your highness while we’re alone.” You explained, giving him your name to which he returned with a held out hand and his own.
“Carmen.” He brought your hand up to his mouth the second it was in his own, chaste kiss causing a warmth to greet your own face.
A lovely name for a lovely man, something you could hear yourself calling out. A name you would be calling out later that night, from the comfort and warmth of his hands along your sides in your bed, to the bubbly water of the bath as you called for him to come into the relaxing water with you.
“Carmen,” You repeated, his hand still holding your own, allowing his thumb to run across the divots of your ring.
“Can I kiss you?” You weren’t completely sure you were doing any of this correctly, certainly not to the standards of anyone who did this sort of thing normally, again - the castle had been lonely lately. Though by the look on his face he wasn’t certain either, giving you a slow nod as his hand found the side of your face.
The entire kingdom would surely have both of your heads if they found you under him, frilly dress hiked up all the way to your waist as breathy sighs fell from both of your mouths - but they didn’t have to know. Not yet.
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crystalizedcryolite · 5 months ago
Mk, first of all—Hiiiii! I absolutely looove your work. And also: ITS OCTOBER, CRYOLITE. WHERE IS THE NEW OGTDWV CHAPTER? I NEED MY GRAPEDUO AND LONLEY RED AND ALSO BLUE LEMONADE!! (You remember, this fanfic you haven’t updated yet? Don’t question why I have your official art saved in my photo library)
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Secondly—can I just say your fan fictions are the best? Like, I was introduced to you when I read Rhapsody in Green, and then I saw and read this and now I’m more interested in superheroes than I ever was before.
Thirdly—How are you like; the only person I’ve come across who’s a writer and an artist? I feel like I’m the only one but then you exist?? What????
NUMERO QUATRO—Thank Alan I’m not the only one who headcannons Green as genderfluid. There isn’t enough Genderfluid Green in this world. Even though I disagree on the Purple being taller than Green, like… I’m sorry but short Purple calls to me. Something about Purple being the short responsible older one and Green being the tall flirty cringe younger one who dies from fall damage whilst trying to impress Purple. (If you know, you know.)
THRICE—I must eat your fanfics and run away.
Lasty—Could you draw some OGTDWV fanart while your writing? Or maybe just some snippets of like, writing or something? I dunno. It’s just trust me I understand how long chapters are to write but I need more content of this or I will spontaneously combust from lack of fluff. Or am I gonna have to reread Rhapsody in Green and Fading Frequencies again?
Holy sticks that was a lot. I have a lot to say. Sorry about me and my strangely introverted mouth. Well, anyway, Ty for reading!! Love you’re work and if you don’t update soon I have a 2318 PowerPoint presentation about how I’m going to find you and destroy you 😁 and also I would continue the fanfic instead. MMK THANKS BYEEEEEE
Yes, I'm aware of the lack of OGTDWV updates, but school and burn out has been driving me nuts lately which is why it's been a while, BUT, I'm getting there! <3
I'm sure there's a lot of creators out there who are both writers AND artists. If I remember correctly, @/Purpur (if that's the right user) has a royal grapeduo au that has both art and fic, so there's that! But I definitely see what you mean.
Oh, I LOVE genderfluid Green! And I like to make Purple the taller one because- idkk?? The thought of Purple looking all tall and intimidating while still a villain and Green just simping in their shadow amused me too much, hehe
I can definitely do that, actually! Probably not now, but I can do that in the near future! (Don't worry, next chapter will be FILLED with grapeduo and fluff!)
PFFFF- that's enough motivation to keep writing. I'm only a few scenes short!! I just got to get it together!! /silly
Thanks for the long message! I don't normally get asks about my other works so this was great <3
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rosemindwrites · 8 months ago
H and K? ☺️🫶
H: How would you describe your style?
Actually I wish someone told me how they see my style 🥲 I'd describe it as The Three Fs (Fun, Fluff, Feelings) lmao
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
Oh boy :) This is gonna be long, I looove yapping about fic ideas ♡
For someone who writes almost solely fluff, I actually had loooots of angsty fic ideas, but I never really do anything with them?? They almost always come to me when I'm sad and miserable, so when I get better there's no really much motivation to develop them. Here are a few of these ideas, feel free to adopt them if you want to:
1. I've actually talked about this one before, not really angst, just a lot of pining and longing for what might've been. 10 years into future, Bojan is married, Jere has his own relationship too. Bojan asks Jere to be his newborn child's godfather, Jere comes to Slovenia, they both have a "I wish things went different for us" moment. Eventually they finally give in and have a continious affair with each other, and from here it would be angst- "what are we doing, why are cheating on our partners, why can't we stop, why are you doing this to me, why can't I let you go..."
2. Also another future fic in which Jere dies in a car crash or something, leaving Bojan grieving and with like three kids. I think it was gonna be one-sided Bokris too??? Don't remember much about this one tbh.
3. A royal au! Jere is king, Bojan is Jere's consort and he is fucking deranged. Like totally. Like "hmm why did this Estonian lord mysteriously dissapear after flirting with the king once?". Jere knows and doesn't stop him, cause they are so in love and he is fucked up in the head too. Nothing really angsty, except for well... murder. Possible kidnapping. Torture. Lots of codependency.
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asgardwinter · 3 years ago
⚠️🤎😭 (bonus points if the commoner works at the palace/castle where the royal lives cause I'm obsessed with that dynamic)
i looove a good royal au and the royal x commoner trope is perfection, hope you like the outcome <3
Perfect Start
summary | The perfect start for a non-existent love story.
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pairing | Princess!Wanda Maximoff x Commoner!fem!Reader
warnings | fluff in the very beginning, unrequited love (at least one side thinks it is), angst angst angst and no happy ending (but i need to say that i wanted they to be happy 😭)
word count | 688
author’s note | this is completely historically inaccurate, it’s my first time writing for Wanda because she just give me those royal vibes and i hope i made her justice
prompts: ⚠️ - a love triangle, a character making their final choice; 🤎 - royal x commoner; 😭 - unrequited love
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When you thought about how the two of you had the perfect start for a book romance you weren’t exaggerating nor lying. The princess' usual trips to the palace kitchen — the kitchen you worked in every day — turned out into more than you were expecting.
The way Wanda would come down to visit you exactly on time for your very small lunch break and you’d steal some of the food for the fastest picnic that ever existed under the trees of the most hidden part of the garden.
You started baking more of those muffins she loved so much for breakfast, the king and the queen suddenly confused about the pile of sweets in the center of their huge table, but Wanda’s smile was enough to make you make up an excuse about how you accidentally made three full recipes. Pietro found out that day because of the looks the both of you exchanged, the teasing that came from him was so obnoxious but you gained a good friend in the middle of that mess.
If you were going to look at your relationship you were friends, very good ones but it didn’t go past that. You couldn’t kill the hope that bubbled up inside you when you held her hand under the trees and she squeezed it back, when you placed a strand of hair behind her ear and she leaned into your hand.
As a suitor for her got in the palace you figured it was time to tell the princess you’d follow her till the end of the world, that you loved her with all her heart. You didn’t want to lose her as they started to spend more time together, hoping it was just an obligation.
You chose the woods right outside the kitchen, the perfectly hidden place only a few feet away from the most busy place in the palace. Breathing deeply as you crossed the back door and saw her standing there in simple clothes to not call attention. Wanda could look as beautiful in those as she was in a ball gown and you had no idea how.
“The note you left me seemed very urgent.” Wanda looked at you, the worry was all over her face. “Did something happen to you?”
“No, no.” You were quick to light it up. “I needed to tell you something.”
“So don't waste your time! I’m a curious person.”
“I love you.” You blurted out
“Oh.” It was Wanda’s only response.
The silence extending itself only made your heart beat faster in the waiting for her next words, the words that were stuck in her throat and she swallowed the back.
“I can’t… I don’t love you like this.” Wanda made sure to punctuate that specific word, the one that shattered your heart in microscopic pieces. “I’m getting married in three months, you know it, we’re announcing the engagement this week.”
You nodded, trying to hold the tears inside as you smiled. “I didn’t know you were so sure about Prince Vision, that the both of you were so… committed.” She didn't miss the bitter tone in your voice. “Well, so congratulations.”
“Thank you.” Wanda answered unsure. “I…”
There was no way you could keep yourself there listening without breaking down. “Oh! I forgot that they needed me back in the kitchen.” You gave the shitty excuse, already moving away from her. “We can talk later if you want.”
She called you but you only walked faster to the back door, disappearing inside to find the first hidden place to lock yourself in for the next half hour.
You missed the single tear that slided down her cheek, how she buried her face on the pillow that night. You didn’t see how the facade she put on crumbled down to pieces as soon as you were out of sight. But she had a duty and marrying Prince Vision was a part of it.
It didn’t matter that her heart only felt that warm when she was next to you, Wanda wouldn’t allow you to live half a life by her side because of it.
