#kacchan x reader
officialabortive · 2 years
ok but here me out- bull bakugou who absolutely wants to shred the bull thats temporarily staying on the farm for giving you a hard time
even though they’re kept in separate pastures for obvious reasons- the wired fence doesn’t stop him from jumping over it and ramming the bull in the side for coming up behind you when you weren’t looking
scolding him for it is funny, annoying and slightly flattering. the whole time he’s sitting there like ‘i don’t regret shit, try me again and i’ll do it again. my herd, my love’
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Bakugou is fuming, beyond pissed.
Apparently the farmers thought it was a good Idea to put you in a separate pasture with the new bull. A bull whose ear tag read #24. They placed you with him to be a 'buddy', thinking your adaptable personality would have the two of you getting along in no time.
But they were so wrong. This new bull had never seen a heifer before and therefore was all over you. Constantly coming up to sniff you, or being way too touchy. He was obnoxious.
Unbeknownst to him, another bull -a bigger, stronger bull- watched his every movement. Bakugou was already irritated being separated from you, but when he saw that basterd trying to convince you into mating, all hell broke loose. Eleven farmhands were all swarming around bakugou, trying to hold him back from attacking the new guy who was none the wiser.
It's been a week and the farmhands have been successful in preventing any violence from the blond bull. But there was no stopping him from getting to you when he heard you let out a fearful cry. He ran several acres at what had to be record speed, using his large horns to rip the wire fencing out from the soil below. Now nothing stood between him and this shitty new bull.
Bakugou spotted both of you under a tree, #24 towering over your teary eyed self. Huffing, bakugou stomped his way toward him, gradually gaining speed until he reached a full dash. His head tilted forward, skillfully aimed horns rammed directly into the other bulls side.
To bakugou's anger and your horror, #24 —who now had blood running down his skin— got right back up with a snarl, getting himself into position to use his own horns.
Bakugou used one arm to push you behind him, eyes never leaving his opponent.
They charged at one another, the sound of horns clashing vibrated through the day's thin air. But bakugou obviously had the upper hand, the attempts of the other bull were futile. With a buck of bakugou's legs, hooves met #24's gut forcefully shoving him to the grass.
Only then did panicking farmhands finally show their faces. They all looked to bakugou who did nothing but glare in response.
"I don't regret shit"
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dira333 · 11 months
Date Nights with Bakugo Katsuki
From the Date Night Series
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Katsuki is an early riser. You’re not.
He wanted to start early, get going before the sun’s even out and you couldn’t refuse him.
Not when he’s got that eager glint in his eyes.
You’re regretting it now, trying to stay awake in the car - it’s old and beat up but it’s his - as he talks about the route you’ll follow today.
You’re only half regretting it though, because he’s so much calmer in the mornings, even humming to himself as he drives - but that could be because traffic is way less insane at this ungodly hour.
At some point, you must have fallen asleep anyway, because you’re tickled awake by him, his laughter your alarm tone.
“You snore.” He tells you and you blink up at him, retort ready on your tongue when he adds cheekily. “It’s cute.”
He takes it easy on you at first, walking so slow you can easily sip the coffee he’s brought with him.
But once the caffeine hits and you’re itching to move, the competitiveness setttles in your veins. You’re too much alike that way.
“Oi! Watch out.” He calls out when you skip entire steps on the stairs cut into the stone. “Don’t hurt yourself.”
You stick your tongue out at him but stop at the top to gloat.
“Oh, look.” You point at something over his shoulder. “But be quiet.”
He turns but is unable to spot it.
“There’s a rabbit. See? He’s probably going to work.”
“Rabbits don’t work, idiot.”
“Uh yes, they do. How do you think they support their family? With handouts? I don’t think so.”
There’s a mix of exasperation and fondness on his face when he asks.
“Oh really? So what do they work, huh?”
“He’s probably off to do some quality control on the carrot farmers, but we can’t discriminate. He might also be a banker.”
“Nu-uh,” Katsuki plays along as he pulls you with him along the trek, your fingers laced together as long as they can, “He did not wear a suit and tie. But he might be a tattoo artist.”
Katsuki is an early riser. You’re not.
By now you’ve mastered the art of dressing yourself half asleep, dozing off the moment your body’s in the passenger seat of his car - brand new and paid for with his latest ad campaign about workout equipment. 
He’s got your hands in his, resting them on his thigh as he drives through the early morning, listening to your snoring.
You’re tickled awake, your hands finding his hair on muscle memory alone, pulling him towards you.
“Five more minutes.” You mumble into his neck. He lifts you out of the car with ease.
There have been hikes where he carried you until you were awake enough to walk. 
He’d do almost anything for you but waking up later isn’t one of those things. 
Today you’re sipping your first cup of coffee - two sugars, cream and some cinnamon - as you stroll down the first part of the hike.
He’s picked a route that starts off easy and you quite enjoy the serenity of the morning, his hand in yours, as he talks quietly about things that are on his mind.
The new recipes he wants to test. A new workout regimen he’s thought about doing. Kirishima’s upcoming wedding and Eri approaching her graduation at U.A.
Some things you’ve talked about before, during the week or your last hike but there’s a beauty to his rare calmness that you never want to miss.
There are days where you feel like racing him up the mountain and there are days where you want to capture every flower you pass.
You’re in the mood to savour it today, with fall approaching the changes in nature are obvious.
“Come on.” He tugs at your hand when you’ve taken twenty pictures of a particularly colourful set of trees, their leaves a cascade of red and yellow. “The lake’s just around the courner.”
For the two of you, hiking is more than reaching the top of whatever mountain Katsuki has picked for the week. It’s more than pretty views on the way to the top or a chance to show the other who’s boss.
There’s something about the tranquility of nature that sets both of you at ease, allows conversations to flow naturally.
One moment you’re discussing the job options of wild rabbits, the next you’re pondering the names of your future children.
And it wouldn’t be Katsuki if he had not packed your bags with a feast for when you reach the top, as usual the only one’s up there. 
You watch him open tupperware containers and bento boxes, sip on a sports drink and tell him all about the week that’s lying ahead of you.
“I’m meeting with your mother on Saturday.” You remind him, trying to sneak one cherry from the little bowl and failing.
“Why? We’re going out with the gang on Saturday. I’m not going without you.”
“Yeah, but she’s persistent and Saturday’s the only time that fits both of us. You’ll be fine without me.”
He huffs in annoyance before trying a different route. “What are you going to do when she asks why you’re not drinking? You should push it another week and then we can go together.”
You laugh at his poor attempt and crawl into his lap, forcing him to put the thermos filled wit coffee away.
“Or,” you tell him, pinching his cheeks, “I can go with your mom and you with your friends and just a week later we can surprise them with the news. I’m going to tell her that I’m doing a new diet or something.”
“She’s going to know.”
“Would that be so terrible?” You ask, kissing his nose when he’s grumbling instead of answering. “We’re almost at the three month mark anyway. And it would be just your parents, god knows mine wouldn’t notice it anyway.”
His hand moves to your stomach, warm and heavy through the fabric of your shirt.
“Fine,” he huffs eventually. “But I want to be the one who tells her.”
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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n4me · 2 years
We could do great things together
Pairing: ProHero!Bakugou x ProHero!reader
Contains: implied smut, somewhat crime scene, semi-public flirting
Warning(s): None
Featuring: Bakugou Katsuki
Note(s): Y/H/N- Your Hero Name
Mdni (18+)
Just imagine..
You and Bakugou Katsuki/Dynamight just finished fighting a villain together, and your trying to catch your breath. Panting and focusing on that and only that, you don’t realize that Dynamight’s standing right in front of you. Hands on his hips staring down at you, smirking. You finally look up at him, still panting, he chuckles. His chuckle makes you blush, it’s such a sweet mocking sound. “W-what?” You stammer, confused at why he was chuckling. “Nothing.” He paused, “I’m just impressed.” He replied, he’s smirk turned into a soft smile. You were no longer panting, because you weren’t even breathing, shocked and lovestruck. You could feel you cheeks heat up as you stared at the pro hero in awe. “Ya know..” He said while squatting so you were both eye level. “We could do great things together.” He was so close you could feel his hot breath on your face, and you could feel the growing heat in between your legs growing. Your mind went straight to something inappropriate, you ignored that thought though. “O-oh! Like crime partners?” You question, tilting your head. He chuckles again, moving his mouth to you ear and whispering, “More than that..”. Your as red as a beet.
