#confident i could keep up with) or 3. get my fucking license as soon as possible (unclear how long you have to have permit first) and
californiaquail · 2 years
might get kicked out of this apartment if i don't get a license and car within like maybe a month lol. lmao even
#like she has someone coming to look at the apartment tomorrow morning apparently#had to write a text with my plans regarding this as though the situation is not making me want to die and im handling it normally#i get it i get her reasons but like whew. guess i seriously misunderstood the finality of the deadlines that were expressed in....#less intense terms. i thought#so my options are 1. leave 2. dont get a car but have to move out of this apartment into town in order to get a job i can walk to#(dont want to move or play the gamble of getting another landlord + i dont think theres really anything for under $1000/mo which im not#confident i could keep up with) or 3. get my fucking license as soon as possible (unclear how long you have to have permit first) and#instantly get a car (either go in considerable debt or lease) and then get another job in town. which there are plenty of i just want to#kill myself about the concept of driving and making a $10-15k commitment#i hate living and also myself lol#the good bit is if i really have to leave here there's places i've had an eye on going to for some time that i can try#but i really need to be in one place for a while and i DID have a bit of a breakdown about letting myself think i had a place to be#finally. i don't want to be here forever but good fucking lord i havent actually lived somewhere for almost ten years#i can go back to the itinerant thing at some point but i need to fucking live for a minute. christ#and also i Really need a real therapist. lmao *overshares on tumglr dot edu*#at least it's finally fucking storming like it was supposed to the last two days#me
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xiaoingly · 3 years
license and registration | modern au.
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art credit: asagizuisen on twitter.
pairing: reader x childe x zhongli
summary: it was just to your luck to come across two police officers after a night of drinking. however, when your drunk state allowed you to be brutally honest about your lust, you get a once-in-a-lifetime uppertunity to spend the night in their vehicle.
warnings: threesome, dom!zhongli, very slight switch!childe, sub!reader, oral(receiving), a bit of zhongchi, choking, praise kink(and a bit degration), penetration, edging, overstimulation, zhongli and childe are literally fucking your brains out.
word count: 3715
A/N: this is my first work! i do hope everyone enjoys this tho <3 i did proof read, but there could be some mistakes so bare with me lol
You laughed as you drove yourself home, still thinking of the events that took place tonight. Of course that led to consequences like driving home in a very drunk state, but you weren't about to keep two horny couples company, so fastest route out of there it is. You were aware of your current state, and tried your utter best to focus on the road, but you had to admit how hard it was getting. With tired eyes, you drove past the dark road. But your eyes widened almost immediately as you spotted something a few miles away.
A police car.
Dozens of curses left your lips as you drove closer and closer, blaming your friend for bringing you in this state. If it wasn't for them, you wouldn't even be at their house, or drinking. You knew you needed the break more than anything, but blaming someone seemed easier to you. You bit your lip, trying to think of ways to escape, but there weren't any side roads, and if you took a turn now, they would definitely notice. Maybe I could flirt my way out, you thought, but you shook your head. You knew better than to flirt with police officers.
Your drunk self seemed to disagree.
You gulped as you saw a hand lift up, motioning for you to stop. You did what was asked, trying not to sink in your seat as your eyes met one of the officers. His sharp glare made your stomach twist, wondering in how much trouble you must be in.
You rolled down your window, watching in the rear view mirror as another officer leaned against the car casually. He seemed different from the one you just saw, just as beautiful but with a touch of color. You thought it was his ginger hair that seemed to look almost too perfect on him. He wasn't glaring, but seemed to be hiding a smirk. You wondered why. But your thoughts were cut off when the dark haired officer made his way towards your car, his piercing eyes catching your attention almost immediately.
"Miss, are you aware of fast you were driving just now?"
Fuck. That's all your mind said. His voice was unlike anything you've ever heard, so deep to the point where you questioned your sanity around him. You knew that this was your drunk state talking, but something about his voice really made you feel a certain way.
"Miss?" The officer called out, and you broke out of your dirty thoughts, blinking twice as his eyes glared at you. "Not really." You managed to breathe out, your honesty almost causing you pain. You watched as the officer's eyes narrowed, leaning down to your window. You let out a shaky breath as he stared at you, your stomach twisting when his golden eyes took you in. "Miss, are you drunk?" You let out a chuckle at the officer's question, watching as he raised his eyebrow at you. "Is it that obvious? Thought my attraction for you might've covered it up." You slurred, almost cringing at the words that left your lips just now, but the other officer seemed to enjoy it, his joyful laugh catching your ears from all the way to their car. The black haired officer sighed, standing up straight. He glanced at the other officer leaning against their car, who seemed to take the hint.
He walked towards your car, biting the inside of your cheek as the elegance of his walk made your stomach twist. Something was wrong with you, and it was beginning to show. You tried to compose yourself when the ginger haired officer reached your car, leaning down with a smirk plastered on his face. "Trying to tame a beast, aren't we?" You blushed at his words, nodding your head. "He's hot." You exclaimed, the ginger haired officer chuckling at your words. The dark haired officer rolled his eyes, snapping at the ginger haired to focus. You heard his name, something like Childe? You found it strange, yet pretty in a way.
"I'm gonna need your license and registration, darling." His smooth voice rang through your ears, and you immediately grabbed your bag. You gave him what he needed, watching as the dark haired officer looked over Childe's shoulder to check your information as well. He gave you your essentials back after a few moments, and you wondered what they were gonna do with you. You were drunk, apparently racing, so you definitely had to expect something. "What are you guys gonna do to me?" You slurred again, realizing how flirty you sounded. Your eyes widened, watching as Childe's eyebrow raised. He smirked, leaning closer to you. "We were gonna let you off with a warning, but is there anything more that you need from us?" Childe returned the flirty tone, watching as you squirmed in your seat. You knew you couldn't deny it the wetness in between your legs, craving for two guys you just met. You were convinced you reached insanity at this point. You couldn't want this, and yet, you did.
"Yes.." Your voice sounded small as you spoke, looking up to the two incredibly hot police officers. Childe glanced at the dark haired officer, whose jaw was evidently clenched. "I'm not fucking a drunk." He spat, his arms crossed as he gave Childe a stern look. You groaned as his words sunk in, squeezing your thighs together to stop the sensation you felt between them. "I'm not drunk!" You exclaimed, growing desperate for a bit of friction. You knew you were starting to grow sober as the situation you were in caught up with you, but still, you found a voice in the back of your head almost dying to be fucked. "Please." You heard yourself beg, looking up to the two officers with pleading eyes. You knew what you were begging for, and that there was probably no turning back. But that didn't matter to you.
"Please what?" The dark haired officer pushed, his head raising a bit to take you in. You felt intimidated by his gaze, but you didn't let that stop you. "Please take me, both of you." You breathed out, staring at both of them to look for any sort of reaction. Childe seemed to be pleased, while the dark haired only clenched his jaw. You wondered whether that was a good or a bad thing.
But you soon got your answer as he hurriedly opened the door of your car, pulling you out of the car before slamming you against it, his lips on yours in a heartbeat. You gasped at the sudden movement, trying to recover but the dark haired man really wasn't letting you. His hands slid around your waist, his tongue clashing with yours in a delicious frenzy. You tried your best to keep up, but your body felt so electric under his touch to the point where you couldn't focus. You finally felt your hands move, going around his neck to pull him closer, running out of air but you honestly couldn't care. His lips were heavenly and that's all that mattered to you. Your eyes opened, locking them with the ginger haired man who stared at you in awe. It was then when you realized that you guys were literally on the side of a street. Panic settled in you, finally pulling away from your new found addiction.
You were out of air, your breathing ragged as you spoke; "W-We're in public."
Childe smirked. "No shit, darling. But I bet that excited you." You blushed, unable to deny that fact. You looked up to the man who's lips were on yours just a second ago. "What's your name?" You asked out of curiosity. "Zhongli." He answered curtly, leaning into your ear. "Remember it well." Your eyes widened, knowing exactly what he was referring to. He grabbed your wrist, pulling you away from your car to theirs. It was understandable since theirs was way bigger.
Zhongli opened the door to the backseat, practically pushing you inside. He walked away, Childe climbing in after you. He had a smirk plastered on his lips, closing the door behind him before making his way towards you. His eyes seemed to be on your lips, causing a burst of confidence to surge through you, pushing yourself up to capture his lips. The taste was intoxicating, your mind going blank when his tongue collided with yours. The other door opened behind you, Zhongli's body catching yours almost immediately. A slam was heard, Zhongli pulling your body up to lean into his. His warmth caused a moan to escape your lips, Childe's lips trailing down your neck, his open mouthed kisses leaving you breathless.
Zhongli's hands trailed down your waist, pulling at your shirt. Childe pulled away to let Zhongli take it off, not wasting a second before clashing his lips with yours again. You felt light headed, the feeling of Childe's lips and Zhongli's hands feeling so damn heavenly. Zhongli pulled your bra off with ease, his hands immediately feeling your breasts in his hands. You moaned into Childe's mouth, pushing yourself into Zhongli's hands. He eagerly accepted your offer, his fingers teasingly trailing around your nipples, causing you to feel desperate. Childe's hands trailed down your stomach, smoothly undoing the buttons of your pants. He pushed them down impatiently along with your underwear, putting you on full display for him. "Wet already?" He exclaimed, his grin almost making you lose control. Your eyes closed when Childe's lips met one of your nipples, a small whine leaving your lips at the sensation. Zhongli massaged the other breast, your back slightly aching against his body when Childe's teeth bit down on your nipple. You let out a quiet moan, your mind blank, Childe and Zhongli being your only remedy at that moment.
You reached for Childe's uniform, eager to take it off. Childe seemed to be feeling the same way, letting you take his clothes off with a grin on his face. "So eager, aren't you?" He whispered, capturing your lips as you continued to take off his remaining clothes from head to waist. You had to keep yourself from gauging as you saw Childe's body, he wasn't too muscled but he definitely worked out, that you could tell. It was then when you felt Zhongli shift behind you, hearing fabric being thrown on the ground with a thud. You couldn't understand how they wore those uniforms all day, they looked so uncomfortable. You were glad they took those off.
You felt Childe's hand travel down your navel, your breathing growing ragged as Zhongli made soft love bites on your skin. Childe teased you, his fingers trailing up and down you thighs, making another whine leave your lips. "Please.." You heard yourself whisper, practically fucking the air at this point. You needed something, anything. The feeling was too much, they were too much. "Patience, darling. You'll get what you need." Childe's voice rang through your ears, placing soft kisses on your skin as Zhongli's love bites turned harsh, causing you to yelp. Childe's fingers itched closer to your clit, playing with the skin on your thighs. You found yourself begging again, your hands moving to grab Childe's hands. But Zhongli didn't seem to like this, instantly grabbing your hands roughly to hold them behind you. "Childe told you to have patience, you are going to listen, aren't you?"
You instantly nodded. "I will." You answered, Zhongli's hands turning your head to capture your lips. You eagerly kissed him back, your tongues meeting each other once again. The feeling felt addictive to you, your mind growing hazy as he sucked on your tongue, small moans leaving your lips at the feeling. "Such a good girl." Childe exclaimed, cooing at your obedience.
A gasp left your lips when Childe's fingers finally touched your clit, your juices making it easier for him to create a pattern. You moaned, relishing in the feeling of finally getting what you needed. Childe teased your entrance, slightly pushing his thumb in. You whined, Childe seeming pleased with your reactions. He pushed one finger in, another gasp leaving your lips. You looked at him, his mischievous smirk almost taking your breath away. He pushed another one in, his fingers beginning a pattern inside of you. You felt relieved, satisfied moans escaping your lips as Zhongli kissed down your neck, his hands finding your breasts once again. A familiar feeling started forming in your stomach, your moans getting louder when Childe's fingers started a faster pace. Your breathing was ragged, your hands finding their way around Zhongli's neck as Childe continued pleasuring you. "F-Fuck, I'm gonna come." You breathed out, a yelp escaping your lips when Childe added a third finger.
The feeling was overwhelming, your legs shaking, your head spinning from both of these men having their hands on you. You were thrown over the edge, aching your back against Zhongli's front as Childe's name left your lips in a loud moan. Your head was thrown back on Zhongli's shoulder, your breathing uneven as you came down from your high. You had to admit how amazing it felt. It seemed you were liking this a bit too much.
You were a mess, but Childe was enjoying it, a sickening smile on his face as he brought his finger over to your mouth. You eagerly sucked on his fingers, making sure to keep both Childe and Zhongli satisfied.
"Turn around." You heard Zhongli speak from behind you, immediately doing as he asked. Once again, you were met by another incredible body. You had ask yourself how you landed here, between two of the sexiest men you've seen in your life. You had to thank your drunk self when you woke up later.
Zhongli grabbed your chin, his lustful lips meeting yours. You felt high as Childe kissed the side of your neck, moaning into Zhongli's mouth when he pinched one of your nipples. You heard shifting behind you, more fabric being thrown to the ground. You didn't expect to feel anything yet, until Childe suddenly pressed himself against you. Your eyes widened unexpectedly .You didn't expect Childe to be this big, starting to wonder how big Zhongli must be then.
Your curiosity got the best of you, leaning down to take off Zhongli's remaining clothes. He let you, watching as you licked your lips. Zhongli's bulge was evident, and it made you excited.
You felt Childe's hands roam your body, slightly pushing you into his chest. You let him, sighing as he placed soft kisses on your neck. You felt high, feeling yourself drowning once again. Zhongli leaned down, capturing your lips with his. Your tongues clashed, gasping slightly when you felt Zhongli press himself against you. "Might be a little rough."
That was all you heard when Zhongli entered you, a little harsher than you expected. Your eyes widened, hands pressing against his shoulders as his length stretched your walls delicously. You whimpered, feeling yourself clench around his cock. Zhongli barely gave you time to get used to his size, immediately pushing his cock further in. You gasped, his sudden pace making you see stars. He seemed to be going in a faster pace than what you had in mind, but for some reason, it only made you more excited.
"Zhongli!" You gasped, your eyes squeezing shut when he fastened his pace. When you felt Childe's hands on your body, you reached behind you, grabbing another unfamiliar cock. Your hands moved up and down his shaft, your pace faltering the more Zhongli plunged into you.
Childe's hands traveled down your navel, your body flinching slightly when he pressed a finger against your clit. "That's right, darling. Take him, take him like the dirty girl you are." He whispered, his bites on your skin making you gasp. Your breathing was a mess as Zhongli continued his torture on your pussy, his hands gripping your waist as he started ramming inside you. Your legs were jelly at this point, thankful that Childe's body was keeping you from falling.
"Yes, yes, yes.." You heard yourself whine as Childe's fingers joined Zhongli's rough pace. You felt a familiar feeling building in your stomach, starting to get desperate for a release. You found yourself meeting Zhongli's thrusts, matching his aggresive pace as your moans grew louder. "I think I'm gonna-"
You heard a grunt. "Don't you fucking dare." Zhongli spat, his eyes trained on his cock entering you. His jaw was clenched, making him look even more ravishing than he already was. You heard Childe chuckle behind you, one of his hands harshly grabbing onto your hair. "So, so pretty." He breathed in your ear, your eyes widening when you felt something poke your behind. "W-wait-" Your sentence was cut off, a yelp escaping your lips when you felt Childe enter you from behind you.
You shook your head a bit violently, Childe's grasp on your hair tightening when you did so. "You asked for this, remember? Take it." He grunted, your breathing ragged as the two men just abused your pussy. In, out. In, out. Your mind chanted, almost missing Childe's hands sneaking around your neck. His grip tightened slightly, barely giving you tme to process what was happening. You found yourself almost chocking on air, your hand flying to Childe's with surprise. He only chuckled, his hands tightening around you. You couldn't breathe, but why was that just turning you on even more?
"She's gonna come." Zhongli stated, and he was right. Childe was barely inside you, and yet you already felt yourself slowly breaking. Zhongli's pace fastened even more, breaking the rhythm he and Childe had created. His thrusts were messy, but powerful. Childe met his thrusts quite quickly, making a sobbing mess out of you. Zhongli suddenly leaned in, your eyes widening when you saw him grab Childe's face, their lips clashing in the most sinful way possible. You lips were parted, watching the scene unfold in front of you. Their tongues clashed, Childe's soft whine reaching your ears when Zhongli harshly sucked on his tongue. Just when you thought this whole thing couldn't get any sexier.
Whatever you just saw, you wanted to see more.
The lewd noises of skin slapping against each other made you whine, the car filled with the sounds of your loud moans and choked cries, as well as grunts from both the guys. The sounds that left your lips felt embarrassing, but you barely had time to focus on that when Childe pushed himself deeper, hitting a certain spot inside you. "Ah, Childe! Slow down!"
You heard him chuckle, pushing your head back to meet his lips. "I could, but I bet you'd cry if I did."
You whimpered, knowing that those words were very true.
Your cries continued, zhongli leaning down to kiss your neck while he whispered sweet nothings in your ear.
You're so wet, is it all for us?
Do you like this? Want me to go faster?
Louder, I want to let everyone passing by hear your sweet moans.
You were sweaty, sandwiched between two guys that were making you get a taste of heaven. That thought alone would be able to send you over the edge. "Please!" You managed to choke out, tears running down your eyes as you begged. Childe only chuckled. "You wanna come? Go ahead, darling. Come for us."
You didn't even think twice as you came on both of their cocks, screaming as you came down from your high. Childe released the hold he had on your neck, your body practically falling on Zhongli's chest as you tried to process what just happened. You were completely out of breath, gasping quite loudly, your pussy growing sensitive when both cocks continued thrusting inside you. You whimpered, shaking your head weakly. "N-No more." You cried, but they completely ignored you, Childe's hands wrapping around your waist. He chuckled at your pathetic cries. "Look at you, what a mess, hmm?" He cooed, catching Zhongli's small smirk. You whimpered, hands clutching whatever they could find as both guys overstimulated you.
You couldn't even pull away, completely stuck between them with no escape. You could smell their scents with sweat, hear their heavy breathing and aggressive grunts as their skin slapped against yours. It only seemed to build your second orgasm faster, tears running down your cheeks as you felt their cocks completely destroying your insides. "F-Fuck!" You managed to breathe, your hands finding their way on Zhongli's shoulders again as his thrusts began to fasten even more than before. You could tell he was close, desperate for a release. Childe seemed to be as well, his groans becoming louder with every thrust. "A-Ah, I'm gonna come!"
Childe chuckled in your ear. "Right with you, darling."
You found yourself bouncing on their cocks, ignoring the throbbing pain of being overstimulated as you continued chasing your second orgasm. Both cocks met your thrusts, you just couldn't stop moaning and whining at the roughness of their cocks.
Childe came first, the sounds escaping his mouth almost sounding like a growl as he released his semen on your back. You were second, whimpering as the pain increased. And then Zhongli, the sexiest groan had left his lips when he came on your stomach, completely painting you with their juices. You fell straight onto Zhongli, your legs barely working as he laid down with you on top of him. You tried to turn around and face Childe, calling him over to lay on your stomach. He happily obliged, his head laying a bit too comfortable on your chest.
Your harsh breathing had filled the car's silence, Zhongli playing with the strands of your hair while you wondered how on earth you were going to get home.
"We should do this again." Childe breathed out, looking up from your chest with a mischievous glint in his eyes. For some reason, your cheeks flushed.
They wanna do this again? With me?
Zhongli chuckled from behind me. "I would love having her sprawled across the sheets of my bed."
A/N: tbh.. i only started writing bc of this
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mindofharry · 4 years
in which you’re acting in olivia’s wilde’s new movie and harry happens to be a big fan.
SO EXCITED FOR YALL TO READ THIS!!! :D feedback is welcome as always <3
fluff!!!! and just a lot of stuff about hollywood and the industry etc!!
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You remember being eighteen and getting your first acting job on a big series. The most popular series on netflix at the time. You were so young and so new but you couldn’t let this offer go, so you took it and it was the best decision you ever made. It started you career and you ended with a job you love and are so very passionate about.
Soon enough the show decided that they would do one final season, you were 20 and had only done two movies since then. They were good movies but there was nothing much to them, you were just the best friend in them and nothing more.
When the job the series ended your agents were looking high and low for auditions and ideas etc. Everything was going pretty well, you had secured a place on a movie (again only a best friend) and you were pretty confident with what the future was going to hold. Doing that movie, that you thought you would only be a side character - was the best thing that had ever happened to you. You were praised for your role in the drama, and ended wining awards you never could even dream about. You also picked up a lot of lifelong friends.
Things were going so well. You had auditions and managers wanting you from every corner of the states, directors and producers calling up your agents. You felt as if nothing could stop you or get in your way.
Then COVID struck.
You were so grateful that you had a roof over your head and friends living with you in such a depressing and emotional time, but you couldn’t help but be upset. You were so excited for your career to finally take off and for you to get properly working.
But you just had to make do with what you had. You were in lots of lives on instagrams and still did lots of press for you latest movie and tv series. Although it was basically just the same questions, but you had something to keep you busy.
“Now don’t get too excited, but i got you an audition for a movie olivia wilde is directing” Alexia, your agent and bestfriend said over the phone. You grabbed your other friend, Danny, arm grinning at his confused expression.
“I love you so much, y’know that” you say listening to laugh alexia let out.
“I said don’t get too excited, but i think you’ve got this. just do your usual set up and clean face and hair out of your face ok?”
You nod and then answer back with a quick yes and a goodbye before hanging up and squealing. “i’ve got an audition for an olivia wilde movie” you yell making danny stand up and bring you into a hug.
“Fuck yes!” he yelled and then suddenly he stopped looking you dead in the eye. “This is the first time i’ll see you in your zone, Ms Emmy award winning actress” he teased making you hit him with a soft smile.
“You’re gonna have to help me dan, like read my script out when i get it. And help me set up lighting and shit”
“Sounds important, you sure you don’t want sara to help you with that?” he asked referring to his sister, and your partner in crime. You had all been friends since middle school all living in the same neighbourhood and going to the same school.
You were together through everything.
When sara got denied from her top college, when danny came out as bisexual, when your mom had died. Of course you had fights, like every friend. But you always came back to eachother. Sara and danny stayed with you when you were done with acting, when your mom had died very suddenly, when your dad lost contact with you and your brother. They were really the best friends you could ever ask for. You were so grateful.
“Should be ok, will probably need sara’s opinion seen as shes a film major. But it’s pretty easy stuff dan” you insisted picking up your laptop from the couch and opening it up.
Danny nodded and sat beside you placing an around your shoulder.
“i think you’ll get it. don’t know what it’s about, but you’re definitely fit for an olivia wilde movie”
You grin at him and open up your email to see alexia has sent you some lines to record.
“i’m going to go over these a bit, but i’ll let you know when i need you”
Danny and sara helped you with the audition tape and calmed your nerves and frustrations. Usually your anxiety is high when waiting for a call back, but now with covid and not getting the work you want it’s beginning to get a little worse. But you had your best friends there to guide you through it.
Weeks went on and no news came and honestly you forgot all about it moving onto different projects and stuff for 2022.
Then you got a call.
“y/n. you got the part”
And with that, you, danny and sara celebrated. You were beyond grateful and couldn’t believe you had gotten work — let alone with olivia wilde.
A bottle of wine and chinese takeout was the best you guys were going to get, but you didn’t complain one bit. Love island was on in the background while danny painted your nails and sara did your hair. “I can’t believe i’m going to be working along side olivia fucking wilde” you squealed making danny laugh and sara pull your hair. You yelped. “Olivia wilde gets to work along side Y/N fucking L/N” she corrected earning a couple of laughs out of you and danny. You guys celebrated anything and everything, it was like your tradition.
Danny got a haircut - celebration. sara finished editing that video that she had in the background for a good morning - celebration. you finally getting rid of those horrible earrings - celebration.
it was also an excuse to order unhealthy amounts of takeout.
“y’know i feel good about this”
Danny nodded putting the nail polish on the coffee table. “i can see that. look more confident” he added sara agreeing with him.
“just don’t forget about us when you get to go to the met gala. you’ve already done one hit movie, let’s hope this this another”
The script you received was absolutely amazing.
you couldn’t explain it, how it made you feel. You just couldn’t wait to play this character - although it was very different to your last character, you still felt so connected to it. A thriller was something you could never see yourself in, even now you have a hard time believing you’re going to be in one. And the amount of sex scenes thats in it, it did get you a little excited, albeit you were a tiny bit nervous.
“Harry styles” Alexia said over zoom, you grinned and danced around your sitting room.
“What are you dancing about?” danny asked putting the groceries on the counter.
