#Damnly Falling Inlove with Katsuki Bakugou
iguanasarecute · 5 years
🔸Damnly falling inlove with Katsuki Bakugo (BNHA)
Origins 2: This Damned beautiful newbie
summary: A new student was with Bakugo the whole day while he was on house-arrest. Giving them a moment to talk the whole day without the class being around. When everyone finished the class, they caught the new-student and Bakugo in a strange position which gave everyone a bewildering expression.
Bakugou slouched on the couch, his adviser's venomous words lingering on his goddamn mind. What could possibly bring him down? He peered at the female that's a fucking candidate of future's Top 1 hero; the damsel who might liberate his fucking rank. Can she be possibly be doing any shenanigans that might ameliorate her quirk right now? He gawked at the female... who was eating macaroni and cheese.
"Dude with the messy hair," the soft voice of her called, eyes still darted on her ambrosial meal.
The ash-blond raised his brows, "What the fuck? Me?"
"Uhh, who else would I be talking too?" Her eyes gazed at him, "I don't talk to myself, unlike you who's mumbling to yourself the whole time,"
"I'm not fucking talking to myself!" He growled while a blush crept on his cheeks.
She scoffed, "Yeah. Sure," she rolled her eyes, tilting her head, "Why are you looking at me?"
"You're fucking talking to me," Bakugou growled, turning his back while his arms crossed on his muscular chest.
She cackled, "No, no, before that. You were glimpsing at me," she munched on the last spoon of her cheesed pasta, hopping on the couch beside the feral boy, "Why are you here Bakugou?"
He scowled at her nosy attitude; she even already learnt his fucking name, and has the audacity to mock him with 'names', "Shut up dumbass," He ogled at her. Bakugou did admit that she's sorta, kinda, has a charismatic appearance.
Her head leaned closer to her, "Ooooooh, I'm guessing you're here because of loser duties?" (Y/N) smirked.
His eyes rolled, "I'm not a fucking loser!"
Her smirk grew wider, "Oh really, really, really?"
"I'm fucking top of the class!" His husky voice growled.
"Ohhh I feel so threatened," her voice sarcastically muttered.
"I'm on fuckung housearrest because I fucking blasted the hallway when dipshit's were taking a fucking long time to walk!" Bakugou scowled.
She blinked at his jaw clenching, "Geez, can you like don't cuss every minute?"
"GAGHHHH!" He roared, earning a giggle from Aiya, "Fuck you,"
The damsel patted his Ash-blonde hair, "So you do really have anger phases like everybody said,"
"It's not a fucking phase!" The feral guy growled. He usually blows off any obnoxious conversations; but he's frankly ecstatic about their exchange of insults.
"Hey so what do you do here? All aloneeee," she playfully gagged.
Bakugou rolled his eyes with her pesky talkativeness, "I killed germs,"
"You haven't thought about the germs' families? What a horror," her face etched on a bombshell expression.
"HAHHH?!" He grabbed a pillow ready to smack her face.
Aiya shielded with her arms, "Chill Bakugou," she rolled her eyes, "You know I haven't really organized my rooom yet," the new girl beamed at the scowling male.
"The fuck are you implying?"
Her face twinkled, "Why don't you come and give me a hand,"
Bakugou clicked his tongue, "I'd rather keep my hands to blast you off,"
(Y/N) groaned as she hopped out the couch, making her way to the stairs, "Come on now Bakugou!"
"Tch," The Ash-blonde growled.
"Don't make me force you," Aiya's eyes rolled.
His eyes squinted at the eccentric behaviour, "As if you fucking can!" He roared; moments later, the muscled body of his glowed yellow, "What the fu—"
Bakugou floated, gleaming yellow, while he was placed beside the young lady. Aiya smirked, "Told you don't force me,"
The ash-blonde coughed, "So you control things?"
She nervously laughed, "Uhh, I don't know, yes?" Her hands blasted the wall, revealing a portal... to her dorm room. The ash-blonde raised an eyebrow at her, "I'm really lazy to get up, you know," she grinned, as the two of them entered the generated portal.