Dynamight looks at you to see how red you are, knowing you got the message. He stands up and walks away with a smirk that says it all.
He wants you.
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msfantasy-anime · 1 year
Paybacks a Bitch
ExBoyfriend!Katsuki Bakugo x ExGirlfriend!Reader
Summary: Katsuki and Y/n have been dating throughout middle-school, Katsuki gives a brutal break-up on graduation day. The two meet again as adults
Warnings: Angst, break-up drama, regrets
Masterlist - Tip Jar
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“So what if I didn’t get into UA?! That doesn’t mean we have to break-up!” Lip trembling, Katsuki pulls away from your grasp as teary blobs cascade down your red splotchy cheeks.
“You don’t get it. If that quirk-less loser Deku got in, then you should’ve too. You must be incredibly pathetic not to get in. I can’t have a girlfriend holding me back from my goals.” A sob escapes your lips as his ferocious words slam deep daggers into your heart.
“How can you say that?! We’ve been together for years and now-“
“And now I have finally opened my eyes to see you for who you truely were. A pathetic looser who’s holding me back. You’ve been an anchor in my life for long enough.” Overwhelmed with the Katsuki’s brutal words your tears turn off, you look blankly into his face. The face of the boy you had once gone, now scowling at you as if you were a nuisance. As if you were just some stranger causing irritation and ruining his day.
This wasn’t your Katsuki, this was a beastly teenage boy who had no love left for you. After all the time and effort spent in maintaining a relationship with this egotistical fool. But now that you think of it… why did you love Katsuki? Long ago were the days when he was kind, long were the days that he ensured your happiness came first. When was the last time he took you on a date? When did he last make you smile? When was the last time you smiled?
Sudden relief washes over you at the realisation that you were no longer bound to his mood-swings. His overbearing jealously that ruined your plans. His controlling nature dominating what you wore and who you talked to.
You can start a new, High School was just around the corner.
There was no need to waste your time any further.
There was no need to waste another breath explaining yourself.
You looked upon Katsuki’s emotionaless face, there was no need to waste another wasted moment with him.
“Y/n!” A voice calls, looking over your shoulder you see Midoriya holding a beer in one hand and waving ecstatically with the other.
“No fricking way! Your in charge of the tongs- I’ll be back.” You pass your friend the tongs to continue flipping the thin meat whilst you rush over to greet your old classmate.
“Izu! It’s good to see you!” You pull him into a bear hug which he gingerly returns.
“This is amazing! Look Kacchan- it’s Y/n!” You look to the person sitting across from Midoriya to see non-other than Katsuki Bakugo staring at you with his mouth open. You give a small wave from where you stood, knowing that he was never one for mushy greetings.
“Wow- I’d never thought that I’d see Suki drinking beer and eating barbecue with Izu.” Your signature grin spreading across your face. Midoriya pulls a chair out for you to sit.
“Since when did you call the nerd Izu?” Lips curl at the pathetic nickname given to his rival. His stomach turns seeing you look off the the side the way you did when you wanted to avoid a question. Irritation bubbles in his stomach as Midoriya changes the subject quickly.
“So what’s happening with you?!” His excitement was always infectious, it was a quality you had always admired.
“I had a lay-over in Japan, so I thought I’d catch up with some old friends, but I’m heading back to Australia for a bit. I have a new office opening in Sydney.” Midoriya hums excitedly grabbing your hand he gives it a light squeeze. Katsuki glares at your clenching palm.
“This is the 2nd agency you’ve opened right?! I’ve been following your accomplishments in the hero announcements!” Giggling, you shyly wave off Midoriyas’ kind words.
Katsuki hated this.
He hated how familiar you were both acting.
He hated how he didn’t know anything about you anymore and he hated that this damn nerd knew more about you.
He hated that you seem to be casting your full attention on the green grape across from him.
He hated how he was once your whole life and now is no longer privy to your life.
Katsuki had sworn that you were an anchor to his life. He discarded you thinking that you would hold him back, or drag him down.
Instead your travelling the world, building hero agencies and raking in millions in the process.
You achieved everything you’d hoped.
He achieved his goals- but at what cost?
You were Middle-Schoolers, you wouldn’t have lasted together anyway right?
“It was good to catch up with you both- but I can see my friends are needing help keeping up with the barbecue.” Katsuki gripped your wrist as you stood and blurted out a question that shocked your very ears.
“Do you ever miss me?” You shrug awkwardly, you churned words through your head to string together a kind sentence, but this is Katsuki, he appreciates bluntness.
“Romantically? I don’t. We were kids when we were together, I haven’t seen you since we were 15 years old. I honestly barely remember those times.” Your departure left Katsuki feeling cold.
You barely remember being with him? He remembered you vividly. He struggles to be with anyone else because of his stupidity, his ego ruined a good relationship.
That is a regret he’ll just have to live with.
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crimsonredfeathers · 2 years
Imagine Katsuki shoving a huge bouquet of red roses into your arms, face flushed red, and barely able to even look at you. "Happy Valentine's Day," he mumbles as he turns to leave.
You quickly grab his wrist, stopping him in his tracks. You rest your head against his shoulder, smiling softly. "Thanks, Kacchan... I love you."
"Tsk," is all Katsuki has to offer, totally enjoying the comfortable warmth radiating from you. Yeah, he really loves you, too.
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thepresentmic · 2 years
not a stranger
prohero!dynamight who is the number 2 hero and one of the first on scene when an attack breaks out in his city
who turns up at the scene ready to jump into the fight when he sees a building about to collapsing in the fallout and crush the people fleeing below
who manages to save the civilians, including one loud mouth little kid's life, blasting the debris back and hauling the kid to safety just in time.
the little kid is yelling, struggling against his grip, a determined look in her eyes and wild blonde hair flying in his face as she wriggles out of his grip and immediately tries to run towards the fight, her little hands sparking and glowing a pale red
prohero!dynamight who grabs the kid by her collar and hoists her off the ground gently, lets her flail, and snorts as she folds her arms and gives him an wholly unimpressed look
brat's got an attitude that it would be cute if she hadn't been about run off back into the middle of the shitshow
"where's you parents, kid?"
"i'm not supposed to talk to strangers."
"huh?" this kid... his face was plastered on every damn billboard in the city. "i'm a hero, not a stranger, brat."
the commotion seems to be dying down behind him, sirens blaring in the distance, so he figured he should find the brat's parents
"do you know me?"
"wha- no?"
"then you're a stranger, and mama said not to talk to strangers."
before he can respond you are pushing through the crowd, yelling what he assumes is the kid's name
"kid, I told you to stay with-"
they stop and and look at him. he looks back.
the kid wriggles out of his grip grabs your leg, interrupting you both. "mama!"
prohero!dynamight who hasn't seen you at least 4 or 5 years is rendered speechless for the first time in his hero career
prohero!dynamight who has a lot of questions
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euphoriajunkie000 · 3 months
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"why is your name absolute zero?" "it's because i'm gonna show the world of how i went from zero to hero, and you should too."
"people kept on saying how much of a zero you were...oh, how utterly wrong they were."
ever since a young age, you had always learned how to keep your mouth shut and your head down to avoid conflicts. life wasn't fair and you knew this fact had been proven time and time again. you were nothing but quirkless and the people around you looked down at you with shame written in their eyes. if felt like you let them down without even trying. but, what if all of this could change? on one fateful day, something happened. It wasn't bad by any means at all. in fact, it was absolutely extraordinary.
you were always considered an underdog, but little did they know, you had already won.
"who's it gonna be?" "who's it gonna be?" "who's gonna break out and leave the rest to bleed?" a various bnha x reader
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short-black-diamond · 2 years
Jock vs. Nerd
part two
Had this little thought in my head...in a quirkless!college!AU...where you're a pretty girl, a popular one too...also, you're a very dominant young lady...and where you fell for the friendless, geeky, shy nerd...Izuku Midoriya...and leaving the jock, the most popular...the hottest guy in school...Katsuki Bakugo...heartbroken.