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Everything: @writing-for-marvel @ju5tyna20
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shhhlikeme · 4 years ago
Ft. Tendou, Kenma, Daishou, & Aran
Part 1 | Part 2 🩸 Part 3 🩸 Part 4 🩸 Part 5 🩸
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Ojiro Aran -
A Pretty AF Princess👑👸
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this hubby-material, absolutely perfect creation of a man has a royal kink. It’s not up for debate! 
argue with your mother if you disagree
Not in some crazy cocky sense where he thinks he’s royalty or something...
It’s moreso that he literally sees you as his princess already..... and treats you like it—even though you two have only been on a handful of dates!!! 
Where you wore cute and casual outfits only. 
Sooooo when you’re dressed as how this boy actually sees you....mannnnnnnnn
Aran Ojiro is all: 😦😦‘s and 🥺🥺🥺🥺’s
and a whole lotta 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩’s
Be prepared for him to shower you with compliments and attention, god damn 
At the Olympic Team’s sober bar hop yall go to, Aran’s telling you how beautiful you look and how much a crown on your head suits you every half an hour 
It puts butterflies in your stomach every time.
He’s dressed as a Prince to match you (which you had to beg him to wear because he doesn’t like the attention) and the entire night your new boo thing was treating you so sweetly 
Kissing your hand, holding you bridal style through door frames, bowing to you 🥺🥺🥺🥺 the whole nine yards
The twins, Bokuto, and even Sakusa kept making fun of him for being so simpy
But the man didn’t care lmao! he kept speaking over the boys when they chirped him, yelling at them that they are FORBIDDEN TO SPEAK TO YOUR MAJESTY WITHOUT ROYAL PERMISSION 💀
You couldn’t stop blushing, even though you were shy... you secretly felt like you were on cloud nine by the way he was being with you, honestly 
You thought the dates couldn’t get better but here we are.
“Ojiro..........” You blushed as you watch the guy you’re seeing and falling in love with Oop— press his plump and soft lips to you hand again.
“Hm?” He asks, opening them and looking up at you through his long lashes. He never removed your hand from his lips. You swooned even harder as your heart pounded, looking away. You tried again. 
“Umm.... you’re just being so kind treating me like this all night even though your friends are making fun of you, and you say it’s because I am your Princess but.... you do know that YOU’RE the one that gives off a Royal vibes, right?! Your entire aura and the way you carry yourself—even when I first met you—screams King. Plus everyone says it. That’s why people keep saying how much your costume fits you. You’re Like........” You gave yourself a beat to think. “—-you’re like the kind and gentle Prince who takes over his father’s throne and changes all the mean laws that were there.... then takes the peasant girl for his wife because he only cares about true love. That would totally be you. You’re like, amazing, Ojiro.” 
You were still looking away from your crush when you finished, immediately wanting to sink in a hole caused by utter embarrassment. 
What am I, a damn Disney narrator?🙄, you thought pathetically. 
Aran studied your features when you said all of this, his eyes softening. As soon as you were done speaking, he romantically pressed his lips against your hand again and then brought your hand down between you two, holding it. 
Next, he gently turned your chin with his free hand so that you were facing him, and so that you could see the sincerity in his eyes. 
You whimpered from the intensity you saw there. 
“Y/N,” Ojiro began in his gentle-king voice. 
“I could really go on with a monologue right now about how you carry yourself the same way you just described for me—like a Princess who overtakes her father’s throne and denounces any preexisting closed minded laws, then decides to give the humble baker—that’s me, a shot at a life of euphoria with you...... but I’ll save that for another time....” he paused, and you swore that you would never forgive yourself if the tears you were feeling decided to fall and ruin this moment. 
“No! It’s you, Ojiro. I’m not even close. You’re so perfect and—“ A handsome smirk graced Aran’s handsome face, making your butterflies explode. Somehow looking at that smirk you just knew that he could tell you were holding back tears with everything in you, so, being the modern Prince he is, Aran came to your tear-saving rescue. He lightened the voice, effectively lightening the mood; but his eyes remained just as intense. He chuckled cutely before explaining the reason behind the intensity. 
“Okay well uhh, hey, if you insist on calling me a Prince.... Then... as my first order of duty 👑, I’d like to ask you, my fair maiden, if would consider being so kind as to call this Prince: your new boyfriend? I mean—damn—sorry, did they even use that term back then?!” 
Your heart bursted, practically springing out of your chest:
Not Prince Eric, not Prince Charming and not even Flynn fucking Rider had anything on how amazing this Prince was! 
Your emotions bubbled over, letting out giggles that sounded just like a real Disney Princess’. 
“Yes, Aran!” You exclaimed, lunging forward to hug him. Aran laughed brilliantly, thanking you. 
You just basked yourself in this ending: Not knowing that your “yes” was the beginning..... of your fairytale. 
A/N: shoutout to my upcoming King Aran AU omg I am smitten 🥺🥺🥺
Kenma Kozume -
Gamer Girl 🕹🔌
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When it comes to Halloween costumes.......
You and your boyfriend Kenma are both lazy. 
So when Kuroo called and screamed at both of you because you promised to go to his work’s party tonight, (especially Kenma who would look really good to his superiors) you both reluctantly agreed .... again😑😑😑
While Kenma simply showered, dried his hair and put on your cat ear head band and called it a day, 
You realized that you had to scramble for a presentable costume. Shit. 
You scoured Kenma’s condo since you have been staying here and won’t have time to go home. 
Freaking out because you found shit all, your bf told you that you really don’t have to wear a stupid costume because this party is stupid and Kuroo himself is stupid. 
Speaking of the devil: kenmas phone starting ringing with the Kuroo ringtone, meaning he was calling. 
Kenma tried to ignore it, so you went into his game room to retrieve his phone for him. 
While you looked for his phone near his gaming set up, your eyes fell on your boyfriend’s Professional Gamer headphones. 
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You placed his headphones on, fixed your glasses and decided you’d go as a cute gamer girl! 
Kozume followed you in after a while when he didn’t hear you on the phone, stopping dead in his tracks when he saw you. 
“Th-those are my headphones.” Your youtuber says flatly, trying not think about how mind blowingly attractive you look with them on. 🤯🤯🤯
You just pointed at his costume.
“And that’s my kitty headband. What’s your point?” You retorted, winking at him behind your glasses. “I have a costume now: I’m a gamer girl. Do you like it?” 
Cat boy could only nod, his eyes growing dark. He pictured you gaming and it made him suuuuuper turned on. 
You noticed and like the little shit you are, you closed the distance between the two of you and wrapped your arms around his neck. You puckered your lips asking for a kiss. 
Kenma’s cheeks flared up, unable to stop himself from looking down your tight black & white tank top at your boobs. 
In true Kenma style, he ignored your ask for a kiss. 
“Kuroo is probably ou-out-outside, Y-Y/N. We should go.” Obviously flustered, your boyfriend quickly collected his phone from his desk and made a beeline out of his game room. 
You laughed, calling out to him from your place in the room. “I saw your boner, Kenma!”
“Shut up.” You heard your monotone boyfriend call back. You could picture his blush.
You smiled. 
Daishō Suguru -
Poison Ivy 🧑‍🦰🌿🥀
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Your boyfriend is a self proclaimed snake . 🐍 he even recently got one tatted on one side of his chest and it looks AH-MA-ZING
But anyways... like I said: 
Your boyfriend is a self proclaimed snake . 
.....And Snakes like leaves 🍃
Therefore, you dressed as a leaf.
After you got all ready, 
You Facetime’d him because he was away at a tournament and you wanted to show him your costume 
When Daishō answered while grocery shopping, he was not prepared. He dropped his phone, picked it up, stared at you in awe, then he quickly hung up on you. 
He didn’t want to sport a boner in the fucking meat aisle so he practically raced to the cash and called you back when he got in his car. Lol
no but fr Daishou went gaga when he saw you dressed as the sexy Poison Ivy
Not only is he a DC > Marvel Enthusiast, but Daishō loooved Poison Ivy because he and the super hero/villain had similar personalities 
Poison Ivy approached DC Universe situations the same way Daishō approached rival volleyball games: with a manipulative sense, a temptress grin, and ultimately being someone no one you can tell whether they are a hero or a villain. 
With all of that to consider, your man wasn’t even thinking about that because he was too busy thinking you look like sex-on-legs 
He stared at your body madddd hard
“Fuck me. I wish I was Clark Kent right now so I had x-ray vision.” He groaned as he covered his free hand over his face, opening his fingers to peek at you. “What are you wearing under those leaves? Anything?!” Your snake-like boyfriend tried to sound stern, but you knew better. 
Licking your red lips, you lean toward your laptop so that your boyfriend could see a close up of those red lips.
You saw him instinctively lean closer to the camera and take a deep breath.
“Your Best Friends/Name isn’t picking me up for another hour, Dai. But you and I both know that really means two hours. Anyway, I’ll slip on underwear when she gets here but I was....... sort of hoping you could show Poison Ivy that snake of yours......before then. She hasn’t met him yet🥺.”