The arrangement of her room consisted of them standing on the door; while the young lady mumbled about random stuff with her controlling everything with her mind as the floating furnitures slumped on its allotted whereabouts. Bakugou snarled at every single thing she blurted about; low-key lending his ears with all the shit she's grabbling.
The ash-blonde abruptly gave his brimful attention to her. Their afternoon was filled with Aiya talking about her piquant entity. Though Bakugou doesn't seem paying attention; an indicator that he is fully lending his ears, is when he keeps his feral mouth shut.
"Yeah, actually we are really close friends. The break-up had me crying for weeks; but it was a mutual decision," she glared at the Ash-blonde who gazed back at her while they were slumped on her bed with them on both opposite sides.
He raised an eyebrow, "What's the dipshit's name again?"
"Yo Shindo, a second year," the damsel grinned, "Dark brown hair; Has the same body frame as you, kinda,"
Bakugou clicked his tongue, "Don't know him. I don't go around memorizing people's hair colors,"
"I think you fought with him during Provisional License Exam," she yawned, "With the green costume and Vibration Quirk,"
The Ash-blonde growled, "Probably a fucking dumbass that didn't caught my attention," he coughed, "Aren't you on Provisional License Exam?"
The young teenager shook her head, "Got mine earlier. Weren't really that much involved on my class because I was always trained individually, they said I was too much ahead of my own class; I might just bring their confidence down,"
"That's shit," he shrugged.
Aiya nodded, "I was just mostly the face of the class; as I'm well-known in the entire school," she giggled, "I was beyond pleased when we moved around here. Then they transferred me here," her face lit up, "I mean come-on! U.A.! The prestigious academy,"
*** Height Alliance's front door unbolted, "Aiya? Bakugou?" Iida's voice boomed as they entranced.
"(Y/N)-chan?" Yaoyorozu yelled, as the familiar faces roamed their eyes in-search for them on the common room. On the other hand, the two teenagers weren't aware that their fellow classmates were home from class. ***
Bakugou nodded, "I still don't have a fucking clue about your quirk. Telekinesis and making portals?" He scoffed, gawking at the female.
"There's more than that, and you'll soon find out," a grin stamped on her face, while (Y/N)'s eyes leered on a tiny black hole on the ceiling. Her feet stepped on the ladder to repair the obnoxious thing on it.
*** Midoriya mumbled, "Maybe they're in their room?"
"Aizawa-sensei announced that her room's beside me. Let's check her out!" The pink female, Ashido speaked.
Denki gasped, "What could they possibly doing?"
"Oh my goooooood," Mineta kneeled, being dramatic.
Kirishima cackled, "Calm your shits dudes,"
The amphibian, Tsuyu, gaped at something on the wall, "Ribbit. A portal from the fourth floor is here," she notified them, as the students sprinted to have a look. ***
(Y/N) sighed, scrutinizing at the minor repaired hole; convinced, she was approaching down at the ladder. Then her foot slipped. Bakugou's reflexes was seen as he jolted to grab the teenage female, before hitting the floor. Both of their eyes went round, the insides of them burning, as their nose touched lying on the floor.
The squeaky door slammed open, "HELLO AIYA-CHAN!" The class exclaimed, blissfuly. Their reactions shifted from enthusiastic to bewildered as soon as they eyed the two teenagers, nose-touched.
"BAKUGOU?!" Kaminari boomed.
Mineta went drowsy, "Bakugou— I never knew— A hot female— Bakug—" his little temples fainted. Leaving the class 1-A, in a baffled state.
CHAPTER 3. CLICK HERE- continue reading
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iguanasarecute · 5 years
Damnly Falling inlove with Katsuki Bakugo
its advisable to read my fanfic on WATTPAD. yall the story is much more updated there, and it much more convenient, and its gonna be a long story soooo,,, cant post it all in tumblr
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iguanasarecute · 5 years
🔸 Damnly falling inlove with Katsuki Bakugo (BNHA)
Origins 1: The Gem of Class 1-A
overview: (y/n), a candidate of future's top 1 hero; went in to UA academy, the prestigious school. Her charismatic presence made a big impact on the class. Even the Ash-Blonde, Katsuki Bakugou, unveiled his soft-side just for her, until a major clash would happen; Shouto Todoroki would barge in the great picture of the pair.