Thoughts on this? I have.
Warnings: ANGST, Bakugo: one sided-love, Deku: What? A hottie wants to date me?!, You: Come here, cute nerd! <3, Bakugo is a himbo, you're smart and pretty, Izuku's shyyyyyyy
Just to be clear: English is not my first language, so please bear with me :)
[your name will be Yena here. :)]
Have fun reading:
"I'm telling you, she likes you!", Denki nudges his jock friend Bakugo, who only swats the blonde's hand away from his shoulder. The Bakusquad was known for being good on the field in football and so being pretty popular already, but scoring even more points with the chicks because of their good looks, and with Mina Ashido being the cheer captain, one of the most popular girls in U.A. High and also one of your best friends.
And you.
Oh, please.
Don't get him started.
Should he start on how he met you? How he fell for you when you yelled back at him which made him flinch? How he couldn't get that cute frown and sweet pouty lips -which he never could stop daydreaming about kissing- of yours out of his head? How he thought that you were a literal angel when you treated his wounds? How softly you spoke to him, not yelling at him for losing their big game because of him?
Or how you'd always help him and the team out in their finals because wow; A hot and intelligent human being taking their time explaining them the subjects with a sweet voice and soft smile? Where Denki milks out every single advice and reassurance he can get form you, blushing like crazy with a stupid and smug grin directed to his teammates (where these signal him that they would kill him as soon as the study session with you was over) when you pat his head comfortingly?
Where Sero openly subtly flirts with you and you think he's only joking and flirt back, only to have him gulping while looking to the side with a shy grin but bright red face? Where Kirishima looks at you like you hung the stars because you explained him the difference between Mitosis ans meiosis in baby steps until he got it, and he gives you a dopey, lovesick grin with heart eyes. And he'd gasp softly when you'd call him a "good boy!" for explaining the difference after you've explained it to him ten times patiently (Everyone glared at the himbo with murderous intent).
Or where Shinso and Monoma asked you out multiple times in a row with you having to check your calender -a sweet, old fashioned-themed little book with a real feather and ink to write on- turning the pages a concerning amount of times with your delicate fingers (which makes the guys wish it'd be wrapped around something of theirs instead of that little book of yours) giving them a sad pout before telling the whole football team that you're not available until the next four months, which leaves the two least shy guys groaning in despair out loud and the rest looking to the side with a frown and some even cursing under their breath.
Sure, he was jealous that his teammates were ogling at you and blushing when you praised them since they were all crushin' on you, leaving him fuming in his seat, but oh, look how the table fucking turns and lands back on its legs like nothing happened when he finally has your attention. And even when he tries to listen- he really does! -he can't help but admire you.
You, who is so fucking hot and smart Bakugo's actually surprised that he hasn't popped a boner yet.
You, his childhood friend of nearly ten years, starting from pre school and onward, who he never thougth he had a chance with you until he got your attention in these little lessons you gave them, where your focus seemed to be on him and him only, where he started to sweat like crazy, especially his hands and his heart beating rapidly, his pen already slipping out of his hand, and when it does, you catch it with a fond smile before giving it back to him. However, you lay one of your soft hands on one of his caloused and scarred ones and you sigh and he thinks that you're going to ask him out on a date, to marry him, to confess your feelings to him in public-... when all you say is: "I know all this stress is taking a big toll on you, Katsuki. How about we study for fifteen minutes and do a little break, hm?"
And he can't help but nod, because suddenly, He feels a big stone in his throat, he feels like crying, scratching his eyeballs, hitting his head against a wall, because why would such a perfect little girl want to go out with a dumb himbo like him?
He knew that he was more the annoying best friend to you, because he always bullied you for being smaller than him, but no shit because he was literally a six foot something giant. He couldn't even attract you with his handsomeness, nor his rippling muscles and flexing body when it was too hot out in the summer and when he subtly tried to steal a glance at you, wanting to know if you were checking him out like all your girl friends did around you, he only found you giggling at something on your phone.
Yeah, Bakugo put on his shirt after that with a hurting heart, leaving your surrounding friends whining like greedy little bitches and running towards him.
Bakugo sighed. It was a nice dream Denki told him. Because Bakugo knew how much of a big, fat crush you've had on Deku. But what made him become your crush?
Deku's always invested in his books.
Deku's never seen without his baggy pants and oversized hoodies.
Deku's never talked to a girl except Uraraka or his mom.
Deku's never had a friend (except Bakugo himself) over at his house.
Deku's always muttering and scribbling away in his notebook or phone, where he's playing a nerdy fantasy game in the medieval times and sometimes whispers a silent, cringey: "Thou shalt be killed with that goblin-sized brain of yours...!", before you can hear a faint growling and slicing sound coming from his phone.
Deku, who never seems to actually take care of his hair, which is always in all places, too curly, or always in his face where he combs his fingers through his hair to actually see what he's doing.
And then you come into the game.
Whenever Deku does any of his little- to you very cute -antics of his, you sigh dreamily while looking at him while he writes away the english assignment he had trouble working on and you were more than ready to help him, leaving Bakugo gagging and growling quietly, staring daggers into your and Deku's head.
Or when he was over at your place, and he tried talking to you but you were too engrossed in something your phone showed you, he got fed up and snatched your phone quickly, Deku's name flashing as the chatting contact and then, he is being shoved down the ground from little ol' you, who is on top of him. Big, buff and strong Bakugo being overpowered by little sweet you, his big nose flaring up after he caught a wiff of your sweet scent and bakugo can already feel his dick twitching from where your heat was resting, but you quickly took your phone back and went into your room. However, you didn't close the door after you told him to get the fuck out of your apartment with an embarrassed red face. bakugo groaned and stared up at the ceiling, heart and dick throbbing in pain.
That's when he knew that you were crushing on his childhood friend.
One day, as you were chatting away happily with your friends, you spotted Izuku and called him over. The thing was, it would've been okay if you were with two or three of your friends, and if you guys were chilling in front of the classroom, or on campus. But no.
It was in the fucking cafeteria where you, Yena Hideyo, called a guy over to you. A cafeteria, where you were surrounded by your dozens of friends, all eating and munching, also surrounded by even more people and the cafeteria was extremely full today. Still, you beckoned him closer and suddenly, he felt all eyes on him.
I mean, it was the first time that the most popular girl in U.A. called a guy from the same age over to sit next to her and have lunch with her, except the freshmen, where the girls and boys all blushed from your milf motherly care and were asked about how school was and how you, their senior, would do everything in your might to help them. (U.A. ended up being the highest scoring school in Japan, thanks to a little help of yours) Also, they'd all blush from the close proximity you and them were in, because they could smell your scent, your glowing, sexy figure, where your thick thighs threatened to spill from your mini skirt, or how you had a too small shirt with a much too big cleavage on, where your large tits were spilling out a bit, or how your sweet tummy rolls were so cute -visible from the stomach-free top you wore sometimes- that they had to restrain themselves from pinchining them, or how nice your hair always looked, and with perfect makeup.
That's how Izuku felt, like a freshman, when he finally sat down next to you after he took an eternity with everybody's glare on him.(it actually took him less than ten seconds to speedwalk from his previous spot to yours but who cares) he could feel your unintentionally strong gaze on him and he allowed himself to feel important for once. I-if you were looking at him like that, then it was hard not to think that he wasn't special in at least some way. Izuku could smell your sweet vanilla perfume, but didn't dare to look into your beautiful face, let alone away from his hands in his lap, because if he even caught sight of your nice thighs, he'd be a goner, choke on his spit or thin air and die. He could even hear the thoughts his peers where having. How come Yena calls over such a loser? How come he gets her attention? What's so special about him? He's a nerd!
But you don't seem to care in the slightest, just happy that your favourite nerd (and crush) has taken your plea to sit down next to you. "How are you Mido? English hard? Do you need tutoring lessons?", you started speaking already after he took a bite to let him think about his answer, your friends looking at this little interaction with offended and confused faces. Why was he eating while you were speaking to him? Can't he chew a little faster to finally answer you?