In his rush to get back to his hotel for some hot ass web cam sex, Sugaru forgot the groceries in the car.  Oh well ;) 
the extra grocery trip he’d have to take later that night was well worth it. 
Tendō Satori -
Skeleton Chick w Dope Clown Makeup
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you cringed and put your hands out in front of you to protect yourself, just in time before your boyfriend Tendou tackled you on the bed you two share 
You expected this, and that’s why you had strategically placed yourself in front of the bed when you finally told your boyfriend you were done your makeup 
3 hours ago, you had a long talk with your red head as he sat down with his legs folded like a kindergarten student: 
“Ten. I love you, but you are NOT ALLOWED back in the room until I’m done my makeup. You’re too loud, and you’re making me shake. I need precision. I promise I’ll call you in when I’m done and have my costume on.” 
Just like a kindergartener student, your boyfriend gave you puppy dog eyes. 
“Ztttt! No buts!” You shut your eyes so that you weren’t looking at his puppy dog eyes that get you every time. “Ten, you can come in as soon as it’s done.” 
You heard him sigh, so you sealed the deal.
“Don’t forget that You’ll be the first to see it, my special boy.” 
“Alright!!!!” Tendou jumped up.
“Please, bring me to the room and shut the door behind you.” Since your eyes were still closed, your boyfriend hummed and linked his arm through yours, doing exactly as you asked. He lead you to your vanity and helped you sit down. 
“I’ll be waiting! Cant wait to see it! I’m going to bake a Halloween cake to waste time!” 
You felt a familiar kiss to the top of your head, then you heard your bedroom door shut. 
God you loved that Chocolatier. 
3 hours later, you were questioning why you loved that Chocolatier🙄, because he was crushing you under his weight after tackling you
Your boyfriend quickly rolled off of you and began his chatter. 
This was both of your favourite holidays so Satori has been gushing the entire week 
“OHO, you look awesome, Y/N-chan! When I was young, no one would take Halloween as seriously as I did so they’d say hurtful things behind my back and it made me very sad.....!!! Last year Ushi actually dressed up as the peanut butter to my jelly which was cool, but he didn’t know the words to the song for Karaoke......” His eyes lit up. “But now I have YOU! Someone who loves October 31st as much if not more than me! Oh, and you look beautiful AND scary! How did you do that??? Can you do my makeup like that, my love?! I want to match you! I also want to make love to you..... and—“
You reached over and covered Tendou’s mouth with your index finger. 
This cutie shushed himself, making himself cross eyed because he was now looking down at your finger on his own lips
You laughed. There is so much you could respond to, but thinking about a baby Ten being all excited for Halloween and his stupid bullies making him feel like shit for it tug at your heart strings, disallowing you to say anything else to your brilliant Chocolatier:
“Ten...........I love you. Happy Halloween.” 😌
This time, you hadn’t had enough time to put your arms out before you were tackled by an enamoured Tendou Satori again. 
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Who do you want to see react to your Sexy Hall🎃ween Costume next?
Part 3: 4/4 requested - closed 🚫
Part 4: 4/4 requested - closed 🚫
Part 5: (final part): 4/4 - closed 🚫
first come first serve - send me an ask!
Characters that are currently in queue: Iwa, Ukai, Daichi, Oikawa, Mattsun, Kuroo, Kyoutani, Akaashi, Tsukki & Noya.
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tinysidestrashcaptain · 7 years ago
Here’s a big ole Holiday Prompt request for you! *does actual best impression of Thomas’s voiceover voice, however still manages to sound like a cross between a dying cow and Betty white* IN AN AU WHERE, Patton discovers the joys of eggnog. Not knowing it is alcoholic. Flirtation. An upset tummy. And eventual embarrassment ensue. And Logicality. Because we all know you’d do it anyway, but lemme just take that pressure off for you fahm. *finger guns*
Thank you so much for this, fam! I appreciate this prompt more than you will ever know, because this is gold. And you know if I’m doing it, it’s going to be Logicality. *finger guns* TRIGGER WARNING: ALCOHOL!!! 
Logan heard a bizarre noise coming from the commons, something between the caterwauling of a cat in heat and the screeching of a deranged banshee. Highly disturbed, and a little curious, he made his way downstairs, passing a frantically retreating Virgil who had both hands clapped over his ears. 
“YOU deal with him, I’m out!” Virgil hissed as he quickly ducked into his room, slamming and locking the door. Logan arched a brow.
“Curiouser and curiouser…” he murmured. Once he made his way into the living room, the source of the noise became readily apparent. Patton was sitting on the couch, a Santa hat sitting on his head at a jaunty angle, his glasses slightly askew, attempting to sing along with the infernal screeching of Kelly Clarkson. He had a glass of yellowish liquid in his hand, and judging from his current state, Logan would estimate he was several glasses deep into the eggnog. 
“What in the name of sanity is happening in here?” Patton giggled happily at Logan’s voice, stumbling to his feet and throwing his arms around the logical side, who stiffened in shock.
“Ohhhhh, L-Loooogaaaannnnn, ‘m soooo happy you’re here! Dontcha wanna…uhhh…glass of….this….stuff?!?” He enthusiastically shook his nearly empty glass, and Logan wrinkled his nose in disgust.
“No, thank you, Patton. It would seem you’ve imbibed enough eggnog for all of us. You do realize this contains alcohol, don’t you?” He tried to peel Patton’s arms from around his neck, but quickly realized this was a futile effort. 
“Whaaaas got alcohol?” Patton’s big eyes blinked owlishly at him, and Logan felt the edges of his lips curling up involuntarily in a fond smile. He really was unfairly adorable, even horribly inebriated. 
“Looooogggaaaannn….you’re soooooo preeeetty!” Patton sighed happily, beaming up at him. Logan’s eyes flew wide and he could feel his cheeks heating up.
“I…beg your pardon?!?” Patton giggled and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, which Logan was fairly certain shorted his brain, then leaned back, one hand gently running through his hair while the other traced patterns on his chest.
“I looooove yooouuu, Loooogy Beeeaaar! Y-you don’ looove me, but it don’t matter cuz I love you ‘nuff for both of us!” Patton’s smile was a little watery around the edges, and Logan’s heart fluttered in his chest.
“Patton, I don’t know where you got the impression I don’t care about you, but that is…extremely false. However, this is a conversation better had when you are sober enough to remember it. Come on, I’ll assist you.” Logan moved his face so that Patton’s enthusiastic kiss landed on his cheek, chuckling a little as Patton pouted.
“But I wanna kiss you nooooowww!” Logan rolled his eyes, and turned to help Patton to his room, only to see Roman standing there with a smirk on his face. Logan’s face flushed red, and he instinctively straightened his spine, ready to verbally spar with the royal. 
“Hiiiiiiyyyaaaa Rooooman! I…I love Logy Bear an’ he loves me, but he says I can’t talk about it now an’ he won’t let me kiss him!” Patton slurred, and Logan sighed and rolled his eyes, feeling his traitorous face blush, but he held his ground.
“As I said before, we can discuss this tomorrow when you are sober, Patton.”
“An’ then I can kiss you?” Roman made a choking sound that Logan recognized as him trying not to laugh. 
“….If you wish to, we can address it at that time.” 
“Awww, this is adorable. Who knew you had a heart, Short Circuit? Do you need help getting him to his room?” Roman’s voice was surprisingly soft, and his eyes held none of their usual teasing light. Logan slowly relaxed, realizing that Princey was not about to mock them. 
“No, we should be fine. Thank you, Roman.” The royal gave him a nod of encouragement and strode away. Patton waved cheerfully after him.
“Byyyyeeee, Roooo!!! Hehehe-hic-hehehe! Logy Bear, we gon’ go to bed now?” Patton’s voice was slightly suggestive, and Logan chuckled as he gently maneuvered the moral side to his own room. 
“No, YOU are going to bed, after drinking some water.” Logan handed the tipsy side a glass of water. 
“Ooooookkkaaayyyyy! Imma drink this then!” Patton cheerfully downed the water, beaming at him and handing it back.
“Thank you, Patton.” Logan clicked his fingers, changing Patton’s clothes to soft pajamas. He tucked Patton in, stifling a laugh when the moral side snuggled happily into his bed.
“I love you, Logan.” He sighed before drifting off. Logan chuckled, then went to his own room to settle in for the night. He had a feeling the next day would be highly interesting.
The next morning, he was awakened by the sound of violent retching from the bathroom. Well, he had a feeling he knew who that was. He grabbed his glasses and made his way to their shared bathroom, not bothering to knock before walking in. Patton was on his knees, shivering and miserably leaning his head against the toilet. 
“It would appear you are awake, and suffering. Is there anything I can do for you?”
“Kill me…” Patton mumbled, and Logan suppressed a laugh.