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[ The Day it all started ]
The familiar faces of Class 1-A's combat training has come to an end; as they jolted in Heights Alliance for a half an hour break. Untamed students went running in their rooms to change, hastily. Aizawa-sensei wouldn't want to be waiting, and they absolutely wouldn't want to be scolded.
They slumped in the Common room; fresh new clothes wrapped around their temples. Relaxed, so done with the motherfucking training, and would gladly want to be a burritoed with their blankets.
On the other hand, the Ash-blond, Katsuki Bakugou was heating up. Not by the fact that he was debilitated with the training, or atleast pissed that some dumbass knocked him down. The reason is, he was tidying up the dorm the whole day; and the extras would barge in like feral animals and mess the whole place up. Fucking house-arrest.
His knuckles balled up at his sides, "I wasn't even there to fucking knock you all pff! The fuck are ya'll so tired off?! Playing tag?!" Bakugou growled at his unbothered classmates, while he kicked the freckled-boy, Midoriya on the couch, "Move away Deku!" he shooed.
The front door slammed open, revealing their adviser who was so done with the world, "Class, Sit properly," Aizawa commanded, glaring at the stupefied students.
Iida chopped on the air as he announced, "Sir, we still have 11 minutes, 24 secons until the break is over!"
Eraserhead gave the class president a glare, "I am aware,"
"The reason why I crashed your..." Aizawa's puffy eyes roamed at the exhausted students, stamping a disgusted look on his face, "... crashed your rest," He cleared his voice, "Is because starting from tomorrow, someone who's not in your combats today, would officially join the class tomorrow," The class gazed at Katsuki with his iconic smirk etched on his face.
He made tiny explosions on his rough hands, "Damn right! I'm ready to kick all your asses—"
"Not because of Katsuki Bakugou," their adviser retorted.
"Sir, what do you mean?" Momo Yaoyorozu raised her hand.
"A replacement, since Bakugou made enough destructions that may affect the well-being of our class, and the prestigious image of UA," Aizawa responded toneless.
"HAHHHHH?!" The familiar faces of Class 1-A bolted. Even though they admit that Bakugou was a pain, they wouldn't really want him to be blowed off, and be replaced as if he's some damaged psycho.
Katsuki growled as he stood at the couch, "WHAT THE FUCK?! THIS ISN'T FUCKING HAPPENING! I'M ON TOP AND—"
"Kidding," Aizawa-sensei's deep voice chuckled lightly. The ash-blond slumped on the couch, mumbling under his mouth about his sudden (yet normal), wild behaviour.
Ashido tilted her head, "Sir, then what do you mean?" Her face matched with all the inquisitive reactions.
Aizawa-sensei glared at the students' obfuscated expressions, "This seems informal because I'm announcing this in your tired, and unpresentable state," he nodded, "But she unexpectedly arrived early; and I think this is the closest time to get her acquaintance," The class were exchanged 'What the fuck is happening' faces.
Their adviser coughed, "A new student," he announced. Giving the class inconsistent reactions, and feelings. Intrigued by the new face that would tag along their chaotic journey.
The red-headed, Kirishima, erupted in the middle of the class' little chit-chat, "That would make us 21? Right?" earning a slap at the back of the head from Bakugou.
"Congratulations you know how to count," a voice thundered, from the front door. The whole class darted their eyes on a black-haired female, who owns the sweetest smile.