“i’m gonna be having pretend sex with harry fucking styles!” you yelled making alexia cackle and danny dance around the room with you. “this is definitely something to celebrate. i’ll get the wine!” danny said dancing his way to the kitchen.
“well i’m glad you’re not shy. Olivia said harrys quite nervous about it all. obviously he was in dunkirk, but this is his first proper movie” she said making you nod “i know you’ll make him feel comfortable, but you are so confident so please don’t scare him off” alexia teased making you pout.
“i can’t help it. but i’ll make him a gift basket or something” you shrugged and alexia smiled.
“this is why i love you”
“ok so, harry styles, olivia wilde and y/n l/n in one movie?” sara asked making you smile as danny cheered. “my baby is making me so proud” sara cried dragging you up off the floor and spinning you around. you giggled and poured.
“i love you guys so much, y’know that?” you say putting an arm around both of their shoulders.
“eh, we love you too” sara said shrugging her shoulders.
“eh? shut the fuck up. say you love me like you mean it” you say tickling them. “ok! we love you, so much” danny yelled making you stop and put your hands on your hips.
“good to know”
And so the days went by you video chatting with olivia and the other producers. Making sure to check in with everyone as well. Olivia was the sweetest person ever, she called to just talk or to go over any queries or notes you had. She was honestly such a genuine person and you were glad you got to work with someone so kind.
Today was the day you would be meeting some of the cast and producers etc. You hadn’t really seen anyone other than alexis, sara and danny so you were excited.
You’re an outgoing, extroverted person so covid really hit you hard. You get bored easily too, so you really needed this lunch.
Deciding to dress up a little, you put on your favourite flare jeans and white tank top. You tucked it in and placed your red cardigan over it. And obviously your go to shoes were your white converse — your feet haven’t grown since high school, so you call these converse your lucky converse since you’ve worn them at every event. even at a red carpet!
Placing your hair in a braid, you did some natural looking makeup and then placed your rings on your fingers. “I’m going now, sara!” you called out only earning a groan — she had been working late last night so there was no seeing her until at least 2:30.
Danny was out on a hike clearing his energy or some shit he read online.
You were a bit nervous to drive there as you had only gotten your license recently, usually sara insists on driving everyone apparently it’s therapeutic, you’re in actual hell while driving. luckily the restaurant is only 10 minutes drive, so hopefully you make it there alive. you didn’t know how many people would be there, with covid and all you didn’t really know what to expect. You knew olivia would be there, and probably harry too. Which weirdly enough you weren’t too nervous about.
you had made a post on instagram about being excited to work with olivia and harry and the many other amazing people - and the harry fans of course went crazy. But overall everyone took the news really well.
When you arrived at the restaurant there were a few paps, probably there for harry and not expecting you. You’re a new popular actress, so this would make the paparazzi a lot of money. Once word got out that Y/N L/N and harry styles were having lunch together it would probably end it mayhem.
“y/n! over here!” a voice called out as you walked into the restaurant.
You smiled as you saw olivia wave at you. “ah! i’m so sorry i’m late” you say and olivia shook her head bringing you into a hug. “don’t worry about it! we’ve ordered some drinks, got you a coke” she said.
“i’m harry” a deep voice said from behind you, making you look around and see - harry fucking styles - introducing himself to you.
“i know who you are!” you giggled pulling him into a hug, which he obviously didn’t expect, but took it anyways. “i’m y/n” you say pulling back and sitting down infront him crossing your legs.
“i know who you are too” he blushed making you laugh again.
“you’re vegan, right?” you asked and he nodded “yeah, have been for a while. trying hard to stay somewhat healthy over quarantine” he said sipping on his water.
“well, i get a takeout probably two times a week and haven’t been to a gym in, i’d say 5 years”
Harry laughed loudly, making you laugh too. Olivia and the producers gave each other knowing smiles. They really hit the jackpot with this one.
“that wasn’t as bad as i thought” you mumbled as you got your first covid test done. It was very uncomfortable to say the least, but it didn’t hurt and you didn’t pass out so that was a plus.
you were going to start working next thursday, if everything goes to plan. If someone has covid then they obviously have to push it back.
You were so excited to get to work, it wouldn’t be like any other set you’d worked on. But you had a feeling it was going to be one you’ll remember forever.
“how was it?” danny asked as you got back in the car.
“better than expected. uncomfortable, but ok” you mumbled sitting back in the seat. Danny noticed how tired you were so he turned off the music and put down your window a little and let you sleep the whole journey home. You had been at all hours going over your script. This is what happened with you last role, and it was just the way you worked.
By the time you go on set you had everyone’s lines memorised.
The days went by slowly. It was actually quite painful. But your covid results came and you were negative and so was everyone else on the set and in your household. So you could finally get into work.
You were driven to work on thursday by a very nice man called john. He talked non stop, but it was nice to get to talk to some other than sara, danny and your agents.
“Have a good day john” you called out stepping out of the car your new pink mask adorning your face.
you had to get bangs the other day — you never heard the fucking end of it off of danny and sara. you had bangs in high school, along with some really badly done piercings and you told yourself never again. Of course the bangs looked good, they were amazing and you actually suited them this time. But that didn’t stop sara taking out all of the pictures of your freshman year and making you do a side by side for her instagram.
“you look tired” a voice called making you turn around a stick up the middle finger. You recognised the voice immediately, harry styles. He laughed coming beside you in his white vote shirt and tracksuit bottoms.
“i have to go and get my tattooes covered now” you sighed placing your phone in your tote bag, harry nodded “me too, the only time i’ll ever hate getting these tattoos”
“y’know i like them. the tattoos, they suit you” you say opening up the trailer door. harry stopped and smirked “hmm. see you later”
Covering up the tattoos didn’t take as long as you thought. The makeup and hair took a good hour and was painful with the mask - you did nearly pass out from the heat, but luckily harry stopped by with a cup of tea just in time.
That man was something else. Seen as he’s never properly done this before, you thought he’d be full of first day jitters. But no, he’s going trailer to trailer, with tea’s and coffees.
“you nearly ready? we have our first scene soon” harry said leaning against the trailer door. All of you were practically ordered to wear a coat to cover the clothes as some paps had been spotted. It was a rather cold day so it didn’t make a difference to you.
He nodded holding your hand helping you down the steps of the trailer — heels were a real bitch you decided.
“paps and heel are assholes” you say making harry laugh. “you can say that again” he said dropping your hand and walking beside you.
You wanted him to hold your hand.
“don’t worry, i’ll go easy on you” you tease getting a pinch in return.
“more like the other way”
“yeah, christopher nolan movie ey? proper actor”
Harry rolled his eyes with a small smile on his face placing an arm around your shoulder.
“come on, wife.”
The days were long and some days were hard. But harry made everything so much better. Hugging you when you needed it, joking when you needed a laugh. There was paparazzi pictures of harry speaking and you laughing - which was a horrible cackle that made harry laugh. The fans were going crazy for you guys, and you were both asked constantly on whether there could be something more going on with you two.
“Another headline, H”
Harry shook his head with a small smile, placing the chinese onto the plate.
“your first drama headline, i’m so proud” Danny said placing an arm around you. Danny, sara you and now harry had decided to celebrate the first two weeks of filming and now apparently your first drama headline. Something about harry joining in all your tradition and not complaining about the awful food or very obnoxious and rude chats that go in, makes you soft and weirdly enough besotted.
“oh shut up, i’ll tell the paps that i’m dating you again. they’ll never leave you alone” you warn and danny backed off.
“again?” harry asked laughing slightly and passing you the plate full of food.
“everytime danny’s mean to me i tell the paps that we’re dating, even told one i was pregnant and that he didn’t want the baby”
“fuck off. remind me to never get on your badside” harry cackled sitting down beside you his food on the coffee table and his wine in the other. He had, had a good few drinks before hand too — he said “it’s my cheat night”.
Soon enough danny and sara went off to bed, not before danny teased you about how in love you and harry are. “oi! fuck off” harry yelled making danny squeal.
“please chase after me, daddy” danny said running down the hall.
“don’t humour him” you giggled sipping out of your wine glass.
“i’m in love with your friends” he said pausing to take a big gulp of his wine. “they’re just so genuine” he finished leaning back and placing a pillow on his lap. you nodded in agreement.
“we’ve been friends for years, before any of us were like somewhat famous”
“y’know i’ve seen your first movie about 100 hundred times” harry admitted making you flush. “shut up. you’re talking out of your ass” you say taking his wine glass away and pausing netflix.
“i’m serious. had a proper crush on you too” he laughed shaking his head.
“i don’t know if you remember, but i think it was a teens choice awards. and you had gone on stage to get an award and i helped you up the stairs thinking you had heels on” he said and you remember it vividly now.
“oh shit yeah! no, i wore my lucky converse. they’re pretty cool too”
“i think youre pretty” harry whispered moving closer to you. you bit your lip to try and stop yourself from squealing.
“hmmm. ok mr styles”
Before you could come up with another joke harry placed his lips on yours. You didn’t even hesitate in kissing him back, your hands flying to his hair. He moaned at the feeling of you tugging on it.
“you have no idea how long i’ve been wanting to do that for” harry said slightly out of breath.
“don’t worry, darling” you paused.
“me too”
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tetsurouskuro · 4 years
Sweet Temptations
pairing: kuroo tetsurou x fem!reader
warnings: alcohol, swearing, violence, mentions of drugs, dom!kuroo, mafia!au haikyuu, smut, sexual tension, orgasm denial, spitting, spanking (with a belt and hand), hair pulling and other stuff i may have forgotten
word count: 9,654
tag list: @iwaqchan @myherowritings (message me if you want to be added)
a/n: forgive me father for i have sinned!! ok, so i saw THIS! picture of kuroo and all i could think about was “i need to write a mafia!au with kuroo” and here i am and oh god i hope it’s good because it sounded so good in my head and to put everything down to words is on another level!! in this story all of the characters (and you) are a bit older, around 25-ish! also, a big thank you to Sof aka @myherowritings for helping me through with this and listening to my ranting and stuff... anyways... feedback is always appreciated and i hope you guys enjoy it! <3
Synopsis: Kuroo is the grandson of Nekomata Yasufumi, from the Nekoma mafia clan. You’re the granddaughter of Ukai Ikkei, from the Karasuno mafia clan. A arranged marriage between the two of you would mean that two big mafia clans would be able to work together and get even bigger and cover more ground in Japan, but there’s only one thing stopping this from happening... Kuroo and you...
≫ ----- ≪·•♕•·≫ ----- ≪
Scotch whiskey in his hand, two ice cubes in the glass he twirled it around with his wrist while his other hand was pinching the bridge of his nose, eyes shut tightly as he tried to listen to Kenma, his righthand man talk about the current sales going around and how the next shipping was going for the states. Kuroo had one hell of a headache, and not because of the alcohol, no. He was anxious about meeting his boss, his grandfather; Nekomata Yasufumi.
“Kuroo, are you even listening to me?” Kenma sighed at his boss and best friend.
“No.” He answered bluntly, but truthfully. Not looking at the man in front of him.
“What's the matter? We need to get the shipping out soon and there's still a lot of people who haven't paid up our dealers.”
Kuroo opened his eyes, looked at Kenma as he drowned the scotch, the whiskey burning his throat, making his abdomen warm from the liquor. Taking a deep breath, he spoke calmly to Kenma.
“Don't worry about me and send Lev to the dealers. You can always trust a Russian around these kinds of things.” Kuroo stood up from his seat behind the big mahogany desk and walked around it to stand in front of his friend, placing his left hand on Kenma's left shoulder. “Fix it. I have some matters to take care of.”
“Of course, boss.”
≫ ----- ≪·•♕•·≫ ----- ≪
Knocking on the big wooden door, he heard his grandfather speak, giving him the go to come in. Opening the door, Kuroo walked in, his legs carrying him inside with confident steps. The room was beautifully decorated. On the left wall was a built-in bookshelf. Books recorded back to the early 1700-century. To the right was a wine-red leather sofa, in front of it a rectangular coffee table. In the far corner of the room was a 1600-century Italian old-world globe bar. It stood open and two glasses were missing.
Looking in front of him, his grandfather was sitting behind a similar mahogany desk that he had in his office. Two chairs stood in front of the desk. Walking over Kuroo unbuttoned his suit jacket and took a seat in one of them, sighing in the process. Nekomata watching his only grandson, he could tell that the young man in front of him was stiff.
“Relax, son. What are you so worried about?”
“Ojii-chan,” was all Kuroo spoke. Nekomata placed a tumbler in front of him and Kuroo, each glass was half full.
“I didn't call you to talk business son. I wanted to talk to you about the Ukai's.” This made Kuroo perch up.
“You know that you're marrying Ukai Ikkei's granddaughter in a couple of weeks, right?”
“Yeah, I know. It's an agreement our parents made before they died.” Both yours and Kuroo's parents had died when both of you were 5 years old, him being 7. Both Nekomata and Ukai did not want their grandchildren to be put in any foster home, so they took you in.
“Correct.” Nekomata pushed one of the half full glasses to Kuroo and both men brought them up to their lips, taking a sip. Kuroo started to think about his fiancée. Did she like whiskey or brandy? Truth to be told, he did not care. It also showed how little he knew about his soon-to-be wife. He did not know anything significant about her, other than her name and birthday. Everything else, Ukai Ikkei had kept buried. There were no pictures of you anywhere. No social media accounts or driver license. Nothing. You were like a ghost to him. If he did not know any better, he would've thought you didn't exist.
But it made sense, though. Kuroo would have done the same if he had a daughter. Family was everything. It was one thing his grandfather had drilled into his and the other members heads since they were children.
“There has been some change of plans. She's on her way here now.”
“You heard. Ukai and I talked and come to the agreement that she should come here now and the two of you should get to know each other.” Kuroo didn't want to get married. He didn't want to marry you. He wanted to have the freedom of not being tied down to one woman.
But he also wanted to honor his family. Mostly his grandfather. Nekomata Yasufumi had done everything he could for Kuroo. At the age of 5, he had learned the truth about what his family was doing. At the age of six, he had learned how to fire of a gun, being skilled already at that young age. But most importantly, he had learned that blood is thicker than water. Family was everything. Absolute.
“You need to stop fucking that whore you bring around so much,” this made Kuroo smirk. Natasha, the whore Nekomata was talking about was the girl Kuroo had by his bed to pleasure him. She wasn't good looking, or smart for that matter, but that wasn't why Kuroo kept her. She had a good throat and a nice cunt.
“I'll get rid of her. I know what our agreement says.”
“Infidelity. Keep that snake in your pants.” Kuroo laughed at his grandfather.
“If I have to throw a paper bag over her while I fuck her, then I'll do it, Ojii-chan.”
“End it, now.” Kuroo stands up and throws back the rest of his whiskey.
“I will. When is she here?”
“They're already on the road, so approximately three hours. Don't be late.”
“I won't.” Kuroo stands up and is just about to leave when Nekomata hands him a big file.
“Read it. Yamamoto broke through their firewall and got a hold of their records.” Kuroo smirks at his grandfather and exits the room. The day couldn't get any better now.
≫ ----- ≪·•♕•·≫ ----- ≪
“Yuu, what are you doing?”
“Huh? Oh! I'm playing a game.”
“Now? You're supposed to read the map!”
“Well, last time I checked it was still 5 miles left until the next exit!”
“Guys. Please I'm trying to read back here...”
“Sorry boss!”
Sighing at the two men in the front seat, you skimmed through the files that your grandfather had handed you (he and his goddamn files). There it was all the information about your future husband and the rest of his family.
“I can't believe Nekoma almost tripled their profits in less than a year,” you spoke loudly. Not really expecting one of the two men in the front seat to answer.
“They've also somehow gotten their drugs into Nohebi territories. Mexico, Russia, and the damn States. They have networks going through most of East Asia, those city boys.” Tanaka states and you laugh at his nickname for the Nekoma.
“Soon it'll be yours too, boss,” Nishinoya turns around in his seat to look at you and gives you reassuring smile.
“That's if he accepts the last-minute change in the contract,” you answer him back.
“You mean, where you demand to be kept informed and in agreement with his future decisions involving the business?” Tanaka laughs. “It'll be interesting to see his reaction.”
“It will be indeed. I allowed them to hack into our records also earlier today.” The men laugh at that. Not because it's funny, no. They laugh because Nekoma thought they had you now. Or so they thought.
≫ ----- ≪·•♕•·≫ ----- ≪
“I'm telling you boss, they won't dare step another foot in our territory again,” Lev spoke as he took a sip of his can of soda.
“Good. Anything else? I need to get going soon. Kenma you're in charge while I'm gone.”
“Wait, where are you going?” Lev asked while Kenma just nodded as he read through some information Yamamoto had sent him earlier on his phone, his eyes never leaving the screen.
“Family business. If the Nohebi try anything else, you know what to do. No need to hold back.” Kuroo spoke with an even voice as he pulled on his suit jacket.
“By the way, boss. Are you friend with the Fukurodani boss?” Yaku spoke from his spot on the leather sofa.
“Yeah. Grew up with him. Why?” Kuroo quirked an eyebrow at the short savage.
“There's a file he sent us.”
“I'll read through it later,” Kuroo said and walked towards the door and said goodbye to the group that had formed in the basement of the hidden base. He walked to the underground garage and unlocked his jet-black Audi R8, taking a seat and speeding to the exit. Once he had turned and driven for 5 minutes, there was an incoming call, he simply connecter it to the car Bluetooth.
“Ojii-chan, I'm on my way.”
“Hurry. They're already here.”
“I figured. I'm 15 minutes away.” Hanging up, Kuroo let out a big sigh. He was not looking forward to this meeting. He wasn't looking forward to meeting you. He didn't want a wife. Yet, he wanted to know what you looked like. He was a little intrigued. He was about to spend the rest of his life with you.
Pulling up to the private road that led to the Nekoma mansion he parked the car next to a big SUV and got out. Walking towards the stairway that led him inside, he opened the door and walked in, announcing his arrival. He could hear chatter and he followed the sound of the voices, leading him into the dining room. Walking in he is met with his grandfather, a tall muscular man with a buzzcut, a short but also muscular man. The shortest had black hair, ruffled upwards. A tiny tuft of his hair falls over his forehead and is bleached dirty blond. Both men looked dangerous and he knew they were your bodyguards.
His eyes then travel to find yours and his breath hitches. You were the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on. From where he stood, he could tell you were perfection. From your wavy, (y/h/c) hair, flawless skin, and deep (y/e/c) eyes, to your perfect hourglass figure. The knee-length black dress hugged each and every one of your curves. But your ass – fuck. It was like your lips were demanded to be kissed, and Kuroo's cock demanded to have his way with you right then and there.
“It's a pleasure to finally meet you, I'm Kuroo Tetsurou,” Kuroo's eyes never leaving you. As if it only were the two of you there.
“Pleasure's all mine. You're taller than I expected.” You laugh. “I'm (y/n) (y/l/n).”
“6'2 to be exact, but who's counting.”
“Tanaka. Nishinoya. Could you leave us alone so we can go over the contract?”
“Gentlemen, if you would follow me,” Nekomata speaks and Kuroo watches as the men exit the dining room, watching their backs disappear. Turning his head, he sees that you are watching him. His eyes are cold, his hazel orbs looking into yours. His facial expression is narrow, you can't read this man at all. You just stand there, watch this beautiful man in front of you and wonder what type of person he is. Is he brutal as the words are said about him back in the Miyagi prefecture?
Kuroo turns around and walks to the bar and pours himself a drink. Without turning to look at you he asks, “Would you like a drink?”
“No, thank you.” You answer him back, moving your legs to the windows. Watching and taking in the scenery. Soon this would be your new home, and behind you stood your future husband. Your fiancée, who you didn't know anything about and that was scary for you. It was one thing dealing with weapons and drugs, those were materials that you could handle and knew HOW to handle. This, Kuroo Tetsurou, was different. He had a brain, heart and soul for himself.
“How much are you involved in the business?” Kuroo speaks, turning around you see that he has taken a seat by the bar. Scanning him up and down, the black three-piece Giorgio Armani suit sits tightly around his thick thighs, arms and shoulders. The white button-down shirt is tight against his chest and abdomen, and the dark red tie is completing the look, making him look edible. He is leaning back in his seat; his elbows are bracing his weight as he slowly sips his liquor and watches you as he does it. Your panties are suddenly very, very damp but you would not let him see you this effected by just his looks. Composing yourself you answer his question.
“I oversee the weapons and drugs that come in and out of all of Miyagi. I am also in charge of selling the weapons to potential businesses, but also to send out threats and deal with any problem that may occur. It's also I who holds the annual gala and fundraising events that occur here in Tokyo for my grandfather’s business.”
“Wow. Impressive. For a woman.”
“Excuse me?”
“But you don't go out and handle clients?” Kuroo ignores your little outburst and questions you further.
“Oh. I do that too, Kuroo.”
“Interesting,” his glass is empty, and he sets it down on the bar, stands up and walks over to you. Even with your 5” heels he's still towering over your small frame. “Shall we sign the papers?”
“Have you read through the contract?”
“I've read it so many times I've memorized it now. Just sign the contract.”
“I've made some changes. You should re-read it.” Walking towards the table where the paper was lying, he picked it up and scanned the two lines that had been changed.
“You're kidding,” he snickered. “You're asking to basically babysit how I run my business?”
“Ah-ah. We are not married yet. It will be ours or there's no deal, so Kuroo Tetsurou, sign the paper and rule over both the Karasuno and Nekoma or leave it and there's no deal.” Stunned. His facial expression turns to pure hatred. To think that you were a witch. He was angered, his cock was hard, and he wanted to fuck some sense into you on the dining table.
Picking up the pen, he signed his signature next to yours. Kuroo agreed because of the honor he has for his family and wanted to please his grandfather. Yes, he would have liked you to be a wife that stayed at home, who cooked and cleaned. A wife he could fuck whenever he felt like it. But the mere thought of having you with him. Killing people together and seeing a ruthless side of you made his cock twitch in excitement.
“If you for a second think I'm gonna listen to you. You're wrong. You think you got power, but so do I so all I'm gonna say is game on, Kuroo Tetsurou.”
In mere seconds Kuroo had grabbed you, pushing you against the nearest wall. One hand bracing both of your wrists above your head and his other holding you by the throat – hard enough so you would not escape, but not hard enough so he's choking you.
“First, your joke?” he spoke, panting in your face like some lion who's about to jump his prey. “Not funny.”
“Second,” slowly lifting his hand around your throat so he's holding your cheeks now. His thumb brushed over your lips. “The very moment that ink touched that fucking paper, you were mine. Mine to fuck. Mine to fucking command, and mine to put in your fucking place.”
“And third,” he crashes his lips to yours brutally. Your body loving the sensation, but your brain screaming for you to stop him. He pulls away and continues talking. “You're gonna stop this macho behavior, sit at my side and you stay beautiful, like a lady.”
He crashes his lips against your again – sealing this deal with a kiss. Again, he pulls away and you stared at him wide-eyed. “Are you finished?”
“Not quite. I don't think I'll ever be finished with you, (y/n).” Pulling your head back and smashing it against his so he tumbles back, you gently massage your wrists at the friction, also hating the feeling of missing his body against yours.
“Touch me again and kiss me again without my permission and I'll put a bullet between your eyes when you sleep, got it?”
“Don't boss me around and throw some empty threats at me, kitten. I'll be the one who rules when we're married. You'll obey me and listen to me, got it?”
He leaves the room, slamming the door after him as he leaves. Seconds later Tanaka and Nishinoya rushes in. “What happened?”
“Nothing. I'm fine.” If Kuroo, for one second thought he had won, he was wrong. You were just getting started.
≫ ----- ≪·•♕•·≫ ----- ≪
A week later you had moved your things from Miyagi all the way to Tokyo, your new home. And of course, you'd moved in into the Nekoma mansion. You had gotten your own room, which you were thankful for.
When you arrived at the mansion after all the moving staff had fixed everything around for you, you didn't expect Kuroo to be waiting for you, in your room and asking how your trip went.
“Good. I thought you only cared about your company?” Closing the door and crossing your arms over your chest you watched as he stood straight, walking with confident towards you.
“I'm not that much of an asshole.”
“You kind of are though.”
“Watch it, or I might lock you up in the basement.” The man was in front of you now, his tall frame confident and a smirk on his face. You wanted to punch it away.
“Is that how you cats treat your woman?”
“No. It's how I treat my woman when she doesn't listen to me.” This sent shivers down your spine and left your panties damp. This ruthless behavior that he had was getting dangerous. It was making your head spin, almost like you were losing consciousness.