And after he was done finishing his first bite, he began to ramble, but only for you and the person sitting next to him to cromprehend. "W-well, I actually do have a little trouble with English, but I think I'll manage, I don't want you to take more than you can handle- I mean, y-you- of course, you can handle things! You're- you're Yena Hideyo after all! I just d-didn't want to bother you with my problems, since you're already preparing the decorations and routine for prom and the big game is starting to come closer too and I just don't-"
"Breathe, Izuku.", you said gently, holding one of his hands which he was fumbling around when he tried to explain himself. You led it towards the table and smiled at him. Of course, he'd blush like crazy and nod before breathing. Unfortunately, the person sitting next to him was no other than Katsuki Bakugo, who'd of course laugh at him for not being able to speak coherently let alone look you in the eyes. Also, Bakugo wanted to embarrass Izuku in front of you as much as possible, so that you'd finally stop pining after that nerd and start catching feelings for him. That resulted in Izuku pale-ing/paling(?) and eating his sandwich until it was no more, all the while he had to endure this bullying side of Bakugo, which somehow still, never dissapeared.
"Ahahahahha- haaaa...you're one funny guy, nerd. Always muttering shit and not even being able to talk to Yena-" "Kats, that's enough. Drop. It.", your stern voice echoed in the big cantine, leaving everybody in shock.
They knew that you were Katsuki Bakugo's best friend and rumours spread around like crazy whenever students saw you and Bakugo interact with each other, playing with the thought of you and the jock being a couple and all. What they didn't know, for example, was that you, their little sweet sunshine of U.A., who'd always aid with a soft smile and calm voice, could hold such malice in her voice and glare at her friend of ten years with such hatred.
It left the eating ones stop chewing, the talking ones stop gossiping, the loud ones become quiet and Bakugo look at you with a shocked-I'd even dare say betrayed expression on his face. Even Izuku looked up from his sandwich to look to his right, where Kacchan was looking at you, then to you, who was giving him an annoyed look. The school bell signalled that the lunch had ended, much to everyone's dismay, and they all walked out with food in their hands.
You packed your things, but not before whispering something in Izuku's ear before you went away with your people, all the while not sparing the blonde football player a sliver of your attention. Izuku quickly stood up and ran as fast as he could, because 1. He talked to his crush-resulting in his heart beating rapidly against his chest, and 2. His crush stood up to Bakugo, with the whole school seeing them bicker wich was rather embarrassing to Bakugo...yeah, he'd kill him for that. And since Izuku didn't feel the need to die at the moment, especially after you've seductively whispered in his ear to meet you at 6 pm sharp, he ran up to the library to hide in the labyrinth of bookshelves, because Bakugo wasn't really known for his knowledge in this area, but he could still catch up to Deku.
However, since Deku knew this world of books like the back of his scarred hand, he easily dissappeared between the endless seeming shelves with his scrawny, thin body, leaving Katsuki lost and irritated. After a while, after Izuku was long gone, Bakugo found the exit and puked into a nearby dustbin because he couldn't stand the chance of seeing so many books, even though their backs were facing him. It scared him that there was an endless variety of pictureless books, where it wasn't like in comics and he also never understood actors and actresses in movies who always said that a movie would play while they were reading a book. so much for being a himbo.
"There you are!", you exclaimed happily, also glad that Izuku didn't leave you waiting any second longer. He even rang the bell to your apartment one minute earlier, which was probably because his watch was set one minute earlier so that he wouldn't come late to meetings and school and bla bla bla-
"U-uhm, yeah! You look pretty!", he said loudly, and you giggled. Taking his hand, you lead him to the living room, where all sorts of english books and literature were piled on top of each other. In total, there were only ten books, but they were thick.
Izuku was left dumbfounded. He thought that maybe, just maybe, you...well...uh, well!
"Are you hungry? I made us some pizza.", you said after he sat down and looked at the pile of books. He only nodded, a little dissapointed at the fact that he didn't get dicked down by you(...yet).
As he smiled up at you with a nod after he put on his sweet round glasses -with you internally dying of his cuteness- you made your way over to the oven of your apartment because you were already a big girl and could look after your own money which led you to invest in stocks and become rich but that's for another story (?👀?).
As you were taking out the pizza to examine the quality of the crust and middle part, being satisfied at how nice the cheese had melted, Izuku came inside and noticed you in an apron. To him, you were looking like his sweet little housewife, ready to be taken care of at the counter where he'd first eat you out and then the pizza-
Aaaaaaaaannnnd there went his dignity with his cock straining against his jogging pants. Well, shit.
"Hey Mido, need somethin'?", your sweet voice asked him and he felt his heart squeeze because you were just so perfect to him and he couldn't believe that he was alone in your home with you. "I-I jist, uh, I mean, I j-just wanted a glass of water-", and he pointed towards the sink behind you, "C-can I?"
This left you gasping and you smacked your head. "Silly me! Where are my host-manners!? I have other beverages as well! Orange juice? cherry juice? All Might smoothie? Apple-" "A-ALL MIGHT!", The nerd interrupted you and you couldn't help but burst out in laughter in his cute little antics and fanboying towards his idol the ingeneering master, Yagi Toshinori-Also known as all might.
"Okay sweetie!", you cheered before going to the fridge and giving him a fresh All Might smoothie. (it was literally a protein shake.) He loved that you didn't tease him for loving what he did, and he felt very precious in your presence. you never ushered him to something he never or didn't want to do.
Izuku took the smoothie with a precious grin and thanked you before going over to the english books and reading through them. So that's how you were always on top of the classroom...you must have been studying like crazy. And these books were amazing! He instantly understood what he did wrong when reading through the explanations.
The smell of perfectly baked pizza caught his attention and you put the sliced food in the middle of the table. You looked at him holding one of your books. "Understanding?" "Yeah, Thanks."
You smiled. "That's good to hear."
You were on your laptop, looking through some of your investments and writing emails like a professional and Izuku blushed. What were you not actually? You were smart, helpful, nice, sweet, calm, a good advisor for young and old, and you were pretty. And here you were too, helping him out by lending him some of your books to read and learn, and not expecting anything in return.
Even though he was thankful, he was greedy. Especially when somebody as extraordinary as you offered him an endless amount of help. He wanted more of your attention, more of your sweet words, and...your touch. Your hands and lips on him. The ony thing was, were you feeling the same? Probably not.
I mean, look at him, he's a nerd! Nerds don't get pretty girls like you. He could already imagine your phone going off any moment with Kacchan calling you, to ask if you'd be free today and then you'd excitedly say-
It seemed like he was staring at you too long, because after a while, you looked at him before stopping to write in your laptop. "All okay?"
Midoriya gulped nervously. Well, here goes nothing...!
"I...Uh-well, Uhm. There-there was s-something I'd like to tell you. B-but promise that you, well, that you won't laugh- or look at me with a disgusted face, or well, not a good reaction! I-just, I...I like you. Like, really, I really, really like you. I always have! From the moment I saw you for the first time where you helped a freshman reach their class and I couldn't take my eyes off of you, because you were just so pretty- which you are still now!-, and because suddenly, many people were talking to you and you had answers for every question they had.
Or the time where you were helping a teacher with finding their exams and when they found it, they were sooooo happy. Or just...all those other times, where you were just ....there!..... for everybody.
And it made me think...what about you? I want to help you. I like you, and I want you to get something in return for all those nice things you do everyday for everyone. So...what would you like to do?"
You looked at him for a moment of pure shock, not expecting him to know about your little dilemma, or even confess to you. Sure, you loved helping people, but you didn't like owing them stuff, or them having to do something for you. So...hearing your crush confessing his feelings for you and wanting to help you too, that made you swoon.
You hugged his arm and sighed. "...can we stay like that?"
Izuku gulped, feeling your soft chest, and small arms hug his toned arm, your knees on his thigh. "S-sure...!" But he still didn't get a reaction from you for his feelings. "Uh, would you like to go out sometime?"
You hugged him tighter. "Let's do that another time, love. I just wanna be close to you right now." And that made the boy happy.
"I'm surprised that you could see through my act though.", you said after a while, tracing some of his veins and scars which made the boy errupt in soft shivers. "D-don't wanna be creepy...but I can always see you...and I only see you helping people. Never anybody helping you."