“I’m afraid I cannot do that, Patton. Do you…recall anything from last night?”
“….A little…” Patton’s voice was small, and he wouldn’t meet Logan’s gaze.
“Do you, perhaps, recall confessing that you love me? And that you find me pretty?” Logan’s eyes were twinkling with mirth, and Patton’s head shot up in alarm his face flushing fiery red. 
“Oh god, I didn’t!”
“Am I to understand that these statements were false? You were…quite insistent before.” Patton groaned, wishing he could delete the universe and himself. 
“No…I meant it. I’m just embarrassed because I meant to tell you that in a more romantic way….and when I wasn’t drunk. How awful was I?”
“You were wailing that Kelly Clarkson song at the top of your lungs.”
“Oh no…”
“It was….endearing.” Logan assured him, sitting next to him on the floor and gently running his hand through Patton’s hair.
“I am so sorry, Lo. I know you don’t feel that way about me…” Patton trailed off, holding his stomach and groaning. 
“Patton, I have no idea how you have missed that I am in love with you as well. I have been for quite some time. There will be time for soft words, and the kisses you requested, at another time. For now, you are likely to be sick again. I’ll get you some water.” Patton whimpered in distress, then turned and retched again. Logan’s face twisted in sympathy.
“Oh god….Logan….I love you, but you deserve so much more than this…” Patton gasped, having finally emptied all the contents of his stomach. Logan chuckled, running a soothingly cool hand up Patton’s back.
“Patton, when have you ever known me to prefer romance and fripperies to honesty and realism? We love each other, and that is more than enough.” 
With that, he pressed a fond kiss to Patton’s clammy forehead and went to find his sick boyfriend a glass of water. Later, he would assure an embarrassed Patton that he did indeed love him. There would be soft kisses and gentle touches, laughter and maybe a few tears gently wiped away. Even incredibly sick and slightly hungover, it was the best Christmas Eve Patton could ever remember. 
Tag List:
@angelpatton @acookiedragonblog @the-sides-of-patton @tree4life25 @penstarz96 @cefmua56 @cinquefoilelove @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @otpislife2002 @didsomeonesayprince @chemicallyimbalancedromance @pirate-patton @leesacrakon @sidewritings @a-valorous-choice @migraine-marathon @emphoenixcat @kittyboof8 @michealawithana @mdazzleyt @sanders-trash-4ever
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fialleril · 7 years ago
*bounces* it's my birthday on the 20th, any chance of a snippet? I could go for anything, I just looove your aus
Hi anon, and sorry for replying late! I hope you’ll still enjoy this snippet, and that your birthday was a good one!
I’m rapidly running out of Anabasis snippets I can share without completely spoiling everything, so here instead is another snippet from the Jedi Reformation AU. In which Padmé gets the full Tatooine wedding experience.
This is actually set during AOTC, but various elements of the AU have resulted in changes that mean Shmi, Kitster, and Padmé’s entire family are staying with Padmé and Anakin at Varykino. It’s a good time.
Also, because this is my AU and I can, I’m running with the idea that Beru Whitesun is Shmi’s adopted daughter. Owen is her boyfriend. Cliegg Lars does not exist.
Shmi gets a comcall from Beru that afternoon. The wholething is very mysterious to Padmé: apparently Beru wants to know where Shmi is,because she needs to tell her something, but whatever it is can’t be sharedover comlink, even in code. The reactions of the three Skywalkers only deepenthe mystery: Shmi is positively beaming as she tells Padmé about the message,and Kitster and Anakin are smirking and elbowing one another in the ribs.“Called it!” Kitster says in a sing-song voice.
“Can we bring them here?” Anakin asks, turning that boyish,nakedly hopeful look on Padmé. “We could send someone to pick them up, so westay secure.”
That probably wouldn’t meet the Jedi Council’s definition ofsecurity, but then, neither would the presence of Padmé’s family, let aloneShmi and Kitster. Besides, it would be nice to see Beru again, and Padmé canadmit that she’s desperately curious about this whole situation. So she says,“I don’t see why not.”
Anakin’s face lights up like there’s a sun inside of him,and Padmé looks away, momentarily blinded.
Kitster and Paddy Accu go to meet Beru and Owen, and theyreturn to Varykino by a remarkably and, in Padmé’s opinion, unnecessarilycomplicated route. Anakin is waiting eagerly by the dock. He’s heard a greatdeal about the woman his mother names her daughter, but he’s never actually mether before. Padmé watches him with a soft smile; he reminds her oddly of Aloo,that first time they talked on a vid link.
But Beru doesn’t seem to notice Anakin, Padmé, or anyoneelse. She steps off the hoverboat, Owen’s hand clasped in her own, and hurriesstraight to Shmi, her face alight with joy.
Anakin doesn’t seem affronted – he and Kitster are stillgrinning and elbowing one another, and Shmi is still beaming. There’s obviouslysome context here that’s lost on Padmé.
“Amu,” Beru says, “ek tipalu lukkakina ema nalua.”
“Oh!” Shmi says, laughing and crying at once as sheenvelopes both Beru and Owen in a crushing hug.
Padmé turns to Anakin as surreptitiously as possible andwhispers, “What’s happening?”
Anakin leans down slightly to match her whisper. “Kitsterwas right,” he says. “They got married.”
Padmé blinks in surprise. She’d been sure Kitster wasjoking. “What, without telling anyone?”
Anakin cocks his head to one side and gives her a bemusedgrin. It’s strangely endearing, but she’s not going to think about that rightnow.
“Of course they didn’t tell anyone,” he says. “That wouldbreak the luck.”
Clearly she’s still missing something, some cultural markerprobably, but she’ll have to wait to ask. Shmi has finally released herdaughter and the man who is apparently her new son-in-law, and now it’s timefor introductions.
“Ani, this is my daughter Beru Whitesun, and her husbandOwen Lars,” Shmi says, taking each of their hands in one of hers. “Beru, Owen, thisis my child Anakin Skywalker.”
“It’s good to finally meet you,” Anakin says, offering hishand first to Beru. “I’ve heard quite a lot about you. And Mom says you savedher on that last run.” His smile slips and his voice goes soft and earnest ashe says, “Thank you.”
Beru’s smile is equally serious. “I’ve heard a lot aboutyou, too,” she says. Then something in her eyes turns sly and she says, “And Ihave you to thank for my Republic citizenship.”
Anakin grins. “I remember. That was the one Master Obi-Wanalmost caught me working on. I had to tell him it was a bit of research on thehistory of Republic identification documents. I’m still amazed he believed me.”
Beru laughs, and Anakin moves to shake Owen’s hand, too.Padmé thinks Owen looks just a little nervous, and she can practically see himthinking the word “Jedi,” but he grips Anakin’s hand firmly and offers atentative smile.
“Have you arranged for your kuunaka yet?” Anakin asks themboth, a bit shyly. “If you haven’t, I’d be happy to carve them for you. If youwant.”
Owen nods, his smile more certain now, and Beru grinswidely. “Oh, thank you!” she says. “That would be wonderful.”
Shmi asks if they can use Varykino’s kitchen and Padmé,who’s beginning to despair of ever understanding what’s going on, agrees with ashrug. Shmi leads them all inside, shows Beru and Owen the kitchen, and takes apacket of tzai spices from the pouch at her waist and hands them to Beru withsome ceremony. Then she promptly shoos everyone but the new couple out of thekitchen, following behind to make sure they’ve all left.
Padmé looks at the three Skywalkers gathered in the dininghall and crosses her arms with a huff. “All right,” she says. “Who’s going totell me what’s going on?”
They all laugh. “Beru is teaching Owen her tzai recipe,”Shmi says. “It binds them together as family, and it’s not a secret that can bewitnessed by anyone else.”
“Or it will break the luck?” Padmé asks.
“Something like that,” Anakin says. “The secret isimportant.”
All the most important things on Tatooine are a secret, hetells her. Padmé knows this already, knows about the secret language and thesecret stories and the secrets of the freedom trail. Now she learns thatmarriage, too, is a sacred secret.
Slaves aren’t allowed to marry, of course. Anakin says thismatter-of-factly. It’s just a reality of life. But Padmé can’t help but thinkthat Jedi aren’t allowed to marry, either. It’s completely different, ofcourse, just as the word “master” is completely different. Just as the reasonsfor forbidding contact with family are different. She wonders how often he hasto tell himself that.
On Tatooine, slaves who wish to marry slip away in secret,telling no one of their plans. Marriage vows are spoken between partners andheard only by Ar-Amu and by the desert. They are never shared with anyone. Thenthe newlyweds teach one another their tzai recipes, and create a new blenduniquely their own, a secret that sustains. And, if it’s safe, they inform theGrandmother of the Quarters of their union.
“And then there’s the party!” Kitster says, grinning. “It’snot always safe to have one, but when it is…”
“And what about the – what did you call it, Ani?” Padméasks. “The thing you offered to carve?”