“What makes you think I won't be able to get out?”
“Oh, I know you'll be able to get out, kitten. I just don't think you'd appreciate the outcome of it.”
“What do you know? Maybe I like getting spanked and tortured in your chambers,” just as those words left your lips his face is in front of yours.
“Is that something you want to happen?” You looked into his hazel eyes and gulped. “Because I can make it happen kitten. Just say the word.”
“Brush that smirk off of your face before I punch you in the face,” you pull him away, but the man barely moves. Just as he's about to say something there's a knock on the door. The door opens and a tall man with light grey hair walks in.
“Excuse me boss, but they're waiting for you in the basement.”
“Thanks Lev, I'll be right there.”
“Wait, what's going on?” You watched as the man, Lev, leaves the room and closes the door behind him.
“Nothing for you to worry about, kitten. I'll see you tonight,” he leaves a sweet kiss on your cheek as he straightens up, turns around and heads to the door.
“Yeah, tonight. Dinner. You and me. 6PM. Don't be late.” He opens and exits the door, without uttering another word. Leaving you standing in the middle of your room, staring at the door and wondering what just happened. You were irritated, but also hot and bothered. How was tonight gonna end?
≫ ----- ≪·•♕•·≫ ----- ≪
Walking down the stone staircase that would lead you to the patio where Kuroo was waiting for you in high heels was a challenge, but you were no woman that takes them off. You accepted every challenge that came your way.
You decided to wear a off-shoulder floor length black dress with a side slit. Your hair pulled into a tight ponytail and some nude smokey eye makeup, making you look like the boss that you were.
When you reached the patio, Kuroo was sitting by the far end of the table and waiting. His eyes locked on the phone as he kept typing something. The sound of a chair being pulled back made him look up and lock eyes with you. He could feel his cock twitch in his pants at the sight of you.
A young girl, probably working for Kuroo had pulled out the chair for you. You took him in as you sat yourself down. Dress shoes (probably), black pants, a black button-down shirt, the first button undone and a suit jacket. If you thought you were hot and bothered before, your panties said a completely different story now as they were drenched.
“You look beautiful, kitten.”
“Thanks. You look rather dashing yourself, Kuroo.” He smirked at you and lifted two fingers, signaling for the girl to leave you two alone. Once she leaves, Kuroo takes a sip from his glass, his eyes gazing into yours.
“So, Kuroo. Are you gonna tell me where you went earlier?”
“It's nothing for you to worry about. I handled it.”
“It doesn't matter. If we're gonna get married and rule this 'empire' together you need to meet me halfway.”
“I don't have to do a thing. I tell you what I want to tell you and if I want to tell you.” Standing up, he walks towards the other end of the table where you're sat and stops at your side, slowly lowering his head so his lips are brushing against your ear. “And one of these days, you won't be able to say no to me. I'll fuck you so hard that you want me to stop.”
Gulping, squeezing your thighs together and the way his voice and words were making your body shiver of excitement, but also wanting to punch him for thinking he had some kind of mastership of you. Taking a deep breath, you collected yourself to answer him.
“I want in on this too. If someone is messing up with my business, or my stuff I want that sucker to feel pain because no one fucks with me; not even you. So, you're gonna start treating my like your wife and business partner or I'll find that marriage agreement and rip it apart.”
“And what would happen if I don't agree with you?” His breath hits your neck as you can feel his breathing beside you. His lips come down on your neck and you close your eyes for a brief second, loving the sensation, but opening them fast as you can't let him have his way. Not yet anyway. You need to stand your ground and show him that you're just as stubborn as he is.
“If you don't agree. I'll break off this fucking arrangement and then burn you to the ground.” Turning your head to look at him, you see him smile at you. His face mere inches from yours.
“One of Nohebi's men were caught trying to steal some of my cocaine and Lev, the man you saw earlier, caught him and tied him up in the basement. I beat him to the pulp, cut off two of his fingers and then sent him to his boss, with a sweet message.”
“And I couldn't be there because?”
“Because this was my shit to handle and I had something else I wanted to do before I did that.”
“Which was?”
“Gimmie your hand,” reaching out your left hand for him, he pulls on a big fat juicy diamond engagement on your ring finger.
“Buying that. I'm not liking this with letting you in on my business, 'kay? This is all new to me, but I will slowly let you in. Not entirely, but eventually everything that's mine... will be yours. Ours.”
“Kuroo, I-”
“But listen to me carefully. Now that you have that ring it means that you are mine. All mine. You will listen to me and do as I say. When I want to fuck you, you will let me. If you do as I say, I will reward you and... I will also give you what you want. In return.”
He pulls away from you and you watch as he turns around and walks back to his seat.
“Now, (y/n). Are you hungry? 'Cause I am starving.”
≫ ----- ≪·•♕•·≫ ----- ≪
“I'm going to New York tomorrow to do some business with a friend of mine. I'll be back on Friday.”
“I can't come with you?”
“No. Not this time.”
Sighing at him you nod your head. You accept; for now. “Okay.”
You feel him push your back against the door to your room, both of your hands behind your back, him holding them in place as his lips are just inches from yours. “Good girl. Finally, you listen to me. Why you gotta be so disobedient?”
“'Cause life would be boring for you if I wasn't,” you manage to squeeze those words, just in time for his lips to crash against yours. Your head tilted back as you welcome his tongue into your mouth. Tasting both the liquor and food from him. His body comes closer and you can feel his rock-hard cock press against your lower abdomen.
“I am the only one who gets to touch you and make you come, you got that?” You just nodded your head.
Good. Now you should get some sleep. I'll see you when I get back.” And just like that, he leaves you, leaving one last kiss on your lips. Not wanting to seem totally desperate for him, you open the door to your room, walk in and close it, leaning your back against it. Feeling your own arousal, you decide to do something about it. Walking towards your bedside table, you open your drawer and pull out your purple dildo and climb onto the bed.
If you can't have Kuroo's cock now, at least you could imagine it was him fucking you instead of that dildo of yours.
≫ ----- ≪·•♕•·≫ ----- ≪
The next morning you get woken up by the birds chirping outside your bedroom window. The sun shines through the curtains and hits you in the face, making you scrunch your face in disgust; you were not a morning person.
Stretching yourself on the big king-size bed you hear some strange sound and look to your left, seeing a white-yellowish envelope. Sitting up, you reach for it and open it, pulling out a paper, a handwritten note and start reading.
Good morning kitten, the fact that you touched yourself yesterday without my permission has my blood boiling. I told you that only I am allowed to touch you and make you come.
So, for being so disobedient, I've taken all of your toys and burned them all up. No need for you to have them when you have me, right?
Be a good girl and listen to your fiancé, if you want to come just call me and I'll fix it for you.
If I find out that you've been touching yourself without my permission again, I'll punish you when I get back. I've got eyes and ears everywhere.
I'll see you on Friday, kitten.
That fucking bastard.
You scrunched the piece of paper and threw it on the ground. Throwing yourself off the bed and pulling on your nightgown you are just about to head to the nearest staff member when your phone rings, knowing full well who it was.
“What do you want?” You answer angrily.
“I take it you've read my letter?”
“Oh, I've read it and I'm just about to burn it.”
“Ouch, kitten. My first love letter for you and you're already breaking my heart,” you could hear his smirking on the line and wanted to punch his pretty face.
“If this is breaking your heart, then you're easily pleased.”
“Oh, kitten. I am no-where pleased. I'll be pleased when I got you on my bed and my cock deep inside that cunt of yours,” you shivered at his words and could feel a tingling sensation in your lower abdomen, knowing full well what he was doing to you. He was gonna be gone for 5 days, meaning he had 5 days to tease you and if he continued like this then these 5 days were gonna be hell, especially if you could not touch yourself.
“You'll have to wait a long while for that to happen, Tetsurou.”
“The way you say my name kitten, next time you'll be screaming it,” a little laugh escapes his lips. “I need to go, just arrived at the jet. Don't miss me too much, when I get back, I'll have my way with you.”
He hangs up and you throw yourself on the bed. If you thought you could deny him much longer, you were dead wrong. You wanted him yesterday. You wanted him today; you wanted him now.
A knock on the door woke you up from your Kuroo thoughts. “Come in.”
The door opened and in walked one of your closest friends.
“Oh my god Daichi,” you jumped out of bed and into his arms. “What are you doing here?”
“Is that how you greet everyone? Just kidding. The old man sent me here to keep an eye on you.”
“Keep an eye on me? Why?”
“To make sure that the wedding happens. We all know how you've treated your other boyfriends.”
“I'm not gonna kill this one, okay?”
“I believe it when I see it,” Daichi laughs and you pout at him. “How's he? Kuroo?”
“Ugh, he's a sexist. A possessive and dominant bastard that looks down on woman.”
“But? I feel like a but is coming.”
“BUT... he's a sexy motherfucker that is teasing me and giving me all of these sexual desires that I haven't felt before and I've never wanted to fuck and kill someone as fast and hard as with him.”
“Seems like you've got it under control then?”
“Yeah. He's on his way to New York and will be back on Friday.”
“And when he gets back? What are you gonna do?”
“Nothing. Or maybe. No, I don't know. These emotions and feelings that are erupting from me is something new. I want him, all the love and hate. But I'm also scared because opening up to someone is dangerous in our business.”
“Oh, I know darling, but he's in this business as well and he's worse than you. I've met Kuroo before with the old man and when he loved and cares for something, he puts all of his heart into it. So, if something were to happen to you, he'd be sure to put a bullet on that bastard.”
“He thinks I'm his property, like I'm not a human being.”
“(y/n), we're the mafia and we protect our own and soon you'll be each other’s. He's gonna be your husband soon. Accept it.”
“What am I gonna do then? When he gets back?”
“You'll have to wait and see.”
≫ ----- ≪·•♕•·≫ ----- ≪
It had gone two days since you last saw and spoke to Kuroo. You thought of him all the time. You even started to wear a elastic band around your wrist and snapped it every time you thought of him, but you had started to turn red because you were basically snapping your wrist all the time so you gave that up pretty quickly.
Now, you stood in front of your ensuite, brushing your hair and getting ready for bed. It was 1 am in Tokyo. 12 pm in New York. You didn't want to call him. Calling him meant that you thought about him, which you did but, it was different.
The sound of your phone vibrating against the marble counter made you jump as your thoughts had wandered to him once again.
“Kitten. Why aren't you sleeping?”
“I was just getting ready for bed, but a very disturbing person called me, and I wanted to see what he wanted.”
“Sounds like an interesting man to me.”
“I'm sure he does... what do you want?”
“There should be a package coming for you about... now.” A knock on your bedroom door could be heard and you walked out of the ensuite and opened the door. There on the ground was a white package with a black ribbon around it.
“What's this?”
“Open it.”
“I will. But what is it?”
“Open it. You'll see, kitten.” Rolling your eyes, you closed the door behind you and placed Kuroo on speaker and threw the phone on your bed, the white package beside him. Pulling on the black string, the ribbon came undone and you lifted the lid and gasped.
“Kuroo... this is...”
“Put them on.”
“What? No!”
“Do. It.”
“(y/n)... do as I say.”
You sighed and finally gave in. You pulled your panties down your legs and then put on the new ones. Kuroo had someone deliver a pair of vibrating panties. “Now what?”
“Now. Lay down on the bed. Put me on speaker and then place the phone beside.” You climbed onto the bed and did as he said.
“Good. Now kitten, tell me about your day.”
“My day? I went with Tanaka, Nishinoya and Dai- OH GOD!” Suddenly the panties started to vibrate.
“Hm? What was that?” The vibrating stopped and you gasped. That little fucker.
“I said. I went with Tanaka, Nishinoya and Daichi to the mall and bought some-fuck, Jesus, shit... s-some dresses.” The vibrating started again. The sensation hitting your clit perfectly, making your hips buck at the feeling. But also, wishing it was his fingers instead of some material rubbing against your sensitive bud.
“Some dresses huh? What kind of dresses?”
“Pretty ones.” You answered bluntly. You didn't want to talk. You just wanted to feel. And come.
“Kitten...” Kuroo's voice sounded dark and the vibrations stopped once again. You instantly missed the feeling. “Behave.”
“They're all different. Long, mid-thigh, short and so on. You'll see them when you get back.”
“Oh, will I?” Kuroo started the vibrations again, but this time he had increased the speed, making you moan out.
“Does it feel good, kitten. Do you want more?”
“Fuck, yes,” you answered him with a moan. Your hands fisting the duvet cover, eyes closed, mouth open and your head thrown back. Your back slightly bent and your knees pulled up. You weren't near close but as for having been horny for at least a week now, you just wanted to come. The release you got on the night before he decided to burn all your sex toys hadn't satisfied you enough.
“What do you want, kitten? Tell me.”
“Fuck, I want you. I want your cock.”
“Oh? Really?”
“Yes, really. You dumb fuck. Oh god, Kuroo.” He increased the speed once more and now you felt how your lower abdomen was tightening. “So close.”
“Good kitten. Now you've made me a very happy man. You wanna come?”
“Fuck, yes. Let me fucking come already.” The pressure started to keep getting stronger and stronger.
“I don't think so, kitten.” He turns it off. The pressure in your lower abdomen slowly started to fade but you still wanted to come. You didn't give a fuck anymore.
“What the fuck, Kuroo?”
“I'm the one who decides when and how you come. Don't forget that.”
“I'm not taking orders from you. Stupid sexist of a man. If you're not gonna finish it for me, I'll do it myself.”
“(y/n). Don't. You. Dare.”
“Or what? Are you gonna punish me? When? You're not here. I'll finish myself off without you.” Grabbing your phone, you clicked him. Putting an end to the call.
He had the audacity to boss you around, to think he could decide for you. No. You weren't going to listen to him. You pulled off the panties he gave you and stomped to the bathroom and threw them in the trash-can.
Stomping back to the bed, you pulled away the duvet cover and climbed into bed. Looking at your phone you saw a text message from him, and a picture.
Opening the message, you bit your lower lip, seeing what he sent you.
On the picture was Kuroo. He was stood in front of a mirror in just his briefs. Grabbing his cock through the briefs, seeing as it was hard underneath the material. Just from the picture you could tell that he was big, and that made your mouth water.
Underneath the picture was his message.
I'm so hard for you kitten.
I'M WET FOR YOU. You wanted to reply but didn't. You were still pissed off and you wouldn't let him get away easily. You had a plan how to get back at him. Alas, he was gonna kill you for it.
≫ ----- ≪·•♕•·≫ ----- ≪
It was finally Friday. You had put on one of the new dressed that you'd bought. It was a short golden cocktail dress with a bare back. Your hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail. A pair of high heels and a makeup look that suited the outfit made you look fuckable.
You had asked Kiyoko and Hitoka to go clubbing with you, which they didn't say no to.
Also, you knew Kuroo would be home late and when he would find out you were out clubbing and other men being able to see you looking like that, he was going to murder either you, the men, or both.
Besides having the two girls with you, you also had Daichi and Tanaka at your side as bodyguards. One thing your grandfather always told you was to always bring them with you whenever you could. Walking up to the club, the bouncers didn't ask for your name, they just moved aside and let you and your company inside. You could feel the ground shaking from the loud music that was blasting from the speakers. It was crowded, as expected for a Friday night. "Be careful boss," Tanaka spoke to you and you smiled at him.
"I will. I'll kill anyone who tries to lay a hand on me." "We know. But be careful," Daichi spoke next. "(Y/n)? Let's go dance," Kiyoko said and interrupted the conversation between the three of you, grabbed yours and Hitoka's hand and pulled the both of you into the dancefloor. The three of you stood in the middle of the dancefloor and moved your bodies to the music. After about 20 minutes it was time for some drinking. Hitoka went to look for an empty table while Kiyoko went to fetch some drinks. Just as you were about to join Hitoka you felt a tap on your shoulder. Turning around you see a tall man, well-built and quite good looking. But he wasn't Kuroo. "Hi, I promised myself that if you were ever to be alone, I'd come and say hello cause you might be one of the prettiest woman I've ever laid eyes on." "Thank you, that's very... sweet. Of. You." Your voice trailed off as behind the man you could see a face you hadn't seen in a while and that face was staring at yours. Kuroo stood by the exit door, both arms by his side and both of his fists clammed together tight. He was angry. He was fuming. He was seeing red. And, to make matters ever worse. You grabbed the stranger by his neck, pulled him down so you could say into his ear "let's dance". Grabbing the strangers hand you pull him farther into the dancefloor, farther away from Kuroo and on queue the song "Love Sex Magic" by Ciara and Justin Timberlake starts playing and you decide to start dancing sexually with the man. Your ass is rubbing teasingly at the stranger’s crotch as his hands are placed on your hips. But they leave you soon and you know why, because soon the stranger is being pulled away from you and you're being dragged across the dancefloor and to the exit. The cold air hits your body as Kuroo is still dragging you until you reach his car. He opens the passenger seats door. "Get in." "I think not. I'm here with my friends and I wanna party, so thanks but no thanks." "(Y/n). Get. In. The. Fucking. Car. NOW!" You decide to listen because; a) he's really pissed and b) your plan had worked out wonderfully. Taking a seat, you buckle up as Kuroo slams the door shut and walks around to sit in the driver’s seat. Kuroo quickly starts the car and speeds away. He drives in silence. The both of you are keeping your mouths shut and it's for the better. "Kuroo, I-" "Shut up. Keep quiet. Don't fucking talk to me right now," he interrupts you. His knuckles turning white from the hard grip he's having on the steering wheel.
You sat quiet in your seat, looking out as you passed the city. The city lights shining on the road. But it was when Kuroo drove into a underground garage that had you stiff in your seat. Where was he taking you? He parked the car and got out quickly. He walked around to your side and opened the car door for you. "Out." You placed both of your feet on the ground and got up, doing it seductively, almost flashing your panties to him. Once you were stable enough on the ground, he grabbed you hand, hard, and pulled you away with him. He was walking fast, a little too fast for your liking. "Kuroo, slow down I can't walk that fast in these heels." "Oh, I'm sorry," you feel yourself being pushed against the cement wall of the garage, his hand around your throat. "Maybe you should've thought about that before you decided to dress up as a whore and go acting like one in one of my clubs." Even though you should be scared, you're not. You're wet by this action of his. The grip around your throat isn't hard, just firm. Like he's holding you in place. You're breathing heavily, your chest moving up and down. Your hard nipples are pressing against the fabric of your dress. "Your club?" Are the words that escape your lips. "Yes. My club. Do you know the frustration I got when I land and get a phone call from my staff there telling me that my fiancée just walked in wearing nothing but a garment around her," his free hand travel from inside your thighs to your core where you want him to touch you. "Would've you have liked anyone else touching you here, is that it?" His fingers teasing you outside of your panties. "Did you want that man touching you, is that it kitten? Or were you thinking that his hands were mine?" Now his fingers flick slightly at your sensitive bud outside of your panties. "N-No," you moan out. "No?" He withdraws from you and starts walking towards the entrance of the building, his hand in yours. You reach a small elevator, inside there's a keypad, he presses some numbers and the doors starts closing. There's tension in the air that could be cut with a knife. You release his hand and cross your arms over your chest and keep looking at him, taking him in. The suit he's wearing looks so good on him. Your eyes travel down to his crotch. You can see the outline of his hard cock.
"Are you just gonna stand there and watch?" The elevator starts to move up, the numbers getting higher in the small screen both above the doors and on the keypads. You still haven't answered him. You still keep looking at his crotch seductively. Kuroo starts moving towards you. You stand still and watch his feet get closer until they're in front of you. "Do you wanna touch it?" You slowly move your head upwards and look into his eyes. They're very intense and hard. Dark even. If looks could kill... Placing your hands on his hips you move them upwards to his chest, feeling his warm and hard muscles underneath, still not breaking eye contact. You slowly back away, being free from him for a second before he pulls you towards him; chest against chest. "Kitten... when your entire life is based on taking everything by force, it's hard to react in a different way. Especially if someone is taking away a pleasure you really desire..." His breath hits you in the face. "Don't provoke me." "Or what?" He presses you hard against the elevator mirror. Both of your hands above your head, his hand holding them in place while his other hand is grabbing your ass cheek. His tongue is invading yours and you welcome it, letting his tongue dance with yours. Tasting whiskey and mint from him. Suddenly the elevator car stops and the pulls away and sets you free, but only to grab your hand and pull you inside an apartment and slam you onto the wall beside the elevator. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard you won't be able to feel your legs for days." "K-Kuroo," you moan out as he starts kissing your throat. "When I fuck you, I want you to call me by my name." His words send shivers down your spine, making your nipples perk harder than before. Kuroo's hands grabs the hem of your dress and rips it apart and throws it behind him, the golden garment landing on the floor. "Kuroo, what the actual fuck?" "I'll buy you a new one," his lips travel to your naked breasts and he starts sucking on your right nipple, making you moan out and throw your head back against the wall. Suddenly he has you in the air and you wrap your legs around his waist, his arms holding you in place and his mouth back on yours as he walks you towards the living room and then into a kitchen. One of his arms lets you go and he throws something, or some things off the kitchen island, the sound of glass breaking on the floor. "I'll have someone clean that up later," he places you on the island and pushes your chest down so you're lying with your back against it. His arms grab your hips and pulls them towards him, your ass being on the edge of the island. "Now... What should we do with you?" He asks with a smirk on his face, his gaze being planted on your pelvis and going down. His fingers trace the edge of your panties, teasing you. Suddenly there's a a sharp dig in your hips and the sound of your panties being torn apart. "You won't be needing them anyway," his lips starts kissing around your areola. "Stop teasing me and just fuck me already," you moan out. Grabbing a hold of his messy hair in your hands. "You don't deserve being fucked just yet," he answers and grabs your thighs and starts kissing down your abdomen and to your core.
His tongue flick at your sensitive bud, making you jump from the friction; both good and bad. Usually, you didn't let men go down on you, you saw it as a type of weakness. A weakness you didn't want and liked showing. But now, here you were spread out naked on a kitchen island while Kuroo sucked on your clit making you shiver, moan and pull on his hair and wanting more. More than you've ever wanted before in your life. Losing control, a control you wanted back but also didn't. "F-Fuck. Kuroo. I- Stop. Shit," you sounded like a confused mess. A mess that Kuroo loved, but he wanted you messier. "Stop? Why? Because you can't control your own body? Oh, kitten... you lost control over your body the minute you became mine." Kuroo's tongue licks up and down your slit, spreading your juices all over. Tasting every bit of you. He then pulls back, and his thumb start to do slow circular motions on your clit. "What do you want, kitten?" "More. I want more." "More of what?" "More of you." "And who am I, kitten? Tell me," his thumb presses a little harder on your clit. Your back arching as the sudden pressure developing in your lower abdomen. "Fuuuuck. I-. Dammit Kuroo." "Not the answer I'm looking for," he stops paying attention to your clit. He stops paying attention to you at all. He just looks at you, waiting for his answer. "Do you always get what you want?" "Isn't it obvious that I do? Now answer my question. Who am I?" "Well. You're a lot of things. An asshole. A sadist. A sexist. A killer. A murderer. A drug lord. A possessive fucked up douche of a man." He then stands up straight and pulls off his suit jacket and throws it on the ground nearby. Then, his fingers start slowly unbuttoning his dress shirt, your eyes gazing at his fingers as they move down and suddenly, he's half naked as he discards his shirt as well. "Get off the island. Turn around and bend over. Spread your legs. NOW!" You take your time getting down, doing it so seductively as you can. His eyes watch your tits jump when you land on the floor and then quickly travel to your ass when you're bent over. "And now what? You gonna spank me?" You let out a small laugh but silence yourself when you hear him unbuckle his belt and remove it from his belt loops. "Spanking to put it mildly. Now, how many times have you disobeyed me?" "Disobeyed? Who do you think-" the harsh pain of his belt hitting your ass cheek has you both stiff and wanting more. "That's one. I think you at least deserve 5 more, kitten." His belt hits you again. And again. And again, until he's hit you 6 times in total. Your ass cheeks red from the friction of the belt hitting you. Your pussy leaking put juices from being so wet from the action. "Hands behind your back," he commands, and you obey, putting your hands behind your back. Kuroo takes the belt and tightens them around your wrists. Once he's done, he takes a step back to admire you from a distance, taking you in. Completely naked, only in those high heels that he wants you to wear while he fucks you. To stab into his lower back while his cock sinks into your folds. "Fucking perfect," he states and gets behind you again and pushes one finger inside your cunt. Your walls clamping around his finger. Wanting more. Needing more. "Fuck. Kuroo. Please." 