You kissed his cheek by his little speech and he made happy noises. However, you didn't stop. you started connecting your lips to the arm you were hugging and pulled up his sleeve further and further until Izuku had to take it off. He was in a short sleeved grey shirt, oversized, and his thin arms were shaking with anticipation. Each time you kissed one of his freckles or scars, he felt more and more nervous. Sure, it felt nice and he cherished the moment, because it was very intimate to him. But still, he had his worries. He knew that you'd become a romantic maniac with your partner, but he never thought that he might become yours. Or were you just messing with him? Teasing him like the girls in middleschool did?
"Uhm, Yena-" "Hm? Wanna stop?", you asked, immediately backing away and about to let got of his hands when he grabbed them tightly. Strong shaking of the head. Your hands played with his hands and he felt his anxiety and bad thoughts drift away. "Wanna do something else?" Another shaking no of the head. "'want you to k-...kiss me...more...please?", he pleaded, looking up shyly to you with his thick long eyelashes. God, his eyes were so fucking pretty...!
This time, you let go of one of his nice but shaking hands and gently grabbed his cheek. "...Like...this?", you whispered against his mouth with hooded eyes and he whimpered, already leaning in with closing eyes. And when you brought your lips against his, he felt amazing. Every cell was partying as he grinned stupidly against your lips and intertwined your fingers with his, his other hand holding your hand which was on his cheek. your thumb caressed his cheekbone and Izuku sighed into the kiss in pure bliss. How many nights had the nerd been dreaming about kissing his popular crush? How many times did he want to hold your hand and just have you close to him? He couldn't remember and didn't want to either, when he had the real you right next to him, and taking his first kiss.
After a while, you parted and looked him into the eyes before smiling giddily and burying your head in his scrawny chest to giggle like a highschool girl. He was happy. If you were giggling like that and still holding his hand- this time more tightly- then it had to be that you were in love with him as he was with you. he hugged your frame, but something caught his eye; Bakugo.
The jock was standing in the corridor, his backpack threatening to fall down and scare you when it crashes to the ground, face twisted into anger, jealousy, hatred and hurt, and heavy, quick breathing. If Bakugo had been here a little earlier, he might've changed something, but no. He saw everything. From the moment where you started to kiss his knuckles up his shoulder and then...kissing his lips. Like you two were a real couple. You really loved Izuku.
he went out again and called one of the girls Denki recommended him. "Yer free t'night? Need to fuck out some pain."
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izuku-stuff · 2 years
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The number one hero duo…
You like to have a small group of friends. One of these friends is Izuku’s best friend, Katsuki Bakugo’s, lover.
You two get along quite well you both spend a couple of nights together especially when Izuku and Katsuki are out of town for a mission.
But what you two enjoy the most is seeing the media/public shipping your boyfriends. It makes both of you giggle because deep down and very secretly you both can see why the media/public ships them together.
Neither you or Katsuki’s lover are mad or bothered by it. Yet it’s a different story when Izuku and Katsuki bring this up especially when you and Katsuki’s lover are poking fun at them.
“Oh Kacchan, you’re so amazing!” You say dramatically looking at Katsuki’s lover.
“Damn straight!” Katsuki’s lover puffs out their chest with a goofy smirk on their face.
Not even a second later you both burst out laughing as you both mimic your boyfriends. Meanwhile, Izuku and Katsuki both look at you and Katsuki’s lover. And at the same time they speak,
They both playfully yell at you and Katsuki’s lover. Yet neither you or Katsuki’s lover are phased as you both start laughing especially when you both get hit with a sofa pillow straight to the face.
Yeah it’s easy and safe to say, you appreciate and love Katsuki’s lover as a close personal friend.
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xmaudx · 1 month
The Phoenix Burns
Chapter 3:
The first light of dawn crept through the heavy curtains of Y/N’s room, casting a soft, golden glow over the stone walls. She lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, her thoughts swirling with the events of the previous night. The unsettling encounter on the balcony still weighed on her mind however today was important—a day of diplomacy, and she needed to be at her best.
With a sigh, she rose from the bed and began preparing for the meeting. Her fingers moved carefully as she dressed in a churuthar. The yellow-green cloth was embroidered with intricate gold patterns, reminiscent of sun that symbolized her people. Over the tunic, she draped a rich, silk shawl—deep maroon with golden paisley designs, a nod to her ancestors who once wore similar garments in the ancient lands of her tribe. It was one of the very few dresses Queen Mitsuki still had of her mum from the visits between the two kingdoms. The ensemble was completed with a pair of gold bangles that jingled softly as she moved, and a small bindi, a traditional mark on her forehead, symbolizing her connection to her tribe’s spiritual roots. Humming her mothers lullaby as she got ready she'd move over to the mirror checking for any creases before adjusting her shawl.
A knock to her door however quickly shut her up. Y/N turned, half expecting it to be a servant, but when she opened the door, she was met with the sight of Ochako Uraraka. The witch smiled warmly, her brown eyes bright and welcoming.
“Good morning, Y/N,” Ochako greeted her, her voice light and cheerful. “I hope I’m not disturbing you, but I was asked to escort you to the meeting room. King Enji is expecting everyone soon.”
Y/N smiled in return, though the tightness in her chest didn’t ease. “Good morning, Ochako. You’re not disturbing me at all. I was just about to head there myself.”
Ochako’s smile widened, and she stepped aside to let Y/N exit the room. “Great! Shall we go together?”
As they walked through the castle’s grand halls, Ochako kept the conversation light, chatting about the beauty of the Hellfire Kingdom and how she’d spent her morning. Y/N listened, nodding at the right moments, but her mind was elsewhere. Despite Ochako’s kindness, there was a small, gnawing feeling in her gut that made it hard to fully relax around her. It wasn’t jealousy—at least, that’s what Y/N told herself—but something else, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on.
After a lull in the conversation, Ochako shifted the topic, her tone a bit more serious. “I’ve heard so much about the Dragonblood Tribe. It must be incredible to be part of such a powerful lineage. But I imagine it also comes with its share of burdens, doesn’t it?”
Y/N’s steps faltered for a moment, but she quickly regained her composure. “It does. There’s a lot of history, a lot of expectations for kats of course as well. But it’s also... fulfilling, knowing that I’m part of something bigger than myself. I have a family there, makes it easier to deal with everything”
Ochako’s eyes softened as she glanced at Y/N. “It must be hard, though especially after everything that’s happened to you... after what your tribe went through.”
Y/N felt a lump form in her throat but nodded in response. “It’s not easy, I guess there are some nights harder then others. But my amma wouldn't have wanted me to let my past haunt my present.” Her voice wavered, the uneasy topic felt strange to talk to with Uraraka.
Ochako was silent for a moment, her gaze thoughtful as they continued walking. Then, just as they were about to reach the grand doors leading to the meeting hall, Ochako spoke again, her voice quieter, almost hesitant. “Do you feel guilty for what you did? Or maybe...what you didn't do?”
Y/N stopped in her tracks, her breath catching in her throat. The question hung in the air between them, heavy with unspoken emotions. She looked at Ochako, trying to decipher the meaning behind her words, but the witch’s expression remained unreadable.
“I—” Y/N began, but the words stuck in her throat. She wasn’t sure how to respond, wasn’t even sure what Ochako was really asking. Guilty? For surviving? For not being able to save her tribe? For not doing more? She was young when it had happened but the trauma of it still haunted her in her sleep. The sight of children's dead bodies plaguing the land. Her mother's last gentle kiss to her forehead before pushing her small boat down the river sea. The screams and cries of women,children and men.
Before she could find an answer, the doors to the meeting room were opened by the guards, and Ochako gave her wide small, as if nothing had happened. “We should go in. The king is waiting.”
Y/N swallowed hard and nodded, pushing the question aside as she stepped into the room. But Ochako’s words lingered in her mind, gnawing at her as she took her seat at the table. The sense of unease that had been growing inside her only deepened, making it harder to focus on the task at hand.
As she settled into her chair, she forced herself to push aside the emotions swirling within her. There would be time to dwell on them later—now, she needed to be strong, to represent her tribe and stand her ground in the face of whatever challenges lay ahead.
Across the table, Katsuki’s crimson eyes met hers for a brief moment, and she felt a flicker of warmth, a reminder that she wasn’t alone in this. Whatever happened, they were in this together.