“The kuunaka,” he says. “They’re a pair of japor snippets,to mark the promise. Something small that can be kept in a pouch, that theMasters won’t think has any value. If you get sold apart, you’ll carry thepromise with you, even if you never see each other again.”
“Oh,” says Padmé. He talks about it so easily.
Owen and Beru emerge from the kitchen, carrying a tray withseveral mugs of tzai. They all drink and offer congratulations. It does tastedifferent than the tzai Anakin and Shmi make, though Padmé can’t pinpointexactly what the difference is.
The newlyweds want to hold their celebration in LittleTatooine, but they want Anakin and Padmé to be there, as well. Padmé watchesthe conflict in Anakin’s face as he debates between what he clearly wants and whathe knows to be his assignment. It’s an interesting moment of realization:apparently he’s not quite as glib about his orders as he sometimes pretends tobe.
But Padmé knows what she wants, and she knows what he wants,too, and so she feels no remorse as she takes the decision – and, hopefully,the blame from the Council – out of his hands. “Of course we’ll come,” shesays.
Anakin looks at her sharply. “I’m not supposed to – ” hebegins, but Padmé cheerfully interrupts him.
“I’m going to this wedding, Ani,” she says. “If you want toprotect me you’ll have to come along.”
He hesitates just a moment longer, and then he throws hishead back and laughs.
Tatooine weddings, as it turns out, are raucous affairs.There must be hundreds of people here, gathered in Shmi’s house, spilling outinto her backyard and into the street on all sides. Someone has strung lightsin all the trees, an impromptu band has set up in the yard, and there arepeople talking and laughing and dancing everywhere. There’s more food thanPadmé thinks she’s ever seen in one place, not even at the numerous royal andsenatorial events she’s attended.
She’s borrowed a set of clothes from Beru for the event, atBeru’s insistence – and Anakin’s. And now that she’s here, she can understandwhy. Dressed like everyone else, she blends into the crowd, and it’s much lesslikely that any potential assassin would recognize her. And if she’s completelyhonest, it’s actually pretty nice not to be immediately noticeable. It’s been along time since she went to a party just to have fun.
And then there’s Anakin, who hasn’t been to what he calls areal party since he left Tatooine ten years ago. “The rich people parties inthe Senate don’t count,” he tells her, laughing. “Nobody there knows how to really dance.”
“And you do?” Padmé asks him archly. She’s seen his attemptsat a waltz, and they’re not pretty.
But Anakin only grins. “Who do you think taught yoursister?” he asks before spinning away into the crowd in a flash of blue andtrailing laughter.
He’s borrowed his clothes from Kitster, and Padmé has spentmost of the evening trying not to stare. It’s just because he looks sodifferent, she tells herself. She’s used to always seeing him in Jedi robes,and even the disguise he wore on the transport from Coruscant to Naboo didn’tlook terribly different. This is the first time she’s seen him wear anythingthat’s not in shades of brown. His long tunic is a deep, rich blue, worked withdark red embroidery in geometric patterns at the sleeves and hem. Sherecognizes some of the symbols – lukka,the sign for free, and ebra, laughter– but many of them are unfamiliar. And he’s wrapped his padawan braid up andaround the short tail of hair at the back of his head, so it’s unnoticeableunless you know to look for it. That’s something he didn’t even do in disguiseon the transport, and Padmé wonders what it means. Maybe he just wants to blendin. Or maybe it’s something else entirely.
Anakin doesn’t look much like a Jedi tonight, but he doeslook happy – probably happier than she’s ever seen him. That thought bringswith it a tangle of emotions, none of which Padmé really wants to ponder toodeeply.
A cheer goes up as Beru and Owen emerge from the house, bothdressed in blue, their hands clasped together and beaming smiles lighting theirfaces. All the dancing and chatter stops, and a strange anticipatory silencefalls. Padmé looks to Anakin, hoping for some clue, but he only winks at her ashe pulls away from Kitster and the other dancers and makes his way to thenewlyweds.
But when he holds his hands out to Beru and Owen, a snippetof japor resting on each open palm, Padmé understands.
He’s been working on the carvings all day, secluded in hisroom at Varykino, the faint sounds of his off-key humming occasionally emergingfrom behind the closed door. Shmi told her that, like everything else importantin Tatooine culture, the kuunaka have to be made in secret. The songs are partof the blessing, and it’s very important that no one else see the carvingsbefore they’re given to the newlyweds. They’re almost always carved by asibling, Shmi told her, and Padmé understood why Anakin had seemed so excitedwhen Beru accepted his offer.
Now he looks at Beru and her chosen husband with a grin thatthreatens to split his face. “You have spoken secret vows and Ar-Amu has heardthem,” he says. “Receive now the sign of those vows, a secret that death cannotsever and no master can tear asunder.”
Owen and Beru each take a japor snippet. They close theireyes and press the wood to their brows in silence, and then, just as silently,they exchange snippets.
Then Shmi steps forward, her face startlingly serious,bearing a shallow earthen bowl filled with water. She holds it out, and Beruand Owen bend to drink together from it.
Shmi draws back, raises the bowl to the heavens, and says,“May you be found together when the rain comes.” Then she casts the bowl downand it shatters at her feet.
“Chukata lav!” everyone shouts as Beru grabs Owen by the lapelsand kisses him thoroughly. A riot of laughter and cheers surround them, andjust like that, the party has started again.
Padmé loses Anakin in the crowd for a while, but she findsSabé and Yané, who greet her with excited cries and pull her into a fast-movingNaboo circle dance which, somehow, doesn’t feel at all out of place at aTatooine wedding. They spin faster and faster until they all fall down in alaughing heap, and then Sabé springs up again, hauling Padmé and Yané with her,and makes for one of the buffet tables with purpose.
“Sabé, really,” Yané mutters, rolling her eyes.
“Don’t give me that,” Sabé says. “I just saw Imer bring outanother pot of Shmi’s tarmish, and I intend to get some before Ani eats itall.”
Yané rolls her eyes again, but Padmé picks up her pace. “No,that’s actually a valid concern,” she says, as Yané groans in despair.
Padmé can feel the smile nearly splitting her face. She hadn’trealized just how much she’s missed this.
As it turns out, Sabé’s fears were justified: they findKitster and Anakin both camped out next to the tarmish pot, along with astriking woman Padmé recognizes from Kitster’s holos. Ani has a large bowl fullof tarmish, and he’s inhaling it at an impressive rate.
Sabé elbows Anakin bodily aside and practically pounces onthe pot of tarmish. Yané lets out another groan, but she’s right behind Sabé inline all the same. Padmé laughs at them both, but she can’t really blame them.Shmi’s tarmish is legendary.
After everyone has been guaranteed a bowl, Anakin nods at herand says, his mouth full of dumpling, “Padmé, this is Imer Moonspinner, freedomrunner and most likely the love of my brother’s life.”
Kitster squawks indignantly, and Imer snickers at him.Anakin only raises a brow over his now nearly-empty bowl and says, “What? Younever mentioned her even once in your letters, which can only mean one thing.”He turns to Imer and nods very seriously. “I hope you’re prepared to deal withhis drama for the rest of your lives.”
“My drama?”Kitster mutters, glaring pointedly at Anakin. But Imer is smiling softly.
“I think I could manage that,” she says, giving Kitster afond look.
His eyes widen, just for a moment, and then he coughs anddoes his best to hide a rather besotted grin. “Well,” he says. “Yes. In thatcase I guess I won’t be murdering Anakin tonight.”
Anakin scoffs loudly. “Please. As if you even could. Whatare you planning to do, read poetry at me?”
“Nah,” says Kitster easily. “We both know you’d enjoy that.Just like we both know I could destroy you on the dance floor any time, Jedi.”
Anakin slurps up his last dumpling and sets his bowl downwith finality. “Let’s find out,” he says.
Padmé, Sabé, and Yané exchange a puzzled glance. Ani andKitster both sound perfectly serious, but their grins belie their words. Imer,too, is smirking, and as Kitster and Anakin step back from the table, shebegins stomping her feet in a loud, rhythmic beat designed to echo.
Silence falls as those standing nearby turn to look, andthen the stomping is taken up in earnest by a crowd of people who form a ringaround Anakin and Kitster, who are now circling each other in an over-dramaticparody of two fighters. The effect is further ruined by their inability tocontain their gleeful laughter.
The crowd parts briefly to allow Shmi, Beru, and Owen toslip to the fore. Shmi comes to stand beside Padmé, shaking her head fondly.“This should be interesting,” she says.
“Is this another wedding tradition?” Padmé asks her.
“Well, not necessarily,” Shmi says with a laugh. “This isnimdara.” At Padmé’s puzzled look, she adds, “Ani tells me that your sisterAloo and her friend Ahsoka demonstrated nimdara the other day, though theyprobably don’t know it’s called that.”
“Tatooine dancing,” that’s what Aloo had called it. Padméhad been impressed with the grace and artfulness of her sister’s dance, and theway she and Ahsoka seemed to move easily with and around one another.