”Please what kitten?”
“Please, fuck me. Just fuck me already.” He adds yet another finger inside your cunt and starts pumping them in and out of you.
“Say my name, kitten. Say it.”
“Kuroo.” A slap on your ass cheek and you let out a loud moan from both his fingers giving you pleasure but also from the slap from his hand.
“Say. My. Name.”
“Fuck. Tetsurou. Fuck me Tetsu-Oh my god!” Another slap and his fingers disappear only to be replaced by his cock filling you up all the way.
“Fuck you’re so tight. I can feel you pulsing around me (y/n).” You try pulling your arms but are stopped by the belt holding them together.
“Kur- Tetsurou. Release me. Fuck you’re huge.”
“No and thank you.” He starts slowly thrusting in and out of you. The head of his cock hitting your g-spot softly, building up a pressure inside of you.
“T-Tetsurou. Shit, your cock. Oh.”
“I love it when you say my name. Say it again.”
“Tetsurou.” You moan out. One of his hands grab your ponytail and the other is placed on the middle of your back, pushing you down on the island. His grip on your ponytail tightens and he pulls on it, your head being pulled up slightly. He then starts to quicken his thrusts.
“Fuck kitten, just like that.” Kuroo’s gaze is locked on where the two of you are connected. Seeing his cock disappearing inside of you, going in and out. His cock being covered in your juices. A squelching sound being made from the friction.
“Tetsu. I’m close. Fuck I’m so close.”
“Yes (y/n). Come for me. Come all over my cock.” This does it for you. After almost a whole week of him teasing you, all the moments of sexual tension and him neglecting to make you come this is one of the biggest orgasms you’ve ever had.
“TETSUROU!” You scream. Your mouth wide open, eyes closed and tears falling from your eyes. The pleasure consumes you and you feel your legs wobble and just as you’re about to fall his arms are being wrapped around you, holding you up. Your breathing is heavy and trying to control it, as you move a little you feel him twitch inside of you.
“I’m not finished with you yet, kitten.” You gulp and release a moan as he removes himself from you. His hands go to unbuckle the belt and once you are free you rub your wrists together and slowly turn around to watch the devil in front of you. He is naked and your eyes falls on his hard member between his legs. Your tongue peeks out from your mouth and wets your lips, licking them seductively.
“C’mere,” he speaks, and you obey, walking so you are stood in front of him. Your heels clicking against the hardwood floor. His slightly bends down and picks you up, your legs wrapping themselves around his waist and your arms around his neck. Your lips connect and he walks the both of you towards his bedroom. He places you on his bed and you lie down.
“You’re fucking beautiful (y/n),” he compliments you and you slightly blush. How could this man’s words affect you this much?
His hands grab your thighs and pulls you to the edge of the bed, your legs in the air. He bends down and his head is between your legs. He spreads them wide open and starts devouring your opening. Your hands go and grab a hold of his black hair and watch as his mouth is covering your most private part, his eyes watching you.
“Tetsurou. Please give me your cock. I need more.” At first you think he doesn’t hear you over your moans but soon he pulls back and to your surprise he looks at your cunt and spits on it.
“You taste fucking delicious,” he doesn’t give it a second chance as he pushed himself inside of you again. You throw your head back against his bed and moan out loudly. He pulls your legs together and press them against his chest, hugging them as he thrusts hard in you, like some wild animal. The pressure in your lower abdomen coming back like a tsunami.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Tetsu, I’m close again. I’m coming. I’m- I- FUCK,” and you come around his cock for a second time in just mere seconds.
“Fuck (y/n). I’m there.”
“Come inside of me.”
“(Y/N)!!” Kuroo releases his load inside of you. Milking his seed inside of you. His head thrown back, a vein of each side of his neck popping out. His mouth is slightly open as he lets out a couple of grunts from his orgasm.
After a minute or two, after the both of you have collected yourself his eyes search for your as he looks at you. Releasing your legs, he throws himself on top of you, one arm going to your lower back and lifting you up so your head is on a pillow. His head lands beside yours. The only sound in the room being the heavy breathing from the two of you. His breath is hitting you in the neck, making you shiver.
“Are you cold?”
“Oh- Um- No. Not really. Are you?”
“Me? I’m fucking sweaty and hot as hell.” You let out a laugh and can’t help but smile. His cock that is still inside of you twitch and you stop laughing.
“Your laugh is beautiful. Don’t stop.”
“Hm, well I stopped because someone twitched inside of me.”
“Oh, really?” He pulls his head up, his hazel eyes watching your (y/e/c) ones. His hips starts to move slightly.
“Mhm, Tetsu.”
“You want more?”
“Mhm, yes.” He places his forearms on each side of your head, his face being inches from yours. His lips crash against yours, him pushing his tongue inside of your mouth and you happily open and let him consume you again. If sex with Kuroo was like this, you never wanted him to stop and he didn’t.
The two of you fucked like two horny teenagers until the sun rose the next morning. After coming for what felt like the 20th time the both of you were both breathless and tired from all the fucking.
“Tetsurou. I want this to work between the two of us so please include me in everything you do, and I mean everything. I don’t want to kill you because this sex got me hooked now.”
Letting out a sigh he watched the ceiling and answers with a simple I’ll try. And that’s enough for you. He pulls you towards him, your back to his front.
“Let’s sleep. You need to recharge the energy you lost.”
“Why? Are we going somewhere?”
“No. But when we wake up, I’m gonna have my way with you again.” You gulp but smile. Closing your eyes and letting sleep consume you.
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seulgiology · 4 years
take you on a drive | johnny suh
Tumblr media
pairings: childhood friend!johnny x childhoodfriend!female reader
words: 1.5k
genre: fluffy headcanon with humor uwu
synopsis: I’m pretty sure we all know NCT 127. You know, the 10-member K-Pop group who makes some questionable, but nonetheless amazing music? Then you must know their lead dancer and underrated vocalist/rapper, Johnny Suh. But what was he like before the fame and popularity? What happened in Chicago?
warnings: cursing
a/n: fuck, yall im so sorry for that long ass gif jdlknjdbc,,, anygays ADMIN 1 HERE YER YER. unedited in my angst to post this
disclaimer: This is a work of fiction from our imagination. It is not intended that the plot, theme, original characters, idols, etc. portray any real-life events/people. Plagiarism is NOT tolerated on this blog. If you believe we have copied an existing authors’ work, please message us privately. Thank you and enjoy :)
boy oh boy i hope ya’ll saw those pre-debut pictures of johnny cause-
but before we get into that;
how’d you meet in the first place?
funny you ask
it was by pure coincidence
you were a rising junior in high school
yikes lol,
you were pretty fucking young
you had just got your drivers license and desperately wanted to drive your parents car
the sad part:
your annoying ass little brothers had to go with you wherever you drove
two of these devils were too much
imagine being in a CAR with them
around august, you being the good sister you are,
offered to take them to the amusement park
with their equally annoying friends lol
12 year olds are just,,,
but you weren’t the only one chaperoning
one of their friends older brother (you vaguely remember his name being Johnny)tagged along to watch the devil spawns with you
and my my my, you were not expecting him to hop in the back of your moms mini van with all that hair
ya’ll know that hair he had pre-debut when it was super long and shaggy-like? yea that one
but he was cute
in a nerdy way though
you couldn’t help but steal peeks at him a few times-
or what you thought was being discreet
-through the rear view mirror of course
and what you gathered was this:
naturally puckered lips
might still be going through puberty with his voice
muscly arms, probably his whole body too
friendly eyes but intimidating face
in conclusion-
you didn’t know what to think about him
there came a point on the highway when your brothers and their friends wanted snacks
you exited the highway to the nearest gas station and sighed into the steering wheel as you waited for them to come back
“are you always this annoyed?” came a sudden voice.
you damn near banged your head against the car roof with how high you sat up
“shit, i thought you were in there with the boys.”
your hand was clutching your flowery tank top, the hot weather was not playing today
and he sniggered under his breath at obviously startling you
“What’s so funny?” in all honesty, you weren’t even upset
you just wanted him to get that you were not the one to mess with
… with your clear jelly sandals
… and clip on earrings your little sister forced you to wear
… and the flowers on your tank were the icing on the cake
the childish pout on your face was absolutely adorable to him
“You’re blushing. it’s cute.”
You couldn’t keep your front in place for long with that contagious smile he had
“It’s just insanely hot.”
“Pfft and so am I.” He playfully scoffed at your remarks, his bangs shifting along with his movement
the car fell into a comfortable silence after that,
both of you too awkward to continue
when the boys finally got into the car after 902837 years,
you were once again on your way to the esteemed amusement park
once you guys arrived, the boys immediately ran off to the biggest rollercoasters to ride
with you two alone
so much for chaperoning right
at least they said they’ll call if they need you
so there you were;
thinking how the hell you ended up with this sarcastic and sweaty dweeb
you turned towards him in time to see him already looking your way
might as well make the most out of the situation, right?
“I heard the Goliath is pretty scary.” You warily suggest
“Only if you’re a wuss.” He jesters back
“Tch, im pretty sure you’ll be throwing up your intestines by the time we’re done”
“I guess we’ll have to actually get on the ride to see, don’t we?” The cunning smirk was challenging and you were ready for it.
even if you were a little bitch who couldn’t stand heights
sorry to the readers who actually are afraid of heights
but if this guy Johnny was daring you,
something about him made you want to prove him wrong
“Race you to the coaster!”
and he ran off, leaving you in the dust
“I bet $5 he doesn’t know where he’s going.”
about an hour later, you and Johnny rode about 4 roller coasters
laughing until you cried
and screaming at the top of your lungs in absolute joy
but the slightly older teen at your side was having the time of his life too
for a completely different reason
his mind went blank when you held his hand tight as the ride was climbing to the top
he couldn’t contain his smile when you tugged him along to another ride and told him,
“Johnny we have to ride this one, It’s going to be even better than the last.”
you met up with the other boys to eat some of the food you snuck in
ngl y’all every time i went to six flags they don’t allow outside food in?????
none of you were tired yet, and spent another 3 hours at the park
You and Johnny found yourselves near the boardwalk part
It came to a surprise that he was the one tugging you along
you played all of the typical games people play
milk bottle
balloon bust
ring toss
that game where you have to shoot water in a hole to blow up the balloon
even managed to win your shaggy haired companion a stuffy
“it’s so pretty at night, isn’t it?”
you asked as he carried you on his back,
since you were complaining about your feet hurting
the lights of the carousel and the boardwalk together was so beautiful
you sat down near the big fountain in the middle, waiting for the other to make their way back
you chatted on and on about the amusement park
adored by the way his eyes seem to disappear when he laughed with you
and when you made your way back home, the conversation continued in the car too
you sung songs together and even managed to get on your brothers’ good side
surprise number 826363 of the night;
johnny could sing
You all sang your hearts out to Beyonce’s If I were a Boy, and TVXQ’s Mirotic
He couldn’t remember a time where he had so much fun in one day
so it was absolutely devastating when you pulled up to his house
“I guess this is it huh?”
he was so nervous, omg
he didn’t want to leave like that
shit, he spent the whole day having fun with an amazing person
he couldn’t believe he had to walk back in his house
and go on in life to only have this day as a memory
to lay at night and-
“You want my number, or...?”
you stifled a girlish giggle when he fumbled with his phone in his hand
you quickly opened up his contacts and added your name
with a little “<3″ at the end ‘cause you had to
you handed him back his phone and enjoyed the feeling of his fingers brushing against yours
your initial confidence soon left and all that was left was suffocating awkwardness
god he really wanted to say something
but he just had  to be a nervous
even if you both were pressed against each other on those roller coasters
“uh... I had a lot of fun with you- with everyone I mean, today, by the way,” he forced the words out
he could hear how nervous and shaky he was, but you could see his eyes held sincerity
“Yeah, so did I.”
you stared at him with a small smile on your face
shifting in place under the weight of his strong gaze
you both jumped at the sound of the car honking obnoxiously
“Damn where is the knife ‘cause this tension is THICK”
“How do you even know what tension is, aren’t you like, 6?”
you snorted at johnny’s comeback and shook your head in amusement
“I should get going before they try and drive the car down the street”
you subconsciously put your hands in your back pockets and slowly back track towards the car
“Hey, y/n!”
just as you were getting in the front seat, you whip your head in his direction looking at him expectantly
“Maybe next time you won’t actually be scared.”
he sent a giddy grin your way before closing the front door
leaving you in the drivers seat with tingles throughout your body
and a grin on your face that you couldn’t wipe away even as you bid your parents good night
you toppled on your bed in a fit of giggles as you hug your phone to your chest
take a shot from every time i type giggles
“omg is he asking me out on a date?” you couldn’t help but ask aloud
suddenly, your phone chimes with a new message
your phone drops on your bed from your excitement
you already knew who it was from
you quickly opened the message and didn’t stop your eyes from rolling all the way to the back of your head
save me in your phone as ‘youngHOE’ ;)
he never failed to make you laugh
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chisakidream · 5 years
two times he said he loved you; the one time he didn’t
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katsuki bakugou x reader
warnings: angst, mentions of blood, swearing
A/N: its my first time writing again in a very long time, i’m sorry if it sucks and there’s mistakes
i.  he meant it with his whole heart
“I’m in love with you.”
He was acting weird right now. You couldn’t figure out what it was but something about him seemed so off right now. He didn’t have his usual glare on his face, he was unusually calm. He hadn’t talked much since he came into your dorm room, demanding you two study together so “you two can keep each other on track.” but you guys study together all the time, why did he need an excuse now? When you sneaked a glance over at him you were expecting to see him writing down notes from the textbook but instead you were met with crimson eyes looking right back at you. “What is it?” You asked him, wondering why he was looking at you, not his textbook. “Just making sure you’re studying, idiot.” He mumbled looking back down towards his book, he almost let it slip that time. He needed to watch what he said before he ruined what you guys had. He needed you now more than ever by his side. The League kidnapping him, All Might retiring, failing the provisional licensing exam, he feels this huge cloud of negativity over him that he can’t seem to get rid of. It only leaves when you’re with him, even if it’s only for a little bit, every second he spent with you left him wanting more. You changed him, he knew that, your classmates knew that, even his parents knew that but you, you hadn’t noticed the softer looks he gave you when you were deep into a conversation with Ashido, you never noticed all the times he covered you with your blanket when you fell asleep while you were studying, you never noticed how he always yelled at Kirishima, Sero, Ashido, or Kaminari if they tried to sit next to him in the cafeteria, insisting that the seat was for you and only you, you never noticed how when you guys walked down the street he was always made sure he was the one closest to the road, you never noticed the little things that you changed about him. He remembers his mom barging into his room one day when he was home for the weekend, demanding him to tell her why he had been acting so weird lately. For once, he didn’t yell at her, he just sat at the edge of his bed and put his head in his hands. Mitsuki knew there was something wrong with her son, and she was going to get to the bottom of it right then and there. “I don’t know” He whispers, his mind racing with thoughts of you, did he love you? Or did he just enjoy your presence the most out of everyone? Yea, maybe it was just that. But why does he feel the need to make sure you got enough sleep the night before, or to make sure you text him when you got back to the dorm safely if he stayed back to train with Kirishima? Why did he always want to be the reason you smile everyday? Fuck, he just wanted to hold you so close, so tightly, he just wanted to protect you from everything. Every thought that came into his head he spit out to his mother while she rubbed his back comfortingly, with the sickest smirk on her face. After Mitsuki was confident he was done talking, she snickered for a second, “Katsuki, you’re in love.” That night was the first night in a long time that he didn’t argue with his mother, instead they talked for hours about you, what you looked like, what your quirk was, anything Bakugou could think of about you, he told his mom. Every word they exchanged that night, the only ones that stuck in his head wore the last ones his mom spoke to him before she went to bed for the night. “You never know Katsuki, she could be sitting in her room right now, with her mom, having the same exact conversation about you, but you won’t know unless you say something.” That’s what led him to this moment. Sitting here with you, in your dorm, staring at you. He swore to himself he wasn’t gonna tell you just yet but fuck, he couldn’t keep his stupid mouth shut. You were so beautiful, even in your pajamas with textbooks and notebooks all around you, hair pulled away from your face. He could see every feature of your face, every blemish, every spot, every freckle, and he loved it so much. He didn’t even hear or feel the words come out of his mouth. “I’m in love with you.”
ii. he only meant it a little bit  
“Yea, love you too.”
Sometimes you thought Bakugou didn’t love you anymore. Sometimes you guys would part ways in the morning to patrol your respective ends of the city and you wouldn’t hear from him until you guys got home at the end of the night. Even then, when you would ask him what he wanted for dinner he would just mutter an excuse that he already ate with Kirishima or he wasn’t hungry and to just eat what you wanted while he went right to bed. Other times he would make sure he got the same day off you did so you guys could have a day together for yourselves. On those days you would just stay at home and relax on the couch together, holding each other close while you watched some random movie that was sure to become background noise soon. You loved those days so much, he made you feel loved again, he made you feel wanted again. The way he would hold you close and kiss you always made thoughts race through your mind. How could he treat you like this one day but then like your presence disgusts him the next? Were you too clingy sometimes and he hated it? Did you say the wrong thing to him and you hadn’t noticed? There’s no way, this is Katsuki Bakugou you’re talking about here, if you said one wrong thing to him he would have absolutely blown up on you, whether it was Kirishima, his mom, or even you. Bakugou hated himself sometimes. He hated himself for the way he would treat you sometimes, you didn’t deserve it all but jesus christ you were so annoying sometimes. Why couldn’t you just leave him alone sometimes? Just for a little bit he wanted time to himself. Sometimes he wondered if he even loved you anymore and he’s only stayed for so long because this is all he knows? You guys got together in high school and it’s been 6 years. All he’s ever known is going home to your shared house together after his day at work and having dinner together and repeating it all again tomorrow. He was comfortable, Bakugou was comfortable with the life he had made with you, getting up and leaving now would be foolish. He has a nice house and a beautiful girlfriend, you both make great money being in the top 5 of Pro Heros. How could he complain? He didn’t know what it was, so here he was again, sitting in his childhood bedroom, on the edge of his bed with his mom. “Am I a bad person?” He asks in hopes of his mom telling him how to fix all this. “No, Katsuki, you’re not a bad person, you’re just confused that’s all. You love her, you know you do, you just need to have a talk with her about what’s bothering you.” She told him, praying he listens to her for once. All Bakugou did was nod and stand up to make his way home. As he made his way out the front door, all Mitsuki could think was that he would make the right decision. He didn’t, in fact he did the complete opposite, he didn’t bring it up to you at all and kept his mouth shut. He told himself that he didn’t need to talk with you and that he could just fix it himself by trying to be better. Clearly you still loved him if you were still here right? You were a strong woman and if you didn’t like something or felt uncomfortable in any type of way you always told him, and you haven’t said anything to him. So to Bakugou that was a good sign. Now here you are getting ready to leave the house for a girls day with your old classmates from 1-A. You looked over at Bakugou as you were slipping on your shoes. “I’ll be home around 9 if you want to watch a movie when I get back.” You tell him, standing up straighter. “I gotta work tomorrow, you know this.” He grumbles out not even looking over at you. “Oh right, I’m sorry, I thought we both had 2 days off this week.” You tell him, hoping he would just look at you at least once. “Well you thought wrong.” Please Bakugou, just look once. You shake his rude comments off and try to lighten the mood before you walk out the door. “You like my outfit? It's orange and black like your hero costume.” You sweetly smiled towards him. It doesn’t even have to be direct eye contact, just look in your general direction at least. “Yea it’s cute.” Not one look. A honk outside disrupts what you were about to say, letting you know Mina was outside. “I’ll be back later. I love you.” You say turning around not waiting for him to look up at you anymore. With your back turned, all you heard was a mumbled “yea, love you too” and walked out the door. You missed him finally over towards you, looking at your outfit, taking in the colors that resembled his hero costume and how beautiful your hair looked but the biggest thing that stood out to him was the slump of shoulders and your head hung low. Fuck, he did again. He needed to try harder and stop being an idiot. 
iii. he didn’t say it at all
“I’m so sorry.”
Bakugou was trying, he swears he was. He sat up at night thinking, he loved you, he did with his whole heart. Things were finally getting better between you two, you both took a week long vacation to relax with each other and reconnect as a couple. You two had so much fun in the house together, you guys cooked so much food for each other, after years of begging, Bakugou finally let you put a face mask on him, he even let you put on his gauntlets, only for a second though, they were heavy and he didn’t want you to hurt yourself. You both had been back at work for a few days now and everything was going by smoothly, you both had managed to come home for 3 days straight without a single scratch on either one of you. For Katsuki Bakugou that was never good, something was bound to happen, nothing in his life ever went this smoothly for so long. He didn’t know what it was but it wasn’t going to be good. You guys lay in bed that night, his arm wrapped around your waist, holding you close. You felt so much better than you did a few weeks ago. Whatever thoughts you had about Bakugou, clearly you were wrong, he did love you, he was just going through a rough time you guess. Everything felt okay again and you were so relieved and happy. The next day Bakugou was just having a really shitty day, he swears it was just a bad day. The second he began his patrol some punks were causing trouble and one of them had managed to punch him in the face good. Then when he was about to go on his lunch break, he realized he left his debit card home. When he made it back to his office to grab some spare cash from his desk, he saw you standing in by the window looking out into the city. “What did I say about coming into my office with giving me a heads up?” He growled towards you, making you turn towards him. “I’m sorry, I heard about those little shits from earlier and no one helped you, are you okay?” You walked over to him looking at his busted lip. He moves his head aside to avoid your hand coming in contact with his jaw. “Just get the fuck out and go to your end of the city, I want to be left alone right now!” He yells at you, staring daggers right at you. You sigh and sadly smile up at him before moving towards the door to leave. You turn towards him one more time with your hand on the doorknob, “Cheer up a little, at least you’re not dead,” He didn’t reply but you expected that. “I’ll see you at home, I love you, Katsuki.” what you didn’t expect was for him to not reply to that. He completely ignored you, threw his gauntlets down onto the ground and plopped down into his office chair. You walked out of his agency trying to ignore what just happened and carry on with your day. It was just a bad day, everybody has them, but shit, were Bakugou’s bad days the worst. You didn’t dwell on it long, knowing that he was just having a shit day and he would be fine by the time you guys got home, you got back to your part of the city to continue your patrol. With just an hour left of your shift, everything went downhill. Just as you turned the corner on a street you heard a scream behind you, turning around you jumped into action. At 4:46 Bakugou’s side kick came bursting into his office, “Ground Zero, we need to get downtown as quickly as possible, there's been a villain attack and it’s getting out of control, the police have called for all heros in the surrounding areas to report down there as quickly as possible.” Downtown. That's where you were. He picks up his gauntlets and throws them on and runs out of his agency with his sidekick closely behind. He needed to make sure you were safe, no, he knew you were safe and you were kicking that villain's ass. But the police said it was getting out of control. Something clearly is wrong. Katsuki, shut up and stop thinking like that. You’re okay he knows you’re okay, you're the strongest person he knows. His mind was racing a million miles a second and he didn’t know what to expect as he finally made it to the scene. Everything was in shambles, the buildings around were destroyed, cars were smashed, light posts were knocked over, but it was silent. He thought they needed help? He looked around and saw the faces of civilians and heros, all with the same expression. Sadness. What the fuck is going on? As he looked around more hoping to catch your face, he noticed Kirishima running towards him. “What happened? I thought they needed our help!” Bakugou shouts, throwing his hands in the air. “Midoriya, got here just as the call was put out for the rest of the heros to come, he handled it quickly,” Kirishima murmured to him avoiding looking Bakugou in the eyes, why did he have to be the one to tell Bakugou? “Bakugou you need to come with me, man away from everyone.” This was getting worse and worse by the second and it was pissing Bakugou off. Where the fuck were you? Kirishima led him away from the crowd and towards a group of police officers standing on the sidewalk away from the crowd. “Kirishima, you better tell me what's going on before I blow you to pieces.” He growls as they get closer and closer to the police officers. He noticed they were standing in a straight line shoulder to shoulder, almost as if they were trying to block something from the civilians' sight. One of the officers turns around and Bakugou immediately recognizes him as the chief of police. Kirishima stopped in his tracks and placed a hand on his best friend's shoulder and dropped his gaze to the ground, “Bakugou, please promise me you won’t lose your shit and blow this entire place up.” Kirishima says finally looking up at him, Bakugou notices the tears in his eyes and the tremble in his lip. Bakugou looks over at the police once more and notices the faint colors of blue, purple and white on the ground. Those were the colors of your hero costume. In that second it all clicked in Bakugou’s head. Without thinking he sprints towards the officers pusing every single one at the way, he looks down and his worst nightmare has come true. There you laid, on the ground, motionless, covered in your own blood. Bakugou has had this dream many times in his life but not once did he ever think it would become true. He drops to the ground and immediately grabs your face, “Please wake up, WAKE UP” He sobs into your chest, still not letting go of either side of your face. This has to be some sick joke, you’re not dead. He doesn’t care about the blood that is now on his face or his tears dripping down onto your cheeks. He feels a hand on his back and someone crouch down next to him. He doesn’t need to look to know its Kirishima, “I'm sorry Bakugou.” Bakugou walks through the front door of your home and drops his gauntlets and takes his boots off. He goes straight to your shared room and stands in the middle of the room. It still smells faintly of your perfume, something Bakugou always hated because it made him smell like that. But this time he didn’t care at all, he wanted the room to smell like this forever. He reached into his pocket and pulled out your hero card, staring at your picture on the ID, your smile so bright and happy. You were so happy back then. He could feel the tears beginning to fill his eyes again but he didn’t try to stop them from falling this time. He hated himself so much right now, he couldn’t believe those were the last words he said to you. He was a piece of shit, he was sure of it. The sobs raked through his body as he clutched your ID card, he didn’t even tell you he loved you back. You died thinking he didn’t love you. How could he live with that? He loved you with his whole heart, this wasn’t how it was supposed to end. You two were supposed to grow old together, have kids, watch them have kids and be the cool grandparents that totally let them eat candy even though their parents didn't let them. Why did he have to tell her leave? If you stayed at the office for just a little longer none of this would have happened. He drops to his knees in front of the nightstand and places your hero card perfectly straight onto it and opens the drawer, he pulls out a small black box and opens it. Bakugou breaks down into more tears when he lays his eyes on the diamond rings that lay in it. He places the box right next to the ID card and drops his head down. “I’m so sorry.” He sobs as he climbs into the bed and lays on your side hugging your pillow. This time around, it was Mitsuki in his home, sitting on the edge of her son and girlfriend's bed, rubbing Bakugou’s back as he lay in the bed still clutching your pillow to his chest. She tried to hold her tears in as she watched her son break down. You were the one for him. Everyone knew that.