“Finally decided to join us, huh?” Katsuki said, his tone light but with an edge of impatience.
Y/N grinned as she took her seat across from him. “Aww did ya miss me kats?”
The blonde boy would click his tongue however a faint smile painted his face. Ochako settled into the seat beside Katsuki, her hand moving to squeeze his own, and Y/N couldn’t help but notice the ease with which she did so, as if she belonged by his side.
As the others resumed their conversation, Y/N focused on the topic at hand. Katsuki and Izuku were discussing recent reports of suspicious activity in Alkora Forest, a dense and mysterious woodland on the outskirts of the Hellfire Kingdom. It was a place shrouded in legend and fear, said to be home to ancient and powerful forces that few dared to disturb.
“I’m telling you, there’s something off about this,” Izuku said, his voice low and serious. “The patterns are too deliberate. Whoever—or whatever—is behind it is planning something big.”
Katsuki crossed his arms, his expression thoughtful. “Youstill think it’s that bastard All for One?”
Izuku hesitated, his green eyes flickering with uncertainty. “I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but... it’s possible. The signs are there. But if it is All for One, then that means One for All—”
“—might still be alive,” Katsuki finished for him, his voice grim. “But that doesn’t make any sense. One for All was supposed to have died in the Battle of Kraken.”
Y/N’s ears perked up at the mention of the legendary battle. It had been one of the most significant events in the history of the realm—King Enji’s predecessor, One for All, had faced off against the devil king All for One in a cataclysmic struggle that had left the kingdom in ruins. Both kings had been presumed dead, their bodies never found, but the impact of their battle had shaped the future of the Hellfire Kingdom forever.
Kirishima, who had been listening quietly, spoke up. “If All for One is back, then we’re in deep trouble. That guy’s no joke.”
Prince Shoto nodded, his voice calm but firm. “We need to investigate this further. If there’s even a chance that All for One is behind the disturbances in Alkora Forest, we can’t afford to ignore it.”
Tenya Iida, ever the diligent knight, added, “The safety of the kingdom must come first. We should prepare a team to investigate immediately.”
As the conversation continued, Y/N couldn’t help but notice the tension in the room. Everyone was on edge, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on them. She glanced at Katsuki, who was deep in thought, his usual fiery demeanor tempered by the seriousness of the discussion.
Before they could delve further into their plans, the doors to the meeting room opened once more, and King Enji Todoroki entered, flanked by his trusted hand, Hawks. The room fell silent as the king took his place at the head of the table, his presence commanding and imposing.
King Enji was a tall man, his fiery red hair a stark contrast to the cool demeanor he exuded. His sharp eyes scanned the room, lingering for a moment on Y/N before moving on. His expression was unreadable, but there was a hint of something in his gaze—something that made Y/N uneasy.
“Let’s get to business,” King Enji said, his voice low and authoritative. “We have much to discuss.”
As the meeting began, the discussion shifted to the main topic at hand: the trade relations between the Hellfire Kingdom and the Dragonblood Tribe. The recent changes in the political landscape had led to tensions between the two realms, and it was clear that the king was eager to assert his dominance.
Katsuki spoke confidently, outlining the terms of the proposed trade agreement. Y/N listened carefully, ready to chime in when needed. She knew this was an important moment—not just for her tribe, but for her as well. She had to prove herself, to show that she was more than just a survivor of her tribe’s massacre.
King Enji listened in silence, his expression giving nothing away. But when he finally spoke, his words were laced with an undercurrent of malice.
“You speak well, young Bakugou,” the king said, his tone almost patronizing. “But I wonder... is this truly the best your tribe can offer? After all, the Dragonbloods are not what they once were with a female leader ruling them.”
Y/N felt a surge of anger at his words, but she kept her composure. “Our tribe is still strong, Your Majesty regardless of what gender rules over. "
King Enji’s gaze shifted to her, and for a moment, she thought she saw a flicker of disdain in his eyes. “Ah, yes. The last of the Malabar Tribe. It’s impressive, truly, that you’ve managed to survive. But one has to wonder... how relevant are you, really, in matters of the kingdom?”
Y/N’s heart pounded in her chest, her hands clenched into fists under the table. The king’s casual dismissal was sharp, his disdain for her clear. She could sense everyone's focus shift towards her. She took a deep breath, willing herself to stay calm, to not let his words get under her skin. Bakugou watched, his hand moving to grip his sword as he glanced over to Kirishima, a mutual understanding of how to act should this conversation turn violent.
King Enji leaned back in his chair, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Your tribe,” he continued, his tone dripping with condescension, “has always been a relic of the past. A small, insignificant group clinging to ancient traditions that have no place in the modern world. You’ve survived, yes, but survival is not the same as thriving. You’re little more than a curiosity—a footnote in history.”
Y/N’s heart pounded in her chest, but she kept her expression calm, refusing to rise to the bait. “The Malabar Tribe has endured for centuries, Your Majesty,” she replied, her voice steady. “Our traditions are not mere relics; they are the foundation of our strength. We have preserved our knowledge, our culture, through generations and as the last survivor I will continue to practice our beliefs. It is not for you to decide what is significant and what is not.”
King Enji’s eyes narrowed, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "Strength? How quaint. What good was your strength when it came to surviving. No one but you survived. Your men were left dead. Your women and children, your mother. Rumours had it her head was severed from her body and spiked on the gates of your tribe. So your strength is not as relevant as you claim it to be."
Y/N felt the final thread of her patience snap. The calm façade she had maintained throughout the conversation shattered as she stood up, her eyes blazing with a quiet fury. Her voice was low, but each word was filled with resolve. “You may see us as weak, Your Majesty, but you are gravely mistaken. The Malabar Tribe has endured more than you can imagine, and we will continue to endure long after you are gone. You speak of progress, but what you fail to understand is that true strength comes from knowing who you are and where you come from. That is something my people have never forgotten, and we never will.”
King Enji opened his mouth to retort, but before he could say another word, Y/N’s hand lashed out, striking him across the face with a force that silenced the entire room. The sound of the slap echoed through the chamber, and for a moment, everyone froze, their eyes wide with shock.
Y/N stood there, her hand still trembling from the impact, her breath coming in shallow, ragged gasps. She couldn’t believe what she had just done, but she refused to back down now. She met King Enji’s stunned gaze with a look of fierce determination, her voice unwavering.
“You may be the king of this land,” she said coldly, “but that does not give you the right to belittle my people. We have survived worse than your insults, and we will continue to survive, no matter what you or anyone else thinks.”
With that, she turned on her heel and stormed out of the room, leaving the stunned silence behind her.
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peachicake · 2 years
Bakugou x soft gn!reader
Bakugou being a jerk and sneaking spicy shit into your snacks, when you go to go eat it… it ends burning your mouth. He laughs until you starts tearing up and the cry cause you tried drinking water and it just made it worse…
Shoto saves the day!! With his ice quirk!!! (cause he heard you crying and BIG BROTHER MODE ACTIVATE)
You ended up not eating any food Bakugou gave you for 2 months cause you didn’t trust him.. Momo gave him a scolding that “you shouldn’t do that you know that they can’t handle it” >:(
Yep that’s it 👍
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officialabortive · 2 years
Naga!bakugou x afab reader
Cw: blood, mentions of miscarriage
The first time you get your period after meeting him, he is going absolutely out of his mind. Flicking his forked tongue, he tastes faint blood in the air. Searching every wich way for the scorce, taking a while to realize it's you.
He smells blood on you, therefore you must be inured. But whenever he searches your body, trying to locate the injury you attempt to push his hulking form away. And why the hell are you getting so pissy about it!?
There was one incident where bakugou was sniffing around every inch of you to find the source of the blood smell, and just as his wandering nose started to venture between your legs, he got a harsh punch in the gut. Bakugou didn't appreciate that.
He is so damn confused when you try to explain the concept of periods. Nagas don't have the same an atomy, so to him everything you're saying is just utter nonsense.
There is no way bleeding like this is normal, you must be confused.
He tries to hide it, but he's concerned. Bakugou goes full nurse mode, trying to whip up all the herbal medicines he can to help with whatever weird sickness you have. He is constantly forcing you to drink a ridiculous amount of fluids because of the amount of blood loss.