Now, though, she can see that Aloo wasn’t just being modestwhen she said she was still learning the dance.
Anakin moves first, darting towards Kitster in a smoothlunge so breathtakingly fast that Padmé thinks he must be using the Force –until Kitster moves at the same speed, stepping just slightly to the side atthe last second and then spinning to put Anakin on the defensive. They twistand leap, dip and kick and fall back, their movements almost too fast tofollow, and all the time the stomping and clapping of the gathered crowdincreases in tempo, driving the dancers to ever more frenzied speeds.
Padmé’s genuinely not certain if they’re actually aiming toconnect their attacks and each is just that good at dodging, or if the wholething is choreographed like a fight scene from a holofilm. It’s pretty amazingeither way.
“Wow,” she says, and isn’t even embarrassed when the wordslips out aloud.
Beside her, Shmi chuckles. “Ani’s been practicing,” shesays. “That’s good.” Then she turns to Padmé and gives her a smile edged withsteel. “Nimdara is a form of self-defense, though we call it a dance. TheMasters don’t see any threat in dancing. It’s just one of those quaint,primitive things slaves do.”
And Ani’s been teaching that dance to the younglings, thechildren, in the Jedi Temple.
Caught up in her thoughts, Padmé misses the moment when ithappens, but she comes back with a start when the sound of stomping feet fallsinto sudden silence. And then a great roar goes up, and Padmé sees thatAnakin’s lying on his back on the ground, still looking startled but alreadybeginning to laugh, and Kitster is standing over him with a positively wickedgrin, offering a hand up.
“Did I forget to tell you that I officially reached dragonrank last week?” he asks without even attempting to sound innocent.
Anakin ignores his brother’s hand and flops fully on hisback with a groan. Kitster snickers at him.
“You did forget to mention that, yes,” Anakin grumblesgood-naturedly. “But I don’t mind losing to a dragon. It’s an honor.”
Kitster grins, waggling his hand in Anakin’s face untilAnakin sits up with another groan, takes the hand, and allows himself to bedragged to his feet.
“And I beat a Jedi,” Kitster says, his smug smile not quitehiding the wonder in his eyes. “I am never letting that go.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Anakin says, waving him off. “We both knowyou’ve always been better than me. But thanks. It’s been a while since I had areal challenge. And since I practiced empty-handed.”
Kitster looks momentarily puzzled, and then his eyes widenin glee. “Nimdara with a lightsaber?”
Anakin grins. “Nimdara with a lightsaber.”
“I hope you’re planning to demonstrate,” Kitster saysseverely. “You’ve been holding out on us.”
“Oh sure, I’ve beenholding out, Mr. Dragon Ranking,” Anakin laughs. “But if you want ademonstration, you’ll get one. Not here, though. Too many people here.”
“Tomorrow, then,” says Kitster, shaking hisfinger in Anakin’s face. “I’m holding you to that.”
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singingunderthecurtain · 8 years ago
Favorite Fics I
To be honest with you all, I probably read all these people’s writings already and I’m just gonna link some of my faves here. Don’t get me wrong all their pieces are my fave, but when I say fave I meant fics that made me feel feelings and/or made me cry like a fuckin’ bitch, so yeah.  😂😂😂
Here goes nothing!  😅😅😅
Tumblr media
Lori is the first EXO fic author I actually loved since joining the fandom last year. I remember I found her on AFF lmfao (Also before reading her DKS fics, I only see him as my son. Now I blame her because I get thirsty for Kyungsoo now!!!)
Daisy (DKS) - God fuckin damn this ruined Kyungsoo for me (in a good way of course lol)
All His (DKS) - After reading about the SNS/Facebook part, I immediately checked my FB account and privated my thirsty posts about Junmyeon. Lmfao you know just in case he checks my FB for some reason looool
The Price of Privilege (D.O.)
I Give Up (BBH) - Who doesn’t like IGU, amiright? ;)
2AM (KMS) - This fuels my Minseok feels every time I read it.
Just Regular Stuff (KJM) - First EXO smut I ever read. It was hard to read this at first because I was an EXO smut Virgin and Suho is my bias and just… I felt like a pre-teen who accidentally found and watched porn for the first time!!!
The Crisis (KJM feat DKS)
For some reason, her writing style is… aesthetically pleasing. Lol idk how to describe it!!!
Apartment 5108 (OSH) - I wasn’t actually planning on reading this because it has a lot of chapters lmfao (Don’t judge me, I have a phase where I only wanna read oneshots. But I looove reading long series now!!!) But I’m glad I read it because holy fucking shit, this fic speaks to me in all levels (e.g hiding scars, unrequited love etc) Also the number 1, 5, and 8 are very significant to me. I always see it everywhere so this fic piqued my curiosity.
Red (OSH)
Sex (KMS)
The Audacity of Kim Junmyeon (KJM feat. PCY) - THIS FIC SRSLY!!!
Allegiance (BBH)
I’ve probably read through her masterlist a lot of times hahaha.
Who Are You (PCY) - I really ship M and Happiness Delight hahahah
Two People (BBH) - This made me super fucking sad, tbh
Regrets At 11 PM (DKS)
Audiophile Series (DKS) - I’d actually die if my fave audio porn artist is my neighbor and jerk off to the idea of me. AAAAAHHHHH
Boundaries (ZYX) - I love me some 10 years older Daddies tbh XD Also my friend said this is the first Daddy!Yixing fic she read ‘cause he’s a sweetie pie in every yx fics there is, I think lol.
Forget Me (OSH) - I love Modern Royal AUs and this is fucking sad, made me emo.
A Conflict In Interest (KMS) - The beginning was so angsty, it made my skin tingle so bad hahaha.
The Etymology Of Us (PCY)
Antonym (KJD)
The Problem (DKS)
Lost in Translation (OT9) - As an English teacher, this shit… THIS AWESOME SHIT IS MY FANTASY!!! lol
Not much of a Sex God (BBH)
Keep it Casual (ZYX/OSH)- ANGST FUELS ME!!!
I found ‘Reticent’ & ‘The Other Woman’ and goddamn I was like ‘This writer is so good’ so I checked her out and I was right, she’s really, really good. I think I read through her masterlist in less than an hour lmfao.
Playboy (OSH) - This one fucced me up real good ahahah
I’m Here (DKS) - This srsly scared me :((( lol
Oh My Baby (PCY) - I love babies and I love EXO and it’s both also ANGST!!!
The Other Woman (KJD) - I’ve always wanted to write about the POV of the other girl and I found this and it captures my idea very well and I cried because of the damn angst!!!
Tripartite (KJD) - FUCK! (sorry for cursing lol) I really felt OC’s emotions here and damn idk, it’s just… that good!!!
Reticent (BBH) - Another one of her fics that made me really sad and feely haahaha.
Bloodlust (BBH) - First Vampire AU I read ever and daaaaaamn!!! ❤️
EXO Monster!AU (OT9)
Retrograde (KMS) 
Scars (OSH/DKS)
Found her because of the Fat Fiction Series ❤️❤️❤️ (btw I have yet to go through her Bigbang list hehe)
Raising the Standards (KJM)
Monster (BBH) 
Addicted to Mashmallow (WYF) - All I can say is three F’s; Fluffy, Funny and Fantastic!
Eyes on the Prize (KJD/BBH/ZYX/KMS) - An orgy with Jongdae, Baekhyun, Minseok, and Yixing? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP!!!
Saudade é um suéter (OSH)
Higher (KJM) - CAN I JUST…
Caffeine (KJD) - ASKASKSAKAS tbh with you
Higher x Caffeine (KJM/KJD) - /DEAD
If We’re Happy (BBH)
How Bad Could He Be | He’s Not So Bad (KJD)
Again | Anew (KJI)
The Towel Story (OSH) - For some reason I find this a little angsty at the beginning haha
Ka-ching |  Girl Problems | Make Daddy Proud | Misadventures (KMS)
Long Night (ZYX) - So, so, so cute!
She Call Me (OSH) - The last part made me choke on my bread (I was eating bread the time I was reading this!!!)
To be honest, though, all the stuff she has written so far… I love it all!!! So I guess just click her masterlist. REALLY LOVE HER WRITING STYLE. Very detailed, but not boring at all. I’m calling her the ANGST QUEEN!
A Star Like Her (DKS)
Made Of Memories (BBH)
Heaven (KJI)
Eden (DKS)
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384 notes · View notes
curliesallovertheplace · 8 years ago
The New Princess - chapter 12
Pairing: Dean x reader, modern prince!Dean AU
Summary: You look exactly like the princess of Genieve who is promised to marry the prince of your country, Prince Dean. But what happens if the princess doesn’t want to marry him and meets you, her look-a-like?
Words: 3600ish
Warnings: nada
A/N: This series is back on the road and with me having 2 months of vacation I’m hoping to start posting regularly! Here you have chapter 12 (finally). I really hope you enjoy. Thank you guys for being patient with me and my fucked up posting.