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generaldisdainn · 4 years
Four of a Kind
AO3 link
Rating: MA
Summary: After accepting a job as the head of marketing for a local animal shelter, Anna finds herself in a new city in need of a place to live. Luckily, 3 guys know just the place.
Previous chapter
Chapter 8
I’m sorry I kind of went off on you. It made me feel really bad and I bet it made you feel bad too so I wanted to apologize. There’s history that I don’t know and I shouldn’t judge you when I don’t know all the facts. If you don’t want to talk to me that’s fine, but I’m not going to pretend like everything’s okay between us. Against my better judgment, I care about you, and I want you to be happy. So if you want to talk, I’m all ears.
Kristoff clutched the letter that had slid through the space beneath his bedroom door. He didn’t expect Anna to be willing to talk to him so soon. For that matter, he didn’t expect to want to talk to her so soon. Sven’s pep talk as well as an hour alone in his room gave him a genuine desire to shed his cold demeanor. He found he didn’t care much for the person he became since his relationship with Samantha had ended.
Before he had a chance to stop himself, Kristoff was up on his feet, walking across the apartment and knocking on Anna’s door. He heard a loud sniff from the other side and then footsteps leading up to the door. He heard the lock disengage and then he saw her, eyes red and swollen, clutching a snowman plushie.
God, I fucked up, he thought.
“I thought you didn’t like being in here,” Anna said, motioning to her room.
“Well, I decided, fuck that,” Kristoff responded. “Can I come in? I need to tell you something.”
* * *
Kristoff pulled into a parking spot in the lot just outside his apartment complex. He pulled his phone out from his pocket and tapped the “Messages” icon. Right at the very top of the list of conversations was one called “Sammy Sammy Bo-bammy,” a title his girlfriend, Samantha, came up with and one he thought was too adorable not to use. He tapped on the conversation and typed “guess who’s home early <3 come over?”
He noticed she had become more distant and distracted whenever they were together recently. Kristoff guessed that it was because of how often he was working; he wanted to work as many hours as he could so he could afford to take her to the Cayman Islands, a vacation the two of them had talked about taking since they started dating. After noticing her shift in behavior, he decided that it was more important to spend quality time with her.
As he strolled leisurely across the parking lot, he spotted something familiar out of the corner of his eye. It was a car, just like the dozens of others in the lot, but it was the same color as Samantha’s. And the same make, Kristoff noticed. And model. And that license plate number was strangely similar, too. No, it was the exact same number.
What’s she doing here in the middle of the afternoon? Kristoff thought. He knew she didn’t like his roommates, so she couldn’t be checking in with them. Although he remembered, she had been talking to Brant a lot more often whenever she was over. Brant was his least favorite of his three other roommates, but even so, he was happy she had another reason to be at his place.
He stepped into the elevator, pushed the button for the 4th floor, and leaned back against the wall. A smile spread across his face. This was the first step toward improving his relationship. Tonight, he and Samantha would finally finish that show he could never remember the name of (all he could think of was “Parks and Offices”), then they’d just chill out together, maybe go up to the roof and watch the stars, and if he really played his cards right, possibly even make love.
Kristoff stepped out through the open doors of the elevator with a confident stride. He had faith in himself and his ability to rescue his relationship. As he walked down the hall, he pulled out his phone again to check for any replies from Samantha. Nothing.
No big deal, he thought. Her phone’s probably dead.
But she usually had a charger with her, and Kristoff’s phone was the same as hers, so he knew there was a charger handy in his apartment.
No. Kristoff shook the idea from his mind. She wouldn’t ignore me. Not on purpose, anyway.
He turned the door handle and opened the door slowly, eager to see the surprise and delight on Samantha’s face when she found out he was home hours before he said he would be. But he didn’t see her. He didn’t see anyone, for that matter; the entire common area of the apartment was empty. Maybe he misremembered her license plate number? Maybe she wasn’t here at all?
Brant was definitely here, though. He heard a commotion and some faint music from inside his room on the other end of the apartment. Kristoff couldn’t care less what he was doing, just as long as he took out the trash at some point.
Kristoff knocked on the door to his room. “Sammy? You in here?” No response. He opened the door to a dark, empty room. Now he was getting confused. Was there someone else in this apartment complex she was here to see? He made his way over to Brant’s room to ask him if he’d seen her. A twinge of worry forced his hand through his hair. He knocked on the door to announce his entry, then turned the doorknob.
“Hey Brant, do you know if-”
There was no need to ask him anymore.
There she was, stark naked, her mouth agape and her face drained of color. And there was Brant, just as naked, haphazardly covering himself with the sheets on his bed.
For a fraction of a second, Kristoff wanted to be dead. His heart plummeted. His hands went clammy. He felt numb.
Samantha grabbed a towel on the floor and wrapped herself in it. The silence was unbearable, but no one had anything to say. In an instant, all Kristoff’s hopes, his plans, his life...it was all gone. Ripped from his mind, an empty void where they once were.
Samantha’s mouth shuddered like she was going to speak. “Kristoff...it’s..it’s not-”
“Well, I was right about one thing,” Kristoff said. “You were surprised that I’m home early.”
Samantha let out a heavy breath as a look of pity darkened her face. “You have to understand-”
“You’re cheating…” Kristoff said, “...with him? With him? ” He turned to look at Brant, who seemed to be trying to obscure himself with his sheets. “With you?! ”
“No, Kristoff, don’t get mad at him,” Samantha pleaded.
“I’ll get mad at whoever the fuck I want.”
“Uh, I think I’m gonna go,” Brant muttered.
“No, no, no. You’re staying here and packing your shit. You’re gonna be gone by tomorrow.”
“Kristoff, no,” Samantha said. “He doesn’t deserve to pay for my-”
“Shut up,” Kristoff barked. “Brant. Your shit. Now.”
“Wait, hold on, Kristoff,” Brant said. He stood up, wrapping himself in the towel. “I’m...I can be better, I’ll...when she’s over I’ll stay in my room, okay? Just don’t…” He took tentative steps toward him. He was looking Kristoff in the face, a politeness there that Kristoff felt unable to reciprocate.
“Get the fuck away from me.”
“Come on, man. Kristoff, I’m your friend.”
Before he could stop himself, Kristoff’s right fist collided with Brant’s face hard enough to shatter a car window. There was a substantial thud of the hand making contact, an unsettling crack of Brant’s nose breaking, and a wet spatter of blood on the wall and floor. Samantha shrieked, terrified, as Brant crumpled on the floor, clutching his face and groaning in pain. Samantha began to cry.
“Kristoff, why?! Why did you do that?! Why did you...you…” Her words were frantic and shaky.
“The next time I leave my room, you both are going to be gone.” Without another word, Kristoff turned around and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
* * *
“That was the last time you ever saw them?” Anna asked.
“Yeah, thank God. I don’t know what I’d do if I saw either of them again, in any setting.”
“Wow. That’s good, I guess.” Anna nervously eyed the off-white marks on the wall of her room. “So...underneath that paint is…”
“Is Brant’s blood, yes,” Kristoff finished her sentence.
“Is Brant’s--yeah,” Anna said. Her stomach turned a little. “Did you...mean to punch him that hard?”
“I don’t know, I’d never punched anyone before,” Kristoff said. “I’d never...y’know...felt the need to.”
“Yeah, that makes sense.” Anna extended her legs and laid her plushie on the bed beside her. She turned to look at Kristoff who was sitting in her desk chair which was turned around to face her bed. “And, I mean, I can’t really blame you. If I could hit my ex that hard, I would.”
“What happened with your ex?”
“Well, it wasn’t as dramatic, but he was a Brant-level asshole, too. I just didn’t realize it until after he dumped me.”
“Wait... he dumped you ?”
“Is that so hard to believe?”
“No, it’s just…” Kristoff had had enough of being standoffish with Anna. “...why would anyone want to leave you?”
Anna could fight the smile she wanted to show, but she could do nothing to hide the blood rushing to her cheeks. “Well…”
“C’mon, it must be a good story,” Kristoff said, leaning forward to rest his head in his hands. “You don’t have to go into it, but--”
“No it’s fine, I’ll, uh...I’ll try to keep it short.” Anna sucked in air and held the breath. She hesitated to speak, not sure how Kristoff would react, but she knew it was important for her to be as candid as he was.
“About a year ago, I went to get an X-ray done because I had chronic pain in my abdomen. Turns out, it, uh...it was a tumor.” Anna looked up at Kristoff when she said this. His eyebrows were knitted and his eyes darkened.
“Are you okay now?” Kristoff asked.
“Yes, I’m fine. Now hush, I barely started my story,” Anna said with a smile. “Yeah, it was a tumor in my pancreas, a benign one, but still painful and dangerous. Anyway, I go to the surgery—his name’s Hans, my ex I mean, by the way—and the doctor’s like ‘Hey, you might die but you probably won’t,’ and I was like ‘wow, okay, thanks for the panic attack right before this life-saving surgery.’”
“Yeah, that guy really needs to work on his bedside manner.”
“Right? Anyway, the surgery happened and they were able to get the tumor completely removed. And when I woke up, a bunch of friends and family were there to greet me. My sister Elsa and her fianceé Honey were there, my friend Pansy and her boyfriend Gene were there too, a few of my coworkers from my old job also, and they brought me flowers and cards and stuff. It was really sweet, but guess who the one person who wasn’t there was.”
“Oh man, really?”
“Yup- it was Hans. The jerk wouldn’t even make sure I was alive.”
“Me being a naïve moron, I just assumed he was busy or something.”
“Someone else in that room was probably busy too!”
“Yeah, Elsa actually had to catch a flight. A flight! And Hans couldn’t even see me!”
“I can punch him if you want.”
“Okay, but that’s not even the worst part! The next day, after I’d been recovering for a while, I got a text from him basically saying ‘I can’t be with you if you might die. Also, I’ve been seeing someone, so it’s over.’”
“Oh my god, what an asshole!”
“Yeah, I already don’t have my own parents’ love, why did his have to be so fragile too?”
“Wait, you—what?”
“Oh my god, did I never tell you? When my sister Elsa came out to them, they were furious. I sided with Elsa, so they disowned us both.”
Kristoff was stunned. His mouth fell open. “...Jesus...I’m so sorry, I—”
“No need to apologize,” Anna said. “It sucks, but we’re both better off without them. Just like the two of us…” She alternated pointing to herself and Kristoff. “...are better off without our exes.”
“Yeah, I just…” Kristoff rubbed his face. “...I don’t know, sometimes I think I could’ve been better earlier, when—”
“Okay, I’m gonna stop you right there,” Anna interrupted. “I’m not letting you blame yourself for the end of that relationship. She and Brant were the problem, not you. You weren’t doing anything wrong. She thought she could get away with having your love and Brant’s sex at the same time, and you showed her she couldn’t.”
“I mean...yeah, I guess,” Kristoff conceded. “I just...I feel bad for having hit him so hard, that’s another thing. It’s why I never wanted to come in here, because that paint’s a reminder of...well, everything that happened here, but specifically the punch, the blood, the…” Kristoff took a deep breath before sighing out the last word, “...scream.”
Anna couldn’t deny that it unsettled her, too. She thought the punch was justified, but she was not a violent person; even violence in movies made her uncomfortable.
But she could see in Kristoff’s eyes that he didn’t want to do something like that ever again. She knew he didn’t regret the action; he regretted the pain.
“Kristoff…” Anna began to say.
“Anna, I’m sorry I’ve been such an asshole. I’m really, truly sorry. I was just—”
“You were protecting yourself, I get it,” Anna interrupted. “Believe me, I do. I just…” She sighed deeply. “...I just wish you hadn’t pushed me away in the process.”
“Yeah, I just hope you can forgive me for that. And I shouldn't have said all those things to you out there. I'm so sorry.”
“Don’t worry, I accept your apology and I forgive you,” Anna said with a matter-of-fact cadence. “And, y’know, if you want to...pretend that last night never happened, then it never happened. If you want to be just friends, then—”
“Yeah, that’s the tricky thing,” Kristoff butted in. “I, uh...I lied, earlier.”
Anna’s brow furrowed. “...About what?”
“Well…” Kristoff paused, as though he was holding back the words he knew he wanted to say. “...I think sex means a lot.” When Anna’s facial expression didn’t change, he continued. “...Because I like you. Like, a lot.”
Anna’s heart and mind entered a brutal tug-of-war at Kristoff’s admittance. She thought and felt so many different thoughts and feelings all at the same time, all of which manifested in stunned silence.
Anna blinked. “You...really?”
“Um…” Kristoff wasn’t sure what reaction he was expecting from Anna, but it certainly wasn’t what he was faced with at this moment. “...yeah. And, well, that’s why I didn’t want to get close to you, because the last time I let that happen it ended up fucking me over.”
“Yeah…” Anna was still trying to reconcile her own feelings; there was a small part of her that felt hesitant, but there was a much larger part that kept saying he likes me over and over.
“But, I mean, we slept together last night, which was great by the way, so either I didn’t learn anything from last time or I just like you too much.”
“Well, I don’t see anything wrong with that second option.” Her thoughts were settling somewhat, landing on the idea that his confession made her happy more than anything else. She flashed him an easy smile that he returned for a moment.
“Yes, definitely, but...I don’t know, I just...I don’t want to have to punch anyone again, y’know?”
“Yeah, I get it.” Anna ran her fingers through her hair. “Well, if it makes you feel any better, I know what it’s like to be cheated on too.”
Kristoff smiled. He felt for her, but there was something comforting about knowing Anna had had similar experiences. “Listen, Anna...as much as I like you, and I think you’re beautiful and funny and sexy and...well, you get the idea. I just can’t get into another relationship right now.”
“Okay,” Anna responded. “And thank you, that’s very flattering. Like I said, if you can’t be anything more than friends with me right now, that’s totally fine. I won’t be upset. I’m just glad you finally came clean to me.”
“Yeah, I am too, actually,” Kristoff agreed. “I feel like, well...I feel like I don’t need to pretend I don’t like you anymore.”
“Yeah, please don’t do that,” Anna said, only half-joking. “So, we’re friends?”
Kristoff smiled. “That sounds good to me.”
“Alright.” Anna returned the smile. She loved seeing Kristoff happy. She hoped she would see his smile a lot more often in the near future, now that he was ditching his aloof attitude.
“Hey, can I...can I give you a hug? A friend hug?” Anna asked, gingerly extending her arms.
Kristoff took a breath. Start being nice right now, he said to himself. “Sure,” he mumbled. They both stood and wrapped their arms around each other. It was a comforting, safe embrace, one that felt like a resolution to each of their struggles, before and after they met each other. They understood each other better than they knew. They pulled apart and sighed simultaneously. There was no tension or awkwardness, and, Anna noticed, Kristoff seemed to be more at ease in her room.
“So,” Anna said, “I actually have to do some stuff for work that I’ve been putting off.”
“Oh, okay, that’s—yeah, I’ll leave,” Kristoff responded.
“Oh no no, I didn’t mean I want you to leave.”
“Yeah, I—”
“Like I don’t want you to leave, I mean, I like having you around and everything.”
“No, really, it’s—”
“I just have stuff to do and—”
“Anna, it’s fine ,” Kristoff said with a chuckle. “I’m not offended.”
“Okay,” Anna said, taking a deep breath. “Okay. I’ll see you.”
“See ya,” Kristoff said, stepping toward the door.
Anna suddenly realized she still felt guilty for some reason. She couldn’t tell exactly why, but her conscience still poked at her back. Was she forgetting something?
“Kristoff?” Anna called out, hoping she would remember in the time it took for him to turn around.
“Hmm?” he responded, half-turning back to look at her. His bright eyes and soft smile instantly reminded her.
I’m never yelling at that adorable face ever again.
“I’m sorry I snapped at you earlier. I know I said it in my note but I wanted to apologize to you in person too.”
Kristoff laughed. “It’s fine. I would've yelled at me too. And I really should be thanking you—you and Sven both—for pulling my head out of my ass.”
Anna snorted. “Hah! Yeah,” she conceded. Kristoff stepped past the door and shut it behind him.
Anna took a deep breath and recounted all the revelations from that conversation. Kristoff had been cheated on. Another person’s blood was on the wall in her room. Kristoff had feelings for her. He had tried to push her away because of how strong his feelings towards her were. She smiled at that thought. He really was the big softie Sven and Ryder kept saying he is. She already liked Kristoff a lot, but she expected that with all of that out in the open now, he’d become significantly more likable in the near future.
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laylacooke · 4 years
Big Green Tractor || Jared & Layla
timing:  Thursday Morning after the events at Took’s. parties: @themidnightfarmer & @laylacooke Summary: Who leaves a tractor parked downtown with the keys inside?
After what had gone down at Took’s, Layla was feeling pretty good about herself. As she took a stroll towards downtown, she let her eyes scan the area. In the course of a week, she had created enough chaos and commotion that going back to her normal life would be nearly impossible, and that’s what she was hoping for. With the fidget spinner still safely in her grip, Layla’s confidence remained. However, as she moved closer, that’s when she laid eyes on a big green beauty. It was the first time she had seen a John Deere in White Crest, and it was begging to be ridden.
Parked in a loading dock, behind what smelled like some sort of bakery, from what her nose was offering up, she glanced around before putting a little pep in her step to go inspect the large machine. From what she could tell, it was a nicer model. And as she let her fingers run over the green painted frame, she worked her way towards the door. Bingo! It was unlocked.
Climbing up in the only seat the large farm equipment offered, Layla ran her hand over the smooth steering wheel. Glancing down, she noticed a boombox seating on the floor, “Well, well. Some little farm boy or girl likes their music.” Leaning over, she flipped on the radio. Startled by how loud it was, her werewolf ears perked, and she let out a short howl, “Fuck! How old is the person driving this damn thing…” Turning down the volume slightly, she flipped the station, until she heard it...the perfect driving song. With the music, back up, she turned the ignition switch and the over-sized green beauty roared to life.
“Come on Big Bertha. Let’s go, Baby!” Putting her in drive, she started to slowly make her way out from behind the building, while she started singing at the top of her lungs, “I’ll take you for a ride on my big green tractor!”
Jared being strapped for cash had lasted long enough that as soon as he dropped off an order and obtained the payment, he became ravenous for a treat. Or at least some sort of food he hadn’t had to cook. Although that was just him being used to cooking for himself, Nell was feeding him well when she was home in time, but that was far from his mind when he had cash to burn. He’d ducked into Jay bagels and left the keys in his tractor while he was at it. He did that an awful lot in town, no one ever thought to take something so big after all as cars were usually an easier target. 
Pleased and with bagels in hand he heard his engine rumble to life. He only had a split second to be confused by the sight of a redhead in the driving seat fiddling with his boombox before the tractor was off out of the loading bay and off down the street. Bagels forgotten, he dropped them at the door and sprinted off after the beast. Calling out to the thief even if they likely couldn’t hear him over the engine combined with the music. “WOAH HEY, WHAT THE HELL?!”
Tractors were something Layla had been used to seeing back home in Tennessee, but for someone to have driven one into downtown White Crest left something to be desired in her heart. For she had never actually taken a ride in a tractor before. YOLO, right? And now she was well on her way pulling out of the parking lot and onto the main street of White Crest, cutting off a car in the process. Hearing the car’s horn, she returned the favor offering a loud blast from the John Deere, “You’ve got quite the voice, old girl! Sing it loud and proud!” Honking the horn again, she watched as people walking down the sidewalk and coming out of the small shops caught sight of her, “Did anyone ever tell you you’re a head turner, Big Bertha?” Glancing in the rear-view mirror to see who all was looking, Layla had spotted someone running behind the tractor. “Looks like we got company!”
It wasn’t technically against any rules to drive his tractor into town, Jared had always figured as long as he didn’t cause too much trouble, they’d let him just go about his day as if it was normal to drive something so big to the shops. His low profile was being ruined right in front of his eyes, but he wasn’t even the one getting to create the chaos. She’d picked up speed bumping along the road and he was only just keeping up enough to keep her in sight. Jared almost closed his eyes when she pulled out in front of a car but instead just waved a hand to the distressed man who’d slammed on his brakes and took off down main street. He was in so much trouble. He was absolutely certain his license plate was being written down by every passing shopkeeper. “STOP, WHERE ARE YOU EVEN GOING, SHE’LL RUN OUT OF GAS BEFORE I DO!” 
The teenager was amused by the man following behind, but he was getting a little too close for comfort, and instead of stopping or slowing down, she gave the beast a little more gas, speeding up to a whopping 20 mph; the engine groaning as it continued to move forward. Looking back to find the light up ahead was changing from yellow to red, Layla didn’t let up on the gas and continued towards the intersection and as she passed through, she watched cars swerve and more people blow their horns, “Whoops! That was close!” In her twisted mind, she was having the time of her life, and with a quick glance in the rear-view mirror once more, she noticed he was nowhere in sight. 
He’d have been hit by a car if he’d followed her when the lights changed at the intersection. Jared was forced to halt and watch in horror as his tractor was almost in a 3-car collision. He raised his hand and covered his eyes just for the split-second peace of mind it gave him to not be watching his tractor be stolen. The vehicle didn’t move fast but that didn’t mean he couldn’t lose her, and he was antsy to carry on the chase. He walked calmly over and pressed the button to cross and waited the few moments it took to change the lights with his eyes closed hoping with all he had that he could catch up. As soon as the lights changed, he made a decision, Nymphs tended to have a few tricks up their sleeves, due to him being so closely connected to his charges he knew he was faster than most humans. He ramped up his speed and took off, banking on the bystanders so write it off as another one of those ‘explainable’ feats of adrenaline.
Coming up to a roundabout made Layla happy. She wasn’t entirely when or where she wanted her joyride to end but knowing that she could constantly go in circles just to piss off the other drivers made a tiny, little smirk slip across her blood red lips, “Here we go, Old Girl!” Laying down on the horn, she made sure to confuse drivers and scare pedestrians as she continued to follow the circle, until she couldn’t anymore for fear of puking. Pulling back out onto the main strip, she resumed moving forward.
Jared was sprinting full tilt, led to where his tractor was being taken for a joy ride by the sheer amount of noise the horn was making. He slid down a side street -being a local had its perks- and then another and another to reach where the chaos was unfolding. He popped out onto the roundabout, he needed to stop this madness. He needed his tractor back and he needed this crazy day to be done. He raised both of his arms and flagged down the driver, not having a clue who she was but committing her face to memory. “STOP, STOP NOW!”