He'll bring you a nice freshly hunted rat to replenish your nutrient levels, and gets offended when you refuse to eat it. Why the hell would you refuse a perfectly good meal!? This just worried him further, all because he can't quite wrap his head around how the human diet works
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After a couple hours of hard thought, he comes to a conclusion. The only possible explanation for the blood and moodiness. He doesn't know how he didn't realize sooner.
You're having a miscarriage (wrong!)
Bakugou gets so unbelievably gentle with you, carefully holding you in his arms. The same arms that cause so much damage, comfortingly cradling your body so tenderly.
He tries to comfort you through this nonexistent miscarriage. But only to confuse you when he tries to talk with you about it.
His misunderstandings are your entertainment
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queentheweeb · 2 years
Bakugo X Non-Binary Reader X Deku
A/N: Bakugo and deku are together already
You decided to wear some form-fitting shorts today to school feeling a little bold. It wasn't against the school dress code. Everyone was allowed to wear shorts as long as they weren't having their butt cheeks hanging out. You tucked your white shirt into your pants and put on black sneakers slinging your book bag over your shoulder. You left the dorms and on your way to the U.A campus, you bumped into some of your friends. 
"Y/N WAIT UP!" You paused looking behind you to see Kirishima running towards you leaving his friend group behind. You saw a not scowling Bakugo holding hands with Deku as he rambled on about who knows what. Maybe it was something about heroes and quirks since that always perked his interest. It was cute.
"Hey Kiri-kun, how are you?" You prepared yourself physically for the hug you knew was bound to come. He had no sense of personal space and he just grew on you as he did for everyone just about.
"I'm doing great bro! How are you doing? You're looking so manly as always" He shed a tear and you have also learned that Kiri refers to everyone no matter their sexual orientation or gender as bro and manly so you have gotten used to that also. 
"Thanks, Kiri-kun, you're a handful as always." You rolled your eyes playfully and that's when he decided to squeeze the life juice out of you. You felt like you were going to pop like a cherry if he squeezed you any harder.
"Squeeze them a little harder, I don't think they can feel it." Precious oxygen invaded your lungs as you took a deep breath. You looked at Kiri to see him rubbing his neck sheepishly while looking between you and Bakugo. At least he had the decency to look sheepish the brute. He's a damn brick wall.
"I'm sorry Y/N." You shook your head at him not phased really.
"You're a brick wall it's to be expected." He blushed and went to say something when Bakugo cut him off per usual.
"You should hurry before dunce face and raccoon eyes leave you behind." You looked ahead of you and saw that they were in fact way ahead of everyone else for once and Kiri was not one to take being left behind kindly.
"HEY, GUYS WAIT FOR ME! BYE Y/N!" He waved wildly behind him while running to catch up with the rest of them. Honestly, that was the most Kirishima interaction you have had with the boy in the last week you think.
"Are you going to just stand there like a creep and watch them or move your ass?" You jumped looking at Bakugo and deku who you momentarily forgot were there.
"No need to be so crass. Honestly Deku how do you put up with him on a daily basis." Not that you don't mind putting up with him or Deku for that matter. You were smitten with both of them but Deku is the one who knows way more considering they were childhood friends. Well more like Bakugo being a dick for no reason and Deku just taking it cause he was quirkless. 
"Trust me once you realize he's more bark than bite it becomes easy." Deku grinned but yelped when Bakugo bit the shit out of his neck.
"What was that you said about biting and barking." One of these days Bakugo will learn how to flirt like a human and not a wolf in heat.
"Stop aggressively flirting in front of me, it makes me jealous." You wanted to slap yourself and make a run for it at the same time. Why did you make a slip-up like that? Now they're going to think you're fucking weird besides your looks.
"Why not join us then?" Excuse me Satan do not fuck with me today. You turned to look at both of them and they had stopped walking so you did the same. 
"Cupcake neither one of us is slow, we both have seen how you gravitate towards us and how you're always staring and pretend you're not whenever you get caught." Why was the smug blonde bastard right though? You do want both of them.
"Kacchan was tired of waiting for you to make the first move so he jumped on the bait when you said that." You take back everything you said about Deku in the past. He is not innocent, he is smart and conniving, and persuasive the little shit. 
"So what's it going to be? Take the chance or continue to hide in your shell." He always got to make everything a challenge, doesn't he? Well, good thing you're feeling bold today. You stalked up to him and grabbed his shirt pulling him to your level until the two of you were nose to nose.
"All you had to do was ask." That was the only warning you gave as you kissed him harshly and pulled away just as quickly. You looked at Deku who was just dumbfounded so you gave him the same treatment making sure to grab him by his neck. You pulled away and took a step back to take in their flushed faces a thrill running up your spine.
"That escalated quickly." You quirked an eyebrow at Deku before glancing over to Bakugo.
"Since when do heroes do anything slowly." With that said you left the two of them behind making sure to swish your hips to give them something to look at.
Have no idea what I did for this but hopefully you enjoy it
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Dressed to Perfect (3)
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“Cheers!” Mina cheered for Y/N, clinking the shot glasses to congratulate her win. “See, I told you you could do it! Now, let’s celebrate!” She happily hugged her new friend. As they drank the shot, Mina coughed and slipped in a small confession, “Don’t get mad but I invited a few of my friends.” Y/N coughed out the drink she just swallowed, followed by a glare to her.
“Mina…” Y/N smiled a scary smile.
Mina waved her arms, “Oh come on! We can’t drink by ourselves, plus you said you didn’t have much friends.” she poured them another drink.
“I did not say that! I said we just don’t talk!”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Oh, there they are! Sero! Deku! Kirishima! And where is your partner, hm?” Mina called out to them with her arm waving in the air. The 3 heroes removed their masks and sat down, they greeted each other and they congratulated the newly elected heir.
“Wow, really? Kacchan’s mom is really strict though, do be warned, but she really is kind!” Deku told her, Y/N nodded as if he was a teacher teaching her a lesson.
“Yeah, but Bakugo might be a little…you know-”
“A jerk?” Sero interrupted Kirishima’s comment and laughed. I mean, everyone already knew that, they don’t need to say it. They drank and talked and they really did make Y/N feel at ease with them. “Speaking of, do you have a quirk? Or are you quirkless?” The tape boy asked her.
“Oh, ahem…I’m in the same school year as you actually…in the same school.” Y/N said as she sipped her chaser, trying to avoid the subject. They stared in confusion.
“No way? Really?! You were in UA? How- When- Why didn’t you tell me?!” Mina shook her and yelled, sobbing a fake sob as she hugged her.
Flustered, she replied, “Y-you didn’t ask! It’s fine! Let go, Mina.” She pushed her away. “I was in General Studies actually, but I did drop out after the first year. Had a little incident, oops.” She explained, patting the drunk Mina on the back as she continued to cling to the poor designer. “It’s fine though, see? I’m a designer now and a heir to a company, whoo!”
“You didn’t really answer MY question though, what’s your quirk?” Sero questioned once again, but no more of the sass, just genuine curiosity.
“Focus. If I put my mind into a certain goal, my body will do nothing else but get to that goal. Unless I get distracted, then I have to focus again.” Y/N shrugged. The topic soon died down and they continued having fun, until a certain hero came.
Through the haze and fog in her head, Mina called out to the boy, “Bakugo~”
“What’s she doing here?” Bakugo spat angrily, he squeezed beside the half-dazed Sero, which pushed the two beside him a little against the wall of their booth.
“What’re you talking about? This is her celebration party. Aren’t you going to say congratulations, Bakugo?” Mina slurred and poured him a drink.
Bakugo rolled his eyes, of course he would, why should he be involved in someone else’s life if it wasn’t hero work? Sounds time consuming and stupid, either way, he did as he was told…in a very interesting way.
“Even if you’re the heir, I’m still technically your boss, if I don’t like the way you act or talk, you’re done. Just because you’re chosen doesn’t mean you aren’t replaceable. You understand?” He spoke loudly before drinking in one shot. “At least your work is wearable.” he muttered, his hand reached for the bottle on the ice and poured him and Y/N a drink. “Cheers.”
She stares at the cup as it filled with liquid, he raised his glass near hers and clinked it. “Woah, you’re stressed, aren’t you? What happened today, man?” Kirishima noticed his blonde friend’s need to drink.