Previous chapter   |    The New Princess Masterlist
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A deep breath in and out, your ankles crossed under your seat according to etiquette rules, your skirt neatly pleated, your hands carefully placed on your lap. Bela stepped back after she had adjusted a strand of your hair and nodded approvingly at the sight before her. “Perfect. Now if you would be so kind to keep that posture, your Highness, and answer the questions like we agreed on, then everything should be fine,” she said, her nerves settling down slightly.
You glanced behind the PR-manager. A large camera was focussed on you and an interviewer ran over the questions one more time with Chuck. “Alright, your Highness, we are ready when you are,” the latter announced. You nodded your head ever so slightly, scared to ruffle your hair or even move. The interviewer took place in her seat across from yours and smiled at you, introducing herself as Catherine Peters.
“Welcome to Royalty. I’m your host Catherine Peters and today I’m joined by the princess of Genieve, the fiancée of crown prince Dean of Boldovia. Welcome, your Highness,” she started off the interview and turned her attention towards you.
“Good morning, Mrs. Peters,” you smiled. She had something calming about her, soothing your nerves almost instantly.
“How are the preparations coming along for the wedding of the year?”
Your smile wavered a bit even though you had rehearsed these questions in advance, Bela repeating the answers over and over. Mrs. Peters mouthed a ‘breath’ and you regained your composure. “The wedding has been arranged to the finest details and I cannot wait for the day to arrive. It has been a joy to be involved in the preparations, especially with my fiancé by my side.” The interviewer gave you a quick thumbs up, her gesture reassuring. You decided to just focus on her and ignore Bela who stood behind the cameras. She was flapping her arms around, her frantic movements anything but calming.
“Could you tell us something about your dress? Everyone has been curious as to how the gown will look.”
“The dress is stunning if I may say so myself. Julian Mendes is the designer and he did a marvelous job at constructing the wedding gown. It is definitely an eyecatcher, fit for a Princess. The finishing touches are put on it as we speak.” You nearly had to puke at the posh tone you were using. The answers sounded like you had studied them in for a pop quiz, which wasn’t too far off of the truth. Bela had made you alter the timbre of your voice until it sounded ridiculous to your ears, but by her approving looks you must be doing something right.
Mrs. Peters continued her questions about the wedding and soon ended the interview. You thanked her for the interview before you got up and stretched your legs. Your limbs felt numb, a dull ache settling in from holding that uncomfortable posture. Your eyes landed on the Prince who entered the room. He strode towards the chair to start his part of the interview.
“Can I borrow your stick?” he chuckled when you passed each other. With a frown you turned towards him, rolling the stiffness out of your bones one last time. He pointed to your shoulders as he continued. “Your posture was really good and no one can do that without a stick stuck to their back. I swear my body is like a sack of potatoes. I can’t sit up straight like that!” You laughed along with him before pretending to stretch and pull an imaginary stick from your back.
“Here you go, your Highness. Your new personal posture stick,” you goofed around.
Dean gratefully accepted it and stuck it to his back, instantly standing up straighter. “How do I look?” he grinned as he tilted his chin upwards.
“Hot, with a shitload of cockiness and a stick up your ass,” you quickly replied, your voice low enough for only him to hear. When the words settled in and he wanted to reply, you had already scurried off into the corridors of the palace. “I did not just call him hot,” you softly repeated to yourself. If you would go over those words over and over, you might actually start believing them.
“Ellie, wait up,” a deep voice called out for you. You halted your steps and turned around to see Benny walking over to you. You prayed he hadn’t just heard you mumbling to yourself like a crazy person. “I need to take you to Julian.”
“Not for that wedding dress I hope,” you cut off his sentence. Ellie’s bodyguard chuckled as he gently placed a hand on your arm, guiding you to the styling room.
“It’s your ball gown for tonight.” He shook his head at the frown settling on your forehead, an amused smile tugging at his lips. “You’re always so up to date. Let’s go, princess.”
“Oh right, the royal birthday party thingy,” you smiled, proud that your brain caught up. Charlie had mentioned something about it earlier that morning but in your sleepy haze, you barely registered it. It was Jessica, prince Sam’s girlfriend, her birthday and when a royal turns a year older, an elaborate ball must be organised.
Together with Benny you moved towards Julian’s tailor room, the man dropping you off in front of the door. With a swoosh the wood disappeared and an excited tailor stood in front of you. “Darling, you are going to looove this,” Julian smirked, stretching his words for an extra dramatic effect. You raised your eyebrows in a curious way and glanced at Benny. The man held back an amused smirk.
“Well, darling, show me what I’m going to looove,” you mimicked Elizabeth’s designer as you turned your attention back to him. Julian ushered you into the room but blocked the way for your bodyguard.
“Oh, hot stuff, no room for you here. But you can always come by later tonight for your personal fitting,” he winked at Benny before closing the door in the latter’s very confused and flushed face. “What? He’s got one fine ass.” You laughed at your stylist, loving his open bluntness. “But enough about your bodyguard’s perfect squeezable delicious assets. Let’s put you in your dress.”
His excitement was contagious and soon you joined into his happy demeanor. At his order you closed your eyes, waiting for his signal to open them again. You blinked a few times to get used to the light again and took in the gorgeous gown he was holding in front of you. The beautiful fabric made your body all giddy. With a little help from Julian you changed into the dress and admired yourself in the mirror.
The dark blue material was cut the accentuate your curves, fitted to your forms and flaring out at the bottom. The back had a low cut, ending half down your back and the three quarter sleeves were made of sheer lace. The neckline was conservative to make up for the sexy style. Perfect for a princess in the public eye, yet still enough vavavoom the match your youthful spirit. Like Julian said: “You’re not a nun from the monastery.”
“I love it, Julian,” you gasped as you turned around to look at the dress from every angle. “Thank you.” The smile on his face matched yours. The joy sparkling in your eyes was all he needed as a reward.
A knock on the door pulled you from your trance. The tailor sauntered over towards the door, barely opening it and peeking through the crack. “Darlings, you’re right on time,” he exclaimed. He swung open the doors dramatically and ushered Jo and Charlie into the room before locking the doors behind them.
“Damn, girl! If Dean doesn’t jump you tonight, I’m gonna steal you from him,” Charlie gasped. “Too bad you aren’t swinging that way though.” You chuckled at her comment, feeling very flattered, a blush creeping up your cheeks at the mention of the Prince.
Jo’s mouth was hanging open in astonishment before she nodded in approval. “Julian, darling, if our dresses look half as good, I’m going to be over the moon. It’s so beautiful I’m actually jealous of Y… Ellie,” she corrected herself at the end. Thankfully the designer hadn’t noticed her slip-up nor the sudden change in atmosphere, too busy elaborating about Jo and Charlie’s dresses. Both you and the redhead glared in her direction, the latter mouthing a ‘sorry’.
“You coming to fit your dress, Jo? Charlie is already admiring hers,” Julian questioned as he stepped up behind you, loosening the zipper.
“Yeah, sure,” she cleared her throat.
The tailor helped you out of the gown and gave you a robe to wear in the meantime. “I called for Ruby and Meg. They will do your hair and makeup,” he rambled on as he placed your gown onto its hanger. “I swear they made some kind of deal with the devil because their skills, few, oh boy. To die for.” With those words he vanished to a side room where Charlie and Jo were waiting.
The rest of the afternoon was a blur, filled with brushes, powders and bobby pins. Meg worked her magic on your hair, creating an intricate updo. In the meantime Ruby focussed on your nails, shaping them to perfection, coating them in a shiny beige polish. You admired the clean finished product, while both women took care of your makeup. The last finishing touches were added once you had put on your dress, Julian fixing your sleeves and jewelry one last time. Nearly three hours later and Ellie’s stylist finally gave you a green light to leave and go to the party. He had been running around with dresses and suits all afternoon, meeting up with queen Alexandra, prince Dean and some of the other royals in the palace.
“Your man won’t be able to keep his hands off of you. Just wait with making a new royal until after the wedding,” he winked, leaving you flabbergasted. Charlie and Jo stifled their laughters behind you. “What a scandal it would be! I think your mother would have a heart attack!” The dramatic tone in his voice made you shake your head, a smile forming on your lips. The tailor opened the door for you and behind the wooden panels your two favorite bodyguards were waiting. Gadreel, Benny and another man escorted you and your friends towards the ball room.
The closer you got towards the room, the louder the music resonated through the corridors. The melody, played on strings, reached your ears, a delighted grin forming on your lips. It sounded just like you imagined as a little girl, how it was portrayed in countless movies. The music was regularly interrupted by a male voice as he announced the arrival of the guests.