Layla continued barreling forward. However, seeing the man that was following her now standing in front of her caused her to do a double take, “Well, well. Looks like your owner came back to claim you. Let’s see how close we can get.” Lowering her head into an evil grin and determination in her eyes, the teenager continued to move forward at top speed inching closer and closer until the very last minute, when she steered the tractor clear off course, but unable to control the thing, Layla found herself all over the road, until she finally ran off into the grass and slammed into a giant Moose statue facing an odd direction. With the momentum throwing her forward, she hit the steering wheel knocking the wind out of her and leaving her groaning in pain, “Fuck. Welp. I think this ends our time together, Bertha. You were good to me.” Gripping her stomach and ribs, she forced the door open and rolled out of the tractor managing to slide down to the ground and land on her feet. Hearing the sound of sirens in the distance with her wolf hearing, the werewolf knew it was her time to flee, and with a quick glance back to the man that had been chasing her, she made sure to hightail it out of there, despite the air being knocked out of her.
He was both shocked, and not surprised at all in the same breath as she barreled towards him. He played chicken with his own tractor until common sense told him to jump for it. From the ground he watched his only tractor plow into the statue. From the ground also he watched the girl hop out of the cab, look back at him and then hightail it out of there. When the sirens arrived, Jared was standing next to the statue and his tractor -now smoking- with no name, and no witnesses to the girl leaving. The other cars on the road having been run off it far before this. OH, he was truly in trouble now.
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szopenhauer · 4 years
What type of friend are you?  funny mom friend so like... dad friend? XD 
Have you ever been friends with someone for longer than 7 years? nah
Do you have a family member you hate? could say so
Does your family accept who you are? it’s complicated
Have you ever puked in school or at work? luckily not
Do you hate puking or does it make you feel better? hate 
Have you ever coughed up blood? nope
Do you lie to your doctor? sometimes we all have to but nothing important
Have you ever been misdiagnosed? yup
Do you think you have an disorder but havent been properly diagnosed yet? that too
Is self diagnosing good or bad? depends
Do you think sex is overated? it is
Is it important for both genders to understand eachothers bodies? I’m not dating men, I don’t want to have a son and I am not a doctor so I don’t care about male bodies, sorry
If someone was a virgin and was raped, did they lose their virginity? ...
Have you ever dated someone more than twice your age? nooo
Have you ever been cut off by a bartender because you were too drunk? I don’t drink
Have you ever borrowed money from your mom & lied about why you needed it? I don’t think so
Have you ever dated someone just because they had money? no
Have you ever lied to your spouse about the money you spent shopping? it wasn’t a lie but I bend the truth a little 
Have you ever gone on a first date with no underwear? I might go without a bra but because I don’t wanna wear it and not because I might have sex 
Do you treat attractive people better than others who aren’t as attractive? nope
Are you more comfortable with friends that are less attractive than you? not less but not more as more attractive might make me feel insecure at times
Have you ever hated a job to the point that you tried to get fired? I would if they let me stay in few places but luckily they didn’t care much about me as their worker hahaha
Have you ever lied about your weight on a driver license? there is weight on a driving license? :o
Have you ever lied during a job interview? meh
Have you ever lied to your boss to get out of work? I exaggerated feeling sick once to not get a job in a horrible place if that counts
Have you ever lied under oath in court? I wouldn’t!
Have you ever bought alcohol for someone underage? I said NO
Have you ever switched tags on an item to pay less for it? I only took tag from an identical item, just different color, as someone tore it out before and I really wanted that particular color, so no
Have you taken any pics of yourself that you wont want your parents to see? umm... yeah ^^”
Did you ever tell your BF/GF you like their outfit when you really didn’t? there are different types of like - like as I would want to wear that myself and like as I enjoy it in general but also like it on particular person etc. 
Do you feel accepted by your BF/GF ’s family? could be worse lol
Do you lie about your age? what for if everybody think I’m younger anyway
Would you risk your life to save a total stranger? maybe
Have you ever trashed your ex’s car after an argument? hell no
Have you ever snuck out of the house to go out with friends? not really
Have you ever shoplifted? no way
Have you ever done something because of peer pressure you are ashamed of? yup Have you ever been embarrassed to introduce your parents to anyone? omg
Have you ever held back a well deserved compliment because you were jealous? I don’t recall
Do you guilt people into giving you what you want? hope not, I try not to, it’s manipulative and I already am seen this way due to my BPD so... 
Would most ppl consider you better than average looking? pfft Would you prefer to have hot body or high IQ? good health
Are you embarrassed to tell people your job? I’m ashamed to tell them that I don’t have a job 
Would you give up your car to save the planet? if I had one...
Are you more likely to believe a man or woman? woman :x
Has your credit card ever been declined? I don’t use a credit card
If you ran over an animal would you keep driving? oh no...
Do you think your parents are too critical of you? my mother is
Ever blame a sibling for something you did wrong? I usually have to take the blame for her instead
Have you ever accepted credit for someone else’s work? just my alters lmfao
Did you ever buy something expensive,wear it once and return it? I didn’t, I have no money to buy and no heart to act like this either
Have you ever re-gifted something? shitload of times
Do you really care about saving the planet for future generations? not for future ppl, just for itself
Do you own anything from IKEA? not furniture 
What was the last task that you required the use of scissors for? I just dropped them and let them lay on the floor under the table because I am unable to reach ‘em
Look around the room and name any item that’s grey. stuffed bad from Biedronka that I got on a flea market
Do you know what any of your close friends did yesterday afternoon? me and M. been spending time together while my parents were at home
Can you recall the last time you woke up in a bad mood? Why was that? I always do?...
Who was the last person to send you a message with a heart emoji? my gf obviously
Does your hometown have many good bookshops? none
What would be your typical outfit for a party? I don’t attend parties 
If your girlfriend/​​boyfriend broke up with you tonight, what would you do? oh...
last dream you had: K. 3D printed or smth almost identical album as the ones I had as a baby and her and my current partner gave it to me as a gift :3
do you think a lot of people think bad things about you? I aware of that
is your best friend pissing you off at this exact moment? I informed my father that I dropped scissors and now as I picked them up he asked me when and how they ended up there while I told him about it few minutes ago - I was more worried than annoyed tbh
Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed? she’s taking a nap
Sex ruins relationships, right? it can happen
Last person to stand up for you? hmm...
The last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them? I lost count which is weird because I cry in front of my family members only (not even my grandma until I was a baby), I know that sometimes I cry in public but because I don’t give a fuck about strangers as much as I used to, close ones in the other hand... Nat hates the most when someone sees him so vulnerable
Something good going to happen tomorrow? doubt it
The last person you kissed hates you. Why? would have reasons
What do you usually do when the clock turns 11:11? it’s a secret you can unlock in a very high level of our relationship
Do you like your cell phone? it’s ok
So, what if you married the last person you kissed? we’re engaged so that dream ain’t that unreal
Have you ever had a really big fight with a best friend? uh oh
Do you plan on moving out within the next year? I wish
What are you listening to at the moment? mom and dad talking <rolling my eyes>
Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? or never
What’s your favorite high school memory? I have a bunch of those
Do you wish you had more money? absolutely
Team Jacob or Team Edward? team hate Twilight
Do you have a problem with bisexual, gay, or bicurious people? with bicurious maybe, definitely not gay
Have you ever held hands with the opposite sex? I have
Are you a patient person? weirdly unpatient Do you think you are a good person? am not
Honestly, have you ever eaten raw cookie dough? ewww
Is there a difference between the word ‘best friend’ and ‘friend’? there is 
How was your week? rollerclaster XD
Does it bother you when an artist remakes a song that one has previously done? usually
When was the last time you cried? recently
What letter is the song you’re listening to under? M if vocalist/band B if title of the song
Would you rather visit the 60s or 70s? 60s I guess
Do your socks say anything on them? I have no socks with anything said on them
Name a TV channel that only has three letters in it. BBC
Gray or Grey? grey
Will you be buying concert tickets any time soon? I won’t
Have you seen the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower? Did you like it? yasss, it was fine
How many weddings have you been to? less than 5
When you smile, are you confident? I am not
Have you ever not done something because you were afraid of getting in trouble? of course
Was the weather beautiful today? it’s cold
Do you have to have a fan on when you sleep? I don’t own a fan Would you rather have an orange, red or gray bedroom? walls? orange 
Would you ever dye part of your hair blue? why not whole
Is Finding Nemo a favorite movie of yours? I dislike it
Does/Did your school have a uniform? middle school only and that was a great idea
Turn on the TV. What channel are you on? not gonna
What’s your favorite thing to do? nothing
If your house was haunted, what would you do? depends
What’s worse: Slow internet or slow walkers? slow internet
Are you a fast or slow walker? which alter? :P
Do you usually have to wear a belt with your pants? I must buy belt for Nat
Are you usually the person to try new things with your hair? no comment
What age do you look forward to reaching? I live on borrowed air...
What exercise do you hate the most? awkward ones
Do you know anyone that has a gecko as a pet? no
What color shirt is your mom wearing today? she’s wearing a striped pajama and light blue sweater atm
Does any part of your body hurt right now? mor than one
Do you like Greek Mythology? not a fan
When was the last time you had Pepsi? ages ago
What was the last question you answered, not on surveys? it was more an order than a question coming from my mom 
Do you own anything Polo? used to
Do you know anyone with exaggeratedly big muscles? neighbor
What is your favorite endangered animal? are elephants still endangered?
Do you like to dance? kinda, from time to time Who was the last person who screamed your name? mom’s calling me again, grrr...
Which underwater creature do you find the most badass? what do you mean?
How do you usually find out what the weather will be like for the next week? someone tells me, I ignore them, they were wrong all along
Why have/haven’t you joined Twitter? I left as it was boring and irritating Are you good at rhyming? but don’t like to rhyme
When’s the last time you were woken up in an obnoxious way? lately it’s common
Why do you/don’t you enjoy horror movies? they’re disgusting and pointless
Do you have any celebrity’s perfume? I don’t use perfume
How well do you do at Scrabble? in polish or english?
Who is your favorite Scooby-Doo character? Velma I suppose
Have you ever played or been interested in playing World Of Warcraft? been interested, liked the movie
What kind of cake/other dessert treat did you have for your last birthday? nothing?
Who do you think does the best job at cartoon voiceovers? Jarosław Boberek 
Does your dad wear a watch all the time? years ago frequently
How much ice cream do you think you’d be able to eat before you got sick? only a bit
Do you know anybody under 40 with grey hair? I have some myself
Do you think you have the potential to be a good stalker? oh well...
Why did you read the last book that you read? I watched film and heard it has a different ending so wanted to check it out
Have you ever cross-dressed? clothes have no gender but I drew mustaches and such 
Which sport are you the best at playing? unihokej/floorball or however it’s called
Do you know anyone who has gotten pregnant despite using contraception? possibly
What would you do if you were in that situation? I’m an asexual and I’m into girls
Are you planning on buying a house in the near future? not possible
Do you prefer on-campus classes or online classes? online
What was your favorite family vacation you went on as a kid? personal
What’s something about you that others might find unpleasant or off-putting? my skin for example (not color)
What gaming consoles do you own? I only play PC and android 
Have you ever been so sick you had to be taken to the hospital? been to ER few times
Do you know any lesbian couples? I’m in one ;)
Have you ever lived in an apartment building?  just when I was staying with my grandmother
What was the last topic you asked someone for their opinion or advice on? not sure which was last
Is your house visible on Google Street View?- barely
What’s the largest thing you currently have in your refrigerator? *shrug*
Do you know anyone who has never had a pet? I believe
Would you ever get a tattoo on your collar bone? no thx
Would you take the 3 minute beatdown to be in a gang? neither Do you check your texts right away when you receive them? not every single time, it’s impossible!
Does it make you uncomfortable when you receive a compliment? sorta, I think they’re lying/want something or make fun of me (even if just slightly teasing for fun)
When you are home alone at night and hear strange noises, are you afraid someone is going to break in? I’m more “ghost” type of person hahaha
Do you wake up cranky? mhm
What is on your wrists right now? sleeves
Are you a beach, country, or city person? country or small town
Are you an official couple with the last person you kissed? we are 
What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today? ex - I got a gift and found a shirt for Nat and myself :3
How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids? -
Are you waiting for something? food
Something you do a lot? suffer
How many chances do you tend to give people before enough is enough? it’s not about the amount
What’s a fact about the last person you kissed? she likes hugs
How long have you liked the person you like? it’s a long story 
Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed? not our last kiss
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? I worry
Have you ever given your ALL to someone who walked away?
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Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? we kissed 
Are you one of those people who are always cold? not always but often
Do you tend to waste a lot of money? I still feel like it even tho I don’t, I thrift often but spend little for those trinkets
Did you sing at all today? może coś nuciłam, nie pamiętam, w headspace?
Would you rather be able to control the weather or control traffic? weather
Do you own any articles of clothing with skulls on it? gave it away to John
Are you faster at text messaging or typing on the computer? typing on the computer
In your opinion which is the stronger emotion: love or hate? hate
Tongue piercings - cute or trashy? trashy
When it comes to jeans: skinny, flared or boot cut? skinny
Would you rather be a star ballerina or a star break dancer? none
They say diamonds are a girls best friend; what do you say? I don’t care for diamonds
Has anybody ever told somebody one of your secrets? plenty of times
Do you get on better with funny or serious people? smth in between
Do you have mood swings around the time of the month? I don’t need period to have mood swings, it’s stereotypical!
Have your friends met the last person you kissed? aha
What if you got stuck in a lift with the last person who Facebook messaged you? we would end up having sex? jk
When/where did your last hug take place? today
Have your parents ever told you about their love lives, and any previous relationships they had before they met? kind of
Do you and your friends have any inside jokes? and with family 
When you listen to music, do you ever find that the songs affect your moods and change how you feel? no shit Sherlock!
What’s one thing about today that you didn’t like? don’t wanna talk about all that
Who is the last person that you said i love you to, besides family members? my fiancee
Would you ever go back to any of your past relationships? done
Do you still talk to the first person you kissed? we’re together again
Do you have a picture of you kissing someone? :D
What’s a cuss word you use often? there’s a whole list
Who’s the last guy you texted? dad
Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head? this question...
Do you remember the first conversation you had with the person you have feelings for? I remember how we met
Do you believe that people talk about you behind your back? ha!
If you had twins, would you give them rhyming names? yuk
What are you listening to? Tame Impala - Let It Happen
Did you do something mean to someone today? she deserved it!
Is there anyone that you wish was IN your life who used to be? babcia...
Give us a lyric from a song you’re listening to: The truth of it is it doesn’t get better than this
Is your birthday in less than 6 months? whoops
What brings out the worst in you? better not say that out loud
How’re you feeling right now? bad
Are you afraid of the future? very
Do you believe in true love? I’m trying
Do you believe that every one has a soul-mate? not everybody
Was today a good day? should be better
What woke you up this morning? woke up on my own
Do you look people in the eye when you talk to them? I don’t 
Have you ever played naked twister? wut...
Is your hair longer than your shoulders? not yet and don’t plan to keep it that long
Would you get in trouble if you came home drunk? that would be a shock to my family (and to me)
Do you ever think about things and start to worry? 100% of the time
Are you one to get annoyed easily? that me!
Is the last person you kissed yours? we don’t own ppl...
Was it a boy or a girl to text you first today? girl
Are you scared of spiders? am not
Do you hate the last boy who talked to you? I love my parent
Do you tend to make things complicated? not on purpose
Have you ever gotten to the point where you’ve said “I’m done trying”? gqe1gIQASGCK...
Do you think things will change in the next few months? I’m afraid for worse 
Do you like when people play with your hair? it’s strange
What are you wearing right now? bluzę w czarne i białe paski, zieloną bluzkę z długimi rękawami i szare legginsy z niebieskim wzorkiem
Ever feel like you have been replaced? more than once
Would you rather write a paper or give a speech? write
Are you lying to yourself about something? thx a lot for this ask...
Is the person you last texted single? she’s with me
Do you think any of your exes will eventually want to be with you again? tha hell
If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move to? just my own apartment
Which do you prefer, relationship or a one-night-stand? relationship
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ssttitdramon · 5 years
The Road Trip to Florida
-IT X SSTTITD crossover-
Note: Here’s some actual crossover content, since my last post on a IT x SSTTITD crossover had very little to it and therefore, disappointing. Also, I’m placing them all in 1990, everyone is the same age as they are in their respective movies. 
(Just as I was finishing this up- I finally noticed Ramón’s car has a Florida license plate- which could mean nothing, he might’ve stolen borrowed/bought a car in Florida for all we know. But since I'm taking in all the Morales crumbs they’ve dropped, Ramón is Florida Man™)
Mike mentions wanting to go to Florida and Ramón is all oh? Let's go then?? 
This calls for a rooooad triiip (listen, I know. But for Mike’s sake, it's happening.)
Mike, Beverly, Eddie and Chuck are buzzing around with where to stop on the way
They pull out a map and start marking up places
Immediately, Richie demands they see Times Square, "ol girl, Liberty" and the Empire State Building
To add to that, Ruth and Bill want to walk through Broadway
Stella, Chuck and Stan also want to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art
"So a whole day in New York."
Obviously you can't have twelve kids pile inside Ramón's car for a trip down the country like that
So they put their money together and rent out a van- making sure they've still got enough for gas and food
They spent their day in New York for sure
Right away, Auggie has a strict no-New-York-hot-dogs rule
And Eddie uses up all of his hand sanitizer in "Bacteria City"
Stella and Mike have the day scheduled down to where the group can go to every place everyone wants to see and can enjoy without chaos
They could've easily split into smaller groups, but these small town kids wanted to take it all in together- even with Chuck and Richie wearing those ridiculous I ❤ NY shirts
Actually, the only time they split up is in the art museum- Stan wants to avoid portraits altogether and he's joined by Ruth, Mike, Bill, Ramón and Stella
Mike's snapping a whole bunch of pictures of everyone the whole day
At first, Ruth hides from the camera, somewhat insecure about the fading scar on her face, but both Beverly and Stella give her some reassurance and slowly boost her confidence enough to let herself into some group pictures
They buy lunch and eat in Central Park- losing Auggie and Ben for 5 minutes before finding them in deep conversation with a tourist from France
*cue Stan and Eddie pretending to be French tourists for the rest of the day- and no, of course they're not a part of that obnoxious groupe*
Chuck spots the Central Park Carousel and makes everyone get on
He almost falls off his horse and nobody lets him forget about it for the rest of the day
They crawl walk up and down the Brooklyn Bridge- Stan and Ben pretend to be harsh architecture critics
That day it seemed like every cyclist was destined to almost run over Richie, so Ramón becomes the designated lookout for the boy- quick to pull him out of the way of annoyed New Yorkers
Unfortunately, they couldn't fit riding the Coney Island Cyclone into their schedule
"We'll go on our way back"
That night they stop at a campsite since no one wanted to sleep inside the van
Except Ruth and Eddie, she's afraid of getting bit by a spider and Eddie just refuses to sleep outside
The rest of them take out sleeping bags and settle down next to the van as Mike starts a fire
Bill suckers Stella into letting him read one of her stories out loud
But only if he reads one of his too
They all listen in, becoming paranoid of the darkness that surrounds them
Eventually they loosen up, but they still make Ruth and Eddie promise they won't drive off without them in the middle of the night
"Well if I wake up and see Bigfoot walking around- I give you all 10 seconds to get in."
For the whole trip: Auggie, Ramón, and Ruth are the designated drivers
Beverly, Mike and Stella alternate on keeping track of the map and making sure they don't pass by marked places they want to stop by
At some point, Bill swears up and down he can drive too, but they shut him down after hearing he's got about two hours worth of driving experience
When given the chance, Stan sits up front on the lookout for birds and sticks blue tabs inside his book for every East Coast bird he manages to spot
He reads off the description of every blue tab bird to Auggie, Ramón, and Ruth- comfortable enough to ramble on and on about why he finds them appealing 
With everyone else, there are discussions about the government, aliens and milk before or after cereal…
"Guys, it's only 9 a.m. and you're alrea-"
"Hey I'm just saying, milk before cereal is absolutely barbaric. Back me up, Mike."
"Nah, I'm staying out of this one."
Their second destination is the Smithsonian’s National Zoo
“That lizard right there looks like your mom.”
"Funny, I was about to say it looked like you."
"Uh, why's the tiger staring at me like that."
"I don't know, Stan. Maybe she knows you got a B minus on the Government fi- oW OW OKAY SORRY"
Afterwards, they walk around D.C.
"They say you can see the whole monument reflected if you're at Lincoln's eyes, anyone else want to climb up there?"
"I’m fine with watching you four get arrested."
They trailed behind a random evening tour group
10 minutes in, they were asked to leave for being disruptive
“It’s not like we’re that interested in that giant dick sticking out anyway.”
They stop by a diner and they all eat “like I’ve never taken you anywhere.” (-Ramón)
Richie keeps stealing Ruth’s fries, only to flick them at Eddie
Which make the two start bickering and Ruth makes Stella sit in between the two boys
An old couple at a nearby table who have been watching the group in amusement and hear about their Florida plans- advise them to stop by the Luray Caverns the next day
Seeing that it was roughly two hours west of D.C.- they agree to it
That night they settle down at another campsite, this time Auggie makes the fire and he's damn proud of it
The next day they head to the Luray Caverns
Everyone's so mesmerized by it
Richie tries scaring Eddie, saying there are ghosts in small corners
Auggie, ever being the non-believing reasonable one, assures him there's no such thing in there with them
Chuck then joins Richie on a mission to scare Auggie and Eddie
Which didn't work and only ended up making Stella paranoid 
Once they’re out, they start the 7 hour drive to Spoonauger Falls 
Beverly has silently sworn off smoking while on the trip, so when she gets the occasional urge- Ben gives her gum while Stella keeps her mind busy talking about movies they've seen 
Richie unsuccessfully tries to start an argument about Star Wars with them
Everyone else take naps on each other’s shoulders, dig into the book/comics boxes brought in by Ben and Chuck, or peek over Bill's shoulder as he draws
They also play cards- Ramón and Beverly have the most winning hands
Chuck tries card tricks on Auggie and Eddie
Auggie pulled 8 of Hearts while Eddie pulled King of Clubs
Asks "Are these your cards?" after pulling a Joker and 6 of Spades
"Sure, Chucks."
A flat tire leaves them stranded in a long empty road surrounded by trees
"See, this is how we all get murdered by some hitchhiker.”
“Oh shut up, you’re not helping.”
“Yeah, I can see it in the papers now. Twelve fools murdered on a road trip!”
“Ruth, please tell me there’s a spare...”
“Of course there is, it’s in the back. I checked it myself before leaving.”
After pulling over, everyone gets out to check the damage, which was just a nail that had torn through the rubber
As Ramon, Auggie and Bill replace the tire- Stella spots a figure walking towards them in the distance
“Uh guys, there’s someone walking over here.”
“Maybe he’s checking if we need help.”
“What if it’s Chuck’s killer hitchhiker?”
“Yeah well, I don’t like the way he’s walking.” 
The person in question began to walk faster, their arm reaching to grab the stick poking from their back and pulling out what seemed to be an axe
They all scramble inside, nearly tripping over each other
As soon as the new wheel was secured in place, Bill rushed in carrying the jack and lug wrench as Auggie clumsily put away the flat tire in the back.
Luckily, Ramón sped off right before “Mr. Axe” got as close as 20 yards
They get to the falls at night, sleeping at a nearby campsite 
Everyone was still anxious over Mr. Axe so they agreed on someone keeping watch for an hour each until morning
Which failed as soon as Bill fell asleep on his time at 3 a.m.
In the morning they walk through the trail and splash each other when they get to the water 
Chuck manages to catch a spotted salamander and chases Stella and Ruth with it
Ben and Stan sit by the bank when a Carolina Wren lands by Stan’s hand
Mike manages to get a picture of the boy’s ecstatic face, eyeing down the curious bird that walked around him and flew off to a nearby branch, already harmonizing with other birds
Auggie gets completely soaked by Richie and Beverly
The three of them chase down Ramón for laughing too hard, so now you’ve got two completely soaked bois
From there to Florida, Ramón and Auggie sleep the entire way burrito-wrapped in towels
The next morning they get to Honeymoon Island State Park, an island recommended by Ramón himself- as it’s quite close to home 
Mike is the first to get out when they reach the beach, he’s got the biggest smile just feeling the sand under his feet and runs into the waves
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iguanasarecute · 5 years
🔸Damnly falling inlove with Katsuki Bakugo (BNHA)
Origins 2: This Damned beautiful newbie
summary: A new student was with Bakugo the whole day while he was on house-arrest. Giving them a moment to talk the whole day without the class being around. When everyone finished the class, they caught the new-student and Bakugo in a strange position which gave everyone a bewildering expression.