Aizawa nodded at the female, "(Y/N) Memmije. She usually goes with Aiya, as a nickname, and was a Ketsubutsu top student," they scrutinized the new girl, leaving them in an awestruck, "Went in by various recommendations by Pro-heroes. She's well known by a lot as one of the candidate as future's Top 1 hero. It's UA's honor to raise a hero who has a bright future ahead," he coughed, "The performance she exhibited on the entrance exam, was tremendous. Principal Nezu and the whole faculty decided that she is beyond qualified to be a first-year, which we suggested that she may be moved at a higher level because of her advancement," His puffy eyes stared at the stunned class, "Though, with her age, the range is fitted on this grade level. Memmije also suggested that she might be strong, but still has a lot to improve," Aiya stood beside Aizawa, grinning awkwardly, "Please let yourselves know Memmije more, and accept her as one of you, open-armed," his eyes gleamed, "Get to know her briefly," Eraserhead gazed at Memmije, poking his head at the class.
(Y/N) 'Aiya' Memmije, sheepishly waved at the class who's still processing a glimpse of her unbelievable background, "Hi," the girls shook their heads and sprinted to Aiya, a bright smile on their faces.
Uraraka was enthusiastic with the idea of having an additional female finally, around the goons of boys in their class, "We call you (Y/N) or Aiya?"
"Anything works, but people in my school usually call me Aiya," she responded, as the females spiralled her.
"What kind of quirk do you have?" Ashido giggled, "From what Aizawa-Sensei mentioned, you're really stoooooong,"
(Y/N) scratched her head, "It's hard to explain,"
"We can't wait to find out!" Hagakure shrieked.
With the damsels gabbling with the new student, the boys sat stiffly on the couch; glaring at (Y/N) 'Aiya' Memmije, who has resplendent facial features, that seems to be jubilant with the interview.
Kirishima cut his gaze, tilting his head at the boys still glued on the fresh face, "Candidate for a Top 1 hero? On a fucking first year? That's... Wow," he yelped.
"Can you see those boobs? Hot, hot, hot," The grape-haired Mineta drooled.
Midoriya barged in the conversation, "If she's a candidate of being the greatest hero. It's another reason why we should work harder to reach her capabilities,"
"Psh! Her?! Beating me? Lame Ketsubutsu School has weak extras, that's why she's treated as as a fucking goddess," Bakugou scoffed.
Shouto's head tilted, "Aizawa-sensei informed us about how the Pro-heroes recommended her; also how Principal Nezu thinks she's way more advanced than us,"
"Shut up you fucking Christmas hair!" The Ash-blonde growled.
Aizawa cleared her throat, "Everyone prepare for your classes continuation,"
Iida, The class-president chopped on the air, "You heard Sir Aizawa! Everybody get ready and talk to Aiya-chan after class! 2 minutes and 31 seconds left in out break-time!" The females released (Y/N) on the hot-spot when Aiya gave them one last smile. On Eraserhead's cue, the boys stood up on the the couch; while they eyed her.
The puffy-eyed adviser announced, "Memmije would be joining the class tomorrow. She would be together with Bakugou throughout the day," the Ash-blond's eyes shot round.
"Bakugou, that's unfair!" Denki mocked at the inarticulate Katsuki, giving the new girl glares. Though he does admit, she does look less-annoying comparing her to the other extras.
Mina chuckled, "Looks like Bakugou has a crush!" they gawked at the round-eyed Crimson-red.
Bakugou scowled, "HAHHHH?!"
"Boys would be competing not only with being the top of the class; but also with the new-girl!" Hagakure gagged. The familiar faces of Class 1-A made their way out the Height Alliance as they gave their new classmate a wave goodbye.
Aizawa grabbed the Ash-blonde and leaned on his ears, "Don't get too confident trouble-kid, she might drag you down,"
That leaves (Y/N) 'Aiya' Memmije, in the huge ass dorm.
Italics at the beginning are from the future angst :')
🔸ORIGINS PART 2. CLICK HERE- continue reading
(sorry for grammatical errors, i wrote this rlly fast aghh)
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iguanasarecute · 5 years
dont pee ur pants, my bakugo from my fanfics aint cheaters
Timberwolf and Damnly Falling Inlove with Katsuki Bakugo are different stories agHhhh they're not connected. bakugo's not crushing on mystique and at the same time crushing on aiya. THEYRE TWO DIFFERENT BAKUGOS MFSKSKS. im just obsessed with my bastard bakubitch and i write random stories about him lmao i think i need help
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