“Heavy load. Can we not talk about work?” His voice grew irritated and everyone else just did as he wanted, they talked about very random things, but I guess you can say someone was a little focused on a certain tall, muscular, handsome, pretty, hero.
Their eyes met, Y/N’s cheeks blushed a dark color in an instant, mentally blaming the alcohol. She stared at her cup, empty of the crystal heaven they would call. Not for long, the cup was filled once again, she looked up and met the eyes once again of the pro hero, Deku. “The sake here is really good, you should try it, I’m paying afterall.” He smiled. “But, of course, if you wanna stop drinking if you want! No pressure!” his blabber continued but Y/N drank it anyway, if it was poured by he himself, who wouldn’t drink it?! One drink became two, which became 5, then 10. 5 tall, empty containers were finally empty. They were done, a few pulled up the drunk ones to lead to the door. Feeling her head heavy and her eyesight blurred, she grabbed the nearest arm and leaned.
The sun was up, but she couldn’t tell, curtains laid in front of the window, blocking the rays. Her head ached, beating and heavy, her hand flew outwards and brushed up against a lump, a large lump…a person. Although she wanted to lay and rest more, her eyes widened and she drew her hand back, twisting her head toward the direction of the person. A silent gasp left her mouth as the head peaked through, showing the light blonde locks. She realized who it was when she looked around the place, a penthouse.
Y/N hasn’t even started work but she had already slept with her boss.
Or at least, her bosses’ son. Who was also a top leading pro hero. Who supposedly had a terrible attitude.
She silently screamed as she picked up her garments, who were scattered all around. Trying her hardest to remember what happened but only getting small fragments. His rough but gentle hands caressing her body, his low voice as he breathed against her neck, he was saying something too, BUT SHE JUST COULDN’T REMEMBER. What worries her most was the mystery of who started it. Was it her? Or was it Bakugo? WAS THE GUY EVEN BAKUGO? She quietly crept to the side where his face was facing and prayed to the lords he wouldn’t wake up. And there he was, but his face was calmer. Probably cause he was sleeping, so she dashed out of there before his face would change and kill her. As she was heading for the door her phone buzzed, making her heart pound for a moment. She looked over at the messaged and froze.
Mina: You were all over each other damnnn
Mina: *pic*
Her hand on the knob immediately headed for her mouth as she saw a pic of her and Bakugo in the car, making out until no tomorrow. Well, today is the tomorrow and there will be no today if she stays there.
Out the door, down the elevator, out the building, into a taxi and back home. Her hand dived straight into her pants and pulled her phone out.
Mina: *pic*
Mina: honestly thought you would be with Midoriya :(( But yeah, Kirishima said you both were all over each other.
Mina: Hell yeah you were, all of us were, we had to call Iida, you know him, Ingenium, he was not happy AHAAHAHH
Mina: Sleeping with your new boss though, sounds like a fairytale
Mina: Good luck facing him on your first day tomorrow Y/N ;pp
Her head pulsated with anger when she got home, with each pulse she remembered a piece of the night. Meanwhile, Bakugo just woke up, noticing how far he was from his usual sleeping spot. He tossed the blanket off but was shocked to feel the cool breeze, he was naked obviously. Trying to piece everything together, he finds a crucial piece of evidence in his phone.
Deku: We have a mission downtown today, drink some medicine and take her home.
Bakugo: The fuck are you talking about? Mina?
Deku: No! I meant Y/N! Is she okay?
Bakugo: why the fuck should I care
Deku: Kacchan, how about you call her? She came home with you last night.
Bakugo: she’s gone
Deku: Oh, okay, just be here in 5 hours, alright?
“Fuck, that bitch.” He cursed, his head hurting. He messaged his parents for Y/N’s application, taking her phone number and messaging her immediately.
Unknown: We need to talk.
Y/N: Who’s this?
Unknown: Y/N, remember anything from last night?
Y/N’s face backs away from the phone, dropping it down the couch. It was her boss most likely.
Y/N: I am so sorry, sir. I seem to have drank too much, I don’t remember anything unfortunately. I will take responsibility of anything you ask.
Unknown: we need to talk, ill send you the address to my apartment
Y/N: Yes sir.
As if her hangover wasn’t enough, she had to go get a shower, dress up, and brush her teeth to get rid of the alcohol taste that lingered in her throat. God, he must’ve been so drunk to kiss her with the taste in their mouths.
“He’s a pro hero, a famous one. So his privacy is #1 priority.” she thought to herself, she wore a basic outfit with a mask and cap.
She got the address and drove to his place, the tall building cascading before her. Parking her car, she cleared her throat before walking in. As she was walking to the receptionist, she was pulled away by a strong grip on her wrist. “Hey-” “Shut up.” she was cut off by a familiar voice. He pushed her into the elevator and blocked her view of anyone going in.
“Keep your mouth shut until we get to my room.” he warned, looking down at her with a glare.
It felt like forever in that suffocating space, with them trying to avoid each other’s gazes for those 2 minutes. As soon as the elevator dinged, he pulled her by the wrist into his room, the sight being painful to see. He removed his mask and plopped onto the couch, rubbing his eyes.
“So. We fucked, didn’t we?” he groaned, a bit disappointed.
She cleared her throat, not knowing what to say. “Yes, I guess we did.” she sputtered out.
“Come here.” he instructed, pointing to the couch across from him. And she did as she was told, politely sitting. “You feelin’ okay? No pain…or…nauseous? Did I hurt you?” his glare on the girl not leaving, brows furrowed and mouth in a frown.
She shakes her head, it wasn’t like she remembered either, there wasn’t any marks or wounds on her, which is a good thing, right? And she wasn’t nauseous, wait…nauseous? He wasn’t expecting her to be pregnant, does he? Either way, he stood up and left, returning with a pill and water.
“What’s-“ “Just drink it, just in case.” he ordered. She gulped the pill down and smacked her mouth from the bitter taste that dissolved into her tongue. “Call me if you’re…you know, pregnant. But other than that, you will not speak of this incident. This was an accident, do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.” Y/N nodded, gripping her knees from fright.
Bakugo heads for his room, “Good. Go home, we’re done here.” He slammed the door behind him. Gee, he’s rude. Just making sure you’re drinking a pill. As she was heading down the elevator, she began to think if he’s done this before, if he has a backup pill in his cabinet, he must’ve. It was too bad she didn’t remember her first time, wait what? No, it’s not. It’s a good thing she didn’t remember, it was an accident! Plus, who knows what he does in bed. Whatever, it didn’t matter, she took a cab home and took the day off, the hangover and stress was too much and she needed to ready herself for the next work day. Good luck, Y/N.
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lissdiary · 2 months
“oh what’s this?” you lifted katsuki‘s bangs, your hand on his forehead. “lost a fuckin’ bet to shitty hair.. ya’ like it?” he nudged his head into your palm, showing off his fresh new eyebrow piercing. “it suits you baby, makes you look sexier” you giggled kissing his cheek, his new look definitely suited him well. katsuki and his new eyebrow piercing was a match made in heaven, you can’t help but admire him even more than you did before.
“what are ya’ staring at, hm?” you were staring at him for too long you began to zone out, he kissed your temple breaking you out of your daydream. your face flushed, you like staring at him but not for so long you start to daydream. “sorry katsu.. you’re too handsome not to look at” you tilt your head to the side while looking up at him, the one thing katsuki loves.
he loves when you look up at him with doe eyes, it was his weakness. “oh yea?” his hand trailing from your cheek down to your neck, ready to bite. you nod in response, tilting your head to allow him more access. he lowers his head to meet you , giving you the sweetest kiss on your lips before giving you small pecks trailing down from your lips to your neck.
“glad ya’ like it so much, baby.”
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crimsonredfeathers · 2 years
Imagine Katsuki pulling you into his strong arms for a close hug after a long, draining day of hero work. He can tell right away that you're on the verge of crying.
"You'll be fine, love," he's whispering into your ear, as he's caressing your back, "I'm here for you."
No matter how shitty your day has been, feeling the warmth of Katsuki, smelling his cologne mixed with that lingering smoky scent of his signature explosions, hearing his voice going all soft on you, makes you forget all the bad things in this world.
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