Bakugou slouched on the couch, his adviser's venomous words lingering on his goddamn mind. What could possibly bring him down? He peered at the female that's a fucking candidate of future's Top 1 hero; the damsel who might liberate his fucking rank. Can she be possibly be doing any shenanigans that might ameliorate her quirk right now? He gawked at the female... who was eating macaroni and cheese.
"Dude with the messy hair," the soft voice of her called, eyes still darted on her ambrosial meal.
The ash-blond raised his brows, "What the fuck? Me?"
"Uhh, who else would I be talking too?" Her eyes gazed at him, "I don't talk to myself, unlike you who's mumbling to yourself the whole time,"
"I'm not fucking talking to myself!" He growled while a blush crept on his cheeks.
She scoffed, "Yeah. Sure," she rolled her eyes, tilting her head, "Why are you looking at me?"
"You're fucking talking to me," Bakugou growled, turning his back while his arms crossed on his muscular chest.
She cackled, "No, no, before that. You were glimpsing at me," she munched on the last spoon of her cheesed pasta, hopping on the couch beside the feral boy, "Why are you here Bakugou?"
He scowled at her nosy attitude; she even already learnt his fucking name, and has the audacity to mock him with 'names', "Shut up dumbass," He ogled at her. Bakugou did admit that she's sorta, kinda, has a charismatic appearance.
Her head leaned closer to her, "Ooooooh, I'm guessing you're here because of loser duties?" (Y/N) smirked.
His eyes rolled, "I'm not a fucking loser!"
Her smirk grew wider, "Oh really, really, really?"
"I'm fucking top of the class!" His husky voice growled.
"Ohhh I feel so threatened," her voice sarcastically muttered.
"I'm on fuckung housearrest because I fucking blasted the hallway when dipshit's were taking a fucking long time to walk!" Bakugou scowled.
She blinked at his jaw clenching, "Geez, can you like don't cuss every minute?"
"GAGHHHH!" He roared, earning a giggle from Aiya, "Fuck you,"
The damsel patted his Ash-blonde hair, "So you do really have anger phases like everybody said,"
"It's not a fucking phase!" The feral guy growled. He usually blows off any obnoxious conversations; but he's frankly ecstatic about their exchange of insults.
"Hey so what do you do here? All aloneeee," she playfully gagged.
Bakugou rolled his eyes with her pesky talkativeness, "I killed germs,"
"You haven't thought about the germs' families? What a horror," her face etched on a bombshell expression.
"HAHHH?!" He grabbed a pillow ready to smack her face.
Aiya shielded with her arms, "Chill Bakugou," she rolled her eyes, "You know I haven't really organized my rooom yet," the new girl beamed at the scowling male.
"The fuck are you implying?"
Her face twinkled, "Why don't you come and give me a hand,"
Bakugou clicked his tongue, "I'd rather keep my hands to blast you off,"
(Y/N) groaned as she hopped out the couch, making her way to the stairs, "Come on now Bakugou!"
"Tch," The Ash-blonde growled.
"Don't make me force you," Aiya's eyes rolled.
His eyes squinted at the eccentric behaviour, "As if you fucking can!" He roared; moments later, the muscled body of his glowed yellow, "What the fu—"
Bakugou floated, gleaming yellow, while he was placed beside the young lady. Aiya smirked, "Told you don't force me,"
The ash-blonde coughed, "So you control things?"
She nervously laughed, "Uhh, I don't know, yes?" Her hands blasted the wall, revealing a portal... to her dorm room. The ash-blonde raised an eyebrow at her, "I'm really lazy to get up, you know," she grinned, as the two of them entered the generated portal.
The arrangement of her room consisted of them standing on the door; while the young lady mumbled about random stuff with her controlling everything with her mind as the floating furnitures slumped on its allotted whereabouts. Bakugou snarled at every single thing she blurted about; low-key lending his ears with all the shit she's grabbling.
The ash-blonde abruptly gave his brimful attention to her. Their afternoon was filled with Aiya talking about her piquant entity. Though Bakugou doesn't seem paying attention; an indicator that he is fully lending his ears, is when he keeps his feral mouth shut.
"Yeah, actually we are really close friends. The break-up had me crying for weeks; but it was a mutual decision," she glared at the Ash-blonde who gazed back at her while they were slumped on her bed with them on both opposite sides.
He raised an eyebrow, "What's the dipshit's name again?"
"Yo Shindo, a second year," the damsel grinned, "Dark brown hair; Has the same body frame as you, kinda,"
Bakugou clicked his tongue, "Don't know him. I don't go around memorizing people's hair colors,"
"I think you fought with him during Provisional License Exam," she yawned, "With the green costume and Vibration Quirk,"
The Ash-blonde growled, "Probably a fucking dumbass that didn't caught my attention," he coughed, "Aren't you on Provisional License Exam?"
The young teenager shook her head, "Got mine earlier. Weren't really that much involved on my class because I was always trained individually, they said I was too much ahead of my own class; I might just bring their confidence down,"
"That's shit," he shrugged.
Aiya nodded, "I was just mostly the face of the class; as I'm well-known in the entire school," she giggled, "I was beyond pleased when we moved around here. Then they transferred me here," her face lit up, "I mean come-on! U.A.! The prestigious academy,"
*** Height Alliance's front door unbolted, "Aiya? Bakugou?" Iida's voice boomed as they entranced.
"(Y/N)-chan?" Yaoyorozu yelled, as the familiar faces roamed their eyes in-search for them on the common room. On the other hand, the two teenagers weren't aware that their fellow classmates were home from class. ***
Bakugou nodded, "I still don't have a fucking clue about your quirk. Telekinesis and making portals?" He scoffed, gawking at the female.
"There's more than that, and you'll soon find out," a grin stamped on her face, while (Y/N)'s eyes leered on a tiny black hole on the ceiling. Her feet stepped on the ladder to repair the obnoxious thing on it.
*** Midoriya mumbled, "Maybe they're in their room?"
"Aizawa-sensei announced that her room's beside me. Let's check her out!" The pink female, Ashido speaked.
Denki gasped, "What could they possibly doing?"
"Oh my goooooood," Mineta kneeled, being dramatic.
Kirishima cackled, "Calm your shits dudes,"
The amphibian, Tsuyu, gaped at something on the wall, "Ribbit. A portal from the fourth floor is here," she notified them, as the students sprinted to have a look. ***
(Y/N) sighed, scrutinizing at the minor repaired hole; convinced, she was approaching down at the ladder. Then her foot slipped. Bakugou's reflexes was seen as he jolted to grab the teenage female, before hitting the floor. Both of their eyes went round, the insides of them burning, as their nose touched lying on the floor.
The squeaky door slammed open, "HELLO AIYA-CHAN!" The class exclaimed, blissfuly. Their reactions shifted from enthusiastic to bewildered as soon as they eyed the two teenagers, nose-touched.
"BAKUGOU?!" Kaminari boomed.
Mineta went drowsy, "Bakugou— I never knew— A hot female— Bakug—" his little temples fainted. Leaving the class 1-A, in a baffled state.
CHAPTER 3. CLICK HERE- continue reading
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
well, today was all around pretty great. I’m just. the relief is so overwhelming. After two months of waiting, reading one line on a message and it’s done. All those hours of studying paid off. and like, the whole time I was stressing about it before and after taking it people were always like “oh but you’re so smart I’m sure you passed” and I was just like well I appreciate your confidence in me, but you weren’t there when I kept failing on all the practice questions to the point where I’d start crying from being so frustrated, how my “missing assignments” list had become multiple pages worth of entries, how much I slacked off because I wanted to do something else and didn’t do my daily assignments, all while having a sinking feeling that I was fucked. I did feel a bit better about it after actually taking the test, which I somewhat attributed to the whole adrenaline rush thing because that’s a thing that would happen whenever I’d walk out of an audition, even if it went pretty shitty I’d walk out with a burst of confidence, so I kinda felt like it was probably just that. but at the same time I couldn’t deny that I had a supernatural peace over me calming my mind and guiding me while I was taking the test, and I knew that wasn't coming from anything inside me, because all I was filled with was doubt and fear, but as I worked on it I felt peace, I felt the studying I did shine through, I felt like I could do this. After a month of thinking I was definitely going to fail, I felt calm. I felt like I could do this. And I know none of that came from inside of me, because there was none of in me, I know that was God being by my side and never leaving me as I struggled and doubted myself the whole way, He was right there making sure I never fell. And I’m honestly tearing up right now writing this just thinking about it. Like yes of course things haven’t always been great, and there’s been a lot of stuff lately, but I cannot deny that God is good, He has been so good to me and I never would’ve gotten here without him. Okay, now that there’s all that done, my actual day. Woke up at 7, got ready, made sure to put waterproof mascara on (up until recently I had been using it every day because I am completely unpredictable as to when I’m gonna start crying, but I read a thing that said to avoid it when you can so I’d been using a different one, but knew today called for waterproof) because no matter what way this went I knew there was going to be tears. I left a little early because I had to stop by the office and drop off my lunch, since I was bringing a lunch with me that required refrigeration and didn’t want to drag it though court with me for who knows how long. So I’m on my way, and once I get on the train platform and there’s a train pulling up right next to me, my phone decided it wanted to take a plunge out of my pocket. now, to be fair, my pockets were a tad small for the phone to fit with earbuds plugged in, so it wasn’t all that well secured. but it took a dive, coming loose from my earbuds, and sliding on the platform a solid two feet before coming to a stop about 6 inches away from the edge of the platform. All I could do was look at it then turned to the person next to me who had seen the whole thing and was like “well that could’ve been a lot worse” 😂😂 and I mean, I’ve dropped my phone on the tracks before (though that was objectively not at all my fault) so I know just how true that is. Once I got on the train and looked at it my glass screen protector was broken but my actual screen was fine, so that’s what matters. Standing room only on the train, took it to the office stop and got off, then ran upstairs to stick my lunch in the fridge on my floor, and then stepped in to use the bathroom before heading to court. It was once I’d stepped into the bathroom and I was looking at my phone and refreshing my email, that I saw an email marked from the IL Bar Admissions Board and of course I knew exactly what it was, and my heart started racing. I definitely hadn’t expected to hear from them earlier than 9 am, and it was like 8:30 at this point. So I follow the link in the email to the site, sign in, and eagerly click the new message I had labeled “exam results,” took a deep breath and looked down to see “We are pleased to advise that you have passed the July 2018 Illinois Bar Examination” and I was just flooded with so much relief. I was even thinking like, are you sure? they isn’t an accident?? this is actually me??? And, crazy enough, it seems like it was. And I can’t even tell you how relieved I am to know and for all of it to just be over. Swearing in isn’t until November 8th, so I got another month to spend in not quite an attorney limbo, but I know I’ll survive. I know that once we get sworn in they’re definitely just going to throw us into the deep end, so I need to make sure I’m really paying attention in court so I’m not fucking this up. I was the first of the five new hires who had taken it to find out, so once they heard I got it of course they were very nervous. But I continued on to court, where I was shadowing one of the female attorneys I like a lot but hadn’t really been able to see in action yet. We had a bit of an odd schedule, mostly about setting trial dates, but we were running back and forth a bit, but overall it wasn’t bad. I was gonna stick with her the whole day and there was a deposition at 1, and since you always need to prep your client for the deposition you need to get there like an hourish early. It was 11 at this point so we ended up going to the corner bakery cafe that was right next to the courthouse, where we were eventually joined by two other attorneys (guy attorney I kinda like showed up and I was like “ugh, nobody told me this guy was coming” and everyone laughed) (making fun of boys is how I show my affection to them). Through that conversation I found out that 3 of us (the new hires that took the bar) had passed, but sadly two of them didn’t, so that really sucks for them. Thankfully though the firm will keep them on and not just dump them, so that’s good. Other lunch topics included one of the top attorneys who handles almost all the med mal cases apparently just confidentially put in his two weeks notice (I was warned not to tell anyone under any circumstances, but later in the day another lawyer came into our office and told us the same thing) which was....interesting. I’m not really sure if they have a hierarchy or what going on there so I don’t really know how the big wigs work. Oh well. After we finished eating we walked over to the opposing counsel’s office to prep our client for the deposition. Fairly simple car accident case, our client had been parked in a parking lot when she got rear ended by another car that had just pulled in, hard enough that the other woman’s car ended up being totaled. The deposition of her was normal enough, nothing too extraordinary, but the real fun started afterwards when it was our turn to depose the defendant. now, to paint this picture for you, this woman who caused the accident is at least in her 70s if not 80s, and tbh should not have been driving. At first there was a lot of back and forth about her license saying she needed corrective lenses while driving and she was like “I never wear my glasses when I drive” and other stuff about when she got cataract surgery and this whole big mess, then there was another mess about medications because one of the meds she listed in the interrogatories was for sleep issues and comes with a fuck ton of side effects that could easily have contributed to the accident, but when we ask her about it she straight up says she wasn’t aware of any of the side effects, and get this, it’s not even her prescription, it’s her brother’s who gives some to her when she can’t sleep 😂😂😂 I was honestly trying to hide my smile because I was just like oh man, I can’t believe she just said that lol. Then there was a whole fight about what doctor did the cataract surgery which is a very odd spot to object and the lawyers started going at it, neither willing to budge, so they had to certify the question, meaning it has to go to a judge who will decide if it should be answered or not. and then towards the end when they were going to do cross OPC and their client took a “break” during which the lawyer I was shadowing was like “watch, they’re gonna have her change everything now” and sure enough when they came back in the room suddenly she remembered the cataract surgery was in 2016, not 2013 like she initially said, and of course she was wearing her glasses at the time....even when she literally just said she never drives with them on. and like, our attorney was not having it, she was PISSED. I was honestly surprised they were trying something so brazen like that when it’s legit just a bald faced lie and everyone knew it. so on redirect we fired back, our attorney was like “so earlier you said this and now you're saying this? so were you lying then or are you lying now?” and the OPC looked like he was gonna have a stroke haha it was pretty good, and the depo went well overall so there very well may be a settlement offer coming in there soon. After we headed back to the office, where I typed up my notes from the depo and sent them to the attorney, and by the time I finished that it was like 5:15 so I headed out. Train ride home was fine, got home and got some food and was ready for The Resident this week. I won’t get into it too much because I’m mad tired but the episode made me rage so much about the state of our healthcare system and fucking children not being able to get the life-saving medication they need because their parents can’t afford it. honestly, I was so angry lol. so there’s that. After of course was 911, which was basically a continuation from last week’s in their earthquake situation. All I’ll say about it was the point where all the firemen/EMS/everyone else disobeyed orders to evacuate the building to save the firefighter that was trapped with a little girl had me on the verge of tears, it was really well done and I always appreciate stuff like that. So that was good, and after that I just watched the news casually for an hour before starting to get ready for bed, and now I’m here and GOD am I tired, what a day, so I think I definitely deserve to go to bed now. Goodnight dear friends. Thank you for all your love today, it means the world to me.
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Survey #146
“peace sells, but who’s buying?”
Have you ever been arrested? For what?  No. Do you like Pres. Obama? Why?  Don't even fight me, dude was funny.  From a political position, I can't answer.  I didn't pay enough attention to form a well-supported opinion. Do you know how to change the oil in your car?  Nope. At what age did you obtain your driver license?  I don't have it yet, but I do expect to probably get it this year. Do you like Slim Jim’s?  g i m m e What are you favorite kind of chips?  Spicy Cheetos. Are there any plants in your house?  I think there's none... How important is it for you and your partner or friends to share a similar taste in music, movies, shows, etc?  Not very important at all. What sort of compliments make you feel the best?  Because I'm a self-conscious piece of shit, calling me pretty or something of the sort and actually sounding sincere can brighten my whole day.  Also just a compliment on my behavior means a lot. If you have a pet, do they sleep with you at night?  Roman does. <3  He sleeps on my hip, arm, or curled beside me. What is the climate and geography like where you live?  Usually warm, humid as fuck in the summer...  We live in a pretty flat area.  Farming terrain. Do you have a Facebook? If no, then why not?  Yeah. Has there ever been a murder in your town?  Yeah. Are you someone who has to analyze everything?  AAHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Are you too sensitive for your own good? YUP. Do you still have pictures of you and your ex best friend?  I'm sure in old photo albums Mom keeps. Where does your grandma live?  My only living one technically lives in Florida, but she stays in NY with her son's family a lot.  Probably doesn't much now that she's married, though. Is there a mirror in your room?  We have one we need to put up on my door. Have you ever done hard drugs before?  No. Have you ever lived with a roommate before? Jacob and Amanda when I was in the apartment with Jason. What's the littlest you have slept in?  Naked accidentally lmao. What is your favorite juice? Mixed ones.  Particularly mango ones. Do you love one parent better than the other?  Yeah, admittedly.  But I adore them both. What’s the best club you’ve ever been to? Never been. Do you prefer hardly toasted at all or burnt toast?  You will never see me eat burnt toast. Are there any forms of Art you personally find pointless?  I will never in my entire life understand why scribbles a two-year-old could make sometimes sell for thousands.  But for the artist themselves, if it's therapeutic, then, *shrugs* Have you ever been told you naturally tilt your head a certain way?  YUP and my mom would always try to fix it.  I still do it. Who were the last two girls you texted?  Sara and Mom. When was the last time you completely broke down?  Uhhhh I'm unsure. Have you ever gone to court?  Yeah, but only to explain to a judge why I felt I should be released from the mental hospital sooner.  Won.  They wanted to keep me for a whole month and I was like um fuck no, especially when your facility sucks. When was the last time you felt left out?  *shrugs* Do you know if women in your family tend to get gray hair early? Have you yourself ever had a gray hair?  Idk, and no. Who in your family has the longest hair? How long is yours? Nicole easily has the longest.  The longer side of my hair just barely passes my ear. What professional teams do you and/or your family root for? Dad's for the Carolina Hurricanes and Cleveland Browns. How many people have you truly fallen IN love with? Two. What’s your favorite bird?  Barn owls. Does your car have an alarm?  I don't have my own car.  Mom's doesn't. What about your house?  No, but Teddy and Bentley suffice well. Have you ever seen your siblings naked?  As kids, sure, and then Nicole has like zero shame walking around the house naked after a shower to get clothes. Did you ever really believe in the tooth fairy?  Lol yeah. Would you ever get your legs waxed? No, sounds painful as fuck.  Especially when your hair's as thick as mine. @_@ Do you like the picture on your license/I.D. card? HELL NO.  It looks n o t h i n g like me. Have you ever had surgery or stitches? Both. Are you unemployed?  Yeah. Do you think the govt has a cure for cancer, but is hiding it from public? Tbh maybe.  Like, have you not heard the billion ideas that could cure cancer, but these ideas are never pursued?  And even those that have been, I would not at all be surprised if one way or even multiple have been found but kept silent because the world runs on money.  Might as well let people stay sick and milk millions out of them, right?  I don't trust the government for shit. Do you have a Mexican friend?  Yeah. Are both of your parents still alive?  Thankfully. Was your ex born in America?  All but one, although I really don't even consider us as ever dating. What popular social media platforms AREN’T you on?  I don't have a personal Instagram, no Snapchat, and I literally only have a blank Twitter to like Mark's shit get on my level. What was the last thing you were stressed about? Uhhh how am I blanking on this. Would you rather have a trampoline or swimming pool?  Pool.  I could never handle a trampoline again with my knees, plus it just doesn't entertain me as it did as a kid. Do you have the same favorite colors you had when you were a kid?  Yeah.  My favorite color has always been hues of red. What do you like to put in your tea? I hate tea. Who have you been told you look like? My sisters, at least somewhat.  And Mom and Dad. What color are your doorknobs?  Gold. Do you own a bobblehead?  No. What do you make wishes on?  Nothing. What is your city known for? "You mean Tennessee?" What is your state known for? Mountain Dew, Pepsi, Bojangle's, probably half of all country bands... What’s your favorite Paramore song?  "That's What You Get." What was the subject of your last photo shoot? I couldn't tell you the last time I was in what I'd call a "photo shoot," not since I was a kid...  The most recent one I did was of Colleen and her son. What are some of your favorite sounds?  Wind chimes, waves, fire crackling, the breeze through leaves, sARA'S SINGING YOU GO AMY LEE... lots of things. When two family members are fighting, what do you usually do?  There's a chance I'll be dumb and butt in if I think I could defuse the situation, but I'll sometimes just awkwardly stay silent. What’s your all time FAVORITE freezer food? Do you eat that a lot?  I dunno, that's broad as hell... If you had to choose, would you rather be an alcoholic or pothead?  The latter. What are you listening to?  A Jeffree Star video oops I've fallen in love with him tbh. What if someone asked you to be in a relationship with them?  I'm already happily in one so the answer would be no. What will your next piercing be?  It's probs gonna be my collarbones. Your phone is ringing. It’s your ex. What do you say?  Well I know none of my ex's numbers but Girt's, but I'll just say I knew them.  Aaron, I'd be very confused considering we haven't talked since like freshman year, but greet him like I would any old friend.  Juan or Tyler, wouldn't answer.  Girt, answer like normal.  Jason, tbh I'd answer and do whatever I could to show how much better my life is without him.  Bitchy but idc.  After the shit he shoved me into, I want him to know I came out better than ever. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?  Quite a few times but still not enough weeps. Will you kiss that person again?  YEAH. Do you like champagne?  Never tried it. Do you like cinnamon on your apple pie?  I hate pie. Do you clap or cheer when at a concert?  Only been to one, but yeah. Do you use a comb or brush?  Mostly a comb now that my hair's short. Do you eat the crust of your sandwiches?  It's the part I eat first. Have you ever had a vacation where you stayed in a cabin?  No, I wish. Would you rather call or text?  Omfg do not call me. What color would you dye your hair right now if you could, and it was guaranteed to look good?  Okay so currently I'm dying (hawhaw) to get this mostly peach color, but have it fade to fiery, reddish-orange on the longer side.  It's based on a picture and would cost over $100, so.  Guess who's not doing it anytime soon lmao. Do you like the way you look naked? PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Have you ever dissected an animal?  In high school. Do you believe that humankind has a future in space (will we live there some day)? Maybe.  Probably, actually. What (not who) do you care about?  Gay rights, animal rights (no, not to PETA degree), equal human rights in general, the first amendment, maintaining peace/pacifism, conservation efforts... I'unno, lots of stuff, if you want the answer to be like, big topics. Who or what is really the absolute root and source of all evil?  Discontent.  Now this itself doesn't always lead to evil actions, but just about any malevolence I can think up stems from that. Has anyone ever led you on? No. Would you rather date someone 4 feet tall or 9 feet tall? The former. What is the one thing you do that your friends wish you didn’t? I've heard "don't be afraid to reach out first" a billion times. Do you believe you have a soul?  Yes. Would you rather have a child that is more confident or more curious? Curious.  Ask questions, learn things. Who influences you to be the way you are?  LOTS of people! What is one idea that you live by?  Yikes, that's hard.  But I suppose one of the biggest is that caring about the world and what's within it does wonders. How can people act to make you want to get to know them? Be super open, honest, and shameless of yourself.  See the positives, SHOW you clearly care about others, have passion... and if you're funny, that's a bonus. When are you at a loss for words?  It's honestly rare I seriously am.  If I in person was to witness something like abused dogs screaming at being pet for the first time, that'd almost definitely get me. What is the worst time to be alone? When suicidal.  You.  Need.  To.  Talk. What do your parents do that you will try never to do?  I'll never smoke like Dad.  And I'm never having kids, but if I did, I would never, ever spank them like Mom did me and my sisters. Who is your favorite visual artist?  Some folks on deviantART.  The three probably in a tie are NukeRooster (I prefer lots of her older stuff, though; also got permission to tattoo one of her paintings one day yeets loudly), sandara, and Culpeo-Fox. What is the most magical thing that has ever happened to you?  I'm fucking pathetic that time Mark reblogged my gif lmao my soul evacuated my body and left me for dead for like three days & nothing felt real.  Whenever that gif comes up in my activity now, a single tear falls. Do you have high blood pressure? No, it's usually kinda low. Have you ever pumped gas?  No.  I'm 22.  Weeps. Do you have any appointments this month?  I have a therapy and psychiatry appointment monthly, so yes. Do you like bras that have removable straps? h u n n y I ain't in the Itty-Bitty Titty Committee so it makes no difference to me, me wearing bras without straps is a danger to society. What are you the most sensitive about? Can we like never comment on my weight.  Actually, scratch that, that's not the worst.  I would probably rip someone's eyes out and sob for a week if someone claimed I did Jason wrong.  I'd fucking lose it. Have you ever left a mean unsigned note? No, I don't think I've ever left a mean note. What are three things that you try not to think about?  Perhaps more than anything is the fact one day, I may become immune to the medications that played a big role in saving my life.  I try really, really hard to never think about that.  I do pretty well at that, thankfully...  Two others are hazards of me driving and the possibility of getting another job that only flops. Is casual sex acceptable for you? Abso-fucking-lutely not. What form of sexual protection do you use? Being in a gay relationship lmao.  Okay but seriously I take birth control, but for my period. Do you believe in the need for political correctness? It's gone way too goddamn far jfc. Does anyone have a video tape of you doing something embarrassing?  Mom probably lmao. What is the worst fault a person can have?  Abusive. Who have you read a biography about?  Ozzy Osbourne. What do you find yourself encouraging others to try?  BELIEVE IN YOUR CAPABILITIES!!! Are there any animals you flat out refuse to touch?  Maggots, slugs, some spiders and insects, centipedes... If it were legal would you own a human slave (race unimportant)?  Nope. Do/did you always say goodnight to your parents before bed?  No. Are there any holidays you don’t celebrate?  It'd be easier to tell you what we do celebrate.