“Great, just in time,” Bela smiled as you turned the corner. Your eyes landed on Dean and you couldn’t help but block out everything around you except for him. You gasped audibly as you took in his appearance. Yes, you had seen him in a suit before, but not in his official royal outfit and damn did he rock it! His clothes consisted of a general navy blue suit with a simple white shirt and a dark green sash draped over one shoulder and knotted at his hip. A number of golden embellishments were pinned on his vest, patterns embroidered on the sash.
You came back to the real world when the Prince hooked his arm through yours. “You look gorgeous tonight, Ellie, absolutely stunning,” he whispered, his eyes trained on the entrance to the ball room.
“You’re not even looking,” you smirked. Dean bit his lip, musing over his words before he answered you.
“Well, it’s either this or me walking out there with a... small problem.” You had no time to respond to his comment as Bela ushered the two of you forward to make your entrance. You took in the large ball room. The place was seemingly endless, the dance floor filled with a crowd, large chandeliers dangling from the painted ceilings, a stair case that was built for a grand entrance. The guests were all dressed to the nines, their elegant gowns and suits more beautiful than the next. The Prince halted at the top of the stairs. 
The same guy as before announced your arrival. “Your royal highness crown prince Dean Johnathan Henry Winchester, air to the throne of Boldovia and your royal highness princess Elizabeth Catharina Therèse Hurwitz, air to the throne of Genieve, fiancée of prince Dean.” Between both names he took a deep breath, the words flowing fluidly from his lips. Honestly, you were impressed. What a mouthful!
Dean guided you down the stairs, holding you steady while your knees buckled. All the guest their eyes were trained on you, picking up the slightest mistakes you would make. You murmured a quick thank you once you had safely and even gracefully reached the bottom of the stairs. The whole room watched as the King and Queen made their entry, followed by Prince Sam and the birthday girl.
A few waiters walked around the room, making sure every guest had a full glass of champagne. Dean accepted two glasses and handed one to you. You nipped at the bubbly drink, trying to keep a straight face. Champagne still wasn’t your thing. Prince Sam and Jessica received their glasses last and within a few seconds the room went quiet. Jessica made a quick toast, thanking everyone for coming, wishing her guests a pleasant evening. The room applauded her and soon conversations started again.
“Hmm, appetizers,” you licked your lips when you noticed a couple of waiters enter the room, a tray full of miniature meals balanced on their hands.
Dean grinned, enjoying the way your eyes lit up. “You should try the fried shrimp with curry sauce. It’s delicious!” The waiter halted in front of you and presented the different options. As the Prince suggested, you picked out the shrimp.
“I can’t eat this gracefully, can I?” you snickered. You poked the sea creature around the little plate with your fork.
“Nope,” the man next to you grinned and scooped his shrimp into his mouth. How does he do that?, you wondered, how can he stuff his face and still look hot? Fuck! Under his amused gaze you stuffed your own appetizer into your mouth. Your eyes widened, the taste washing over your palette in harmony. “Yeah, I know, sweetheart. Heaven.” You nodded your head as you swallowed it down.
That’s when the nickname registered and your cheeks shaded pink. The Prince was about to comment on it, but Sam chose that time to start a conversation with his older brother. Thank the lord.
“Shrimp?�� the younger prince asked as he eyed your plates.
“Always,” Dean replied with a smirk before he focussed his attention on the girl next to Sam. “Happy birthday, Jessica.” He kissed her cheek and pulled back. You followed his lead, mimicking his movements. The conversation was quick and easy, the basic questions going around. “What did that doofus give you this year?” Dean teased his little brother. You took a swig of your champagne, hoping the glass would be empty soon and you could replace it with something better.
Jessica smiled as she leaned into Sam and casually answered: “A little getaway to Paris, followed by a week of relaxing in the Provence.” You nearly spat out your sip of champagne. Oh, let’s go to France like it’s the most normal thing in the world, you mocked to yourself. Decadent much.
“With a lot of wine tasting of course,” Sam added like the whole trip in itself wasn’t pretentious enough. Dean nodded in approval and congratulated his brother for actually coming up with a good idea.
The couple excused themselves to go and talk to the other guests, leaving you and Ellie’s fiancé alone. It didn’t take long before you were involved in another conversation revolving around either politics or the upcoming wedding. The Prince guided you through the room, making small talk with several guests, like was expected from him. He introduced you to the other nobles or as he sees it “refreshing your memory”. You reduced your part in the conversations to a minimum after the first few interactions were a bit unfortunate. Of course Dean thought it was hilarious how you seemed to always say the wrong things. It weren’t any big mistakes, but amusing nonetheless.
“Your Highness,” a sly voice creeped up behind you, his accent and timbre adding to the unsettling feeling.
Dean glanced over his shoulder. You barely noticed how he discreetly rolled his eyes. He excused himself from the duke and duchess of Vertwynne and turned around, focussing his attention on the older man in front of him. “Prime minister Crowley,” the Prince greeted him out of courtesy, his usually friendly demeanor flying out the window.
“Your Highness,” the prime minister addressed you. “You look dashing tonight, princess Elizabeth.” You replied with a friendly smile and thanked him, complimenting his tailored black suit. Dean noticed your uneasiness and was quick to place his hand on your lower back. His fingers brushed over the fabric of your dress ever so slightly, soothing the nerves Crowley evoked from you. “How is the wedding coming along?”
“Peachy.” The Prince’s reply was short. He clearly didn’t want to talk to this man, the latter obviously just as uninterested.
“Nearly all of the arrangements have been settled, just a few minor decisions left,” you added to relief some of the tension. Crowley’s smile made shivers run across your spine, his eyes piercing into yours. A ‘wonderful’ was all you got in return.
“Now if you would excuse me, I need to attend some business with the king. Prince Dean,” he said, nodding his way. “Princess Elizabeth,” Crowley stressed Ellie’s name as his gaze locked with yours. Shit! You feigned a smile, pushing away the panic settling in your stomach. You tried to ignore the thought of how he might have seen through your lies. What did he need to discuss with King John? Was it about you? About the scam you were playing?
The Prince waited until the prime minister was out of hearing. “He is such a pain in the ass,” he mumbled. His words snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Uh, sorry, what?”
Dean smiled and quickly repeated his words. “He always has a hidden agenda and is basically the biggest criminal of the country. If I didn’t know better, he could be the king of hell.” You bit your lower lip to stifle your laughter. “Oh and if you hadn’t noticed, he isn’t really a big fan of our monarchy.”
“No way,” you faked surprise. “I for sure thought he had a picture frame of your royal house hanging above his bed.” Dean’s laugh boomed through the ball room and your heart soared, proud he was smiling because of you. The Prince offered his arm to you. You linked yours with his and strolled around the room.
Your eyes caught Charlie’s on the other side of the room. She looked stunning but bored out of her mind. It didn’t take you long to know the reason. Some guy was chatting up Jo and she was full on flirting back.
“Dean,” you said to get his attention. He raised his eyebrows, turning towards you. “Do you know any lesbians here? Hot lesbians,” you specified. You thought his eyes would bulge out and he quickly nipped of his champagne, coughing as he swallowed the sip.
“Please don’t go gay on me right before the wedding,” he joked. You gently slapped his upper arm. “Or if it’s some kinky stuff, you know, thre…”
“I’m gonna stop you right there, mister,” you quickly interjected. “I don’t need to hear your fetishes just yet.” Dean smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. You sighed amused. “No, it’s Charlie. Jo is flirting with some dude and Charlie is just standing there. Any suggestions?”
The Prince glanced across the room, apparently searching for a possible match. “First of all, Jo is chatting up one of the wealthiest nobles of Boldovia. Not just some random dude.” He leaned closer to you and whispered the next few words. “And rumour has it that the marquise of Whitedale appreciates the female forms, if you know what I mean. Just don’t tell the husband,” he winked. “Oh how convenient, she just walked out of the ball room.”
“Be right back,” you smirked. Dean chuckled as you beelined towards Charlie.
The redhead saw you approaching, relief washing over her face. “Ellie,” she smiled. She pulled you aside right after you greeted Jo. “Please help me, Y/N. I’m third wheeling over here and the more champagne blondie downs, the closer they get. I know Jo is just joking around and that idiot isn’t getting any tonight, but one more cheesy line from him and I’m gonna throw up.”
“Well, about that. According to Dean the marquise of Whitedale, and I quote, appreciates the female forms.” Charlie’s eyes lit up and she gestured to go on. “And she’s hot. Interested?”
“Anything better than those two.” You pointed towards the exit the marquise just went through, ushering your friend to discretely go and follow her.
You turned back around and searched for your husband to be. Ellie’s husband to be, not yours, you scolded yourself. With that thought on repeat your eyes landed on Dean and a drop dead gorgeous woman. Your heart dropped as you took in the scene unfolding in front of you. One of her hands rested on his arm while the other threw back her long, black hair. She laughed at something the Prince had said and it made your blood boil. You shouldn’t be this bothered by her. Last you checked Dean wasn’t yours and would never be yours, but you couldn’t deny the feeling of pure jealousy.
Next chapter
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