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o0o-chibaken-o0o · 7 years
Sooooo I heard you do fic recs 👀 what are the best fics you know that have auror!harry? (Bonus points for auror!draco too!) thanks luvvvv
Hello, love! I had to split my auror!harry recs into two parts because there were just too many incredible fics!! So first, go have a look at my Drarry as Auror Partners list! Then enjoy these auror!harry with miscellaneous!draco (haha is that a thing?) fics as well :D
Auror!Harry Recs
tissue of silver by fearlessdiva (76K)- A love story concerning possessed furniture, black silk pyjamas, courtroom drama, premonitions of doom, assassination attempts, Death Eater yoga, absinthe, bare feet and a sensible werewolf. Draco is a seer and somebody is out to murder him, so Harry moves in to protect him. According to the author, an attempt to explain ‘how Canon Draco could turn into Fanon Draco,’ and I LOVE FANON DRACO 
The Full Monty by magpie_fngrl / @cat-wolfe (10K)- Harry poses for a naked Auror calendar and Draco goes batshit crazy with lust.I ALSO WENT BATSHIT CRAZY WITH LUST FOR THIS FIC. So funny. So hot. Baby chick named Arthur. Lawyer!Draco. Has sequel. Perfection
The Good Guys by Frayach (27K)- The Second Voldemort War is limping into its fourth year, and the Forces of Shining Light are slowly turning into the Forces of Expedient Grey. When Draco Malfoy is captured red-handed trying to sell an illegal potion to a clerk at Borgin & Burkes, he is handed over to the Department of Essential and Necessary Truth’s newest interrogator. And as soon as he sees Malfoy, bound and waiting in his cell, Harry Potter knows he’s in trouble. Deep trouble.YO THIS FIC FUCKED ME UP. IT WAS AMAZINGLY GOOD. SUPER WELL-WRITTEN. Not what I would usually recommend because I am bad with endings that are anything but “happily every after,” but READ THIS ANYWAY IT IS ART.
The Unlikely Career Choices of Mr Draco Lucius Malfoy by who_la_hoop (5.5K)- Draco Malfoy is up to something. Something evil. Because he’s certainly not mixing drinks in Muggle London for the good of anybody’s health now, is he?This fic was hilarious and adorable and Draco has all these weird muggle jobs and I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT and want to re-read it 27 times.
It Must Be (True Love) by frostywonder (45.5K)- No amount of playing by the rules has made Harry’s life any easier, and Malfoy has matured but also hasn’t. They are who they are, and though they try, neither one can fully change.This fic was super wonderful and compelling and I’ve no idea why it doesn’t have more kudos!! Harry is assigned to watch over Draco’s (dangerous) brewing projects and they both keep almost dying it’s great
On the Turning Away by blamebrampton / @blamebrampton (25.5K)- It’s one thing to be good at not making a besotted fool of yourself over a man when he’s busy being the most famous wizard in the world and you’re tucked away quietly in Wiltshire. It’s quite another when you have to see him every morning.Blaise sends Draco a Christmas Tree in the mail, and somehow this leads to Draco ending up with Harry as his parole officer. Who he has to see every day. Lovely, Christmassy pining!
A Fox’s Bargain by raitala (6K)- Harry made a bargain with Draco. He knew it was going to come back and bite him on the arse, he just didn’t think about what exactly Draco would ask for. Draco would say that Harry must have known deep down what he was agreeing to, but then Draco is a prick and what would he know?AAAH so hot! I don’t care if you probably wanted case fics and this is pretty much just D/S style smut, READ IT SO SEXY.
Partners of the Four-Legged Variety by carpemermaid / @carpemermaidtales​ (18K)- “Training starts in the home, Potter, so your new Crup and I will need to stay with you for a few weeks while I show you how to properly train and bond with him.” The Auror Department is instating a K9 Crup Unit, and Harry is the first to sign up. Turns out the professional trainer is Draco Malfoy, and he has to live with Harry as part of the Crup training programme.Praise kink!!!!! Pining!!!!!! Living together!!!!! PUPPIES!!!!!!
Chains of Earth by dysonrules (90K)- Draco is kidnapped and forced to make a choice between taking his own life or becoming something less than human. Of course, he makes the right decision. Enter Harry, who discovers he has a bit of a thing for wings.This is a great long case fic!! With veela!Draco. Warning for some Weasley bashing.
Interoffice Communication by Snegurochka (10.5K)- Draco has convinced the Auror department to test his new messaging charm for secure communications. Harry really would have preferred that he not find out through messages like, ‘Yeah, tonight you’re going to beg me for it,’ that the system wasn’t as secure as they thought.Soooo Harry accidentally receives a sexy message (or like twenty) from Draco intended for Blaise, and then he obviously can’t stop thinking about it. And it doesn’t help when Harry’s own name starts coming up ;). Super super hot!
Paint it Red by dicta_contrion / @dictacontrion (5K)- Draco’s a graffiti artist with a bone to pick. Harry’s the P.I. tasked with catching him. Or, apparently, stalking him all over town, asking a lot of questions, and showing surprising artistic talent.Harry’s meant to stop Draco vandalizing, and he fails miserably. Or very very happily, depending on your point of view :D
The Auror Method by Lomonaaeren (43K)- Draco has constructed the perfect cover for his activities as a con-man specializing in thefts from a distance: Draco Malfoy, the redeemed Death Eater and Recluse of Malfoy Manor. But now there’s evidence that some people are onto him, and as a consequence of the death threats issued to him, he gets an assigned Auror guard. Maybe Harry Potter, their leader, could be a problem when it comes to Draco’s latest con. Although how could he, when he’s getting all distracted by Draco’s fluttering eyelashes?This was a very thrilling read! I love Draco and Harry trying to con / figure each other out while totally falling in love at the same time, just GIVE ME THIS TROPE A THOUSAND TIMES.
Fight the Starless Midnight by Maab_Conner (22K)- Harry thought that he was going to arrest Healer Malfoy for practicing without a license. Nothing ever goes as planned.Great fic with a really good case element! When Harry goes to arrest Draco, he discovers an even bigger problem involving Mungo’s. Meanwhile Draco is a (still snarky) saint
When Hearts Are Freed by oldenuf2nb (23K. Locked to AO3 Users only)- When Draco Malfoy’s gallery is robbed and a priceless magical artifact is stolen, he finds himself working with Chief Auror Harry Potter to both recover the fabulous necklace, and to prove he didn’t steal it himself.Draco owns an Art Gallery, which is obviously amazing, and Head Auror Harry is sexy and confident, and YEAH. Great case, great build. YEAH AGAIN.
Here Be Dragons by birdsofshore (22K)- Harry doesn’t want to waste his time investigating illegal dragonhide trading, whether it involves a fetish club in Knockturn Alley or visiting a remote island in Wales. Why the bloody hell does Malfoy always have to be up to something?Harry suspecting Malfoy of things is just the best, and I love this iteration especially. There are dragons!!! And lots of leather!!! And kinky(ish) sex!!!!
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samingtonwilson · 7 years
Return - Part 3 - Jim Kirk
Part 1 Part 2
Summary: series following the events of loot-- takes place during events of star trek beyond. in this chapter, a very necessary conversation happens.
Warnings: language, lil angsty, tiny amounts of fluff
A/N: i’m still tagging those i used to tag for loot, tell me if you want to be removed. i’ve become obsessed with writing this story-- i finished parts 4, 5, and 6 in the same night. loot was only ten parts, but this one’s gonna be A LOT longer.
You promised yourself right then that you would never speak to Leonard again— and you would tell him that in the most passive-aggressive fashion once his “date” on the other side of Yorktown concluded.
You couldn’t believe the audacity of the Southern man! How dare he force you into tying your loose ends? How dare he force rationality on the life of someone so hellbent on avoiding conflict it could become a career?
You would have laughed had you not been working so hard to keep your face, your body, your entire being void of any form of expression— sad, happy, or anything in between. This was partially due to the man sitting before you, uncomfortably shifting every now and then, and was partially due to your ignorance on how you actually felt— you couldn’t very well show an emotion you couldn’t decipher.
You were tired, though. The weight of the mask you wore was taxing and every part of you screamed to drop it.
Your fingers let go of the bench. You let the mask slip a little.
You set your elbow atop the table, feeling the leather of your jacket stick to it instantly. You placed your chin on your hand to prop your head up and narrowed your eyes on a framed bartending license several yards behind Jim’s head.
You sighed and looked at Jim— you wished your heart would take your side rather than continue to betray your resolve. You raised your eyebrows at him. “If you wanted to see me, you could’ve just asked. You didn’t need Bones to scam me.”
“You think I’d ask to see you in a dive?” he asked, visibly struggling against a smile. “Give me more credit than that.”
You rolled your eyes, staring at your drink for a moment. “You know, I pictured this differently.”
“Pictured what differently?”
“Seeing you again,” you answered honestly. You let the mask slip a little more.
He took an audible breath and sat back. “What’d you picture?”
You had to look away from Jim as you spoke. With the minimal reaction he offered upon seeing you, you couldn’t risk being dissatisfied with his indifference at your honesty, too. You focused on the earrings of the woman in the booth in front of yours— large mother of pearl studs with a pattern you traced repeatedly.
You uncrossed your legs. You let the mask slip just a bit more.
You cleared your throat. “For one, I wouldn’t be dressed like this— these jeans are too loose and my jacket’s from some thrift shop in Berkeley. I’d be in something sexier— tighter jeans, shirt with a lower neckline.”
“To make me regret what I’ve lost,” he said with a frown of consideration and a nod.
Your lips were no longer slacked in an indifferent part. You smiled instead. The mask slipped slightly more.
You hummed as you shifted your focus to the woman’s hair and followed the kinks of each red curl. “Precisely. My hair would’ve grown out, too,” you ran your fingers through it. “Instead of at this I-needed-a-dramatic-change length.”
“It’s nice,” he said, sighing out softly. He wanted to keep listening to you, to keep noticing the parts of your voice he’d forgotten while you were gone. “What else?”
Your body relaxed, shoulders no longer held as if forced by a brace. The mask almost came off all together.
You shrugged one shoulder. You let yourself look at him for a second— the almost painful beating in his chest made him thankful for the moments that you weren’t looking at him, the moments you spared him. You looked away quickly. “We would’ve run into each other a long time from now— not after just two years, but after, like, five or eight. Not so soon.”
“Why’s that?”
“I like to think my life will be more together three to five years from now,” you shrugged again. After a brief moment of silence, you smiled a bit and met his gaze. “Besides, you’ll look super old in a couple of years— I’d need that confidence boost.”
His mouth fell open and scoffed in playful offense. “Why would that make you more confident?”
“Any weakness, any flaw you show me would just put me over the moon,” you laughed, shaking your head. “Because I’ll have the higher superficial ground. There’s no chance of me ever having a higher moral ground, so superficial’s the next best thing.”
“What makes you think you’ll look so great in three to five years?”
He was smiling. Not in that way that hurt his cheeks and made him feel like an oil painting subject, but in the way that wrinkled the skin beside his eyes and lit the electric blue up as if it was filled with every star you could recall passing on his ship.
You thought for a moment that maybe the universe had stopped for you like you thought it would.
The mask was gone now, it lied beside your feet and you resisted the urge to stomp down on the sticky sealed concrete.
“Three to five years from now I’ll be the age my mom is in all my memories of her,” you answered, nodding once. You bit down on your bottom lip for a second. “If she’s any indication, I’ll look amazing.”
Despite your soft laughter and the roll of your eyes, Jim could tell it took every bit of your energy to disclose so much to him.
He remembered you holding each memory like the most precious secret, only letting one bit of yourself out at a time. He couldn’t believe you gave each of his questions a simple, honest answer— he thought you’d make a remark he could snort at and drop the subject all together.
There was a loud part of him that was still upset, still angry at everything you’d done. That part didn’t want to trust you no matter how much sincerity lied in the glistening of your eyes and the easiness of your smile. That part wanted you to stop occluding any bit of Jim’s sense you’d managed not to destroy the first time— that part wanted to leave just like you did, but couldn’t.
The much larger, much softer part of him kept him planted there as if he’d grown roots. That part wanted to hear you speak, to watch you smile, to accept every story you told him as the gospel truth. That part wanted you to keep occluding whatever sense remained— that part wanted to tell you to stay and make sure you never left again, but couldn’t.
As Jim watched you run your fingertip over the rim of your glass, he let himself ask what he’d been wanting to since the moment he saw you, “How are you already out?”
You looked up, absolutely no surprise over your features, and tilted your head. “I took a plea deal— five years instead of the potential ten.”
“You didn’t think you could win the trial?”
You snorted and looked away. “Of course not— I wanted to plead guilty, take the ten years and get it over with. I was advised against that, though.”
You shrugged and took your chin from your hand so you could drum your fingers against the table. “The deal was offered a few days in and I just— Fuck, anything to end the trial sounded good.”
“How long were you actually in there?”
“Two years— give or take a couple of weeks.” You stopped drumming your fingers when the sound began to irritate you. “I, um— This wasn’t my first time taking something for someone else— it’s sort of how I paid my tuition and rent.”
Jim’s eyes widened at that— but only for a short moment.
“I gave up information on who hired me to take what, where any of it could be, and they let me out.” You cleared your throat once more. “Thank you, by the way. I’m sure your testimony only helped.”
“My testimony?”
You narrowed your eyes— he certainly knew to what you were referring and you were aware of that. “Having the Federation’s goldenboy testify over holo with only the judge and lawyers present to tell them I ‘turned myself in once I was made aware of the implications the artifact’s absence would have on interplanetary relations’ really helped.”
You smiled a bit then. “So did that little story about how I ‘assisted in solving various moral issues aboard the Enterprise.’ Lying under oath is illegal.”
It was his turn to avoid your gaze. “I decided I was lying for a noble cause.”
“The cause might not be too noble, but you really are. I mean, you made them see me as a person— an honorable, morally sound person in a bad situation.”
He shrugged with a small frown. “I only did it because I knew you wouldn’t be able to survive prison. You’re too soft.”
“I am not!” you argued, laughing. “I’m totally tough.”
“Crossing your legs and acting like things don’t bother you— that doesn’t make you tough,” he told you, his laughter mingling with yours as he sat up straighter and busied himself with tracing your features again. “Things do bother you— it’s all an act.”
You clicked your tongue. “S’not an act— a coping mechanism, maybe.”
He narrowed his eyes and made a brief sound of skeptical agreement. “So like your snarkiness?”
“I’m not snarky! It’s charming sarcasm and wit.”
He laughed and shook his head.
A few beats of silence washed over you two, his voice breaking it lowly. “I just don’t— You did all of that for tuition money?”
You were thankful the mask you’d always worn around Jim was gone. Had it still been bolted into place, you’d find it difficult to tell him the truth— you would have made some joke to let the topic skate by. “It stopped being about tuition early on. I think I was just scared.”
“Of what?”
“The man who hired me— his call came from somewhere I couldn’t trace definitively. All I got were coordinates that almost matched the last known coordinates of a missing survey ship from, like, ten years ago.” You picked up your glass and drank the rest of your now watered down drink, the ice little pebbles at the bottom. “He didn’t have the technology for a holocall and I wanted to refuse but he— He knew too much about me. Beyond my Starfleet file.”
You almost shivered the more you thought about it. “It wasn’t a matter of tuition then— had it been, I would’ve given you the artifact the minute it roasted my skin like a marshmallow. It was more a matter of my safety— a matter of your safety, your crew’s safety, for helping and housing me.”
“You make it sound noble,” his laugh was rueful, without any humor that wasn’t painfully ironic. He was letting the louder, frustrated part of him speak now. “Like it was noble of you to lie, to endanger everyone, to, to— Fuck, you’re making it sound like you did me a favor by lying to me.”
You followed the sharpness of his jaw with your eyes and crossed your legs at the knee. You took your hands from the table and held onto the edge of the bench again. You dropped whatever sadness you’d allowed him to see and did your damndest to keep your shoulders straight. You had to control your voice. “I did what I thought was right at the time.”
He noticed the change in your voice and that did nothing to do away with his anger. If anything, the onset of behavior you’d just discussed made him angrier. “You thought it was right to play games? To be selfish and totally fuck someone over in your path?”
“I regret that.”
“You regretting it doesn’t fix anything.”
You wet your lips and tilted your head as you looked at him, it was as if you could see the red coursing through him. “I thought it was a lapse in judgement.”
“You said I should call you falling in love with me a lapse in judgement,” you said as you nodded once. “If it really was such a lapse, wouldn’t you be less angry by now?”
Before he could open his mouth twisted in an incredulous expression to reply, his communicator chirped under the table. He sighed and opened it without a second to contemplate letting it go unanswered. He cupped his hand around the bottom of the receiver and mumbled for a few seconds.
You spent the lull ignoring whatever remorse poked at you for your harsh tone. You were allowed to be a little frustrated, a tad upset— you were justified.
“I need to go,” he said simply, tucking his communicator into his pocket. He slid to the end of the bench and paused. “I want to say it was good to see you but—”
“I don’t need a long-winded goodbye, Jim.”
tagged (TELL ME IF YOU WANT TO BE ADDED OR REMOVED): @outside-the-government @daughterofthebrowncoats @multifandom-slytherin @buckyy3s @cinema212 @caaptain @dani-fae @wonders-of-the-enterprise @imaginesofdreams @the-witching-hours12-3 @kaitymccoy123@anyakinamidala @vevsee @afluffykiwi @curiositywillbethedeathofme @arielsimaginess@captain-what-is-going-on @micheladakenzo @avengers-earths-mightiest-heroes @eufeme @buriedinfandomsandfeels
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How I Got My Friend Raped
A few years ago I met a wonderful girl, Jessica. She was a friend of my then roommate’s girlfriend, and she and I hit it off after hanging out as a group a few times.
Jessica and I were both very sexually charged and our first date ended with her getting fingered in the front seat of my car in a mall parking lot and our relationship quickly escalated from there. We experimented with every new and exciting kink we could think of, including swinging and threesomes, both mff and mfm, and bondage.
The sex was amazing, but the relationship wasn’t and we broke up. We weren’t on bad terms with each other after that, but we didn’t talk much for awhile. We started talking again a few months later and that escalated into a string of hookups. Since then, every once in awhile we go through a period where we start to fuck frequently before cooling off for awhile.
During one such period, Jessica got really into rape roleplay. We’d acted out scenarios plenty of times, so this wasn’t odd, but she started wanting it every time we met up. Finally, she confided in me that she was fantasizing about being ravaged by a man she didn’t know and didn’t trust.
I started to bring this up when we played. I’d tell her things like, “Maybe next time I’ll invite some men over after I tie you up and gag you. I’ll leave you with them and take a drive and there’ll be no one here to stop them from doing whatever they want.” 
Jessica would always respond positively and I considered doing just that several times but never did, until Jessica pushed the situation. She told me she wanted me to find someone to rape her. She didn’t want to know when it would happen, but preferably soon because she might back out otherwise. We had some very rough sex that night and I made sure to tell her how I couldn’t believe what a slut she was. She deserved what was coming to her.
So I had to find a guy. I’d used craigslist before (to find couples) and I started there, making a mw4m post, teasing at a rape scenario. “I’m looking for a well-endowed, gl/hwp /ddf man to surprise my gf with. She enjoys rough sex with hung dominant men.”
Most of the men on craigslist are not inspiring, I talked to a few but nothing came of it. A couple were promising, but unfortunately flaky.
However, I decided to go a different route. There’s a swinger’s club I sometimes visit in San Diego. Unlike many, they allow in single men and there’s always plenty of horny dudes looking to swarm any woman that will let them. Perfect.
I visit Saturday night, and like always, plenty of dudes. A see a few that are just sitting around awkwardly, there’s a firepit and some chairs, and not much going on because it’s still kind of early. One guy seems like someone Jessica would be interested in. A bit taller than me and more muscular, and with a flaccid but probably above average cock. He’s seems to be about my age (late 20s) and a little older than Jessica (mid 20s).
I ask him how his luck’s going, and he’d gotten a hand job earlier, but not laid tonight yet. He said yet. Lol. His name’s Josh. We chat for a bit and get on the topic of some the kinky shit people are into and I bring up my friend Jessica to him and what she’s into. I tell him to catch me when he’s leaving and I’ll head out with him and show him some pics. No phones are allowed at the party, they have to be left in lockers.
So I enjoy myself until about 2, when I Josh catches up with me and tell’s me he’s leaving. I tell him, “Cool, me too.” And we both go to get dressed.
Outside, I ask him if he wants to see the pics and he says fuck yes. 
I just realized I never described Jessica. She’s 5′3″, B cup. Slender and maybe 100-110 pounds, with a toned body from running on the treadmill. 
I showed Josh a few pics from our kinkier adventures. Jessica with mine and a friends cocks in her mouth. Another of her face covered in cum. Tied up with a vibrator strapped between her legs, etc.
Then I asked if he was interested and he said fuck yes he was. So I got his number and told him we’d talk about it more later.
I texted him the next day and asked if he was still interested. 
He was but he was kind of worried if I was sure she was into it. I told him I’d figure something out so he could be sure. I texted Jessica a request. She got back to me quickly with a picture of herself naked with, “Rape me, J” written on her chest, which I forwarded to him. She had questions about it, but I told her she didn’t get to know.
I keep in touch with Josh thoughout the week. I also get a photo of his license just in case. I make plans with Jessica Friday night. We go out clubbing and drinking. I tell her I’m taking it easy because I’m driving and meanwhile encourage her to down as many as she can, which is really about 3-4 and she’s plastered. We’re dancing and grinding and she’s drinking and by about 1 o clock , she’s at her limit, stumbling and giggling constantly.
We head outside and start walking to my car. We got the club a bit late and had to park far away as a result. Jessica’s in heels and basically need to be dragged, so I tell her to sit down on the curb and I’ll run and grab the car. She’s not really in a situation to disagree, so she half sits half falls down.
I left her there. I didn’t see her again that night. I got in my car, texted Josh who was waiting near by and I went home.
I get home and stay awake wondering what’s happening. Around 2:30 Josh texts me a picture. Jessica is laying on a hotel bed her eyes open but glossy. Her hair is messed up and her make up is smeared. She’s completely naked and her legs are open and she has red marks on her body.
Josh tells me he’ll send me more tomorrow, and I jerk off and finally get to sleep.
Sure enough, I text Jessica the next morning to see how things are going and I get texts back from Josh instead. More pictures. Jessica getting chocked and gagged with Josh’s dick. Jessica laying on the floor with cum on her tits and whore written on her face.
Later I get a message from Jessica. She’s back home and she’ll tell me about her night later, but she wants to sleep.
The next time I get her side of the story, she was really confused because she was drunk, but was also really horny because she’d been imagining getting taken advantage of so long. The sex kind of hurt a bit because she wasn’t very wet when he went in, but she got wet very quickly afterward. He’d come inside of her and while she didn’t come herself it did feel good, even when it hurt.
She didn’t know if she’d try it again, but she was really happy with the experience. As far as I know she hasn’t done anything like it since, though we do still roleplay sometimes when we meet up. 
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